
1/25/25-7/17/2019 Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon 2/23/18 W/ Narrative Motion To Dismiss
I cannot properly blog since my internet was system dismantled many years ago. Cell phone is hacked and difficult. Not included in this addition to this 7/2019 page was my kidnapping on 1/2018, from my home
by massive force of BPD (5 vehicles)
into MaineHealth & InHuMaine psychiatric hell for 2 months. The 9/25/20 breaking down my door at gunpoint by BPD Sgt. Fitzpatrick. Kidnapped into jail until 10/5/20 without warrant or charges. Trying to stop the clock on the end of my 2 years of probation on 10/1/2021. Confident that they could use fabricated medical records against me to keep me in their system until my eternal silencing was done. Over 8 years of continual attempts. 

Imprisoning myself in my home for these 8 years has thwarted them. Waiting to live as their inflictions take my life. Their scheme to fabricate  charge after charge, drug, poison, kidnapping, abuse after abuse, using Judicial Jester with psychopathic mob mentality under their  democrat umbrella is beyond treason. Protect rape and abuse. Cash cow ponzi 101 published by Dr. Drug Rapist Guru.
Trump that. "Top of the heap. Hey #1.
It's up to you..." Frank Sinatra.

After 2014 publicizing of being drug raped in 1/1982 by this JURCC, JustUsRapingCultedClub, creator 197?& president, all systems go. Git 'er. Bounty and perks galore. Tax payer bracket racket paid. Not by JustUs.

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 10:15 AM Laurie Allen <<>> wrote:
Global Serial Culted Culture Leader, Drug Rapist and ... Dr. Donald N. Lombardi drug raped me (unconscious), ALL Night, 1/1981. Targeted student of Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ. I outted him in 2014 to Stevens. He receives rewards, I receive cuffs, shackles, court ordered drugging, kidnapped into jails, psychiatric hells (2 long months), always under their abuse, drugs and tainted/poisoned foods and water. Watching me everywhere, posting on their dark, sadistic, internet porn JustUs channel. How many more like JustMe? Since at least 1981. Enlisting culture-healthcare-education-government-media-pharma-internet-religions-MPBN/PBS VP Mole Neighbor of 14 years & still underground with rewards. Charles Beck. Lombardi's list is massive. All participate in silencing JustMe. True and Innocent. Never a record until fabrications with full on shock and assaults since 2014. Simple Math against the worst of time. Destroying all systems. Through implication or fear. In lockdown, till truth be told. Give me press. Now please. At my home under all surveillance, visual, vocal & privates. My turn.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

(Previously, Clooney Foundation for Justice emailed me & refused to help after reviewing. Apparently implicated, as George & Amal go abroad to represent.)

Dr. Donald N. Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ
Location: 420 Babbio

* 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
* 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
* 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
* 1976 BA - English

Experience & Service

General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief
Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources

Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication

Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976-1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970's.

Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison

Donald N. Lombardi, Ph.D., USMC(R) - Master of Ceremonies

Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology

Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014)
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017)

Log in to: Donald N. Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.

 From: John Reiff <>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: Pedigree Info

Miss Allen,


Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.


Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.

My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.

I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.


It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years,  so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.


Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.  


I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know


DSgt John Reiff




DSgt. JohnT Reiff

Freehold Borough Police Department

Detective Division

36 Jackson St

Freehold NJ 07728

732 462-1234



Link to Line of Ire & email to then corrupt AG Janet Mills, now corrupt Governor.

Excerpts posted here. 

First few seconds I say "Joi Z's turn. I never shot before. I was good in archery though, in camp. When I was 8 or 7, whatever. @ 1 minute John asks me if I want to shoot that target or just shoot. I tell him he doesn't have to fix it (the target) I'm not gonna hit anything. He says yes you will.

@1:43 I say I wanna shoot the target. HEY, I wanna shoot the target. Let me have fun. John says let me fix it. Stop. I say it ain't on red, we're good. John mumbles something. I say yeah that's what he said.
@2:50 John says you're good to go baby. I say alright.
@3:20 John says you're ready to roll. You have 9 shots. 
I'm having a hard time seeing the target through the scope. Later John would tell me because the scope is for his dominant eye vision, it's his rifle. I don't have dominant eye. They made a big deal of that scope. Crocodile tears fabricating fear of me. Oy.  

@3:59 I finally shoot one and say "oh this is nice. What I'd get. (NOT WHO) Let's go look. Safety on. Oh that's fun. That's nothing. It's a little weinie gun for Laurie. I like it. And little bullets. "

John says You got it. I say "oh f*** yeah. I'm good too. Didn't ya know that." John is telling me it's automatic and I say "yeah it's automatic, just like me. It's not even that loud either. I don't need these plugs. Alright, I'm set. Ohhh, this is cool. I don't even need that stand. Done. I'm done. (meaning done shooting period. I did it and did not want to shoot again.) I did it. I did it. 9 9 9. I'm gonna bring the camera over. John's gonna point out. I hit some."

@6:11 I say "F*****' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah Thanks for being my target ya assholes."John says Look, ya shot it all full of holes. I say"I shot it all full of holes. And I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me." John counts 6 shots in the target area and says pretty good. I say "pretty good. I got em all on there. All 9 right?" John says yes, nice group. Not bad for your first try. I say "not at all. Watch your ass buddy" (meaning John because he is a sharp shooter. They edited this part to the media to make it seem like I was saying watch your ass to City Council.) 

Then John walks away and I follow him with the camera and I say "I'll watch your ass. Go ahead keep on walking. Look at that dupka. Oh Johnny- who's your girl? Who's your girl? He's acting like he can't hear me. It's bullshit. Look at these little things. Tell me you can't hear with these little peanuts. Alright bye."

In January 2018,Spectrum had corruptly cut Laurie Allen’s internet, landline and cable, an 8 year full paying customer.. Since May 2017 Laurie’s property and rights to life are being taken by abutting May 2017 owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. Mark Rae, his mother, Penny Rae,father B.O. Rae, grand daughter Kayla LaCombe (Lincolnville treasurer/, their family real estate agent Terry LaCombe, their attorney and Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, and worker Kevin Page with the support and illegal approvals of Belfast Chief McFadden, Belfast City Council, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Planner/ Zoning, Wayne Marshall and City Tax Assessor Martin Brent. Details of Chief McFadden's fabricated harassment, fabricated charges and 2 false arrests can be found in the narrative for dismissal motions of two 2017 harassment charges at the 10th hearing/dispositional conference on 7/23/2019 @ 10:30 a.m.

The third charge to be heard on 7/23/2019 @ 10:30a.m. is Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon.
This is the narrative for that arrest on 2/23/2018 that is yet to be heard. 

THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO OF MY INNOCENT TARGET SHOOT IN OCTOBER 2017 WAS NOT SENT TO ANYONE. IT WASN'T UPLOADED TO MY John & Me playlist until late January 2018. Proving no intent to harm. Chief McFadden is the harm. Sending the video out globally with intent to jail. Free for all rape to death
was clearly scheduled for the weekend of 3/2/2018 in Two Bridges Correctional. Report it as suicide. Next.

At 12:55 pm on February 23, 2018, Laurie Allen sent this email to then Attorney General Janet Mills calling out 8 years of corrupted FOIA requests and Canon Rule violations by Judge Patricia Worth, Judge Joseph Field, Judge Paul Mathew and Judge Robert Murray. Since this email, Judge Everet Fowle, Supreme Court Judge Donald Alexander, Judge E. Mary Kelly and Laurie’s 2/27/18 video trial female Judge Dobson (pretrial case manager Rick Otto is not responding with the name, I found her/) at Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset, Maine, have violated these Judiciary Canon Rules. This email proves 8 years of unhealthy stress from government corruption continually targeted to Laurie Allen since the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter corruptly tore through Laurie’s small property abutting MaineHealth’s zone violating campus and Judge Patricia Worth’s friend’s Penny Rae and B.O. Rar, illegal zoning abutters @ 23 Seaview Terrace. ...

Judge Murray returned and gave the order of the motions. Judge Murray denied the title 15 psychiatric evaluation by ADA Entwisle because Laurie gave proof of winning the protection order in May 2018 pro se. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to have the ankle monitor removed again. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to rescind travel restrictions but told ADA Entwisle to allow access to Laurie’s Dr. at the MaineHealth WCGH campus. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion for financial restitution of court expenses. Judge Murray called recess and left without stating another court date. Laurie told her son that Judge Murray must have needed to use the “throne”. Judge Murray never came back and did not hear Laurie’s motions for dismissal of 2 harassment charges and terrorizing with a dangerous weapon.

Laurie would later learn at the August 24, 2018 District Court hearing with resistant Judge Everet Fowle and ADA Entwisle that Judge Robert Murray lied and notated that he heard Laurie’s motion’s for dismissal and denied them. I requested Judge Robert Murray’s written decisions for his claimed denial of motions to dismiss 2 charges of 2017 harassment and 1 charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon 2018. Judge Robert Murray refused to provide his written decision on November 19, 2018.

On July 12, 2018, a Waldo County grand jury Indicted Laurie Allen of one count of Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon. (Class C). The indictment reads as follows:

“On or about January 10,2018, in Belfast, Waldo County, Maine, Laurie L. Allen, with the use of a dangerous weapon, a firearm did communicate to Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and or Wayne Marshall, in a reasonable fear the crime would be committed.”

In October 2017, Laurie Allen, went target shooting for the first and only time. Laurie does not own any firearms and has only used a firearm this one time. Laurie Allen filmed the shoot and uploaded the video to her youtube playlist, John & Me. Laurie did not post the video anywhere else and did not send the video to anyone. Laurie made one flippant remark thanking Belfast Public Officials (City Council, City Manager and City Planner) for being her target. Laurie has been protesting and speaking at Belfast City Council and Planning Board meeting of their corruption and destruction to her property and life since May 2011. Laurie Allen has dedicated 8+ years, without compensation to legally expose epic government corruption to the public, first hand, solo and at great expense to Laurie’s below poverty income (18K), health, property, safety and Constitutional rights, too many to list in this motion and not necessary at this time. ...

At the 8/2019 bench trial with hooded robe, JustUs Robert Murray, I was pro SE. For 2 days of hearsay from City officials with zero evidence, I sat with my back turned at the bench, displaying my sweatshirt "Nevertheless, She Persisted" on the back of my chair. I did not cross examine & only objected once when City Planner Wayne Marshall lied about my deceased brother, Donald.
After ADA "Mr. Bill" oh no, Entwisle rested his fabrications, I read the when entire Line of Ire article, citing precedence. No matter. Court Jester protected by system of Dr. D. L. Endless system attempts to silence me eternally. Mother Nature is my boss. My protection.

"Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”

The article also includes some related cases or topics that had far more intent and malice than your own. Look at those, too. ...

In the Line of Ire

Can you shoot an Obama target?

Is it legal to shoot at a picture of the president?

boardwalk game in Seaside Heights, N.J., features a moving target of President Barack Obama. Contestants hurl baseballs in his direction. A Pennsylvania amusement company pulled a target-shooting game last week that included Obama’s image. Is it legal to take aim at a representation of the president?

Absolutely. The First Amendment protects the right to free expression, which includes the right to shoot, burn, or in any way destroy an image of anyone including the president as long you’re not posing a “credible threat.” The standard here is whether there is genuine intent to commit or incite violence, and also whether that violence is likely to actually occur. If there’s no “clear and present danger,” as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. put it, there’s no basis for censorship. So unless the Seaside Heights boardwalk is, in fact, a surreptitious assassination training ground, the game is perfectly legal.

There’s a long history of threatening presidential representations. Hanging in effigy was a common form of political protest in the 18th and 19th centuries. Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson were all hanged in effigy; and before the civil war, “Hang Abe Lincoln on a Sour Apple Tree” was a commonly sung parody of “John Brown’s Body.” (There was a similar song about Lincoln’s southern counterpart, Jefferson Davis.) George W. Bush was routinely hanged and burned in effigy in the United States, including during the famous “Pants on Fire Tour” led by Ben and Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen, who hit the road with a 12-foot tall effigy of Bush.

Flippant verbal threats against the president are similarly OK. In 1966, 18-year-old Robert Watts was at a public rally by the Washington Monument when he said, in reference to the draft, “If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J.” He was arrested and prosecuted, but his conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court in Watts v. United States—the justices ruled that jokes about killing the president do not present a credible threat. Nearly two decades later, Ardith McPherson, a clerical worker in the office of the Constable of Harris County, Texas, was fired after she told her boyfriend, following reports of the Reagan assassination attempt, “If they go for him again, I hope they get him.” McPherson sued for reinstatement claiming her First Amendment rights had been violated.The Supreme Court agreed, reiterating that comments or jokes made with no intent to act are perfectly legal free speech.

The United States Secret Service routinely investigates threats against the president. Most of these cases are dismissed quickly as not credible, meaning the individual under investigation does not truly intend to harm the president and does not have the means to do so. An Alabama teacher was suspended in May after using the example of assassinating President Obama to illustrate angles in geometry. The Secret Service investigated but then declined to pursue the case. The school admitted that the lesson had been in poor taste. 

New Belfast police chief selected

Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.

Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.

McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.

A sad choice.This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.

He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)

Belfast Chief McFadden and the State of Maine, violate First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech/Expression and legal definition of malice. McFadden’s disturbing email using lies and mental abuse tactics.:

Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie Allen
Date: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDT
To: my daughter


It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs. 

I would agree that your mother's condition has deteriorated in the last several months. She's made numerous comments recently about her alcohol consumption, and I'm left to wonder if the addition of regular drinking is in some way contributing to the decline we're both noticing in her behavior, having no idea if this is a new development or not it's hard to say how much of an affect if any her drinking is having on the situation though.

This situation is not a typical one. Unfortunately the people who are best positioned to help your mother are the very people she's convinced are evil and out to get her. I know this is part of her mental illness and I personally take no offense to the things she says because of that. But my fear is that she simply won't trust me nor any of the officers here. She's also convinced the hospital along with the doctors and administrators of it are corrupt as well.

Honestly in evaluating the entire situation I believe her family (you and your brother) may be the best people at this time to get her the help she needs. I would suggest speaking with someone at Maine Behavioral Healthcare (207-338-2295) to see what options are there for you. I'm more than happy to assist you in whatever way you think I might be able to. It might be beneficial for you to mention that I'd be more than happy to talk with any of the case workers who you speak with at MBH, sometimes it makes a difference if they understand the background and type of behavior we're seeing from a public safety point of view. 

If you'd like to speak with me directly please feel free to call (207-338-5255)

Chief McFadden.

Documentation for Court Protection Order against Mark Rae and to press charges with against the same for theft of my property with the Sheriff’s office. Judge Mathews denied my immediate request for protection from Mark Rae. I requested a trial. Judge Susan Sparaco granted my pro SE protection order. Mark Rae and attorney appealed and lost.

