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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Hurley's rant. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1/24/14 Water Slaughter To Seaview Terrace

                                  Charlie Brown (Me) -" But I have a signed document!!"
                            Lucy (Joe Slocum City Manager) - "BUT, It's not notarized..."
                                             Slocum "Hope I've been helpful"
1/30/14- Helpful?? In killing me by stress and illegal water slaughter. No easements, no right of ways, and violation after violation for 3+ years perhaps. Slocum ordered documents buried and officials to go silent. My persistence and surprise City Hall visits uncovered original plans proving what I have said all along. My private property and all of Seaview Terrace is not a natural outlet- this ditch was made at development in 1966 for private drainage for  that private parcel ONLY. Not half of in town Belfast. 

Here was City Manager (prior attorney) Joe Slocum's BS before I scored the documents by chance 2 months later in November 2011. On September 9, 2011 Joseph Slocum, Belfast City Manager responded in an email to me "My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above including your entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings, the expansions of lawns or cutting of vegetation done be every home owner- including your predecessor which has had an impact on surface and subsurface water in your neighborhood.  The very ditch maintained between you and your neighbor is a good example of how you and your neighbor channel your water to the stream behind your house that is a natural drainage way. This stream and the water your entire neighborhood adds to it, simply goes behind other peoples houses down grade from you and in fact goes right into our City Park where it empties to the Sea." Slaughter- not a natural outlet, private property flood zone, flood plain that Slocum and City Hall are bound to divert water from not send thousands and thousands of impervious acres of runoff to. Guilty! Fire City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Attorney Bill Kelly. Replace City Council, Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. Outsource all.

In the 1/4/12 City Council meeting  they bring in City Attorney Bill Kelly in a feeble attempt to sand bag me by exposing more with holding. Kelly is now singing a different tune after being caught with their pants down "I will also say that there is no question in my mind that the stream/drainage swale was moved at some point after the subdivision was approved as originally and then amended in 1965/66." This reads to me that even before moving, it was never a stream but a drainage swale. I was able to get pictures (below) prior to development- 1939- no stream visible- and just prior to development a clear ditch dug through the site (probably with DEP corruption for the new construction of Rte 1 along side the future site of Seaview Terrace. Then they had to move it to build my house and the other homes on this side.) Kelly  unveils another with held 1987 City engineer report specific to my home from new flooding into the basement by original owner Dr. Caswell.  Neil Finlaysin, P.E. City of Belfast consulting engineer .  Neil does not report runoff forced into Seaview Terrace from at that time- Rte 1 No and South and other businesses. He gives a stupid reporting "I have a feeling that this brook is nothing more than a drainage ditch put in by the developer of the tract. You could suggest that this brook is private property. The problems are not due to any action by the City and therefore are not a direct City responsibility." City Attorney Kelly uses this stupidity and he states "I am significantly  influenced by the fact that in 1987, an engineer was hired by the City and he found no evidence of any obligation of the City to maintain the stream/drainage swale in that area at that time.  That was 24 years ago.  I HAVE TO ASSUME that when the matter was being freshly discussed in 1987, they also looked at the historical evidence of the prior 20 years in terms of any control or maintenance over that drainage swale as exercised by the City. I have not found any evidence that the City was ever deeded any form of easement or took control of it." When I tried to question him, he ran away. 

See for full unethical letters from City Attorney Kelly, DEP Commissioner Aho, and manipulating smokescreen emails from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (awarded Citizen of the Year by businesses and Chamber of Commerce 2013- hence the boycott blog) and Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall.  ASK'M (Aho, Slocum, Kelly, Marshall)

The City has been forcing runoff from development after development to Seaview Terrace as recent as Annex in back yard in 2012 and relinquishing responsibility or accountability. Ordinance (below in red- also with held from me) is to drain to a NATURAL OUTLET. Case closed, get it out before we  are slaughtered by your water! Water kills- especially to a floodplain flood zone.
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

1/26/14 Waldo County Real Estate on the rise? Belfast buyer be very afraid. See above tab.

For three plus years, I've protested in the center of town, and not one business has offered help. I went to a Chamber of Commerce meeting where all the businesses stared at me when I came for support. Now they award the man who beats on residents, who is not even a resident, a highly paid City employee with perks, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR! Belfast city manager wins Citizen of the Year award An absolute slap in our faces. One resident stated that the Our Town Belfast organization should be renamed Downtown Belfast. I agreed- we were deleted and I was blocked from the site. That sums it up. Breanna Bebb, executive director, was not part of this and was very upset and unblocked me. She is a sweetheart and like many, experiencing denial through cognitive dissonance.

cognitive dissonance

 noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)
Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The concept was introduced by the psychologist Leon Festinger (1919–89) in the late 1950s. He and later researchers showed that, when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no conflict really exists. Cognitive dissonance is nonetheless considered an explanation for attitude change.

Update 1/24/14 above and below and on tab "12/4 Pictures, MFOIA, Joe Slocum..." and see Hurley's rant against me below too.

1/23/14- Corrected City Council Meeting link issue (was going through facebook). Please view all- hit link and direct to meeting or erosion. Click tab- My Video and 18 Corrupt City Hall Meetings.

(excerpt from entered 4/2012) Per the 11/1/11 City Council Meeting, Wayne stated that local ordinance for storm water is to direct it to the nearest PUBLIC water way- streams. He hast not provided this specific ordinance but overwhelmed me with many that don't pertain to his "claim".  I tried to find it again on the City Website and I found it. He didn't send it because it implicates him and the City in illegally sending storm water to PRIVATE property that is not even "close" to ANY public water way. Here is the actual ordinance- and below that is a sample of his smokescreen ordinances to confuse and discourage me. More infractions because runoff is from roofs, cistern, TANK overflow, highway runoff, probably Wayne's septic... who knows what he is sending to us...he is not honest.
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.

(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)

1/21/14 Belfast, Maine City Council Meeting. My 30th? meeting pleading infrastructure flooding corruption. I speak at open to the public- click 6 1 minute in 2nd speaker. It seems the 3 minute rule doesn't hold if  "important", good for business, public is speaking. I get the gavel, Mayor Ash watching that clock for 3 minutes. I am limited in presentation.

The 28.29 acre site with extreme impervious ground (previously all "DEP wetlands", and dirty dealings by DEP and Commish. Aho closing investigation) at the Captain Albert Stevens School 2006 is the corrupt flooding final straw to the flood zone, flood plain of Seaview Terrace, approx. 2 miles away. All the City storm water (and it is massive see my hand drawn map way below- City Manager, City Planner and Director of public works tell me they do not have any drainage maps, do not have City work orders for heavy equipment use, do not do work on private property, on and on with no, no, no... But they will look, charge me by the hour to look in many buildings and want an upfront huge deposit for research for information that they may not find) that is forced to Seaview Terrace is illegal. Over 12 sites, 2 miles of highway, north and south, miles of runoff ditched, culverts, all forcing to Seaview Terrace where the City relinquishes responsibility.

We are not a natural outlet,(although that is what they tried to claim because they are in violation of local storm water ordinance ), it is a man-made drainage ditch(As confirmed by in the with held 1987 City Engineers report specific to my property and original owner, Dr. Caswell for the beginning of the forced flooding), private property,they have no rights of ways, no easements and are slaughtering us. Additionally they illegally (and are with holding that actual zoning conditions that Chief McFadden saw proving violations) allow all sites to stock pile snow all season to melt to us, which almost wiped us off the map in 2009 and 2011. I was just sold this undisclosed hell in 2010 paying cash. See for streamlined City corruption to Seaview Terrace and other residents- the many City Council meetings I have indexed in the above tabs are proof as well. Also, albums of corruption with Realtor (Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, Earl Black (owner) and Maine Board of Realtors investigation corrupt dismissal) Maine is the 4th most corrupt state in the U.S. as of 2012.

BH&G now Masiello Group Realtors of High St., Belfast saw this domestic survivor mom and children coming, and at the end, crawling from NJ, relocating to safety and to heal and begin again in privacy. Staying under all radar and conflicts imperative to safety and health. Staying on point to the T- no mistakes, this is our only chance.

Belfast City Hall has ripped us from our basic rights and stability, sending us right back into a vortex of deception, corruption and community alienation. Of the many corruptions, I am currently focusing on the Captain Albert Stevens School (CASS) site conception plans. The plan documented in 2002, the site conditions were not met, the permit should have been denied, The school opened in 2005-06. Then in 2006, in the lower parcel, the old Robertson School which since 2002 was to be demolished and turned into a huge ground absorbing athletic field was slated. The school would remain, and more corruption, more impervious ground, more illegal runoff to the watershed residents. Shady deals were made to some protesting abutters. Travelling down the water shed, Cedar Street residents suddenly got  "sheets of water" per City Council, Mike Hurley, flooding their homes. Never to this magnitude in the past.  Cedar Street residents would unite and lose at City Hall. City Hall claiming mother nature. Each resident spending thousands in sump pumps, some with no where to drain. Forced to illegally tie into City sewage lines. Similar to Seaview Terrace, and certainly many more, where the City holds that over their heads, forcing them into silence. Clemency for all abused residents from City Hall corruption.

Further down and across, Wight Street residents are getting wiped out. The path coming from CASS, is forced to Wight St where the then Chairman of the Planning Board, Roger Pickering lives. Dealings? He used the mother nature rule as well and his house is right in the path. Wight St. received drainage work and DOUBLE culverts (Bob Whitely, Tax Assessor said these were new- they were not always there) right at Roger's house to send it over to SEAVIEW TERRACE via Mid Coast Mental Health with their forced channels to us. On the lower half of Wight St. is yet another trench to take more storm water behind the WCGH Annex direct to my back yard on SEAVIEW TERRACE. Wight St is the direct path to the City Park storm water drainage ravine into the bay.

Way back in 8/2011, 3 months into emails after emails to the City Council and Mayor for an investigation, Mayor Ash (owner of East Garage and closest AAA provider) came to my house for a dead battery. I cornered him into viewing the destruction. He had said they could get some rocks to stop my fence from falling in.False hope, he never did . I asked why roadside drainage and sewers under the road were not present. He said because it would take out the road. To which I responded "So you take out the residents property instead?" From there on in, he refused my emergency AAA calls, one where my SUV slid on ice and was hanging over the bank to the bay, waiting for a far away tow truck that never came, we were freezing. Another making my son several hours late for school for a simple dead battery. Very sad and scary.

It is cheaper to send to it  SEAVIEW,  and deny. Destroy them and the documents. But they were not counting on my persistence and courage to endure such tactics. Guess I should thank my ex and alcoholic siblings for the training. Sick karma that taught me the value of integrity and my path.

The school (CASS) storm runoff was never approved to flow to the watershed residents ( encompassing 1 mile wide 2 miles down). My property's dry small 1 ft high 2 ft wide ditch turned into wild, torrent, rapids for a week in my first spring, 3/2011. Weeks later, it was 4-5 ft deep and close to 12 ft wide. Over 1/4 of my property was ripped away with it - video in the City Council meetings tab. City Hall doors slammed shut on my fingers. The cover up began, water does not lie, City Hall does.  I began following the water and asking for maps and development plans in 4/2011. All proving public documents with held, manipulated, or not existing. The sickest tactic City Hall uses is that they have given me the documents, will give them to me again but that I am  too stupid to read them. Yet, they refuse to allow an independent official to validate that the true documents were given.

The CASS file had ALL stormwater documents removed prior to my "appointed" viewing- and I mean all. I spent 4 hours under Planning supervision going through every paper in the over flowing huge files,  at least 4. My daughter was ill, and with me. She laid her head on the lower counter where City Planner, Wayne Marshall would slam the half door trying to disturb her and anger me. The viewing conditions there were crammed, intense and difficult. A local contractor had come in while I was there and I knew him from my childhood in neighboring Bayside, Maine.. XXX XXXXX said this was bad. He had read about me in the paper. He also needs Planning cooperation for his business. Like many in town. I saw the sadness in his eyes telling me he could not help me. No words, needed, I understood. I was on my own against the thugs.

I found one 10 page document from WBRC engineers, stating the runoff was to go to the bay via Miller St (the approved route all hidden from me) I asked for a copy of this one document, and was told to come back the next day for it, but call first to tell them exactly when I was coming. I came the next day but did not alert City Planner, Wayne Marshall. I only got 9 pages of the 10 page document. The page stating storm water to flow to Miller St was NOT copied. (Later I called WBRC and they refused to give me a copy of the document).

City Hall did not know when I was coming in to get the copies.  City Planner Wayne Marshall was not hovering, was not even in the office. I asked the administrative assistant, Marie Stalworth to let me see that original document. She could not find it. I asked her to let me see the files again. That document was now missing from the file but A BONANZA of storm water documents were back in the files. The 28 acre site was wetlands- found were Army Corp, DEP, residents concerns, engineers reports, emails, a slew of other with held documents. I had to work fast before Wayne came back. I quickly pulled some damning documents and asked for copies on the spot.

At this point I was crying and shaken at the sheer corruption and evil treatments from Wayne Marshall, Joe Slocum, City Council Mike Hurley, Zoning and Code Officer Tod Rosenburg. The knowing of the torture to silence me,  that laid ahead to save my home, my only asset, recently unemployed, no savings, and now forced to shell out 2k in undisclosed flood insurance, was frightening, would this break me? This was my time to heal and nurture my children with full attention and stability.

Administrative assistant, Marie could not refuse me.  For the City to do this to employees and residents beholding to them is disgust in the lowest form. I see it in all their eyes, there are many more. Who would think that 3 years later, I am still begging for infrastructure as City Hall takes the 5th and City Manager-Joe Slocum, and City Planner- Wayne Marshall shoot me over and over. City Council refused to investigate, aided and abetted in the deception and slander. In fact, City Council called me in as a threat to the Chief of Police. Then, the City Attorney would step in with sending intimidating letters, telling me not to come to meetings to speak, stating that  City officials have been instructed not to respond to me, trying to force me into a legal battle, stating I must get legal counsel to speak for me, and that I was harassing them, see www.belfastbullies3. for his letters. He said as City Officials they have a decorum to maintain...

One of the documents I took was the Captain Albert Stevens School (or Belfast Elementary School) Site Plan & Use Permit Adopted Conditions of Approval, Final Approval of November 20, 2002 & Amendment #1 to Approval of January 15, 2003 Amendnment #2 to Approval of April 9, 2003.

#11 Addresses storm water analysis study implementation to the water shed residents, and engineers report and follow up after completion, and upgrades to Miller St to take all site runoff to the bay. Since 2011, I had asked for the reports and finding for these and was ignored. Flat out ignored and City Council and City Hall took the 5th ordered by the City Attorney, Bill Kelly. I'm holding the certified receipt of the request signed by Joe Slocum. I sent the requests, over and over for 3 years, relating the same in 20 meetings. Maine Freedom Of Information Attorney General's office, Brenda Kielty was useless.  In 12/2013, City Manager Joe Slocum finally responded (full email above tab- 12/4 pictures and Joe Slocum's deceptive...) stating that the site permit conditions had been violated and were not fulfilled. The conditions that would have protected the residents from the corrupt slaughter of water illegally sent to private property and bypassing the approved sewer and 1 1/2 million improvements to that sewer on Miller St. Add in all the illegal snow piling and melting.

City Hall, City Council, some Realtors, and some residents are offended by ME ?? City employees are advised not to help me, some neighbors are upset because I have publicized that our properties are destroyed and dangerous from City slaughter. Other residents who don't want to help, don't care, and want window dressing and recreation because that will increase THEIR home values have some have stated cruel online words against my facts- and the businesses, they have their hands out all the time for our tax dollars. I would think these businesses are threatened with my protesting and dislike me as well. Belfast Bicycles and Upper Cut Hair Salon are kind to me. No movies, it is owned by City Council Mike Hurley.  I'm a lone mom, standing up against the corrupt bullies of City Hall and Realtor.

In the meeting I read through the 3 of many conditions violated, a permit never should have been issued. Here they are. In bold blue is City Manager Joe Slocum's response- full emails above click on tab 12/4 pictures and Joe Slocum deceptive response...) 3 years later and with out one concern but visible anger instead for my whistle blowing of the destruction and danger, of the City Water Slaughter to Seaview Terrace. 1 inch of runoff is 1 foot of water to Seaview Terrace up to 3 inches (that I have been able to measure.) Past 3 inches, and can happen at ANY event,  it will surely be higher and we're slaughtered by their water. City Manager, Joe Slocum refuses to place us on the radar of Waldo County Emergency Management (that 3/2012 meeting below) It is clear that they will come in for Inverse Condemnation after their slaughter by water to Seaview Terrace.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding, retention of possession after a lease to the government expires, deprivation of access, removal ofground support) or it can be a regulatory taking (when regulations are so onerous that they make the regulated property unusable by its owner for any reasonable or economically viable purpose). The latter is the most controversial form of inverse condemnation. It is considered to occur when the regulation of the property's use is so severe that it goes "too far," as Justice Holmes put it in Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon, 260 U.S. 393 (1922), and deprives the owner of the property's value, utility or marketability, denying him or her the benefits of property ownership thus accomplishing a constitutionally forbidden de facto taking without compensation.
Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court has not elaborated on what "too far" is, and the doctrinal basis for its jurisprudence has been widely criticized...
Captain Albert Stevens School (or Belfast Elementary School) Site Plan & Use Permit Adopted Conditions of Approval, Final Approval of November 20, 2002 & Amendment #1 to Approval of January 15, 2003 Amendnment #2 to Approval of April 9, 2003.

11. Storm Water Management: The applicant shall construct all storm water management improvements to specifications identified on the approved Site Plan prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. Further, the applicant shall maintain all storm water facilities in good working condition.

The applicant also shall comply with the following additional conditions regarding the storm water management system.

11.1 The applicant shall either: a)Provide the City a letter from a licensed civil engineer certifying that the storm water improvements were constructed in accordance with Site Plan requirements; or b) Pay the City the cost to employ a City inspector to inspect construction of the storm water improvements.  The applicant shall identify its preferred option when a building permit is requested.  If the applicant chooses option b), the applicant shall pay the City, upon issuance of the building permit, the estimated cost of such inspection services.

City Manager, Joe Slocum 12/2013 "I cannot find, nor am I able to identify any letter from a licensed engineer or reports for the City Engineer that all storm water work was done as represented.

11.2 The applicant shall pay the City's cost to construct upgrades to its storm water system on Miller Street to accept additional storm water flows from the project site.  This cost shall be $9,4331, and shall be payable upon issuance of a building permit for the project.  Reference Letter dated November 4, 2002 from Wayne Marshall, City Planner, to Paul Luttrelle, SAD 34, and an accompanying letter from Mandy Hallway-Olver, Olver Associates, City Engineer, for an explanation of this fee.

11.3 The applicant shall pay a storm water impact fee of $5,000 to the City to better enable the City to conduct an analysis of the storm water drainage basin for the area located between Lincolnville Avenue and City Park.  This impact fee shall be payable upon issuance of a building permit.  The City shall hold this amount in escrow, and, if the City does not use the monies within 10 years from the date of issuance of the building permit, the City shall return these funds (with interest) to the applicant.  The City shall only use these funds for the purpose of conducting an assessment of storm water concerns in this area, or constructing storm water improvements in this area.  Further, by paying this impact fee, the applicant is held harmless from any requirement to construct any off-site storm water improvements.  Reference letter dated November 4,2001 from Wayne Marshall, City Planner, to Paul Luttrelle, SAD 34, for an explanation of this impact fee.
City Manager, Joe Slocum, 12/2013 - "I am unable to locate any offsite drainage study relating to Captain Albert Stevens School.  To the best of my knowledge the study was never done as referenced in the conditions of approval dated November 20, 1002 and again on November 15. 2003.
I acknowledge your request to meet with specific people to review these documents.  I'm denying that request. The freedom of information law does not let you decide who you will accept as a monitor during your document inspection.

Here is my response to your request. I hope it is helpful." Joseph Slocum, Belfast City Manager

1/14/14 Belfast City Council Corruption meeting click on open to the public- I am the only speaker for 3 minutes.
In this meeting I ask for the firing of City Manager- Joe Slocum and City Planner- Wayne Marshall. I also raise concern that now the City Clerk's office seems to also have been told not to help me. City Hall dismissed my complaints that I had not received emails since signing up in 2011. Two years I was late because I did not mark it on my calendar since I would be getting an email. I got a ticket the 2nd year, and am contesting it. City Hall is refusing to put in writing that I did not receive the email, claiming they can't prove if I got it or not. Oh come on. City Manager. See nonsense letter above  from City Clerk, Denise Beckett and stupid relating emails (tab says City claims can't confirm or deny...). I am sure that Joe Slocum wrote that letter and Denise needs her job.

Years ago, when I was in the Planning Office trying to look at maps, Code Enforcement Officer, Tod Rosenburg refused to let me look at them, stating he had orders not to help me. Tod has recently written me an email to manipulate the zoning conditions where sites are to remove the plowed snow offsite. The Chief of Police, Mike McFadden was able to view the public documents being with held from me. The Chief put it in writing that the huge Captain Albert Stevens School which is illegally draining to us (with 12? other sites) is indeed required to remove plowed snow and does not. This violation has caused severe destruction, erosion, flooding and endangering lives and homes on Seaview Terrace in the spring melt of 2009 an 2011. City Hall denies this and blames it on mother nature. The City Manager- Joe Slocum threw our Chief of Police under the bus, claiming the Chief was wrong, the school is allowed to stock pile the snow that will wipe us out. City Council supporting Joe Slocum. It appears Joe is throwing City Clerk Denise Beckett under the bus. Joe Slocum  was angry with City Assessor, Bob Whiteley for allowing me to see the with held maps of the development of Seaview Terrace showing this "stream" is not a natural outlet.

A MUST WATCH-  3/6/12 Belfast City Council Meeting 

Mayor Ash is clearly trying to follow orders to silence me.
Waldo EMA-Dale Rowley-Plans for Disaster-on agenda- I speak to save Seaview @20:10 @25:50 Mayor Ash tries to tell me not to come back anymore- get a lawyer- not a chance. I give it back- he tries to anger me.. Dale speaks @51:46 w/ overview- Council does not address Seaview Terrace, they talk of Irene-flooding other states,equipment, etc- unbelievable yet again.

Click header tab above for Boycott Picnic information. Will be a fun time with true ground to be the start of people uniting and stopping government corruption. It's starts here.


1/7/14 Belfast Me City Council Meeting- Click link and hit open to the public- I am only speaker- 3 minutes of telling City Council, City Manager, City Planner of their evil drowning to Seaview Terrace. See below email for below in comments to see recent pics- all water through my yard illegal and deadly. Hand drawn map covers miles of forcing to my private property.

Huge DEP/Belfast Cover up Corruption. Tell me how the DEP has designated this man made ditch on my private property as DEP wetlands. Pic 1 is Seaview Terrace developed along with new Rte 1 taken 197? Picture 2 1967 planning of Seaview Terrace and a freshly dug ditch- I think to handle run off for the approved new Rte 1 getting ready to be built and when the DEP with Belfast corruptly claimed it as wetlands- under their regulation and the DEP corruptly approving sites from a 3 mile radius to drain into this but deny it with Belfast City Hall doing the same. This was a farm- the farm house not in this picture. Then they decided to build houses and had to push the ditch back 70 ft. to the treeline. My lot is the 3rd up on the right. Ditch would be right under my house. Next picture from 1966 shows the farm house (it's still here) and the old Rte 1 which is now Northport Ave. I do not see any ditch. Look at the next one from 1939- quadrant 40 is my section. No ditch, no stream. DEP and Belfast slaughtering Seaview Terrace with water and taking the 5th after they could not break me or shut me up. And my persistence to score with held damning public documents. I need an engineer- any volunteers?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Residents have no idea"

2/18/14 See above tab which continues comment below in local paper for the big vote tonight at City Hall- weather pending- heavy fast wet snow due @ 4pm.

2/17/14- I would like to note that I reached out to Greg Dutch of Dutch Chevrolet, Rte 3, Belfast and JB Turner, President of the Front Street Shipyard, Belfast today via emails, to ask for their support in getting immediate infrastructure and the Northport Ave TIF to save Seaview Terrace residents from illegal slaughter from Belfast City Hall and businesses.

2/16/14- My post last night in the local paper- Republican Journal where they posted the agenda for the 2/18/14 Belfast City Council meeting and are stealing the funding to save residents of Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine. A flood zone A, flood plain, where they illegally are slaughtering us with water. Now, I enter in danger with businesses and owners. Great. I fight alone, they will come, the truth is here. When the sun warms, join me in town with my solo Boycott Protest Parade. New signs, same fight. NO SOUP FOR ME! NEXT!! BOYCOTT BELFAST!!!

"TIF corruption, the death sentence for Seaview Terrace. Quote from amendment"However, in the past two years, with potential future expansions of Mathews Brother's, the launch of  a new business in this TIF district (Coastal Farms & Foods), and the need to identify additional financial resources to help carry out public infrastructure project within the City's Downtown Waterfront Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District, the City intends to amend this TIF districts Development plan program."
Stealing the Northport TIF to add in with the greedy Downtown TIF. EVIL!
I have been lobbying for Seaview Terrace to be included into the Northport Ave TIF via the new WCGH Annex addition for 2 years. The TIF is a major grant/funding option for infrastructure. This meeting is closing that door and drowning us with force. Not one drop of runoff from outside Seaview Terrace is legal, all the snow melting to us from these sites is not legal, on and on it goes. Not one business has stepped up to help us and have in fact awarded Joe Slocum, Belfast City Manager and destroyer( and if someone drowns, murderer) of Seaview Terrace, Citizen of the Year.
The newest business owner at the old Eclectic Closet, Main St., rips into me on a regular basis on the BDN telling me to get our of town, Seth Thayer. Maine Mercantile on High St also harasses me when I'm protesting in town. Bill Ingersoll, realtor that sold me this hell, comes out and tells me I'm sick, his co-worker asking me to stop, Front St Shipyard in meeting after meeting with me, hearing all the corruption first hand- no comment, Slocum serves JB water and snarls at me, Daily Soup owned by Courtney Sanders, (AND WIFE OF BELFAST CITY COUNCIL, ERIC SANDERS) she ripped into me on the FB Friends and Supporters of Schools for asking a relevant question and then I was blocked from the site, NO SOUP FOR YOU, NEXT, Our Town Belfast blocking me from the site till Breanna found out and was mortified. She got me back on. Mayor Ash AAA refusing my emergency calls. That's a small preview of business and City Hall taking Belfast residents to hell after stealing our properties and tax dollars. 
I am calling for a boycott of Belfast corruption to assemble at Belfast City Park, on 5/24/14, rain dates on my FB event and on How can residents allow local government to be corrupt as hell and get residents into disaster after disaster- RSU, TBNT, Dredging, bonds, harbor lights, mis-planning,"unforeseen" last minute changes approved without question, permits granted with meeting site conditions, grants, debt growing off the charts and no accountability. Hire another consultant to fudge numbers and commit us into another disaster.Use our tax dollars to hire the City Attorney protect and enhance the corruption, billable hour after billable hour.

Beyond disgusting proof from 2011 when I finally was forced into public disgracing. And after this meeting the Wall was ordered to take the 5th from there on in.
12/6/11 City Hall Meeting- At this time, I do not know that the water slaughter to Seaview Terrace began in the 1980's. City Wall Hall is with holding the original owner of my home, Dr. Caswell's, initial reporting, and the City biased corrupt investigation. In the 1/4/12 Meeting, I am given an agenda, clearly orchestrated by City Attorney Bill Kelly. He unveils this with held stupid accounting and runs when I question him. See the corrupt meetings tab. I speak publicly ff to 28 minutes - 45 minutes in- I'm new to speaking (never had a chance to heal from trauma with children which is why we crawled here in 6/2010- to begin again, under the radar in safety and peace- so horrible are these officials and Realtor) and stumbling but effective- @41 minutes I'm free wheeling for the last 5 minutes. YOU MUST GO TO THE BREAK @ 2 HOURS 5 MINUTES IN. Sound is off but Slocum's hands are flying- then @ 2:11:05 here he comes with maps that I was never allowed to see. Swarming and pouring. THEN HURLEY DOESN'T KNOW THE MIKE IS BACK ON AND AT 2:14:19 SAYS "Give her an answer. "Are we going to build her a storm system or not." The answer is not, lets nail her and he proceeds to doing just that @ 2:25:56 until 2:29:13.  I let it rip with truth and maps. After 8 months of avoidance, corruption and lies, the public must know that Council IS KNOWINGLY FLOODING THE CITY ENDANGERED FLOOD ZONE OF SEAVIEW TERRACE AND TAKING OUR TAX DOLLARS AND BUYING RECREATIONAL PARCELS FOR MILLIONS AND WILL COST MILLIONS TO DEVELOP...SEAVIEW TERRACE PROPERTY IS WORTHLESS BECAUSE OF CITY OFFICIALS.Verbal Planning approvals with residents present are a sham. What the Planning Board approves and what the Planning Manager, Wayne Marshall DOES are night and day. Impossible for the resident to get accountability and resolved. See the header with Diane Allmeyer Beck vs. Wayne Marshall.

