
Ned Lightner City Video Director Emails


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 7/30/15 11:05 AM
I do not do the indexing or changes. Besides, there is no obligation on the part of the city that we must index our meetings. This is meant to be a convenience. If it is not convenient enough for you, that is unfortunate.
Why are you being so confrontational?

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:58 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Director of Video Services Ned Lightner,

You sent a separate response (copied below) that does not support Swagit software stating the client makes the change and therefore can restore improper indexing on MANY (12) meetings. Those meetings appear to have been targeted for lumping to make it difficult to find.  From your message you are blaming Swagit.  Please be advised that I am posting the targeted meetings and this email on by blog.

Laurie Allen

From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 7/29/15 4:27 PM
Hi Laurie,

I contacted the Swagit folks and this is their reply:

Our usual method for indexing is to cut it to the number, which was done in the July meetings. The detail of cutting to the sub-letter appears to have been overlooked for the July 7th meeting, and then was referenced to cut the July 21st meeting therefore following the same cutting format.
Going forward we can split the Business Items out individually if you like.

I asked them to please split the business items, and they said they would. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:29:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Council Meeting Indexing Issues

Dear Laurie,
Why do you have to come across in such a confrontational manner?
Why do you address me as Ned Lightner Director of video services?
You can just say Ned.
You are the only person who has mentioned this issue. I will bring it up with Swagit and see if they can help.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 8:25 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Director Of Video Services Ned Lightner,This is more than a couple of meetings since 6/04/2014.  According to Swagit ( below copied from their website), "you control virtually every aspect of the look and feel of the program. You won't need to call a programmer every time you want to make a change." These meetings were "broken down by agenda item, so viewers can either watch the entire meeting or select a particular agenda item from an on-screen menu. "

 I have accessed many of these "changed" meetings  many, many times, and they were broken down by agenda item with the ability to select a particular agenda item. "You" can make changes whenever "you" want. These changes to lump the agenda  were made after they were uploaded correctly. Therefore, "you" can make the changes to correct the lumping back to the on screen menu broken down by agenda item with the option to select a particular agenda item.

**Please confirm that the proper indexing of each agenda item will be immediately restored prior to the next meeting , 8/4/2015.
**Please confirm that all meetings that have been improperly indexed since 6/4/2014 will be corrected.
Laurie Allen

from Swagit website
 Swagit helps clients integrate software programs that are designed to create board and commission meeting agendas, as well as City Council agendas. This results in a uniform appearance for presentation of materials. Working with selected partners who develop applications inspired by city and county clerks as well as board secretaries and administrative assistants, typical agenda software tools are loaded with lots of time-saving features!
  • Automatically renumber agenda items when editing
  • Quickly add electronic documents to the agenda item
  • Design custom routing maps for every meeting type
  • Easily track the whereabouts of every agenda item in the routing process
  • Custom tailor agenda templates for unlimited meeting types Move and copy agenda items from one meeting to another
  • Automatically push finalized agendas to your public web site
  • No Collating – Print your entire agenda packet and attachments with just a few clicks
  • The Roll Call, Voting and Minutes features make putting your minutes together quick and easy
  • It’s easy to maintain — you control virtually every aspect of the look and feel of the program. You won’t need to call a programmer every time you want to make a change.
Video footage of meetings are automatically uploaded to Swagit’s servers, and meetings are broken down by agenda item, so viewers can either watch the entire meeting or select a particular agenda item from an on-screen menu. “Swagit’s solution creates no additional work for city staff,” said Reeves. “It offers the city a truly hands-free, fully automated system for streaming video live and on-demand.”
“This gets the city out of the streaming video business and it leverages those resources to enhance the product,” Matthews said. “We had council meetings available, but because we constructed it in-house, when we had a council meeting it would take several days before that meeting was available online. Utilizing Swagit compresses the timeline so that within a few hours people will be able to view the meetings online.”
Austin currently streams nearly 3,100 video clips to its citizens each month. Watch Now »

