5/20/2016 7th requested entire #1 below email for the lot next to me for sale. Not listing the stream and City Manager Joe Slocum fabricating a stream to slaughter our private properties.
Below that long thread is #2, 16-17 more listings with corrupt zones and the Maine Realtor Commission compliant in corruption. 2014 zoning and ordinances changes are not what was told to the public, hence the refusal for Belfast City Hall to make the changes public on the City website. Since 2014, they dodge with rhetoric, delays, blame and unknown amendments to ordinance by City Attorney Bill Kelly with loop hole language to be open for interpretation only for a win for the City. Judge Worth will rule just in case you can get that far without breaking your children, wallet and heart.
Below email was sent with an attachment of emails that were sent in 2013 to Maine Realtor Commission Jeff Hill in addition to the Picasa web album of documents (in email below) that prove the real estate agents lie regardless of the law to sell hell private properties to poor people. The attachment does not work here. I've copied those emails and put them on this page link.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:09 PM
To: ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Fw: 7th 5/18/16 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:09 PM
To: ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Fw: 7th 5/18/16 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 4:36 PM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; Joseph Slocum; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net
Subject: Re: 7th 5/18/16 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 4:36 PM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; Joseph Slocum; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net
Subject: Re: 7th 5/18/16 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Joseph Slocum
Cc: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins, Deputy Director Jeff
Hill, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and Realty of Maine Tim Dutch,Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Joseph Slocum
Cc: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
A. City Manager Joe Slocum- per your emails below, a stream is on the property of 23 Seaview Terrace. Please respond to this specific email to include Jeff Hill, Karen Bivins and info@realtyofmaine, confirming a stream is on the property of 23 Seaview Terrace in the R1 zone of Belfast Maine .
B. Tim Dutch, listing agent- The new listing on 5/2/2016 by Tim Dutch on 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine 04915 had zoning res 2. On 5/5/2016 Tim Dutch changed the zoning code to res 1. However, the stream is not being disclosed. Please disclose the stream on the listing and advise.
C. Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeff Hill- This real estate corruption to buyers has been reported to you since my complaint in 2013 for non disclosure of streams and 2016 zoning codes. Below is the proof. Jeff Hill dismissed my complaint for non disclosure of the stream, stating I should have done a more exhaustive search of the ditch. In January 2016 Jeff Hill advised me that all agents would be listing the correct zones. This email serves as proof that zoning codes are not listed correctly and that streams are not disclosed. The listings are corrupt with your full knowledge and participation. You are in violation of Ethical standards of the Realtor Commission.
Laurie Allen
From: Hill, Jeffrey E <Jeffrey.E.Hill@maine.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Ms. Allen:
town officials confirm that zoning information available on their
website is in the process of being updated as a result of changes
adopted in 2014 and, as such, may be
unreliable. They suggest that their offices be contacted for current,
accurate information. I will ask each real estate agency with property
currently listed for sale in Belfast to review the information they have
published and make appropriate corrections.
Jeffrey E. Hill
│Deputy Director
Maine Real Estate Commission
Tel: (207) 624-8523
Fax: (207) 624-8637
Below (A and B) are emails from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. Per Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum- "My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above it including your entire street. The photographic Map that show the stream behind your house in 1957 ,before any house in your neighborhood existed, remains in Jennika's office for the convenience of your inspection. So is the second Aerial photo map from 1997 where your house and neighborhood is depicted- showing the very same stream. You may wish to contact the State to ask them if they have any maps of any drainage they have going into this stream. I am not sure who you would ask but perhaps the State officials who came to your neighborhood and inspected this stream could assist you with that. "
This stream was not disclosed by the real estate agent (listing agent Bill Ingersoll Masiello Group Belfast) or the property inspector recommended by my agent, Jan Andrews (worked with Bill in the same agency- retired- I was her last sale) DJ Brown Property Inspector for 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine, sold to me in 6/2010. My number one concern at every showing was water issues and no streams. Emails confirm that as well as rejection of properties that disclosed such. My life has been ruined and threatened because of these real estate agents and City Manager Joe Slocum. I never would have bought this property if the stream was disclosed or the water issues. Sam Mitchell (Worth Real Estate) supervised the property inspection with DJ Brown in April 2010 while I was in NJ complying with 24 certificate of occupancy inspections to sell my house.
All involved agents were fully aware of my dangerous situation. Few make it out. I put it all on the line to get my children out against all odds. Contested relocation of children is rarely awarded. There was no room for mistakes. I was on detail beyond the dot and cross. June 28,2010 our new address was 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine, 04915. The relocation motion was not even filed yet in NJ. I could be homeless in NJ and lose primary custody if relocation was denied. We were beat up, exhausted and frightened. One week before school was starting, I was awarded relocation. We could begin to heal in privacy and safety. Despicable greed and cruelty has been non stop, 6 years and counting.
Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeff Hill was then the investigation in the commission handling my complaint of non disclosure of the stream. Jeff stated that he had never received such detail that I sent in this album. https://picasaweb.google.com/105736045670734847961/RealEstateCommissionInvestigation42013?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Photos by Laurie Allen, Apr 24, 2013 - BHG Town & Country, Listing-
Bill Ingersoll, Selling-Jan Andrews(retired) Owner- Earl Black
unethical, proof of undisclosed nightmare stream,property inspection,
disclosure, flood zone maps, my map, pics, estimates for
4/2011 spring wipe out, Puzz Caswell local realtor and previous owner
of me home send lying email, DEP emails for information ignored, more on
DEP and City Corruption at www.belfastbullies.blogspot.com. Earl Black,
Town & Country owner tries to buy my silence
with 7k for selling me hell and endangering our lives every storm.
Shelling out over 2k in unexpected flood insurance with an income @ or
below povery level and they knew it. In fact, since I did not know about
flood zone, or stream, I could have gotten wiped
out and not have had any insurance. It wasn't until the following
summer that all this horror began unfolding.
