
Belfast Seth Thayer, Mike Hurley, Harold Richardson- online bullies to Auntiebully (me)

Seth Thayer, left, and Greg Tinder pose in front of the large downtown Belfast building they're renovating themselves. The newlyweds gave each other the dilapidated structure as a wedding present.

 I have never met Seth Thayer. He is too coward to approach me out in public, face to face as I protest in downtown Belfast constantly for 6 years now. But, he looks like he may not be well, I just found this picture of him. Stay away from me. See his harassing posts to me, no doubt to the joy of Downtown Belfast and players.

Seth Thayer- For the record- I began documenting Belfast corruption in 11/2011 when I forced to go public after Belfast City Hall and real estate Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, owner Earl Black and DJ Brown property inspector locked fists to slam me down.
My blogs began as In 2012, Belfast Chamber of Commerce, which you are part of, then and now, purposely slapped me in the face and awarded resident abuser, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Citizen of the Year. Confirmed by another member, stating Dorothy Havey, then Commerce director, now assistant to Senate President Mike Thibodeau, orchestrated the slap with the applaud of most business members.

That is when I slapped back and changed my blog to BoycottBelfast and you know that but spin pity for you and your bullies. Downtown, Your Town, Belfast Chamber Of Commerce force a boycott. It will happen.
Furthermore, when I began protesting in 2011 in the center of town at Bill Ingersoll's agency, now Masiello Group, wanting businesses to support residents as we support them. Not one business owner cared and many treated me harshly. But I kept smiling. Then another stranger approached me to tell me that protesting corruption "isn't how we do things around here." Telling me Mike Hurley is in charge. I told him Hurley has been slamming and slandering me to the public. He smirked, tipped his leather hat and told me to have a nice day. That stranger is the chairman of Restorative Justice and heavy ties to media and law enforcement and all the corrupt- Belfast resident Jay Davis.
Also in 2011, when LePage and Thibodeau came to the Front Street Shipyard, I was there. LePage was feet away from me, ignoring my requests to speak to him for hours. And left. I cornered Thibodeau as he tried to avoid me. My SUV was a bulletin board of documented Belfast City Hall/Augusta Realtor Commission, corruption.
Thibodeau said he could not help me, it was a conflict of interest!!! He told me to run for City Council. Become one of them- NO WAY. I told him I can do much more on the outside. And I do.
Furthermore, you have very personal and traumatic information since you bought my deceased sister's house Sunny Side, Bayside in 2004? Peyton Place, my family has addictions and greed equal to Belfast City Hall and you know it all with the real estate agents.
For you to take personal swings at me, stalking my comments has been very trying. I have zero tolerance for backstabbing cowards. I gave you leeway but you keep provoking. Going public in my dangerous situation was heartbreaking as my City Council meetings prove.

Over 50 meetings, with City Council taking the 5th, bringing in police guards to intimidate me, City Attorney Bill Kelly, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Council Mike Hurley threatening and sand bagging me, Public Works targeting and discriminating against me and my property with snow, water and intimidation tactics, Council calling ME in as threat to Chief McFadden, Chief McFadden and Officer Ward coming to my house and outside of City Hall to intimidate me, telling me to back of City Hall, then telling me to be concerned for my children, then telling me that they got an anonymous email that I am unstable. Two anonymous, sexually threatening letters with City Hall markings were sent to me. Chief McFadden refused to return my call and Sheriff Trafton said he couldn't do anything.
My children needed all of me and we were crawling when thought we made it to safety, to Belfast in 2010. What Belfast has done to them is disgusting. Yet they hang on, always being torn between the corrupt and their Mother taking on the corrupt.
For a woman to do that, all private issues become public, a witch hunt is bully protocol. Every thing I do is stalked to undo me. Making me squeaky clean except for my only weapon of defense. Freedom of Speech. Knock yourself out Seth. I have nothing to hide and your blog against me will be a hit with the corrupt. Including my family. Using me when they need my help and then throw me far, threatened by honesty. There you go, I beat you to it.

Laurie Allen


This gets reported while 2 weeks ago nothing on the City Council meeting where the corruption of the Belfast Airport Master plan was told to the public that a parallel taxi runway was FAA required for safety and now years later, a few on the committee are saying it is not required. And is a waste of money. Going from 3 million to 6 million. After land swaps with the National Guard, attorney fees, employee hours, who knows. Not us. Belfast City Hall corruption does not get reported or investigated. Rockland does, not Belfast. Why is that Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's?
City Council John Arrison was grilling the pilots instead of grilling City Manager Joe Slocum and City committee members City Council Mary Mortier and Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge. How did this even get on the master plan and when. The pilots said it got on the plan 4 years ago and CM Slocum started blinking his eyes insanely at the pilot stating no, claiming it was on the plan prior to any of the current officials employment- before 1999 when City Planner Wayne Marshall came on. You had to see that part with Slocum live because it was edited out of the online meeting. Right hello corruption.
Stick it to the unconnected poor taxpayers with lies and bullying to the public. From unknown zoning changes, corrupt real estate listings, to public hearings proposing lies for site development to unknown ordinance amendments, residents paying for corruption and denied basic services, safety and infrastructure. Belfast City Hall targeting and destroying private properties in their Master Plan. Eminent Domain, MaineHealth take over, Sweetser, Sequel Behavior, RSU71, Airport, Harbor, Public Works site, new Court houses, never ending more corruption and with holding public information and documents. The TPP of Belfast. Investigate the corruption and report that.
Laurie Allen

it might be fun for you to try another word beside "corruption." I know it would make your posts less tiresome.

The danger and devastation to me and my children for simply protecting our rights from the corrupt, with mob mentality to intimidate, silence and break me while hurting my children from the corrupt like you, is not for entertainment.
No one protects me, no one helps me, no one dares. I take each one on as I follow the horrible trail. My only protection is posting, blogging and protesting. Living in fear that my children that I have been protecting against family abuse since birth will succumb.
Dangerous relocation to Belfast in 2010 and all of the corrupt collars with their filthy hands in my property alone is deadly with threats to me and my children. They are adults now and free from Belfast corruption. Go ahead Seth, you are the Queen Bee of Downtown Belfast. Spread your seed. Dirty and disgusting.
I'll keep reporting the best I can. To me end, peace in knowing I never gave up.

I just reread your post Ms Allen in which you call me the Queen Bee of Belfast and then call me dirty and disgusting. This is the definition of bullying, Ms. Allen. It would seem that your "handle" Aunty Bully is an apt one. Showing your true colors by bullying someone online just isn't right. Someone should picket your house. Shame on you Laurie.

BDN is putting my response into holding as you flame my comments. I'll post it on my boycott blog.
Laurie Allen

Typical bully away when called out. Shame on you Laurie Allen.

I don't think so. BDN held my comment . Now it has finally posted (below "It is cowardly to take..." 2 times that is why I deleted one). During this time, I posted many of your free will decisions to post against my comments to continue flaming. Calling you out, go see yourself on my Boycott Blog. Shame is with you. . Inciting further mob mentality, endangerment and safety with writing to come picket my house. Will I wake up to a cross burning in my yard or my house on fire? Very sad indeed
Laurie Allen

Ms Allen: Above you call me corrupt but without specifics. Please, specifically spell out how I am corrupt. No stream of consciousness writings, please...just specifics on why I am corrupt. Also, you call me dirty and disgusting and yet we have never met and you know next to nothing about me. I would like you to provide specifics about how I am dirty and disgusting. Thank you.