April 23, 2018

One and a half hour movie of only SOME of the hate/terror crimes by Mark Rae @ 23 Seaview Terrace. from May 2017-August 2017 with Officer Rolerson in many protecting Mark Rae and abusive to me.


Chief Mcfadden refused to issue my 9/1/2017 a cease harassment statement form notice (attached) in below email. Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace constantly trespasses, destroys my property, my personal property, see pictures of my land, my boat boot lock, sliced the air valve off my tire, took my green bungee cord off of my boat and wrapped it around the lock, he damaged the boat deck as he stomped on top of it. In the movie he threatens to steal my boat after vandalizing it. I moved my boat to work on it and he immediately got this huge trailer and parked it on my property for weeks. Pictures of my boat damages and his huge trailer are attached..

while ripping up my land and pushing gravel, rock, garbage from 23 Seaview onto my property, his workers do the same. One almost tipped the front loader over on my land as he tried to go along the side of the illegal garage (not in compliance with code while Karen Caswell tried to sell 23 Seaview Terrace since 2011- 20 ft side setback required. Karen told me that the fir trees between the lots were planted on my property. The protection order must be against Mark Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. This short movie is recent after I was illegally arrested for illegal cease harassment notices and false terrorizing where I was sent to Twin Bridges and got out against the power to silence me for good. Officer Mark Kelly is abusive to me and does not care about the crime. Both on the movie. The third is a worker shoveling snow to my property, calling me a retard, dummy, and the f word, knowing I am taping him. I have many more video’s, but I do not have internet, a landline or cable after Spectrum corruptly cut my services (7 year customer) after ripping my entire system out because of Chief McFadden and his secret TWC/Spectrum (not sure if he still works there) private home/computer access Tom. It is life threatening for me to step outside my door and very scary to be out in public and driving alone.

Here is that movie link for definite immediate protection.

Saturday, 4/19/2018, I saw the boulders I had placed to stop them from making ruts and more destruction to my property were stolen by 23 Seaview Terrace. Pictures below of where I had used tape but like the boundary tape, they run it down, trespass, cut the bottles and throw it further onto my property. I am pressing charges for theft with Sheriff’s department today since the Belfast Police Department supports the hate and terror crimes of Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. I am also requesting permission to deliver this protection order to the Waldo District Court today since I am not allowed to go into Belfast.

20 year Belfast City Tax assessor Bob Whitely gave be the original 1965 development plans with Waldo Countyy the deeded registry seal, plan book 6- p23 which had been removed from the registry. Bob said City Manager Joe Slocum “flipped out” when he learned Bob gave me a copy. Bob said these are the final plans that was formalized in the 1966 entry. However, that has been removed from the Waldo Deeded Registry. Any other documents of boundaries and surveys are false. Lot 5 is 17 Seaview Terrace and lot 7 is 23 Seaview Terrace (1965 plan and seal attached.)...

From 3/2018, The State of InHuMaine shackled me for over 700 days. Refusing proof of illness and shaming abuse.

Second look at ” Are GPS ankle bracelets harming people that are forced to wear them?

"Since this article was originally posted in November of 2013 new information has come out about the detrimental effects of having cell phone radiation. Remember unlike cell phone radiation that someone gets from picking up and using their cell phone for a couple hours a day we are talking about a device that transmits cell phone radiation 24 hours a day seven days a week, so the short and long-term effects may well be a thousandfold more than someone who has a cell phone and uses it. According to the latest research a person is three fold more likely to end up with a brain tumor if they use their cell phone more than 900 hours within their lifetime that means they would reach that 900 hours using their cell phone for 2 1/2 hours a day within one year or in the case of an ankle monitor that is on 24 hours a day, seven days a week they would reach that 900 hours within 38 days of having it strapped on. Obviously having a strap to your ankle you’re not looking at brain tumors but in the case of having strapped to your ankle there is a high possibility for skin cancer as well as bone cancer, not to mention the fact that cell phone radiations have been proven to restrict blood flow. Take a look at the articles below that not only look at the danger of cell phone radiation but the effectiveness, reliability and psychological damage to people that have had these things strapped to their ankles.
There is also the old comment of follow the money, take a look at how much money is spent on lobbying our governmental officials as well as campaign contributions that has been done by owners and board members of companies that manufacture these devices, not to mention the other organizations that the same people sat on the boards of directors of who are also doing lobbying and contributing to politicians.
Here is a simple question that may have long-term effects and may bring about lawsuits costing the state governments billions of dollars for their total disregard of human safety.
The question is, quite simply, is the forced use of GPS ankle bracelets that transmit information over cell phone frequencies causing damage to the people that are forced to wear them and did the manufacturers of these devices include FCC warning tags that were disregarded by the people placing these on the people who are required to wear them?"


Global System JURCC, JustUsRapingCultedClub Guru Drug Rapist Dr. D. L. bio below on #5


Thanks so much for writing — we love hearing from listeners. We read each and every message we receive, but we aren’t able to respond to all of them. ...


The In the Dark Team


PS: Please do not reply to this automated email -- we'll reply to you directly using the email address you provided.


Your Message:


Name: Laurie Allen


Message: 11/1/24


Without confirmation of hacking from outside sources, I am sending these 5 blog links and current entries. I have evidence that what appears on my cell is not actual. This is for record, no action requested for safety to all.
It appears the same is happening to my Facebook and Outlook<> emails.
Using Gmail has been successful but never a guarantee anymore.

At my sentencing as a fabricated felon in 9/2019, ADA "Mr. Bill" Entwistle requested that my internet access be totally banned. (By then, they had dismantled my home internet service, company by company, Spectrum then Consolidated Communications. The only 2 providers. I brought my laptop into the bench trial and accessed their wifi. After that, my lap top was dismantled. Unable to reach any service as the ip address was hacked.

Then I went to Belfast Verizon store and began cell service with an Android and bought a new $500ish iPad from them. Set up at the store. Both working in the store. Not at home, 1 mole mile away. Repeated visits & calls & emails to Verizon HQ resulted in more abuse & fraud. Overbilling me beyond scope. As Spectrum & Consolidated Communications did to force me to cancel, as they all refused to resolve. Then sent me into collections to ruin my stellar credit rating. I have frozen my credit report with Experian & the other 2. Years ago. My new bank is completely offline. Savings secure.

I have had US Cellular and they have joined JustUs. But, it's all I have left. No wifi. Just basic and usually no internet. Taking hours and hours to send an email, etc. Many times frozen to stop all.

Hooded Robe JustUs Robert Murray told ADA Mr. Bill "I am not going to do that too." Meaning he did his part to make me a fabricated felon. Guessing that is when their guru rapist stepped in to access all forces to silence me.

This is just for record. They are backed into their corners. I have proven with facts. I am content in lockdown, enough supplies to get me through winter. May not have access to the grocery store for safety precautions. TBD.

Stopped driving when truck inspection sticker expired on 8/31/24. Unable to get trusted repairs. Still insured and registered until 8/31/25. House insured. Debt free. No Healthcare insurance. Guru owned. Healthy enough but cancer can be elusive for years. Hoping not.

Nothing I can do but "Take It Easy". Doing just that.
I done good. I love Megan & Michael always. Their suffering because of these horrible men & women hunting us down, breaks my heart. Using children is their forte. I have protected them the best I can. Alienation. Forgive mom. I do all this for all. Naive to the fear and enabling by the public.

Mother Nature is all.

Love Always,

(This entire message will become the current post, 11/1/24, on the Boycott blog, system permitting)

1. The Boycott blog is the only blog of these 5 that gives the option to view the "web version". This one is that version.

Saturday, February 17, 2024
10/31/ 24 Summary/Gov. Mills Jungle Culture/As Is. Harris/ Biden Rape Culture Club/ Sandy Hook/Maher/ Trump USA Mirrors Iran. Judd Weinstein CNB Views Signs Timeline D&D Lombardi's Rape/Corruption Global Retribution<>

See my public Facebook Laurie Allen, Belfast, Maine



My Facebook link to this post.


Kamala Harris Knows This

October 29, 2024<>

10/29/24 11:30 am. Posted blog on FB page Laurie Allen Belfast Maine

Silenced. Will Kamala Fix?

10/31 My Facebook link to this post.

My new, 10/29 Kamala blog link is hacked to state unsecure site when link is clicked. As is Lombardi's Joizexit9, as is DonotreportUSA (I am Nika. USA mirrors Iran). As is SenatorAngusKing. FB removed my pots of screenshots of the unsecure messages that include the blog address. Citing against Community Standards that I am trying to get likes. And as spam.
Today, I copied and pasted the Kamala post (an email summary of key facts from the flagged sent to both lists,WH& Messenger FB to Kamala) onto my BoycottBelfast blog & copied that specific link. 10 years of secure hundreds of thousands views. Here is the link. I will click & comment on findings on the is post.

10/29/24 10:30 am. Sent to Kamala Harris via Facebook Messenger. Sent to both emails lists @ 10:10 am. See below the post for sent confirmations.

10/29/24 Key Summary of blogs due to JustUs system dismantling (King never restored my healthcare as he uses females for re-election. Ditto status quo). My emails are under dismantling too. Microsoft & Gmail. Chuckee & gang are free to take. Lockdown for hunted females including me. No rights. Iran to Laurie Allen. .


10/27/24 USA Mirrors Iran

May 01, 2024<>

See my public Facebook Laurie Allen Belfast Maine

10/27/24 Sent TO ALL.



Thanks so much for writing — we love hearing from listeners. We read each and every message we receive, but we aren’t able to respond to all of them.

Your Message:

Name: Laurie Allen


Message: President Biden, VP Harris,
Stevens Institute President Farvardin (See his Iranian-American bio at end), Stevens Institute Rape Reporter Stephanie Flowers, Stevens Institute Professors, and PBS/MPBN President Schneider,

All in receipt know my innocence and fear Lombardi's 50? year system rape initiation intake and unconscionable actions to own. Many have the conscience to demand my hell be reported nationally and globally. Now. Before the inauguration.

That PBS supports this is the most hypocritical dagger to America. I believed PBS to be for the public until Charles Beck, danger neighbor, PBS/MPBN VP. Sealed bounty contract to silence
me. Reliving rape and epic system torture and evil every day, since 2014. Prior experience, a bio of taking by those without conscience like Lombardi.

Please write President Biden @<><<>> and FB messenger VP Harris to pardon Laurie Allen and expose Lombardi. I will notify all if I ever receive my turn to live and leave Seaview Terror. Until then, I put up my signs daily. I tell as well as I can as system after system destroys my access and health.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

Lombardi's sentence would be brutal by this judge...
Cardiologist Stephen Matthews sentenced to 158 years for drugging, sexually assaulting Colorado women he met on dating apps By Brian Maass


Below is the first entry, police immunity.
Laurie Allen

Police immunity United States

Qualified Immunity is a judicially created doctrine in the United States that shields government officials, including police officers, from being held personally liable for constitutional violations, such as excessive force, under federal law, as long as they did not violate “clearly established” law.

Key Principles:

1. Clearly Established Law: The doctrine requires that the law be clearly established at the time of the alleged violation, making it difficult for plaintiffs to overcome qualified immunity.
2. Reasonable Officer: The Supreme Court has emphasized that the doctrine is intended to protect “all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law.” A reasonable officer standard is applied, making it challenging for plaintiffs to demonstrate that the officer’s conduct was unreasonable.
3. Two-Part Test: Courts apply a two-part test to determine whether qualified immunity applies:
* Did the officer violate a constitutional right?
* Was the right clearly established at the time of the violation?

Challenges and Criticisms:


Next is the last entry which was emailed to both lists


Guru rapist Lombardi continues to receive system protection and enforcement to kill me. All media in my lists continue to enable system take, rape, intake, break, 4 Prophets. More, more, more.<> . Disgrace & disgust. Pimp 4 Lombardi System.

THE AP CAN INTERVIEW ME. Please. I am certain that I need a double mastectomy last year.<> sealed the system deal for my end.

To be eaten away by their cancer, alone in the State of InHuMaine. My children, system collateral. Inconceivable to believe this. Be us.<> ,

Little Laurie Allen


(Below is my 11/1/24 FB post for link )
For record. This is the first post on Rapist blog where FB prohibits me from posting it's link. Protecting rape.
As JustUs does.<>

4/24/24- Inserted here for history. Sending to both of Laurie's Lists of email thread. Current posts will continue way below, after link to my 2019 fabrication felon bench trial. Perjured by Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwistle.

Timeline of Documented Proof

1/1982 Drug raped all night, by my Middlesex County College professor, Donald Lombardi. No one reported rape and I didn't realize he drug raped me until Bill Cosby was charged in 2014.

6/28/10 Cash closing on 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915. #1 Concerns was no water issues, inside or out. ..."

THE END OF 11/1/24 Message

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 11:07 AM Laurie Allen <<>> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 10:15 AM Laurie Allen <<>> wrote:
Global Serial Culted Culture Leader, Drug Rapist and ... Dr. Donald N. Lombardi drug raped me (unconscious), ALL Night, 1/1981. Targeted student of Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ. I outted him in 2014 to Stevens. He receives rewards, I receive cuffs, shackles, court ordered drugging, kidnapped into jails, psychiatric hells (2 long months), always under their abuse, drugs and tainted/poisoned foods and water. Watching me everywhere, posting on their dark, sadistic, internet porn JustUs channel. How many more like JustMe? Since at least 1981. Enlisting culture-healthcare-education-government-media-pharma-internet-religions-MPBN/PBS VP Mole Neighbor of 14 years & still underground with rewards. Charles Beck. Lombardi's list is massive. All participate in silencing JustMe. True and Innocent. Never a record until fabrications with full on shock and assaults since 2014. Simple Math against the worst of time. Destroying all systems. Through implication or fear. In lockdown, till truth be told. Give me press. Now please. At my home under all surveillance, visual, vocal & privates. My turn.

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

(Previously, Clooney Foundation for Justice emailed me & refused to help after reviewing. Apparently implicated, as George & Amal go abroad to represent.)

Dr. Donald N. Lombardi
Industry Associate Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ
Location: 420 Babbio

* 1984 Post-doctorate studies in Organizational Development
* 1983 Ph.D. – Organizational Psychology
* 1978 MA – Human Resources Management
* 1976 BA - English

Experience & Service

General Information
Over 25 years of diverse executive level management experience including founding and leading an organizational development consulting firm with more than 200 clients, leading the planning and development activities of a 10,000+ student university, developing and leading a unique online graduate education program, leading professional development for a $20B pharmaceutical firm, and publishing eleven books and over 50 articles on leadership, management, strategic management and human capital development.
CHR/InterVista 1984 – present
Founding Partner and Chief
Executive Officer

Seton Hall University 1988 – 2004
University Director of Planning and Development

Bristol-Myers Corporation 1982 – 1984
Director of Professional Development

American Hospital Supply Corporation 1980 - 1982
Eastern Director – Human Resources

Institutional Service
Senior Faculty Associate 1988 - 2004
Department of Communication

Taught a range of graduate communication courses in both the on-campus and on-line graduate programs. Averaged fifteen contact credits per semester. Student evaluations were consistently ranked in the upper 2% of all University faculty. Developed four new graduate courses for both the on-line and on-campus modalities. Designed and delivered the University’s first cross-cultural communications and awareness program for all faculty, staff and employees. Member of numerous committees including search committees for new faculty and Dean positions. Advised several student service organizations as well as the Department of Athletics and the Division of Student Affairs.

