
Be Happy by Heil Hurley Belfast Resident Slaughterer

 Link and article to Hurley "Putin" his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Thanks Johnny.
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm) 
Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prisonshortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Crass/Offensive but it's Hurley World


 Here's Johnny, I mean Belfast City Council Mike Hurley....

Belfast City Councilor Mike Hurley promotes forced water slaughter to residents private property. Fabricating a mythical stream as a sound reason to drown and destroy, the flood plain, flood zone of Seaview Terrace on all 3 sides. City Council, Mayor, City Manager and City Planner support slaughter. Here's Johnny- Belfast is his stage, Seaview Terrace his reality victim unable to escape out the bathroom window.

Below is the local ordinance that City Hall uses as a reason to slaughter us. Hiding all documents that prove there is not a "natural outlet" running through our private property. Sick officials. I prevailed and nailed the original development plans. A ditch ran through here- probably dug in the early 60's to take the runoff off from the newly constructed Route 1 bypass. Before that, Seaview Terrace was an apple orchard.

It would be sick enough if there was a private property stream running through that they chose to use instead of building infrastructure. So this is insanity by the mass- #1 is City Planner Wayne Marshall, characterless, cold and calculating. #2 a toss up between  City Council Mike Hurley ,City Manager Joe Slocum, and City Attorney Bill Kelly. Code/Zoning Todd Rosenburg takes the next slot. Route 1 north and south highway nasty runoff, more roads, roofs, parking lots, totally polluted and coursing through our properties and into our beautiful bay- untreated. Super fund sick.

Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city.Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.



 7/1/14 Belfast City Council Meeting- Click 6 open to the public- I'm 3rd speaker (ff 4minutes40seconds). Click 7 for communications ff 1minute44seconds- See Slocum lie again "never had any plans to pave Seaview Terrace until next fall"

(4/1/14 City Council Meeting- click 7 ff to 9:36 and 12:44, Slocum states TWO times- paving Seaview Terrace this spring/fall ) This meeting is shocking. I come back and am not messing around in the second open to public. They must have been wetting themselves when I came up to their thrones. Click 6 for open to the public, they speak about me in communications (7) I'm back- click on 11 and into communications again. Hurley tries to dominate me. Not.
They rip into me. Watch it all, my neighbor joins in too. This one they have choreographed a mess with manipulations and with holding simple public documents. Forcing me to re request and re request for the same documents. Never to get them and Council refusing to validate validity of documents. This mess here is a simple request for 7 zoning conditions for snow removal at 7 sites. 51 copies Slocum says- files, maps- What The... No I've been done this rabbit hole too many times. Hand me the documents- Slocum refuses because they are not there. I'm home watching as they attack me. I come back for the second open to the public, click on #11- I am on rapid fire with fact after fact- then listen to Hurley- "if we want to put it on the agenda- we put Seaview Terrace on...and then he fades. At that meeting on 1/4/12- the City Attorney Bill Kelly spoke for City Council and ran out when I questioned him. City Council immediately voted to take not further action. Bang, bang. Listen to Slocum go back to his mess again, and defending that there was a stream there before the developer bought it and moved it. Hogwash. It was a ditch and he moved the ditch. For kicks and giggles- let's imagine it was a stream. Once it's moved it is not natural. Ergo not at NATURAL outlet.)

Back to 7/1/14 meeting- Hurley  takes liberty to slam me again and again, no difference here. He says I have dominated for 4 years. Preferring this to court where he has carte blanche City Attorney and tax payer dollars to break me. They want me to take me out financially in court. A friend told me of another similar flooding to a wealthy woman in Bar Harbor/MDI. She was into 10 million in legal fees 4 years ago. Evil officials/ Hurley comparing his property on top of Belfast (HIGH St. to the basin of their cesspool- Seaview Terrace. Neighbors liking this nightmare do not own "stream" property and are clueless to the drowning. Turn on the news. We're dead. City Manager Slocum, Council Mike Hurley and Roger Lee go back to denial and entitlement drowning.

Later in communications- it turns to the school officials dysfunction- just like Belfast City Hall. The students suffer, the residents suffer/ Hurley refers to the very same corruption tactics he and City Hall use in committee's and delays. Oblivious to the irony. Simple madness.

Look at the map I drew below, nothing natural about their forced calculated slaughter.

Abusive email from Council Mike Hurley. Threatening me with a choice to rezone our neighborhood to a parking lot for his office complex or full throttle destruction of Seaview Terrace to the "Grand Canyon" already underway.
From: Mike Hurley ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 6/13/14 12:52 PM
What would be helpful would be if you were capable of believing the basic information.
Subject: why rezone if it's going to destroyed ?
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:39:14 -0400
Which one is it? An all-encompassing office complex or the new Grand Canyon?

Below is my 1 foot high 2 foot wide private property drainage ditch after wild rapids swept through for over a week in spring melt 4/2011. My first spring, with this undisclosed hell where water and streams were my number one concern. All properties showed/disclosing water were rejected by me in writing in 2010. They sold me hell. Paid cash, flood zone not even disclosed. Property Inspector was in cahoots with agents. Inspected in 4/2010- water and unstabilized banks not disclosed. Below this is the water forced into Seaview Terrace after a one inch downfall, previously dry.

Below the map is the same 1 inch where neighbors runoff is illegally sent to me. Done so by the City of Belfast Public Works illegally digging ditches on private property to send accumulating run off to me. Against Maine State Law too. My house is the gray split level at the end. All coming to me. The red colonial next to me does not own "stream" property, nor the next and last house (not pictured- but the stream "Liker". Those sections are owned by Mid Coast Mental Health. The last picture is another path forced to my back yard from Midcoast Mental Health, The Annex and Wight St. Merging with it goes down another 200 feet to a culvert merging with more water into a culvert and under Northport Ave . Easy to back up and flood us. That huge culvert at the top couldn't handle the melt of 2009- crashing over and almost taking long time resident, Becky Gibbons car with it. City Manager Joe Slocum commented to me that it could have taken her house off it's foundation. But, so what, who cares. ME!

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