
Brunswick Corruption 2015 Gardiner 2006

1/15/2015- This dates back a bit- but the corrupt theme is the same. City/Town Hall and players.

continued from main blog page comments -
  Brunswick women need help 3 hours ago
Perhaps the Portland Police Department will consider offering a self-defense class for women who live in the upscale section of Brunswick so they can protect themself from unknown males who target them when appear to be alone on their private property and try to harass them and frighten them into giving their private property away to a very suspicious "non profit" charity: the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust.
There have been MULTIPLE incidents of harassment, trespassing and aggressive solicitation by well educated males - all who will personally financial benefit - if the women in Pennellville agree to legally
give away their private property or sign a legal document called a "conservation easement". The men identify themself by name and where they live and say they are working closely with a person named Angela Twitchell. She lives in Topsham and is married to a cabinet maker named Scott LIbby. Angela Twitchelli has aggressively solicited "targeted" homeowners because she wants their property and she may have worked with "The Nature Conservancy", a very large national land conservation "non profit". Angela Twitchelll may have also worked previously in Northern Maine and it is unknown if she has "re-sold" private property - acquired by the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust through real estate tarnsfers - to other parties FOR A PROFIT. She has been directly involved in aggressive conduct as a State of Maine "public charity" PUBLICLY FUNDED "non profit" leader.
Everyone who is reading this should know the State of Maine became the 2nd highest ranked state in terms of the total amount of land transferred for "conservation" in the past few years. What exactly is going on? Law enforcement community: heads up, the extreme environmentalists are now here, front and center in Maine...and they are aggressively soliciting the elderly, the disabled, their neighbors, business owners and the general public. Extreme environmentalists are being actively monitored by federal law enforcement for breaking the law, targeting and harassing people FOR YEARS and encouraging "civil disobedience" among their followers (including trespassing on private property). They have contributed to political campaigns (both Republican and Democrat) to avoid being investigated and prosecuted. And they are doing it all in the name of "preserving the environment"
Have you noticed how many more stories are being printed in Maine newspapers about the "good deeds" of these local land trust? They support the environment! They help local farmers! The stock food pantries! They teach children about where food comes from! And while they are doing their
PR stories, they are violating all standards of ethical conduct for any non profit in the State of Maine.
The Brunswick Police Department Police Chief Rizzo and Captain Waltz have not acted alone. The former, very long time "Finance Director" John Eldridge is the new Brunswick Town Manager - and he has refused to bring in an independent investigation of Rizzo and Waltz. The Brunswick Town Council is not responding either - they are "REMAINING SILENT". Benet Pols, Chair of the Brunswick Town Council has just announced he is "retiring" after many years on the Council. He is an attorney so has he ever represented the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust or paid for real estate title searches with Mark Waltz' business Casco Bay Title? And Steve Walker, Brunswick Town Council member is a former State of Maine employee - and paid by another land trust located in the same town where Angela Twitchell lives. There is a cover up involving 2 senior commanders of the Brunswick Police Department, the Town Manager and the entire Brunswick Town Council.
Hopefully, folks from federal law enforcement are reading this and taking note:
3 former residents of Pennellville were aggressively harassed and trespassed for 8 (EIGHT!) years
by many of the exact same males (and a few equally aggressive females)
who are still harassing and trespassing women and the eldelry in Pennellville NOW.
The 3 former federal workers lived out of state and inherited property from when they lived in Pennellville while growing up. One of them was harassed and her private property was trespassed upon repeatedly while she was terminally ill and dying. She has since passed away. What kind of people would do this? Despicable, no conscience eco-cons. All for money and greed, while claiming they are saving the environment.
Can you imagine 8 years of this aggressive conduct by extreme environmentalists? Federal law enforcement in Portland: PLEASE HELP.
Please investigate the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust and Brunswick Police Chief Rizzo and Brunswick Police Captain Waltz and members of the Brunswick Town Counci and...their small network of attorneys, real estate appraisal people, real estate title service companies and which banks/financial institutions have been involved. Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson REFUSED TO ANSWER PHONE CALLS. No short letter stating "our office cannot help you" (so therefore no evidence they refused!). The State of Maine Office of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife subcontracted with the Brunswick Tospham Land Trust for a federal grant AND KNEW there were very serious complaints against Angela Twitchell and the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust. But
the State of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife stated it was NOT applying for another
2015 federal grant. Someone at the State of Maine electronically submitted the federal grant anyway?
Who? Do NOT permit Governor LePage or Commissioner Chandler Woodcock to sign the contract for services for this federal grant and subcontract again with the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust and their "partner" land trusts in the Middle Bay area.
...Brunswick School/Superintendent Town Hall/Council/Attorney's/Police...Just read these comments in The Forecaster (Maine Human Rights Commission sues Town of Brunswick): Good thing I copied and posted this comment by Protect Brunswick Children because it got deleted. Just like the BDN and Republican Journal does to me when I mention City Hall players

