
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query mobstah lobstah. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query mobstah lobstah. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Michelle Obama's EPIC Speech On Trump's Sexual Behavior (FULL | HD)

Please leave a comment for any postings that  may have legal issues.


Getting me some nasty shoes to kick back Elizabeth Warren style. Kick out all the corrupt, begin with Belfast Mobstah Lobstahs.

“Women have had it with guys like you, and nasty women have really had it with guys like you,” Warren said. “Get this, Donald. Nasty women are tough, nasty women are smart, and nasty women vote, and on November 8, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. He thinks that because he has money he can call women fat pigs and bimbos,” Warren said. “He thinks because he is a celebrity that he can rate women’s bodies from one to 10. He thinks that because he has a mouthful of Tic Tacs he can force himself on any woman within groping distance.”

 (reposting 7/22 entry to connect more Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's)

The Beginning of Helfast (Belfast) Seaview Perish (Terrace)

 Since the 80's, Mayor Mary Worth, City Council Mike Hurley and media/law enforcement connected wiseguy Jay Davis began planning taking. Targeting in-town area's for demise. Worth died willing corruption plan to children. Peg Worth to Worth Real Estate, John Worth III (MMA, Captain, MaineHealth Board, real estate,etc)  and wife Judge Patricia Worth to get it done regardless of law.  Heavily connected and feared, Layering attorneys, connected court power and subjects in all fields.

The Mobstah Lobstah's of Belfast. When all corrupt connections to the State were wired and implicated by 1998, Heil Hurley hired the hitmen. In came City Planner Wayne Marshall in 1999. The lizard. #1- stop public access to public documents, site plans and all information. He stopped recording such at the Waldo County Deeded Registry and has removed and or manipulated damning documents from the Registry prior to 1999.  FOIA is a netWorth joke, all laughing up to the top. City Hall, City Attorney, DEP, EPA, Realtor Commission, IF&W, DHHS, Senators, House Reps, Governor, the Attorney General, the whole Maine system growing with MaineHealth in collaboration with the Department of Defense, announced by MaineHealth in 2011. Thier 3rd party contractors, their behavioral swat team to control the healthcare for the 95% "problems" and for profit. Masking as non profit and charity. Masses in the communities implicated because of employment, allegiance to the corrupt (family, friends, clergy, Dr, RSU, recreation, etc) and protection of your children, loved ones, pets and property.

C.P. Marshall went corrupt big with The Captain Albert Stevens School with the network. Built on an enormous swamp, all the piggies in the mud. DEP, Army Corp, Engineers, DOE, Attorneys, Contractors, DOE, endless list of pigs.Completed 2006/2007. In 2007, Heil Hurley hired NY insurance attorney, Joe Sloscum. Scum is a compliment. Abusing female employees and mothers like Hurley but not as public, with dirty tactics and denial. Like all abusers. Like Hurley, Marshall, Kelly, Rosenberg, Kittredge, Ricahrds, Harkness, Sanders, Arrison and Thayer,  the rage is there. Closeted underwear.

Sloscum was town manager in Castine, Me. Home of MMA, Maine Maritime Academy and 2nd home to John Worth III. Hello. City Council, boards and committee's cherry picked to corruption and/or implication. Directors and Department Heads. The Wall in place to displace and dismiss the public. About face. I don't think so.

CASS/Sweetser School (share site) corruption is enormous and my water investigation barely scrapes the mud. The piggies bury me in landslides. Miles of private properties began flooding below CASS. So easy to see the illegal runoff and melt off from CASS causing it, no one took on the corruption. Millions were spent to send the water drainage to the other side of town, via overhauling Miller Street storm sewers to take the enormous drainage downtown to the bay. With drainage from the man made EPA disaster on top of Miller Street, called The Muck. Heavy equipment lays in the bottom of that mess.In 2012 Hurley almost got that drained to my property as well when he enlisted Warden Dyer (IF&W) to spin a story that it had to be partially drained to try and rid it of the invasive goldfish. To stock it with trout for a fishing spot for our dear sweet children. A scam using our children as heart strings, targets and pawns to carry out corruption.

