2/15/2015 I can't keep up. Here's another- Hospital Expansion Corruption
I'd like to know who started the brainwashing of do not tell, especially if it is family hurting you, again and again. The bullies feed on that- shaming or threatening their victims if they tell. Society scorning in agreement. My brother has gotten away with that long enough. As an adult, finally free from him, to know that he keeps bringing my ex husband back into my life against my safety and health. When we were dating in 1985 and I fled to Bayside from NJ to escape and George gave him directions and an invitation. Unbeknownst to me until I walked into the cottage and saw him sitting in the living room. Mom and George insisting I give him another chance, that I was lucky to have him...After I divorced him in 2007. I was on the verge of total collapse, a bag of bones and fearing for our lives, I begged George to stay away from my ex. Do not bring him back into my family. George went above and beyond to make my ex his buddy. Regardless of the abuse, George was guilty of it too. Physical and mental. Life threatening a few times. Many witnessed and did nothing.
Beginning with my parents. They did not want to hear it and choose to find fault with me at 3. The more I told, the more George was rewarded. And so and so on. At 12, cancer was well underway with Dad. The Dr.'s were clueless. He got a cane (I still have it), then crutches, they sent him for acupuncture. A year later, after his hip bone was almost gone, they diagnosed cancer. It would eat away at him for 3 more years. Mom and George formed a pact. They threatened to send me to a home, George even calculating the wattage my hair dryer used to charge me for electricity.
I should have been on the road to college, funded by the VA. Instead, I was working in a muffler warehouse with many dirty old men and truckers at 17. I was your prime candidate for a bad path. I was on my own at 3 years old. My path was truth then and now. No one has anything on me, every mistake I made, I owned it and corrected it.
I thought everyone had the same ethics if I forced them to see their mistakes. George has never owned anything, my Mom the same , my sister the same, my brother Donald the same, my ex learned from my family, the same and worse because he uses the children,
The guilt manifests into faulting the victim. News flash...that keeps flashing as another woman falls with many watching, many cheering, many not even caring... so many are parents, their children learning from them? I didn't. Why is that? Early intervention on problem behavior is key. It all begins at home. Fix it there. By the time those problems fester into adulthood, hello evil and corruption. Look at the world. Governor LePage makes me sick with his abuse and rage. Elected by the same. Up and down the ladder of power, those problems are in control and implicate the once ethical. Gotcha. They never got me. Powerful baiting, I spit out their venom.
As I stated previously somewhere in all this mess (forcing me into repetitive information as new events hook into old). Tom Groening of the Bangor Daily news took off his reporter hat and asked me why don't I try... and I jumped in "Kiss their ass?" he knew then that I would never do that. Those that do are soon implicated. Right or wrong. Easy as that. Stick to it.
(below is repeated through out the log. It is so outrageous, I can't let it get buried)
Clearly, vanity is not my cup of tea. Direct all the way. You are talking to me. Cowardly City Council and Hall try to run, I keep coming, they run to the police chief, run to the City Attorney, try to stop me from speaking, they take the 5th, they call me in as a threat to the Chief, the Chief's brother in law turns out to be the TWC tech undisclosed, access to home after home, computer after computer, (several times to my home, never once revealing the Chief was his BIL as I went off about City corruption again and again. The Chief damn near fell off his chair when I made the connection when I was summoned for interrogation because Council felt threatened. Right. Bet they were hoping a back ground check would give them some ammo. to take me down. Clean as Opey, that's me), the police approach me outside of City Hall after a meeting, as did Ned Lightner and both attempt to discourage me. After I speak at open to the public, the Chief tells his officers to follow me out- public display to shame me on TV. The community players in the meetings fill the air with disgust of me. Then the police used my children (same tactics as abusive ex) trying to shame me as a mother. The Chief and same officer (Ward) would even come to my house and do it again.
The City Attorney Bill Kelly accuses me of enjoying this as sport. He put this in writing!!! Documents in www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com Mental battering. Common tactic of the cowardly bullies. Mental abuse is calculating evil. I know it well. I know what I am up against, I didn't know it would be so many. Into my home, trying to destroy my life. I did not seek out any of this, I was seeking peace, privacy, and simple healing and did everything by the book. Their corrupt book and I crawled through it all. Shame on Belfast City Hall and Real estate agents. They should have went to City Hall and said enough. We are not tricking people into buying these properties that you are destroying. That is what I asked them to do. Instead they kicked me to the curb. Bill Ingersoll the worst of all. And the agency keeps him on- Earl Black is the owner. Owns half of Maine's agencies. He is nasty. Documentation in www.belfastbullies2.blogspot.com
All the players and all the men, couldn't knock Laurie Allen down again. They keep coming and keep standing. I had hope that the district court was neutral. I was wrong. Judge Patricia Worth is corrupt. More on her below.
I stand alone, right as rain and even in the rain. This day was "Occupy Day". I had to do my part. I called the media- Ben was the only one to report. He didn't have much of a choice. His office is right across the street. The hypocrite neighbor who keeps stabbing me in the back and face- David Smith brags about his son taking part in the Central Park Occupy movement. Below I mention City employee and now ex friend Ned Lightner. This day he was still playing my friend. He had walked past me and said "Geez Laurie, you are dedicated. If I ever need a protestor, I'm calling you."
Photo by: Ben Holbrook
Laurie Allen stands outside City Hall in the rain to
protest the city's unwillingness to address flooding issues on her
I was protesting outside of the real estate agency that sold me hell and Tom's office is across the street. Same floor as City Council Heil Hurley. Tom came out to talk to me. He said that I was so nice, how do I put myself through this day after day. Doesn't it make me sick? I said yes, very sick. But it would kill me not to fight for right. Here is the article he did. I still hadn't uncovered a fraction of the corruption. Below is the picture taken that day by Ned Lightner, City employee who I've known since I was a teen. He fooled me into thinking he was my friend. Ouch. That one hurt. He has lots of "friends" that are threatened by me. I have since called them all out. The lines are drawn. Right or Wrong.
Culvert at top of Seaview bringing it into, unleashed to private property. This was after only an inch of rain fall- previously dry in all the pictures below. Becky Gibbons house is right next to this. In 2009 she told me the spring melt from all these sites, highways and roads was too much for the culvert. It poured down to her and the road. Wiped out her front yard and almost took her car with it. In 8/2011 City Manager Joe Slocum told me her ranch could have been taken off it's foundation. He denies that. He lies, I don't. Water doesn't lie. Follow the water. Look.
The next shot same is the water coming to me from the Annex and Wight Street (which is the direct path to the bay. It is right across the street of Northport Ave via City Park. Forced drowning of 12 family homes on Seaview Terrace is GENOCIDE.
And all of this tracked on the map to flow through Seaveiw Terrace into this box culvert behind David Smith's house. He likes the stream and City Hall. Idiot.
The next shot, same day shows the flow coming into Seaview Terrace that couldn't be channeled into the culvert. Highway Route 1 is right next to Seaview Terrace (those 2 black lines- North and South) for miles they have culverts under neath to channel more water into Seaview Terrace. It is insane. The City, State and DOT lie and say they can do this because tiny Seaview Terrace is a NATURAL OUTLET. IT IS NOT. I UNCOVERED THE MAPS AND DOCUMENTS THAT THEY TRIED TO HIDE. GENOCIDE!!! The assault does not let up. They attempted to illegally rezone us this summer, they did an illegal paving patch job to the crumbling, drowning Seaview Terrace. They complicate public information to avoid accountability and paint me as a nuisance. I don't give up. Everyone is sick of me. I am the cat's pajamas against the corrupt. I like me. I
My house is the gray split. The last house that owns private property where all this water water is forced to. The remaining property to the one cuvlert to take all this water under Northport Ave, under the hospital, out to City Park and into the bay, is owned by Mid Coast Mental Health. Recently surveyed- they have plans for this property yet to unfold. Mike Hogan, the architect for the Annex and hospital projects told us (me and the planning board at the 5/2011 Annex site meeting) that in the 2009 spring melt that culvert at Northport Ave from Seaview Terrace was backing up. It rose to road level. He said he was nervous, a little bit more and it would have been over Northport Ave and into the hospital lobby again. No concern for Seaview Terrace. This year we could be a river.
Above is on Route 1 South- 2 lanes- north is across and abutts Seaview Terrace.
Above the red 40 is the Seaview Terrace area. The farm house owned by Dutch immediately to the right of the 40 is still there at the corner of Northport Ave and Seaview Terrace. Hello- no stream- NADA. The next picture is when the ditching was done for the new 1962 Rte 1 Bypass. Seaview Terrace had yet to be developed but was underway. Becky's lot next to the culvert is #14. Frightening. She is retired, worked for attorney Lee Woodward (big player) for over 20 years. Sad to think he knows this and never warned her. She is in her 70's now. Honest woman. Real Maine. My lot is number 11. That is the tree line- they ripped it up during development, made a private property drainage ditch and have been illegally forcing volumes of runoff and meltoff for miles and miles outside of Seaview Terrace since. Almost 50 years of development and still adding to it. GENOCIDE
There is no way that I can write this accounting without linking abuse to women. With each word most are finding reasons to blame me for the corruption. The greed is clear from family, house after house to exactly the same by Belfast real estate agents, Belfast City Hall, State Agencies and Officials, businesses and community witnessing and doing nothing. Many joining in on the stoning.
For trying to save my neighborhood and home when I was beat to a bone from a lifetime of the same corruption. At 50, Belfast was going to be the final nail to my coffin. Or do I fight to live and save my home. At 54, they haven't been able to break me and not for full force trying. Heavy hands of many keep shoving my head under water. I am not afraid to die. As a mother, I fight to live for them and my beagles. The best of my life. I am lucky to share true love.
Belfast City Hall and Council Heil Hurley counted on that too. Knowing how dangerous it would be for me to go public when I needed to be under all radar. After 7 months of City Hall intimidation and bullying, refusing to cooperate and make me appear crazy- I went public. Heil Hurley blew at the meeting- slandering me and placing me in grave danger that continues to grow, 4 years and counting. He acts like this flooding is something new. He knows darn will the history of Seaview Terrace. The Dutch family owned it, and clearly made deals for drainage from the new bypass in 1962 of Rte 1 to flow through their abandoned property.
McLeod bought it and developed it, filling in the drainage ditch. Yet no other infrastructure was built to take the new Rte 1 bypass runoff to the bay. And from there the City just kept sending more to Seaview Terrace, 50 years and counting. Here is the link to the history with Hurley boasting again. What a tool. The Dutch and McLeod's have watched me beg and plead for information and saving Seaview Terrace as the City beats me down. They make me sick. I didn't find this till a month ago. I saw a piece by the Belfast historical society on the history of the bypass and that got me searching. They have troves of information. I can't bear to ask them, I don't know if they hate me. They probably do. The work close with City Wall Hall. It's hard to swallow that no one, except for Deb Paradis ever speaks up against the tactics of City Wall Hall corruption.Even worse when a few praise City Council and the Wall. How do they do that knowing we are being forced to drown by the City's hand.
*** http://vimeo.com/33314014 12/6/11 City Hall Meeting- I speak publicly about 15 minutes in- 4th person up. I let it rip with truth and maps.
Later at the end of the meeting, long after I'm gone, Council member Mike Hurley slanders me with confidence and ease. Quoted as closely as possible, Mike Hurley’s public rant against me at the 12/6/11 City Council meeting:
“I want to respond during the discussion about water. I came to the entire subject early on when we stated getting copied here on everything, with a pretty open mind about it, well, is there a problem here? What’s the problem? I think that’s what we do here quite often is hey what’s the problem and try to fix it and if there is something we can do. I want to say I had an open mind to it but having had the avalanche of emails that we received and what we heard tonight again, I just want to say that, ya know, if anybody thinks the way to solve a problem is to insult people with things like, Wayne’s World, Ignorant, Dysfunctional, Shot to Hell, Deceiving, Corruption, Lies, Cover Ups, Bullied, I want to add one word…RIDICULOUS. I’ve worked with all these guys and I’ve been on the wrong side of government in the past and I’ve been on the wrong side of government while I’ve been in government. And ya know, it’s just ridiculous to listen to this stuff. I would not object to putting this on the agenda for us to talk about what we should do about this if anything. But, you know, to listen to these to these kind of character assassinations pf people who could really be bothered to do these things to this woman, I’m really sorry, nobody has any interest in doing any of these kinds of things that she keeps proclaiming and you know it’s unfortunate she takes it completely publicly and tonight even, I kept waiting for her, what’s the problem (out of quote for me to say, I clearly stated in the beginning what the problem, what I wanted done, and backed it up with facts for the ?? Time) How would we address the problem. I THINK SHE’S MORE INTERESTED IN FIGHTING, but I’m willing to talk about it and look at it and maybe, ya know, there’s something we can do, I don’t know. But anyway, I FEEL LIKE WAYNE AND JOE, IN PARTICULAR HAVE BEEN AN ABSOLUTE PINATA AND I APPRECIATE THEM BEING RESTRAINED. I am sure, I can tell from everything that the landowner is absolutely feels put upon by the water that runs in the stream in through her yard. I think, maybe there’s a way to solve this but constantly insulting the people you’re trying to talk with, at least it’s never worked for me at home.”
Meeting after meeting they kick my ass and kiss business ass- aka JB Turner, president Front Street Shipyard (there is just no other way to put it). We began speaking at Belfast City Council meetings at the same time. The shipyard would be built within 6 months- spring 2012 and I'm still begging for a sewer.
How would you feel? I know business is paramount, most of us in the bypass have had to spend over 10k to get the water from development out of our basements because the City refuses to spend any tax dollars to fix their flooding of us. Cedar Street tried to fight back but City Council dismissed them too.
What a joke- they finally put it on the agenda on 1/3/2012- it is in the link with the Engineer's letter that I referenced below with Dr. Caswell, original owner of my home. A complete snow job. Here is the link again. http://belfastbullies3.blogspot.com/p/122711-agend.html
My brother George has been hurting me my entire life and continues through my ex husband. I cut all ties with him. It is impossible to keep this private as all the players are connected. Many are tied to Bayside, they know my family and our history... we all owned homes in Bayside. My parents cottage, my sister's cottage and I built my dream in 1997 and lost it to my NJ husband in the divorce.
My Dad died in 1977 and Mom gave the cottage to George, unbeknownst to me. My sister (12 years older than me) was outraged when she found out. Janel said I could stay at her cottage ( Sunny Side) when ever I wanted to do. And she would leave it to me. But then Mom died in 1995 and Janel was the executor and heavily in debt with addiction issues her whole life. She began robbing the estate immediately. George begged me to oversee the estate in NJ. Promising to back me up. Janel flipped when I held her accountable from the start. Began threatening me, I had to get my phone number unlisted and George immediately threw me under the bus. I couldn't back out- I was already neck deep in her corruption of the estate.
With nowhere to stay in Bayside, I cashed in my 401k, used all my savings and convinced my then husband to just let me buy a piece of land in Bayside. Just so I could pitch a tent. Bayside is almost cult like to those who have grown up there or rented or just visited. We live, breathe and sleep Bayside. My husband refused. He wanted a new jeep (30K). I could care less- I never had a new car and drove my 3 vehicles to the ground. After the jeep came in defective for the 3rd time and the salesman was coming at it with a spray can to touch it up- my husband gave in. I drove through the night, hooked up with long time friend (so I thought) real estate agent of Bayside- Blair Einstein and said I must have a piece of Bayside now. I bought the wooded lot next to the golf course for 24k. That was in 1995. By 1997, my dream was built, free and clear. In 2007 my now ex stole it. Thank goodness for my budgeting. He was intent on making me homeless but couldn't because we were just about debt free. A 40k mortgage was left on the NJ dump. If that money we used for Bayside was liquid- I never would have saw a dime. Phew, Bayside has been a gem again and again.
