
2016 MaineHealth/ Biscone Assault GATE City Council Nasty Mortier & Nasty Farley & Sons

Businesses attack residents not in compliance. Ironically- Silar Thatcher had come to my house years ago when he worked for another company in Rockland. I called them for an estimate and Silar Thatcher was nice to me....then. He was involved with the 2nd Annex addition of MaineHealth abutting my property. He brought his site drainage plans for the Annex that City Hall and MaineHealth refused to allow me to see. He commented that he had read my blog where I had written that City Hall and Front Street Shipyard planning was corrupt with pocket lining and that no one writes that. Silar isn't nice anymore.

Subject: Belfast 
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:25:41 +0000

Mrs. Allen

Maine Drilling and Blasting is working for Farley and Sons as a subcontractor. We are working at 125 Northport Ave. for a new building. These questions you have can be directed to Thatcher of Farley and Sons. @ 975-2892
I left the information offering you a pre-blast of your home ,which consists of walking thru and looking for any pre-existing conditions cracks in dry wall, foundation this is free to you.
If you would like to have one please call and set up an appointment with me @ 203-1684 .I plan to be in the area on Thursday January 14th 2016.
If you do not wish to have one please sign attached form and send it back to me .

Thank you

James Thomas|Preblast Specialist

From: Silar, Thatcher E. <>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 8:41 AM
To: ''
Subject: Please cease and desist with the emails to our office

Ms. Allen,

Please stop sending us these emails.  You incessant and incoherent ramblings are of no concern to me, or anyone else in our office. 

Thatcher E  Silar

This is one email thread that grew from a shocking blasting notification left on my door, MaineHealth City Hall & Mark Biscone is responsible to the destruction of Seaview Terrace.

Sent:Fri 1/08/16 12:39 PM
To:James Thomas (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (
Cc:Michael Weider (; '' (; Carl Wallace (; (; (; (
James Thomas and Mark Biscone,

Passing this along is not acceptable. James Thomas is the contact and Mark Biscone is the President and CEO of the hospital and Annex. 

1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.

5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.
B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 16:56:42 +0000

Mrs. Allen

Thank you for the information
We will forward it to the general  contractor on the job.

Thank you



Sent:Fri 1/08/16 11:32 AM
To:James Thomas (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; (; (; (
James Thomas and Mark Biscone,

A message is on my answering machine @ 10:35 am today from Mike Leader, Maine Drilling & Blasting Corporate Safety Manager asking me to call him back in regards to my email concerns. I clearly stated that I want responses in email, responding to each directly to this email thread. verbal conversation are unacceptable.

I have now included the local reporters. To my knowledge, this blasting has not been discussed publicly in any Belfast Planning Board  meetings or Belfast City Council meetings. I am more then alarmed. The Annex/Healthcare banks that abutt Seaview Terrace private properties are crumbling with massive tree roots exposed. Our properties are damaged because of Annex development. Blasting can damage our 50 year old banks, foundations, pipes, plumbing, drywall, etc. that have 50 years of settling from illegal forced City wide water slaughter swamping as well as normal wear and tear. To which Maine Drilling & Blasting will deny all damages because of pre-existing settling and swamping that are not of any problem as of this time.

Additional damage after blasting whether pre-existing or not is at your cost. I have spent the past 2 hours taking pictures of every inch of my home and property. They are time stamped today. 

Please respond to all in this email thread.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 10:15:03 -0500

James Thomas (Maine Drilling & Blasting Safety Dept.) and Mark Biscone (President and CEO of WCGH & Annex @ 125 Northport Ave.),

1. To James Thomas- the pre-blast notification that you placed on my door yesterday, states "please contact us as soon as possible as the project will commence in the near future. In addition we will be glad to call you prior to each blast. If you would like to be placed on the call list let us know. If you have any questions or concerns I encourage you to contact me at my Gardiner ME office from the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and I will respond to your concerns in a timely manner."

A. I sent these concerns to you per your instructions, it is your responsibility to respond. Please do so ASAP.

Below was sent to the Maine Drilling & Blasting website today, @ 7 pm.

A pre-blast notification from James Thomas, MD&B Safety Dept. was found on my door today, 1/7/2015 @ 3 pm. Please email responses for below ASAP.

1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc. 

5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.

B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.

