
3/4/14 CCM/TIF Theft/Sanderson Housing/PLANNING'S SECRETS /Thompson Wharf/ TIF/Agenda Council Meeting/Comments

Harbors Committee to re-hold public hearing on Thompson's Wharf expansion
Is it possible that the "discrepancy" in the larger float violating ordinance was planned and will be over rode regardless of the Harbor Committee's vote? Then it will become an "unforeseen" problem, City Planner, Wayne Marshall's forte', requiring dredging of the channel, especially for those mega hull beauties coming into the Front Street Shipyard? This is not my area, but patterns are easy to follow. I may be wrong, but thought I'd throw out the line. I'll re post the meeting portion FYI
3/04/14 Belfast City Council Meeting

After 10E this is posted NOTE: DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THE REST OF THIS MEETING CANNOT BE DISPLAYED Strange, the meeting is airing in full, why can't they get the Thompson's Wharf debacle on. You can watch it though, hit 10E and ff to 12 minutes in when Harbor Master Kathy Pickering steps up. At 31:54 in Hurley says he does not know specifics but “did not feel good with exactly what went down with this situation … Reflect very poorly on the Harbor Committee in particular.”At 32 minutes in- City Planner, Wayne Marshall is motioning for City Manager, Joe Slocum to go for a private talk away from the meeting. Hurley does not want any loopholes to rebuild the wharf as is. Joe Slocum tells Council the motion will be in 2 parts, and it seems strictly a formality to get the project in motion. Knowing the Planning Board will over ride the Harbor Committee's final recommendations if they are not in favor again. At 39:40 Hurley pledges his respect for Kathy and the situation “bugs me”. To which Council Mary Mortier responds “It's dirty pool” Really, Ms Councilor/ Realtor, selling hell to the innocent and honest thorough buyers and then taking the 5th. Mortier refusing to even provide MLS listings on Seaview Terrace and I quote Mary Mortier's email dated 2/18/14 “It seems I will not be able to provide you with the Information you requested, per my office & Insurance.”

IT IS City Hall and Realtors playing dirty pool with people's lives but the people will shoot the final blackball. This is the first shot- boycott City Hall protest can be another.

City Officials amend Northprot Avenuie TIF district- Village Soup Republican Journal
BELFAST — Council members approved a handful of amendments to the city's Northport Avenue Tax Increment Financing district Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Belfast's Economic Development Director Thomas Kittredge explained to councilors the city amended the Downtown TIF district last year, but due to a heavy workload, there wasn't time to also amend the Northport Avenue TIF district.
The Northport Avenue TIF district is comprised of contiguous properties located along Northport Avenue, Perkins Road and Woodrow Lane.
Kittredge said the Northport Avenue TIF district was created in 2005 in order to extend a sewer line, which in turn allowed Mathews Brothers to expand its facility. A portion of the revenues from the Northport Avenue TIF are being used to pay for a $350,000 general obligation bond the city used to extend the sewer line, Kittredge said.
To date, Kittredge said the Northport Avenue TIF district is running a surplus of about $78,000 since its creation in 2005 beyond what is being paid out for the general obligation bond.
As proposed, the TIF amendments would do three things: the first would allow the city to capture 100 percent of the incremental personal property value in addition to the incremental real property value; allows the council to enter into individual credit enhancement agreements with developers to incentivize particular projects; and allows for revenue from the Northport Avenue TIF to be transferred to the Downtown TIF to help finance projects in that district's development program.
Even though the proceeds from the Northport Avenue TIF could be transferred the Downtown TIF district, City Manager Joseph Slocum noted the money does not have to be transferred.
During a brief public hearing, the only resident to speak to the proposed amendments was Laurie Allen who asked that the council not use Northport Avenue TIF district funds in the Downtown TIF district. Allen also asked for money be spent to address infrastructure issues in the area of Seaview Terrace.
At the conclusion of the public hearing, councilors voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendments to the Northport Avenue TIF district.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN | Feb 26, 2014 10:50
Joe Slocum attempts to ease the theft and death to Seaview Terrace by suggesting the money does not have to be transferred. That is a moot point because they refuse to include Seaview into the TIF, I have requested(as I have for over 2 years now) for the Northport TIF boundaries be changed to include Seaview Terrace into the TIF via the 2011 New Annex addition of WCGH.
The refusal for the City to do this is absolute criminal negligence.These TIF's are specific for infrastructure improvements, opening up access to business grants/funding etc. Which gives relief to the City budget in correcting this disaster that they have forced onto the flood plain, flood zone of Seaview Terrace.The City's corrupt dumping zone of impervious business runoff from miles outside of Seaview Terrace, with no ROW or easements.