The corrupt Judge Fred Keiser (http://www.robeprobe.com/vote_details.php?judge_id=1901&user_id=2148&judge_Fred__Keiser,%20Jr.http://www.robeprobe.com/vote_details.php?judge_id=1901&user_id=2148&judge_Fred__Keiser,%20Jr. ) ordered the sale of both homes under my ex's direction. The kids were crashing and the last thing you do is remove them from their homes and schools. There was no reason to. The mortgage was less than rent- $400 a month. The Judge said "Little lady, America is a moving country. You are moving." Bang, bang. After offers were coming in on ONLY Bayside, my ex reversed in 2007. After spending 50k in legal fees fighting to save the homes, he took Bayside and I got NJ. I thought I'd never see my beloved Maine again. Until I saw the window crack in 8/2009 and I jumped. Belfast or bust. I was almost a shut in by that point. One step away from destitution. Executives were flipping burgers. No jobs period and the house was crumbling.
So true the saying "You marry what you know." My ex wiped me out and seeks constant punishment for filing for divorce after 18 years. He does it through the children and Bayside. Bayside was painful to let go, but I did. I was and am glad our children have it. Bayside causes a lot of pain for siblings and divorces. I am glad it does not hold me hostage any longer. The magical spell is long gone.
Belfast has destroyed any desire to own a home again. The thugs have killed the American Dream. Buying a home has become a corruption contract. It is nation wide. The blog www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com is an excellent education on the tactics and death of democracy hidden under Agenda 21, inverse condemnation, statute 5204, legal corruption through out. The only way out is BOYCOTT. Shut down the 1%.
Easy breezy in Belfast. Dutch Chevrolet, Front Street Shipyard, Colonial Theater, Waterfall Arts- ooops I digress. It is easy for me, I have nothing left to lose. Thank you thugs for freeing from me from my material wealth. Truth is free to fly. My mouth is flying. :0
Five long years of documenting and readying Mom's home for sale from 1995-2000. I was outcast from all family functions and held my chin up. Janel's attorney was retiring, he brought the small estate (under 200k) to court in 2001. I was pro se , broke and breaking. Two small children and one bad husband. 911 brought the outfall into my pool. I could see the smoke from the towers that day- I was on a power walk up the hill. I got home at 10 am and was never the same again. It is different when you're a mom. It's all about protecting your children. What ever I can do, I do. They always came first. Knowing I had a new, year round home in Bayside to get the kids to safety was torture. My husband laughed at me. I was at the school each time the sirens went off. We lived our lives daily by the color threat alerts of the day.
I walked into the Middlesex County New Brunswick NJ court house alone in 2001 and find out my brother George and his wife had drove down from Maine and were supporting my sister. I thought I was going to pass out. The attorney chiseled another 7k out me in the hallway, claiming executors fees, made jokes as I was on the stand crying, and facing George and Janel. We settled, I took a beating. I left the court room and George came running after me. He had cleaned out Mom's house years before- Bayside wasn't enough for him. I was holding a few bisque dolls and a few heirlooms. I had documented them and asked my brothers again and again to advise resolution during those 5 years. No response. The day I came home from the hospital with my newborn son in 1997, George called me from Maine.
I was holding my son, in total joy and George didn't even ask about us or congratulate me. He tells me that I am liable for the items I have in holding if a fire breaks out in my home... I kind of, hung up and cried.
Janel died in 2002 within 6 weeks from being diagnosed with cancer. Janel's husband gave all the things she had stolen from Mom's estate, including Mom's rare and expensive jewelry to George. A large diamond ring was to go to me, but George hoards all. George has never acknowledged that he has those items. It's been over 10 years now. My ex stole my wedding rings too, and so much more. Who are these thugs? Why are there so many of them? Was it in the water in the 50's and 60's????
My ex can be seen in Bayside during the summers drinking on my old family porch with my brother. The Allen's porch is party central. Every one knows the Allen cottage. I stay out of Bayside. It is not the Bayside it was. Such a loss. It was a blast and you knew everyone, really knew them. www.baysidemaine.com
George also cleaned out Sunny Side of prime antiques. Seth Thayer (a big player in Belfast) bought Sunny Side. It is now up for sale, the listing agent- Bill Ingersoll. Bill is the evil listing agent that sold me undisclosed hell- 17 Seaview Perish, Belfast Maine owned by Minister Tarpley, owned by Mr. Moll a banker, owned by Puzz Caswell (her father in law, Dr. Caswell was the original owner from 1967. In the 80's the flooding was filling his basement. It was always dry before. The City engineer denied any City forcing, stated the ditch was a private property drainage ditch, clearly it was never a natural outlet. http://belfastbullies3.blogspot.com/p/122711-agend.html
Dr. Caswell died. Puzz told me that it is the City's problem to fix the forced flooding to Seaview Terrace, but she said they won't. She said she had never seen the flooding and erosion so bad. Later she would throw me under the bus. Writing to the Realtor Commission that the erosion was MY fault. Stating that I ripped up vegetation. Outright lie. It was a plain old 2'x2' grassy swale drainage ditch just like the other 2 along either side my house. Minister Tarpley must have filled it in after the spring melt of 2009 that nearly wiped out Becky Gibbons house and car at the top of Seaview Terrace, right next to the huge culvert. My home was on the market for at least a year before I bought hell in 6/2010. No doubt there was ravine just like the one left after ripping through my yard in 2011. Taking over 600 ft of property with it. 10 days of wild rapids.
Karen Caswell still owns the lot next to me. She put it on the market right after I bought in 2010 @ 100k. After 2? years, she dropped it down to 25k and then gave up. She took it off the market.
Will we survive the forced floods this spring melt? 3 more feet of snow coming this weekend, 2/14/15. We keep getting nailed storm after storm totaling over 5 ft already. All to melt to Seaview Terrace. Massive piling miles outside of Seaview. Buh Bye. A resident with some nice toys- sports car, boat, jet ski, tractor mower and more should be worried. I don't think anyone on Seaview has flood insurance except for me.
See link for testimony and proof. Judge Patricia Worth is corrupt. So sick of this corruption. Governor LePage is trying to get his own attorney on staff to over ride the Attorney General when she not in agreement with him... sick.http://bangordailynews.com/2015/02/13/politics/lepage-says-court-must-weigh-in-on-beef-with-attorney-general-janet-mills/?ref=topStories3 Poor Maine, it used to be a handshake of integrity. Now it's a beat down to integrity. Most choosing to go along to get along. That choice would kill me. Integrity wins regardless of what they steal.
This is the repair- inner door frame bottom. Within 1 year the rust was bubbling through. The repair was for the rust.
AnonymousMarch 1, 2014 at 8:23 PM
Patricia Worth has ruined many lives inthe Rockland & Belfast
courts. Why isnt there any accountibility for judges behaviors?
AnonymousMarch 2, 2014 at 4:22 PM
Yes she has, I know this first hand. I knew I was not the only one.
ReplyIf Worth is the Judge for Chris Kulbe Ridgetop Chimney Sweep's corrupt wood stove and chimney installation (verified corrupt by Rocky's Stove Shoppe, Augusta Maine- in written estimate given to Chris and his attorney) ... I'll be protesting BIG TIME on ALL the Corrupt that keep beating and robbing me. Tourists love to talk to me. I love talking. Gift of Gab that's me. Anything goes- no fear to speak, nothing to hide everything to tell. Chris disgustingly has hired an attorney rather than commit to resolution under direction of Woodstock Stove. Joseph Baiungo is the attorney. The case was to be heard on Friday, 2/6/14. Chris came with his wife, Lorrie and attorney. Two hours and we have to go back next month. They balked when I showed them the estimates. It is incredible to have this in writing and they will try and beat me regardless of billable hours. Must be way over the cost to repair of $1,000. Sad and scary. Regardless of outcome, my goal is to spread awareness. Done.
Kulbe's attorney, Joseph Baiungo already lied to Judge Worth. She told us that since the mediator was with another case, we should go into the hallway and communicate. Baiungo immediately began talking to another attorney? in the hall way. I stood there waiting for him. Kulbe and his wife did not come into the hallway. I interrupted Baiungo and asked him if we were going to speak. He asked me if I was conceding and I said no. That was it- he walked away from me and went back into the courtroom. Judge Worth asked if we communicated. Baiungo told her that I refuse mediation. Judge Worth lectured me that if I did not mediate I was basically in contempt. I told her that I never said I would not mediate. Stinking lying attorney.
Good grief- connecting the corrupt dots of the Belfast players never ends. Looking into Judge Worth, she is married to John Worth (his mom was Mayor of Belfast) John owns prime real estate- waterfront- Marshall Wharf, his sister Peg Worth was another real estate agents selling hells.... and below now I see John and JB Turner (president of Front Street Shipyard and serious player that has no problem watching City Hall beat me in the same meetings as he receives the treatment and our property taxes and, and, and) on the board at the hospital. Why on earth is JB on this board? He doesn't even live in Belfast and certainly has plenty to keep him busy at the shipyard.
Dot, dot, dot, and the City is attempting to illegally rezone my street, Seaview Terrace into healthcare and housing. We are across the street from the hospital. Time for me to make new signs of corruption for Judge Worth and new player signs for JB Turner and John Worth. Spring and protesting is just around the corner.
Seaview Terrace would make a nice parking lot after the City floods us (could be this spring melt) and takes it through inverse condemnation. No compensation because the forced flood made it worthless.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding...
Or will they will take it through
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
2014-2015 Board of Directors
of the Waldo County Healthcare Board of Directors are, seated from
left, J.B. Turner, John Worth III, David Flanagan, Peter Haddock, Wayne
Hamilton, James Patterson, Ed.D and Benjamin Mailloux, MD (medical staff
president). Standing from left are Catherine Reynolds, Syrena Gatewood,
Lee Woodward Jr., Dale Kuhnert, Ann Hooper, Jenness Robbins, and James
Delehanty, MD
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD. The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD. The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.
2/11/15- Muck Suck request for soil testing update in above tab.
Jersey Girl Always... Belfast rips the bones from my back.
Baby this town rips the bones from your back
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap
Sent: | Sun 2/08/15 10:04 AM |
To: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org mayor@cityofbelfast.org jslocum@cityofbelfast.org mick.kuhns@maine.gov Governor patricia.aho@maine.gov (patricia.a.condon@maine.gov); minister@uubelfast.org mackey.cyndy@epa.gov LAURIE ALLEN Earl C. Black joan.barton@bhgrealestate.com ; Hill, Jeffrey E emadirector@waldocountyme.gov Roger Lee Nancy Hamilton carol.j.leighton@maine.gov Mike Hurley ceo@cityofbelfast.org wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org, economicdevelopment@cityofbelfast.org slloyd@cityofbelfast.org, parksandrec@cityofbelfast.org ; bob richards (publicworks@cityofbelfast.org) |
To All Belfast and Maine State Government, Real Estate Officials, Compassionate Cities UU Minister Perkins, and ex Belfast City Council (Roger Lee and Nancy Hamilton),
The slaughter to the 12 homes and possible loss of life on Seaview Terrace is by your hands. The stress of your corruption to my family can kill me at any time. Heart attacks are the number one killer of Mom's- 2nd is the men kicking us to death. I rest my case and prepare for the worst- flooding and possible death. It makes me sick to come face to face with the calculators at City Council meetings. Therefore, I am sending this update on my blog www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com via email.
Laurie Allen
(I copied JB Turner, president of the Front Street Shipyard because the funds and property taxes that should have saved Seaview Terrace are sent to Front Street. JB and I began proposals at Belfast City Council meetings simultaneously in November 2011. The shipyard was a pipe dream that flew through approvals and was built within 6 months. While I received intimidation tactics off the charts with JB watching. I thought JB would have showed some concern. I thought wrong. I would have sent this to Greg Dutch of Dutch Chevrolet- his family owned Seaview Terrace before they sold it. The Dutch and McLeod (developer) families know the full 50+ years of Seaview Terrace forced water slaughter since it was a farm. It was NEVER a "natural outlet". I do not have email addresses for them)
Below was sent with above email (down until *****)
2/8/2015 Frightened is an understatement. Watching all these sites bring in front loaders to pile the snow at over 15 sites plus highway, local roads and all those residences- all to melt to Seaview Terrace. Add in a rain storm- absolute slaughter and over to the hospital, Fahey St and Huntress Ave... We won't be able to get out. Belfast City Manager Slocum refused mitigation plans. Dale Rowley, Waldo County EMA states there is nothing he can do but give me a pamphlet...
Right behind me is the Waldo County General Hospital Annex site. Yesterday- all day (and that is a SMALL parking lot and roof/impervious area in comparison to all the others) the massive front loader, pushed the existing 10 ft wall of snow around the perimeter back further to the ground that drains to me. The whole perimeter- scooping and dumping, building the mountains, 30 ft? tall. Beep, beep, beep, all day long. Clear visual at my kitchen sink- back door. For me, a personal torture for sure flooding. As all are allowed to illegally pile snow on site and road side. All to melt to Seaview Terrace. We may very well be exterminated by Belfast City Hall this spring.
I have dedicated 4 years, 12/7, free of charge and enormous loss, to Save Seaview Terrace. So Be It. Lay Me To Rest. I Beg For Peace. The personal toll can kill me at anytime. Heart Attack for the stress of never ending corruption and the bullies intent on slamming me down.
I do not have the time to report on current events- but small claims court with Skip owner of J&B Auto body and Chris Kulbe owner of Ridgetop Chimney Sweep this past month has been more kicking and beating.I have the proof and the courage. Kick harder boys- I've taken it for 52 years now.
I am re-posting the map to show the path of illegal slaughter (over a 5 mile developed radius). Also is an older picture album for some of the sites that drain to Seaview Terrace, illegally piling snow with Belfast City Hall's blessing and corruption. It is premeditated murder of Seaview Terrace. The snow is much more massive- mountains of snow all over. The Captain Albert Stevens School is KING of the KILL. Enormous site- and enormous corruption. Bypassing the approved drainage system, millions in the building of sewers, to send it to the private properties instead. In the watershed. Calculated genocide comes to fruition via the Comprehensive Plan currently getting passed.

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Many more pictures and documents of corruption Maine State wide- DEP, Real Estate Commission, Attorney General- Freedom of Information Act investigation refusal to Belfast City Hall, businesses, school administration, and community mob mentality. See my web albums on Picasa 3/Google +.
2/5/2015We are getting pummeled with snow- over 30 inches out there, more coming. This may it for Seaview Terrace- spring melt will be wild rapids pouring into 12 family homes on almost level- Seaview Terrace. Mayor Ash is my AAA provider and only local tow truck (East Side Garage) He refuses my emergency calls...made my son hours late for school waiting for an out of area provider to jump my SUV, another time I slid on the ice, hanging over the side- ready to go into the bay. After an hour of waiting, a stranger got chains to get us to safety. My kids and I were a mess and freezing. We shut the SUV off, afraid to melt the snow that was stopping us from going over... And why the never ending abuse and torture? I expose their corruption and destruction to residents and private property. Don't buy in Belfast- they will lie and lie, smiling as they sell you a disaster about to happen. Real estate agents cover the slaughter and enjoy the turn over as buyers are screwed and sell it to another. Till I came to town and was sold the worst undisclosed hell in 2010.
Below is an early (4/26/2012) threatening letter portion from Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly- telling me that I am harassing City officials as a form of sport...
" I have also been aware of your comments in which you have derided and made unfair, insulting, and untrue characterizations regarding various City officials. City official maintain a decorum and a level of respect for citizens that sometimes requires them to take passing insults and unfair characterizations somewhat in stride in their daily work. It appears to me that your repeated unfair characterizations and defamatory statements have become a form of sport for you. You couple these characterizations with your own versions and characterizations of efforts made be City officials in the last year in responding to your requests.
It appears that it is time for me to advise you to stop harassing City employees...The City officials have expended significant time and energy in addressing your questions and requests. They have done all the can do and there is nothing more they can do at this point in time. As a result, to the extent that your e-mails, commentary and questions are repetitive, there is no purpose at this point in the City officials responding to you. That will be the course that is taken from here on regarding repetitive inquiries...
