2/12/15- added in red below.
In a gun packing rural state, Little Laurie shows up at Searsmont's firemen's BBQ- packing courage and a camcorder
2/12/15- added in red below.
In a gun packing rural state, Little Laurie shows up at Searsmont's firemen's BBQ- packing courage and a camcorder
Woodstove and Pipe Issues
Mar 18, 2014
by Laurie Allen |
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Mike Hartigan (
After seeing some of the new photos of the installation, you probably don't have an overdraft because I noticed there are a lot of negative restrictions in your system. Even though the stove pipe is installed wrong, that wouldn't affect the draft. but it is one thing you defiantly want to fix soon. Like I said, we can figure out new pipe components that could be changed and painted blue to match your stove but there may be another issue that you need to fix. You have WAY too much horizontal runs of pipe Between the first elbow and he second and from the second to the connection of the chimney, there has to be more than than six feet and that combination can actually cut down...
The complete emails and the same picture album is below- I wanted to get this corrupt install confirmed by Woodstock Woodstove first up before you read the outrageous post from "anonymous" aka Chris Kulbe.
I went to Chris's hometown Searsmont today. The volunteer firemen (Chris is a "professional"Bangor paid firefighter had an open to the public BBQ. I respectfully displayed my signs "Ridge Top Chimney Corrupt" and "" along side the road. If Chris owns a KIA he pulled up and left when he saw me.
A nice guy from Waldo came over to hear the corruption. He said Chris was not there yet and I asked him to be sure and tell Chris that Laurie Allen was here. The nice man said he would.
The upside to all this evil? I have to just about walk on water- one slip and they will take me under.
End of 8/3/14 update.
Shame on Chris for exploiting the honor of firemen. We love firemen. One saved my dog. Put on the oxygen mask and brought Rags back to life in 1978. I was 17, our house caught fire and was condemned. We lived in a trailer in the back yard for awhile.
Chris did not respond by noon on 7/28/14. It is now 7/30/14, 8am and still no response. Terrible. Forcing me into another public disgracing. Will fellow firefighters save me from one of their own? Or will they support Chris and his dangerous corruption of basic fireman ethics? See below for the fully documented corruption of this "professional firefighter".
The reason for the protests are for robbing me, endangering me, destroying my home, my property, lying, and devastating my life. My home and my SUV- that is all I have left after family and ex also robbed, endangered and lied. Now it's a whole genre of corruption- Belfast City Hall, real estate agents, Ridge Top Chimney, J&B Autobody, Lowe's Thomaston ( the Lowe's in East Brunswick NJ were top notch) Sold an undisclosed hell, it is a full time nasty payless job to save it,
I loose my patience after 4 years of the same garbage you write here. Peacefully??? I have been so nice to you. So thankful to you. Each time you came here and lied to me. After you were caught, you still tried to flip it on me. Woodstock and the pictures prove you endanger us with a failing installation. Every one of these horrible sectors of corrupt, I tried many times to resolve, it's all documented. The corrupt spin the innocent. I'm in an enormous spinning vortex of corruption. And you knew it and did the same. All you have to do is send an email stating you will fix your mistakes exactly as Woodstock dictates at your expense. Case closed. Or I protest until.
From:Jesse Kulbe (
Sent: | Sat 8/02/14 2:35 AM |
Dear Laurie,
What is the reason for your protests? You are wasting your life on them. You could be recognized in society as a great person if you put half as much energy and dedication into doing just that as you do on your protests and your blog. Laurie, these people you call corrupt are innocent. They've done nothing to intentionally harm you. But instead of peacefully addressing the problem, you attack these people, many of whom are small business owners trying to make a living off hard work, not protesting left, right, and center. Take Ridge Top Chimney Sweep for an example. Chris is a hard working person who treats his customers with respect. In the ten years he's been in business, every customer he's had has been satisfied except for you. Think about that. 10 years. Three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. That's three thousand six hundred and fifty days in business and every customer has been satisfied. Talk about being successful. Can you say the same, or better? Going to Searsmont to spread displeasure is not going to help your case. You aren't going to turn his friends and neighbors against him, you are only going to turn them against you. And with that, I finish this email. If you have read this far, I commemorate you. I hope you realize your mistakes and turn your life around, for your own sake. Remember these words, Laurie, and I hope the rest of your life is more optimistic.
Ridge Top Chimney Sweep is owned and operated by professional firefighter Chris Kulbe of Searsmont, Maine. Founded in 2004, Ridge Top has serviced hundreds of chimneys. It is a small business which means that Chris is on every job site.