Protect Brunswick Children 2 hours ago
Chew H Bird - thanks for the post and sharing your own experiences with being bullied. When I read your comments about your own experience being bullied, it actually makes me sad for you. Somehow, you seemed to learn at an early age that if you spoke up and complained, it was going to make the situation worse. And for a young child, I always want kids to feel that adults DO care and they WIll help. So, I wish you had NOT had your experiences and you will consider empathy with another child who like you was also bullied. If this were YOUR child or grandchild or perhaps the kid in your neighborhood who delivered your paper, you would fret about them. You would want to know they feel safe.
Most adults that were bullied clearly remember many of the incidents - very clearly - for the rest of their life. Decades later, they can often clearly remember where they were and exactly what the bullies looked like. All of us who care - truly care - about kids don't want anyone being bullied.
Perhaps the woman who contacted the Maine Human Rights Commission did so out of frustration that no higher authorities in the Brunswick school department were doing their job? The fact that this case has escalated to the Maine Human Rights Commission DOES indicate the Superintendent is clearly AT FAULT. The Superintendent should NEVER have allowed it to get so bad that the parent had to appeal to the Maine Human Rights Commission for legal assistance. If she asked for help to make it stop and if teachers were willing to help BUT the superintendent was the problem, place the blame squarely on the Superintendent. And let's not forget those publicly elected School Committee members. Between the Superintendent and School Committee, these folks can be more slippery than an eel greased in Crisco. Of course, the Superintendent and School Committee will practice their "hints" that the mother is suing for MONEY as this is what the taxpayers are worried about - and should be worried about. Just consider how small towns can have information - or misinformation - spread to benefit the public leaders in charge. It is called persuading the public.
The next question is: did the Superintendent contact Brunswick Police Chief Rizzo and did Rizzo investigate complaints of sexual assault involving a minor? If Rizzo was contacted, did he refuse to investigate? Were the bullies the children of "influential" people in Brunswick? Rizzo has a pattern of not investigating certain people in Brunswick - this is called 2 standards of justice. And Rizzo's buddy
Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz is in charge of sexual assaults. Knowing the excellent men and women of the Brunswick Police Patrol, Sargeant and Lieutenant staff, they would have been very willing to help. We all know these folks - and they are GREAT. Every one of them would help out in a second.
But, if Captain Mark Waltz became informed, did he refuse to investigate a child being sexually assaulted? Were the aggressors children of "influential" families? There are already serious complaints involving Rizzo and Waltz "Dancing with the Stars" with their close buddies at the Brunswick Town Council and the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust. Angela Twitchell needs to be investigated - and should be for bullying Brunswick seniors and residents to she can financially exploit them to benefit a small group of residents in Pennellville and a small group of attorneys, real estate appraisal specialists and real estate title search services. Maine Human Rights Commission, pay attention to this story as it continues to unfold. There is violation of another Brunswick person's civil rights going on, right now and the female from Pennellville is NOT looking to sue. She is looking for
public accountablility, a full and impartial investigation and justice.
Rizzo and Waltz have REFUSED to investigate persons who have targeted the female in Pennellville whlie she has appeared to be ALONE on her private property. The Brunswick Police Patrol staff have been very willing to help the woman BUT Brunswick Town Manager John Eldridge and the entire Brunswick Town Council have not responded. Is the new strategy, recommend by the newly hired (and taxpayer funded) attorney to "REMAIN SILENT"? And why exactly was former Town Manager Gary terminated? Did he refuse to go along with illegal activity?
Finally, the really big question is why hasn't publicly elected Cumberland County District Attorney Stepanie Anderson being questioned for why she refused to help this mother prevent her child from being sexually assaulted? Whoa...the DA refused to help? Sexual assault is a crime, right? And Stephanie Anderson, former Brunswick native, spent so much time in New York City investigating homicides. Does she forget she is NOT just an attorney in private practice, making money like so many local attorneys (including Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz!) but Stephanie Anderson is the pubicly elected DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY.
PS - Stephanie Anderson refused to return any phone calls to the female in Pennellville. Why not?
Prosecutorial bias anyone?