I am aware that multiple residents on Seaview Terrace do not share
your concern, do not share your methodology of unfair characterizations
of City employees, nor the way that you describe the impact on your
property's value regarding stream/drainage swale, which has been in
the same approximate location for at least 50 years and certainly for a
greater period of time before it was slightly moved by the developers
in the late 60s. I
encourage you to seek legal an/or attorney or professional engineering
advice to address your private issues. I am happy to speak with your
attorney or engineer at any time.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kelly & Collins, LLC
by: William S. Kelly
Completely the opposite- I am the target that they relentlessly, callously and beyond unethically attempt to break. More of this letter and others will blow your socks off in disbelief of rhetoric stupidity in this link (also alienating my neighbors from me, refusal to provide true documents, telling me I am too stupid to know what I am looking at, etc.)
Below was not included in the email.
1/29/2015 Blizzard has blown me off course. On top of Belfast City Council and City Manager calculating the despicable use of my brother's death to send the trucks in for illegal paving and more draining to my private property when they thought I'd be in Alabama for Donald's funeral...Seaview Terrace can be wiped out this year. Murder by miles and miles of forced melt off/run off for illegal snow piling and storm water. An enormous area of impervious ground, miles of roadway and huge developments are allowed to aid in the murder as the City does not enforce the zoning code to remove plowed snow. Piling at key corrupt sections to go with the flow to Seaview Terrace, tiny Seaview Terrace. Sure death of private property and easily can take lives. Five years of my life and income, I have dedicated to saving Seaview Terrace. Five years of pleading and offering resolution after resolution to the low lives that are killing us. Community/business trickle down- ease their conscience by shunning me or ripping me off. Sound familiar?
Abuse, torture, manipulation, law breaking, denial, and move forward to more, more, more. When do the people say, SAVE SEAVIEW!! START TODAY!!! Or look away and live with the guilt... those that have a conscience. Not everyone is ill with the mindset of Heil Hurley, Mayor Ash, City Council, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, City Manager Sloscum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, Realtor Earl Black, Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, Property Inspector DJ Brown, Maine Realtor Commission, DEP Commissioner Aho, Olver Engineers, Maine DOT, Governor LePage, the prior owners of Seaview Terrace and developer with huge family history and power of Dutch and McLeod, all real estate agents refusing to provide listings proving non-disclosure of stream/hell... to the school administration- guidance counselors Jim Davis, Jessica Woods, Principals Fitzpatrick and Buckheit, Superintendent Carpenter to local businesses J&B Autobody- Skip Smith, Ridgetop Chimney Sweep- Chris Kulbe, East Side Garage AAA-Mayor Ash... they have directly impacted my life, my children and our safety.
And even more frightening is if an emergency service is needed. Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden is under direction of City Manager Sloscum. The Chief has crossed ethical boundaries too many times with me with Officer Ward. The Fire Department Chief Richards is the father of DPW Bob Richards also under the direction of City Manager Sloscum to slaughter Seaview Terrace and City Planner Marshall oversee's the damages he has forced onto Seaview Terrace through my flood insurance. Although I do not carry a mortgage, I must shell out the 3k for flood insurance out of my 18k income. After tracking the slaughter- it will wipe out Seaview Terrace. All I have left.
18k-3k flood insurance-3k taxes = 12k to pay bills, repairs, car insurance, food, heating, corrupt wood stove installation, corrupt body repair, ex stealing 6k, health insurance, City Manager Sloscum basically using extortion with no ceiling fees for public information that he will never provide but continue to spin... and we came here to heal, paid in full, no assistance, to begin again in privacy and good will.
Heil Hurley orders slaughter. No life for you- death by water, stress, torture and repeat until.
1/25/2015 What's the story Laurie ? post will be announced. Today is the proof of flooding games and pitting neighbor's against each other. The full forced water slaughter by Belfast City Hall to massive private properties in Belfast is the king pin. They take it to another level into our neighborhoods to divert their slaughter.
The Cedar Street, Belfast Maine water slaughter from the corrupt drainage of the massive Captain Albert Steven's School built on top of wetlands in 2007 sets precedence for Belfast City Council placing neighbors into the arena. To fight each other as Belfast City Hall breaks law after law and destroys life after life. Survival taints, innocent joy is lost and replaced by fake persona's of community, cut your throat and fend for yourself.
Belfast City Council and Wall Hall blamed Mother Nature. Heil Hurley spreading the manure. I had not moved here yet and the Wall broke that neighborhood fast. The adage and brainwashing of "Can't Fight City Hall" instills the belief you can't. They could have. Instead they allowed the Wall to pit them against each other. Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly attempted to bait me into this same pitting through the nuisance statute. As their homes become flooded from the City, they are forced to fend for themselves with no where to drain. To pump it out or away from their homes, they have 2 choices. To illegally tie the sump pumps into the City sewage lines or pump it out to their neighbors. Pumping to the City buys resident silence.
Pumping to a neighbor allows City Attorney Bill Kelly to plant the lawsuit seed. And he does, he just did it in the workshop meeting for paving Seaview Terrace. I was there, he was there. The only words he spoke were to say near the end- paraphrased. Finally, I see a reason why I have been asked to sit in on this workshop. Residents should know of a nuisance lawsuit. And it is to sue your neighbor if they send you water... Ain't that a kick in the chops. Belfast City Hall is the slaughterer and pitting neighbors against each other while taking your property taxes for their wants and visions- downtown greed. Property tax 101 is roads and infrastructure. For the desirable of Belfast.
2. Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 91: NUISANCES
§2802. Miscellaneous nuisances
unlawfully diverting the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others;I have been approaching the water slaughter in a 2 prong fashion. Overall slaughter is one and neighborhood is two. I forced Belfast City Manager Joe Sloscum to inspect my property and neighborhood in August of 2011 (I just moved here in 6/2010) destroyed by the forced water slaughter. True to form of all the corrupt- complete denial of cause. He diverted conversation by focusing on the City owned road of Seaview Terrace. Stating the cracking and crumbling were from water under and along side the road. Seaview Terrace does not have any drainage infrastructure- the City channels all runoff inside and outside of Seaview Terrace to my private property. They lie, fabricating it as a natural outlet fully aware that it is not. They are slaughtering- more below with inverse condemnation.
Knowing that paving would be coming to Seaview Terrace, I spent 3 years offering resolutions for proper paving and drainage specific to Seaview Terrace. Beginning with the money- putting Seaview Terrace into the TIF via the Annex, putting Seaview Terrace into a mitigation plan- both opening funding for infrastructure drainage up to federal levels of grants. Seaview Terrace has been used as an illegal runoff drainage outlet for massive development outside of Seaview Terrace for almost 50 years now. The cost to correct is expensive and not the resident's doing. We have been paying them to slaughter us.
It took 3 more years for Seaview Terrace to crumble away and the separate entity of the Belfast Water district scheduled to replace the water lines on Seaview Terrace beginning 7/2014. To Be Continued- it is now 9 am.
1/23/2015 Disgrace after disgrace- I was grabbing some happiness with the excitement of the Patriots going to the super bowl. I rarely touch a foot ball- but I certainly know by touch when it is deflated. Tom Brady's extended appendage is that foot ball. He should have spoke up immediately. Eleven balls deflated- going after the ball boy. Bull Chip. Brady is a disgrace.
1/22/2015 Working on the addition to the post below. But all should see the nearby Brunswick Maine corruption blogs www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com and http://othersideofbrunswick.blogspot.com/
My blog is first hand accounting and stumbling as a barely beating Mom coming to Belfast with her kids to begin again, paid in full, meticulous in purchase of property and how they saw me coming and calculated the easy slaughter. Breaking ethic codes, local ordinance to State level. A huge fireball of corruption that they thought I'd succumb to. Just give up and take it, it won't be hard to break me. When those floods hit my yard 9 months after purchase, I knew I was in for the fight for our lives again. I didn't know the scale. It's taken 5 years of hanging in there to tell it in full. That's the addition- the full story. What's the story Laurie? To be announced.
1/21/2015 10 am- I have to add to this post- it will bring all this full circle and allow me to rest my case regardless of incoming corruption. I have gone above and beyond to give every opportunity to any with a conscience to begin repair of global corruption. The potential is so great and can begin in Belfast. From every seed grows a new beginning. The smallest matter and can make the difference. I will post here when I have the addition all together. Below was posted before 10 am.
Maine Governor Lepage the King Bully of the State. Absolute proof of the same ill behaviors as he grandstands with his bully pulpit "ERADICATE Domestic Violence" It makes me feel guilty that I don't have the physical scars of massive abuse as I keep trying to get up from under the likes of him. Ew. All the bullies keep beating ad kicking me without touching. The children suffer and struggle, but are receiving first hand education of all that is wrong with society. I will continue the education the best I can, as long as I can. Sarcasm is my vice, it bites me all time. I beat myself up before anyone else. It's humbling and funny. My poor writing and grammar skills are my badge, an Archie Bunker skit. Imagine that - I am the threat to the "powerful". Yo I am, that's all.
The ability for the public and friends to witness the abuse and corruption and look away or even worse, tell me it must be me. Because they can't handle knowing they are enabling by allowing and many supporting those very abusers they know personally. They have watched, first hand, my brother taking me down again and again from childhood till today, robbing and robbing, giving support and invitation to my ex for the past 30 years, because like Heil Hurley, they work the public with manipulated charm and woe is me. Same playing out with all the players. Massive public participation and watching the bullies take me and my children in their playground.
Everyday, I beat myself up with publicly posting the personal fallout of family, government and public abuse. From childhood to present the same behaviors in all the abusers. All the wolves in sheep's clothing. I am the one to tell the enormous scope to a female constantly robbed by the greedy ill or guilty ego's. Brother and husband of the same behaviors, it spoils onto the children, and sends us into the system where the same behaviorally ill have authority to take my children because I am exposing each growing abuse and the mob mentality grows. Only Mom's like me, can understand how the "involved" work to dismantle the visible, documented truth. Into the schools, mental health providers, social services, attorney's, Guardian ad Litem, clergy, family, friends, mediators, courts... It is sheer terror. It didn't take me long to see that the more I proved, the closer I was coming to the taking of my children. I changed the locks 3 times before I was forced to a body guard of my children, 24/7 from 2005 till I thought we made it to safety in 2010. Wrong, real estate agents, property inspector and Belfast City Hall were drooling at the ease to sell me undisclosed hell. My brother and now ex-husband active in this abuse chapter. It is all connected and disgusting. 5 years of blogging Belfast corruption, the vital facts get buried. I re-post portions legal violations and revisit hell and abuse with every word. Thanks Belfast.
Sloscum adamantly states in attorney force that it doesn't matter if the stream was moved (and I have proven below that it was never a stream, simply a man made drainage ditch put in by the developer and filled in to build homes on it.) Sloscum states that the City has every right to flood us. He is insane. City Attorney Bill Kelly cites that exact statute to bait neighbors into suing each other. Belfast City Hall is the law and resident breaker. Slaughtering Seaview Terrace to take it via inverse condemnation. Just as I stated almost 5 years ago. Or even more scarier this section 5204- where the municipal can take it, reason irrelevant.
1. Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding...
2. Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 91: NUISANCES
§2802. Miscellaneous nuisances
unlawfully diverting the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others;3. Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
1/20/2015 At tonight's meeting, The Muck was brought up. As well as another staged drama deterrent by Heil Hurley and Sloscum having a cat fight. They are moving forward with wasting tax dollars on this mess. I am sure this not about making it a fishing hole. It's too stupid. They have to get the goldfish out is the reason given. Yet, they claim they are plan to do a partial dredge- a front loader lays at the bottom. How are all the goldfish going to be eradicated? It can't be done with a partial. So, seems like another unforeseen scam. Present a project, make it appear like it is not going to cost taxpayers to get it underway and voted in. Work starts- oops, we didn't expect this- we must dredge the whole thing. Can't stop, it's already underway.
This mess was laughably presented by a scapegoat Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. He appears in full Maine IF Uniform, sealed and delivered to begin the smokescreen scam at open to the public 9/2014 Belfast Council meeting. I was there. Claiming he decided on his own (then why appear in uniform?) without any funding from IF, to spin a massive environmental City undertaking through volunteers. Do a partial dredge, to eradicate the goldfish to make it a fishing hole with stock fish that will die after every summer. Total Heil Hurley scam and true to his tactics. Heil Hurley is the lone objector to the dredge for public manipulation. Heil Hurley isn't objecting at all and asks for an update 1/20/2015. DEP has stepped in, costs are mounting- wait a minute- why is this moving forward? The public did not ask for this scam. We need infrastructure.link to scam Muck Suck history http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_16.html
1/19/2015 Today's post is incomplete. I will post what I have now at 11 am. Ok- it's now 7pm. I fixed some of my errors and posted more supporting information. I need an editor. I am so exhausted and so uneducated. That's all for tonight folks. Night Night. 9 pm- just added more information with the corruption of CASS in red. Added more to this post on 1/20/15 @ 7 & 9 am in lavender. Also added a recent picture of my brother, George Allen below.
Last night I edited the 1/17/2015 post. It's so difficult to post personal first hand cruelty by so many that know me, have known me since 1969. So sickly difficult.
Damn Heil Hurley, Dutch (Dutch Chevrolet) , McLeod (McLeod Trailer Park) all the old boys club players. The brutal with holding of public documents/information and locked mouths of fearful community has been cruel torture to my children and myself for 5 years. We crawled here 5 years ago to heal and begin again. I found this link today, telling of the Dutch family giving up property for the 1963 Rte 1 Bypass. Every request to Belfast City Hall for drainage and Seaview Terrace history since my property was water slaughtered 9 months after we moved in were calculated with holding, denial and break that witch quick.
To keep piecing together the scope of the "burn me at cross" is comparable to just that. The developer,Wendell McLeod of Seaview Terrace in 1965 on the land previously owned by the Dutch clan are 2 families owning property on the tiny Seaview Terrace strip, keeping tight lipped as I threw myself before all. Pleading for information, support, compassion, please, Belfast City Hall is beating the hell out of me. Five long years they have watched me burn. The grandson of Mcleod at the top of Seaview Terrace, the Dutch clan still owning the farmhouse on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave. All the back stabbing from the Smith's at 5 Seaview Terrace.
Clearly so many know this history to the illegal, murderous slaughter to Seaview Terrace as they pour the kerosene around me. Burn that Mom, she is exposing our evil. How does she keep going, keep her chin up torching after torching. She's out protesting in the streets, we send the minions to bait her, she is at the festivals and parties, we send the minions to treat her with disgust... She keeps smiling and dancing- what is wrong with her? Ask any abused woman that has endured. It began with my Irish Twin brother since childhood, 18 years of marriage to the same, I made it out by the skin of my teeth, and barely hanging on. We crawled into Seaview Terrace in 2010 at 49 years old with myr children, beagles and life packed into a 50 ft Penske truck.
Think about this. How many women and children receive support and help for what they have endured, if they are even believed. I never hear of rallies for them, fund raising to directly get them out, into safety, help to protect them as they try to live again, no make a wish for those kids, if Mom isn't strong and smart kids may end up in the system, foster care...or the abuser gets custody, visitation without Mom's protection.... All these campaigns against abuse are almost insulting.
You get so sick of everyone judging you, telling you to be positive, stop being paranoid, get therapy, , take meds, pray, hang in there,... I prove myself again and again, almost 54 years now. The magnitude of the mob mentality is enormous. I thought I got away. Since I moved here, I now pay for the abuse and slaughter my property. From the real estate agents, Belfast City Hall, attorney's, J&B Autobody Belfast- John "Skip" Smith, Ridgetop Chimney Sweep Searsmont- Chris Kulbe, State of Maine, Maine DHHS, DEP, the community players in Belfast and Bayside, Belfast Police Department... the list goes on.
Heil Hurley had his immediate minions, City Manager Sloscum and City Planner Marshall in full force bully mode. Tell her nothing by overwhelming her with nothing, break her fast, she is very close- she just crawled out of hell, her kids are crashing, piece of cake. Wicked, wicked, cowardly bullies. Stress kills, forced flooding kills, they are killing Mom... once wife, once sister, once neighbor, and always true.