Later at the end of the meeting, long after I'm gone, ff to 2:25:56 Council member Mike Hurley slanders me with confidence and ease. Here is his rant against me 
quote as closely as possible, Mike Hurley’s public rant against me at the 12/6/11 City Council meeting 
(Slander is the oral communication of false statements that are harmful to a person's reputation. If the statements are proven to be true, it is a complete defense to a charge of slander. Oral opinions that don't contain statements of fact don't constitute slander. Slander is an act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation. Slander is a subcategory of defamation.)

City Councilor MIKE HURLEY'S PUBLIC RANT AGAINST ME_ “I want to respond during the discussion about water. I came to the entire subject early on when we stated getting copied here on everything, with a pretty open mind about it, well, is there a problem here? What’s the problem? I think that’s what we do here quite often is hey what’s the problem and try to fix it and if there is something we can do. I want to say I had an open mind to it but having had the avalanche of emails that we received and what we heard tonight again, I just want to say that, ya know, if anybody thinks the way to solve a problem is to insult people with things like, Wayne’s World, Ignorant, Dysfunctional, Shot to Hell, Deceiving, Corruption, Lies, Cover Ups, Bullied, I want to add one word…RIDICULOUS. I’ve worked with all these guys and I’ve been on the wrong side of government in the past and I’ve been on the wrong side of government while I’ve been in government. And ya know, it’s just ridiculous to listen to this stuff. I would not object to putting this on the agenda for us to talk about what we should do about this if anything. But, you know, to listen to these to these kind of character assassinations pf people who could really be bothered to do these things to this woman, I’m really sorry, nobody has any interest in doing any of these kinds of things that she keeps proclaiming and you know it’s unfortunate she takes it completely publicly and tonight even, I kept waiting for her, what’s the problem (out of quote for me to say, I clearly stated in the beginning what the problem, what I wanted done, and backed it up with facts for the ?? Time) How would we address the problem. I THINK SHE’S MORE INTERESTED IN FIGHTING, but I’m willing to talk about it and look at it and maybe, ya know, there’s something we can do, I don’t know. But anyway, I FEEL LIKE WAYNE AND JOE, IN PARTICULAR HAVE BEEN AN ABSOLUTE PINATA AND I APPRECIATE THEM BEING RESTRAINED. I am sure, I can tell from everything that the landowner is absolutely feels put upon by the water that runs in the stream in through her yard. I think, maybe there’s a way to solve this but constantly insulting the people you’re trying to talk with, at least it’s never worked for me at home.”

2/1/14 See above tab for OUTSOURCE CITY HALL articles and Belfast spending, spending, spending

Heed the warning from a seasoned City Hall official- inner circle plans will crush residents. The abuse is televised and residents seem conditioned to accept "Can't fight City Hall". Against the City Wall Hall,  look at what I have uncovered. Not one isolated abuse, but many and surely more. View the meetings and summaries above.  This is just a dip in the cesspool. Will update with more facts at a later time. Look at the past events, current events, City Wall Hall Taking the 5th, City Manager- Joe Slocum using his mess of files as an excuse when with held documents exposed, endless emails of rhetoric from City Planner- Wayne Marshall devising rabbit holes to divert from the actual request for public documents in his possession. Removing all storm water documents from public files, final approved site plans, manipulating and torturing in attempts to dissuade and diminish. But, I hung in there, 3+ years and kept ducking and weaving and gathering crumbs. Now, I've got the pie. Sharing every slice, at every meeting, at every event, at every random choice, for as long as it takes, until.

Belfast City Hall regularly outsources to professionals for consultations that are City Hall biased. The politics of it's not what you know but who you know. As Jay Davis, Restorative Justice told me when I began  protesting Belfast resident infrastructure corruption in 2011- "Have you gone to see Council Mike Hurley- because what you're doing is not how we do things around here."  I told him I did and Hurley did not want to touch it at all. Jay wished me luck and walked away. Welcome to Belfast Laurie, you were just sold hell.

We are paying for City connected consultations for enormous changes. The RSU where our schools are dying in a sucking tax dollar sink hole. Only upon doom and outrage has City Hall stepped in. Two years later, where are we? Getting sucked further with more consultations and confusion and anger. City Attorney Collins leading the pack with billable hour after billable hour. Playing mediator and adviser for all, including recommended firms for consultation. Great, Rail Trail too. Searsport Tanks were a gold mine for attorneys, consultations, see where this goes? Outsource and cut out the middle white collar corruption. Many residents are a wealth of checks and balances to review independent consults and bottom line spending on necessities.

I have and have remained honest because of presenting facts. City Council is part of the inner circle as evidenced by their total support in the face of resident slaughter to the City Manager- Joe Slocum, City Planner-Wayne Marshall and City Attorney- Bill Kelly.

The seasoned in-town Belfast residents see it but don't want to get involved. Either City Hall has implicated them or they don't want to get involved. Fighting City Hall is nasty- that job is done. The nasty corruption laid out and documented, by one Mom, day after day, since April 2011. Beyond comprehension to think what is festering- but clearly underway.

Who can you trust? I have reached out to the "pillars" of the community, please form independent committee's - silence. Most notably Jayne Crosby Giles, avoids me like the rest- even when face to face.  I am front and center with corruption in town from City Hall and local Realtor agencies. My current City Council, Mary Mortier is a Realtor and taking the 5th. Better Home and Gardens, Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, retired Jan Andrews, and the most disturbing previous family original owner of my home "Puzz Caswell" of Maine Country and Coast Realtor, Belfast- lying written testimony to Earl Black, Better Home and Gardens Realtor owner in his deposition to my complaint of non disclosure to to Maine Realtor Commission (corruptly dismissed see other blogs). I contacted Puzz early on, she told me that it is the City's responsibility to fix but they won't. That statement was the catalyst. Later, she tries to throw me under the bus, but only soils herself.

Chilloa Horne Caswell

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Judge Worth, John Worth III, Jay Davis, Mark Biscone-CEO, ZONING, Real Estate, City Hall, Media,1% GATE 2016 Illegal Legal CORRUPTION BELFAST & MAINE

See Below the Statutes for the 3/28/2016 psychopaths post in red (City Planner Wayne Marhshall, City Manager Joe Slocum hired by City Council Mike Hurley and City Attorney Bill Kelly- All DO the traits of Psychopath's. )


The Now is the assault underway to all of US.

began in 2016 to focus power abuse to all. Especially through "healthcare" with collaboration of the Department of Defense. The execution.

Below is a first hand accounting and personal diary entries of Belfast City Hall, State, Federal, businesses, players, community, etc. (morphing 6 years and counting with my older blogs) of incredible abuse of power against one woman that simply bought one home, one undisclosed Belfast City Hall, State and Federal (FEMA) hell. One woman that crossed all T's and dotted all EYES. No mistakes allowed, this was it. Do or die. Number one- safety and no water issues. Belfast City Hall and real estate agents sentence hell turnover.

Concrete corruption where ever you want to look. No one wants to look. Fearing retribution, alienation, intimidation, discrimination, livelihood, spiritual theft, truth, association embarrassment (explosion of mini me Madoff's- implicating many of the 99%   ), property devaluation, the list goes on. They have been watching it all happen to me on live TV from 11/1/2011- 10/1/2015. Over 50 Belfast City Council meetings where I exercised my constitutional rights to expose City Hall corruption with City Hall publicly slandering and brainwashing the public against me. Outrageously effective. Even childhood friends turned away.
Threat after threat.
Berta Cáceres was realistic about the risks she faced, but said she felt obliged to fight on and urged others to do so. Photograph: The Guardian

Cáceres, who was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for her opposition to one of Central America’s biggest hydropower projects, was shot at home

I will not turn or bend over. That life long hate to death hypocritical admiration , hurt her, hurt her children, break her. Going public in 11/2011 meant going public with my personal history. My family links to Belfast players and they knew I needed to stay under the radar. They were counting on it. To have finally made it to begin again and being forced into submission to survive... I'd rather die. They came damn close to succeeding. So many kicking a dying dog and offspring feigning supremecy.

The Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's are busting out with economic development 20 year comprehensive plan tweaked to execution. Now. Some sections statutes to take are below. But, only the Mobstah Lobstah's know all, they wrote them and buried them with loophole language for loophole interpretation, and billable hours to bury you.  All that is proven here. I didn't take their bait to bury me. City Hall told me again and again to hire an attorney to speak for me. City Hall tried again and again to get me to their insurance hell and file a complaint. Tactics to silence and break. I don't think so and told them that. I keep crawling, bait for their claws.

Below the 3/28 post-  With the Comprehensive Unknown to the Public underway through-out Belfast, I wanted to re-post a few of my early abuse from Belfast City Hall. Where I tried to work with them again and again. For 8 long months of mental abuse, bullying, lying, with holding, ruthless and determined to break me knowing we were already broken.

These are frightening. And only a few that I found. This is what Belfast is doing. I repeat important information throughout the blog as they get buried.    Seaview Terrace and targeted area's are their Gaza Strip. The American Dream to own a home is now The American Nightmare. Government and business universal greed and destruction of enviornment. Floods, earthquakes, landslides, gram negative bacteria, evolving diseases because of drug profits. Hug your loves, before buh bye.

Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings.

Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.

However, if the municipality disposes of unrehabilitated property acquired by eminent domain under the community development statute within ten years after its acquisition, 30-A MRSA sec. 5203(3)(E) normally requires the municipality to offer the original owners an opportunity to re-purchase the property for the amount of the original damages award. The statute makes an exception for properties that were acquired for assembly into a larger parcel consisting of what were originally three or more contiguous lots.

Municipal Development District Statute – 30-A MRSA sec. 5223(4)

This statute allows municipalities to designate "development districts" within their municipal boundaries that meet certain statutory criteria under section 5223(3). Within these districts, municipalities may acquire land or easements pursuant to an approved development program, by purchase or eminent domain. If eminent domain is used, section 5223(4) incorporates the eminent domain procedures of the community development statute, in section 5204.

Municipal Revenue-Producing Facilities Act – 30-A MRSA sec. 5403(6)
This statute authorizes municipal eminent domain acquisition of "land, rights in land or water or air rights in connection with the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, enlargement or operation of revenue-producing municipality facilities." "Revenue-producing municipal facilities" include parking facilities; water systems; sewer systems; airports; telecommunications systems; and energy facilities. Of these, only parking facilities must be located entirely within the corporate limits of the municipality.
The other types of facilities listed may extend beyond the municipal boundaries.


City Planner Wayne Marhshall, City Manager Joe Slocum hired by City Council Mike Hurley and City Attorney Bill Kelly- All DO the traits of Psychopath's.

Most of us think of the psychopath as a serial killer — a monster like Colonel Russell Williams, Paul Bernardo or Clifford Olsen.  But most psychopaths are not physically violent criminals. They live among us, undetected. Experts believe between one and two per cent of the general adult male population are psychopaths, which means there could be 300,000 of them in Canada alone.  The ‘successful’ psychopath could be your neighbour, your boss, your spouse, or your friend.
“Psychopaths are every bit as rational as any human being, if not more so, because they don’t have the noise of human emotion,’’ says Dr. Stephen Porter, Professor of Forensic Psychology at the University of British Columbia. “Psychopaths do know right from wrong in the 'cognitive' or rational sense, and even do as well on moral-reasoning tasks in the lab setting as the rest of us.”  Many psychopaths are highly skilled at mimicking normal human emotion, using charisma, manipulation and intimidation to satisfy their own needs.  No wonder the psychopath is so hard to detect.
Psychopaths often flourish in the workplace.
Dr. Robert Hare, professor emeritus at UBC and the FBI's top consulting psychologist on psychopaths, devised the Psychopathy Checklist, used by psychologists around the world to determine the degree of psychopathy in subjects.  “They want many of the same basic things that the rest of us but in addition have an inordinate need for power, prestige, wealth, and so forth,” says Hare. “They differ from most of us in terms of how much they 'need', their sense of entitlement to whatever they want, and the means with which they are willing to achieve their ends."
Ironically, the ruthless winner-take-all ethos of North American culture nurtures and rewards psychopathy.  Charming, manipulative and ruthless, these are the “snakes in suits” who don’t rob the bank, but instead become a director of it.  These “successful psychopaths” — those who attain prominent positions in society — may be overrepresented in certain occupations, such as politics, entertainment and business. 

My new beginning into Helfast and the bully domino effect. Nothing local is safe for me.

This old blog has the corrupt Maine Realtor Commission dismissal stating I should have done a more exhaustive search of MY PRIVATE PROPERTY Drainage ditch. I had proof of non disclosure and documentation that the investigator, Jeff Hills stated was extensive. Many more emails not included in that packet were sent to him also. Showing how the agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews rail roaded me into this property. Corruptly diverting me from other properties by other agents. Bill (listing agent) and Jan (my agent)  worked for the same agency owned by Earl Black. Earl tried to shut me up with a 6k offer to release claim and rights. NO.

(edits and addition all the way down to the 3/19 post (details of Judge Worth/Chief McFadden and my history that I have make public because Judge Worth has my very personal, traumatic and divorce decree. Ordered be the Judge for a open and shut small claims against my ex for 6k that he wrote in several emails that he owed me that- that was all that was needed. The Judge used that to get my private divorce in hopes to burn me further. Instead, the divorce proves the corruption of that Judge too, burning me and my children to near death and homelessness)

Another arrogant downtown business Belfast ego. Owner of Three Tides Bar and brewery. A parent, living with in walking distance from his bar. Corrupt and ruthless, City Planner Wayne Marshall, a regular. Carlson had to be a wreck to get arrested, probably witnesses too.

Waldo County Unified Court closed cases

Mar 22, 2016
The following cases were closed in Waldo County criminal courts between March 11 and March 17:

Fifth District Court:
 David A. Carlson, 46, of Belfast, operating under the influence (alcohol), $600 fine, license suspended for 150 days.

Intimidation letters (referenced in comments below) from Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly are on this specific blog for ASK'M (Aho- prior DEP Commissioner, Slocum- Belfast City Manager, Kelly- Belfast City Attorney, and Marshall- Belfast City Planner)

1. Won rarely awarded hotly contested relocation of children in 2010.

2. Used all I had left @ 49 yrs old, unemployed to buy 17 Seaview Terrace, cash, number one issue- NO WATER ISSUES. Sold undisclosed water slaughter hell that came tearing through my tiny 1/8 acre backyard 9 months after purchase. Spring melt 2011. My investigations prove Belfast City Hall illegally force floods private properties bypassing City infrastructure, corrupting public hearings and proposals. With holding public documents and information with support from MFOIA/Attorney General's office, Property Inspectors, Realtors, Agents, Businesses, Maine Realtor Commission, DEP Commissioner, Governor, Senators, you name them, I got them.

3. I went public placing us in immediate danger in 11/2011. Clips of only SOME of over 50 Belfast City Council meetings that I spoke at are on my you tube channel.
I was broken when we crawled here. Belfast should have killed me. They came close. It was hard for me to articulate for a long, long time as they pounced on me. Like you Gangsta, painting me as paranoid and insane to the public.

4. City Council took the 5th and the City Attorney sent me intimidating letter after letter to stop me from speaking and trying to save my home at City Council meetings.

5. City Council called me in as a threat to the Chief Of Police, Mike McFadden. Allowing him to pull my background. During the interrogation I linked the TWC cable guy, Tom, who has been in my home MANY times because I had constant internet problems, as being the secret brother in law to the Chief of Police, Mike McFadden. Tom accessed my computer many, many times. Inside my home. Reporting back to the Chief, no doubt about it. Tom had brought up a you tube video showing the restoration of a tractor mower during one of his visits. No voices or faces in the video, Tom told me his brother-in-law does this. The Chief almost fell off his chair when after he mentioned that he restored old tractor mowers and I said "Hey- you are the brother-in-law to Tom, the TWC cable guy." How many got busted due to insider information and computer access? Not me. I'm MaryJane clean.

6. Unable to get me yet, Belfast PD Officer Ward follows me out of a meeting to persuade me to back off of City Hall. Citing his allegiance and friendship to these officials for 30 years. I asked him what does his relationships with them have to do with me? Then he went after me as a mother. Telling me I should be concerned with the affect that this is having on my children. That if he were me, he would be a parent first! I told him that is exactly what I am doing and this conversation is over.

7. A few months later, Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward are at my door. I invite them in. McFadden tells me that he got an anonymous email that I am unstable. Another interrogation that doesn't shake me. Then the Chief launches into the same conversation that as a parent he would be concerned for the children's well being. I told him conversations about my children are off limits, we are done.

8. Since then, I've gotten several anonymous letters. The last 2, sexually explicit and threatening. All 3 from the same sender, definite reference to City Hall and only that an official would reference through riddle. I suspect one or all- City Council Mike Hurley, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Chief McFadden. McFadden refused to return my calls to investigate the letters. I had to go to Sheriff Trafton. He is concerned, but can't investigate.

9. In small claims court, Belfast resident, Judge Patricia Worth robs me of 7k in open and shut cases in the past year. That's when I linked the Worth network to all the corruption allowed to fester. I went public with that big time. Dead Mom talking.

This is only a snippet. Wow is an understatement. I'm a nobody, no greedy agenda, no money, Just a below poverty mom, holding her own, no welfare, paying taxes, law abiding, high honor son targeted by the High School administration and Superintendent, crushing his Questbridge College Applications, sweeping his Phi Beta Kappa award under the rug, I found it through a google search and they threw him under the bus again... to hurt me for protecting our lives and home.

Laurie Allen
**** end of comment to Gangsta.

After 8 months (4/2011-11/2011)  of Hurley and his City Hall minions shoving me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole with intense intimidation after wild rapids tore through my new home for over a week, in-town, tiny 1/8 acre backyard, taking 1/4 of my property with it, I expose the undisclosed illegal water slaughter hell of Belfast to targeted private area's. Shhh... sell hell to another, smile be Happy, look away, silence the targets. I went public on 2011, risking relocation and everything we had survived. Hurley's tactics are traits I know well.

Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 11:03 AM
Subject: Flood Zone Maps Gone
Dear Marina and Mayor Ash,

I went down to City Hall to get the map that Mr. Slocum left for me. He assured me that he knew exactly which map I wanted. I thoroughly explained the flood zone map that was 1 of several flood zone maps on the wall that Mr. Marshall showed me. He traced the visible channels where the City was diverting stormwater to Seaview Terrace. Many were on the other side of Rte 1. He began to show me one map on the wall and than said this one showed the channels better. I have requested a copy of that map since May and from Mr. Marshall over and over, and after months, was sent the general flood zone map, which is the same map that Mr. Slocum left for me.

I went up to City Planner office with Jennika, and sure enough, the maps have been replaced. There were maps on a hanger that I requested to see. Todd would not let me see them and said he was instructed not to help me.

I am advising the City Council to come and see the "ravine" that was once a 2-3ft wide stream. Mr. Slocum's inspection in email is clearly and visibly a bullying tactic. He and Mr. Marshall have gone too far. This can be resolved and repaired by the City. The City storm water that is being diverted through that culvert on the top of Seaview must be rerouted to City maintained ditches. The ravine can be restored properly and quickly with the City's heavy equipment. Another would be to authorize the construction outfit that will begin the extension of the annex. Mike Hogan said construction would begin towards the end of August. They could come right through the woods that are part of the Mental Health and dump all theh DEP required materials to shore up and replace lost land properly. The Mental Health should authorize access because of severe erosion on their side as well, especially exposing the root system of a huge tree that will fall into my yard.

Please have all members come and maybe even the City Planning Board before I am forced to take drastic measures that will hurt the reputation of the City of Belfast. I do not want to hurt anyone or all the hard work so many have done in promoting and improving Belfast. I want to be active in the community and want to move past this gross treatment. This will be resolved privately or publicly.
I have cleared away the brush so that you can easily walk through and easily see the destruction. When I showed each of you the stream, you were not able to come down into the stream and growth was not allowing for you to get a good visual of all the erosion. It's clear and alarming. The contour from a year ago will show how it went from the 2-3 ft across, 1-2 ft high, to 8-12 ft across, 4 foot high...all ground continually crumbling in.

These maps are public record and I was denied access by Todd in front of Jennika and another woman working at her desk. What are you going to do about this?

Please advise within 24 hours;
1. If anyone will be visiting.
2. The status of the map.
3. Confirm that this meeting that Mr. Slocum said may be around the 24th is slated on the agenda and mailed to residents. Mr. Slocum was given this request by me but is not advising. I do see a City Planning meeting is scheduled on the website.

Laurie Allen

Hurley launched his attack secure with the implicated including the Worth network. Judge Patricia Worth.  They have been terrorizing me for 6 years now. I keep protesting, in the streets and online. Police Chief McFadden is more eager than ever after failures to intimidate. Think of all the good ole boys behind the Wall to service the public in emergency. DNR 17 Seaview Terrace. Not paranoia- proven reality. Terrorize that woman and children, she won't comply. Make an example. Done. I stand alone. Until.

Below is a clip from 12/6/2011, the first of many to come, of Belfast City Council Mike Hurley publicly slandering, tainting, alienating,, discriminating and endangering me. Setting off mob mentality by the implicated network. City Council Hurley congratulating his boys (City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner )for their restraint against me. @ 2:27 seconds in Hurley starts his rant and has never let up. My City Council, Marina Delune telling me it is a rite of passage to be abused by Mike Hurley.   I don't think so.

I also youtubed my speaking at open to the public (pasted here- it's long, I am struggling, mentally battered, and standing. I come back to over 50 more meetings with proof of City Hall corruption met with more corruption and intimidation tactics. Hurley attacking me left and right with lie after lie after I cannot defend myself at the podium. He does at the communications which comes after open to public. His lies are the last word, Mayor Ash, City Council, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Attorney Bill Kelly add additional lies and witch hunt tactics. For six years now, I continue to expose the growing corruption. My 6 years of findings is a solid foundation that the public will benefit from as City Hall enters their private properties to take.

12/6/2011 Hurley Rant @ 2:27 in. Break is 1rst- all these maps I had been requesting were with held. City Manager Slocum doesn't know the camera is on. This is so disgusting to watch. For 8 months prior, City Hall did everything they could to break me. Refusing to give me any true information of Seaview Terrace history and incoming massive runoff. Feeding me falsehoods and rhetoric. Refusing to put Seaview Terrace on a City Council agenda. City Council, City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall forcing a street meeting shutdown instead with Public Works director Bob Richards. During business hours, in the hot August sun, calculated chaos. It was horrible and unrecorded.

In this clip during break- no words are needed. City Manager Joe Slocum's sweeping motions of miles of area forced into Seaview Terrace shows the forced slaughter to Seaview Terrace to benefit the now underway Healthcare development take over. Economic development private property genocide. Instructing City Council- lie and deny. City Council Heil Hurley is the facilitator and the executor.

Slander is the oral communication of false statements that are harmful to a person's reputation. If the statements are proven to be true, it is a complete defense to a charge of slander. Oral opinions that don't contain statements of fact don't constitute slander. Slander is an act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation. Slander is a subcategory of defamation.

I hit and miss play to get to Hurley's rant against me. Below is the written rant transcript.

I want to respond during the discussion about water. I came to the entire subject early on when we stated getting copied here on everything, with a pretty open mind about it, well, is there a problem here? What’s the problem? I think that’s what we do here quite often is hey what’s the problem and try to fix it and if there is something we can do.

I want to say I had an open mind to it but having had the avalanche of emails that we received and what we heard tonight again, I just want to say that, ya know, if anybody thinks the way to solve a problem is to insult people with things like, Wayne’s World (out of quote- I did not say Wayne's World, although that was my intent. I said Wayne's Rule so I wouldn't get the gavel), Ignorant, Dysfunctional, Shot to Hell, Deceiving, Corruption, Lies, Cover Ups, Bullied, I want to add one word…RIDICULOUS. 

I’ve worked with all these guys and I’ve been on the wrong side of government in the past and I’ve been on the wrong side of government while I’ve been in government. And ya know, it’s just ridiculous to listen to this stuff. I would not object to putting this on the agenda for us to talk about what we should do about this if anything.

(out of quote- I stormed City Hall on 11/28/2011 and found the Tax Assessor looking at the original 1965 Seaview Terrace development plans showing there is NO stream, no natural outlet on the future Seaview Terrace. City Hall force channels illegal water slaughter to Seaview since development. 50+ years now and with hold's the authentic public documents. I caught them. Bob Whiteley (tax assessor) later told me that City Manager Joe Slocum flipped out when he learned I saw the plans. Bob stating he had never seen that side of Joe. They had to put it on an agenda now. Bill Kelly City Attorney ordered it and shut that down too. Releasing another with held document 1987 City engineer report when the original owner of my home, Dr. Caswell was fighting City Hall to stop the flooding!!

That 01/04/2012 City Council meeting (3 clips) is also in my youtube Belfast Corruption play list . It's unbelievable. Kelly runs away when I question him. All this is foreign to me. All my life I had thought government had to obey the law and would be held accountable if caught breaking the law. As the Constitution and Bill of Rights mandates. These thugs have turned America into the most hated country because of their corruption. The enabling in Belfast is alarming. How can you let people you know do this? It is easy to stop them. If you won't stop them in Belfast, your protests against violators no bearing except to ease your conscience. Harsh reality. Don't be a hypocrite, begin at home.

City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall hired by Mike Hurley. Heil Hurley using his network for city council elections, boards and committee's. Building the wall for the Judge Patricia Worth and Maritime/Real estate husband John Worth III. Land and Sea. Back to Hurley- I was home watching him pit the public against me. In total disbelief and fear. It was just his beginning. Public works targets my home along with intense intimidation. The wall, community, county and state of the good ole boys & gals against a beat up mom.)

But, you know, to listen to these to these kind of character assassinations pf people who could really be bothered to do these things to this woman, I’m really sorry, nobody has any interest in doing any of these kinds of things that she keeps proclaiming and you know it’s unfortunate she takes it completely publicly and tonight even, I kept waiting for her, what’s the problem (out of quote for me to say, I clearly stated in the beginning what the problem, what I wanted done, and backed it up with facts for the ?? Time

How would we address the problem. I THINK SHE’S MORE INTERESTED IN FIGHTING, but I’m willing to talk about it and look at it and maybe, ya know, there’s something we can do, I don’t know. But anyway, I FEEL LIKE WAYNE AND JOE, IN PARTICULAR HAVE BEEN AN ABSOLUTE PINATA AND I APPRECIATE THEM BEING RESTRAINED. I am sure, I can tell from everything that the landowner is absolutely feels put upon by the water that runs in the stream in through her yard. I think, maybe there’s a way to solve this but constantly insulting the people you’re trying to talk with, at least it’s never worked for me at home.”

Below is the actual meeting link from the City website and summary copied from my original blog ( It is the old format so you have to ff through to each.
12/6/11 City Hall Meeting- I speak publicly ff to 28 minutes - 45 minutes in- I'm new to speaking and stumbling but effective- @41 minutes I'm free wheeling for the last 5 minutes. YOU MUST GO TO THE BREAK @ 2 HOURS 5 MINUTES IN. Sound is off but Slocum's hands are flying- then @ 2:11:05 here he comes with maps that I was never allowed to see. Swarming and pouring. THEN HURLEY DOESN'T KNOW THE MIKE IS BACK ON AND AT 2:14:19 SAYS "Give her an answer. "Are we going to build her a storm system or not." The answer is not, lets nail her and he proceeds to doing just that @ 2:25:56 until 2:29:13. I let it rip with truth and maps. After 8 months of avoidance, corruption and lies, the public must know that Council IS KNOWINGLY FLOODING THE CITY ENDANGERED FLOOD ZONE OF SEAVIEW TERRACE AND TAKING OUR TAX DOLLARS AND BUYING RECREATIONAL PARCELS FOR MILLIONS AND WILL COST MILLIONS TO DEVELOP...SEAVIEW TERRACE PROPERTY IS WORTHLESS BECAUSE OF CITY OFFICIALS.Verbal Planning approvals with residents present are a sham. What the Planning Board approves and what the Planning Manager, Wayne Marshall DOES are night and day. Impossible for the resident to get accountability and resolved.
Later at the end of the meeting, long after I'm gone, ff to 2:25:56 Council member Mike Hurley slanders me with confidence and ease.

This page link will report current Belfast corruption that I can catch as only one in the down POOR this week by fascist Belfast players. Planning Board Chair and Healthcare Worm-Steve Ryan, Gregory Dutch- Dutch Chevrolet, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall thugline.


