Cold-Hearted Psychopath, Hot-Headed Sociopath'
"It’s not easy to spot a psychopath. They can
be intelligent, charming, and good at mimicking emotions. They may
pretend to be interested in you, but in reality, they probably don’t
“They’re skilled actors whose sole mission is to manipulate people for personal gain,” Tompkins says.
Sociopaths are less able to play along. They make
it plain that they’re not interested in anyone but themselves. They
often blame others and have excuses for their behavior.
Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected.
Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and
calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a
planned-out way to get what they want. If they’re after more money or
status in the office, for example, they’ll make a plan to take out any
barriers that stand in the way, even if it’s another person’s job or
12/7/2015 Above clips are City Council Heil Hurley that I reference below to Sheriff Trafton.
( 12/7 post cont'd below)
1/1/2016 It is unbelievable that Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall dictate Belfast. Trashing and robbing targeted economic development residents that pay their salaries. City Council supporting the trashing, robbing and enlisting the 5th. Another corrupt line meeting. Maine Real Estate Commission & Belfast City Planner Liar Wayne Marshall. The zoning answer is either R1 or R3. No room for Marshall's spinning rhetoric. Here we go.
1/2/2016 edited @ 8am- See City Manager Sloscum's response below in lavender- after my 5th request where I copied many City female employees under his wrath. Sloscum enlists Public Works Director Bob Richards to do his dirty deeds and ensures loyalty with perks and praise.
I approached the public works men several times during their time on Seaview Terrace. I told them I knew they were not responsible for the harm to my home and street. That I knew they were following direction from their boss. And the same with Bob Richards. I was nice to them. They nailed me anyway. Winter of 2015 was brutal with snow. And they used that heavy equipment to bury me, again and again. Face to face. Documented complaints sent to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. No response. I sent it again and again and spoke it again and again at City Council meetings. No response. Residents fear exactly this. Retribution. That's why no one stands up. Too much to lose.
The Richards were most likely on Hurley's list to implicate. 2nd was probably the Pendleton's/Lightner's. Those 3 family's have serious roots in the mid-coast. Bob Richards father is the Fire Chief. I see a Butch Richards on staff at the High School, must be Bob's brother. What the High School administration has done to my son is drop dead corruption. Fraud, shorting classes, lying, denying... a high honors AP student all through his Jr. year. Administration slammed him this year. A brutal schedule and Superintendent Knowles and Guidance Director James Davis destroying his Questbridge College Applications with enormous financial aid to top colleges for the low income.
It had to be in by 9/28/2015. I was on it since 8/15/2015. Knowles assured me Davis would handle it. Two days before the deadline, Davis had not even met with my son, even though I had sent emails every week for updates to Davis and Knowles. No response and the deadline was missed. Gone Mom Gone. 4 years of tuition, room and board could have been awarded. See
From: | Hill, Jeffrey E ( This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Thu 12/31/15 11:59 AM |
To: | 'LAURIE ALLEN' ( |
Ms. Allen:
I will respond to your email next week after discussing the zoning concerns you have highlighted with Wayne Marshall.
Have a safe and Happy New Year.
Jeffrey E. Hill │Deputy Director
Maine Real Estate Commission
Tel: (207) 624-8523
Fax: (207) 624-8637
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Fri 1/01/16 9:16 AM |
To: | Hill, Jeffrey E (; LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Cc: | (; (; (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; ( |
Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeffrey Hill,
Please identify the correct zoning for these 2015 Belfast MLS with inaccurate zoning. Repeated requests to the the real estate agents to correct the zoning codes were ignored. THREE different codes on SEAVIEW TERRACE ALONE! Please identify the Seaview Terrace 2015 MLS listings with correct zoning first and foremost.
1 attachment (76.5 KB)

Zoning Listings482015 Conflicting.odt

The 2015 MLS listing list for the old R2 zone is below and all are either R1 or R3. The attached document gives history of City Manager Joe Slocum stating he makes mistakes, stating the zoning maps will be updated, never to be done, actual listings with vague incorrect zoning, Mary Mortier- my City Council Rep and a real estate agent, stating she will not give me listings because of insurance. Slocum stating Seaview Terrace is R1 but worthless since he makes MANY mistakes on my specific requests or refuses to respond.
Jeffrey Hill- Please state correct zoning as of 1/1/2016 for each of these 15 MLS listings- they are either R1 or R3. Simple codes given at the public hearings by City Planner Wayne Marshall summer 2014 to residents that were in the R2 zone. Any other zoning rhetoric that City Planner Wayne Marshall may offer you is NOT acceptable. R1 or R3 ONLY.
Seaview Terrace 2015 listings with 3 different zoning codes. Michelle Ridley, Midcoast Realtor President, deflected incorrect zoning listings to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (2/23/15 email below). Slocum refused to respond.
1. 45 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning " HthC"
2. 31 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"
3. 22 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"
4. 26 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential 1"
5. 30 Huntress Ave, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "See Town"
6. 45 Union St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential"
7. 283 Congress St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Res"
8. 44 Northport Ave., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential"
9. 31 Fahy St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Res"
10. 158 Cedar St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "res"
Current active listings 12/2015;
11. 14 Durham Circle, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "residential 2".
12. 102 Northport Ave, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "12".
13. 9 Antrim Gardens #5, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R-2"
14. 6 Penobscot Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning " RES"
15. 46 Ocean St.. Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R-2"
Laurie Allen
12/30/15 Belfast City Manger Joe Sloscum refuses to tell what zone we are in. Massive corruption- look at all the cc's- barely touching the list of corrupt. Downtown Belfast businesses, Waldo County Healthcare, local-state government, etc.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Wed 12/30/15 7:58 PM |
To: | (; Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Cc: | (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; ( |
Belfast MLS listings are listing corrupt zones and the agents refuse to list the correct zone. Michelle Ridley refers the public to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and he refuses to officiate the true zones on these 5 listings as well as officiate the official zoning on the City Website Zoning Map. The zoning and boundaries for the old zone R2 and R1 were changed over a year ago and listings have been wrong.
Please advise of the correct zone for these current listings that were in the old R2 zone.
14 Durham Circle, Belfast zoning MLS listed residential 2.
102 Northport Ave, Belfast zoning MLS listed 12.
9 Antrim Gardens #5, Belfast zoning MLS listed R-2
6 Penobscot Terrace, Belfast zoning MLS listed RES
46 Ocean St.. Belfast zoning MLS listed R-2
Laurie Allen
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 16:20:10 -0500
Subject: Re: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Ms. Allen,
I will not be responding to this email. I will not edit or respond to your claims or representations or to other 3rd party claims or representations.On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 3:45 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum- 5th request for current zoning for active listings and for Seaview Terrace ( should be either R1 Zone or R3 Zone). Your refusal to respond to this email is escalating concern for all residents. Respond to this simple request today. 12/29/2015 4th request and FED UP! Come On JB Turner and Mark Biscone- stop taking lives.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Tue 12/29/15 9:11 AM |
To: | (; Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (; ( |
Cc: | Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; ( |
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum is not responding. Please have Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum respond via email today specifically- what is the current zoning for the 5 properties listed below and Seaview Terrace- zone R1 or R3.