Faculty Associate 1978 – 1988
Taught graduate courses at Fordham University, including Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory, Strategic Planning and Change, and Professional Development. Also have taught and designed communication, management and leadership courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level at Stevens Institute of Technology, Monmouth University, the University of Maryland, the University of Scranton, Centenary College, Syracuse University, LeMoyne College, Middlesex County College and Coastal Carolina Community College.
Professional Service
United States Marine Corps 1976-1980

Held progressive billets as a human affairs officer, field and sea communication officer, and educational director; original programs designed and still in use include the GED Proficiency Program and the Base Community Relations Program. Received two Commanding General’s Commendations; youngest officer commissioned in the 1970's.

Stevens Veterans' Office - Faculty Liaison

Donald N. Lombardi, Ph.D., USMC(R) - Master of Ceremonies

Distinguished Industry Professor and Academic Director of the Veterans Program, Stevens Institute of Technology

Dr. Donald Lombardi has consulted for more than 170 healthcare organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives and has written more than 40 articles and 12 books, including Handbook for the New Healthcare Manager and, most recently, Manual of Healthcare Leadership and Management (McGraw-Hill, 2014)
As the youngest officer commissioned in the United States Marine Corps during the 1970s, he instituted numerous educational and management systems that were lauded by both military and civilian experts. He has acted as a healthcare advisor to legislators and government administrators at the state and federal levels and has implemented strategic plans, educational systems and organizational development programs for Barnabas Health System, SUNY Stony Brook Medical Center, more than 40 Veterans Administration Medical Centers, the Visiting Nursing Association of New Jersey, the University of Maryland Medical System and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Dr. Lombardi was selected as the Alexander Crombie Humphreys Distinguished Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in 2014 and was recently selected as Outstanding Teacher of the Year by the Stevens Alumni Association (2016) and Outstanding Professor of the year by the Stevens Student Government Association (2017)

Log in to: Donald N. Lombardi is Industry Professor of Healthcare, director of the Stevens Healthcare Educational Partnership, and academic director of the Veterans Office at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. He has consulted to more than 170 health care organizations in all 50 states and ten foreign countries, has developed seven accreditation programs for the American College of Healthcare Executives since 1986, and has written eleven books, including Handbook for the New Health Care Manager. Dr. Lombardi holds more than fifty U.S. copyrights on organizational planning, management, and development systems for text, on-site, and on-line delivery.

July 13, 2019

Motion to Dismiss 2/23/18 criminal charge “Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon”
Waldo Unified Court
Docket No. WALCD-CR-2018-00139

State Of Maine
Laurie L Allen

Defendant, Laurie Allen, pro se, ( her court appointed attorney, Thomas F. Shehan, Jr., refuses to enter this motion but did review this motion for issues and found none. Shehan is withdrawing ) moves this Court to dismiss under:

Maine’s anti-SLAPP statute, 14 M.R.S.A. Sect 556 (dismissing false charges meant to punish defendant’s First Amendment rights) the charge of Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon under protection of the United States Constitution First Amendment guaranteeing the right of freedom of speech and expression.

Special motion to dismiss without prejudice, title 14 sec 556 with financial restitution of costs and injury

1. On July 12, 2018, a Waldo County grand jury Indicted Laurie Allen of one count of Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon. (Class C). The indictment reads as follows:

“On or about January 10,2018, in Belfast, Waldo County, Maine, Laurie L. Allen, with the use of a dangerous weapon, a firearm did communicate to Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum, and/or Wayne Marshall, and the natural and probable consequence of the threat was to place Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and or Wayne Marshall, in a reasonable fear the crime would be committed.”

2. In October 2017, Defendant Laurie Allen, went target shooting for the first and only time. Laurie does not own any firearms and has only used a firearm this one time.

3. Defendant Laurie Allen filmed the shoot and uploaded the video to her youtube playlist, John & Me. Laurie did not post the video anywhere else and did not send the video to anyone. Laurie made one flippant remark thanking Belfast Public Officials (City Council, City Manager and City Planner) for being her target. Laurie has been protesting and speaking at Belfast City Council and Planning Board meeting of their corruption and destruction to her property and life since May 2011. Laurie Allen has dedicated 8+ years, without compensation to legally expose epic government corruption to the public, first hand, solo and at great expense to Laurie’s below poverty income (18K), health, property, safety and Constitutional rights, too many to list in this motion and not necessary at this time.

At 6:15pm, 2/23/2018, in the cold dark, someone was knocking on Laurie Allen’s door. Laurie went to the window, there were not any vehicles and saw Officer Jon Guba in plain clothes at her door. Guba wanted Laurie to come outside to talk to him. Laurie refused stating she would talk to him from the window. Two uniformed Belfast police officers jumped out from hiding in the bushes and stormed towards Laurie’s door to bust it open. Laurie ran to grab her phone to call 911 while running to open her door to stop the police from breaking it down and releasing Laurie’s beagles. Laurie lives alone. As Laurie came outside while talking to 911, an officer grabbed the phone and threw it to the ground. Laurie had given the 911 operator her name and address by that time. Laurie was cuffed and two officers pushed Laurie down the road of Seaview Terrace towards Northport Ave. Laurie begged to be allowed to put jeans on. She was only wearing tight inappropriate leggings and a shirt. The officers refused and from Northport Ave., a Belfast police SUV turned right onto Seaview Terrace and shoved Laurie inside. Laurie kept repeating “I have nothing to say, I want an attorney.” to the Waldo Jail and in the garage bay of the Waldo Jail. Laurie was alone in the SUV in the garage for at least 10 minutes still repeating “I have nothing to say, I want an attorney.” Officer Richards kept circling the outside of the SUV yelling “Shut that fucking bitch up.”, the entire time that Laurie sat cuffed in the SUV.

Inside the jail, Laurie kept her eyes closed as Officer Seth searched her and questioned her. He yelled at her for moving when she reached for a book to read. Laurie’s bail was a ridiculous $25,000. Laurie, then 57, was below poverty @ 18k a year and did not have any record prior to false charges and arrests by Chief McFadden in September/October 2017. Laurie called her wealthy brother, George Allen in Skowhegan, Me., George would not post the bail nor assist with an attorney. Laurie was placed into the cell and had gone on a hunger strike as soon as the Belfast officers grabbed her from her home. Laurie was certain that she was going to die from an incarcerated “suicide” aka rape death and hoped to die in a hospital of organ failure instead.

Laurie’s friend went to her home to care for her beagles Stewie and Gordon, that Friday night, 2/23/18. He found Laurie’s cell phone on the dining room table. Belfast police had entered Laurie’s home without her permission with no one to witness what was taken and if surveillance was planted.

Officer Seth came into Laurie’s cell and stating he brought her 2 blankets instead of 1 and offered to make her bed up and that he was sorry for yelling at her. Laurie went to the corner of the cell and refused the offer. It was disturbing. The television was on all night long and after midnight only showed a shopping channel of sexual vibrators until 6am. It was very disturbing. Previously, Laurie had received 2 sexually threatening anonymous letters in the mail and Chief McFadden would not return Laurie’s visit to the Police Department or calls to report the letters. Laurie brought the letters to Sheriff Trafton and he was not very concerned, stating there was nothing he could do. Instead, Sheriff Trafton spoke of his dislike for City Manager Joe Slocum and Nancy See, assistant to tax assessor Bob Whiteley.

Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday, Laurie did not eat and remained in her cell. Her constant requests for an attorney were ignored. Sunday afternoon, 2/25/18, Laurie was transported by Officer Laurie to Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset, Maine. Upon entering the cell pod, Laurie immediately requested access to to the law library. The guard snickered and said “You ain’t gettin’ into no law library.” Later, the acting therapist came into the pod and had a cell mate take all her clothes off and put her into the bubble, s contained cell with full visibility. Guards were taking the newer mattresses from the women’s cells and replacing them with old, thin, blue mattresses. The male prisoners prepared the women’s horrible food. Salt had to be bought. The women were contained to the pod, no outdoor yard time, gym, etc. Allowed once a week to a book piled room and allowed to knit/crochet in the pod for a few hours per week.

Laurie’s daughter had found instructions on the TBCF website and wired $50 into Two Bridges as instructed so that Laurie could make phone calls. Laurie was never advised that the money was there. Laurie could not contact the outside. Laurie refused to sign the medical form to allow treatment by Two Bridges Correctional Facility, the 3rd day of her hunger strike.

Tuesday, 2/27/18, hunger strike day 4, the acting therapist man told Laurie that if she did not eat on this 4th day, she would be placed in the bubble. Laurie did not care or respond. That morning was her trial hearing via video. While waiting in another room, Laurie requested to get a drink of water. The deputy told Laurie no water. Laurie requested to go to the bathroom. The deputy told her no because then she would get a drink of water. Laurie requested a cup to urinate in. The deputy got angry but he had to let her go to the bathroom because there were many witnesses.

As Laurie was seated for her hearing, the attorney of the day, David Sinclair, Bath, Maine, told Laurie that he knew she was representing herself pro Se, but asked if he could sit next to her at the table during the hearing. Laurie said yes and David told her what an easy win this was. Citing inaccurate precedence with a protest sign against President Bush, he thought. Laurie stated that it was an easy dismiss but was not allowed into the law library to prepare the dismissal. The female Judge Dobson came on the screen with the DA. The DA spoke lies of murderous stalking in town by Laurie, painting Laurie as a terrorist. After he was done,  Judge Dobson asked Laurie to respond. Laurie said “Play the target shoot video and dismiss.” Judge Dobson and the DA had not even viewed the video. The Judge refused to view the video on camera and called a recess. David Sinclair was very excited and asked Laurie to let him defend her. Laurie decided she could use him to assist her in the necessary legal documents and said yes.  Judge Dobson came back on and stated that she could understand why the Belfast officials that Laurie thanked for being her one time target felt threatened. The Judge stuck with the 25k bail and ended the trial. David stated that he would be in contact and left. Laurie ended her hunger strike because David would get her out. David never contacted Laurie in Two Bridges Correctional Facility again. The guards told Laurie that she could not contact her attorney, David Sinclair.

On Wednesday 2/28/18 in the pod cell, the noon news broadcast that Laurie Allen, arrested for terrorizing Belfast official with a dangerous weapon, had her bail reduced to $5,000. No one informed Laurie of the bail reduction. She was thankful to have heard it on the news, Laurie’s friend saw that newscast and knew where Laurie had exactly $5,000 in her house for bills. Her friend, called David Sinclair to tell him that he was going to post the 5k bail. David corruptly told him to go to Waldo District Court to pay the bail. My friend knew the bail was to be paid at Waldo Correctional but went to the court house as instructed by court appointed David Sinclair, and the court clerk directed my friend to pay the bail at Waldo Correctional on that Wednesday, 2/28/18. Waldo Correctional gave my friend the run around and would not take the bail posting. My friend tried again on Thursday, 3/1 and received the same run around. My friend went again on Friday morning, 3/2/18.

Meanwhile, Laurie could not call her friend to find out why the bail wasn’t posted on Wednesday or Thursday. At 8:30 am on Friday, 3/2/18, Laurie asked the guard at the desk if her bail had been posted. The guard snickered and said NO BAIL POSTED! It was then that Laurie knew she was not getting out of Two Bridges Correctional Facility alive. Laurie remembered that a cell mate was leaving at 9 am. Laurie began giving verbal and written instructions to the outgoing cell mate. The guards were watching and listening. After the cell mate left @ 9am, there came the announcement over the speaker. “Allen transport back to Belfast 15 minutes.”

The Belfast transport officer had walked past my friend waiting to pay the bail again, that morning, Friday, 3/2/18 in Waldo Corrections. The officer told my friend that he was on his way to transport Laurie back to Belfast. The bail had not been paid at that time. Proof that Two Bridges bailed on the rape to death pending plan for Laurie because of the information giving to the outgoing cellmate.

Laurie was shackled with an ankle monitor at Waldo Correctional and released after they took the last of her money and gave her brutal travel restrictions to punish her. No left from her street, Seaview Terrace onto Northport Avenue restricted rom Waldo County General Hospital and her doctor’s office, Belfast City Park where Laurie walked her dogs daily and visited with her families remains in the Penobscot Bay, to the entire downtown Belfast, no library, internet, court house, police station, Belfast City Hall, City Council meetings, waterfront, post office, stores, eateries, auto store, through downtown to the west side of Belfast past Belfast variety where Laurie went fishing, to Swan Lake where Laurie went fishing, no left on Route 1 South next to Seaview Terrace where Laurie went to Irvings for gas, milk and items daily, no Aubuchon Hardware where Laurie went often, no access to her vet, @ Little River on Rte 1 South, all the way into Northport, no Bayside store and only allowed into Bayside at Rte 1 and Cross Street after taking back roads through Belfast to get to that section of Route 1 South, no rightt onto Main St, Belfast from Route 1 North to McDonald’s all the way down to the waterfront, only allowed to go to Hannaford but not around the corner to Laurie’s drugstore, Walgreen’s on Starrett Drive. Not allowed up Lincolnville Ave past the Hannaford entrance or her bank.

Laurie only leaves her home when necessary. Food, gas and court hearings, less than once a week since 3/2/18. Falsifying bail condition violations to place Laurie back in their jails cannot be ignored.

In January 2018, the State had put in a motion to order Laurie to take a title 15 state forensic psychiatric evaluation to deem her incompetent to represent herself pro se in court. Regardless that Laurie had won in small claims court, pro se. Attorney David Sinclair advised Laurie to take the title 15 to “shut them up”. In 2007 during Laurie’s divorce, she had taken a psychiatric evaluation along with her children, by the Guardian Ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum, Middlesex County Family Court, NJ. Laurie passed without any mental issues to the awe of Dr. Rosenbaum, hired by Laurie’s husband.. Laurie almost allowed the title 15 because of David. Then David told Laurie that it may seem crazy but it would help her case if she had sent the target shoot video out to the Belfast officials mentioned. Laurie responded “Absolutely not.” Laurie became very ill from the ankle monitor and called David several times to motion for removal. He never returned her calls. By April 2018, David Sinclair had not filed any of Laurie’s motions. Laurie left a message for David and asked him if he was representing her or the State. David’s only motion to withdraw as Laurie’s court appointed attorney was granted April 2018. Wasting more tax payers money.

