8/1/2015 I just uploaded 5 more corrupt clips to youtube. Yay for youtube- City Hall attempts to paint me as crazy are easy to disprove with my public speakings. Thank you youtube.
Thank you Belfast resident Chris Hyck. He takes on the school budget, while I take on the City.
http://waldokids.blogspot.com/ "As to your Chairman stating he wouldn't allow filming because he feared " grandstanding", ask him to deny it, other people were in the Meeting..." Chairman David Crabiel- not taping a public meeting is corrupt.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sat 12/10/11 7:19 AM |
To: | mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; Jennika Lundy (managersupport@cityofbelfast.org) |
Cc: | wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org |
The more I keep hearing Mike Hurley publicly denounce me and praise Slocum and Marshall for their restraint, the more I fear living in this town. Were you going to have that police officer escort ME out of the City Hall Meeting on 12/06/11? This is just one email, I have a full file and would welcome an investigation(after the hoidays) and protection ASAP.
Laurie Allen
I found this old email where I began fearing for my safety- after only 2 public speakings. No concern from the wall, in fact it the intimidation and abuse was just getting started- Council calling me in as threat to the Chief of Police, City Council Mike Hurley slander of my character in meeting after meeting (surely trashing me at all the boards he implicates- Our Town Belfast, Belfast Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, Restorative Justice Program, Waterfall Arts, the list goes on- Heil Hurley) City Hall officials and some employees follow the "suit"- City Manager Joe Slocum (lying, with holding, intimidating from the start with City Planner Wayne Marshall May 2011.)
Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly doing the same and PUBLICLY. He stepped in as the professional pit bull where I was sand bagged in the 1/4/2011 City Council meeting. With holding more public documents (specific to my property), sending letters of intimidation, DEP Commisioner Aho corruptly dismissing the illegal outfalls at The Captain Albert Steven School- a huge wetland site. Clearly visible and traceable to the flooding of all watershed residents. Huge corruption and all the documents were with held. To date, City Hall takes the 5th and continues the slaughter. An earlier blog has a portion of their corruption- Aho (DEP), Slocum (Belfast City Manager), Kelly (Belfast City Attorney), Marshall (Belfast City Planner) ASK'M www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com
Maine Realtor Commission dismissing my complaint against non disclosure of water slaughter. Stating I should have done a more exhaustive search for my 2'x2' private property drainage ditch. Where I had a property inspection done- DJ Brown Property Inspector- supervised be Belfast agent Sam Mitchell (I was in NJ trying to sell my dump with crashing children and serious danger). Mega-realtor Earl Black's agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews targeted me. In writing and verbally since 9/2009, my number one concern was no water issues. They sold me the worst water slaughter in Belfast in 6/2010. Emails prove they forced this property, refusing to respond to my requests for other properties. I was meticulous. The odds of getting out of NJ where against me. Hotly contested relocation of children (500 miles away) is almost impossible. This home had to be secure, safe and in-town for the services provided- infrastructure, community and police. Instead, because of these agents, it has been a Mom hunt, using my children again... Earl Black would try to give me shut up and release for 7k. I don't think so. Earlier blog with some of the agent corruption on www.belfastbullies2.blogspot.com
Since 2011 and clear intent to silence my factual accounting of Belfast corruption, I fear to even ride my bicycle or any outing in public. Police Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward have had several private "conversations" to try and "persuade" me to back off of Belfast City Wall. They even came to my house, to interview me for my stability... I invited them in and they couldn't rattle my sanity. Then they went after my kids, again... I don't think so, interview done. No movies (Hurley owns the Colonial Theater, no eating in town, no shopping in town, no more dancing (last year I almost broke down at the City Council meeting where I thanked Breanna and stated that music can heal all.)
At the 8/2014 Belfast Street Party, I stood alone, holding my signs for Moral Mondays. I didn't want to spoil the festivity with my serious signs "Corrupt City Hall and Realtors", "Boycott Belfast" and told this to Breanna Bebb Pinkham, director of Our Town Belfast (one resident wrote it is really DOWNTOWN Belfast and got deleted, so did my post. Breanna was mortified and reinstated the posts.) So, I toned my protest down for her. I love to dance above all else. Always Dancin' With Myself...oh, oh, oh, oh... with many of the mob mentality taking aim. Breanna danced with me. It was my last public dance and breaks my soul. Belfast has many dances, I dance at home, alone. Because I am Mom first. I know the hunt is still on.
