You Betcha. Got 'em by the ...
1/8/2015 12th request to Maine Realtor Commission (below). And as if Healthcare take over can't destroy us fast enough- Seaview Terrace Waldo County General Hospital abutting residents got a PRE-BLAST notification letter hung on our door knobs yesterday. Maine Drilling & Blasting. Today I find out it's at the WCGH Annex site- and online is Marblehead Mass., 35 abutters to blasting by the same with damages and MD&B denying their damage claims. Fabricating pre-existing conditions. Mark Biscone you are destroying us. Full email thread as of 1pm today on this page link.
1/7/2015 11th request- including Mark Biscone and JB Turner.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Thu 1/07/16 9:05 AM |
To: | Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (; (; ( |
Cc: | (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Governor (; ( |
11th Req. for ONLY the Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeffrey Hills to respond to this specific email with the corrected zoning for these 15 listings. Refusal will make matters worse. It is of zero legal value if listings are changed again. Referring me to listings or City Hall is corrupt and "exhausted".
Jeffrey Hills dismissed my complaint for non disclosure of 17 Seaview Terrace hell in June 2010. Stating I should have done a more "exhaustive" search of MY private property drainage ditch that included a property inspection by DJ Brown supervised by real estate agent Sam Mitchell while I was in NJ slashing the price of my home to relocate my children to safety and privacy in Belfast.
My number one NO BUY was NO WATER ISSUES. Emails refusing listings with water/streams, emails proving agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews found fault weeks after showings, with other listings I wanted (claiming mold, other problems, but not at the time of showings, where I drove 500 miles for showings after 3 months of email communications with Jan Andrews in 12/2009).
I was targeted and railroaded. Belfast listings are corrupted, Belfast real estate agents continue the corruption, passing their refusal to disclose to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. Slocum refuses to respond.
I have "exhausted" Belfast real estate corruption and my life is being threatened again and again by Belfast City Hall and Belfast real estate agent mob mentality and Belfast players.
Laurie Allen
1/6/2015 Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeff Hill (the investigator that dismissed my complaint for ruining my life, targeting and selling me hell with enormous documentation of real estate agent corruption, with holding, targeting, and non-disclosure- he stated he had never received such specific documentation. And dismissed for BS) Here he comes again with the Director Karen Bivens, avoiding to commit in writing the true zoning code of simply R1 or R3 for these 15 MLS and Seaview Terrace. Prior to the public hearings in 2014, these were zone R2.
Per Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Manager in the many public hearings and many, many emails the old R2 (which allowed for medical offices) would become R1 (strictly residential, no medical offices).
This is exactly how they do it. Create committee's for their projects. Propaganda updates at the City Council meetings. The public and committee's are duped into thinking their recommendations are what is voted in by City Council. City Planner Marshall has City Council vote in ordinance changes through documents given to Council but not public. What is voted in is not what the public and committee's were led to believe. Belfast City Hall takes the 5th, gives rhetoric when pressed and with holds public information. Using Bill Kelly City Attorney as their pit bull to spar into legal actions to bury the bone further in red tape, billable hours and break your soul.
Not me. This one is the one.
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 15:57:45 +0000
Ms. Allen:
town officials confirm that zoning information available on their
website is in the process of being updated as a result of changes
adopted in 2014
and, as such, may be unreliable. They suggest that their offices be
contacted for current, accurate information. I will ask each real
estate agency with property currently listed for sale in Belfast to
review the information they have published and make
appropriate corrections.
Jeffrey E. Hill
│Deputy Director
Maine Real Estate Commission
Tel: (207) 624-8523
Fax: (207) 624-8637
9th request 1/6/2016
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Wed 1/06/16 7:32 AM |
To: | ( |
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Wed 1/06/16 7:31 AM |
To: | Hill, Jeffrey E (; LAURIE ALLEN (; ( |
Cc: | (; (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Governor ( |
What are the current correct listing zoning codes for 1-15 and Seaview Terrace? Simply R1 or R3, advise for each one responding specifically to this email from you, the Deputy Director of the Maine Realtor Commission, copying the Director Karen Bivins and all others in the cc.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2016 9:16 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E; LAURIE ALLEN
Maine Realtor Commission Deputy Director Jeffrey Hill,
Please identify the correct zoning for these 2015 Belfast MLS with inaccurate zoning. Repeated requests to the the real estate agents to correct the zoning codes were ignored. THREE different codes on SEAVIEW TERRACE ALONE! Please identify the Seaview Terrace 2015 MLS listings with correct zoning first and foremost.
The 2015 MLS listing list for the old R2 zone is below and all are either R1 or R3. The attached document gives history of City Manager Joe Slocum stating he makes mistakes, stating the zoning maps will be updated, never to be done, actual listings with vague incorrect zoning, Mary Mortier- my City Council Rep and a real estate agent, stating she will not give me listings because of insurance. Slocum stating Seaview Terrace is R1 but worthless since he makes MANY mistakes on my specific requests or refuses to respond.Jeffrey Hill- Please state correct zoning as of 1/1/2016 for each of these 15 MLS listings- they are either R1 or R3. Simple codes given at the public hearings by City Planner Wayne Marshall summer 2014 to residents that were in the R2 zone. Any other zoning rhetoric that City Planner Wayne Marshall may offer you is NOT acceptable. R1 or R3 ONLY.