This album I created in 2013 are picture's showing the illegal outlet on the low end, flowing right past the millions spent, corruptly placed on the high end where it will never go out to the system. The lizard sends it to the private properties through the Birches, through Congress Street, through Cedar St., to the top half of Wight Street where there is a direct line to the bay. No. They channel it over Tall Pines, to MaineHealth Behavioral to Seaview Terrace private properties. All the business sites including the enormous CASS is allowed to violate zoning conditions to remove "plowable" snow off site. No doubt it would be enforced if it were melting into the system. Or if the sites below were melting to other businesses or the  5% supremacy. Targeting the middle to low to poverty. Wipe out for MaineHealth taking and endless supremacy wants.

My property is the last property to get it all from there and everywhere. See the my map of unbelievable water slaughter. Documenting all the way, like Alice in Wonderland. Complete ruthless insanity. Forcing me into conjectures and fear, as the mob mentality pounces on each. Six years later, they can't hide the City wide taking and secrecy of takings voted through in the Comprehensive Plan 2014 and still secret. More amendments and City Attorney ordinance loophole language to be interpreted as needed by the City Attorney and Judge Worth. Suffice to say, every development of economic greed is corrupt. It's exploding as I write. Airport, harbor, MaineHealth, Penboscot McCrum served eminent domain this week, downtown, uptown, across town, rail trail, RSU, housing, small print, no print, no boundaries. No justice for just us.

 I have many albums of pictures and documents to prove corruption to various agencies and by them as well. All the piggies.

 Belfast Planning Board Chair Steve Eminent Domain Ryan. His credentials are hair raising and proof that the taking is just beginning with eminent domain. My residential area has been under assault by MaineHealth and Belfast City Hall for over 10 years. Israel taking the Gaza Strip in full denial in full view.  details MaineHealth/Dept Of Defense/Players & Takers
Stephen Ryan, FMM Chair, Belfast. Steve is President/CEO of Maine Network for Health, a provider-owned organization specializing in healthcare business support services including payment contracts, business office functions and quality improvement assistance.  He holds a M.S. degree in Health Care Administration from Simmons College in Boston.  Steve is active with various statewide healthcare-related boards and committees, and volunteers in his hometown of Belfast by serving on the city’s Planning Board and assisting with the annual Maine Celtic Celebration which is coming up this year on July 18-20th.  He lives in Belfast with his wife, Carla, and two of their three children...

 I found of the connected (names below the Mobstah Lobstah cartoon) addresses on the 2015 Belfast Tax commitment book online. Many own several properties. Hence somewhere, some known streets, many unknown. But corruption concentration camping on Cedar Street, Park St., Court St., Union St., High St., Main St., Lord St., Wight St., Salmond St., Kaler Rd., Robbins Way, Lead Mountain Lane, Ashely Drive, Head of Tide Rd., Tozier St., Waldo Ave., Searsport Ave. by East Side Garage, all in Belfast.
Coombs Rd.- Morrill,  Patten Drive- Lincolnville, Coles Corner Road-Winterport,  and of course, State Street, Augusta

Make a sign, begin the line. Boycott Belfast email me and I'll be there.

FIRST HAND (CLAW) LIST DOCUMENTED CORRUPTION CONTACTS (with only a bit of supporting proof that I have AMASSED against all refusals and intimidation tactics over the 6 years. Surely they thought I'd break within the first 6 months. I was so beat up when we crawled here in 2010. Surely I knew to hang on and still am) I've been documenting the corruption as it hit me since 2010. Tons and overwhelming. My BelfastBullies blogs morphed into BoycottBelfast when the Chamber of Commerce purposely awarded City Manager Joe Slocum citizen of the year. A member confirmed what I already knew. Done to slap me in the face. Hence Boycott Belfast slap back since 2012.  I link some of the pages (sidebar) for support but there is more the pages, more in the overwhelming blog and blogs, corruption in every nook and cranny of Belfast City Hall and the implicated network. Site plans to ordinances to business to the good ole boys. Rob the poor to pay, cut services and basic infrastructure- roads and drainage to code and State law, for the wants and properties of the ego's.