The 2015 Belfast Street Party is this Monday. It's not safe for me to go and it breaks my heart. http://freepressonline.com/main.asp?SectionID=52&SubSectionID=78&ArticleID=40412
They can't get me, I'm clean and true. Ask the "secret" brother-in-law to Chief McFadden. Tom, the Time Warner Cable tech who has been in my house many times... I'm so old fashioned, I've never searched anything questionable. Knock yourselves out. I have got to stay healthy- Waldo County General Hospital is a major player. My health provider works for them. Isn't that special? I just had my physical. Last year, extra lab tests were ordered that was not covered under Obamacare. To the tune of $400. This year, against repeated communications, they attempted to do it again. When I saw the technician come at me with 2 vials, I stopped her. She said Dr.'s orders called for a panel as well and that the computer would have advised that it wasn't covered under my plan. WRONG. I would have got nailed again. It is alarming that I spent 2 days prior to the lab work, calling my Dr.'s office, speaking several times with to the ordering nurse, to make sure the only test would be for the covered lipid panel (cholesterol) ONLY. I called the lab as well. I made sure. My Dr. ordered more anyway. I would not have known if I didn't see that 2nd vial.
My Dr. became agitated when I questioned his ordering of tests against my directions. That is alarming. My records were put on the database for any Doctor to view agaisnt my directions. Belfast City Hall Official have been tainting the public into the belief that I am crazy. Several residents have told me so. The most upsetting was my neighbor who has treated me with kindness and respect. After he met with City Manager Joe Slocum, he told me the same. And his manner implicated that he was buying into the slander. I told him not to do that to me. He knows better. A line was drawn, but I know the power of suggestion when faced with unethical practices by those you respect and trust. Those that are sworn to be ethical by the power entrusted to them. Our local powers and many are his "friends". Belfast Video Director Ned Lightner (and one who has known me since 1969) turned on me as well when I questioned taping "error" after taping "error" . Some were very powerful and emotional public speakings that I force myself to do. It sickens me for weeks in the anxiety of each speaking. Ned had also had private conversations to get me to back off of City Hall, totally crossing lines of professionalism and privacy. He wrote to me that I am paranoid. I don't think so...
It isn't hard to see what they are doing. It is frightening to know how far they have gone. I am their truest threat and they are just getting started with full throttle downtown corruption through the "Comprehensive Plan" 9? years in the making and voted in last fall by the binders. The public is clueless and fed bait of chosen ordinances to sedate scruting. Ned Lightner also runs the local public channel and his pieces "Somewhere in Waldo County" are loaded with Belfast City Hall propaganda. Recently is the great ordinance to allow residents to split lots and build. Bait, yummy. The best is the "Happy" Video. I'll repost that oldie but goodie post here. Brainwashing at its worst. Ned is loved by the brainwashed. I was a fan too. Wanting to believe what I knew was painting loyalty to denial. I watched him do the same in Bayside, to very close friends of mine, and to me.
We had extra wood that would rot before we would burn it. We already had cords that my then husband had split. I told Ned he was welcome to the unsplit wood in Bayside. I stressed that he take the unsplit wood that was clearly visible and separate from the split wood.
After I went back to NJ for the season, we came back to find that Ned took the split wood. Who does that? Ned. Then when caught, feigns bumbled ignorance. Ned is buddies with City Council Mike Hurley and all the players. Shame on him for using his personal relationship with me to assist City Hall in silencing me.
His emails are even more disturbing. I told him a year ago to stop- keep it professional. He can't, each time I have to question an issues with his City video's he launches into personal offense. Trying to draw me in, I don't think so.
Link and article to Heil Hurley "Putin" on his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Here's Johnny (The Shining)
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm)
Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.
7/30/2015 City Video Director Ned Lightner did not take responsibility for the editing/changes on what I see are 12 targeted IMPORTANT BUSINESS City Council meetings. I have spent almost 2 days getting this page together- documenting each meeting with the items. Here you go.
Immediate review of current actions are needed. This re-appearing "Amendment 8" over the years for DUBBA/Front Street Shipyard is setting off alarms. Another change and public hearing is slated on the City Website.