Boycott is the only option left, I reached out to Greg Dutch, Dutch Chevrolet and President of the Front Street Shipyard, JB Turner for support. No
Also of concern in this meeting is the discussion of property developments where I already receive runoff from this area-over 1mile away. When Wayne Marshall, City Planner removed all the storm water documents from the future Captain Albert Stevens School prior to my viewing,I came back another day when Wayne was not in the office and asked to see the file again, and ALL documents proving the corruption of the site receiving a permit when conditions for approval were NOT met, and are illegally sending CASS runoff watershed residents where all paths from many other sites and Rte 1 runoff and melt off force channel and are sent to run wild to Seaview Terrace private property.

This communication with the Sanderson parcel and a possible 80 home development and the bold AND MUST BE UNDERSTOOD sent off alarms and fear. In this meeting, Mayor Ash told Thomas that he knows there is discussion on the Sanderson parcel and Thomas claims not to have any knowledge. I though I better put this out there for public information
From: City of Belfast, Planning and Community Development, Wayne Marshall
To: MaryAnn
Date: Monday,May 13, 2002 2:20 PM
Subject: RE: Robertson Site
Hi Mary Ann:
Thanks for writing to ask for City input.
I have not seen the latest version of the site plan prepared by WRBC. Thus, it is somewhat difficult for me to comment on specifics. I would recommend that Jesse Hudson provide me a copy for review.
In April, David Latatullipe, Richmond Group, the party that is proposing to develop the subdivision to the rear of the Robertson site, and I met with Paul Luttrelle, Business Manager, SAD#34, to discuss common interests in the development of these adjacent properties. It was a good meeting and it appeared that development of the school site could proceed to the benefit of both the School and the Subdivision, but I am uncertain if the concerns we raised have been incorporated in the site plan. I also note that the proposed subdivision is still in the conceptual stage and that the Richmond Group does not plan to submit a preliminary plan until the early fall. FURTHER, THE RICHMOND GROUP DOES NOT WANT ANY PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF THEIR PROPOSAL UNTIL A PLAN IS SUBMITTED. The main issues discussed were:
1. The School will proceed on its own to purchase the Philbrook property, which is the 17 acre parcel that also can be used to provide access to the Sanderson parcel on which the Richmond Group has an option. SAD#34 generally stated that a joint purchase at this time would be difficult to achieve, and that it could be counterproductive. In short, do not press for a joint land purchase.
2. The School must establish a right-of-way into the school on the new property (Philbrook property). The right of way should be a minimum of 60 feet in width. This width is needed to accommodate the travel way, drainage improvements, utility placement, and a bike path (10’-12’wide) that would be offset from the travel way by 10’ green space. The bike path may eventually connect to a bridge across Route 1. City likely is pursuing MDOT funds this year to help fund the bike path and bridge. Further, there is quite a bit of wetland in the area, and the additional ROW width may help to avoid/minimize adverse impacts on wetlands. Initially, this ROW will not connect to the Sanderson (Richmond Group) property, but it is UNDERSTOOD (AND MUST BE UNDERSTOOD) that this ROW can be extended to connect to the Sanderson property. This ROW will be one of the main access points to the Richmond Group Subdivision. At present, the Richmond Group is considering building about 80 single family houses on the adjacent 28 acre site.
3. I am interested in knowing how much wetland impact is associated with the development of the School. The main reason is additional wetland may need to be disturbed to allow access to the Sanderson parcel, and all wetland impact raises permitting questions. For example, if School proposes to disturb ¾ acre wetland, and an additional ¼ acre of disturbance is needed to allow access to Sanderson property, it raises the bar on permitting requirements. Again, need to look at the two projects as adjoining complementary developments.
4. We discussed potential of developer paying the cost to develop the bike path as a requirement of the Subdivision Planned Unit Development to help them satisfy their active recreation requirements. These specifics likely have little bearing on the site plan.
5. Is the School proposing any improvements to School Street as part of this plan?
6. I am interested in how reuse of the existing Robertson School site will occur. It is my understanding that the school will be leveled and mostly converted to parking area. Is this still the case?
7. I am interested in how the school is oriented to the site and the neighboring streets.
8. I am interested in how the school is being sited to allow in its future expansion.
I am sending you an 8 ½”x 11’ map of the area to help illustrate the concerns that I expressed. Please keep in touch with me regarding you responses on the Site Plan.
To: Wayne Marshall
Date: Monday, May 13, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: Roberston Site
Hi Wayne,
Jessie Hudson of WBRC just called and will be sending me a site plan to sign off on. I told him I would need your OK that the proposed site was helpful to siting a new neighborhood adjacent to the site and that perhaps joint negotiations on land were desired. Please catch me up and let me know what you want this letter to say …thanks.
MaryAnn Hayes, Senior Planner Direct Phone: (207) 287-1009
Maine State Planning Office Fax (207) 287-6489
184 State Street Toll-free in ME(800)662-4545
38 State House Station SPO Web Site:

City Council agenda: Feb. 18

Feb 14, 2014
Consideration of a request to amend the Northport Avenue Tax Increment Financing District and its development program.
Public hearing on proposed amendments to the previously established Northport Avenue Municipal Development District and Tax Increment Financing District and development program for the district.
Consideration of a vote to amend the Northport Avenue Tax Increment Financing District and its development program.

5/13/14- Below post to K**** S******* response- Resident not offered any compensation, would not take a silent deal if offered and was told that this building would not be getting built until and order for a new boat was received.. Then they would build the building to build the boat. That is ridiculous. I bet they are scheming to do a whirl wind "emergency, stat, approvals flying..." same City Planner, Wayne Marshall patterns to bypass public concerns, issues, compliance and un-foreseens, that they are actually aware of. They are corruptly choreographing more wants to add into the project and sticking it to the tax payers. Using TIF and capital reserves language to trick the tax payer into thinking we aren't footing the bill for another want.

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Feb 18, 2014 09:17

Hi K**** S*******- Can you tell me what happened or is happening with your fight against the 39' Front St addition that will eclipse your waterfront view? Did you receive any compensation? I see your post for democracy, I hope you respond. I'm finding those that don't respond have received compensation for silence. I hope you received compensation and still have voice to share. Thanks.

POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS Feb 18, 2014 08:26
You know, for a person opposed to flooding, you sure don't mind flooding a comment section with your copied and pasted blogs. Of course, it is your right as an American citizen and I respect that right. But, your vinegar doesn't seem to be catching any flies. After three years, it might be time to rethink your stategy and buy a culvert.


TIF corruption, the death sentence for Seaview Terrace. Quote from amendment"However, in the past two years, with potential future expansions of Mathews Brother's, the launch of  a new business in this TIF district (Coastal Farms & Foods), and the need to identify additional financial resources to help carry out public infrastructure project within the City's Downtown Waterfront Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District, the City intends to amend this TIF districts Development plan program."
Stealing the Northport TIF to add in with the greedy Downtown TIF. EVIL!
I have been lobbying for Seaview Terrace to be included into the Northport Ave TIF via the new WCGH Annex addition for 2 years. The TIF is a major grant/funding option for infrastructure. This meeting is closing that door and drowning us with force. Not one drop of runoff from outside Seaview Terrace is legal, all the snow melting to us from these sites is not legal, on and on it goes. Not one business has stepped up to help us and have in fact awarded Joe Slocum, Belfast City Manager and destroyer( and if someone drowns, murderer) of Seaview Terrace, Citizen of the Year.
The newest business owner at the old Eclectic Closet, Main St., rips into me on a regular basis on the BDN telling me to get our of town, Seth Thayer. Maine Mercantile on High St also harasses me when I'm protesting in town. Bill Ingersoll, realtor that sold me this hell, comes out and tells me I'm sick, his co-worker asking me to stop, Front St Shipyard in meeting after meeting with me, hearing all the corruption first hand- no comment, Slocum serves JB water and snarls at me, Daily Soup owned by Courtney Sanders, she ripped into me on the FB Friends and Supporters of Schools for asking a relevant question and then I was blocked from the site, NO SOUP FOR YOU, NEXT, Our Town Belfast blocking me from the site till Breanna found out and was mortified. She got me back on. Mayor Ash AAA refusing my emergency calls. That's a small preview of business and City Hall taking Belfast residents to hell after stealing our properties and tax dollars. 
I am calling for a boycott of Belfast corruption to assemble at Belfast City Park, on 5/24/14, rain dates on my FB event and on How can residents allow local government to be corrupt as hell and get residents into disaster after disaster- RSU, TBNT, Dredging, bonds, harbor lights, mis-planning,"unforeseen" last minute changes approved without question, permits granted with meeting site conditions, grants, debt growing off the charts and no accountability. Hire another consultant to fudge numbers and commit us into another disaster.Use our tax dollars to hire the City Attorney protect and enhance the corruption, billable hour after billable hour.