Propose lies to the public in public hearings and City Hall and Council vote through corruption. loophole language for only "City attorney interpretation" and take the 5th. City Planner locks up the documents and plans with DEP approval. Never ending and much more than I can document. All this is corruption directly involving me, my property and my children. First hand. Covering a massive network of Mobstah Lobstah's. Easy to catch. Just look and ask how and why? Prepare for rhetoric, denial and refusal. Then become the target. Duck and weave. Keep asking, proving, documenting and posting. Forget a lawsuit against the City- it'll end up on corrupt Judge Worth's docket or one of her good ole boys. Ditto with insurance claims- City Manager Joe Slocum tries to push you down that hell hole too. Once denied or Worth dismisses, so does your voice. Ticks them off that they couldn't get me there. No sir. I ain't no dummy.

 Judge Patricia Worth (robbed me of 7k in open and shut small claims court. I didn't know the Worth's, after she did that I figured she had to part of the Mobstah Lobstah's and husband John Worth III. The are the Queen and King Pins) somewhere , Belfast

Mega Realtor Earl Black address wanted Bangor? He tried to shut me up with $6500. No thank you.

Earl Black. Executive Office Director. Service Areas and Specialties ... real estate in the GreaterBangor area, as well as Hancock County, Somerset County, Piscataquis County, ... Member and past chair of the Maine Real Estate Commission

Real estate agent Bill Ingersoll somewhere, Belfast
Real estate agent Sam Mitchell address wanted (Worth Real Estate- yes Johnny & Patty's)
(  smorgasbord of force flooding proof. Including the corrupt dismissal of non disclosure by the Maine Realtor Commission- where Earl Black owns most of the agencies in Maine. And Earl's offer of $7500 to cease and desist. Hello, goodbye)

Belfast City Council
Mike Hurley somewhere   Belfast
Mary Mortier & Real estate crook  somewhere  Belfast
Eric Sanders somewhere , Belfast 
John Arrison  somewhere  Belfast
Neal Harkness  somewhere  Belfast
Prior CC Roger Lee somewhere  Belfast
Prior CC Nancy Hamilton and Planning Board Chair Husband Paul Hamilton (both simultaneously-corrupt as hell) somewhere Belfast
Mayor Ash somewhere somewhere,Belfast
Belfast Chief of Police Mike McFadden somewhere, Belfast
Belfast Time Warner Cable Tech Tom ? (secret brother in law to Chief Mike McFadden, insider info free access to private residents and computers. Hello- Tom came to my house many times for issues that suddenly stopped when I discovered the connection to the the Chief. Creeps. Goes to show how clean me and my kids are. Got nothing on us. Not one bad search of ANYTHING. House clean too. Chief and his men have come here too on anonymous tips of instability. Right. Come on in officers. Couldn't shake me and 2 times they went after my kids, telling me I should be concerned for their well being. City Council also called me in as a threat to the Chief in 2011. City Attorney Bill Kelly sent me many letters to intimidate me and silence me.)

Restorative Justice Chair Jay Davis address wanted.
City Manager Joe Slocum address wanted( leave me an anonymous message)

City Planner Wayne Marshall address wanted
City Attorney Kristin Collins address wanted
City Engineer Mandy Olver (Olver Associates, Winterport) address wanted

Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge address wanted
(sent me an email to stop me from speaking at the public hearing for Northport Ave TIF. He advised me that the public hearing was moved to later so that I would miss it. I knew it. I got there early- sure enough the public hearing was first. When I questioned it- Sloscum jumped in and told me there would be another. Ha- now I got to speak twice- 2nd time I ripped.

Director Of Public Works Bob Richards  somewhere Belfast 
Zoning/Code Officer Todd Rosenburg address wanted
Director Parks Norm Poirier with Warden Chris Dyer (Inland Fisheries & Wildlife) address wanted

Planning Board
Chair Steve Ryan somewhere Belfast
Wayne Corey somewhere  Belfast
Margot Carpenter somewhere  Belfast
Roger Pickering somewhere  Belfast
Biff  Atlass somewhere, Belfast
Declan O'Connor somewhere, Belfast, 
Geoffrey Gilchrist somewhere , Belfast
Prior PB Russel Barber somewhere, Belfast

Mike Hogan Maine Group Architect somewhere, Belfast
Waldo County Hospital/Annex site corruption since I moved here in 2010 w/ Planning

Greg Dutch (Dutch Chevrolet)  somewhere, Belfast
Refusal to help with Belfast City Hall corruption. Owned Seaview Terrace before development. Knowing a "natural outlet" never ran through the parcel. Knowing City Hall was illegally water slaughtering us!! Knowing City Hall corruption like family. And running away, don't buy at Dutch Chevrolet!!