Midcoast Advocacy 12 hours ago
Documents pertaining to the case can be downloaded for free at this link:

  • Your taxes at work 15 hours ago
    Why is the new attorney for the Town of Brunswick not recommending the terms of settlement? These terms may be as simple as providing staff training and investigating the aggressors plus paying for counseling for the victim. The lawsuit will not be filed for another several weeks so the way to interpret this is the Maine Human Rights Commission will give the Town of Brunswick and the School Superintendent and the School Committee several weeks to discuss it and agree to take "corrective actions".
    But, this might mean the aggressors are investigated and if found guilty, disciplined. So, exactly who might the aggressors be? Are any of them CHILDREN OF INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE? If so, this may explain the unwillingness of the Superintendent and School Committee to stop the previously reported bullying EARLY when it began AND their current actions.
    Since the Maine Human Rights Commission states it has not filed against a public school district before, this case must have actually been really bad with lots of SOLID EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES.
    Now, let's consider the legal advice being provided to the School Committee (and behind the scenes discussion with the Town Council)...
    it is financially more profitable for the ATTORNEYS to keep a lawsuit going...or to settle now? Which generates more billable hours for the law firms? Big BUCK$ law firms bill out at several hundred or more per hour so the attorneys make more money filing lawsuits...we all know this. And all of the attorney's billable hours will be fully funded by the taxpayers.
    So, just before Bennie Pols announced he no longer will be on Brunswick Town Council, SOMEONE made the decision on the Brunswick Town Council to switch to the new expensive large law firm with the remainder of the Town Council following along in chorus: baaaah, baaah, baaah.
    The bleeting of sheep...can they think for themself and make an independent decision on their own?
    Has anyone checked out the disciplinary action by the Maine Board against the new person being paid by the public taxpayers as the town counsel? This is public information. It is worth reading if you are a taxpayer in Brunswick. This is where you tax dollars are going.

  • Former Portland PD Captain 16 hours ago
    Does anyone in the greater Portland law enforcement community know if current Brunswick Police Chief Richard Rizzo was really a "Captain" in the Portland (Maine) Police Department as his Linkedin
    description states? This would have been prior to 1995 when he left Portland Police Department to move to Massachusetts and become the Ayer (Massachusetts) Police Chief? A member of the Mid Coast law enforcement community says he DOES NOT remember Richard Rizzo ever being a Captain but does anyone know for sure?