2 hours parking protest. Belfast resident Judge Worth ruins families and lives for her network. Proven many times below.

Published on Mar 11, 2016
Shame them. Judge Worth sleeps in Belfast, forgives her sins at this very Church. Freedom to shame the corrupt. I do, I do, I do.
49 second clip In Your Face Mobstah Lobstah Judge Patricia Worth.

3/12/2016- This new blog is to join community's to stop abuse. All abuse of power, especially the abuse to children. It all affects them. The system profiting. Take out the system, replace with community. Free, fast and forever. 4 Fingers Up is the mascot for noooo more abuse.

International Women's Day. Protesting power abuse in front of one power. WCGH, Mark Biscone.
 4 Fingers Up. 4FU. (movement underway on

Below is Belfast Maine Corruption from the bottom feeders to the top feeders. Local to State to FEMA and all the dirty 1% players. 6 years of documenting, dodging and weaving, staying clear of the secluded areas and wood chippers. They can't stop me, I'm clean and true.


My youtube Belfast City Hall meetings corruption play list. Clips of some of the meetings I have spoken at and the brutality of the Belfast Wall, 6 years and counting. My last speaking was in 9/2015. After that I received 2 anonymous sexually threatening letters. From one of the Wall. They are all dirty and dirty law enforcement with Jay Davis as Chair of the Restorative Justice, bromance to City Council Heil Hurley to Code Officer Tod Rosenburg to City Planner Wayne Marshall to City Manager Joe Slocum to Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden to Judge Patricia Worth and husband John Worth III, implicating the masses. Police ready to take me out for one slip. Intimidation tactics never ending... I am that much of a threat, one Mom thinking I'd made it to safety. Their perfect target. Not.



                                                                  BELFAST MAINE
                                                             LOBSTAH MOBSTAH'S

Behind a corrupt man, John Worth III, stands a corrupt Judge  Dishonorable Patricia Worth (Husband and wife, father and mother. Sad.)

                               Dangerous, Corrupt, Ruthless, Calculating, Spouting Supremacy.

John Worth "Supreme leader for life"
Gail Rice

 How would the Worth's/McFadden's/ETC. react to having THEIR children targeted as mine have been for exposing their Worth/Belfast/County/State corruption? Have their daughter crawl out of an abusive marriage and corrupt Judge being removed from the bench to threaten all safety and rights of Mom and children. Making it out against the odds and into Belfast to begin again in privacy and safety. Belfast residents King and Queen Pin Judge Patrica Worth And John Worth III mob Belfast/Waldo County/Maine.

Belfast residents District Court Corrupt Judge Patricia Worth  and Hubbie John Worth- (Maine Maritime, Captain, Real Estate, Hospital Board and so much I don't know (no one talks), his Mommy the Belfast Mayor for 14 years- see her obit- major connections. His sister was Worth Real Estate (passed away last year)... more on the Worth's below.

Best buddy to Belfast City Council Mike Heil Hurley is Belfast Restorative Justice Chairman Jay Davis   is another screw driver with heavy colluded influence and ties to media,law enforcement/Belfast Police Chief McFadden (see more corrpution on McFadden below), businesses, non-for-profits (wrong), uptown, downtown fu*k you up.

Is Alice McFadden- Editor of The Free Press related to Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden? The Free Press would not print my zoning gate letter simply written to inform resident's of zoning corruption. Reporter Andy O'Brien will not investigate the Belfast corruption I gave him. Ditto with the Bangor Daily News and editor George Danby and reporter Abby Curtis.  

Right after below (attorney corruption) aired on the only credible news on area TV, Democracy Now, Belfast City Video Director Ned Lightner pulled Democracy Now off of our community TV.

Democracy Now can be viewed online, but many of the 99% can't get internet. Community TV dumb down.

Must Watch This Video. Attorney Koplik "Make the laws advantageous to the attorneys. A good lawyer knows the law. A GREAT LAWYER KNOWS THE JUDGE!" Hello Belfast Judge Worth!!

Koplik, who boasted that US authorities “don’t send lawyers to jail because we run the country”, advised the minister could hide his identity and avoid US anti-money laundering checks by exploiting a loophole and wiring the money directly to a US law firm to avoid probing questions about the legitimacy of the funds. Global Witness said its investigator told lawyers that the minister’s money “represented payments to him for helping companies receive mining concessions in his country”.

 Another lawyer recorded was James Silkenat, a partner at Sullivan and Worcester who was president of the American Bar Association at the time of the filming last year. Silkenat explained how a complex web of ownership companies could be created “to insulate his ownership from public view”.

                                                     The Unstoppable Little Laurie Allen

See my 1 minute youtube protest clip- it's funny. 

Published on Feb 1, 2016
NEW SIGN- CORRUPT JUDGE PATRICIA WORTH (Belfast Resident) Hospital (Israel) Takeover The Other Side of Town (Gaza Strip) CEO Biscone and board JB Turner, John Worth (hubbie to Judge Worthless) Lee Woodward (Attorney). Dutch clan are 1%, that owned my street. Conklin's Maine Mercantile called the cops on me for playing Frank too loud- listen not loud at all. Doobie Doobie Do Screw You. The cop was nice though. He asked me why did I play the music loud? Which wasn't loud- coming out of ONE open window. I told him because I liked that song. He smiled. I said come on, it's Frank Sinatra not some gangsta rap.  And no one is even here! I asked him if I could keep dancing and he said yes. I danced and sang, a peaceful protest of BELFAST CORRUPTION!!

Judge Patricia Worthless strikes again. Superior Court overruled. This commentator (not me) knows MORE For 1% Judge Worth

This judge makes decisions however she wants, not in accordance with the law, constitution or due process. She has more appeals heard that any other judge in the state of Maine. Think I am kidding, check the stats. Well you could, if there were any stats on such a thing. Check out her reconfirmation hearing that took days instead of hours. A waste of at least 130K a year of tax payer dollars spent on this judge and she continues to make rogue decisions? Immunity is a wonderful thing for judges. She doesn't care about wrecking families, bankrupting businesses or anything else. She truly believes she is above the law. Contact your State Representative, it is time she is impeached.

Justmyopinion is not me. Just one of many that Judge Worth targets and ruins.

Ex was given a corrupt free pass and allowed not to show for the first court hearing in September 2015 by Judge Fields. All other hearings where the defendant does not show, the plaintiff is awarded judgement. NOT FOR ME. Judge Fields clearly was passing me on to Judge Worth. Fields ordered the full messy 2007 divorce decree even though I had the original sealed decree at that September 2015 hearing. Judge Fields ordered me to request another sealed copy from the NJ courts for Judge Worth to enter as an exhibit to execute me and prostitute the very traumatic divorce. The emails were enough, there was no reason to demand a copy of the decree for Belfast. Fields passed it on. I knew I was getting railroaded to Judge Worth. Ex was allowed to call on the phone for the December hearing. Ex did not dispute the emails, had no defense but to insult me and accuse me of extortion. It was the most stupid testimony I have heard yet. Worthless went above and beyond on this one. 

As will I. 

Received in mail 1/21/2016- Judgment is granted to the defendant. Robbing me of 6k.

Per Judge Worthless "The parties participated in several e-mail exchanges about this dispute. The Court does not agree that, during their negotiations and other discussions, Defendant admitted that he owes Plaintiff as she claims."

Worthless was given these emails with the Defendant admitting he owed me as I proved.

From: Sxxxx, Joseph  
Sent:Thu 7/25/13 1:29 PM
$500 to be refunded directly to you since the account is closed/terminated. 
And or if they are sending her that $500 in the mail to 17 Seaview she can sign
it over to you.  Leaving the balance of $7,648.76 -  2,200 which she said is hers 
leaving $5,448.76 which is due you.  

(Note- $500 was never sent, amount due me is $5498.76 plus court costs and serving fees of misery, but I saw it through and stayed true. Right is right.)

From: Sxxxx, Joseph 
Sent:Mon 12/16/13 12:49 PM
 I don't know why you can't understand this. I told you numerous times you
 will get the money when the house sells. No one has that kind of money.
 At best I can give you a little something when I get my tax refund.

From: Sxxxx, Joseph
Sent:Fri 12/27/13 8:55 AM

Please just stop all this insanity. It's all very destructive and unproductive. You will get your money. I can make monthly payments.
From: Sxxxx, Joseph 
Sent:Fri 3/27/15 8:12 AM
No one is trying to insult you or otherwise! No one owes you 
anything. Have a nice day. We've all paid dearly  as a result of your 
behavior. You may continue to make poor financial decisions , however 
that doesn't mean that I am in anyway obligated to pay for them. They 
are on you and yours alone.
Have a nice day 

I got Worthless for J&B Autobody for an open and shut case last year. I didn't know of the Worth's at that time. When I got her decision in the mail for J&B Autbody, I went after her. Details on this page link

Judge Susan Sparaco is the fair one. No wonder  Chris Kulbe's (corrupt Ridge Top Chimney Sweep) attorney tried to get a continuance the day before the hearing with Judge Sparaco presiding. She reminded me of Judge Marilyn Milian on People's Court. I won.   

Abigail Curtis | BDN
Judge Patricia Worth presides over hearings at Belfast District Court in October 2014.
Posted April 22, 2015, at 11:02 a.m.


Wow, I missed the article on Judge Worthless

In NJ I had another corrupt Judge to destroy my children and me. (See way below) 

BDN deleted my comment for Rockland.

I wrote about Judge corruption, not mentioning Patricia Worth's name but it got deleted anyway. Worth presides in Rockland too. Proven below, lawsuit threats to the 1% will land on HER docket. That's how they get away with the blatant law breaking and implicating of law enforcement. Filthy, dirty beyond scum. I am Auntiebully.


Detected as spam This isn't spam »
Follow the money Augusta to Brunswick to Belfast and organize independent committee's to oversee every dollar. I just linked the Belfast Queen and Kingpins that Judge for the 1% regardless of law. Including Rockland. Law firm Eaton Peabody and Augusta Mayor Rollins came to the 1/19/2016 Belfast City Council meeting to enlist Belfast into the Mayor's Coalition and the law firm will lobby Augusta for whose wants? Asking Belfast to bring in Rockland for the 1% and $4300 (give or take- make that take) yearly subscription. City Manager Joe Slocum enforcing that AUGUSTA must be intimidated. Master plans exploding in sync throughout Belfast, public is told lies in public hearings to get plans underway and then you see it is not what was told. Impossible to get documents and accountability as only one. Independent committee's can and must. Organize yesterday.
My backyard abutts the healthcare take over. It's an assault- blasting, clearings of wetlands. The Kingpin sits on the hospital board and walks on water to Castine. Where Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum was town manager. Penbay/Waldo, big money. Corruptcare. Addict us and grow the business. Stress us and deem us unstable. Medicate, intimidate, take.
Spend your saving fighting to save your life/property/basic rights and one Judge is waiting to end you. Not today sister. I got you. Any post may be my last. Have at it, I've had enough.
Laurie Allen
Seaview Terror

Incredibly, I have never googled Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden. After all he has done to me, I was shocked to read Peter Taber's comment. Peter is well known and respected for his activism and honesty. McFadden's brother-in-law is the local Time Warner Cable tech that comes to your home and accesses your computer for internet issues. He has been at my house many times and it was by coincidence that I linked them. They are not happy about that. The brother in law did McFadden's job for him and surely more insider information. Belfast is dirty and paints clean community. Sells undisclosed hell and has state wide support to punish and abuse residents that expose their dirt.

After I spoke at my last Belfast City Council Meeting, 9/2015- I received 2 anonymous sexually threatening letters. I didn't trust Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden, he is pro- City Hall Wall. I think the letters are from City Council Mike Hurley. Maybe the Chief was in on it too with his porn history.I gave the letters to Waldo County Sheriff Trafton. He was sympathetic but said he could not help me at this time. I asked him to profile City Council Mike Hurley, I should have included McFadden. No matter, no funds for my threats, only for the threats to the 1% and players.


New Belfast police chief selected

Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.

Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.

McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said...
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.

A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.maine_seashore4 years ago
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)


Judge Worthless/BPD Chief Mike McFadden Sex Crime Candy Bar

Convicted Homosexual Sex Offender Adam Flanders Loses Initial Bid to Muzzle MassResistance Website

Belfast, ME police chief says he did not mean to compare Flanders’ sex crime involving minor boy to “stealing a candy bar”

Adam Flanders.
The following is excerpted from an article in the outstanding pro-family news site, LifeSiteNews. Go HERE to read our article containing Flanders’ threatening letter to AFTAH, and HERE for our re-post of his 2007 public letter exposing sexual abuses at a Maine homosexual youth group. Ironically, young Flanders’ desperate and outrageous attempts to erase the 2007 letter from the web have only drawn considerably greater attention to it, and to his adult-child sexual crime as well. Please pray for this lost and confused soul. –Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
LifeSiteNews reports:
Convicted Gay Sex Offender Loses Initial Bid to Muzzle Pro-family Website MassResistance
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Jul 18, 2012
July 18, 2012 ( – A convicted sex abuser who has filed a one million dollar suit against the pro-family group Mass Resistance suffered a setback last week when his motion for a preliminary injunction to silence the group was rejected by the presiding judge.
“Maine may not punish, through criminal sanction, an individual’s actions that are protected by the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution,” wrote District Judge Patricia G. Worth in her decision, signed on July 11.
Meanwhile, a police chief that Adam E. Flanders has repeatedly claimed supported his lawsuit and described his sex abuse charge as akin to “stealing a candy bar” has disputed Flanders’ account of events in a LifeSiteNews (LSN) interview. LSN has also learned that in addition to the sex abuse charge, Flanders has been convicted of assaulting a minor with whom he had a sexual relationship, as well as the boy’s father, with a knife.
Adam Flanders, a Belfast, Maine homosexual who was convicted in 2008 of sexual abuse of a minor and sentenced to three months in jail, has been seeking to force Mass Resistance to remove from its website a copy of a letter Flanders wrote in 2007, accusing a local homosexual “youth group” of facilitating the sexual abuse and exploitation of minors. It also describes Flanders’ own relationships with minors in the group after he had turned 18.
The letter, which was sent to the Maine Christian Civic League and quoted in whole or in part by local newspapers, has been on the Mass Resistance website since 2007 as evidence of the destructive nature of homosexual “youth groups,” which Mass Resistance President Brian Camenker says often facilitate abusive contact between adults and minors.
Flanders’ campaign to remove the letter and all references to him on the Mass Resistance website has included a successful motion for a restraining order against Camenker, granted by the same Judge Worth in June of this year, although Camenker says that he has never seen nor met Flanders, and was not permitted by Worth to testify in his defense. Flanders has also filed suit against Camenker in Maine district court for $1 million for “defamation,” “harassment,” and “stalking” by means of the posts.
While acknowledging the restraining order that she had recently approved against Camenker, Worth was not willing to muzzle Mass Resistance, noting, “An individual’s right to free speech loses its protection when the speech uttered constitutes libel, a true threat, or fighting words,” adding the “Plaintiff has failed to demonstrate … that the writings rise to the level of fighting words (inciting an immediate, violent reaction). or a. ‘true . ..threat.’”
Flanders claims in his suit that Camenker is exaggerating the seriousness of his sex abuse conviction, which is a class D misdemeanor in Maine, and writes in his complaint that Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden has called it equivalent to “stealing a candy bar.” He also claims that he has protected minority status in Maine due to state anti-discrimination laws, implies that Camenker is guilty of “hate crimes” against homosexuals, and requests that “Defendants’ online conduct be limited, that the Defendant refrain from further harassment and stalking against individuals based on their sexual orientation…”
Flanders also successfully shut down the Mass Resistance website last month after threatening the organization’s web hosting service, according to Camenker, who has since found a new hosting service that is not intimidated by Flanders’ threats.
In addition to Mass Resistance, Flanders recently threatened Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) with legal action for posting his letter and recounting Flanders’ actions against Mass Resistance. Flanders has also threatened LifeSiteNews with legal action if it does not remove a previous article written about the case and cease to write about the matter.
Belfast police chief distances himself from Flanders
In an interview with on Monday, Belfast Chief of Police Michael McFadden distanced himself from Flanders’ claim that he had said Flanders’ offense was no worse than “stealing a candy bar,” explaining that police often make such statements in an attempt to elicit a confession from a suspect.
Although he acknowledged that a recording that Flanders has of him making the statement is real, he added that “there could be a lot of things I said in that interview with him that were designed and are used by investigators nationwide to encourage people to talk about certain things. It might not be the way I feel, but it usually works in terms of getting people to confess to a criminal act.”
Asked if he regarded the actions of Flanders in the sex abuse case as morally equal to stealing a candy bar, McFadden answered: “Absolutely not, holy cow, no, but if I start my interview and say ‘what you’ve done is heinous, and horrible, and how could you?’ do you really think I’m going to get this person talking to me about it? No, of course, not. So you try and minimize these things as an investigator.”


Holy Cow- Dishonorable Judge Worthless is all over the internet.

Judge Patricia Worth has ruined many lives in the Rockland & Belfast courts. Why isnt there any accountibility for judges behaviors?
Yes she has, I know this first hand. I knew I was not the only one.
GAL AlertMarch 2, 2014 at 10:15 PM
While Hon. Patricia G. Worth may have ruined many lives - if she has truely done wrong - it will come back to haunt her. As parents become more educated, informed and organized her ability to cause discontent will be limited. Judge Ralph Tucker was essentially removed for failing in his role as a judge and for doing many of the same things that Hon. Patricia G. Worth has done.


And another

Nevertheless, District Judge Patricia G. Worth—who is clearly hostile to freedom of speech and freedom of the press for those who oppose the radical homosexual agenda—made her bad ruling, based on a fraudulent claim against Brian Camenker by Flanders, and she refused to even allow Brian to present testimony on his own behalf.  So, for now, Brian has on his record a restraining order issued by this so-called “judge” at the behest of a vindictive, radical homosexual pedophile. 

And another

Hon. Andre G. Janelle

Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz

Hon. Patricia G. Worth

As well as a judge in Augusta (whose name escapes me at this time). Are Judges that show up over and over on the list that has been maintained over the past two years.

Thank you for the comment

And another

Ew and Belfast resident House Representative Erin Herbig in the sack with Worth's protection.

And another


Karen Caswell's  father in law, Dr. Caswell was the original owner (1966- developed by McLeod, Dutch sold McLeod this farmland when new Route 1 bypass master plan began in the 60's) of my house and took on the City in the 70's when the water slaughter poured into the basement and swamped properties. And began the City Engineer shut down and deny. The other daughter-in-law and REAL ESTATE AGENT, Puzz Caswell lived here after Dr. Caswell died. She told me that this is the City's problem to fix, but they will not. She began the sell off of my future hell home in 1990. To a banker, to a minister, to me. It stops with me. Is or has Karen sold the lot to the hospital? Will clinics or a parking lot become Seaview Terrace? Even though City Manager Joe Slocum is adamant that we were voted through as Residential 1 but refuses to make it official on the City website zoning map since my 2014 requests to do so. 

I was awarded hotly contested relocation (because of children) to Belfast in 6/2010. We made it out against the odds. It was a long dangerous process that the Belfast real estate agents drool over. Sell her hell, she has to stay under the radar. Think about enduring a life of family addictions and corruption, marrying into the same, both merging and abusing. I helped them, lie after lie, death after death, theft after theft. I was the good one. I know to stay good, you can't play both sides of the fence. They will use it to silence you. They couldn't silence me and my children became their pawns.

At 45 years old, I thought we were safe and could begin again in safety and privacy. We began to heal. 9 months later in 4/2011, Belfast to Augusta corruption flooded into our sanctuary, our home and it almost broke me completely. I had to hang on, I had to save all we had left. Our home. This home of undisclosed hell, has every dirty corrupt hand in it from Belfast to Augusta. Real estate agents, City Hall, businesses, implicated community, DEP, EPA, you name the power, their hands are dirty. I've hung in there and expose them all. They congeal together like chicken soup scum.

Judge Patricia Worth is the one to protect all the corrupt powers if you get as far to have your day in court. The Worth clan history is politics powerful and corrupt.

Belfast City Hall public hearings for master plans, site plans, the 2014 summer Comprehensive Plan, etc. are scams. They lie to public, to quell actions to stop them, get the ordinances or final approved plans voted through and screw the public. Secure in knowing Judge Worth is the final nail to your coffin if you make it there.

 Now I had to put my personal life  out there again. I had to have my ex served by the Sheriff's department in September 2015.  All players knew that I would be appearing in small claims that they would use to get as much private information as possible. Dissolving 20 years of an abusive marriage, financial and personal documentation in the 2007 divorce was brutal with another corrupt Judge, my ex's court connected attorney and court connected Guardian ad litem. It was during the proceedings with court ordered evaluations and therapy that I learned I was married to Borderline Personality Disorder. I never had a chance. The divorce was lethal, he was set to make me destitute and homeless. We had 2 homes, my dream year round home in Bayside, Maine that I had built in 1997, free and clear. And our marital home of 20 years in NJ, with a 40k mortgage left on it. $400 a month. Our only debt. I was meticulous in budgeting after I left the work force earning equal income to my spouse of 32k in 1993 to raise our children.

The last thing you do to children is remove them from their home and school. That is exactly what my ex planned in attempts to keep me in the marriage. Crushing the children non-stop. Two years of litigation, over 60k in legal fees as I refused to sell the NJ home. Ex refused to take Bayside, refused to take NJ and I'd take Bayside, rent it out and get an apartment in NJ. I could not move the children to Bayside without his consent. He would never consent and terrorized us every day. Corrupt Judge Keiser ordered the sale of the homes.

Dishonorable Dead Middlesex County NJ Court Judge Fred Keiser-

Keep those coals hot in hell for Dishonorable Belfast Resident Maine Court Judge Patricia Worth

His plan was happening to make us homeless, and then he would motion to get residential custody. . After the divorce, I came across this mirror to the divorce insanity. Same behaviors in Belfast too. My brother too. All those choosing to enable, to weak to stop. Easier to pretend it's not their problem. Big mistake. Global greed and destruction.

Low and High Functioning Borderline

Low Functioning and High Functioning Borderline Personality Disorder - an Importance Distinction

Introduction: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is widely associated with self harming, suicidal ideation, and difficulty with relationships at home, the workplace or school. However there are many with clinical BPD or BPD traits that don't self-harm and are very productive in school and the workplace. The later are often not identified by family or physicians to have BPD traits - but are seen as difficult or "character-less" people.

When this happens, the family and clinical responses can exacerbate the problems rather than help.

To support a difficult loved one and to make appropriate family decisions it is important to understand what is affecting your family member - are they mentally ill or are they just troubled? is a support group for family and friends to explore issues like this.

20 percent of all psychiatric inpatients have BPD, as do 10 percent of all mental health outpatients according to the American Psychiatric Association. Characteristics include:

1. They acknowledge they have some behavior problems (not necessarily BPD, however)

2. They cope with pain through self-destructive behavior, such as self-injury and actions that put them in harm's way. The term for this is "acting in"

3. They (often desperately) seek help from the mental health system. Some are hospitalized for their own safety. They may often become very attached to their professional caregivers

4. They have a difficult time with daily functioning and may even be disabled. This is called "low functioning"

5. If they have overlapping ("comorbid) other disorders, they tend to be the kind that require intensive professional treatment, such as Bipolar, Clinical Depression, or an Eating Disorder

6. Family members' greatest challenges are keeping their loved one alive and functioning. Other concerns might be their inability to, earn their own living and adequately parent their child.

High Functioning Borderline Personality Disorder - people BPD's that cope with their pain by raging outward, blaming and accusing family members for real or imagined problems

In a discussion on, Randi Kreger, co-author of Stop Walking on Eggshells, says the situation with high functioning borderlines look more like this:

"1. Denial is their primary characteristic. They disavow having any problems and see no need to change. Relationship difficulties, they say, are everyone else's fault. If family members suggests they may have BPD, they almost always accuse the other person of having it instead. (This is why I strongly advise non-BPs to leave this disclosure to a trained professional)

2. They cope with their pain by raging outward, blaming and accusing family members for real or imagined problems ("acting out")

3. They refuse to seek help from the mental health system unless someone threatens to end the relationship. If they do go, they usually don't intend to work on their own issues. In couples therapy, their goal is often to convince the therapist that they are being victimized

4. They may hide their low self-esteem behind a brash, confident pose that hides their inner turmoil. They usually function quite well at work and only display aggressive behavior toward those close to them (high functioning). But the black hole in the gut and their intense self-loathing are still there. It's just buried deeper

5. If they also have other mental disorders, they're ones that also allow for high functioning such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) or Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). (These mostly appear concurrently in men-especially APD)

6. Family members' greatest challenges include coping with verbal abuse, protecting children, trying to get their family member to seel treatment, and maintaining their self-esteem and sense of reality. Partners, especially, are in relationships with Cluster Two BP

After the divorce in 4/2007, the homes went up for sale, the only bids coming in were for Bayside. My 40 year dream. He reversed in 7/2007. He'd take Bayside and live with his Mom down the road from the NJ house. I got the NJ (a dump but home for the children). He alienated me from family and friends in NJ and now he did it in Bayside. Bringing the kids up here with his 6 weeks vacation, partying with my brother as I faded away. I always wanted him to be the best Dad he could be, I never followed visitation. The children were always available to him and I would sit vigil by the phone. By 2009, I feared leaving home and was nearly a shut in. Me, Miss Outgoing Adventure, the last person that you would think this could happen to.

I knew after my first call to Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall in 3/2011- the brutal behaviors that I had just escaped. I had yet to learn just how ill Belfast was. They try to kill us again. Son of a bitch. I've hung in there since, falling and crawling, here I am. Standing, healthy, strong and true.

Into the school RSU old and new corrupt administration Superintendent (Mailloux now Knowles) Principals (Buckheit and Fitzpatrick) Guidance Director and Counselor (James Davis and Jessica Woods) have targeted my scholar son again and again. He keeps quiet and keeps at his studies regardless of education abuse. These are only the one's that I know personally to be corrupt. Cheating the students and abusing the one's whose parents speak up. Hello. My son is smart and kind when not living in fear of adult bullies that I expose. Family, community and schools. What a crime. As all this unfolds, my only way to protect him from a frame up is to post and post. 


A Senior year now, honors (high honors up until this year because of Guidance corruption mandate courses unscheduled. This year is brutal- all AP, full schedule including 2 Latin classes. And cheating us out of the stellar Questbridge College applications for the low income scholarly. And robbing him of the Phi Betta Kappa Achievement Award. We did not know he received that until I caught at the end of August 2015 when I googled his name and saw the Bangor Daily News article from May where it was announced. Superintendent Knowles, Principal Fitzpatrick, Guidance Jessica Woods and Guidance Director James Davis lied and denied. Trying to blame it on my son through and absence. Lies. It was never announced through the school or their awards programs. They made a fraudulent certificate and told me that was authentic. I contacted the PBK chapter in Bangor and they said the certificate was a fraud. They mailed the authentic certificate to Belfast Area High School Guidance Director James Davis in April. And my son has to go there every day.


Belfast Orthodontist Edward Zanca and recently Dentist Dr. Slaughter targeted my son. Zanca was devastating, 4 years of  malpractice. *Dr. Zanca portrayed integrity and care. We were so thankful to have Dr. Zanca in this mess of abuse and bullies. He gave us hope and we trusted him 150%. To learn that he was really a thug. Distancing himself from the brutal oral surgery that Zanca sold us 4 years prior with lies. When my son stopped growing, Zanca planned to send my son to Bangor for SARPE surgery. Zanca knew the corruption I was exposing in Belfast and his property/office probably drains into mine through the watershed. Last year, Zanca made us think he met with a team of colleagues to finalize the plan for my son. Zanca referred us to PORTLAND. He would not explain why Bangor was out. He evaded questions for stats on the surgery. My son was in the care of another thug and I was paying Zanca to hurt him.


I stopped Slaughter before he could hurt him. I had cancelled my son's 12/2015 check up with Slaughter because I know he is a player and one of them. My son saw Dr. Piper on 1/06/2016. She gave him a clean check up. The next day the office calls stating Dr. Slaughter wants to examine my son. The caller pulled his chart and saw his check up was clean per Dr. Piper and didn't understand why Dr. Slaughter had her call for my son. If my son would have answered the phone, my son would have went in for Dr. Slaughter to do what to him? The caller said she would discuss it with Dr. Piper. I was VERY alarmed. No one called me back.

Last year my physician, Dr. Molison ordered lab work against my orders. The only test I authorized was for cholesterol. The previous year he ordered who knows what that wasn't covered under the yearly exam and cost an $400 not covered by Obamacare. I am healthy and chemical free- what was he testing? So last year I called several times (Molison's office, the lab and billing) before the lab work to make sure it was only the lipid panel and stated so again at the actual physical exam. The tech came at me with 2 viles and I stopped her.