Jayne Giles CEO MaineStream Finance/Penquis (prior House Rep) somewhere, Belfast  
Refusal to help with Belfast City Hall corruption.

Minister Deane Perkins (UU Church) somewhere, Belfast 
RSU71 School Administration
Superintendent Paul Knowles address wanted
BAHS Principal Steven Fitzpatrick address wanted
BAHS Director of Guidance James Davis address wanted
BAHS Prior Guidance Counselor Jessica Woods somewhere,  Belfast
THMS Prior Principal Kim Buckheit address wanted (in 2011 parents told me that Buckheit stole several thousand dollars from fundraising by these parents. A teacher confirmed it.)

RSU71 School Board

Black, Fred
Crabiel, David  crabiel71@gmail.com2018Belfast
DeFrees, Evelyn edefreesrsu71@gmail.com2019Searsmont
Dutra, Bernadette bmldutra71@gmail.com2018Morrill
Goscinski, Allison goscinskirsu71@yahoo.com2018Belfast
Grey, Charlie charlie.grey@rsu71.org2017Belfast
Hills, Caitlin caitlin.hills@rsu71.org2017Belfast
Newsom, Laura  lauranewsomrsu71@gmail.com2017Belmont
Woods, Jessica  jwoods@rsu71.org2018Belfast

All these school adults were kept up to date on the targeting of my son and did nothing. Such great potential into stellar colleges, full scholarship, if they just did their job. Instead they targeted for 4 years. And he still attained AP Scholar Tops. Shame on you all. ( )

MaineHealth Waldo County & Penbay Hospital CEO Mark Biscone address wanted
Board Chair Lee Woodward somewhere Belfast
Board member (& President of Front Street Shipyard) JB Turner somewhere , Belfast
Board member John Worth III somewhere, Belfast
All participating in corruption and destruction to Seaview Terrace.

Dr. Edward Zanca  MidCoast Ortho 86 Lincolnville Ave (business) home address wanted.

John Smith J&B Autobody 278 Lincolnville Ave., Belfast (business) home address wanted
( )

Chris Kulbe Ridgetop Chimney Sweep 363 Appleton Ridge Road, business,  Searsmont 
( )

Erin Herbig House Rep. Belfast Erin refuses to acknowledge corruption. She has seen me since I first went public at the City Council meeting in 11/2011. She was at the Front Street Shipyard with Governor and the rest of their clan, ignoring me and my SUV billboard of corruption documentation. Erin's address wanted ( affair scandal too
“I deeply regret falling in love with a married woman,” said Cornell du Houx.

Mike Thibodeau Senate President somewhere Winterport Me 04496 
Dorothy Havey "Special" Assistant to Thibodeau somewhere Lincolnville 
Maine Real Estate Commission
Carol Lehighton (prior Director) address wanted
Karen Bivins, Director, address wanted
Jeff Hill, Deputy Director, address wanted

Prior Commissioner Patricia Aho address wanted
Prior Env. Specialist Christoper Cabot address wanted
Tom Gilbert Field Investigator address wanted
Beth Callahan Project Manager address wanted
Waldo County Emergency Management Agency
Director Dale Rowley address wanted (Dale did not corrupt, he protected EMA and tossed me back to Belfast City Hall again and again. Seaview Terrace will not be saved)

Sue Baker CFM NFIP State Coordinator address wanted (Sue did not corrupt but stated no investigation to Belfast for force flooding private properties illegally.)

Attorney General (Requests for documented corruption/with holding public information/ etc. denied. Mills clearly support of Belfast City Hall corruption to citizens.)
Attorney General Janet Mills address wanted
Rose Smith Executive Secretary address wanted
Brenda Kielty Freedom Of Information Act Assistant address wanted

Rene Bard Affordable Care Act Specialist DHHS Portland 822-2138 address wanted
Governor and Ann LePage  192 State Street Augusta

Senator Angus King  address wanted  Brunswick?

Former Senator Olympia Snowe address wanted Augusta?

Former Senator George Mitchell address wanted

I knew I'd throw myself off a bridge dealing with Senator Susan Collins, so I refused attempts for Ann LePage's assistant, Patricia Condon, to pawn me off to Collins..