Seaview Terrace 2015 listings with 3 different zoning codes. Michelle Ridley, Midcoast Realtor President, deflected incorrect zoning listings to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (2/23/15 email below). Slocum refused to respond.
1. 45 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning " HthC"
2. 31 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"
3. 22 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R2"
4. 26 Seaview Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential 1"
5. 30 Huntress Ave, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "See Town"
6. 45 Union St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential"
7. 283 Congress St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Res"
8. 44 Northport Ave., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Residential"
9. 31 Fahy St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "Res"
10. 158 Cedar St., Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "res"
Current active listings 12/2015;
11. 14 Durham Circle, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "residential 2".
12. 102 Northport Ave, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "12".
13. 9 Antrim Gardens #5, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R-2"
14. 6 Penobscot Terrace, Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning " RES"
15. 46 Ocean St.. Belfast 2015 MLS listed zoning "R-2"
Subject: RE: 9th req/RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 13:50:40 +0000
Ms. Allen:
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Wed 1/06/16 10:34 AM |
To: | Hill, Jeffrey E (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Cc: | (; (; Roger Lee (; Mary Mortier - GRF (; Michelle Ridley (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Nancy Hamilton (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; Governor (; ( |
1. As Mr. Hills stated- HE WOULD CONTACT CITY PLANNER WAYNE MARSHALL and advise of the correct zoning codes (R1 or R3) on the 15 listings. My contact is Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, period.
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:59:08 +0000
Subject: RE: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 16:59:08 +0000
Ms. Allen:
I will respond to your email next week after discussing the zoning concerns you have highlighted with Wayne Marshall.
2. BELFAST CITY MANAGER JOE SLOCUM refused to advise which was copied to you.
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 16:20:10 -0500
Subject: Re: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Subject: Re: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Ms. Allen,
I will not be responding to this email. I will not edit
or respond to your claims or representations or to other 3rd party claims or representations.
Thank you,
Joe Slocum
3. 10TH REQUEST FOR SIMPLE RESPONSE FROM MAINE REALTOR COMMISSION DIRECTOR KAREN BIVINS AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR JEFFREY HILLS. PLEASE RESPOND NOW TO THE CORRECT ZONING CODE FOR EACH OF THESE 15 LISTINGS.Seaview Terrace 2015 listings with 3 different zoning codes. Michelle Ridley, Midcoast Realtor President, deflected incorrect zoning listings to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (2/23/15 email below). Slocum refused to respond.
Laurie Allen
1/5/2016 Stay with me- the personal reporting on 1/4/2016 is necessary because of Beflast small claims court exposing my personal family corruption with my ex, linking to my brother, mother, sister, and father. Belfast resident Judge Patricia Worth's position and connections to the very same government and business corruption that I expose for the past 5 years and counting.
Today, I bring it back to Belfast City Hall, State, Healthcare takings and real estate. other side. This blog page link has the legal print that clearly tells the nasty. The taking and destruction to private properties and neighbors forced to sue each other. Inverse condemnation, Title 17 & 38, Maine revised statues, 5204, etc. PenBay, Waldo Healthcare, Sweetser, Mental Healthcare, big business. Target Seaview Terrace and the old R2 zone. Current real estate listings in this old zone list corrupt zones. For over a year now I have been hounding them.
And here comes another piece to the fright plight- Sweetser power is in the hood.
I said this years ago when I couldn't understand why the Midcoast Optical on Northport Ave was sitting on their gorgeous oceanfront property. I thought, sure would be prime for a high-end McLean Psychiatric Rehab of the entitled.... Belfast will become the mental health site, PenBay the medical, here come the meds...
I also added on below- see highlight below 1/5/2016 with Ethan Andrews Penbay article.
Below that is the email to Healthcare President/CEO Mark Biscone date 12/31/2015.
Below that is the email with the corrupt zoning listings to Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeff Hill. Hill states he will advise this week after he speaks with Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall.
Any Belfast project is riddled with corruption as is the manipulation of meetings, minutes and recordings. Here comes more spending on the incomplete Harbor Walk and evasive costs that were in the Harbor Budget. Where is that money? City Council Sanders asked Wayne Marshall that over a year ago and allowed Marshall not to be accountable. City Council and the Mayor are a disgrace. Spinning the public. Out with the old, in with the new. SOS.
Front Street project, Harbor Project and the FNP- that went quiet- deadline was 12/15/2015- the adhoc committee went quiet. The Rail Trail, The Downtown Revitalization, new "RSU", Airport expansion for the 1%, endless list of corrupt projects with corrupt spending and hiding. Implicating and imploding. Where is the PUBLIC? Amnesty for those implicated and begin cleaning.
1/4/2016 The backlash for speaking of personal family abuse/corruption is worse than exposing Belfast-Augusta corruption. As if the family abusers don't spill into businesses and positions of power that spill into new families and refills. Stop it in the family. Get involved. Save the children. Save the world. It can start here. Please.
Recently, Belfast resident Judge Patricia Worth and I crossed paths again. On 7/22/2013 my ex had stolen 6k from me. He bought time by saying he would pay me back once this happened, then when that happened, then in March 2015 he said he wasn't paying me back. Once again, the Bayside house helped me out. Since it was his, I could take him to small claim court in Belfast. Sheriff Trafton is very familiar with this issue. The hearing was on 10/16/2015. It states right on the hearing document that if the defendant does not appear, a default judgment MAY be entered against the defendant for the relief sought by the plaintiff. I have been in small claim courts in Belfast, many times. Each time the Judge automatically defaulted judgment when the defendant was not present. But not for me. Naturally.