He was also sent many emails that clear show dismissal of other properties to force me to 17 Seaview Terrace. He also had listings for other properties on Seaview Terrace with stream property where the stream was disclosed. I was denied a copy of those listings. All these emails are the attachment on this email.
This is the link of Jeff Hill's dismissal of my complaint, stating that I should have done a "more exhaustive search of the ditch"! Also in this link is the full property inspection that Jeff requested. https://picasaweb.google.com/105736045670734847961/CorruptDismissalMaineRECDJBrownFullPropertyInspection?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Photos by Laurie Allen, Aug 2, 2013 - Proven without a doubt- intent
non-disclousre to push sale. Other album on actual complaint filled with
proof also, More with linked with City of Belfast- investigator did not
want those documents. Failure to disclose stream/swale/ditch
with unstabilized banks- raining that day too when inspection done-
stream visible yet not reported.
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 16:50:47 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: xxxxx
CC: councilors@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org
Ms. Allen,
Good afternoon. I regret that I have been away for two weeks because of two family emergencies.
The road could indeed use some work and will be addressed in conjunction with our regular road program which calls for attention in areas about every 10 years. The road has alligator cracking because the ground underneath is wet. The present existence of a couple of culverts underneath the road which transfer some water from the higher land across the street to your land on the North side are an attempt by the City to have the road not act as a dam to the natural flow of gravity and also to preserve the asphalt on the road itself by eliminating standing water on the road edge or underneath it.
We have these culverts all over the City and you will indeed find them all over the State.I will ask my Public Works Director, by copy of this email to let us know in what year your road might see some resurfacing. . It will not be this year. At this time there are no funds or plans to install storm sewers along your road We like many municipalities have have many roads without these amenities.
observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been
there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything
above it including your
entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings,
the expansions of lawns or cutting of vegetation done by every home
owner- including your predecessor
which has had an impact on surface and sub surface water in your
neighborhood. The very ditch that is maintained between you and your
neighbor is a good example of how you and your neighbor channel your
water to the stream behind your house that is the natural
drainage way. This stream and the water the water your entire
neighborhood adds to it, simply goes behind other peoples houses down
grade from you and in fact goes right into our City Park where it
empties to the Sea.
Some of your neighbors across the street want more surface water drained toward your side.
The State suggested allowing more plantings to grow and absorb some of the water.
The City noted that if we were ever to get
involved we would want the neighbors to be cooperative and provide legal
easements to the City so our actions are not seen as improper as you
have suggested they were in the past.
While I was away I learned that there was a meeting held on site by Wayne Marshall from the City, and we had State DEP representative Chris Cabot there along with a member of our City Council. I understand that you were there as well. To my knowledge-nothing came from that meeting to suggest that the City has somehow caused all this water to be in your area. Since I do not see the harm caused by the City I have no plan to enter upon your property to do any bank stabilization that Mr. Cabot said he would be receptive to permit if requested by the individual neighbors.
While I was away I learned that there was a meeting held on site by Wayne Marshall from the City, and we had State DEP representative Chris Cabot there along with a member of our City Council. I understand that you were there as well. To my knowledge-nothing came from that meeting to suggest that the City has somehow caused all this water to be in your area. Since I do not see the harm caused by the City I have no plan to enter upon your property to do any bank stabilization that Mr. Cabot said he would be receptive to permit if requested by the individual neighbors.
It appears that in the past the City crews did indeed enter upon a neighbors property to clear growth from an existing ditch with permission to get water away from the road. As far as I know this is not a City owned ditch anymore than the one which runs along your property.
As for the drainage:
1. I will come and take pictures to document your concern and I will share them with the State. Please let me know whether you wish to be present when I take them . I am presuming that you are going to allow me access through your property so I can do this properly. If this assumption is incorrect please let me know. Otherwise the pictures will be taken next week.
2. I have not seen anything in the erosion or in City practice which suggest to me that the City is responsible for your erosion so there is no practice for us to terminate. I can not and I do not plan on spending City tax dollars to provide drainage controls for private property.
3. There is indeed some signs of erosion within the stream sidewalls and I did see an area about 2 square feet in size where you placed large stones to fill in a part of your bank where some erosion apparently occurred. I do not see anything in this erosion which would indicate it is anything other than a natural occurrence associated with seasonal and unpredictable weather conditions. It appeared to me to look like every stream bed I have ever walked.
Finally, if you continue to believe that the City is the party responsible for your damage then please send me your reasons and I will present your legal claim to our insurance company to see if they see this matter differently than I do.
Absent new information this is my final response to this matter. I am sorry that I could not find a way to agree with your conclusions.
Most sincerely,
Joseph J. Slocum
City Manager
Joseph Slocum [mailto:citymanager@cityofbelfast.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:37 PM
Cc: Councilors; Jennika Lundy
Subject: Further follow up on your November 3rd request
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 6:37 PM
Cc: Councilors; Jennika Lundy
Subject: Further follow up on your November 3rd request
Ms. Allen,
The photographic Map that show the stream behind your house in 1957 ,before any house in your neighborhood existed, remains in Jennika's office for the convenience of your inspection. So is the second Aerial photo map from 1997 where your house and neighborhood is depicted- showing the very same stream. I wrote to you and we have not heard back from you on your interest in seeing these Maps. I can't copy them in house and will be pleased to have them copied for you when you bring the money in that such copies cost. Once you see them you may be in a better position to decide whether you want copies.
I have found NO maps that depict all storm water channels draining into the culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace. I am continuing to look for any Maps I can find that show storm drain channels draining into the stream that moves through the culvert at the top Seaview Terrace near Route #1. You may wish to contact the State to ask them if they have any maps of any drainage they have going into this stream. I am not sure who you would ask but perhaps the State officials who came to your neighborhood and inspected this stream could assist you with that.
It is my understanding that you have the flood maps of your area. If not let me know and I will get you copies.