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 13:41:49 -0400
Subject: Re: Council Meeting Indexing IssuesFrom:

Hi Laurie,
Thanks for letting us know of this issue.  I have spoke with Ned about how the indexing has seemed to change over the last couple of meetings.  He is going to reach out to Swagit which is the company we use to index the meetings to see if they can rectify this issue. Thanks again for bring this to our attention.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:20 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote: Director Of Video Services Ned Lightner,

There has been significant deterioration of ease to view specific agenda items in Belfast City Council meetings. The specific reason $3600 in tax dollars was approved per your request to purchase this software service in October 2013 from the old program to the new program was because of the software ability to view each agenda item.

 #1 lists the most recent meeting on 7/21/2015. A hoarding of agenda items into 2 sections is making it very difficult to view, including the budget discussion.  Furthermore, clicking on the meeting desired would list each agenda item on the menu. Now the menu lists on a few words of the first item into the enormous 14 items.

#2 lists the first meeting indexed with the new software on 9/11/2013 & the last on 5/20/14 that proves each agenda item is listed for separate clicking and viewing as well as the menu page listing the full agenda item by item. . It was an automatic indexing shown in every meeting from 9/11/2013- 5/20/14. After that, the software was edited and grouping began on the 6/4/2014 meeting also listed as proof in #2.

**Please confirm that the proper indexing of each agenda item will be immediately restored prior to the next meeting , 8/4/2015.
**Please confirm that all meetings that have been improperly indexed since 6/4/2014 will be corrected.

I copied Manda and the treasurer because Manda was able to correct the viewing of the budget on the City website. Seems like an easy fix on the meetings and concerning that it has been ongoing for over a year. 

Laurie Allen


Sent:Tue 5/26/15 1:19 PM (
I did not call you corrupt.

"NOTE to PUBLIC: The public is invited to attend and offer comment at the respective public
hearings at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Board. Also, the Regular Meeting will not be
televised on Bel TV."

 Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 13:15:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Invasive Annex FW: #13 Annex Site 4/22 Concerns

 Hi Laurie,
What gave you the idea that I was not planning to televise the meeting?
It has been on my schedule for months and I am planning to televise it.
You may have wanted to check with me before you start calling me currupt. I resent it.!
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 12:02 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
To All,

The fact that this Belfast Planning Board 5/27/2015 hearing for the "revised" plan of the WCGH Annex WILL NOT BE TELEVISED is corruption. Below was copied from the City Website (posted on Friday's prior to meetings). There is no doubt that Belfast City Hall and WCGH do not want the public to see the corruption that I have been laying my life on the line to expose for 5 years and counting. Regardless of any reason they give, the lies never stop. This is affecting my son and now I fear for his college future. I have copied his teachers and the chair for the new RSU.

First and foremost, update the City website to confirm that Seaview Terrace is zoned as Residential 1 and that the ANNEX must follow ordinances and zoning (setbacks, noise, lighting, placement of heavy equipment, stabilization of abutting eroding bank to 17 Seaview Terrace residential 1 property. I would estimate the current equipment and driveway to be 50 ft from my boundary. See pictures.

What are the set backs, zoning and ordinances for a business site plan abutting 17 Seaview Terrace residential 1 private property in a flood zone A?