Click on the map I had to track and draw myself, following the slaughter the best I could will also lead you to 1939 aerial views of the future Seaview Terrace with the Dutch Farmhouse still standing. Clear as day, a farm with no stream running through it. Just as I have been proving for 5 years. Seaview Terrace is not a "natural outlet", the City has fabricated that with Mcleod's, Dutch, and MDOT when they dug that ditch through the future Seaview Terrace to channel runoff from the Mcleod Trailer Park. The new Rte 1 Bypass that would run between the trailer park and the farm. The new Rte 1 Belfast bridge opened in 1963. I will find out when the old Rte 1- Northport Ave ceased being Rte 1. I'm sure it ceased after after 1963 when the bridge was done.
City Manager Joe Slocum had an aneurism when he found out I got the original plans for the 1965 developing plans for Seaveiw Terrace in 11/2011. I asked for the history and development of Seaview Terrace in May 2011 from City Planner Wayne Marshall and he never gave it to me. I didn't know it should be in the Deeded Registry and Wayne never advised. He must have went there and took it out.
I stormed ( now retired) Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley's office the day after I showed him the paths of forced water that I drew in the map. I snapped pictures at each culvert and area with Bob witness and included those in the packet that I gave to City Council for the first meeting in December 2011. All of City Council were fully informed in 12/2011. Bob was alarmed at what I showed him. He didn't say much, but his face told it all. I figured if the planes were ever going to surface, it would be first thing the next morning when Bob would be looking to see what the hell was going on. And I was right. I hit pay dirt.
Bob had the plans out on his counter when I walked in. He was surprised that I had never saw them. He and his assistant, Nancy See told me they found the plans stuffed in a box in their office. They had just moved into this office. I speculate that Wayne was setting Bob up. Mind you, Wayne told me in May 2011 that I was given everything on the history and development of Seaview Terrace. I was never told there were missing plans.
Bob explained the plans to me. Showing me how the the ditch would be running under my house right now. It was filled in, there was no natural outlet. After I got a copy and left Bob must have told City Manager Joe Sloscum that I had those plans. Bob later told he was shocked by Sloscum's behavior. Bob said he had never seen this side of Sloscum.
Heil Hurley had his immediate minions, City Manager Sloscum and City Planner Marshall in full force bully mode. Tell her nothing by overwhelming her with nothing, break her fast, she is very close- she just crawled out of hell, her kids are crashing, piece of cake.
Scoring those documents, blew their lies wide open. Time for the City Attorney Bill Kelly to step in and assist in the take down. Heil Hurley can't shut up though, he keeps blowing his hole and still is. Now they change their story from denying any water is coming into Seaview Terrace. Oh yes, there is water coming through, it's always been there. Per Joe Slocscum, "The fact that it's been filled in or moved makes no difference to us." It's like reasoning with a lobotomy. And the public looks away.
Heil Hurley has his old boy buddy, Restorative Justice, Jay Davis tell that he has a book proving there is a Morrison? Brook, somewhere, over the rainbow. That is the natural outlet running through Seaview Terrace. Incredible right? The plans prove there is NO NATURAL OUTLET but Heil Hurley just makes up another lie and gets his minions to swear to it. As if that gives them the authority to slaughter Seaview Terrace relentlessly. In Heil Hurley's mind...the ordinance states we can send it to a natural outlet if we want. And keep adding to it for the next 50 years and counting.
MDOT sending polluted highway runoff to Seaview Terrace private property,a man made flood plain and flood zone. To seal approvals for the constant slaughter, calculating Maine DEP claims this man made drainage ditch as wetlands. Giving them regulation on my private property drainage ditch for just my property. Agency layering, purple abuse red tape and corrupt approvals. Bury it, deny it, drown the resident and if they call 911 tell them to get an attorney. We will clean out your wallet too and alienate you from your neighbors and community. Buh bye. Next project please.
Below I re-posted my hand drawn map. Click- I'll give a short story. 5 years of shoving the proof public in every way I could- everyone watching. When I connect the dots- I am called paranoid. The most frightening may be that they have been in my home, as the Chief of Police Mike McFadden, Officer Ward, Time Warner Cable Tech several times ( brother-in-law to the Chief and kept secret). City Council Roger Lee, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Sloscum... on and on. I welcomed them, thinking they were ethically bound and human.
I found this history of the making of the Rte 1 By pass. It is so disturbing . Early Heil Hurley in the early stages of licking his chops, and the Dutch clan . Wendell McLeod is the underground reaper yet to surface. http://ellsworthamerican.com/archive/2005/07-21-05/ea_bypass_07-21-05.html
In 11/2011 after 6 months of City Hall torture, I tracked the water in the below 2? square mile area. I didn't not go behind the trailer park, National Guard area to see more paths. It is wooded and I fear getting shot. The pink ribbon is my home on Seaview Terrace all blue is water forced to me- red circles are culverts. Sending it under roadways and underground at the huge corrupt Captain Albert Stevens School site (at mapping I missed the culverts and huge forced flow from the opposing field and actual school. I looked at the stormwater holding tank area only) and the toxic Muck (at that time I didn't know that was coming from the Muck- I had marked it with a ? ) All this water from this area was approved with enormous money spent on the drainage system for this swamp wetland site, to flow to Miller Street- which is that last line to the right on my map. Miller Street had over 2 million dollars in sewer improvements to take the school's drainage to the bay.
City Planner Wayne Marshall changed final approved plans. I am sure he planned it that way. Get the approvals the corrupt the plans and lock them in his office. He didn't demolish a crucial building (Robertson now Sweetser School) that would have been turned into a ground absorbing field. He corruptly bypassed the engineered systems installed and approved and sends all that sites drainage down to the residents private property all the way down- almost 2 miles to me. He removed all the drainage documents of the CASS site prior to my access. I spent hours pouring through every document 4 or 5 thick files. I asked him where all the drainage documents for this massive wetland swamp were. He said there were none. I came back the next day when Wayne was not there. I asked the assistant, Marie Stalworth to let me see the files again. Volumes of drainage documents were in there. The bastard. I started crying I was so overwhelmed at the evil. I begged Marie for one copy. There were over 100 drainage documents in there. I got one- the Conditions of Findings for Permit and it was a good choice.
But true to form- Sloscum refused to respond. I re-requested the findings again and again. Repeated the same in meeting after meeting. No response. I think when the Front Street Shipyard was there, and I asked again, Sloscum responded that he will not "speculate" if the findings were in compliance. After a year, probably waiting for statutes to run out, he emailed back that the engineers inspection report of the completed storm water drainage system was not done. With the Robertson School staying, the only runoff that was proposed to flow to the watershed residents from the entire site- Cass and Roberston combined would be ONLY THE RUNOFF FROM THE PARKING LOT OF THE ROBERTSON NOW SWEETSER SCHOOL. Pending the impact study to the watershed residents and all sites contributing to the "un-named" stream. Sloscum said the study was not done.
Sloscum is a lying, psycho like Heil Hurley, like City Planner Wayne Marshall, like City Attorney Bill Kelly...to name a few. In the Seaview Terrace paving workshop in August 2014, Mandy Olver of Olver Engineering stated that she was the engineer for the CASS site and she did the storm water drainage inspection report and the impact study. I requested those findings again from Joe Sloscum. He said I was already given his answer in the email from 12/2012. I emailed Mandy Olver for her findings, again and again and again. She refuses to respond.
Commissioner Aho heads the corrupt pact. As stated the CASS site was a wetland swamp (school floors have been cracking, school sinking- and Belfast tax payers still owe 9? million) Wetland site building is major. Because it is so stupid to site build, tax payers foot the bill for the cash cows beginning with City Hall and DEP. Since DEP has their corrupt hands in my yard, claiming a portion as wetlands that was never wetlands until MDOT began the slaughter to Seaview Terrace with the Rte 1 Bypass under construction with development of Seaview Terrace.
The Dutch Clan that owned the Seaview Terrace farm land prior to the developer (Wendell McLeod), wheeled and dealed with Wendell in the sale. Wendell wheeled and dealed with Belfast City Hall and MDOT to secretly use Seaview Terrace as an outlet for runoff from the Wendell McLeod Trailer Park and under construction Rte 1 bypass. Buyers of Seaview Terrace cannot beware, because agents and City Hall deny and lie and sell, sell, sell. The farm slaughtered by the human cash cows- Dutch and McLeod to the corporate cash cows- Belfast City Hall, MDOT and DEP.
My demands for an investigation to DEP Commissioner Aho for the Captain Albert Stevens School and exactly what DEP was sending to my property were met with the same as Belfast City Hall. Hanging me on the clothesline, blown off into the dirt again and again. After a year of stalling, DEP did a corrupt investigation and I received a letter from Commissioner Ahole. The investigation is closed, we may never know where the flooding waters to the false wetlands are coming from. We would be happy to send you a permit by rule to begin another cash cow to secure the new ravine we have ripped wide open for you. We hope we have been helpful.
I first began begging DEP for assistance in 7/2011, I got an estimate to secure your ravine- 75-85k . After a year of trying to get the realtor, Earl Black to work with me to hold Belfast City Hall accountable, he had his ATTORNEY send me a letter after he could not intimidate me into silence. I was offered 6 or 7k to shut up and release all claims. Bull chip.
City Council refuses to investigate any issues. I have 5 years of episodes identical to this. Absolute corruption.
And with the CASS runoff, the residents below got flooded constantly after it was built in 2007. Cedar Street was one of them. They came before Council- Heil Hurley stating that they were receiving sheets of water like never seen before. He always does that, on camera agrees and reinstates- part of the ploy. Tricking you into thinking he is alarmed as well. I missed Cedar St on the map and tracking. It runs parallel below Congress. A man told me there are something like 49? or 19? culverts running under Congress St. to send it down to other residents.
Water was pouring into Cedar St. basements. City Hall blaming mother nature, can't help you suckers. Residents are are forced to install sump pumps with no where to pump it out to. There is no drainage - either send it their neighbor or illegally tie into City sewage lines. Neighbors are suing each other for the run off under the nuisance statute that City Attorney Bill Kelly provides residents to sue each other. The residents that are illegally tied in are silenced for good. And some just sell and run. And I've only uncovered a portion. You bet it's through out Belfast. Cherry picking the path and getting key residents on City committee's or quiet perks to look away or join. Implicating is the membership to the old boys club. Welcome, here's your power to hurt the undesirables and problems.
Title 17: CRIMES
Chapter 91: NUISANCES
§2802. Miscellaneous nuisances
The erection, continuance or use of any building or place for the exercise of a trade, employment or manufacture that, by noxious exhalations, offensive smells or other annoyances, becomes injurious and dangerous to the health, comfort or property of individuals or of the public; causing or permitting abandoned wells or tin mining shafts to remain unfilled or uncovered to the injury or prejudice of others; causing or suffering any offal, filth or noisome substance to collect or to remain in any place to the prejudice of others; obstructing or impeding, without legal authority, the passage of any navigable river, harbor or collection of water; corrupting or rendering unwholesome or impure the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer; imprudent operation of a watercraft as defined in Title 12, section 13068-A, subsection 8; unlawfully diverting the water of a river, stream, pond or aquifer from its natural course or state to the injury or prejudice of others; and the obstructing or encumbering by fences, buildings or otherwise of highways, private ways, streets, alleys, commons, common landing places or burying grounds are nuisances within the limitations and exceptions mentioned. Any places where one or more old, discarded, worn-out or junked motor vehicles as defined in Title 29-A, section 101, subsection 42, or parts thereof, are gathered together, kept, deposited or allowed to accumulate, in such manner or in such location or situation either within or without the limits of any highway, as to be unsightly, detracting from the natural scenery or injurious to the comfort and happiness of individuals and the public, and injurious to property rights, are public nuisancesI get mile and miles of impervious polluted runoff and melt off. Sites are required to removed plowed snow. but City Hall manipulates the zoning conditions for them and allows them to stock pile all winter to also melt to me. Hence recent wipe out in spring melt of 2009 and 2011. City Hall blamed mother nature till I remembered the zoning conditions cited at the site meeting for the Annex in 2011. Planning Board Diane Beck asked architect Mike Hogan what was the plan for plow-able snow? Mike stated to haul it off site to the bay of course. I was standing right there. That site meeting was because of me and my concerns. It's in my back yard. They are corruptly sending me runoff from there too. City Hall will not give me the zoning conditions for the Annex. Code office Todd Rosenberg stating they are in compliance. Case closed. I had called a zoning complaint into Officer Ward at BPD. Any event could be my last. 1 inch of runoff equals 1 foot of water through my yard. I've measured that up to 3" inches of rain fall. One rain storm on frozen ground and spring melt from all these site will turn Seaview Terrace into a river.
Sloscum refuses to work with Emergency Management Agency and put us in a mitigation plan. He refuses to divert any water from us. He refused to put in road drainage. He refused to put Seaview Terrace into the Northport Ave TIF that was made for infrastructure. It opens up funding and grants. Instead the made an amendment to allow City Hall to rob the Northport TIF and use it downtown with the wealthy downtown TIF. He refuses to make the sites remove plowed snow. We get all the plowed snow melt for Rte 1 No and South as well. This is murder. Calculated murder.
The new Rte 1 bypass has yet to built. When it is, they will install culverts under Rte 1 to send the water to Seaview Terrace. See my map. Culverts(red circles) almost 2 miles up at VOA and across Rte 1 to National Guard. That area sends it under Rte 1 to the send it down to us via the Rte 1 south side. As you click on the map picture, there is a picture of the huge culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace where most is forced to. To pour into private properties, no rights of ways, no easement, not a natural outlet, forced death destruction. And that's not enough because we get it from the the sides as well. All 3 sides into tiny Seaview Terrace. Below I am lot 11. Yet the plans done in 1965 show me as lot 5 and the ditch is further back. The ditch that was never there prior to the planning of Rte 1 bypass and McLeod Trailer Park. They all know as they wave and smile as I stand in the streets for help.
By 1963 the new Rte 1 bridge was built. I've yet to learn when Northport Ave. ceased being Rte 1. Definitely after 1963. Seaview Terrace plans are dated 1965. My lot is number 11. Shows the ditch in my front yard. After I scored these plans 11/2011. City Manager Joe Sloscum was caught lying red handed. Emails from him dated 8/2011 and 9/2011 are loaded with them. 100 year old natural stream, City is not sending any water to Seaview, emails in above tab.
Here's a good one. See that second qaud from the left-in red- that is the future Seaview Terrace. No stinking stream or ditch there either!!!! This was planning of the Rte 1 bypass to our area. The green line is Northport Ave and at that time Rte 1 that ran right through town. The curved section of the green line in the left of the quadrant is where the to be constructed Rte 1 bypass would exit off of Rte 1 into town via Northtport Ave. Buildings at that curve there now are Janis Stone Interiors, a Reiki Massage Salon, a medical office and Huntress Garden Apartments, Dr. Gaiero Hearing Solutions and good ole girl Mary Dutch's farmhouse.
The Huntress apartments abutt and cause flooding to two Seaview Terrace residences. One of the owned by the Mailloux brothers. One an attorney in town, the other was the School Superintendent, 10 Seaview Terrace owned as Seaview Terrace, LLC, 151 High Street, Belfast. Seems they would have to have a sump pump- where is that pumping out to- I am the drainage for Seavew Terrace too. It's either to me or illegally to City sewage. Yes, between those 2 homes is a culvert (and just corruptly replaced by City Hall) to send that runoff over to us, me and my next door neighbor. They don't own stream property though. Midcoast Mental health's boundaries in their back yard, the same with Smith's. The stream behind those 2 homes belongs to MidCoast Mental Health. I am the last property owner of the the stream on Seaview Terrace.
Amnesty must be granted to those forced to tie into City sewage lines. All residents should not pay any property taxes until Belfast City Hall provides storm sewer infrastructure. Where our taxes go first 101. Not for the undesirables. Drown baby drown.
The Dutch farmhouse address on the corner of Seaview Terrace is 139 Northport Ave., owned as Dutch, M.W. & J.J., OD, Trusts, 15 Cottage St., Belfast.
In the above map, there looks to be a ditch running down through and is still there. It is at the bypass turnoff- coming out of the woods with a heavy volume of runoff on the south side of Rte 1 to City maintained property, under Rte 1, out from a huge cement culvert on City property (Next to red house business Interiors by Janis Stone) and from there sent to private properties to flow down Northport Ave to merge with the Seaview Terrace man made outlet, to under Northport Ave- to under Waldo County General Hospital, out to Belfast City Park and out to the bay.
