
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Ain't No Road Too Long" from Follow That Bird (1985)

11/20/14- Note to new readers (hopefully Russell Brand) These blogs are my personal experience of hands on corruption in local government of Belfast, Maine since I moved here in 2010. They came into my home, violating my rights, endangering our lives and private property. I am one of many but the only one to go public and hold on. 11/1/2011 was the first Belfast City Council meeting where I went public. City Council Putin Hurley lashed out against me on public TV and has continued to do so until this day. The last thing a Mom who made it out with her children needs is a witch hunt by the local real estate agents and City Hall. Contested relocation is rarely awarded but I did it. All we wanted was to begin again in peace, safety and under all radar. I was meticulous, I knew one mistake could slam the tiny opening shut.

The real estate agents  sold me undisclosed hell and were fully informed of our desperate and dangerous situation. From NJ, I emailed extensive, blow by blow happenings from 9/2009-6/2010. Along with extensive requests for disclosure of listings.The real estate agents, property inspector, the seller (MINISTER Tarpley), Belfast City Hall are worse than vultures WAITING for road kill. They do the kill. Only this time, I resuscitated myself as I always have after a life time of the same breed of greed. The scope of corruption goes to the top of the state and to the base by the public that defends the corrupt and joins in on the bullying of the whistle blower.

When I started documenting through blogging, I was clueless to the enormity of the corruption and not tech savvy at all. The walls were crashing in and they were intent on breaking me fast. It was hard holding on and impossible to get public information.  So many tactics used to make me look unstable and stupid. Imagine how you feel when you have endured so much trauma for so, so long. You claw and crawl each day to get through. Focusing on the survival of your children. Nothing else matters. The feigned help of those claiming support quickly cower and quit. Giving false hope is barbaric.

Years and years of terrorism. To make it out, to begin the healing and release of fear. Letting the wall down and the focus to get on our feet. Overwhelming and over joyed. Relocation awarded one week before school was to start in 8/2010. Full time job in place with benefits, nice home in town with police protection and City services, no water issues (my number one documented concern on EVERY listing presented). Let the healing begin. To school, to work, to home, to heal. Repeat. We kept to ourselves.

Lowes in Thomaston would take advantage immediately when I hired them to install a fence, front door and roof in 9/2010. I went to Lowe's specifically to avoid corrupt contractors. Lowe's in East Brunswick, NJ was stellar. Not so here and a year of serious trouble ensued. Along with my new employer foot dragging on an ergo work station- lower back arthritis came quickly in this 40 hour desk job. By 12/2010 I could not sit for 5 minutes without excruciating pain and they were still "arranging" for an ergo evaluation. The pain was clear and they didn't care. I told them I had to leave. At this point, I had not missed any time and was never late.  I was giving them 200% and loved helping customers. I was customer service excellence for 20 years prior to leaving the work force in 1995 to raise my children.

The Dr. ordered physical therapy and upon release, and ergo station must be in place. After a few weeks of therapy, I was amazingly pain free as long as I kept moving. My employer did not have an ergo station for my return. They told me I had to to get that condition removed from the Dr.'s orders before I could return to work! That was the end of my employment in 1/2011. No disability, no workmen's comp., no unemployment, and no health insurance. 6k to my name, but the house was paid, no debt, and 18k in alimony. Knuckle down and move on.

In 4/2011 wild rapids tore through my stream-less, small 1/3 acre yard. For almost 2 weeks- ripping a ravine and almost taking my fence with it. I went to see the Belfast City Planner, Wayne Marshall to find out the reason. He traced miles of area on a wall map and showed me several channels being forced into my neighborhood- through my yard as an outlet to the bay which is a 1/2 mile away. I told him he could not do that. I want a copy of this map. He said that would take a few days. Right. The map went missing, claiming it never existed, doors slamming shut, all requests for information, documentation, assistance, denied. By ALL the players, to this day. I relentlessly take shot after shot, score a few documents and refuse attempts to silence and intimidate.

Seeing the enormous illegal forced water slaughter to my neighborhood forced to my private property, in an also undisclosed (because I paid cash), flood zone A, I must have flood insurance. Tag on another 3k for that, 3k for property/sewer (ain't that a joke- they should be paying me!) taxes, leaves 12k for the year- heating, food, gas, internet, home insurance, car insurance, repairs ( 1300 to a corrupt chimney installation by Ridgetop Chimney Sweep, 1100 for a corrupt autobody repair by J&B Autobody) theft of my savings of 6k, and not on welfare. Holding on.

Add in when the local business of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce decided to slap me in the face by awarding City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year. Slocum has cost my life beyond thousands in trying to break me and extort even more money from for public information that will never be provided.  That award propelled me into the Boycott Belfast campaign over a year ago. Council Putin Hurley owns the theater (no movies for me), local eateries (no soup for me), hair salon (no hair cuts for me), retaliating neighbors (Seaview Terrace is a google disaster),  and the good ole boys club network of fear- seems almost everyone is related or implicated... and then when they can't break me still- they start bringing my children into the "conversation". Bloody thug tactics. A few  outrageous emails from City Council, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Attorney Bill Kelly are on and I haven't added to that in a long time. Make sure to check the tabs on the top as well.

So much corruption that I have several blogs and they are overwhelming. Another tactic to overwhelm me with rhetoric that I post and tire the public and media. Pardon the rhetoric and repeating. I hope to type up a summary of all the corruption I have uncovered that is so much larger than my property. , , too much for one person. I do the best I can. The bullies3 blog is specific to DEP Commissioner Aho, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly, and City Planner Wayne Marshall (ASK'M)

 Many residents in town and through out the state have similar accounting's. None have the stamina or means to dedicate 4 years to expose the corruption. I have. It is here. The lack of community concern and action is alarming. Many are eager to jump on the bandwagon for tackling enormous issues of environment and global corruption. Kind of like offering a few ice cubes to the North Pole. We have to start at the foundation and clean out and up. The foundation is home and local. Complete overhaul of corrupt and accountability. Then we are strong, true, organized and united. Independent committee's are the first step. Committee's organized by the corrupt are not true. Stop fooling yourselves. 

I stand alone with truth and signs at over 50 Belfast City Hall meetings meetings, in the streets, at events(Celtic Celebration in Belfast, paid for by the tax payers and an organizer telling me to take my signs and get the hell out.) NO THANK YOU BUSTER,  outside of Belfast City Hall, on Route 1, at the park, on Northport Ave, at the Searsmont Firemen Picnic (a bit scary that one), and I hold back, believe it or not, because of my children. They are 17 and 21 now.  Releasing Big Bird from the nest.

I turn it up and keep on "dancing with myself, oh, oh, oh oh". Next.

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