Belfast MLS listings are corrupt and real estate agents deceive buyers regardless of NAR Code of Ethics. The Maine Commission supports the corruption. Both Jeffrey Hill and Karen Bivins dismissed my complaint stating that I should have done a more exhaustive search on my private property drainage ditch, where my number one concern was NO WATER ISSUES and refusal of all properties with such. The property inspector, DJ Brown covered it up with Sam Mitchell, Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Earl Black, and Minister Tarpley. They robbed me and my children and destroyed our new lives of safety for a few dollars.
Agents do not disclose and when pressed deflect questions to Belfast City Hall where the City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum with hold public information and public documents unless you are JB Turner. Joe Slocum serves water to JB while holding my head under water. 5 years and counting. JB and I began City Council meetings together in 11/2011. I reached out to JB many times for assistance to no avail.
JB is pivotal in contrast and also sits on the board of Waldo County General Hospital that is underway for expansion. Seaview Terrace is the Gaza Strip of Belfast. All on board to sell hell and constantly threaten Mom and children for holding on.
Laurie Allen
NAR Code of Ethics | 3rd request to Sloscum- FIRE HIM! And City Planner Wayne Marshall and unseat City Council Heil Hurley.
12/24/2015 2nd request Slocscum is not responding...
2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Thu 12/24/15 9:32 AM |
To: | |
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum-2nd request 12/24/15 9:30 am (1rst request 12/22/15 1:45 pm )
12/23/2015 Belfast real estate agents including Judge Patricia Worth's family (Worth Real Estate), continue to list corrupt zoning listings for the old r2 zone. Belfast City Hall officials "tell" us we are are R1 for the past 2 years but every listing shows corruption. R2 has to be R3- they want to keep us quiet and stupid for as long as possible. Till a meth clinic moves in as your next door neighbor. 20 ft away. This time I copied it to the the Commission too. They corruptly dismissed my complaint for nondisclosure of the hell stream. Let's see what City Manager Sloscum replies.
Subject: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2015 13:44:31 -0500
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, (Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeff Hill)
Belfast real estate agents continue to corruptly list the wrong zoning for listings that were in the old R2. Below are 5 current listings copied today, 12/22/2015. These listings are in the old R2 zone that my street, Seaview Terrace was in. I have asked at least 50 times for the City website to reflect OFFICIAL zoning for Seaview Terrace. You "tell" me it is R1 but you have "told" me mistakes MANY times. What is the correct current zoning for these 5 listings and Seaview Terrace, R1 or R3?
Below the current listings is Michelle Ridley, President of the Midcoast Realtors, passing the corrupt zoning listings way back in 2/2015 to you.
Please respond to the current zoning for these 5 listings and Seaview Terrace today, 12/22/2015.
Laurie Allen
(Charles Hunter does not give an email contact. I copied the message above and sent it as a comment on Belfast Maine Real Estate site today @ 1:42 pm )
Belfast, Maine 04915
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:47:23 -0500
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
Belfast real estate agents continue to corruptly list the wrong zoning for listings that were in the old R2. Below are 5 current listings copied today, 12/22/2015. These listings are in the old R2 zone that my street, Seaview Terrace was in. I have asked at least 50 times for the City website to reflect OFFICIAL zoning for Seaview Terrace. You "tell" me it is R1 but you have "told" me mistakes MANY times. What is the correct current zoning for these 5 listings and Seaview Terrace, R1 or R3?
Below the current listings is Michelle Ridley, President of the Midcoast Realtors, passing the corrupt zoning listings way back in 2/2015 to you.
Please respond to the current zoning for these 5 listings and Seaview Terrace today, 12/22/2015.
14 Durham Cir Belfast, ME 04915
Home For Sale
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: residential 2
- Directions: Follow High Street / Northport Ave. South from downtown Belfast to Durham Street. Turn right on to Durham Street. Turn left on to Durham Circle and travel to 14 Durham Circle.
- Seasonal: No
Presented by Michael Cunning
Brokered by Worth Real Estate Inc.
102 Northport Ave Belfast, ME 04915
Home For Sale
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: 12
- Directions: From center of Belfast head south on High St (which becomes Northport Ave) 1 mile. Property is on left immediately after the City Park entrance and just before the Hospital entrance. Property is next door to the hospital.
- Seasonal: No
Presented by Michael Cunning
Brokered by Worth Real Estate Inc.
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: R-2
- Directions: From intown Belfast south on High St. to Northport Avenue take right onto Salmond Street left onto Cedar all way to end of Cedar turns int Tara Rd. take first drive Antrim Garden to the right. Unit #5.
- Restrictions: Pet
- Seasonal: No
- Presented by LuAnne AdamsBrokered by REALTY OF MAINE - Belfast
6 Penobscot Ter Belfast, ME 04915
Home For Sale
Other Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: RES
- Directions: Take High St from downtown towards the park. Right on Penobscot Terrace. Property on the left.
- Seasonal: No
Presented by Charles Hunter
Brokered by Belfast Maine Real Estate
46 Ocean St Belfast, ME 04915
Home For Sale
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: R-2
- Directions: Go south on Northport Ave. Turn left on Condon Street go to the end. Turn right on Ocean Street and 46 Ocean St. will be on your left/waterside.
- Seasonal: No
Presented by Jonathan Ohlsen
Brokered by Worth Real Estate Inc.
Laurie Allen
(Charles Hunter does not give an email contact. I copied the message above and sent it as a comment on Belfast Maine Real Estate site today @ 1:42 pm )
Belfast Maine Real Estate
1G Belmont Avenue, Suite 1Belfast, Maine 04915
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:47:23 -0500
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
I recommend you touch base with Joe Slocum as he is the expert in that area.
Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone
-------- Original message --------
Date:02/23/2015 1:29 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
2nd Request 2/23/15. Please Advise.
You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace? 45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 A
ND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Subject: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 07:39:03 -0500
You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace? 45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 A
ND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Subject: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 07:39:03 -0500
(From Michelle Ridley's real estate agent site)
Michelle is very knowledgeable in all aspects of the Real Estate market and well connected in the local marketplace. I put a lot of time, effort and energy in helping people navigate the complex world of a Real Estate transaction. Buying or Selling Real Estate, I am definately one to have in your corner.
I am currently the President of the Midcoast Council of Realtors. I am also a member of the National Association of Realtors and I am active in my local chapters in the community. I am currently licensed and Maine State certified as an Associate Broker.