Joe had sent a letter to the courts stating "As the good citizens of Belfast have discovered, Ms. Allen is prone to making some wild allegations...With all due respect to the Maine District Court, I reside in the State of New Jersey and ask for some compassion, understanding and leniency as I am unable to attend a hearing due to work, the obvious logistics as well as matter that generally has nothing to do with me."
Judge Fields gave compassion, understanding and leniency to Joe. I gave Judge Fields partial emails with Joe stating again and again the he owed me 6k and would pay me back and the last one where he wrote he would not. I had my divorce papers which were part of Joe's manipulation letter and not necessary. Joe wrote in emails that he owed me 6k again and again. Joe was bringing the children in again as he always does. I didn't give the full emails because they are so sad with abuse. I didn't want any of this. 6k is a a third of my income. I am below poverty and unemployed. My ex never lets up on me. Divorce was in 2007 and he is still stealing from me and bringing the children into it.
Judge Fields ordered another hearing where Joe could call in. I had to bring in the full emails and get a certified copy of the divorce from NJ. Next court date was 12/18/2015. With Judge Patricia Worth. Judge Worth and I have a bad relationship after she ruled against me for a clear case. More on that below. And now she is getting all my personal information in the divorce and those emails. I had begged Joe not to allow this to go to court. That it would be a feeding frenzy for them. Well, Joe called in and didn't object to the emails he wrote that he owed me 6k, he didn't offer any valid rebuttal, and trashed me, just like Skip from J&B Autobody that Judge Worth presided over.
This has prompted me to make it public since it is spreading through Belfast. I've written about Ned Lightner as a City employee taking advantage of our personal relationship. Ned knows a lot about my personal life. More than any. My old friend is the mother of their children. We have been through it together since 1970 until I moved to Belfast in 2010 and everything went to hell fast. Ned is not trustworthy. I have nothing to hide because I put it out there first. You have to when fighting City Hall, they fight dirty. My family has a lot of dirt. I clean it up until the job is done. I did. I'm done.
Going public is all I have left to protect myself. I exhausted all other avenues. I know what I am doing.
My brother George won't help himself. My ex won't help himself. Belfast City Council Mike Hurley won't help himself. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum won't help himself. Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall won't help himself. Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly won't help himself. Governor LeRage won't himself. Donald Trump won't help himself. Hitler wouldn't help himself. How in the hell does ANY of the public help them, become implicated and enable them to destroy lives and the earth? It's epic. Those that stand up are endangered 24/7, especially if you are only one, especially if you are just me, one mom.
They are incapable of sorrow, saying they are sorry directly to the person they hurt, is rare. George has never said he was sorry, like the ex, like the Wall, time goes by and they continue to hurt those in their way.
Awarding City Manager Resident Abuser Joe Slocum in 2013 to slap me in the face. Here Sloscum is using MY pictures to corruptly pave Seaview Terrace in 2014 and uses corrupted boundary maps (below) that City Planner Wayne Marshall found (old picture, way before 2010) and placed a blue line for the "stream" showing it was not running through my property. My house is 3rd up on the right) He gave this map to the hired engineer Mandy Olver) to design the drainage for the goat path pave job during the 8/26/2014 work session. I was never given this map. They all knew it was corrupt. The whole State of Maine knows this water slaughter is through my property.
Get er done, her big brother Donald just died in Alabama. The funeral is on 9/8/14- Laurie won't be home. Unannounced (paving always announced weeks in advance on the City website for residents to be prepared) the trucks rolled in on 9/8. I was home, watching in horror from my window as Public Works slaughtered my property. All week long.
Some tainted Public Works employees hate me and target me. Face to face. Because of Sloscum. That guy with the red beard is the one nailing my property all winter. I think his father was the Public Works foreman that passed away when I first moved here and before water slaughter hell broke loose. My son was in 7th grade and told me a boy in his grade just lost his Dad. I had read about it in the paper. I didn't know them but was so sorry. I went to the Weathervane and asked if they would comp. the family for a dinner. They said yes. Dinner only. I sent a card with the dinner invite and $20 for dessert through my son and his teacher, Glen Widmer.
Shortly after, in Hannaford, a woman had the name tag Rebecca Dickey. I introduced myself. She wasn't up to going out to dinner. I gave her my number and told her to let me know when they would go. I would call the Weathervane and make sure the staff knew the dinner was free. The Manager did not give me any coupon. Eventually they went, but did not call me. The staff did not know anything about the comp. I was so upset when Rebecca told me this. I called the Weathervane and the Manager apologized. He said he'd make sure the staff knew. I don't know if they ever went back. After that, 4/2011, spring melt hell tore away 1/4 of my backyard in wild rapids. And City Hall became brutal.
This guy didn't have to do that to me. I was nice to him even after he nailed me. Belfast City Manager Slocum and Public Works Director Bob Richards refused to respond to my complaint of discrimination (skipping my property with snow removal and targeting my property with snow plowing ALL winter 2015). I sent it many times, and to City Council, asking for his name. No response. Then I recognized him in this picture. Then I recognized him as the foreman's son. He looks just like his Dad. I am sorry for their loss. I really am. I know loss.
