June 9, 2016 Recognition Awards @ Belfast Area High School. Discrimination and Intimidation Education Journey Against The Best Ends. Epic hug, my son and me. At the podium is James Davis, Director of Guidance. The horrible man that targeted my son before he entered 9th grade via scheduling, with holding courses and crucial guidance support to academic excellence and colleges.
After 6 years of trying to please and to be invited, he ranked 4th in his class with advanced placement courses, high honors for 4 consecutive years. Ranking is general for any courses maintaining a high GPA. Achieving high honors with this brutal AP course load vs achieving high honors for basic courses is not equal or fair.
This was his schedule, his senior year because of Guidance and administration punishing him to punish me.
Advanced Placement English Literature
Advanced Placement US Government
Advanced Placement Calculus
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Advanced Placement Physics
Latin 3
Latin 4
High honors maintained. He ranks above all, despite all the abuse from Superintendent Knowles, Director of Guidance James Davis, Guidance Jessica Woods and Principal Fitzpatrick. Destroying his schedule before 9th grade even began and throwing him under their bus again and again. Because of me, forced to protect our home and our lives again. Robbed of support and esteem academically and socially, then denying him the assistance needed to complete the stellar Questbridge College application process at top ranking colleges for top ranking low income students. Full tuition, all those above participated in making sure the extensive application deadline of 10/1/2015 was missed. For 6 weeks prior, I begged Knowles to oversee the process. He refused and also committed fraud against my son. With the rest named above. Documented and dismissed, detailed on this page.
My son finally got to stand alone on his terms He chose not to attend the graduation on 6/12/2016. Quietly done and well done.
Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at http://questbridge.org/for-students/scholarship-resources.
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team
From: delliotward@emhs.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: mross@rsu20.org; mross@rsu71.org
Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000
The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school. Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April. Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate. The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis. If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038
Here are past difficult emails of proof where Belfast Area High School Guidance Director James Davis targeted my son before entering 9th grade in 9/2012. This is from my public blog, "parent" is me and *** is son. http://waldokids.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_2.html
7/23/2016 updated the above waldokids blog with this post, I wanted to post it on this page as well.
7/23/2016 Most parents do not challenge the schools when students are harmed by administration. All know the student will be burned. Teaching the students that bully how it's done without physical harm.
In 2010, we relocated to Belfast. I was thrown back into fighting to live safely in our home. I quickly learned that Belfast City Hall was dirty, abusive and corrupt. At 47, I thought I had survived all that, taking that on all alone all my life. I began documenting the corruption in 2011 when Belfast City Hall and players thought they could break me into silence and compliance.
My son was entering 7th grade back then. I was volunteering at the school while exposing Belfast corruption. I didn't realize the Good Ole Boys in Belfast City Hall were holding court in the RSU. Before my son entered 9th grade at Belfast Area High School as an honor roll student pursuing academic excellence, dedicated and clean, the Director of Guidance, James Davis was already targeting. Through scheduling of my son's chosen classes to achieve academic excellence.
I was trying to stay out of the school to protect my son. I knew many in the school, staff, administration and parents had relations with massive network of corruption I was exposing. It grew leaps and bounds. It goes worse for my son.
This year, I saw this teacher's name on the BAHS website, Butch Richards. The good ole boy that was waiting for my son. Butch Richards is brother to the Director of Belfast Public Works, Bob Richards. Bob has been the gun in the holster, assaulting Seaview Terrace, targeting my property, intimidation, discrimination, and my life under the direction of Belfast City Hall. The father is Jim Richards, Belfast Fire Chief/ambulatory/emergency response. Good ole boys in the field to strong arm using public services that we pay for. Kicking mom and children. Again, again, again ...
For 6 years, reigning fear on my son, hurting my daughter as well because Mom stands up to the corruption and abuse. Belfast isn't unique to this but a Mom taking them all on...getting back up every time.
We've been alienated since moving here. Making this situation clearer, I didn't know who, what or why until they slammed into our face. The RSU 71 is a disgrace. Period. I protected the teachers, but they didn't step in with the Questbridge College Application intense process that was due 10/1/2015. It's a cop out to say my son needed to be more aggressive. Bullied by administration and socially alienated, he should have crashed. Turning to delinquency and drugs as many teens do coming from family history's like our. Instead he tried harder, studied harder, tried to be included harder, tried, tried, tried. He is a super star. This blog will remain for information.
The last straw for my son was at the Recognition Awards. The end.
Below are only with the destruction to his senior year, his college applications and the attempt to sweep the fraud of the Phi Betta Kappa award. We never even knew he was awarded this. Till I googled his name months after the school year was over. The cover up is sick.
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: jwoods@rsu20.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: XXXXXX Appt.
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:39:34 -0400
I received the letter for scheduling problems. Please confirm that (son) will be covered for Latin (in class teacher) and Environmental Science. Please schedule an appointment for (son) to review and confirm his schedule and get guidance on college (below). You will know when the schedule will be finalized before me. (son) will be there for your first available appointment. Please email me with the date and time.
I received a letter from Quest Bridge, recruiters for "talented low income" students. MIT is (son's) first choice and is a partner with Quest Bridge. Are you familiar with Quest Bridge? Should we fill out the application? Applications must be received by 9/28/2015 for early decision. (son) needs guidance on college choices and recommendations. Here is the link http://www.questbridge.org/about-questbridge/mission-a-vision
Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:32:34 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: Samsel Appt.
From: jwoods@rsu71.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for being in touch. (son) has been scheduled for:
AP Gov't p. 1
AP Calculus p. 2
AP Lit p. 3
Latin 3 p. 4
AP Physics 5 and 6
Latin 4 p. 7
AP Environmental Science p. 8
will have to discuss with Mr. Doran the pro's and con's of taking Latin
3 and 4 at the same time. I would probably recommend that he drop Latin
4 and have a study hall. 6 periods of AP work is a very heavy work
About QuestBridge. I am familiar with
the program but have not had a student enroll. Yes, I would recommend
that you apply, and I would be happy to refer (son) as well, with your
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 8/19/15 7:29 AM |
To: | jwoods@rsu71.org (jwoods@rsu71.org); XXXXX; Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org); ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org); dthomas@rsu71.org (dthomas@rsu71.org); tdoran@rsu71.org (tdoran@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Please use XXXXXXX rsu71 account for emails. (son) will handle all communications and decisions from here on in. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 8/19/15 11:04 AM |
To: | jwoods@rsu71.org (jwoods@rsu71.org); Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org); ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org); tdoran@rsu71.org (tdoran@rsu71.org); samselm16@rsu20.org (samselm16@rsu20.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | dthomas@rsu71.org (dthomas@rsu71.org) |
Apparently the email address XXXXX@rsu71.org is not activated. Rather than have (son) send another email, please accept this email requesting letters of recommendation from Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Baker and Jessica Woods. I am not familiar with the procedures to get these included with National College Match/ Quest Bridge application deadline of 9/28/2015.