I have found no maps of storm water channels draining into the stream at your private property. That being said it is possible that the two small culverts (10-12 inches) underneath the road at 45 and 49 were indeed built by the City. It would have been a long time ago and I have no maps of them but they are readily visible. I did confirm with Bob Richards, our DPW Director, that about 8 years ago a ditch that carried water off the road and also from the abutting private property was overgrown and the public works crew- in a maintenance effort and with the permission of the property owner did indeed go in and clear out the growth in that existing ditch. That is my best understanding of what happened. The only reason for the City to do this was because the water was starting to back up onto the road which the City wanted to clear it off.
Although I do not generally do research for anyone as that is not what the Freedom of Information Act requires, I did look up this statute which I believe supports the City's obligation and right to put small 2 culverts under the road and to maintain this ditch that public works removed the growth from.
The photographic Map that show the stream behind your house in 1957 ,before any house in your neighborhood existed, remains in Jennika's office for the convenience of your inspection. So is the second Aerial photo map from 1997 where your house and neighborhood is depicted- showing the very same stream. I wrote to you and we have not heard back from you on your interest in seeing these Maps. I can't copy them in house and will be pleased to have them copied for you when you bring the money in that such copies cost. Once you see them you may be in a better position to decide whether you want copies.
I have found NO maps that depict all storm water channels draining into the culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace. I am continuing to look for any Maps I can find that show storm drain channels draining into the stream that moves through the culvert at the top Seaview Terrace near Route #1. You may wish to contact the State to ask them if they have any maps of any drainage they have going into this stream. I am not sure who you would ask but perhaps the State officials who came to your neighborhood and inspected this stream could assist you with that.
It is my understanding that you have the flood maps of your area. If not let me know and I will get you copies.
I have found no maps of storm water channels draining into the stream at your private property. That being said it is possible that the two small culverts (10-12 inches) underneath the road at 45 and 49 were indeed built by the City. It would have been a long time ago and I have no maps of them but they are readily visible. I did confirm with Bob Richards, our DPW Director, that about 8 years ago a ditch that carried water off the road and also from the abutting private property was overgrown and the public works crew- in a maintenance effort and with the permission of the property owner did indeed go in and clear out the growth in that existing ditch. That is my best understanding of what happened. The only reason for the City to do this was because the water was starting to back up onto the road which the City wanted to clear it off.
Although I do not generally do research for anyone as that is not what the Freedom of Information Act requires, I did look up this statute which I believe supports the City's obligation and right to put small 2 culverts under the road and to maintain this ditch that public works removed the growth from.
Title 23: HIGHWAYS
§3251. Ditches, drains and culverts; control; damages
municipal officers of a town may at the expense of the town construct
ditches, drains and culverts to carry water
away from any highway or road therein, and over or through any lands of
persons or corporations, when they deem it necessary for public
convenience or for the proper care of such highway or road, provided no
such ditch, drain or culvert shall pass under or
within 20 feet of any dwelling house without the consent of the owner
thereof. Such ditches, drains and culverts may be constructed under such
highways or roads. Such ditches, drains or culverts shall be under the
control of said municipal officers and interference
therewith may be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by
imprisonment for not more than 3 months, or by both. If such town does
not maintain and keep in repair such ditches, drains and culverts, the
owner or occupant of the lands through or over which
they pass may have his action against the town for damages thereby
Before land is so taken, notice shall be given and damages assessed and paid therefor as is provided for the location
of town ways.
email of November 3rd says the City has directly contributed to the
erosion of your yard and your road. The road
was accepted by the City when your subdivision was approved. In all
honesty I can not see what the City has done that has affected anything
in your neighborhood that was not there long before your houses were
built. That is what I had hoped that you would
see if you would just come in and look at the photo's from 1957. Every
house lot and property on Seaview View Terrace- including your own
appears to put water into this stream. It is the natural drainage way
that has been there forever. When I visited your
property the ditch that runs the full length of your property between
you and your Northerly neighbor appears to drain your yards.
I hear three different financial requests from you.
1. Reduce your taxers and I understand the Assessor is currently evaluating that. I hope he is in contact with you next
week when he returns from sick leave.
2. The City should just install storm drains on your street. We do not have them on many, many streets in the City
because they are so expensive to install. Today the City would not
likely accept a subdivision that did not come with its own storm drain
system. This is a policy question in my mind - not a legal one.
Finally you mention the damage to your property. I have asked several
times that you send me a communication that
asks for payment for whatever you think your damages are and I will
send it onto the City's Insurance Company. Please send communication
along to me so that they can do their own review and respond to your
claim. I can't write it for you because it is your
claim to make.
I will continue to look for more information and I am sending this to the Council so they will know how we are trying
to respond to your requests.
Please do not hesitate to send either me or Jennika any request that you may have.
Thank you,
Joe Slocum
5/2016 listing of lot next to me. No stream disclosed. Zoning was wrong and now changed to r1 which is not official either.
- Listing Agent
- Timothy Dutch
- Listing Broker
- 23 Seaview Ter, Belfast
- $75,000
Key Facts
- Land
- Price/Sq Ft: Price Unavailable
- 8 days on realtor.com ®
- Status: Active
Key Facts
- Land
- Price/Sq Ft: Price Unavailable
- 8 days on realtor.com ®
- Status: Active
Exterior and Lot Features
- Lot Description: 0.3900 acres
Waterfront and Water Access
- Recreational Water: Nearby
Other Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: Res 1
- Directions: From Northport Ave. Take right or left onto Sea View Terrace,property will be on your right.
- Seasonal: No
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org >
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Ms Allen,
Ms. Mortier is away attending to her fathers death which occurred on Tuesday evening. I expect she will be gone at least a week.