The Project (Downtown Revitalization) is a corrupt money pit. City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall without authorization, corruptly had Maine Earth fill in this amazing stone drainage sewer with an enormous expense. Using the Celtic Festival as a reason. Placement of 90? pavers and then deciding they didn't match- this is just recently. As I was looking for the corrupt indexing I found the 10/15/13 City Council meeting was NOT taped. That included the transfer of 500k into The Project with Economic Director Kitteredge stating WAY BACK THEN that The Project had "unanticipated costs that have occurred" and 32k is need for an administrative contractor.
That is the job of the corrupt Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall with his assistant planner Sadie. The amount spent to farm out accountability to 3rd parties (advisors, engineers, studies, etc) is CORRUPTION. Accountability in house- DO YOUR JOB OR GET OUT!!! Fire City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall.
Also in the minutes of that 10/15/13 meeting was the 1rst reading of the Rezoning Agreement with Front Street Shipyard (DUBBA) And Video Director Ned Lightner giving a demo of the NEW SOFTWARE TO INDEX MEETINGS. Also an update on the FINAL stages of the Harbor Walk. The last I knew- it was not completed and the money is gone. City Council Eric Sanders asked a long time ago about the Kiosk and how much money was left? City Planner Wayne Marshall did not tell. In these minutes City Council also reviewed and signed for the Annual City AUDIT.
I will be researching and reporting. (found this old email below where I began fearing for my safety- after only 2 public speakings. No concern from the wall, in fact it the intimidation and abuse was just getting started- Council calling me in as threat to the Chief of Police, City Council Mike Hurley slander of my character in meeting after meeting (surely trashing me at all the boards he implicates- Our Town Belfast, Belfast Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, Restorative Justice Program, Waterfall Arts, the list goes on- Heil Hurley) City Hall officials and some employees follow the "suit"- City Manager Joe Slocum (lying, with holding, intimidating from the start with City Planner Wayne Marshall May 2011.)
Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly doing the same and PUBLICLY. He stepped in as the professional pit bull where I was sand bagged in the 1/4/2011 City Council meeting. With holding more public documents (specific to my property), sending letters of intimidation, DEP Commisioner Aho corruptly dismissing the illegal outfalls at The Captain Albert Steven School- a huge wetland site. Clearly visible and traceable to the flooding of all watershed residents. Huge corruption and all the documents were with held. To date, City Hall takes the 5th and continues the slaughter. An earlier blog has a portion of their corruption- Aho (DEP), Slocum (Belfast City Manager), Kelly (Belfast City Attorney), Marshall (Belfast City Planner) ASK'M www.belfastbullies3.blogspot.com
Maine Realtor Commission dismissing my complaint against non disclosure of water slaughter. Stating I should have done a more exhaustive search for my 2'x2' private property drainage ditch. Where I had a property inspection done- DJ Brown Property Inspector- supervised be Belfast agent Sam Mitchell (I was in NJ trying to sell my dump with crashing children and serious danger). Mega-realtor Earl Black's agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews targeted me. In writing and verbally since 9/2009, my number one concern was no water issues. They sold me the worst water slaughter in Belfast in 6/2010. Emails prove they forced this property, refusing to respond to my requests for other properties. I was meticulous. The odds of getting out of NJ where against me. Hotly contested relocation of children (500 miles away) is almost impossible. This home had to be secure, safe and in-town for the services provided- infrastructure, community and police. Instead, because of these agents, it has been a Mom hunt, using my children again... Earl Black would try to give me shut up and release for 7k. I don't think so. Earlier blog with some of the agent corruption on www.belfastbullies2.blogspot.com
Since 2011 and clear intent to silence my factual accounting of Belfast corruption, I fear to even ride my bicycle or any outing in public. Police Chief Mike McFadden and Officer Ward have had several private "conversations" to try and "persuade" me to back off of Belfast City Wall. They even came to my house, to interview me for my stability... I invited them in and they couldn't rattle my sanity. Then they went after my kids, again... I don't think so, interview done.
They can't get me, I'm clean and true. Ask the "secret" brother-in-law to Chief McFadden. Tom, the Time Warner Cable tech who has been in my house many times... I'm so old fashioned, I've never searched anything questionable. Knock yourselves out spies.
rom: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sat 12/10/11 7:19 AM |
To: | mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; Jennika Lundy (managersupport@cityofbelfast.org) |
Cc: | wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org |
The more I keep hearing Mike Hurley publicly denounce me and praise Slocum and Marshall for their restraint, the more I fear living in this town. Were you going to have that police officer escort ME out of the City Hall Meeting on 12/06/11? This is just one email, I have a full file and would welcome an investigation(after the hoidays) and protection ASAP.
