#13 10/6/15- new manipulation "addendum" - City Manager Joe Slocum purposely does not list Sheriff Trafton's information on domestic abuse on the agenda published on 10/2/2015. Sheriff Trafton states he requested this agenda and has been looking forward to it for a LONG time. Slocum intentional left it off the agenda, it was scheduled and not a last minute add on. Furthermore the indexing of the online meeting references "addendum", clearly burying Sheriff Trafton and Domestic Abuse. I had recently met with Sheriff Trafton and gave him a threatening, sexual anonymous letter (all the markings of City Council Mike Hurley).
The Passy Rail Trail is also added on as "addendum"- I'm in the dark on why for that one. And a third and FOURTH "addendum". I have to watch those- I didn't catch it till now. I don't know what those 2 are about. Watched it- money corruption. Slocum and Council have tricked the public again. Stating the Passy Trail would not cost the tax payers. Wrong. That's their forte'. Get it underway then start siphoning from property taxes. Public Works is doing work on it paid by property taxes. Heavy equipment work- trenching, ditching, fencing, on and on....Who is paying for the 1900 tons of stone dust? And if Public Works is too busy, Slocum will hire outside help!! No talk of fundraising dollars or the Coastal Trust paying!!! Deeper investigation will reveal much more. But, an independent committee would be the only way to get true documents and true accounting.
Another listed "addendum" for taking $4500 from Heritage Park Fund? This smells and Councilor John Arrison must have questioned it prior to meeting. If John didn't, it would have breezed through. Hurley saves face by acting concerned to where this money came from. ACTING.
Item 4 - Adoption of the agenda
Item 5 - Acceptance of the minutes
Regular Council Meeting of September 15, 2015.
Item 6 - Open to the public
Please state your name and town you are from when addressing the City Council.
Item 7 - Communications
Item 8 - Old Business and Council Committee Reports
Addendum Item 1 - Addendum Item 1
Addendum Item 2 - Addendum Item 2
Item 10B
- Discussion of an EPA administrative complaint against Penobscot
McCrum Company and related City safety and emergency response
Item 10C
- Request to accept the bids and to award the bid for the abatement of
hazardous building materials and the demolition of two buildings located
at 45 Front St.
Item 10D - Request to authorize the City Manager to sign a Declaration of Environmental Covenant for the Belfast Harbor Walk.
Item 10E - First Reading on a request to amend the General Assistance Ordinance.
Item 10F
- Revised First Reading of an Ordinance Amendment regarding the
location of no parking areas for Cross Street, Front Street between Main
Street and Commercial Street and Miller Street between Main Street and
Front Street.
Item 10G - Request to accept the bids and to award the bid for the enhancement of the entrance at City Park.
Addendum Item 3 (Part 1 of 2) - Addendum Item 3 (Part 1 of 2)
Item 10H - Request to accept the bids and award the bid for the reconstruction of the Waldo Avenue sidewalk.
Item 10I - Request for engagement of the City Auditor for the annual audit and authorization to sign the Auditor's Management Letter.
Item 10J
- Request from the City Manager to allocate additional funding for the
conclusion of consultant assistance in the Union Negotiations.
Addendum Item 4 - Addendum Item 4
Item 10K
- Request from the City Manager to allocate additional funding for the
remodeling of the City-owned offices leased to the Coast Guard.
Item 10L - Update on the Front Street Reconstruction Project.
Addendum Item 3 (Part 2 of 2) - Addendum Item 3 (Part 2 of 2)
Items 10P - 13 - P) Signing of Council Orders
11) Open to the Public
Please state your name and town you are from when addressing the City Council.
12) Communications
13) Adjourn
12 Targeted City
Council Meetings Where Belfast City Hall Changed the Programming to
Lump These Business (10) Items Into One- making it difficult to
find and view. Other meetings will show each business item is indexed
separately on the MAIN MENU of the meeting for clear identification
of item one is looking for as well as ability to click and view that
specific item. These meetings do not show the full business items on
the main menu. The viewer must know to click on 10 to see what the
full list of business items are. Then must manually fast forward and
try to find that item in.
As stated in the
emails (copied at the end) to the Video Director Ned Lightner (the
software installer of the Swagit programs) the plus of this program
is that the client changes the programming as needed. Ned is blaming
Swagit and is not reinstating these 12 meetings to proper indexing.
"you control
virtually every aspect of the look and feel of the program. You won't
need to call a programmer every time you want to make a change."
These meetings were "broken down by agenda item, so viewers
can either watch the entire meeting or select a particular agenda
item from an on-screen menu. "
Review the business
items on each and the corrupt lumping becomes clearer.
meeting lumped
business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to
click on each item (copied below) Part 1 is 95:33 continuous minutes
covering A-H Part 2 is 87:13 minutes I-P.
Item 10 (Part 1 of 2)
A) Further discussion on the creation of an Ad hoc Committee comprised of the Harbor Committee and other individuals to develop and recommend an Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
B) Consideration of a request from the Harbor Committee to hire an independent private consultant to help develop and propose a future Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
C) Consideration of possible approval of the 2015-2016 City Budget.
D) Approval of the Election Warrants for the RSU 71 Budget Referendum.
E) Update on the Facility Use Request from the Experimental Aircraft Association for an Open House and Fly In at the Airport on September 19, 2015.
F) Facility Use Request from City Reach Church to use a portion of City Park on September 19, 2015 for a free community event providing medical screenings, haircuts, clothing etc.
G) Facility Use Request and Parade Permit request for the Maine State Firefighters Parade on September 12, 2015.
H) Facility Use Request from the Restorative Justice program for street closure of Beaver Street on July 24, 2015 to celebrate their open house.
I) Consideration of a request from the Commercial Charter Boats to allow for some additional signage.
J) Update on proposal to install benches on the Armistice Bridge.
K) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project.
L) First reading of proposed amendments to various agreements between the City of Belfast and DUBBA LLC (Front Street Shipyard)
M) First Reading of proposed additional amendments to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78, Floods.