Jessica- please advise Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Baker and (son) via email for the procedures.
(son) has stated the he will take Latin 4 and has resigned from soccer to handle the overload.
Thank you all. (son) will be checking his XXXXXX@rsu20.org for confirmations and communications.
Laurie Allen
rom: | Jessica Woods (jwoods@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 8/21/15 8:19 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
rom: | Jessica Woods (jwoods@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 8/21/15 11:16 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Hi Laurie,
am here in the office and we DO have SAT fee waivers for this year.
Also, I wanted to let you know that I am not returning to BAHS for the
2015-16 academic year. I have accepted a position outside of the
district. (son) could choose to have James Davis, RoAnn Blood, or
perhaps Steve Fitzpatrick or Terry Kenniston as my replacement. Please
let MaryLou Hutchins, our Guidance Secretary, know what his choice is.
I will complete his QuestBridge application before I turn in my computer on Tuesday.
Jess Woods
Paul Knowles
On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 8:14 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Superintendent Knowles,
Please have your staff respond to you. Due to the unacceptability of BAHS Guidance Dept., Principal and Asst. Principal for hampering (son's) education, it has been escalated to you. No one responded to this email below. This is a problem for the superintendent to resolve. I cannot hope for them to suddenly become accountable. Please understand the difficult situation they have placed me in.
I will accept resolutions from you. Please advise. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
To All,
I googled my son's name today and found (son) was awarded this highest honor achievement, Phi Betta Kappa, and no one from the school notified me. I don't know if (son) knows (edit- he did not). He is still sleeping. Nothing is posted on the BAHS Guidance FB site, yet other students receiving awards outside of school awards are posted- **** for the Eagle Scout and ***** for Boys Nation. Nothing is posted on the BAHS website.
I have sent requests for letters of recommendations to Jessica Woods, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker. I hope these letters give (son) the highest recommendations and all staff will go above and beyond to get (son) into MIT. I'd like to meet with Superintendent Knowles and (son) for college support and assistance. Please advise.
It is clear that (son) has not received Guidance advocacy that began when he entered BAHS 9th grade. James Davis, Director of Guidance was (son) counselor and did not advise (son) that he did not receive his elective. (son) even met with James Davis before the cut off because (son) wanted to be placed in honors English. Davis told him to stay put and never advised that his elective was not available. (son) was only carrying 5 1/2 credits without that elective! Some days he was done with classes at 10:30 am. I would come to the school and take him home for the day. Mr. Kenniston was there one day when I was signing him out at 10:30. He looked at (son)'s schedule and said nothing. I had been taking (son) out every week for 3 months before I figured out that he didn't get his elective. I sent emails to James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick asking if (son) would be penalized for leaving school at 10:30 am for the day, every week. James Davis lied, stating (son) CHOSE not to pick another elective. Principal Fitzpatrick supported James Davis. At that time, (son) should have received Latin 1 with accelerated tutoring on site. Instead I had to fight to get him enrolled with an online elective for a half credit through Asst. Superintendent McDonald.
Last year was AP Environmental Science with lies that (son) could not take that class online. (son's)'s schedule this year is brutal, his senior year. Why? Why has (son) been short changed? The Phi Betta Kappa student of Belfast, receiving that award regardless of the adults hurting his education. I fear he will be hurt further because I am writing this. School parents are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
Here are past difficult emails of proof. This is from my public blog, "parent" is me and *** is son. http://waldokids.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_2.html
Please turn this around. Please post the award on the FB and school website and advise if any presentation of the award is slated. (son's) Dad is here for a few weeks and would proudly attend a presentation. (son is underway with orthodontic treatment. He has a palate splitter that affects his speech. He does not want to speak publicly until it is removed. Hopefully by December (Dr. Zanca, Belfast Orthodontist, also hurt him and wasted 4 years).
Thank you to all of (son) teachers (please share).
Laurie Allen
13.Regardless of my requests to recognize XXXXXXX for the Phi Beta Kappa award, they refuse. They honor other students on the school website and facebook site for Eagle Awards, etc. but nothing for XXXXXXX. XXXXXXX never complains and is compliant and still trusts Davis. Since I copied the teachers, Knowles responds this time a bit different- not so short to me but still corrupt.
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 07:21:14 -0400
Subject: Re: Phi Beta Kappa Cover Up
From: pknowles@rsu71.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 9:18 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Superintendent Knowles,
I had hoped for concern and immediate resolution from you. I was hopeful that you would fully investigate the history of BAHS administration staff (Director of Guidance James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick, Asst. Principal Kenniston and Ann McClellan (ILP failure administration) intentionally dismissing my son's education. Despite their cruelty, XXXXXXX has kept his head down and with his teachers, has achieved the stellar Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award and a 4.0(?) GPA. BAHS administration has denied XXXXXXX that achievement and crushes his self esteem. Your response is not believable and is an insult. This was an opportunity for integrity. Time is critical with early deadlines to college's worthy of XXXXXXX and 2 weeks have been wasted.
* Jessica Woods stated that she would write a letter of recommendation and I want that letter.
* XXXXXXX deserves a male academic adviser who will be dedicated to guiding Michael through the college applications and heavy schedule burden placed upon him this year. Mrs. Ross would be my choice if she were a male. So many males have failed him. ... With Mrs. Ross support and expertise, I would welcome a team to include a male teacher chosen by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Ross to be Michael's guidance support.
* I am asking for Mrs. Ross to present the Phi Beta Kappa achievement award to XXXXXXX in an assembly before the school with invitation to Michael's father (......@....) and me. Joe is in Bayside right now. He will be returning to NJ after 9/6/2015. Please schedule the award ceremony prior to 9/6/2015. XXXXXXX will not wish to speak and this short recognition is the least the administration can do. http://www.mainepbkassociation.org/page-1807452
*When the award would be bestowed upon the Junior, if applicable. Please indicate whether you would like a PBK Association representative to make the presentation. This is not always possible; however we have been able to accommodate many of these requests with enough notice.
Please return this form by April 4 via email or regular mail to:
Debora Elliott Ward, Awards Committee Chairman
PBK Association of Maine
313 Cook Road
Carmel, ME 04419
Tel: 207 973 6349
email: delliotward@emhs.org
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 8:56 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
2nd request 9/4/15, please respond.