It is cowardly to take pot shots at me through posts when I am front and center in downtown, at events, in front of the hospital, City Hall, standing for all to talk and understand the epic corruption for simply buying a home in Belfast( with corrupt real estate agents and corrupt property inspector to identify my number one concern- NO WATER ISSUES- inside or out),
6 years and counting and you have never done so. But you add to our danger with post after post, painting me as the problem, regardless of volumes of documentation and public notification.
Telling me tough, suck it up, take the corruption and loss, sell this hell to another and move away. That in my opinion is dirty, disgusting, corrupt, cowardly, abusive and threatening. You choose to comment against my comments. Take it like a woman.

simply suggesting that you take responsibility for your home purchase as does everyone else and suggesting that you might want to cut your losses and move elsewhere where you wouldn't be so miserable is not corruption, but rather some constructive advice. Calling me a Queen of Belfast and then saying I am dirty and disgusting is outright bullying. The Shame is on you Ms. Allen. Aunty Bully indeed. What a terrible role model you are for your poor children. Shame on you Laurie, Shame on you.

Again, stop flaming my comments. You want to flame, I'll flame back. You want to cry, go cry to your husband. I take care of my business, direct and face to face. Belfast-Augusta corrupt take the 5th, surround themselves with attorney's and police, implicate players to take, take, take...
Again-Inciting further mob mentality, endangerment and safety with writing to come picket my house. Will I wake up to a cross burning in my yard or my house on fire? Very sad indeed.
Your opinion has zero value. Flame away.
Laurie Allen

laurieallenisabully.comYelling at others for doing what you so effectively do in your bullying blog is such classic bully tactics. You should be ashamed, Ms. Allen..aka Belfast's own bully.

I chose to relocate to stay under all radar, to heal, in privacy and safety. Belfast sells hells to many. They just sell it to another. Shhhh. Corrupt zoning, with holding public information, City Attorney manipulation of ordinances to be interpreted by the corrupt to benefit the corrupt. Betting lots of "favors" with your downtown Ocean House. Not me, never bending over for anyone. I take the hits.
You chose your way. You choose to harass me and stalk me in MY comments. It is shocking that you do that to me as a gay man demanding basic rights. Yet you dismiss my rights, on top of the abuse I have survived as a woman and a mother.
With an added threat for being honest and courageous to stand up for what is right. For anyone. Including you. I had no choice when they lied and railroaded me into this hell.
I find you a disgrace to all that are robbed of basic rights. You open the door to abusers and jump on their wagon. Hypocrite's are the worst. Poking back is my forte'. No matter who you are.
I rest my case. Say what you want, blog what you want. Gossip is Queen Bee Special.
Laurie Allen

aka: Belfast's own Bully

You mean you became Belfast's Bully in 2011 when you started bullying people in your online blog? People who work hard and try to make a better place for themselves. You call me a Queen (a very derogatory word in the LGBT community) and then call me dirty and disgusting without ever having met me and without knowing anything about me. You are Belfast's biggest bully and I think you should be picketed. Shame on you Laurie Allen. I hope your children are ok, it would seem that with a bully parent such as yourself, their lives are probably in turmoil. Have you ever given thought to how your bully tactics affect your children? Shame on you Laurie Allen.

I missed this article and comments are closed Belfast downtown 5% Seth Thayer shoots me in the back again. Not a man at all. Nor hu man. Another ego and bully of the 5%. 8Pi is a straight shooter. Lets me know when I cross his/her boundaries.  

I don't know the answer. The below-referenced, "shift dollies," and the deplorable condition of central Belfast, can't be ignored. No one, however, is creating "upstanding" communities for people who do not fit into the Chase's Daily-Harbor Trail profile, save for those who manage to continue to live within these towns and cities and find their enjoyment from less rote and often expensive pleasures. And I think of the fighters, the Laurie Allen's, who fight for bringing that which is kept in the shadows, to the light. The toll that takes is devastating.

  • People create communities, it is not done for them. Plenty of folks cashed in on the booming economy in Belfast. If those who were here before really wanted the community to remain as it was, boarded up shops and chicken grease in the harbor, certainly would have remained so. Laurie Allen fights her own demons and is probably not a good example of what you are trying to say.

    • You say that people create communities. Save for agricultural "communities," they are most often created by businesses. Everyone points to MBA and the changes that were possible, and that that company introduced. Squalor, drunkenness, and prostitution, are chosen by few. The community in which I was raised was built by a farmer who saw that he could capitalize on the need for post WWII housing. It wasn't created by early settlers.
      Easy to say that Allen "fights her own demons." The thing of it is, there is documentation of the backstory. Anyone who takes a stand and backs it up, and fights for right, is easy to vilify. That taking up the unpopular, but true, can stretch an individual beyond endurance.
      In Rockland today, there is the juxtaposition of the North Atlantic Blues Festival, and a showing of Peyton Place. Tourists flock to places like Belize, where the poverty is such that the daughters, and sons, presumably, are sold as sex slaves. We can't always be confronted with reality or we would perish from the fact of it. But whitewashing is but a thin veneer.

Later, 9 pm 7/20/2016 just saw another post by Seth Thayer. How on earth does his husband put up with him. Pain in the ass for sure. Thread just closed so I can't respond. He was part of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce that slapped me in the face in 2012 rather than tell City Manager Joe Slocum to provide basic infrastructure to Seaview Terrace. Downtown gets most of out property taxes and keep on taking. My Belfast Bullies blogs switched to BoycottBelfast because of him and the Chamber.  And he read my post and still went after me. Idiot.

The 95% that is not downtown Mobstah Lobstah's could easily shut down downtown with protests to boycott- many of the 5% live there too. Go to their homes. Invade their private property with their corruption. I do. There is nothing downtown that anyone needs. Want more greed- shop and eat downtown. Or begin taking back- Boycott. Easy. Before you know it, you're free from wanting anything but necessities and McCrum's potato's and people. Mash that 5%.
Laurie Allen
PS- For 2 years downtown trampled on me in City Hall meetings to get more as I begged and pleaded for saving and basic infrastructure- sewers, paving and drainage to City property. Instead. the TIF that could have saved us (Northport Ave TIF) was voted to give it to downtown. And the Chamber of Commerce of Belfast businesses intentionally slapped me in the face and awarded resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year in 2012. Prior to that, my blogs were BelfastBullies. I slapped back with BoycottBelfast and haven't spent a dime downtown. 

  • So even though your beef is with the town government, you are intentionally hurting business people in Belfast to wreak your revenge? How very community minded of you. I've said it before, and I will say it again. One makes oneself into a victim. If you hate Belfast so much, cut your losses and leave. I am sure you can find a less corrupt community to suit your needs somewhere out there.
    I know you will say I am bullying you and that you think for some reason I am a player in Belfast, but I am just offering some advice. Life is too short to be miserable and in a fight with someone 24/ 7 time to move on. That's all.
Below are older posts, he began harassing me in 2012.

Visit seththayer's profile 
seththayer5:21 a.m., Thursday Feb. 13 
just stop already. You, as an uniformed consumer, purchased a house that had some problems that you, as an uninformed consumer, are trying to pass off on anyone in your path. If you hat
e Belfast so much, it might be time to think about moving onto somewhere else. Take your losses and go. Buying a home is an investment choice, not a right. Sometimes people make bad investment choices, as you did in this case. The responsibility lies only with you.

Seth Thayer wrote, in response to auntiebully:
I believe you have alienated a lot of people in town. Most everyone wants you to stop and move on. Unfortunately, you have left such a trail of your exploits that it will be impossible for you to sell your house if you ever wanted to leave. Sorry for you.
auntiebully wrote:
2nd thought-was pre genocide too strong? Would perish, eliminate, evacuate, exterminate your neighborhood with planned and calculated stormwater make it better? Flooding at this volume is deadly. Avoiding any proceedings under Eminent Domain for compensation and public outcry. Just wait and pounce.