      Guest Former Portland PD Captain 7 hours ago
    Have access to his resume, but may not be able to get the info to you before TF closes comments. Concerning other information, believe he was Police Chief in Ayers during an incident related to a beating death of a 19 year-old black male by two young men (McGuane) of influential family in the area. Not sure if he was there during time period of Betty Ann Waters whose brother, Kenny, was wrongfully convicted (Ayers PD involved; see movie "Conviction"). Do know, and others are aware also, including DA Anderson that Rizzo has falsified police report (in current position as Chief). Complaints, including those written, against leo are not available to the public through municipality as they're claimed "personnel issues". However, you may be able to access documents through the Attorney General's Office, but they sometimes play "dumb", too, and will likely give the run-around.
      Brunswick Police Chief Rizzo Guest 2 hours ago
    Hello Guest, MANY THANKS! I am the woman he refused to help. He refused to answer emails and called me on my cell and refused to answer questoins. He just refused to answer. And a member of the Mid Coast law enforcement community says Rizzo was NOT a Captain (as he has stated on Linkedin) but was a Lieutenant. He worked supposedly at the Portland Police Department before he left and moved to become the Massachusetts Police Chief in Ayer. While under his leadership in small town, blue collar, predominantly white Ayer, a young male named Kelly Proctor was walking home from a fireworks celebration with his friends. Kelly was well liked and well behaved, had been valedictorian of Ayer High School and a star football player. Tragically, the 2 Mcguane brothers, both from an influential small town family and both physically much larger than Kelly Proctor, stomped and beat him to death in less than a minute. The poor kid never had a chance. Why didn't Rizzo investigate this as a hate crime as Kelly Proctor had reportedly been bullied by the Mcguane brothers before and they were white and he was black. Remember, he was unarmed and the poor kid never had a chance. My heart breaks for his mom and sister. His dad had been killed by a drunk driver a few years before. Rizzo investigated with then Middlesex District Attorney Martha Coakley (the current Massachusetts Attorney General who just LOST again her second state election, this time for Governor). Rizzo and Coakley didn't appear to do a very good job as the state funded medical examiner botched the autopsy and a month before trial, the charges were downgraded from first degree murder to involuntary manslaugher. The 2 Mcguane brothers only served 3 years for stomping to death an unarmed, young innocent black man. Rizzo didn't get his contract renewed for 6 months, resigned and headed 2 states away - to head up Brunswick PD. And Brunswick was just informed the Maine Human Rights Commission will be filing against Brunswick for allowing a student to be bullied and sexually assaulted. The mother said Brunswick authorities would not stop it - and Brunswick Captain Mark Waltz is the sexual assault officer. The Maine Human Rights Commission has never filed against a public school district before so it must have been bad with witnesses and evidence. So members of the Maine and federal law enforcement community - let this story be told. Something is going on with Brunswick Police Chief Rizzo and Brunswick Captain Mark Waltz (who is also a solo practice real estate attorney - IN BRUNSWICK). is the Brunswick PD running a real estate firm out of the public taxpayer funded new police station? And why didn't Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson help BOTH the child who was being bullied and sexually assaulted AND the woman in BRunswick who has been harassed and trespassed because she won't give her private property away to a person called Angela Twitchell - at a "non profit" public charity called the Brunswick Topsham Land Trust? Is Angela Twitchell Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz private client? Why did he try to set up a meeting with the female adult complainant at the Brunswick Police Station with Bailey's island realtors Roxanne and Ronald York AND Attorney Jenny Burch? What is Brunswick Police Captain Mark Waltz' relationship to these people? The female complainant was suspicious of Waltz and refused to meet - as she had already refused to sell or give away her private property - so Waltz then asked to meet with the female - ALONE - without any members of her family - on the female's remote private property. No witnesses. No one to know what was being asked - or harassed.
    Thanks Forecaster for keeping this post open. Please keep it open so more information can keep coming...there definitely is a story in the public's interest developing.
      Guest Brunswick Police Chief Rizzo a few seconds ago
    Not surprised what you've written about both Chief Rizzo and Mark Waltz given their past behaviors; sounds like they're not doing their job when refusing to respond to complaints of harassment and trespass. Seems people who've been notified not to trespass, but continue to do so are committing a crime(s) and violating rights to a person's peaceable enjoyment of their own property. Sounds like the female you've mentioned is elderly, and there's an attempt to take advantage of her? (The State of Maine has an elder abuse hotline.) In my opinion, since you've received no response from Rizzo, it may be best to specifically document what's happened in a letter and send it certified mail to the parties, making it clear about the harassment and telling the police to notify all of those who've been trespassing to cease and desist. If you still get no response from Rizzo, don't give up - and start contacting others. Chances are these posts will be deleted, but I've copied several and am sending to the boycottbelfast blog which posted your other comment to Chew H. Bird re Maine Human Rights Commission and lawsuit against Brunswick. So, that's a good contact. I've also posted information for the FBI hotline to report corruption and fraud as per a recent BDN article (, 844-NOBRIBE, 844-662-7423).
     Posted under TF article 12-18-14, "Bath Council Oks $1.2M settlement with West Bath":