Call me for all of your Real Estate needs!
207-323-1796 (Cell)
You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace? 45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 AND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen Property Info
Michelle is very knowledgeable in all aspects of the Real Estate market and well connected in the local marketplace. I put a lot of time, effort and energy in helping people navigate the complex world of a Real Estate transaction. Buying or Selling Real Estate, I am definately one to have in your corner.
I am currently the President of the Midcoast Council of Realtors. I am also a member of the National Association of Realtors and I am active in my local chapters in the community. I am currently licensed and Maine State certified as an Associate Broker.
Call me for all of your Real Estate needs!
207-323-1796 (Cell)
You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace? 45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 AND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: HthC
- Directions: From Belfast take Northport Avenue south. Seaview Terrace is across from Waldo County General Hospital. Property is at the end of the street on the right. Look for sign.
- Seasonal: No
Other Property Info
- City: Belfast
- State Or Province: ME
- County Or Parish: Waldo
- Zoning: R2
- Directions: From the intersection of Rt#1 and Northport Ave. Go North on Northport Ave. towards downtown Belfast, Seaview Terrace is on your left across from the Hospital. Property is on right, before the dead end.
- Seasonal: No
12/17/2015 Belfast City Council Heil Hurley as host, stated in these Senior College classes for Maine businesses that buying the Temple Theatre in Houlton (small town, only town), Maine is his 2nd worst mistake. Stating people don't go to the movies anymore- especially they young. They have it on their phone. He's pimping it out to the innocent and got the NY Times to do it. No principles or conscience. Guessing his first biggest mistake is his Colonial Theatre in Belfast, Maine. Heil Hurley put that one up for sale for over 2 million. "Keep the change you filthy animal."
Recently released St. George man accused of choking woman
And then there's this State of Maine abuse. Forcing us into the system of dependency, prescription addiction, and jail. Costing global catastrophe real time by the 1% , players and enablers. True disgrace.
Laurie Allen ·
No "we" when standing up to the white/blue/pink corrupt collars in local-state government. We fears retribution, so it is only me, protecting me home, rights and family. As we pay the corrupt to take and take. I let them in too when Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward came to my home on a "tip" that I was unstable. Right. Come on in fella's. Lets chat.
I had already been interrogated by the Chief at the station after City Council called me in as threat. The Chief cleared me and said I was the hilight of his day. Two years later, he tries again. After the Chief couldn't shake me, he reverted to the same tactics that his Officer Ward used on me after after the 30something City Council meeting I spoke at. Telling me that they have known City Council Mike Hurley, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, COE Tod Rosenburg, City Attorney Bill Kelly personally for years and don't experience the same treatment- taking of my property, rights and life. Police have been stationed at meetings since I went public at open to the public meetings in 11/2011.
I asked them what does their relationship with these officials have to do with me? Forced to reply "Nothing" and on to the next tactic. In each intimidation attempt, Officer Ward and Chief Mcfadden then resorted to try to shame me as a mother. Asking me what the effect of all this corruption whistleblowing has had on my children (we are targeted- public works-community- RSU Superintendent Knowles, BAHS Guidance Director James Davis and BAHS Principal Fitzpatrick) and as parents themselves, they would focus on the children. Ward and McFadden each said this to me at different private intimidation meetings. My response was of course this hurts my children. What am I supposed to do, let them destroy my property and home? Become homeless and dependent on the state? Real estate agents sell undisclosed hells, property inspectors are part of it, towns are the creators, the state protects the corrupt towns and realtors.
The low income are targeted- and the corrupt officials keep taking, intimidating and using illegal means to stop exposure, by direction of the City Attorney. Trying to force you into their system. Blogging the corrupt, protesting and staying out of their system is me only protection from their rat wheel. I am 54 and have only been able to keep going because I endured a life of the very same corruption from family. Robbed and robbed again and again. In 2010, we crawled here to Belfast to begin again with the little I had left. Belfast agents and City Hall saw an easy target. They were wrong. May this give you strength Ishola. Shameful collars and community that enable them. Thank you Chris Williams and David Farmer. Give us voice- investigate and report.
(short list of Belfast Corrupt Players including Belfast resident Judge Patricia Worth and husband John Worth... big players. See page link
Belfast Judge Patricia Worth and J & B Auto Body Belfast Corrupt
(12/7 post cont'd) For security, I have decided to post my request for protection to Sheriff Trafton. I don't want to offend Sheriff Trafton, he has always been helpful, kind and respectful to me. I am sure my comment of 300 hours for each public works employee for snow plowing last year will target me further. City Manager Joe Slocum states they would rather be home. All of public works should be qualified for snow plowing- transfer station, parks and rec., to lessen the dangerous hours of exhaustion. It's frightening to hear that they may not sleep and are out in storm after storm.
rom: | Jeffrey Trafton ( This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 12/04/15 1:08 PM |
I did see all of the e-mails. And if you call me at 338-6786 on Monday, we can set up a time to meet.
Hope you feel better,
Jeff Trafton
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 12:41 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: RE: 3rd Anon. Letter
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2015 12:41 PM
To: Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: RE: 3rd Anon. Letter
Hi Sheriff Trafton,
You responded today to my first email from 12/1/2015. I want to be sure you saw the follow up that I sent on 12/1 @ 12:54. I am not feeling well today. I may be able to go to your office on Monday. If so, I'll call and schedule. Thank you for your kind response.
Laurie Allen
You responded today to my first email from 12/1/2015. I want to be sure you saw the follow up that I sent on 12/1 @ 12:54. I am not feeling well today. I may be able to go to your office on Monday. If so, I'll call and schedule. Thank you for your kind response.
Laurie Allen
Jeffrey Trafton ( This sender is in your contact list.
Fri 12/04/15 10:26 AM
Hi Laurie,
hope you and your son had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. I apoligize for
taking a few days to get back to you. I took some vacation time and
now am trying to get caught up. Do you have some time to come see me at
the office today or Monday?
Jeff Trafton
Subject: FW: 3rd Anon. Letter
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:54:29 -0500
Subject: FW: 3rd Anon. Letter
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 12:54:29 -0500
Sheriff Trafton,
The more I'm thinking about the 5 years of Hurley's behaviors, bullying, publicly and certainly privately, tainting the City/public against me (many, many times), the more I see serious danger . This 3rd letter is time for investigation. The community putting him up on a pedestal as he trashes anyone that challenges his wants, all of Council and the Mayor allowing him to attack private individuals and seemingly proud of it, his inability to have empathy, his signature fires, his anger, his lies, his stealing, his power over Belfast City Hall, all over town, law enforcement, media , businesses, his full reach is unknown to me. The few clips I've posted of his manipulating tactics and threats- I know you said your computer can't access youtube but other computers can. Please watch at least the ones where Hurley goes off.
