
Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Residents have no idea"

2/18/14 See above tab which continues comment below in local paper for the big vote tonight at City Hall- weather pending- heavy fast wet snow due @ 4pm.

2/17/14- I would like to note that I reached out to Greg Dutch of Dutch Chevrolet, Rte 3, Belfast and JB Turner, President of the Front Street Shipyard, Belfast today via emails, to ask for their support in getting immediate infrastructure and the Northport Ave TIF to save Seaview Terrace residents from illegal slaughter from Belfast City Hall and businesses.

2/16/14- My post last night in the local paper- Republican Journal where they posted the agenda for the 2/18/14 Belfast City Council meeting and are stealing the funding to save residents of Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine. A flood zone A, flood plain, where they illegally are slaughtering us with water. Now, I enter in danger with businesses and owners. Great. I fight alone, they will come, the truth is here. When the sun warms, join me in town with my solo Boycott Protest Parade. New signs, same fight. NO SOUP FOR ME! NEXT!! BOYCOTT BELFAST!!!

"TIF corruption, the death sentence for Seaview Terrace. Quote from amendment"However, in the past two years, with potential future expansions of Mathews Brother's, the launch of  a new business in this TIF district (Coastal Farms & Foods), and the need to identify additional financial resources to help carry out public infrastructure project within the City's Downtown Waterfront Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District, the City intends to amend this TIF districts Development plan program."
Stealing the Northport TIF to add in with the greedy Downtown TIF. EVIL!
I have been lobbying for Seaview Terrace to be included into the Northport Ave TIF via the new WCGH Annex addition for 2 years. The TIF is a major grant/funding option for infrastructure. This meeting is closing that door and drowning us with force. Not one drop of runoff from outside Seaview Terrace is legal, all the snow melting to us from these sites is not legal, on and on it goes. Not one business has stepped up to help us and have in fact awarded Joe Slocum, Belfast City Manager and destroyer( and if someone drowns, murderer) of Seaview Terrace, Citizen of the Year.
The newest business owner at the old Eclectic Closet, Main St., rips into me on a regular basis on the BDN telling me to get our of town, Seth Thayer. Maine Mercantile on High St also harasses me when I'm protesting in town. Bill Ingersoll, realtor that sold me this hell, comes out and tells me I'm sick, his co-worker asking me to stop, Front St Shipyard in meeting after meeting with me, hearing all the corruption first hand- no comment, Slocum serves JB water and snarls at me, Daily Soup owned by Courtney Sanders, (AND WIFE OF BELFAST CITY COUNCIL, ERIC SANDERS) she ripped into me on the FB Friends and Supporters of Schools for asking a relevant question and then I was blocked from the site, NO SOUP FOR YOU, NEXT, Our Town Belfast blocking me from the site till Breanna found out and was mortified. She got me back on. Mayor Ash AAA refusing my emergency calls. That's a small preview of business and City Hall taking Belfast residents to hell after stealing our properties and tax dollars. 
I am calling for a boycott of Belfast corruption to assemble at Belfast City Park, on 5/24/14, rain dates on my FB event and on How can residents allow local government to be corrupt as hell and get residents into disaster after disaster- RSU, TBNT, Dredging, bonds, harbor lights, mis-planning,"unforeseen" last minute changes approved without question, permits granted with meeting site conditions, grants, debt growing off the charts and no accountability. Hire another consultant to fudge numbers and commit us into another disaster.Use our tax dollars to hire the City Attorney protect and enhance the corruption, billable hour after billable hour.

Beyond disgusting proof from 2011 when I finally was forced into public disgracing. And after this meeting the Wall was ordered to take the 5th from there on in.
12/6/11 City Hall Meeting- At this time, I do not know that the water slaughter to Seaview Terrace began in the 1980's. City Wall Hall is with holding the original owner of my home, Dr. Caswell's, initial reporting, and the City biased corrupt investigation. In the 1/4/12 Meeting, I am given an agenda, clearly orchestrated by City Attorney Bill Kelly. He unveils this with held stupid accounting and runs when I question him. See the corrupt meetings tab. I speak publicly ff to 28 minutes - 45 minutes in- I'm new to speaking (never had a chance to heal from trauma with children which is why we crawled here in 6/2010- to begin again, under the radar in safety and peace- so horrible are these officials and Realtor) and stumbling but effective- @41 minutes I'm free wheeling for the last 5 minutes. YOU MUST GO TO THE BREAK @ 2 HOURS 5 MINUTES IN. Sound is off but Slocum's hands are flying- then @ 2:11:05 here he comes with maps that I was never allowed to see. Swarming and pouring. THEN HURLEY DOESN'T KNOW THE MIKE IS BACK ON AND AT 2:14:19 SAYS "Give her an answer. "Are we going to build her a storm system or not." The answer is not, lets nail her and he proceeds to doing just that @ 2:25:56 until 2:29:13.  I let it rip with truth and maps. After 8 months of avoidance, corruption and lies, the public must know that Council IS KNOWINGLY FLOODING THE CITY ENDANGERED FLOOD ZONE OF SEAVIEW TERRACE AND TAKING OUR TAX DOLLARS AND BUYING RECREATIONAL PARCELS FOR MILLIONS AND WILL COST MILLIONS TO DEVELOP...SEAVIEW TERRACE PROPERTY IS WORTHLESS BECAUSE OF CITY OFFICIALS.Verbal Planning approvals with residents present are a sham. What the Planning Board approves and what the Planning Manager, Wayne Marshall DOES are night and day. Impossible for the resident to get accountability and resolved. See the header with Diane Allmeyer Beck vs. Wayne Marshall.