Laurie was restricted from the Courthouse, library, police department and post office making it near impossible to work her case pro se. At every pro Se hearing, each Judge would try to convince Laurie to take a court appointed attorney. Nevertheless, Laurie persisted. Laurie’s motions to dismiss were never allowed to be heard. Laurie went to all 7 pro Se hearings/dispositional conferences alone since the first hearing on 12/8/17 where Judge Paul Matthews denied Laurie’s right to be heard for dismissal of fabricated harassment charges.

June 6, 2018 was another dispositional conference at Waldo Superior Court for Laurie’s motions for dismissal of all charges and dismissal of the Title 15 psychiatric state evaluation because Laurie had just won a protection order in May 2018 by Judge Sparaco against abutter Mark Rae. More proof of the fabricated cease harassment notice against Laurie from Chief McFadden for 23 Seaview Terrace on September 7, 2017. Chief McFadden dismissed hate crimes to Laurie by Mark Rae and entities of 23 Seaview Terrace. Chief McFadden with Belfast City Hall officials, enabled zoning violations, destruction of property, vandalism, theft, threats, trespass, taking of land, and more since Laurie was sold undisclosed state wide corruption to her home on June 28,2010.

Daily terror from abutting 23 Seaview Terrace and law enforcement since May 2017 to date. Chief McFadden refused to grant Laurie a cease harassment against 23 Seaview Terrace from May2017 to September 7,2017 and offered one to Mark Rae on the same day without justification. Fabricating evidence, violations, summons and arrest with 23 Seaview Terrace violating their own cease harassment notice with the crimes to Laurie stated above. Proven with video documentation. Chief McFadden and his officers protect the illegal home/medical office construction and entities of 23 Seaview Terrace while harassing Laurie to break her. In conjunction with the Waldo Judiciary denying Laurie her rights to be heard since 12/8/2017.

Laurie brought a witness for the first time, her 21 year old son to the June 6, 2018, 11 a.m., dispositional conference at Waldo Superior Court. The first floor of the busy Waldo Superior Courthouse was evacuated, no employees, no security guards, no security scanners, and not a person to be found. They proceeded up the stairs and into the court room and stepped directly into a paneled courtroom resembling the District Court. The descending stairs into the vaulted ceiling of the Superior Court room were not visible. The only people in this courtroom stage were Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle, Marshall Dudley, the court clerk, Laurie and her son. Judge Robert Murray was alarmed to see Laurie with a witness. Judge Murray questioned Laurie until she told him the witness was her son. Judge Murray left the bench and did not come back for 10 minutes.

Judge Murray returned and gave the order of the motions. Judge Murray denied the title 15 psychiatric evaluation by ADA Entwisle because Laurie gave proof of winning the protection order in May 2018 pro se. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to have the ankle monitor removed again. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to rescind travel restrictions but told ADA Entwisle to allow access to Laurie’s Dr. at the MaineHealth WCGH campus. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion for financial restitution of court expenses. Judge Murray called recess and left without stating another court date. Laurie told her son that Judge Murray must have needed to use the “throne”. Judge Murray never came back and did not hear Laurie’s motions for dismissal of 2 harassment charges and terrorizing with a dangerous weapon.

Laurie would later learn at the August 24, 2018 District Court hearing with resistant Judge Everet Fowle and ADA Entwisle that Judge Robert Murray lied and notated that he heard Laurie’s motion’s for dismissal and denied them. I requested Judge Robert Murray’s written decisions for his claimed denial of motions to dismiss 2 charges of 2017 harassment and 1 charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon 2018. Judge Robert Murray refused to provide his written decision on November 19, 2018.

On July 12, 2018, a Waldo County grand jury Indicted Laurie Allen of one count of Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon. (Class C). The indictment reads as follows: 


Exhibit 1 DVD 10/2017 target shoot

First few seconds I say "Joi Z's turn. I never shot before. I was good in archery though, in camp. When I was 8 or 7, whatever. @ 1 minute John asks me if I want to shoot that target or just shoot. I tell him he doesn't have to fix it (the target) I'm not gonna hit anything. He says yes you will. @1:43 I say I wanna shoot the target. HEY, I wanna shoot the target. Let me have fun. 

John says let me fix it. Stop. I say it ain't on red, we're good. John mumbles something. I say yeah that's what he said. @2:50 John says you're good to go baby. I say alright. @3:20 John says you're ready to roll. You have 9 shots. 

I'm having a hard time seeing the target through the scope. Later John would tell me because the scope is for his dominant eye vision, it's his rifle. I don't have dominant eye. 
@3:59 I finally shoot one and say "oh this is nice. What I'd get. (NOT WHO) Let's go look. Safety on. Oh that's fun. That's nothing. It's a little weinie gun for Laurie. I like it. And little bullets. "

John says You got it. I say "oh f*** yeah. I'm good too. Didn't ya know that." John is telling me it's automatic and I say "yeah it's automatic, just like me. It's not even that loud either. I don't need these plugs. Alright, I'm set. Ohhh, this is cool. I don't even need that stand. Done. I'm done. (meaning done shooting period. I did it and did not want to shoot again.) I did it. I did it. 9 9 9. I'm gonna bring the camera over. John's gonna point out. I hit some."

@6:11 I say "F*****' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marhsall, blah, blah, blah Thanks for being my target ya assholes."John says Look, ya shot it all full of holes. I say"I shot it all full of holes. And I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me." John counts 6 shots in the target area and says pretty good. I say "pretty good. I got em all on there. All 9 right?" John says yes, nice group. Not bad for your first try. I say "not at all. Watch your ass buddy" (meaning John because he is a sharp shooter. They edited this part to the media to make it seem like I was saying watch your ass to City Council.) 

Then John walks away and I follow him with the camera and I say "I'll watch your ass. Go ahead keep on walking. Look at that dupka. Oh Johnny- who's your girl? Who's your girl? He's acting like he can't hear me. It's bullshit. Look at these little things. Tell me you can't hear with these little peanuts. Alright bye."

4. Belfast Police Chief McFadden stalked Laurie’s youtube channel of over 200 video’s and found this innocent target shoot and sent it to the public officials and global media to incite terror, fabricating Laurie Allen as a terrorist.

In October 2017, the same month as the freedom of speech/expression target shoot, Chief McFadden stated in below email to Laurie Allen’s daughter “At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them.”

Belfast Chief McFadden and the State of Maine, violate First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech/Expression and legal definition of malice. McFadden’s disturbing email using lies and mental abuse tactics.:

Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie Allen
Date: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDT
To: my daughter


It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs. 

I would agree that your mother's condition has deteriorated in the last several months. She's made numerous comments recently about her alcohol consumption, and I'm left to wonder if the addition of regular drinking is in some way contributing to the decline we're both noticing in her behavior, having no idea if this is a new development or not it's hard to say how much of an affect if any her drinking is having on the situation though.

This situation is not a typical one. Unfortunately the people who are best positioned to help your mother are the very people she's convinced are evil and out to get her. I know this is part of her mental illness and I personally take no offense to the things she says because of that. But my fear is that she simply won't trust me nor any of the officers here. She's also convinced the hospital along with the doctors and administrators of it are corrupt as well.

Honestly in evaluating the entire situation I believe her family (you and your brother) may be the best people at this time to get her the help she needs. I would suggest speaking with someone at Maine Behavioral Healthcare (207-338-2295) to see what options are there for you. I'm more than happy to assist you in whatever way you think I might be able to. It might be beneficial for you to mention that I'd be more than happy to talk with any of the case workers who you speak with at MBH, sometimes it makes a difference if they understand the background and type of behavior we're seeing from a public safety point of view. 

If you'd like to speak with me directly please feel free to call (207-338-5255)

Chief McFadden.

Before plunging into the details of the proliferating controversies over freedom of expression
 on the Internet, you need some background information on two topics. The first and more 
obvious is the Free-Speech Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. 
The relevance and authority of the First Amendment should not be exaggerated; as several 
observers have remarked, "on the Internet, the First Amendment is just a local ordinance." 
 However, free-expression controversies that arise in the United States inevitably implicate
 the Constitution. And the arguments deployed in the course of American First-Amendment 
fights often inform or infect the handling of free-expression controversies in other countries. 
The upshot: First-Amendment jurisprudence is worth studying.
Unfortunately, that jurisprudence is large and arcane. The relevant constitutional provision is
simple enough: "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of 
the press . . .."  But the case law that, over the course of the twentieth century, has been built 
upon this foundation is complex. An extremely abbreviated outline of the principal doctrines 
would go as follows:

If a law gives no clear notice of the kind of speech it prohibits, it’s "void for vagueness."
If a law burdens substantially more speech than is necessary to advance a
compelling government interest, it’s unconstitutionally "overbroad."
A government may not force a person to endorse any symbol, slogan, or pledge.
Governmental restrictions on the "time, place, and manner" in which speech is
permitted are constitutional if and only if:
they are "content neutral," both on their face and as applied;
they leave substantial other opportunities for speech to take place; and
they "narrowly serve a significant state interest."
On state-owned property that does not constitute a "public forum," government
may restrict speech in any way that is reasonable in light of the nature and purpose
of the property in question.
Content-based governmental restrictions on speech are unconstitutional unless
they advance a "compelling state interest." To this principle, there are six exceptions:
1.  Speech that is likely to lead to imminent lawless action may be prohibited. 
2. "Fighting words" -- i.e., words so insulting that people are likely to fight back -- may be
3.  Obscenity -- i.e., erotic expression, grossly or patently offensive to an average person, 
that lacks serious artistic or social value -- may be prohibited. 
4.  Child pornography may be banned whether or not it is legally obscene and whether or 
not it has serious artistic or social value, because it induces people to engage in lewd displays, 
and the creation of it threatens the welfare of children. 
5.  Defamatory statements may be prohibited.  (In other words, the making of such statements
 may constitutionally give rise to civil liability.)  However, if the target of the defamation is a 
"public figure," she must prove that the defendant acted with "malice." 
 If the target is not a "public figure" but the statement involved a matter of "public concern,"
 the plaintiff must prove that the defendant acted with negligence concerning its falsity. 
6. Commercial Speech may be banned only if it is misleading, pertains to illegal products, or 
directly advances a substantial state interest with a degree of suppression no greater than is 
reasonably necessary.

What is MALICE?

In criminal law. In its legal sense, this word does not simply mean ill will against a person, but signifies a wrongful act done intentionally, without just cause or excuse. Bromage v. Prosser, 4 Barn. & C. 255. A conscious violation of the law (or the prompting of the mind to commit it) which operates to the prejudice of another person. About as clear, comprehensive, and correct a definition as the authorities afford is that “malice is a condition of the mind which shows a heart regardless of social duty and fatally bent on mischief, the existence of which is inferred from acts committed or words spoken.” Harris v. State, 8 Tex. App. 109. “Malice,” in its common acceptation, means ill will towards some person. In its legal sense, it applies to a wrongful act done intentionally, without legal justification or excuse. Dunn v. Hall, 1 Ind. 344. A man may do an act willfully, and yet be free of malice. But he cannot do an act maliciously without at the same time doing it willfully. The malicious doing of an act in- cludes the willful doing of it. Malice includes intent and will. State v. Bobbins. 06 Me. 328. For other definitions see Shannon v. Jones, 70 Tex. 141. 13 S. W. 477; Williams v. Williams. 20 Colo. 51. 37 Pac. 014; Smith v. Railroad Co., 87 Md. 48. 3S Atl. 1072; In re Freche (D. C.) 109 Fed. 621 ; Craft v. State, 3 Kan. 486; Lewis v. Chapman. 10 N. Y. 309; State v. Avery, 113 Mo. 475. 21 S. W. 193; State v. Witt. 34 Kan. 488. 8 Pac. 709; State v. Walker, 9 Houst. tDel.) 404, 33 Atl. 227; Cotton v. State. 32 Tex. 014; Com. v. Chance, 174 Mass. 245. 54 N. E. 551.75 Am. St. Rep. 306. In the law of libel and slander. An evil intent or motive arising from spite or ill will; personal hatred or ill will; culpable recklessness or a willful and wanton disregard of the rights and interests of the per- ) MALICE son defamed. McDonald v. Brown, 23 R. I. 546, 51 Atl. 213, 58 L. R. A. 768, 91 Am. St. Rep. 659; Hearne v. De Young, 132 Cal. 357, 64 Pac. 576; Cherry v. Des Moines Leader, 114 Iowa, 298, 86 N. W. 323, 54 L R. A. 855, 89 Am. St. Rep. 365; Minter v. Bradstreet Co., 174 Mo. 444, 73 S. W. 668
TLD Example: The defense attorney successfully proved to the jury that his client acted
 without malice when he broke into the vacant cabin to escape the snow and freezing temperatures.

Exhibit 2- DVD Illness- March 2018 to present illness from the ankle monitor, harassment, mental abuse and fear tactics from Belfast/Waldo County law enforcement. March and July 2018 video of illness from ankle monitor and law enforcement abuse
sickness again at jail for new ankle shackle
At the Waldo Jail for Tuesday check in, 3 cops come in (Guba, Lincoln &?) and brutally cuff me to put me in the jail just steps away.
This is only a sample of much more.

5. On February 23, 2018, Friday night, 3 months after the one time shoot, Laurie Allen was arrested with an impossible order of $25,000 bail. Laurie, 58 years old, unemployed, below poverty @ 18k a year has never had a record prior to fabricated charges by Belfast Police Chief McFadden beginning September 2017. Violating Color of Law, excessive force, false arrest and fabrication of evidence, failure to keep from harm.
The FBI & DOJ denied my requests to investigate.

Color of Law Violations

U.S. law enforcement officers and other officials like judges, prosecutors, and security guards have been given tremendous power by local, state, and federal government agencies—authority they must have to enforce the law and ensure justice in our country. These powers include the authority to detain and arrest suspects, to search and seize property, to bring criminal charges, to make rulings in court, and to use deadly force in certain situations.
Preventing abuse of this authority, however, is equally necessary to the health of our nation’s democracy. That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.
The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating color of law violations, which include acts carried out by government officials operating both within and beyond the limits of their lawful authority. Off-duty conduct may be covered if the perpetrator asserted his or her official status in some way. Those violations include the following acts: 
Excessive force: In making arrests, maintaining order, and defending life, law enforcement officers are allowed to use whatever force is “reasonably” necessary. The breadth and scope of the use of force is vast—from just the physical presence of the officer…to the use of deadly force. Violations of federal law occur when it can be shown that the force used was willfully “unreasonable” or “excessive.
Sexual assaults by officials acting under color of law can happen in jails, during traffic stops, or in other settings where officials might use their position of authority to coerce an individual into sexual compliance. The compliance is generally gained because of a threat of an official action against the person if he or she doesn’t comply.
False arrest and fabrication of evidence: The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right against unreasonable searches or seizures. A law enforcement official using authority provided under the color of law is allowed to stop individuals and, under certain circumstances, to search them and retain their property. It is in the abuse of that discretionary power—such as an unlawful detention or illegal confiscation of property—that a violation of a person’s civil rights may occur.
Fabricating evidence against or falsely arresting an individual also violates the color of law statute, taking away the person’s rights of due process and unreasonable seizure. In the case of deprivation of property, the color of law statute would be violated by unlawfully obtaining or maintaining a person’s property, which oversteps or misapplies the official’s authority.
The Fourteenth Amendment secures the right to due process; the Eighth Amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. During an arrest or detention, these rights can be violated by the use of force amounting to punishment (summary judgment). The person accused of a crime must be allowed the opportunity to have a trial and should not be subjected to punishment without having been afforded the opportunity of the legal process.
Failure to keep from harm: The public counts on its law enforcement officials to protect local communities. If it’s shown that an official willfully failed to keep an individual from harm, that official could be in violation of the color of law statute.