Laurie Allen
7/28/2015 So much to write, the corruption is epic. This last meeting on 7/15/2015 is loaded with it. So is the recent editing of City Council meetings from 6/20/2014-7/15/2015. I caught it before all the meetings since 9/2013 were edited. In 9/2013, City Video Director Ned Lightner received funding for new software from Swaggit (video business for government channels). The new programming of City meetings was stellar. In one meeting, City Manager Joe Slocum stated how great the new programming was. He had been out of town and missed the City Council meeting. He stated the new programming allows him to immediately find agenda items of concern with a simple click...
Ditto for the citizen to compile corrupt agenda items over the years. Simply view the meun of each meeting. Recently the program was changed and from Swaggits website information- they promote that their software allows the client (City Video Director) to change programming, no need to call them to do it... Yesterday I caught it as I went to compile more corruption on the Downtown Revitilization. The new software for meeting began in 9/2013. However the October 2013 meetings were not taped. Ned Lightner had advised that the City Attorney's had been accessing the equipment in his office without Ned present. Other key meetings had copying "issues" and a few where I saw the meeting was not even going to be televised. The City Video Director Ned Lightner has not appreciated inquiries of the recording issues.
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 8:23 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Ned,
I hope you understand the conflict of a City employee and a friend telling me that I am paranoid after all I have proved and endured to make things right. It is hurtful and I don't understand why you judge me. I want to think you don't mean it but it has happened several times and you don't support me. I never asked you to support me and I never asked you to hurt me with your opinions or how you perceive my actions. This is not meant to be sassy, just to tell you to please stop it.
Jeez Laurie,
You are way too paranoid. I told you
that I had a technical problem. In no way did anyone tell me not to
run the meeting. There was nothing controversial about the meeting to
get worried about anyway. In any event I never edit out anything in
the meetings. I feel I am committed to transparency in government,
and that would go against my principles. I have never been told to
not show city government meetings. As you know, I am the only
person running the government channel, and I am also busy doing other
things, since the government channel is a part time job for me. You
were the one who pointed out to me that the channel was not playing.
I can't always immediately get to fix things.And in the most recent
case, it took me a little while to figure out what went wrong. I am
no engineer, so I am not always able to fix a problem immediately.
The meeting is playing along with 2 other recent meetings in a
rotation, but the other meetings are much longer, since this one was
as I said only 20 minutes long. Nevertheless it runs at least 3 times
a day. If you want watch the meeting online without waiting for it to
show up on channel 7, I have already told you how to do that. I have
heard from several folks how much they like the new way to watch the
meetings online. I hope you find it helpful as well.
Ned has crossed the boundaries again and the editing of video meetings is bad news. It is impossible to get valid public documents or information from the City Manager, Planner, Council- all City heads. These meetings are critical. The proof that residents can get on their own. I have been the one following and documenting every meeting since I went public with City Hall corruption in 11/2011. Almost 5 years later, the City Hall corruption is hitting many and the meetings link the proof of corruption. Now the library of meetings are being edited and I caught them. This is huge. Ned is taking personal issue with me again and I'm sick of it. Reinstate the meetings to the proper format.
Build to Flood.
"In Portland, for instance, talk has already begun of what varying sea-level rises could do to properties in the city. The Portland Society for Architecture released a report estimating that a two-foot rise in sea level by 2050 would do $33 million in damage to current buildings along the city’s waterfront — and heavily traveled — Commercial Street, and that four feet in sea-level rise by 2100 would do $111 million in damage"...
Belfast City Hall Ego Planning Idiots. Building up the Belfast waterfront that is going under water along with our tax dollars. Front Street, Harbor Walk, Boathouse, Rail Trail, Armistice Bridge, Front Street Shipyard, Three Tides Bar and neighbors will become a was. CEASE SPENDING ON WATERFRONT AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION. A breakfront or wave attenuator is pointless. Do not waste another dollar on consultations or waterfront improvements. New plan- Fire City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Manager Joe Slocum. They have planned disaster and continue denial.
Surely Belfast Planning Board member Margot Carpenter has mapped Belfast/Searsport PROPOSED waterfront using the Portland Maine map models.