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: pknowles@rsu71.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: mross@rsu20.org; mross@rsu71.org; crabiel71@gmail.com
Subject: Fraudulent PBK Certificate
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:55:43 -0400
From: delliotward@emhs.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: mross@rsu20.org; mross@rsu71.org
Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000
The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school. Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April. Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate. The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis. If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038
15. Superintendent Knowles continues student abuse and corruption.
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:39:22 -0400
Subject: Re: XXXXXX Late Today
From: mross@rsu20.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 7:36 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Ms. Ross,
XXXXXXX will be late today and will miss the National Honors ceremony. Thank you all for everything you do for him. He is excelling beyond my comprehension and certainly my education. You and his teachers are above all grades. There is nothing more important than XXXXXXX's education and future. I rarely am able to pry information out of him and respect his privacy. I have been fishing for his college drive and I underestimated that completely. He is focused on Harvard and MIT for medical research. My head is still spinning. Go XXXXXXX. You and the rest of XXXXXXX's teachers have made this possible for him. We are forever indebted and thank you.
Laurie Allen
Jessica Woods is not responding and XXXXXXX needs her letter. I reach out to the administration asst. in her new school.
Dear Ms. Hall,
Please confirm that I have the correct email address for Jessica Woods. I haven't received a response for the email below and I am worried. My son needs Jessica's letter of recommendation to submit his college applications. Please confirm that Jessica receives this message. For the record, I will copy and paste Jessica's confirmation for the recommendation that should have been received. Jessica did not respond to the 8/22 email to advise how we would receive the letter and XXXXXXX did not receive a phone call either.
Please send the letter to my email laurieallen55@msn.com . Emails are in flux with transitioning from RSU20 to RSU71 and are a problem.
Thank You,
Laurie Allen
We did not get your resignation messages before you left. Please call XXXXXXX @ xxx-xxx-xxxx after 1pm today per your request to speak with him. Please advise how XXXXXXX will receive your letter of recommendation.
Laurie Allen
Jessica Woods responds and states she submitted Michael for Questbridge?
Hi Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Ross,
XXXXXXX needs your advice and will be reaching out today (I hope). He has the Questbridge application information with him and thinks he may be better off waiting to improve his SAT scores and applying for regular decision.
I am fearful of ... (private)
Early decision through Questbridge is full tuition with room and board. I am not sure if they will allow my income only. I am not sure about anything with college. I am not college educated and am very mentally exhausted.
XXXXXXX wants to get into MIT. He has to get there without any dependency on his .... I cannot advise him properly. James Davis has been a disaster to his education. With all this pressure XXXXXXX has to deal with this mind numbing schedule he is taking, I am worried XXXXXXX will burn out. James Davis has the tools to propel XXXXXXX and instead robs him again and again. It is more male abuse to Michael. I asked Superintendent Knowles to help XXXXXX, to be a mentor, and he threw us to Davis. This month is proof that Davis is not willing to help XXXXXXX reach the best college obtainable. It twists my soul endlessly.
I have been pressuring XXXXXXX to apply and I am making things worse. I don't know what to do. I backed off for the past 2 weeks and Davis didn't step up. XXXXXXX's scores are up there but he thinks he can do even better. Maybe he shouldn't apply for early decision, but losing a shot at full tuition is heavy on me. I support XXXXXXX's decision fully but want to make sure he has explored his potential with you.
Dr. Ward is the PBK administrator and has been helpful with XXXXXXX's award and fraud by Davis. I don't know if Dr. Ward has any input and I will not bother her anymore. Thank you Dr. Ward.
Thank you Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker. I hope not to bother you again.
Hi Mrs. Baker,
XXXXXXX doesn't want to ask anything of anyone. ... (private)
He didn't want to pressure you and knew he should have asked you sooner. The difficulties with Mr. Davis do not help. I am so upset, I am sorry to burden you. All I care about is getting XXXXXXX away from this life and into his life and all that he deserves. I could care less what happens to me.
The application is due on Monday. If you can write the letter this weekend, that would be great. Will you let James Davis know that?
Thank you Mrs. Baker. I really thank you so very much.
Laurie Allen
James Davis has never responded to any of my emails for college application assistance.
Mr. Davis and Superintendent Knowles,
I am begging for Mr. Davis to work with XXXXXXX tomorrow and complete the early application Questbridge program. It must be received by Monday, 9/28/2015 and XXXXXXX does not have his transcripts, secondary school report and letters of recommendation from Mr. Davis and Mrs. Baker. On September 15th I had sent an email to Mr. Davis requesting an appointment for the college application and never received a response.
Mr. Davis,
XXXXXXX will go to your office tomorrow morning before school begins. Please confirm that you will be there and the following will be fulfilled.
1. College board form requires an affixed photo of XXXXXXX and your school seal imprint on the corner of the photo. XXXXXXX will bring in his college boards photo to affix to the form (tape or glue- your choice) with your seal. Please confirm compliance. PLEASE SEND THE ORIGINAL FORM HOME WITH XXXXXXX. AN EMAIL WILL NOT SUFFICE. I must fax the original form to Jessica @ the College boards.
2. Please give XXXXXXX the recommendation letters. XXXXXXX does not have a Transcript Request form. Please advise when your letter of recommendation will be complete.
3. Please give XXXXXXX the ACT waiver form.
4. Please schedule XXXXXXX's Senior Interview now and advise me of the date and time.
Laurie Allen
( PS....private portion...) back to email It is wrenching. I know that he is targeted because of me. It was no different in NJ. I tried to get a new start for him. That failed but he did not. He is not aggressive and is sad that he doesn't fit in. I had to fight for our lives. Hurting XXXXXXX because of me is terrible. I had to get us out of NJ, I have to save our home. I have to make sure he gets into the best college available and James Davis is the one that should helping XXXXXXX.
This early application for Questbridge is his best chance. He is overloaded and overwhelmed with his schedule. PLEASE help him get this Questbridge application in tomorrow. If it has to be after school, XXXXXXX will stay. He thinks he can't get the documents needed to do the application.
Please advise if Mr. Davis will do the Questbridge Application with XXXXXXX tomorrow and get it sent in before the deadline. XXXXXXX has tests tomorrow.
