12/29/2014- I was reading about a patent attorney corrupt couple in nearby Rockport in Penbay Pilot.
Got me thinking about heavy player, recently stepped down, patent attorney, Belfast City Council Roger Lee- I googled him and see lots of political contributions (along with another lobbyist and someone I decided not to socialize with- Thomas Peacock) Skeevy corruption abounds acting like a neighbor and/or your elected representative. http://www.city-data.com/elec2/elec-BELFAST-ME.html
other locals- Harold Vine, Greg Dutch, Mary Dutch, James Dutch, Lewis Cisle, Todd French, Margot Carpenter... all paying the politicians that are slaughtering America and Seaview Terrace.
In the 4/1/2014 City Council meeting posted below- Roger actually speaks at the meeting after taking the 5th as ordered to City Council by Bill Kelly, City Attorney 12/2011. Roger self imposed the 5th from the start in 4/2011. During his last 2 months on City Council he attempts to judciate himself when Minster Perkins (Roger is a heavy player there too- church treasurer http://www.uubelfast.org/) comes to the same meeting that I speak at, with my map, once again showing Council the City forced slaughter and steps to save us. Minister Perkins steps up with a Compassionate Cities agenda ( giving me false hope- just more propaganda)
Roger tries to save face by saying he appreciates my presentation this time and offers me some crumbs that are now clearly just that. He also came to my house uninvited the day of a City Council work shop meeting specifically for the paving of Seaview Terrace.(I was unaware of this meeting till I caught it in the PenBay article. Another corrupt closed meeting- the enginner present corrupt drainage from corrupt boundary maps given by the City. I wouldn't be given those either. ) I have no doubt that Roger was there to gather evidence to use against me for my hand placed attempts to stop my fence from falling into undisclosed rapids that tear through my private property.
Downtown Belfast- hypocrites delight in portraying community, I force them to see the slaughter. They choose to slaughter the messenger instead. Well, I'm telling till the cows come home.
Each time I look for a prior post to support a current post, I am overwhelmed at the sheer volume of corrupt emails from the City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall. Spinning and manipulating every visible fact with confidence because they are holding and burying the public documents. Maine is 4th in corruption exactly for transparency and public document ethic corruption.
I put together a sampling with ordinance/code/foaa corruption in the above tab. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/local-storm-water-ordinance.html Slocum hangs himself throwout the years in sloppy corruption and an embarrassment to all sleazy attorney's (Slocum a prior attorney) Here is an early sample portion- the full email is in the above tab. The real estate agent did not disclose a stream, because truthfully it is not a stream. They know that and are secure in screwing me there. However, the turnover of other Seaview Terrace properties owning "stream" property- #23, #49 and #31 (mine is #17) has listings disclosing the stream. I saw a few of those. When I requested copies the closed listings that I gave to the Maine Realtor Commission to look up for proof of disclosure on those properties the Commission refused. "Their" attorney sent me a letter telling me that they were not public documents.
And of course, the Commission dismissed my complaint for non disclosure of the stream stating I should have done a more exhaustive search on my 2x2 drainage ditch that surrounds 3 sides of my property for drainage of MY private property only. Also stating, I ONLY provided IN WRITING 2 times that I did not want any properties with streams or any water issues. I refused all showings disclosing streams and the likes and water/foundations issues. The agents told me 17 Seaview Terrace had no water issues and I hired the property inspector DJ Brown that they recommended. He did the inspection in spring when I was getting nailed in NJ with certificate of occupancy requirements to complete the sale of my home. For sure DJ saw the water and took the 5th, Sam Mitchell the real estate agent collegue of the listing agency, supervising the inspection. Bill Ingersoll the listing agent, Jan Andrews, my agent- all from Town and Country BH&G Real Estate, now Masiello Group, Earl Black the owner. After Earl told me he fought for my right to protest in front of his agency, as a marine, he also tried to pay me 6k to shut me up and relinquish rights. No thank you. Once a woman, always a woman. OOH RAH!!
My first spring 2011 would have the back 2x2 drainage ditch turn into wild rapids for over a week. When done- 1/4 of my property was taken with it and now a 12?x4? ravine with my fence new fence close to falling in. My property line goes at least 15 feet across from the fence. Left that much space for easy mowing- it was all level grass except for the 2x2 ditch that ran the length and hooked up with the side ditches. My City Council rep, Mary Mortier is a real estate agent. She too, refuses to provide me with those listings disclosing the stream. Skeeve. (BTW- Olver Engineering was given a corrupt map showing this "stream" was not on my property. One option Mandy Olver gave, and the cheapest was to send road runoff to the stream- violating title 17 & 38. She knows, the whole state knows this stream is on my property. State full of skeeves.
Yet, City Manager Slocum is secure in calling it a 100 year old natural stream because he has locked up the original 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace that show there is no stream in my back yard. It is City made from the runoff illegally forced there since Seaview Terrace was developed. But at that time, it wasn't a lot. Not noticeable. Over 50 years- it is enormous!! Development and miles and mile of impervious ground. Big bucks to fix. Drown us instead. Belfast City Hall is underway for exterminating all undesirables. Genocide of undesirable private properties. Seaview Terrace has topped the list- but dang- we keep popping up from the forced drowning. :) Run Forrest Run, Swim Laurie Swim...http://www.wingclips.com/movie-clips/forrest-gump/run-forrest-run
From: | Joseph Slocum (citymanager@cityofbelfast.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Fri 9/09/11 4:50 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | Councilors (councilors@cityofbelfast.org); Wayne Marshall (planner@cityofbelfast.org); Bob Richards (publicworks@cityofbelfast.org) |
Good afternoon. I regret that I have been away for two weeks because of two family emergencies.
The road could indeed use some work and will be addressed in conjunction with our regular road program which calls for attention in areas about every 10 years. The road has alligator cracking because the ground underneath is wet. The present existence of a couple of culverts underneath the road which transfer some water from the higher land across the street to your land on the North side are an attempt by the City to have the road not act as a dam to the natural flow of gravity and also to preserve the asphalt on the road itself by eliminating standing water on the road edge or underneath it. We have these culverts all over the City and you will indeed find them all over the State.I will ask my Public Works Director, by copy of this email to let us know in what year your road might see some resurfacing. It will not be this year. At this time there are no funds or plans to install storm sewers along your road. We like many municipalities have have many roads without these amenities
My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above it including your entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings, ...
12/27/2014- I moved here in 6/2010. We made it to our new life. Within 9 months, floods would coming ripping through my 1/3 acre property for 2 weeks. Water was my number one concern. Refusing all that disclosed streams or showed flooding. Real estate agents slaughtered us. Belfast City Hall and the State of Maine enforce the kill. Maine is 4th in corruption. Great.
Regardless of beliefs, the holidays induce reflection. New Years Eve scores another year gone by and double indemnity by being my birthday. I reflect most of my life on the hamster wheel, keeping pace with the corrupt, maybe this will be the year... Again and again, at every Belfast City Council meeting since I went public in 11/2011 with massive corruption- real estate and all those players, to businesses, to City Hall, to the connected, right up to the State level, many agencies, and the Attorney General sending me back to ground zero, do not pass go, do not collect $200, your home and many others in the way of Heil Hurley's "fire" for Belfast are under seizure by the dirty collars.
Statutes Title 17, Title 38, local ordinances and zoning, mitigation plans, flood zone, flood plain management, police protection, Maine Constitution of citizens right's, all broken and robbing the basic essence of life...joy. As the Comprehensive Plan gets voted in, chop, chop, they make it law. As if the law wasn't protecting them enough from stealing our homes through inverse condemnation and when in a hurry for your property- eminent domain. Two are clearly underway on Seaview Terrace. They failed this summer at trying to illegally rezone us into a new zone. Sloppy corruption. I have been quite the dim bulb, after a life time of being zapped. But still able to see and speak. I try.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding,...
And if the flooding doesn't kill us soon enough for their ego visions and fire sale taking with ZERO compensation- for a pittance more, surely Belfast City Attorney Kristin Collins, prior attorney with Maine Municipal Alliance and expert at manipulating statutes in favor of towns has a plan B in store for the undesirables... take your pick. Here's my pick:
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
Here is the local ordinance to prove their malice. Fabricating our private property, no stream or natural outlet ever- the maps do not lie. They try to manipulate maps- but I came with a camera one day and got lucky. They overwhelmed Jennika with maps- and I never brought a camera in the many visits prior. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/huge-depbelfast-cover-up-corruption.html
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm
sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling
water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of
the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.
(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)
Read this whole page from above- it shows how spot on I was immediately in 2011. Concise emails and the manipulations. Till today. Evil, evil people to do this to anyone, let alone a domestic survivor who needed anonymity and peace to heal with my children. They were counting on that. Real estate agents and City Hall. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/local-storm-water-ordinance.html"Give me $60 or you bunk with Bubba tonight!
Good one Brad Willaims http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/alleged-extortion-in-courts-with-bail.html
12/28/2014- Added more Psycho Hurley kicking Laurie Allen @ http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/local-storm-water-ordinance.html with support of MaryAnne? perhaps a downtown 1% eager to crush residents fighting for their lives and giving their property taxes for Downtown Belfast- Our Town Belfast website is a joke. Hurley minions.
Above all this- is the fact that real estate agents are not disclosing the water slaughter, nor the property inspectors. This plays out again and again, screwing the buyer who did everything right, gets beat up by City Hall and puts their house up for sale to screw another and scurry away. Agents loving the turn over and City Hall slaughtering neighborhood after neighborhood. Denying it all the way.
Then caught by Joisey Girl red handed and they create this 100 year old stream, hide the development plans clearly showing no stream, spread more manure watershed history, blah,blah, blah. Now- lets play this mythical hand for a bit. As if what they are doing is with in ordinance compliance. Really? The City will take developed run off and illegal snow piling meltoff from miles and miles and force it into the tiny 12 family, dead end residential street, flood plain, flood zone without any rights of ways or easements- just slaughter us for 50 years and building and say - Sea Ya- make sure to pay your taxes and especially the sewer one's- we need that money for our downtown 1%.
Even violating the ordinance for flood plain and flood zone management. To protect and divert with infrastructure, mitigation plans and police power. Instead it is slaughter and deny with police power. I am your witness. And as we saw the slaughter of 2 police men, forced to protect the corrupt 1% and endanger their own lives. :( Regardless of what I have exposed with Chief McFadden- I do like him. I saw him on the news as the buses loaded up for NYC and the blue funeral. He was quite shaken and disgusted. I saw his conscience eating at him.
(Forgot to mention the Muck Suck- tab above- where they were ready to illegally drain and dredge that toxic site without any permits by bringing in the State Dept. of Inland Fisheries to decept- a post by Harold Richardson made me jump into action. Muck Suck now halted) I am the Maine resident mentioned below. When you go to the Muck Suck tab- you will see the State of Maine attempting to deflect back to Belfast City Hall jurisdiction. The corruption volley ball- State to local- bullies vs. the 5'2'' little woman, jumping up and down, stop slaughtering us. 12/28/2014 Wow- just saw this on the Portland Press Herald- totally Belfast!! Underway with Comprehensive Plans to slam dunk airport, housing developments (Sanderson properties) for sure. And right in this Muck Suck- The State Of Maine- Inland Fisheries steamrolling corrupt Muck Suck- a City Made Toxic Water Hole http://video.pressherald.com/index.php?cat=news )
From: | Previ, Caroline (Previ.Caroline@epa.gov) You moved this message to its current location. |
Sent: | Tue 12/23/14 4:46 PM |
To: | Brochi, Jean (Brochi.Jean@epa.gov) |
Cc: | DeLeon, Rafael (Deleon.Rafael@epa.gov); Mackey, Cyndy (Mackey.Cyndy@epa.gov); McCullough, Mary (McCullough.Mary@epa.gov); laurieallen55@msn.com (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Hello Jean: We received this request for assistance from a resident of Maine. I'm in the Superfund enforcement program and thought you (or someone in the Region) might be able to help this citizen. Would you please forward this message to the correct folks in the Region or State DEP? And, can you let me know (cc?) the outcome so I can close this request? If I can be of assistance please give me a call. Thanks. Caroline Previ EPA HQ 202 564-7777
This blogs threads and threads- as new corruption worldwide reflects the same in small town USA- Belfast, Maine, I repost old posts to weave a quick potholder for the new reader. Many more pots scorching my skin, I am the only one to keep speaking of the corruption at City Council meetings. City Hall has enlisted many to silence and break me, the power of many serves to shame me for buying into the dream.
It has been crushing to listen to 4 years of City Council meetings diminish truth. More crushing to watch the followers step over me to get to the podium to praise City Hall abusers. In all these years, of speakers, one woman in struggling health, speaks up too. Deb Paradis, you are one in a million. Christian beliefs are hers but we share love through honesty.
Way below you will find few connections of City Council Heil Hurley who surely hand picked City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum. And his best buddy, Jay Davis, Chair of the Restorative Justice, Water Fall Arts Board, heavy print media connections and police and I have been doing all I can to sound the bells to save Belfast. Gritty Belfast, a small snap shot remains of what once was. Before Hurley saw opportunity. Like Bayside used to be. Like America use to be before "we" came to steal the dream. Rural is easy pickings for the greedy and corrupt. And the easiest place to begin it's return. The smallest voice can be heard- Hello, my name is Laurie. Lend me your ear.
This last City Council meeting is close to perfection in the selling of souls. You can't google Belfast Maine or Laurie Allen without corruption facts dominating. But stick your head in the sand and google Belfast Poetry and welcome to denial. Or grab a snack and watch the entertainment as white Belfast City Hall performs with Belfast Poet Society. Good Stuff. Click on 10A for 10 minutes of local comedy. Oh- 10B is good too!! Dean Perkins of the UU Church came out with this Compassionate Cities proclamation for Belfast last year. I jumped on that- emailing him, other churches, another scam I guess. No compassion for Seaview Terrace, just more fluff. Look at us, we play for peace too, tax payers foot the bill again. One way or another. Listen to Mary Mortier- my City Council, also a real estate agent evil with a seat, all of them stroke themselves into depravity.
If you don't want to watch the 10 minutes- here is a 1 minute video I posted on my FB
Jersey pals- Belfast Poet Laurette goes funk with 2nd black man in Maine- Lou Cooke was first- right Lou?? But you left me. Look at White City Council- so proud. Comical morons.
And here is how they recently responded to me when the came in and illegally paved the road- sending even more water to my private property as if the miles and miles of imperious ground outside of Seaview Terrace isn't death defying Russian roulette.. In total violation of Maine Statutes Title 18 and Title 38http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/breaking-law-title-17-38.html
The paving was not announced as always done to advise residents of road construction and to move vehicles. Here is a link to 1 inch of rain to Seaview Terrace that was previously dry- incoming slaughter from three sides and inside- roadside flooding at my neighbors across the street from me (my house is gray split leverl- fake brick on bottom) These 2 neighbors and I did not receive notification of the paving meeting where we would have demanded grated sewers as dictated by law- Title 17 & 38. So corrupt- kept us out- and just did it. Knowing a lawsuit will break us first and cost them nothing. We pay for that too. Kind of like screwing yourself with out accessories. http://1drv.ms/1wSyar7
No- they jumped to get 'er done when they thought I'd be at my brother's funeral in Alabama that week. He died on 9/4/2014 and the trucks rolled in on 9/8/2014. Heil Hurley is speaking here- I missed the first section where he states that he spoke to the City Attorney to see if he could stop me from speaking but can't. Although he tries and has been since the 2nd meeting in 12/2011 where he congratulated the City Manager and City Planner for "their restrainst against me..." and how they have been a "pinata" having to listen to their corruption... I have got to get all Heil Hurley's rants against me over the past 5 years together. Will blow your mind to hear him- and City Hall praises him, as does the implicated public. Heil Hurley.
Then Councilor Sanders shows cowardly concern- dancing around the fact that they are flood slaughtering Seaview Terrace and will continue to do so until. The resolution I am seeking is to get all the forced City water slaughter out of Seaview Terrace. The City uses our flood plain, flood zone private property- not a natural outlet, no rights of ways or easements- just flooding us with miles of run off and melt off like a few storm sewer to the sea. EPA/DEP violations off the charts too with their corrupt approval But how can we work with her as we do this???
Then Mayor Ash states I am a liar. That I knowingly missed the meeting on the paving that I have been working for 4 years to get paved in compliance with law- title 17 and 38 plus others. Ash mentions I was at the meeting where the City Manager "mentioned" a paving meeting with Seaview Terrace residents. Yes I was. I came home that night, and fired off and email to all of them asking when that meeting was. I called my neighbor whose yard is flooded from road runoff and no drainage. He didn't know about the meeting either. City Hall never responded- they had the meeting that next night without us. The residents most affected by the illegal paving. Listen to Ash try to spin it- clearly lying with City Manager Sloscum stating the meeting was a 6, and the residents that came. What a disgrace. They have no conscience. Slocum was trying not to tape this meeting for public record. I foiled that too. Just barely- story below- where Ned was called in at the last minute to tape it. See how this blog is like a run away train- they never stop. Part of the plot.