Belfast woman fights city over drainage


Seth Thayer 2 years ago
It was her responsibility to figure this out before she bought her house.  I recently bought a house that I knew had drainage issues from the village paving the road in front of my house.  I have to deal with it and actually, that is the best way to get it fixed. 
Sorry Laurie, you are on your own...buyer beware!  Seller should have disclosed and you can try and go after the seller...I think though, that your time to try that has come and gone.

Belfast shipyard named 2013 Boatyard of the Year by national group

Bangor Daily News  Bangor Daily News | 15 comments | You received 2 replies in this discussion.
auntiebully | Jan. 27, 2013, 9:20 a.m.
Front Street Shipyard is it's own star, Belfast hitching on it's wagon. Regardless of the City Wall Hall. Council Mary Mortier calling Front Street Shipyard a "monopoly"...disgraceful. Here is how Belfast City Hall, City Attorney, City Council treat
What could be the ...
Seth Thayer
Seth Thayer | Jan. 27, 2013, 1:55 p.m.
Sounds like it's time for you to cut your losses and get outta Belfast.
piper03301 | Jan. 27, 2013, 1:59 p.m.
You need to rethink your strategy. You've been posting this stuff all over the place for 2 years now and you're not getting anywhere. Actually you're worse off because you've alienated everybody. The only thing I have heard from anybody at Seaview other than you is

posting below to show piper03301 is nasty ego Harold Richardson

You're not going to convince many people that you don't like watching figure skating at Rollies! What makes Belfast great is people like you willing to put your money and sweat into fixing up an old building that most people would have torn down. Good for you and thanks for fixing up that important part of main street. It's looking great. Harold Richardson

auntiebully 2 years ago
You are invited to view laurie allen's photo album: 1/31/13 Seaview Terrace Drowning Letters and Pics
1/31/13 Seaview Terrace Drowning Letters and Pics
Belfast Me 04915 -
Jan 31, 2013
by laurie allen
City allows site ordinance violations causing devastation to Seaview
2009 & 2011. City refuses to do the Storm water analysis as ordered
in the conditions for approval. Wayne Marshall took the funds from the
contributing storm water sites and there it stopped. Joe Slocum refuses
to implement. Do they plan to let Seaview get wiped out and take it
through imminent domain? Additionally, sites are to remove snow off site
and not pile per local ordinance. Winters of heavy snow keep increasing
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From a previous 8/4 post, ( )   along comes a true human to lend support. Thank you 8pi.

Keep jousting those wind mills .
It is fitting to compare Ms. Allen to Don Quixote. Dreaming the impossible dream...fighting the unbeatable a valiant quest.
I really miss Laurie's rambling, incoherent postings in Belfast's Republican Journal. They must have blocked her.
It was a mistake to do so. Allen is a present-day Don Quixote, or, if you prefer, 'Man of La Mancha'. Her dream of idealism and righteousness is as necessary now as it was 400 years ago when Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote." With the formidable and impossible quest, if there were not a certain 'madness', truth could not be pursued.
Yes they did. I was battered then, fighting for my children's lives to move to Belfast to begin again. To take on the Mobstah Lobstah's of Belfast. Post your names cowards. Meet me in front of the Courthouse as I protest corruption. Or keep hiding and taking shots at me. Truth be told, I do.

The local paper, Republican Journal (Village Soup) is pro Belfast City Hall. Prior editor was Belfast Mobstah Lobstah Jay Davis- Chairman of Restorative Justice (law enforcement), Waterfall Arts, on and on. He is the one that told me protesting corruption is not how things are done around here. The Republican Journal banned me from posting after this post for more Belfast City Hall corruption, fleecing residents with under-biding, and "unforeseens" etc. with the "Downtown Revitilization Project" see this page for article, my post and the editor banning me.

again and again Seth decides to flame my comments. 

So even though your beef is with the town government, you are intentionally hurting business people in Belfast to wreak your revenge? How very community minded of you. I've said it before, and I will say it again. One makes oneself into a victim. If you hate Belfast so much, cut your losses and leave. I am sure you can find a less corrupt community to suit your needs somewhere out there.
I know you will say I am bullying you and that you think for some reason I am a player in Belfast, but I am just offering some advice. Life is too short to be miserable and in a fight with someone 24/ 7 time to move on. That's all.

Seth Thayer | Jan. 27, 2013, 1:55 p.m.
Sounds like it's time for you to cut your losses and get outta Belfast.
Belfast is great to business and batters the resident. Stormwater sewers/ditching for business an

auntiebully 2 years ago
Laurel riding on MBNA and Front Street Shipyard. City Hall Wall spinning wheels and tax dollars on ?? In 2 years, we've finally got signs that you can't read and big bucks in studies that any local (not me) could have advised "Waste of money". Forbes listed Maine as worst state for business. Belfast got real lucky and must stop beating and robbing residents of rights and thug governing. The last meeting the City Manager Joe Slocum brought JB of Front Street Shipyard some water at the podium. When I speak, I get the evil eye, the gavel and a history of police presence, called in as a threat to Chief of Police, City employees ordered not to help me, maps go missing, documents with held, Hurley slanders me after I leave meeting on public TV, etc. All for exposing the unethical, illegal flooding of residents. The Front Street project began at the same time I began asking for maps- approx. 4/2011. And there you go- Front Street Shipyard is a sparkling diamond, City Manager Joe Slocum a personal valet. I still can't get the map, Council has taken the 5th and watches the corruption, City Attorney send letters of intimidation, attempting to alienate neighbors, trying to force me into a legal battle. There they can totally break this 51 year old survivor single Mom, who moved here to begin again, with safety and peace. Town and Country Realtors sold me undisclosed hell, not taking it, will fight to the grave or wood chipper. Laurie Allen, Hotel Seaview Terrace, Belfast

Justanotherfaceinthecrowc 2 years ago
Keep fighting Laurel!You never know,it might just strike the right folks!

MIchael D. Hurley

MIchael D. Hurley 2 years ago

 Jeeze Auntie Bullie. In case you've never actually had to represent constituents it means standing up and fighting for them and being the person you said you'd be. Politics isn't for the weak at heart. Some times it's not pleasant to participate in it or watch. But it's hard work coming to consensus and compromise or enjoying victory as well as suffering defeat. I've had my share of all of them. Marina and I may disagree from time to time but she is certainly capable of giving as good as he gets. Marina is as tough as any city councilor needs to be so have no fear for Marina. I am happy to be challenged any time but I do not get rolled by people just because they happen to disagree.  I was elected, four times, by very big majorities and I believe the great majority of Belfast and I are pretty much on the same page. If not; they'll throw me out in a heart beat. That's why we have elections. And I have never expected to be liked, admired, or supported by 100%. I get that. And I still do my best to represent all of the people.
see more

Here's Johnny...I mean MichaelManiacal- Belfast City Council ( of "Putin" on his Happy video) I keep dancing regardless and dig back. Proving here the personal attacks the City of Belfast launches on residents that are in danger from their corruption. Prior to development, Seaview Terrace was a farm- no stream, not a natural outlet proven in the 1939 maps on this link. 