2015 "Citizen" of the Year to another destroyer- Michelle Ridley- top seller of corrupt properties- agent's forte'- high turnover. Sell hell to another.
Michelle approached ME to tell me to let the real estate corruption go and enjoy the beauty of Belfast on 10/31/2014. Halloween and Property Tax due day. The Olympics were in Russia and these ladies (Pussy Riot) were being flogged by the Cossack for protesting corruption. I made my Laurie Riot outfit and protested that day outside of Belfast City Hall. All corrupt City Hall and Council names on my cloth. Saving City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Attorney Bill Kelly for my arse.
Mark Biscone, President & Chief Executive Officer of Waldo County Healthcare and Pen Bay Healthcare, was honored recently by the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce as the 2014 Citizen of the Year. The award is voted on by the community. (my edit- Bullchip- voted on by the 1%)
Biscone receives his award from Dorothy
Havey, Executive Director of the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce. (my
edit-Havey is one nasty dish)
Player Link President of Front Street Shipyard JB Turner (and the other owners also turning away from me in MANY Belfast City Council Meetings as I begged Council to stop force flooding my street, Seaview Terrace. Trying to get TIF money to open up funding. Instead Front Street Shipyard took it. JB "sits" on the Hospital board and Chamber of Commerce board. Their "community" destroying lives in targeted communities. Especially the old R2 zone- targeted for healthcare. MY AREA.)
From left to right: Taylor Allen: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Rockport Marine Inc.; JB Turner: managing partner, Front Street Shipyard; former president, Lyman-Morse Shipyard; Ken Priest: partner, Front Street Shipyard; CEO, Kenway Corp.; Steve White: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Brooklin Boat Yard
Members of the Waldo County Healthcare Board of Directors are, seated from left, J.B. Turner, John Worth III, David Flanagan, Peter Haddock, Wayne Hamilton, James Patterson, Ed.D and Benjamin Mailloux, MD (medical staff president). Standing from left are Catherine Reynolds, Syrena Gatewood, Lee Woodward Jr., Dale Kuhnert, Ann Hooper, Jenness Robbins, and James Delehanty, MD
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD. The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.
This enormous ego swaggered up to me on the first day I went public protesting Belfast Realtor and City Hall Corruption in the center of town in 2011. He approaches me, stating his name is Jay Davis.
Jay tells me that protesting corruption is "not how we do things around here." He tells me that I have to go see City Council, prior Mayor, Mike Hurley.
Be Happy by Heil Hurley Belfast Resident Slaughterer
Link and article to Hurley "Putin" his happy while slaughtering Seaview
Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this
video. Thanks Johnny (Hurley The Shining).
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm)
I told Jay Davis I contacted to Hurley many times. Hurley slandered me publicly at the City Council meeting. Congratulating City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall for their "restraint" against ME.. Stating they have taken a pinata beating from ME! On and on, tainting the public against me, from the start in 2011.
Jay Davis smirked, tipped his leather hat, and told me to have a good day. A google search revealed the biggest hypocrite, his biography of journalism and activism, Restorative Justice Chair, more tendrils spreading into all venues of the entitled, beyond disgusting.
My property line is on the OTHER side of this slaughter illegally, unethically and dangerously forced through my tiny private property. Sold undisclosed hell!! Filled in and sold off as NO WATER ISSUES/NO STREAM and sealed by the property inspector DJ Brown, supervised by real estate agent Sam Mitchell as I was in NJ fighting for my life- Belfast or bust. No mistakes. At purchase in 6/2010 when I pulled into the driveway, prior life in a 50 ft Penske truck, this ravine was a 2'x2' private property drainage ditch on all 3 sides of MY property for drainage of ONLY MY property. Spring melt 2011- half of in-town Belfast drained into my property. Using it as a free outlet to the bay- no rights of ways, no easements, not a natural outlet. City Hall response- tough luck Mom. Destroy and Drown. They continue to threaten and enlist- Belfast Witch Hunt. I keep getting back up.
This article link by Ethan Andrews reports
1/5/2016 add on My PRIVATE PROPERTY DRAINAGE DITCH that the City has turned into a public drainage way since Seaview Terrace was developed by McLeod in 1965. Miles and miles of development forcing flooding into the dead, 12 residential homes, most in a flood zone, because of the City and they keep it coming. ALL ILLEGAL. My property is the last resident property. After my ditch, it flows onto hospital property that is a strip between the hospital Annex into the back yards (over the water path) of the last 2 homes down from me. Those 2 neighbors (11 and 5 Seaview) do not own ditch property. Also coming to me from the Annex illegally forced from way away at the Muck and Captain Albert Stevens School through targeted private properties throughout the water shed. I GET IT ALL even from the other side- across Rte 1. Complete slaughter. The Montessori School being built and more developments illegally forcing run off into Seaview. It will be even more catastrophic.
The King Kong of the water slaughter to this side of town, is the 2006 enormous Captain Albert Stevens School site, including SWEETSER, built on a wetland swamp, corrupt from the inception with DEP and players. EVERY DROP of runoff/meltoff from that site received millions in drainage construction to take it DOWNTOWN through Miller St. Lots of information in this link.