Furthermore, Joe Slocum, City Manager confirmed that the Planning Board is corrupt when they issued a permit to build CASS when the Site Plan & use Permit Conditions of Approval were not fulfilled. a licensed civil engineer or a City inspector to inspect and certify that the stormwater improvements were constructed in compliance was NOT done (11.1) and the storm water analysis of the storm water drainage basin for the area located between Lincolnville Ave. and City Park was NOT done (11.3) and clearly Seaview Terrace is not in this basin and they are sending the storm water to us ILLEGALLY. The Sanderson's spent 3 years insisting that this analysis take place but it did not. It appears the Sanderson's received compensation but without the licensed civil engineer or City inspector reports also required for the public sewer, and without testimony from the Sandersons, it is with held public information because when I requested all the abutters documents and resolutions for the site, Wayne told me there were none. They simply dug a ditch for the Sandersons (which is against Slocum's ordinance he uses against me that City work on private property is prohibited- which is a lie and proven on 23 Seaview Terrace, Fall of 2009 and now here)
As stated, prior to my inspection of the CASS files for storm water documents, Wayne Marshall City Planner removed all those documents and told me they did not exist. A surprise re-inspection of the files the next day- rewarded me with a bonanza of storm water documents for this huge wetlands site. I could only score a few documents before Wayne returned as he would have not permitted copies on demand. The Conditions of Approval was one and was not complied. Imagine the others- Army Corp, DEP, more conditions, then the last minute change after the school was built in 2006? where the old Robertson School would not be demolished and made into a ground absorbing athletic field. That file was probably burned itself, so evil. Continuing with sewer compensation for Sandersons.
6.3 The applicant (SAD34) shall allow the owner of an abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1 (Peter Sanderson current owner) to construct an extension to the sewer line/system constructed by the applicant sot that their property (Map 4, Lot1) can be served by public sewer. There shall be no limitation on this extension/connection, other than the maximum capacity of the sewer line/system installed by the applicant. Further, the applicant shall grant any and all easements that are required to allow access across the applicant property to enable this sewer connection/extension to Map 4, Lot 1. This ability to connect to the applicant's sewer extension, and the accompanying easement across the applicant property, shall be granted by the applicant at no cost to the owner of the abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1.  Further the applicant shall not construct any improvements on this site (Map 10, Lots 12 & 19) that would unreasonably interfere with the ability of the abutting property owner to construct an extension of the sewer system to their property.
6.4 The applicant, if requested by the City, shall convey ownership of the main sewer extensions/system and accompanying improvements to the City. The City and applicant would negotiate the use of the applicant's property to maintain the sewer extension/system.
7. Public Water- The applicant also shall allow the owner of an abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1 (current owner is Peter Sanderson) to construct an extension to the water line/system constructed by the applicant, so that their property (Map 4, Lot 1) can be served by public water. There shall be no limitation on this extension/connection other than the maximum capacity of the water line/system installed by the applicant. Further, the applicant shall grant any and all easements that are required to allow access across the applicant property to enable this water connection/extension to Map 4, Lot 1. This ability to connect to the applicant's water extension, and the accompanying easement across the applicant property, shall be granted by the applicant at no cost to the owner of abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1.  Further, the applicant shall not construct any improvements on this site (Map 10, Lots 12 & 19) that would unreasonably interfere with the ability of the abutting property owner to construct an extension of the water system to their property.
Main Site Access. 15.1 The applicant shall pay the City the cost to employ a City inspector to inspect construction of the road from the point where it connects to Miller Street to the point at which it bends in an easterly direction to the School site. This is the portion of the road that could be used to provide a connection to the abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1.