His first speaking at the Hutchinson Center - an hour of him @ 31 minutes in he talks about Texas taking caution to rebuild by taking their time and talking about it- where Hurley is do it quick before they see how corrupt/illegal it is. @56-57 minutes in is where he says he has ADA and how he struggles, fighting with himself to stop his racing mind for more, how he has to get into fights (earlier in the video), his huge ego, all his corruption- 35 years in the making implicating the upper crust and building his system. And I am the one to expose it all. He's been threatening, hurting, alienating, intimidating, frightening, flooding, endangering my life every day, with the support of all the players, including Chief McFadden, Officer Ward and City Attorney for 5 years.
The roll out of his worst corruption yet is the 10-20 years in the making Comprehensive Plan (TPP Plan of Belfast). Ordinances and zoning that was voted in my Council last year are secret- like every document of corruption locked up by Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum. It's now- Front St., the harbor, downtown, WCGH/healthcare take over in my area where residents believe they are zoned as R1- (no healthcare) I think they are not updating the official zoning voted in last year because all of the old R2 that was told would become R1 was really voted in as R3- Healthcare and housing. A methadone clinic can be our neighbor-20 ft away. Bob Whiteley said 2 years ago that what was going to happen was shocking. It's happening. And I'm the only one standing up to the corrupt.
Any profiler can identify that Hurley is a serious threat to me. There has to be someone with profiling stature that can look at all the proof. I have been called in by City Council- no doubt directed by Hurley, as a threat, McFadden, Ward and Lightner have approached me several times to "persuade" me to stop exposing City Hall corruption. McFadden and Ward then went after me, trying to shame me as a mother. And they both came to my house to determine my stability. And it's all Hurley with the City Hall officials and public works following his tactics and lead. I fear everyday that my son will be hurt, my dogs poisoned, I will be hurt, set-up, a fire at my house- he's got them all under his belt. I'm on high alert always. Abiding all laws and trying to stay safe from intentional accidents.
You were concerned enough with David Smith's behavior towards me and my dogs to suggest and order of protection. Certainly Hurley's is 100 fold worse. Wayne Marshall is very scary too. He's wound tight. So is Slocum, Rosenburg and Bill Kelly. Bet Hurley had them all hired. Public works nails me- they get put up on a pedestal too. No one flinches or makes recommendations at 300 hours OT paid for each for last years snow. I don't know if Hurley has anything to do with your history but I want to believe you are true blue. Please tell me if you can get Hurley profiled/evaluated or what investigation will happen. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
The more I'm thinking about the 5 years of Hurley's behaviors, bullying, publicly and certainly privately, tainting the City/public against me (many, many times), the more I see serious danger . This 3rd letter is time for investigation. The community putting him up on a pedestal as he trashes anyone that challenges his wants, all of Council and the Mayor allowing him to attack private individuals and seemingly proud of it, his inability to have empathy, his signature fires, his anger, his lies, his stealing, his power over Belfast City Hall, all over town, law enforcement, media , businesses, his full reach is unknown to me. The few clips I've posted of his manipulating tactics and threats- I know you said your computer can't access youtube but other computers can. Please watch at least the ones where Hurley goes off.
His first speaking at the Hutchinson Center - an hour of him @ 31 minutes in he talks about Texas taking caution to rebuild by taking their time and talking about it- where Hurley is do it quick before they see how corrupt/illegal it is. @56-57 minutes in is where he says he has ADA and how he struggles, fighting with himself to stop his racing mind for more, how he has to get into fights (earlier in the video), his huge ego, all his corruption- 35 years in the making implicating the upper crust and building his system. And I am the one to expose it all. He's been threatening, hurting, alienating, intimidating, frightening, flooding, endangering my life every day, with the support of all the players, including Chief McFadden, Officer Ward and City Attorney for 5 years.
The roll out of his worst corruption yet is the 10-20 years in the making Comprehensive Plan (TPP Plan of Belfast). Ordinances and zoning that was voted in my Council last year are secret- like every document of corruption locked up by Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum. It's now- Front St., the harbor, downtown, WCGH/healthcare take over in my area where residents believe they are zoned as R1- (no healthcare) I think they are not updating the official zoning voted in last year because all of the old R2 that was told would become R1 was really voted in as R3- Healthcare and housing. A methadone clinic can be our neighbor-20 ft away. Bob Whiteley said 2 years ago that what was going to happen was shocking. It's happening. And I'm the only one standing up to the corrupt.
Any profiler can identify that Hurley is a serious threat to me. There has to be someone with profiling stature that can look at all the proof. I have been called in by City Council- no doubt directed by Hurley, as a threat, McFadden, Ward and Lightner have approached me several times to "persuade" me to stop exposing City Hall corruption. McFadden and Ward then went after me, trying to shame me as a mother. And they both came to my house to determine my stability. And it's all Hurley with the City Hall officials and public works following his tactics and lead. I fear everyday that my son will be hurt, my dogs poisoned, I will be hurt, set-up, a fire at my house- he's got them all under his belt. I'm on high alert always. Abiding all laws and trying to stay safe from intentional accidents.
You were concerned enough with David Smith's behavior towards me and my dogs to suggest and order of protection. Certainly Hurley's is 100 fold worse. Wayne Marshall is very scary too. He's wound tight. So is Slocum, Rosenburg and Bill Kelly. Bet Hurley had them all hired. Public works nails me- they get put up on a pedestal too. No one flinches or makes recommendations at 300 hours OT paid for each for last years snow. I don't know if Hurley has anything to do with your history but I want to believe you are true blue. Please tell me if you can get Hurley profiled/evaluated or what investigation will happen. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Subject: 3rd Anon. Letter
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 08:48:36 -0500
Subject: 3rd Anon. Letter
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2015 08:48:36 -0500
Hi Sheriff Trafton,
This came in yesterday's mail, 11/30/15. The coupons are from the Dollar Store Flyer good 11/22-11/25/2015. A few days prior, I uploaded on my Belfast City Council Mike Hurley stating to the senior college that he fights his conscience all the time to stop. It is alarming. Along with a few other clips of alarm. I posted more of Belfast City Hall corruption in the BDN (before I went to the mailbox this morning) and think "04915" is Hurley.
On Saturday, 11/28, Small Business Day, I parked in front of the Game Loft, Main St, Belfast. Secured my sign- "Realtor's - City Hall Corrupt" high up on a ladder on the back of my SUV from 1pm-2pm.
The sexual threatening letter came right after I posted Dick Tater Heil Hurley. This 3rd letter is typed as was the letter sent to Mark Kelley (26 Seaview- just moved in and after that, put it up for sale- moved to Pa.) after he spoke to City Council about the corrupt zoning. Hurley told Mark that his hair was on fire... and shortly after he got the anonymous letter- summer 2014.
All 3 envelopes are the same handwriting.