From: Breanna Pinkham bebb <bre@ourtownbelfast.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Hi Laurie,Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Mary has had to travel suddenly due to a family matter. I'm not sure when she will return, but this is why you wont likely hear back from her in the short-term.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:49 PM
To: bre@ourtownbelfast.org
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Yes, her message is below. When my brother died, Mary and City Hall sent in the trucks to illegally destroy my property, thinking I'd be in Alabama for his funeral on 9/8/2014. I was home, watching in horror. Mary has been quite nasty to me and is active in the corruption as City Council, a real estate agent and destroying my life and home.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 4:40 PM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast. org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com;
info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Maine Realtor Commission Jeff Hills and Karen Bivins, Belfast City Council, Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum,Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 4:40 PM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
The listing is now reading as zone R1 (changed from R2 an hour ago). The confirms to all of the above officials that as of 5/5/2016, 4pm, Seaview Terrace is zone R1. Advise if R1 is not the legal zone for Seaview Terrace as of 5/5/2016.
The stream is still not disclosed and has been at issue since wild rapids came tearing through my property in 4/2011 for over a week, turning my 2'x2' private property drainage ditch as sold to me with a property inspection and written emails from me in 2009 that I did not want any properties with water issues or streams. Jeff Hill dismissed my complaint stating that I should have done a more exhaustive search of the ditch! City Manager Joe Slocum states it is a 100 year old natural stream regardless if it isn't natural. Regardless that a stream from somewhere was moved to Seaview Terrace. Regardless that residents are flooded, properties destroyed as the City force floods a flood zone, flood plain that they created. Regardless of our safety and rights.
City Hall states it is a stream. Disclose it on the listing. The listing agent is Dutch. I am told that Dutch owned Seaview Terrace when it was a farm. With no stream. Then it was sold to developer Wendell McLeod in the 60's and with the corruption underway. Here is the development with a man made ditch running though it for drainage from Mcleod's Trailer Park on Lower Congress St. The ditch was filled and Seaview Terrace was developed. City Manager Joe Slocum moved a "natural" stream here to flood us and destroy us. Disclose it. http://boycottbelfast.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 3:05 PM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN
Maine Realtor Commission Jeff Hill and Karen Bivins,
This message below from Dale Wilkes was received at 2:29pm. I just checked the listing at 3pm and it has not changed. Zoning res2 is wrong and the stream is not disclosed. Jeff Hill dismissed my complaint stating that I should have done a more exhaustive search of my dry private property drainage ditch that the City Manager Joe Slocum states is a 100 year old natural stream. And with that, City Hall forces enormous runoff from miles outside of Seaview Terrace into the private properties on Seaview Terrace. No rights of ways, no easement and real estate agent do no disclose the stream. If they had, I never would have bought 17 Seaview Terrace and my children and I would have not have been robbed of our new lives, we fear for our lives and safety, and have been robbed of the last of our money. For agents to make a few thousand dollars and ruin life after life.
I will not let this happen to anyone else.
Please advise on numbers 1 and 2.
1. The zoning on this listing is wrong. Please advise of the correct SPECIFIC zoning for 23 Seaview Terrace as of today 5/5/2016. R1 or R3. Correct the zoning and please advise when the listing is corrected.
2. The listing does not disclose the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter hell. City Manager Joe Slocum defines it as a "100 year old natural stream". Correct the listing to disclose the "stream", please advise when the listing is corrected.
Laurie Allen
1. The zoning on this listing is wrong. Please advise of the correct SPECIFIC zoning for 23 Seaview Terrace as of today 5/5/2016. R1 or R3. Correct the zoning and please advise when the listing is corrected.
2. The listing does not disclose the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter hell. City Manager Joe Slocum defines it as a "100 year old natural stream". Correct the listing to disclose the "stream", please advise when the listing is corrected.
Laurie Allen
To Whom It May Concern:
Dutch updated his listing earlier today. It is compliant with Maine
Real Estate Information Services Inc rules & regulations.
Dale Wilkes
(Ms) Dale Wilkes
Website Administrator
Realty of Maine / 458 Main St / Bangor, ME 04401
207 942-6310 (office)
sent or received shall neither constitute acceptance of conducting
transactions via electronic means nor shall create a binding contract in
the absence of a fully signed written agreement.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; chief@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 12:30 PM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; chief@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Maine Realtor Commission Jeff Hill and Karen Bivins,
Mary Mortier has refused to address the corrupt zoning on the listings as City Council for this ward and as a real estate agent since she voted the with held from the public zoning through. Voted in 10/2014 with more unknown amendments. Jeff Hill stated last year that the listings would be corrected They are not. Therefore, Belfast real estate agents are not credible. Please advise on numbers 1 and 2.
1. The zoning on this listing is wrong. Please advise of the correct SPECIFIC zoning for 23 Seaview Terrace as of today 5/5/2016. R1 or R3. Correct the zoning and please advise when the listing is corrected.
2. The listing does not disclose the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter hell. City Manager Joe Slocum defines it as a "100 year old natural stream". Correct the listing to disclose the "stream", please advise when the listing is corrected.
Laurie Allen
Ms . Allen,
Mary Mortier has refused to address the corrupt zoning on the listings as City Council for this ward and as a real estate agent since she voted the with held from the public zoning through. Voted in 10/2014 with more unknown amendments. Jeff Hill stated last year that the listings would be corrected They are not. Therefore, Belfast real estate agents are not credible. Please advise on numbers 1 and 2.
1. The zoning on this listing is wrong. Please advise of the correct SPECIFIC zoning for 23 Seaview Terrace as of today 5/5/2016. R1 or R3. Correct the zoning and please advise when the listing is corrected.
2. The listing does not disclose the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter hell. City Manager Joe Slocum defines it as a "100 year old natural stream". Correct the listing to disclose the "stream", please advise when the listing is corrected.
Laurie Allen
Ms . Allen,
Thank you for your email this am.
My Dad passed away yesterday & I am out of state in route to be with my family.
I do not know when I will be returning to Belfast.
I suggest you contact Tim Dutch directly at Realty of Maine to make any corrections to his listing.
Mary Mortier
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 9:02 AM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2016 9:02 AM
To: Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace
Belfast City Council Ward 1 and Belfast Real Estate Agent Mary Mortier,
1. Seaview Terrace is your ward. The zoning on this listing is wrong. Please advise of the correct SPECIFIC zoning for 23 Seaview Terrace as of today 5/5/2016. R1 or R3. And correct the zoning, please advise when the listing is corrected.