N) Update from the Parks and Recreation Director on the maintenance of City owned range ways and rights of ways to the water.
O) Consideration of opening bids and possible award of bids on tax acquire property. P) Signing of Council Orders
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below) 131:58 minutes continuous A-N
Item 10
B) Re-appointment of Todd Rosenberg as the City's Code Enforcement Officer and Steve Wilson as the Assistant Code Enforcement Officer.
C) Consideration of new appointments to Planning Board.
D) Consideration of appointments to the Harbor Committee.
E) Request from Airport Director Thomas Kittredge, for approval of a Fly -in at the Airport on September 19, 2015.
F) Request from Police Chief Michael McFadden to accept the bids submitted for a new cruiser and to award the bid to the lowest bidder.
G) Approval of a draft budget for the City for the fiscal year 2015-2016.
H) Update from the Harbor Master on the search for an independent consultant to assist with the development of an Outer Harbor Plan.
I) Update from the Police Chief Michael McFadden on City policies addressing the use of weapons other than handguns.
J) Request from Economic Development Director Thomas Kittredge to transfer $185.50 out of the City's Downtown Waterfront TIF to be used to pay attorney's fees.
K) Request for an Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter under 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
L) Request for an Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter under 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
M) Request for an Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter under 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
N) Signing of Council Orders
11/18/2014 http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/11182014-1657
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below) 58:52 minutes continuous A-J
Item 10
B) Request from the Economic Development Director to approve Ransom Consulting as the City's Environmental Consultant for our Brownfield's Cleanup Project at 45 Front Street.
C) Update on Airport obstruction and vegetation removal plans going into 2015 and 2016.
D) Update from the Harbormaster on the recent inspection of the Armistice Bridge and the bascule.
E) Update on the Rail Trail.
F) Consideration of a recommendation to name the open green space on Main Street.
G) Request to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) A.
H) Request to go into Executive Session to discuss an economic development matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
I) Request to go into Executive Session to discuss union negotiations pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6)D.
J) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below) 45:48 minutes continuous A-I
Item 10
B) Further discussion on the possibility of buying the gas tanks at the Airport from the departing Fixed Based Operator.
C) Update on the installation of solar panels at the Fire Station.
D) Update on heating system recommendations for the Fire Station.
E) Update on developing a future plan for the Inner Harbor.
F) Request to the City Manager to move $ 16,000 from Undesignated Fund Balance to the Capital Project addressing RSU withdrawal.
G) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A 405 (6) A.
H) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a union matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) D.
I) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
10/21/2014 http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/10212014-1465
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below)
45:42 minutes continuous 10D-H 57:52 minutes continuous
A) Consideration of a recommendation to increase sewer fees.
B) Request from the Parks & Recreation Department to move $15,000 from Parks Project Reserve account for repairs and improvements to City Park and the City Park playground.
C) Request from the Parks & Recreation Department to accept a grant of $5,000 from Our Town Belfast's Healthy Maine Grant Program.
Items 10D - 10H
• Definition of accessory apartment
• Definition of formula restaurant
• Definition of lot coverage
• Definition of structure height
• Prohibition of formula restaurants in certain zones
• Establishing a maximum building height for Waldo County General Hospital at 55 feet
• Establishing a Downtown Commercial Zoning District
• Eliminate the Waterfront 1 -A Zoning District
• Establish requirements for the Downtown Commercial Zoning District
• Establish revisions to the maximum height provisions proposed for the Downtown Commercial Zoning District
• Elimination of district regulations for the Waterfront 1-A District
E) Consideration of a proposal to relocate telephone poles to the opposite side of Washington Street.
F) Consideration of a request from the City Manager to purchase used assets from the departing Fixed Based Operator for continued use in the Belfast Airport.
G) Approval of an updated Election Warrant.
H) Consideration of a recommendation to update the General Assistance Ordinance by the State Certified Maximums.
I) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A 405 (6) A.
J) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A 405 (6) A.
K) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
10/7/2014 http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/10072014-1216
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below) 51:08 minutes continuous A-G,
47:38 minutes continuous H-M
Items 10A - 10G
A) Discussion with the Airport Committee about the future availability of gas at the Belfast Municipal Airport.
B) Consideration of request to install kayak racks in City Park.
C) Consideration of a proposal by ReVision Energy to install solar panels on the Belfast Fire Station.
D) Review of Boathouse operating rules and a continuing proposal to grandfather certain nonprofit events at rates which preexisted 2013 rate schedule.
E) Discussion on accepting bids submitted to the City for the purchase of a Public Works motor grader and possible awarded bid.
F) Consideration of a recommendation to appoint Teresa Butler as Deputy Treasurer of the City of Belfast.
G) Consideration of a request from the City Manager to spend up to $9,000 to update the underground pump station at the Belfast Transfer Station.
Items 10H - 10M
H) Council action on proposed Amendments to City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 102 Zoning. Council conducted Second Reading and public hearing on following amendments at a special Council meeting on September 17, 2014 Amendments include the following:
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 1, Generally. Section 102-301. Amendments to Official Zoning Map
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 30. Establishment of Table of Uses for the following zoning districts located Inside the Bypass or near the Bypass: Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2.
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 31. Establishment of a Table of Dimensional Regulations for the following zoning districts located Inside the Bypass or near the Bypass: Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed
Use 2.
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 6, Residential I Urban District; Division 11.5, Waterfront Mixed use District; and Division 23, Health Care District. Current Ordinance provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated.
• Article X, Contract Rezoning, Division 3, Bradbury Manor, is proposed to be amended to establish Contract Rezoning provisions for certain properties located in the proposed Residential 1 and Residential 2 zoning districts.
Article X, Contract Rezoning, Division 4, Waterfront Mixed Use District and Waterfront Development District, is proposed to be amended. Amendments recognize the establishments of the Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2 zoning districts, and the requirement that all properties in the Waterfront Mixed Use 1 District, except a single family house located on Field Street, are required to use the contract rezoning process.