Ned Lightner does have back up to tape/broadcast meetings as I have witnessed before. Clearly there is no plan to do so. In fact, Ricki LeSans, Belfast City Hall Treasurer witnessed another attempt by City Hall to not televise an emotional meeting that I would be speaking at after the death of my brother on 9/4/2014. The City sent in the trucks, unannounced, on 9/8/2014 to do an illegal paving job on Seaview Terrace (no notice given)and send me more illegal water. They thought I'd be in Alabama, my brother's funeral was that day. I was home and watched in horror at the assault. All week long. The next City Council meeting was on 9/16/2014. City Manager Joe Slocum knew I would be coming to tell of the City using my brother's death to assault Seaview Terraceand tried to keep that from the public. I am sure the only reason he caved was because Ricki was there, a long time honest and respected City employee. And I had my own camcorder on me the whole time I spoke. Just in case the taped meeting had "issues". Too many prior meetings of emotional facts that I spoke at had "issues" with taping. This has severed my friendship with Ned, someone who has known me and my family since I was a teen.
Five years long of City Hall bullies and players. They are getting ready to hit me again from the back, the assault never ends. They are just getting started and thought they would have silenced me over the 5 years of beat downs. The concerns that I sent in the email below for the first Annex meeting were never read on TV. They were never addressed period. Status Quo. Invasive species, absolutely.

"NOTE to PUBLIC: The public is invited to attend and offer comment at the respective public
hearings at the Regular Meeting of the Planning Board. Also, the Regular Meeting will not be
televised on Bel TV."

This is a valuable lesson for the teachers to share with the students. Real time corruption with one Mom taking them on. I am begging for anyone to step up and help. Is there anyone that will come to the meeting, witness it, tape it and report it?

Laurie Allen

(This was broadcast yesterday. It is powerful and gives me courage until.  I have to save our home and will not lay down. It has gotten so much bigger than saving our home. I am just beginning. Please do not call me in as threat again or send the Police to my home to determine my stability again. I protest and speak in peace and sanity although I may cry)
But, to me, the most powerful statement, that shaped my life forever, was this comment: "Peace is more than simply the absence of war; it is the presence of justice." I interpreted that to mean, wow, the peace movement is the ultimate movement. Peace is the superior idea, that the umbrella movement for—of all movements, the peace movement, because to come together under the banner of peace forces us to challenge all forms of injustice.
I want you to consider this point. I don’t make it in criticism; I make it simply as a matter that we must reflect upon, because I have come to this moment many times. Suppose everyone—because I believe that the movement to end the war in Vietnam ultimately became the largest and most powerful movement in the country. But when the war in Vietnam ended, many of the people went home and left us to fight racism, poverty, hunger, disease, homelessness, helplessness—went home. And my great lament in my life has been: What would have happened in this country and in this world if people had heard Martin Luther King and said, "Now that we’ve ended the war in Vietnam, let’s get on with dealing with other forms of injustice"? What would the world look like?


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 12/04/14 12:17 AM

You haven't been to city council meetings for a while. How are you?
I had a chance to film something at the snow bowl earlier this week and
thought you might like to see it. 


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 2/24/14 1:17 PM
Hi Laurie, I don't mean to come across rude, but it feels like you are trying to tell me how to do my job. I have valid reasons for programming the station the way I do. You might find it interesting to compare what viewers in Belfast see compared to nearby communities such as Camden and Searsport. In Camden for example meetings are only shown live and not repeated. This is similar to what was going on here prior to me taking over the channel. I know what you would like me to do, but I do not consider it rude that I am not doing that.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 9:53 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

These are concerns and issues with the Government Channel for important televised meetings. Internet is not relevant. Meetings should be airing constantly updating with newest meetings as you have told me. It would be sensible to have a a basic viewing schedule for viewers. 

Several times that I have had to contact you, with valid viewing problems on your end,  it has turned personal and increasingly rude. That is not productive or professional. I wish I did not have to contact you at all. I should have contacted you on Saturday when meetings weren't airing. In the future, I will contact you immediately to notify you of airing problems


Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 18:09:16 -0500
Subject: Re: Govt Channel

Laurie, You have internet. You can watch any meeting "on demand" and indexed. I also televise meetings live. I am putting in enough time with the station, I am not trying to figure out ways to add to my work schedule.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:51 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi, catching a meeting is luck of the draw. I'd like an approximate line up at least, then if your station has issues I know to notify you right away. And I'll know when to put the channel on. It is very annoying to keep checking all day to see what meeting may or may not be airing, and to hit it at the right time to catch the meeting in it's entirety.
If I know what meetings are playing in succession, I can ballpark the one's I'm interested in. Perhaps you would have more loyal viewers if they knew when you were airing meetings. You know the length of each one since you are recording them, it would not be difficult to post the length of each meeting in a bulletin board posting and on the City Website. 

