2/27/15 Warden Chris Dyer is not fit for this position. He came to Belfast City Council (I think Council asked him to come and spin this MucK Suck fishing hole. And he did- totally clueless to the toxic's in this man made dump hole. He cites wrong information and got taxpayers footing the bill for his corrupt involvement in beginning this scam- see below. Today, I'm reading the Bangor Daily News about a bobcat raiding the chicken coop and Dyer states to leave the remaining chickens out there for the cat to eat. He is a menace to wildlife, humans and safety. Link to article and a comment supporting Dyer is bad news. http://bangordailynews.com/2015/02/16/news/midcoast/this-winter-is-getting-to-all-the-creatures-bobcat-breaks-into-waldo-county-chicken-coop-kills-more-than-a-dozen-birds/?ref=relatedBox
Sorry but if an animal got in and killed my chickens I would not be leaving the dead birds for them to feed on that's for sure they would be disposed of as not to keep encouraging a return. I would be securing any living left, and let the cat find somewhere else to get their meal. My coop is lined with wire all around for just such reasons. As long as the cat feels there is the potential of a continued food source it will keep coming back long after all the left overs are taken. We still have a fox who periodically shows up and tries to get into our coop. You can hear him banging on the door late at night, fortunately we shored it up so he can't get in. Really bad advice.
2/20/2016 **Note in this article that City Council Heil Hurley is "playing" that he does not support this. He is the one spear heading this. I jumped right on this and months later Hurley is pushing and pushing to get this illegally done. To date, I have not received any updates from Norm Poirier, Belfast Parks Director and the Muck is still the same- a toxic Belfast City Hall made hell hole.
rom: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2016 9:44 AM
To: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: xxxx
Subject: Please update The Muck Suck
Please give me an update on the Muck Suck and drainage. Below page link will take you to our entire history on this mess. I pasted the communications from you on 4/24/15.
Laurie Allen
2015 opening of youth-only fishing spot at 'The Muck' within reach
By Jordan Bailey | Dec 07, 2014Belfast — The City Council approved funds to rent a long-reach excavator to dredge Kirby Lake, a man-made pond also know as “The Muck,” in preparation for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's removal of invasive fish species.
The department will stock the pond with trout in the spring, creating the first youth-only fishing spot in Waldo County.
The Parks and Recreation Department will spend up to $6,000 from its capital reserve fund for equipment rental fees. A local contractor will donate his time and the gasoline required to perform the dredge.
Parks and Recreation Director Norm Poirier told the council the water level will be lowered as much as possible so goldfish can be removed by IFW. Then the contractor will excavate debris — which has piled up so much it is visible at the surface of the water — and vegetation from the pond.
Work will be done from the side of the pond adjacent to the corner of Miller Street and Lincolnville Avenue to about two-thirds of the way across the lake, with the habitat to the east along a trail remaining undisturbed. Poirier said he hopes the project will take place in early spring; it is the best time to dredge and the contractor will not be too busy.
Councilors raised concern that lowering the water to remove goldfish would jeopardize other species living there. Poirier said that was probably true, but said the other species are not surviving now. Removing the goldfish and improving the habitat would allow the native species to bounce back, he said.
Jason Seiders, an IFW regional biologist who was present at the meeting, said the department found four fish species in the pond: goldfish, common shiner, golden shiner, and brown bullhead catfish, all of which would be removed. As it is a man-made pond, any fish could have come only from people dumping them there, he said.
Regarding native species that belong there, such as turtles and frogs, he said with dredge projects those species are lost initially but typically recolonize quickly.
“I'm confident we'll have a better situation than we have now,” he said.
Mayor Walter Ash said he was asked whether trout would survive in the warm water of The Muck. Seiders said because brook trout need cold, well-oxygenated water to survive, he does not expect them to make it through the summer. Rather it would be considered a “put and take fishery,” with high level harvesting and multiple restocking events throughout the season.
In response to a question about potential problems caused by uncaught trout dying in the pond, Sieders wrote in an email to The Journal: "I'm confident that the use at The Muck will be very high, and the harvest of fish will be extensive. Based on observed use and estimated harvest, I will adjust the numbers of stock trout as needed to avoid overstocking and large numbers of dead trout. We have a number of these types of waters in our region, and I'm unaware of any issues related to deteriorated water quality due to decomposing trout."
Councilor Eric Sanders said he supports the project to encourage youth fishing. The location is currently underutilized, he said, and will become a destination spot.