6. Maine Judiciary violating the Fourteenth Amendment, the Eighth Amendment and at least 3 violations of only 6 Canon Rules first hand in Laurie Allen’s court hearings since the arrest on 2/23/2018. The video judge in Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Judge Robert Murray and Judge Everet Fowle.

a. Fourteenth Amendment, the right to due process- To date after many, many dispositional conferences, Laurie Allen has not been given the right to be heard to dismiss pro se and cannot obtain ADA Entwisle’s discovery.

b. Eighth Amendment, prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment- Impossible bail 25k, Video Judge @ TBCF held 25k bail at hearing on 2/27/18, Tuesday. Laurie was not informed of the reduction but still unwarranted of 5k. Also with held was $50 Laurie’s daughter wired into TBCF for Laurie to make phone calls. Laurie was denied access to the law library. Waldo Jail refused to take the bail payment on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (3/2/18). Laurie was able to get out of TBCF because Laurie got a note with instructions to an outgoing cell mate on Friday, 3/2/18 @ 9am. as the guards watched and listened. TBCF bailed out. Within minutes, Laurie was paged to prepare for transport back to Belfast. Bail had not been accepted by Waldo Jail at that time.

Brutal ankle tracking monitor and travel restrictions have been denied removal by Judge Robert Murray and Judge Everet Fowle at every hearing as pro se. Both in place to date, 7/7/2019, day 473 of cruel brutality and possible cancer causing satellite tracking on Laurie’s skin where Laurie’s father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer with Judge Robert Murray unconcerned for Laurie’s health. Judge Robert Murray viewed the DVD video where the ankle monitor made Laurie Allen sick and was alarmed, asking when the video was taken. It was in March 2018 and Laurie has several of the same episodes throughout the 483 days to date July 7, 2019. This video is included in the Exhibit 2 DVD Illness.

c. Canon Rule violations: Evidence is the court’s refusal to hear and dismiss clear fabrication and false arrest.
Last reviewed and edited September 7, 2017 Amendments effective September 5, 2017 MAINE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT


RULE 1.1 Compliance with the Law RULE
1.2 Promotion of Confidence in the Judiciary RULE
1.3 Avoiding Abuse of the Prestige of Judicial Office

2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office
2.2 Impartiality and Fairness; Upholding the Law
2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment
2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct
2.5 Competence, Diligence, and Cooperation
2.6 Ensuring the Right to Be Heard
2.7 Responsibility to Decide
2.11 Disqualification or Recusal
2.12 Supervisory Duties Disciplinary Responsibilities
2.16 A Judge Shall Comply with Disciplinary Authorities

3.1 Extrajudicial Activities in General
3.5 Use of Nonpublic Information
3.6 Affiliation with Discriminatory Organizations
3.7 Participation in Educational, Religious, Charitable, Fraternal, or Civic Organizations and Activities 3.8 Fiduciary Activities
3.9 Service as Arbitrator or Mediator
3.10 Practice of Law
3.11 Financial Activities
3.12 Compensation for Extrajudicial Activities
3.13 Acceptance and Reporting of Gifts, Loans, Bequests, Benefits, or Other Things of Value
3.14 Reimbursement of Expenses and Waivers of Fees or Charges

6. Special motion to dismiss without prejudice, title 14 sec 556 with financial restitution of costs and injury already given to ADA Entwisle.

Justice Schall of the United States Court of Appeals (Federal Circuit) wrote the opinion of the court in 2002 case Graves v. Principi:

“A dismissal without prejudice is a dismissal that occurs without and adjudication on the merits. The dismissal of an action without prejudice leaves the parties as though the action had never been brought...A voluntary dismissal without prejudice leaves the situation as if the action never had been filed.”

§556. Special motion to dismiss

When a moving party asserts that the civil claims, counterclaims or cross claims against the moving party are based on the moving party's exercise of the moving party's right of petition under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of Maine, the moving party may bring a special motion to dismiss. The special motion may be advanced on the docket and receive priority over other cases when the court determines that the interests of justice so require. The court shall grant the special motion, unless the party against whom the special motion is made shows that the moving party's exercise of its right of petition was devoid of any reasonable factual support or any arguable basis in law and that the moving party's acts caused actual injury to the responding party. In making its determination, the court shall consider the pleading and supporting and opposing affidavits stating the facts upon which the liability or defense is based. [2011, c. 559, Pt. A, §13 (AMD).]
The Attorney General on the Attorney General's behalf or on behalf of any government agency or subdivision to which the moving party's acts were directed may intervene to defend or otherwise support the moving party on the special motion. [1995, c. 413, §1 (NEW).]
All discovery proceedings are stayed upon the filing of the special motion under this section, except that the court, on motion and after a hearing and for good cause shown, may order that specified discovery be conducted. The stay of discovery remains in effect until notice of entry of the order ruling on the special motion. [1995, c. 413, §1 (NEW).]
The special motion to dismiss may be filed within 60 days of the service of the complaint or, in the court's discretion, at any later time upon terms the court determines proper. [1995, c. 413, §1(NEW).]
If the court grants a special motion to dismiss, the court may award the moving party costs and reasonable attorney's fees, including those incurred for the special motion and any related discovery matters. This section does not affect or preclude the right of the moving party to any remedy otherwise authorized by law. [1995, c. 413, §1 (NEW).]
As used in this section, "a party's exercise of its right of petition" means any written or oral statement made before or submitted to a legislative, executive or judicial body, or any other governmental proceeding; any written or oral statement made in connection with an issue under consideration or review by a legislative, executive or judicial body, or any other governmental proceeding; any statement reasonably likely to encourage consideration or review of an issue by a legislative, executive or judicial body, or any other governmental proceeding; any statement reasonably likely to enlist public participation in an effort to effect such consideration; or any other statement falling within constitutional protection of the right to petition government. [1995, c. 413, §1 (NEW).]
1995, c. 413, §1 (NEW). 2011, c. 559, Pt. A, §13 (AMD).

Exhibit #3
Title 14 sec 556 Maine Court Hearings and Anti-Slapp Per Supreme Judicial Court of Maine, No. Docket: Han-07-133, Schelling v. Lindell:

A. Application-
6- “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, is designed to guard against meritless lawsuits brought with the intention of chilling or deterring the free exercise of the defandant’s First Amendment right to petition the government by threatening would-be activists with litigation costs. Morse Bros., Inc. v. Webster, 2001 ME 70, 10, 772A.2d 842,846. The anit-SLAPP statute provides defendants who are the targets of such suits with a “special motion to dismiss,” a statutory motion designed to minimize the litigation costs associated with the defense of such merit-less suits. Id., 15,7 772A2.d at 848.

7- To prevail on a special motion to dismiss, the defendant carries the initial burden to show that the suit was based on some activity that would qualify as an exercise of the defendant’s First Amendment right to petition the government. 14 M.R.S. sec 556. Once the defendant demonstrates that this is the basis for the suit, and therefore that the statute applies, the burden falls on the plaintiff to demonstrate that the defendant’s activity (1) was without “reasonable factual support,” (2) was without an “arguable
basis in law,” and (3) resulted in actual injury to the plaintiff.. Id.

8- We allow interlocutory appeals from denials of special motions to dismiss *1230 brought pursuant to the anti-SLAPP statute because a failure to grant review of these decisions at this stage would impose additional litigation costs on defendants, the very harm the statute seeks to avoid, and would result in a loss of defendants’ susbstantial rights. Morse Bros., 2001 ME 70, 15, 772 A.2dat 848,

11- Maine’s anti-SLAPP statute very broadly defines the exercise of the “right to petition.” The statute includes within the definition of petitioning activity: Any statement to a legislative, executive or judicial body;

*Any statement made in connection with an issue under consideration or review by a governmental entity;

*Any statement likely to encourage consideration or review of an issue by a governmental entity;

*Any statement likely to enlist public participation in encouraging a government body to consider a particular issue; and

*Any other statement falling within constitutional protection of the right to petition the governement.

21- To clarify the nature of the injury Schelling would be required to show in order to give rise to compensable damages for purely emotional or psychic harm under the anti-SLAPP statute, we briefly review the development of the compensability of emotional damages.

22- There was a time when purely emotional injury was not compensable in Maine unless the plaintiff had also suffered some physical harm or contact as a result of the tortfeasor’s conduct. See Herrick v. Evening Express Publ’g Co., 120 Me. 138, 113 A. 16 (1921). Over the past thirty years however, we have moved away significantly from the strict common law limitation. We began the modernization of emotional damage compensability in Maine with our decision in Wallace v. Coca-Cola Bottling Plants, Inc., 269 A.2d 117 (Me. 1970). In that case, we held that purely emotional or psychic suffering, if borth “severe” and manifested by some “objective 1233 symptomatology” (such as nausea) could *1233 be compensable. Id. At 121. At that time, we concluded that the demonstration of objective symptomatology associated with the plaintiff’s emotional distress was a necessary bulwark against a deluge of fraudulent and spurious claims of emotional injury. Id.

24- The rule that emerged from Culbert was a simple one that allowed compensation for emotional harm that was “serious” provided that all other elements of the tort claim were satisfied. Id. We held that “serious mental distress” existed “where a reasonable person, normally constituted, would be unable to adequately cope with the mental stress engendered by the circumstance of the event.” Id.

25- Following the Culbert decision, the rule regarding the types of emotional injuries compensable in Maine has remained substantially the same. Since that time, we have clarified the foundational aspects of compensable emotional harm by explicitly concluding that minor emotional injuries, such as hurt feelings, are not compensable. Gammom v. Osteopathic Hosp. Of Me., Inc., 534 A.2d 1282, 1285 (Me. 1987). In other words, we have made it clear there is no recognition of damage to an “eggshell psyche” in Maine. Id. Most recently, in Curtis v. Porter, we reiterated that emotional distress alone is not compensable unless it is “so severe that no reasonable person could be expected to endure it.” 2001 ME 158, 10, 784 A.2d 18, 23 (citation omitted).

Second look at ” Are GPS ankle bracelets harming people that are forced to wear them?

The courts have the knowledge that shaming is a form of punishment as defined by the Court cases of People v. Meyer and People v. Lowe, 606 N.E.2d. People v. Molz, 113 N.E.2d, People v. Johnson 528 N.E.2d, State v. Burdin 924 S.W.2d ,People v. Letterlough 655 N.E.2d, Lindsay v. State 606 So. 2D..
One of the unintended consequences of placing GPS on people is the demoralizing effect that it has on them and how they can go into a emotional and mental down spiral because of having to explain why they have something strapped to their ankle.
“Eighty-nine percent of probation officers surveyed by the Justice Department felt that “offenders’ relationships with their significant others changed because of being monitored.” Both officers and those monitored observed that the ankle band had a distinct impact on children. As one parent testified, “When it beeps, the kids worry about whether the probation officer is coming to take me to jail. The kids run for it when it beeps.” Another noted that his child repeatedly strapped a watch around his ankle “to be like Daddy.””
So beyond the health risks there is also a risk to mental health of people that are subjected to the unconstitutional invasion into their privacy, our Supreme Court has said that placing a GPS on a person or their property is in fact a violation of constitutional standards.  At the present time one of the ways that the Parole and Probation department is getting away with this as they are forcing a person to sign a waiver. If they don’t sign the waiver they will be imprisoned, so they are forcing someone to give up a constitutional right the right to privacy by coercion. The fact is this opens up parole and probation not only to civil rights constitutional tort lawsuits under USC 1983. There is also the possible federal charges being placed against them as individuals under title 18 of the United States codes.
Since this article was originally posted in November of 2013 new information has come out about the detrimental effects of having cell phone radiation. Remember unlike cell phone radiation that someone gets from picking up and using their cell phone for a couple hours a day we are talking about a device that transmits cell phone radiation 24 hours a day seven days a week, so the short and long-term effects may well be a thousandfold more than someone who has a cell phone and uses it. According to the latest research a person is three fold more likely to end up with a brain tumor if they use their cell phone more than 900 hours within their lifetime that means they would reach that 900 hours using their cell phone for 2 1/2 hours a day within one year or in the case of an ankle monitor that is on 24 hours a day, seven days a week they would reach that 900 hours within 38 days of having it strapped on. Obviously having a strap to your ankle you’re not looking at brain tumors but in the case of having strapped to your ankle there is a high possibility for skin cancer as well as bone cancer, not to mention the fact that cell phone radiations have been proven to restrict blood flow. Take a look at the articles below that not only look at the danger of cell phone radiation but the effectiveness, reliability and psychological damage to people that have had these things strapped to their ankles.
There is also the old comment of follow the money, take a look at how much money is spent on lobbying our governmental officials as well as campaign contributions that has been done by owners and board members of companies that manufacture these devices, not to mention the other organizations that the same people sat on the boards of directors of who are also doing lobbying and contributing to politicians.
Here is a simple question that may have long-term effects and may bring about lawsuits costing the state governments billions of dollars for their total disregard of human safety.
The question is, quite simply, is the forced use of GPS ankle bracelets that transmit information over cell phone frequencies causing damage to the people that are forced to wear them and did the manufacturers of these devices include FCC warning tags that were disregarded by the people placing these on the people who are required to wear them?
Realize that some countries have gone so far as to ban the use of cell phones around pregnant mothers, and may not be used anywhere close to a child.

Cell Phone Radiation Lawsuits:
Bernstein Liebhard LLP Notes new study finding
cell phone radiation may cause brain tissue damage.