Your Welcome,

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:20:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Govt Channel

Hi Laurie, For some reason I had the router playing our bulletin board. I corrected that and meetings will commence playing starting at 1pm. There were 3 meetings this past week that I recorded. Because of the variable lengths of meetings as well as the irregular number of meetings I have not developed specific time slots for meetings. I just play them back to back. This allows for  meetings to air more frequently. I do not plan to do set up particular time slots for that reason. Meetings get shown lots of times, so our community members should have many opportunities to catch a meeting. You must be my most loyal viewer since you have been the only one to bring to my attention if meetings are not showing. Thanks.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 11:48 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

I have not seen any meetings airing this weekend. Meetings get programmed to air, right?  Why aren't they airing?

There are so many important issues, your channel is very important. Online is not productive for many and many have 

dial up or do not have internet service. For instance, I will let the meetings play as I do work from room to room. 

It would be very beneficial to all involved residents to know the line up of what  meetings are airing and the time. This will also allow viewers 

to record meetings of interest. I for one, cannot keep track of all the school meetings, wishing they are all recorded in each town that holds

a school meeting.

Please let me know why meetings have not aired this weekend, when they will begin airing and if you will show line-ups in between 

airings of meetings as you do for the pick up your dog poop :), recyclables, key phone numbers, etc. Thanks.


5. It is Ned's buddy Heil Hurley feeding Ned the line to bait me. No doubt about it.

From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 1/17/14 11:46 AM
Rest assured that Joe has never told me to alter my production or work because of you. I have always tried to cover the meetings as best I can. I am not your adversary, in fact perhaps just the opposite.

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 11:25 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
I have trusted too many people in my life time that I thought were ethical and/or bound by ethics and simple compassion and conscience. It has taught me to trust no one but myself and cover all questionable issues that are relevant to me, my children, my pets and my home. You are a City employee in this situation and I must question- no offense to you personally. I have witnessed several City employees, including the Chief of Police being forced into unethical situations to save their job from Joe Slocum's wrath. Makes me sick. Makes me sicker seeing so many people looking the other way and putting me on judgment.

Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 11:08:56 -0500
Subject: Re: Thanks

Sorry Laurie, I am sure I should not have said that you were paranoid. It's just that this is the second time I have had technical problems at the station, and you seem convinced that somehow Joe had been telling me to not run something, and I assured you the first time that was not the case and that it would not be proper for him to do that and ethically I would not allow that. So when you once again suspected foul play and wanted me to in a businesslike way clearly state that I had not been coerced into not running the meeting immediately the next day, I made the unfortunate choice of words. I apologize.

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:23 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

I hope you understand the conflict of a City employee and a friend telling me that I am paranoid after all I have proved and endured to make things right. It is hurtful and I don't understand why you judge me. I want to think you don't mean it but it has happened several times and you don't support me. I never asked you to support me and I never asked you to hurt me with your opinions or how you perceive my actions. This is not meant to be sassy, just to tell you to please stop it. 


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 1/16/14 10:25 AM
Jeez Laurie,
You are way too paranoid. I told you that I had a technical problem. In no way did anyone tell me not to run the meeting. There was nothing controversial about the meeting to get worried about anyway. In any event I never edit out anything in the meetings. I feel I am committed to transparency in government, and that would go against my principles. I have never been told to not show city government meetings.  As you know, I am the only person running the government channel, and I am also busy doing other things, since the government channel is a part time job for me. You were the one who pointed out to me that the channel was not playing. I can't always immediately get to fix things.And in the most recent case, it took me a little while to figure out what went wrong. I am no engineer, so I am not always able to fix a problem immediately. The meeting is playing along with 2 other recent meetings in a rotation, but the other meetings are much longer, since this one was as I said only 20 minutes long. Nevertheless it runs at least 3 times a day. If you want watch the meeting online without waiting for it to show up on channel 7, I have already told you how to do that. I have heard from several folks how much they like the new way to watch the meetings online. I hope you find it helpful as well. 