Councilor Neal Harkness said the project would be a small expense for a major return. Though he had some trepidation about disturbing the native turtles and heron, he said it seemed that “these guys know what they're doing.”
The council approved the funding request 4-1, with Councilor Michael Hurley voting against it. He stated he felt the project was unnecessary due to the availability of other fishing opportunities in the county.
2/11/2015- I have never received any communications from any Maine EPA staff. I am sending out another email today to the EPA- Caroling Previ, Kathy Pickering (Belfast Harbor Master), Norm Poirier (Belfast Parks Director) for soil test results to be made public on the City of Belfast Website (below is City Manager Joe Slocum attempting to corrupt FOAA again as he has for the 5 years that I have been requesting drainage documents with the Attorney General's office, Brenda Kielty refusing to investigate FOAA corruption in Belfast and DEP)
From: | Previ, Caroline (Previ.Caroline@epa.gov) You moved this message to its current location. |
Sent: | Tue 12/23/14 4:46 PM |
To: | **** |
Cc: | DeLeon, Rafael (Deleon.Rafael@epa.gov); Mackey, Cyndy (Mackey.Cyndy@epa.gov); McCullough, Mary (McCullough.Mary@epa.gov); laurieallen55@msn.com (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Hello ****: We received this request for assistance from a resident of Maine. I'm in the Superfund enforcement program and thought you (or someone in the Region) might be able to help this citizen. Would you please forward this message to the correct folks in the Region or State DEP? And, can you let me know (cc?) the outcome so I can close this request? If I can be of assistance please give me a call. Thanks. Caroline Previ EPA HQ 202 564-7777
This email below was just sent 2/11/2015 @ 10:15 to all EPA addresses in above email from EPA HQ Caroline Previ and Belfast City Council minus Council Heil Hurley ( he publicly announced that he has marked me as a spammer to reject my communications)
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 2/11/15 10:13 AM |
To: | parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org); harbormaster@cityofbelfast.org (harbormaster@cityofbelfast.org); Previ.Caroline@epa.gov (previ.caroline@epa.gov); |
Cc: | Deleon.Rafael@epa.gov (deleon.rafael@epa.gov); mackey.cyndy@epa.gov (mackey.cyndy@epa.gov); McCullough.Mary@epa.gov (mccullough.mary@epa.gov); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org) |
Belfast Parks Director Norm Poirier, Belfast Harbor Master Kathy Pickering, and EPA HQ Caroline Previ,
(history of The Muck drainage communications)
1.What is the status of the Muck soil testing and cost for testing? Please advise when the public (including Harbor Comittee) can review the full soil testing of the Muck. Please post it on the City website and advise.
2. If draining is approved, please advise the path of drainage to where?
This was almost underway with the draining to go through my private property to the bay, with the toxic, illegal run off from roofs, Rte 1 highway, roads, parking lot, airport? and more unknowns, from at least 15 sites. All of this draining through Seaview Terrace private property and into the bay against ordinance.
Kathy Pickering- Please share this email with the harbor committee at this afternoon's meeting. This illegal runoff is poison to the bay and the wildlife. I will be very active spreading awareness of all City illegal drainage to our beautiful water. It is City wide and growing. Perhaps that is Mike Hurley's plan. Poison the water and open up the harbor for Front Street Shipyard. Below is the Belfast ordinance prohibiting all polluted runoff to private property and the ocean. Belfast and the DEP clearly violates environmental laws.
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm
sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling
water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of
the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.
(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)
Except as provided in this article, no person shall discharge or cause
to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any
public sewer:
Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit (65 degrees Celsius).
Any waters or wastes which contain fats, grease or oil, or other
substances in excess of 100 mg/l, whether emulsified or not, that will
solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 and 150 degrees
Any waters or wastes containing soluble fats, grease or oils, whether
emulsified or not, exceeding an average 100 parts per million, which, in
the opinion of the city, may overload or inhibit the pollution control
facility's processes.
Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil, mineral oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas.
Any noxious or malodorous gas such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide
or nitrous oxide, or other substances which, either singly or by
interaction with other wastes, are capable of creating a public nuisance
or hazard to life or of preventing entry into sewers for their
maintenance and repair.
Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. The installation and
operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three-fourths
horsepower or greater shall be subject to the review and approval of the
Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags,
feathers, tar, plastic, cardboard, wood, paunch manure, hair and
fleshings, entrails, lime slurry, lime residues, beer or distillery
slops, whey, chemical residues, paint residues, cannery waste, bulk
solids, or other solid or viscous substance capable of causing
obstruction to the flow of the sewers or other interference with proper
operation of the sewage works.