And this is just the first hand documented short list of corruption escalating from being sold a non disclosed Belfast City Hall illegal water slaughter hell in 6/2010. They saw this below poverty level,  beat up Mom and children as an easy target. They thought wrong.

Boatloads more locally- private residents enabling through fear, committee's and businesses. Dirty local to state. Clean up begins at home. Too dangerous, I do it alone. Always have with history of family abuse since I was born (12/31/1960) to date. Not stopping now. No one to protect me. Confirmed after receiving 2 sexually threatening anonymous letters in 2015 with City Hall markings. Chief McFadden (prior detective for internet porn) would not return my calls to investigate. I brought the letters to Sheriff Trafton. He was concerned but cannot investigate. I'm on my own.  

Page link   to online bullying from Seth Thayer, City Council Mike Hurley and Belfast resident Hal Richardson (also as Piper03301) , public tainting. calling the public to picket my home, abusing me as a mother who relocated and crawled to Belfast in 2010 to begin again in safety and privacy. Dotting every i, crossing every t, property inspections and #1 refusal of properties NO water issues, inside or out, including streams. Agents lied, previous owner filled in ravine and sold me water hell. Estimates to stabilize the bank after the stream tore another ravine in spring melt of 2011, were 75k and up. I painstakingly did it myself.  Nine inches fell within hours in 2016- my stabilization held superbly. No erosion, no problems. Belfast City Hall tried to rezone Seaview Terrace into healthcare and housing(R3) and I challenged them and won. Seaview Terrace is R1, residential. New roof, new fence, new door, new on demand hot water, new Woodstock soapstone woodstove, this house/property is a very good deal at 200k and Belfast would be wise to buy me out. See next post below for pictures of house, property and the abutting lot for sale.

Getting out of an abusive marriage with children is rare and dangerous. I did it. Belfast targets, lies and denies with support of State agencies and sells hell. Shhh, sell it to another, turnover is good for the agents and City Hall. Kicking a mom, non stop for exposing the corruption in Belfast to Augusta.

On my facebook page


Belfast Downtown Player Seth Thayer Compares Me (Honest, Targeted, Below poverty) Survivor Mom to Woman Abuser Donald Trump

From: seth <>

Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:57 AM


Subject: [Belfast Commerce awards resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum- 2013 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ] New comment on Belfast Seth Thayer, Mike Hurley, Harold Richardso....
seth has left a new comment on your post "Belfast Seth Thayer, Mike Hurley, Harold Richardso...":
Belfast's biggest bully strikes again. Laurie, I can't believe that you spend your time trolling people all over the internet with your amazingly uninformed and plain wrong assertions. However, watching Donald Trump all these months has me thinking you two are cut from the same cloth. Speak before thinking, speak before researching, and tell everyone you are the victim. Amazing.

From: seth <>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 6:49 AM
Subject: [Belfast Commerce awards resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum- 2013 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR ] New comment on Boycott Belfast Corruption or Not.

seth has left a new comment on your post "Boycott Belfast Corruption or Not":

I think you shot yourself in the foot with regards to your own house, which is virtually worthless now because you have "documented" what you think is wrong with your house for all these years. Being Belfast's biggest bully does have its drawbacks now doesn't it? You should have upped and moved a long time ago, both for your sake and your children's sake.

This Belfast Downtown player, business owner, who has never had the integrity to approach me in town, to meet me, or speak to me, face to face. Instead, the coward targets my comments on the Bangor Daily News and other online news, even telling the public to come picket my house. Seth Thayer knows my family history (in 2005 bought my deceased sister's house in Bayside and our family baggage)...I have never met Seth as he seeks me out, again and again. After 6 years of defending my proof of Belfast corruption proof to Seth, and the danger to me, a single mother taking on the epic corruption and robbing of rights and property, that he should totally relate to as a gay man, I tried another approach to stop his witch hunt against me.
Seth exploits his marriage to Greg Tinder (so does Belfast City Hall- performing the first gay marriage) and gay rights while burning my rights without a care. This year, I burned back. Replying to his comment against me that I was sad to see he sold himself out to Belfast City Hall. Stating that I don't bend over for anyone. Where Seth launched off the gay card, citing me as the bully, ongoing for months now.. Got this message from him today. Big Jerk. What Greg sees in this neanderthal is beyond me. Greg is quiet, good looking, respectful and the best renovator contractor I have seen. He transformed my sister's house, I was so thankful and wrote them that in 2006.…/same-sex-couple-renovating-di…/

Marie Abes Crawford Saleido commented on your photo.
Marie Abes Crawford Saleido
October 15 at 11:16am
i love how you should of passed your issue on to another,but you documented it unreal,what a scumbag

Friday, March 16, 2018

Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden Sick Rape & Break. Not us.