I) First Reading of proposed amendments to Chapter 66, General Provisions, to establish a definition for Accessory Apartment to Single Family Residence, Formula Restaurant, and Lot Coverage, and to amend the current definition of Height of a Structure. First Reading of proposed amendments to Chapter 102, Zoning, Article V. District Regulations, Division 30, Use Table, to prohibit the establishment of a Formula Restaurant in the Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Downtown Commercial, Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2 zoning districts, and to the Article V, District Regulations, Division 31, Dimensional Table, regarding the maximum height of the Waldo County General Hospital building which is located in the Residential 3 zoning district.
J) Council discussion of proposed amendments to Chapter 102, Zoning, Article V, District Regulations, Division 31, Dimensional Table, regarding maximum building height in the Downtown Commercial Zoning District.
K) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
L) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) C.
M) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
9/16/2014 http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/09162014-1334
And meeting lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to click on each item (copied below) 58:36 minutes continuous A-G, 14:04 minutes continuous H-M
Items 10A - 10G
A) Request from the Fire Chief to appoint Charles Sisson as a full-time paramedic for the Belfast ambulance service.
B) Update on landscape maintenance and improvements for the Harbor Walk.
C) Discussion on future management of the Main Street green space.
D) Second reading on a resolution of the City Council of the City of Belfast, Maine authorizing the sale of up to $4,000,000 for a tax anticipation note of the City of Belfast.
E) Request from the City Planner to move $1,400 from Equipment Capital Reserve account for a new computer.
F) Consideration of a policy on political signs in the City's right-of-way.
G) Consideration of a bid to remove the ledge at the intersection of Route 1 and 141.
Item 10H - 10M
I) Update on the Fire Department's energy audit and furnace replacement.
J) Discussion on the possible need to increase sewer rates.
K) Consideration of our request to appoint a Local Health Officer.
L) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter with the City Attorney pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) E.
M) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/09022014-1530Note- I speak at open to the public, trying to find out paving information. City Manager Joe Slocum mentions a meeting for Seaview Terrace residents during communications. I don't know anything about this meeting. I go home and send emails that night to Slocum, Mayor and Council asking when this meeting is. I 2nd and 3rd request the next day. No response. The meeting was that night and I was not notified. Even so, paving is posted as a public notice on the website for residents awareness for road work at least 2 weeks prior. No notice given for Seaview Terrace. My brother died on the 4th and the trucks rolled in on the 8th. I did not go to Alabama.
Alarm Note- 10F is zoning amendments for Seaview Terrace- that orange section on the map is Seaview Terrace with City Planner Wayne Marshall stating we are Residential 1. To date (7/28/2015 the maps on the City website reflect Seaview Terrace as Residential 3. Numerous requests to change us to R1 were met with rhetoric and bullying from Slocum and Marshall. I think we are R3- illegally zoned. They are buying time till appeals run out?
meeting lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to click on each item (copied below) 66:04 minutes continuous 10A-F , 47:17 minutes continuous 10G-L
Items 10A - 10F
13) Consideration of a request from the Pedestrian, Biking & Hiking Committee to purchase a pair of solar-powered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB's) for installation at the Main Street crosswalk at the top of the hill near the Alto Street intersection.
C) Consideration of a request to accept the bids for asphalt as submitted and to award the bid to the lowest bidder.
D) Second reading a resolution of the City Council to authorize the sale of up to $4.5 million for the tax anticipation note of the City of Belfast.
E) Discussion on a request to accept bids for the purchase of a "Rodding Machine" for the Waste water Treatment program.
F) First reading on proposed amendments to the City Code of Ordinances regarding land use and zoning.
First Reading of Proposed Amendments to City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 102 Zoning. Amendments include the following:
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 1, Generally. Section 102-301. Amendments to Official Zoning Map
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 30. Establishment of Table of Uses for the following zoning districts located Inside the Bypass or near the Bypass: Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Downtown Commercial, Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2.
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 31. Establishment of a Table of Dimensional Regulations for the following zoning districts located Inside the Bypass or near the Bypass: Residential 1, Residential 2, Residential 3, Downtown Commercial, Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2.
• Article V, District Regulations, Division 6, Residential I Urban District; Division 8, Downtown Commercial District; Division 10, Waterfront TA' District; Division 11.5, Waterfront Mixed use District; and Division 23, Health Care District. Current Ordinance provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated.
• Article X, Contract Rezoning, Division 3, Bradbury Manor, is proposed to be amended to establish Contract Rezoning provisions for certain properties located in the proposed Residential 1 and Residential 2 zoning districts.
Article X, Contract Rezoning, Division 4, Waterfront Mixed Use District and Waterfront Development District, is proposed to be amended. Amendments recognize the establishments of the Waterfront Mixed Use 1 and Waterfront Mixed Use 2 zoning districts, and the requirement that all properties in the Waterfront Mixed Use 1 District, except a single family house located on Field Street, are required to use the contract rezoning process.
G) Consideration of a request from the Harbormaster to spend an additional $500 from the Footbridge Maintenance Reserve to pay for an inspection of the drawbridge.
H) Updated discussion on maintenance of the landscaping associated with the Harbor Walk.
I) Discussion on our membership to the County Budget Committee.
,1) Request of the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss two real estate matters pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. 405 (6) C.
K) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a request for a poverty abatement pursuant to Title 36 M.R.S.A. Section 841.
L) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/08192014-1342meeting lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to click on each item (copied below) 47:30 minutes continuous 10A-M. 54:52 minutes continous M-O
Note- This meeting contains the corrupt Inland Fisheries scam to claim the toxic Muck man made water hole as a fishing spot. This has City Council Hurley's filthy hands all over it. It's that stupid. Of course he votes against it to play his hand. Since then it's been his hand demanding for the Muck work to begin. But I stopped that- it would be an “unanticpated” problem already under way and residents would foot the tab for the true underlying money suck of what was secretely intended for the Muck. No way would it ever be a fishing hole. It is toxic, heavy equipment is even in there. Fell through the ice. A super fund site. Fishing for cancer.