This 5 minute link below is me speaking in 4/15/2014 meeting to the recent announcement that Seaview Terrace will be paved this 2014 spring or early summer. I focus on the paving now- to get road side drainage. Above is 5 months after this meeting. Mind you in 8/2011 City Manager Slocum told me that Seaview Terrace was a mess and needed paving. But no money available. It was then I started researching for funding- and found it in TIF's and mitigation planning. Ignored and an engineer hired to be the gopher. Maps given to the engineer depicted the "stream" as not running through my private property. The cheapest option was to repave as is and replaced the culverts to ensure the runoff above comes all to me. I bring the map I tracked to show the miles and miles of outside Seaview Terrace forced to me. For 4 years, I've presented this map. After I am done in this link- communications by the Council are stupid. Slocum stating the City Attorney has relinquished City responsibility to the slaughter and Heil Hurley thanking me for mentioning his friends name- the 1987 City engineer Neil Finlayson. Heil is insane.
And prior to the meeting above, at the 4/1/2014 I am asking for an accounting of spending because property taxes are not going to resident infrastructure. City Manager Slocum replies with extortion of more fees for an accounting that will never be produced. Just billing me to death. This clip is prime- see that mess on the floor- maps, files... This is what the do- hear me ask if Slocum brought the 7 zoning conditions (for site snow removal- on top of the water- the City looks away as all these sites pile snow all winter when "plowable" snow it to be removed off site. It will all melt to me- which is what caused this ravine in spring melt of 2011- rapids tore through my yard. No stream disclosed- no water issues period the real estate agent promised. Bolderdash. Slocum doesn't answer me. He waits till I am gone that tells the public these are documents I have requested, that he has gotten for me again and again, and he is putting them away. I have 4 years of requests for the same documents that are flooding Seaview Terrace. In response is boatloads of rhetoric or feigned confusion as to what I want.
Slocscum tells some may not exist, and always wants money up front for his fictitious search that will yield- "I personally searched for this document for 80 hours and could not find it. Please submit one thousand dollars for my time on top of the 100k salary you pay me. I hope I have been helpful" City Planner Wayne Marshall is his twin. I wanted ALL drainage documents/communications and final approved site plan for the corrupt, enormous wetland site where they built the Captain Albert Stevens School in 2007 (floors are cracking- I think we still owe 9 million on that disaster). I am told they are ready and instead of documents, I am given 5? 6? busting files to look for the documents myself. At the tiny counter- with intense supervision- in the Planning Office. 4 hours later- examing every document- there were not any drainage documents or final approved site plans. I ask Wayne where are the drainage- he said there are none. I had found one 10 page document with one sentence that said the runoff from the site was to go to the 2 million dollar sewer improvements on Miller St., to downtown and out to the bay.
I asked for a copy of that document and was told I had to come back for it tomorrow. I did and received only 9 pages. The page with that sentence was "missing". Wayne was not in the office- I asked Marie (admin. assistant) for the original document. She could not find it. I asked to see the files again, and found at least 100 drainage documents- Army Corp of Engineers, DEP, Engineers, abutter concerns, Planning Board meetings, on and on- I broke down. Fearing that Wayne would come in any second, I grabbed the Conditions/Findings of Fact and begged Marie for a copy. She could not refuse me as tears were streaming down. The conditions were corrupted- of course. City Hall took the 5th with DEP and the Attorney General's office. I never got the plans.
I post the link to this meeting- I come back blazing to speak at the 2nd open to the public. Then Hurley tries to be my buddy- wants me to find peace. I tell him to be honest- he says he is. Hurley's stage- total side show.
link to full 4/1/2014 meeting- http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/04012014-1068 click 6 open to the public- ff to 5:52 ff to me speaking @ 5:52 in (pink turtleneck and leather jacket and then to communications-#7 Slocum speaks first- @ 2minutes and 50 seconds in he tries to paint me as a nuisance that he cannot satisfy me, as hard as he tries with lie after lie. Listen to the rest- it is all about me and Seaview Terrace. When they are done, my neighbor David Smith, a City Hall kiss ass and hater of me (David does not own stream property and has his own agenda and bipolar traits- confirmed by other neighbors) thanks the wall for their patience with me. That gets a room of approval and chuckles. If David wasn't so measly pathetic, and I didn't have an order of protection against his non-stop harassment- I'd have a chat with him. He'd go crying to his wife though. She definetly is still changing diapers in that house.
Then make sure to click the second open to the public #11 and into #12 for beyond stupid communications. I come back blazing with facts. All they ever say is that the don't agree. No doubt Hurley changed the communications to avoid debate. Only with those they choose. City sympathizers and players. Those with City issues- receive abuse, denial or silence. Of course they don't agree- you hear Sloscum state he won't spend the money to put in the drainage with paving of $220k. Since 2011 he knew this had to be done- and did not plan for it. In fact, as he states here- they took money away from roads. Listen to all of them saying they just drove down Seaview Terrace within the last weeks. I have been begging City Council to come see the slaughter since 4/2011. Heil Hurley states they have looked at depth into this. Boulderdash. Looked at depth to lie and deny. To stop the slaughter they are forcing into Seaview Terrace will cost millions. Too much for undesirables. They will be gone soon. But not soon enough.
My only requests have been for documents and maps for the forced water slaughter coming to Seaview Terrace. Requests are not fulfilled because it proves the illegal water slaughter. They will tell me they have the requested documents but they are not there. They overload me with files- tell me to find it myself0 and after hours and hours, the final plans and zoning documents are not in there. They say they are- I was too stupid to know what I was looking for. You hear me ask City Council Roger Lee to tell me how many times I have asked Council to come with me and validate that City Manager Slocum or City Planner Marshall are giving me the requested document. Roger states he does not validate!!! They all take the 5th. They are big on stating there are maps with a stream. No shit sherlock- but that stream was never in the vicinity of Seaview Terrace. The 1939 map I reference proves it. Marshall gets up in the 2nd communications about a 1909 quad map- no doubt that is a stream in the trees- somewhere but not in the Future Seaview Terrace. Here's the link to the 1939 maps, the ditch dug later to accommodate run off for the new bypass of Rte 1 est. 1963. Then 1965, Wendell McCleod- Developer bought the future Seaview Terrace and filled in the ditch- it would be under my house. No stream or natural outlet ever.http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/huge-depbelfast-cover-up-corruption.html
I have spoken at over 50 meetings- some are quite threatening to me. But these above cover a lot and speaks volumes. Others can be found in the above tabs with meeting links and summaries to some eye openers. I was shocked to learn they actually tape these- talk about sloppy corruption. Those executive sessions have got to be execution lists. I top the list I am sure.
12/23/2014- The hope is overwhelming as I watch the world rise against the corrupt. As we know, starting with your own closet, family, and local government/business/community is where we begin. The guilt by those looking away is palpable and visible. I don't want that for anyone but my guilt always propels me to do better. With the tools I have, freedom of speech. Which is a slippery slope for me because I have a very sharp tongue.
I began fighting back the abuse as soon as I could speak. Maybe even sooner- I was walking by 8 months, probably running away from my brother by 9 months. My ex is the same, City Council Heil Hurley, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and most likely Governor LeRage I mean LePage, Governor Christie, Dick Cheney, too many to name- but their ego's are blaring as they run when confronted by an ant like me.
Who says an ant can't, move a rubber tree plant? She's got high hopes...
All the implicated are caught and think they are protected by the bully, enjoying the gifts they bear. It is you that can change the world. Spearhead the corruption in your "house", a box and paper is all you need. The independent committee of the public will collect those papers, that all must submit- regardless if you whistle blow or not. Anonymous. Immediate review by the committee, publicly printed and action. Bypass attorney's and their arena- just get them the hell out of your house- area of responsibility or paycheck and make it public.
Stand up, what ever you think you may lose, nothing is greater than what they have stole from you. Truth and love.
I am not out for glory- I thought I could heal and live the last chapter in overdue peace, privacy and honesty with my children and dogs. That's what I wished for and fought for. No charities, no pity and please no more bullshit. Those that turn their noses up at that statement- should leave this blog- this is not the place for you. You are one of them or in the making/taking.
My blogs of 4+ years have been written from the perspective of a domestic survivor who made it out, to be thrown to the wolves by the State of Maine. Imagine how easily I could have broke when faced with the State, to local, to SOME businesses, to SOME "friends", to SOME community, to SOME neighbors burning and branding me, pure torture, for exposing their corruption. I am not that survivor anymore- I am me. I keep going. New blogs will be unfolding. Today I've got some presents to wrap and music to play.
Of all the things stolen from me by my ex and brother, the most painful has been my mother's Nativity Set that went "missing" during divorce. My daughter made sure I got it back last month. I love you Megan.
my 17 year old son of extremely few words, said to me last night "Mom,
no matter what you always get into Christmas, this looks great."
I had sent this confidential letter to First Lady LePage after DHHS stole $500 and communications with DHHS became worrisome. It is terrible that I am forced to expose family corruption but isn't that exactly what all the corrupt count on? And the effect on the children? This isn't spite- this is life or death. There is no choice- I always wanted family to be the best they can be. Always. But they chose to hurt me and my children. Again and again and again and still. Pretending the corrupt are someone else is enabling them. Covering it up is disabling us.http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_23.html
12/22/14 7:30 pm
Democracy Now! shared a link.
could help ease tensions and improve relations between police and
civilians — both in New York City, and in communities across the
country? Watch this 30-minute segment and join the conversation.
- You and 208 others like this.
Write a comment...- Laurie Allen Am I reading this right? Is Patrick blaming this on the protestors? How
about every government agency whistle blowing on their own and put them
in jail- real jail. No special protection for the corrupt either.
I for one am sick of protesting Maine local, state and business corruption slaughtering my home and life for 4 years and getting scarier. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
boycottbelfast.blogspot.com|By Integrity
12/21/2014- New readers- I have been naively exposing corruption in Belfast up to the State level for over 4 years. I started blogging in 2011 clueless to how deep this was. Nothing gets resolved, corruption continuous and evolving, posting it requires a staff of professionals. I'm degree less- left the work force @ 35 to raise my kids, bad marriage, bad divorce, I came to Belfast in time for my 50th birthday New Years Eve 2010 (and got an Apico) and a new chance at life. Real estate agents chopped me up and broke every ethical swearing of disclosure. The posts are through out, I dig and repost old things to inform the new readers but I miss a lot too. This needs an overhaul, maybe next year. So please excuse the personal pokes, it helps me relieve stress and I like to tell the stories. Eventually, I'll move those to a special ass I mean class. At this time, I've got a boatload fish to fry.
It's all in the blogs, repeated in spots. So much proof. You can cruise through older posts and look at all the pictures, video's and maps- albums full of pictures and documents are on my picasa web albums- DEP Commissioner Aho, Maine Realtor Commission, Attorney General, Olver Engineer, Belfast City Hall... reading the same about Brunswick Maine, before the media can delete the posts. Some are below. My posts get deleted, I get banned, City Hall tries to stop me from speaking, intimidation tactics including the police force, connections of corruption to family summer village Bayside, neighbor and ally of Belfast/Northport attorneys and hired/elected public officials. The scope here is not as big as Brunswick but boy is it full throttle. My sounding the alarms for 4 years must contribute to the need for speed. Get 'er done then we'll bury the wounded with billable hours.
The only way to stop them is before they do it. Belfast is steamrolling ahead at warp speed- through the Comprehensive Plan. Planning Board honest member Wayne Corey compared the plan to the Soviet Union, member Elizabeth Minor- sadly now deceased also concerned. And this is only the public version that could not be hidden- the hidden's will kill. If Ethan Andrews didn't report this story, I would have never got my antenna up and caught the attempt to illegally rezone Seaview Terrace to a parking lot. Thank you Ethan. This article is almost a year old- now the plan mostly voted in by Council. When residents don't know what hit them- this will be it. Take it to the streets. Don't waste a dollar to enter their legal arena.
"Corey and Minor both felt that current property owners, who had made purchases and subsequent investments based on existing zoning, would be hurt if the rules were changed. Corey said he was not entirely opposed to the idea, but it didn’t sit right with his sense of how a free market system should work. Here he mentioned the Soviet Union."
While reading this blog, the personal posts are necessary to present the scope of corruption that we see early in family and allow to grow into the power that is dominating and destroying the world. The USA is the leader through capitalism. Greedism gold for the best liar, so admired, tricking and implicating, building an ego empire. No matter how small the takings, the behaviors and tactics are the same. I see it clearly now, but until I filed for divorce in 2005, I had always thought that when I proved the lies, they would make it right. I didn't understand that they were incapable of remorse and incapable of accountability. Over 40 years of this with my mother, sister Janel, brothers Donald and Jr. (George) and you marry what you know, my ex husband.
Out of the family frying pan and into the deep fryer of government corruption.
Starting at home and local is where the clean up and accountability must begin. My story is unique because it is a first hand accounting of a life full of the power of bullies and certain illness that would be a much different story if I knew about Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychopaths, Narcissism, Anti-social disorders... I never had a chance. But I hung in there trying because that is what I believed. Justice would prevail. They may appear to win, but I won by staying true. I don't have to worry about skeletons. I can tell it all and I am.
I remember when Tom Groening, prior Bangor Daily News reporter did an article on me (one year after the floods came crashing(4/2011) through my new life of 8 months, with no stream disclosed, "no water issues" what so ever said the agent. At flooding, City Planner Wayne Marshall showed me all these paths forced to my yard. I said - you can't do that, I want a copy of that map. The map removed, replaced by another, Wayne adamant that he never showed me a map like that, doors slamming shut, City Hall has no maps showing any water coming into Seaview Terrace period, Belfast is not doing that, blame mother nature. On a covert raid to City Hall in 11/2011 I scored the original with held development plans. NO NATURAL STREAM/OUTLET EVER. City forced runoff and melt off of miles and miles of massive development impervious ground and US 1 highway. When caught, they say they can anyway- it's a natural outlet to coincide with local ordinance.
The 1939 map shows no stream. Another aerial taken in the 60's shows a dug ditch and then developer bought the property and filled in the ditch. My house sits on top of the filled in ditch. NO stream ever. Pictures are in this blog- click through older posts. City runoff and meltoff ripping though my small flood plain, flood zone property. DEP got their dirty hands into it too. Claiming that "stream" as wetlands and under their regulation and approvals to send in the floods from every development they approve. This is only a peek in- I've got volumes- just for my neighborhood!! Maine is 4th in corruption. http://bangordailynews.com/2012/05/14/news/midcoast/belfast-woman-fights-city-over-drainage/
Tom didn't include this in the article. He asked me "Why don't you try, umm (out of quote- he was struggling with wording so I jumped in for him and jerked my head back with clear disdain) What Tom- Kiss Their ASS?? No reply needed, he nodded and smiled in approval. The BDN office is in the center of Belfast sharing the floor with Ned Lightner, Belfast TV and Belfast Government Channel, and Heil Hurley Belfast City Council Master. Many months later, I was protesting across the street, at the evil real estate agency, now Masiello Group, then Town and Country, that ripped my new life away by selling me undisclosed Belfast Hell. Tom and Ned came to talk to me. Tom said, I'm taking my reporter's hat off for this and said to me- You are so nice, doesn't it make you sick to have to fight this every day? I told him it would make me sicker if I didn't. Yes, it makes me very sick.
It meant a lot to me that he cared. I thought Ned did too. Ned took this picture for me. Ned- I know you will read this. I give you a lot of thought. I am sorry for your predicaments. Your life and livelihood are with the living skeletons. No wand will wish that away.
The one's that make it to power and have mastered manipulation, are relentless for more, it is never enough... and the rage or abuse appears again and again, but those in fear or implicated enable them by remaining silent. Fear can be in any mode- fear of social ousting, fear of repercussions, fear of upsetting your life, fear of community/business... and kissing their ass in never flavorable I mean favorable to your integrity. TBC...
They set the rules far beyond the layman's knowledge. I can blog and blog about how they get away with it and have. The innocent are foolish to think they can win in a court of the corrupt, their peers and loopholes. It is their arena.
After reading all the corruption in Brunswick, Maine in these few posts from their local paper, the Forcecaster and linking to Bayside through Brunswick Attorney Judy Metcalf to Belfast to me, I am sickened as to how wide spread and layered the corruption is. I don't know if she is involved in any of this, but as a Brunswick attorney, she is certainly informed. She is tight with the Belfast City Attorneys as they also represent Northport. And Judy represents Bayside as an Overseer in the Northport Village Corporation, and on and on her connections unfold (previously posted below) and makes me worried.