Any waters or wastes, acid and alkaline in reaction, having corrosive
properties capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment
and personnel of the sewage works. Free acids and alkalis must be
neutralized at all times, within a permissible pH range of 6.0 to 9.5.
Radioactive wastes or isotopes of halflife or concentrations as may
exceed limits established by the city in compliance with applicable
state or federal regulations.
Quantities of flow, or concentrations of any wastewater constituent, or both, which would constitute a slug.
Any stormwater, roof drainage, spring water,
cistern or tank overflow, footing drainage, or discharge from any
vehicle wash rack or water motor, or the contents of any privy vault,
septic tank or cesspool, or the discharge of effluent from any air
conditioning machine or refrigeration unit.
Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance, high
chlorine or oxygen demand, or suspended solids in sufficient quantity to
injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a
hazard to humans or animals, or create any hazard or violation in the
receiving waters or effluent of the city's sewage treatment plant, or
contaminate or restrict the final end use of the treatment plant's
sludge residuals. Such toxic substances shall be limited to the average
concentrations listed in this subsection in the sewage as it leaves the
building sewer, and at no time shall the hourly concentration at the
sewage treatment plant exceed three times the average concentration. If
concentrations listed are exceeded, individual establishments will be
subject to control by the city in volume and concentration of wastes
Laurie Allen
Below are older posts/emails.
At the 12/2/14 City Council meeting (link to meeting is in #2) Council approves dredging to begin immediately. I was overwhelmed with DHHS robbing almost $500 (will post) from me. It took me a few days act on below. It is important to listen to meeting, the sheer trash and incompetence. I had hopes for the new Council reps, Neil and John. Forcing them to comply with basic procedure is serious consistent calculated corruption. Monkey see, monkey do. Monkey second the motion. All in favor.
1/20/2015 Update http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/01202015-1817/#15
At tonight's meeting, The Muck was brought up. They are moving forward with wasting tax dollars on this mess. I am sure this not about making it a fishing hole. It's too stupid. They have to get the goldfish out is the reason given. Yet, they claim they plan to do a partial dredge- a front loader lays at the bottom. How are all the goldfish going to be eradicated? It can't be done with a partial. So, seems like another unforeseen scam. Present a project, make it appear like it is not going to cost taxpayers to get it underway and voted in. Work starts- oops, we didn't expect this- we must dredge the whole thing. Can't stop, it's already underway.
The Muck drains illegally to the watershed private properties, and I am the final recipient. I contacted EPA to alert them that Belfast was getting ready to suck the toxic Muck without any environmental regulation. Tonight, 1/20/15, Norm Poirier, Dept of Parks and Rec announced that DEP has ordered soil testing. Norm has hired a firm to do the test. Results will determine how much more tax payers get soaked for this ridiculous fishing hole that is surely window dressing. At minimum, a permit by rule will be needed. Permits by rule alone are big bucks. Engineers, stabilization, big bucks. For my little DEP ripped ravine via flooding permit by rule brought estimates starting @ 75k. For 100 ft of bank. If the soil is toxic- Norm said they have to go into something else along with the permit.
We know Governor LeRage is cutting municipal funding- Sloscum said tonight, maybe to zero. No talk of cutting spending at all. No one commented on the expense of The Muck that was sold to the public as being a volunteer job, so Opie can fish? No, they have a different secret agenda and it is already costly. And Heil Hurley refused to spend the extra 40k to put drainage on Seaview Terrace- send it to the witch when she's in Alabama at her brother's funeral.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 1/20/15 9:48 PM |
To: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org); jslocum@cityofbelfast.org (jslocum@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
I believe the proposed Muck fishing hole was used as a smokescreen. It is going to be a costly project. The school taxes are most likely rising and LePage is cutting municipal funding. You must cut spending. A costly fishing hole is ridiculous. The goldfish will not be eradicated by a partial dredge or even a full dredge.
1. What is the true agenda for The Muck?
2. Please advise what your reasoning is to spend tax dollars on dredging the Muck when basic infrastructure is denied to residents?
3. What is the cost of the Muck soil testing?
4. I am requesting the results of the Muck soil test as a Freedom of Information Act through this email.
Laurie Allen
Here we go again. No way is this being drained for a fishing hole. Sloscum is casting his corruption net and attempt to may me pay for it- again. Outrageous that they could care less what the cost is to test or discuss an easy estimate of the enormous cost of this scam. He states in conjunction with the State- the State is not paying for any of this- Sloscum is passing it on to residents who never asked for this in the first place.