And I have been stead fast demanding City Manager Slocum and City Planner Marshall to be fired. This meeting is Slocum's contract renewal. Council Roger Lee renews Sloscum for 2 years with 5% raise per year.
Item 10 (Part 1 of 2)
B) Celtic Celebration Committee request to use Belfast Common, Front Street and Steamboat Landing for July 17, 18 and 19 2015
C) Consideration of Bids to supply road Salt for the City.
D) Consideration of bids to supply road sand for the City.
E) Request of the police chief for the city to accept the sum of $574 as its share of a successful drug trafficking investigation in partnership with the main drug enforcement agency.
F) Request to accept a $300,000 our Community Development Block Grant for housing assistance.
G) Request to have the Council approved revised guidelines for the City’s Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program.
H) Request by CMP the public Works Director to remove a tree at Robins Road and at 186 Congress
I) Request to transfer $2200 for the Airport runway capital reserve account to a project account established to pay for appraisal services.
J) Consideration of bids to remove 2.1 miles of rail and railroad ties within the City owned rail corridor.
K) Requests from the Economic Development Director to amend a proposed RFP to develop a building for multiple small commercial tenants at the Belfast Airport Park.
L) Request to use Steamboat landing for a private wedding.
M) Consideration of our request from Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to reconstruct the Muck and stock it with trout for youth fishing only.
N) Approval of a letter of support for an application by the Municipal Review Committee to construct a new landfill.
O) Consideration of the City Managers Contract
7/15/2014 http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/07152014-1217
meeting lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to click on each item (copied below) 70:25 minutes continuous 10A-M
Item 10
B) Request from Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden to confirm two new officers to Belfast Police Department.
C) Consideration of the request from the Front St. Shipyard to temporarily store long sailing masts on City property.
D) Consideration of a proposal to purchase private property at 59 Bridge Street as part of the Front Street Reconstruction project.
E) Request from the City Manager to move $7,650 from the Harbor Waterfront Gasoline Account.
F) Discussion on the possible acceptance of a gift of an upright piano for the Boathouse.
G) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project.
H) Appointment of Nora McGrath as Office Assistant.
I) Discussion on tax acquired properties put out to bid.
J) Request from the Economic Development Director to re- authorize the City's existing CDBG Housing Assistance Advisory Committee and to what members to fill open slots in the committee.
K) Request to approved the formation of the Brownsfield Cleanup Task Force to advise on the cleanup of 45 Front Street.
M) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability
to click on each item (copied below) 42:10 minutes continuous 10A-J
Item 10
A) Request from the Fire Chief to appoint Adrian Stone is a full-time paramedic for the Belfast ambulance service.
B) Request from the Fire Chief or authority to sell our 2006 Ford ambulance.
C) Request from the Fire Chief for approval of a fee arrangement for non-emergency transports.
D) Updated discussions on Tree removal issues.
E) Second reading of a proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 102, Article 5, District Regulations, Division 29, Searsport Ave. Commercial Zoning District.
F) Update from the City Planner on the upcoming Public Hearings on proposed changes to various Zoning Provisions inside the Bypass area.
G) Request from the LaMagna family for the City to accept a donation of a memorial bench to be placed in City Park.
H) Request from the City Manager to conduct an Executive Session pursuant to 1MRSA 405- 6 (E) to discuss a legal matter.
I) Request from the City Manager to conduct an Executive Session pursuant to 1 MRSA 405-6 (C) to discuss a real estate matter.
J) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/06032014-1356meeting lumped business agenda together hiding menu of each item and ability to click on each item (copied below) 41:24 minutes continuous 10A-J
Items 10 - 13
A) Request from the Public Works Director to transfer $10,200 from the Culvert Capital Reserve account to a Capital Project account to replace the two culverts at Achorn Road.
B) Request from the Fire Chief for the City to sign on to the Waldo County Incident Management support agreement.
C) Request of the Economic Development Director for the City to contract with the Maine Office of Community Development to serve as the pass through entity for the Maine Downtown Center.
D) Request from the Harbormaster to approve funding for up to $18,000 to replace the utilities at Thompson's Wharf.
E) Request from the Harbormaster funding of up to $5,000 to cover the disposal cost of the old floats from Thompson's Wharf.
F) Request from the Harbormaster to approve funding for an updated inspection of the Armistice Bridge and the Bascule.
G) The first reading of a proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 102, Article 5, District Regulations, Division 29, Searsport Ave. Commercial Zoning District.
H) Consideration of a Resolution to accept the terms and requirements of the Federal Government in approving the rail banking of a portion of the City owned Rai l Corridor and authorizing the development of a recreational trail.
I) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) E.
J) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
Above concludes the lumping of agenda item 12 in targeted meetings. The rest of the meetings running with the above “Lumped” meetings during 9/3/2013 – 6/16/2015 are correctly uploaded for viewing.
Below are 2013 Meetings that were not taped (there may be more)and concerning issues
A. 1/13/2013 Meeting Key Items
>Funding for the Master Harbor Plan
>Rail Trail Public Hearing
>TIF Districting (I copied only portions of these minutes below.)
B. 10/1/13 Key Items–
>Thompson's Wharf Rebuilding,
>Rail Trail Property Rights, Harbor Walk,
> Rescind Masker's property transfer to Belfast Development Corp (full minutes available)
C. 10/15/13 Key Items-
> Hurley wants update on Cross Street (part of Downtown Revitalization Project- DRP- The Project) @ 11/6/2013 meeting,
>Harbor Walk Update on final stages, REVIEW AND SIGN ANNUAL CITY AUDIT.