 She checked the orders, Dr. Mollison ordered them. She said insurance would cover it because it would have kicked it out. I knew that was wrong and told her so. I told her that had to be fixed. How many were getting lab work done assured that it was covered under insurance because the hospital "system" didn't kick it out? Even more alarming, I did not want them testing me for unauthorized tests! Scary is an understatement. I won't get an exam this year and I fear having to go there for anything. Dr. Molison is part of Mark Biscone's healthcare takeover, blasting away in my back yard for expansion. Dr. Molison's new office will be in this new construction of the Annex. I trusted him up until he got defensive with me when he over rode my orders for lipid panel testing only.

Just read about Brunswick Maine, direct linking to corruption and mid-coast health/mental care take over. They're coming to take you away, ha, ha, hee, the funny farm. My sister (was 12 years older) used to scare me to death with that song in the 60's. She was already a prescription pill addict at 15 because of Mom and Dr.'s prescribing mother's little helpers Miltown's. Made right in the next town. Milltown, NJ. They swallowed them like candy. My sister almost died several times before I was 10 and until she died in 2002 at 54. Not me. I know. I won't.

The meds are here, full force, addict you and own you. Co-pay, full- pay, pay until you turn to mush. Sound's like a movie. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In 2015 Belfast Chief McFadden and Officer Ward came to my house to interview me for my stability. They had a tip that I was unstable. . Belfast City Council called me in as a threat to McFadden in 2011. Not feeling fond of the system at all. Easiest way to shut me up is to take me out. Or buy me out. I'd never sell this hell to another. Take it Mark Biscone, 250k I'm gone.


All of Maine is theirs to take. Start the Boycott in Belfast. I'm in danger, I need you. I can't do it alone anymore. One step to protest, watch it grow, town by town, together we go. Save Maine. Put that on that map. Read this, it's happening. Email me One person can double the force. And so on and so on. Boycott the bullies wallets, see immediate action. Form independent committee's to oversee and see what is with held. Protest Dutch Chevrolet, PenBay Health Care (Waldo & Knox County), Front Street Shipyard, Colonial Theatre, corrupt real estate agencies- we need agents to turn the tides. Going into their legally corrupt arena with Judge Patricia Worth and John Worth III at the helm is suicide, financially and spiritually. Take it to the streets. Hit their wallets.

John Worth III and Peg Worth's Mom- 1986 Belfast Mayor with powerful ties. Teach your children well. John is married to Maine District Court Judge Patricia Worth corrupt 1% decisions, John's sister Peg was mega Belfast real estate agent corruption with family ties to protect all agents selling undisclosed hell and taking the undisclosed prime properties.

Obituary for Mary Worth

Mary Page (Schwarzwaelder) Worth, a former mayor of Belfast, Maine, died on October 3, 2013, in Belfast after a period of declining health.
She was elected Mayor of the City of Belfast, the city’s first female mayor, in 1986, and served her adopted city with energy and grace for fourteen years.
Mrs. Worth was born in Baltimore, MD, on January 23, 1924, the only child of the late Lt. Col. Christian Allen Schwarzwaelder, U.S. Army, and his wife Margaret Pennington Holbein Schwarzwaelder. Her father was a career Army officer, and Margaret and Page travelled with him to stations in the Philippines, Japan and across the United States. She especially enjoyed her family’s years at the United States Military Academy, where she attended high school at Ladycliff Academy.
Mrs. Worth was adventurous. In the mid-1940s she joined the American Red Cross. She was posted to Occupied Japan to direct U.S.O. clubs for servicemen and women. She met and married her husband, also a career Army man, there. Returning to the States, she and their three children accompanied her husband to many different Army posts. Her children remember one trip in particular. In 1958, their father was stationed in Vietnam as an Army aviator. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Worth decided that the family should join him. With no hesitation she packed the three children, two Great Danes and their luggage into a red convertible Oldsmobile, and drove from Alabama to the West Coast for the voyage to Saigon, where the family lived for the next two years.
Mrs. Worth was civic-minded. In Vietnam, she helped establish Girl Scout troops for local children and children of foreign military and government officials and she worked to support Madame Vu Thi Ngai’s An Lac orphanage. After she and her husband retired to Maine, she served as a member of the Searsport select board and the local Chamber of Commerce. In 1972, she founded the Penobscot Expedition Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, an organization that remained dear to her heart. Settling in Belfast, she worked to promote and serve the city. She appreciated the people of Belfast and what she saw as its limitless potential.
She was predeceased by her beloved husband Lt. Col. William J. Worth, U.S. Army (ret.), in 1986. She is survived by her daughter Margaret Worth of Belfast, ME, and her children John David Marcato and Michelle Kiely of Marina del Ray, CA, and Liza Marcato of Hillsdale, NY; her son William Worth and his wife Barbara Worth of Astoria, WA, and their children Nathan and Lauren Worth of Eugene, OR, and Katherine and Chad Coluccio of Newport Beach, CA; and her son John D. Worth, III, and his wife Patricia G. Worth of Belfast, ME, and their children Jonathan D. and Stephanie A. Worth of Chicago, and Emily G. and Corey R. Sampson of Topsham, ME; and four great-grandchildren.
A celebration of life will be held at the First Church in Belfast, U.C.C., on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2013, at 2 p.m. with coffee and refreshments to follow. In lieu of flowers, friends could make a memorial donation to the Belfast-Waldo County Humane Society, P.O. Box 479, Belfast, ME 04915.
Arrangements are by Young Funeral Home and Cremation Service 31 W. Main St., Searsport.

2015-  Members of the Waldo County Healthcare Board of Directors are, seated from left, J.B. Turner(President and part owner of Front Street Shipyards), John Worth III, David Flanagan, Peter Haddock, Wayne Hamilton, James Patterson, Ed.D and Benjamin Mailloux, MD (medical staff president). Standing from left are Catherine Reynolds, Syrena Gatewood, Lee Woodward Jr., Dale Kuhnert, Ann Hooper, Jenness Robbins, and James Delehanty, MD
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD.  The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.

 John D. Worth, III has been Director of Career Services & Cadet Shipping at Castine College for Maine Maritime Academy since January 2010. Mr. Worth has more than 30 years of direct experience in operations and management within the small craft industry. In recent years, Mr. Worth has served as an adjunct faculty member and small craft master at Maine Maritime Academy, serving to captain the college's historic schooner Bowdoin to Newfoundland and other northerly locations, while instructing students in the care and operations of a traditional sail vessel. A former professional tug boat captain, Mr. Worth also served to teach classroom and experiential tug and barge operations, and hands-on workboat operations as part of the college's working waterfront programs. Mr. Worth is responsible for overall management of the college's career services department which liaisons between current students and alumni, and the greater maritime industry to facilitate employment opportunities, networking, and industry relations. Given the college's diversification in academic offerings, the Career Services department links the college and its graduates to a variety of industry employers well beyond the maritime transportation and engineering fields. The department also works to promote the skills of MMA graduates within the power generation, marine sciences, and international business and logistics arenas. A professional mariner prior to joining the staff at Maine Maritime Academy, Mr. Worth served as president and owner-operator of the Belfast, Maine-based Maineport Towboats, Inc., from 1989 to 2002. Mr. Worth currently serves as commissioner of the Maine State Pilotage Commission, a division of the Maine Department of Transportation. He is a founder and past president of the Propeller Club Ports of Searsport & Bucksport, is a member of the Portland Marine Society, and serves on the executive committee of the Board of Directors of the Waldo County General Hospital, Belfast, Maine. Mr. Worth holds a B.S. degree in business administration from the University of Southern Maine, Portland, Maine. He holds a license from the U.S. Coast Guard as a master of 1600-ton steam and motor vessels with towing endorsement, and as a master of 100-ton auxiliary sail vessels for near coastal waters.

Tell me that I am not a Dead Mom talking as I take on so many corrupt that think they have the right to take our lives and rights. Much more below. I wanted to post this again, so new readers understand my harshness towards the Worth less and their enormous network. With John Worth sending me this FB request, I saw his many, many photo's. Including their children. How would the Worth's react to having THEIR children targeted as mine have been for exposing Worth/Belfast/County/State corrutpion? I won't post their pictures.

John Worth III is in love with himself along with bromance Belfast Planning Board Member Declan O'Connor (below). I just found out today that they are buddies. I wanted to like Declan and I wanted to hope he would clean up the Planning corruption. Wrong again.

They are really tight, weddings, drinking, boating from Belfast to Ireland. City Council Heil Hurley is another "friend". Worth is Maine Maritime Academy, Castine royalty. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum WAS Town Manager in Castine and an attorney. City Planner Wayne Marshall does the dirty work. Corrupting public information, documentation and site developments all for the 1%. All below.

The week of 6/22/2010 I was crawling and clawing to move here for the closing that week, and putting everything on the line. The hotly contested and rarely awarded children relocation motion in NJ was yet to be filed with the courts. I packed our lives up in a 50 ft Penske truck, Belfast or bust. Spending the last of my money, no savings, unemployed, and on my last legs. I was a skeleton and kids were crashing. How lovely that this corrupt couple, the Worth's would be enjoying their child, Jake's wedding.

With buddy Belfast players, Larry Jones and Declan O'Connor.

This corrupt couple robs the lives of many. Not just mine. Because I have nothing left to lose, I can expose them. I never thought the school administration would join in and hurt my son's education. I thought wrong. A few more months to go, and he graduates. Onto a well deserved life, he is smart and honest. He will not tell a lie. Priceless, something the Worthless and connected cannot understand. They do not have principles or morals. Just more for the hell hole they cannot fill, their corrupted souls. This post John has on his FB sums it up.

Worth's feed on evil, and throw a stripped bone back to the 99% to feel good. Keep your bones.

I am feeding the "good wolf" this week!


Arrogant and Stupid. Why would John Worth send ME a facebook request. They already have all my history with the perks of Judge Worth. Back ground checks, my traumatic divorce decree from 2007, they can't get me dirty. The very "Worth"less that corrupt America, Maine, Belfast and my chance to begin again, against all odds. Crushing my children. John Worth III and his corrupt wife, District Court Judge Patricia Worth destroy life after life, family after family. The King Pin of Belfast. I'm the Mom Pin, 6 years and counting, I withstand the powers to silence me in Belfast and Augusta. Alone. Yo, I don't think so Johnny.

Disgracing our flag, just like his wife, just like Belfast City Hall officials. Ya'll make me sick.




John Worth wants to be friends with you on Facebook.

John Worth
Relief Captain at Maine State Ferry Service · University of Southern Maine · Belfast, Maine
1,183 friends · 34 groups

John Worth " III" and wife Judge Patricia Worth. Mayor Mom Worth paved the way and all the City Hall players for the corruption. Long list growing and identified.
 Capt. John Worth began his marine career in 1973 in the windjammer vacation business in Camden, Maine, becoming captain of the Schooner Mistress and then the Schooner Mercantile. In 1980-81, he rebuilt a 1911 sardine carrier, the Sylvina W. Beal, and operated her out of Belfast, Maine, for four years. A chance trip to Eastport driving the Tug Brian F. led to a career change. In 1989, Captain Worth bought the Belfast, Maine, tug company, and re-named the company Maineport Towboats. For fourteen years, he operated this company, docking and sailing ships in Bucksport and Searsport, and in Bath and Portland, and undertaking coastwise tow work as well. During off-hours, he worked as relief captain for Schooners Timberwind and Stephen Taber. Captain Worth has worked on sail vessel deliveries from Bermuda and points south in the Caribbean, and from Spain. In 2003, he sold his interest in Maineport Towboats and began working at Maine Maritime Academy. While there he ran the Schooner Bowdoin on trips along the Atlantic coast including circumnavigations of Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. He also taught tug and barge operations and workboat operations. From 2009-2011, he served the Academy as Director of Cadet Shipping and Career Services. In 2013, Captain Worth joined the faculty at Maine Maritime Academy in the Department of Marine Transportation. He works part-time as a relief captain for Penobscot Bay Tractor Tug Company and the Maine State Ferry Service. Captain Worth holds a 1600-ton master steam and motor, with a towing endorsement and 100-ton auxiliary sail, near coastal, U.S.C.G. license. He is a Maine State Pilot Commissioner.

BELFAST - Some time back, Captain John Worth overheard a woman who was touring her visiting friend along the waterfront.  Worth had just returned from a night of work on one of the tug boats of the Penobscot Bay Tractor Tug Co. when the woman said,  “These are our tug boats. They don’t ever go anywhere, but here they are.”
Worth recounted the story with mock exasperation from the pilot's seat one of those tugs en route to Castine, where his and another tug belonging to Maine Maritime Academy had been enlisted to launch the academy's training ship State of Maine
The annual event brings hundreds of people to the public landing. On this occasion, some had found their way to the tops of buildings for a better view. Cadets lined the rails on the upper decks of the massive ship, occasionally waving down to family and friends far below. Behind them were Castine’s stately homes and the elm trees that by the fact of having managed to escape the blight of Dutch elm disease recall historical photos of other Maine ports that weren’t as lucky.
By the time Worth reached Castine, Capt. David Gelinas of the Penobscot Bay & River Pilots Association was already aboard the State of Maine and making preparations with the ship's crew, many of whom were cadets getting some of their first hands on experience.
In some ways Gelinas' job on this day was typical of the work he does. The ship had to be launched from the dock, turned 180 degrees in coordination with the two tugboats, then navigated into open water. There he would hand it off to the ship's master Capt. Leslie B Eadie III.
In other ways, the work demanded more attention than usual. The State of Maine hadn't been to sea in eight months and the novice crew would need extra guidance.
Periodically, Gelinas would step out of the control room of the ship's bridge, lean his forearms against the rail of the upper deck and stare down at the water, looking for clues that the tide had stopped coming in. A piece of seaweed bobbing slowly upriver was enough of a sign to wait.
“This isn’t like ships that run all the time,” he said. “So you try to stack things in your favor for safety.”
High tide came and the launch appeared to go flawlessly — the tugs rotating the bow of the ship in a wide arc until it was pointing toward Islesboro, Matinicus, New York — the first port of call — and eventually Tampa and San Juan Puerto Rico.
In the relatively open waters of the bay outside of Castine, Gelinas stood in a space between the wide bank of windows facing the open water — mostly obscured that day by a heavy fog — and a massive bank of instruments and controls built into the ship.
Occasionally, he checked a gauge or looked out the window, but mostly he looked at his laptop, which he carried back and forth between a small shelf on one side of the room and a more makeshift perch in one of the window bays.
The screen showed a nautical map of the bay and a handful of bullet-shaped icons indicating the location of The State of Maine, other large ships in the vicinity and tugs. A strip along the right side displayed ship speed and other numerical readings in real time.
The Penobscot Bay & River Pilots Association keeps three pilots on duty at all times to either meet ships outside the bay and navigate them to port or the reverse. The organization serves ports in the Penobscot Bay, Frenchman Bay and the Penobscot River and typically fields 150 to 170 calls per year.
The day the State of Maine was launched was particularly busy. One of Gelinas' peers had been in Bar Harbor at 5:30 that morning with the passenger ship Maasdam. Gelinas was on the State of Maine at 11:30 and probably would not disembark until around 8 p.m. Another pilot was working with a tanker called the Great Eastern at Mack Point and the pilot who had been in Bar Harbor was scheduled to meet the Zhuang Yuan Au, a Chinese ship bearing asphalt from Canada that was making a delivery at Mack Point.
"You can go four or five days and not see anything,” he said. “But then you have days like yesterday [when he said there were three calls] and today."
During the recent battles over a proposed propane terminal that would have been built near Mack Point, Gelinas testified to the effect that shipments of the fuel, which were anticipated to arrive around five times per year, did not raise any substantial concerns from a pilot's perspective.
His opinion didn’t please some opponents of the project, but then large cargo ships carrying toxic and/or flammable substances have been traveling the bay for years and the system is well organized.
Gelinas unfolded a paper chart of the area and pointed to a wide green strips entering the bay, forking to pass along either side of Islesboro then reconnecting into a single lane headed toward Searsport and the mouth of the Penobscot River. These were the established channels for commercial traffic — the highways in and out of the bay.
And as John Worth put it during the trip back to Belfast, most of the cargo that comes into Mack Point — heating oil and other types of fuel, asphalt, salt — are things that are needed locally.
"The only reason there is a Searsport or a Portland is that we're linked to the ocean. That's why we're here," he said. "Everyone needs to appreciate that this is a marine highway as well as a fishing ground."
On the more recent controversy over plans to dredge the channel leading to Mack Point, Worth again highlighted the importance of keeping the shipping lanes open.
Opponents have expressed concerns that the dredged material, called “spoils,” would damage marine habitats and fisheries. Plans for the Searsport dredging would have the spoils dumped at a site somewhere west of Turtle Head at the northern tip of Islesboro.
Spoils from most recent dredgings have gone to Rockland.
“We’ve been using that site for years and years and lobstering is at its peak,” he said. “So maybe it attracts lobsters.”
Assisting the pilots with large vessels makes up the bulk of the work of the Penobscot Bay Tractor Tug Co. — known locally for the parent company, Fournier Tugs — but the boats occasionally transport flatbed barges loaded with freight that doesn't fit cargo ship dimensions or originates from smaller ports — Cianbro’s modular buildings shipped from Mack Point and the massive fenders for nuclear submarines fabricated at Front Street Shipyard in Belfast are two recent examples.
The tugs also spend a fair amount of time in the harbor where the small crew stays busy during the downtime painting, polishing and otherwise making the boats handsome in a way that belies the rugged work they do.
In this way a person might get the idea that they don’t ever go anywhere.
 The Prudence returned to Maine waters last weekend for the first time in at least 50 years. The vessel was purchased by Steve Pagels, who also operated the Patience in Bangor and Belfast and operates the Margaret Todd schooner in Bar Harbor.
 Pagels and Belfast’s John Worth, who used to captain the local tugboats and later Maine Maritime Academy’s schooner Bowdoin, piloted the Prudence north from Hyannis, Mass. They left Cape Cod early Saturday morning.


The Schooner BOWDOIN, launched in 1921 by Hodgdon Brothers Shipyard of Boothbay, Maine, was com
missioned and commanded by explorer Donald MacMillan, a pioneer in sail training. MacMillan was deeply
committed to education and to providing access to the arctic for scientists and students. His summer voyages to the
Arctic were always undertaken with a crew of college-aged men eager for adventure. MacMillan would be thrilled
to know that his graceful ship, now captained by Eric Jergenson ’00, is well cared for and still serving as a leader in
sail-training at Maine Maritime Academy today.
The BOWDOIN’s future did not always look so bright. During the 1960s, the vessel was poorly maintained
and left in a state of neglect. In the 1970s, Captain Jim Sharpe, of Camden, Maine, did what he could to restore the
BOWDOIN with extremely limited funds. Finally, in the 1980s, the BOWDOIN underwent a complete ‘rebuild’ at
the Percy & Small Shipyard. At that time, her original white pine deck was replaced and sealed. Just as Hodgdon
Brothers had done when she was first built, her decks were laid of 2 ¾ white pine and caulked with cotton, oakum,
and pitch before they were painted. That 1980s deck has lasted through 33 years of sailing but, according to Capt.

John Worth, Schooner BOWDOIN Committee Chair, “It’s time to replace the deck once again.”
The deck will require new white pine and a polysulfide seaming compound. That sounds straight-forward but
here is what goes into replacing the deck on this historic vessel that is almost 100 years old: quality boards must be
purchased, stabilized, and dried; BOWDOIN must be pulled out of the water and put into extra sturdy supports; a
structure must be built so the shipwrights and students can work on her through the Maine winter. Because she has
an American fishing schooner design, “her deck is unique as an integrated part of the cabin housing and will re
quire that all cabin houses be completely lifted off and placed in storage,” stated Worth. Her rig, cap rail, bulwarks,
and sheer strake must be removed and replaced; her chain plate must be removed and re-galvanized to eliminate
rust; the deck must be installed and caulked; the cabin houses must be returned to their places on the new deck;
and these need to be sealed before she can be returned to the water for sea trials and her required US Coast Guard
Replacement of the BOWDOIN’s deck is the first phase of a major restoration project that will take place over
the next ten years. Fund-raising efforts have begun with major donors, but this phase will also require support from
all who care about the BOWDOIN’s legacy. The BOWDOIN will be visiting ports on the Northeast Coast this June
and July and you will be welcome to go aboard for a tour (see sidebar for location and dates). As Captain Jergenson
says, “The BOWDOIN is worth our investment. She continues to work hard in support of the training mission of
the school and serves as an ambassador for Maine Maritime Academy wherever she sails. Most importantly, BOW
DOIN offers an experience rich in maritime tradition and teamwork for our sail-training students.”
For more information about the BOWDOIN’s schedule and fund-raising activities, please visit the BOWDOIN’s Facebook
Published on Jul 11, 2013
Many Belfast residents and tourists have admired the picturesque tug boats often tied up along the Belfast Waterfront. Captain John Worth invited Belfast Community TV to come along on a trip to assist in the docking of Maine Maritime's "State of Maine" as it returned from its annual training cruise ·

+longbeachdirtbag Capt Worth was certainly, to put it politely, loquacious. I too was expecting more maneuvering 'action'.·

+hughvane The video was produced by a local cable channel that wanted to let thei rviewers know about the local tugs and shipping. It was not intended to be a training video . It was a very foggy day, but the locals seem to enjoy it and sorry it was a bit long winded.
+friendshipsloop I was in the Schooner business back in the eighties. The video was produced by a local cable channel that wanted to let their readers know about the local tugs and shipping. 

To sister Peg- real estate corruption and owner Worth Real Estate

Worth's legacy for real estate corruption. Worth Real Estate Agency continues as does corruption.  

The 1% using the veterans Belfast Armistice Bridge to honor corruption and party.

 Peg Worth on Armistice Bridge in Belfast

Peg Worth on Armistice Bridge in Belfast

Good 2014 article- zoning corruption of old R2 underway and City Council approving dinner party on the Armistice Bridge for the downtown businesses. Gross. Many from the legions objected. No matter.  

1/23/2016 Belfast resident with ties in heavy real estate, healthcare push, Judge Patrica Worth presides and decides for the 1% corrupt, including her husband and heavy connections. Belfast is Worth's Gotham. Manipulation of the system for corruption. Case Closed. NOT! She robbed me of 7k in small claims, but that makes my case for the epic corruption that I have been exposing for 5 years.

Corrupt real estate is the big one. Belfast real estate agents, Belfast Chamber of Commerce, organizations- Downtown Belfast-Creative Coalition-Waterfall Arts-Restorative Justice Chair Jay Davis-Many More, businesses- including Front Street Shipyard (JB Turner and owners), Dutch Chevrolet (Greg Dutch and clan on key boards- zoning, appeals, etc.), Penbay/Waldo County Healthcare System (CEO Mark Biscone and Board- Judge Patricia Worth's husband John Worth III, Attorney Lee Woodward, Dr. Mailloux (his father and uncle, attorney and prior school superintendent, Toni Mailloux is "community" relations at the hospital. The list goes on. Can't spit without smacking one.


The State approves the corruption and aids and abets. Maine Realtor Commission, Governor, DHHS, IF&W, DEP, EPA, Attorney General and Freedom of Information manipulation... all personal experience with their corruption. I've left no "official" unturned. They have all turned away. Add in Senator George Mitchell, Senate President Mike Thibodeau, Senator Angus King, Senator Olympia Snowe, House Rep, Erin Herbig- personal contact to all of them. Forget about Senator Susan Collins- I was afraid I'd throw my head through the wall after a talk with with her.

Previously protected by her gavel and fear mongering, Judge Patricia Worth Orders Case Closed. Not this time. Case Wide Open.

I set up shop yesterday outside Belfast District Courthouse for small claims day. 2 hours I stayed with Belfast Chief  McFadden watching the clock to ticket me after 2 hours. Cruising past me as I sat inside my toasty SUV blasting Frank Sinatra- That's Life and of course Adele- Hello From the Other Side. Come on over to the other side - JUSTUS.


The Official Belfast Gotham Wall- if any were not corrupt-able they would not be on the tax payer's payroll or sitting on City Council (elected by the 1% power to enlist), City picked Planning Board and Committee's, 3rd party City engineers and contractors/consultants, Belfast City Council, City Attorney's Bill Kelly & Kristin Collins, City Council Mike Hurley with City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall enlist/hire the corrupt-able to support the Wall- Code Enforcement Officer Tod Rosenburg, Police Chief Mike McFadden, Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,  Belfast Community Television and Video Director Ned Lightner, Tax Assessor Brent Martin, Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge,  Parks & Rec Director Norm Poirier, Public Works Director Bob Richards (his dad is the Fire Chief too- in case my home "catches" fire or gets "flooded").  

Water District Superintendent Keith Pooler, Waste Water Treatment Jon Carman  (I have not had any dealing with Jon Carman but his compliance speaks for itself. Many prior R2 residents illegally tie their sump pumps into sewage lines because the City denies basic storm drain infrastructure to this area. Buying the silence of these residents. Carman knows it because it overwhelms the treatment plant on FRONT STREET- another master plan of millions under the taking...)

At the County and Federal level- Waldo County Emergency Management Agency and FEMA have shut me out after years of pleas for saving through mitigation plans. Belfast City Hall has and is continuing to develop all around us and uses our small dead end, 15 single family homes as a free for all from miles around to force illegal runoff and melt off to. Making us the only floodplain and turning us into a flood zone. Fabricating a natural outlet that never was. For 5 years, I've also been trying to get them to step in. Instead, they stepped out. Giving full reign and control to drown and destroy to Belfast City Hall. Inverse condemnation is where government destroys private properties for their wants through force flooding, surrounding construction, etc. The value of the private properties is diminished and the properties are taken without compensation because they are deemed worthless. Other Maine statutes spotlight economic development takings without even committing to the project that they claim they are taking your property for.

I saw the name Poirier (relation to Parks & Rec director Norm Poirier?)once owned property on Seaview Terrace. Dutch, Mailloux and McLeod own property on Seaview Terrace, other properties have sold since 2014 to who? Karen Caswell (works at the hospital) owns the vacant lot next to me, also abutting hospital property. In 2015 she told me she was selling it and began crying. Was she crying out of guilt? Knowing I was sold her families hell and have dedicated and endangered my life since 2010 to save it and expose the corrupt. Below, I mention real estate agent and sister-in-law to Karen, Puzz Caswell. 

I filed a complaint with the Maine Realtor Commission after I could not get Earl Black or any real estate agents to work with me to force Belfast City Hall to stop the slaughter and selling of undisclosed hells through out Belfast. Major thug- agency owner through out Maine, now under the name Masiello Group- Earl Black had his attorney send me a letter to accept shut up money of 7k and release his agency. And to stop protesting in front of his agency in Belfast. No dice thugs. Earl had Puzz send lies to the Commission. She told them that I caused the erosion from the wild rapids that tore through my yard for 2 weeks, taking 1/4 of my small backyard with it. She told them that the 6k fence I put up for my dogs was illegal because I didn't get a permit. I got the permit before the installation and had the $15 cancelled check to Belfast City Hall. I follow the law.

Earl Black

Executive Office Director Service Areas and Specialties Regional Vice President and Designated Broker. Our team of professionals is available to help you buy or sell real estate in the Greater Bangor area, as well as Hancock County, Somerset County, Piscataquis County, the Millinocket and Katahdin area, Unity area, Belfast Area, Camden area and Rockland area. With 33 offices in 4 states, we can provide you with experienced, locally based agents to help with all your real estate needs. We are truly your "HOME TEAM!"
Professional Experience
I have been in real estate sales for over 30 years, coming from a background in banking. In 1991, I purchased Soucy-Black/Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. In 1992, Soucy-Black merged with another local franchise to become Town & Country, REALTORS. Most recently, we became affiliated with Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate. With this affiliation, through Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate The Masiello Group, we look forward to providing you with the most up to date tools available in the real estate industry. SAME AGENTS, MORE SERVICE!
Professional Education and Designations
Graduate, Realtor Institute 1988. Past President of Bangor Board of Realtors (two terms). Past President of Maine Association of Realtors. Realtor of the Year 1992. Taught various real estate training courses to area agents. Served on several national committees, as well as the National Association of Realtors Board of Directors. Chair of the Risk Management Committee for 1999. Member and past chair of the Maine Real Estate Commission
Personal / Comments
I've always felt it important to give back to the community. I've been involved in many charitable organizations, including the YMCA, Literacy Volunteers, and Bangor Lions Club. Presently a member of the Bangor Rotary Club and past President of the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce. Our communities will grow and prosper if we do our share!