From: | Joseph Slocum (citymanager@cityofbelfast.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Wed 1/21/15 9:23 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); Norm Poirier (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org) |
Ms Allen,
The muck is to be partially drained , dug out and stocked with fish to enhance the site as a fishing opportunity. The work is being done in conjunction with the State and has been approved by the City Council. I do no6 know what the cost is of soil testing so I will ask Norm Poirier,
1.From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org; mackey.cyndy@epa.gov; laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; patricia.aho@maine.gov; governor@maine.gov; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; news@penbaypilot.com
Subject: FW: laurie Sent You a Clip!
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 10:50:09 -0500
Dear Norm (Belfast Parks Director) and Ms. Mackey,
Please advise the environmental procedures that are in place for the dredging of "The Muck". Below is the 12/2/14 Belfast City Council Meeting approving this dredging proposed by Norm, Maine Warden Chris Dyer and Inland Fisheries Jason Snyder. Click on link, then 10d to watch agenda item.
The Muck already illegally drains to the watershed residents and my private property is the recipient of all the polluted runoff from miles away. Here is a portion of Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly's 12/27/2011 letter to City Council confirming the runoff. I have pictures of the outfall from "The Muck" coming out of a culvert alongside the Roberston now Sweetser School. https://picasaweb.google.com/105736045670734847961/CASSIllegalOutlets?authuser=0&feat=directlink"It is significant that the stream/drainage swale on Ms.Allen's property was part of a significant system that is topographically driven such that water comes from near the Robertson School, flows down and through, by and along the northerly side of Seaview Terrace, then crosses Northport Avenue,then courses through an underground drainage system at the hospital and then through City Park to the Bay."
Alan Wood, local realtor, also owns a lot across from "The Muck". It is a swamp- probably wetlands as well. He tells me the Muck also drains into his property. In our local paper, The Republican Journal, an article about "The Muck" had this comment from a long time resident.
Posted by: Harold Richardson | Dec 07, 2014 10:58
Boy-I would hate to be downstream of this muck when they let that water out. It's probably not even like water other than it will flow downhill to the bay. It's just some vile, odoriferous blob of half liquid half melted cheese like stench. Something out of a Steven King novel except worse. It will eat its way like an unknown alien acid killing as it goes and everything the muck touches will be barren of local flora and fauna for all time. They'll have to rebuild the excavator daily as the steel bucket will melt away like butter as it dips into the sewage like refuse.
I recall hearing that heavy equipment has sunk into the Muck as well. This is an environmental super site and dredging must be stopped. Please advise of proceedings.
Laurie Allen
2.From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org; mackey.cyndy@epa.gov; governor@maine.gov; laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; patricia.aho@maine.gov; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; news@penbaypilot.com
Subject: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:57:05 -0500
To All,
2nd Request- Please respond ASAP. Please click on the meeting, 10D.
Norm states he plans to move quickly on this. It is alarming. The Muck is a man made dump. Inland fisheries should not have any business here and does not have any knowledge of this site. Norm lightly states that you can see the debris, acknowledges polluted road runoff, Council Eric Sanders lightly dismisses known heavy in equipment dumped, Mayor Ash has confirmed heavy equipment dumping in past meetings, full drainage has just been announced in this meeting (prior meetings eluded a partial drain), the dredge will be contaminated and the biologist is not concerned with disposal or draining contaminated toxins to private properties of residents including mine... documented below.
1. EPA must advise of procedures to clean up this site.
2. Why is Inland Fisheries using influence to modify this City owned, City made dumping hole?
3. City must advise of complete EPA procedural cost to clean up and restore this toxic site to a fishing hole that will have goldfish back in as soon as it is filled.
There are many more issues but this will suffice for now. Stop the project immediately and advise of 1,2 and 3 in writing.
Laurie Allen
NO RESPONSE Now I go to the First Lady.
3.From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com] Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 6:28 PMTo: Condon, Patricia A.; LAURIE ALLENCc: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; Aho, Patricia; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; news@penbaypilot.com; parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org; mackey.cyndy@epa.govSubject: RE: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
Ms. Condon,
The State of Maine Inland Fisheries- Maine Warden Chris Dyer and IF Biologist Jason Snyder are proposing to dredge a toxic, Belfast City Hall man-made water hole dump, known as "The Muck" inhabited with wildlife and wetlands. For all the reasons below, this project must be stopped immediately. No one has responded after 2 requests.