So, I have to spill the beans about my family in Bayside since my brother and Judy Metcalf have heavy influence in this area. I had put all that away, my ex took our new year round home in Bayside (resides in NJ- he had never even been to Maine until me- 1985), my brother took our family cottage, my sister's cottage had long ago been sold to a Seth Thayer. Three strikes, I am out of Bayside. Contested relocation is almost impossible. But because my ex took our year round Bayside home and resided in NJ, I held onto my kids and hoped. I almost gave up and in to his calculated demise of me. To think that was always his plan, just blows me away. I was so strong, until I left the work force in 1995. Lock the door and throw away the key. I am going down.
Seth Thayer is a major contributor- tbc.
It wasn't until I filed for divorce in 2005 that the knowledge of patterned behaviors of abuse were not because of alcohol, drugs and jealousy- it was text book illness. It exploded and I was sent into the hell of mental health, my kids clinging on my back as we fell into the black hole. Many professionals are suffering themselves, and they may be court ordered and are all over the family courts. Boy do I have a story for this chapter. That hands on education is nothing short of a terror attack. Everyone turns away. Mom and children ... tbc-
12/20/2014- additional information added below until the anonymous threat letter also sent to whistle blowing brave women in Brunswick, Maine.
12/22/2014 - This is an older post- I've promoted Putin Hurley to Heil Hurley. Putin Hurley was good to connect to Russian/Sochi Olympics and windowdressing as Putin's cossak's beat the women of Pussy Riot that stand up vs. Hurley publicly privately, (massive network) punishing me as I stand up exposing resident slaughter and his vile "Happy" video creation. Dance for me- don't look at the slaughtered- they will be gone soon. For Haloween and Property Tax Day- I dressed up as Laurie Riot- costume was good. Protested outside of Belfast City Hall. Pictures in older post.
Selection process underway through new Comprehensive Plan currently becoming ordinance- public not privy to small print or last minute amendments. City will claim we have been told- it's not their fault we didn't see them slip it through. It was under the rock, in between the school failures, the inner harbor, the rail trail, the Muck, the downtown revitalization, the airport, land swaps, missing funds for Harbor Walk completion, corruption, corruption, corruption, etc.
City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum, please give the public documents on the plans that are clearly visibly corrupted. They are not in the public deeded registry since Wayne Marshall came aboard in 1999? they are under lock and key in his office. He sends rhetoric in response. I go to City Manager Joe Slocum- he'll tell you nothing is a secret but he'll have to dig deep- IF it even exists. Please give me $250 to begin the search that has no end, and will yield nothing. Except billable hours and claims you were given the information/documents but you are too stupid to know what was given to you.
Ms. Allen we refuse to waste anymore time on you, we will not index or guarantee the validity of what we give you or say to you, and if you continue to request, as this appears to be a sport for you, we will charge you with harassment. We suggest you get an attorney. We look forward to the final kill through billable hours and case dismissed. You have been silenced and slaughtered. Hope you find this helpful. Sincerely, City Attorney, Bill Kelly & Kristin Collins, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council Heil Hurley, Eric Sanders, Mary Mortier, Mayor Walter Ash, ex-council Roger Lee, Nancy Hamilton, Marina DeLune, Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward, Planning Board (minus Wayne Corey and maybe Margo Carpenter), Zoning Board of Appeals, Area Real Estate Agents, every business that will not speak up against resident slaughter but stand deep and wide for our property tax dollars and that would be ALL downtown Belfast- Chamber of Commerce (many more but you get the brick wall).
Yes the City Attorney Bill Kelly has written that to me and more. Unethical and unbelievable. More letters from Kelly at www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com Seems they've done a good job conditioning the people to abuse. Not me, I'll keep kicking even after I'm gone. My spirit is much bigger than me. I have to buckle up- it's a dangerous ride. Really need full metal jacket- ah hell, give me one of them thar tanks- oh that's right, the cops need it to keep me in line when I protest. Could I get shot? Gassed? Arrested? Slaughtered- silly me, they are doing that already. They prefer the legal death- white collar stronghold and strangle against your home, endangering life day in and day out. Unless you are part of Heil Hurley's regime, his troops to support the slaughter.
And lets not forget the cable guy brother-in-law to the Chief Of Police- best get the febreeze out in case that ain't medicinal mary-jew-wanna , hide all contraband, risky private business and record every step of service call. He should have to disclose that he is related to the Chief before he gains access to the most private- our homes and computers. Doesn't sit right with me at all. He's been in my house, at least 4 times before I connected the dots, much to the dismay and shock to them both. I am not worried, I am so clean, I've never even googled Dick. :)
At Hannaford supermarket in Belfast the week of 12/1/2014?, I was chatting with ********, he feeds our souls and provides treats as well. New food samples. Another woman came along- she knew me from the meetings, I didn't know her. I forget her name, short hair, from No. Carolina. I was discussing Heil Hurley and we all wondered why his wife, Therese takes his public abuse. Short hair saying "At least he doesn't beat her." Are you kidding me? I had to walk away before my head popped off.
12/23/2014 A friend saw the posts below about Heil Hurley. Every time I pass a meeting airing on TV he is talking, conniving, spreading his fertilizer of greed. My friend sent me this you tube link on psychopaths in power and in general. Definitely Hurley, City Manager Slocum, City Planner Marshall, City Attorney Kelly, Realtor Owner Earl Black, Real Esate Agent Bill Ingersoll. I copied a few short clips, the link to listen to all of Chris Duane is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIHtUUieyhM&index=38&list=PLD31E34390C5017E8
9/27/14 City Council Mike Hurley is the evil, the demise of morality. Incapable of balancing humanity and his greed for MORE. He has had 30 years in brainwashing the community. Not funny how quickly the community goes along to get along. Blinding corruption and resident abuse burns the new eyes. Huffington Post - Are Politicians Psychopaths ? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-freeman/are-politicians-psychopaths_b_1818648.html
More to come- but not today- it is a beautiful day. No City Hall/Hurley Psycho's Allowed.
Actually, will the real Valdimir Hurley stand up?
12/27/2014- Heil Hurley interviewed for not showing "The Interview" From the mouth of "SICKO"
Q: What's the worst that hackers could do to the little theatres?
A: I appreciate that people want to watch me burst into flames for their amusement, but I'm not doing it....And honestly, I really don't believe a physical attack could happen, but one of my mottos in life is never underestimate a sicko... If someone is nuts enough and has enough money, they can do a lot of damage... It's a piece of crud movie...I've had people question my patriotism, my bravery and have said, ‘How can you sleep at night?’ My answer is: Like a baby. Then I wake up in five minutes and cry.
Link and article to Hurley "Putin" his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Thanks Johnny.
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm)
Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.
12/19/2014- Watching the news tonight, I saw this- VASSALBORO, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- More than 50 new police officers are about the hit the streets in cities across Maine. Fifty-six officers graduated from the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro Friday.
That enormous billboard in the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vasselboro is of the Colonial Movie Theater here in Belfast, owned by none other, but Heil Hurley, whose best buddy is Jay Davis, chairman of Restorative Justice, Belfast. Jay Davis was the stranger who approached me in downtown Belfast 2011. It was my first day out with a sign City Hall and Realtors Corrupt.
This leather hat man clearly thinking he was all that, swaggered over to me and said "What's going on?" I told him real estate agents are selling non-disclosed hells. Private properties the City destroys secretly through inverse condemnation. A form of imminent domain except worse. The government destroys properties through flooding (and other ways) denies it, and when property is valueless, the government takes it without any compensation because it is worthless. That is what they are doing to Seaview Terrace and others in their path for downtown greed and their ego's.
And if the flooding doesn't kill us soon enough for their ego visions and fire sale taking with ZERO compensation- for a pittance more, surely Belfast City Attorney Kristin Collins, prior attorney with Maine Municipal Alliance and expert at manipulating statutes in favor of towns has a plan B in store for the undesirables... take your pick. Here's my pick:
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
Jay Davis said that (meaning my sign and protesting) isn't how we do things around here. He asked me if I went to talk to City Council Mike Hurley. I said I did and he wouldn't touch it. He smirked, tipped his leather hat, said good luck and walked away.
Copied from the Restorative Justice Site- http://www.rjpmidcoast.org/
"Jay has a BA from Williams College and a MAT from Harvard. He has worked for many newspapers, including the Providence Journal, Boston Globe, Berkshire Eagle, Republican Journal, Waldo Independent, VillageSoup and Maine Times, often as editor. He has won regional and national writing awards and was Maine's Journalist of the Year in 1988. In 2002 Jay, along with Tim Hughes published the History of Belfast in the 20th Century. He has served on the boards of the Waldo County YMCA, Monroe Board of Selectmen, Waterfall Arts, Maine Initiatives and the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. He is currently finishing a novel before sending it to an agent." Ahhh, Restorative Justice by the corrupt. What could be wrong with that? Well kiddies, while you were all busy stroking each other at the Waterfall Arts...
Reentry center inmates cited for drug violation
By Ben Holbrook | Dec 22, 2014
Belfast — Five
former inmates at the Maine Coastal Regional Reentry Center in Belfast
were cited for trafficking in prison contraband Dec. 13.Lt. Jason Trundy of the Waldo County Sheriff's Office said Shawn N. Perito, 21, of Belfast; Scott N. Sayce, 51, of Dixfield; Morris G. Young, 28, of Warren; Steven D. Doray, 28, of South China; and Ronnie L. McBreairty, 31, of Oakland, were cited following an investigation by Deputy Merl Reed.
Trundy said Doray allegedly smuggled heroin into the reentry center and then distributed it to McBreairty, Perito, Sayce and Young. All five individuals tested positive for heroin when administered a drug test, Trundy said.
It was unknown how much heroin Doray smuggled into the reentry center, Trundy said.
The case has been referred to the district attorney's office and additional charges could be filed. Trundy said because of the violation, the five individuals were returned to the correctional facilities where they came from prior to moving to the reentry center
I firmly believe in 2nd chances and then some. I believe in helping those that truly want to help themselves. I could see myself becoming a supporter and helping in any capacity I can. Congratulations to those that are looking to help, but the word 'investor' scares me a little as profits may be the driving factor. Time will tell. The Belfast Re Entry Center has room for improvement. In fact, quite a bit of room. I have dealt directly with them, expressed my concern with the lack of leadership and rules. I hope they can get their operation tightened up where the program will have a fair shot for success. I would have liked an invite for the friend raiser, just saying.
Jay and Heil Hurley have their web all over. Staff are hand picked for their downtown Belfast, many intertwined with various entities- Waterfall Arts Center who is vying for big City tax dollar contributions, City committee's are hand picked for similar downtown/recreational/economic ego wants and community connections of the desirable's and pliable's. Coastal Land Trust- the Passy Rail Trail- Heil Hurley owns prime real estate there too. You bet he's "Happy".
Chief McFadden (brother-in-law the local TWC cable/internet guy that has been a secret till I put it together) told me he has known Jay for a long time, the Chief just hired a part time police graduate of the Academy above, Cushman. Heil Hurley said that Cushman is Amanda Cushman's husband. She worked at his theater and is now administrative assistant to the City Manager. I do not think Amanda is part of the web, she is young, her husband is new, maybe we can stop the corrupt before they get trapped. That's how they do it, slow and steady, recruit, implicate, repeat and fill the bully pit.
I trusted Chief McFadden and the police officers. Until they crossed the line. Private conversations by the Chief and Officer Ward to intimidate me through my children. We're done. I'm posting all I know. No more respect for them.
I know many will want to think that all this can't happen to just one person, especially a 53 yr. old innocent single Mom, she must deserve this. Isn't that the way when faced with horrors inflicted by the very people you have been trained to believe are true and caring? Many pillars of society. In plain sight, protected by their power. Nothing makes the case clearer than those raped and the attempted rape by Bill Cosby. Silent all these years because the woman cannot take on the power. Especially alone. No doubt many looked the other way as Cosby did this for at least 50 years. The first few who came out received harsh judgement by many. To think he did a show immediately after the first victim spoke up, in front of women's group and made fun of the allegation and receive a standing ovation.... That is frightening. Fear to see truth. Again and again.
Victims and whistle blowers have been flooding media with proof, the internet giving us the platform to make the proof public. And with the proof, many choose to diminish the victim/whistle blower.
ROCKLAND — Maine Coast TV Channel 7 will air an interview with United Mid-Coast Charities president Steve Crane about the $3.8 million dollar embezzlement case that has rocked the organization. Belfast public access television personality Ned Lightner produced and hosted the program. Time Warner Cable subscribers can view the program in its entirety on Friday, Oct. 17, at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 18, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 9 p.m.
As Ned Lightner said in the interview above- Ned doesn't want to believe the visible corruption.Ditto in Belfast. Ned has family in laws on staff in the Restorative Justice. And on committee's- those people visibly show their dislike of me and don't even know me. Just that I expose Belfast corruption.
Belfast is the next Brunswick wannabe (see below for Brunswick whistle blowers posting in The Forecaster- similar to Republican Journal where I have been banned from posting. Oh, right- Jay Davis was the editor there silly me- corporate media). Coastal Land Trust is all over here. I naively emailed them for assistance when they came to a City Council meeting for the Rail Trail and visions(see Brunswick corruption- land trusts and players... holy cow.) I haven't even skimmed the cess pool. Geez and to think I asked a child hood Baysider, Judy Metcalf to help me. Judy is an attorney in Brunswick and even won, now wait for it...Citizen of the Year in Bath- 2004-. Belfast City Manger Joe Slocum, also an attorney, also Citizen of the Year in Belfast 2013- hence my new blog title Boycott Belfast. Judy wouldn't respond to any of my emails or FB messages.
Not even to say "Sorry Laurie, I can't help you, conflict of interest." Nope, no response at all. Another in-law to Ned's family too. Judy acts as the village corporation attorney for Bayside, in Northport where Belfast City Attorney's are also Northport's attorney's and Searsport and .... How did residents allow all this unethical web making to go so far??? Recently stepping down after I called them out- City Councilor Nancy Hamilton married to Planning Board Chairman Paul Hamilton. And I am sure the sludge thickens, but their toilet lid slammed shut on the first plunging with City Planner Wayne Marshall- beware of anyone that answers with rhetoric and simmering rage/intimidation. I was new to Belfast in 2010- I didn't connect Paul and Nancy till last year. Who would think a clear conflict of interests would be so blatantly accepted and even displayed with arrogance.
Well, I ain't so "educated" but I eats me spinach. My "art" at the Arts in the Park... had a true man come up to me. I think his name was Mr. Holmes- told me he's been watching me and basically I am a true threat because I have nothing to lose. We started chatting, he was the bus driver of one of my few remaining friends, Bayside Village Agent Bill Paige. My first full summer in Bayside- 1970? I was 9 and Billy- 12? I see him hiding behind a tree and looking at me. I said, "Hey you, come on out." We've been best friends since. Although he may deny it. :)
And here is another picture at Bill's wedding-1999 at the Bayside Community Hall where I was the video-ographer. I did it for Bill and Karla, I am not a professional, just wanted to. Judy has the short hair with her husband George. Liz Townsend pictured is wife my other best friend, though he'll deny it too, Laird Townsend. He's a State employee. To know Liz is to know lovely. Laird is a lucky man and visa verse. Liz and I are now distant friends, the City has split us- I am a liability. I understand. Liz has worked honestly on several committee's. It's heartbreaking to be torn.

Come and join independent committee's with City committee's- in harmony. That's the ticket. I have on old blog www.belfastspeaks.blogspot.com where I hoped to get support to form committee's. Lots of views, no volunteers. Then I tried Moral Mondays www.moralmondays.blogspot.com this summer- even taking my signs to the packed Belfast Street Party- no volunteers. The blogs are repetitive with proof, but I do not know if a new reader to each blog is familiar with the corruption. Corruption is repetitive as well. Building the house of cards.
Have to find the picture of my other buddy. He will certainly deny it too. Long time EPA employee, Gordon Fuller. We even worked together when Dos Amigos was the Bayside Restaurant- I was 16. He was the cook, I was the waitress. He said years ago, leave me out of this, I'm too close to retirement. Tough to hear, but understood. He he is a good guy. And super funny. So is George Metcalf (Husband of Judy Metcalf-Brunswick Attorney and Citizen of the Year). Judy met George in Bayside. The Sheehan sisters were a force.
I love making fun of myself. My 3rd greatest gift. My children first, beagles Gordon and Stewie second. Music and dance set the scene. Analyze each one of my posts, look for the reason to dismiss me as Moon Bat Crazy. You'll find many. I was staying under all radar, and after 8 months of City Hall rhetoric and spinning, I forced myself to the podium to tell. Fully in danger of my ex waiting to pounce. I took the children 500 miles away. Our daughter was yet to join, I would later drive through the night to rescue her from NJ.