15.3 The applicant shall allow the owner of an abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1 ( current owner Peter Sanderson), or the City, to construct an extension to the main access drive constructed by the applicant, so that their property (Map 4, Lot 1) can use this access drive for a street connection onto Miller St. The applicant shall not place any limitations on the abutting property owner's use of the portion of the access drive from the point at which it connects to Miller St to the point at which it bends in an easterly direction to the School. This Site Plan approval does not grant the abutting property owner any rights to use any other portion of the access drive shown on this site plan.
Further, the applicant shall grant a right-of-way that is minimum of 60' in width to the owner of he abutting property (Map 4, lot 1) or to the City to allow an extension of the main access drive (as constructed by the applicant) to enable its extension to the abutting property, Map 4, Lot 1. This right-of-way generally shall be located in the area shown on the approved site plan, however, the final location of this potential access drive has not been proposed or determined. The cost to the owner of the abutting property shall not exceed the sum of $50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) and said sum shall be used for outdoor recreational improvements,  The owner of the abutting property shall be responsible for payments whether the right of way is granted to the owner or to the City.  In no event shall the City be responsible for payment. Further, the applicant shall not construct any improvements on this site (Map 10, lots 12 & 19) that would unreasonably interfere with the ability of the abutting property owner to construct an extension of the main access road to their property.
19. Performance Guarantee: The Planning board approved withholding of the issuance of an occupancy permit until the site is constructed to all project requirements (subject to exclusions noted in these conditions) as an acceptable performance guarantee. This decision was predicated on receipt of the certificates of construction and/or inspection by City Engineer of project infrastructure that are referenced in the respective Conditions of Approval (see above), and the fact this is a public project.
20. The applicant shall provide the CEO a specific schedule for the demolition of the Roberston Elementary School.
23. Provision of As-Built: The applicant, upon completion of the project infrastructure, shall provide the City CEO an as-built that identifies the location of all project infrastructure and utitlites.
A 9/12/2002 meeting with Legore Subdivision Homeowners Association of 10 homeowners on Birch St voiced concerns regarding the proposed drainage plan and this could result in more water coming across their properties than occurs at present. Concern with who will fix any problems since this is a private drainage system in the subdivision. Concern with an increase in the total volume of storm water crossing their property after this project is completed. And, concern that there will be flooding in the subdivision.
(A Birch St resident was not will to share with me, the private deal that was made. And below, is unknown what accommodations were made. I see the culvert and water traveling through his property that eventually is forced to me)
Theodore Rakis, 12 School St wrote a letter stating that a drainage culvert is placed in his front yard in the plan and his house is not in existence on the plan.
Clearly deals are being cut to residents, implicating and silencing them. The Cedar St group that was getting "sheets of water" per Mike Hurley, had to put sump pumps in because basements flooded. Where did they tie the outfall into? I heard sewage lines, which is illegal. Or did they get a deal. Either way, they are implicated and silenced. Wight St was getting taken out by the runoff- it was sent over to them. In 2010 they got double culverts (into Tall Pines and Midcoast to merge with their runoff to send to me) and a ditch dug to the back of the annex- both area's being sent to Seaview Terrace. And Wight St received road side drainage and I don't know what else. Congress St took hits too- I don't know what their compensation was. I do know there are lawsuits between neighbors for runoff. Nice Huh. All from Corrupt Planning Board, City Planner, City Council, City Manager, CEO, etc.
And tons more sent to Seaview Terrace, which is not a natural outlet- nothing. Simple private property, flood zone, flood plain, road shot, no roadside drainage, no sewers for owners to tie their sump pumps into, implicating, silencing, perhaps a few deals to some as well. Neighbors have all gone silent after the street sham scam meeting in 8/2011. Welcome to Belfast Laurie. Try to sell my house now? My neighbor, Mr. Hand the senior citizen that I believe City Manager, Joe Slocum asked to come to a meeting to speak against me. Where Slocum offered to seek legal advice for Mr. Hand from our City Attorney that sends me intimidating letter after intimidating, alienating letter. Mr. Hand's house has been on the market for 8? months- cheap and not sold yet. He drains to my property too- all the neighbors above and across do. Why should anyone help me? Changing my mind big time about how I loved Belfast. That was before Mike Hurley and the rest of his "type". I have another alarming letter to post but I have to do that later. Here is Belfast to the "C"
for corruption- go to updated

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