Ridge Top Chimney Sweep performs the following services for it’s customers.
Fireplace Chimney Inspection
Ridge Top uses our video technology to get a close up look at your chimney liner from top to bottom.
Cleaning of Chimney’s Liner and Flu
If needed, we’ll clean the chimney top to bottom using the industry’s best brushes.
Home Fire Safety Inspection
While there, we can perform a home fire safety inspection and provide you with a list of hazards and tips for keeping your home safe.
Ridge Top Chimney Sweep is bonded and insured.
Fri 7/18/14 9:28 AM
You never advised my that you did the installation wrong. In fact, you came to my house 2 times and told me that you didn't know why it was leaking. This is a lie " I know the connector pipes are installed upside down, but I cannot remember the reason(we swapped them at the beginning of this I think). I am happy to come back and reverse them. We spoke about this before, but elected not to do it."
After you lied, I sent this photo album below to Woodstock. Their response is shocking. I am disgusted with you. This was a new installation- you planned this disaster. I want in writing, copying exactly what Mike wrote, that you will pay for the Woodstock piping and correct your mistakes according to their specs,including heat shield kits and interior parts (order below) at no charge what so ever to me. These repairs must be completed by 7/31/14. All communications (including those to and from Mike) are to be in writing and copying me. I do not want any verbal conversations with you. You stabbed me in the back, pretending to be my Jersey friend, we talked about our kids, cars, politics, I even hugged you.
Mike- please work with Chris and advise him of proper installation, supply and bill Chris Kulbe for all replacement parts as discussed and copy me. All the replacement parts are to be ordered through Woodstock. It is scary to know that I hired a professional installer and fireman that would have gotten away with this if I did not purchase a new stove from Woodstock. Thank you for all your detailed response.
Laurie Allen
P.O. #
Terms Due Date 7/22/2012
Ship Date 7/22/2012
Pay online at:
Thank You! (207)322-5044
Balance Due
Sales Tax (5.0%)
Item Description Qty Price Amount
Install 6" Ventis Class A chimney: tee, tee support, 3ea
6x48, 1ea 6x36, rain cap, wall pass-thru, siding kit,
universal adaptor, 2ea wall stand-off, 6in 15 degree
elbow kit, 2 ea 24 Ga 6"-90 degree elbows, 24 Ga 6" x
24" pipe
Ventis Class-A 1,138.00 1,138.00
Freight shipping 153.00 153.00
lab labor 300.00 300.00
Woodstove and Pipe Issues
Mar 18, 2014
by Laurie Allen |
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Mike Hartigan (
After seeing some of the new photos of the installation, you probably don't have an overdraft because I noticed there are a lot of negative restrictions in your system. Even though the stove pipe is installed wrong, that wouldn't affect the draft. but it is one thing you defiantly want to fix soon. Like I said, we can figure out new pipe components that could be changed and painted blue to match your stove but there may be another issue that you need to fix. You have WAY too much horizontal runs of pipe Between the first elbow and he second and from the second to the connection of the chimney, there has to be more than than six feet and that combination can actually cut down on the draft and build up moisture and soot in the horizontal sections, thus slowing the natural flow of flue gases. You would want to keep any lengths like that two feet or less. It looks like you have the space that you can move the stove back more. With a rear shield that can be attached to the stove, your minimum corner clearance would be 12" on either corner. I am not sure of the pipe to wall and ceiling measurements but they also appear too close.
If you are getting smoke smells and soot in the house, it is likely caused by the pipe design. It seems like you can eliminate a lot of that if you get the stove closer. Your original order didn't show a heat-shield and a kit would be $80.00 to add. It would include a shield for the stove as well as one for the pipe.
Subject: Chimney
Subject: Chimney
> From:
> Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 21:06:16 -0400
> To:
> Hi Laurie, I'm sorry this has been such an issue. In my opinion, I cannot believe the chimney is over drafting. I am away right now, so I don't have access to my records, but I believe the chimney is about 24 feet in height, six inches in diameter, and it is fully exterior.
> I know the connector pipes are installed upside down, but I cannot remember the reason(we swapped them at the beginning of this I think). I am happy to come back and reverse them. We spoke about this before, but elected not to do it. I can come on Tuesday afternoon if that works for you.
> Chris
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:25:24 -0400
Attached is a invoice for parts invoice for what is needed. However, I have no idea what you need for pipe at this point. You will need to give us some measurements. We would need a measurement from the hearth to the center of the pipe in the wall and we can add in the pieces in between. We are here from 9-5. Monday through Saturday at 800-866-4344 when you would like to order.