    Call out corrupt officials a day ago
    Congratulations on the settlement of this suit is still disappointing Bath, Arrowsic and Woolwich did not receive reimbursment for being overcharged. These smaller communities face major challenges all the time with less taxpayers to pay the bills for their towns - and being overcharged by two public employees is DESPICABLE. Roger Therriault and William Shuttleworth were paid as PUBLIC EMPLOYEES and acted unethically. They still can be held accountable - and should be.
    The funds that were overcharged to Bath, Arrowsic and Woolwich could have helped with educating their kids, paying for repairs on police vehicles or firetrucks and renovating town buildings. So, how to hold Roger Therriault and William Shuttleworth accountable? Keep insisting on an investigation - write to everyone and keep the pressure on. Don't let up. Share this article with as many of your friends and family as possible. Either forward it to your contacts or save it as a file and then email it out.
    Many sincere thanks to the Editor at The Forecaster for printing this story - in an unbiased way - so the public is accurately kept informed. Many other Maine news sources would have edited this story so it would have appeared Therriault and Shuttleworth were Boy Scouts or good will ambassadors. Again, thanks Forecaster and keep up the great work. Merry Christmas.

     From TF, 12-17-14, "Brunswick Council reduces sewer debt limit increase":

    Town Attorney "Remain Silent" 2 days ago
    So, at this Brunswick Townn Council meeting, was the body language and facial expressions of the publicly elected officials relaxed...or did they appear TENSE?? What, no public disclosure about serious complaints involving Brunswick Police Chief Richard Rizzo and Captain Mark Waltz and the refusal of Town Manager (and the very long time "Finance Director") "Mr. Manager Edridge? All talk about SEWER...seems like more than the sewers need drainage and some more than overdue fresh air. And let's see, the publicly disclosed relationship of at least 2 members - maybe more, maybe not - of the current Brunswick Town Council with the top real estate agent in the Brunswick Topsham area -
    none other than good Angie Twitchell. All those real estate parcels, all those land transactions, all those real estate appraisals, all those real estate title searches...all those MONEY AND RELATIONSHIPS. And so social media forward - the digital age at work, right here in Brunswick. Just much MONEY that has NOT BEEN DISCLOSED FOR HOW IT HAS BEEN SPENT AS THE LOCAL RESIDENTS HAVE STRUGGLED TO JUST PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE AND BARELY MAKE A LIVING. Now, let's see..
    what HAVE we all NOT been seeing?
    And what does newly hired, public taxpayer funded Town of Brunswick Attorney Steven Langsdorf recommend? Who on the Brunswick Town Council made the recommendation to switch to Attorney Langsdorf's law firm a few months back? And curiously, WHY? So many questions, so many people insisting on answers from local government. People are JUST NOT GOING TO ALLOW THEIR ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS TO KEEP DENYING THEIR RIGHTS. Keep asking, Brunswick, keep asking. And ask, and ask and ask...share this post to all of your internet contacts.

      Guest Town Attorney "Remain Silent" a few seconds ago
    I understand why you're posting this information, and there are several others who do as well. Your information is being shared because there's been a history of of fraud and corruption and violations of civil rights. Here's a recent article in the BDN. The FBI has begun a national campaign to target fraud and corruption on all levels of government, and created a tip line to report corruption in Maine: and 844-NOBRIBE (844-662-7423):

    Benet Looks So SAD Last Night Town Attorney "Remain Silent" 2 days ago
    Benet Pols Looked SAD
    Oh dear! The photo of Benet Pol at his "bye bye" meeting last night at the Brunswick Town Council meeting made him look so sad. Sentimental, Attorney Pols? Misty eyed, perhaps?
    Just think...all those years on the Brunswick Town Council and all those memories. Are you remembering the old days when the pesky public had to attend a Town Council meeting and YOU as Chair could decide whether or NOT to allow them to speak. Sort of like holding court but with no throne, crown or scepter. And the former Town Hall digs weren't too swanky either...
    Or were you glum because you were thinking "it has been real and it has been fun..but lately has it really been real fun?" Oh, well there is always your web page "Guy from Maine"? Don't forget, once you are gone, people may quickly forget who you are when you stop at Frosty's.
    Guy who?
    So, as the expression goes in a modified sort of way...Brunswick locals are getting restless
    (better not to say Natives as this may be politically incorrect in Brunswick these days).
    Anyway, are you suddenly media shy? What, no press conference? No big proclamations? No Christmas card? 'Tis the season to spread some Christmas cheer so Happy Holidays to your and the missus!
    Send our charcoal for the stocking of your good friend Angela Twitchell and all of her close friends in Pennellville. Do you think they will have a lit Christmas tree at the Pennellville Meadow for all of us to see - but not put presents under? Will Santa be stopping in Pennellville this year?

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