2. The listing does not disclose the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter hell. Listing it as waterfront is wrong. You support City Manager Joe Slocum defining it as a "100 year old natural stream". Correct the listing to disclose the "stream", please advise when the listing is corrected.
3. Last year I stated I would sell my house for $250,000 firm, as is. The offer stands and I would relocate out of state. I will not sell hell to another and will stay and protest the Belfast/State corruption with my last breath.
Tim Dutch did not include pictures of hell and boundary stakes in my front yard and across hell. The pink ribbon on the pole is the other stake.
Laurie Allen
- Listing Agent
- Timothy Dutch
- Make the Right Move!
- Office: (207) 323-0440
- Mobile: (207) 323-0440
- Broker: (207) 338-6800
- Email Agent
- View Agent's Website
- Agent's Other Listings
Key Facts
- Land
- Price/Sq Ft: Price Unavailable
- 3 days on realtor.com ®
- Status: Active
Exterior and Lot Features
- Lot Description: 0.3900 acres
Waterfront and Water Access
- Recreational Water: Nearby
Heating and Cooling
- Heating Features: Water Heater:
Other Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: res 2
- Directions: From Northport Ave. Take right or left onto Sea View Terrace,property will be on your right.
- Seasonal: No
"Mary listens to the client, does thorough research, is accurate and efficient, no game playing, just a good measure of common sense and good judgment to complete the transaction satisfactorily! Mary also uses her talents in giving back to the Belfast community. She is a member of the Belfast Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow; she is on the board of Our Town Belfast, a Main Street Community, she has/and continues as Executive Director of New Year’s By The Bay; and in 2012 she was elected to the Belfast City Council.
Please contact Mary Mortier at mmortier@grfrealestate.com today!
You are also guilty in robbing and destroying our lives. Domestic survivors. One of the few to make it out, win relocation and begin again. Beat up and exhausted, you sealed our fate with your "supervision" for my property inspection with DJ Brown Property Inspector. Knowing this property well and corrupting the inspection during spring melt- no doubt of water issues. No inspection of the stream or un-stabilized banks. No disclosure by any of the real estate agents involved- Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews and you.
How do we feel when we see a mother and children hold on through the worst anyone can imagine and see them make it to safety? It is almost a fairy tale, I thought I would never see Belfast or Bayside again. I did it. You and your colleagues knew our dangerous situation. Many in the area did with my family history in Bayside linking to Belfast. Using that against me to sell me hell because we were so beat up, and needed to stay under all radar. With police and neighbors to add security. Which is why we had to be in-town. No more abuse to my children or me. Just as we were beginning to let the wall of fear down, wild rapids tore our lives and property away. The abuse, discrimination, targeting from Belfast to Augusta should have killed me. It may be. All I cared about was getting my children into adulthood. Done. Go ahead, finish me off.
6 years later, everything I have proved is true. My scholar son targeted by BAHS Guidance Director James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick and Superintendent Knowles. Denying him Latin, Honors English and AP classes through 9th, 10th and 11th grades. Denying him the recognition of the Phi Beta Kappa Award May 2015. In August 2015, I googled his name and the Bangor Daily News article popped up stating he was the recipient of this prestigious award. http://bangordailynews.com/community/2015-winners-of-phi-beta-kappa-academic-achievement-awards/
My son didn't know anything about this. He didn't even receive a
document. All of the above threw him under the bus AGAIN. Stating he was
absent the day of the awards. Stating confusion as to why didn't
receive the actual award. Committing fraud by making a
Phi Beta Kappa certificate and mailing that to us in August 2015. Dr.
Ward of the Phi Beta Kappa chapter in Bangor confirmed that certificate
was fraudulent. Dr. Ward had mailed the authentic certificate for my son
in April 2015 to JAMES DAVIS.
All refused accountability and hurt my son further. With the stellar Questbridge College Match to top colleges for low income scholar students. The application deadline was 9/30/2015. In mid-August, I began begging Superintendent Knowles to oversee the process when Jessica Woods emailed me that she was leaving as my son's counselor within the hour. Gone. Telling me to contact James Davis. Superintendent Knowles refused, stating he had full confidence that James Davis would prevail.
In sync with the award fraud. His schedule is brutal 5 AP's- English Lit, Us Govt, Calculus, Env. Science, Physics, and Latin 3 and Latin 4. His senior year.
For 6 weeks, I pressed on to get the Questbridge completed. Look where my son was at already. A constant target of abuse to hurt me. I hurt him if I did, I hurt him if I didn't. His only protection is to keep his head down, avoid adult confrontations and work hard on education. He did and does. The adults fail him. Davis waited until the day before the applications were due. Telling my son that IF he wanted to do these college applications on the last day, it was up to him. Or he could wait and apply for regular decision. There was no waiting, the cutoff was 9/30/2015. Davis stole acceptance with full tuition at top colleges from us.
My son's father's income and assets are high and denies college financing. Through the regular application process, these top colleges had filled their quota for low income through Questbridge. My son was denied.
Hurt my children to stop the truth and our basic rights to live in safety and privacy. How can so many be so evil? Against one beaten family asking for nothing and law abiding to the T. Order hell and silence the protest. Every day is a new chance to make things right. I wait, hope and will protest/post/inform until. Know the corruption and stop it. It can begin in Belfast.
Laurie Allen
PS- Sam Mitchell works for Worth Real Estate. John III and Judge Patricia Worth of Belfast. Tying to MaineHealth monopoly.
Received in mail 1/21/2016- Judgment is granted to the defendant. Robbing me of 6k.
Judge Worth "The parties participated in several e-mail exchanges about
this dispute. The Court does not agree that, during their negotiations
and other discussions,
Defendant admitted that he owes Plaintiff as she claims."
Worth was given these emails with the Defendant admitting he owed me as I proved.
Please just stop all this insanity. It's all very destructive and unproductive. You will get your money. I can make monthly payments.