In a press release issued March of this year, Bernstein Liebhard LLP, a nationwide law firm representing clients in cell phone radiation lawsuits, notes that a new study has found that radiation from cell phones may cause damage to brain tissue.
According to a report from the Daily Mail, researchers with Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority found that one hour of cell phone radiation can cause cells in blood vessel walls to shrink,
allowing potentially harmful substances in the blood to ‘leak’ into the brain. The two-year study also found that repeated exposure to cell phone radiation could make the blood-brain barrier more permeable, leading to increased brain damage. “Repeated occurrences of these events on a daily basis, over a long period of time, could become a health hazard due to possible accumulation of brain tissue damage,” the study authors concluded.*
This research is just further evidence that exposure to cell phone radiation can affect the brain in harmful waysWe agree with the study authors that more research on this issue is urgently needed”, says Bernstein Liebhard LLP. The Firm is currently investigating the link between cell phones and brain cancer, and is part of a small consortium of law firms actively representing plaintiffs in cell phone radiation lawsuits.
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently submitted a proposal to reevaluate cell phone radiation emission standards, something it has not done since 1996. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) has criticized the current standards as being outdated, compared to those of international regulatory agencies, and for failing to reflect the most recent research on cell phone radiation.
Remember that classic “this is your brain on drugs” commercial, with the egg frying in a pan? If you soon see a “this is your brain on cell phones” clip, don’t say we didn’t warn you: cell phone radiation may be slowly sautéing your noodle finds new research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Using a first-of-its-kind technique for measuring electromagnetic radiation researchers found the radio frequency field generated by your cell phone causes brain tissue to heat upThis proves your brain is absorbing radiation from your cell, study author David Gultekin, Ph.D., a researcher at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, tells
While Gultekin and his colleagues can’t say exactly how much cell phone radiation exposure is safe, the World Health Organization has classified radio frequency fields as possibly carcinogenic, meaning exposure may put you at greater risk for brain cancer, the study explains.
This is not the first study indicating cell phones could eventually cause serious health problems. Check out our 2010 report: Is Your Life on the Line? However, in the game of Russian roulette you may be playing by surrounding yourself with cellular devices, this is one more bullet, Devra Lee Davis Ph.D., founder of the Environmental Health Trust, tells
Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation Up-Regulates Apoptosis Genes in Primary Cultures of Neurons and Astrocytes (
“The health effects of cell phone radiation exposure are a growing public concern. This study investigated whether expression of genes related to cell death pathways are dysregulated in primary cultured neurons and astrocytes by exposure to a working GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) cell phone rated at a frequency of 1900 MHz.” – 
“Headache has been reported among cell phone users compared to non-users [7]. When rats were exposed to RF/MW radiation to reproduce normal human exposure, the life span and tumorigenicity of rats were unchanged [1, 21] but evidence of oxidative damage was found in brain tissues [19, 29]. RF/MW radiation induced damage can lead to death in single cell organisms [3], inhibit cell proliferation [9], cause DNA damage [11, 32], and alter gene expression in different cell types including brain cells as measured by gene microarrays [6, 14, 15]. “
For more information, try these links:

7/10/2019 Narrative for 2/23/18 criminal charge “Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon”
Docket No. WALCD-CR-2018-00139
State Of Maine
Laurie L Allen

In January 2018,Spectrum had corruptly cut Laurie Allen’s internet, landline and cable, an 8 year full paying customer.. Since May 2017 Laurie’s property and rights to life are being taken by abutting May 2017 owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. Mark Rae, his mother, Penny Rae Cameron, step-father B.O. Cameron, grand daughter Kayla Cameron LaCombe, their family real estate agent Terry LaCombe, their attorney and Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, and worker Kevin Page with the support and illegal approvals of Belfast Chief McFadden, Belfast City Council, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Planner/ Zoning, Wayne Marshall and City Tax Assessor Martin Brent. Details of Chief McFaddens fabricated harassment, fabricated charges and 2 false arrests can be found in the narrative for dismissal motions of two 2017 harassment charges at the 10th hearing/dispositional conference on 7/23/2019 @ 10:30 a.m.

The third charge to be heard on 7/23/2019 @ 10:30a.m. is Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon.
This is the narrative for that arrest on 2/23/2018 that is yet to be heard.

At 12:55 pm on February 23, 2018, Laurie Allen sent this email to then Attorney General Janet Mills calling out 8 years of corrupted FOIA requests and Canon Rule violations by Judge Patricia Worth, Judge Joseph Field, Judge Paul Mathew and Judge Robert Murray. Since this email, Judge Everet Fowle, Supreme Court Judge Donald Alexander, Judge E. Mary Kelly and Laurie’s 2/27/18 video trial female Judge ? (pretrial case manager Rick Otto is not responding with the name) at Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset, Maine, have violated these Judiciary Canon Rules. This email proves 8 years of unhealthy stress from government corruption continually targeted to Laurie Allen since the Belfast City Hall forced water slaughter corruptly tore through Laurie’s small property abutting MaineHealth’s zone violating campus and Judge Patricia Worth’s friend’s Penny Rae Cameron and B.O. Cameron, illegal zoning abutters @ 23 Seaview Terrace.

Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 12:39 PM
Cc: same
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills and Deputy Chief Judge Honorable Susan Sparaco,

To date, I have not received ONE FOIA request 8 years and counting FROM MILLS. My challenge in the private chambers of BEAUTIFUL destroy for children concentration camps sentenced by MILLS is on Monday January 22, 2018 for my lobotomy. I have yet to receive any FOIA requested to MILLS & SPARACO & MURRAY & MATHEWS and yada, yada, yada ... TO SILENCE MOM WITH YOUR SYSTEM OF FELONS. 

I am at the Belfast Public Library because Belfast Chief of Police Michael McFadden, prior Maine State INTERNET CHILD PORN Detective (per Peter Taber, 40 year Belfast police reporter, is a "KNUCKLE DRAGGING THUG") and his brother-in-law, child porn download to their target of the whim, TWC Belfast home invasion, TWC/Spectrum guy Tom unknown, has cut ALL my media freedom of speech and trash. Cable, landline, thank you so much, child gone, stinking internet. Invite only by Tom and Mike.

I am sending this email shortly, printing and delivering to Waldo County District Court Clerks for another FOIA request for ALL transcripts on  Monday, 1/22/2018 @ 2:30 pm, at Waldo Superior County Superior Court with which dishonorable is a crap shoot. And of course for closed private insane session felony Mills ordered lobotomy. Wrong cranial Miss Mills.

I am quite certain that I will receive nothing true or sane. But, the rope is your to tighten. Or stop. 

FYI STATE OF MAINE V. LAURIE L ALLEN Criminal Docket Waldo Docket No. WALCD-CR-2017-0082 Offense: 001 HARASSMENT.

Date 02/07/2018

Karen Page, Asst. Clerk of Courts

Attention Defendant:
Failure to appear at the above date and time may result in a default being entered, bail being forfeited, and the issuance of an arrest warrant.

Officer JOHN GIBBS         Dept: BEL

Ditto same private operation, lobotomy, another false harassment ordered silence by AG Miss Mills, docket No. WALCD-CR-1017-00839.


Mom with love.

At 6:15pm, 2/23/2018, in the cold dark, someone was knocking on Laurie Allen’s door. Laurie went to the window, there were not any vehicles and saw Officer Jon Juba in plain clothes at her door. Juba wanted Laurie to come outside to talk to him. Laurie refused stating she would talk to him from the window. Two uniformed Belfast police officers jumped out from hiding in the bushes and stormed towards Laurie’s door to bust it open. Laurie ran to grab her phone to call 911 while running to open her door to stop the police from breaking it down and releasing Laurie’s beagles. Laurie lives alone. As Laurie came outside while talking to 911, an officer grabbed the phone and threw it to the ground. Laurie had given the 911 operator her name and address by that time. Laurie was cuffed and two officers pushed Laurie down the road of Seaview Terrace towards Northport Ave. Laurie begged to be allowed to put jeans on. She was only wearing tight inappropriate leggings and a shirt. The officers refused and from Northport Ave., a Belfast police SUV turned right onto Seaview Terrace and shoved Laurie inside. Laurie kept repeating “I have nothing to say, I want an attorney.” to the Waldo Jail and in the garage bay of the Waldo Jail. Laurie was alone in the SUV in the garage for at least 10 minutes still repeating “I have nothing to say, I want an attorney.” Officer Richards kept circling the outside of the SUV yelling “Shut that fucking bitch up.”, the entire time that Laurie sat cuffed in the SUV.

Inside the jail, Laurie kept her eyes closed as Officer Seth searched her and questioned her. He yelled at her for moving when she reached for a book to read. Laurie’s bail was a ridiculous $25,000. Laurie, then 57, was below poverty @ 18k a year and did not have any record prior to false charges and arrests by Chief McFadden in September/October 2017. Laurie called her wealthy brother, George Allen in Skowhegan, Me., George would not post the bail nor assist with an attorney. Laurie was placed into the cell and had gone on a hunger strike as soon as the Belfast officers grabbed her from her home. Laurie was certain that she was going to die from an incarcerated “suicide” aka rape death and hoped to die in a hospital of organ failure instead.

Laurie’s friend went to her home to care for her beagles Stewie and Gordon, that Friday night, 2/23/18. He found Laurie’s cell phone on the dining room table. Belfast police had entered Laurie’s home without her permission with no one to witness what was taken and if surveillance was planted.

Officer Seth came into Laurie’s cell and stating he brought her 2 blankets instead of 1 and offered to make her bed up and that he was sorry for yelling at her. Laurie went to the corner of the cell and refused the offer. It was disturbing. The television was on all night long and after midnight only showed a shopping channel of sexual vibrators until 6am. It was very disturbing. Previously, Laurie had received 2 sexually threatening anonymous letters in the mail and Chief McFadden would not return Laurie’s visit to the Police Department or calls to report the letters. Laurie brought the letters to Sheriff Trafton and he was not very concerned, stating there was nothing he could do. Instead, Sheriff Trafton spoke of his dislike for City Manager Joe Slocum and Nancy See, assistant to tax assessor Bob Whiteley.

Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night, and Sunday, Laurie did not eat and remained in her cell. Her constant requests for an attorney were ignored. Sunday afternoon, 2/25/18, Laurie was transported by Officer Laurie to Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset, Maine. Upon entering the cell pod, Laurie immediately requested access to to the law library. The guard snickered and said “You ain’t gettin’ into no law library.” Later, the acting therapist came into the pod and had a cell mate take all her clothes off and put her into the bubble, s contained cell with full visibility. Guards were taking the newer mattresses from the women’s cells and replacing them with old, thin, blue mattresses. The male prisoners prepared the women’s horrible food. Salt had to be bought. The women were contained to the pod, no outdoor yard time, gym, etc. Allowed once a week to a book piled room and allowed to knit/crochet in the pod for a few hours per week.

Laurie’s daughter had found instructions on the TBCF website and wired $50 into Two Bridges as instructed so that Laurie could make phone calls. Laurie was never advised that the money was there. Laurie could not contact the outside. Laurie refused to sign the medical form to allow treatment by Two Bridges Correctional Facility, the 3rd day of her hunger strike.

Tuesday, 2/27/18, hunger strike day 4, the acting therapist man told Laurie that if she did not eat on this 4th day, she would be placed in the bubble. Laurie did not care or respond. That morning was her trial hearing via video. While waiting in another room, Laurie requested to get a drink of water. The deputy told Laurie no water. Laurie requested to go to the bathroom. The deputy told her no because then she would get a drink of water. Laurie requested a cup to urinate in. The deputy got angry but he had to let her go to the bathroom because there were many witnesses.

As Laurie was seated for her hearing, the attorney of the day, David Sinclair, Bath, Maine, told Laurie that he knew she was representing herself pro se, but asked if he could sit next to her at the table during the hearing. Laurie said yes and David told her what an easy win this was. Citing inaccurate precedence with a protest sign against President Bush, he thought. Laurie stated that it was an easy dismiss but was not allowed into the law library to prepare the dismissal. The female Judge came on the screen with the DA. The DA spoke lies of murderous stalking in town by Laurie, painting Laurie as a terrorist. After he was done, the Judge asked Laurie to respond. Laurie said “Play the target shoot video and dismiss.” The Judge and the DA had not even viewed the video. The Judge refused to view the video on camera and called a recess. David Sinclair was very excited and asked Laurie to let him defend her. Laurie decided she could use him to assist her in the necessary legal documents and said yes. The Judge came back on and stated that she could understand why the Belfast officials that Laurie thanked for being her one time target felt threatened. The Judge stuck with the 25k bail and ended the trial. David stated that he would be in contact and left. Laurie ended her hunger strike because David would get her out. David never contacted Laurie in Two Bridges Correctional Facility again. The guards told Laurie that she could not contact her attorney, David Sinclair.

On Wednesday 2/28/18 in the pod cell, the noon news broadcast that Laurie Allen, arrested for terrorizing Belfast official with a dangerous weapon, had her bail reduced to $5,000. No one informed Laurie of the bail reduction. She was thankful to have heard it on the news, Laurie’s friend saw that newscast and knew where Laurie had exactly $5,000 in her house for bills. Her friend, called David Sinclair to tell him that he was going to post the 5k bail. David corruptly told him to go to Waldo District Court to pay the bail. My friend knew the bail was to be paid at Waldo Correctional but went to the court house as instructed by court appointed David Sinclair, and the court clerk directed my friend to pay the bail at Waldo Correctional on that Wednesday, 2/28/18. Waldo Correctional gave my friend the run around and would not take the bail posting. My friend tried again on Thursday, 3/1 and received the same run around. My friend went again on Friday morning, 3/2/18.

Meanwhile, Laurie could not call her friend to find out why the bail wasn’t posted on Wednesday or Thursday. At 8:30 am on Friday, 3/2/18, Laurie asked the guard at the desk if her bail had been posted.
The guard snickered and said NO BAIL POSTED! It was then that Laurie knew she was not getting out of Two Bridges Correctional Facility alive. Laurie remembered that a cell mate was leaving at 9 am. Laurie began giving verbal and written instructions to the outgoing cell mate. The guards were watching and listening. After the cell mate left @ 9am, there came the announcement over the speaker. “Allen transport back to Belfast 15 minutes.”

The Belfast transport officer had walked past my friend waiting to pay the bail again, that morning, Friday, 3/2/18 in Waldo Corrections. The officer told my friend that he was on his way to transport Laurie back to Belfast. The bail had not been paid at that time. Proof that Two Bridges bailed on the ending plan for Laurie because of the information giving to the outgoing cellmate.

Laurie was shackled with an ankle monitor at Waldo Correctional and released after they took the last of her money and gave her brutal travel restrictions to punish her. No left from her street, Seaview Terrace onto Northport Avenue restricted rom Waldo County General Hospital and her doctor’s office, Belfast City Park where Laurie walked her dogs daily and visited with her families remains in the Penobscot Bay, to the entire downtown Belfast, no library, internet, court house, police station, Belfast City Hall, City Council meetings, waterfront, post office, stores, eateries, auto store, through downtown to the west side of Belfast past Belfast variety where Laurie went fishing, to Swan Lake where Laurie went fishing, no left on Route 1 South next to Seaview Terrace where Laurie went to Irvings for gas, milk and items daily, no Aubuchon Hardware where Laurie went often, no access to her vet, @ Little River on Rte 1 South, all the way into Northport, no Bayside store and only allowed into Bayside at Rte 1 and Cross Street after taking back roads through Belfast to get to that section of Route 1 South, no rightt onto Main St, Belfast from Route 1 North to McDonald’s all the way down to the waterfront, only allowed to go to Hannaford but not around the corner to Laurie’s drugstore, Walgreen’s on Starrett Drive. Not allowed up Lincolnville Ave past the Hannaford entrance or her bank.