Below is the Questbridge information that I sent on 9/7/2015. Please, please support XXXXXXX and help him. Please respond and advise. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 7:20 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Mr. Davis,
1. Please counsel XXXXXX for the ACT. Deadline is 9/18 and he has not registered yet.
2. Please counsel XXXXXXX for Questbridge National Match early application. He has not began the application.
3. Mrs Ross is working on XXXXXXX's recommendation. Mrs. Baker and Jessica Woods have not responded. Please advise.
4. Please advise the date(s) and time you will counsel XXXXXXX. On Thursday, 9/17/2015 he will be leaving school @ noon.
The Bio Science partners of Questbridge on the east coast, with USN rankings from 1-224 colleges scoring 1(marginal)-5(outstanding)
1. MIT, MA USN ranked #1, score 4.9
2. Yale, CT #7, score 4.6
3. Princeton, NJ #9, score 4.5
4. Columbia U, NYC #14 , score 4.3
5. Univ of PA, (Penn State) #19, score 4.1
6. Emory, GA #30, score 3.8
7. Brown Univ. RI #34, score 3.7
8. Dartmouth, NH #38, score 3.6
9. Tufts, MA #68, score 3.2
10. Wesleyan, CT #115, score 2.7
Michael must rank 8 of these 10. Harvard is not a QuestBridge partner, but on Michael's list (#2)
Early Application Policy
Applying through the National College Match requires a serious commitment. Ranking colleges through the College Match means that you are entering an agreement with the college that if you are matched (i.e. admitted with a full scholarship), you are committed to attending that college and you must withdraw any other college applications.*
Please note:
*With the exception of four non-binding partner colleges: MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. For these schools, matched students are not obligated to attend the school, and may apply to other schools through Regular Decision and wait until the spring to decide where to enroll.
If you are considering applying early to a school that does not fall under one of the exceptions listed above, please send an e-mail to questions@questbridge.org for clarification.
For questions on our early application policy, please visit AskQB.
If you are matched:
Please keep in mind:
The College Match is highly competitive and only a select number will match to a school; many additional Finalists will be admitted through QuestBridge Regular Decision with outstanding financial aid.
Applicants who rank schools for the College Match cannot apply early elsewhere. Please review the Early Application Policy for details and exceptions.
*All partner colleges, with the exception of MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, require students to commit to attend and withdraw any outstanding college applications as a part of their College Match Agreement.
(end of email to Davis- he knew the deadline was 9/28 and manipulated XXXXXX into thinking it wasn't on 9/25. Davis never responded to me for anything to do with Questbridge or the student college interview)
Proof that Guidance Director Davis advised XXXXXXX wrongly again. I caught it in the the Questbridge website on 10/17/2015, the deadline for all applicants was 9/28/2015 and Davis knew it when he advised XXXXXXX on 9/25/2015 to wait and apply for regular decision.
Hi Mrs. Baker,
XXXXXXX met with Mr. Davis on Friday and has decided to try and get better scores for his college applications. If you haven't written his letter of recommendation, it can wait. Thank you for all your help.
Laurie Allen
QuestBridge, Oct 19, 1:46 PM:Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at http://questbridge.org/for-students/scholarship-resources.
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team
Dear Questbridge,
Last night I had sent a portion of this from your website form for questions. I wanted to give you more proof that the school administration is actively destroying (son's) education and denied him his chance for Questbridge. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted you to know the full story. If I go after the school, (son) will be hurt even more. There is nothing I can do but ask Questbridge for help.
(son) tried to handle his education with Guidance Director James Davis in 9th grade. I had backed away from school involvement after 7th, seeing the administration was targeting (son) back then. You can read the email to Davis in 9th grade before Davis met with (son). I state then will support the decisions of Davis and (son). (son) went to see Davis in 9th grade to change classes before the cutoff. (son) wanted to be placed in Honors English. Davis told him to stay put. Davis did not advise (son) that he did not received his elective and clearly saw it when (son) came to change English. Davis chose to short (son's) his elective also causing (son) to fall short of the 6 credit minimum. (son) was carrying 5 1/2 credits of the mandatory 6 without the elective. We did not discover that he didn't receive his elective until December and all hell broke lose with the Principal supporting Davis. They lied and lied and blamed (son). I had to step in and stay in. They have dismissed (son) since. I don't have any choice and (son) is caught. Appearing to be controlled by me, painting me as an overbearing Mom, etc. but the emails prove it is the administration. They are overwhelming and unbelievable.
The red bold emails below confirm that we began requesting Questbridge assistance weeks before school started. #18 states that Jessica did submit Michael for Questbridge and copied James Davis on this email dated 9/7/15. Yet after several emails from me, Davis meets with (son) on 9/25 and tells (son) that it is his decision to wait for Questbridge regular decision. We could have gotten the National Match in by 9/28 and would have if Davis didn't tell (son) this. See #21 & #22.
All of this documentation (and there is more but this is enough) shows how difficult it has been where we only wanted to begin again in safety and get (son) on his way, under all radar, and independently. The tactics bestowed on us are equal to the whistle-blowers of corruption. I'm only a Mom, wanting to heal and live in privacy and peace. I have to save our home and protect (son). That's all I am doing. I have to give this information and beg for a waiver. I am not a helicopter Mom and want (son) to fly on his own. So does (son).
I will wait for a response and hope. Thank you for any consideration and compassion.
Laurie Allen
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) | |
Sent: | Fri 8/21/15 3:14 PM | |
To: | jdavis@rsu71.org (jdavis@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); XXXXXX | |
Cc: | sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org (sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org); tkenniston@rsu71.org (tkenniston@rsu71.org) |
Director Of Guidance- James Davis,
Please confirm (son's) schedule below (#1) by Monday, 8/24/2015. (son) needs the fee waivers (#2) for the SAT, please email them. Jessica said they are there. (son) receives reduced lunch. After working with Jessica all week, I am alarmed by her email today that she has resigned (#3).
Laurie Allen
Jessica does not respond or call (son)
We did not get your resignation messages before you left. Please call (son) @ xxx-xxx-xxxx after 1pm today per your request to speak with him. Please advise how (son) will receive your letter of recommendation.
Laurie Allen
Paul Knowles
Superintendent Knowles,
The BAHS principal, assistant principal, and guidance department refuse accountability for their errors that hurt (son's) education. Please advise why we were not notified that (son) received the Phi Beta Kappa Academic award and if there is an document that he should have received.
As the recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa academic achievement award, I would think that opens many doors for him. Yet the school did not acknowledge the achievement. That tells me that the administration has dismissed XXXXXXX. XXXXXXX is in limbo without a trustworthy counselor or dedicated academic adviser.
I told you all the personal history thinking you would be able to help (son) get into the best college he can. His first choice is MIT. I am asking you to personally help (son) or if you can't, perhaps assign a mentor. (son) deserves that. You do not have to meet with me. I thought it would be helpful.
Laurie Allen
Paul Knowles
(The school makes up this fraudulent certificate and that takes down another path of accountability refusal and they hurt (son) even more.)
Please confirm (son's) schedule below (#1) by Monday, 8/24/2015. (son) needs the fee waivers (#2) for the SAT, please email them. Jessica said they are there. (son) receives reduced lunch. After working with Jessica all week, I am alarmed by her email today that she has resigned (#3).
Laurie Allen
Jessica does not respond or call (son)
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sat 8/22/15 10:40 AM |
To: | jwoods@rsu20.org (jwoods@rsu20.org); jwoods@rsu71.org (jwoods@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
We did not get your resignation messages before you left. Please call (son) @ xxx-xxx-xxxx after 1pm today per your request to speak with him. Please advise how (son) will receive your letter of recommendation.