> First reading of Rezoning Agreement for Front Street Shipyard,
>Purchase of software for Video Director Ned Lightner to Index meetings- HELLO!!!(full minutes available)
1/15/2013 City Council Meeting WATERFRONT MASTER PLAN/TIF/Rail Trail NOT TAPED -
order#36 was at end of minutes/meeting- I posted it first)
Order # 36 Signed by Councilor Hamilton: Ordered That: The City
Manager and the City
are authorized to
expend up to $105,000.00 to MRLD, LLC of Yarmouth to prepare the
Waterfront Master Plan, and to expend $75,000 from the FY 2011
Capital Improvement
Budget, with the remainder to come from the Undesignated Fund
Account. (voted August 17,
to the Public
members of the public took the opportunity to speak.
Hurley discussed the poor lighting on Starrett Drive and around the
Sanders, seconded by Councilor Hamilton, made a motion to adjourn at
10:25 p.m. This
passed, 5-0.
of Belfast
Chambers-Belfast City Hall
Council Meeting No. 14
January 15, 2013
to order
Walter Ash Jr. Councilors Mary Mortier, Roger Lee, Eric Sanders,
Michael Hurley, Nancy
City Manager Joseph Slocum, and Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager Jennika Lundy.
of Allegiance
of the agenda
Manager Slocum requested to postpone
item “H” until the February 5, 2013 Regular Council
and to add a discussion on Economic Incentives as item K1.
Hurley, seconded by Councilor Hamilton made a motion to accept the
agenda as amended.
was unanimously approved, 5-0.
of the minutes
Council Meeting of January 2, 2012, and Special Council Meeting of
January 8, 2013.
Hamilton, seconded by Councilor Hurley, made a motion to accept the
minutes from Regular
Meeting of January 2, 2013 and Special Council Meeting of January 8,
2013. This was unanimously
to the public
Allen from Belfast spoke in opposition to the Rail to Trail and her
concerns about storm water on
Lenderking from Belfast spoke about the Camden Conference on February
will be
at the Hutchinson Center.
Sawyer from Belfast spoke about the Holy Walkamole 5k on March 30th.
Slocum from Belfast spoke about the Searsport Planning Board meetings
at the end of the week
encouraged people to attend.
Cox from Belfast spoke about the Penobscot Steward Program and asked
for Council/City
Pinkham Bebb from Belfast updated the Council on the grant that had
been applied (asked to
for and that Our Town Belfast was not asked to continue in the
process for the proposed Please
Wilkerson from Belfast spoke about the Searsport LPG Tank hearings
and encouraged people to
Meeting #14 –January
15, 2013 Minutes
Page from Belfast spoke about the proposed Rail Trail and his request
for 990 feet of rail to remain
the City Point Railroad Museum.
and Discussion on Inner Harbor issues.
Manager Slocum provided an overview of the need to clear up mooring
inspections, and the
for the Harbor Committee to define the word “commercial” as it
relates to Harbor business.
Master Kathy Pickering requested direction from the Council as to
what activities they would
to see in the Harbor in the future. The policy of a moratorium was
discussed, and the Harbor
recommendation to not add any new moorings in the inner harbor at
this time.
Garrand and Dan Miller both from Belfast shared their perspectives on
commercial harbor
on Economic Incentives
Development Director Thomas Kittredge and City Planner Wayne Marshall
document on Tax Increment Financing Districts and allocations. The
Council provided feedback
action. There was general support of the document with a couple of
exceptions, one being the
around Footbridge Road and the other with the list of projects that
could be funded.
by the Economic Development Director to have City Council approve
submission of a
of Intent to the Community Development Block Grant Micro-Enterprise
Assistance Grant
Development Director Thomas Kittredge explained the Community
Grant Micro-Enterprise Assistance Grant. Council supported sending
the letter of intent
Rail Corridor.
public hearing was held to review a Draft Report prepared for the
Passy Rail Trail feasibility study
public comment was taken on the Draft Report. The Passy Rail Trail
project was envisioned when
City Council authorized the City’s purchase of the former Belfast
and Moosehead Lake Railroad
in 2010. The purpose of the feasibility study is to explore possible
ways to provide
opportunities like walking, jogging, biking and skiing within the
Railroad right-of-way.
public comment was requested on the possibility of rail banking some
or the entire rail corridor.
and comments were taken.
Montgomery from Belfast spoke in support of the rail path.
Messner-Eweld from Belfast and Waldo expressed her concerns about the
Lishner from Belfast spoke in support of the rail trail.
Pendleton from Belfast spoke in support of the rail trail.
Dickerson from the Coastal Mountain Land Trust spoke in support of
the rail trail, and
Meeting #14 –January
15, 2013 Minutes
assistance with funding.
no further questions or comments Mayor Ash declared the hearing
and possible action on the VHB Rail Trail feasibility study.
of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
Order # 33 Signed by Councilor Hurley: Ordered That: The City Manager
and the City
are authorized to expend up to $144,218.00 to Delong Marine for the
construction of the
harbor dock. Funds were previously allocated with Council Order # 19
FY 2012-2013
Totally unprofessional responses by City Hall employee (must be in the their special water)
Director of Video Services Ned Lightner,
You sent a separate response (copied below) that does not support Swagit software stating the client makes the change and therefore can restore improper indexing on MANY (12) meetings. Those meetings appear to have been targeted for lumping to make it difficult to find. From your message you are blaming Swagit. Please be advised that I am posting the targeted meetings and this email on by blog.
Laurie Allen
Totally unprofessional responses by City Hall employee (must be in the their special water)
From: | Ned Lightner (ned.lightner@gmail.com) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Thu 7/30/15 11:05 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
do not do the indexing or changes. Besides, there is no obligation on
the part of the city that we must index our meetings. This is meant to
be a convenience. If it is not convenient enough for you, that is
Why are you being so confrontational?