In November 2011, after I paid $250 for an attorney consult in Augusta (midcoast attorney's are players) and he told me to follow the water. I did. Miles of paths, easy to follow up from site to site, under Route 1, local roads, to King Kondg. The illegal, sneaky outlets pouring out from the Captain Albert Steven Schools and The Muck (Kirby Lake). City Hall and the DEP locked up every damning document. After a year of constant pressure from me, DEP Commissioner Aho was forced to do a corrupt investigation sending Tom Gilbert, field investigator. I gave him the detailed pictures of each sneaky outlet, the same ones that I gave to City Council (where they took the 5th from the start).
Gilbert refused to allow me to attend his investigation. Right. His investigation didn't report any of the outlets that illegally into the watershed private properties, neighborhood after neighborhood. Aho closed the investigation by flipping it a small section of the site that was changed. The small Robertson School on the site was to be demolished and become a ground absorbing athletic field. Then at the end of project- ooops, a change. Sweetser will buy the site and used the school for behavior modification/mental health students. Aho cites this site as being in compliance. Which was that ONLY the runoff from this small parking lot in only one section, would go to the watershed residents. Aho's letter is documented in this blog and in another-
actual emails to the DEP "investigators and evasive responses, FOIA- Brenda Kielty- Maine AG Office
City Attorney Bill Kelly informing neighbors to sue each other through the nuisance statute. Our homes filling with water from these sites and the City slamming the door. We have to get it out, but don't have any where to send it to. No drainage sewers, some tie the sump pumps illegally into the City sewage lines. Now they are implicated into silence. Others pump it outside and it illegally flows into their neighbors, hence the lawsuits encouraged by City Attorney Bill Kelly. The nasty become nastier and others sell hell to another. And that's it in a cesspool of local-state corruption, attorney's, real estate agents, businesses spinning the rat wheel of Belfast City Hall and big cheese Heil Hurley.
The local reporters- Ethan Andrews, Abbie Curtis (BDN- she won't report ANY of the corruption), Ben Holbrook and Jordan Bailey have all this information and put their blinders on. Ethan, Ben, Jordan and Tom Groening (prior BDN State reporter) have done articles, but have not investigated. It is so visible at the sites. The public documents with held since the start regardless of MY FOIA requests. Media FOIA requests get the documents- these reporters refuse request the final site plans and zoning conditions that I cannot get.
End of 1/5/2016 add on.
City Council Roger Lee clearing his corrupt conscience before he steps down. Before I went public at the City Council meeting on 11/1/2011- I emailed City Council for 7 months prior, asking them to help, to come and see the destruction, telling them City Planner Wayne Marshall , removed a map that he showed me with all 5-6 channels, miles long of water coming into Seaview Terrace in 4/2011. I told him that he can't do that and to give me a copy of this map. It went missing and he denied ever showing me that map. He with held public documents for the history of my property and Seaview Terrace that I had requested in 5/2011.
I had his corruption right away. and bullied me, that he told City employees not to help me, on and on it went. City Council and City Manager refused to give me an agenda. I proved everything I said. Sent them tons of information. And after 4 years, Roger says the corruption is bogus but maybe they should take a look. Another ballet unfolds with that- never to happen. The reporter Ethan Andrews states my case rests on whether the slaughter forced through my yard is a natural outlet or man made ditch.
Ethan knows I found the 1965 original plans for Seaview Terrace on a hunch. I stormed the City Tax assessor's office, Bob Whiteley unannounced in November 2011. Bob was the on City employee to accept my invitation to tour the paths of slaughter to Seaview Terrace with me.
Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely was visibly shocked. I figured if there were going to be documents out, it would be that next morning. I was there at opening- flew up the stairs and into Bob's office. Sure enough, he was looking at the plans on the counter. He was shocked again that I was never given them. He showed me that a natural stream never ran through my back yard. A ditch dug by Wendell McLeod went through there for run off from his trailer park.
The City was forced flooding and destroying my private property. Bob later told me that City Manager Joe Slocum flipped out on Bob for showing me those plans. Stating he had never seen that side of Joe, it was alarming. Hello, how many times have I heard that (my brother, ex, Belfast/Augusta corrupt). "He is nice to me, it must be you." Blame the truth and proof.
Back to the Penbay article. The reporter, Ethan states the 2nd question is if the City allowing enormous sites to illegally stock pile snow all winter that melts to Seaview Terrace and in 2009 and 2011, caused enormous flooding and erosion. Ethan knew I found out that "plowable" snow was to be removed off site because then Planning Board Member Diane Allmeyer Beck confirmed that at the site meeting for the Annex with Mike Hogan (the architect). I was there and heard it. I asked for the zoning conditions for all the sites draining into Seaview Terrace many, many times, under FOIA, asked City Council, no one would give them to me. MFOIA/Attorney General Office/Brenda Kielty was useless. Sending me back to the corrupt City Planner Wayne Marshall with all the maps, zoning, public documents, site plans- out of public access. In his crib. Marshall stopped recording site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when Heil Hurley brought him in 1999. Hello SERIOUS corruption.