C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.

2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Email address is from the WCGH website where previous emails healthcare zoning have been sent to Mark Biscone for the past week. Emails were received, Mark Biscone has yet to respond or to advise of his direct email. Therefore, this will go to the email address for general information as copied from the site.

As stated in the zoning emails, I will deal only with Mark Biscone. Not any other WCGH staff, affiliated, including sub contractors because of repeated lies from Annex Architect Mike Hogan and then WCGH project manager, Gary Haslam (long gone- flew when project completed and when I identified Annex site corruption). 

Laurie Allen


Physical Address:

118 Northport Ave, Belfast ME 04915

Mailing Address:

PO Box 287, Belfast ME 04915

Common phone numbers:

TDD for the Deaf207-338-8620
General Information (Maine only)
Business Office/Billing Questions207-338-9308

Subject: Belfast 
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:25:41 +0000

Mrs. Allen

Maine Drilling and Blasting is working for Farley and Sons as a subcontractor. We are working at 125 Northport Ave. for a new building. These questions you have can be directed to Thatcher of Farley and Sons. @ 975-2892
I left the information offering you a pre-blast of your home ,which consists of walking thru and looking for any pre-existing conditions cracks in dry wall, foundation this is free to you.
If you would like to have one please call and set up an appointment with me @ 203-1684 .I plan to be in the area on Thursday January 14th 2016.
If you do not wish to have one please sign attached form and send it back to me .

Thank you

James Thomas|Preblast Specialist

423 Brunswick Ave Gardiner ME 04345

2nd req Site Plans/RE:DEP/RE: 5th reqRE: Blasting the Annex 4th request

Sent:Thu 1/14/16 10:10 AM (; (; (; (
Cc: James Thomas (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (

Mark Biscone CEO/President Waldo County Healthcare and 2014 Belfast Citizen of the Year,

Please provide the Final Approved Site Plans that authorize you to slaughter over 200 trees and wetland property that abutts my flood zone property. See this real time video of the 2nd day of slaughter. More Belfast corruption video's are on my you tube channel playlist. Have at it.

Please respond today when I will receive the final approved site plans for the Annex.

Laurie Allen

Mark Biscone CEO/President WaldoCounty/PenBay Hospital Destroying Wetlands and Community.

 1/14/2016 9:23 am (Not 1/13 as stated in video) Waldo County General Hospital President Mark Biscone refuses to respond to destruction of wetlands and trees abutting our homes. Annex site plans proposed by Mike Hogan summer 2015 NEVER revealed this plan. Public is given proposals to submit concerns. The Final Approved Plan is NOT what was proposed. Mark Biscone is refusing to give the final site plan copies to abutters (by not responding to email requests) Impossible to get them from Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall. Site after site slaughters the watershed residents, breaking laws, ordinances, City Attorney manipulation for illegal corruption.

DEP/RE: 5th reqRE: Blasting the Annex 4th request

To:, LAURIE ALLEN, Cc: James Thomas,,,,,,,,, Dale Rowley, Jeffrey Trafton,,,,,

1/11/2016 9 am Annex preparing for blasting without authorization
Maine Drilling and Blasting put a blasting notice on my door stating a blasting would take place soon. Location and date not revealed. Concerns sent to James Thomas MB&D Safety Dept., Annex/WCGH…
Added on 1/11/16

 Mark Biscone CEO/President of Waldo County General Hospital and Annex Site (T. Mailloux WCGH Community Relations please forward to Mark Biscone)

At least 50 trees were removed today from the wetland site of the Annex. DEP Project manager Beth Callahan stated some tree removal was approved for a parking lot behind the new building. The clearing is large. The clearing will send more water to the stormwater pond. Beth then told me that the storm water pond was scrapped and a simple shallow gravel wetland will receive the runoff (abutting my property) and exit through an underground perforated 1 foot in diameter pipe. That pipe will not handle the runoff and will overflow to my property and severely eroded hospital property banks. Enormous trees have roots exposed, 4-5 ft deep. More runoff, more erosion. The trees will topple onto my property and fence. My neighbor is experiencing the same because of Annex runoff that Mike Hogan stated would exit further down, past our properties. Mike lied and took the 5th.