Below Hurley throws lie after lie. Fabricating this Morrison Stream as running through Seaview Terrace to make it a natural outlet. To flood us to destruction.  It's very hard to hear such abuse and corruption, especially the community who has enabled the corruption and Hurley's abuse. So, after they forced me into the public spotlight, regardless of the danger that presented, they went personal, boy did they go personal. As pieces were popping up, I decided to put it out there. The Downtown Belfast of MichaelManical is far reaching, implicating and entrenched. One has to be above it all to take him on. I do fall, but I keep getting back up. And always will.

Below are the public comments posted in the Pen Bay Pilot article- Belfast to revisit Contentious Seaview Terrace storm water question.


  • Just because
    Laurie Allen’s map has interested me I have been looking at the water on the
    lay of the land. On Laurie’s maps she has all the water coming down from
    Volunteers of America, the Armory, the mobile homes, all going towards Seaview
    Terrace. I looked at the map she has drawn and it is true that the water from
    uphill (Capt. Albert school etc.) comes toward Congress. There is a hump at
    about 180 Congress street where the water splits and either goes toward the
    highway department (and Seaview Terrace) and the other water goes in the
    opposite direction toward the bypass. The water towards the highway bypass goes
    to a stream that heads toward Seaview. But all the water for a considerable
    distance heads towards the bypass, the water passes underneath to Larabees and
    crossed underneath outer Congress Street towards the mobile home sales. This is
    where it gets interesting and you can see it from foot or a car. My life is quite tranquil, nothing much to do,
    so on an early Spring Sunday afternoon I mounted my Muck boots, grabbed a
    walking stick and took a walk in the swamp. I followed the water flowing
    between Route 1 and the mobile home yard and as it veered into the woods so did
    I. I entered a large swamp, grass, rocks, pools, and flowing water moving away
    from Route One. It was a nice walk, very mucky, bad footing, lots of rocks,
    rotted trees, deep pools (there’s no vegetation in deep water) and forest that
    quickly became marsh with a very large area of cattails, grasses, and no trees.
    A giant earth sponge. I saw a couple of bad weather early spring cranky
    bumblebees and a few birds. Found the stream deep in the center far from Route
    One and followed it downhill towards the Route One south direction but it
    was heading steadily away inland from route one. Followed it, crashing along,
    from a very big marshland eventually into the forest again and it’s really a
    cute/ quaint little bubbly water course with sand and rocks. Nearly an hour
    later I turned back toward Route One and rejoined the highway about 200 yard
    north of the jug handle. This was very well past where any water could have
    turned back towards the Seaview Terrace. The water I was following may turn
    back and cross under Route One by the jug handle but it has nothing to do with Morrison
    Brook or Seaview Terrace. As I was walking back on Route One north I came
    across the nice little rivulet that Laurie is terrified of. It was gentle and
    cheerful and almost anyone would be happy to have it as a neighbor. There is
    one culvert that drains a little bit of roadside water from the western side
    towards Seaview but it is truly inconsequential. There is also a culvert closer
    to Congress that drains under route one away from Seaview. Conclusion…..A huge
    swath of the land mass drainage that Laurie has badly mapped to improve
    her argument regarding Seaview Terrace
    drains nowhere in Seaview Terrace’s vicinity and the water does not enter
    Morrison Brook. Follow the water truthfully. Cheers/ Mike

      from Route One. It was a nice walk, very mucky, bad footing, lots of rocks,
      rotted trees, deep pools (there’s no vegetation in deep water) and forest that
      quickly became marsh with a very large area of cattails, grasses, and no trees.
      A giant earth sponge. I saw a couple of bad weather early spring cranky
      bumblebees and a few birds. Found the stream deep in the center far from Route
      One and followed it downhill towards the Route One south direction but it
      was heading steadily away inland from route one. Followed it, crashing along,
      from a very big marshland eventually into the forest again and it’s really a
      cute/ quaint little bubbly water course with sand and rocks. Nearly an hour
      later I turned back toward Route One and rejoined the highway about 200 yard
      north of the jug handle. This was very well past where any water could have
      turned back towards the Seaview Terrace. The water I was following may turn
      back and cross under Route One by the jug handle but it has nothing to do with Morrison
      Brook or Seaview Terrace. As I was walking back on Route One north I came
      across the nice little rivulet that Laurie is terrified of. It was gentle and
      cheerful and almost anyone would be happy to have it as a neighbor. There is
      one culvert that drains a little bit of roadside water from the western side
      towards Seaview but it is truly inconsequential. There is also a culvert closer
      to Congress that drains under route one away from Seaview. Conclusion…..A huge
      swath of the land mass drainage that Laurie has badly mapped to improve
      her argument regarding Seaview Terrace
      drains nowhere in Seaview Terrace’s vicinity and the water does not enter
      Morrison Brook. Follow the water truthfully. Cheers/ Mike

      • Never once have I thought that Allen invented a thing about the water problem. Fighting this primarily solo fight, however, would strain anyone past endurance. My hope and prayer is that the city proceed with due diligence, and that Allen, and other residents, will soon enjoy a "tranquil" life. I'm not sure how anyone could achieve tranquility after all this, even if the city announces a fix for the problem. Anthropomorphizing the "cheerful rivulet," is an interesting, but, hopefully, useless tactic.


        • "the water problem"... is what? My point is I have yet to actually see a problem. I keep hearing about one. We have had nearly four years of predicted doom without one actual problem being realized. I have yet to see any observable problem. Yes the stream rises when rain pours: all streams do. And then it goes down. That is what small streams do. As far as Morrison Brook wiping out Seaview Terrace: it is never going to happen.

        • Because a city engineer has “a feeling” that the stream is a
          drainage ditch built by the developer does not change the facts (not feelings) that
          (1) the stream is a part of the watershed that drains into the bay. It is depicted on United States Geological Survey
          maps that precede the development. Allen
          will tell you it is not evident on the Belfast quadrangle map, but that is
          because the entire Belfast Bay is not limited to the Belfast quad, but extends
          to the quad map to the east, where the stream is evident. (2) The developer moved the stream which originally
          crossed Allen’s property so that he could build on the land, but it is still a
          part of the natural watershed/outlet. By
          Allen’s logic, the Mississippi River is not a natural outlet. Allen frequently refers to her many blogs. Read
          through any one of them to get a feeling for the sources of Allen’s lack of
          tranquility. By her own words they include
          her family, her Bayside neighbors, her Belfast neighbors, officials at her
          children’s Belfast schools, the entire City and State government, and any
          business and individual that won’t support her. She doesn’t have one problem the rest of us
          have not encountered at one time or another.
          But she deals in misrepresentation and vitriol; that’s her choice. Some
          prefer honey over vinegar. And a “cheerful”
          rivulet is not anthropomorphism. “Cheerful”
          does not only mean that the noun is cheerful, it can also mean that it causes cheerfulness. Get a dictionary.

          • I'll trust my knowledge of language, thank you. You are incorrect.
            I have read Allen's blogs. I have spoken to her. It is easy to attack one person. It is not easy for one person to challenge a system.
            Given the strain of all of this, I think Allen should refrain from any blogging or commenting. I think someone should step up to represent her. 