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Thu 7/30/15 10:58 AM |
To: | ned.lightner@gmail.com (ned.lightner@gmail.com); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org) |
Director of Video Services Ned Lightner,
You sent a separate response (copied below) that does not support Swagit software stating the client makes the change and therefore can restore improper indexing on MANY (12) meetings. Those meetings appear to have been targeted for lumping to make it difficult to find. From your message you are blaming Swagit. Please be advised that I am posting the targeted meetings and this email on by blog.
Laurie Allen
From: | Ned Lightner (ned.lightner@gmail.com) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Wed 7/29/15 4:27 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Hi Laurie,
I contacted the Swagit folks and this
is their reply:
usual method for indexing is to cut it to the number, which was done
in the July meetings. The detail of cutting to the sub-letter appears
to have been overlooked for the July 7th meeting, and then was
referenced to cut the July 21st meeting therefore following the same
cutting format.
Going forward we can split the Business Items out individually if you like.
Going forward we can split the Business Items out individually if you like.
I asked them to please split the
business items, and they said they would. Thanks for bringing this to
my attention.
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:29:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Council Meeting Indexing Issues
From: ned.lightner@gmail.com
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Dear Laurie,
Why do you have to come across in such
a confrontational manner?
Why do you address me as Ned Lightner
Director of video services?
You can just say Ned.
You are the only person who has
mentioned this issue. I will bring it up with Swagit and see if they
can help.
Director Of Video Services Ned Lightner,
This is more than a couple of meetings since 6/04/2014. According to Swagit ( below copied from their website), "you control virtually every aspect of the look and feel of the program. You won't need to call a programmer every time you want to make a change." These meetings were "broken down by agenda item, so viewers can either watch the entire meeting or select a particular agenda item from an on-screen menu. "
I have accessed many of these "changed" meetings many, many times, and they were broken down by agenda item with the ability to select a particular agenda item. "You" can make changes whenever "you" want. These changes to lump the agenda were made after they were uploaded correctly. Therefore, "you" can make the changes to correct the lumping back to the on screen menu broken down by agenda item with the option to select a particular agenda item.
**Please confirm that the proper indexing of each agenda item will be immediately restored prior to the next meeting , 8/4/2015.
**Please confirm that all meetings that have been improperly indexed since 6/4/2014 will be corrected.
Laurie Allen
from Swagit website
Swagit helps clients integrate software programs that are designed to create board and commission meeting agendas, as well as City Council agendas. This results in a uniform appearance for presentation of materials. Working with selected partners who develop applications inspired by city and county clerks as well as board secretaries and administrative assistants, typical agenda software tools are loaded with lots of time-saving features!
Automatically renumber agenda items when editing
Quickly add electronic documents to the agenda item
Design custom routing maps for every meeting type
Easily track the whereabouts of every agenda item in the routing process
Custom tailor agenda templates for unlimited meeting types Move and copy agenda items from one meeting to another
Automatically push finalized agendas to your public web site
No Collating – Print your entire agenda packet and attachments with just a few clicks
The Roll Call, Voting and Minutes features make putting your minutes together quick and easy
It’s easy to maintain — you control virtually every aspect of the look and feel of the program. You won’t need to call a programmer every time you want to make a change.
Video footage of meetings are automatically uploaded to Swagit’s servers, and meetings are broken down by agenda item, so viewers can either watch the entire meeting or select a particular agenda item from an on-screen menu. “Swagit’s solution creates no additional work for city staff,” said Reeves. “It offers the city a truly hands-free, fully automated system for streaming video live and on-demand.”
“This gets the city out of the streaming video business and it leverages those resources to enhance the product,” Matthews said. “We had council meetings available, but because we constructed it in-house, when we had a council meeting it would take several days before that meeting was available online. Utilizing Swagit compresses the timeline so that within a few hours people will be able to view the meetings online.”
Austin currently streams nearly 3,100 video clips to its citizens each month. Watch Now »
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:41:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Council Meeting Indexing Issues
From: managersasst@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for letting us know of this issue. I have spoke with Ned about how the indexing has seemed to change over the last couple of meetings. He is going to reach out to Swagit which is the company we use to index the meetings to see if they can rectify this issue. Thanks again for bring this to our attention.
On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:20 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Director Of Video Services Ned Lightner,
There has been significant deterioration of ease to view specific agenda items in Belfast City Council meetings. The specific reason $3600 in tax dollars was approved per your request to purchase this software service in October 2013 from the old program to the new program was because of the software ability to view each agenda item.
#1 lists the most recent meeting on 7/21/2015. A hoarding of agenda items into 2 sections is making it very difficult to view, including the budget discussion. Furthermore, clicking on the meeting desired would list each agenda item on the menu. Now the menu lists on a few words of the first item into the enormous 14 items.
#2 lists the first meeting indexed with the new software on 9/11/2013 & the last on 5/20/14 that proves each agenda item is listed for separate clicking and viewing as well as the menu page listing the full agenda item by item. . It was an automatic indexing shown in every meeting from 9/11/2013- 5/20/14. After that, the software was edited and grouping began on the 6/4/2014 meeting also listed as proof in #2.
**Please confirm that the proper indexing of each agenda item will be immediately restored prior to the next meeting , 8/4/2015.
**Please confirm that all meetings that have been improperly indexed since 6/4/2014 will be corrected.
I copied Manda and the treasurer because Manda was able to correct the viewing of the budget on the City website. Seems like an easy fix on the meetings and concerning that it has been ongoing for over a year.
Laurie Allen
1. 7/21/2015 meeting
A. After clicking on to the meeting- this is view of the index. Listing of agenda is lumped into 2 parts only referenced as 10. The menu does not reflect each agenda item.
B. 2nd click to item 10 part 1 of 1 reflects this mess below. From there the viewer must scan the mess to see the items and begin hit or miss fast forwarding to find the item.