Another path from that cement culvert is sent along and under Northport Ave to the private properties on Huntress Ave. Check the slaughter there. The direct path to the bay is under Northport Ave to Peter Nisen Optical property. Oh, isn't he on the Zoning Board of Appeals? That is one sweet chunk of property- cleared right down to the bay. Wonder what is planned to be built there with the new ordinance going through under the Comprehensive Plan. Link, link, link.
And ALL of this polluted runoff is forced through private properties and out to the bay. Untreated- EPA refuses to respond. Just like the Muck Suck where Director of Parks, Norm Poirier was trying to corruptly get that toxic water hole, drained through my property, over 2 miles away. And he almost got er done with the help of Maine State Inland Fisheries and Belfast City Hall with out any permits, nadda. They were one drain away till I stopped that. Now I see there were Poirier's that once owned one of the stream properties on Seaview Terrace- #49. Another corrupt cash cow link??
Something is in the works for the Caswell lot next to me too. It's been off the market, the paving gave that lot a different treatment- looks like it is prepared for a driveway?? Surveyors were behind our lots, on the swamp between the Annex and Seaview Terrace. Owned by Mid Coast Mental Health. Marking boundaries, in preparation for what?? Did Caswell get a deal when the City was caught illegally trying to rezone Seaview Terrace to healthcare and housing this past summer??? And I stopped that- with some neighbors.
Click through these maps. Those familiar with Belfast can identify the area's. City Hall won't tell me squat. City Planner Wayne Marshall made a grave mistake. He gave these maps to an assitant to overwhelm me. I was looking for a specific map he showed me a year prior. The many times I came to City Hall prior, I never had a camera. This time I did. Jennika (the innocent admin. asst. to City Manager Sloscum came down from Planning with all these maps. I started snapping away. City Council Eric Sanders happened to be there. He never offered to help, or to even look at the maps. He stepped over them, ran up the stairs and got on the phone after he saw me clicking away)
1/18/2015- Ooops, wrote some things yesterday that I didn't like today. Forgive me, I am upset about my beagle, Stewie.
1/17/2015 Great blog on Brunswick Maine corruption (www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com) , common core, Agenda 21, Comprehensive Plans, etc - very smart, very organized, very impressive and very informative. The taking is nationwide real time as 10 years of white collar planning and conventions fine tuned their theft through Agenda 21 and other titles to rob. My blogs are swimming with ignorant innocence- I had no idea what I was uncovering. I was only trying to save my new home that I bought in Belfast, Maine 2010 to begin again in safety and privacy. Bound by "ethics" they flat out disregard and lie. Non disclosure, corrupt property inspectors, City Hall feigning ignorance, experts at blaming mother nature and smashing the buyer. I have been in and out of all their brutal rabbit holes immediately aware of their tactics to break me. They all knew how beat up we were, they saw me as slaughter house meat, they sold me hell. Fully aware I was paying cash with the last that I had. This was my only chance to get on my feet...
Many are offended and judgmental that my blogs are so personal. Believe me, I agree. I cringe with exposing my life. An easy target for all to take shot and ridicule as I am strung along begging for public information and help from the officials that are killing me. I forced myself to follow every land mine they lay before me in my quest to save my home and life. My children desperately needed all of me and at arrival in 6/2010 I was barely a thread. I had thought we made to safety, the rare that make it out, especially with everyone turning their back, I did it alone. It's been a devastating family fire since 1995. The corrupt web spins from Belfast to Bayside. Small towns and family connections. City Council Heil Hurley has access to my personal family history because of Bayside, neighbor of Belfast. And he uses it to his advantage.
My family has been loud in Bayside since 1969. Parents bought the old Downs cottage on Broadway, my sister bought Sunny Side (now owned by Seth Thayer- heavy player in Belfast) and I built my own year round retirement home in 1997, next to the golf course. My Dad died in 1977. Mom gave the family cottage to Jr. on the QT after Dad's death, Janel found out years later and was so mad, she said she would leave me her cottage. But then Mom died in 1995 and Janel would soon ban me from her cottage after I had to make her accountable. She was executor of Mom's estate.
I begged and begged my then husband, Joe to just let me take my 401k and small inheritance and buy a piece of property in Bayside. Even a patch of land where I could pitch a tent- I loved Bayside. He refused, he wanted a new jeep. I could care less what I drove. To spend 30k on a car was obscene to me.
He went ahead and bought a stinking brand new 1995 white jeep . We went to pick it up, and I immediately saw the paint job was defective. We refused it. Came back the 2nd time. Defective again. Came back the 3rd time. Defective again. Salesman walks out shaking a paint can to spray paint over the defect. I am not kidding. Joe (my ex) cancelled the jeep. He told me I could try and find something in Bayside. I hauled *** that Columbus Day weekend. I called Blair Einstein, our Bayside real estate agent and someone I have known since I was 9. He came to Bayside from NJ too. I think in 1970 and began buying up Bayside. Yes, Blair knows a lot about my family too. He is Bayside Central.
The web is so entangled. I get trapped again and again. Blair is not a friend. I asked him again and again to please give me the past listings on Seaview Terrace showing the stream was disclosed. These homes have high turnover and now they can't sell. There are 4 stream properties on Seaview Terrace. I am the only one in residence. The others can't sell since I exposed. Two are renting and one vacant lot taken off the market. The lot is next to me, Caswell owns it.
Caswell is the original owner of my home and the beginner of selling the nightmare when the City shut them down when new flooding began pouring into Seaview Terrace in the late 70's. It was dry before that since developed in 1967. I digress again. None of the agents including my real estate agent City Council rep Mary Mortier would give me those listings. I know for fact that the stream was disclosed on the listing for 27 Seaview Terrace in 2012. The Maine Realtor Commission that corruptly dismissed my complaint of non disclosure refuses to provide the listings.
I later get a letter from an ATTORNEY representing the State Realtor Commission. He writes that the real estate listings are not public documents and they are not giving it to me. Feel free to try and sue them. And status quo for my requests for basic public documents/information from Belfast City Hall. They deny access in sloppy ways. Easy to prove but no one will help. The Freedom of Information Act is useless in Maine. Overseen by the Attorney General's office, specifically Brenda Kielty, she kept telling me City Hall and the City Attorney claim they are giving me the documents. Apparently, I am too stupid to know what I am being given. I tell Brenda to give these complaints to the Attorney General to investigate. Rose Smith, the executive secretary for the AG advises Brenda that they cannot assist. I am again advised to hire an ATTORNEY.
My blogs are about SOME of the corruption reigning down into my little life, first hand. It is astonishing. It is an education for all. I have nothing to gain from this but to expose bullies and theft. From family to community to local government to State to Federal to global. The bullies begin in the family. Help them there.
I bought in June 2010 with documentation of my number one refusal of any listings with water issues, in house or outside. Boy, did they stick it to me. This tiny 1/3 acre property, in town, on a City owned street, all City services is the bottleneck for miles and miles of illegally forced development runoff and melt off. Absolutely unconscionable. The seller's, MINISTER Tarpley and wife Laura are abominable. Laura was fully aware of our abuse because the listing and selling agent were the same agency owned by Earl Black (owning probably half the agencies in Maine). Better Homes and Gardens, Town & Country, now Masiello Group. Heavy emails from me in NJ to Jan Andrews, BHG Belfast agent. I slashed 70k off my asking of 300k on the 2nd offer that took 7 months to get- listed in 9/2009 into contract by 4/2010, calculated buy of 17 Seaview Terrace to the T to make repairs and small cushion for short term safety.
I had to sell my run down home in NJ, file for hotly contested and rarely granted relocation of minor children in sync with purchasing a home 500 miles away. I was unemployed, left the work force in 1994 to be a stay at home Mom after consecutive full time employment since 1978. I was steps away from becoming homeless, with out a degree, Jersey job market was zero, executives were flipping burgers and it was Belfast or bust. My only chance and it was barely a chance in hell. The only allies I had were the real estate agents. My only asset left was my home with a 40k mortgage left on it. The market was crash foreclosure, short sale flooded. I was meticulous even under such trauma. No room for mistakes. My children's future depended on me. May your God bless you Minister and Laura Tarpley, no greater sin could be yours. I am sorryfor your daughter's illness. I welcomed her into my life regardless of your sins. I forgive you for hurting my children and destroying our new beginning.
It is so awful to have your children used as collateral. All of my bullies count on that. Breaking me threatens the well being of my children. We were living and healing in privacy until the water slaughter came crashing in spring melt March 2011, 9 months after relocation to my beloved Maine. No stream, no water issues, best value in Belfast, agents were starving, any home could be had. I had many options. Except the agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell and DJ Brown Property Inspector cut all my options to force Seaview Terrace as the best.
I expose the overwhelming, constantly unfolding corruption the best I can. I am labeled as paranoid, unstable, med induced, attention seeking, etc. All the disgusting judgments launched at honest women that keep getting back up against the abuse. I have nothing to hide and I can't look the other way. I can't take it all on, but I do the best I can with the little that I know and have. Sarcasm my first weapon, I was lethal by 9th grade. Humor a close 2nd.
Back to Belfast Corruption. I just read this in the local corporate paper where they have banned me from posting (Bangor Daily News uses banning tactics but elusively- white collar comments are scrutinized- many banned as others are allowed to post crazy cruel in malice. Sometimes it appears that my posts are allowed, only to be removed much later after the thread has closed and I can't respond)
In the legal notices section of the Village Soup Republican Journal 1/16/2015 edition is this.
Public Hearing Notice
The City of Belfast
The City of Belfast will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January
26th, 2015, at 6:30 P.M., as part of a Special City Council meeting, at
the Council Chambers of Belfast City Hall, 131 Church Street, Belfast,
Maine, to discuss an application being submitted to the State of Maine
CDBG program for an Economic Development Program grant of up
to $1,100,000. The purpose of the request is to provide funding to
OnProcess Technology to be used as working capital, to purchase
telephony, computer, and other equipment, and to provide job training.
Public comments will be solicited at this Hearing and will be submitted
as part of the application’s required documentation.
All persons wishing to make comments or ask questions about the
proposal are invited to attend this Public Hearing. Comments may be
submitted in writing to: Thomas Kittredge, Economic Development
Director, City of Belfast, 131 Church Street, Belfast, Maine 04915 or
via e-mail at economicdevelopment@cityofbelfast.org
at any time prior to the Public Hearing.So- what the hell is this OnProcess Technology? http://www.onprocess.com/our-company/about/
Holy Hogwart- exactly the commie lingo that Free Brunswick cites- Agenda 21 wearing many masks and many unaware. For information go to www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com and go to the Hydra posting below the farming and food (also spot on- I love this blogger)
About OnProcess Technology – Who We Are
OnProcess Technology, Inc. provides transformational service solutions that drive efficiency, profitability and scale in complex, global service supply chain operations. Our industry expertise, specialized technology, advanced analytics and passionate commitment to our clients’ businesses enable us to rapidly implement solutions for continual process improvement, cost control and superior customer interactions. We dive deep into our clients’ operations to provide actionable insights and visibility across process gaps, resulting in long-term customer relationships, increased operating margins and new opportunities for revenue growth.From our early days focusing on reverse logistics and asset recovery challenges, OnProcess has been an innovator and pioneer in the development of comprehensive service supply chain optimization programs for companies with post-sales service operations. Using deep subject matter expertise, advanced methods and technologies, we give our clients the information, resources and cost-efficiencies they could never before achieve – helping them to transform their business operations. Unlike point solutions which address symptoms or component problems, our comprehensive approach, combining people, process and technology, enables us to fully diagnose, address and solve our clients’ service supply chain challenges.
While our size and service offerings have grown and diversified along with our client base, we have always been guided by the core component contained in Our Mission – to provide measurable, predictable and sustainable results for our clients. Our culture is based on partnership, accountability and getting things done – with our financial success directly tied to our clients’ business results. Our clients see us as trusted agents of change — providing quick results, greater internal flexibility, and the agility to scale and redirect service supply chains – adding immediate and ongoing business value.
Today, OnProcess Technology conducts business in over twenty-six languages for our clients around the world. We have offices and workers active around the clock. Our clients are leaders in Broadband/Cable, Wireless Communications, Telecom Equipment, Consumer Electronics, Retail, Medical Devices and Network and Storage Technology. Most have been with us for eight years or more – a rarity in our demanding business.
Working with OnProcess saves our client companies many millions of dollars annually and, by improving the customer experience, provides them with the ability to effectively differentiate on operational and service excellence, rather than price.
Now I'm thinking maybe Planning Board Member Wayne Corey has fooled me too. He still sits on the planning board and votes in approvals. I really liked him too. Gave him my respect and my hope.
I debated posting about Stewie, my beagle. I will probably be very emotional and want it noted. Don't come knocking on my door on another "tip" that I am unstable Ok Chief McFadden and Officer Ward? If you want to talk to me, call me down to the station again and get it recorded. After the last time in my home, where you couldn't upset me, you went to use my children attempting to shame me for protesting corruption.That was the 2nd time for Officer Ward. The first was outside of Belfast City Hall with City employee Ned Lightner joining in as well. Right, I thought Ned was my friend. Not.
The vultures swoop in on me like road kill. Especially when I am faced with another trauma. The last was this past September 2014 after my 4 year relentless campaign to get the crumbling road of Seaview Terrace paved in compliance with local ordinance and State statute (the water slaughter forced from outside of Seaview Terrace is a separate, more dangerous campaign for public information and resolution)
The paving to City owned road ordinances were clear. Seaview Terrace had to be paved with legal width, depth, underground grated sewers and as a dead end street, a turn around area. I cover that in detail below. Their plans to rezone us illegally for probably a parking lot had just fell through, and Heil Hurley and City Manager Sloscum spoke loud and clear. They were paving at the most minimum cost, regardless of using our neighborhood as a free outlet for massive runoff and melt off from miles away, near and far, swamping us, front, back, side, destroying our properties, endangering our lives in a flood plain flood zone, 50 years and counting. And regardless of the law.
I had them with law and ordinance. Like LePage, they threatened the neighborhood. Belfast City Council Heil Hurley stating on public TV that he had no interest in spending the 135k to resolve the roadside flooding with proper drainage. If we didn't agree to the illegal paving, it wouldn't get paved at all. He stated on TV to the public that he was sick of Seaview Terrace. He wished we would buy back the road (right after they flipping destroyed us and continue to drown us) and do what we want over here. Seriously- he said that. And not an objection from the peanut gallery. My neighbors caved. Or maybe they were never going to stand up against the illegal paving and flooding to my property. That is irrelevant. But that is what City Hall does to the community. Pits them against each other. Just like the Hunger Games right? Except it's the Flooding Games. Laurie Tadpole- where's my pin? I am on my own.
The paving would send more water to my private property and I was standing straight up with the ordinance and statutes to stop them. They hired an engineer (same one as the corrupt 2007 Capt Al Stevens School that is sending us their water slaughter too but denied and clearly traceable) Mandy Olver, Olver engineering. She knew that the road runoff water would be sent illegally through my private property- she knew the maps the Belfast City Planner of Seaview Terrace boundaries were false. I did not see the maps- caught them by chance online but it was too late then. She drew up options according to those false boundaries that show the water did not run through my private property. With that corrupt illegal option they had to have a public meeting with Seaview Terrace residents.
Belfast used to have their own engineer in City Hall, on the books...before the corruption began. Have to remove the City Accountability- buh bye engineer. The Planner removes his accountability by hiring consultants and more engineers and tainted approval's because the public is unable to get the documents to investigate if anything was done according to conditions of compliance. Welcome to my 5 year nightmare. As confusing as my writing is, they iconfused every specific request I made with calculated rhetoric and false documents. No one in the community would step up to be present when these false documents were given. If given at all. Instead of the document, I would be given files and files to try and find the zoning conditions or the final approved site plan, or the storm water engineer report, etc. Or I would be told they didn't know what water was flowing into Seaview Terrace. They did not have maps of drainage. Please give us $250, sometimes $500 up front and we'll begin looking to see if we can find anything. It may take a long, long time, we have to dig deep. And may result in nothing found. We will also charge you $15 an hour for our time spent looking for what we will never give you...ever. We do hope this has been helpful.