Later at the end of the meeting, long after I'm gone, ff to 2:25:56 Council member Mike Hurley slanders me with confidence and ease. Here is his rant against me 
quote as closely as possible, Mike Hurley’s public rant against me at the 12/6/11 City Council meeting 
(Slander is the oral communication of false statements that are harmful to a person's reputation. If the statements are proven to be true, it is a complete defense to a charge of slander. Oral opinions that don't contain statements of fact don't constitute slander. Slander is an act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation. Slander is a subcategory of defamation.)

City Councilor MIKE HURLEY'S PUBLIC RANT AGAINST ME_ “I want to respond during the discussion about water. I came to the entire subject early on when we stated getting copied here on everything, with a pretty open mind about it, well, is there a problem here? What’s the problem? I think that’s what we do here quite often is hey what’s the problem and try to fix it and if there is something we can do. I want to say I had an open mind to it but having had the avalanche of emails that we received and what we heard tonight again, I just want to say that, ya know, if anybody thinks the way to solve a problem is to insult people with things like, Wayne’s World, Ignorant, Dysfunctional, Shot to Hell, Deceiving, Corruption, Lies, Cover Ups, Bullied, I want to add one word…RIDICULOUS. I’ve worked with all these guys and I’ve been on the wrong side of government in the past and I’ve been on the wrong side of government while I’ve been in government. And ya know, it’s just ridiculous to listen to this stuff. I would not object to putting this on the agenda for us to talk about what we should do about this if anything. But, you know, to listen to these to these kind of character assassinations pf people who could really be bothered to do these things to this woman, I’m really sorry, nobody has any interest in doing any of these kinds of things that she keeps proclaiming and you know it’s unfortunate she takes it completely publicly and tonight even, I kept waiting for her, what’s the problem (out of quote for me to say, I clearly stated in the beginning what the problem, what I wanted done, and backed it up with facts for the ?? Time) How would we address the problem. I THINK SHE’S MORE INTERESTED IN FIGHTING, but I’m willing to talk about it and look at it and maybe, ya know, there’s something we can do, I don’t know. But anyway, I FEEL LIKE WAYNE AND JOE, IN PARTICULAR HAVE BEEN AN ABSOLUTE PINATA AND I APPRECIATE THEM BEING RESTRAINED. I am sure, I can tell from everything that the landowner is absolutely feels put upon by the water that runs in the stream in through her yard. I think, maybe there’s a way to solve this but constantly insulting the people you’re trying to talk with, at least it’s never worked for me at home.”

2/1/14 See above tab for OUTSOURCE CITY HALL articles and Belfast spending, spending, spending

Heed the warning from a seasoned City Hall official- inner circle plans will crush residents. The abuse is televised and residents seem conditioned to accept "Can't fight City Hall". Against the City Wall Hall,  look at what I have uncovered. Not one isolated abuse, but many and surely more. View the meetings and summaries above.  This is just a dip in the cesspool. Will update with more facts at a later time. Look at the past events, current events, City Wall Hall Taking the 5th, City Manager- Joe Slocum using his mess of files as an excuse when with held documents exposed, endless emails of rhetoric from City Planner- Wayne Marshall devising rabbit holes to divert from the actual request for public documents in his possession. Removing all storm water documents from public files, final approved site plans, manipulating and torturing in attempts to dissuade and diminish. But, I hung in there, 3+ years and kept ducking and weaving and gathering crumbs. Now, I've got the pie. Sharing every slice, at every meeting, at every event, at every random choice, for as long as it takes, until.

Belfast City Hall regularly outsources to professionals for consultations that are City Hall biased. The politics of it's not what you know but who you know. As Jay Davis, Restorative Justice told me when I began  protesting Belfast resident infrastructure corruption in 2011- "Have you gone to see Council Mike Hurley- because what you're doing is not how we do things around here."  I told him I did and Hurley did not want to touch it at all. Jay wished me luck and walked away. Welcome to Belfast Laurie, you were just sold hell.

We are paying for City connected consultations for enormous changes. The RSU where our schools are dying in a sucking tax dollar sink hole. Only upon doom and outrage has City Hall stepped in. Two years later, where are we? Getting sucked further with more consultations and confusion and anger. City Attorney Collins leading the pack with billable hour after billable hour. Playing mediator and adviser for all, including recommended firms for consultation. Great, Rail Trail too. Searsport Tanks were a gold mine for attorneys, consultations, see where this goes? Outsource and cut out the middle white collar corruption. Many residents are a wealth of checks and balances to review independent consults and bottom line spending on necessities.

I have and have remained honest because of presenting facts. City Council is part of the inner circle as evidenced by their total support in the face of resident slaughter to the City Manager- Joe Slocum, City Planner-Wayne Marshall and City Attorney- Bill Kelly.

The seasoned in-town Belfast residents see it but don't want to get involved. Either City Hall has implicated them or they don't want to get involved. Fighting City Hall is nasty- that job is done. The nasty corruption laid out and documented, by one Mom, day after day, since April 2011. Beyond comprehension to think what is festering- but clearly underway.

Who can you trust? I have reached out to the "pillars" of the community, please form independent committee's - silence. Most notably Jayne Crosby Giles, avoids me like the rest- even when face to face.  I am front and center with corruption in town from City Hall and local Realtor agencies. My current City Council, Mary Mortier is a Realtor and taking the 5th. Better Home and Gardens, Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, retired Jan Andrews, and the most disturbing previous family original owner of my home "Puzz Caswell" of Maine Country and Coast Realtor, Belfast- lying written testimony to Earl Black, Better Home and Gardens Realtor owner in his deposition to my complaint of non disclosure to to Maine Realtor Commission (corruptly dismissed see other blogs). I contacted Puzz early on, she told me that it is the City's responsibility to fix but they won't. That statement was the catalyst. Later, she tries to throw me under the bus, but only soils herself.

Chilloa Horne Caswell

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