            • Try again, and you're welcome --
              Cambridge Dictionary: "If a thing or place is cheerful, it is pleasant and friendly and is likely to make you feel positive and happy. The guest bedroom was bright, airy, and cheerful, overlooking the garden."
              American Heritage Dictionary: "1. Being in or characterized by good spirits; merry 2. Promoting a feeling of cheer; pleasant: a cozy, cheerful room'
              Webster's Dictionary: "1. Cheerful -- being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; 'her cheerful nature;' 'a cheerful greeting;' 'a cheerful room"

            • Thank you Signify. It is coming to a head. With an engineer on the job and Title 17 and 38 threatening any improper engineering, all my documentation, pictures and video, copying EPA, Attorney General, Governor, City Council, Mayor and City Manager- I think I get to rest my case and take that long awaited rest.
              Next weekend is the Peace March- I'm in- hope to meet you there. I found out along time ago, you can truly only count on yourself. If they don't fix this, the water will and then a class action law suit will bankrupt Belfast, The City Manager Joe Slocum just announced that for the first time in 35 years, a note will be needed to continue basic City operations. Regardless of splitting the tax bill this year- not planning, not prepared, not competent. Infrastructure is 101.
              Real estate agents deceive, streams not disclosed, property inspectors are their buddies. Realtor Commissions dismisses for not doing an exhaustive search on a private property drainage ditch. Maine is 4th in corruption. Top to bottom. I exposed them, I do what I can.
              They sucked the surplus dry and property taxes with their wants, grants, and mistakes. Greed is their evil seed. I won't address Maryanne or Hurley. Birds of a feather, I'd rather be alone forever (with my kids and dogs).
            • Seaview Terrace is not a "natural outlet"- with held plans and maps prove ii, the 1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson confirms it in a written report to Wilma Moses, Town Manager.
      • "3. Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency. I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "
        inverse condemnation
        n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right.
        Yet City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall have written again and again it is a "100 year old natural stream" to allow them to legally slaughter Seaview Terrace with water. And let's "pretend" it was. We are a flood plain, flood zone that the City is ethically bound to protect and divert. It's been over 3 years of hell and fear.
        The stress and alienation of it all can kill me any day. I was awarded difficult relocation to begin again in safety and privacy. Which is why I picked in-town with #1 concern to real estate agents "NO WATER ISSUES/NO STREAMS" Property Inspection supervised by agents did not report stream or even banking issues. It was done in April- spring melt. You bet there was water flowing through there that was covered by snow when I drove 500 miles to see it 4 months prior and was told, no water issues, no stream disclosed, and a "great value". Nothing was selling in 2010. Except their souls. Proof on my
        Thank you Ethan for reporting this. I hope my comment doesn't get deleted. It is truth. I have always told the truth. Why would I lie?
        Laurie Allen

    • Avatar

      Other than water flowing naturally down a stream I have yet to see a problem. Laurie Allen keeps warning us of a terrible calamity to come but there has yet to be one actual problem at Morrison Brook.
      1. Laurie bought a property with a stream, Morrison Brook, in her back yard but did not notice it.
      2. she apparently removed all the vegetation on the bank.
      3. after the vegetation was gone the stream eroded the bank
      4. she has never made any effort to stabilize the bank or raise her property edge along Morrison Brook
      5. Where's the problem? What is the problem? I do not see one.

      • In 2011 I invited all of City Council, City Planner, City Manager and the City Tax Assessor to tour the path of slaughter with me. All maps and information was with held for the prior 7 months where I tried to work with these "officials". Also with held was the 1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finalyson's report of flooding on Seaview Terrace to Wilma Moses, Belfast City Manager, stating it is a man-made drainage tract. With all records available to him- he .confirms it is not a natural outlet.
        "3. Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency. I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "
        The only official to tour with me was Bob Whiteley, Belfast Tax Assessor. I snapped pictures at each outlet, following the map, water flowing, Bob witness. All given to Council with the map in a packet, labeled, detailed and complete. Furthermore, I figured if there were ever going to be maps out in public it would be the next morning. Bob was clearly shocked at what I showed him and a conversation with my neighbor that he personally knows.
        I stormed City Hall first thing the next morning. Ran up the stairs and into Bob's office. Sure enough, he was studying the very development plans from 1965 for Seaview Terrace proving it was a man made ditch. I asked for those plans in 4/2011 and for the full history of Seaview Terrace. I was given endless email rhetoric from the City Planner instead. Documents into hiding.
        In January 2011, City Council had the City Attorney, Bill Kelly come in to speak for them. He revealed the engineer report that I had also never been given. When I questioned him, he left. City Council voted no further action.
        They have tried every tactic to silence me, including using my children. And Hurley is still going at it. He is dangerous, Three years wasted.We will drown if they don't take immediate action. We are a flood plain, flood zone, no rights of ways, no easements and not a natural outlet. It is private property and a private drainage ditch,
        Laurie Allen

        • January 2012- not 2011. After that, it was several intimidation letters to try to stop me from public speaking from the City Attorney and City Manager, City Council called me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, called me in for an interrogation, 2 more "off the record" police conversations, one outside City Hall, another a few weeks ago, at my home, limiting only MY public speaking time to 3 minutes, City Council taking the 5th and telling me I have to hire an attorney to speak for me, pitting my neighbors and public against me, as Hurley is doing right here, with his Jersey homey swamp disguise, over 3 years of this. And real estate agents covering it up and selling it to even the most scrupulous of buyers- me! Doing it all by the book and above. They stuck it to this battered mom bad. Bought it from a Minister no less. no disclosure-Isn't that special. And they tell me I'm sick.


      Mike Hurley (

      Sent: Fri 11/11/11 10:03 AM
      To: 'Joseph Slocum' (; 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Cc: 'Councilors' (; 'Jennika Lundy' (

      Hello all: I know Ms. Allen has reached out to various councilors personally. I think the potential for divisive miscommunications is very high with her. I hope we’ll agree on one contact person as she could easily take this to a lawyer . We need to speak with one voice. If we have different perspectives we should talk about it and think about insuring a unified understanding of her problem and complaints and situation and have a unified response for her. I believe that Joe has been doing a good job with trying to provide her with straight forward answers. Thanks/ Mike

       Mike Hurley (

      Sent: Tue 11/22/11 10:10 AM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Hi Laurie/ Jennika Lundy has been asked to be the single point of contact for you by the City of Belfast. She should be in touch with you soon. Thanks/ Mike Hurley

      (Jennika Lundy is the secretary to City Manager Water Boy Joe Slocum. Sweet and clueless.They are creating another layer of protection and separation)

       Mike Hurley (
      Sent: Tue 11/22/11 5:17 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Hi Laurie/ I take it you’d like to try to solve your problem? If so: let’s try calming this sown and see what the actual issues are and if there are any possible solutions that the City can help with. Burying people with multiple emails do little to help. From now on: all communications go through Jennika Lundy. Thanks/ Mike

      (Prior to going public on 11/1/11 nary a word from Maniacal Mike. Seven months of prior attempts to break me, requesting and requesting for an agenda, inviting all Council again and again to tour the flooding- no response, no concern, burn her out. )

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Sat 12/10/11 1:22 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (

      Hi Laurie/ what you have called my denouncing of you is a misinterpretation. I am denouncing your attitude and your language. You have repeatedly used insulting language that is unacceptable to me. You throw around words like bullying, Wayne’s World, corrupt, liars, etc. etc. etc. I do not agree with you in the use of these words regardless of whatever your problem may be regarding the stream that crosses your property. You do not have a right to verbally attack and abuse people and go unchallenged for using the language you choose to repeatedly use. So in my words: your choice of language is rude and ridiculous. You have a problem with your stream where it crosses your property. If you want to talk about the problem; fine. But I will not just stand by while you repeatedly attack people who are trying to do their job. We will probably have a public discussion on city responsibility for storm water . Best/ Mike Hurley