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:01 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

This is important and I must have an answer. 

1. Did you receive any instructions to not play this 1/14/14 City Council meeting at any time? If you cannot answer this question, than I have my answer. Simply state you cannot answer that and that you have referred it to Joe Slocum, Belfast City Manager.

2. Please advise when you have programmed this meeting to run starting with the first scheduled running. ThN. And please note that it is the first time airing, date and time.
3. Why wasn't the 1/14/14 City Hall meeting first to run. It does not set right that the government channel was shut off yesterday. Last night when you turned the channel back on, you didn't run it either. You program these meetings to run at certain times, you have told me this. Had it been programmed it would have run already.  You have told me the newest meetings run first.


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 09:23:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Gvt Chnl

Something went screwy with the player. I fixed it, so the meetings are playing now. Sorry about the technical problem, but thanks for letting me know about it. Yesterday I was filming a show about patents with Roger Lee. I bet you didn't know he is a highly respected patent lawyer. I had watched a 60 minutes show on "patent trolls" and it got me curious about patents in general, so using my tv producer hat, I arranged to do this interview. Here's the link. Perhaps you will find it interesting.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 6:57 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Why hasn't the meeting played?  As you told me before, new meetings get played right away and take prescedence. Yet the government channel did not air it at all yesterday. Why?

Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:07:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Gvt Chnl

no I have the meeting. I went over to station and hopefully it will play today. in the meantime, have you tried out the cool way to watch it off our website? just click on "watch meetings" then click "play" on the meeting you want to watch. the cool feature is that the agenda is on the right side of the screen and when you click on aan agenda item, it takes you to that part of the meeting.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:15 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
sooo- no meeting?

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 17:26:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Gvt Chnl

Hmm..I'll take a look. Its easy for me to ignore it.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 4:48 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

What's wrong with the govt. channel? No airings all day. Thanks.



From: Ned Lightner ( You moved this message to its current location.
Sent:Tue 7/30/13 9:19 PM
Apparently you were not alone.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Meredith McCarthy" <>
Date: Jul 30, 2013 1:36 PM
Subject: thanks for the videos
To: "" <>

Just FYI -- Yesterday my access to the Belfast city website videos was spurious.  Sometimes I got an 'unhandled exception' error; sometimes I could get to the video, but it wouldn't play.  Today everything is working fine.  

Many thanks for all that you do to provide this communication tool.  It is most appreciated by the residents.

From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Mon 7/29/13 1:31 PM
Hi Laurie,
I would like to come over and witness this problem myself. I can not believe that the city is able to keep you from watching.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:42 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
No- same message. I can access the meetings I put on my blog. Penbay Pilot mysteriously stopped appearing on my fb feed- no option to post-yet I can on BDN, Rep Jrnl and get their feeds.

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 12:34:12 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: Budget Video

I don't know about the internet blocking/censorship but it does not seem like something that the city person, Jennika would even know how to to. Are you sure you can't get to the online videos?

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:02 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

What have you found out? I know the online video site isn't down. I have been blocked/censored by Our Town Belfast, now Penbay Pilot, and apparently online videos at the City Website.

Subject: RE: Budget Video
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:07:28 -0400

OK Thanks. When I click on the City Website for online video this is what the page says

Unhandled Exception

An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.
Are you getting that?

Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:57:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Budget Video

Hi Laurie,
I had trouble with the audio of the budget meeting. Fortunately it was not much of a meeting. It was only 10 minutes long and unlike other meetings it was to get feedback from the public. Only 2 people spoke, and they praised the council for the effort they made in keeping the city portion of the budget from increasing. I don't know why you can't access videos from the city web site. Weird. The Thursday meeting is not there because without sound it is pretty useless. There was sound however when it was televised live.