Laurie only leaves her home when necessary. Food, gas and court hearings, less than once a week since 3/2/18. Falsifying bail condition violations to place Laurie back in their jails cannot be ignored.

In January 2018, the State had put in a motion to order Laurie to take a title 15 state forensic psychiatric evaluation to deem her incompetent to represent herself pro se in court. Regardless that Laurie had won in small claims court, pro se. Attorney David Sinclair advised Laurie to take the title 15 to “shut them up”. In 2007 during Laurie’s divorce, she had taken a psychiatric evaluation along with her children, by the Guardian Ad litem, Dr. Rosenbaum, Middlesex County Family Court, NJ. Laurie passed without any mental issues to the awe of Dr. Rosenbaum, hired by Laurie’s husband.. Laurie almost allowed the title 15 because of David. Then David told Laurie that it may seem crazy but it would help her case if she had sent the target shoot video out to the Belfast officials mentioned. Laurie responded “Absolutely not.” Laurie became very ill from the ankle monitor and called David several times to motion for removal. He never returned her calls. By April 2018, David Sinclair had not filed any of Laurie’s motions. Laurie left a message for David and asked him if he was representing her or the State. David’s only motion to withdraw as Laurie’s court appointed attorney was granted April 2018. Wasting more tax payers money.

Laurie was restricted from the Courthouse, library, police department and post office making it near impossible to work her case pro se. At every pro se hearing, each Judge would try to convince Laurie to take a court appointed attorney. Nevertheless, Laurie persisted. Laurie’s motions to dismiss were never allowed to be heard. Laurie went to all 7 pro se hearings/dispositional conferences alone since the first hearing on 12/8/17 where Judge Paul Matthews denied Laurie’s right to be heard for dismissal of fabricated harassment charges.

June 6, 2018 was another dispositional conference at Waldo Superior Court for Laurie’s motions for dismissal of all charges and dismissal of the Title 15 psychiatric state evaluation because Laurie had just won a protection order in May 2018 by Judge Sparaco against abutter Mark Rae. More proof of the fabricated cease harassment notice against Laurie from Chief McFadden for 23 Seaview Terrace on September 7, 2017. Chief McFadden dismissed hate crimes to Laurie by Mark Rae and entities of 23 Seaview Terrace. Chief McFadden with Belfast City Hall officials, enabled zoning violations, destruction of property, vandalism, theft, threats, trespass, taking of land, and more since Laurie was sold undisclosed state wide corruption to her home on June 28,2010.

Daily terror from abutting 23 Seaview Terrace and law enforcement since May 2017 to date. Chief McFadden refused to grant Laurie a cease harassment against 23 Seaview Terrace from May2017 to September 7,2017 and offered one to Mark Rae on the same day without justification. Fabricating evidence, violations, summons and arrest with 23 Seaview Terrace violating their own cease harassment notice with the crimes to Laurie stated above. Proven with video documentation. Chief McFadden and his officers protect the illegal home/medical office construction and entities of 23 Seaview Terrace while harassing Laurie to break her. In conjunction with the Waldo Judiciary denying Laurie her rights to be heard since 12/8/2017.

Laurie brought a witness for the first time, her 21 year old son to the June 6, 2018, 11 a.m., dispositional conference at Waldo Superior Court. The first floor of the busy Waldo Superior Courthouse was evacuated, no employees, no security guards, no security scanners, and not a person to be found. They proceeded up the stairs and into the court room and stepped directly into a paneled courtroom resembling the District Court. The descending stairs into the vaulted ceiling of the Superior Court room were not visible. The only people in this courtroom stage were Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle, Marshall Dudley, the court clerk, Laurie and her son. Judge Robert Murray was alarmed to see Laurie with a witness. Judge Murray questioned Laurie until she told him the witness was her son. Judge Murray left the bench and did not come back for 10 minutes.

Judge Murray returned and gave the order of the motions. Judge Murray denied the title 15 psychiatric evaluation by ADA Entwisle because Laurie gave proof of winning the protection order in May 2018 pro se. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to have the ankle monitor removed again. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion to rescind travel restrictions but told ADA Entwisle to allow access to Laurie’s Dr. at the MaineHealth WCGH campus. Judge Murray denied Laurie’s motion for financial restitution of court expenses. Judge Murray called recess and left without stating another court date. Laurie told her son that Judge Murray must have needed to use the “throne”. Judge Murray never came back and did not hear Laurie’s motions for dismissal of 2 harassment charges and terrorizing with a dangerous weapon.

Laurie would later learn at the August 24, 2018 District Court hearing with resistant Judge Everet Fowle and ADA Entwisle that Judge Robert Murray lied and notated that he heard Laurie’s motion’s for dismissal and denied them. I requested Judge Robert Murray’s written decisions for his claimed denial of motions to dismiss 2 charges of 2017 harassment and 1 charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon 2018. Judge Robert Murray refused to provide his written decision on November 19, 2018.

On July 12, 2018, a Waldo County grand jury Indicted Laurie Allen of one count of Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon. (Class C). The indictment reads as follows:

“On or about January 10,2018, in Belfast, Waldo County, Maine, Laurie L. Allen, with the use of a dangerous weapon, a firearm did communicate to Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum, and/or Wayne Marshall, and the natural and probable consequence of the threat was to place Mary Mortier, Michael Hurley, Neal Harkness, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Joseph Slocum and or Wayne Marshall, in a reasonable fear the crime would be committed.”

In October 2017, Laurie Allen, went target shooting for the first and only time. Laurie does not own any firearms and has only used a firearm this one time. Laurie Allen filmed the shoot and uploaded the video to her youtube playlist, John & Me. Laurie did not post the video anywhere else and did not send the video to anyone. Laurie made one flippant remark thanking Belfast Public Officials (City Council, City Manager and City Planner) for being her target. Laurie has been protesting and speaking at Belfast City Council and Planning Board meeting of their corruption and destruction to her property and life since May 2011. Laurie Allen has dedicated 8+ years, without compensation to legally expose epic government corruption to the public, first hand, solo and at great expense to Laurie’s below poverty income (18K), health, property, safety and Constitutional rights, too many to list in this motion and not necessary at this time.

10/2017 target shoot

First few seconds I say "Joi Z's turn. I never shot before. I was good in archery though, in camp. When I was 8 or 7, whatever. @ 1 minute John asks me if I want to shoot that target or just shoot. I tell him he doesn't have to fix it (the target) I'm not gonna hit anything. He says yes you will.

@1:43 I say I wanna shoot the target. HEY, I wanna shoot the target. Let me have fun. John says let me fix it. Stop. I say it ain't on red, we're good. John mumbles something. I say yeah that's what he said.
@2:50 John says you're good to go baby. I say alright.
@3:20 John says you're ready to roll. You have 9 shots. 
I'm having a hard time seeing the target through the scope. Later John would tell me because the scope is for his dominant eye vision, it's his rifle. I don't have dominant eye.   

@3:59 I finally shoot one and say "oh this is nice. What I'd get. (NOT WHO) Let's go look. Safety on. Oh that's fun. That's nothing. It's a little weinie gun for Laurie. I like it. And little bullets. "

John says You got it. I say "oh f*** yeah. I'm good too. Didn't ya know that." John is telling me it's automatic and I say "yeah it's automatic, just like me. It's not even that loud either. I don't need these plugs. Alright, I'm set. Ohhh, this is cool. I don't even need that stand. Done. I'm done. (meaning done shooting period. I did it and did not want to shoot again.) I did it. I did it. 9 9 9. I'm gonna bring the camera over. John's gonna point out. I hit some."

@6:11 I say "F*****' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marhsall, blah, blah, blah Thanks for being my target ya assholes."John says Look, ya shot it all full of holes. I say"I shot it all full of holes. And I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me." John counts 6 shots in the target area and says pretty good. I say "pretty good. I got em all on there. All 9 right?" John says yes, nice group. Not bad for your first try. I say "not at all. Watch your ass buddy" (meaning John because he is a sharp shooter. They edited this part to the media to make it seem like I was saying watch your ass to City Council.) 

Then John walks away and I follow him with the camera and I say "I'll watch your ass. Go ahead keep on walking. Look at that dupka. Oh Johnny- who's your girl? Who's your girl? He's acting like he can't hear me. It's bullshit. Look at these little things. Tell me you can't hear with these little peanuts. Alright bye."

Belfast Police Chief McFadden stalked Laurie’s youtube channel of over 200 video’s and found this innocent target shoot and sent it to the public officials and global media to incite terror, fabricating Laurie Allen as a terrorist on February 23,2018. Four months after the one time, innocent target shoot where Laurie was not a threat or threatening anyone to date.

In October 2017, the same month as the freedom of speech/expression target shoot, Chief McFadden stated in below email to Laurie Allen’s daughter “At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them.”

Belfast Chief McFadden and the State of Maine, violate Laurie’s First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech/Expression and legal definition of mailice cited below McFadden’s disturbing email using lies and mental abuse tactics.:

Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie Allen
Date: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDT
To: my daughter


Thank you so much for reaching out. It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs. 

I would agree that your mother's condition has deteriorated in the last several months. She's made numerous comments recently about her alcohol consumption, and I'm left to wonder if the addition of regular drinking is in some way contributing to the decline we're both noticing in her behavior, having no idea if this is a new development or not it's hard to say how much of an affect if any her drinking is having on the situation though.

This situation is not a typical one. Unfortunately the people who are best positioned to help your mother are the very people she's convinced are evil and out to get her. I know this is part of her mental illness and I personally take no offense to the things she says because of that. But my fear is that she simply won't trust me nor any of the officers here. She's also convinced the hospital along with the doctors and administrators of it are corrupt as well.

Honestly in evaluating the entire situation I believe her family (you and your brother) may be the best people at this time to get her the help she needs. I would suggest speaking with someone at Maine Behavioral Healthcare (207-338-2295) to see what options are there for you. I'm more than happy to assist you in whatever way you think I might be able to. It might be beneficial for you to mention that I'd be more than happy to talk with any of the case workers who you speak with at MBH, sometimes it makes a difference if they understand the background and type of behavior we're seeing from a public safety point of view. 

If you'd like to speak with me directly please feel free to call (207-338-5255)

I do appreciate you contacting me and I hope my response is of some help.

Chief McFadden.

Before plunging into the details of the proliferating controversies over freedom of expression
 on the Internet, you need some background information on two topics. The first and more 
obvious is the Free-Speech Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. 
The relevance and authority of the First Amendment should not be exaggerated; as several 
observers have remarked, "on the Internet, the First Amendment is just a local ordinance." 
 However, free-expression controversies that arise in the United States inevitably implicate
 the Constitution. And the arguments deployed in the course of American First-Amendment 
fights often inform or infect the handling of free-expression controversies in other countries. 
The upshot: First-Amendment jurisprudence is worth studying.
Unfortunately, that jurisprudence is large and arcane. The relevant constitutional provision is
simple enough: "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of 
the press . . .."  But the case law that, over the course of the twentieth century, has been built 
upon this foundation is complex. An extremely abbreviated outline of the principal doctrines 
would go as follows:

If a law gives no clear notice of the kind of speech it prohibits, it’s "void for vagueness."
If a law burdens substantially more speech than is necessary to advance a
compelling government interest, it’s unconstitutionally "overbroad."
A government may not force a person to endorse any symbol, slogan, or pledge.
Governmental restrictions on the "time, place, and manner" in which speech is
permitted are constitutional if and only if:
they are "content neutral," both on their face and as applied;
they leave substantial other opportunities for speech to take place; and
they "narrowly serve a significant state interest."
On state-owned property that does not constitute a "public forum," government
may restrict speech in any way that is reasonable in light of the nature and purpose
of the property in question.
Content-based governmental restrictions on speech are unconstitutional unless
they advance a "compelling state interest." To this principle, there are six exceptions:
1.  Speech that is likely to lead to imminent lawless action may be prohibited. 
2. "Fighting words" -- i.e., words so insulting that people are likely to fight back -- may be
3.  Obscenity -- i.e., erotic expression, grossly or patently offensive to an average person, 
that lacks serious artistic or social value -- may be prohibited. 
4.  Child pornography may be banned whether or not it is legally obscene and whether or 
not it has serious artistic or social value, because it induces people to engage in lewd displays, 
and the creation of it threatens the welfare of children. 
5.  Defamatory statements may be prohibited.  (In other words, the making of such statements
 may constitutionally give rise to civil liability.)  However, if the target of the defamation is a 
"public figure," she must prove that the defendant acted with "malice." 
 If the target is not a "public figure" but the statement involved a matter of "public concern,"
 the plaintiff must prove that the defendant acted with negligence concerning its falsity. 
6. Commercial Speech may be banned only if it is misleading, pertains to illegal products, or 
directly advances a substantial state interest with a degree of suppression no greater than is 
reasonably necessary.

What is MALICE?

In criminal law. In its legal sense, this word does not simply mean ill will against a person, but signifies a wrongful act done intentionally, without just cause or excuse. Bromage v. Prosser, 4 Barn. & C. 255. A conscious violation of the law (or the prompting of the mind to commit it) which operates to the prejudice of another person. About as clear, comprehensive, and correct a definition as the authorities afford is that “malice is a condition of the mind which shows a heart regardless of social duty and fatally bent on mischief, the existence of which is inferred from acts committed or words spoken.” Harris v. State, 8 Tex. App. 109. “Malice,” in its common acceptation, means ill will towards some person. In its legal sense, it applies to a wrongful act done intentionally, without legal justification or excuse. Dunn v. Hall, 1 Ind. 344. A man may do an act willfully, and yet be free of malice. But he cannot do an act maliciously without at the same time doing it willfully. The malicious doing of an act in- cludes the willful doing of it. Malice includes intent and will….

During the summer of 2018 as Laurie was dealing with enormous corruption and baiting, Laurie received a private Facebook message from a Shannon Berry, Kittery, Maine, stating she was drugged and cult raped over a weekend when she came interview for a job in Belfast at Bradley Williams home. Laurie now feared for Shannon’s life because Chief McFadden, prior Maine Porn Internet Detective had been hacking Laurie’s youtube and computer since 2011.

New Belfast police chief selected
By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.
Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.