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Mon 12/12/11 5:39 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Hi  Laurie/ I’ve been on the good and bad side of government for many years. I believe I have a pretty good knowledge of how government acts and responds to citizens such as yourself. I first came into government, ran for office, to change how people were treated by their government. When you are speaking in public: that is your time to speak. It’s not a debate. If communications had come after you spoke I would have said exactly what I said later in communications. I stand by my comments. I have championed many people who felt they were getting a bad deal from local or state government. I, and the rest of us in city government, including Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum, actually do this because we like serving the public. If you don’t like hearing from and helping people to the best of our ability there isn’t much else in the job. But often we have to also tell people that we can’t help them and no one likes to hear that. If no one told you there was a stream on your property how is that a city concern? If as you think; you were mislead by a realtor , how is that a concern of the city? There is a realtor review board and lawyers are always ready to take a case. As far as the stream that may or may have not been moved back almost 50 years ago do you want us to take action based on that possibility? How would you feel if you were perfectly happy in your home and we came along and said “50 years ago they moved the stream and you need to move it back?”  I think any reasonable person would say 50 years ago is no longer anyone’s responsibility. At this point; whatever is on the ground is what it is. You make a number of points that essentially hinge on
      1.       that we have moved water that used to not flow through your stream on your property
      2.       that development approved by the City of Belfast has sped water downstream that used to not flow at the same speed or volume
      I have looked at the maps available at City Hall and I do not agree with your point # 1.When I look at the water retention that was designed and built by the various projects they do not appear to be failing or unable to hold back the water. I have looked at the stream and I have a differing view than yours and what should be done about it, if anything. There may be more rain but that is another office higher than mine.
       My point about communication is that you have repeatedly used language that is destructive to problem solving. Sometimes you have to choose between fighting and problem solving. From my experience the use of language like Wayne’s World, corruption, lies, cover-ups, bullying, ignorant, shot to Hell, dysfunctional, and deceiving among them create an atmosphere that is not conducive to problem solving. I reject all of those descriptions and terms.
      I expect we will discuss our storm water responsibilities. There are dozens of streams such as yours, I have one that crosses my property, and how the city deals with our responsibilities to safeguard  stream banks is a good topic for us to consider. I am very sorry you have had such a tortured experience. I believe turning down the rhetoric is always a better way to find a solution; if there is one available. In the end you may remain unhappy with the city response. Having sued the City of Belfast myself in the past that is always a option for you to consider. And if your attorney talked to a judge with the language you use routinely you’d probably fire him. I hope that you  will find a way not be driven unhappily by this very stressful situation. Best/ Mike Hurley

       Mike Hurley (
      Sent: Tue 1/15/13 11:49 AM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (;
      Cc:;;;;;;; 'Jennika Lundy' (;
      Dear Ms. Allen; “Mike Hurley was smirking and glaring at me from his office” … you were on the corner across from my office where I work as much as 7 days a week. I stand and talk on the phone wearing a headset for many hours a week and I can be seen from the street by all who care to look. I saw you on the corner but did not smirk or glare at you in the slightest and I don’t believe that standing 100’ away from someone who is talking on the phone and surmising that they are thinking or talking about you is helpful. Best/ Mike Hurley


      Michael Hurley (
      Sent: Tue 12/17/13 9:36 AM
      Maybe logic will work? Hmmmmm.....
      Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Wed 1/08/14 5:44 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (;;;;;;;
      Dear Laurie; I am not “glaring” at you. I am listening to you. I disagree with your position and conclusions and the City of Belfast has made its position repeatedly clear to you but when you address the council I will listen to you respectfully. I’m sorry we have been unable to help you in the way you would like.  Yours truly/ Mike Hurley

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Fri 5/02/14 9:35 AM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Hi Laurie… I know you believe this all fervently but it’s simply not possible. A backed up culvert on a very small stream overflowing does not suddenly mean you live at the bottom of the grand canyon. You live on a slightly tilted table. Would we to get 20” of rain it would not all head your way. Much of it would find new ways to head downhill and that would be through yards, down roads, etc. And yes… down your little stream. The problem isn’t the stream. The problem is the 20” of rain. And that would be a big problem everywhere. Mike

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Fri 6/13/14 12:52 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      What would be helpful would be if you were capable of believing the basic information.

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Sat 6/14/14 11:39 AM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (;;;;;;;;
      Which one is it? An all-encompassing office complex or the new Grand Canyon?

       Mike Hurley ( 
      Sent: Fri 8/15/14 11:38 AM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (;;;;;;;;
      Is this regarding the Morrison Brook? Thanks/ Mike Hurley

       Mike Hurley ( list.
      Sent: Sun 8/17/14 8:05 PM
      To: 'LAURIE ALLEN' (
      Hi laurie/ I know you do not like the stream, Morrison Brook,  but it was there before any nonnatives showed up. Has it been pushed over? Yes. Been messed with by all the various forces of man? Yes. But capable of a six foot wall of water? It’s impossible. Physically impossible. If 12” of rain fell it would not all head down Morrison Brook. The house and land you bought with a stream on it is not the Grand Canyon. If that much water ever did fall it would not be contained and would simply go in other routes dictated by gravity and least resistance. By the way: I walked your mapped area and you are off by about 40% with far less water being routed into Morrison Brook than your map shows.  I’ll show you on your map sometime. Anyway… I have spoken with many people and they like the stream in their year and do not fear it or feel threatened by it. Best/ Mike

      Hurley  is sick. Four years later and he is still trying to make me the villain, blaming, lying, manipulating... ayuh, one of them thar psychopaths- an entertaining one at least. ." The psychopath can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often (but by no means always) criminal. They are an object of popular fascination and clinical anguish: psychopathy is largely impervious to treatment."

      Posted by: Leslie Lavender Oct 25, 2014 10:25
      Jeff, as another resident of Cape Jellison in the beautiful town of Stockton Springs, I am once again wowed by your ability to separate the wheat from the chafe and get to the heart of the matter. Thanks!
      PS - now that we no longer have Laurie Lee Allen posting and posting it is a relief that Caitlin Hills has stepped up to the plate and made reading the RJ comments, once again, amusing!

      POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS Aug 10, 2013 08:58
      You remind me Faye Yost. I miss her, God bless her. But I thank God that she did not have the Internet nor copy and paste capabilities. Belfast would be overrun with seagulls by now.

      • POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS May 28, 2014 05:09
        Holy smokes, ma'am! Talking about raining on a person's parade?  You should really get a cat or something. You need a dose of happy worse than anybody I ever of.
      • POSTED BY: LESLIE LAVENDER May 28, 2014 21:26
        Laurie, We get it, you abhor Belfast and everyone associated with it. You NEVER have anything good to post. Happiness is a do-it-yourself project. It is certainly your right to express your venom, but I feel for you. Nobody should be so negative all the time. I agree with Jeff, you need a massive dose of happy and a big, frosty mug of, well, you know.
      • POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN May 29, 2014 11:01
        Leslie, you are misinformed. It is the corrupt local real estate agents, corrupt Belfast City Hall/Council and supporting businesses that destroy the lives and properties of innocent Belfast residents that I abhor. I stand for democracy alone and take the hits while protecting my children and our basic rights.
        This is into my home. I have no one to protect me, no one to support me, no attorney's to help me. The little I had left after a history of family abuse, I sunk into this relocation to begin again, joyfully, peacefully and privately. Corrupt Belfast City Hall and the real estate  agents with their recommended property inspector robbed me and keep kicking me.
        I have taken refuge in my home. I have been alienated and am open season for anyone wishing to take a shot at me. Proven here, there, everywhere. Memorial Day is my happy day to come out of the house and safely into the public   I honor my Dad and veterans that died for the democracy that allow me my freedom to do the same. I do so respectfully and emotionally every year.
        It is a very personal honor to be part of the Belfast that is real and true. This is the Belfast I know and love. To have a professional from this paper, knowingly violate basic respect and space of others on sacred ground with a sacred memorial ceremony underway... That was wrong.
        It is wrong for all that attack me but that is democracy. This morning, I was protesting on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave. for the corrupt rezoning of our residential neighborhood to Housing and Healthcare land use. Regardless of "provisions" that the City Planner, Wayne Marshall may try to snow(den) us with, a methadone clinic or the likes will be an approved use and my next door neighbor.
        I waved good morning to passing cars, even to Belfast DPW, Bob Richards (not reciprocated). Many waved and smiled, one man(over 50 in a new model burgundy colored Maine plates SUV) gave me the finger, as did my Alaska neighbor. I did not expect that from her. Snowden's interview last night resonate's the same behaviors and tactics. The true know and stand. And sleep. Sleep and music is my happy no one will ever steal again. See me at Belfast Summer Nights with a good band- I'll be dancin' with myself..oh, oh. oh. oh
      • POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS | Aug 12, 2013 05:44
        > > >
        > > > Maybe you should start defining your terms and writing in complete sentences. You can be a little confusing. And maybe you should hook up with Mel Gibson. He was pretty good in Conspiracy Theory.
      •  MORE IGNORANT POSTS FROM JEFF DAVIS, HAROLD RICHARDSON (he was the first to disrespect me many times on the Republican Journal. I did not save those early posts. He was nasty), CAITLIN HILLS,  CITY COUNCIL MIKE HURLEY/ERIC SANDERS/WIFE COURTNEY SANDERS AND MORE..
      POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Aug 10, 2013 15:49