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 11:02 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

Haven't seen any airings on the govt channel. Can't access video's at the City Web. What is wrong? Can you send me the link for the Budget Meeting from Thrs. ?



From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Sat 4/06/13 9:59 AM
Here's the link.

I just got it up. I had problems for some reason uploading it. It took me three attempts. Here's the link.
How are you? Have not seen you for a while. Ned

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 8:13 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

Please send me the link to the 4/1 Budget Meeting. It's not on the City Web? Thanks Much.


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 2/06/13 7:44 PM
I have scheduled the TV replays of the council meeting for 4am,11 am, 5pm, and 10:03 pm daily through this weekend, so there are plenty of opportunities to catch the excitement. Speaking of excitement, the toboggan races are this weekend.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:53 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
sorry thought it popped up on your phone. things change so quickly.  thanks for the link.

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 11:15:34 -0500
Subject: Re: FW:

Hi Laurie, I am not always checking my email.
Here is the link to the meeting, so you can watch it whenever you wish.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:49 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
oh boy you're not answering...don't want to get myself wound up again. Please let me know. Thanks

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2013 09:36:11 -0500

Hi Ned,

Can you tell me what time you are airing last night's meeting? I caught the middle at around 4am and haven't seen it since.  Thanks
From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Wed 1/16/13 7:53 AM
Hi Laurie, You were a bit teary at council last night. I hope you are ok.Ned

From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 1/17/13 9:22 AM
Did it replay? when did you see it replay? I transferred the file as I usually do that night to my hard drive to convert it to the upload file.
Putting a plea on the bulletin board to see if anyone recorded it is a great idea. I'll do that today. I figured out what went wrong. a button that I usually never touch that sends the signal to the recorder was in the wrong position.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 9:05 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
I'm not understanding- it had to have recorded since it did air. Are you telling me that since that airing it has been erased? Is it on video? Please tell me it is retrievable. If not, I am going to make a plea for the public to offer anyone who has recorded it and am requesting that be aired on the bulletin board immediately. Somehow isn't jiving, you wouldn't screw that up.

Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 07:25:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Meeting Viewing

Hi Laurie,
I think I had a major malfunction. When I looked to see why only the bulletin board was playing even though I scheduled the meeting to play, I discovered that somehow instead of recording the meeting, I had recorded the bulletin board. This is not good, and although I probably won't get fired for the screw up, it does not help my chances of getting a raise either. I am sorry. It did however air live at the time.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:19 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned,

I've been trying to catch the meeting but can't. Want to be sure City Wall Hall isn't manipulating. Did it air yesterday? - I think I caught the this has been a City Council meeting closing at around 5 am and this was it.

Please let me know.  and when if it will be airing today.

From: ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Sat 1/07/12 3:42 PM
Yes i screwed up. The right meeting is airing now

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Phone

-----Original message-----
Sat, Jan 7, 2012 00:39:39 GMT+00:00
Meeting on TV
Hi Ned,

I had a few people call me to see why the meeting isn't on tonight? I thought current meetings are only shown until the next one.

Thanks for the info and the video.


From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Sat 12/10/11 6:57 PM
Laurie, How you choose to interact with city officials is totally up to you. I am sorry this has been such a difficult experience for you. I do not wish to get involved in any way. I will be supportive of you as I can, but I want to stay apart from all of this. I wish one could wave a wand and make this all go away. Ned

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 7:25 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Hi Ned- I know these are overwhelming, but it's important to me that you don't think poorly of me. I would run for the hills, never to talk to adults again if I could.