Sending accumulating water to another is also a crime under Title 17.
Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 91: NUISANCES

§2802. Miscellaneous nuisances

The erection, continuance or use of any building or place for the exercise of a trade, employment or manufacture that, by noxious exhalations, offensive smells or other annoyances, becomes injurious and dangerous to the health, comfort or property of individuals or of the public; causing or permitting abandoned wells or tin mining shafts to remain unfilled or uncovered to the injury or prejudice of others; causing or suffering any offal, filth or noisome substance to collect or to remain in any place to the prejudice of others; obstructing or impeding, without legal authority, the passage of any navigable river, harbor or collection of water; corrupting or rendering unwholesome or impure the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer; imprudent operation of a watercraft as defined in Title 12, section 13068-A, subsection 8; unlawfully diverting the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others; and the obstructing or encumbering by fences, buildings or otherwise of highways, private ways, streets, alleys, commons, common landing places or burying grounds are nuisances within the limitations and exceptions mentioned. Any places where one or more old, discarded, worn-out or junked motor vehicles as defined in Title 29-A, section 101, subsection 42, or parts thereof, are gathered together, kept, deposited or allowed to accumulate, in such manner or in such location or situation either within or without the limits of any highway, as to be unsightly, detracting from the natural scenery or injurious to the comfort and happiness of individuals and the public, and injurious to property rights, are public nuisances. [2005, c. 397,Pt. A, §11 (AMD).]

Beth stated that she had been in communication about the blasting today. Beth states that they are looking at not blasting anymore and using a hammer something.

None of these changes were made public at the Planning Board hearings. Please have copies of the final approved site plans made and advise when and where I can pick them up. My neighbor is also an abutter, attended the hearings and would most likely want the final approved site plans too. Mike Hogan gave us proposed site plans and those plans are invalid. City Planner Wayne Marshall is not reliable and has the final approved site plans locked up in his office. He gives me false documents. I want the final approved site plans from you.

Please advise asap so that I do not have to keep requesting this every day.

Laurie Allen

Mary Mortier is the City Council rep for our ward. Her ward for corruption, taking and also a real estate agent owning substantial properties, in the know. Selling hell's to the unknown's. Evil soul.

From: Mary Mortier - GRF ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Tue 1/12/16 6:31 PM

Ms. Allen, 
I finally was able to receive & read the lengthy email chain today. Unfortunately your repeated lengthy emails on several different subjects had jammed 2 of my electronic devices. 
I now know that you were replied to with specific information & instructions from a policy protocol that was in place. YOU chose not to follow those instructions. That is your right. However by making that choice you nullified options you might otherwise have had.
I do not believe that I can be of any further assistance on this matter. 
Thank you, Mary Mortier

 Subject: 5th reqRE: Blasting the Annex 4th request
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 07:50:32 -0500

Ward 1 City Council Mary Mortier Seaview Terrace Representative,

Below will be the entire email thread proving you did receive ALL communications and manipulated the thread. All recipients can confirm full receipt. Your manipulations are dangerous and frightening.

Blasting at the Annex site was not made public. The pre bast notification letter(copied below) from James Thomas at Maine Drilling & Blasting was evasive and alarming and demanded written responses. I emailed James Thomas MD&B with my concerns as per his letter. James did not respond to concerns. Instead MD&B corporate safety manager Mike Leader called the next morning and left a message to call him back with my concerns. Upon receiving the message I emailed James Thomas for written response to my concerns. His response was to push my concerns to a landscaper.

It is your responsibility as City Council for Seaview Terrace to step in. Mark Biscone CEO/President of WCGH and the Annex site, as well as "Belfast Citizen of The Year" is not concerned for the abutting citizens properties that he is endangering with this sudden announcement of evasive damaging blasting.

5th request-please respond.
1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.
5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.

B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.
C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.
2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Laurie Allen 1/12/2016 @ 7:52 am

Letter James Thomas, Maine Drilling & Blasting placed on our door knobs.
                                                PRE-BLAST NOTIFICATION

Dear Property Owner/Tenant,

We at Maine Drilling & Blasting would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our company and advise you that we have been selected to conduct a rock drilling and blasting operation for a construction project in your neighborhood.

We would like to offer you a pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. This si done to docuemnt any pre-existing conditions. If you would like to have a pre-blast survey, please contact us at 582-2338 ext. 1684 as soon as possible as the project will commence in the near future.  In addition we will be glad to call you prior to each blast. If you like to be placed on the call list let us know.