Mike Hartigan
Customer Service
Mike Hartigan
Customer Service
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 18:50:23 -0400
Please advise ASAP. Original message to Mike was a mess. Here it is- please work with Chris and advise him of proper installation, supply and bill Chris Kulbe for all replacement parts as discussed and copy me. All the replacement parts are to be ordered through Woodstock. It is scary to know that I hired a professional installer and fireman that would have gotten away with this if I did not purchase a new stove from Woodstock.
Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:16:15 -0400
Hi Laurie,
I've been following the emails regarding the issues you've been experiencing so I'm stepping in for Mike to follow up.
First, working on modifying your connector pipe set up should go a long way to help your stove run better. It's important to keep in mind the stove can only work as well as the engine in charge of running it, and in wood stove installations the stove pipe and chimney system is the engine.
You mention below that you've had a hard time getting the stove started up and I wanted to make sure you understand why, and excuse me if some of this is redundant.
- Currently you have 5 separate bends in the chimney, from what I can see from the pictures you provided, there are two adjustable elbows used inside, a 90° turn with the Tee outside, and two offset elbows to jog the pipe around the eave.
- An estimated 5-6' of horizontal pipe from the first inside elbow to the Tee on the outside
- Exterior chimney
- I cannot tell if the chimney meets the 2'-3'-10' rule, which states that the chimney needs to be a minimum of 2' higher than any point within 10' from the chimney, and a minimum of 3' from the roof up. Both minimums need to be met. As an example: If your roof has a 4/12 pitch, and the chimney is 10' or greater away from the peak, you would use 10' as your default measurement and multiple 10 by the vertical rise of the pitch with is 4, this equals 40". The 40" gets you level with the point 10' away. Now you add the 2' to get you 2' higher. So the amount of chimney needed in this example is 64" or 5.33' from the roof up. (10 x 4) + 24= 64" or 5.33'
Above are issues that lead to a poorly operating chimney system. It is not uncommon to see an exterior chimney, but when you couple multiple restrictive elements (long horizontals and multiple bends), the effects on the draft is detrimental. It is especially problematic when this restrictive/cold system is running a high efficiency stove with low flue gas temperatures.
Most wood stove burners with a cold exterior chimney, will find they need to preheat the chimney to move the heavy cold air up and out before the lighter hot air can rise. Often if this is not done, the smoke will either exit the stove into the home, or will slowly waft around in the firebox, until enough heat is generated to move the cold air.
The most common way of preheating the chimney is with a twist of lit newspaper. However, you should not have to remove the back of the stove. With the Keystone, simply open the loading door, open the bypass (put the lever with the black knob in the down position), open the air completely (set on 4), and take your twist of paper and hold it at the back of the stove right under the bypass opening. This eliminates the need to remove and attach a part from the stove.
Now think about your chimney system in relation to the ideal system, which is a straight up chimney, no bends, no horizontal run, that stays within the envelope of the home until the roof penetration, meets the 2'-3'-10' rule, and is at least 15' or taller. While we understand a lot of home owners cannot facilitate a straight up chimney through the home, it is important to have that picture in mind when correcting the current system.
The chimney is not only responsible for pulling the smoke up and out of the stove, but for the flow of air into the stove as well. If one is sluggish, the other will be as well.
Poorly drafting chimneys will effect how the stove operator uses their stove, and often the operator will compensate for the lack of flow by allowing more air into the firebox.
As a stove owner, a level of responsibility needs to be assumed in maintaining the parts that require cleaning, as well as getting replacements when there is a problem . The screen, as Mike mentioned needs to be cleaned along with the combustor, typically every 4-6 weeks. If stove parts are removed and you run the stove outside of how it was designed, there will be damage, as shown. This is where a quick call to us, could have been very helpful. As a factory direct company we not only build these stoves, we test them, use them in our own homes, we know how to repair them, and have decades of experience on advising customers on best practices.
The good news is the combustor is under warranty and we will still cover it even though it looks like a direct cause of the scoop plate removal than an actual failure of the catalyst under normal operating condition.
It is obvious to me that the interior of the firebox was reaching very hot temperatures for one reason or another, and it was hot enough to warp cast iron and bend stainless steel hardware.
I run a Keystone at home myself and my stainless steel scoop plate, which I've been running since the fall/winter of 2012, has similar coloration but structurally the plate is sound.