Subject: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 07:20:54 -0500

Hi Nancy and Bob- FYI

Subject: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 07:19:29 -0500

Mayor and Council,

The more I keep hearing Mike Hurley publically denounce me and praise Slocum and Marshall for their restraint, the more I fear living in this town. Were you going to have that police officer escort ME out of the City Hall Meeting on 12/06/11. This is just one email, I have a full file and would welcome an investigation(after the hoidays) and protection ASAP. 


Laurie Allen

Subject: RE: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 06:07:30 -0400

Yes, 1:30 it is. Nice day on tap too. I am going to foward you email's with Wayne Marshall. I'm not sure if you have the early ones where he is stating that the City did not contribute to diversions, did not put the road in, etc., which began the frustration.

Subject: Re: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:20:15 -0400

How about 1:30?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 1:11 PM
Subject: RE: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water

We're not out there for 4 hours- we garden with the kids for a few hours and then prepare lunch, it's very nice. My son is going into 8th at Troy (we relocated last year from NJ- I've summered in Bayside since 1968 , built my own year round house in Bayside and my ex took it (he lives in NJ) and my daughter is visiting from NJ and enjoys helping too... we've had a rough time and this is special for us. Bad divorce. Thankful for my parents buying the Bayside cottage every day of my life.

Tell me what time you want to come and I'll be here.

Here is my cell in case 323-5883.


Subject: Re: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:09:45 -0400

Laurie, I didn't know that you work at the school gardens- I was over at the Community Garden  behind the Y this morning and worked for 2 hours. I can't imagine being out in that sun and heat for 4 hours! I have to come home and take a cold shower for about 1/2 hour to cool off!
Yes, tomorrow would be fine to meet. I have an appointment at 9:30, and I should be back by 11:30. Anytime  after that is good for me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 6:54 AM
Subject: RE: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water

I'm at the Troy Howard Gardens today 9-1(monday, weds), I'm wiped out after that. Thrs good... whatever time works for you to come over and see. Thanks Marina, I feel that you will be honest with me even if you can't help me.

Subject: Re: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 19:42:04 -0400

Laurie, is there a time that we could talk on the phone tomorrow, or I could come over to your house to talk with you and see what is happening.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 8:55 AM
Subject: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water

Dear Marina,

Haven't heard back...

Also need to know during construction of Capt. Al Stevens School, a resident (Mr. Sanderson?) got approval to change storm water path away from his property and channeled down to Seaview. Where can I find that meeting?


Subject: RE: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 22:00:09 -0400

Dear Marina,

Thank you. I spoke with Chris Cabot today at the DEP, I have to send him pictures of the erosion. It seems he has the ability to bring up the DEP approvals because he was seeing exactly what I was talking about. He had to get into a meeting but said he would be in touch. I wanted to let you know.


Subject: Re: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 16:43:17 -0400

Laurie, I don't know how much of this information is available, but I will get back to you next week.
Thank-you for contacting me.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 7:56 PM
Subject: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water

Dear Marina and Mr. Mayor,

1.Please advise where I can find out who approved and installed the culverts/ditch/swail digging on Seaview Terrace at the following area's;

a. Large Culvert at end of Seaview/Rte 1 and 2 sump drains from lots 13 and 14, Lot 14 drains into culvert, Lot 13 is on other side of culvert draining direct to creek.
b. 2 culverts at lot 8, crossing Seaview into a dug out ditch/swail to creek
c. 1 culvert at lot 4 crossing Seaview into a dug out ditch/swail to creek
d. Ditch/Swail digging between lot 5 and lot 7
e. Culvert at end of Seaview running under Northport Ave.

2.Please advise where I can find out the history that Mike Hogan spoke of in 1989 or 1990 where the floodplains drained into the WCGH site and the DEP approved construction of storm water diversion.

3.Please advise where I can storm water diversions for the Rte 1 bypass approved by the DEP.

4. Please advise how I can obtain the actual map that Mr. Marshall showed me in May 2011, on the wall in the office where at least 6 channels throughout Belfast are diverted to my back yard.

5.Please advise where I can prove to Mr. Marshall that the City put the road in that is Seaview Terrace.