Regional healthcare system is formed

January 21st, 2016

In December 2015, Waldo County General Hospital and Pen Bay Medical Center began operating together as one system in an alliance for a healthy Maine.

The combined entity includes Waldo County General Hospital and Pen Bay Medical Center; the practices of Pen Bay Physicians and Associates and Waldo County Medical Partners; Kno-Wal-Lin and Waldo County Home Health and Hospice; the Sussman House; retirement and assisted living at Quarry Hill and Penobscot Shores and long term care at Knox Center for Long Term Care.

Together these two health systems represent one of the largest employers in the Midcoast with over 2,300 colleagues throughout Knox and Waldo counties.

The two hospitals are currently collaborating in more than 40 areas.  Mark Biscone, president and CEO of the two hospitals, said he would like to double that figure and it will be easier to do when Pen Bay Medical Center has finalized installation of Epic, scheduled to take place in 2016.

Biscone said a subcommittee made up of representatives from both medical staffs is meeting regularly to create a long term clinical plan to work together more efficiently.

Along with the combined Board of Directors, Biscone said there is now one administrative team running both facilities. “We are sharing overhead and personnel as much as possible,” he said. “We want to keep the high quality specialty services while managing costs.

 Waldo County General Hospital broke ground Jan. 9 for a new medical office building at 119 Northport Ave. Participating are, from left, Mark Biscone, CEO and president of Coastal Healthcare Alliance; Rob Fowler, regional chief quality officer for WCGH and Pen Bay Medical Center; Steven Wilson, M.D., of Family Practice; Lee Woodward of the CHA board of directors; Dan Bennett, WCGH chief operating officer; Roberta Goff, N.P., of Family Practice; and Ben Mailloux, M.D., president of the WCGH medical staff.

I watched them take this picture from my back deck. It's feet away from me. I told them a few words... 


Meanwhile, in my back yard the corruption with the Annex and the Worthless one's continues. DEP remains corrupt. Blast away.



Behind A Corrupt Man, A Corrupt Judge

John Worth "Supreme leader for life"
Gail Rice

A wonderful afternoon in the Spruce Room at the Academy,
together with past Academy Captains of the Arctic Schooner Bowdoin.

Larry Kaplan hosted the group and has volunteered to make a CD of music and stories we told to sell as part of the Bowdoin endowment fund-raising effort.
— with Andy Chase, Rick Miller, Elliot Rappaport, Larry Kaplan, Heather Stone and Eric Jergenson.

Planning Board John Declan and The Supreme

And they steal my life.

There's my yacht. My 1962 sunfish wrapped up in the tarp. My 1995 gas grill holds up my sign. Bought that couch frame on the boat for $5 and put it in my 2002 Explorer. Sold undisclosed water slaughter hell. Planning for the taking by healthcare. Shame on you Worthless and network.



Separation of accountability. Blame game. With holding and manipulation of public documents and information. Public hearings of proposals, proposed site plans. proposed amendments, propose this, propose that, all proposals are not the final unknowns voted in by City Council through vague reference and taking the 5th. City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Attorney's Bill Kelly and Kristin Collins write the corruption into ordinance of loophole confusion, lock up the documents and Belfast Judge Patricia Worth will decide any lawsuits that survive the financial and personal assault by the Wall of Corruption. Decision for the Wall. 

Visual as road kill. Six years ago I began  documenting the kill when I asked where is this water coming from? Where are the 1965 development plans for Seaview Terrace? What is the ordinance for storm water runoff forced to private properties? All doors slamming down immediately in 5/2011. I keep hanging on, exposing massive corruption far beyond Seaview Terrace. But Seaview Terrace is their petri dish of greed. The sand box of the dirty- local, county to state (DEP, AG FOAA, Senator, Governor) to federal (FEMA) all implicated and guilty to the destruction of my small street. The Gaza Strip of Belfast.

I naively followed the strain believing that they didn't know. All I had to do was show them.

My lack of formal education has allowed me to believe in democracy and humanity.  The strain was in my family as well. I just didn't know it. I thought all I had to do was show them. The strain was in my friends. I thought all I had to do was show them. I knew the strain was in the work force, I showed them and worked harder. I didn't waiver, keep the stinking promotion, I'm showing the wrong. The strain was in my marriage. It didn't matter how much I tried. The strain is viral.

My life has been dedicated to containing the strain. Strict boundaries, no enabling, no lying, constant monitoring and immediate action. My sister-in-law once told me that I should compromise with my sister and brother with our mother's small estate  I replied "Compromise what? How much I allow them to steal from me?"  Her expression told it all. She had never thought of it that way.  My then husband was taking it all in. He would do the same to me. Next the mob of Belfast. My little below poverty life. There is no other way for me. No more.

Proof that written and verbal information from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum/Belfast City Hall has no legal bearing and is not credible. The legally bearing information/documents are locked up in City Hall and loophole confusing language ordinances written by the City Attorney to confuse.

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall

Ms. Allen,
Lying is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but yes I do resent being called a liar.
I rely on many people in what I do and communication is an ever challenging effort. In this process could I make a mistake?  The answer is yes...
Attorney Koplik, who boasted that US authorities “don’t send lawyers to jail because we run the country,  Make the laws advantageous to the attorneys. A good lawyer knows the law. A GREAT LAWYER KNOWS THE JUDGE!" Hello Belfast Judge Patricia Worth!!

My job is document their ballet of corruption, on pointe and inform the public, players and businesses. I will not 2nd request and so on anymore. I made my pointe with the thread page link below. Requests are to City Manager Joe Slocum and legal response is only from City Manager Joe Slocum.  Refusal equals guilty of course.

Here they go again. Because I copied all the Belfast businesses for the absolute refusal for Belfast City Hall Manager Joe Slocum and Belfast City Council to officiate the zoning they secretly voted through in 2014, is a non-televised 3/2/2016 Planning Board workshop for more corruption. #4 below in the agenda- Inside the Bypass is my area. The targeted for healthcare takings, prior R2 zone.

In 2014 they told the R2 public that we would ALL be moving out of healthcare and housing and into housing. Now they are amending what, the public will never know. Proposing lies to the public is the "Way things are done around here." Per the RESTORATIVE JUSTICE PROGRAM chair, Jay Davis. Bet Jay kicks his stupid ego every day for telling me that in 2011, my first day out protesting Belfast City Hall and Real Estate corruption. Thinking they would eventually crush me into fear and silence. Fear yes, silence never.

Over the 6 years Belfast City Hall threads of rhetoric and abuse to my basic requests for public information could tapestry the United States of America. With all those I have cc'd in this one thread for public hearing corruption, site corruption and zoning corruption, I am sure they are busy drafting ordinances of more manipulation.

Is it possible to make the old R2 read as R1 with buried ordinance exceptions for each street? The written loop hole ordinances that force the public to hire an attorney to lunch with the City Attorney Bill Kelly to manipulate the ordinance to the benefit of the City. This recently played out with prior City Council and attorney Roger Lee. Bill Kelly and City Planner Wayne Marshall told the Planning Board to cherry pick sentences within the building code ordinance to allow for expansion for a building owned by real estate agent Alan Wood. Offensive to neighbor, Roger Lee's view from one of his windows. Roger has been a key player in the corruption in City Hall. But don't mess with his view. He challenged the ordinance right away. Making a mockery of  City Hall. City Hall has nothing to lose- Kelly adores the billable hours to tax payers. Ditto with defending attorneys. Both secure in knowing Judge Patricia Worth will be the final decision for the City. Except Roger is an attorney and as Alan Wood stated, will take it to the Supreme Court. The City held firm to their manipulation of the ordinance and Alan Wood pulled out. No expansion.

Right after below (attorney corruption) aired on the only credible news on area TV, Democracy Now, Belfast City Video Director Ned Lightner pulled Democracy Now off of our community TV.

Democracy Now can be viewed online, but many of the 99% can't get internet. Community TV dumb down.

Must Watch This Video. Attorney Koplik "Make the laws advantageous to the attorneys. A good lawyer knows the law. A GREAT LAWYER KNOWS THE JUDGE!" Hello Belfast Judge Worth!!

Koplik, who boasted that US authorities “don’t send lawyers to jail because we run the country”, advised the minister could hide his identity and avoid US anti-money laundering checks by exploiting a loophole and wiring the money directly to a US law firm to avoid probing questions about the legitimacy of the funds. Global Witness said its investigator told lawyers that the minister’s money “represented payments to him for helping companies receive mining concessions in his country”.

 Another lawyer recorded was James Silkenat, a partner at Sullivan and Worcester who was president of the American Bar Association at the time of the filming last year. Silkenat explained how a complex web of ownership companies could be created “to insulate his ownership from public view”.

End of the email that is part of this long thread on this page.

Forgot to include Carol Weston in the cc's (Waldo County/Montville in this recent email. Will send to her right now.

Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 10:31 AM
Subject: Fw: Corrupt Zoning/Public Hearings/Proposed vs Unknown Final Take

Please help me stop Belfast corruption. Thanks.


I saw the dishonorable Patricia Worth at the grocery store, Hannaford yesterday. I locked eyes on her, no words needed. She cowered, disrobed without her courtroom, bailiff and dirty attorneys to protect her. The public is my best friend. "Worth" everything to expose. My job, I do it full time, freely and I do it well regardless of the tactics and threats to silence me. Six years and counting in Belfast, Maine.

I'm the antivirus for corruption. Auntiebully is my media sign on. Maine Media is 1% owned.They no like me.

                                                             Yo yay me.


10 AM assault by Hospital CEO Mark Biscone and Board John Worth III.

1 minute youtube clip


My parents and my Captain, my Captain. A true Captain. Wish you were here. With all my heart.


John Worth's power is in the waters (Federal Navigation, shipping, maritime, turbines, dredging- waters of the 1%) and real estate. Wife Judge Worth seals the deals.

See below the Worth less and the River Men for real time proof of Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly writing ordinance corruption as stated in the Democracy Now clip. City Manager Joe Slocum (prior attorney) has been revising sweeping ordinances under the Comprehensive Plan since hire- 2007.

Slocum and City Council refuse to provide an accounting for City Attorney fees, Capital projects, etc. and demand money upfront to begin research that will result in more for zero. Heil Hurley proclaiming "Sue us." Mayor Ash telling me to hire an attorney to speak for me. In corruption you tube clips below. Here is the accounting refusal

In 2014, he began feeding the public manipulated public hearings and televised planning board hearings with a Maine Municipal Alliance employee working through ordinance changes and wording. Giving the appearance that this would be the plan. City Council  voted in ordinance changes through binders and vague reference to chapters by City Planner Wayne Marshall in September and October 2014. To date, those changes are not public and questions to the changes are refused by City Manager Joe Slocum, passing it over to City Planner Wayne Marshall to manipulate and confuse. Ex City Council and attorney corrupt Roger Lee recently challenged an oridnance. He had to request the text from City Planner Wayne Marshall because it is not public. The ordinances are written in unclear language to allow City Hall to tell residents to hire an attorney to contact City Attorney Bill Kelly for his interpretation and beliefs of what the ordinance states. The zoning board of appeals will side with the City and a lawsuit will end up in Belfast resident Judge Patricia Worth's court room to rule with the City. Up the ladder to State corruption. It's pointless. Toss your money in City Council Heil Hurley's bonfire instead or BOYCOTT BELFAST businesses and form independent committee's to overhaul the corruption. Immediate action. Down East magazine stating Belfast is one of the best places to live is misleading. Best for the corrupt and 1%.  

 BELFAST - Former Castine Town Manager and municipal insurance specialist Joseph J. Slocum has accepted the job as Belfast city manager.A native of Binghamton, N.Y., Slocum has served as an elected official or worked in municipal or state government for most of his career, beginning in 1979. …

This is part of City Manager Joe Slocum's 2/18/2016 forced response because I copied businesses and kept on requesting. The full email thread for zoning corruption, real estate listing corruption, site corruption- all real time can be found at the end of this Comprehensive Plan Corruption page link.
City Council voted what through in 2014 and what the hell is City Attorney Bill Kelly rewording since 2006. The taking. Paraphrased from the below, see Democracy Now print, prior president of American Bar Assosciation  "Attorneys run the country because they write the laws to the advantage of attorneys. A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the Judge." Hello Judge Worth.

Slocum Thu 2/18/2016 4:15 PM

"Your letter then turns to the status of having accurate zoning maps on the City’s website.
You are correct they are still not up-to-date.

I have made arrangements to have a Special Notice posted on the Web Site Zoning Ordinance and the maps that you refer to. This notice  will recite  that these documents are not accurate and up-to-date  and under a continuing process of revision. The notice will then refer the reader to a different portion of the City’s website where these updated documents will be there for all to see. It takes a lot of work to change the text of the  Ordinance on the Web site and is easier, for now, to post a Notice as described above and locate the more accurate information on a different part of our Web Site.

The Zoning Ordinance is long and we are not ready to put all the changes up as the Planning Board is still working its way through the changes recommended by the City Council in its adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. We always knew that this would be a multi year effort. That is the quickest technical way we can respond to your complaint is with the posting of the notice and the insertion of  more up to date information. I hope to have this done soon.

You have listed once again 14 Properties  where you want me to state what the proper Zoning designation is for each of them. You made this same request on December 22,24,28,29,Jan 1,6th, 7th,8th and 14th. It was sent to multiple people- including me. I wrote you back on December 30th saying:

Ms. Allen,

I will not be responding to this email. I will not edit
 or respond to your claims or representations or to other 3rd party claims or representations.
 Thank you,
 Joe Slocum"

My youtube Belfast City Hall meetings corruption play list. Clips of some of the meetings I have spoken at and the brutality of the Wall. My last speaking was in 9/2015. After that I received 2 anonymous sexually threatening letters. From one of the Wall, they are all dirty and dirty law enforcement with Jay Davis as Chair of the Restorative Justice, bromance to City Council Heil Hurley. Police ready to take me out for one slip. Intimidation tactics never ending... I stay home.

                                    Judge Patricia Worth and Captain John Worth

I was clueless to who the Worth's were until 2015, 5 years after I moved to Helfast. I was clueless to all the players when I moved here in 6/2010. I could care less who was who, who did what... We were starting over and not interested in anyone. We needed to heal and stay safe. Instead, it turns out that the Worth's are the wheels behind the hell. In 2015, this Judge Patrica Worth would rob me (18K yearly income and barely getting by) of 2 open and shut small claims court against my ex and J&B Autbody. $6,000 and $1100. My ex couldn't believe it either. He has been brutal since I filed for divorce in 2005 to break me. Incredibly, he actually began paying me back for the 6k he stole in 2012 after Judge Corrupt's decision in January 2016. Go figure. Every day is another day to do the right thing. And receive forgiveness.

 The 2015 J&B Autobody unbelievable decision was first and got me investigating her. Corrupt as all hell. Ditto with husband, John "III". Ew to the thirds, seconds, all those that en"title" themselves. Worth's are heavy into the real estate corruption. Worth Real Estate, deceased sister and agent Peg Worth.

                                                             Judge Worthless

This page is "Worth" 1% bio's.
(Belfast-Mary Page (Schwarzwaelder) Worth, a former mayor of Belfast, Maine, died on October 3, 2013, in Belfast after a period of declining health.
She was elected Mayor of the City of Belfast, the city’s first female mayor, in 1986, and served her adopted city with energy and grace for fourteen years.)


My hometown South River, NJ. My dad was a River Man, his business, Brunswick Iron Railings was right next to Tom's (picture). Tom Howley fixed my Mom's car and mine. I know Ed too.
River Men

                                                                from Kate Howley

South River, like many American towns, relied on industry to keep it going. Factories provided work, housing provided close, convenient homes for the workers, taverns and shops were within walking distance, and any "out of town" happenings were reserved for the weekend. Churches and schools operated within the town, as well as autobody shops, markets, salons, and banks. The town had everything it needed.
When factories began to get outsourced, workers had to leave to find jobs. Factories were abandoned, houses were sold to immigrants, and the shops and markets dwindled, eventually also being sold or converted to housing. To add to it, Super Storm Sandy flooded the Raritan River, which flows through the town and gives it it's name, and flooded half the town.
In this documentary I follow the struggles of business owners in the town, and how they have managed to keep work and live on the river.

Laurie Allen
Perfect. My dad's shop was right next to your dad's. Dad died in 1977, Brunswick Iron Railings closed in 1974. The closure of the bridge was the beginning of the end for the causeway (Water Street). Frank Sica's shop, The Diner... chock full of characters. I loved them. I wasn't there for Sandy. What a disaster. Hi Tom. Hi Ed. I'm posting this on my blog. Congratulations on the award, well deserved.

Back to Belfast.

Right after below (attorney corruption) aired on the only credible news on area TV, Democracy Now, Belfast City Video Director Ned Lightner pulled Democracy Now off of our community TV. Key City Council meetings encounter "issues", Bangor Daily News, The Free Press, The Republican Journal, WABI, WLBZ, The Portland Press... protect Belfast City Hall and State corruption with refusal to investigate. They were spoon fed cess pools of proof and choose to stick their heads in it. A few articles were printed because I was in their front windows and Ethan Andrews reports as much corruption as his editors will allow. He tries more than any. Thank you Ethan. Tom Groening was good too, but he left the BDN. He reported for the State but did an article for me because the local reporter, Abby Curtis refused. Yesterday, I was looking at the Belfast Tax commitment book, lots of Curtis in Belfast owning lots of property. I don't know if they are related. But pick a player, check the book- major real estate. The serious crooks hide behind the LLC and such. Just like the guardian video states.

Tell your children that you destroyed their world. It could begin in Belfast. It really could. That's the Belfast I want on the map.

Democracy Now can be viewed online, but many of the 99% can't get internet. Community TV dumb down. Tsk Tsk Ned. Your parents would not be pleased.

Must Watch This Video. Attorney Koplik "Make the laws advantageous to the attorneys. A good lawyer knows the law. A GREAT LAWYER KNOWS THE JUDGE!" Hello Belfast Judge Worth!!

Koplik, who boasted that US authorities “don’t send lawyers to jail because we run the country”, advised the minister could hide his identity and avoid US anti-money laundering checks by exploiting a loophole and wiring the money directly to a US law firm to avoid probing questions about the legitimacy of the funds. Global Witness said its investigator told lawyers that the minister’s money “represented payments to him for helping companies receive mining concessions in his country”.

 Another lawyer recorded was James Silkenat, a partner at Sullivan and Worcester who was president of the American Bar Association at the time of the filming last year. Silkenat explained how a complex web of ownership companies could be created “to insulate his ownership from public view”.

Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 9:37 AM
To: Joseph Slocum; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bob richards; Baker, Sue; Dale Rowley; Jeffrey Trafton; Roger Lee; Nancy Hamilton; Governor; Condon, Patricia A.; Hill, Jeffrey E; Dan Webster;;;;;;;;;;;;; Info Info;;
Subject: Final email. Re: 10th req Re: Corrupt Zoning/Public Hearings/Proposed vs Unknown Final Take

To All,

You have all shared in ONLY one thread of never ending Belfast City Hall hell. The only transparency is the corruption. I just went to City website and entered zoning map.  Overwhelming calculated and manipulated confusion. For a simple official zoning map. This will be my last email to all on this thread of abuse. I will continue to protest  in the streets and public eye. It is not safe for me to speak at City Hall meetings. The harm to my Phi Beta Kappa awarded son by the BAHS administration and Superintendent Knowles is frightening and devastating.
RSU 71 Student Abuse/Fraud cont'd- Questbridge College Appl/Superintendent Knowles, Guidance Director James Davis, Principal Fitzpatrick

I am sharing this post that places onus on all the businesses of Belfast to protect the targeted and abused residents.
Belfast Commerce awards resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum- 2013 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR

Laurie Allen
Seaview Terror

a portion from page

2014 Belfast Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Proof Of Corruption

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall

Ms. Allen,
Lying is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but yes I do resent being called a liar.
I rely on many people in what I do and communication is an ever challenging effort. In this process could I make a mistake?  The answer is yes...


Holding City Manager Joe Slocum accountable to respond to the zoning code for these 13 properties is only one step. Slocum states he makes mistakes after he has been caught. He doesn't want to get caught this time and attempts to pass it off. No. Slocum's ordinance rhetoric for not updating the City Website with the Official Zoning Map is manipulation.

Below is proof of several listing properties in the prior R2 being changed to R3 after 12/2015. Others changed it to See Town, etc.  Without the official zoning map, it is anyone's call. The fact that the zoning was voted through in 2014 and still with held from the public is corruption.

Over the 6 years, Belfast City Hall threads of rhetoric and abuse to my basic requests for public information could tapestry the United States of America. With all those I have cc'd in this one thread for public hearing corruption, site corruption and zoning corruption, I am sure City Hall officials are busy drafting ordinances of more manipulation.

Is it possible to make the old R2 read as R1 with buried ordinance exceptions for each street? The written loop hole ordinances that force the public to hire an attorney to lunch with the City Attorney Bill Kelly to manipulate the ordinance to the benefit of the City. This recently played out with prior City Council and attorney Roger Lee. City Attorney Bill Kelly and City Planner Wayne Marshall told the Planning Board to cherry pick sentences within the building code ordinance to allow for expansion for a building owned by real estate agent Alan Wood. Offensive to neighbor, Roger Lee's view from one of his windows. Roger has been a key player in the corruption in City Hall. But don't mess with his view. He challenged the ordinance right away. Making a mockery of  City Hall. City Hall has nothing to lose- Kelly adores the billable hours to tax payers. Ditto with defending attorneys. Both secure in knowing Judge Patricia Worth will be the final decision for the City. Except Roger is an attorney and as Alan Wood stated, will take it to the Supreme Court. The City held firm to their manipulation of the ordinance and Alan Wood pulled out. No expansion.

Below was my blog post dated 1/13/2016

Since the 2014 still secret zoning ordinance binder-gate votes, I copied the real estate listings in the old R2 zone. On my street, Seaview Terrace alone, 4 properties went up for sale AFTER the zoning was voted through. With 3 different zoning codes- "hltcr", "R2", and "R1". The listing agents take the 5th. Michelle Ridley (awarded 2015 Belfast Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce, Realtor and President of MidCoast Realtor Council) takes the 5th and refers me to the "expert" for the true zoning. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. He responds since 2014 with more stalling that Seaview Terrace is R1 and he will update the City website official zoning maps when he can get around to it. To date, he has not gotten around to it. But my children and I are increasingly threatened and denied basic rights to private property and education. Documented details.

I have amassed details of old R2 zoning MLS real estate listing corrupt zones or vague zones. Agents selling corrupt zones to the innocent, thinking they will be raising their children or retiring in strictly residential neighborhoods. Agents drooling at the corruption turnover as the innocent find out they have been sold hell. This predates the current zoning corruption. It began getting filthy when City Council Mike Hurley came to town in the 80's to turn Belfast into Helfast.

December 2015 I emailed the corrupted listings to the Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeffrey Hills. We have history- they corruptly dismissed my complaint of Seaview Terrace real estate listing corruption that I detailed since 2009 and included selling me hell in 6/2010.

With that, the details prove they are refusing to commit and write in email the correct current zoning of 15 listings in the emails listed in last weeks posts on my blog. All were in the old R2 zone (and there are more than 15- including listings on Fahy St and Huntress Ave and wrong zoning . Listing codes are ridiculous- "see town", "12", "res" , "r2", "r1"... All the old R2 are to read R1 according to the summer 2014 public hearings by City Planner Wayne Marshall.

The MLS listings are NOT public documents. With my complaint, the Commission, my council and real estate agent Mary Mortier, ALL area agents, refused to give me prior listings on Seaview Terrace where a "stream" was disclosed. Stating insurance reasons. The Commission had their attorney send me a letter stating I would not get those listings. My listing did NOT disclose a "stream".

I would have refused it and they knew it. The property inspection done in April 2010 by DJ Brown Property Inspector, supervised by real estate agent, Sam Mitchell did not report my private property ditch AT ALL. Town and Country now Masiello Group was the listing agency for 17 Seaview Terrace. Bill Ingersoll- listing agent, Jan Andrews- my agent, Sam Mitchell- all agents for Town & Country. Earl Black, owner tried to shut me up in 2012 with 6k. No.

I've posted recent emails where I have the Commission cornered to advise of the zoning. They are trying to send me back to  Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum to confirm the true zoning codes for the 15 listings... Oyyy Veh.

Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeff Hills states that he will have the agents update the listings and that City Planner Wayne Marshall confirms that the official zoning maps need to be posted on the City website...guess after this gets out, maybe he will or most likely he will post more City website confusion on top of that mess.
Some agents have changed their zoning listings that were the old R2 zone.
#1- zoning changed to R3
#2- zoning changed to R3
#3- zoning changed to"see town"
Below are still unchanged, still showing R1. #5 is owned by Planning Board member Wayne Corey. It has been on the market for some time with various zoning codes as the listing was updated to reflect less days on the market. Sneaky tactic. Did these 2 listings get a secret vote? Or are they R3?
#4 unchanged, still R1

End of email sent full email thread can be viewed at the end of page on  


New Belfast police chief selected

  By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff

Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.

Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.

McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.

PeterTaber4 years ago A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.

maine_seashore4 years ago
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)

With corrupt resident Judge Worth and Worth real estate family power corrupting the judicial system,  Belfast City Hall corruption, State corruption, business corruption, school administration corruption, thug comments of Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden and a prior internet porn expert, and the secrecy of his informer, brother-in-law, Tom, the Time Warner Cable Belfast technician that enters private homes, insider information, accessing private computers (including mine and my son's- MANY times until I discovered their family link) and all the corruption that I continue to expose, I can't understand how everyone lets it happen. Pretending democracy and community that is fascism and back stabbing. Jay Davis and the Restorative Justice program is over the top. Beating down and robbing the 99% in every way.

Back to frame gate by TWC Tom, Police Chief McFadden's informer. Tom ran a "test" on my computer in 2012 accessing a you tube video from his brother in law. Showing the restoration of a tractor mower with no brakes. No people or voices were in the video. Tom did not state who this was.

A few weeks later, I get a call from from Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden. I did not know him. They know me because of Bayside. My family cottage in the 70's-80's was party central. Jimmy Hatch (Mom's obit, he is a brother-in-law to McFadden ), Keith Parker (became a Belfast Policeman), I heard me that an old flame, Tim Clark married into the Dutch clan, many Belfast teens then were my friends. Here's to Cardinal Puff... There you go- even back then, no dirt to be had on me.

My first sign in the 70's at the cottage (missed the "h"). Who knew making signs would be mine?

McFadden firmly summoned me to the station and would not tell me the reason. I obey. I go to the station and into his office. No doubt he pulled my history and was taping the interrogation. I hadn't thought about that. I was happy to meet him. He begins an interrogation, stating Belfast City Council has called me in as a threat! ME??? They've been threatening my life since I moved here in 6/2010. I am a Chatty Kathy, nothing to hide. The conversation is personal, he tells me that he restores tractor mowers. I say "Hey, you're the brother in law of Tom, the Time Warner Cable guy." The Chief  almost fell of his chair. I am still innocent to it all. He said I was the highlight of his day. I thought he was a decent man, for the next 2 years. I was wrong. Again. If only I had read that article about him.

The tactics and intimidation picks up over the years. Officer Ward and Video Director Ned Lightner even come after me outside after I spoke at another City Council meeting. Both of them praising loyalty to City Hall officials, trying to get me to back off, then bringing my children in to intimidate me. Telling me I should think about the impact of this fight (to save our home and basic rights) to my children!! Officer Ward stating he would be a parent first and protect his children. If that not a threat, holy cow. I said we are done.

 A few months later, a knock on my door. Chief McFadden and Officer Ward. Great. Come on in fella's. They looked shocked that I invited them in. I told them my son would hear the conversation, is it anything bad? The Chief opted to go outside on my back porch. OK. He tells me that he received an anonymous email stating I was unstable. I go Chatty Kathy again. After awhile, he changes course. Starts the same conversation with his loyalty and friendship to the City Hall officials. I ask the same question that I asked Officer Ward. What does your relationship with these people have to do with me? Both were forced to state "nothing". Then the Chief launches into the shame on you mother, if he were in my situation, he wouldn't place his children in danger. I threw out my arms and said we're done. He said I thought you were going to hug me. I said sure, and gave him a hug. Who the hell is crazy here? Not me.

After that, McFadden became very difficult to communicate with. Great. Then the anonymous letter came and I brought it straight to the precinct to be opened by Chief McFadden. Officer Ward said the Chief was out at the moment and he would open the letter. I said no, please have the Chief contact me and I'll bring the letter back. The Chief never contacted me. I finally opened it. I was pretty sure it was from City Council Mike Hurley, trying to set me up to run for City Council as a shoe in that would be a smack down. Giving him voice to say the community is against me.  No way would I become one of them. Then during the zoning public hearings, my new neighbor (Mark Kelley) spoke against the secrecy of zoning- saying the real estate agent did not disclose. Hurley jumped on him. Telling Mark his hair was on fire. Mark received an anonymous intimidating letter in the mail. It mentioned me, stating Laurie Allen will cherry pick if the writer states their name. Mark brought it to me to read. I said it is Hurley. Mark showed it to Chief McFadden and laughed. Mark put his house up for sale and moved within a year of moving in. Corruption loves turnover.