I opened this letter this morning with new plastic gloves on and inside a plastic bag. I copied the letter and envelope while inside the plastic bag. I can't bring it to you today. Any other day after 3 pm will work. Please advise.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Ex City Council and UU Treasurer Roger Lee,
It is hard to write this. I have copied the Wood's and Minster Perkins since I reference them. I see your health is failing and don't understand how you can continue with hypocritical corruption of Belfast. Your "service" on the Council has enabled the corruption and sale of corrupted properties. It is so dirty and thick, agents are forced to sell hell to the innocent because of you and your "constituents". I just learned the corrupt City Attorney Bill Kelly that was your partner in crime to City Hall abuse to residents is also a real estate agent. Now you are a simple resident with attorney privileges. You are upset that the corrupt manipulation of ordinances and private property rights that you participated in and supported are now affecting your "view". The City is not slaughtering your property or your neighborhood but you are taking action against the ordinance corruption that you supported. To rid the undesirable that offends your view and senses.
For you to question if Alan Wood's apartment house was legal in 1985 is beyond hypocritical.
Your corrupt actions have put my children, my pets, my health, my home, my neighborhood, and every resident and business of Belfast in jeopardy. During the 5 years that I pleaded with you to stop the City Hall corruption to residents, you chose to join in on the slaughter. You have forced real estate agents to sell undisclosed hell for a meager living. Selling their souls to pay for Belfast City Hall corruption.
The corruption that I have exposed is overwhelming and understated. You have been a strong proponent in covering it up, taking the 5th, refusing to validate documents, discrediting and intimidating me, and your health is failing. In your last attempt to save face as Council, you feebly stated that perhaps what I have proved over 5 years ago, the water slaughter to Seaview Terrace, should be kind of looked into by maybe an engineer, but not specific to Seaview Terrace, blah, blah, blah, rhetoric. Never to happen because it is part of the Comprehensive Plan, Seaview Terrace is the Gaza Strip of Belfast. You offend me again and again. That is very undesirable.
Watch the corruption clips of YOU (enabling is doing) and City Hall abusing and endangering residents. The City Wall, attorney, real estate agent Mike Cummings going after Dr. Morrow. This is what your 8 years on Council has created. The Flooding Games. If she didn't get an attorney and engineer to stop the City from affecting her private property you would have voted it through. This was City Wall pre-planned for a shut down. Waiting to the last minute to advise Dr. Morrow of the pre-plan and giving her only 5 days notice. Dr. Morrow had to pay thousands to get an attorney and engineer to that meeting to stop you and the Wall thanks to my exposure of City slaughter to private properties. She hugged me and thanked me.
That is only one clip- all should be watched. Especially my sand bag agenda that you and the wall choreographed with City Attorney Bill Kelly on 1/4/2012. Certainly you did not think I would speak at open to the public and lay it all out. Then to reveal more with held corruption to my property with City Attorney Bill Kelly running out and Council voting quickly to take no further action...
You know the actions of the City are corrupt and will be unfolding at warp speed with the unknown ordinance changes that you voted in before running into simple resident hiding. Watch my 9/1/2015 meeting where I review only a portion of the abuse inflicted on me.
Here's my Belfast City Hall Corruption playlist. It will go right on down the list.
On 9/11/2015 I get this threatening letter, given to for Sheriff Trafton (edited off for privacy)
and last week I got another. (also edited off)
All with the same handwriting of the anonymous letter I got 2 years ago, telling me to run for Council (surely to bait me to implicate and ridicule me). All point to City Hall. City Council Mike Hurley, your friend. Hiring the same ill greed. I saw you motion before you ran away to contract Joe Slocum for another 2 years. Contracting corruption to residents. Joe Slocum, Wayne Marshall, Bill Kelly, Tod Rosenberg, implicating and corrupting right on through to the wall after wall, etc., etc... Jay Davis, another ego, telling me in 2012 that protesting Belfast City Hall corruption publicly is not how "we do things around here. See Mike Hurley."
The Comprehensive Plan you made and voted through is the TPP of Belfast. Even your buddy, ex-Council Marina, encouraged by YOU to run for corrupt Council, is coming forward, clueless to constituent corruption again.
Tell me what zone Seaview Terrace is in. You voted it through over a year ago, please tell me. Agents refuse to answer and listings are corrupt. Your boy Joe Slocum spins more lies and refuses to officiate the zoning on the City website.
What is the saying- Birds of a feather flock together? I'll take the poor and true any day over the entitled hypocrites with dirty money. You and your players have destroyed my family's rarely successful chance at a new life in safety and privacy. Have a sermon on that. Compassionate City- wrong. Corrupt Abusive Belfast City Hall and players to the innocent and abused.
Laurie Allen
Bob Cummings atop Mount Katahdin
How one man helped Maine win back public land from private companies
Posted Dec. 05, 2015, at 7:14 a.m.
The story that would become reporter Bob Cummings’ legacy didn’t set his world on fire when White Nichols walked into the Bath Times office in the early 1960s with a story tip...
12/1/2015 Calling out Heil Hurley, Front Street, Downtown, TIF's, RESIDENT ABUSE (I'm Auntiebully- is 04915 Heil Hurley? Or one of his minions?
11/29/15- How can the public enable the corrupt that hurt the children and environment? I will never understand that. More war, more Trump, more Heil Hurley, more, more more. Heil Hurley hired and keeps his corrupt regime at our expense-City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, and City Attorney Bill Kelly. A stinking Ponzi Team, never ending enlistment. They steal more from the less. Till we're stripped to our core of justus. Just me. Someone has to do it, no one better than me.
Heil Hurley never shuts up. Endless platforms with City Video and local access TV director, Ned Lightner running and gushing to promote him and the players. I've known Ned long before Hurley turned him into a player. Why won't Ned interview me and the 5 years of dedication to exposing Belfast corruption? Most are Ned's friends and have implicated his large family network as well. Heil Hurley knows who he needs. Then tosses those that are spent. Next.
These are a few second vines from Heil Hurley's class (more below in 11/26). People wake up. He is telling you he is ill (the depth is even deeper- but that he admits this is a call for immediate intervention). He is an addict, fighting with himself and the players enable him. He is all for more, take it from the poor, the innocent, their property taxes, their rights, their property, their safety, their value, take more, take more. Take it before they can stop it. Lie and with hold public information and documents. All aboard at downtown Our Town Belfast
I copied a clip from the 11/17/2015 Belfast City Council meeting my ex City Council rep, Marina Delune speaks at open to the public. She wants to know why the ordinance passed is not the ordinance that the Comprehensive Plan Committee agreed upon. This plan was underway for 10? years- the committee (and most City committee's) are used as a smokescreen while the official thugs- City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council Heil Hurley and City Attorney Bill Kelly do the real deal. Devastate targeted area's and residents under cloak and dagger. It was voted in over a year ago and is impossible to know what they did. Until it is your residence getting hacked.
