
Sunday, November 1, 2015

In Town Residential R3 & R1 Listing Corruption

                                                   BE WHAT THEY PRETEND TO BE

11/5/2015 I've provided a lot of supporting history information that is overwhelming. The fact that City Manager Joe Slocum refuses to update the City website for the in-town zoning that he claims was voted in by Belfast City Council over a YEAR ago, in 10/2014 is the RED FLAG. Regardless of what he writes in emails or "manipulates" as an official document, he lies. When caught he blames me and when I finally corner him, he states he makes mistakes. His emails below stating Seaview Terrace is R1 is not official. The only official map the can be validated is to put it on the City website.

All of the yellow area was R2 (which unbeknownst to most R2 residents, allowed for medical offices). The new zone R3 is Housing and HealthCare. Belfast City Hall held public hearings in the summer of 2014, stating the R2 zone would become R1. That is a different zone- R1 does not allow medical facilities. 

Sent: Fri 6/13/14 12:37 PM
To: (; (; (; (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (;
City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Council and Mayor,

Please respond today per my FOAA 6/6/14 and agenda requested 6/3/14.

1. Has  Seaview Terrace been approved for rezoning to R1 and included into the R1 public hearings? If not, please respond to #2 and #3.  (Advise to all recipients on this email)

2a. Respond via email today- Members of the Belfast Planning Board approving amendment to rezone residential Seaview Terrace to R3- Healthcare and Housing. (Advise to all recipients on this email) 

 b. All the information provided to "persuade" the Belfast Planning Board to approve the proposed change to rezone Seaview Terrace to R3, Healthcare and Housing. The residential zone is the most stringent zone to protect residents.
 (Advise to all recipients on this email)

3. Confirm  6/17/14 City Council Meeting agenda for discussion of validity to rezone residential Seaview Terrace to R3- Healthcare and Housing per 6/3 open to the public request at Council Meeting. (Advise to all recipients on this email) 

It is VERY difficult to obtain basic information. It would be helpful to be helpful rather than look for loopholes to deny. 

City Manager, Joe Slocum is:

>>>Misleading the public in procedures (see Maine State Law below landowners must agree to change, Planning Board approval, then public hearings)

Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities


Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.”  

>>>Delaying FOAA illegally and charging unreasonably for public information (see below in red. Using Wayne Marshall's absence and information contributes to all residents.)

The Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) is a state statute that is intended to open the government of Maine by guaranteeing access to the "public records" and "public proceedings" of state and local government bodies and agencies.

Can an agency or official delay responding if my request was not directed to the agency public access officer?

No. An agency that receives a request to inspect or copy a public record must acknowledge and respond regardless of whether the request was directed to the public access officer. The unavailability of a public access officer may not be reason for a delay1 M.R.S. § 413(3)

The agency or official may, but is not required to, waive part or all of the total fee if the requester is indigent, or if the agency or official considers release of the public record to be in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester1 M.R.S. § 408-A(11)

Laurie Allen

Re: FOAA 6/6/14

To: LAURIE ALLEN, Councilors, William S. Kelly
From: Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Tue 7/08/14 5:30 PM
To:LAURIE ALLEN (; Councilors (; William S. Kelly (
Ms Allen,
This is my final response to you on your letter of June 6th that I responded to previously
The Planning Board did not make the decision to call your area R#3. That recommendation was made by the Belfast Comprehensive Planning Committee and adopted by the City Council after multiple public hearings There is a Memo from me to the public explaining the roles of the Comprehensive Planning Committee, the Planning Board and the City Council on the City Website that may be of assistance to you.. There was no Zoning Change to the uses authorized on your street. The recommendations from the Comprehensive Planning Committee ( which is  a different group than the Planning Board) and which were reviewed and revised by the City Council as Policy statements are all in a sizeable document dated October 13th and 27th of 2013.  Both the Comprehensive Planing Committee and the City Council had public Hearings on these recommended policies. Wayne Marshall advises me he specifically sent the portions of that large document relating to this issue to you. If you wish to inspect the whole document you can make an arrangement to come in and do so. Contact Manda in my office so we can schedule a time.
So the Planning Boards responsibility here is to review these policy recommendations found in the Oct 13 and 27, 2013 Document and to put specific language to these recommended policies. They may recommend something different if they believe they should. Since none of their recommended efforts to put language to these policies is back before the City Council I do not know what their ultimate opinion is on any of these issues.
I understand that you believe that you are relying on the law that you quoted to me. In my opinion this law has nothing to do with implementing a Comprehensive Plan.
Finally I will never be in a position to identify and show you all the information that persuaded anyone about anything.
 I am not able to read minds. The document quoted above is my response to you. I will be ignoring any further emails that recite seventh request or eighth request. This is my answer- my last answer- to these questions.
Joseph J Slocum