I got Worth for J&B Autobody for an open and shut case last year. I didn't know of the Worth's at that time. When I got her decision in the mail for J&B Autbody, I went after her. Details on this page link http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/j.html
Per your email below, these agents have not listed correct zoning. Please have the listings corrected . These listings were copied as of today, 5/18/2016 5-6pm. Several of these are Sam Mitchell's listings with "See Town". Please have these listings corrected by Friday 5/20/2016. I will check them.
Laurie Allen
Mid-Coast Council
2016 President
Sam Mitchell
Worth Real Estate
118 High Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Phone: (207) 338-5265
E-Mail: sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com
Jeffrey E. Hill
│Deputy Directo
30 Huntress Ave
City: Belfast
State Or Province: ME
Listing Agent
City: Belfast
City: Belfast
City: Belfast
City: Belfast
City: Belfast
Lynn R. Boynton /GRF
497 days on realtor.com
City: Belfast
Mary Mortier. There can be no question that Mary loves real estate; and
she is equally as enthusiastic about sharing her real estate knowledge
and ...
"Mary listens to the client, does thorough research, is accurate and efficient, no game playing, just a good measure of common sense and good judgment to complete the transaction satisfactorily! Mary also uses her talents in giving back to the Belfast community. She is a member of the Belfast Rotary Club and a Paul Harris Fellow; she is on the board of Our Town Belfast, a Main Street Community, she has/and continues as Executive Director of New Year’s By The Bay; and in 2012 she was elected to the Belfast City Council.
Please contact Mary Mortier at mmortier@grfrealestate.com today!
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:08 PM
To: ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Fw: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:08 PM
To: ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Fw: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:37 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; pknowles@rsu71.org; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; crabiel71@gmail.com; sixplace@fairpoint.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; Governor; brendakielty@gmail.com; jkrinjak@wabi.tv; aobrien@freepressonline.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; lmclean@wcgh.org; cgood1@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; belfastchamber@gmail.com
Subject: Re: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
Worth Real Estate Agent and MidCoast Realtor Council President Sam Mitchell,Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:37 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net; pknowles@rsu71.org; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; crabiel71@gmail.com; sixplace@fairpoint.net; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; info@maillouxmarden.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; Governor; brendakielty@gmail.com; jkrinjak@wabi.tv; aobrien@freepressonline.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; lmclean@wcgh.org; cgood1@roadrunner.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; belfastchamber@gmail.com
Subject: Re: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
You are also guilty in robbing and destroying our lives. Domestic survivors. One of the few to make it out, win relocation and begin again. Beat up and exhausted, you sealed our fate with your "supervision" for my property inspection with DJ Brown Property Inspector. Knowing this property well and corrupting the inspection during spring melt- no doubt of water issues. No inspection of the stream or un-stabilized banks. No disclosure by any of the real estate agents involved- Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews and you.
How do we feel when we see a mother and children hold on through the worst anyone can imagine and see them make it to safety? It is almost a fairy tale, I thought I would never see Belfast or Bayside again. I did it. You and your colleagues knew our dangerous situation. Many in the area did with my family history in Bayside linking to Belfast. Using that against me to sell me hell because we were so beat up, and needed to stay under all radar. With police and neighbors to add security. Which is why we had to be in-town. No more abuse to my children or me. Just as we were beginning to let the wall of fear down, wild rapids tore our lives and property away. The abuse, discrimination, targeting from Belfast to Augusta should have killed me. It may be. All I cared about was getting my children into adulthood. Done. Go ahead, finish me off.
6 years later, everything I have proved is true. My scholar son targeted by BAHS Guidance Director James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick and Superintendent Knowles. Denying him Latin, Honors English and AP classes through 9th, 10th and 11th grades. Denying him the recognition of the Phi Beta Kappa Award May 2015. In August 2015, I googled his name and the Bangor Daily News article popped up stating he was the recipient of this prestigious award. http://bangordailynews.com/community/2015-winners-of-phi-beta-kappa-academic-achievement-awards/
The Phi Beta Kappa Association of Maine has announced the 2015 winners
of the Academic Achievement Award. This year, 121 schools throughout the
state ...
Principal Stephen Fitzpatrick of Belfast Area High School announced
today that Philip D. Wich, and Richard L. Wyman both residents of
Belfast, have been named ...
All refused accountability and hurt my son further. With the stellar Questbridge College Match to top colleges for low income scholar students. The application deadline was 9/30/2015. In mid-August, I began begging Superintendent Knowles to oversee the process when Jessica Woods emailed me that she was leaving as my son's counselor within the hour. Gone. Telling me to contact James Davis. Superintendent Knowles refused, stating he had full confidence that James Davis would prevail.
In sync with the award fraud. His schedule is brutal 5 AP's- English Lit, Us Govt, Calculus, Env. Science, Physics, and Latin 3 and Latin 4. His senior year.
For 6 weeks, I pressed on to get the Questbridge completed. Look where my son was at already. A constant target of abuse to hurt me. I hurt him if I did, I hurt him if I didn't. His only protection is to keep his head down, avoid adult confrontations and work hard on education. He did and does. The adults fail him. Davis waited until the day before the applications were due. Telling my son that IF he wanted to do these college applications on the last day, it was up to him. Or he could wait and apply for regular decision. There was no waiting, the cutoff was 9/30/2015. Davis stole acceptance with full tuition at top colleges from us.
QuestBridge, Oct 19, 1:46 PM:
Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at http://questbridge.org/for-students/scholarship-resources.
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team
Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at http://questbridge.org/for-students/scholarship-resources.
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team
My son's father's income and assets are high and denies college financing. Through the regular application process, these top colleges had filled their quota for low income through Questbridge. My son was denied.
Hurt my children to stop the truth and our basic rights to live in safety and privacy. How can so many be so evil? Against one beaten family asking for nothing and law abiding to the T. Order hell and silence the protest. Every day is a new chance to make things right. I wait, hope and will protest/post/inform until. Know the corruption and stop it. It can begin in Belfast.