In September 2015, after I bravely went back to City Council and stated key intimidation and abuse from Belfast City Hall (Mayor Ash is quick to cut me off, with police stationed just for me). On 9/11/2015 I received another anonymous letter. Handwriting similar to the City Council one. Strong references to City Hall in cue's that identify. This one sexually threatening and stating that I was being watched through my windows. I brought it to Sheriff Trafton but he wasn't there. I left it with the receptionist and followed it up with an email and you tube reading and visual of the letter. At this time, I still hadn't googled Chief McFadden to learn of his State internet crime porn job and the thug comments.

It took Sheriff Trafton a few days to email back. He was away. That bothered me, I thought he should have responded immediately. During our meeting, I told Sheriff Trafton the Chief McFadden didn't respond to my first anonymous letter and that is why I brought this one to him. Sheriff Trafton stated he could not investigate this, he didn't have the means. I left the letter with him. A few weeks later I got another sick anonymous letter. Same writing and local. Sheriff Trafton took longer to respond to my email. I know this pattern. I'm on my own.

If anything happens to my children, my pets or me, let this be on record.

Recently a Belfast resident and business owner said about Belfast corruption "There is nothing you can do." I said "Wrong" Boycott the businesses that enable the abuse to the targeted innocent private properties and residents. Boycott Dutch Chevrolet, Boycott Front Street Shipyard, Public Protest Marches @ Waldo County General Hospital and board members homes, especially John Worth " III" and wife Judge Patricia Worth. Mayor Mom Worth paved the way and all the City Hall players for the corruption. Long list growing and identified.  

This page is "Worth" 1% bio's.
(Belfast-Mary Page (Schwarzwaelder) Worth, a former mayor of Belfast, Maine, died on October 3, 2013, in Belfast after a period of declining health.
She was elected Mayor of the City of Belfast, the city’s first female mayor, in 1986, and served her adopted city with energy and grace for fourteen years.)

Please watch my 30 second protest (freezing biting wind) Judge Worth's house- Maine District Court

Published on Jan 23, 2016
1/23/2016 Small claims court day. Protesting Belfast/State corruption with Belfast resident, major player, Judge Patricia Worth. Player/abuser ruling history. Family tied to real estate corruption/healthcare/businesses/abusers­- the go to Judge for the 1%. Regardless of documented proof. Belfast Officials & the 1% rob and abuse in full view. Baiting residents into a lawsuit to break them financially with foot dragging. If you survive to your day in court- guess who the presiding Judge will be? For 5 years I've fought Belfast City Hall/State/players for theft of my life/property by not taking that bait. The small claims abuse from businesses and ex-husband (7K) - Judge Patricia Worth decision- break my below poverty neck. Robbing my son. Every dollar, every minute, protect and get him away from the corrupt that continue to flog me. For protecting my children.

Please watch my 1 minute funny protest.
Published on Feb 1, 2016
NEW SIGN- CORRUPT JUDGE PATRICIA WORTH (Belfast Resident) Hospital (Israel) Takeover The Other Side of Town (Gaza Strip) CEO Biscone and board JB Turner, John Worth (hubbie to Judge Worthless) Lee Woodward (Attorney). Dutch clan are 1%, that owned my street. Conklin's Maine Mercantile called the cops on me for playing Frank too loud- listen to the 1 minute youtube clip not loud at all. Doobie Doobie Do Screw You.

Current posts are below

                                                                    You Said it Sister

Town & Country now Masiello Group BH&G (Earl Black monopoly owner) 2012 protest. After a year of pressure for agents to hold Belfast City Hall accountable, Earl Black tried to shut me up with 6k. I don't think so.

 5/01/2012 Occupy Across America. It was raining and cold. I wrapped me and me signs in plastic and went to Belfast City Hall. Dedicated and loyal, that's me.

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 8:50 AM
 Subject: Occupy Protest

 Hi All,

Once again, this old-young single mom is taking on City Hall with another protest outside of City Hall in Belfast today in honor of Occupy Across America. I'll be there from 9:30 am till noon. Much history and information can be found on my blog (this has been one year of hell with their blatant corruption and unethical bullying). The Republican Journal did a nice piece just before it closed. I copied that article onto the blog but it isn't very clear.


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915

 Inspired by Pussy Riot, on 10/31/2014 I hit Belfast City Hall again. Beautiful- it was tax day- lots of people in and out of City Hall.

12/2009 I drove up from NJ for showings. #1- NO WATER ISSUES

                                  Pitstop area on Route One North and South Belfast, Maine

Downtown Belfast

At the Celtic Festival Belfast- Porky Old Guy Volunteer told me to get out. I said, "I don't think so"

Spring 2014 I began protesting attempt to zone us into R3. That's when they proposed us into R1 to keep us from petitioning. I think they voted us into R3 in fall 2014. 2/15/2016- still can't get an answer from City Manager Joe Slocum

9/9/15 Site meeting for sub development at 179 Congress St sending runoff to me. I sent to the meeting afterward in City Hall. Shamed the planning board and they tried to shut me up, but I kept going. They spent weeks drafting rules to stop the meeting if I came back and to call da fuzz. I said what I needed to say. Goodbye to you.

                                                 Be Sure. Be Strong. Be Brave. Be Witty.

                       7/2013 Crashed the Arts in the Park Festival Belfast Waterfront with my art.

Haulin' Little Laurie Lee Allen 1968? First drive in the pits with no brakes. Coming right at Dad, yelling "How do I stop?" "Turn Sissy Turn" Daddy almost got run over by a Laurie.

Just a few pics of many protests.

Current posts below 2nd picture (Belfast Aerial)

Bald Rock Mountain 10/2015 My Childhood Favorite 

Innocent families buying property in Belfast are lied to. Believing their home is in a residential zone, not knowing a methadone clinic could open in the next home, 50 away. No one tells. Except me. Any property can be a target for unknown development, destruction, fee's, etc. Below is the proof. Property inspectors, agents, government, community and business players lie and deny. The Judge is in on it, attorney's, local-state government. Absolute evil and can happen anywhere in Maine. 4th in corruption. I did it all right, no mistakes, my last chance to freedom and safety. Instead into a fire pit of hell that I will not allow.

11th request  2/19/16 to City Manager Joe Slocum to list correct zone for a simple 13 properties. He refuses because we have not been zoned as we were told in the summer 2014 public hearings. Unknown zoning voted through in fall 2014 by City Council (see page link for Belfast City Hall 2014 public hearing zoning corruption and STILL with holding official zoning from the public )

Real estate agents, players and businesses are fully aware and participate in the selling of targeted area's. New buyers are sold lies and dreams to quickly find out they have been sold hell. They sell to another. 50 years and counting. Until I was sold DEP/EPA/FEMA/EMA Waldo County/Belfast City Hall hell in 6/2010. I've been raising hell and documenting hell since. It stops here. All buyers google- those that want buy in Belfast should not. Run Forrest Run. It's the Wild Wild Ego's. Lawless,  expansive and personal. These thugs are in people's personal lives. Crossing them brings the witch hunt and burning. Six years and counting, I withstand the burning. Bringing in the 1% and hypocrites via cc in emails.

(From Michelle Ridley's real estate agent site)
Michelle is very knowledgeable in all aspects of the Real Estate market and well connected in the local marketplace. I put a lot of time, effort and energy in helping people navigate the complex world of a Real Estate transaction. Buying or Selling Real Estate, I am definately one to have in your corner.

I am currently the President of the Midcoast Council of Realtors. I am also a member of the National Association of Realtors and I am active in my local chapters in the community. I am currently licensed and Maine State certified as an Associate Broker.

Call me for all of your Real Estate needs!
207-323-1796 (Cell)


You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace?  45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 AND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:47:23 -0500
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream

I recommend you touch base with Joe Slocum as he is the expert in that area.

From: Joseph Slocum <>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 4:15 PM

Ms. Allen,

This is my response to your email of February 3, 5, 8,9,10,11,15,17 and today the 18th.

...(edit out rhetoric full email on

You may recall I wrote to you on February 5th  indicating that I would respond within 2 weeks and I advised you that sending me additional copies of your request would not impact that schedule.

You have listed once again 14 Properties  where you want me to state what the proper Zoning designation is for each of them. You made this same request on December 22,24,28,29,Jan 1,6th, 7th,8th and 14th. It was sent to multiple people- including me. I wrote you back on December 30th saying:

Ms. Allen,
I will not be responding to this email. I will not edit
 or respond to your claims or representations or to other 3rd party claims or representations.
 Thank you,
 Joe Slocum

Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 8:31 AM
To: Joseph Slocum;;

Joseph Slocum

11th request that has been for this specific request only. Confusing refusal to respond to this direct, simple response is not acceptable. City Manager Joe Slocum must respond exactly as requested in this 11th request.

City Manager Joe Slocum must post the official zoning for these 13 prior R2 on 2/3/2016 and on the day City Manager Joe Slocum responds. 

                                                               Zone on 2/3/2016             Zone on response date

1. 46 Ocean St. Belfast Maine

2. 14 Durham Circle Belfast Maine

3. 102 Northport Ave. Belfast Maine

4. 9 Antrim Gardens Belfast Mane

5. 6 Penobscot Terrace Belfast Maine

6. 10 Dockside Lane Belfast Maine

7. 45 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

8. 31 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

9. 22 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

10. 26 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

11. 30 Huntress Ave, Belfast Maine

12. 44 Northport Ave., Belfast Maine

13. 31 Fahy St., Belfast Maine

The 2013 Annual Chamber of Commerce Award Winners are:
  • Hometown Heritage Award- Colburn Shoe Store
  • New Entrepreneur Award- The Juice Cellar
  • Community Volunteer of the Year- Elaine Bielenberg
  • Building Community Award- Our Town Belfast
  • Healthy Waldo County Award- Waldo County YMCA
  • Growth Award- Front Street Shipyard
  • Director’s Award- Ned Lightner
  • Citizen of the Year- Joe Slocum

2/20/2016 (updated below with my Dad's AA 1966-67 President Award and my Belfast City Council Miss Piggy Mortier disgusting you tube clip)

Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, center, answers a question posed by a City Council member about current zoning on Seaview Terrace. Behind him, residents of the street, Kathleen Kearns, right, and Laurie Allen wait to address the Council. (Photo by Ethan Andrews)

Residents of Belfast’s Seaview Terrace want out of proposed health care district

Council talks tree removal, OKs fundraising dinner on footbridge
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 1:00pm
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 10:42 AM
To: Charles Hunter; LAURIE ALLEN

Are you threatening me for copying real estate agents on listing corruption? Until these 13 properties that were/are in the are identified with the correct zoning by the "expert" City Manager Joe Slocum per your President Michelle Ridley, I am copying the agents. Block me if you wish.

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 8:09 PM
To: Charles Hunter; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: RE: updated zoning map

Charlie- Where did you get this map from? The official zoning map must be on the City website to be authentic. Real estate agents should be demanding for this to be done. Until then, none of the zone's are official. This is what is on the City website- dated 4/1/2014

The old R2 is does not have ANY zone marked. Until it is official, zoning on listings are subject to corruption.
Please advise if you can get the official zoning updated on the City website.  Thank you.


Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 12:55:21 -0800
Subject: Fwd: updated zoning map

Thank you Ms. Allen for the heads up. I changed my zoning to R1 again thank you,Charlie

P.S. See attached map

Subject: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 07:39:03 -0500

(From Michelle Ridley's real estate agent site)
Michelle is very knowledgeable in all aspects of the Real Estate market and well connected in the local marketplace. I put a lot of time, effort and energy in helping people navigate the complex world of a Real Estate transaction. Buying or Selling Real Estate, I am definately one to have in your corner.

I am currently the President of the Midcoast Council of Realtors. I am also a member of the National Association of Realtors and I am active in my local chapters in the community. I am currently licensed and Maine State certified as an Associate Broker.

Call me for all of your Real Estate needs!
207-323-1796 (Cell)


You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace?  45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 AND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.

Laurie Allen Property Info

  • City: Belfast
  • State Or Province: ME
  • County Or Parish: Waldo
  • Zoning: HthC
  • Directions: From Belfast take Northport Avenue south. Seaview Terrace is across from Waldo County General Hospital. Property is at the end of the street on the right. Look for sign.
  • Seasonal: No

Other Property Info

  • City: Belfast
  • State Or Province: ME
  • County Or Parish: Waldo
  • Zoning: R2
  • Directions: From the intersection of Rt#1 and Northport Ave. Go North on Northport Ave. towards downtown Belfast, Seaview Terrace is on your left across from the Hospital. Property is on right, before the dead end.
  • Seasonal: No
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:47:23 -0500
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream

I recommend you touch base with Joe Slocum as he is the expert in that area.

 End of email sent to Charles Hunter.

Congratulations to our Winners

The Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the winners of the 55th annual awards dinner. Winner are,
Growth Award - Dutch Chevrolet Buick
Building Community Award - Habitat for Humanity
Healthy Waldo County Award  - Belfast Parks and Recreation
Community Event Award  - Belfast harbor Fest
New Business Award - Meanwhile in Belfast
Hometown Heritage Award - Viking Lumber
Belfast Chamber Appreciation Award  Jerry  and Gail Savitz
Community Volunteer of the Year - Michaelene Achorn
Citizen of the Year - Michelle Ridley


2/19/2016 And here comes the white coats and collars.  Exactly what I have been saying- Brunswick to Belfast, targets for "legal" drug lords and business. 

New hospital-based drug addiction programs forming in the Midcoast

Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 1:45pm
auntiebully2 minutes ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Penbay Pilot.
Healthcare is more corrupt then the drug cartel. Addicting the public for more. Taking our rights and property for more. Mark Biscone is underway in my backyard. Staying clean is the only way to be free. Fight their system, don't give them your business. My family is riddled with addicts- the white coats and collars were counting on that to break me down. No more booze, drugs, cigarettes, I fight those and them every day. Chin up. Go.
Laurie Allen
Seaview Terrace

My little street, Seaview Terrace aka Gaza Strip is in the way of Mark Biscone, Penbay Drug Cartel I mean Healthcare. Bet my comment doesn't get posted. FYI- so done with escaping the abuse via vices. No more. Stand true. Not tempted to drink anymore. Just like my dad. Done.
                                           1967- Dad, me and Jr. aka Sid from Toy Story.
                                      10 years later Dad died from a brutal death of cancer.



Judge Patricia Worthless strikes again. Superior Court overruled. Let's see if BDN deletes me again

BDN protects Belfast/Jay Davis corrupt prior "journalist" and major player. Click this page for Davis bio.

Ditto with the Free Press, Republican Journal, City Hall videographer, community TV (recently removed Democracy Now (the only credible news).


Belfast player Jay Davis (bio below and on side bar page-Jay Davis Hypocrite) has heavy influence to media and law enforcement, corrupting as Chair of the Restorative Justice program. Belfast resident Judge Worth and netWorth I mean network corrupt. Public implicated or fear for protection (children, property, livelihood, alienation, all abusive terror tactics by thugs.) White collar thugs are THE most disgusting thugs of all.

Belfast City Hall public hearings for any proposed plans are not the final approved plans. Those are with held from the public because they are not what was proposed to the public. Furthermore, even the final approved site plans are corrupted by not complying with those standards. Proven by me with the enormous Captain Albert Stevens School est. 2007. Illegal water slaughter to private properties, deals for some, death to others. DEP, EPA, IF&W, Realtor Commission, local to state, visibly and verbally dirty and corrupt. Look and listen. Case corrupt. Next, the Annex Waldo County General Hospital, no doubt the Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Project, Downtown Revitalization, Passy Rail Trail, Harbor Plan, The Muck, the this, the that, as Jay Davis, chair of the Restorative Justice and Corruption told me, protesting corruption "Is not how we do things around here." Bet he's was best buddies with Rusty Brace and the 3 million embezzled. With the rest of the Worth less 1%.

Today's post on my other blog linking the midcoast corruption- focusing on Rockland to Belfast.
 hUUUge  Healthcare Harbor Hell HHH

"2/15/2016 Media is protecting Belfast corruption. It's thick with corrupt Belfast resident, Judge Patricia Worth. Presides in Rockland-Belfast (Knox and Waldo County seats). Her husband, John Worth "III" presides in massive real estate and economic development corruption. Worth 1% history on

Rockland and Belfast link through the merger of Pen Bay Medical Center and Waldo County General Hospital. Major developments and takings underway. Dr. made addicts spur more economic development. It's hUUUge. Rockland, Rockport, Camden and Belfast. Unknown plans to the 99%.

Harbors are the other economic screw thou driver. Rockland, Camden and Belfast.  hUUUge  harbor corruption underway in Belfast. As with the 2014 zoning public hearings, the public hearings for the harbor currently underway will be equally corrupt. Selling the public "proposed plans" scams. Preventing the public from taking action against the TRUE plans to take. City Council votes through the take, details unknown to the public. The City Planner made a hUUUge bible binder of sin that the sinners vote through- unanimously. All the wall and players take the 5th, lock up their bible. Burn, beat and torture any threats. Hello from the other side.

I can link corruption in Rockland only from the the tainted media. Rockland residents are active against corruption. A larger population, unlike Belfast where they have implicated the small community. Preaching and sinning, community and compassion. Growing and grossing greed.

The chaos with the recent Rockland City Manager firing the harbor master and more wall confusion is red flags to look at the big picture that links the Midcoast corruption. Healthcare Harbor Hell. "


Government blocking my reporting of government threats to my life and property- that's of huge concern. Especially the Sheriff. He has the anonymous sexual threatening letters sent to me a few months ago. Pointing to Belfast City Council Heil Hurley with the help of City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum. Sick. Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden was internet porn investigator. His brother in law, Belfast TWC repairman, Tom gets inside. My home on many internet issues till I found out who he was. Corruption through out. Judge Worth will tie up the loose ends and seal the documents.

Bob Richards is the Director of Public Works. Sue Baker is my FEMA contact in Augusta, Me. Dale Rowley is Emergencey Management Director for Waldo County. Patricia Condon is the contact for the Ann LePage (First Lady). Governor LePage. Jeff Hill is the Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director who corruptly dismissed my complaint, packed with documentation and proof of several violations.  These block's have received various emails from me, all have replied, during the 5 years that I continue to expose documented government corruption. Until now.

2/01/2016 Almost 50 degrees today, beautiful day to go protest in town with my NEW SIGN! Sturdy too- held up in the wind. Saw City Council Heil Hurley staring at my sign on top of my SUV. Strapped down with bungee cords. That baby didn't budge for 2 hours. Bet he's trying to figure out another "Heil Rule" to stop me from putting signs on my parked SUV.

                                                     The Unstoppable Little Laurie Allen

See my 1 minute youtube protest clip- it's funny. 

Published on Feb 1, 2016
NEW SIGN- CORRUPT JUDGE PATRICIA WORTH (Belfast Resident) Hospital (Israel) Takeover The Other Side of Town (Gaza Strip) CEO Biscone and board JB Turner, John Worth (hubbie to Judge Worthless) Lee Woodward (Attorney). Dutch clan are 1%, that owned my street. Conklin's Maine Mercantile called the cops on me for playing Frank too loud- listen not loud at all. Doobie Doobie Do Screw You. The cop was nice though. He asked me why did I play the music loud? Which wasn't loud- coming out of ONE open window. I told him because I liked that song. He smiled. I said come on, it's Frank Sinatra not some gangsta rap.  And no one is even here! I asked him if I could keep dancing and he said yes. I danced and sang, a peaceful protest of BELFAST CORRPTION!!

Mark Biscone: 2014 Citizen of the Year

December 11th, 2014

Biscone receives his award from Dorothy Havey, Executive Director of the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce.
Biscone receives his award from Dorothy Havey, Executive Director of the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce

Snapped these today from my back door with the hospital assault, absolutely not the plan the abutters were given and "proposed" See the heavy equipment- it was all trees there- probably 500 yards x 500 yards- cleared out- wetlands too. That was not on the "proposed" plans, or the blasting, or the water slaughter that won't be known until after all is done by fall 2016. Biscone (CEO Healthcare) refuses to respond to my requests for the final approved site plan. Fine. Chamber of Commerce awards this crook Citizen of the Year. In fact every year is a crook. City Manager Joe Slocum, Realtor Michelle Ridley. Guess JB Turner will be next year.



Lend your ear for my 1 minute youtube clip on Belfast Harbor Zone A Gate.


This one hour public hearing are proposals of smoke.

You can watch the hour long Q&A of not answering for fun. The burn is at 62:27 Noel Musson, Henchman Consultant  Musson Group MDI  states he "Has no way discussed this with the City" but the City could take ownership of zone A and decides who gets a mooring. City website meeting link

more clips on my you tube corruption channel

Corruption Belfast Maine City Hall vs. Survivor Mom

The GATES rip open with corruption into media- Bangor Daily News, Republican Journal and The Free Press- common DEMONators- Belfast Officials and residents Jay Davis, Judge Patricia Worth & John Worth III

1/28/2016 Worth Real Estate refuses to list zone. Zone's R1 and R3 secretly voted in through binders in 2014 and secret amendments since. Agents do not tell. If pressed, send to City Wall for verbal non binding non reliable words. Case in point. Realtor Commission supports the corruption and law suits will end up in District Court Judge Patricia Worth. Decision for the agent, or the town, after the attorneys have sucked you dry.


1/22/2016 (wrong date on camera) I went to Worth's House Of Corruption and protested from 8:30am- 10:30am- for small claims court hearings. I heard- "You are brave" I said- "I've had enough."


All of Maine is theirs to take. Start the Boycott in Belfast. I'm in danger, I need you. I can't do it alone anymore. One step to protest, watch it grow, town by town, together we go. Save Maine. Put that on that map. Read this, it's happening. Email me One person can double the force. And so on and so on. Boycott the bullies wallets, see immediate action. Form independent committee's to oversee and see what is with held. Protest Dutch Chevrolet, PenBay Health Care (Waldo & Knox County), Front Street Shipyard, Colonial Theatre, corrupt real estate agencies- we need agents to turn the tides. Going into their legally corrupt arena with Judge Patricia Worth and John Worth III at the helm is suicide, financially and spiritually. Take it to the streets. Hit their wallets.
   Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.             However, if the municipality disposes of unrehabilitated property acquired by eminent domain under the community development statute within ten years after its acquisition, 30-A MRSA sec. 5203(3)(E) normally requires the municipality to offer the original owners an opportunity to re-purchase the property for the amount of the original damages award. The statute makes an exception for properties that were acquired for assembly into a larger parcel consisting of what were originally three or more contiguous lots.

Municipal Development District Statute – 30-A MRSA sec. 5223(4)

This statute allows municipalities to designate "development districts" within their municipal boundaries that meet certain statutory criteria under section 5223(3). Within these districts, municipalities may acquire land or easements pursuant to an approved development program, by purchase or eminent domain. If eminent domain is used, section 5223(4) incorporates the eminent domain procedures of the community development statute, in section 5204.

Municipal Revenue-Producing Facilities Act – 30-A MRSA sec. 5403(6)
            This statute authorizes municipal eminent domain acquisition of "land, rights in land or water or air rights in connection with the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, enlargement or operation of revenue-producing municipality facilities." "Revenue-producing municipal facilities" include parking facilities; water systems; sewer systems; airports; telecommunications systems; and energy facilities. Of these, only parking facilities must be located entirely within the corporate limits of the municipality. The other types of facilities listed may extend beyond the municipal boundaries


More pictures and healthcare linking also on another blog linking Rockland corruption. Click on this link


1/26/2016- Rockland- Masiello Group Better Homes and Garden is the agency that sold me hell. Earl Black (see his bio added on below) is that Kingpin and owner of many agencies. He tried to silence me with a 7k shut up money a few years ago. Not. I can't find the article that I read about Masiello Group in Rockland. Found it in the 1/21/2016 Free Press.

Note how Belfast Hannaford and Ocean Lot more often then not, do not get delivery of the Free Press during the past year. I had to hunt down this copy. For the past 2 issues I've been looking for my letter on Belfast Zoning Gate that they are not publishing. Nor is Andy Obrien (Free Press reporter- who does great reporting on corruption, refuses to respond for my request do to a piece on Belfast corruption. Along with BDN Abby Curtis. Protecting Belfast corruption at the orders of Jay Davis for Judge Patricia Worth and John Worth III (bio on John Worth III Ego below)  

JD below is Jay Davis. His corrupt massive ego sits on many power chairs in Belfast. President of Restorative Justice is the real disgrace. At my first protest in the center off downtown Belfast in front of Masiello Real Estate Agency (Bill Ingersoll agent selling hell and stating I am mental) This man walks up to me and tells me that protesting corruption in Belfast  "Is not how we do things around here." He introduced himself- JAY DAVIS. His bio brags of his 1960's civil rights... I was born in 1960, exit 9 New Brunswick NJ. My dad began a welding business there in a rented car garage in 1960. A&P 8:00 AM Coffee Can was the bathroom. New Brunswick was burning down and I was lucky to be in the mixed public school and we all played together and stay together. We. 

Not you Jay Davis, buddy of the corrupt, including Rusty Brace who stole 3 million from charity. The corrupt separate themselves quick from their buddies that get caught. 

  Click on this page link for Jay Davis ego

JD: No, not, well I grew up in a really good Republican family, and when I went to Williams I got involved with demonstrations in Washington for Civil Rights and peace, and so I became a not good conservative Republican, [indeed a progressive activist]. I think the interest in labor is not just focused on unions, but on the larger issues of justice and fairness in our society, and those have remained big principles in my life...

And I went to the editor of the Republican Journal, Steve Curtis, who’s now a really good friend of mine, and I asked him if he’d hire me. I’d worked for the Globe, and the Providence Journal and Hartford Times, and the Berkshire Eagle...

MH: Now, who ran the Republican Journal at that time?
JD: Rusty Brace.
MH: Russell Brace was still here?
JD: Diversified Communications.

I just made the connection with Rusty Brace as he is in the news, disgustingly corrupt, robbing the poor. Just like the Belfast players.


Rockland’s Coldwell Banker SoundVest Joins Masiello Group

- See more at:


Rockland’s Coldwell Banker SoundVest Joins Masiello Group

Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:20 PM
Coldwell Banker SoundVest Properties of Rockland has joined Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate / The Masiello Group, effective January 1, 2016. Better Homes and Gardens is northern New England’s largest independently owned real estate and home services company.

Doug Erickson will be managing broker for the Rockland office, whose location will remain at 147 Park Street. Erickson has over 40 years of experience in the sale and leasing of commercial, industrial and investment properties in Florida and Maine; he will also be managing The Masiello Group’s commercial associates in the state of Maine. For more information, visit
- See more at:

Rockland’s Coldwell Banker SoundVest Joins Masiello Group

Thursday, January 21, 2016 2:20 PM
Coldwell Banker SoundVest Properties of Rockland has joined Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate / The Masiello Group, effective January 1, 2016. Better Homes and Gardens is northern New England’s largest independently owned real estate and home services company.

Doug Erickson will be managing broker for the Rockland office, whose location will remain at 147 Park Street. Erickson has over 40 years of experience in the sale and leasing of commercial, industrial and investment properties in Florida and Maine; he will also be managing The Masiello Group’s commercial associates in the state of Maine. For more information, visit
- See more at:

 I also have to find the one about Brunswick and healthcare mergers with midcoast. Found it.

 Link, link, link, circle of corruption. You Go Rockland Residents


And back to the Worth's- City Manager Joe Slocum was hired from Castine where he was Town Manager and certainly in the III's pocket. John Worth III is Castine King.  And Belfast King Pin. Judge Patricia Worth is Queen Pin.


Regional healthcare system is formed

January 21st, 2016

In December 2015, Waldo County General Hospital and Pen Bay Medical Center began operating together as one system in an alliance for a healthy Maine.

The combined entity includes Waldo County General Hospital and Pen Bay Medical Center; the practices of Pen Bay Physicians and Associates and Waldo County Medical Partners; Kno-Wal-Lin and Waldo County Home Health and Hospice; the Sussman House; retirement and assisted living at Quarry Hill and Penobscot Shores and long term care at Knox Center for Long Term Care.

Together these two health systems represent one of the largest employers in the Midcoast with over 2,300 colleagues throughout Knox and Waldo counties.