A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might.I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.

maine_seashore •

He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)

Peter Taber is now activist and owner of

Laurie dedicated the next 4 weeks helping Shannon. Shannon told of communications with Belfast Officers Gibbs and Lincoln that were disturbing. Shannon wanted Laurie to come to Kittery where she lived with her boyfriend’s elder parents on Naval property and wanted to go to NH to speak to the father of Jeremy Alex. Bradley Williams guitar student that Bradley claims was murdered by Chief McFadden. Bradley approached Laurie in 2012 in town where she was protesting. He said he had a map of where Chief McFadden buries the bones of the murdered. Years later, Laurie recalled being interrogated by Chief McFadden in 2012 because Belfast City Council called her in as a threat for a non-threatening email.

Subject: Failure of Man
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 10:45:51 -0500

Just now on Sunday Morning, Brad Pitt spoke about his help to New Orleans. He said nothing
makes him angrier than hearing that the devastation was due to an "Act of God" when it is the
"Failure of Man". 
Deja Vu.

Looking the other way through rose colored glasses is open invitation for those who have
other ways. Someone has to fight back- you are not willing to see it and that is dangerous
since you are Council.It is difficult and crushing while you support evil dealings and that has
happened to other residents. 

However, they don't have the money to fight back or the strength. You will see, I hope you
will try before it blows up.



Laurie had been having internet problems with TWC now Spectrum since 2011. Tom was the tech that always came to her house and accessed her computers. Tom brought up a youtube video to test the speed, so he claimed. He said it was his brother-in-law in his garage restoring old tractor mowers that didn’t have brakes. It showed a hand dipping a very rusted piece into a vat and pulled it out looking brand new. No voice, no face. Just the hand and vat. Laurie asked what was used to take the rust off. Tom stated that it was his brother-in-laws home made recipe.

A few weeks later in the interrogation with Chief McFadden Laurie mentioned her father buying a racing go cart when Laurie was 8. Her father took her to the pits behind their house and let Laurie fly. She was coming right at him for the camera picture and didn’t know how to slow it down. Her father yelled turn the wheel Sissy, turn the wheel. She did. Just in time for her father to take the picture, almost getting run over. It had no brakes. Chief McFadden stated that he restores old tractor mowers that don’t have brakes. Laurie said “Hey- you’re the brother-in-law of the TWC guy Tom. I saw your restoring video.” Chief McFadden turned white and almost fell of the chair. Laurie had later thought it was because Tom was his spy, accessing homes, computers and information. Laurie fears now that it is where the bones came out for the bone cemetery that Brad knew of.

Apr 26, 2016 - ... sent to city officials, Williams also accuses McFadden and Deputy Merl Reed of covering up what he describes as the murder of Jeremy Alex. Alex disappeared in April 2004 and has not been seen since. No one has been charged in connection with Alex's disappearance. ... Remember Me ... Northport

Rebecca Simpson - The Jeremy Alex murder has been solved ...

Jul 9, 2016 - The Jeremy Alex murder has been solved, but the Belfast, Maine police are in on it. They actually have the map to seven bodies and won't go ...

Laurie realized that Shannon Berry was a sting operation to get her to Kittery when an unknown man answered the phone after 4 weeks. Laurie heard office equipment and when Laurie asked for Shannon the man said who? He stumbled and said he would get her. Laurie hung up and never responded to the fictitious Shannon again.

From: shannon berry <>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2018 4:35 AM
Subject: Re: Youtube Missing Native American Women

hay I dident know u coming Friday I hope ur ok I had ppl over... asnd I went to the court house

Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 11:26 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;;; Governor; Jeffrey Trafton
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Democracy Now!; Teresa Hallsworth; Cross Insurance Center
Subject: March assault rape and evils ordered to greed system entrynot be Government
Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden. Waldo Sheriff Jeffrey Trafton and Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,

Female victim has contacted me, Laurie Allen, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine 04915 and gives me authorization to report this March 2018 kidnapping and rape to the FBI.

The FBI is in receipt of this email. Belfast Police Officer Gibbs contacted female victim via telephone to advise when and where to legally document female victims detailed statement with;

  1. Receipt in hand of official FBI letterhead document of victim's exact testimony to her person by Bradley Williams, Belfast, Maine 04915, signed by the FBI investigator. 
  2. Receipt of video disc of victims statements to the FBI investigator.
  3. The FBI investigators personal official FBI business card with his contact information. 
  4. Official FBI document with instructions for victim's protection and FBI procedural time frame of FBI investigation.

Belfast Police Officer Gibbs called victim to advise of Waldo County Sheriff Detective Gerry Lincoln appointment to victim's town of residence. 

Victim was given a green card to contact Maine Attorney General Mills directly. Victim called and was transferred direct to Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Victim states AG Mills told Shannon that she has been waiting for victims call and offered sympathy.

To date, 4 months have passed and victim has no documentation of any investigation or immediate arrest of victim's 4 day cult like assaults and sick attempts of mind control by unstable, posing as a law enforcement and Maine Judicial whistle blower. Many times, Bradley Williams has sought out Laurie Allen to illegally and stupidly be the entrapHER, frameHER into the step 1 intake system to fund the Maine spread corruption by the State of Maine supported by Maine Health and those profiting for Laurie Allen's stupid, failed attempts to eternally end me with malice intent beyond reality. Bradley Williams  system intake step 1 that directly links Bradley to repeated attempts to frame me for immediate silence till death by leader Attorney General Janet Mills, still in stupid process since I went public with Belfast City Hall corruption by Belfast City Hall officials in November 2011 at at Belfast City Council open to the public agenda meeting. 

The FBI has received the  dated and documented details reported to the FBI via internet, FBI Tips. Laurie Allen has simple evidence fabrication for immediate dismissal of all criminal and unknown charges, violation Judicial 101 for all defendants absolute receipt of federal conspiracy committed crimes by Maine AG Janet Mills, Belfast City Hall Officials, Belfast City Hall attorney Bill Kelly also hired privately for Mark Rae and family members (as a legal thug to take more of me and mine)  Maine State Police Internet Child Porn Division. Belfast Chief of Police Michael McFadden (prior Maine State Internet Porn Detective) and his enforcers, Waldo County Sheriff Officials and enforcers, jail enforcers with non-for-profit jail case managers, Judge Worth, Judge Fields, Judge Mathews, Judge Alexander, Judge Murray, court clerks, TWC/Spectrum, CMP, Belfast Post Office, thug Mark Rae, some of his workers, Bo and Penny Rae Cameron, Twin Brideges attorney of the day, Bath criminal attorney David Sinclair posing for the defendant to the never ending feed JustUs and  their "owned" for more bodies to build more non profit for greed profit insanity by the ill elite, pillars of family destruction via any means of any moment. Terrorism, hate crimes, fabrication of false cease harassment notices, false arrests, intense, illegal law enforcement of epic lawless corruption of law,  Court clerks many civil rights, predominantly Freedom of Speech, etc. to first hand witness and ongoing target, Laurie Allen.

Bradley William's is officially well known by the system and is their head hunter and free to do whatever to her step 1.. Belfast law enforcement, Waldo County and State law enforcement,  Belfast City Hall, Maine Unified Court Judge, Belfast resident, Judge Patricia Worth, colleagues, Maine attorney's and court clerks know Bradley Williams intimately. Too intimately. 

This is an FBI investigation and they are in receipt of this email. I have advised victim Berry to report the federal crimes directly to the FBI agent assigned, in person at the location of victim's chosen place. To be videotaped for victim's personal possession of the reporting . I have advised Shannon to confirm her report to the FBI with the FBI letterhead legal document of Shannon's exact reporting with her witness and investigator present.

I have advised victim to have a witness with her at all times until witness protection is in place. Brad Williams is a free man in Belfast, attested many times, first hand sightings of William, mostly at Goodwill, Belfast, Maine 04925. One of Bradley William's hunting grounds. 

Female adult victim is a native American and cannot use the computer for health reasons. Victim has given me full authorization to send this document to the above and the FBI international crimes division. Victim is strong, smart and stable from extensive communications with Laurie Allen.
Laurie Allen

The FBI has the authority to investigate specific violent crimes committed against Americans and American interests overseas, and in some instances, crimes committed by Americans overseas. Those crimes include non-terrorism related hostage-takings and kidnappings, killings and assaults of U.S. federal officers and other internationally-protected individuals, violent crimes on U.S. Government property, and murders of U.S. nationals by other U.S. nationals. Additionally, the FBI investigates crimes aboard aircraft (both domestic and international flights) and crimes on the high seas like piracy and cruise ship violations involving U.S.-affiliated vessels or U.S. persons. The FBI also works to track down U.S. wanted fugitives who flee overseas.

Message is a copy of what I sent to the FBI at 11:10 pm, 7/9/18

Laurie did not receive any response from the FBI, then Attorney General now Governor Janet Trafton Mills, Chief McFadden or Sheriff Trafton.

Laurie suspects there is a rape ring. After Laurie had a Tuesday bail check in with pretrial case manager Rick Otto, Laurie was standing with her sign in the parking lot at Waldo Corrections. A woman had come out of the Waldo Corrections and told Laurie that she had been assaulted on Friday in Belfast by a Belfast man. Laurie saw the fingerprint choke marks around her neck and her dislocated shoulder. The woman said that she got arrested when she reported it to the Belfast police, placed in jail then transported to Two Bridges Correctional Facility. She did not receive any medical treatment. Her bail was posted and she had just gotten released after meeting with case manager Rick Otto. Laurie fears for this woman’s life as they saw her talking to Laurie.

Copied from Laurie’s blog,
7/13/2018  5:10 pm. Check in time with Waldo Jail Rick Otto who seems not to care about my case, my innocence, my life. No clue if he did anything to get the injunction to Judge Sparaco. Not interested in corrupt excuses of job limitations. Ain't no limitation on taking Mom out. Lawless & Ordered. AG Mills. Ew. Here's the July 2017 video of the last time I went from go to lights out. I barely was able to get out the door, in case I died before John got me, rushing out of work. I could barely get words out to Marilyn, almost on the street, right across from me. No, she didn't want to come near me as I struggled to say that if I crashed before John got there, take me to St Joe's in Bangor. Barely a nod. Just fear. I understand. I didn't want him to find me dead in the house, thought I'd be bagged before he got there. But, I lived. Not after blowing the minds off the St Joe's staff and Dr. He did do the catscan, I good. Just shutting down to force me to rest and eat. This is hours later, no drugs and I'm talking, good enough. That the video ended with Jesus nailed to the cross wasn't my doing. Although there is a striking reason the camera went there. No what I'm sayin' Mother Nature is pushing me to the limit, always, how much limit can I take? Don't ask me. When I do, I do. When I can't, I'm in very bad shape. This is in your business, take and break, repeat until in the system. I protest.

Laurie was not informed of the Grand Jury indictment on July 12, 2018. Judge Robert Murray did not state that there was any future court date before he fled the courtroom on June 6, 2018. On Tuesday, August 7, 2018, Laurie was at Waldo Corrections for bail check in with Rick Otto. 3 police officers, Guba, Linclon?, and ? Came in and brutally cuffed Laurie while she was filming. Using brute force to put Laurie in the jail just feet away.
Laurie was arrested for failure to appear on August 6, 2018 at Superior Court for a docket call. Laurie’s friend came and posted the $500 bail or Laurie would have been transported back to Two Bridges Correctional Facility.

Laurie’s hearing for failure to appear was on August 24, 2018 at Waldo District Court. Laurie brought all her motions for dismissal of all charges in case the docket read the 2 harassment charges and one terrorizing with a dangerous weapon charge. Laurie was correct. That is exactly what the docket listed. There was nothing about failure to appear.

Judge Everet Fowle did not bring up the charges after seeing Laurie was prepared to defend pro se. Judge Fowle asked ADA Entwisle if the $500 bail was being returned to Laurie because it was a non-court date. ADA Entwisle quickly shook his head no. Laurie states the hearing was a sham, Judge Fowle and Entwisle speaking in short words to each. Laurie kept asking to have her dismissal motions heard. Finally Judge Fowle stated that his notes reflected that Judge Murray heard and dismissed those dismissal motions on June 6, 2018. Laurie stated that Judge Murray did not hear the motions because he called recess and ran. Laurie asked ADA Entwisle to confirm this but Entwisle lied and said his notes reflected the same as Judge Fowle’s. Judge Robert Murray refused to give his written decision for dismissing the dismissal motions on November 19,2018 because he never heard them and is a liar.

On September 11, 2018, Tuesday at bail check in, Rick Otto and Detective Greeley forced Laurie to sign a contract to pay $150 a month, $5 a day to track her with the cancer ankle monitor. They know Laurie does not leave her house. It is to demoralize and break Laurie’s spirit. Nevertheless, Laurie persists.

On October 22, 2018, Laurie, pro se, had another dispositional conference for a motion to rescind bail conditions. Laurie brought her friend for witness. There were not any security guards or scanners again at the Waldo Superior Court. It was the same paneled District Court looking Superior court room as June 6, 2018. Judge Murray, ADA Entswisle, Marshall Dudley and the court clerk were the only ones in the court room when Laurie was to present her motions. Laurie was thankful her friend was with her. Laurie told Marshall Dudley that there were no security guards or scanners again and told him to check her belongings to verify that Laurie did not have any weapons, please don’t shoot.

Judge Murray had to watch the video where Laurie was deathly sick from the ankle monitor.
It was the 2nd video on the DVD, the first was the 10/2017 innocent target shoot that Judge Murray has refused to see. Laurie played the shoot and the illness. Judge Murray said nothing about the target shoot and asked when this illness occurred. It was 2 weeks after the ankle monitor was shackled to Laurie on March 2, 2018 and July 2018. Judge Murray denied removing the ankle monitor and travel restrictions.

The Waldo Judiciary courts have continually denied Laurie her rights and corrupted 9 hearings as pro se since the first hearing on 12/8/2017. Worn down, Laurie finally agreed to take another court appointed attorney in March 2019. That was Lisa Whittier who soon showed she was for the State, the same as the first court appointed attorney in February 2018, David Sinclair. Laurie motioned for another court appointed attorney, Tom Shehan.

Laurie had Tom withdraw 2 motions, the first for bail condition modification and the second for the charge of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. Laurie did not authorize those motions and the terrorizing motion was not acceptable. Laurie has yet to receive the discovery for Terrorizing with a dangerous weapon from Tom and ADA Entwisle. Entswisle’s discoveries for the 2 harassment charges are missing pages, and full of problems. First and foremost is that the evidence for both are video’s that are not available.

Laurie stated that she is drawing up the motions for dismissal of two 2017 harassment charges and one terrorizing with a dangerous weapon to be heard at the 10th dispositional conference on July 23, 2019 at the Waldo Judiciary Center.

If the Judge decides not to dismiss all charges, then motions will be presented to rescind bail conditions and if the case is going to trial, a motion for a trial by Judge only.

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