11/29/15 I have referenced ego/greed illness many times as the source of global corruption. It always begins at home. You know who lies, who steals, who bullies, who abuses and who will suck you dry and toss you aside. Next. Few families have the support and stamina to hold these members accountable. They learn how to turn people against each other and have innate radar to detect who is like them ( and enlist them into their system), who can be played, and who cannot.
They look for cracks to seep into the cannot's integrity to secure their silence. Livelihood and social blackballing. If the target continues to stand, they will go after your children. Hello me. From my family, to my marriage, to my escape to Belfast and back into the cesspool of the same illness and smiling back stabbing greed. It has taken City Council Mike Hurley from New Jersey and Massachusetts, some 35 years to corrupt so many. It's viral and beyond sad. The children always pay for the corrupt. Corrupt parents are beyond despicable.
Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward have approached me several times to persuade me to back of City Hall corruption, citing long term friendships/allegiance to the Wall, then challenged my stability, then went after my children. This year, the NEW School Superintendent pledged allegiance to the BAHS Principal and Director of Guidance that have been throwing my scholar son under the bus before he entered 9th grade, almost 4 years ago. Screwing with his schedule, denying his courses and this year denying recognition and award of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Achievement award. All committing fraud while delaying my requests since August to make sure the stellar Questbridge (Low Income Scholar Students) Top College Partners Application deadline of 9/28/2015 was done. Superintendent Knowles and Guidance Director James Davis robbed us. Knowles assured me in August that it would be done. It was not. Robbed of 4 years of full tuition. Documented in this blog as well as
City Video Director Ned Lightner used our friendship to persuade me to back off of City Hall several times. Approaching me in private- outside of City Hall. Key meetings have "recording" issues, online viewing too. City Manager Joe Slocum manipulates the agenda at meetings and adds on items to sandbag the public. Slocum has Ned manipulate the online meeting agenda menu. Lumping many business items together instead of individually. And a new one has popped up- listing targeted agenda items as "addendum". It is easy to edit the menu- but Ned refuses. Intent to confuse and bury public information.
When I addressed the issues, Ned makes it personal and ridicules me with statements of conspiracy theory and paranoia. Here are the blurred lines emails- Just like my neighbor, CB, he is also in media. I thought he was my friend too. After CB met with City Manager Joe Slocum about the smokescreen zoning of Seaview Terrace, CB came back to me and repeated the same, adding in crazy. Telling me that City Hall says that I am crazy and that Joe Slocum treats him well. I told him not to do that to me. CB knows me to be ethical, he knows the corruption and intimidation tactics are true. CB has a lot to lose. Owned. Easy recruitment by the corrupt.
Ned runs the local Belfast media channel as well. His interviews are always to promote and paint Belfast as the compassionate, quirky, gem. It was and is to visit. Real estate agents sell undisclosed hell throughout Belfast (In fact, Ned is currently airing his interview promoting real estate agent/president Michelle Ridley. Michelle approached me and asked me to back off of the realtor corruption. Telling me she would address any concerns with her staff. I gave her plenty of listing issues, she referred me to City Manager Joe Slocum!!
The corrupt non-disclosure continues and is even more dangerous with the unknown ordinance changes voted through last year.
Date:02/23/2015 1:29 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: RE: Seaview Terrace Listings Zoning/Stream
You approached me and told me to contact you with real estate needs/issues. What is the correct zoning after the fall 2014 change of Seaview Terrace zoning from R2 for these listings currently on Seaview Terrace? 45 Seaview Terrace is listing zoning as Healthcare and 31 Seaview Terrace is listed as R2 A
ND not disclosing the stream. 31 Seaview Terrace owns stream hell. Please advise on all and make immediate corrections today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
From: | Michelle Ridley ( You moved this message to its current location. |
Sent: | Mon 2/23/15 2:47 PM |
I recommend you touch base with Joe Slocum as he is the expert in that area.
No doubt, that is why Michelle is receiving Ned's promotional platform). They target who is sold hell. Good properties are shown with verbal tainting and manipulation. Bad properties are sold through deception and with holding. Maine Realtor Commission is totally corrupt. Suing the corruption is an oxymoron. Now, you are owned. Keep on painting the illusion or fix the corruption. They keep on painting, building the house of cards. Destroying the foundation, the salty true that were the charm. It happened next door in Bayside. The salt is gone, the greed grows.
I wanted to link Ned's recent interview with Michelle Ridley that aired this week. It is not on the site yet. Here is the site link- to watch BCTV2 on demand- click on the white letters- it is hard to see in the picture of Belfast.
The Belfast Chamber of Commerce awarded Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year in 2013 to slap me in the face. That's what brought on the Boycott title. Now, the sleaze continues, awarding Michelle Ridley Citizen of the year. Both ruin lives of the innocent and rob them of the biggest investment of our lives. A home. They do it with ease and a caring smile.
Bangor Daily News local reporter, Abbie Curtis will not report the corruption, nor the Village Soup- Republican Journal, nor Pen Bay Pilot, nor The Free Press. Belfast Players control the media including the major TV news- WABI and WLBZ. But if an individual commits a crime, it's headlines.
Also airing on the local Belfast public channel is more 1% promoting by Heil Hurley and his senior college class ( 2 years ago, I requested a class to discuss local and school administration corruption and was denied) The Hidden World of Work.
Heil brings in targets to get more. Rob Dietz of Pica.
I caught it this week and forced myself to watch it. These businesses are for themselves. They spew community but they steal our property taxes for more downtown. Confronting the corruption is very personal in a small town. No one will risk the backlash. Except me. The beauty of it is that I don't know who is who, who owns what or who thinks they are better than me. And I don't care. I am no stranger here, we landed loudly in 1969 next door in Bayside and another reality series of family greed corruption and dysfunction.
I reach out to everyone and anyone- proving the corruption. I get names from meetings and send out emails. Dietz was one I got from the airport easement meetings. That was months ago. Sierra Dietz sent me this email. The rant part was mean. Another abutter asked me not to send emails and I always abide. It is their choice to help or not to help. My emails are always specific to City Hall officials and community players. I had sent emails to the airport abutters that were targeted for "vague" easements for tree removals. The hospital annex (abutting my backyard) has a patch of woods and a man was marking invasive species in this 50 ft. swath between my house and the Annex. Something is up. I wanted the airport abutters to be aware of this invasive species tactics. I backed it up with a portion of the corruption I have exposed and how they targeted me, intimidate me and my children. I asked for us to support each other. No support for democracy. Ok.
From: | Sierra Dietz ( This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Tue 5/26/15 12:21 PM |
Thank you,
I figured Sierra was connected to the downtown. Then this week, I saw her husband identify himself as Rob Dietz married to Sierra. He also spewed about "community" with his downtown business and how her family began the Grasshopper Shop. He has a healthy ego, a downtown prerequisite. Except for a few. I won't name them, they may find a cross burning in front of their shop.