The site will be well marked with highly visible signs that detail the whistle warning sequence that will be sounded prior to commencement of each blast. All blasting operations will be conducted during daylight hours and no explosives will be stored at the construction site overnight.

If you happen to be in the building during the blast, you may experience low levels of ground vibration. We will strive to minimize the amplitude of the blast and will be utilizing the most advanced technologies available to the blasting industry to measure the seismic effect of the area. Please be assured that ground vibrations associated with the blasting will not exceed the established limits that could potentially cause damage.

If you have any question or concerns I encourage you to contact me at my Gardiner ME office 582-2338 Ext. 1684, from the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and I will respond to your concerns in a timely manner.

James Thomas (Safety Department)

Sent:Sat 1/09/16 12:56 PM ( (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Dale Rowley (; Jeffrey Trafton (; (; (
Belfast City Council Mary Mortier,

Did you and City Council approve this unknown blasting, still to be determined, @ 125 Northport Ave. per James Thomas, Maine Drilling & Blasting? I have not received any further information from anyone. This is frightening.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:39:32 -0500

James Thomas and Mark Biscone,

Passing this along is not acceptable. James Thomas is the contact and Mark Biscone is the President and CEO of the hospital and Annex.

1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.

5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.

B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.

C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.

2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 16:56:42 +0000

Mrs. Allen

Thank you for the information
We will forward it to the general  contractor on the job.

Thank you

James Thomas|Preblast Specialist

423 Brunswick Ave Gardiner ME 04345

Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 11:33 AM
To: James Thomas;; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: RE: Belfast

James Thomas and Mark Biscone,

A message is on my answering machine @ 10:35 am today from Mike Leader, Maine Drilling & Blasting Corporate Safety Manager asking me to call him back in regards to my email concerns. I clearly stated that I want responses in email, responding to each directly to this email thread. verbal conversation are unacceptable.

I have now included the local reporters. To my knowledge, this blasting has not been discussed publicly in any Belfast Planning Board  meetings or Belfast City Council meetings. I am more then alarmed. The Annex/Healthcare banks that abutt Seaview Terrace private properties are crumbling with massive tree roots exposed. Our properties are damaged because of Annex development. Blasting can damage our 50 year old banks, foundations, pipes, plumbing, drywall, etc. that have 50 years of settling from illegal forced City wide water slaughter swamping as well as normal wear and tear. To which Maine Drilling & Blasting will deny all damages because of pre-existing settling and swamping that are not of any problem as of this time.

Additional damage after blasting whether pre-existing or not is at your cost. I have spent the past 2 hours taking pictures of every inch of my home and property. They are time stamped today.

Please respond to all in this email thread.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 10:15:03 -0500
James Thomas (Maine Drilling & Blasting Safety Dept.) and Mark Biscone (President and CEO of WCGH & Annex @ 125 Northport Ave.),

1. To James Thomas- the pre-blast notification that you placed on my door yesterday, states "please contact us as soon as possible as the project will commence in the near future. In addition we will be glad to call you prior to each blast. If you would like to be placed on the call list let us know. If you have any questions or concerns I encourage you to contact me at my Gardiner ME office from the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and I will respond to your concerns in a timely manner."

A. I sent these concerns to you per your instructions, it is your responsibility to respond. Please do so ASAP.

Below was sent to the Maine Drilling & Blasting website today, @ 7 pm.

A pre-blast notification from James Thomas, MD&B Safety Dept. was found on my door today, 1/7/2015 @ 3 pm. Please email responses for below ASAP.

1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.

5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.

B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.

C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.

2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Email address is from the WCGH website where previous emails healthcare zoning have been sent to Mark Biscone for the past week. Emails were received, Mark Biscone has yet to respond or to advise of his direct email. Therefore, this will go to the email address for general information as copied from the site.

As stated in the zoning emails, I will deal only with Mark Biscone. Not any other WCGH staff, affiliated, including sub contractors because of repeated lies from Annex Architect Mike Hogan and then WCGH project manager, Gary Haslam (long gone- flew when project completed and when I identified Annex site corruption).