So, all haters, have a go. 5 years of posting, all of it personal, many trauma's not told, I'm still standing with facts, no offenses or dirt for the players to sling back. . If it weren't for my kids and dogs, it would be a relief to slip away. It was close when I decided to climb through the cracked window in NJ, Belfast or bust. Crossed all my T's, dotted all my I's- against all odds, no mistakes... Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews (retired), Sam Mitchell, real estate agent devils (with the seller MINISTER TARPLEY) and Property Inspector DJ Brown, sold me non-disclosed hell. One of many agents, enjoying the turn overs of hell. Nasty, nasty, network.
This is all very personal, but the players know all this and try to use it against me. I am forced to put it all out there to quell the gossip and unfair judgements. Over and over, the woman that speaks up alone is raked over the coals. Add in Bayside, the Peyton Place 10 fold, I have just stoked up the fire for a serious burn- me. Bayside is packed with the "prominent". Old poor Maine families squeezed out long ago by the affluent greed. Currently underway next door in Belfast.
A few have told me that I self alienate on purpose- I think they may be right there. I am pretty sick of so many thugs. They attach themselves to the good, so when I reach out to the good, most are tainted and don't even know it. Until I find myself proving myself again as quick as I can- leaving the listener overwhelmed thinking- I don't want to get involved in this. She's crazy brave.
Best to stay home, ski and dance alone, no eye contact at the super market- outings to protest with protection of my signs and camera. Any choosing to speak to me do so on their own risk. I am solid. To save myself from further torching, I will link the page to my partial history of family bullies to the white, pink and some blue collars bullies of Maine (most not Mainers at all).
And of course Bill and Karla with Mrs. Betty Chittick- my next door neighbor and the classiest woman I have ever met. Mrs. Chittick could make a hamburger look like a 5 star meal and she was my Mom's best party friend. Oh boy did they paint Bayside. Mrs. Chittick was wet my sister's pants (all the time) funny. Janel (my sister) was the crudest woman I've ever known- big laugh, big boobs, big personality and big wicked. Big fun even when she was stabbing me in the back. She had big issues and understandably so if you know the history. I loved her regardless. Many think I didn't because of the trouble with the estate, where my brothers set me up. A family friend told me she died. No one even sent me a card, invited me to the Memorial, and even told me I wasn't welcome on the boat when her ashes would be scattered on the Penobscot Bay. My older brothers... very sad.
That Dan Fox guy was a regular on Mrs. Chittick's porch- he hired me when I was 15 to work at his Belfast Motor Lodge?- now the Belfast Harbor Inn (also was owner of the City Boat Landing Restaurant- now Weathervane Restaurant on the harbor) with Lynn Chittick-16. He pulled a Bill Cosby on me. Had me come in after hours ( I had worked only one day day as a maid- those maids worked hard- he timed them) My mom and Mrs. Chittick adored Dan Fox. I guess he was the Tom Jones of Belfast for the mothers. Anyway, he tells me that he is promoting me to the front desk. Offering me a drink- no thanks. He tells me I will also do light chores in his living quarters including laundry. But not to worry, I won't have to do his underwear because he doesn't wear any....... Holy cow- I bolted. I had an similar experience when my sister (11 years older at 26) took me (15 yrs old) to the Garage? in Camden.
This was after she downed several Singapore Slings at Lights for lunch (now Anglers in Searsport)- the Garage? owners zoned in on me- took us back to one of their homes- up a private road- gorgeous house overlooking Camden Harbor. One takes me for a private tour and closes the bedroom door- Holy cow- I bolted again. My sister was too wasted to drive, I had to drive and never drove before.
I took down a mail box on Rte 1- I could barely see over the wheel. A Baysider was behind us- and followed us to Bayside. Not knowing we were Baysiders until I barely made it there. Cell phones would have ended that death drive. And who could forget the Belfast boys anticipating the arrival of Bayside girls. Most memorable were those wild and fun Jenness brothers Ricky and Ronnie in the red convertible. The Rollie's Bar family. Scary fun, I kept a safe distance- no doubt another easy Holy cow bolting- I was now seasoned at 15. Don't even think about it. Kern Smith- the local radio DJ big time hitting on my underage friend Karen Rice I have stories to no end. Wish this blog could be about all that. I want readers to know that I have roots here. Way before Heil Hurley set foot in Belfast to make it his empire, always stating he is "On Fire For Belfast". Heil Hurley underestimated my tenacity, clean history and connections to the corrupt.
Time to act- we must have independent committee's. Accountability is the most basic key to lock out corruption. For 5 years viewers and readers have witnessed City Hall, real estate agents and the State refuse ALL accountability.
I don't know what to think of Ned. Another childhood Baysider with prominent family. His Dad was a diplomat and if I remember right- his mom the first woman foreign correspondent. Many pictures with presidents, JFK sticks in my memory. My sister's house was next to one cousin and they are the kindest family and respected. Everyone knows Ned and his work. It is excellent and as you read this article- excellence on a shoe string budget under 13k.http://bangordailynews.com/2013/03/19/news/midcoast/belfast-public-access-tv-channel-wins-northeast-award-for-excellence/
His interviews skillfully avoid confrontations and he stays away from corrupt politics. The most corrupt are close to him, yet Ned is not corrupt. He chooses not to believe regardless of facts and allows the corrupt to sway his ethical conscience. I was intense on asking his assistance with video City Council meeting "issues". It was difficult on him and I didn't know who to trust. I trusted him until a few private conversations that Ned initiated. He echoed the same conversations as Officer Ward and Police Chief McFadden, telling me my public speaking and protesting is not working, he knows these guys and no one has ever accused them, why do I put myself through this, let it go, what about your kids...
Ned is loved and adored by the masses, to say it stinks that I have to write this is an understatement. I have personal experiences with Ned's integrity that are cheap and cowardly but will keep those private. However, he chooses to cross the line again and again. Was his recent email to me asking me why I haven't been to recent City Council meetings really out of concern or a fishing charter by Heil Hurley. As stated below, Ned was not friendly to me when he was called in at the last minute to tape the City Council meeting in October where the Wall knew I would be reporting the slaughter to my property. I had told Police Officer Greg Stearns days prior that my brother had died. I told him the Thursday before the trucks rolled in that Monday to force more water illegally to my property. Saving 90k for roadside drainage/sewers that Heil Hurley strongly announced that HE will not spend the money to correctly and legally pave. That he is sick of Seaview Terrace, he wishes we would buy it back and do what we want.
What we want Heil Hurley is for the City to stop flooding us, using us as an illegal, unethical, outlet for massive miles and miles of impervious development outside of Seaview Terrace. Flooding kills. It almost did in 2009, 2011 and unknown before but certainly many. The original 1967 owner of my home, Dr. Caswell began fighting the City for flooding in the 70's where it previously it had always been dry. In that period, the new Rte 1 bypass running behind Seaview Terrace was forcing it's 2+ miles North and South, the new Hilltop and Belfast Birches a mile away, and non stop since- add in another 10-15 sites- The Captain Albert Stevens School, 2006- the mother flooder to all. Corrupt as hell. And the City allows all these businesses to violate site conditions of zoning- plowed snow must be removed offsite. They know all this miles and miles of massive season snow piling is melting to us and wiping us out. They blame mother nature. Russian roulette- a heavy snow melt and heavy storm together, we are dead. No way out as the river clears the path for a parking lot? Coastal land trust connectivity... The Wall has it planned, the little black sheep is a problem. She is not a sheeple.
She is only one, an easy target to silence... especially so beaten up when she moved here in 2010 to heal. Won't take much to break her.
A simple google stated my brother's funeral was that Monday. Heil Hurley is an avid googler- no doubt he was hot on that. Send in the trucks, get it done, she knows we will bury her if she tries to sue. Next. Rather than repeat this horror, I'll make a page for it and link it here.
Ned also lives in the path of the water slaughter- down the road from me. But he doesn't own the house, still, why does he refuse to see? Fear. We can't look the other way as the corrupt take homes away and destroy lives. Pass the corruption onto our children. Not at 17 Seaview Terrace. It stops here. I am sorry Ned, I really like you, enjoy your personality, love dancing with you and love your work. Your circle has too much corruption for me. I choose freedom regardless of fear of confrontations.
Lots of corruption in Brunswick Maine and many other towns. I can't post them all- google it. Go past page 1 too. Tons of them- big towns too (Ellsworth) Maine is 4th in corruption. Belfast is at the crossroads, many years of corruption have this train at full steam ahead. Rut Ro, there is a lamb on the tracks and witnesses. Laurie Allen. Baaaaack Off. They try to fleece me to death. Baaaaack Off Thugs. You got nothing on this lamb. Fleecing after fleecing by a life time of greedy ego after greedy ego. Stealing dirt, I live on dirt. I stay true and on my last piece of dirt. Belfast City Hall is water slaughtering undesirable private property and we pay them to do it. Many praise them for it. Even awarding resident abuser, City Manager Joe Slocum citizen of the year. Of course elected by the corrupt- Chamber of Commerce the same players of Downtown Belfast. A slap in my face. A down town boycott is inevitable. The poor can slap back. They are- it's epic. Until then, I duck and weave. Hanging on, gathering witness after witness. Can I have a witness.... contact me.
DEP Aho corruptly approving storm water issues for the proposed Brunswick Amtrac layover station- "A permit approved by DEP last year was thrown out in June by a Superior Court judge, who sided with BWNC in a lawsuit that argued NNEPRA had not adequately informed abutters about the permit application."
From The Forecaster, 12-17-14, "Topsham 250th to wrap with time capsule, fireworks":
Investigate local land trust • 2 days ago
Gee, maybe Topsham resident Angela Twitchell and her husband Scott
Libby, a member of the Topsham Planning Board will make a local
celebrity appearance. After all, Angie seems to be quoted ALL THE TIME
IN THE LOCAL MEDIA. So many press releases about her efforts and the
Brunswick Topsham Land Trust protecting the environment.
Maybe her and her husband Scott LIbby will demonstrate a 'Dancing with the Stars" number..sort of
like something at the recenet "Evening for the Environment" that was held recently in early October.
Many WELL PAID environmentalists were listed on the planning committee including Alicia Pulsifer Heyburn who helped the soiree with her husband Henry Heyburn of Pennellville in Brunswick.
A few people even were listed as "Hon." before their name so this mean some judges were noshing on the canapes with the environmentalists? Whoa, what they did wear? Perhaps the Pennellville disguise
(for trespassing when you don't want you face recorded on a deer trap camera or video surveillance) of a large, wide brimmed hat with oversized sunglasses. And worn in the dark...tres chic! "Eco-chic"
Were any of Angie Twitchell's colleagues from her days with "The Nature Conservancy", a national environmental organization in attendance at the "Evening with the Environment"? Perhaps any Brunswick Town Councilors including Steve Walker, who works at...another land trust located in Topsham. So many social media connections - all for the environment as they say!
So, let's see..why aren't you disclosing your previous work history and educational background on the "non profit" public charity you oversee. You are an 'executive", Angie after all!
And why you fully disclose EVERY expense of EVERY PENNY OF THE PUBLICLY FUNDED $7 million dollar "Capitol Campaign" YOU just wrapped up with her Board President Brad Babson (also a neighbor of Alicia and Henry Heyburn of Brunswick). Brad Babson's background is so impressive...a former "Senior Official with the World Bank". Wow, but is it true?
Who EXACTLY did he work for? WHAT WAS BRAD BABSON'S JOB TITLE? A former Pennellville resident and current private property owner says it is NOT true - and he knows because he had national security clearance. So, HMMM...is this just a typo?
Now, the BIG questions for you Angie...where have all the previously "acquired" parcels of land gone that were transferred to the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust?
Have these properties been quietly and without public knowledge re-sold by Angie to other entities, including the federal government?
Were they re-sold at a PROFIT to benefit the "non profit" Brunswick Topsham Land Trust? And what about those oh-so-attractive "conservation easements". You know the ones, Angie where you claim the property owner can earn "major federal income tax credits" (which is true) but may cause your property to go down in value if you try to sell it in the future? And with a December 31 deadline for the conservation easement to be finalized, will you be so busy, busy, busy helping wealthy clients earn big bucks federal income tax credits for "conservation easements' - that will NOT permit access by the general public. Are you "accepting" real estate that violates the Land Trust Accrediation Standards including "accepting" private property that is already 100% fully protected and can therefore NOT to further protected? Who reviews your land acquisition files?
Oh, and let's not forget to ask YOU Angie about the name of each and every local attorney who has been paid - by public funds donated to the Brunswick Topsham Land Trusts - for each and every real estate transfer in Topsham and Brunswick.
And the names of each and every parcel of private property that has been "conserved" with YOUR SIGNATURE on the legal documents, Angie. And the names of each and every real estate appraisal and whether they were based on "current fair market value" since the higher the real estate appraisal, the more "federal income tax credits" can be claimed by wealthy individuals.
And let's not forget that each and every parcel of private property - whether a home or business - required a "real estate title search" so...who did them for you and the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust?
Have any funds been paid to Casco Bay Title LLC, the private real estate title search company run by Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz? Mark Waltz is also a solo practicing real estate attorney - who also represents "non profits' - located in Brunswick while he is paid to work DAYS for the Brunswick Police Department. And his real estate attorney/non profit attorney/Casco Bay Title is just a few doors down from your publicly funded office - your address at 108 Maine Street in downtown Brunswick. Your office, paid by public funds, is right on the main thoroughfare, where your publicly funded office is in rented space at a bank appearing building. So professional looking! And all for the environment, all for the environment...
So many questions are being asked and asked and asked about YOUR oversight of millions of dollars of public funds including gifts of STOCKS, BONDS, WILLS, ESTATES, MAJOR FINANCIAL DONATIONS OF REAL ESTATE..and let's not forget receipt of a FEDERAL GRANT AS A SUBGRANTEE to the State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. With no disclosure where all these funds have been used. No state agency auditing your finances, no conflict of interest written disclosures, no Board of Directors minutes posted, no Advisory Council minutes posted AND no disclosure of who is on your "land acquisition committee". The public is insisting on a full investigation..and it IS going to happen. A resident of Pennellville claims you switched attorneys a few months ago to a major downtown Portland law firm. Is this true? If so, why the recent switch from the former long time local attorney? What type of legal services does the new attorney provide?
So, have you and your Board and Advisory Council aggressively solicited a female in Pennelleville for her private property? Were you and your Board and your Advisory Council and your members ordered, in writing by a State of Maine senior official in a written letter, dated June 24, 2014 to stay off the female in Pennellville's private property and to stop trying to contact her and her family? You were reported to have been applying for a federal grant BUT "negotiations" were never underway so why was the federal grant submitted anyway?
the Brunswick Police have been called repeatedly for harassment and trespassing complaints involving 3 CURRENT members of your Advisory Council? Have YOU continued to trespass, Angie on the female from Pennellville's private property? Your GPS on your late model cell phone can prove where you were, how long and link you to other cell phones plus your tweet, tweet, tweets to your digital network. So, what would be find? Do you communicate regularly with any of Brunswick Town Councilors and other land trusts and state officials and attorneys and real estate agents? And to think other ELDERLY residents of Pennellville have been aggressively solicited by "volunteers" who have said they work closely with you..so many requests to "give their private property to your "non profit", Angie.
So, Angie since you have been involved in SO MANY REAL ESTATE transfers in the past few years,
are you now the highest volume real estate professional in the Topsham Brunswick area -without being a State of Maine licensed real estate agent? Without the public realizing you transfer so much real estate? Do you "flip" or re-sell real estate through prearranged deals, without full public disclosure?
And why are you now involved in making decisions on how Brunswick residents will or will not have "public access" for recreation at the former Brunswick Naval property? It is very strange that Brunswick and area residents may not be able to snowmobile or use ATV's or any form of motorized vehicles or shoot, hunt or trap BUT Bowdoin College IS planning to build on their land that they acquire at the former Brunswick Naval property. So many acres so why so little public access, Angie?
And the approach to quietly transferring the over 800 acres to the Town of Brunswick is so quiet...
so low key...so subtle..parcel by little parcel. Little pieces of property. A six acre lot at the former Brunswick Naval property, to be restricted to "only" passive recreational use: the term used for hiking, walking, bird watching...at least FOR NOW. Eventually Brunswick Town Councilors have hinted former property at the Brunswick Naval property may be transferred to...YOUR "NON PROFIT" ORGANIZATION.
SO, if this happens, have you already been planning to quietly, low key, subtle transfer the property AGAIN back to the federal government (a different branch) so it can be permanently closed off for public access permanently? Eventually, no hiking, walking or bird watching..so the property can be "protected" from humans. All for the environment. all for the environment....