The new police chief, Mike McFadden naively didn't believe me when I told him to ticket the Captain Albert Stevens School and other sites for illegally stock piling snow. He was able to look at the zoning conditions for CASS and said I was right. They were to removed plowed snow offsite. City Manager Joe Slocum threw Chief McFadden under the bus. Stating CASS follows the school maintenance plan that allows them to pile snow. Pure lies. All the time. City Council is corrupt too. Enabling is corruption. The work session was a scam. That's where the corrupt boundary maps were used to send more water to me. City Attorney Bill Kelly was there and stated at the end the reason he was there was to advise of a nuisance statute where neighbors could sue each other for sending water to another. Kelly encourages residents to sue each other when it is City Hall sending water to the resident. Nucking Futs. Where did these creatures spawn from? Cess pools.
I know these eyes that turn pure evil when faced with my truth. City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council Mike Hurley and City Attorney Bill Kelly are dangerous. This article link below by Ethan Andrews gives a decent reporting of Marshall's intent to take Seaview Terrace for healthcare. It's been non-stop since I moved here in 6/2010 to begin again in privacy and safety. The stress should have killed me.
I'm seasoned from my brother George (grabbing our Mom and sister's breasts). George is tainted wealthy. Vice President of Bee Line Cable, and weekend Bayside taker and drinking buddy with my seasonal ex. George and I are Irish Twins. I am 1 year younger and the strong one.
He has resented me from as long as I can remember. I fought back early. He manipulates and lies, I tell the truth. He'd come after me when no one would see. Which was a lot. At 7, at a motel in Lake George, NY, we were left alone and went swimming in the built in swimming pool. We were racing each other back and forth over the deep end. I passed him and was ahead of him. Eventually, we passed going in opposite directions. He grabbed my head and shoved be down I kicked frantically to get back up. He held me down for a long time, it was almost lights out. Someone must have came out on a balcony or something. Or maybe he had a moment of fear of being caught. He let me up. No one was at the pool when I came up for air. My parents didn't care when they got back from antiquing. It was just Laurie crying again.
I don't remember this one with my Dad. My brother Donald talked about it all the time. When I was 10?, Donald 20?, we were in Bayside. For some reason, Donald and I took a bus down to New Hampshire and spent the weekend with Mrs. Chittick and her sister Dot. When we got back, the bus dropped us off at the Bayside store. It was hot and we walked back to the cottage with suitcases. They were hard and heavy back then, no wheels. This is where I blank- I sat down next to my Dad at the dining room table. Donald said, for no reason, he back handed me in the face and sent me flying to floor. Dad had a temper, Janel and Donald grew up with a different Dad. Bad alcoholic, he quit cold turkey when George was born in 1959 and became the President of AA. Dad never hit George. I got it twice that I know of. Not bad. Anyway, Donald didn't do anything when Dad hit me. I don't get that. Never will.
I remember my brother George getting beat up in Willett Elementary School. I came around the corner looking for him and this kid was on top of him, wailing on him. I jumped on his back and got him off. George was humiliated. Angry at me. George says he doesn't remember that or this one either. When he was 15? he was hot-dogging it with the Sunfish out in the channel of the Penobscot Bay. I was on the dock and kept an eye out for the sail. Then I didn't see it anymore. After a half hour, I ran for the Wharf Master, Al Keith. We went out in his lobster boat as I pointed to the spot that I had last seen the sail. Sure enough, there he was. Flipped over, lines all tangled, his fingers frozen, he couldn't flip it upright. I dove in, got a line, gave it to Al, George got in the boat and we towed the Sunfish back . George was humiliated again. He never thanked me. He has never thanked me for taking care of all the family disasters, many by his doing. Dysfunction is entertaining until it becomes dangerous, especially with alcohol. I stay as far away as I can since George and my ex turned my brother Donald against me in his last visit to Bayside, 2013. George bought Donald. He was dirt poor.
When I could prove George almost killed me again, by the choke marks around my neck (around 9) I kicked him and broke free, I ran to my neighbor, my best friend's mother. She didn't want to get involved. Mom came home and said I had to stop provoking him and stop being a tattle tale. She was seasoned to abuse too but allowed it.
Not me. As the years went on, friends and family saw George's rage at me, yet never stopped him. I grew stronger and independent. Even at this birthday party for Laird and Patti at our cottage, 1976?, George slammed me against the chimney choking me. ***** was right there and did nothing.
In 1985 I fled from my abusive boyfriend in NJ. Every time I tried to break it off the pity card was played big time. With friends and family, all feeling sorry for him. Just like my brother. City Hall does it too. It has to be innate. Textbook behaviors blow my mind. These men have the same disorders. When I read one of traits, during the divorce, my world dropped out from under me. All those years I was played. Never had a chance for true. I gave it my all though. If only I knew. Knew about these disorders. All my life, the harder I tried to be a better person, the more they resented me. So clear now.
I took an emergency leave from work and flew into Portland where Laird was kind enough to pick me up. I was a mess. Mom and George were in Bayside for the summer. We didn't have a phone, he got Mrs. Chittick's phone number from information and kept calling her. I refused his calls. George must taken one. A few days in, I walked into the cottage and he was sitting there. Mom and George invited him up and gave him directions. I was beaten, it was too much. Mom said I was lucky to have him because I was such a bitch.
He proposed to my back later that week at Cadillac Mountain. I said yes. Me, the strong one. How could I have said yes. I felt sorry for him. I didn't want to hurt him. I would help him.So goes the saying you marry what you know. Boy did I. And I didn't know until I saw him doing it to children. Then I knew. Get Out Now.