Laurie Allen
rom: | James Davis (jdavis@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Sun 8/23/15 10:50 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | xxxxxx; sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org (sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org); tkenniston@rsu71.org (tkenniston@rsu71.org) |
Ms. Allen - You are correct on (son) schedule for the year.
or (son) may come to the office to pick up an SAT fee waiver. They
cannot be emailed. We are open every day from 7:30-3:30.
The deadline to register for the Oct. 3 SAT is Sept. 3.
The deadline to register for the Nov.7 SAT is Oct. 9.
More information can be found on the CollegeBoard website.
Jim Davis
rom: | Paul Knowles (pknowles@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Tue 8/25/15 11:15 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Ms. Allen,
have read the emails you have sent, while I am willing to meet with
you, I am still unclear as to why you wish to meet with me. Before we
set a time to meet, please help me better understand the issue(s) we
will be discussing and the outcome you are looking for.rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 8/25/15 4:19 PM |
To: | pknowles@rsu71.org (pknowles@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
The BAHS principal, assistant principal, and guidance department refuse accountability for their errors that hurt (son's) education. Please advise why we were not notified that (son) received the Phi Beta Kappa Academic award and if there is an document that he should have received.
As the recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa academic achievement award, I would think that opens many doors for him. Yet the school did not acknowledge the achievement. That tells me that the administration has dismissed XXXXXXX. XXXXXXX is in limbo without a trustworthy counselor or dedicated academic adviser.
I told you all the personal history thinking you would be able to help (son) get into the best college he can. His first choice is MIT. I am asking you to personally help (son) or if you can't, perhaps assign a mentor. (son) deserves that. You do not have to meet with me. I thought it would be helpful.
Laurie Allen
om: | Paul Knowles (pknowles@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Thu 8/27/15 2:51 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Ms. Allan,
I have asked Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Davis, and/or Mrs. Blood to contact you with the answer to your questions.***********************************************************
(The school makes up this fraudulent certificate and that takes down another path of accountability refusal and they hurt (son) even more.)
rom: | Paul Knowles (pknowles@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 8/28/15 10:11 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
award is being mailed to you this week. (son) was absent during the
awards presentation when it was to be presented. Then students who were
absent from the ceremony were asked to pick up the awards in the office,
but this did not happen with (son) for what ever reason.On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 8:14 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Superintendent Knowles,
Please have your staff respond to you. Due to the unacceptability of BAHS Guidance Dept., Principal and Asst. Principal for hampering (son's) education, it has been escalated to you. No one responded to this email below. This is a problem for the superintendent to resolve. I cannot hope for them to suddenly become accountable. Please understand the difficult situation they have placed me in.
I will accept resolutions from you. Please advise. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sun 8/23/15 10:27 AM |
To: | jwoods@rsu71.org (jwoods@rsu71.org); jdavis@rsu71.org (jdavis@rsu71.org); sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org (sfitzpatrick@rsu71.org); tkenniston@rsu71.org (tkenniston@rsu71.org); Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org); pknowles@rsu71.org (pknowles@rsu71.org); ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org); tdoran@rsu71.org (tdoran@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
To All,
I googled my son's name today and found (son) was awarded this highest honor achievement, Phi Betta Kappa, and no one from the school notified me. I don't know if (son) knows (edit- he did not). He is still sleeping. Nothing is posted on the BAHS Guidance FB site, yet other students receiving awards outside of school awards are posted- **** for the Eagle Scout and ***** for Boys Nation. Nothing is posted on the BAHS website.
I have sent requests for letters of recommendations to Jessica Woods, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker. I hope these letters give (son) the highest recommendations and all staff will go above and beyond to get (son) into MIT. I'd like to meet with Superintendent Knowles and (son) for college support and assistance. Please advise.
It is clear that (son) has not received Guidance advocacy that began when he entered BAHS 9th grade. James Davis, Director of Guidance was (son) counselor and did not advise (son) that he did not receive his elective. (son) even met with James Davis before the cut off because (son) wanted to be placed in honors English. Davis told him to stay put and never advised that his elective was not available. (son) was only carrying 5 1/2 credits without that elective! Some days he was done with classes at 10:30 am. I would come to the school and take him home for the day. Mr. Kenniston was there one day when I was signing him out at 10:30. He looked at (son)'s schedule and said nothing. I had been taking (son) out every week for 3 months before I figured out that he didn't get his elective. I sent emails to James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick asking if (son) would be penalized for leaving school at 10:30 am for the day, every week. James Davis lied, stating (son) CHOSE not to pick another elective. Principal Fitzpatrick supported James Davis. At that time, (son) should have received Latin 1 with accelerated tutoring on site. Instead I had to fight to get him enrolled with an online elective for a half credit through Asst. Superintendent McDonald.
Last year was AP Environmental Science with lies that (son) could not take that class online. (son's)'s schedule this year is brutal, his senior year. Why? Why has (son) been short changed? The Phi Betta Kappa student of Belfast, receiving that award regardless of the adults hurting his education. I fear he will be hurt further because I am writing this. School parents are damned if they do, damned if they don't.
Here are past difficult emails of proof. This is from my public blog, "parent" is me and *** is son. http://waldokids.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_2.html
Please turn this around. Please post the award on the FB and school website and advise if any presentation of the award is slated. (son's) Dad is here for a few weeks and would proudly attend a presentation. (son is underway with orthodontic treatment. He has a palate splitter that affects his speech. He does not want to speak publicly until it is removed. Hopefully by December (Dr. Zanca, Belfast Orthodontist, also hurt him and wasted 4 years).
Thank you to all of (son) teachers (please share).
Laurie Allen
13.Regardless of my requests to recognize XXXXXXX for the Phi Beta Kappa award, they refuse. They honor other students on the school website and facebook site for Eagle Awards, etc. but nothing for XXXXXXX. XXXXXXX never complains and is compliant and still trusts Davis. Since I copied the teachers, Knowles responds this time a bit different- not so short to me but still corrupt.
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2015 07:21:14 -0400
Subject: Re: Phi Beta Kappa Cover Up
From: pknowles@rsu71.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
no means was there a cover up with XXXXXXX receiving the award. Awards
for all student were presented at the final assembly. Because of the
beginning of the school and all that needs to be accomplished, an
assembly for this purpose is not possible. Jess Woods now works for the
Islesboro School Department. You may contact her directly to ask her to
write the letter of recommendation for XXXXXXX. You may also contact
Mrs. Ross directly to ask her to be XXXXXXX's key adviser. She may also
have a suggestion about a male faculty member who would help XXXXXXX.