Ms. Allen haven't you received letters from the Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly telling you not to waste our time anymore, that we will not help you, that you should not come and bring any this to open to the public at the City Council meetings anymore, that you need to hire an attorney to speak for you? Since you have been exposing our corruption, we have ordered police guards at the meeting just for you. You keep coming anyway. Now, we are only going to give YOU, no one else- just you, 3 minutes to speak and you are getting the gavel. Bang, bang, get the hell out. We need to get to the business of implicating more residents by baiting them into committees to get more of our wants under way. And get them to hate you. Skip Pendleton tops that list. I can see he'd like to spit on me. Instead he looks at me in disgust and turns his back on me. Yes, I know- Skip is a big deal in town, I know some of his family from Bayside. Denise Pendleton Lightner (yes, sister-in-law to Ned- City Camera man), she turns her head when she sees me, also works in the Restorative Justice with the Jay Davis, the Chair and guy who told me the protesting corruption is not how things are done around here, to go see Heil Hurley. They are best buddies and together believe they are the cat's pajama's of Belfast. Ew. Heil Hurley never shuts up at the City Council meetings, Eric Sanders comes in 2nd. Jay Davis just "moderated" the meeting for the school board candidates- here's the link if you want to see good ole boy Jay. http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/01052015-538/#2
Ok players, I don't want to be here either. Buy me out. 45 Seaview Terrace is half the house of mine and currently listed at $175K. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_34.html
I put on a new roof, 5 foot fence, heavy insulation to attic, new front door, on demand propane hot water, new Woodstock Soapstone woodstove, etc. $225K and I'm a memory of courage and truth. Otherwise, I'm yours. See you soon- time to hit the pavement and protest again in beautiful down town Belfast. I've missed that. Talking and laughing about the ego idiots with the real people, I love that.
Back to the paving. I have email after email asking when this meeting would be, would Council be voting on the options, if so when? I never got a response. I had gone to great lengths and expense to educate my neighbors, trying to get them to stand and demand legal paving. The only residents to receive mailing of the public meeting were those not affected by the runoff. I was already getting theirs. Another neighbor down from me, David Smith and a City Hall brown nose was sent the letter. He hated me from the day I moved in with my beagles and told me so. David got so bad in harrassing me that, then Belfast Chief of Police Jeffrey Trafton (now Sheriff) suggested I get an order of protection against David Smith. David had went to the Chief to further his hatred. The Chief said David became irate when the Chief said he had already visited with me and found I was going above and beyond to accommodate David.
By the way- I see the Attorney General's name is Janet Trafton Mills any relation to the Sheriff Trafton?
So, with these 4? neighbors, City Manager Sloscum sold them or forced them into approving the cheap option to send me the water. Only I did not know this. And maybe they didn't. This is what Sloscum told the public, as did Mayor Ass I mean Ash. I was still asking when is the meeting even days after the meeting. Then my brother in Alabama died, same day as Joan Rivers. Thursday, I found out Friday. The funeral is Monday in Alabama and posted in obits online. Heil Hurley scours all media- no doubt he saw that. I had told school resource officer Greg Strearns about my brother Donald's death on that Friday when I had to go into the school.
The last time George Jr. flew our brother Donald and Del to Bayside for vacation was summer 2013. My son had to me to tell me that Donald was here. Poor kid, he was torn. He thought I should go see Donald because he looked liked he was going to die soon. I went to Bayside to my old family porch. Mom sneakily signed it over to my brother when he turned 18 right after my Dad died in 1977. They never told me, at the time I had just turned 17 and my only ally, my Dad was gone. Chin up Laurie- go work in a warehouse and get independent. I could have went to college for free with the VA but I did not know that. Mom had no interest in education. She wanted room and board from me immediately. Jr. will claim he was paying too, when he had a job and would show up for work and definitely was unemployed in time for summer in Bayside. Right. Mom gave him her car, paid for his car insurance, gas, clothes, even watered his plants. He has always been active in causing problems for me, right up to present day.
Anyway back to the porch, it didn't work out. I was not welcome, Jr. had bought Donald. Donald was broke. When Donald died, Jr. told my ex to let me know. Nice. The porch just surfaced on the Bayside Picture of the Day Facebook site. It's flying the flag. The picture the day before is of George Jr. at a birthday party for my old friend, Gordon Fuller, long time Maine EPA employee. Gordon is a great guy. He is clean EPA. He did not want to get involved with dirty Belfast. Too close to retirement. I understand.
2015-01-19 Gordon’s Six-Oh, photographed by Art Hall. “Saturday night, yacht club die-hards braved the cold for the annual winter get together. It was a perfect opportunity to wish Commodore Gordon Fuller a happy birthday.” Pictured, left to right, are George Allen, Gordon, Gail Koyanagi, and Drexell White. Happy Birthday, Gordon! — with George Allen, Gordon Fuller, Gail Koyanagi and Drexell White.
And Jr.'s stepson and wife, Michelle have heavy connections in Belfast. Michelle used to be married to the family that developed Seaview Terrace with history here older than the hills. The McLeod's. The grandson lives on Seaview Terrace, the family gave it to him. And wouldn't you know, I saw Michelle on the news helping City Council Heil Hurley prepare the bonfire for NYE a few weeks ago. Great.
My brother is not an asset for me by any means. It's hard to look back and see it all so clearly. None of that can be repaired with my Dad, Mom, sister, brother, luckily I was able to do it with Janel's husband Eddie- Jr. blew a gasket that night, trying to stop me from talking to Eddie, almost 3 years after her death... But, geez, how can I talk about family. Well, it's taken me 54 years and his interference of my life because it threatens his "personna" stops now. I just spent 4 hours typing our history together and deleted it immediately. It is too awful to post.
1965? I may be 4, George Jr. aka Sid from Toy Story, and Donald.
George Jr. is still kicking and still kicking me. He could be City Council
Heil Hurley's twin. Same behaviors, same greed, and fake souls.
They probably drink together with my ex.
Greg and I had a sort of friendship through his Dad- Joe Stearns, a regular at the same City Council meetings I spoke at. Joe told me at my first meeting- they are never going to fix that. I didn't know who Joe Stearns was back then in 11/2011, but his statement made me livid. Thanks Joe- you sparked me into action right away. Joe has been battling cancer and I would ask Greg about him every time I saw Greg. When I saw Greg at the school that Friday, I was fighting back the tears as I told him my brother just died from cancer the day before. Greg and Heil Hurley are also buddies. I knew that would go right to City Hall. I couldn't go to the funeral that Monday in Alabama. Belfast City Hall did not know that though. Monday morning as I was in deep mourning, I watched in horror as the trucks and heavy equipment roll into Seaview Terrace @ 7am. Slaughtering my property when they thought I'd be in Alabama. All week long and then some. Get er done, she can't stop us now.
Their denial and coverup gets more disgusting, attempting not to tape the next meeting where the knew I would be telling of the slaughter- it's below and above in the wolf pack tab. I haven't been back to a meeting since. Facing your abusers with heavy community support (not all but none backing me up except for Deb Paradis) for over 50 meetings. They are in for the kill. They broke me pretty bad- nothing is off limits. Furthered by the guilt, resentment or just flat out sick of the corruption that the neighbors feel when they see me. It's sad for all of us on Seaview Terrace.It's not going to get better. The paving was the chance to begin repairing the destruction. They slapped on a cheap band aid to hold us in placed until the big one takes us out. And here comes the taking at zero compensation- inverse condemnation. Bet attorneys will step up then for a class action law suit.
With some difficult holidays behind me, I was getting back up again. MaineCare DHHS is an angry bird since they basically robbed me of $500 and are not able to cover it up. Governor LePage is furiously using domestic abuse, welfare fraud and Veterans as a grand stand to rob the weak rather than help. For two months, I have been sucked into that rabbit hole of corruption. I am financially tapped out from the enormous expense of fighting all this Maine white collar corruption for 4 years. I should be on my feet, flying, telling my ex to take the 18k in alimony and be off my wings for good.
I recently found a lump the size of brussel sprout on my Stewie. I know cancer well- Dad, my sister and my 2 brothers. Here's our saviors- Stewie and Gordon ( Gordon has his head turned- he hates photo op's) This was my last parade in my beloved Bayside Maine of 38 years in 2007. My NJ ex (no ties to Maine, only through me) had demanded both homes to be sold (Bayside and NJ) Bids were coming in on Bayside, nothing on NJ. I had begged him not to sell- Bayside was paid in full, NJ had a 40k mortgage on it. No other debt. I couldn't rent any place cheaper. The kids and I would end up in a trailer park in the piney's of South Jersey. He was intent on making me homeless. Over 50k in legal fees fighting to save a home for the children in the 2 years of divorce proceedings. Corrupt Judge Fred Keiser ordered the sales. Divorce final in 4/2007 and in 7/2007 my ex reversed. He would take Bayside, live in NJ with his mother and I get NJ and the 40k mortgage. Fine. The kids have Bayside and can stay in their school and hometown. I lost Bayside. Heartsick but OK.
I had promised my beat up kids that once I knew we had a house to live in, I would get them their dog. My daughter had been wanting a beagle for years. In 7/2007 we could stay in our home. I called the Rockport Maine shelter (The kids and I were in Bayside for what I thought was our last time) The shelter had 2 beagles. We went right away. The kids were 8 and 12. I told them- don't even think about getting both of them. The beagles were in the outdoor cages- just the 2 of them going crazy for love when they saw us. I chose Stewie. As I was leaving to go to the office, I saw my daughter at the cage. Gordon had put his paw through the cage and onto her knee as Stewie came over and was licking Gordon's ear. Oh come on, I melted. She did not know I saw that. You know what's coming.
I could not get 2 dogs. I knew nothing about beagles either. We drove back to Bayside to wait out the approval process. My daughter never tried to make me choose Gordon. Not a word and I knew her heart had to be breaking. I could not sleep that night. I called the shelter as soon as they opened. Give me both beagles. Stewie and Gordon saved us. Treatments are not an option. Maybe it won't spread. Maybe it isn't cancer. Maybe this time...
At the Edna Drinkwater School, Bayside Maine, 4th of July parade, 2007. I pulled them through Bayside behind my SUV as they rode on my yacht. Fun is an understatement. Kids dressed up as beagles- howling the whole way through. Smokey the Bear and hey is that the Inland Fisheries guy who was selling the Muck Suck fishing hole a few months ago, no doubt orchestrated by Heil Hurley to bypass EPA/DEP permits to dredge toxic waters that would drain to me.
1/16/15 All hail Lewiston High School Students for speaking up when they were forced to remove their poster "Black Lives Matter" and replace with"All Lives Matter" They got their poster back up and hosted a forum on race. Belfast/Maine residents need forums for basic rights. Come to Belfast. Please. http://www.wmtw.com/news/lewiston-high-school-hosts-forum-about-race/30747644
IMPEACH LePage and out all the corrupt State to local- transfer to Rikers. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/impeach-lerage.html
First Lady Ann LePage recently said her husband fights for the underdog and is a teddy bear. Delusional. That teddy bear is Chuckie.

• June 20, 2013: Gov. Paul LePage says Democratic Sen. Troy Jackson has “no brains” and a “black heart” and is “claims to be for the people but he’s the first one to give it to the people without Vaseline” after the senator from Aroostook County gives the Democratic response to LePage’s budget veto.
• June 18, 2013: Gov. Paul LePage created a stir again on Tuesday when he ordered his administration to stop speaking to the the Portland Press Herald, Kennebec Journal and Waterville Sentinel.
• April 27, 2012: “The problem is the middle management of the state is about as corrupt as you can be. Believe me, we’re trying every day to get them to go to work, but it’s hard.” — LePage responds to a question about fees at a town hall forum in Newport.
• March 31, 2012: “That [criticism] is coming from a little spoiled brat from Portland. He’s very fortunate that his granddad was born ahead of him.” — LePage on Sen. Justin Alfond, D-Portland, when asked about Democratic calls for an investigation of the Department of Health and Human Services.
• March 15, 2012: “The press. Reading newspapers in the state of Maine is like paying somebody to tell you lies.” — LePage to a student who asked him what he didn’t like about his job during his appearance as keynote speaker at a Career Conversations event at Waterville Junior High School.
• February 2011: “The only thing that I’ve heard is if you take a plastic bottle and put it in the microwave and you heat it up, it gives off a chemical similar to estrogen. So the worst case is some women may have little beards.” — LePage saying he has yet to see enough science to support a ban on BPA, a common additive to plastics that some research suggests may interfere with hormone levels and could cause long-term problems.
Maine Governor LeRage- just announced he is asking for 2 million to fund a private attorney to push his agenda and over ride legislature and Attorney General Janet Mills. WHAT??? Governor LeRage wants 2 million of tax payers money target poor and promote 1%- IMPEACH
Yesterday he forced the president of the Community Colleges to resign by threatening to hold funds. Only the Board of Trustees can dismiss MCC president Fitzsimmons, 20? years served, lowest tuition and stellar reputation- one of the only shining stars of Maine institution. The Board praises Fitzsimmons with high integrity and leadershipe. He must have disagreed with LeRage's agenda for our children. Where is the protest?? http://www.wmtw.com/…/maine-community-college-syst…/30701522
He is the hammer slammer to the 99%. The ill in power- we see it and ignore it until...
Oh come on- Wayne Corey and Chris Hyck didn't get elected onto the school board- the only 2 with fiscal conscience for struggling residents. http://waldokids.blogspot.com/
1/15/2015- No response to below. I posted that MaineCare saga below because Rene Bernard of DHHS. His verbal phone conversations are attempts to confuse the issue and MaineCare's mistakes. After he began zoning in on tax returns, dependents- I smelled a set up. Why does he tell me that HIS records show I claim my children as dependents when I never have? Why does he ask me what my 21 year old daughter's residence is again and again. I was covered on MaineCare under my son, who is under 18 and still is. As the low income parent, if MaineCare has changed their requirements- fine. Just be sure. Don't make me go buy insurance, waste $500 like they did last year.
And certainly don't try to set me up for fraud. I am clean as a whistle. Just saw this activist that was jailed by the feds- outrageous. They set him up and with held the documents. 10 years his life inside- 5 years of mine outside. I've stepped on some powerful Maine toes, you bet they'd like to shut me down. Fraud would do it. No way buster- I post everything for safety.
And Austin Tice- I am with you brother, but I'll stand against it on this soil first. Where it begins.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: I want to turn to Austin Tice in his own words, explaining why he made the decision to go to Syria. In a Facebook post on July 25th, 2012, Austin wrote, quote, "We kill ourselves every day with McDonald’s and alcohol and a thousand other drugs, but we’ve lost the sense that there actually are things out there worth dying for. We’ve given away our freedoms piecemeal to robber barons, but we’re too complacent to do much but criticize those few who try to point out the obvious." He goes on to say, quote, "So that’s why I came here to Syria, and it’s why I like being here now, right now, right in the middle of a brutal and still uncertain civil war. Every person in this country fighting for their freedom wakes up every day and goes to sleep every night with the knowledge that death could visit them at any moment. They accept that reality as the price of freedom." That’s your son in his own words.
And all hands up to cheer the NYPD and Mayor DeBlasio cracking that blue wall held hostage by PBA Patrick Lynch and a few bad blue. How about it Belfast Chief Of Police Mike McFadden and Officer Ward? Restore your oath to protect the people, not Belfast City Wall. Down with Mini Gotham.
Brunswick, Bar Harbor, Rockport http://archive.wcsh6.com/news/article/225484/2/World-War-II-veteran-in-debate-with-Rockport-over-water-issue - this one sends me into disgust. This poor man, 91 years old at this interview in 12/2012- his last years spent fighting the very fight I have against the City Hall thugs. He is a WWII vet, Mainer, all we respect in life and Rockport does this to him??? Even more sick, is that Blaine Richardson- resident of Belfast- just ran for Congress- was part of the Rockport Town Hall- Code and Planning while Lloyd Richards was trying to save his property. Lloyds wife passed away in 12/2013 and I think he is in an assisted living facility now. Rockport Town Hall you are horrible beyond words...Even in this interview- Don Carrigan doesn't press the Town Manager using 1987 plans to defend the forced runoff from properties developed after 1987 and above Lloyd's home. Stinking DEP again too- wetlands. Same forcing to my property only 100 fold worse. DEP the designer of wetland fraud to coverup slaughtering private properties. The Ballet of Corruption- passing of one to the other, and the rhetoric orchestra.