Hartdale Maps
Hartdale Maps, Margot Carpenter. Facebook page coming soon! Hurricane Sandy map. Klamath Basin map. Maine in Gettysburg...The "budgeting" of capital project after capital project is paid though our property tax dollars. City Hall uses "surplus" and "TIF" as piggy banks for the fleecing. The public accounting of these projects are buried. The incompetent spending and mistakes by the City Planner, Wayne Marshall is shrugged off. Consultations are corrupt. Low-balling estimates to get the project underway. Also calculated full knowledge of "UN-foreseen". Currently is the "The Project" with City Planner Wayne Marshall advising City Council of ANOTHER ooops .
7/23/2015- See www.ladiesofprinciple.blogspot.com for great comment from an anonymous poster linking Judge Billings in the story when he was an attorney in corrupt Brunswick. And this story links Bob Temple to corrupt Belfast. And I've linked the rest. Local to State and the mess in between.
Bayside (Northport) to Belfast to Bath to Brunswick and back. Linking to family and friends placing me on the defense. Posting personal trauma's to quell the gossip and instead promotes mob mentality. What a trip. Today is the first day that I take my life back. Stronger than evah. Run Heil Hurley Run. Ditto to the rest of the thugs.
Page link to Belfast Maine 1% http://ladiesofprinciple.blogspot.com/p/belfast-maine-1.html
7/22/2015- I am working on organizing the current corruption that I have some knowledge of. The Harbor, The Budget, The Downtown Revitalization are first on the hit list. Working on The Harbor Corruption first (updated at 7:30pm)- http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/harbor-corruption.html
City Council John Arrison(ward 5) did not relay my concerns at communications in last night's meeting (7/21). No response either. He's no good.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Fri 7/17/15 8:17 PM |
To: | ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Mary Mortier does not respond to my requests to get the maps on the City Website corrected to reflect Seaview Terrace as R1. Joe Slocum and Wayne Marshall continue to state that Seaview Terrace is R1 but refuse to make it official on the City website map. The only map on the website for the adopted zoning is below. Two side by side maps show the old zoning and the proposed, which show Seaview Terrace as R3. However, per number 2 "Inside the Bypass Area- ADOPTED PLAN" brings you to those maps. Which tells me that even though it states proposed, it is the actual zoning. City Council adopted these zones in October 2014. It is outrageous that 9 months later, the maps are not reliable or official. Please have Seaview Terrace officially listed as R1 on the website. Joe Slocum have lied to me many times in writing and verbally. I will only trust the City website listing the map as Adopted Zoning and the date Council adopted it. I don't think this is an unreasonable request at all. If you choose not to pursue this, it will be a problem. I hope you get this done and advise exactly when it will be done.
Furthermore, could you please tell me why you voted to approve Hurley's request to pay Ransom to re-evaluate the new zone A's on Seaview Terrace? I heard you ask if any residents requested this and the answer was no. Why is Hurley requesting this when he denounces Seaview Terrace? Why didn't you ask him why he asked for this? Is it to benefit WCGH if the City takes Seaview Terrace under 5204? Is it to get the tax payers to pay for the cost to get those homes out of Flood Zone A- which begins at 15k? I heard Hurley say that maybe WCGH will share in some of the cost. It must be beneficial for WCGH to do so. Please have this conversation at the next meeting in communications if you don't have the answers. I never get answers. Just more abuse iced with rhetoric.
Laurie Allen
Planning Board Hearings 2014-Future Plans
7/21/2015 Email sent to ALL City Hall/Council through the City Treasurer. Dangerous targeting and discrimination to women by the Wall of Belfast. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/720.html
7/19/2015 post is below the 7/16/2015 post to keep it grouped with the budget bull. Watching so many activists that are targeted by the police through out the country has me on high alert. They targeted me at the first meeting in 2012. The Chief had told me at that time that he was not in favor of it. He gets his orders from City Manager Joe Sloscum. Shortly after, I was not in favor and the Wall made sure I knew it. Roger that. Black lives activist Sandra Bland just died in police custody after failing to use her "blinker". The cop bashed her head into the side walk and he knew he was being taped. Look at this video- there are no lanes on this local road and no traffic. They can argue that she was suffering from PTSD till the cows come home. She would be alive if the cop didn't target her in the first place and bashing her head in until she couldn't hear. Case closed. Copslaughter. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/16/sandra-bland-tried-to-post-bail-before-allegedly-committing-suicide.html
My only protection is blogging, posting and staying inside. I had to go out today for milk. Officer Ward was there. He glared at me as I was pulling into the parking space and boogying out to Blurred Lines...hey,hey,hey,hey....blasting on my radio, windows open. No getting me down, turn it up.