Certainly XXXXXXX's father may make these contacts as well. XXXXXXX's
schedule still can be modified to best meet his needs by working with
the guidance office. Lastly, XXXXXXX is welcome to come to my office to
meet me and talk, if he wishes.
Paul D. Knowles
On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 9:18 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Superintendent Knowles,
I had hoped for concern and immediate resolution from you. I was hopeful that you would fully investigate the history of BAHS administration staff (Director of Guidance James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick, Asst. Principal Kenniston and Ann McClellan (ILP failure administration) intentionally dismissing my son's education. Despite their cruelty, XXXXXXX has kept his head down and with his teachers, has achieved the stellar Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award and a 4.0(?) GPA. BAHS administration has denied XXXXXXX that achievement and crushes his self esteem. Your response is not believable and is an insult. This was an opportunity for integrity. Time is critical with early deadlines to college's worthy of XXXXXXX and 2 weeks have been wasted.
* Jessica Woods stated that she would write a letter of recommendation and I want that letter.
* XXXXXXX deserves a male academic adviser who will be dedicated to guiding Michael through the college applications and heavy schedule burden placed upon him this year. Mrs. Ross would be my choice if she were a male. So many males have failed him. ... With Mrs. Ross support and expertise, I would welcome a team to include a male teacher chosen by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Ross to be Michael's guidance support.
* I am asking for Mrs. Ross to present the Phi Beta Kappa achievement award to XXXXXXX in an assembly before the school with invitation to Michael's father (......@....) and me. Joe is in Bayside right now. He will be returning to NJ after 9/6/2015. Please schedule the award ceremony prior to 9/6/2015. XXXXXXX will not wish to speak and this short recognition is the least the administration can do. http://www.mainepbkassociation.org/page-1807452
*When the award would be bestowed upon the Junior, if applicable. Please indicate whether you would like a PBK Association representative to make the presentation. This is not always possible; however we have been able to accommodate many of these requests with enough notice.
Please return this form by April 4 via email or regular mail to:
Debora Elliott Ward, Awards Committee Chairman
PBK Association of Maine
313 Cook Road
Carmel, ME 04419
Tel: 207 973 6349
email: delliotward@emhs.org
On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 8:56 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
2nd request 9/4/15, please respond.
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: pknowles@rsu71.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: mross@rsu20.org; mross@rsu71.org; crabiel71@gmail.com
Subject: Fraudulent PBK Certificate
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:55:43 -0400
Superintendent Knowles,
Guidance Director James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick have committed fraud and robbed my son again. Denying him the honor of this prestigious award. You chose to support these frauds rather than fully investigate. They lied to you or you covered up for them. Which one is it? They never announced XXXXXXX as the recipient of this award. We would have never known that he received this and it would have never been put on his applications. XXXXXXX needs college application assistance and sending him to the Director of Fraud is not acceptable. Please appoint someone competent and worthy of XXXXXXX's 4.0, Phi Beta Kappa intelligence that will be dedicated to guiding XXXXXXX through the early deadline college application process immediately. If the actual award cannot be produced, please contact Dr. Ward from the Maine PBK (email below) for a duplicate.
Full accountability is requested.
Laurie Allen
Guidance Director James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick have committed fraud and robbed my son again. Denying him the honor of this prestigious award. You chose to support these frauds rather than fully investigate. They lied to you or you covered up for them. Which one is it? They never announced XXXXXXX as the recipient of this award. We would have never known that he received this and it would have never been put on his applications. XXXXXXX needs college application assistance and sending him to the Director of Fraud is not acceptable. Please appoint someone competent and worthy of XXXXXXX's 4.0, Phi Beta Kappa intelligence that will be dedicated to guiding XXXXXXX through the early deadline college application process immediately. If the actual award cannot be produced, please contact Dr. Ward from the Maine PBK (email below) for a duplicate.
Full accountability is requested.
Laurie Allen
From: delliotward@emhs.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: mross@rsu20.org; mross@rsu71.org
Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000
The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school. Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April. Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate. The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis. If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038
15. Superintendent Knowles continues student abuse and corruption.
From: | Paul Knowles (pknowles@rsu71.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 9/04/15 9:23 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Ms. Allan.
XXXXXXX did miss the National Honors ceremony on April 14, 2015 and received the honors after.
assure I have fully investigated the situation. As stated before,
XXXXXXX was absent the day of the awards presentation. All students who
were absent, were called to the guidance office the day after the
assembly to obtain their awards. Again, XXXXXX did not go to the office
to pick up the award. Mr. Davis stated the award given to XXXXXXX was
the award he received to present to Michael and is investigating
further. I am confident XXXXXXX can be helped through the college
application process with Mrs. Blood or Mr. Davis, which ever counselor
he chooses.
XXXXXXX did miss the National Honors ceremony on April 14, 2015 and received the honors after.
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:39:22 -0400
Subject: Re: XXXXXX Late Today
From: mross@rsu20.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Laurie - I am sorry that XXXXXXX was unable to make the ceremony
yesterday. I do have a certificate, pin, and copy of the brief speech
that was read about him. I will give those to him today in school. I
have certainly truly enjoyed having XXXXXXX as a student and as a member
of the BAHS school community. He is a delightful, intelligent, funny
young man, and I'm so happy that he has such high aspirations, and I'm
so happy that he can achieve them due to his hard work and great
ability. I wish him the best and I hope that he feels free to ask me
for any help he may need next year with the application process (like a
letter of recommendation, if he wants one!) Have a great day - Molly
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 7:36 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Ms. Ross,
XXXXXXX will be late today and will miss the National Honors ceremony. Thank you all for everything you do for him. He is excelling beyond my comprehension and certainly my education. You and his teachers are above all grades. There is nothing more important than XXXXXXX's education and future. I rarely am able to pry information out of him and respect his privacy. I have been fishing for his college drive and I underestimated that completely. He is focused on Harvard and MIT for medical research. My head is still spinning. Go XXXXXXX. You and the rest of XXXXXXX's teachers have made this possible for him. We are forever indebted and thank you.
Laurie Allen
Jessica Woods is not responding and XXXXXXX needs her letter. I reach out to the administration asst. in her new school.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Fri 9/04/15 8:54 AM |
To: | khall@islesboro.k12.me.us (khall@islesboro.k12.me.us); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); jwoods@islesboro.k12.me.us (jwoods@islesboro.k12.me.us) |
Please confirm that I have the correct email address for Jessica Woods. I haven't received a response for the email below and I am worried. My son needs Jessica's letter of recommendation to submit his college applications. Please confirm that Jessica receives this message. For the record, I will copy and paste Jessica's confirmation for the recommendation that should have been received. Jessica did not respond to the 8/22 email to advise how we would receive the letter and XXXXXXX did not receive a phone call either.