The two hospitals are currently collaborating in more than 40 areas.  Mark Biscone, president and CEO of the two hospitals, said he would like to double that figure and it will be easier to do when Pen Bay Medical Center has finalized installation of Epic, scheduled to take place in 2016.

Biscone said a subcommittee made up of representatives from both medical staffs is meeting regularly to create a long term clinical plan to work together more efficiently.

Along with the combined Board of Directors, Biscone said there is now one administrative team running both facilities. “We are sharing overhead and personnel as much as possible,” he said. “We want to keep the high quality specialty services while managing costs.

 Waldo County General Hospital broke ground Jan. 9 for a new medical office building at 119 Northport Ave. Participating are, from left, Mark Biscone, CEO and president of Coastal Healthcare Alliance; Rob Fowler, regional chief quality officer for WCGH and Pen Bay Medical Center; Steven Wilson, M.D., of Family Practice; Lee Woodward of the CHA board of directors; Dan Bennett, WCGH chief operating officer; Roberta Goff, N.P., of Family Practice; and Ben Mailloux, M.D., president of the WCGH medical staff.

Members of the Waldo County Healthcare Board of Directors are, seated from left, J.B. Turner, John Worth III, David Flanagan, Peter Haddock, Wayne Hamilton, James Patterson, Ed.D and Benjamin Mailloux, MD (medical staff president). Standing from left are Catherine Reynolds, Syrena Gatewood, Lee Woodward Jr., Dale Kuhnert, Ann Hooper, Jenness Robbins, and James Delehanty, MD
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD.  The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.

From left to right: Taylor Allen: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Rockport Marine Inc.; JB Turner: managing partner, Front Street Shipyard; former president, Lyman-Morse Shipyard; Ken Priest: partner, Front Street Shipyard; CEO, Kenway Corp.; Steve White: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Brooklin Boat Yard


Send an email to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and demand that he list the correct zoning for each of these prior 2014 R2 zones. Do not accept rhetoric or manipulation. Per the public hearings, the public was told we would merge into the then R1 zone. They did this because if the old R2 resident knew they were moving into the new R3 zone (Healthcare and Housing with unknown ordinances to destroy our neighborhoods) the residents would have organized and petitioned not to move into R3. City Council voted through the unknown zoning through a binder and have taken the 5th. I tracked the corrupted real estate listings in the prior R2. The corrupt Realtor Commission, real estate agents and City Hall are manipulating. Don't get into the listings- don't allow for anything but Slocum listing the correct codes for each 14 properties listed here.  More details below in the blog. I've been requesting official zoning since the vote/votes. To present day, they vote in unknown amendments to each zone. but they can't change the zone again without public hearings to lie to us again. All upcoming public hearing for anything and everything are not reliable but LIEable.

According to the public hearings summer 2014 all are R1 in theory. Officially- make Slocum list them. Not City Planner Wayne Marshall attachment corruption/rhetoric/manipulation. SLOCUM MUST RESPOND next to each number- "as of 2016 R1, R3 or R2" All should be R1. They are not.

City Council Mary Mortier refused to list the 14 zones on the email. She passed it off to City Planner Wayne Marshall. He refused to list the  zone 14 zones on the email and sent attachments of non binding confusion - his forte'. Below is City Manager Joe Slocum stating he refuses to respond. This will be legally binding and a problem for the properties that were sold with corrupted zones. As well if all these properties are not the same zone. They were all R2, the should all be R1. I went to the Realtor Commission after City Hall and the agents refused to list accurate zoning. A few were changed to R3 others kept R1, another changed it to "See Town" Did they pick and choose which would become R3 and which would become R1. That is absolutely breaking Maine Comprehensive Law on zoning.

Maine Law Comprehensive Plan (link below was disabled after I sent it City Manager Joe Slocum in July 2014. I was shocked to find it online and copied it. Knowing it would go missing and some rhetoric about this not being the law would be spun by Sloscum. Sure enough, he did. Getting into their legal illegal arena is a massacre. Don't let them refer you to an attorney. Asking for simple zoning codes is Slocum's job. MAKE HIM DO IT.


Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.” 


Like the undisclosed hell that was sold to me. Corrupt listings are constant. Maine Realtor Commission corrupt.

1/23/2016 Belfast resident with ties in heavy real estate, healthcare push, Judge Patrica Worth presides and decides for the 1% corrupt, including her husband and heavy connections. Belfast is Worth's Gotham. Manipulation of the system for corruption. Case Closed. NOT! She robbed me of 7k in small claims, but that makes my case for the epic corruption that I have been exposing for 5 years.


Corrupt real estate is the big one. Belfast real estate agents, Belfast Chamber of Commerce, organizations- Downtown Belfast-Creative Coalition-Waterfall Arts-Restorative Justice Chair Jay Davis-Many More, businesses- including Front Street Shipyard (JB Turner and owners), Dutch Chevrolet (Greg Dutch and clan on key boards- zoning, appeals, etc.), Penbay/Waldo County Healthcare System (CEO Mark Biscone and Board- Judge Patricia Worth's husband John Worth III, Attorney Lee Woodward, Dr. Mailloux (his father and uncle, attorney and prior school superintendent, Toni Mailloux is "community" relations at the hospital. The list goes on. Can't spit without smacking one.


The State approves the corruption and aids and abets. Maine Realtor Commission, Governor, DHHS, IF&W, DEP, EPA, Attorney General and Freedom of Information manipulation... all personal experience with their corruption. I've left no "official" unturned. They have all turned away. Add in Senator George Mitchell, Senate President Mike Thibodeau, Senator Angus King, Senator Olympia Snowe, House Rep, Erin Herbig- personal contact to all of them. Forget about Senator Susan Collins- I was afraid I'd throw my head through the wall after a talk with with her. 


Previously protected by her gavel and fear mongering, Judge Patricia Worth Orders Case Closed. Not this time sister. Case Wide Open. You bad. Me good.


I set up shop yesterday outside Belfast District Courthouse for small claims day. 2 hours I stayed with Belfast Chief  McFadden watching the clock to ticket me after 2 hours. Cruising past me as I sat inside my toasty SUV blasting Frank Sinatra- That's Life and of course Adele- Hello From the Other Side. "They" hate me because they admire me. Fearless and true. Come on over to the other side - JUSTUS.


The Official Belfast Gotham Wall- if any were not corrupt-able they would not be on the tax payer's payroll or sitting on City Council (elected by the 1% power to enlist), City picked Planning Board and Committee's, 3rd party City engineers and contractors/consultants, Belfast City Council, City Attorney's Bill Kelly & Kristin Collins, City Council Mike Hurley with City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall enlist/hire the corrupt-able to support the Wall- Code Enforcement Officer Tod Rosenburg, Police Chief Mike McFadden, Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,  Belfast Community Television and Video Director Ned Lightner, Tax Assessor Brent Martin, Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge,  Parks & Rec Director Norm Poirier, Public Works Director Bob Richards (his dad is the Fire Chief too- in case my home "catches" fire or gets "flooded").  

Water District Superintendent Keith Pooler, Waste Water Treatment Jon Carman  (I have not had any dealing with Jon Carman but his compliance speaks for itself. Many prior R2 residents illegally tie their sump pumps into sewage lines because the City denies basic storm drain infrastructure to this area. Buying the silence of these residents. Carman knows it because it overwhelms the treatment plant on FRONT STREET- another master plan of millions under the taking...)

At the County and Federal level- Waldo County Emergency Management Agency and FEMA have shut me out after years of pleas for saving through mitigation plans. Belfast City Hall has and is continuing to develop all around us and uses our small dead end, 15 single family homes as a free for all from miles around to force illegal runoff and melt off to. Making us the only floodplain and turning us into a flood zone. Fabricating a natural outlet that never was. For 5 years, I've also been trying to get them to step in. Instead, they stepped out. Giving full reign and control to drown and destroy to Belfast City Hall. Inverse condemnation is where government destroys private properties for their wants through force flooding, surrounding construction, etc. The value of the private properties is diminished and the properties are taken without compensation because they are deemed worthless. Other Maine statutes spotlight economic development takings without even committing to the project that they claim they are taking your property for.

I saw the name Poirier (relation to Parks & Rec director Norm Poirier?)once owned property on Seaview Terrace. Dutch, Mailloux and McLeod own property on Seaview Terrace, other properties have sold since 2014 to who? Karen Caswell (works at the hospital) owns the vacant lot next to me, also abutting hospital property. In 2015 she told me she was selling it and began crying. Was she crying out of guilt? Knowing I was sold her families hell and have dedicated and endangered my life since 2010 to save it and expose the corrupt. Below, I mention real estate agent and sister-in-law to Karen, Puzz Caswell. I filed a complaint with the Maine Realtor Commission after I could not get the real estate agents to work with me to force Belfast City Hall to stop the slaughter and selling of undisclosed hells through out Belfast. Major thug- agency owner through out Maine, now under the name Masiello Group- Earl Black had his attorney send me a letter to accept shut up money of 7k and release his agency. And to stop protesting in front of his agency in Belfast. No dice thugs. Earl had Puzz send lies to the Commission. She told them that I caused the erosion from the wild rapids that tore through my yard for 2 weeks, taking 1/4 of my small backyard with it. She told them that the 6k fence I put up for my dogs was illegal because I didn't get a permit. I got the permit before the installation and had the $15 cancelled check to Belfast City Hall. I follow the law. I good, they bad.


Karen Caswell's  father in law, Dr. Caswell was the original owner (1966- developed by McLeod, Dutch sold McLeod this farmland when new Route 1 bypass master plan began in the 60's) of my house and took on the City in the 70's when the water slaughter poured into the basement and swamped properties. And began the City Engineer shut down and deny. The other daughter-in-law and REAL ESTATE AGENT, Puzz Caswell lived here after Dr. Caswell died. She told me that this is the City's problem to fix, but they will not. She began the sell off of my future hell home in 1990. To a banker, to a minister, to me. It stops with me. Is or has Karen sold the lot to the hospital? Will clinics or a parking lot become Seaview Terrace? Even though City Manager Joe Slocum is adamant that we were voted through as Residential 1 but refuses to make it official on the City website zoning map since my 2014 requests to do so.

I knew after my first call to Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall in 3/2011- the brutal behaviors that I had just escaped. I had yet to learn just how ill Belfast was. They try to kill us again. Son of a bitch. I've hung in there since, falling and crawling, here I am. Standing, healthy, strong and true. One phone call from one friend that cared enough to save me with a simple invitation for love. That's all it took.

Just read about Brunswick Maine, direct linking to corruption and mid-coast health/mental care take over. They're coming to take you away, ha, ha, hee, the funny farm. My sister (was 12 years older) used to scare me to death with that song in the 60's. She was already a prescription pill addict at 15 because of Mom and Dr.'s prescribing mother's little helpers Miltown's. Made right in the next town. Milltown, NJ. They swallowed them like candy. My sister almost died several times before I was 10 and until she died in 2002 at 54. Not me. I know. I won't.They are coming, full force, addict you and own you. Co-pay, full- pay, pay until you turn to mush. Sound's like a movie. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In 2015 Belfast Chief McFadden and Officer Ward came to my house to interview me for my stability. They had a tip that I was unstable. Read the comments about McFadden (a bit below in the 1/20/2016 post) when he became Belfast Police Chief in 2011. Belfast City Council called me in as a threat to McFadden in 2011. Not feeling fond of the system at all. Easiest way to shut me up is to take me out. Or buy me out. I'd never sell this hell to another. Take it Mark Biscone, 250k I'm gone.



Meanwhile, in my back yard the corruption with the Annex and the Worthless one's continues. DEP remains corrupt. Blast away.





FW: 5th reqRE: Blasting the Annex 4th request‏

Sent:Thu 1/21/16 10:46 AM (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (

DEP Project Manager Annex Site, Northport Ave, Beth Callahan,

I just received a message that Maine Drilling and Blasting will be blasting at 10:45 am today. None of my concerns were addressed and upon contacting you  I was alarmed of the site plans that you discussed that WERE NOT the site plans offered to the public and abutters. You said the Annex was approved to remove trees- it was a tree slaughter clearing in wetlands. The drainage is not what abutters were given. And you said that you were in conversations that day where the blasting would not be done. Instead the site would use some hammer method. However, you basically hung up on me as I probed further. It was 4:20pm and you said you had to go pick your kids up from daycare and will call me tomorrow. Click. No goodbye, just hung up and never called back.

This is the world you are leaving to your children. Corruption and destruction. Shameful.

Laurie Allen

 This email above was attached to the never ending thread below where no one would answer the concerns for blasting. Sneaky Beth, sends her response separate, like she never got the email above. Before she hung up on me, I told her if she was conducting a site visit, I wanted to be present. She tried to blow me off and I kept on her. That's when she hung up me. Sneaky visit was yesterday, just like the corrupt Captain Albert Stevens School site with DEP all over that one too. Corruption in compliance to corruption. I copied and pasted sneaky Beth's email and attached it to the thread with my good message and sent it to all.

Sent:Thu 1/21/16 2:40 PM (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; Governor (

 Sneaky Beth did not respond to this email but sent me a separate one, pasted here. Furthermore, I told Beth that I wanted to be present for the site visit. She was blowing me off and I kept on her. That is when she hung up on me. Find the corruption in compliance corruption. Just like the Captain Albert Stevens School. My children know I fought to save their world. I'm good. You bad.

From: Callahan, Beth ( You moved this message to its current location.
Sent:Thu 1/21/16 10:44 AM
To:'' (
Dear Laurie –

I wanted to follow-up on our phone conversation on January 12, 2016 in which you expressed concerns in regard to the construction of a new medical office building on property owned by Waldo County General Hospital on Northport Avenue in the City of Belfast.  In Department Order #L-19793-19-D-N/L-19793-TC-E-N, the Department approved the construction of a new medical office building.

Yesterday, Department staff visited the project site.  Construction activities were ongoing which included earthwork activities and vegetation clearing.  Department staff inspected all aspects of the project including erosion control measures, surface water drainage, project layout, and others.  The Department further discussed the project’s short-term construction schedule with the on-site representatives.  Department staff was informed that blasting is anticipated to occur beginning today and may occur for 3 to 4 days.  Additional clearing is also likely.  On-site representatives stated that all construction activities have and will continue to be conducted in accordance with its permit.  

Based on this site visit, on-site discussions, and a review of the approved plans, the Department determined that the permittee is currently operating within the terms and conditions of its permit and that no violations of relevant environmental regulations have occurred.  If you have any questions regarding this information, you are welcome to contact me further.  If you have any project specific questions, please feel free to make an appointment with the Department’s File Room at (207) 287-7843 to view the project file here at the Department’s office in Augusta.

Project Manager

1/23/2016 edit to 1/20/2016 post. This is all over the news. This Toussaint St. Negritude (stage name- real name is Orson Titus) inflated the accounting.


I can understand his fear, but he should not have inflated the story or even brought it to the Belfast City Council. He doesn't even live here.  Drumming up support from Belfast players and City Council. You best not be walking alone anywhere buddy. Take it from a below poverty Mom that went public with 5 years of threats, denial of rights, discrimination and intimidation by your "Down Town Belfast" as poet laureate. Seeing Belfast City Council Little John Arrision get indignant and hypocritical by ordering a "strong" letter be sent to the State Police is comical- see my you tube. I didn't record all of his speech or his side kick- they are annoying and long winded. I wanted to get Arrison and the hypocrite Augusta Mayor. Send in the clowns.


Laurie Allen to Our Town Belfast
1 hr ·
Last night's Belfast City Council meeting was so hurtful in so many ways.
This man, Toussaint St. Negritude moved from Vermont to Liberty, Maine. Did Belfast profile this man to become the racially hip Belfast Poet Laureate? In my opinion, yes. And Toussaint knows it too but uses it for gain. His choice, not mine. Belfast targets, intimidates, discriminates, targets my children, their education, their safety and privacy and hates against me publicly and privately for 5 years now. Toussaint and all Downtown players know and do nothing but promote Belfast shamelessly as many residents are robbed of their properties, rights and life. Real estate agents with City Hall and ruthless corruption against the innocent. Augusta Mayor David Rollins, also in real estate, and morally corrupt speaks support for law enforcement targeting. White, black, woman, man, what the hell is the difference- we are denied our rights and must support each other to stop violence and corruption. Begin in Belfast. I Want To Hold Your Hand.

Incredibly, I have never googled Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden. After all he has done to me, I was shocked to read Peter Taber's comment. Peter is well known and respected for his activism and honesty. McFadden's brother-in-law is the local Time Warner Cable tech that comes to your home and accesses your computer for internet issues. He has been at my house many times and it was by coincidence that I linked them. They are not happy about that. The brother in law did McFadden's job for him and surely more insider information. Belfast is dirty and paints clean community. Sells undisclosed hell and has state wide support to punish and abuse residents that expose their dirt.

1/19/2016 Jail haven and human dignity in my home as the assaults continue. Feeling so frustrated and alone, then the brother spoke to me last night. Give me a platform and a mike. Let me go.  

"But if he puts you in jail, you go in that jail and transform it from a dungeon of shame to a haven of freedom and human dignity."

REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.: I want to talk with you mainly about our struggle in the United States...

I seek to avoid an undue pessimism; on the other hand, I seek to avoid a superficial optimism....but what it does to one psychologically. It scars the soul of the segregated as well as the segregator...I must be measured by my soul...

There was always the strict enforcement of the separate, without the slightest intention to abide by the equal...So we can see that there is still a great gulf between the haves, so to speak, and the have-nots...

So it is necessary to go all out and develop massive action programs...not merely for the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around saying, "Wait on time."...And somewhere along the way it is necessary to see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals...

It may be true that you can’t legislate integration, but you can legislate desegregation. It may be true that morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. It may be true that the law can’t change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless. It may be true that the law can’t make a man love me, but it can restrain him from lynching me.

And I think that’s pretty important also...nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. It has a way of disarming the opponent, exposing his moral defenses. It weakens his morale, and at the same time it works on his conscience, and he just doesn’t know how to handle it. If he doesn’t beat you, wonderful. If he beats you, you develop the quiet courage of accepting blows without retaliating. If he doesn’t put you in jail, wonderful. Nobody with any sense loves to go to jail. But if he puts you in jail, you go in that jail and transform it from a dungeon of shame to a haven of freedom and human dignity. 

Even if he tries to kill you, you develop the inner conviction that there is something so dear, something so precious, something so eternally true, that they are worth dying for. And if a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live. And this is what the nonviolent discipline says...And then the other thing about it is that it gives the individual a way of struggling to secure moral ends through moral means..
It also says that it is possible to struggle against an evil, unjust system, with all your might and with all your heart, and even hate that unjust system, but yet you maintain an attitude of active goodwill and understanding and even love for the perpetrators of that evil system...

Our responsibility—our responsibility presents us with a unique opportunity: We can join in the one form of nonviolent action that could bring freedom and justice to South Africa, the action which African leaders have appealed for, in a massive movement for economic sanctions. In a world living under the appalling shadow of nuclear weapons, do we not recognize the need to perfect the use of economic pressures? Why is trade regarded by all nations and all ideologies as sacred? Why does our government and your government in Britain refuse to intervene effectively now, as if only when there is a bloodbath in South Africa—or a Korea or a Vietnam—will they recognize a crisis?
If the United Kingdom and the United States decided tomorrow morning not to buy South African goods, not to buy South African gold, to put an embargo on oil, if our investors and capitalists would withdraw their support for that racial tyranny that we find there, then apartheid would be brought to an end. Then the majority of South Africans of all races could at last build the shared society they desire...I say to you that the challenge before every citizen of goodwill of this nation is to go all out to make democracy a reality for everybody, so that everybody in this land will be able to live together...

I must honestly say to you that I never intend to become adjusted to segregation, discrimination, colonialism and these particular forces. I must honestly say to you that I never intend to adjust myself to religious bigotry. I must honestly say to you that I never intend to adjust myself to economic conditions that will take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few.

I must say to you tonight that I never intend to become adjusted to the madness of militarism and the self-defeating effects of physical violence, for in a day when Sputniks and explorers are dashing through outer space and guided ballistic missiles are carving highways of death through the stratosphere, no nation can win a war. It is no longer the choice between violence and nonviolence; it is either nonviolence or non-existence. And the alternative to disarmament, the alternative to a greater suspension of nuclear tests, the alternative to strengthening the United Nations and thereby disarming the whole world, may well be a civilization plunged into the abyss of annihilation.

And I assure you that I will never adjust to the madness of militarism...You see, it may well be that our whole world is in need at this time for a new organization..."Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream"

1/18/2016 Zoning Gate, Site Gate, Real Estate Gate, Belfast City Hall Hell Gate... so many corrupt gates and I'm the only one exposing it? Is it worth your freedom? Our freedom? I'll keep going alone, freedom is worth my life. TBC...

1/16/2016- Why isn't my letter being published in the Bangor Daily News or The Free Press? The Republican Journal responded they "expect" to publish it in the 1/21/2016 edition.

I knew I missed the cutoff for the Republican Journal and "if" they publish it, that meeting date reflects 2/9/2016.  I see RJ reporter Ethan Andrews did a story yesterday promoting a Belfast Real Estate agent. Ester Darris, she tried to sell me another undisclosed hell on Birch St.  Article for 3 C's of Real Esate (Corruption, City Hall, City Attorney) I remember Ester from the 12/2009 showing because I recognized her last name. I had known her husband "Zip" from the summers in Bayside when he dated and then married my best friends sister and next door neighbor, Kathy Chittick.

RJ banned me from posting comments. I sent Ethan the 14 Belfast properties listed with evasive wrong zoning codes last week. And Abby Curtis (BDN) and Andy O'Brien (Free Press) and WABI and WLBZ asking them to do a story on the prior R2 Zoning Gate. No response.  Neighboring town Rockland gets coverage of corruption. 

Good morning Laurie,
Dan West is no longer editor at The 
Republican Journal, but I received your letter and expect it will be 
published in the Jan. 21 edition. Thank you, Stephanie
Stephanie Grinnell

It is dangerous for me to attend the Belfast City Council meetings and speak at open to the public. A City Wall group skeet shoot against one target, me. After speaking at over 50 meetings, I know their hate for me. So does the community. It's your time. I've done mine.

Residents in the prior R2 zone must know what zone City Council secretly voted each property owner into. Belfast City Council meetings for residents to demand the code from City Council are on the first and third Tuesday of the month @ 7pm.  Thought this letter would be published for the meeting this Tuesday, 1/19/2016.

Sent:Tue 1/12/16 7:54 PM (; (; (; (; (; (
Dear Editors and Reporters,

I revised my letter to make it shorter, it is less than 250 characters. I already submitted it to the Bangor Daily News.

1. Andy Obrien Free Press- please advise if you are accepting this letter via this email. The Free Press gives your email for letters.

2. Dan West/Dan Dunkle- Waldo Republican Journal Village Soup- please advise if you are accepting this letter via email.

Laurie Allen

Belfast City Hall held public hearings for zoning and ordinance changes though out the summer of 2014. After the public hearings, a huge binder was used to vote the changes through. The public was and is clueless as to what they voted in throughout Belfast.

The prior R2 zone boundaries were John Robinson Way to Condon St/Salmond St up to Congress St. Intersecting over to Route 1 South back down to John Robinson Way. Public Hearings for the prior R2 zone stated this zone would merge into R1.

Belfast officials have refused to updated the “official” zoning map on the City website. Officials stating R2 is now R1. On my blog www.boycottbelfast.blogspot is the history of Zoning Gate 2016 Belfast Maine. City Council Mary Mortier for this ward is refusing to advise of the zoning codes for 14 properties in the prior R2 currently reflecting conflicting codes.

A methadone clinic could be our next door neighbor. Residents have been lied to. All residents have a duty to the service people who fight and die for our democracy to do the same against Belfast City Hall corruption. PLEASE contact City Council for written accountability at minimum. City Council meetings are the first and third Tuesday of each month @ 7 pm for the public to speak at open to the public. The next meeting is January 19, 2016 if you can stand. Contact me at

Laurie Allen
Belfast, Maine

(below is request after request to Belfast City Council (and real estate agent) Mary Mortier to identify the correct zone for 14 prior "R2" zone. They should be R1 but listings since Mortier secretly voted in the new zones, were/are evasive and conflicting. So is Mortier. She tries to worm her way out of it and refuses to state the 14 current codes. She must write them. City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum lie and manipulate with City Attorney pit bull Bill Kelly protection. 


2/20/2016 1 minute you tube clip of Miss Piggy Mortier

Belfast City Council Mary Mortier boasts their greed and disrespects the 99% un "Worth"y families in vans from New Jersey. Belfast City Officials/businesses sentiment- lie, deny, take more. Mortier heads the real estate corruption. They picked the WRONG Jersey mom to rip off and intimidate. I'm true blue, nothing to hide and always sure. City Council Heil Hurley said I dominate. Yes indeed, truth dominates. The "Worth" pun is for the Worth's of Belfast- Corrupt Judge Patricia Worth and King Pin husband John Worth III
I updated a page with the Worth less 1% of Belfast


Miss Piggy Mary Mortier is the City Council rep for the prior R2 zone in Ward 1. The public must make her do it. Mark Biscone CEO/President WCGH and PenBay Healthcare is on the take of the prior R2 zone)

1/15/16 5th day of wetland assault threatening my property the Gaza Strip by Mark "Benjamin Takin' Yahoo" Biscone, CEO/President of Waldo and PenBay Healthcare. And awarded Belfast Citizen of the Year by Belfast Chamber Of Commerce. We're dead in the water slaughter.

12:30 pm. Lunch over. Chain Saw Massacre Healthcare Mark "Benjamin Takin' Yahoo" Biscone resumes destruction. 

The Annex site was under SLODA and DEP Project Manager Beth Callahan approved the removal of all these tree's in wetlands, slaughtering the natural environment?? DEP was behind the Captain Albert Stevens School corruption, illegal outlets, corrupting the investigation (Corrupt investigator Tom Gilbert and then Commissioner Aho.) Don't buy a home in Belfast.

Here's a 5 year smogasboard of assaults to me and Seaview Terrace. Included was an anonymous letter baiting me to run for Council. I knew it was Heil Hurley trying to set me up. Then in September 2015 I got a much more threatening anonymous letter, same handwriting. And another even more disturbed one in December 2015. I gave them to Sheriff Trafton and asked for profiling of Heil Hurley. Add in City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Restorative Justice Chair Jay Davis- big problem- in with all law enforcement and the very ego that approached me in 2012 and told me that protesting Belfast City Hall and real estate corruption in the center of town is "Not how we do things around here, go see Mike Hurley" ....


Site Location of Development Act (SLODA)

This legislation was crated in 1970 and updated in 1975 to its current requirement for developments that exceed certain size limitations to be subject to the control of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MEDEP). The purpose of SLODA is to provide a method for the State to control the location of development which will substantially affect the local environment and ensure that such developments will have a minimal impact on the natural environment within the site on its surroundings.

The proposed plans are not what is underway. In fact, my specific stormwater concerns given to the City Planner Wayne Marshall at the FIRST public hearing in May 2015 were not read or addressed- a light mention of stormwater concerns from an abutter. I provided details on the "proposed plan scam" that was provided to abutters. 


After speaking to the DEP project manager, Beth Callahan on Tuesday 1/12/205, before she hung on me with my questions, I learned of a different plan.There is not a deep detention bay to accumulate the storm water and meter it out into the path to the illegal slaughter waterway that runs through my 1/4 acre private property. Beth states the plans are for a shallow gravel area that where this massive runoff will come into the gravel area through a 12 inch perforated underground pipe and exit the gravel area through another 12 inch perforated underground pipe and out to the path into the slaughter water way. Details unknown. A 12 inch pipe to handle this and much more since this was taken in 2012. It will erode the whole buffer- stripped of trees- with intent to destroy. Inverse condemnation. Exactly what I have been screaming since 2011.

This is the runoff after one rain in 2012 from the Annex into the slaughter way. The next picture shows the massive tree roots eroded at that merging.Taken in 2012- even worse now.



Now it is much worse- the tree is dead- 75? ft high- this was from 12/2014.

1939 Aerial- to the right of the red quad 40 notation is the future Seaview Terrace. That farmhouse (currently owned by the Dutch clan) is still there on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave. All of these players know that Seaview Terrace is not a natural outlet and all kept quiet as I kept chipping away for any information for 5 years. And all kept chipping at me.

Chip heads- all of them.



This 196? aerial is the future Seaview Terrace. I thought the visible man made trench running through was for run off from the Wendell Mcleod Trailer Park. Wendall Mcleod was the developer of Seaview Terrace. McLeod's are throughout Belfast with major holdings. However, Ethan Andrews, Republican Journal reporter told me that it was a road. Which is why I find so much asphalt chunks as flooding and erosion to my property exposes more and more. NO NATURAL OUTLET EVER EXISTED ON SEAVIEW TERRACE.