In 2007, after 2 years of brutal proceedings (see Splitting/ Protecting Yourself While Divorcing A Narcissist/Borderline Personality Disorder ) and horrendous mental abuse to the children to break me from divorcing him, threatening therapists, stealing all he could with everyone aware and no one helping us, divorce was granted. I begged George not to bring him back into our family ever again. George already did.
My first sign on the family Bayside cottage 1977? Mom gave the cottage to George unbeknownst to me after Dad died in 1977.
Here Dad is in Miami 1940? with his step-dad, Captain Hyden on his boat. And Dad became Captain, of the first luxury cruiser in the United States- the Stelores. I shared this with JB Turner, Front Street Shipyard. He knows the Stelores. Legend.
That was Mom's prerogative to give George the cottage. Mom always gave to George from guilt. Mom didn't like me because I didn't lie and didn't back down. It was George's to say, hey that's not right. Instead he threw me out and kept on taking. I hung in there and did right by them all. Until death do they part. George is the only full blood relative left. No thanks. His days of trying to kill me and then fake sisterly love are over. Goodbye to you. I write about George because of his power and influence that spill into Belfast. He taints my children that are so hungry for family. They are learning and living the invaluable that is getting clearer and clearer as they grow into adulthood.
I don't with hold children from family, ever. George's wife's family has serious Belfast ties with a step grand daughter to the McLeod's. The developer of Seaview Terrace, a grandson - Marriner, given a home on Seaview Terrace and in residence. The step grand daughter is in my son's grade. I worked with her parents at the same company, in fact, one was my boss who kept blowing me off for the ergo station as the arthritis grew worse and worse over 4 months to where I could not sit at all. Isn't that special? I'm done with all of them, except the kids. I love the children, no matter their age or problems.
Marshall, Slocum, Hurley, Kelly, LeRage, my brother, my ex- all have the same greed and rage when cornered with facts, ruthless takings and alienation tactics. They use my children, the most despicable common tactic. To this day. My youngest recently turned 18. Judge Patricia Worth (her husband John Worth (Worth Real Estate) sits on the hospital board too. Oyy veh) is currently deciding my theft of 6k from my ex. Either way I win. The money is 2nd. The accountability is first. It is her decision if she wishes to rob me again. As she did with John Smith, aka Skip from J&B AutoBody Belfast. An absolute crime, it was a slam dunk easy case.
Judge Susan Sparaco ruled correctly against Chris Kulbe, Ridgetop Chimney.
LOWE'S Thomaston also refused to fix their faulty fence and door installation. After a year of pleading I had to take them to small claims. They settled before the hearing.
Stank of America telling me to remove the Dr.'s orders for an ergo station before I return to return. No more job. No one hiring Miss Boycott Belfast, no thanks anyway. This full time job of exposing all this corruption for the past 5 years has been enormous.
Court is stress city. Anything can happen. Especially with corrupt Judges. Hello Dishonorable Fred Kieser, Middlesex County Family Court. May you never rest in peace. You almost killed my daughter. I was his last decision before he got removed from the bench. And worse, after I retained an out of county attorney (big mistake) he was on the front page of the news the next day. Bart Babiak suing his prominent Freehold NJ Dr. sister had killed their father through neglect. Yep. I was so screwed regardless of all my proof of abuse, forgery, theft, threats...
Kieser and his breakfast club (ex's court connected attorney- Ellen Schwartz, court appointed GAL Dr. Rosenbaum and Jabba the Hutt Judge Kieser ordered the sale of both homes- Bayside home was free and clear and marital home in NJ of 24 years had a 40k mortgage left). I asked him how he could order that, removing children from their home and schools unnecessarily are NEVER done, especially with my daughter so frail. Kieser refused to meet with the children after many request. He told me "Little lady you are getting divorced today. America is a moving country. Sell the houses." Bang, bang goes the gavel, Kieser's big fat bow tied neck, his huge head lolling back and forth. Gross thing. Just like my son's Jabba toy.
Ex was hell bent on making me destitute. Knowing I had no one left, savings and 401k into the marriage, out of the work force in 1994 since working full time continually since 1978, to raise the children. In 2007 executives were flipping burgers. I pleaded with Joe not to sell the homes. He would not agree to anything. I told him to take South River, I'd take Bayside, rent it out and rent an apt. in South River. I could not move the kids to Bayside. He said no. I told him to take Bayside then, and I'd take South River. He could rent an apt. NO. I would not agree to sell the houses.
We would end up in the Piney's in a trailer if we were lucky. Hours away, he would never see the kids. My 12 yr old daughter was near death's door from the abuse at the time of divorce. 4 months later after 2 years of proceedings to keep the homes and over 60k in attorney fees, bids were coming in on the Bayside house only. Ex changed his mind 4 months after the divorce.
He would take the new 1997 year round Bayside home and my life and family there. I get dilapidated money pit South River, NJ- the kids could stay in there home and school. Ex would live with his mother less than a mile away in South River. Fine. In 2010 that cruelty to take my Bayside love would bite him. Hotly contested relocation to Belfast awarded, Bayside helped a lot. It was as far away as I could get with the children. Welcome to a new hell- packs of them. Chin up. Hold on.