Please send the letter to my email laurieallen55@msn.com . Emails are in flux with transitioning from RSU20 to RSU71 and are a problem.
Thank You,
Laurie Allen
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sat 8/22/15 10:40 AM |
To: | jwoods@rsu20.org (jwoods@rsu20.org); jwoods@rsu71.org (jwoods@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
We did not get your resignation messages before you left. Please call XXXXXXX @ xxx-xxx-xxxx after 1pm today per your request to speak with him. Please advise how XXXXXXX will receive your letter of recommendation.
Laurie Allen
Jessica Woods responds and states she submitted Michael for Questbridge?
rom: | Jessica Woods (jwoods@islesboro.k12.me.us) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Mon 9/07/15 10:02 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); James Davis (jdavis@rsu71.org) |
Hi Laurie,
apologize for the delay in response to your email. I did see that you
emailed the Administrative Assistant at my new place of employment.
am copying James Davis on this email as well, as it seems that he is
most likely working with XXXXXXX this 2015-16 year. I did submit the
nomination paperwork for XXXXXXX to QuestBridge back in August.
Additionally, I have offered to provide all or part of letters of
recommendation for 2016 seniors who were on my caseload. However, the
"school counselor" letter can not come from me entirely, as I am no
longer employed by RSU 71 and will not be the school counselor that
XXXXXXX will report on his Common Application. I will work with Mr.
Davis regarding XXXXXXX's letter.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Fri 9/25/15 8:13 AM |
To: | Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org); ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org) |
Cc: | delliotward@emhs.org (delliotward@emhs.org) |
XXXXXXX needs your advice and will be reaching out today (I hope). He has the Questbridge application information with him and thinks he may be better off waiting to improve his SAT scores and applying for regular decision.
I am fearful of ... (private)
Early decision through Questbridge is full tuition with room and board. I am not sure if they will allow my income only. I am not sure about anything with college. I am not college educated and am very mentally exhausted.
XXXXXXX wants to get into MIT. He has to get there without any dependency on his .... I cannot advise him properly. James Davis has been a disaster to his education. With all this pressure XXXXXXX has to deal with this mind numbing schedule he is taking, I am worried XXXXXXX will burn out. James Davis has the tools to propel XXXXXXX and instead robs him again and again. It is more male abuse to Michael. I asked Superintendent Knowles to help XXXXXX, to be a mentor, and he threw us to Davis. This month is proof that Davis is not willing to help XXXXXXX reach the best college obtainable. It twists my soul endlessly.
I have been pressuring XXXXXXX to apply and I am making things worse. I don't know what to do. I backed off for the past 2 weeks and Davis didn't step up. XXXXXXX's scores are up there but he thinks he can do even better. Maybe he shouldn't apply for early decision, but losing a shot at full tuition is heavy on me. I support XXXXXXX's decision fully but want to make sure he has explored his potential with you.
Dr. Ward is the PBK administrator and has been helpful with XXXXXXX's award and fraud by Davis. I don't know if Dr. Ward has any input and I will not bother her anymore. Thank you Dr. Ward.
Thank you Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker. I hope not to bother you again.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Thu 9/24/15 8:48 PM |
To: | ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org) |
XXXXXXX doesn't want to ask anything of anyone. ... (private)
He didn't want to pressure you and knew he should have asked you sooner. The difficulties with Mr. Davis do not help. I am so upset, I am sorry to burden you. All I care about is getting XXXXXXX away from this life and into his life and all that he deserves. I could care less what happens to me.
The application is due on Monday. If you can write the letter this weekend, that would be great. Will you let James Davis know that?
Thank you Mrs. Baker. I really thank you so very much.
Laurie Allen
James Davis has never responded to any of my emails for college application assistance.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Thu 9/24/15 7:08 PM |
To: | jdavis@rsu71.org (jdavis@rsu71.org); pknowles@rsu71.org (pknowles@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org); Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org) |
I am begging for Mr. Davis to work with XXXXXXX tomorrow and complete the early application Questbridge program. It must be received by Monday, 9/28/2015 and XXXXXXX does not have his transcripts, secondary school report and letters of recommendation from Mr. Davis and Mrs. Baker. On September 15th I had sent an email to Mr. Davis requesting an appointment for the college application and never received a response.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 9/15/15 1:19 PM |
To: | jdavis@rsu71.org (jdavis@rsu71.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | pknowles@rsu71.org (pknowles@rsu71.org); Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org) |
XXXXXXX will go to your office tomorrow morning before school begins. Please confirm that you will be there and the following will be fulfilled.
1. College board form requires an affixed photo of XXXXXXX and your school seal imprint on the corner of the photo. XXXXXXX will bring in his college boards photo to affix to the form (tape or glue- your choice) with your seal. Please confirm compliance. PLEASE SEND THE ORIGINAL FORM HOME WITH XXXXXXX. AN EMAIL WILL NOT SUFFICE. I must fax the original form to Jessica @ the College boards.
2. Please give XXXXXXX the recommendation letters. XXXXXXX does not have a Transcript Request form. Please advise when your letter of recommendation will be complete.
3. Please give XXXXXXX the ACT waiver form.
4. Please schedule XXXXXXX's Senior Interview now and advise me of the date and time.
Laurie Allen
( PS....private portion...) back to email It is wrenching. I know that he is targeted because of me. It was no different in NJ. I tried to get a new start for him. That failed but he did not. He is not aggressive and is sad that he doesn't fit in. I had to fight for our lives. Hurting XXXXXXX because of me is terrible. I had to get us out of NJ, I have to save our home. I have to make sure he gets into the best college available and James Davis is the one that should helping XXXXXXX.
This early application for Questbridge is his best chance. He is overloaded and overwhelmed with his schedule. PLEASE help him get this Questbridge application in tomorrow. If it has to be after school, XXXXXXX will stay. He thinks he can't get the documents needed to do the application.
Please advise if Mr. Davis will do the Questbridge Application with XXXXXXX tomorrow and get it sent in before the deadline. XXXXXXX has tests tomorrow.