IFW brought this proposal to Belfast City Council independently without any permits or formal environmental procedures. They (Chris and Jason) have found a volunteer contractor that will dredge who knows what and drain who knows what out to the watershed private properties, including mine to the bay.
Please forward this to the First Lady and advise when I may have an appointment with Mrs. LePage. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me 04195
4.From: Patricia.A.Condon@maine.gov
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: FW: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:12:54 +0000
December 16, 2014
Good afternoon!
Our office has been advised of the project you refer to in your e-mail is actually a within the municipality juridction/oversight. While not unsympathetic with your concerns, unfortunately the Governor does not have the authority to force action by counties or municipalities due to the strong “home rule” provisions enshrined in the Constitution of the State of Maine and other Maine law.
The only involvement of the Department of Inland Fishery and Wildlife staff attending the town meetings are in an “advisory” capacity only.
We appreciate you bringing your concerns to the attention of this office and First Lady Ann LePage. I hope this information is helpful for you to pursue appropriately.
Patricia Condon
Director, Constituent Services
Office of the Governor
5.From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 12/16/14 2:01 PM |
To: | parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org); ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | acurtis@bangordailynews.com (acurtis@bangordailynews.com); news@penbaypilot.com (news@penbaypilot.com) |
You are responsible, the players (City Manager, Code Enforcement/Planning and Mike Hurley) have set you up as the pawns for this environmental toxic dump. New Council Neil Harkness, John Arrison, and Norm are not responding. Critical juncture here. I wish you integrity and courage as America is falling due to the politics that are a mirror in Belfast. The people are revolting.
Please respond to above today.
Laurie Allen
6.Date: Tue, 16 Dec
2014 17:14:19 -0500
Subject: Re: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
From: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Re: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
From: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
At this point
nothing has been physically done at the Muck - the process will
involve DEP, Biologists from the State and assessments of the area.
The first matters of
research will be to determine if permitting is required and what type
of water and material we are dealing with if the dredging is pursued.
Then locating proper
areas that the fill material could be dumped - this would be if the
material is clean. I am aware of some of the problems related to the
Muck with regards to the tractor going through the ice and this would
be the reason for making sure we are only dealing with actual muck
and not contaminated materials.
Even if all is
determined to be okay with materials and water we would not look to
do any thing until the spring in order to allow people to use the
area for ice skating if and when we get cold weather. At this point
until we sit down with DEP which have all intentions of doing and
have already started communications with then we could develop a
process that would not harm the environment or habitat other than the
goldfish. It is not legal for us to have a public or private pond
with goldfish in them, special permitting is required and regulated
by the State
If you have other
questions realize I will do my best to answer them but may not have
the answers immediately available to me
Norman Poirier,
Belfast Parks
and Recreation Department
City of Belfast,
Maine 04915
Office Tel:
207-338-3370 ext. 27 Cell: 207-323-4766
7.On Tue, Dec 16,
2014 at 6:54 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
How would the contaminated Muck be drained- where it will it drain to- please provide the full path and final outlet to where?
8.From: | Norm Poirier (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org) |
Sent: | Wed 12/17/14 8:25 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
That's part of the conversation I will
have with DEP - my contact at their office has been playing phone
tag with me and I've had a couple of Holiday events that have
distracted my attention to this project. I will keep you
informed as to the process
thanks for your patience
All I want to know at this point is if any of the draining of the Muck will pass through the watershed private properties and my private property. As you stated below " I will keep you informed as to the process " please inform me directly. Please confirm that you will do so.
Laurie Allen
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:15:18 -0400
Subject: Re: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
From: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Fri 4/24/15 9:18 AM |
To: | Norm Poirier (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
All I want to know at this point is if any of the draining of the Muck will pass through the watershed private properties and my private property. As you stated below " I will keep you informed as to the process " please inform me directly. Please confirm that you will do so.
Laurie Allen
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:15:18 -0400
Subject: Re: 2nd req- Muck Dredge EPA Toxic
From: parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
have not submitted the permit to DEP as of yet - still working on the
application. The soil samples have been taken and once we meet with DEP
they will indicate to us the process to drain down the Muck (where /
how) and the re-use of the dredged soils. As soon as I know the process I
will inform Council and the public through the City Council meetings
and other media outlets
rom: | Norm Poirier (parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org) |
Sent: | Fri 4/24/15 9:32 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
will forward you an email as soon as I know - I would think DEP would
have us do some type of outreach to the public especially if it had an
impact on private residences.
I don't believe it will but I'll be sure to email you
Photo by: Jordan Bailey
The Muck in summer.
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