So, there you go. Again, businesses and residents must support each other. Businesses need residents tax dollars and support. We don't need them. Boycott is the only action they will heed. Businesses have to save the residents that are under attack. Or not. Then Boycott.
11/25/2015- (Will post a response to below if WLBZ responds. Original request was dated 11/19/2015)
Sent: | Wed 11/25/15 10:14 AM | ||||
To: | (; LAURIE ALLEN ( | ||||
Cc: | ( |
WCSH6/WLBZ2 Staff,
Please advise why this story and video have been removed from the internet. I have been accessing it for a few years, referencing it on my blogs- (and bullies2, bullies3, and ) and now it is gone completely. I saw it on the news when it originally aired with Don Carrigan and Lloyd Richards. Lloyd said he couldn't even garden anymore and would continue to fight town hall. It was very upsetting to see local government do this to a vet that put his life on the line for democracy. He bought this house brand new in 1960 and this is how it ended for him. Fighting to save his property from the town. The town manager pointing to a map on the wall from 1987 and stating according to that map, the town has no responsibility for development flooding to Lloyd's tiny property. Just like me, a domestic survivor that thought we made it to safety to begin again in safety and privacy in 6/2010. And then came the floods, 4/2011 through my tiny backyard from half of developed Belfast.
Paradise turned Hellfast.
Please send me this video and reinstate the story and video to your internet archives and advise. I copied the Rockland radio station as an FYI. We are mid-coast neighbors witnessing public information and public speaking intimidation tactics by our local governments. Rockland to Searsport to Winterport (Thiobdeau) to Augusta (LePage and Mills).
Laurie Allen
Belfast, Me. 04915
(Below was copied from luckily I pasted the whole story. It appears to be completely removed from the internet archives)
Rockport Me Town Office Flooding and Torturing 92 Yr Old WWII Vet
A World War Two veteran from Rockport is fighting with the town to try to fix a water problem on his land.
ROCKPORT, Maine (NEWS CENTER) - A World War Two veteran from Rockport is fighting with the town to try to fix a water problem on his land.
Town officials say they've looked at it many times, but can't find a problem.
91-year old Lloyd Richards says water running off from housing
developments above his property has been soaking the back yard and poses
a threat to the house itself. Richards says its been a problem ever
since the developments were built uphill from him on Rockport's Old
County Road.
But the town's community development director says he's walked the area
and studied plans from 25 years ago, and says he can't find evidence of
excess runoff.
He says water is only going where it was expected to go, including the
gully beside Lloyd Richard's house. But Richards says that's not the
cased, and he wants the town to force developers to make changes.
Lloyd Richards says he wants somebody to make the developers divert the
flow of water so it goes down ditches along the road instead. But town
officials say they believe those housing developments were built
according to plan and are not causing a runoff problem.
11/19/2015 I started another blog to cover corruption articles in Rockland and Rockport. Camden has corruption too. Midcoast corruption from Brunswick to Belfast. Connected corruption.
11/18/2015 Rockland and Belfast officials apply the same methods of resident abuse. Agenda items manipulated at the last minute at meeting after meeting, targeting and intimidating speakers asking for accountability at the open to the public, misuse of property taxes funneled to business/downtown where there TIF harbors more property taxes for business/downtown and the 1%. Targeted area's are denied basic infrastructure- sewers and roads. Real estate agents and City Hall lock lips, disclosure and public documents, In Chamber of Commerce meetings they laugh as another turnover hell is sold. Even more corrupt are the developments under "Homeowners ASSociation Agreement", no print/no disclosure. Sign, sealed and done. Bend over, here comes the association servicing.
When real estate agents targeted me in 2009, they pushed the hell homes. Emails prove they did not answer my questions for the LeGore Subdivision on Birch St. for sewers, roads and basic services. A crack in the basement wall sent me me running regardless of their attempts. Right into non-disclosed water slaughter hell. "Good" listings were met with, "That's not a good property for you- mold issues." It was a buyers market in 2009, options galore. Agents stole our new lives- Mom and children relocating 500 miles away. Alone, we moved in before the hotly contested, rarely granted, relocation motion in NJ was even filed. I put it all on the line to move here. No mistakes. This was it, one chance. I did it. Belfast City Hall and agents did us. Despicable.
I refused all properties with water issues inside and out. #1- NO STREAMS, NO WATER! Paying cash. The City forced water slaughter to Seaview Terrace is not a natural stream. Loop hole for the agents to sell undisclosed hell. Realtor commission sides with the agents after you give them all the proof. And I have documented everything, online in web albums for public viewing. They said they had never received such detail. The corrupt officials state wide take your information to find an out. Any lie will do, try and sue, they will break your bank with rhetoric and insider information.
The City fabricates a stream(locks up the documents proving that there was never a stream), to give them the right to flood tiny, flood zone Seaview Terrace as a natural outlet (according to ordinance) to force miles and miles of illegal storm water and illegal stock piling of snow from miles and miles of impervious ground into tiny Seaview Terrace. My home is the last private property in the path to receive all this slaughter. The ones above me continue to sell hell turnover. I expose the hell to save another. I am only one case of the day. One case is all it takes and the strength to stay. I've done just that. I do what I can.
11/17/2015- 179 Congress St subdivision approved. Homeowner Associations Screw buyer and residents. Private properties will be getting their run off. Approved by the City. Relinquishing responsibility through the ASSociation. Page link for 179 Congress St is from the Belfast corruption media promoter (same with local reporting by the Bangor Daily News and Pen Bay Pilot and TV media) Republican Journal- Village Soup. Media never investigates. They report what is fed to them by the corrupt officials and businesses. However, Dan Dunkle, the Rockland editor for the Republican Journal- Courier Gazette attacks Rockland corruption and bans me for attacking Belfast corruption. See my 10/30/15 post for more. With the affiliated Free Press media defending Dan. Layers of media, spin the people in. The Free Press spun me in. No more. I read it with examination now. Here's a snip of my 10/30 post-
...Now read below and get your puke bucket first. Dunkle and his staff protects Belfast City Hall. Dan Dunkle, Jay Davis, and Heil Hurley "TEE"- Three Evil Ego's.
Whoa — Step Off, City Hall
by Alice McFadden, Publisher, The Free Press |
October 29, 2015 10:44 AM
OK, all well and good, a city manager has free-speech whining rights just like the next guy. This is not the first time that City Manager Chaousis has felt it his duty to instruct the press in their proper duties, as have other Rockland city councilors, on occasion. This latest missive, however, does rank right at the top of nominations for The Most Arrogant to emanate from City Hall. It, of course, doesn’t even begin to measure up to the ones that flow almost daily from Governor LePage’s office in Augusta. Those are unmatched in attacking the press and, well, pretty much everyone and everything, while planting another flag on the moral high ground and declaring bold public rectitude.