During the hearings, Belfast City Hall was "imposing" that Seaview Terrace and Wight St would not follow the rest of the R2 into R1. Slating us as R3. More manipulation and they claim only Wight St was rezoned as R3. Yet, real estate listings since the changes in the old R2 have been corrupt with agents refusing to confirm true zone code. That tells me that all of R2 is R3. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall fabricate lie after lie as to why they will not officiate the zoning of R1 and R3 on the City website. 


Below, my request has and is the same. Put the zoning on the website. None of his rhetoric is acceptable. No unofficial maps and no meeting minutes (the minutes state they voted in ordinances according to the massive binder! Nothing specific- therefore useless) And Sloscum tries to charge me for his corruption.  

From: Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 2/13/15 4:52 PM
Cc:Mary Mortier - GRF (; (; (; (; (; c)
Ms Alllen,
 Thank you for your inquiry. I spoke to Wayne Marshall and he advised me that he has sent you  the Map showing that Seaview Terrace is R-1 three times.
Seaview Terrace is R-1. I do not know how to be any clearer to you than this. If maps on line are not current I will look into when I can  and if you are correct then we will get to that when we can.
 I have tried to help you in the past but I will no longer be sending information to third parties at your request.
I will be reviewing your request further, including securing a copy of the map that has been sent to you 3 times. You will get a further response form me withing 10 days. That will be before or on February 24th.

Joe Slocum

Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:25:58 -0500
Subject: Re: Zone R3 21st Request

Ms Allen,
I did the research you asked for and have photocopied for you the 15 pages of the minutes of the Council Meeting of October 7, 2014 when the City Council voted to adopt amendments to the Code of Ordinances and 6 pages of the newly adopted Maps which show Seaview Terrace as being Zoned R-1.

These maps still need to be updated on the city website.
I am leaving this documentation with My Assistant Manda Cushman along with a bill for $5 for the charge of researchibng and copying these records for you.
 Joe Slocum

From: Joseph Slocum ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 2/26/15 9:23 AM
Ms. Allen,
 Your maps are here for you to pick up as earlier communicated to you in writing. The Freedom of access act does not entitle you to demand we do anything with our website by a certain date and we will get to it when we can. I have written to you and confirmed that Seaview Terrace is R-1 and I have made arrangements to get you a copy of the minutes of when it was approved and a copy again of the maps themselves. I will not do anything more on this request. You have all the information and I have offered you the rest when you pay the copying fee.
Joseph J. Slocum 

11/4/2015 If I am correct, will the old R2 unite and fight the Belfast City Hall deception that we were zoned into R1 over a year ago? Belfast City Hall will not officiate the R1 and R3 zones on the website. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall lie. Slocum lies in emails too. Confident the City Attorney will break you financially and mentally with billable hour foot dragging. Their forte' with resident's footing the bill. Basically suing ourselves. That's their arena, with Belfast resident, corrupt Judge Patricia Worth ruling for corruption. The Belfast Games.

R2 boycotting and protesting will yield immediate results. It's our property. It is clear that R2 is now R3. See the laws that are clear they will take us without fair compensation. Buy us out, we fly. Destroy us, we fight.

Destroy the property is the "watershed R2"plan. Fire/Flood/Disaster Plan. Independent Resident Committee's maintain the protection. From here on in. A committee for each of City Hall department. Resisting is assisting the taking. Amnesty for those implicated by the City. Belfast can be where it begins. The first star on the map against government corruption. Shining, beautiful Belfast.