Have you been planning to develop a long term plan to acquire more and more private property in Topsham and Brunswick for a new MidCoast National Park, Angie? Without the public knowing? Similar to the previous goal of creating a new national park in Northern Maine? You know, where land conservation environmentalists were secretly meeting with local and state officials to quietly "negotiate" with private property owners of millions of acres of privately owned land to sell their properties at a "bargain price" (ie. major financial loss) so the new park could be eventually closed off permanently in entire sections like it has been done in the Western parts of the country? When the pubilc found out, they were really, REALLY made because they had been deceived by the environmentalists and government officials who were in on the deals without full public disclosure. Is there a new approach where lots of little land trusts have sprung up across the state and appear to be working "locally" and doing such great deeds! that no one realizes the quiet, low key, subtle, parcel by parcel approach is happening....
Angie, did you work in northern Maine previously for "land conservation? Did you work for The Nature Conservancy? Why aren't you disclosing your previous work, Angie since you are FULLY PAID BY PUBLIC FUNDS, just like the teachers who teach your kids and ALL OF THE LOCAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES IN TOPSHAM. But you didn't want a new form of town government in Topsham? Why not, Angie, why not?
More Brunswick Corruption in above tab Brunswick Corruption or click
Belfast is the next Brunswick wannabe. Coastal Land Trust is all over here... holy cow. I haven't even skimmed the cess pool. Geez and to think I asked a Bayside friend, Judy Metcalf to help me. Judy is an attorney in Brunswick and even won, now wait for it...Citizen of the Year in Brunswick. She wouldn't respond to any of my emails or FB messages. Not even to say "Sorry Laurie, I can't help you, conflict of interest." Nope, no response at all. Another in-law to Ned's family too. Judy acts as the village corporation attorney for Bayside, in Northport where Belfast City Attorney's are also Northport's attorney's and Searsport and .... How did residents allow all this unethical web making go so far??? Time to act- we must have independent committee's. Accountability is the most basic key to lock out corruption. For 5 years viewers and readers have witnessed City Hall, real estate agents and the State refuse ALL accountability.
Maybe her and her husband Scott LIbby will demonstrate a 'Dancing with the Stars" number..sort of
like something at the recenet "Evening for the Environment" that was held recently in early October.
Many WELL PAID environmentalists were listed on the planning committee including Alicia Pulsifer Heyburn who helped the soiree with her husband Henry Heyburn of Pennellville in Brunswick.
A few people even were listed as "Hon." before their name so this mean some judges were noshing on the canapes with the environmentalists? Whoa, what they did wear? Perhaps the Pennellville disguise
(for trespassing when you don't want you face recorded on a deer trap camera or video surveillance) of a large, wide brimmed hat with oversized sunglasses. And worn in the dark...tres chic! "Eco-chic"
Were any of Angie Twitchell's colleagues from her days with "The Nature Conservancy", a national environmental organization in attendance at the "Evening with the Environment"? Perhaps any Brunswick Town Councilors including Steve Walker, who works at...another land trust located in Topsham. So many social media connections - all for the environment as they say!
So, let's see..why aren't you disclosing your previous work history and educational background on the "non profit" public charity you oversee. You are an 'executive", Angie after all!
And why you fully disclose EVERY expense of EVERY PENNY OF THE PUBLICLY FUNDED $7 million dollar "Capitol Campaign" YOU just wrapped up with her Board President Brad Babson (also a neighbor of Alicia and Henry Heyburn of Brunswick). Brad Babson's background is so impressive...a former "Senior Official with the World Bank". Wow, but is it true?
Who EXACTLY did he work for? WHAT WAS BRAD BABSON'S JOB TITLE? A former Pennellville resident and current private property owner says it is NOT true - and he knows because he had national security clearance. So, HMMM...is this just a typo?
Now, the BIG questions for you Angie...where have all the previously "acquired" parcels of land gone that were transferred to the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust?
Have these properties been quietly and without public knowledge re-sold by Angie to other entities, including the federal government?
Were they re-sold at a PROFIT to benefit the "non profit" Brunswick Topsham Land Trust? And what about those oh-so-attractive "conservation easements". You know the ones, Angie where you claim the property owner can earn "major federal income tax credits" (which is true) but may cause your property to go down in value if you try to sell it in the future? And with a December 31 deadline for the conservation easement to be finalized, will you be so busy, busy, busy helping wealthy clients earn big bucks federal income tax credits for "conservation easements' - that will NOT permit access by the general public. Are you "accepting" real estate that violates the Land Trust Accrediation Standards including "accepting" private property that is already 100% fully protected and can therefore NOT to further protected? Who reviews your land acquisition files?
Oh, and let's not forget to ask YOU Angie about the name of each and every local attorney who has been paid - by public funds donated to the Brunswick Topsham Land Trusts - for each and every real estate transfer in Topsham and Brunswick.
And the names of each and every parcel of private property that has been "conserved" with YOUR SIGNATURE on the legal documents, Angie. And the names of each and every real estate appraisal and whether they were based on "current fair market value" since the higher the real estate appraisal, the more "federal income tax credits" can be claimed by wealthy individuals.
And let's not forget that each and every parcel of private property - whether a home or business - required a "real estate title search" so...who did them for you and the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust?
Have any funds been paid to Casco Bay Title LLC, the private real estate title search company run by Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz? Mark Waltz is also a solo practicing real estate attorney - who also represents "non profits' - located in Brunswick while he is paid to work DAYS for the Brunswick Police Department. And his real estate attorney/non profit attorney/Casco Bay Title is just a few doors down from your publicly funded office - your address at 108 Maine Street in downtown Brunswick. Your office, paid by public funds, is right on the main thoroughfare, where your publicly funded office is in rented space at a bank appearing building. So professional looking! And all for the environment, all for the environment...
So many questions are being asked and asked and asked about YOUR oversight of millions of dollars of public funds including gifts of STOCKS, BONDS, WILLS, ESTATES, MAJOR FINANCIAL DONATIONS OF REAL ESTATE..and let's not forget receipt of a FEDERAL GRANT AS A SUBGRANTEE to the State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. With no disclosure where all these funds have been used. No state agency auditing your finances, no conflict of interest written disclosures, no Board of Directors minutes posted, no Advisory Council minutes posted AND no disclosure of who is on your "land acquisition committee". The public is insisting on a full investigation..and it IS going to happen. A resident of Pennellville claims you switched attorneys a few months ago to a major downtown Portland law firm. Is this true? If so, why the recent switch from the former long time local attorney? What type of legal services does the new attorney provide?
So, have you and your Board and Advisory Council aggressively solicited a female in Pennelleville for her private property? Were you and your Board and your Advisory Council and your members ordered, in writing by a State of Maine senior official in a written letter, dated June 24, 2014 to stay off the female in Pennellville's private property and to stop trying to contact her and her family? You were reported to have been applying for a federal grant BUT "negotiations" were never underway so why was the federal grant submitted anyway?
the Brunswick Police have been called repeatedly for harassment and trespassing complaints involving 3 CURRENT members of your Advisory Council? Have YOU continued to trespass, Angie on the female from Pennellville's private property? Your GPS on your late model cell phone can prove where you were, how long and link you to other cell phones plus your tweet, tweet, tweets to your digital network. So, what would be find? Do you communicate regularly with any of Brunswick Town Councilors and other land trusts and state officials and attorneys and real estate agents? And to think other ELDERLY residents of Pennellville have been aggressively solicited by "volunteers" who have said they work closely with you..so many requests to "give their private property to your "non profit", Angie.
So, Angie since you have been involved in SO MANY REAL ESTATE transfers in the past few years,
are you now the highest volume real estate professional in the Topsham Brunswick area -without being a State of Maine licensed real estate agent? Without the public realizing you transfer so much real estate? Do you "flip" or re-sell real estate through prearranged deals, without full public disclosure?
And why are you now involved in making decisions on how Brunswick residents will or will not have "public access" for recreation at the former Brunswick Naval property? It is very strange that Brunswick and area residents may not be able to snowmobile or use ATV's or any form of motorized vehicles or shoot, hunt or trap BUT Bowdoin College IS planning to build on their land that they acquire at the former Brunswick Naval property. So many acres so why so little public access, Angie?
And the approach to quietly transferring the over 800 acres to the Town of Brunswick is so quiet...
so low key...so subtle..parcel by little parcel. Little pieces of property. A six acre lot at the former Brunswick Naval property, to be restricted to "only" passive recreational use: the term used for hiking, walking, bird watching...at least FOR NOW. Eventually Brunswick Town Councilors have hinted former property at the Brunswick Naval property may be transferred to...YOUR "NON PROFIT" ORGANIZATION.
SO, if this happens, have you already been planning to quietly, low key, subtle transfer the property AGAIN back to the federal government (a different branch) so it can be permanently closed off for public access permanently? Eventually, no hiking, walking or bird watching..so the property can be "protected" from humans. All for the environment. all for the environment....
Have you been planning to develop a long term plan to acquire more and more private property in Topsham and Brunswick for a new MidCoast National Park, Angie? Without the public knowing? Similar to the previous goal of creating a new national park in Northern Maine? You know, where land conservation environmentalists were secretly meeting with local and state officials to quietly "negotiate" with private property owners of millions of acres of privately owned land to sell their properties at a "bargain price" (ie. major financial loss) so the new park could be eventually closed off permanently in entire sections like it has been done in the Western parts of the country? When the pubilc found out, they were really, REALLY made because they had been deceived by the environmentalists and government officials who were in on the deals without full public disclosure. Is there a new approach where lots of little land trusts have sprung up across the state and appear to be working "locally" and doing such great deeds! that no one realizes the quiet, low key, subtle, parcel by parcel approach is happening....
Angie, did you work in northern Maine previously for "land conservation? Did you work for The Nature Conservancy? Why aren't you disclosing your previous work, Angie since you are FULLY PAID BY PUBLIC FUNDS, just like the teachers who teach your kids and ALL OF THE LOCAL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES IN TOPSHAM. But you didn't want a new form of town government in Topsham? Why not, Angie, why not?
More Brunswick Corruption in above tab Brunswick Corruption or click
Belfast is the next Brunswick wannabe. Coastal Land Trust is all over here... holy cow. I haven't even skimmed the cess pool. Geez and to think I asked a Bayside friend, Judy Metcalf to help me. Judy is an attorney in Brunswick and even won, now wait for it...Citizen of the Year in Brunswick. She wouldn't respond to any of my emails or FB messages. Not even to say "Sorry Laurie, I can't help you, conflict of interest." Nope, no response at all. Another in-law to Ned's family too. Judy acts as the village corporation attorney for Bayside, in Northport where Belfast City Attorney's are also Northport's attorney's and Searsport and .... How did residents allow all this unethical web making go so far??? Time to act- we must have independent committee's. Accountability is the most basic key to lock out corruption. For 5 years viewers and readers have witnessed City Hall, real estate agents and the State refuse ALL accountability.
12/17/2014- City Hall forced to halt corrupt attempts of "Muck Suck" that was in priority mode. I was delayed by corruption in Maine DHHS also kicking and robbing me- see that @http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_17.html .
12/16/2014- Status Quo with new City Council reps- taking the 5th in corrupt "Muck" dredge with Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, EPA, DEP, and the usual criminals. White Collar Belfast City Hall- Parks and Rec Norm Poirier jumping in to poison residents in the water shed. Very sick indeed. Governor's office more of the same- Not My Concern, we're too busy beating the poor. See tab above MUCK SUCK if this link does not work. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_16.html
Like all the 50+ years and counting of area development and illegal forcing of massive miles and miles of runoff to tiny 12 family Seaview Terrace. Using us an outlet/sewer- fabricating us as a "natural outlet" to give them rights to slaughter us. Like the attempt 5 months ago to illegally rezone Seaview Terrace into a healthcare parking lot, residents must police their every move. Like the illegal engineering/paving of Seaview Terrace came in at force when City Hall thought I'd be at my brothers funeral in Alabama 3 months.
That's how they roll- kept me out of the meetings, refusing to respond to emails or my open to the public requests at Council meetings, they used tainted maps for the slaughter and steam rolled. Only I was home in mourning helpless to the assault of City Hall. I saw in horror as the trucks rolled in on 9/8/2014. To my property, right outside my window, 2 weeks long. Seaview Terrace is the battered child with the grave almost complete. The community looks away, not my child. The guilty hate the mother (me) too. But I am forgiving, please help, stop the hate.
After it's done- a resident can only sue- the final bullet to the resident's soul.An independent committee with environmental and land use expertise is imperative. City committee's are tainted. Belfast politics and it's 1% are a mirror to the Federal and uprising 99%. Boycotting the 1% will be the only way to save resident's homes in their path of corrupt slaughter. Yours could be next. The 99% of Belfast can do..."You put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out that door... "
Put One Foot in Front of the Other - YouTube
Dec 3, 2011 - Uploaded by PoppiCiullo
Those were his words as he walked out of the room. ... watch this, and go out and teach winter warlocks how ...12/15/2014- Snowden's Q&A on CNN last night has me reeling. I stayed silent about the Belfast TWC cable guy being the brother-in-law to the Belfast Chief of Police because I did not want to jeopardize cable guy's job and I did not want to appear paranoid as I was being labeled. I did not understand why the Chief was clearly alarmed when I pieced together the relationship years ago. Thinking back to the 3 or 4 visits cable guy had at my house, free access to my computer, where he knew who I was surely before I told him everything anyway. Never once did he tell me his brother in law was the Chief of Police- or perhaps at that time- the Chief was still a Belfast DETECTIVE. Insider information. See more proof and details in the 12/14/14 post below.
Whoa. I knew to fight City Hall, I had to be squeaky clean and honest. The thugs haven't been able to get me, but not for lack of power by the forces. City Council calling me in as threat, more intimidation tactics by City Manager, City Planner, City Council, Mayor, City Attorney, Law Enforcement, on and on, 5 years worth. Going public has been the only protection I have. This is very, very bad for all in the area. I am only one uncovering only the corruption thrust on me, an innocent, honest, low income, single, hard working decent mom. Sold undisclosed City Hell.
12/14/14-In this same meeting12/2/14 The Chief slips and states "He (City Manager Slocum) is an attorney. I've been told to keep my mouth shut on things." "Things" does not pertain to just this insurance case with the cop car- it has been since the Chief helped me with some public information a few times. Then, no more. Here is a clip of the Chief from the 12/2/14 City Council meeting.
With all the uprising's against corruption, this speaks volumes. At some point the police have to stop being the body guards for the corrupt government. Just say no. Instead City Manager Joe Slocum and Heil Hurley soil souls.
Note- at a previous meeting last spring 2014, after I spoke at open to the public , Officer Ward followed me out of City Hall. He asked to have a "conversation" for about a half hour. Officer Ward officer said the same personal observations as the Chief of Police, Mike McFadden did when coming to my house with that same officer on approx. 3 months later, Monday, June 2. Both telling me that they have known these City Hall officials for a long time, they like them and respect them. I ask what this has to do with the way these horrible people treat me? Nothing. When I try to come back with facts of corruption and saving my home, they change the subject to my children. They are 21 and 17 , young adults learning first hand, the power of corruption and strength and honesty of their Mother.
However, these officer's don't see it that way. Clearly, this is a planned conversation by City Hall City Manager Joe Slocum and City Attorney Bill Kelly. Heavily clad in blue, badges and guns, they tell me that if their JOB was impacting their children, they would seriously consider another line of WORK. First of all, hardly a comparison, this is not my choice, this is not a JOB, this is my HOME, my LIFE, my basic RIGHTS denied with intense intimidation tactics. I asked the Chief if he would say the same to a soldier fighting for democracy- Did you ask your children if that's OK? He said that doesn't compare. I said this conversation is done and my children are off the table. The Chief and Officer crossed boundaries not once but twice- in their uniforms. They are not protecting me. City employees delve into personal tactics, totally unethical and unprofessional.
Cheif McFadden- "He's (City Manager Joe Sloscum- in the suit) and attorney, not me. I've been told to keep my mouth shut on things." Not only on this agenda item, but for all City Hall related "things". City Council was told to do the same by Sloscum and City Attorney Bill Kelly. See threatening letters sent to me by the power @ www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com
I knew for sure the Chief has been told not to help me anymore. Here is the history of our emails- overwhelming- but I cover all bases of corruption the best I can. Emails can also be accessed in above tabs (Pg #1...Pg#2) This is business Chief and my I am saving my life and children's home. I didn't want to do this. The uprisings changed my mind. My safety and rights come first.
A few months ago, after the City tried to illegally rezone us this past summer and one new neighbor spoke with authority to City Council. Council Heil Hurley fired back telling my neighbor on TV that his hair is on fire... And this neighbor soon received an anonymous letter to shake my neighbor up- referring to me in the letter as well. It had all the wordings of Heil Hurley.