Oh right- LePage is all for the Vets and Domestic Abuse prevention. Oh bull chip. Sounds good though, ain't that so.
I am so overwhelmed with Belfast and the State I can't investigate all bet it's just about in every town- glad these sites are popping up- just found another www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com I posted a few about Brunswick too- below and in above tab.
1/14/2015 Well now, lets see if I get a knock, knock...
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 1/14/15 11:02 AM |
To: | Bernard, Rene (rene.bernard@maine.gov); Condon, Patricia A. (patricia.a.condon@maine.gov); lea.kendall@maine.gov (lea.kendall@maine.gov); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
After I sent the message below I saw I had referenced the wrong date that I spoke with Rene. It was Tuesday, 1/13/2015. Yet the message from MaineCare on my account is dated 1/15/2015- which is TOMORROW. This too is unsettling.
from my MaineCare Message
Date: January 15, 2015XXXXXXXXX
Belfast, ME 04915
Although you do not qualify for MaineCare at this time, we would like you to know...
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 1/14/15 10:17 AM |
To: | Bernard, Rene (rene.bernard@maine.gov); Condon, Patricia A. (patricia.a.condon@maine.gov); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); lea.kendall@maine.gov (lea.kendall@maine.gov) |
Please share this disturbing outcome due to inept Maine agencies with Mrs. LePage. Rene Bernard called me yesterday on 1/14/2015 and asked me if I file taxes MANY times. It is unsettling that he kept asking me that when he must surely see that I have filed Maine State taxes (and federal) since I moved here in 2010. He further stated that for some unknown reason, DHHS paperwork shows that I claim my children as dependents when I cannot do that. My ex husband, XXXXX has claimed the children per the divorce agreement 2007. My returns reflect that.
Rene states that because Maine DHHS mistakenly input 2 dependents into my MaineCare application, that is I was approved for MaineCare for 2014 even though I received a termination letter. None of this makes sense and I want it documented. I renewed my HealthCare.Gov through Maine Community Options yesterday after Rene Bernard, DHHS informed me of the above on 1/14/2015.
For Governor LePage to allow his agencies to run ineptly and many corruptly is costly beyond his proposals that will further cut my legs off as well as any other struggling Maine resident trying to survive the corruption. Attacking the desperate for some welfare fraud to buy Allen's Brandy, a pack of cigarettes or escaping through meth results in what? Incarceration, tax dollars, and children into the system and into many meth foster homes.
The RSU has cost students and taxpayers beyond belief and Governor LePage per BDN targets upset in the MCC for reasons unknown, but certainly costly for any that cross him (hello- I crossed him in 2011 at the Front Street Shipyard by asking him again and again to just speak to me. Mrs. LePage refuses too) " Gov. Paul LePage on Monday reiterated his call for the resignation of Maine Community College System President John Fitzsimmons, saying the system’s trustees would “feel the wrath” if they didn’t take steps to ensure Fitzsimmons’ nearly 25-year tenure came to an end." The State has hurt the education system enough.
Belfast can't operate the schools on 32 million, they have wiped out the surplus with economic development, City Hall refuses to provide an accounting of spending on economic development costs, they destroy private properties with corrupt violation of local ordinances, State statutes, ethics, basic rights, the list is exhausting. Governor LePage takes liberty in grand standing against domestic abuse in full motion as he cuts the hands off of me and my children disabling our strength to get back up again and stand independently. I keep trying. We are domestic survivors who crawled here to begin again, in complete integrity and privacy paying above and beyond in full and whole hardheartedly in love with Maine since we stumbled into paradise in 1969. The abuse and terror launched on us by the State and local government is disgusting. This government shames what Maine is. You are succeeding in rendering me homeless. I will see this through because that is how truth and justice prevails. It is consuming and abusive, I am well aware of the tactics. I stand and will until.
Cuts in municipal revenue sharing and elimination of income tax will result in massive increase in property tax that is already corrupt. The low income cannot survive. The 1% need the money of the low income to sustain their ego's. But the government has first dibs. Boycott becomes reality from desperation.
I wait for the next assault from the State, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD, local businesses, players and implicated community. This corruption has devastated my meager savings, forced flood insurance premiums even though I bought in full with no water issues, no stream disclosed nor that I was in a flood zone- Maine Realtor Commission dismissing my complaint stating I should have done a more exhaustive search on my private property drainage ditch surrounding my property. DEP Aho dismissing investigation for the water slaughter she approves to destroy my property ( the private property drainage ditch has also revealed to be wetland DEP worthy, giving the State regulation approval to drown me and my children).
And of course constant intimidation and attempts to stop my freedom of speech- unethical and illegal off the charts. The Chief of Police and Officer Ward attempt to shame me as a mother to stop me from protesting corruption, they have come to my home, and have approached me outside of City Hall to have "conversations" with me, City Council has called me in as a threat, meeting after meeting City Council and Hall take the 5th and diminish the facts in communications to sway the public against me, they with hold public documents/information, try to extort unreasonable fees for basic public documents that they will never provide, school administration takes offense through my high honors AP son hampering his education(documented with DOE see http://waldokids.blogspot.com/ ), on and on I could go and have. My blogs are overwhelming and the only protection I have. All placing us in grave jeopardy after dangerous contested relocation was granted in 8/2010. I put it all on the line and moved in 6/2010. Before the motion was even filed. I could have been denied and would have had to return to NJ- homeless and destroyed. He would have residential custody, the dream I built in Bayside Maine and assumed my entire life. With full support and help from my brother, George Allen, VP Beeline Cable, Skowhegan, Maine. Isn't that special?
Almost as special as when I began protesting in front of Earl Black's real estate agency that sold me undisclosed hell in 2011. A stranger came up to me and said "This is not how we do things around here. Have you brought this to Mike Hurley" I said I did and Hurley refused to touch it. The stranger with one glass eye, smirked, tipped his leather hat, and said have a good day. That stranger is big player Jay Davis of The Restorative Justice, Waterfall Arts, best buddy to Hurley... such a good ole boy. I just saw him yesterday too- coming out of Hannaford- we were face to face. He chose not to see me.
I will never sell this hell to another and it appears Belfast City Hall is wiping Seaview Terrace off the map. Please buy this hell back so that I may live in peace away from Belfast. Below this portion of my blog citing violations or statutes, local ordinance, eminent domain and just flat out taking via 5204 when all else is too slow, is taken from my MaineCare message board.
This email is for awareness of how Maine government relentlessly kicks me and therefore my children. My mail is constantly tampered with, the TWC tech that has been in my home and accessed my personal computer many times had never disclosed that he is the brother-in-law to the Chief of Police Mike McFadden. The Chief damn near fell out of his chair when I made the connection. I am not a threat to anyone. The corrupt feel threatened but that is not with in my purview. I am open to honest written resolution if there are any with conscience and accountability. Thank You.
Laurie Allen
from www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
I moved here in 6/2010. We made it to our new life. Within 9 months, floods would coming ripping through my 1/3 acre property for 2 weeks. Water was my number one concern. Refusing all that disclosed streams or showed flooding. Real estate agents slaughtered us. Belfast City Hall and the State of Maine enforce the kill. Maine is 4th in corruption. Great.
Regardless of beliefs, the holidays induce reflection. New Years Eve scores another year gone by and double indemnity by being my birthday. I reflect most of my life on the hamster wheel, keeping pace with the corrupt, maybe this will be the year... Again and again, at every Belfast City Council meeting since I went public in 11/2011 with massive corruption- real estate and all those players, to businesses, to City Hall, to the connected, right up to the State level, many agencies, and the Attorney General sending me back to ground zero, do not pass go, do not collect $200, your home and many others in the way of Heil Hurley's "fire" for Belfast are under seizure by the dirty white and pink collars.
Statutes Title 17, Title 38, local ordinances and zoning, mitigation plans, flood zone, flood plain management, police protection, Maine Constitution of citizens right's, all broken and robbing the basic essence of life...joy. As the Comprehensive Plan gets voted in, chop, chop, they make it law. As if the law wasn't protecting them enough from stealing our homes through inverse condemnation and when in a hurry for your property- eminent domain. Two are clearly underway on Seaview Terrace. They failed this summer at trying to illegally rezone us into a new zone. Sloppy corruption. I have been quite the dim bulb, after a life time of being zapped. But still able to see and speak. I try.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding,...
And if the flooding doesn't kill us soon enough for their ego visions and fire sale taking with ZERO compensation- for a pittance more, surely Belfast City Attorney Kristin Collins, prior attorney with Maine Municipal Alliance and expert at manipulating statutes in favor of towns has a plan B in store for the undesirables... take your pick. Here's my pick:
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
Here is the local ordinance to prove their malice. Fabricating our private property, no stream or natural outlet ever- the maps do not lie. They try to manipulate maps- but I came with a camera one day and got lucky. They overwhelmed Jennika with maps- and I never brought a camera in the many visits prior. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/huge-depbelfast-cover-up-corruption.html
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm
sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling
water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of
the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.
(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)
Read this whole page from above- it shows how spot on I was immediately
in 2011. Concise emails and the manipulations. Till today. Evil, evil
people to do this to anyone, let alone a domestic survivor who needed
anonymity and peace to heal with my children. They were counting on
that. Real estate agents and City Hall. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/local-storm-water-ordinance.html***************************************************************************** 1/13/2015- New readers must know that Maine is 4th in corruption. Maine is a very poor state so it is even more despicable when the greedy and corrupt prey on the innocent. What they have done to me since I was sold undisclosed hell in 6/2010 after relocating to Belfast from danger in NJ with my children. No room for any mistakes, I was meticulous and thorough. I had been summer resident in the neighboring town since 1969. I have deep family and friends ties here. Even more outrageous is the many that accept and even honor the corrupt. Conditioned to the corruption is what they are. They thought I'd be too afraid to fight back. We were quite broken and broke- we crawled here and used our last dollars to buy this hell. I have uncovered massive corruption, local to state and the players. It grows like wildfire by the day, home after home, town after town, agency after agency, business after business, and the attorneys that master mind sloppy corruption.
The rhetoric is overwhelming and many decide to look away. It is candy land for attorneys that invent intent personal destruction. Laws and ordinances are broken and useless, except those that are written to destroy your home legally. More are coming with the state wide new ordinances via the Comprehensive Plans- Belfast is underway,voting them in- the public clueless to the power and the with held.
See below, for property slaughter already on the books prior to the Comp. Plans and absolutely criminal. (Large print- statues Title 17, 38 (these were to protect us- a joke), Inverse Condemnation, Section 5204) Several documented destruction of private properties and rights have unfolded in Belfast since I began exposing and blogging. One meeting in particular with Dr. Morrow is incredibly brutal (see #10 @ http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/18-city-council-meetings.html ) . I have been ignored or bullied at over 50 meetings that I have spoken at. They use police force to intimidate me, call me in as a threat, use my children, slander me on public TV, print media, deny my rights, with hold/destroy public documents, lie and lie, taint the public against me, my internet cable tech is the brother in law to the Chief of Police (very alarming and very unethical- never disclosed- access into homes and personal computers- several times into my home)... and more, every day.
There is so much to document, it is too much for me keep on top of. I try to keep the awareness up. Brunswick, Maine has documented corruption below- it seems Belfast is following their lead. I put up new posts and soon the crux is buried. Hence, some posts repeat themselves as I bring new readers into the basic corruption of private property and basic right from local to state. All and more.
1/12/2015 Imagine if family and friends held family and friends accountable and liable. Instead of covering up and enabling liars and cheaters. They become the adults that are unleashed and powerful with self. Anyone that challenges them, becomes the problem. Hello, I am the problem and I keep informing and will until. My name is Little Laurie Allen, I am loyal to the truth. That's all. Children must be encouraged to inform instead of shamed by being labeled as a "tattle tale" by adults that can't be bothered to stop the bullying on the spot or are the bullies themselves. Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow...
1/16/2015- I moved my mail tampering to a page for any interested. David Cook Belfast PMG was not concerned but sure was defensive . So surprising. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_38.html
1/7/2015- I have shared so much information on this blog to inform the public of abuse and corruption from all aspects and a heavy population of greedy ego's led by psychopaths (supporting articles throughout the blogs). It is exhausting to stay on track. Family, some clergy, Jersey familty courts, some therapists, some Dr.'s, some attorney's (Ellen Schwartz East Brunswick NJwww.rssfamilylawfirm.com/ ), Jersey Guardian ad Litem's (Dr. Rosenbaum), dirty Jersey Judge Fred Keiser, some Jersey and Maine school counselors, some Jersey school case workers, some Jersey and Maine principals, some Jersey and Maine superintendents...
Maine Realtor Earl Black's real estate agents (Bill Ingersoll, retired Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, Mary Mortier, Puzz Caswell) State of Maine State ( Realtor Commission, DEP, EPA, Inland Wildlife and Fisheries, Attorney General, Governor LePage (Mrs. LePage pending) DHHS, Senator Thibodeau, Senator Angus King) Belfast City Hall (City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, Park & Rec Director Norm Portier) Mayor Ash, Belfast City Council (including ex members- Roger Lee, Nancy Hamilton, Marina Delune, Planning Board (including ex members Paul Hamilton and others), Zoning Board of Appeals, Belfast Economic Director Thomas Kitteredge, Belfast Chamber of Commerce and associated businesses- the most influential Dutch Chevrolet, Front Street Shipyard, etc., various members of the Restorative Justice Department and Waterfall Arts associated with Jay Davis, Belfast Chief of Police Mike McFadden, Officer Ward, Belfast City Council Super Ego Heil Mike Hurley, Olympia Snowe, John Smith of Belfast J&B Autobody, Chris Kulbe of Searsmont Ridge Top Chimney Sweep, Thomaston Lowe's (many more players but these have been direct hits to me- Dutch Chevrolet and Front Street Shipyard refusing to support residents against City Hall Maine constitution basic citizen rights and private property/ tax dollar corruption). Just to name a few and naming certainly will place me in more danger.
It's been a long 54 years and I have not scratched the surface. As most know, the one who refuses to allow the abuse and corruption is the one who becomes more of a target (I keep ducking and weaving- but the destruction of my last refuge of protection, my home and small property is beyond scope.) More heartbreaking is the using of my children. The family dynamics oozes into Maine, but with visitation, Belfast was as far away I could get from my ex in NJ. He our newly built retirement home next door to Belfast in Bayside, Me. He comes up for vacation (6+ weeks) and my abusive brother George (our Mom gave him the family cottage in Bayside and he is also VP of BeeLine Cable Skowhegan) welcomes my ex and bottom's up, scotch after scotch. My ex and brother have alienated me from all friends and family. A well known tactic. Just like Belfast. No one cares enough to step in, watching me get kicked and kicked. It is sad but not surprising. The worst are the hypocrites, preaching caring, compassion, community, honesty, and they abound. In my 5 years of public speaking and protesting, only two other women residents have the courage to speak up against Belfast City Council corruption. Deb Paradis and Jane ? Sander?- both seniors.
As the blog weaves in and out of personal dots that connect the full picture of epic denial and bullying, I want to post this portion again. This can happen to anyone and will certainly happen to more as the comprehensive plan is in action. In the making for over 10 years- with many corrupt hands. I have proven the corruption and they steam roll ahead. Lawless and determined. The cleansing for the new Belfast that Heil Hurley is "ON FIRE" for. In this 12/27/2014 are specific citings of statues and law/ordinance breaking. Belfast City Hall also tried to rezone Seaview Terrace into another zone and I caught them. Neighbors also protested, so we stopped that. But as you read inverse condemnation and Section 5204 below- they have many options in extermination of the undesirable area's in Belfast and probably all of the United States. Fighting them is their legal arena is impossible. The loop hole laws are to protect the 1%, we know that. I wait for my community. They will see it at their door and will jump into action. You're welcome. If nothing else, I rest in knowing I have saved someone from all this forced hell. Burning me at the cross is old. I'm seasoned tough.