Other neighborhoods have other corruption. New developments will bring more corruption. It's daily life, epic corruption. Thinking that you can't fix City Hall is not thinking and the children pay.

                                              Think "We Can, We Must"
Call me or email to committee- or leave a message @ 207-218-1125.
11/4/2015 add on to 11/1/2015- After 20 odd years as the Belfast Tax Assessor, Bob Whiteley told me in 2012 that the Comprehensive Plan would be devastation to many residents. He was giving me a heads up on his way out. Thank you Bob. The mental beat down never broke me because I knew. The "Plan" was adopted in 2009 and hush, hush to the public. Committee's formed for appearance of public involvement and transparency. In executive sessions, City Council was groomed for the real plan in private packed binders. That is how they voted the zoning through in 10/2014?. No specifics, City Council voted the ordinances as written in the binder, over several meetings. 

Belfast City Officials (Planner Wayne Marshall, Manager Slocum and City Council- Roger Lee, Nancy Hamilton, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier and Heil Mike Hurley) began manipulating public information for intown zoning changes in Spring 2014. My street, Seaview Terrace and Wight Street were targeted as bait. They proposed that Seaview Terrace and Wight St would not move with the rest of R2 into R1- strict residential.The R2 at this time would allow for medical offices. The rest of the old R2 was proposed to go into R1. STOP RIGHT THERE.

I found online, Maine Law stating that the municipality cannot section out private properties into a different zone from the rest of the private properties. Unless that private property/neighborhood agrees to be sectioned out. Otherwise the entire zone moves from the old zone code (R2) into the new zone code (R3). If the public does not stop it before City Council votes it in, it's a done deal. City Manager Joe Slocum is a prior attorney and City Attorney Kristen Collins came from the Maine Municipal Alliance as an attorney. She knows this law like Liar Liar Pants On Fire... City Manager Joe Slocum states that in his opinion he doesn't have to follow Comprehensive Plan Maine Law??

11/4/2015  This page contains the Maine Law and corrupt emails from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum attempting to deviate Maine Law. The refusal to put the official zoning map voted through (9/2014 according to Slocum vs. 10/2014 per City Planner Lizard Wayne Marshall (Rhetoric Deviator). Many residents of the old R2 district were unaware that a medical facility was allowed because of the separate zone for healthcare (Waldo County General Hospital, The Annex and Midcoast Mental Health).  

Spring 2014_ The lizard deviates the R2 (yellow section in map above) public attention by stating R2 will go into R1 with the exception of Wight St and Seaview Terrace. I protest immediately and the play begins. Wight St already had a medical office. Those residents did not react. Over the summer, Seaview Terrace residents were led to believe we won, we would be moving into R1. Buying more time to vote all of the R2 into R3- Healthcare and Housing. Legal and done because R2 was healthcare and housing.  Stopping the old R2 from organizing and petitioning to become a new zone- R1.

Home For Sale Pending 23 days on market

30 Huntress Ave Belfast, ME 04915

Other Property Info

  • City: Belfast
  • State Or Province: ME
  • County Or Parish: Waldo
  • Zoning: See Town
The Plan is all healthcare for the R3 zone. See the Lizard's Spring 2014 roll out for Healthcare and Housing (R3) copied from the City website also on this page. The lizard states that current homes will be phased out..Since the unknown vote for the old R2, property listing zoning codes in this old zone are corrupt. I caught 45 Seaview Terrace listed as Hlthcare in Fall 2014. Others list R2, residential, R1, and recently-  "town" on Huntress Ave. Meaning go see the Lizard to be duped without documentation.


Corrupted listing with agents enjoying the turnover after the buyer is screwed and moves to sell hell to another. It stops here. City Council Miss Piggy Mortier is a real estate agent. A smelly monster with the rest of the agents, destroying life after life for a couple of thousand in commission

When I was sold hell by her buddies Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell and property inspector DJ Brown, China,  I went to the agents and businesses and begged them to demand that  Belfast City Hall stop the slaughter to residents private property. Repeatedly to the King Pins- Greg Dutch/Dutch Chevrolet and JB Turner/Front Street Shipyard. No. Instead they slapped my in the face and awarded resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year. Slap Back- BOYCOTTT WILL HAPPEN!!

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