Again, it is important to consider the location and function of this plate. The scoop is located below the catalytic combustor and over the internal fire. The purpose of the scoop plate is to help protect the combustor from direct flame, as well as act as fly ash catch to help keep the combustor from plugging.
The scoop plate is in the hottest area of the stove and receives heat from the firebox below, and the combustor above. Wood fires often normally burn between 500-1100°, and a combustor when clean and working properly will produce temperatures of 900-1400°. These two heat sources come directly in contact with the plate, which will discolor the stainless steel metal.
If the screen clogs with ash and is not cleaned, the flow of smoke will become restricted, and heat will build up and seek another path out, which can in turn lead to damage to other internal stove parts.
To answer your question in the previous email, yes, the scoop plate and hardware come installed in the stove.
If you are interested in replacing the plate we can certainly supply one, the cost is noted on your revised estimate and the kit K-805, includes the hardware that Mike had previously quoted. This part is not under warranty and has not been for a full year. I feel Mike's assessment of the plate condition is accurate and with new hardware the plate can be reinstalled. If change your mind and use the existing plate, I would spray the attached Incoloy screen with a 50/50 mix of vinegar & distilled water to get any hardened ash residue removed.
Quickly, to touch on compressed wood blocks/bricks. We have not approved our stoves for use with these products, and we only have a limited amount of testing in our test lab, certainly not enough for us to be comfortable telling a customer that steady use is okay. What we have seen, is the compressed wood burns hotter, due to the very low moisture content, and doesn’t tend to produce coals, as you would see burning cordwood. One of my colleagues has tested this type of fuel at home as well and found that the best case scenario, if using this type of fuel, is to mix it with cordwood. Until we have more testing data and long term effects, we cannot recommend using compressed wood as a sole fuel source.
Woodstock Soapstone was not there when you worked with Chris to get the stove installed, so I cannot weigh in on why the installation was done the way that it was. I'm not interested in any vitriolic blame, but in working and helping in anyway we can to provide advise and guidance to get the chimney system more conducive to drafting well, and supplying you with parts needed to get your stove back in good working order. Plus, we are here to assist with questions regarding the operation and maintenance, and to help our stove owners use the stove properly, and get the most out of the stove.
I realize that this is a very long email, but felt it was important to work towards a level of understanding on how each part/system can effects another.
Lorin Day
Customer Service ManagerWoodstock Soapstone Co.
Added 2/12/15 Monday, July 21, 2014 3:09 PM
Sent to Lorin/Woodstock & Chris Kulbe- Ridgetop Chimney
Lorin- Thank You. I followed the cleaning instructions and know how to run a stove,a having done so in NJ for almost 20 years with zero problems. All these problems are clearly from the installation and we have yet to hear from Chris. The chimney information is excellent. You did not address the rust on the stove. What is the warranty on that? It was delivered with those rust spots.
Chris- please respond in writing, immediate dated specific resolution , copying Woodstock.
Does the chimney meet this -"I cannot tell if the chimney meets the 2'-3'-10' rule, which states that the chimney needs to be a minimum of 2' higher than any point within 10' from the chimney, and a minimum of 3' from the roof up. Both minimums need to be met."
"You have WAY too much horizontal runs of pipe Between the first elbow and he second and from the second to the connection of the chimney, there has to be more than than six feet and that combination can actually cut down on the draft and build up moisture and soot in the horizontal sections, thus slowing the natural flow of flue gases. You would want to keep any lengths like that two feet or less. It looks like you have the space that you can move the stove back more. With a rear shield that can be attached to the stove, your minimum corner clearance would be 12" on either corner. I am not sure of the pipe to wall and ceiling measurements but they also appear too close."
Laurie Allen
Tue 7/22/14 7:39 PM
I am happy to come and repair the piping. I will remove it and install again attempting to reduce the restrictions. The stove was placed where you wanted it, but I will see if it can be moved closer to reduce the piping length. If you would prefer to buy the heat shield so that the stove can be located closer to the wall, I will install that and move the stove accordingly. I will also check the chimney and extend it, at no cost to you, if necessary.
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:53:03 -0400
The reason for hiring a professional is insurance that the job gets done correctly and safely. As a teen, our house caught fire and it was traumatic to say the least. My income is 18k- no savings-everything sunk into buying this undisclosed hell that has further devastated our lives and you know it. I hired Lowe's-Thomaston, thinking their contractors wouldn't take advantage of me. They did . I hired J&B Autobody_Belfast- out of pocket, he just painted over rust and I have to take him to small claims. Now you. I saw you on our local channel doing an interview for fire safety. I hired you because of that interview, your company being bonded, insured and toting you as a professional fire fighter making your living for FIRE SAFETY and INSPECTIONS.