Huge 3-4' high culvert bringing the water slaughter into Seaview Terrace and this overflows. In 2009, 2011 and 2015. Flooding genocide to Seaview Terrace.



Seaview Terrace gets it from all 3 sides- and I get it all. I am the last private property owner of this slaughter. After my property it is owned by Israel- AKA Healthcare Take Over. Hospital owns property on all 3 sides of Seaivew Terrace per Bob Whiteley, prior Tax Assessor. Seaview Terrace is their Gaza Strip. Benjamin Biscone CEO/President and Belfast Citizen of the Year awarded by the Chamber of Commerce. Hello. Buh bye Seaview Perish.



After more requests for erosion assistance to all up to Augusta, no concern for us. Middle-low-below poverty (me) incomes paying our taxes, and losing our properties, basic rights and all joy of safety, privacy and community. Exactly like my daughter's books- The Hunger Games. In Belfast- The Flooding Games.


The 2012 Annex addition proposed vs final plans were corrupt and fell on deaf ears, except for now retired Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley. Here's Bob at Wight St. forcing slaughter to Seaview Terrace. Bob said those were new, he did not know they were there. That was 11/2011. Only one area of MANY- depicted in my hand drawn map. City Hall refused to give me any information/public documents. Refused to tour the path of slaughter with Bob and I on this day.


Bob came to my home and saw this illegal path of slaughter from the Annex and from all over Belfast. 11/2011. This was 5 days AFTER rain. Prior to that the ravine was dry. Bob was shocked but he did not change my assessment. This forced slaughter does not devalue my property. Come on Bob. Playing both sides of the fence. I understand. His assistant, Nancy and Bob were kind to me, always. I broke down into sobbing in their office. Few are kind to me and it takes me off guard. Like when Bre, director of Our Town Belfast danced with me. Too sad.


The  Hospital, Mike Hogan, City Planner, Code Officer, City Manager, City Council, Mayor, DEP, Governor, Attorney General- I kept trying, anyone please help us. NO CONCERN, NO RESPONSE. Bob Whiteley had to protect himself.City Manager Joe Slocum went into a rage and panic against Bob in 2011 when Bob let me see the 1965 site plans for Seaview Terrace proving a natural stream/waterway NEVER EXISTED on Seaview Terrace. It's City forced water slaughter. Pictures and details are in this blog, many times, brought to City Council meetings over 50 times with all the corrupt sites sending illegal runoff and meltoff to Seaview Terrace. Those 1965 plans were removed from the deeded registry and went into hiding when I requested them in 5/2011. City Planner Wayne Marshall stopped recording his plans in the registry in 1999. He locks up the final site plan and slaughters abutters and residents with corruption. Belfast City Hall/Council takes the 5th or uses dangerous intimidation to stop the questions. Real time with City Council Mary Mortier.

Above picture from 4/23/12 is from the 2011 approval for the 2nd Annex addition- site plan corrupt on that one too. The 3rd addition underway now is the old motel seen here, used as Annex offices. Motel demolished (also corruptly) 5/2015 for new Annex. See tree line behind the swale. Next pictures taken today 1/13/2016 showing same area under assault- abutting my house. Along the side between my house and Annex, it looks like these trees were knocked down- it's not from the weather. Are they getting the chain saw massacre too?

Below is the same site, taken today 1/14/2016. The motel would have been where the orange cones and fence is to the right. I'd be behind it and to the side. Almost where that tractor wheel is in the above picture. By the woods that are no more.

That's how they do the illegal slaughter's- get it done before anyone can stop them. City Hall and businesses, hand in hand, attorney's offices at every corner, all buddies with the City Attorney. Real estate agents love the turnover of selling undisclosed hell. Realtor Commission corrupt- been there too. The rat wheel system to protect the corrupt. The people have to system or pass it on to the young, teach them how to smile and rob the innocent. Be Happy. With greed. No thanks. Be true. They can't steal that.
That's my house- looks like the trees have been "laid" down over time so I wouldn't notice when cleared out.

That's the wood chip pile that were beautiful birches, next to the front loader.

I watched ALL the Annex Planning board hearings again from May-October 2015. Never any mention of removing even one tree behind the swale. Storm water manipulation evident in everyone, with Mike Hogan (Representative for Annex through Maine Group- right- layer to remove accountability) stating the final plans were very close to the first plans proposed. Bull Chip. They all lie like hell together in Helfast, I mean Belfast. FEMA relinquished flood plain responsibility to Belfast. DEP has just about done the same.

Residents only defense is hit them in their wallets. Boycott and form independent committee's for City Wall to answer to us.

updated at noon as Annex assault to my Gaza Strip continues.


Sent:Thu 1/14/16 10:10 AM (; (; (; (
Cc:James Thomas (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (

  Mark Biscone CEO/President Waldo County Healthcare and 2014 Belfast Citizen of the Year,

Please provide the Final Approved Site Plans that authorize you to slaughter over 200 trees and wetland property that abutts my flood zone property. See this real time video of the 2nd day of slaughter. More Belfast corruption video's are on my you tube channel playlist. Have at it.

Please respond today when I will receive the final approved site plans for the Annex.

Laurie Allen


Mark Biscone CEO/President WaldoCounty/PenBay Hospital Destroying Wetlands and Community.

 1/14/2016 9:23 am (Not 1/13 as stated in video) Waldo County General Hospital, Coastal Healthcare Alliance (CHA) CEO/ President, 2014 Belfast "Citizen" of the Year fir the 1%- Mark Biscone refuses to respond to destruction of wetlands and trees abutting our homes. Annex site plans proposed by Mike Hogan summer 2015 NEVER revealed this plan. Public is given proposals to submit concerns. The Final Approved Plan is NOT what was proposed. Mark Biscone is refusing to give the final site plan copies to abutters (by not responding to email requests) Impossible to get them from Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall. Site after site slaughters the watershed residents, breaking laws, ordinances, City Attorney manipulation for illegal corruption.

Full emails to Mark Biscone citing corruption to the community in public hearings for fake site plans delivered as final site plans! 

1/13/2016 Again, tonight's 6:30 Planning Board meeting is not posted on the website. Emailed Marie Stallworth and Manda Cushman to please post it and email it. No response yet.

I see it's posted now at 5pm.  No surprise, the usual disgust manipulating meetings, documents, people... 

Note to Public: The public is invited to attend the regular meeting of the Planning Board and to offer comment at the public hearings for Agenda Topic #3. Because of the very short agenda, the regular meeting of the Board will NOT be televised on Bel TV.



City Planner Wayne Marshall with holding public viewing. He never lets up with his corruption. Some meetings don't even have an applicant- all meetings are televised. You bet he is telling the Board what to think and how to act with this Zoning Gate and Annex site corruption. City Attorney Bill Kelly tells the board how to think and interpret ordinances according to corruption. That just happened. But the resident challenger is also an attorney and just abused me for 5 years as a City Councilor- Roger Lee. Don't corrupt his view as he destroyed watershed properties. 

Per City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum "While the City believes much of the current housing will remain, in the longer term, more of the current single family houses likely will be converted into professional offices, and some of the limited amount of available land may similarly be used for offices... current and future residents in this area to recognize that a health care office or facility likely could become their neighbor.The main goal for this area is to allow uses that support the delivery of health care services. Thus, it is important that the City ensure that other types of nonresidential uses, such as retail and non-health care service providers, not be permitted in this area. The City now allows such uses in many areas of Belfast, and the limited amount of land in this area is too critical to the primary goal to encourage other types of nonresidential uses. The City views this area as a critical ‘Growth Area’ to support health care operations and facilities for Belfast and all of Waldo County

2) Front setback (structure) for offices, health care facilities, and other permitted nonresidential uses of 25 feet with appropriate landscape buffers.
3) Side setback of 15 feet for residences and 25 feet for offices and other nonresidential uses, with appropriate landscape buffers required for nonresidential uses.
4) Rear setback of 15 feet for dwelling unit and 5 feet for detached accessory structure to a residential unit, and 25 feet for offices and other nonresidential uses, with appropriate landscape buffers required for nonresidential uses."


Realtime- Belfast City Hall Public Hearings for The 2014 Comprehensive Plan with City wide sweeping ordinance and zoning changes sold the public lies and voted in devastation still unfolding. Ditto with Planning Board hearings for business site developments. Proposed plans are not the true plans. Especially with drainage. City Planner Wayne Marshall locks up the final site plans, with holds from the public regardless of MFOIA. Public (abutters) learns of corruption after site is underway or even completed.  

Prior R2 zone per 2014 public hearings sold as merging into R1. Below City Council Mary Mortier nastily refuses to list the 1/12/2016 current zoning for 14 prior R2 properties. City Manager Joe Slocum wrote he "will not respond". City Planner Wayne Marshall refuses, offering rhetoric again. Unofficial documents that have no validity. Amendments have been voted through since 2014, also unknown. Agenda's purposely do not state the actual amendment change nor is it discussed. Like the 2014 votes done through a huge binder. Unknown to the public. Unbelievable email thread of intimidation to avoid stating the simple code of R1 or R2 for 14 properties. Per the 2014 public hearings, they are R1. According to real estate listings, NOT. After more repetitive emails to corner the real estate agents and Maine Realtor Commission, Deputy Director is forced to state that after speaking with City Planner Wayne Marshall, the public access to zoning code changes since 2014 are unreliable. Call City Officials for codes. Marshall and Slocum flat out lie to the public unreliable and City Council takes the 5th.

To be continued...(1/12/2016 posts below go into detail with 14 properties Zoning Gate and corrupt site/blasting/DEP secretly approving wetland destruction and more flooding at Annex site- Mark Biscone President and CEO of Waldo County Healthcare and PenBay (Rockland) will not respond. JB Turner, Presidentof the Front Street Shipyard is on the healthcare board too- JB enables the abuse to residents- he and I have been neck and neck for 5 years now. City Council meetings together since 11/1/11, he accepts kisses and loopholes and watches as I get kicked. Again, again and again. Shameful. Greg Dutch of Dutch Chevrolet refuses to help, Dutch's all over- appeals boards, real estate, blah, blah, blah BOYCOTT)

Public Corruption

The Costs of Public Corruption – And The Need for the Public to Fight Back
by Patrick Fitzgerald
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois
...Corruption can also change the face of a community. Over and over, for several decades, some Chicago aldermen have given away public benefits, like zoning rights and city-owned land, to real estate developers who, in turn, have lined the aldermen’s pockets and campaign purses.
Undoubtedly the most harmful consequence of endemic public corruption in a community is the apathy that it engenders – the culture of acceptance. Over many years of seeing corruption in almost every facet of government, many residents of a community begin to simply accept corruption as the immutable status quo. They come to assume government is broken and ineffective and destined to function corruptly. The consequences of this culture of acceptance in a community are many. Some residents simply disengage from the political process and no longer trust their government to function well or in their interest. Other residents may come to believe they must engage in corruption in order to gain government benefits themselves. Still others will begin to look the other way when they witness corrupt transactions. And honest folks are discouraged from entering politics or suffer from the skepticism engendered by others’ misdeeds.
The culture of acceptance makes it very difficult to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption. Although there are a variety of federal statutes that we use to prosecute corruption, including fraud, bribery and extortion statutes, as well as RICO, prosecutions cannot be successful without truthful witnesses and willing cooperators. Because voluntary assistance from the public in corruption cases is often hard to come by, we use many investigative techniques that assist us in gathering evidence and requiring cooperation, such as the use of grand jury subpoenas, grants of immunity, consensual recordings, and wiretaps. Using a wide range of these tools to vigorously investigate corruption can lead to convictions of corrupt officials once thought to be above the law, which, more effectively than anything else, demonstrates that the public need not accept corruption. Successful prosecutions that show that no one is beyond the reach of corruption statutes serve to encourage, empower and mobilize members of the public to work to change the culture of acceptance. We are grateful in the Northern District of Illinois that juries time and time again have rejected the argument that corruption is acceptable because it is the “Chicago way.”
In addition to the need for effective prosecutions, federal prosecutors must engage in community outreach to ensure that all residents of a community know that they can have a voice in stopping corruption and that they need not accept corruption in any degree—at any level of government. In the Northern District of Illinois, we try to send the message as often as we can that community involvement is critical in rooting out corruption. We regularly communicate that residents must take an active role in their government so that it properly functions for them. We also emphasize that the vigorous efforts of law enforcement should not be used as a rationale for the community to stay silent. The public’s refusal to accept corruption is the first line of defense in the fight against it.

While corruption will never be eliminated from our communities, vigorous investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials can serve to reduce its harmful effects and, most importantly, greatly diminish the culture of acceptance.



City Council Mortier Zoning Gate 2016 Belfast Maine


Mary Mortier Ward 1 manipulates my request for the zoning codes SHE voted in for the prior r2 zone that include these 14 properties where people are buying them thinking they are in residential 1. Residential 3 is targeted for healthcare. City Planner Wayne Marshall boldly writing that the plan is rid it of housing. And until we are "ridden" methadone clinics, residential rehabs, who know what or who, could be our next door neighbor, 20 feet away. Violating her oath as Belfast Ward 1 City Council Representative to represent and protect the residents.

All the homes in the old R2 zone that were corruptly sold since fall 2014 with a corrupt zone. That the Belfast real estate agent's favorite. Sell hell turnover. Good ole Mary is an agent too.  So is the City Attorney Bill Kelly.  

Emails repeat as Mortier responds with no response trying to pass it off. No.

1/13/2016 6th request sent for 14 simple zoning code properties that should read R1 (not R3)

Sent:Thu 1/14/16 10:58 AM (


Sent:Tue 1/12/16 6:40 PM (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; Governor (; (; (; (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dan Webster (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Hill, Jeffrey E (; (
Belfast City Council Representative Ward 1 Mary Mortier,

We may lose power tomorrow and you did not respond to the 4th request today at noon. There have been many amendments to the ordinances without publicly stating what the changes were (as usual) since it was voted in sometime in 2014 or even 2015. The public is kept uniformed. For all we know, changes could have been made recently.

You are informed of every current zoning code of the 14 Ward 1 prior R2 zone properties. PLEASE list the current zoning code as of 1/12/2016 next to each number. Simple and quick R1 or R3. You are  accountable to the residents of Ward 1 for these zoning codes.

Laurie Allen

(T. Mailloux Community Relations @ WCGH please forward to Mark Biscone as an FYI)

1. 46 Ocean St. Belfast Maine

2. 14 Durham Circle Belfast Maine

3. 102 Northport Ave. Belfast Maine

4. 9 Antrim Gardens Belfast Mane

5. 6 Penobscot Terrace Belfast Maine

6. 10 Dockside Lane Belfast Maine
7. 45 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

8. 31 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

9. 22 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

10. 26 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine

11. 30 Huntress Ave, Belfast Maine

12. 44 Northport Ave., Belfast Maine

13. 31 Fahy St., Belfast Maine

14. 158 Cedar St., Belfast Maine

Subject: Re: CC MortierZoning Gate 2016 Belfast Maine
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 15:49:27 -0500

Ms. Allen,
I do not have the legal right or authority to change information on another real estate broker or agent’s listings.
Please see Mr. Hill’s response below for the proper course of action he is taking on this matter.
Mary Mortier


Subject: 2nd req/RE: CC MortierZoning Gate 2016 Belfast Maine
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 08:12:09 -0500

Belfast City Council Representative Ward 1 Mary Mortier,

Again, Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum are not reliable to provide the current 1/12/2016 zoning codes for these 14 properties that were in the prior R2 zone that you voted into a different zone through binders. You are our Belfast Representative for these properties and are required to answer the zoning code that you voted on for each of these 14 properties in Ward 1. Your ward. My ward. Simply state for each one, as of 1/12/2016 R1 or R3. 


Laurie Allen



Sent:Mon 1/11/16 10:36 AM (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; Governor (; Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; (; (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dan Webster (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; (; (

To City Council Ward 1 and Belfast Real Estate Agent Mary Mortier,

Ward 1 included to prior R2 zone while you were on Council and after you voted to adopt the changes to the prior R2 zone. Since adoption, I have been relentlessly asking for the correct zoning of listings in the prior R2 zone, including many requests to you.

Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeffrey Hill states Belfast real estate agents are listing unreliable codes. City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum are therefore unreliable.

It is your duty as the Council representing the residents in Ward 1, prior R2 zone, to list the current correct zone for each of the 14 listings below. Regardless of whether they are actively on the market or have been recently changed. None are reliable since the official zoning map on the City website is still not updated after over 14 months of requests to do so.

As a real estate agent, it is also your duty to properly disclose zoning on listings. You have double duty to the public.


Laurie Allen

From:  Hill, Jeffrey E ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent: Tue 1/05/16 10:57 AM
Ms. Allen:

Belfast town officials confirm that zoning information available on their website is in the process of being updated as a result of changes adopted in 2014 and, as such, may be unreliable.  They suggest that their offices be contacted for current, accurate information.  I will ask each real estate agency with property currently listed for sale in Belfast to review the information they have published and make appropriate corrections. 

Jeffrey E. Hill Deputy Director

Maine Real Estate Commission

Tel: (207) 624-8523
List correct current zoning for each. The summer 2014 public hearings were to move R2 into R1 and the public agreed.

2016 Active Listings as of 1/11/2016 in the prior R2. Actual listings below showing 12/22/15 vs 1/8/2016 changes.

1. 46 Ocean St. Belfast Maine zoning listed “see town” (on 12/22/15 listed as R-2)

2. 14 Durham Circle Belfast Maine zoning listed “res-1” (on 12/22/15 listed as residential 2)

3. 102 Norhtport Ave. Belfast Maine zoning listed “res-3” (on 12/22/15 listed as 12)

4. 9 Antrim Gardens Belfast Mane zoning listed “R-3” (on 12/22/15 listed as R-2)

5. 6 Penobscot Terrace Belfast Maine zoning listed “R1” (on 12/22/15 listed as Res)

6. 10 Dockside Lane Belfast Maine zoning listed “Residential”

2015 Listings in the prior R2 that have sold. List correct current zoning for each.

7. 45 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning " HthC"

8. 31 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"

9. 22 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"

10. 26 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential 1"

11. 30 Huntress Ave, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "See Town"

12. 44 Northport Ave., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential"

13. 31 Fahy St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Res"

14. 158 Cedar St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "res"

Sent:Sat 1/09/16 1:13 PM (; LAURIE ALLEN (; Governor (
Cc:Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; (; (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dan Webster (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (

Maine Attorney General's Office Brenda Kielty,

Please forward this(copied from my blog, ) to Maine Attorney Janet Mills to investigate Belfast City Hall corruption immediately and advise.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915






Old R2 Belfast zone residents- John Robinson Way across town to Condon Street, Salmond Street to intersecting Congress Street, hang a left, to the intersection of Route 1. The final border down alongside Route 1 South to John Robinson Way.








The old R2 zone is in yellow. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall TOLD R2 residents in the public hearings that we would move into the R1 zone. Residents agreed. NO TALK OF MOVING ALL OF R2 into R3 because residents would NOT have agreed and would have petitioned to move into R1 before City Council did zoning voting via publicly unknown ordinance changes in a huge binder that Council had for weeks, maybe months, maybe years.

Voted in DURING FALL 2014, I began asking for the official zoning map to be posted on the City Website in September 2014. To date (January 5, 2016, it is still not on the website) They lie in emails. They lie in meetings. If their lips are moving, they are lying. Official documents only!!!

Comprehensive Plan- Message from the City Manager
The Belfast Comprehensive Plan, the upcoming Public Hearings on Proposed Land Use Changes (Zoning) - and you.
From: City Manager Joseph Slocum
June 6, 2014

Municipalities across Maine are encouraged by the State through various financial and other regulatory incentives to periodically (every 10 to 14 years) develop what is called a “Comprehensive Plan”....The Comprehensive Plan is no more than a series of recommended policies and themes.  It creates no requirements whatsoever- other than the expectation that the goals or proposals will be further evaluated and put through a public process for further consideration and POSSIBLE adoption. It is very common for something to initially look great on paper but later be completely discarded once it was evaluated by the public process of implementation.  Normally it can take a Community almost 10 years to “implement” the Comprehensive Plan, just about the time it takes to consider developing a new one.
Keep in mind is that at any time in this long process, recommendations can be significantly changed, ignored as irrelevant or discarded altogether...
The Council will review the Planning Boards recommended language and they will also note where the Planning Board made different recommendations than the Council was originally supporting. This is a process where there is continuing thoughtful participation and discussion. The Council will decide if it needs to make any alterations to the Planning Boards recommendations before they conduct yet another set of Public Hearings on what the Council seems willing to support. The Council can accept or modify any recommendation or the language of any recommendation.  At the end of those hearings the Council will fall back and decide whether they wish to make further changes.
Eventually the Council will make a decision on what to adopt and what not to adopt. It’s hard to get everyone on the same page but we will do our best to make this a fair and clean process.
 Thanks for considering these comments.

Slocum's full "message" is on this link


Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 2/13/15 4:52 PM
Cc:Mary Mortier - GRF (; (; (; (; (; (; (
Ms Alllen,
 Thank you for your inquiry. I spoke to Wayne Marshall and he advised me that he has sent you  the Map showing that Seaview Terrace is R-1 three times.
Seaview Terrace is R-1. I do not know how to be any clearer to you than this. If maps on line are not current I will look into when I can  and if you are correct then we will get to that when we can.
 I have tried to help you in the past but I will no longer be sending information to third parties at your request.
I will be reviewing your request further, including securing a copy of the map that has been sent to you 3 times. You will get a further response form me withing 10 days. That will be before or on February 24th.

Joe Slocum

The details overwhelm. I post details throughout my blogs to prove. A lone mom, the easiest target. Older posts  below are relevant and sadly necessary private details of family corruption- Belfast corruption- State corruption. Belfast City Hall purposely has corrupt project after corrupt in sync and choreographed. To fly corrupt in front of all radar. I have a 5 year degree of tracking and documenting the Belfast corruption. Especially in the the prior (fall 2014) Residential 2 zone.

This prior fall 2014 R2 in-town zone encompassed John Robinson Way across town to Condon Street, Salmond Street to intersecting Congress Street, hang a left, to the intersection of Route 1. The final border down alongside Route 1 South to John Robinson Way.

Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, Belfast City Council, Belfast Planning Board and Mayor held public hearings throughout summer 2014 rolling out misinformation of the 10 years in the making, Comprehensive Plan. Using committee's and boards as smoke to make it appear public and under the decisions of the committee's and boards. Wrong. Those Belfast officials created Binder-Gate. Belfast City Council voted in corrupt zoning and ordinances over several meetings from September 2014-present day.

The public hearings for proposed zoning were told as proposed stories. The public clapping and praising the hard work of Belfast City Hall and the innocent residents enlisted through committee's. Public hearings closed, next comes voting sweeping amendments to ordinances City wide.

City Planner Wayne Marshall slithering into the first readings of the sweep to Belfast City Council in September 2014. Through an enormous binder. No readings for the public to hear, all the officials had their binders and voted the publicly unknown through quicker than they could bite us. To present day. I have been reporting their corruption since 2010, and most choose to think I am the problem.

It is to vile to reason that these business, community members and officials that you have praised and trusted have been laying an implicated network right before your very eyes. Like those robbed in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, it is humiliating to go public as a victim. But those victims chose to take a chance. Buying a home in Belfast is a taking of your life.  Like all abuse- counting on ruining the reputation of the innocent. Hello.

The old R2 (residential and offices) zone public hearings told us R2 was moving into the old R1 zone. The old R1 zone boundaries would remain and include the old R2. Under the Maine Comprehensive Plan law that I was incredibly lucky to find online (State and Local manipulate my FOIA requests and I am never giving the official public documents requested) that municipalities cannot pluck out properties with in a zone and place them in a different zone. Unless those owners agree. Entire zones move together into new zones, consenting together.

Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities

Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.” 

From: Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Tue 7/08/14 5:30 PM
To:LAURIE ALLEN (; Councilors (; William S. Kelly (
Ms Allen,
 This is my final response to you on your letter of June 6th that I responded to previously
The Planning Board did not make the decision to call your area R#3. That recommendation was made by the Belfast Comprehensive Planning Committee and adopted by the City Council after multiple public hearings There is a Memo from me to the public explaining the roles of the Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Planning Board and the City Council on the City Website that may be of assistance to you..

 I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan.

  I will be ignoring any further emails that recite seventh request or eighth request. This is my answer- my last answer- to these questions.

Joseph J Slocum
Tue 7/08/14 6:16 PM

Joe Slocum,

Clearly, the about face to reverse rezoning Seaview Terrace to a new zone 3 was because I caught City Hall breaking Maine State Law procedures for Comprehensive Planning . It doesn't get any clearer than this: 
Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities

Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.”  

Your words and I quote "I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan." are not complying with Maine Law. Your opinion breaks the law, repeatedly I might add. 

I want this to be clear as Councilor Roger Lee stated in the last meeting (7/1/14) that my neighbors speaking against the rezoning was effective. It was catching City Hall breaking the law that was effective. Case Closed.

Laurie Allen

In the public hearings, the old R2 zone owners consented to move into strictly residential R1. Clap, clap, praise, praise, kiss, kiss, thank goodness a methadone clinic, residential rehab, etc. could not come in as our next door neighbor.  Especially with the "network" of players pushing healthcare in this area. Pushing where? The old Healthcare zone was only the Waldo County General Hospital site. The old Healthcare zone was proposed to become R3. With unknown ordinances that allow for who knows what or whom. They do, we don't.

Details told me prior to the summer 2014 hearings that we were not being zoned as we were told. To date, I have been relentless in emails and attending City Council meetings demanding that the City Website Official Zoning Map since voted in by City Council in meetings SINCE September 2014 reflect the new zones. City Manager Joe Slocum refuses but sends emails "stating" we are Residential 1. However, he lies in emails and states so. Documented in detail in this blog. The details overwhelm the reader, I can provide any detail document to support exactly what I am writing in regards to Belfast City Hall and player corruption.

Since the binder-gate votes, I copied the real estate listings in the old R2 zone. On my street, Seaview Terrace alone, 4 properties went up for sale AFTER the zoning was voted through. With 3 different zoning codes- "hltcr", "R2", and "R1". The listing agents take the 5th. Michelle Ridley (awarded 2015 Belfast Citizen of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce, Realtor and President of MidCoast Realtor Council) takes the 5th and refers me to the "expert" for the true zoning. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. He responds since 2014 with more stalling that Seaview Terrace is R1 and he will update the City website official zoning maps when he can get around to it. To date, he has not gotten around to it. But my children and I are increasingly threatened and denied basic rights to private property and education. Documented details.

I have amassed details of old R2 zoning MLS real estate listing corrupt zones or vague zones. Agents selling corrupt zones to the innocent, thinking they will be raising their children or retiring in strictly residential neighborhoods. Agents drooling at the corruption turnover as the innocent find out they have been sold hell. This predates the current zoning corruption. It began getting filthy when City Council Mike Hurley came to town in the 80's to turn Belfast into Helfast.

I brought the corrupted listings to the Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeffrey Hills. We have history- they corruptly dismissed my complaint of Seaview Terrace real estate listing corruption that I detailed since 2009 and included selling me hell in 6/2010.

With that, the details prove they are refusing to commit and write in email the correct current zoning of 15 listings in the emails listed in last weeks posts on my blog, . All were in the old R2 zone (and there are more than 15- including listings on Fahy St and Huntress Ave and wrong zoning . Listing codes are ridiculous- "see town", "12", "res" , "r2", "r1"... All the old R2 are to read R1 according to the summer 2014 public hearings by City Planner Wayne Marshall.

The MLS listings are NOT public documents. With my complaint, the Commission, my council and real estate agent Mary Mortier, ALL area agents, refused to give me prior listings on Seaview Terrace where a "stream" was disclosed. Stating insurance reasons. The Commission had their attorney send me a letter stating I would not get those listings. My listing did NOT disclose a "stream". I would have refused it and they knew it. More details.

I've posted recent emails where I have the Commission cornered to advise of the zoning. They are trying to send me back to  Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum to confirm the true zoning codes for the 15 listings... Oyyy Veh.

Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeff Hills states that he will have the agents update the listings and that City Planner Wayne Marshall confirms that the official zoning maps need to be posted on the City website...guess after this gets out, maybe he will or most likely he will post more City website confusion on top of that mess.
Some agents have changed their zoning listings that were the old R2 zone.
#1- zoning changed to R3
#2- zoning changed to R3
#3- zoning changed to"see town"
Below are still unchanged, still showing R1. #5 is owned by Planning Board member Wayne Corey. It has been on the market for some time with various zoning codes as the listing was updated to reflect less days on the market. Sneaky tactic. Did these 2 listings get a secret vote? Or are they R3?
#4 unchanged, still R1