12/27/2014- I moved here in 6/2010. We made it to our new life. Within 9 months, floods would coming ripping through my 1/3 acre property for 2 weeks. Water was my number one concern. Refusing all that disclosed streams or showed flooding. Real estate agents slaughtered us. Belfast City Hall and the State of Maine enforce the kill. Maine is 4th in corruption. Great.
Regardless of beliefs, the holidays induce reflection. New Years Eve scores another year gone by and double indemnity by being my birthday. I reflect most of my life on the hamster wheel, keeping pace with the corrupt, maybe this will be the year... Again and again, at every Belfast City Council meeting since I went public in 11/2011 with massive corruption- real estate and all those players, to businesses, to City Hall, to the connected, right up to the State level, many agencies, and the Attorney General sending me back to ground zero, do not pass go, do not collect $200, your home and many others in the way of Heil Hurley's "fire" for Belfast are under seizure by the dirty collars.
Statutes Title 17, Title 38, local ordinances and zoning, mitigation plans, flood zone, flood plain management, police protection, Maine Constitution of citizens right's, all broken and robbing the basic essence of life...joy. As the Comprehensive Plan gets voted in, chop, chop, they make it law. As if the law wasn't protecting them enough from stealing our homes through inverse condemnation and when in a hurry for your property- eminent domain. Two are clearly underway on Seaview Terrace. They failed this summer at trying to illegally rezone us into a new zone. Sloppy corruption. I have been quite the dim bulb, after a life time of being zapped. But still able to see and speak. I try.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding,...
And if the flooding doesn't kill us soon enough for their ego visions and fire sale taking with ZERO compensation- for a pittance more, surely Belfast City Attorney Kristin Collins, prior attorney with Maine Municipal Alliance and expert at manipulating statutes in favor of towns has a plan B in store for the undesirables... take your pick. Here's my pick:
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
Here is the local ordinance to prove their malice. Fabricating our private property, no stream or natural outlet ever- the maps do not lie. They try to manipulate maps- but I came with a camera one day and got lucky. They overwhelmed Jennika with maps- and I never brought a camera in the many visits prior. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/huge-depbelfast-cover-up-corruption.html
Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm
sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the city. Industrial cooling
water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of
the city, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, if in accordance with regulations of the state department of environmental protection.
(Ord. No. 45-1999, § 600.2, 2-1-2000)
Read this whole page from above- it shows how spot on I was immediately
in 2011. Concise emails and the manipulations. Till today. Evil, evil
people to do this to anyone, let alone a domestic survivor who needed
anonymity and peace to heal with my children. They were counting on
that. Real estate agents and City Hall. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/local-storm-water-ordinance.html1/5/2015 How can so many be so cruel with greed? Owning a home is an American Nightmare. They rob the poorest and each dream I made true through honesty and hard work. I'll stay true and forgiving- they cannot rob that.
The 50+ water slaughter to Seaview Terrace is ruthless. Belfast City Hall destroys private property after private property, breaking law after law and local ordinance after ordinance. The City Wall is protected by dirty attorney's and minions, all masking themselves as the pillars of our town.
I moved here in 2010, numb but not dumb. At 49, I had just closed the chapters on family psychopaths and the same in NJ family courts. I was unprepared but immediately aware as the first door slammed in my face by Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall in 4/2011. He proudly showed me a map on the wall depicting the undisclosed water slaughter to Seaview Terrace that ripped away 1/4 of my property the week before. He traced 5-6 paths, covering miles and miles of impervious ground all forcing into the tiny 12 family, dead end, residential, flat, flood plain, flood zone of Seaview Terrace. I knew that malice behavior- Wayne was not prepared for me. I told him that Belfast cannot force that water to private property and to give me a copy of that map.
The map was replaced by another and their Flooding Games began. It is the easiest way to describe what I have endured and uncovered while trying to save my home/neighborhood. I began blogging to document the corruption for all. They overwhelm with rhetoric and more corruption, I have many novice blogs. The most disturbing has been the lack of support. The corruption is proven and climbing. The personal tragedy in community is evident. The articles below cover the corruption in Belfast, the community, the churches, the families, the neighbors and up the ladder, evident in the world.
Below my daughter's 21 year old Bert Hand's Up doll, is City Manager Joe Slocum's 9/2011 email stating the crumbling of Seaview Terrace from all the water. My focus has been to get all incoming forced water into Seaview Terrace on all 3 sides, rerouted away and to get paving and roadside drainage according to law and ordinance. The tactics used by Belfast City Hall is the appearance of transparency, the attorney's forte'. Quick assault to begin the corrupt project with many smokescreens. This plays out in project after project with the Wall shutting down all objections and locking up the documents. The only recourse for a resident or residents in their path is to foresee the assault and assemble a legal team of their own, engineers and attorneys, at their expense. After is too late- the Wall is secure in law suits paid carte blanche by us. My public speaking stressing this tactic, paid off for long time local dentist, Dr. Morrow's. To sell a corrupted zoning property, the Wall's resolution was to assault Dr. Morrow's property with water slaughter. She hired her team and stopped the assault. When you have time, watch the meeting and bullies in action. It is documented prime corruption playing out in one meeting. See meeting #10 in this link http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/18-city-council-meetings.html
For me, I do not have the money to fight them. I used every last cent to relocate here to begin a new life in safety and privacy. The assault onto Seaview Terrace on September 8, 2014 is beyond comprehension. All summer, the road was dug up by the water department to replace the water line. The City Manager took advantage by sharing the cost to repave Seaview Terrace. This was it and I was on it. Documenting, speaking at meeting after meeting, communication after communication with the residents of Seaview Terrace. We had just saved Seaview Terrace from an illegal attempt to rezone Seaview Terrace into a new zone. The neighbors did not have the water pouring through their yards, everyone was pouring into mine. The Wall alienated me from my neighbors, used corrupted boundary maps, corrupted meetings and slaughtered me further.
As of September, I was solid with statutes and local ordinance to get Seaview Terrace paved with grated roadside drainage. I did not know they held meetings with chosen neighbors and had a corrupt approval to send the road runoff to me. On 9/4/2014, my brother in Alabama died. The Wall knew because I had told one of them that Friday morning on 9/5/2014. That Monday, 9/8/2014, while the Wall thought I would be in Alabama for the funeral, they sent in the heavy equipment to drown me further. Only I was home, watching in horror. Here is a bit of footage of that morning. This newly laid culvert is directing runoff to my property from my neighbors, from behind (Huntress Gardens Apartments), from Rte 1 and from across Rte 1 and beyond (there are culverts running under Rte 1). This is only one of the masses. My soul is still reeling, I dig deep every day not to hate. I speak to few and hold on. How can so many be so cruel with greed? Owning a home is an American Nightmare. They rob the poorest and each dream I made true through honesty and hard work. I'll stay true and forgiving- they cannot rob that.
LAURIE has files to share with you on OneDrive. To view them, click the links below.

to 1967 development of Seaview Terrace- it was a farm. In this 1939
aerial view- see the section 40. The white house is the farm house-
behind is the farm and future Seaview Terrace. Look close- there is NO
STREAM- NO DITCH. You will see in the next aerial view for the planning
of Seaview Terrace- a ditch running through it. That ditch was dug after
the farm. Previously, Rte 1 was Northport Ave. The road that the
farmhouse is facing in this 1939 picture. The farmhouse is still there
and is now on the corner of Northport Ave and Seaview Terrace. Owned by
the "Dutch" strong holds of Belfast. The developer, Wendell McLeod
received approval to fill in the ditch. NO NATURAL OUTLET ON SEAVIEW
TERRACE. After 1968- Belfast City Hall would begin to illegally channel all runoff and melt-off to Seaview Terrace. They have denied it all and I have spent 4 years relentlessly proving the slaughter while they with hold all information and try to portray me as crazy, stupid and trash. I tracked this map myself in 11/2011 when City Hall refused to provide any maps or drainage information for the prior 7 months, sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. The pink ribbon is my home. Rte 1 No and South (2miles of highway) to the right - The Captain Albert Stevens School 2 miles above- marked as Stormwater Holding Tank (picture album of CASS below). This whole area forced into Seaview Terrace. I am lot 5- this is the plan with held and buried- I scored it on a covert storm raid to City Hall on a hunch. Guess I'm a Jersey Seal!! (The same would happen with removed and buried Captain Albert Stevens School maps and drainage documents months later, and will be another page) Slam Dunk- City Manager Joe Slocum had an aneurism when he found out I got this in 11/2011. Ditch filled in and homes built on top. City Council in on every step- I made sure to involve them through an enormous email trail. :) Waldo County Emergency Agency Director and Engineer, Dale Rowley (very familiar with the area- his office a mile away) said my map is good. So that is about as close as authentication as one can get. The cost to fix this 50 year slaughter is not in their greedy visions. Force the big flood, wipe out Seaview Terrace take it with little compensation because it is worthless. Inverse Condemnation. I'm in their way. No doubt that the sellers of my home filled in this ravine and made it look like a 2x2 drainage ditch for my property only. No stream disclosed, no water issues confirmed by real estate agent. I found out in 2009- Seaview Terrace got hammered in spring melt. Flooding over the road, down the road, a lady almost lost her car, her front yard got wiped out- she lives at the top- by the huge culvert. Bet my yard was history. And the owners, Minister Tarpley and real estate agent Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell in cahoots with property inspector DJ Brown, China Village- stuck it to me. Sold me hell. Bought in 6/2010 and in 3/2011 wild rapids tore through my yard for almost a week. Turned my 2x2 ditch into this. |
It's no secret that politicians can be driven by outsized egos. I mean, who among us really thinks he or she deserves a seat in Congress -- or a desk in the Oval Office?
But can egotism alone explain why so many elected officials seem to get caught telling lies, having affairs, committing financial improprieties or engaging in other scandalous behavior? Not everyone is convinced that it can, and some in the blogosphere have gone so far as to wonder if bad-boy (and bad girl) politicians are actually psychopaths. And a recent article in The Atlantic asks of these pundits:
Could they be right? If these pundits mean that the targeted office-seekers are evil or "crazy," probably not. But if they are pointing out that politicians and psychopaths share certain characteristics, they could be on to something.
Just what does it mean to be a psychopath? Turns out psychopathy isn't a formal psychiatric diagnosis but a term first popularized by Medical College of Georgia psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley in his 1941 classic The Mask Of Sanity.
Psychopaths seem superficially normal but tend to be cold-hearted, lacking in empathy, egocentric, manipulative, irresponsible, and antisocial. Or, as a 2007 Scientific American article put it:
Superficially charming, psychopaths tend to make a good first impression on others and often strike observers as remarkably normal. Yet they are self-centered, dishonest and undependable, and at times they engage in irresponsible behavior for no apparent reason other than the sheer fun of it... Psychopaths routinely offer excuses for their reckless and often outrageous actions, placing blame on others instead.
Hmm. That description could probably describe more than a few politicians -- though you and I might not agree on whom to nominate for psychopath status. But before indulging in any armchair analysis, I reached out to Dr. Martha Stout. A clinical psychologist who was long affiliated with Harvard Medical School, she's the author of The Sociopath Next Door and other popular books on emotional disorders (including a forthcoming text that explores the link between emotional disorders and politics). By the way, Dr. Stout tends to use the term sociopath instead of psychopath, explaining to me that the terms are often used interchangeably by mental health professionals.
Anyway, when I asked Dr. Stout if there's any truth to the contention that politicians are more likely to be psychopaths, she said in an email that no solid statistics were available to prove or disprove the hypothesis. Yet despite the lack of proof, she gave a surprisingly definitive answer to my question:
Yes, politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this... That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow -- but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.
At one time, she continued, the terms psychopath and sociopath conjured up image of mass murderers and serial killers. "As it turns out, the majority of sociopaths/psychopaths never kill anyone with their own hands, nor do they end up in prison," she said. "A smart sociopath can avoid prison and find other, less conspicuous ways to satisfy his or her lust for dominating and controlling others, and what better way than through politics and big business?"
Which politicians deserve to be labeled sociopaths? Dr. Stout was reluctant to name names of living politicos, saying it would be unethical to do so. But she told me in the email, "I think most experts would agree that Hitler, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceausescu and the like were sociopaths. But a leader certainly does not have to be an infamous dictator to be sociopathic." In fact, she said, sociopaths often are extremely charismatic. They may not feel "higher emotions" like love and guilt, they may not have actual consciences, but they study those of us who do -- and simply pretend.
Some have hypothesized that there are times when we want our leaders to be cold and calculating and even deceitful -- for example, in times of crisis or when our national security is at stake. But for the most part, it would seem to me a very bad thing when we elect men and women who feel they can say anything and do anything and damn the consequences.
What's a concerned citizen to do? Dr. Stout offered a not-so-modest proposal: along with releasing their tax returns and medical records (and, sometimes, birth certificates), maybe political candidates should be asked to prove their psychological fitness before their names go on the ballot. Though psychopaths can apparently fool even skilled psychiatrists into thinking they're normal, Dr. Stout maintains that standardized psychological tests like the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (and someday maybe brain scans) might be able to tip voters off to candidates who exhibit worrisome personality traits.
"I'm not sure that we will do this," she said of psychological testing of politicians. "But given the stakes, it might be a decent idea."
If psychological testing really could distinguish great leaders from destructive creeps, it's an idea that gets my vote. What do you think? If you'd like to join the discussion, please leave me a comment.
Culture and Society*
Sam Vaknin
families, organizations, ethnic groups, churches, and even whole
safely described as “narcissistic” or “pathologically
self-absorbed”? Wouldn’t
generalizations be a trifle racist and more than a trifle wrong? The
answer is:
collectives (states, firms, households, institutions, political
bands) acquire a life and a character all their own. The longer the
or affiliation of the members, the more cohesive and conformist the
dynamics of the group, the more persecutory or numerous its enemies,
intensive the physical and emotional experiences of the individuals
it is
of, the stronger the bonds of locale, language, and history -- the
might an assertion of a common pathology be.
an all-persuasive and extensive pathology manifests itself in the
of each and every member. It is a defining, though often implicit or
mental structure.
has explanatory and predictive powers (italics,
is recurrent and invariable; a pattern of conduct melded with
and stunted emotions. And it is often vehemently denied.
possible DSM-like list of criteria (301.81) for narcissistic
organizations or
all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need
or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning at the group’s
and present in various contexts. Persecution and abuse are often the
at least the antecedents, of the pathology.
(or more) of the following criteria must be met:
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
their association and affiliation with the group, feel grandiose and
(e.g., they exaggerate the group’s achievements and talents to the
of lying, demand to be recognized as superior simply for belonging
group and without commensurate achievement).
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
their association and affiliation with the group, are obsessed with
of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence,
brilliance, bodily beauty or performance, or ideal, everlasting,
ideals or political theories.
groups as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such by virtue
association and affiliation with the group, are firmly convinced
that the
is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only
treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or
(or institutions).
groups as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
of their association and affiliation with the group, require
adulation, attention and affirmation, or failing that, wish to be
and to be notorious (Narcissistic Supply).
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
their association and affiliation with the group, feel entitled.
They expect
or special and favorable priority treatment. They demand
and full compliance with expectations. They rarely accept
for their actions (“alloplastic defenses,” they blame others).
often leads to antisocial behavior, cover-ups, and criminal
activities on
mass scale.
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
their association and affiliation with the group, are
i.e., uses others to achieve their own ends. This often leads to
behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
groups as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
of their association and affiliation with the group, are devoid of
They are unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the
and needs of other groups. This often leads to antisocial behavior,
and criminal activities on a mass scale.
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such by virtue
association and affiliation with the group, are constantly envious of
or believes that they feel the same about them. This often leads to
behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
group as a whole, or members of the group, acting as such and by
their association and affiliation with the group, are arrogant and
behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated,
punished, limited, or confronted. This often leads to antisocial
cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale.
Self Love: Narcissism Revisited