Then a few weeks later- I received an anonymous letter. I did not open it and took it to the police station. Officer Ward came out and I told him I wanted the Chief to open this anonymous letter. He said the Chief was out of the office and that he could do it. I said no, I wanted the Chief to handle it. This past winter, Officer Ward had followed me out of City Hall after I spoke at a meeting. He tried to discourage me by giving praise to City Hall bullies, then when I stated facts he changed tactics. Shaming me as a mother- what is the effect of fighting City Hall to save my home having on the children!! Then Ned, the camera man taping the meeting and someone I have known from Bayside summers since 1969, we were friends. He came out of the meeting to let me have it- totally unprofessional- this has nothing to do with Ned. This was while Officer Ward was intimidating me and Ned interrupted to do the same to me! When I spoke fact back to Ned- he walked away as I was still speaking to him!!!!!
Added 12/20/2014- contributed by a poster of corruption at Brunswick Me.
In Maine it
appears people who send anonymous, threatening letters and are not
investigated by police. So which influential people in town(s) are
being protected? And aren't sending such letters federal violations,
(Karen Klatt asked for the police reports on this - they don't exist, but yet here she is documented as having gone to the BPD.):
(Karen Klatt asked for the police reports on this - they don't exist, but yet here she is documented as having gone to the BPD.):
6, 2007
P.M. Walk through A/B Wing - Cancelled
P.M. Executive Session
Continues 7:00 P.M.
Meeting Facility
Joanne T. King, W. David Watson, Jacqueline A. Sartoris, Hallie
Daughtry, Jeffrey A. Schneider, Gerald E. Favreau, Ryan E. Ewing, and
Newell A. Augur Councilors Absent: David C. Webb
Staff Present: Donald Gerrish, Town Manager; Elin M. Gould, Deputy
Town Clerk; Gary Brown, Assistant Town Manager; Mat Eddy, Director of
Economic Development; Tom Farrell, Director of Parks and Recreation;
James Fortune, Town Planner; Peter Baecher, Director of Facilities
for Parks and Recreation Department; Rick Desjardins, Police
Commander; William Dana, School Board Chairman; Jim Oikle, Finance
Manager for School Department; and the TV video crew
P.M. Executive Session: Personnel Matter per M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A)
Councilor Daughtry moved, Councilor Watson s
to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter per
M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A). The motion carried with eight (8)
Continued: 7:00 P.M. Chair King called for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Klatt, 32 Moody Road, said that she and Julie Poole have been doing
some investigating into some town things and the BEDC and have
received three threatening letters. She notified the Police and is
now providing the Council with copies of the letters along with
some other reading material.
Fusco, 66 Board Road, spoke about the sludge issue. He described
Pyromex, a Swiss method of processing sludge, waste and toxic
material that results in such environmentally benign leftovers that
they can be used in a landfill. It can be mined from existing
landfills, as well, and, with useable gasses add-ons, can create
electricity and be a money-maker.
Back to original post
Ned has ties beyond working for City Hall. I didn't want to believe that Ned would use the same conversations as Officer Ward and Chief McFadden. But he did. I noticed critical meetings that I spoke at were not aired regularly- some not at all, taping issues, problems- only at meetings that I spoke at. Ned called me paranoid with conspiracy theories... He knows me to be honest, hard working and decent. I never asked him to support me and when it comes to City Hall meetings- where he is a City employee, I expect him to respond to me professionally. Which over the years he has, and with great patience and kindness. This past year has peaked to high levels- it has taken it's toll. I chose to keep standing, my choice alone. It is each individual's choice to stand where they want. A hard pill for me to swallow, but I do. I do not cross personal boundaries. Sadly, that is Belfast City Hall's most effective tactic.
Even recently, I am sure City Manager Joe Slocum told Ned not to come and tape a City Council meeting, (It is the 9/16/14 meeting- I posted some clips below and the page link to the actual meeting where I have written the whole despicable story) blog)where I would be emotionally speaking of how they used the death of my older brother (65) on 9/4/14 in Alabama, thinking I'd be at his funeral, to send in public works to do the illegal paving and ditching on 9/8/14. I was home when the trucks rolled in. No one knew they were coming- it was a last minute decision and beyond unethical and corrupt. Sick, sleazy and inhumane.
I called Ned an hour prior to the meeting to make sure he was taping it. He did not answer- he always answers his phone. I left a message and sent a text. He never responded. I got to the meeting a half hour earlier. Ned is always there preparing. His office was dark. I asked Mayor Ash if Ned would be taping. Mayor Ash said yes. City Manager Joe Slocum remained silent. I kept asking as the clock was ticking. I told Joe in front of long time, respected and honest City Treasurer , Ricki LaSan, that if Ned wasn't taping this meeting, that I would be at the next meeting to say the same thing and that I was also taping myself at this one with my camcorder. 15 minutes before the meeting was to start, Slocum leaves the chambers. 5 minutes before the meeting is to start, Ned runs in, disheveled and clearly was not scheduled to tape the meeting. He was not friendly to me at all.
Back to the anonymous letter, Officer Ward said he would have the Chief call me. The Chief never called. I opened the letter- it was scribbled and not signed, telling me to run for City Council. Now, I think that was Heil Hurley too- baiting me to humiliate me. He has slandered me publicly and you can bet privately. The Old Boys Club. Listen to the old boys lie and go after me in just one meeting. That is the meeting Ned was told to skip taping. Listen to Mayor Ash stumble because he is lying. For 5 years, aside from trying to stop all the illegal miles of water slaughter forced into the flood plain, flood zone private property, 12 family single homes on Seaview Terrace. I have also been working to get Seaview Terrace's destroyed road paved to code which means roadside drainage. The road is too narrow- the only legal option is install under storm sewers. Pictures way down the blog show all the flooding on Seaview Terrace after 1 inch of water because of illegal accumulation roadside and at other sections- illegal ditching to send it to my private property.
Recently, in real time, after almost 5 year of my exposing documented corruption, City Hall has gone above and beyond with visible corruption and residents let them. City Hall gave the engineer tainted maps to design paving options for crumbling Seaview Terrace. The map given to Mandy Olver of Olver Engineers showed the stream that runs through my private property as not being on my private property. THE WHOLE STATE OF MAINE KNOWS THAT. I have been relentless in posting and emailing all over. The cheapest option 4- was to send the water to the stream. Seaview Terrace residents were not given that map. City Manager Joe Slocum had to have a meeting with Seaview Terrace residents to sell option 4. Slocum knew I had them legally with Title 17 and 38. He did not advise me of the meeting- I sent an email asking when the meeting was to City Manager and City Council and they did not tell me. It was the next night at 6pm and the only 4 neighbors got letters. Those neighbors were bamboozled and I am the only resident in residence with stream property. The only one that could have proved the corrupt options at the meeting.
Even at a City Council workshop for Seaview Terrace- that was not taped- and Seaview Terrace residents not notified or given the corrupt packet the engineer worked from- Heil Hurley stated that he had "No interest in spending 135k to fix Seaview Terrace." For 50+ years the City has been using Seaview Terrace as a free storm water illegal outlet for miles and miles of impervious ground outside and not even in the path of Seaview Terrace. Totally forced with culverts and ditching s.
They should be paying us for destroying our properties and endangering our lives. Nope- slaughter us some more and beat the hell out of me for fighting back to save my home and neighborhood. 5 years of bullying to try to break me. Below isn't even a drop in the abusive lying corrupt bucket. I've got over 50 meetings where they worm and squirm and run to Daddy- City Attorney Bill Kelly for cover. Kelly runs from me in the first and only meeting we had together in 1/4/2011 where they sandbagged me and thought I'd give up. See more unbelievable, unethical letter he wrote to me @ www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com. See www.belfastliars.blogspot.com for almost laughable emails from my then City Council rep, Marina DeLune. Another scapegoat used by City Hall to deter me. Very sad for Marina. She should have never been on City Council.
Heil Hurley had stated in a previous meeting that he was against any meeting with Seaview Terrace residents because I would "dominate the meeting as she has for 4 years." Truth dominates the meetings that is what they fear. I didn't post that clip. I have to find it. These below are recent.
Heil Hurley:
Mayor Ash:
Council Sanders- he states no resolution to stop the City forced water to slaughter to the floodplain flood zone of Seaview Terrace and what's next? Death you murderers. Floods kill.
I need to post Councilor Hamilton trying to protect her corruption by stating it is a known fact that the maps are not accurate. As if they did not know that stream runs through my property that I have been jumping up and down about for over 4 years. Beyond an ***hole. City Planner Wayne Marshall and she are in rabid cahoots. Her husband Paul at this time was the Chairman of the Planning Board. So unethical it makes my skin crawl. Here is the page to the actual meeting, including above one drive clips plus Hamilton and Marshall (previously posted way below)Council Roger Lee is hanging his head. He is disgraced and guilty maybe more than the others. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/91614-wolf-pack-city-hall-meeting.html
12/11/2014- Yet another corrupt project to dredge the Muck- a City made toxic dump hole swamp. Which, you got it, also illegally drains to me almost 2 miles up and across from me. They have to force the slaughter to Seaview Terrace through many, many culverts, dug out channels, from many sites.
This time they got Inland Fisheries to come in and float bull****- I sent email to EPA and Director of Parks for EPA investigation. No response yet- 2nd requested today- see above tab Toxic Muck ( hello- toxic site-toxic fish- toxic sick City Hall).http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/toxic.html
12/7/2014- The hands on corruption launched at me over the 5 years has created enormous blogging and documenting. I see how confusing it is to the reader and overwhelming, myself included. The lies constantly evolve prompting more and more and more. Editing and updating is a nightmare and devastating. Number one is the water slaughter to Seaview Terrace at catastrophic volumes that is russian roulette. Dale Rowley, EMA can't save us- City Manager Slocum refuses to form a mitigation plan, refuses to use TIF monies for 50 year overdue sewers, and refuses all other property/life saving resolutions offered.
I have proven that Seaview Terrace is private property with no rights what so ever for all the City water forced into Seaview Terrace. They are, using us as an outlet to the bay which is a half mile away. Number 2 is the corruption to refuse accountability or remedy. Complete denial to the slaughter, locking up damning documents, allowing and encouraging business sites to break zoning conditions of snow removal, highway/road snow & runoff, off the charts in conscious calculated force. To spotlight the inverse condemnation to Seaview Terrace aside from the visible fact of deathly massive forced runoff, lets look at the snow violations.
The Captain Albert Stevens School (est. 2007)site is a law school course on corruption and needs an intense legal lawsuit. I need to make another blog just for that and I only scratched the surface of the corruption- it has been impossible to get public documents. DEP, Army Corp, EPA, Engineers, Belfast City Hall, abutting neighbors, School district, on and on. I scored a few through covert raids to City Hall with out the White Collar bullies in house. Grab and run.
Below and above tab will take you to snow slaughter, add in a rain event and Seaview Terrace is under. For years I have been trying to stop the illegal snow piling, totally in violation of site conditions, City Hall refusing to give the damning zoning conditions and supporting the slaughter. The Chief of Police, Mike McFadden got access to the CASS zoning and much to his surprise, confirmed that CASS was to remove plowed snow in an email to me. City Hall did not act and in fact, City Manager Joe Slocum eventually threw the Chief under the bus, writing in an email that CASS was following their school maintenance plan for snow. Which Slocum approves of. WTF??? The Annex would receive the same support, regardless that I was present when the conditions for the Annex site to remove plowed snow were recited verbally by Mike Hogan, the Annex planner and architect in 2011.
You are invited to view Laurie Allen's photo album: 12/20/13 Criminal Approval of Code Officer and City Council to slaughter Seaview Terrace with illega
12/20/13 Criminal Approval of Code Officer and City Council to slaughter Seaview Terrace with illega
Dec 20, 2013
by Laurie Allen |
This album below has a whole slew of pictures and documents.
You are invited to view laurie allen's photo album: 1/4/13 Site pictures of illegal snow dumping
1/4/13 Site pictures of illegal snow dumping
Jan 4, 2013
by laurie allen |
Click on above tab Snow Slaughter Chief of Police, etc for written proof.
12/6/2014- Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding,...
As corruption is epic, how much further can residents and citizens stick their heads into the sand? Tainted media, Democracy Now is the only true reporting. How can this peaceful protestor of murderous drone attacks be sentenced? What can happen to me, a nobody, out there protesting corruption for 4 years alone? Ask Belfast City Council Mike Hurley and his buddy, the Restorative Justice Chairman, Jay Davis what they have in store for me. Jay told me 4 years ago, when I first moved and was sold undisclosed City of Belfast hell, that protesting corruption was not how things were done around here- go see Heil Mike Hurley.
To have Belfast force slaughter my neighborhood, home and life lawlessly and callously is shattering. It's all I have from being homeless and just so unbelievable. So many involved, including the DEP. The EPA should be all over this- Cyndi Mackey. Not. I sent all kinds of violations- the polluted runoff from miles of Rte 1 highway, 15 more impervious sites of roof, parking lots, miles more of local roads- all forced into my back yard, deemed wetlands? Corruptly done to give DEP regulation of my property and corrupt approvals at each site to send the run off to me??? DEP Commissioner Aho dismisses and closes investigations that took me 2 years to get.
Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly sending me intimidating letter after letter to stop me from public speaking. Accusing me of ENJOYING this mental battering, stating "It appears this has become a form of sport for you" !!! Go to www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com to read his letters. Documents buried, with held, denied, manipulated, with City Hall trying to charge me huge sums to research basic public documents that will never be given to me anyway. What could save us immediately is the illegal storage of plowed snow at at all these sites and highways. Plowing it all season to the area's that will melt to me. I've proven it all against every door slamming in my face.
See Above Tab Labeled "Tortured for Pubic Information Never Received" That is just ONE of nearly 5 years of asking for the same information. It is long and calculated to confuse. In that request the zoning conditions are never given, but for the public tainting, Joe Slocum Belfast City Manager displays an enormous mess at a City Hall meeting of useless documents to disgrace me. All I wanted was the zoning conditions for snow removal on the sites that were slaughtering my yard and neighborhood with melt off and pending total destruction. I'll post that meeting here- later when I find it. Then in this above tab is where I am asking again and again for the impact study and engineer inspection for the huge corruptly approved Captain Albert Stevens School (CASS) site. That huge wetland site was the worst place to build this huge school. Yet they did, opened in 2007, floors are now cracking and all the run off is illegally sent to the watershed residents. I am the last recipient- with many more sites. The City Planner pulled all the documents from the files prior to my inspection but I scored a few at a later date when I did not announce my visit. The secretary let me see the files again and a boatload of removed documents were there. I could only copy a few before Wayne Marshall, City Planner returned and seized the files back into this office.
After years of requesting the findings for these 2 conditions of compliance for permit- City Manager Joe Slocum put in writing that he could not find these reports and that that they must not have been done. Statutes must have ran out which is why he finally responded. Recently, that has also been proven to be a lie. The engineer hired for CASS is also the engineer recently hired to consult the corrupt paving of Seaview Terrace and forcing more water to my property in September 2014. Mandy Olver of Olver Engineering used corrupt boundary maps of Seaview Terrace, everyone in the State of Maine now knowing this fabricated "natural" (absolutely proven City made) outlet runs through my small back yard and is my private property. The corrupt maps she used showed it was NOT my private property. Hence, no sewers or corrections- send runoff through out Seaview Terrace to my yard and don't give me the maps or advise me of the neighborhood meeting. I'll post that meeting her too where City Manager Slocum attempted not to tape that meeting but I foiled that too.
I sent an email that night on Tuesday 9/2, after the City Council meeting shop asking when this "neighborhood meeting" was and where. No response from Slocum the next day, 9/3. He held the meeting at 6pm on 9/3 and NEVER notified me- the one that would be impacted. Here is my email of proof.)
Sent: Tue 9/02/14 9:11 PM
jslocum@cityofbelfast.org (jslocum@cityofbelfast.org); ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com
To All,
I checked with a few neighbors- we did not
receive any notification of any meeting for Seaview Terrace in City Hall
with Joe Slocum tomorrow. Slocum and Hurley are a danger to residents.
We didn't do this to Seaview, the City did. Hurley threatening us is
You are planning to send me MORE water and I will fight this until. It makes all of Seaview Terrace upset. How can you sleep?
Will Council be voting on the options, if so when?