Item 10 (Part 1 of 2) - 10) Business A) Further discussion on the creation of an Ad hoc Committee comprised of the Harbor Committee and other individuals to develop and recommend an Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan. B) Consideration of a request from the Harbor Committee to hire an independent private consultant to help develop and propose a future Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan. C) Consideration of possible approval of the 2015-2016 City Budget. D) Approval of the Election Warrants for the RSU 71 Budget Referendum. E) Update on the Facility Use Request from the Experimental Aircraft Association for an Open House and Fly In at the Airport on September 19, 2015. F) Facility Use Request from City Reach Church to use a portion of City Park on September 19, 2015 for a free community event providing medical screenings, haircuts, clothing etc. G) Facility Use Request and Parade Permit request for the Maine State Firefighters Parade on September 12, 2015. H) Facility Use Request from the Restorative Justice program for street closure of Beaver Street on July 24, 2015 to celebrate their open house. I) Consideration of a request from the Commercial Charter Boats to allow for some additional signage. J) Update on proposal to install benches on the Armistice Bridge. K) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project. L) First reading of proposed amendments to various agreements between the City of Belfast and DUBBA LLC (Front Street Shipyard) M) First Reading of proposed additional amendments to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78, Floods. N) Update from the Parks and Recreation Director on the maintenance of City owned range ways and rights of ways to the water. O) Consideration of opening bids and possible award of bids on tax acquire property. P) Signing of Council Orders
Item 10 (Part 1 of 2)
10) Business
A) Further discussion on the creation of an Ad hoc Committee comprised of the Harbor Committee and other individuals to develop and recommend an Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
B) Consideration of a request from the Harbor Committee to hire an independent private consultant to help develop and propose a future Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
C) Consideration of possible approval of the 2015-2016 City Budget.
D) Approval of the Election Warrants for the RSU 71 Budget Referendum.
E) Update on the Facility Use Request from the Experimental Aircraft Association for an Open House and Fly In at the Airport on September 19, 2015.
F) Facility Use Request from City Reach Church to use a portion of City Park on September 19, 2015 for a free community event providing medical screenings, haircuts, clothing etc.
G) Facility Use Request and Parade Permit request for the Maine State Firefighters Parade on September 12, 2015.
H) Facility Use Request from the Restorative Justice program for street closure of Beaver Street on July 24, 2015 to celebrate their open house.
I) Consideration of a request from the Commercial Charter Boats to allow for some additional signage.
J) Update on proposal to install benches on the Armistice Bridge.
K) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project.
L) First reading of proposed amendments to various agreements between the City of Belfast and DUBBA LLC (Front Street Shipyard)
M) First Reading of proposed additional amendments to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78, Floods.
N) Update from the Parks and Recreation Director on the maintenance of City owned range ways and rights of ways to the water.
O) Consideration of opening bids and possible award of bids on tax acquire property. P) Signing of Council Orders
Item 10 (Part 2 of 2) - 10) Business A) Further discussion on the creation of an Ad hoc Committee comprised of the Harbor Committee and other individuals to develop and recommend an Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan. B) Consideration of a request from the Harbor Committee to hire an independent private consultant to help develop and propose a future Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan. C) Consideration of possible approval of the 2015-2016 City Budget. D) Approval of the Election Warrants for the RSU 71 Budget Referendum. E) Update on the Facility Use Request from the Experimental Aircraft Association for an Open House and Fly In at the Airport on September 19, 2015. F) Facility Use Request from City Reach Church to use a portion of City Park on September 19, 2015 for a free community event providing medical screenings, haircuts, clothing etc. G) Facility Use Request and Parade Permit request for the Maine State Firefighters Parade on September 12, 2015. H) Facility Use Request from the Restorative Justice program for street closure of Beaver Street on July 24, 2015 to celebrate their open house. I) Consideration of a request from the Commercial Charter Boats to allow for some additional signage. J) Update on proposal to install benches on the Armistice Bridge. K) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project. L) First reading of proposed amendments to various agreements between the City of Belfast and DUBBA LLC (Front Street Shipyard) M) First Reading of proposed additional amendments to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78, Floods. N) Update from the Parks and Recreation Director on the maintenance of City owned range ways and rights of ways to the water. O) Consideration of opening bids and possible award of bids on tax acquire property. P) Signing of Council Orders
Item 10 (Part 2 of 2)
10) Business
A) Further discussion on the creation of an Ad hoc Committee comprised of the Harbor Committee and other individuals to develop and recommend an Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
B) Consideration of a request from the Harbor Committee to hire an independent private consultant to help develop and propose a future Outer Harbor and Coastal Harbor Plan.
C) Consideration of possible approval of the 2015-2016 City Budget.
D) Approval of the Election Warrants for the RSU 71 Budget Referendum.
E) Update on the Facility Use Request from the Experimental Aircraft Association for an Open House and Fly In at the Airport on September 19, 2015.
F) Facility Use Request from City Reach Church to use a portion of City Park on September 19, 2015 for a free community event providing medical screenings, haircuts, clothing etc.
G) Facility Use Request and Parade Permit request for the Maine State Firefighters Parade on September 12, 2015.
H) Facility Use Request from the Restorative Justice program for street closure of Beaver Street on July 24, 2015 to celebrate their open house.
I) Consideration of a request from the Commercial Charter Boats to allow for some additional signage.
J) Update on proposal to install benches on the Armistice Bridge.
K) Update on the Downtown Revitalization Project.
L) First reading of proposed amendments to various agreements between the City of Belfast and DUBBA LLC (Front Street Shipyard)
M) First Reading of proposed additional amendments to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 78, Floods.
N) Update from the Parks and Recreation Director on the maintenance of City owned range ways and rights of ways to the water.
O) Consideration of opening bids and possible award of bids on tax acquire property. P) Signing of Council Orders
9/11/2013 1rst meeting with ability to click on EACH letter of agenda
Item 10A - Consideration of a recommendation from the Economic Development Director for the City to sell lot number eight in the Belfast Airport Business Park.
Item 10B - Public Hearing on submitting a grant application to the United States Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration Public Works Grant Program to assist in the funding of the reconstruction and enhancement of Front Street.