11/14/2015 Greed. Every evil act is from greed. Acts of terror. I know them well. Family, friends, government and community, incredibly enabling the greed and implicating themselves. Small scale comparison of local to state to country to global.
No response from anonymous below. Betting it's City Council Mike Hurley again. He has sent me 2 anonymous letters. One was the same as below, 2 years ago, trying to implicate me to run for Council. The 2nd was recent and sexually threatening and given to Sheriff Trafton. I got it on 9/11/2015 right after I posted Heil Hurley Dick Tater. It was too funny to pass up. Charlie Hebdo in Belfast, Maine. I stay on high alert and continue to expose corruption with lots of humorous zings. My specialty.
Link and article to Hurley "Putin" on his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. Dance for me, don't look at the dying. I love this video. Thanks Johnny.
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm)
Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.
Hurley's psychosis came shining through when I went public with City Council/City Hall corruption in 2011. See you tube clip #7, Hurley slanders and places me in danger.
Prior to going public they tried their best to break me since water slaughter hell came ripping through my new chance to live in peace and safety. Close to broken when we crawled here, the brutality of smirking Belfast City Hall Officials and players is terror to any that challenge them. Especially a nobody, beat up, low income Mom... another easy target to rob. Under Hurley's mask, the carnage of targets and corruption are there. Look, don't listen to the greed. Then try to get public documents/information. They give garbage. Expose the garbage, and they take the 5th. Serious intimidation tactics ensue.
Independent committee's would cut through the garbage. The community has watched me try to get basic zoning conditions, storm drainage routes and final site plans that prove the corruption and slaughter to MANY private properties. Corrupt right on up to the Maine Attorney General Office Freedom of Information.
Meeting after meeting, five years and counting, City Council Mike Hurley, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Mayor Ash prove their corruption by manipulating the public against me. I hang in there.
Belfast Senior College- please give democracy a class. The door is open, you let Hurley in.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "50 Shades of Corruption- Belfast City Hall/Our Tow...":
hi, just as a clarifying question, what solutions could you postulate to solve our rampant corruption in our town? Also have you ever thought about a run for office.
My response-
1. It begins with the people you know. Family, friends, community, local government and up we go. Give me a Senior College Corruption platform. Face to face, lets go Heil Hurley. I'm calling you out. Post your name and when. We can begin the cleanse forum at the Hutchinson Center. Little Laurie Lee Allen will be there. Hurley can't handle the truth. Watch Mike run...
Proof of my request for a Belfast corruption forum at the Senior College and High School. No response. Go after my scholar child instead. Rob the earned and unannounced Phi Beta Kappa Achievement award. Deny 4 years of class scheduling to harm my child's education. The new Superintendent Paul Knowles refuses to step in to force the Director of Guidance Fraud, James Davis to own the Phi Beta Kappa fraud, the brutal over scheduling of AP courses and Latin 3&4 in this senior year and the intentional loss of the assistance to meet the 9/28/2015 low income stellar Questbridge College Application. Major financial aid for low income scholar students into top partner colleges. Lost because of BAHS Director of Guidance James Davis, Principal Stephen Fitzpatrick and Superintendent Paul Knowles. To do that to any student is beyond discrimination. They are criminals of the worse kind. Corrupt adults who hurt children to hurt the true parent that keeps getting back up to protect them.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Fri 8/09/13 6:21 PM |
To: | (; Anne Ambrose (; (; (; heidi faulkingham ( ( (; Janneke Zaadstra ( ( (; Kim Peabody ( ( (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (; ( (; (; Melissa Veilleux ( ( (; (; Michelle Michaud ( ( (; (; Raegan Lehouillier ( ( (; susan walker ( ( (; Susan Hodges ( ( (; ( (; (; Tina and Randy Place (; Tonia Tibbets ( ( ( |
Speakers and teachers of integrity
to roll it out and let the people rise. Please send me a response of
LaurieDate: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 16:41:05 -0400
Subject: Thank you for contacting The Belfast Center
Thank you for contacting our program. We will respond to your inquiry shortly.
The Belfast Center
Here are the contents of the form you submitted:
First Name: Laurie
Last Name: Allen
Telephone: 2073235883
Address1: 17 seaview terrace
City: belfast
State: ME
Zip: 04915
Comments: I am the writer of , www. and For 2 years I have been documenting corruption from the State down to the City of Belfast and all the roadblocks. Belfast schools are failing, yet the powers remain. The answer is education. Empowering students and residents to have an open forum, debate, access to authentic and verified true public information and documents. The anger, mistrust, wasting of time and money to no end. Education, Belfast can be the model of bringing back America by the people. I am available 24/7, no charge, ready to work and inform. An elective offered to HS students would be fantastic.From google Corruption Risk in Maine - State Integrity Investigation‎ Maine gets a grade of F for corruption risk and ranks 46th out of 50 states in the State ... Maine. Corruption Risk Report Card. Rank among 50 states: 46th ...
2. Have the courage to post your name and support City Council meetings to debate visible facts of City Hall corruption.
a. Independent Community Committees with full charge.
b. Clean out corrupt collars hired through City Council Heil Hurley- City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Asst. Planner Sadie Lloyd, Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, Parks Director Norm Poirier, City Assessor Brent Martin, Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge, City Attorney Bill Kelly and Kristin Collins
c. Clean out corrupted Mayor, City Council and Planning Board, committee members, "Our Town Belfast, and Restorative Justice Program corrupt heads.
3. I've pleaded to the public for 5 years to stand up against the corrupt with amnesty for good people duped by the corrupt. I put myself out there, alone and brave through City Council meetings, hypocritical event after event (Restorative Justice Program Corrupt President Jay Davis, corrupt real estate agents hosting Habitat for Humanity lobster fundraiser, Senator Angus King constituent meetings at City Hall, Senator Olympia Snowe and Senator Geroge Mitchell at their book signings @ Left Bank Books and the First Church, Robert Shetterly- Americans Who Tell The Truth 9/2013 @ the First Church, Minister Perkins- Compassionate Cities, Chuckie LeRage I mean Gov. LePage @ Front St Shipyard and The Hutchinson Center, etc.) parking lots, City Park, Route 1 pit stop, and at public even, down town, on line, in lines, law enforcement, to state office after office, attorney to attorney, to high school teachers, to Senior College (denied a teachable course on Belfast corruption requested two years ago. But the most corrupt, City Council Mike Hurley underway with Senior College promoting more corruption and packing them in according to him) ,FBI, Democracy Now, Activists, National Media, here, there, everywhere, every moment, my mind keeps trying to find a way to stop the corrupt.
11/12/2015 Corrupt Maine, corrupt Belfast, corrupt neighbor...
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