Laurie Allen
PS- Sam Mitchell works for Worth Real Estate. John III and Judge Patricia Worth of Belfast. Tying to MaineHealth monopoly.
This blog, Boycott Belfast and linking prior blogs, are my personal
accounting of first hand Maine corruption from local to State when I was
sold undisclosed epic ...
Received in mail 1/21/2016- Judgment is granted to the defendant. Robbing me of 6k.
Judge Worth "The parties participated in several e-mail exchanges about
this dispute. The Court does not agree that, during their negotiations
and other discussions,
Defendant admitted that he owes Plaintiff as she claims."
Worth was given these emails with the Defendant admitting he owed me as I proved.
From: | Sxxxx, Joseph |
Sent: | Thu 7/25/13 1:29 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
$500 to be refunded directly to you since the account is closed/terminated.
And or if they are sending her that $500 in the mail to 17 Seaview she can sign
it over to you. Leaving the balance of $7,648.76 - 2,200 which she said is hers
leaving $5,448.76 which is due you.
(Note- $500 was never sent, amount due me is $5498.76 plus court costs and serving fees of misery, but I saw it through and stayed true. Right is right.) | |
From: | Sxxxx, Joseph |
Sent: | Mon 12/16/13 12:49 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
I don't know why you can't understand this. I told you numerous times you will get the money when the house sells. No one has that kind of money. At best I can give you a little something when I get my tax refund.
From: | Sxxxx, Joseph |
Sent: | Fri 12/27/13 8:55 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Please just stop all this insanity. It's all very destructive and unproductive. You will get your money. I can make monthly payments.
From: | Sxxxx, Joseph |
Sent: | Fri 3/27/15 8:12 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
No one is trying to insult you or otherwise! No one owes you anything. Have a nice day. We've all paid dearly as a result of your behavior. You may continue to make poor financial decisions , however that doesn't mean that I am in anyway obligated to pay for them. They are on you and yours alone. Have a nice day
I got Worth for J&B Autobody for an open and shut case last year. I didn't know of the Worth's at that time. When I got her decision in the mail for J&B Autbody, I went after her. Details on this page link http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/j.html
Judge Susan Sparaco is the fair one. No wonder Chris Kulbe's (corrupt Ridge Top Chimney Sweep) attorney tried to get a continuance the day before the hearing with Judge Sparaco presiding. She reminded me of Judge Marilyn Milian on People's Court. I won.
From Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. Blaming mistakes to destroy and resenting accountability.
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
I rely on many people in what I do and
communication is an ever challenging effort. In this process could I
make a mistake? The answer is yes...
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
Ms. Allen,
Lying is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but yes I do resent being called a liar.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:55 PM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net
Subject: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
Jeff Hill,Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:55 PM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; einstein@toast.net; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; marchas@sitestar.net
Subject: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings
Per your email below, these agents have not listed correct zoning. Please have the listings corrected . These listings were copied as of today, 5/18/2016 5-6pm. Several of these are Sam Mitchell's listings with "See Town". Please have these listings corrected by Friday 5/20/2016. I will check them.
Laurie Allen
Mid-Coast Council
2016 President
Sam Mitchell
Worth Real Estate
118 High Street
Belfast, ME 04915
Phone: (207) 338-5265
E-Mail: sam.mitchell.04915@gmail.com
From: Hill, Jeffrey E <Jeffrey.E.Hill@maine.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Ms. Allen:
town officials confirm that zoning information available on their
website is in the process of being updated as a result of changes
adopted in 2014 and, as such, may be
unreliable. They suggest that their offices be contacted for current,
accurate information. I will ask each real estate agency with property
currently listed for sale in Belfast to review the information they have
published and make appropriate corrections.
Please check this zoning of R1. Another property nearby has zoning R3.
6 Penobscot Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is 2,800 Sq.
Ft., 4 beds, and 3 baths. Visit 20 photos on realtor.com(R), listing
value of $325,000.
Charles Hunter Belfast Maine Real Estate
177 days on realtor.com
6 Penobscot Terrace
1. Stream not disclosed.
Tim Dutch/Realty of Maine
23 Seaview Terrace
16 days on realtor.com
2. zoning See City
Karen Withee /BH&G Masiello30 Huntress Ave
9 days on realtor.com
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: See City
Directions: From Belfast city center, take High Street merging into Northport Avenue. Go by City Park and hospital on your left. Huntress Avenue is on water side and the last street before the Route 1 intersection Left turn onto Huntress house is the 4th on the left.
Seasonal: No
3. zoning See Town
Listing Agent -
Samuel Mitchell/ Worth
45 Union St
9 days on realtor.com
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: See Town
Directions: Upper side of Union Street, between Park and Harbor Streets.
Seasonal: No
4. zoning- residential
Alan M. Wood /ReMax
44 Northport Ave
27 days on realtor.com ®
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: Residential
Directions: head south on Northport Avenue, home is on the left after Race Street
Seasonal: No
5. zoning See Town
76 Bayview St
Listing Agent-
Samuel Mitchell /Worth
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: See Town
Directions: Bayview Street between Harbor and Allyn.
Seasonal: No
Zoning: 11
Listing Agent -
Bill Pickford/ Camden Real Estate
63 Church St
52 days on realtor.com ®City: Belfast
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: 11
Directions: Located on Historic Church Street just south of downtown.
Seasonal: No
7. Zoning RG
169 Congress St
SAMUEL A. MEHORTER / Hometown Real Estate
63 days on realtor.com ®
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: RG
8. zoning 11-Res
9 High St
Listing Agent-
Jason Saphire
80 days on realtor.com
Zoning: 11-Res
Directions: From Rt.1N-turn onto Northport Ave; hospital on right-stay straight-corner of High/Bell.
Seasonal: No
9. zoning R-2
Listing Agent -
Alan M. Wood /ReMax
253 Northport Ave
84 days on realtor.com ®
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: R-2
10. zoning residential
240 High St
by Beverly Doherty/Re/Max
84 days on realtor.com ®
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: Residential
Directions: Corner of High & John St.