Laurie Allen
Belfast City Wall and Players = http://www.meadowhaven.org/CollectiveNarcissism.pdf
And it was the 9/2/14 City Council Meeting where City Manager Joe Slocum vaguely mentioned the meeting. Councilor Hurley stumbles and threatens Seaview Terrace and I am there- I had already spoken and thought I was being baited to speak out of order and be escorted out. Then I went home and contacted 2 neighbors at 9 pm to confirm that they did not know anything about a meeting on 9/3/14(*12/7/14- THE ONE NEIGHBOR IS DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM. HIS LEVEL FRONT YARD PROPERTY IS ALSO A SWAMP- HE NEEDS SEWERS. HE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THE MEETING. THE CITY ONLY INVITED THE NEIGHBORS THAT HAD TIES TO THE CITY OR WERE ALREADY ILLEGALLY DRAINING TO ME*)
The work shop meeting was not taped but equally corrupt. In fact, Mandy Olver, (engineer) also stated that she did do the watershed study and inspection of the CASS completed storm system that I had been asking for the finds of for over 3 years. The City Planner Wayne Marshall had removed the conditions and all drainage documents from that huge wetland turned into a school site draining all the way down to my yard. City Manager Joe Slocum finally stated in 12/2013 that the watershed study and engineer inspection was NOT done. I have it in writing. Yet Mandy states it was done and no one will give me those findings, Slocum recently stating he has already given me my answer.
City Council Hurley stated in special workshop meeting (8/26?) for Seaview Terrace paving and drainage ( where residents were not notified of this workshop meeting except for David Smith- a City Butt Kiss and weasel- he hated me from the day I moved in- coming right up to me IN 2010- Hello, I'm your neighbor David Smith- I AM NOT FOND OF BEAGLES!!" and began harassing me non-stop, with endless calls to animal control and the police. Finally, the then Chief of Police Trafton suggested I placed an order of protection against David Smith.) Heil Hurley stated in the workshop he is "not interested in spending 135k to solve this."
City Council Mike Hurley in 9/2/14 City Council meeting communications portion (meeting link and summary below) to City Manager Joe Slocum. "If you run into the kind of treatment that you're running into, I'd pull the plug on it. Just say forget it. You guys don't want your road paved, fine. I'm not gonna, ya know, we're not gonna like- I've really had it on Seaview Terrace. People don't want their road paved, fine. I wish they'd buy that road back. Let it be a private road, they can do what the want."
Belfast City Council Meeting Click 6 open to the public. I am the
last speaker. From there it will go in to communications. City
Manager Joe Slocum speaks first and all his reasoning for crushing
Seaview Terrace was dismantled with everything I said below. Slocum
did not notify me or several other neighbors of this meeting he is
scamming for Seaview Terrace residents on 9/3/14.
would be the purpose of this- to further persuade my immediate
neighbors to approve the worst and cheapest option to send me their
remaining roadside water and all future rain/snow melt. Just as I
said below, pitting neighbors against each other while the City
denies basic mandated resident infrastructure paid for by our property
Slocum speaks, get ready for City Council Michael Maniacal Hurley.
Threatening Seaview Terrace residents. It is unbelievable. No one else
addresses Seaview Terrace after Hurley. I have not watched the entire
meeting. I can only take a little at a time. JB
Turner, President of the Front Street Shipyard was there again.
Taking it all in for the 100th time. Come on JB- help us
out, we support you.
“On the agenda I see a rush of reading on the Comprehensive Plan and I am alarmed at 'Current ordinance provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated.' What does this mean and what is the effect? Council has not voted the plan in, or had public notice.
Seaview Terrace residents received a letter on Saturday 8/30/14 from City Manager Joe Slocum stating the road will not receive it's 40 year overdue proper road side drainage. Insanely stating that if the City repairs one of the City forced disasters for residents, they will have to fix others. Neighbors through out Belfast are suing each other for water run off because of exactly this refusal from Belfast City Hall to provide mandatory infrastructure 101.Residents previously with dry properties become flooded because of planning and development.
Planner Wayne Marshall states “This is a significant neighbor to
neighbor issue.”
is a CITY issue but the City pits neighbors against each other
Roger Lee said in the last meeting that there
is not any other
property that
enormous amount of City runoff like
Seaview Terrace.
Seaview Terrace cannot be compared to any others. This is an
emergency situation. As a flood plain flood zone it is your civic
duty to divert all runoff
away from
the road to City rights
aways and not to other residents.
letter is persuading the residents to ignore the illegal forcing of
ALL neighborhood drainage from above, across and even behind residents on the south side to my private property. Neighbors are
pumping their basements into the ditch and into these City culverts
and it is all forced to me. Flip the flow of water to any other
residents private property and they would be standing here right now
and I would be supporting them.
City must correct this. Real estate agent and prior owner of my home,
Puzz Caswell told me this in 2011, prior to the Seaview Terrace
street meeting that she attended in August 2011 with me and my
neighbors. Puzz stating that the flooding is worse than ever. Which
is why she probably sold in the 90's, who sold it to another, who
sold it to another, who sold it to me. Undisclosed hell. The buck
stops here.
Joe Slocum, saw first hand, the destruction on Seaview
Terrace with me in August 2011. He
said then the road was in need of repair from all the water
cracking it and
heaving it. He has had 3
years he had to plan proper drainage with funding. Nothing done. I
offered resolution again and again through the TIF. Seaview
Terrace could have been included into the Northport Ave. TIF via the
new Annex. (Not said because of time restraints placed on me- is
repeated requests to Joe Slocum to put Seaview Terrace into a mitigation
plan. Also refused.)
now there
is the 90k in that TIF
along with the
budgeted 45k that
would fix Seaview Terrace correctly. We have been servicing all these
business sites and highways, taking their runoff and melt-off into
the private properties of Seaview Terrace. TIF's
have been used to assist with business and
infrastructure. We
have been a free sewer
for miles of roads,
highway, business
storm water and snow
melt for
50 years.
we are not a natural outlet, the City has no rights of ways or
easements. Even if we
were a natural outlet it is insane
slaughter to force all the impervious runoff up and down and across
town to us. Road side
sewer drainage is an absolute necessary. The roads may last for 50
years. A band aid pave job over
frost heaving culverts as stated by Mandy Olver, consulting engineer
is the worst option.
The City made this
disaster. The time is now to correct it.
is more water into
Seaview Terrace every year, more water under the roads.
17 years prior and 17 years future are not the same and is a
ridiculous formula to even mention.
As a dead end street, a turn around is ordinance mandated. A resident has stated that their private property is used by the City as a turn around. Case in point- the City maintains that private property section with snow plowing. The City dug the private property ditch @ 23 Seaview Terrace in 2009 to send harboring water to me. The City does do work on private property where there aren't any easements or right of ways.
3 culverts running under Seaview Terrace carry harboring water from
the south side to my private property on the north side.
The City is breaking
the law under Title 17 by sending harboring water to me. The City is
breaking the law under title 38 by the severe erosion to my property
from sending me the
harboring water. There
is harboring water roadside at several areas. Slocum's resolution is
to send it to me. Roadside
sewers would take all the water away from the road legally and remove
the culverts.
Manager Joe Slocum is not planning, providing or protecting residents
as mandated by
the Maine Municipal Alliance. This
constant denying and bullying is a
disgrace and
threatening our health and safety.
Terrace did not spend the surplus, we did not get a say in how you
spent all of our property tax dollars. Bob Richards said in the
budget meetings that road repair was a least a million dollars
behind. Infrastructure
is denied to residents in the watershed.
Joe Slocum is asking for permission to borrow 4.5 million just to
cover basic operating expenses. The
first time in 35 years that a loan is needed to keep City Hall open.
Regardless of the
split tax bill, that should have been covered by the surplus. The
school tax is out of this world and you talk of floating bonds for a
public works building, upgrading City buildings and City properties
like you're
buying toilet
paper. While
flushing the residents into a cesspool.
You can find the money
for option 1 for Seaview Terrace. Please do the right thing and save
Seaview Terrace."
This is the email I sent to my neighbors and the Wall before the 9/2/14 meeting.
This is the email I sent to my neighbors and the Wall before the 9/2/14 meeting.
Email below sent in response to a letter received today, 8/30/14 from City
Manager Joe Slocum attempting to place a bad band aid that will soon rip
off and leave us in disaster. Four years he had to plan to fix Seaview
Terrace and this is it. Slaughter us with more water illegally.
Sat 8/30/14 2:32 PM
Joe Slocum, Mandy Olver, City Council and Mayor,
I ask that my neighbors share this email with other residents ...xxxxxxx
Terrace has taken enough slaughter. I would sign a petition if a
neighbor will draw one up for option 1 and present it to City Council at
the meeting 9/2/14.
The only option is 1. The other's violate Maine State Law Title 17 & 38 stated here http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/breaking-law-title-17-38.html
Specific to title 17 is the harboring of water... deposited
or allowed to accumulate, in such manner or in such location or
situation either within or without the limits of any highway, as to be
unsightly, detracting from the natural scenery or injurious to the
comfort and happiness of individuals and the public, and injurious to
property rights, are public nuisances. [2005, c. 397,Pt. A, §11 (AMD).]
harboring of water as evidenced in these pictures at 22,18 and 17
Seaview Terrace would be injurious to property rights by ditching them
to drain to another's private property.
letter does not provide a mapped plan for each option with specs. At
the work shop, Mandy Olver stated the ditch would be right next to the
road- there is little right of way to spare and not recommended. Hurley stated he is "not interested in spending 135k to solve this." The
road will be 18', shoulder and the ditch itself would be 2 feet wide
and 3 feet deep with no stabilization. These ditches will be unsightly
and dangerous. Soon they will erode and keep widening into our front
yards. Huntress Ave. is an example. Weather patterns are flooding hell.
City has used Seaview Terrace as a free, illegal storm water l outlet
for miles outside of Seaview Terrace for 50 years and counting. This has
swamped, endangers and devalues our property. The City has saved money
by also not paving Seaview Terrace in 17 years. We are a flood plain,
flood zone and the City is ethically bound to divert all water instead
it force channels all water.
the pictures below, you can see water is coming from behind the south
side- forced in from across Rte 1. There is a culvert running under Rte 1
into that area. Look at that amount being forced to my property after
only 1 inch of rain. Look at what is coming in illegally from the Annex
and Wight Street. Wise planning is to do it correctly, save our
properties and paving may not need to be done for 50 years. That is
saving money.
fact that City Manager Joe Slocum refused to plan and prepare for
proper drainage for the past 4 years, spending our property taxes on
City wants, while Seaview Terrace is drowning is criminal. My neighbors
are not concerned with my property and this has caused great discord by
the orchestration of City Hall.
do not want any ditching on my property and it is illegal to force
everyone's run off to me. One 4 inch rain will turn those ditches into a
disaster. The City will be long gone, properties further destroyed,
devaluing and devaluing.
Slocum has sat on this since April, now it is a rush to get done, with
poor information. If you are refusing to fix Seaview Terrace under
option 1, do not begin any work until all neighbors have received a
detailed plan of all ditches, size (width, depth) how they will be
banked, all water flow mapped paths to where, road turn around, mail box
placement, pavement width and depth for the entire road of Seaview
Terrace. The City cannot do this ditching because it is illegal.
is the Council's decision on which option. I checked the agenda for
this Tuesday's meeting, 9/2/14 and Seaview Terrace is not on. I would
think they have to vote on an option. When will that be?
do see a rush of reading on the Comprehensive Plan and am alarmed at
"Current provisions for the above zoning districts will be eliminated."
Why? Council has not voted the plan in, or had public notice.
Laurie Allen
(Note pictures and video of Seaview Terrace sent are posted below)
(Note pictures and video of Seaview Terrace sent are posted below)
9/16/14- City Council Meeting was tonight. Here is the link, below is a written summary specific to their calculated corruption. The cruelty is wrenching. Click 6 open to the public- I speak first, for 5 minutes. Click 7 communications, City Manager Slocum speaks on other issues, after that comes the wolf pack to tear me to shreds. Lying cowards. Shameful.
They have stooped to an all time low, together in corruption and
disgrace. I am sure the meeting is not going to be recorded. The station
always airs a message for a least an hour prior- always by 6pm that
there is a City Council Meeting that evening. By 6:30 the message was
not appearing and the 9/2 meeting was airing- just starting. I called
the Ned, he tapes the meetings. I've known him since we were teens in
Bayside. I called from my land line- so he knew it was me calling. He
didn't answer. I left a message that I was concerned the meeting was not
going to be taped and to call me back. He didn't. I went to the meeting
15 minutes before the meeting was starting and No Ned. I asked Mayor
Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum why wasn't Ned here. He was always there
by 6:30 - never this late- it was 6:47. I told them if Ned was not
recording this meeting that I'd be back at the next meeting to say the
same thing. They knew what I was going to reveal publicly.
Long time, honorable, kind and no non-sense, Belfast City Hall
Treasurer, Rickie LaSan was present for my discussion before the
meeting. Because she was there, Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum
could not ignore my questions. That is why Joe called Ned, otherwise he
would have let the meeting go unrecorded. I told them it was wrong that
City Manager Joe Slocum told City Council during communications in the
last meeting, 9/2 that he was having a meeting with Seaview Terrace
residents to discuss options on 9/3.
I had just spoken at that 9/2 meeting, and this was the first I had heard about this meeting. Four years I have worked relentlessly to save Seaview Terrace and the on the table was the corrupt paving and more drainage to my private property was their plan and they kept me out of the crucial meeting with a few chosen neighbors. And then sent in the trucks to illegally flood my property even more, As I mourning the death of my brother. How much can I take?
I had just spoken at that 9/2 meeting, and this was the first I had heard about this meeting. Four years I have worked relentlessly to save Seaview Terrace and the on the table was the corrupt paving and more drainage to my private property was their plan and they kept me out of the crucial meeting with a few chosen neighbors. And then sent in the trucks to illegally flood my property even more, As I mourning the death of my brother. How much can I take?
City Manager Joe Slocum stating the letters were sent, I persisted- who
was at this meeting that voted to send me more illegal water. The
neighbors that were there were not getting the water sent to them. They
do not reside in the flat section of Seaview where the roadside water is
a pond. That is the water that the City intends to channel to me. That
meeting was a total farce, implicating more neighbors against me. Weeks
before, Councilor Hurley went at me again. Stating he was against a
neighborhood meeting because I would "dominate the meeting just as I
have for 4 years." They choreographed this deceptive neighborhood
meeting just like the one 3 years prior. City Hall refused to put us on a
recorded agenda then and now because of illegal City Hall force
After my speech, in communications, City Council Hurley, Hamilton,
Sanders and Mayor Ash unite to support their calculated cruelty and
corruption, Hamilton defending the corrupt maps, knowing full well that
stream was purposely shown NOT to be on my property. All of them know.
That is what this has been all about for FOUR YEARS. City Hall forcing
water to my private property. How they keep lying is astounding. Just
like all the corrupt governments. Except on this level, it is very
personal and very evil as they take the true down.
I was so distraught, I completely forgot to state the email I sent to them the night before the unknown meeting. Mayor Ash has the gall to tell me in this meeting that I am wrong- I have been working for Seaview Terrace infrastructure for 4 years and I would chose not to come to this meeting for Seaview Terrace Infrastructure. Excuse me, but what assholes.
I was so distraught, I completely forgot to state the email I sent to them the night before the unknown meeting. Mayor Ash has the gall to tell me in this meeting that I am wrong- I have been working for Seaview Terrace infrastructure for 4 years and I would chose not to come to this meeting for Seaview Terrace Infrastructure. Excuse me, but what assholes.
At this 9/16/14 meeting, Mayor Ash stating he made sure to see letters
were mailed out because he "figured it might be an issue and what she
(me) said tonight was wrong." Hello- what did you say Walter???
Councilor Hurley debating on allowing my public speaking with other
private citizens. Totally unethical and they do it ALL the time.
Pitting the public against me on the streets, in the media, at the meetings, certainly behind the wall that I have no admittance to. All the connected, all the players including the Chamber of Commerce and many businesses. Hurley stating that from here on, I will be held to the 3 minute rule. He callously states that he made sure to time me on his phone as I spoke for 5 minutes, choking back tears as I inform the public of real time resident abuse and property slaughter. Then states he was sorry to hear about my brother for the first time after I sent an email. They knew it days before that email- that is why the sent the trucks in. the day before this meeting. City Hall must apply that rule to ALL open to the public speakers, they have not done that previously.
I am singled out and harassed. Right in public. There are many watching and many very upset by their treatment to me. It will bite them back. It always does. Truth always prevails no matter how long it takes. Along this trail of evil, I get stronger and truer. I am at peace with myself, thankful that I didn't choose to sell myself out. Now I can cruise the honest path no matter the corruption they catapult. The flood will come...
