
Belfast Maine Country & Coast Real Estate opens first office downtown



If I remember correctly when I drove 500 miles for showings of Belfast properties that I had been researching through Belfast agent (now retired) Jan Andrews, Esther Darris showed me the non- disclosed hell on Birch St. Thank goodness a huge crack in the foundation basement sent me running regardless of the agent swearing it was fine. Make an offer, any offer, they may take it. Whoa. I had asked Jan Andrews about sub developments, how did the City services work in these? She never answered, moving the conversation masterfully. Another property on High St., and English lady, was nice. I was railroaded away from that- Jan stating that she saw mold when she was in there without me. Jan and Bill Ingersoll targeted me for Seaview Terrace hell. Water was my number issue- area development number 2. Both non disclosed, told no problems, and seller's just dropped another 10k, advised me that it went under contract. But that I had a chance. That contract was contingent on the terms that the bidder's house that was for sale went under contract.

They told me to make an offer now or lose it. Minister Tarpley jumped on my offer in 3/2010. In NJ, I slashed my home by 70k to make it happen. Bill and Jan recommended DJ Brown Property Inspectors. I paid DJ Brown $400 to inspect the property and agent Sam Mitchell supervised. Supervised to corrupt the water that had to pouring though my private property drainage ditch that Minister Tarpley filled in prior to my showing. Making it look like the 2 ditches on the sides of the house. 2ft x 2ft. They all stuck it to me, knowing how beat up we were. Hotly contested relocation of children not even filed- we moved from NJ to Belfast or bust in 6/2010. I did it alone.

Back to NJ over the summer for the relocation hearing. I could lose and be homeless in NJ. My ex could get custody of the kids. This was so dangerous. Few win relocation. No mistakes, I was scrupulous, following my South River ethical attorney Fred Roselli's instructions and payment to the T. This was it, one chance to safety and a new life.

One week before school was starting, I was a wreck. No decision yet. 3 days before, relocation granted. I did it. I'd stay under all radar, to work, to home, to take care of my children and dogs and get on our feet. In fact, someone I had known for 30+ years saw me driving through town months later. Ned Lightner. He said he had heard I moved here but never saw me. I didn't see anyone. We needed to heal in privacy and safety. We had been through a brutal 5 years.

Then wild rapids tore through my private property for 2 weeks, 8 months after purchase in 3/2011. All illegal, using us a storm water sewer for half of developed Belfast. Ripping away my property and beginning of brutal assaults by the masses. Throwing us into the spotlight and more danger. All for a couple of thousand in commission. Belfast real estate agents and players count on the turnover of hell. This ravine is my property property that was a 2'x2' ditch at showing and purchase. Luckily I put my 6k new fence up a good 20 ft in from my boundary. It would have gotten swept away. The City has been slaughter this property for 50+ and neighbors that also own this side of the street. 2 neighbors down from me do not own ditch property. The hospital owns it. Above me, those properties are turnover hell. As well as others on this 14 single family homes on Seaview Terrace. Bargains of non-disclosed hell. Like many others in the prior R2 zone in the path of City Hall and Healthcare slaughter.

Three C's of real estate

Maine Country & Coast Real Estate opens first office downtown
 By Ethan Andrews | Jan 15, 2016

Esther and Maurice Darres at the new Maine Country & Coast Real Estate office on Beaver Street

Belfast — In an economy where companies often go for low overhead and the smallest workforce possible, Esther Darres recently moved her business, Maine Country & Coast Real Estate, out of her home into a new office in downtown Belfast.
The decision was partly to attract full-time agents, who have been harder to come by since the housing market collapse of 2009. In December, shortly after she opened the office on the Beaver Street side of the Opera House building, she invoked that Field of Dreams adage of proactivity, "If you build it they will come." By mid-January, she said she was expecting two new full-time agents.
Darres started selling real estate in 1986, when the business moved at comparably "slow and easy pace." There were no computers or cell phone where she worked; nothing more high-tech than a typewriter. New listings appeared in a book that was two weeks old by the time it arrived by mail.
"We sold real estate, but not in the numbers we do now," she said.
Darres started Maine Country & Coast Real Estate seven years ago out of her Waldo Avenue home. The agency is independent and Darres is the designated broker, which means the manager, or "person in charge," is in the office to resolve concerns and disputes, not in another city as might be the case with a real estate franchise.
Darres and her husband Maurice, a carpenter and one of Maine Country & Coast's agents, renovated the new office in beach cottage colors — turquoise and seashell white. Columns running down the center aisle bear one word each of the phrase: calm, clear communication.
Google the phrase and skip over entries on hostage negotiations and dealing with bad bosses; the psychology of the color turquoise is what Darres had in mind. And a better way to do business.
"I think everyone is looking for calm, clear communication," she said. "That's what I strive for."
Maine Country & Coast Real Estate is located at 9 Beaver St., Belfast.

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