Below is the Questbridge information that I sent on 9/7/2015. Please, please support XXXXXXX and help him. Please respond and advise. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 7:20 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Mr. Davis,
1. Please counsel XXXXXX for the ACT. Deadline is 9/18 and he has not registered yet.
2. Please counsel XXXXXXX for Questbridge National Match early application. He has not began the application.
3. Mrs Ross is working on XXXXXXX's recommendation. Mrs. Baker and Jessica Woods have not responded. Please advise.
4. Please advise the date(s) and time you will counsel XXXXXXX. On Thursday, 9/17/2015 he will be leaving school @ noon.
The Bio Science partners of Questbridge on the east coast, with USN rankings from 1-224 colleges scoring 1(marginal)-5(outstanding)
1. MIT, MA USN ranked #1, score 4.9
2. Yale, CT #7, score 4.6
3. Princeton, NJ #9, score 4.5
4. Columbia U, NYC #14 , score 4.3
5. Univ of PA, (Penn State) #19, score 4.1
6. Emory, GA #30, score 3.8
7. Brown Univ. RI #34, score 3.7
8. Dartmouth, NH #38, score 3.6
9. Tufts, MA #68, score 3.2
10. Wesleyan, CT #115, score 2.7
Michael must rank 8 of these 10. Harvard is not a QuestBridge partner, but on Michael's list (#2)
Exceptions to the QuestBridge Early Application Policy:
- Students may apply to any college or university that requires an early application for eligibility to special scholarships or programs, as long as the admissions decision is non-binding.
- Students may apply to their home-state public college or university with a non-binding early application option, as long as applying to QuestBridge does not violate that college's policies.
- Students may apply to any college or university with a non-binding rolling admission process.
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The National College Match allows you to apply early to up to 8 partner colleges and rank them in order of preference. |
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Partner colleges review Finalists who ranked them. They select who they wish to admit with a full four-year College Match scholarship. |
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You would “match” to the highest school that appears on your ranked list that also selected you. |
Early Application Policy
Applying through the National College Match requires a serious commitment. Ranking colleges through the College Match means that you are entering an agreement with the college that if you are matched (i.e. admitted with a full scholarship), you are committed to attending that college and you must withdraw any other college applications.*
Please note:
- College Match applicants who rank colleges cannot apply to other colleges through Early Decision, Early Action, or Single-Choice Early Action.
- College Match applicants who do not rank colleges, or who are not selected as Finalists, are free to apply to any colleges for Early or Regular Decision.
*With the exception of four non-binding partner colleges: MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. For these schools, matched students are not obligated to attend the school, and may apply to other schools through Regular Decision and wait until the spring to decide where to enroll.
Exceptions to the QuestBridge Early Application Policy:
- Students may apply to any college or university that requires an early application for eligibility to special scholarships or programs, as long as the admissions decision is non-binding.
- Students may apply to their home-state public college or university with a non-binding early application option, as long as applying to QuestBridge does not violate that college's policies.
- Students may apply to any college or university with a non-binding rolling admission process.
If you are considering applying early to a school that does not fall under one of the exceptions listed above, please send an e-mail to questions@questbridge.org for clarification.
For questions on our early application policy, please visit AskQB.
If you are matched:
- You can be matched to only ONE school.
- You are committed to attending your match school the following fall*.
- You will receive a full four-year scholarship with $0 parental contribution, including tuition, room & board, and additional expenses.
Please keep in mind:
The College Match is highly competitive and only a select number will match to a school; many additional Finalists will be admitted through QuestBridge Regular Decision with outstanding financial aid.
Applicants who rank schools for the College Match cannot apply early elsewhere. Please review the Early Application Policy for details and exceptions.
*All partner colleges, with the exception of MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, require students to commit to attend and withdraw any outstanding college applications as a part of their College Match Agreement.
Apply for the Match
Follow this timeline to apply for the National College Match:Date/Deadline | What to complete | Who |
September 28 | National College Match application | All applicants |
(end of email to Davis- he knew the deadline was 9/28 and manipulated XXXXXX into thinking it wasn't on 9/25. Davis never responded to me for anything to do with Questbridge or the student college interview)
Proof that Guidance Director Davis advised XXXXXXX wrongly again. I caught it in the the Questbridge website on 10/17/2015, the deadline for all applicants was 9/28/2015 and Davis knew it when he advised XXXXXXX on 9/25/2015 to wait and apply for regular decision.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sun 9/27/15 5:06 PM |
To: | ebaker@rsu71.org (ebaker@rsu71.org) |
Cc: | Molly Ross (mross@rsu71.org); jdavis@rsu71.org (jdavis@rsu71.org) |
XXXXXXX met with Mr. Davis on Friday and has decided to try and get better scores for his college applications. If you haven't written his letter of recommendation, it can wait. Thank you for all your help.
Laurie Allen
QuestBridge (questions@questbridge.org) This sender is in your contact list. | |
Sent: | Mon 10/19/15 4:46 PM |
To: | Laurieallen55 (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
## Please type your reply above this line ##
QuestBridge, Oct 19, 1:46 PM:Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at http://questbridge.org/for-students/scholarship-resources.
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sun 10/18/15 1:06 PM |
To: | questions@questbridge.org (questions@questbridge.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Last night I had sent a portion of this from your website form for questions. I wanted to give you more proof that the school administration is actively destroying (son's) education and denied him his chance for Questbridge. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted you to know the full story. If I go after the school, (son) will be hurt even more. There is nothing I can do but ask Questbridge for help.
(son) tried to handle his education with Guidance Director James Davis in 9th grade. I had backed away from school involvement after 7th, seeing the administration was targeting (son) back then. You can read the email to Davis in 9th grade before Davis met with (son). I state then will support the decisions of Davis and (son). (son) went to see Davis in 9th grade to change classes before the cutoff. (son) wanted to be placed in Honors English. Davis told him to stay put. Davis did not advise (son) that he did not received his elective and clearly saw it when (son) came to change English. Davis chose to short (son's) his elective also causing (son) to fall short of the 6 credit minimum. (son) was carrying 5 1/2 credits of the mandatory 6 without the elective. We did not discover that he didn't receive his elective until December and all hell broke lose with the Principal supporting Davis. They lied and lied and blamed (son). I had to step in and stay in. They have dismissed (son) since. I don't have any choice and (son) is caught. Appearing to be controlled by me, painting me as an overbearing Mom, etc. but the emails prove it is the administration. They are overwhelming and unbelievable.
The red bold emails below confirm that we began requesting Questbridge assistance weeks before school started. #18 states that Jessica did submit Michael for Questbridge and copied James Davis on this email dated 9/7/15. Yet after several emails from me, Davis meets with (son) on 9/25 and tells (son) that it is his decision to wait for Questbridge regular decision. We could have gotten the National Match in by 9/28 and would have if Davis didn't tell (son) this. See #21 & #22.
All of this documentation (and there is more but this is enough) shows how difficult it has been where we only wanted to begin again in safety and get (son) on his way, under all radar, and independently. The tactics bestowed on us are equal to the whistle-blowers of corruption. I'm only a Mom, wanting to heal and live in privacy and peace. I have to save our home and protect (son). That's all I am doing. I have to give this information and beg for a waiver. I am not a helicopter Mom and want (son) to fly on his own. So does (son).
I will wait for a response and hope. Thank you for any consideration and compassion.
Laurie Allen
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