Pitting the public against me on the streets, in the media, at the meetings, certainly behind the wall that I have no admittance to. All the connected, all the players including the Chamber of Commerce and many businesses. Hurley stating that from here on, I will be held to the 3 minute rule. He callously states that he made sure to time me on his phone as I spoke for 5 minutes, choking back tears as I inform the public of real time resident abuse and property slaughter. Then states he was sorry to hear about my brother for the first time after I sent an email. They knew it days before that email- that is why the sent the trucks in. the day before this meeting. City Hall must apply that rule to ALL open to the public speakers, they have not done that previously.
I am singled out and harassed. Right in public. There are many watching and many very upset by their treatment to me. It will bite them back. It always does. Truth always prevails no matter how long it takes. Along this trail of evil, I get stronger and truer. I am at peace with myself, thankful that I didn't choose to sell myself out. Now I can cruise the honest path no matter the corruption they catapult. The flood will come...
Back to minutes before the meeting. Rickie stated the meeting would be
taped- but as the minutes were ticking by- she was seeing no action from
City Manager Slocum. I kept asking and Slocum was forced to call Ned.
Ned lives down the road from City Hall. He came in a few minutes before
the meeting was starting at 7 and it was easy to see he was told not to
tape this meeting. His clothes were dirty and his demeanor towards me
was to ignore me. I was right next to the podium as he came over to turn
on the microphone. He didn't say hello and definitely was not offering
any information as to why he didn't answer his cell phone when I called
him 40 minutes earlier.
That is the fallout of corruption. Those who know me well, they know I have always spoke up against wrong doing, have become implicated by City Hall in one way or another. I was friends with many in their web pre- Belfast. Now, I am treated like an infectious disease. Fine with me, they are the ones infected. It is true freedom to hold my head high and speak truth. No one can buy that, nothing is better.
That is the fallout of corruption. Those who know me well, they know I have always spoke up against wrong doing, have become implicated by City Hall in one way or another. I was friends with many in their web pre- Belfast. Now, I am treated like an infectious disease. Fine with me, they are the ones infected. It is true freedom to hold my head high and speak truth. No one can buy that, nothing is better.
At the last meeting, I offered Ned another olive branch with an old
family picture of his kids. I established friendship with him again.
This meeting splintered that. But I maintained civility and kindness. I
said hello and asked him if he was taping the meeting and he said it
looks that way. I tried to make him laugh, I told him I brought my
camcorder to tape myself in case he was not. He did not laugh. I taped
myself anyway, just in case there was a "malfunction". It has happened
before on critical meetings that I addressed and allows them to spin
"paranoid, crazy Laurie".
City Planner, Wayne Marshall, the true consistent danger, weaves in and
out of the proposed zoning of Seaview Terrace to R1. I would question it now but the map on the City's website for the future shows Seaview Terrace as R3- Healthcare and Housing. I've been asking since they backed off of illegally rezoning us to change that map. They won't. Why?
City Hall Officials lie and lie, always covering for each other. Last
night made them even look worse. If nothing else, all I have exposed has
open up the residents eyes. When the corruption hits their
neighborhood, they will not give the benefit of the doubt. They will
I keep thinking that Councilor Roger Lee came over to my house was to find a reason to sue me. He had come to my house unannounced and uninvited to inspect my property. I think the date was 8/26- the day of a work shop meeting to discuss the engineers options for paving Seaview Terrace. I had sent numerous emails to City Manager Slocum and City Council requesting the information on the engineers options. City Manager Slocum never responded. By chance, I read about it on an online paper- Penbay Pilot- that article is further WAY down this blog.( Some posts are repeated as I copy and paste as needed when addressing a new post. Sorry for the duplicates. )
I hope I'm wrong -I really don't want to think Roger would do that. But
after those trucks rolled in when they thought I'd be in Alabama at my
brothers funeral , I don't know.
Real Time Corrupt Illegal Slaughter Suspending Ordinance for City Work on Private Property 9/8/14- Mine.
The slaughter is underway- Belfast Public Works is out there right now- digging to flood me more. I sent out this email at 9 am to Belfast City Council, City Manager Joe Slocum, Mayor and Belfast Engineer Mandy Olver. I copied UU Minster Perkins (who has been watching the corruption and promoting a Compassionate Cities Charter with UU treasurer and Belfast City Council Roger Lee) Governor LePage, EPA- Cyndy Mackey, Attorney General Office-Brenda Kielty, Belfast Chief of Police- Mike McFadden, JB Turner- President of Front Street Shipyard (we began at the same meetings in 2011- he to transform the waterfront into glory, me begging for a sewer to save Seaview. JB is flying and Seaview is dying) and new media- Portland Press, Bangor Daily News, PenBay Pilot and Republican Journal Village Soup.
City Council, Mayor,City Manager and Belfast Engineer Mandy Olver,
The Belfast Public Works Department is on Seaview Terrace this morning, Monday, September 8. It appears you have chosen to send me more water illegally and have spent more tax dollars to cover up this corruption. Employing Olver Engineer, providing them will corrupt boundary lines showing my private property drainage ditch, turned City Hell storm ravine- is not my property. With this corrupt map and superimposed corrupt boundary lines, Mandy Olver proposed illegal draining and the City Manager set up the corruption. (note this blue explanation just added 10/26/14-This is the ridiculous corrupt boundary map I copied from online Republican Journal article. EVERYONE knows that stream runs through my property including Governor LePage. My home is the 3rd lot up on the right side. Blue line is the City made stream that runs through my property. I am the the last resident on the street that owns. First 2 lots- David Smith and Frank Costello do not. Mid-Coast Mental Health owns that section. Yet David slams me every chance he gets and was notified of the meeting. David harassed me so badly, the prior Chief of Police (Trafton) advised me to get an order of protection against David. Sadly, I did. That was in 2010, I had just moved here.)
12/6/14- Mandy Olver stated in a work shop meeting for Seaview Terrace that I was at, but since it was a work shop, it wasn't recorded. She mentioned at the end that she was the engineer for the CASS site and the report and impact study were done. City Manager Slocum and City Council will not respond. Mandy Olver will not give me the report or study. Too boot, after repeated requests for paving information and designs to City Manager and Council, they never responded. When they thought I would be in Alabama for my brother's funeral (small town, they know my family and history- we have been here since 1969) they jumped. Sent in the trucks the day of the funeral to illegally pave and divert water to my property. Only I was home, watching in horror from my window while under severe mourning. Callous cruelty beyond humanity. At that meeting, after I had left, Mayor Ash and Heil Hurley would discredit me some more, lying through their teeth with ease.
10/27/14- These maps and erosion picture tell it all. Since May 2011 the City has lied non-stop, with held public documents, intimidation tactics, attempts to silence me, extort through outrageous fees for basic public documents that will never be produced but will break me, broken State laws, local laws, public slander and endangerment to a citizen, denial of basic and constitutional rights to citizen, slaughter of property and imminent forced flooding disaster. The back up is through out the blogs in emails and televised meetings. I'll work on a page for those specifically. Will advise when ready. Hopefully within a week. The City of Belfast for 50+ years has been illegally using Seaview Terrace private property as an outlet and fabricating lie after claiming it is a natural outlet to coincided with the ordinance for runoff. There is much more corruption, it has become cultural- in the schools, many businesses, many tainted/implicated residents, still spreading...
to 1967 development of Seaview Terrace- it was a farm. In this 1939
aerial view- see the section 40. The white house is the farm house-
behind is the farm and future Seaview Terrace. Look close- there is NO
STREAM- NO DITCH. You will see in the next aerial view for the planning
of Seaview Terrace- a ditch running through it. That ditch was dug after
the farm. Previously, Rte 1 was Northport Ave. The road that the
farmhouse is facing in this 1939 picture. The farmhouse is still there
and is now on the corner of Northport Ave and Seaview Terrace. Owned by
the "Dutch" strong holds of Belfast. The developer, Wendell McLeod
received approval to fill in the ditch. NO NATURAL OUTLET ON SEAVIEW
TERRACE. After 1968- Belfast City Hall would begin to illegally channel all runoff and melt-off to Seaview Terrace. They have denied it all and I have spent 4 years relentlessly proving the slaughter while they with hold all information and try to portray me as crazy, stupid and trash. I tracked this map myself in 11/2011 when City Hall refused to provide any maps or drainage information for the prior 7 months, sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. The pink ribbon is my home. Rte 1 No and South (2miles of highway) to the right - The Captain Albert Stevens School 2 miles above- marked as Stormwater Holding Tank (picture album of CASS below). This whole area forced into Seaview Terrace. I am lot 5- this is the plan with held and buried- I scored it on a covert storm raid to City Hall on a hunch. Guess I'm a Jersey Seal!! (The same would happen with removed and buried Captain Albert Stevens School maps and drainage documents months later, and will be another page) Slam Dunk- City Manager Joe Slocum had an aneurism when he found out I got this in 11/2011. Ditch filled in and homes built on top. City Council in on every step- I made sure to involve them through an enormous email trail. :) Waldo County Emergency Agency Director and Engineer, Dale Rowley (very familiar with the area- his office a mile away) said my map is good. So that is about as close as authentication as one can get. The cost to fix this 50 year slaughter is not in their greedy visions. Force the big flood, wipe out Seaview Terrace take it with little compensation because it is worthless. Inverse Condemnation. I'm in their way. No doubt that the sellers of my home filled in this ravine and made it look like a 2x2 drainage ditch for my property only. No stream disclosed, no water issues confirmed by real estate agent. I found out in 2009- Seaview Terrace got hammered in spring melt. Flooding over the road, down the road, a lady almost lost her car, her front yard got wiped out- she lives at the top- by the huge culvert. Bet my yard was history. And the owners, Minister Tarpley and real estate agent Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell in cahoots with property inspector DJ Brown, China Village- stuck it to me. Sold me hell. Bought in 6/2010 and in 3/2011 wild rapids tore through my yard for almost a week. Turned my 2x2 ditch into this. | ||
Vince Warren on How Police Officers Get Away with Killing from Ferguson to NYC
Just a week after a grand jury in Missouri cleared police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of...
Dec 04, 2014
| Story
A longtime peace activist was sentenced today to one year
conditional discharge for demonstrating outside the gates of New York’s
Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, which is used to remotely pilot
U.S. drone attacks. Mark Colville faced up to two years in jail stemming
from his arrest last December. More than 100 people have been arrested
over the past five years as part of nonviolent campaign organized by the
Upstate Drone Coalition. Hours before he learns his fate, Colville
joins us to discuss his activism and why he opposes the U.S. drone war.
[Editor’s Note: this summary has been updated to reflect today’s
sentencing which occurred after our broadcast.]
This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
continue looking at the U.S. drone program by going now to Syracuse
where a longtime peace activist is facing up to two years in prison for
demonstrating outside the gates of the Hancock Field Air National Guard
base which is used to remotely pilot drones. Mark Colville is heading to
court today to be sentenced stemming from his arrest last December.AMY GOODMAN: Mark Colville’s action was part of a five-year-old nonviolent campaign organized by the Upstate Drone Coalition here in New York. Over that time, more than 100 people have been arrested. Mark Colville is a member of the Amistad Catholic Worker in New Haven, Connecticut. Mark, welcome to Democracy Now!. Within a few hours, you’ll learn your fate; if you face two years in prison. Tell us exactly what you did, tell us the date, the time, and what your action was.
MARK COLVILLE: Thank you for having me on the show, Amy and Juan. Well, essentially, what i did almost a year ago now, it was December 9, 2013, I attempted to intervene on behalf of of the family in Afghanistan that has experienced the unspeakable trauma of witnessing loved ones being blown to pieces in a drone strike. One member of that family, a man named Raz Mohammad, last year, wrote a personal plea to the U.S. courts and the government as well as the military to stop these drone strikes on his people.
AMY GOODMAN: I want to interrupt you for a minute because —
MARK COLVILLE: So, I and two —
AMY GOODMAN: Mark I want to interrupt because we do have a clip of Raz Mohammad in his own words.
RAZ MOHAMMAD: [Translated] I think drones are not good. I remember how, in my village, a drone attack killed my brother-in-law and four of his friends. It was truly sad. A beautiful life was buried and the sound of crying and sorrow arose from peaceful homes. I say that this is inhumane. Today, the idea of humanity has been forgotten. Why do we spend money like this? Why don’t we use alternative ways? The international community says that drones are used to kill the Taliban. This is not true. We should see the truth. Today, it’s hard to find the truth and no one listens to the ordinary voice of the people.
AMY GOODMAN: Those are the words of Raz Mohammad from Afghanistan. So, talk about now, Mark Colville, what you did.
Well, we took Raz’s written plea and we walked peacefully and orderly
to the outside gate of the 174th Attack Wing at Hancock Airfield with
the sole purpose of trying to deliver this plea directly to one of the
base commanders who name is Colonel Earl Evans. We brought — it was
Advent, the season of Advent in the Christian churches, and we brought
along a litany of prayers for saints and martyrs. We brought poinsettia
and a dozen roses along with Raz’s plea, and we simply wanted to have
that received by the base commander.
The base personnel indicated that Colonel
Evans was not going to come out, and so then we simply asked if we could
have Raz’s plea received and acknowledged. At that point, the military
personnel were ordered not to engage us anymore in conversation. And so
we decided to just remain there until we received a response. About an
hour later, the local police came and arrested us. I should say that the
drone base located within the jurisdiction of this court where i am
appearing today for sentencing, it is operating beyond the reach of law.
And that was really the reason why chose to go to the base. I wanted
Raz’s plea to be heard in a court. This appeared to be the only way that
a court would hear it. And in fact, it was read in open court by one of
the military personnel who i cross-examined.
And Mark, when you hear this previous segment that we had of a report
by Reprieve that an average of 28 unidentified people are being killed
for every single targeted drone strike, your reaction?
MARK COLVILLE: Well, we have known, and it has been reported here on Democracy Now!
and in previous reports over the years, that as i said, the drone
program operates — it’s based on a foundation of criminality. I mean,
the United States government through its drone program, is claiming the
legal right to targeted assassinations, extrajudicial killings,
indiscriminate killing, and the targeting — deliberate targeting of
civilians. For example, even the military admits that one of its modes
of operation in drone strikes is something that they have called double
tapping. Which is that after striking the target, the drone is directed
back to that same target 20 minutes or a half an hour later in order to
strike again after first responders have come to help the wounded. So,
it’s on a foundation of criminality. As we have experienced in the
numerous public actions and arrests at Hancock Airfield, this program
operates beyond the reach of courts and law. And what we’re trying to do
is to get courts to engage the criminality in which the united states
government is engaged through the drone program.
AMY GOODMAN: How unusual is Hancock and how central is it to the drone program?
Well, in large part, the drone program is operated in secrecy. We do
know that the Hancock drone base, the 174th Attack Wing, focuses its
missions on Afghanistan. Their weaponized drones, they carry Hellfire
missiles and 500 pound bombs and. It’s very difficult to get specific
information about which attacks are launched were directed from which
drone base. There are about a dozen throughout the United States that we
know about. And we’re trying to just bring this to light. We’re trying
to have this brought to the scrutiny of the courts. Now, I’m going to
court this afternoon about seven hours from now. I was convicted of five
separate charges for simply walking peacefully to the front outside
gate of the drone base.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: What were those five — what were those charges?
Five charges. Two counts of disorderly conduct, one of trespass —
which, by the way, are conflictual charges because the one requires that
you — the act take place on public property and the other on private
property. Obstruction of governmental administration, which is the
obstruction of lawful government administration. Which we contend, and i
contended in court, that the operation behind the gates of Hancock is
not lawful. I was also charged with a contempt of court charge based on
kind of a cynical manipulation of the law that this court has engaged in
by issuing orders of protection on behalf of of the base commander,
Colonel Evans, against protesters, as if we are a physical threat to
Colonel Evans. So, they’ve actually manipulated these domestic violence
laws, essentially, to try to intimidate people and keep them from going
to exercise their rights outside the base.
Mark, we just have 30 seconds. But, as we wrap up and you face two
years in prison, what are you telling your kids, your four children?
Well, yeah, I’m telling my kids, and they understand, that whatever
hardships that we are about to endure through the injustice of this
court, that we should keep Raz Mohammad’s family ever in our vision and
try to unite our own sufferings to the incredible sufferings that he and
his extended family have gone through. And that’s the way that we go
forward. We are well prepared for whatever the judge decides to do. As i
intend to tell the judge, anything that he does in the court today
makes no condemnation of my actions. The court is condemning itself by
stopping up its ears to the law.
Mark Colville, I want to thank you for being with us. With the Amistad
Catholic Worker in New Haven, Connecticut. Being sentenced today for
protesting outside the Hancock Field Air National Guard base outside
Syracuse, New York. And thanks very much to our friends at the WCNY the PBS station in Syracuse, New York. This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report.
When we come back, we’re going to look at what’s happening in Mexico
and also on the road to the U.N. climate summit, what happened to a
group of environmentalists as they try to take their school bus through
Ecuador? Stay with us.
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