Seasonal: No
11. zoning RES
11 Treat St
by Fran Riley /United Realty
224 days on realtor.com
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: RES
12. zoning See Town
46 Ocean St
by Johnathon Ohlsen/Worth
239 days on realtor.com
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: See Town
Directions: Go south on Northport Ave. Turn left on Condon Street go to the end. Turn right on Ocean Street and 46 Ocean St. will be on your left/waterside.
Seasonal: No
13. zoning RG
97 Congress St
Listing Agent
Timothy Dutch / Realty of Maine
241 days on realtor.com ®
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: RG
Directions: Intown Belfast, up Main Street or Miller Street, take left on to Congress Street, Home will be on your right, signs will be up.
Seasonal: No
zoning See Town
Charles St
Samuel Mitchell /Worth
259 days on realtor.com ®
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: See Town
Directions: Waldo Avenue from Main Street. Charles Street Extension is the second left, directly across from Primrose Street. Lot is on the upper side of the street and located on the curve.
Seasonal: No
15. zoning Res
283 Congress St
JOE CALISTA / Berkshire Hathaway
285 days on realtor.com
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: Res
Directions: From Rt. 1 Belfast go west on Congress Street (AKA; lower Congress). Go half mile, house on right.
Seasonal: No
zoning Residential
46 Congress St
Sam Mitchell/Worth
338 days on realtor.com
City: Belfast -
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: Residential
Directions: Corner of Congress and Spring Streets. Garage and driveway are on Spring Street.
Seasonal: No
Lynn R. Boynton /GRF
497 days on realtor.com
City: Belfast
State Or Province: ME
County Or Parish: Waldo
Zoning: shoreland
Directions: Northport Ave. to Condon Street, Condon St. to bottom, right on Ocean Street, 2nd property on left.
Seasonal: No
From: Hill, Jeffrey E <Jeffrey.E.Hill@maine.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:55 AM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; Bivins, Karen L; belfast@masiello.com
Cc: michael.cunning2@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; einstein@toast.net; Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com
Subject: RE: 30 Huntress Ave listing zoning "See City"
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 11:55 AM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; Bivins, Karen L; belfast@masiello.com
Cc: michael.cunning2@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; einstein@toast.net; Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com
Subject: RE: 30 Huntress Ave listing zoning "See City"
Ms. Allen:
It is not the responsibility of the Commission to provide guidance to city officials on local governance matters.
Jeffrey E. Hill
│Deputy Director
Maine Real Estate Commission
Tel: (207) 624-8523
Fax: (207) 624-8637
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:59 AM
To: jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; Bivins, Karen L; belfast@masiello.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: michael.cunning2@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; einstein@toast.net; Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com
Subject: 30 Huntress Ave listing zoning "See City"
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 9:59 AM
To: jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; Hill, Jeffrey E; Bivins, Karen L; belfast@masiello.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: michael.cunning2@gmail.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; einstein@toast.net; Mary Mortier - GRF; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; info@fiddleheadartisansupply.com; hartdalemaps@gmail.com
Subject: 30 Huntress Ave listing zoning "See City"
Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeff Hill,
have notified you since 2014, of corrupted zoning listings since new
zoning codes were adopted in 2014 yet still are not public. Real estate
agents are using that to
sell/list undisclosed zoning. In January 2016 Deputy Director Jeff
Hills email (see
states REAL ESTATE AGENTS will make appropriate corrections. It is the
responsibility of Maine Realtor Commission
to hold government accountable for accurate, timely public information
for real estate listings. The Commission is failing and destroying
innocent buyers lives through each purchase. Life savings and life
destroyed through corrupt listings and commissions
assuring full disclosure and rules of ethics and law (see B&C).
Below is another prior R2 zone currently listing the zone as "See City" (see
1. Please correct the listing to the actual zoning code of R1 or R3 and advise.
Please advise when you will force the City of Belfast to put
the official zoning map as of May 2016 available for free public access
on the City website.
Laurie Allen
From: Hill, Jeffrey E <Jeffrey.E.Hill@maine.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2016 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Ms. Allen:
town officials confirm that zoning information available on their
website is in the process of being updated as a result of changes
in 2014 and, as such, may be unreliable. They suggest that their
offices be contacted for current, accurate information. I will ask each
real estate agency with property currently listed for sale in Belfast
to review the information they have published and
make appropriate corrections.
Jeffrey E. Hill
│Deputy Director
Maine Real Estate Commission
Tel: (207) 624-8523
Fax: (207) 624-8637
33, §173 REQUIRED DISCLOSURES; Unless the transaction is exempt under
section 172, the seller of residential real property shall provide to
the purchaser a propert
5. Known defects. Any known defects.
E. Shall comply with any applicable federal, state or local laws, rules, regulations or ordinances related
to real estate brokerage including fair housing and civil rights laws or regulations;
F. Has an obligation to preserve confidential information provided by the seller during the course of the
relationship that might have a negative impact on the seller's real estate activity unless:
(1) The seller to whom the information pertains grants consent to disclose the information;
(2) Disclosure of the information is required by law;
(3) The information is made public or becomes public by the words or conduct of the seller to
whom the information pertains or from a source other than the seller agent; or
(4) Disclosure is necessary to defend the seller agent against an accusation of
wrongful conduct in a judicial proceeding before the commission or before a professional committee; and
Huntress Ave, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is 2,228 Sq. Ft., 3
beds, and 2 baths. Visit 1 photos on realtor.com(R), estimated value of
Key Facts
- Style: Multi Level
- Single family home
- Year built: 1994
- Price/Sq Ft: $93
- 9 days on realtor.com ®
- Status: Active
City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: See City
- Directions: From Belfast city center, take High Street merging into Northport Avenue. Go by City Park and hospital on your left. Huntress Avenue is on water side and the last street before the Route 1 intersection Left turn onto Huntress house is the 4th on the left.
- Seasonal: No
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