I did not post the sick Belfast Police Chief Mike Mcfadden's rape and break Mom and children letters from 4 years ago. Too awful. Please read below. This is us. 8 long years to break one beat up mom and kids. My honor.
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 4:56 PM; ; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Target Video's
I am over at the Hutchinson Center now. They are able to slow done the connection. I tried to send the video's to you for 2 hours yesterday, 3 hours today and I've held on for Camtasia again and again. Here it is from my you tube channel. I did not post the sick Belfast Police Chief Mike Mcfadden's rape and break Mom and children letters from 4 years ago. Too awful. Please read below. This is us. 8 long years to break one beat up mom and kids. My honor.
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 4:56 PM; ; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Target Video's

I am over at the Hutchinson Center now. They are able to slow done the connection. I tried to send the video's to you for 2 hours yesterday, 3 hours today and I've held on for Camtasia again and again. Here it is from my you tube channel.

At 3 minutes 22 seconds I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?"

Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. Fuck yeah. 9. Fucking Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all foull of hoesl. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo. Hi David,

Below is my original video’s of target practice and their manipulated video. My 2 are the only ones of the several that I mention City Council. I don’t know the second video that was referenced by the state attorney in the video bail.

Below that are anonymous letters that I am sure are from Mike Hurley and Police Chief Mike McFadden. He is very dangerous, very sick and has nothing left to loose. I know any moment could be my last. With him tracking and listening to my every move and word. Inside and out.

I brought these immediately to McFadden. He would not see me or return my emails and then Blocked me. Sheriff Trafton saw me, I gave him the original (stupid me, I thought he could order forensics. I never touched them, used new plastic gloves) to the penis letter and copies of the others. H said he was concerned but could not help me. Later he would block my emails. I can’t find my copy of the penis letter but had this on my sd card and chopped it in portions because I did a video it while reading it. I can’t get online to give you that video. I can if you want it. I found a wifi in my zone at another branch of my bank, Camden National on Route 3, Belfast. I am heading there to send this to you after I finish this.

I am hoping that this will be enough to get this tracker off me now and immediate protection orders for my children and me from BPD, Sheriff Trafton, jail perverts, Belfast Public Works (they nail ONLY me with killer snow and rip up my property even on my brothers funeral, 9/4/2014 when they thought I’d be in Al. For his funeral I couldn’t go and watched in , painfully in mourning, crying at my window as massive trucks and heavy equipment roared into my property, to dig out culverts, etc. Ditto with the Belfast Water District) Belfast Water District, Spectrum/TWC and jail perverts, City Manager Joe Slocum, Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council, Mayor, Mike Hurley civilian, their family members, all owners, entities, workers and all family members at 23 Seaview Terrace. They continue to trespass, threaten, and destroy me and my property. Also, rescind restrictions. I can’t go to my bank, have no internet access in Belfast (the library and McDonald’s), can’t go to my pharmacy- Walgreens, get gas in Belfast, call for emergencies (fire, rape, etc) or go to my Dr and the hospital.

My daughter, 2k stolen from her debit account right after she gave the debit information to the jail to put $50 on my account so I could make calls and buy salt. I was never informed and was give a check from the jail when the let me out. Her bank is the Univ Credit Union in Farmington, Me. They said the the thief made a vemo (?) account as her and used that to take 2k from her CU debit account. They said they will not tell her who it was but refunded her 2k. I think it was Mills or Belfast evils. I fear for her big time. They can do anything they want to her. If you can’t issue any or all, I trust you. No need to explain. The less I have to talk, the better.

Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times.

Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though.
As Always,
South River Rat
Joi Z
Exit 9
Thu 3/15/2018 3:57 PM
Hi Attorney,
Spectrum/McFadden/The Bank- who the hell knows. I keep losing connection and can't finish putting the 2 target video's on Camtasia. Pee Wee can't touch that. Sending this part now. Please, please, get me free from the probation and monitor asap

I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew.

These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom.

Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though.
I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew. Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times.
These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom.
This was the 2nd one. Sheriff Trafton had trashed the corrupt Belfast Post Master General and City Manager Joe Slocum. I said nothing and knew then that he was very bad. Too late, he already had the original. Bastard.
This was the 3rd and final one.I did not post the sick Belfast Police Chief Mike Mcfadden's rape and break Mom and children letters from 4 years ago. Too awful. Please read below. This is us. 8 long years to break one beat up mom and kids. My honor. From: LAURIE ALLEN <> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 4:56 PM; ; LAURIE ALLEN Subject: Target Video's Hi, I am over at the Hutchinson Center now. They are able to slow done the connection. I tried to send the video's to you for 2 hours yesterday, 3 hours today and I've held on for Camtasia again and again. Here it is from my you tube channel. At 3 minutes 22 seconds I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?" Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. Fuck yeah. 9. Fucking Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all foull of hoesl. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo. Hi Attorney, Below is my original video’s of target practice and their manipulated video. My 2 are the only ones of the several that I mention City Council. I don’t know the second video that was referenced by the state attorney in the video bail. Below that are anonymous letters that I am sure are from Mike Hurley and Police Chief Mike McFadden. He is very dangerous, very sick and has nothing left to loose. I know any moment could be my last. With him tracking and listening to my every move and word. Inside and out. I brought these immediately to McFadden. He would not see me or return my emails and then Blocked me. Sheriff Trafton saw me, I gave him the original (stupid me, I thought he could order forensics. I never touched them, used new plastic gloves) to the penis letter and copies of the others. H said he was concerned but could not help me. Later he would block my emails. I can’t find my copy of the penis letter but had this on my sd card and chopped it in portions because I did a video it while reading it. I can’t get online to give you that video. I can if you want it. I found a wifi in my zone at another branch of my bank, Camden National on Route 3, Belfast. I am heading there to send this to you after I finish this. I am hoping that this will be enough to get this tracker off me now and immediate protection orders for my children and me from BPD, Sheriff Trafton, jail perverts, Belfast Public Works (they nail ONLY me with killer snow and rip up my property even on my brothers funeral, 9/4/2014 when they thought I’d be in Al. For his funeral I couldn’t go and watched in , painfully in mourning, crying at my window as massive trucks and heavy equipment roared into my property, to dig out culverts, etc. Ditto with the Belfast Water District) Belfast Water District, Spectrum/TWC and jail perverts, City Manager Joe Slocum, Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council, Mayor, Mike Hurley civilian, their family members, all owners, entities, workers and all family members at 23 Seaview Terrace. They continue to trespass, threaten, and destroy me and my property. Also, rescind restrictions. I can’t go to my bank, have no internet access in Belfast (the library and McDonald’s), can’t go to my pharmacy- Walgreens, get gas in Belfast, call for emergencies (fire, rape, etc) or go to my Dr and the hospital. My daughter, 2k stolen from her debit account right after she gave the debit information to the jail to put $50 on my account so I could make calls and buy salt. I was never informed and was give a check from the jail when the let me out. Her bank is the Univ Credit Union in Farmington, Me. They said the the thief made a vemo (?) account as her and used that to take 2k from her CU debit account. They said they will not tell her who it was but refunded her 2k. I think it was Mills or Belfast evils. I fear for her big time. They can do anything they want to her. If you can’t issue any or all, I trust you. No need to explain. The less I have to talk, the better. Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times. Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though. As Always, South River Rat Joi Z Exit 9 LAURIE ALLEN Thu 3/15/2018 3:57 PM Hi Attorney, Spectrum/McFadden/The Bank- who the hell knows. I keep losing connection and can't finish putting the 2 target video's on Camtasia. Pee Wee can't touch that. Sending this part now. Please, please, get me free from the probation and monitor asap I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew. These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom. Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though. I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew. Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times. These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom. This was the 2nd one. Sheriff Trafton had trashed the corrupt Belfast Post Master General and City Manager Joe Slocum. I said nothing and knew then that he was very bad. Too late, he already had the original. Bastard. This was the 3rd and final one.
At 3 minutes 22 seconds I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?"

Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. Fuck yeah. 9. Fucking Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all foull of hoesl. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo. Hi David,

Below is my original video’s of target practice and their manipulated video. My 2 are the only ones of the several that I mention City Council. I don’t know the second video that was referenced by the state attorney in the video bail.

Below that are anonymous letters that I am sure are from Mike Hurley and Police Chief Mike McFadden. He is very dangerous, very sick and has nothing left to loose. I know any moment could be my last. With him tracking and listening to my every move and word. Inside and out.

I brought these immediately to McFadden. He would not see me or return my emails and then Blocked me. Sheriff Trafton saw me, I gave him the original (stupid me, I thought he could order forensics. I never touched them, used new plastic gloves) to the penis letter and copies of the others. H said he was concerned but could not help me. Later he would block my emails. I can’t find my copy of the penis letter but had this on my sd card and chopped it in portions because I did a video it while reading it. I can’t get online to give you that video. I can if you want it. I found a wifi in my zone at another branch of my bank, Camden National on Route 3, Belfast. I am heading there to send this to you after I finish this.

I am hoping that this will be enough to get this tracker off me now and immediate protection orders for my children and me from BPD, Sheriff Trafton, jail perverts, Belfast Public Works (they nail ONLY me with killer snow and rip up my property even on my brothers funeral, 9/4/2014 when they thought I’d be in Al. For his funeral I couldn’t go and watched in , painfully in mourning, crying at my window as massive trucks and heavy equipment roared into my property, to dig out culverts, etc. Ditto with the Belfast Water District) Belfast Water District, Spectrum/TWC and jail perverts, City Manager Joe Slocum, Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council, Mayor, Mike Hurley civilian, their family members, all owners, entities, workers and all family members at 23 Seaview Terrace. They continue to trespass, threaten, and destroy me and my property. Also, rescind restrictions. I can’t go to my bank, have no internet access in Belfast (the library and McDonald’s), can’t go to my pharmacy- Walgreens, get gas in Belfast, call for emergencies (fire, rape, etc) or go to my Dr and the hospital.
My daughter, 2k stolen from her debit account right after she gave the debit information to the jail to put $50 on my account so I could make calls and buy salt. I was never informed and was give a check from the jail when the let me out. Her bank is the Univ Credit Union in Farmington, Me. They said the the thief made a vemo (?) account as her and used that to take 2k from her CU debit account. They said they will not tell her who it was but refunded her 2k. I think it was Mills or Belfast evils. I fear for her big time. They can do anything they want to her. If you can’t issue any or all, I trust you. No need to explain. The less I have to talk, the better.
Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times.
Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though.
As Always,
South River Rat
Joi Z
Exit 9
Thu 3/15/2018 3:57 PM
Hi Attorney,
Spectrum/McFadden/The Bank- who the hell knows. I keep losing connection and can't finish putting the 2 target video's on Camtasia. Pee Wee can't touch that. Sending this part now. Please, please, get me free from the probation and monitor asap.
I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew.
These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom.
Court on April 10 is a lfe time away for me. ESPECIALLY for the Irish Lassie wishing for a wee PBR to jig too. Oyy veh. If you tell me that I have to wait, so be it. Just letting you know releases some fear. Not for my children though. I don’t have to tell you that though.
I think this was Hurley. Got it in the mail in October ? 2011. I don’t have the envelope. Thibodeau told me to join the council too when he tried to run away from me like Chuckie LeRage at the Front Street Ship Yard gathering of the Mobstah Lobstah’s in 2011. Ew. Last night, my tracker went flashing red and green while I was charging it. I told you CMP is in it too, with Time Warner Cable/Spectrum I have video of Pee Wee freezing my computer when I was offline. He has done this many times.
These sick gonna rape you are McFadden. He has raped and murdered and porn king as prior Maine State Internet Detective porn before becoming Chief in 2010 or 11. His secret brother in law- child porn down loader, TWC cable private home and computer access, Tom. This was the 2nd one. Sheriff Trafton had trashed the corrupt Belfast Post Master General and City Manager Joe Slocum. I said nothing and knew then that he was very bad. Too late, he already had the original. Bastard.
This was the 3rd and final one.