Item 10C - Request from the Economic Development Director to approve a resolution for the City to commit to spend up to $1,270,000 million in matching funds through future borrowing/bonding, and a ‘letter of commitment’ referencing that funding.
Item 10D - Request from the Economic Development Director for approval of an application to the United States Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration Public Works Program.
Executive Session - Executive Session
Item 10E - Request from the Economic Development Director for the Council to approve the two remaining trustee positions to the newly formed Belfast Development Corporation.
Item 10F - Request that the Economic Development Director for the City to consider transferring title of 45 Front Street to the Belfast Development Corporation.
Item 10G - Request from Brooks Preservation Society to conduct three train rides from the Upper Bridge to City Point rail in October 12, 13 and14.
Item 10H - Request from the City Manager to spend up to $7,500 in connection with the City’s application to rail bank the City owned rail corridor from Penobscot McCrum to City Point Rail.
Item 10J - Update on the Harbor Walk.
Item 10K - Discussion of the recent City election supporting withdrawal from RSU # 20.
Item 10L - Further discussion and update on the dredging at Sears Island and associated dumping of soils in Penobscot Bay.
Item 10M - Discussion on City’s attempt to sell its old ladder truck and consideration of possibly reducing the asking price.
Item 10N - Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
5/20/14 meeting - last meeting with each agenda listed separately.
Consent Agenda - Permits, Petitions and Licenses - Consent Agenda A. Request to approve an application by the Belfast Curling Club located at 211 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, Maine for a renewal Malt, Spirituous and Vinous liquor license, interior only. B. Request to approve an application for a renewal Special Amusement Permit for the Belfast Curling Club for live music, vocals - Karaoke, DJ and dancing at 211 Belmont Avenue, Belfast, Maine, interior/exterior. C. Request to approve a request by VFW Post 3108 for a Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 26lh, 2014 at 10:00 am starting at Reny's Plaza. D. Request to approve a "Facility Use" application by Spectrum Generations Meals on Wheels and the Belfast Soup Kitchen to conduct a 5K Road Race on Saturday, August 2, 2014 starting at 10:00 am. The race route will start at Spectrum Generations and finish at the Soup Kitchen.
Item 10A - Reconsideration of a request from Harbor Committee to set Slip Fees for Thompson's Wharf for 2014. Additional Item
Item 10B - Request from the Police Chief to appoint two part time Police Patrol Officers.
Item 10C - Request from the Economic Development Director to set up an Airport Master Plan Project Advisory Committee.
Item 10D - Requests from the Economic Development Director for authority to pursue a grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission to help pay for the Rail Trail project.
Item 10E - Update from the City Planner on efforts to incorporate the recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan into Belfast land use regulations.
Item 10F - Consideration of requests to cut down trees at 6 Court Street, 7 Swan Lake Ave and 100 Miller Streets.
Items 10G - 13 - G) Request by the City Manager to go into an Executive Session to discuss a legal enforcement matter under 1MRSA 405 (6) E. H) Request by the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter under 1 MRSA 405 (6) A. I) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items. 11) Open to the Public Please state your nam
Item 8 - Old Business and Council Committee Reports -Cemetery Board of Trustees: 1 expiring position, and 1 vacant alternate position, three-year term. Joyce Fenner has applied for reappointment. Paul Hamilton has applied for the vacant position -Airport Advisory Committee: 1 expiring position, and 2 vacant positions where the applicant may or may not be from Belfast. All are three-year terms. James R. Truxes has applied for reappointment. No one has applied for the vacant positions. -Harbor Advisory Committee: 2 expiring positions, 1 vacant position, two-year term. Alec Allmayer-Beck and Robert Winslow have applied for reappointment. Dennis R. Trefry and David Carlson have applied for the vacant position. -Pedestrian Biking & Hiking Committee: 3 expiring positions, one-year term. Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, Glenn Montgomery and James Merkel have applied for reappointment. -Board of Assessment Review: 2 expiring positions, 1 vacant position, one-year term. Dana Keene and Mary Dutch have applied for reappointment. No applications yet for the vacant position. -Library Board of Trustees: 2 vacant positions, three-year term. Robin Kruger has applied for vacant position. -Parks and Rec Commission: 2 expiring positions, 2 vacant positions. Carol Good and Hester Kohl have applied for reappointment. No one has applied for vacant positions. -Planning Board: 1 expiring position, five-year term. Wayne Corey has applied for reappointment. Next steps: Please advise which applicants you would like to appoint/reappoint immediately or interview at your June 17th Council Meeting.
6/4/14 meeting where grouping began
Items 10 - 13
A) Request from the Public Works Director to transfer $10,200 from the Culvert Capital Reserve account to a Capital Project account to replace the two culverts at Achorn Road.
B) Request from the Fire Chief for the City to sign on to the Waldo County Incident Management support agreement.
C) Request of the Economic Development Director for the City to contract with the Maine Office of Community Development to serve as the pass through entity for the Maine Downtown Center.
D) Request from the Harbormaster to approve funding for up to $18,000 to replace the utilities at Thompson's Wharf.
E) Request from the Harbormaster funding of up to $5,000 to cover the disposal cost of the old floats from Thompson's Wharf.
F) Request from the Harbormaster to approve funding for an updated inspection of the Armistice Bridge and the Bascule.
G) The first reading of a proposed amendment to the City Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 102, Article 5, District Regulations, Division 29, Searsport Ave. Commercial Zoning District.
H) Consideration of a Resolution to accept the terms and requirements of the Federal Government in approving the rail banking of a portion of the City owned Rai l Corridor and authorizing the development of a recreational trail.
I) Request from the City Manager to go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter pursuant to 1 MRSA 405 (6) E.
J) Signing of Council Orders and housekeeping items.
11) Open to the Public
Please state your name and town you are from when addressing the City Council.
12) Communications
13) Adjourn
Manda Cushman
Administrative Assistant to the City Manager
Belfast, ME
p) 338-3370 x 10
f) 338-2419
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