      BAHS Teacher- Charles Hamm, School Board Member(TBD)-Caitlin Hills, and Courtney Sanders- Belfast City Council Wife of Eric Sanders unethically use bullying tactics and "ganging up" against a school mom and tax paying resident, me, for questioning why the City Council Wife was posting to a group community- Friends and Supporters of Belfast Area Schools to vote no on the School Budget. Council Eric Sander announced to the public that he would serve on the Withdrawal Committee because he DID NOT have children in the RSU. I shortened it to make it clear that this is inappropriate, unacceptable, unethical behavior from key individuals in our schools and local government. The full post(it is below as well) can be read to prove I have not asked anything that is inappropriate or disrespectful. I have been blocked by the site and this post has been deleted from public viewing.

      Laurie Allen
      7:38pm Jul 29
      When someone is trying to get you to vote their way you should know if they have kids in the RSU. Sanders is on the Council- on the withdraw committee, does not have kids in the RSU, doesn't sit right. We must be free to question and question motives.
      It is my right to expose corruption and hold them accountable, especially when they are directly endangering, alienating community, and robbing me and my children of our natural rights and education. All coming to their defense against me are cruel. I didn't ask for any of this, I did not do one thing wrong, I was sold an undisclosed City nightmare.Exposing them set the fire to burn me with force while many watch and throw rocks. Barbaric. I cannot move, I am burning in hell. I can almost hear the cheers.
      Back to school-No one connected to the schools or City Hall should be lobbying for their personal opinion. Any ethics board will agree. They need to step out. For the record here is why:

      POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS Aug 11, 2013 06:28

      Please, MS Allen, don't go trying to lace me into your web of conspiracy. I'm from away and the only Davis' in Maine that I know, I either married or made. I do not know Jim. I was not trying to nail you. Nor am I out to get you. I simply tire of those lengthy repost. It's like talking to Mr. Hamm and running next door and saying, "Do you know what Charlie said?" It's just wrong. If you need a lawyer, to to Bangor. You can't throw a rock in Bangor without hitting an attorney. We are talking about schools here. You are mad about a sewer drain and trying to get us to join in on your fight. That's wrong, too. Stop it.

      > > > POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN | Aug 11, 2013 09:12
      > > >
      > > > My post is about schools- the staff that directly hit our students. The City Council/School Staff swaying school votes, more spending in ballots, .Resident tax dollars off the charts, schools a mess, resident infrastructure denied- sewers for the businesses to send it to resident private property, all corruption, hand in hand, I bravely stand up against it. Don't read my posts. Simple. Freedom of Speech -you can not rob me of this, try as you might,And we know I have much to say and will until... Peace to you Jeff Davis, who ever you are, I don't really care.
      > > > POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS | Aug 11, 2013 11:33
      > > >
      > > > In one paragraph, you have accused one of our dedicated staff members of assaulting a student, the city of Belfast and RSU 20 officials of corruption and have claimed that, because I said that you're going a little crazy with the copy and paste, then I am attempting to rob you of your right to the freedom to speak. I am doing no such thing. So, I am not calling the superintendent to find out who is getting hit at the school. I suspect that no one is. Once again, I will point that procedures are in place to deal with corruption. Those systems work. But one must have their ducks in a row to make them work and you don't. That is why you are assailing the city of Belfast in the press. You have grown desperate. And if someone at the Belfast City Hall said to you, "Get out of my office, lady. There is no more that I can do for you." That is not corruption nor bullying. It's frustration.
      > > > I once met Faye Yost. She was a charming lady. And I stand corrected. You, ma'am, are no Faye Yost.
      > > >
      > > > POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN | Aug 11, 2013 20:02
      > > >
      > > > Oyyy, direct hit as in direct effect. . Say what you want. I have facts and documents for everything I have said. Otherwise, I'd be in some trouble wouldn't I? City Hall takes the 5th because they are guilty and corrupt. The State got an f in corruption, candy land for attorneys- foot drag and break your bank before they even get the pen out to begin the motion. Residents have told me so- Old Searsport Ave - ask Alan Wood. Got that in writing too. Water does not lie. I do not lie. Slugfest away. You are good at that anyway, Twister of words, peace to your mind. I've got bigger fish to fry. Buh Bye
      > > >
      > > > POSTED BY: JEFF DAVIS | Aug 12, 2013 05:44
      > > >
      > > > Maybe you should start defining your terms and writing in complete sentences. You can be a little confusing. And maybe you should hook up with Mel Gibson. He was pretty good in Conspiracy Theory.

      After this  OPEN fb group for Belfast Schools, with City Council Eric Sander's wife Courtney swaying the vote, I got the boot for questioning. Note Caitlin Hills had a part in this one too.

      Kerri Vacher 7:16pm Jul 30This is a facebook page for supporters of Belfast Area Schools. Those who choose to be involved believe in this cause and are doing their individual best to educate our children. If you would like to speak your reasons for voting yes on the budget and feel that that is best for the students- please feel free. I am always open to other views. Just because others don't share your opinion does not make this an unbiased facebook page. You are not restricted from being on here and voicing your opinion esp if you have ideas that will help to support our students. It is the common opinion of "Friends and Supporters of Belfast Area Schools" that the students deserve better. You are free to create your own forums, present your own agendas and campaign your own ideas and gather support on a page such as "Supporters of the taxpayer in the Belfast Area". I am afraid that if you are looking to get support from the members of this page, that you may be looking in the wrong place. Just my 2 disrespect intended to anyone.

      POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Aug 08, 2013 12:44
      Additional comments  were missing on post below.  Charles Hamm is on staff at BAHS . I am a parent with a student in BAHS. This whole area is destroyed by adult bullies in power with residents forced to "go along to get along" I do not, and everyone has watched me take the beating, with too many joining in. Go ahead- take your shots. Our kids are watching and losing.
      Charles Hamm
      Charles Hamm7:43pm Jul 29
      NOT when it comes to someone's kids. I disagree with you. There are many reasons a child may be in a different school or system and you don't even know if that is true or not! You should back off on this one, but you probably won't.
      Comment History
      Laurie Allen
      Laurie Allen7:38pm Jul 29
      When someone is trying to get you to vote their way you should know if they have kids in the RSU. Sanders is on the Council- on the withdraw committee, does not have kids in the RSU, doesn't sit right. We must be free to question and question motives.
      Charles Hamm
      Charles Hamm6:38pm Jul 29
      None of our business and NOT pertinent.

      POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Aug 08, 2013 12:23
      This facebook page Friends and Supporters of Belfast Area Schools did not have a vote yes option, and quickly turned to an attack. Unethical leaders cloud facts and honest debate.
      Recusalor torecuseoneself means to remove oneself from participation in a decision so as avoid a conflict of interest.
      Don't forget to vote tomorrow! Belfast residents who usually vote at City Hall need to go to the Boathouse tomorrow instead. Polls are open 8AM-8PM, all towns.

      Page: 138 like this

      • 3 people like this.
      • Laurie Allen At 15K? a pop to send it out again, what are you hoping to gain? 30k gone now that will hurt our kids in the end.
      • Amy Fradel Does a NO vote send the message to put $ back in the budget?
      • Stephanie Wade Not necessarily. I urge all to vote and to convey their positions to the school board by coming to meetings or writing to the board members. Contact information here
      • Dawn Preston-Alden I think they will assume the public wants more money cut. Not sure how it will roll. I think if it doesn't pass, they will cut more money and positions. Very difficult place to be.
      • Laurie Allen but they have to put that back out to vote= then we're at 45K up in smoke
      • Laurie Allen Tell me how voting no will help our students int the RSU20. Not necessary to threaten me and insult me. You are a teacher?
      • Laurie Allen Hello...Charles are you out there? Waiting for reasons- vote is tomorrow.
      • Courtney Miller Sanders LAURIE ALLEN: I am COURTNEY SANDERS. MY SON IS IN 5th GRADE AT CASS AND MY DAUGHTER IS ENTERING KINDERGARTEN AT CASS THIS FALL. Please do not spread false rumours about my family! Keep your mouth shut when you know not of what you speak. Ask me or Eric directly before you criticize us in a public forum. And voting NO on the budget gives us one more chance to keep valuable programs in our schools that the current schoool board is intent on cutting.
      • Courtney Miller Sanders AND, Laurie Allen, if we did not have kids AT ALL, and Eric chose to fight as hard as he has for this cause, would you still "have a problem" with his service? Whether our kids are in the RSU or not (which two of them are) really shouldn't matter. There are many adults who have fought hard for this cause who have no children in the schools either, they just simply care about the education of our children in the community.
      • Caitlin Hills Courtney, you are SO right. Many board members do not have children currently in school. Does the previous poster feel they have no right to participate in this process? The education of children is important to all citizens! Parents, grandparents, and child free by choice. These are the young people who will be running our city in the very near future. Lets make sure they have the best educational experience possible.
      • Laurie Allen I was sure I heard Eric saying in the public meeting that his kids were not in the RSU but he would serve on the withdraw board. Questioning is democracy, freedom on public forum sites.I understand why you are angry with me, it is not about this. We are talking about the budget here, lets stay on topic. Cuts are mandatory, what are these valuable programs that the board believes would be the less effect to the overall RSU students. Bruce Mailloux indicated that rejecting the budget over and over was a costly mistake. Isn't it true that even with rejecting this one, costing 45k in rejections, that the programs could still be cut? Please tell us the programs so all can be informed.
      • Laurie Allen Caitlin, that is not what I said. In fact I was very interested in Dorothy's Odell's opinion because she serves and does not have children in the RSU. The other board member leaving, Dean, I respect also.I worked with him in the THMS gardens. I want answers and facts. No bias. Informed decisions.
      • Courtney Miller Sanders LAURIE ALLEN: Yes, let's stay on topic. Keep where my children go to school out of the conversation. You are the reason this thread became defensive in the first place. Please click on the icon "VOTE NO ON THE RSU 20 BUDGET" at the very beginning of this post. It details what is being cut. Go to PenBay Pilot for recent stories on this issue as well. Or go back and follow all of the previous posts on this group forum to get the info you are looking for.
      • Laurie Allen The cuts are for art- so how about a list of teachers/staff that don't meet the mark. has 2 big salaries. If art does go, there is a wealth of artists and community to help. It is good to have outside eyes in all schools.
      • Courtney Miller Sanders Laurie Allen, I'm leaving this conversation. You clearly are just trying to create discord. This is a site intended to inform parents of children in our schools of developments, and how they can participate to make them better. Eric fights for our schools because he believes they can be better. When someone devotes more than a year of their life to fight for schools ( a volunteer job with no pay) because they hope they can make a difference, the likes of people like you are just a big disappointment. Charles Hamm launched no attacks; he simply told you you should not be involving Eric's family and children in your criticisms, and I believe most people who follow this community page agree with him.


      I'm sorry that Eric Sanders was offended by Superintendent Carpenter's remarks but, if they weren't true, then just what was Eric Sanders' reasoning when he, Eric Sanders, as a member of the Withdrawal Committee for the City of Belfast, stood up at the Budget Meeting on May 30th and made the motion to ADD $500,000 back into the budget - a motion that was approved by those present. How do you spell disingenuous? I spell it Eric Sanders!

      Withdrawal could get second chance due to voter support

      Despite failure, majority of "yes" votes allows process to restart
      By Ben Holbrook | Jun 13, 2013
      Posted by:  NOT Laurie AllenJun 13, 2013 15:46
      Who would believe a committee that would sit in front of a town and out and out lie to everyone in the community about not being able to consider withdrawing again for two years if the towns did not meet their 50% of the last gubernatorial figure.  I cannot believe an attorney would not know the statutes regarding this matter.  You really expect people to trust anyone that was on the withdrawal committee again.  I hardly doubt it.  I feel that there should be some sort of legal ramification to all of those who misrepresented this very important information to all the towns.  Shame on you for being so dishonest.

       Caitlin Hills
      I am running for a seat on the School Board for Belfast. I am currently collecting signatures from registered Belfast residents. I will be at the fabulous street party tonight with my little clipboard, and would love your support! I hope to bring my consensus building skills to the Board and work on getting to YES! in support of comprehensive quality education that includes arts and sports. Much more on my platform in the near future, but for now, I must get on the ballot!
      Caitlin Hills
      Like ·  · Unfollow Post ·  · 4 hours ago near Belfast
      • 2 people like this.
      • Eric Buch Consensus building skills? Really? In June you berrated a woman on Mike Hurley's site for choosing not to participate in the first withdrawal vote and then when I suggested that you refrain from judging others, you called me a pompous blowhard (or something to that effect). Maybe you've gone through a remarkable transformation since then....
      • Laurie Allen It's an adult bully epidemic- horrible. Our poor kids and ethical residents with conscience.
      • POSTED BY: HAROLD RICHARDSON Jan 21, 2013 12:28

        What does my post have to do with this article-
        As Edwin Starr would say 
        "Huh absolutely nothing"
        Rather than anything from John Lennon I think a tune more apropo for Seaview is Randy Newmans' "Louisiana" 
        The river rose all day
        The river rose all night
        Some people got lost in the flood
        Some people got away alright
        The river have busted through cleard down to Plaquemines
        Six feet of water in the streets of Evangelne

        Louisiana, Louisiana
        They're tryin' to wash us away
        They're tryin' to wash us away
        Seaview Terrace, Seaview Terrace
        They're tryin' to wash us away
        They're tryin' to wash us away
        Just trying to help! 

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