I hate it, but I stand solid. Since Mom's suspicious death in 1995, it's been constant. Estate theft from siblings, Janel and George, divorce, relocation, 4 small claims since 2011 having to come back 2 times for each, on top of Belfast City Hall, Community, School and Bayside relative abuse and illness.
City Council called me in as threat in 2012 to Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden, when they could not stop me from speaking at open to the public at City Council meetings. Claiming the use of the words"this will blow up" was threatening to them. Other times, Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden, Officer Ward and City Video employee/Belfast Public TV Ned Lightner came after me many times using persuasion tactics, including my children to tell me to back off of Belfast City Hall officials. After several attempts, I told them I am done talking to them. Do not come to my home or approach me anymore.
Ned crosses the line continually. Harassing me with taunts that I am paranoid and fabricating a conspiracy in emails and verbally, even on a City Planner more water slaughter to my property document video I recorded in 8/2015 in Belfast City Hall. City Planner Wayne Marshall blew a gasket when he walked in and saw me recording. Sadly, I was taking still shots when he walked in and didn't get that recorded.
Ned was a personal acquaintance (morally challenged with affairs and a known gossip monger but very entertaining) from summers in the neighboring village, Bayside, since 1969. This picture is from 1970? that's George in the purple groovy swim suit (he still has it) and me laughing at something Mr. Downs said. We bought the cottage from Mr. Downs, $3700 fully furnished probably with food in the fridge too. Mr. Downs started the sailing school in that cottage. This was the yearly trip over to Marshall's Cove, Isleboro. Fantastic. Adorable Jim Kelly is in cut offs. back. Ironically, Jim's Dad bought 18 Seaview Terrace, found out he was sold undisclosed hell and sold it to Charles Beck in 2007?. And so it went, until I went public in 2011.
Ned is embedded into the Belfast downtown, shamelessly promoting and promoting the takers on our public air ways. City Council Mike Hurley's personal propaganda puppet. See Ned's "Happy" video ordered by Hurley - Dance for me, don't look at the drowning undesirables not dancing for Downtown.
City Council Mike Hurley ain't no dummy. He implicates the useful and prominent. He's been at it since landing in Belfast in the 80's from MA from NJ. Like many of the corrupt out of stater's. They see an easy gravy train. Taking advantage of the hand shake to a shake down. Hurley's downtown Belfast. Till Joisey Girl came to town in 6/2010.
Property owners want dead-end street to remain residential
Residents of Belfast’s Seaview Terrace want out of proposed health care district
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, center, answers a question posed by a City Council member about current zoning on Seaview Terrace. Behind him, residents of the street, Kathleen Kearns, right, and Laurie Allen wait to address the Council
From: | LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Sent: | Wed 12/30/15 7:43 PM |
To: | (; LAURIE ALLEN ( |
Subject: FW: 5th reg RE: 4th req/RE: 3rdRE: 2nd req RE: Current Listings Corrupt Zoning for Old R2
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2015 19:38:17 -0500
President and CEO of Waldo County Healthcare Mark Biscone (sent through Human Resources at WCHI),
Please forward this email to Mark Biscone (Belfast Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year 2014) . Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (Belfast Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year 2013) and City Planner Wayne Marshall had public hearings for the new zoning during the summer of 2014. The old R2 zone (surrounding the hospital) would move into the R1 zone.
Since voted in, Marshall and Slocum refuse to post the official zoning for the new boundaries of R1 (Residential) and R3 (Housing and Healthcare). MLS lisitings for the old R2 zone have been incorrect and the true zone unknown. Michelle Ridley (Belfast Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year 2015), President of MidCoast Realtor Council, Realtor of the Year, etc. approves the corrupt zoning listings on the MLS and deflects responsibility to Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (her email below).
City Manager Joe Slocum refuses to respond to 5 corrupt current zoning listings with the correct zone which along with Seaview Terrace was announced to residents to become R1, per Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall and Joe Slocum at public hearings for the Comprehensive Plan in summer/2014. Their refusal to make the zoning official on the City website indicates corruption.
The push in this area is for healthcare. The Annex abutts my property and Mike Hogan is up to something with marking 5 small plants (pink ties) as invasive on the buffer strip between my property and the Annex. The man that marked these bushes ONLY marked the portion of the strip directly behind my house, not any other abutters on the buffer strip. This is very suspicious. I will not deal with Mike Hogan, he lies to me. I will not deal with any staff, the prior WCGH project manager for the Annex lied to me.
Because of this corruption of real estate and Belfast City Hall, I was sold undisclosed hell. I never would have bought this property if the property inspector and agents disclosed the water slaughter. My number one concern was NO WATER/NO STREAMS and I refused all listings with such. They all lied and stole our new beginning from domestic abuse.
I have told the real estate agents and Chamber of Commerce to go fund me out of Belfast and purchase my home for 250k. In 2009, I could have bought many homes that would now be worth 250k. I have sunk in close to 100k in improvements. I would not sell this hell to an individual. This is all I have left and I have dedicated 5 years to save it and expose the corruption. I will continue and keep exposing the ever growing list of corrupt players.
There is no doubt that Seaview Terrace is in the way of healthcare expansion. I will be in the way loud and clear. Others will join when the corruption takes their rights and joy. I will communicate direct to Mark Biscone, President and CEO of Waldo County Healthcare. Please advise of your email address.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Perish
Helfast, Me. 04915
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