When I receive this information, we can have an educated site visit and a taped meeting at City hall. This information is public and Mr. Marshall seems to be withholding it. Without this information, I am sure you can see how unfair a site visit and meeting would be. Mr. Marshall has stated over and over that the City did not divert storm water, therefore I must know who installed and approved the above diversions.

I do agree with Mr. Marshall that a "joint site visit with City and DEP" is appropriate. I must have this information prior to the meeting. Please, this is so wrong.


Laurie Allen

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 14:35:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water

Ms. Allen

We have offered to come out and to meet with you and any other persons who you would like to attend.  Our offer stands.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:12 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Marshall,

Why won't you address my letter from 6/7/2011 in writing? You have told me that the City, the Council, Mr. Richards, and reiterated agian, is not resposible for any of the stormwater diversions to my back yard. I took the time to give lot numbers and exact locations of culverts and drains directly draining into my backyard, I am only asking you to tell me as the City Planner, who put them there and who approved this? They are clealy visible from the road and do not require me to be present, I saw Marina drive here as well as others.

I am disappointed that you are evading my requests to respond in writing. Please, respond as I have asked over and over and then we can schedule an educated site visit.

Laurie Allen

Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 11:50:22 -0400

Subject: Re: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Dear Ms. Allen:

I am disappointed and somewhat confused that you appear to have rejected our invitation for City staff, the Public Works Director and myself, to meet with you and other residents of SeaView Terrace on-site so we can see first-hand what your concerns are regarding stormwater in the SeaView Terrace area.   I continue to believe that the best way to examine an issue is for the parties to meet on-site and to discuss the concerns.  I note that your June 7th email to me was entitled 'Resident Meeting Request', and in your letter you appeared to request that we meet with you and other residents.  We are open to doing such.    As such, I ask that you reconsider and that we schedule a site visit at a time that is convenient for you and other residents of SeaView Terrace.

Further, absent a site visit, neither the Public Works Director or I will be responding to the concerns raised in your email of 6/7/11 in writing.  With respect to the DEP, Chris Cabot has not responded to any of the 3 calls I have placed to him, nor has he responded to the 2 telephone calls that Tod Rosenberg, City Code Enforcement Officer has placed to him.  Perhaps you may want to contact him directly to determine how he intends to respond to the concern you raised to him.   As I have noted to you in past emails, I suggested a joint site visit with City and the DEP with you so everyone is looking at the same concern at the same time.

I also have sent a copy of this email to Councilor DeLune because she requested the opportunity to be present at the site visit if one is scheduled.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 2:30 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Marhsall,

I received you email that is ignoring this request. This is what I want answers to, a meeting would not accomplish anything without the DEP and answers to these questions. I will foward your email to Ms. Delune to keep things clear. As stated, please answer by 6/29.


Laurie Allen

Subject: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 10:05:53 -0400

Dear Mr. Marshall,

Per the letter I sent dated 6/7/11, please address in writing how #'s 1,2,3,6, and 11 are not City involvement in diverting City Storm water to my backyard. Are you telling me that all these drainage diversions were placed here illegally, unknown to the City, City Planner, no permits, someone just decided to go and dig up the road, put in culverts, drain pipes, etc.?

You also advised me that the City did not put the road in or the culverts, yet I have information it was the City. To substantiate recent City involvement, within the past 2 years, further drainage was put in at The Hands residence, requiring digging of the road to put in those 2 culverts and deeping of ditch leading to my backyard.
Most of the residents on Seaview Terrace witnessed all the heavy equipment and digging.

I reiterate- please address #1,2,3,6, and 11 stating how approved and who did the work. I am requesting response in factual writing. Receipt of these answers are requested by Tuesday, 6/29/11. This is reasonable considering my letter was sent to you over 3 weeks ago without specific response to specific issues I listed. My first meeting with you regarding the stormwater was on 5/5/2011.


Laurie Allen

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