I bought a new Woodstock stove because they are USA made, their stellar reputation and safety. When I hired you, you agreed, stating that Woodstock would be your choice as well, if you could ever afford one.
Trying to flip this to me with the placement of the stove is cheap. You asked me where- I asked you if that spot was OK- you said yes.I did not haggle your charges or question anything. IT WAS YOURS TO DO PROPERLY. I have had problems since and you scratch your head in feigned ignorance. Two years now, and thank the stars for Woodstock. You should be bending over backward to right this properly. This installation is hazardous- drafting, smoke, soot, oozing from pipes.... If you want to keep this going, I will make this public through out the state- focusing on firefighters and your ladder company- Bangor Fire Department and Waldo County. While taking you to court. I have nothing to lose- your choice. I believe a lawsuit would be appealing to many firms, beyond small claims court. I would prefer full correction and peace. Clearly, you know I will act accordingly and have amassed a support system against documented corruption.
This was a clean job- no hidden factors- new installation top to bottom and fully documented I want you to work with Woodstock- give them them the specifics to your chimney/piping installation and follow their directions for full correction inside and out to the "T" at YOUR cost, including heat plates, painted piping and replacing the combustor and the cost for a new scoop. I would have contacted Woodstock when it became problematic the first year, and we would have unraveled the improper installation then. Instead, you altered the scoop rather than advise me to call Woodstock.
All materials are to come from Woodstock. I want to be be copied on all corrections with Woodstock's approval.
Pushing back the stove will not give enough clearance to load and clean. If an L connection is safe- It can be rotated to face the front of my house. Perhaps you can tip the stove on it's side for installation ease of the combustor scoop?That drop ceiling is low and flammable. It's like cardboard. The base board heating is oil.
At installation, you actually spray painted some of the stove piping in the room, my son's bedroom, he has asthma. It was awful, I had to put in exhaust fans, it took 2 days to clear those fumes. I will not be meek this time around. I had hopes that you would handle this immediately and professionally. It is your business.
Laurie Allen
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 09:13:15 -0400
How do you reason what you have done? You chose to hurt us, rip us off and endanger us. Now you continue even when caught. Please respond to my only conditions to resolve your disaster, by noon today.
" I want you to work with Woodstock- give them them the specifics to your chimney/piping installation and follow their directions for full correction inside and out to the "T" at YOUR cost, including heat plates, painted piping and replacing the combustor and the cost for a new scoop. I would have contacted Woodstock when it became problematic the first year, and we would have unraveled the improper installation then. Instead, you altered the scoop rather than advise me to call Woodstock.
All materials are to come from Woodstock. I want to be be copied on all corrections with Woodstock's approval.
Pushing back the stove will not give enough clearance to load and clean. If an L connection is safe- It can be rotated to face the front of my house. Perhaps you can tip the stove on it's side for installation ease of the combustor scoop?That drop ceiling is low and flammable. It's like cardboard. The base board heating is oil. "
I am disgusted and will hold you fully accountable with intense public awareness. Beginning in your town, Searsmont and the week long celebration. First up, BBQ with your fellow fire fighters- "Saturday August 2 at 9 a.m. there’s a two-and-a-half mile guided walk along the Georges River, George Sprowl’s antique car display all day on the New England Road, and and the fire department’s chicken barbeque at noon."
Chris did not respond by noon on 7/28/14. It is now 7/30/14, 8am and still no response. Terrible. Forcing me into another public disgracing. Will fellow firefighters save me from one of their own? Or will they support Chris and his dangerous corruption of basic fireman ethics?


2/12/15 From: LAURIE ALLEN <>
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 6:35 PM
To: Lorin Day <>, Mike Hartigan <>
Subject: FW: Allen/17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Me
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 6:35 PM
To: Lorin Day <>, Mike Hartigan <>
Subject: FW: Allen/17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Me
is not responding. I'll take him to small claims. Do you have a list of
approved installers in Maine- midcoast- Bangor/Augusta? Rocky's Stove
in Augusta doesn't list Woodstock as a vendor. The cold is only a few
months away and I fear getting another Chris.



Re: Allen/17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Me
I know Rocky's Stove Shop was a dealer of ours, back when we had dealers, it may be worth calling them.
The other list we often direct customers to is the Chimney Safety Institute of America's website. Below is their lookup page:
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