Laurie Allen

Subject: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:25:41 +0000
Mrs. Allen

Maine Drilling and Blasting is working for Farley and Sons as a subcontractor. We are working at 125 Northport Ave. for a new building. These questions you have can be directed to Thatcher of Farley and Sons. @ 975-2892
I left the information offering you a pre-blast of your home ,which consists of walking thru and looking for any pre-existing conditions cracks in dry wall, foundation this is free to you.
If you would like to have one please call and set up an appointment with me @ 203-1684 .I plan to be in the area on Thursday January 14th 2016.
If you do not wish to have one please sign attached form and send it back to me .

Thank you

James Thomas|Preblast Specialist

423 Brunswick Ave Gardiner ME 04345

Subject: Re: Blasting the Annex 4th request
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 16:12:05 -0500

Ms. Allen,
1- It appears from previous emails & below that your contact is Mr. James Thomas, who I see responded to you on Jan 8th, however you have removed his actual response message from our view.
2- I do not have the ability to view your you tube message
3- WCGH went through a thorough multi-month Planning Board review process before they were approved to obtain permits & to begin construction.
    I am not a member of the Planning Board, I was not present for their lengthy review discussions, reviews & meetings.
4- If you did not understand Mr. Thomas’s reply, I suggest you contact him again re: your concerns.
Mary Mortier


I just shot this footage of what looks like preparation for blasting and to date Belfast City Council Mary Mortier and WCGH President/CEO Mark Biscone refuse to respond to concerns originating from Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:39:32 -0500.

Mark Biscone and Mary Mortier please respond immediately.

Ward 1 (inclusive to Seaview Terrace, WCGH/Annex & abutters) City Council Mary Mortier,

This is your ward and Mark Biscone, president and CEO of WCGH/Annex is not responding. Please have Mark Biscone respond to 1A #1-5. confirm B, read C and article link and authorize 2 ( I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home)
1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.
5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.
B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125.
C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.
2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Laurie Allen

Subject: Ward1 confirmation/FW: Belfast
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 10:18:44 -0500

ward1 email address was incorrect on cc.  Corrected and resent.

Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2016 19:24:57 -0500
Subject: RE: FW: Belfast

Ms. Allen,
The City Council did not vote on this issue.
Mary Mortier
Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
Date: 01/09/2016 12:56 PM (GMT-05:00)
Cc,,,,,,,,Dale Rowley <>,Jeffrey Trafton <>,,
Subject FW: Belfast

Belfast City Council Mary Mortier,

Did you and City Council approve this unknown blasting, still to be determined, @ 125 Northport Ave. per James Thomas, Maine Drilling & Blasting? I have not received any further information from anyone. This is frightening.

Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Belfast
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:39:32 -0500

James Thomas and Mark Biscone,

Passing this along is not acceptable. James Thomas is the contact and Mark Biscone is the President and CEO of the hospital and Annex.

1. Exactly when and where is the blasting occurring?

2. Please email me the site plan and permit ASAP.

3. What is the total area and depth?

4. What is the material being blasted? Rock, sediment, etc.

5. Please email me all the abutters addresses ASAP.
B. Please call me prior to each call blast as stated in your letter @ 218-1125
C. Your company did a blast in Marblehead with damages to 35 abutters and told the abutters the damage was done prior to the blasting. I called my insurance company and they support my suspicion that your "pre-blast survey of your building, at no cost to you. " is what MD&B used against the abutters. Here is the disgusting article.
2. To Mark Biscone- President/CEO WCGH and Annex (blasting site) Citing precedence for Maine Drilling & Blasting refusing accountability to the 35 Marblehead  abutters for blasting damages, I am requesting for you to halt blasting, approve and pay for a documented independent building inspector of my home. 2 local contractors are trustworthy and acceptable. Upon approval, I will submit their names.

Email address is from the WCGH website where previous emails healthcare zoning have been sent to Mark Biscone for the past week. Emails were received, Mark Biscone has yet to respond or to advise of his direct email. Therefore, this will go to the email address for general information as copied from the site.

As stated in the zoning emails, I will deal only with Mark Biscone. Not any other WCGH staff, affiliated, including sub contractors because of repeated lies from Annex Architect Mike Hogan and then WCGH project manager, Gary Haslam (long gone- flew when project completed and when I identified Annex site corruption). 

Laurie Allen

Laurie Allen

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