For new readers- this page is how the taking of my chance to begin again from the corrupt of Belfast began in 2010. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_77.html
7/18/15. Perfect article in the Bangor Daily News on Belfast City Hall zoning and slamming me down. I had just wrote about this on my new blog Ladies of Principle. Lets see if my comment on the article sticks. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_76.html
7/16/15 New Hero Inspires New Blog- Come on Ladies lets do this. We are the only ones who will.
7/19/15 Prior City Council Ego Roger Lee, (Mr. go for all the grants regardless of matching costs and costly guidelines "or else another town will get it") speaks at the budget hearing on 7/16/2015. He admits that he approved foolish spending for "cool" costly wants. As I pleaded at meeting after meeting for them to stop flooding, destroying and endangering Seaview Terrace residents and properties. I relentlessly pleaded to get Seaview Terrace into the Northport Ave TIF through the Annex improvements. That would have opened up funding and grants for desperate sewer drainage and paving necessary for the crumbling, heaving City road, Seaview Terrace. Twenty two years since the last paving. Never a comment from City Council. Instead they schemed to take the Northport Ave TIF to use it with the enormous Downtown TIF. The meeting that they were votingd to steal this, City Manager Joe Slocum ordered the Economic Developer to send me an email to stop me from speaking at the public hearing for the stealing. Telling me that the public hearing would be later in the meeting instead of at the beginning. They know I live right down the road and can't bear to stay in the same room with them. I speak and split. And I'm not stupid. I went early. Sloscum was caught. The public hearing was in the beginning and when I asked the E.D, why he sent me that email- Sloscum jumped in to say that there would be TWO public hearings. THEY NEVER HAVE 2!!! I spoke twice, the first time was meek. Then I sat and stewed, waiting for the 2nd chance. I was not meek.
From: | Thomas Kittredge (economicdevelopment@cityofbelfast.org) |
Sent: | Tue 2/18/14 1:33 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
(above you tube video is this meeting in it's entirety)
I'll post that video clip of that meeting.Of course, they all voted to steal it. 2/18/14 CC meeting. After clicking the meeting, click on public hearing #4. Thomas is behind Officer Ward (there for me- they never had police at meetings until they could not intimidate me and stop me from coming to meetings to speak. Ward even follows me out after a meeting to try and persuade me into backing off of City Hall. My old Bayside friend and camera man for the City taping these meetings, Ned Lightner also comes out while Ward is intimidating me to do the same. When I didn't cave, Ned stormed away and Ward went on to shame me as a mother... isn't this affecting children, if he was a Mom, he wouldn't do this... A few weeks later, Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden and Office Ward would be at my front door. Unannounced, to have another conversation of the same. When the Chief couldn't persuade me, then he resorted to my children. In my home. Conversation over- they are no longer welcome into my home.
Then click 10E for the death sentence to Seaview Terrace. The goat path illegal paving done when they'd thought I'd be at my brothers funeral in Alabama on 9/8/14 is the final blow of evil that they will kill me white collar style. Documented in this blog.
Here is the article in the local paper (that banned me from posting) on TIF havens that rob residents. Hello.
At the 7/16/15 budget hearing, Roger Lee NOW meekly mentions, perhaps that should take the TIF funds and use it towards the residents... meekly adding, maybe just for this year... Sloscum has a visual internal hemmorage but keeps quiet. A prior attorney, he is not opening that up for any discussion... Ego Lee gets to walk away soothing his transparent conscience as a community pillar and treasurer of the UU Church... promoting compassionate cities and peace... piece of more. In the 2014 budget meeting, where I had been demanding for City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall to be fired, Ego Lee makes a motion to renew Sloscum's contract for TWO more years with a 5% raise. As Ego Lee speaks at this years budget, he want's the ladies of City Hall fired.
Prior to Roger speaking is Chris Hyck. He has been dedicated to getting the school budget down since I came to town. I respect him and wish I could be involved. No one wants me involved or to be associated with me. I'm poison. ff 22 minutes to hear Roger dismiss the ladies and 33:50 minutes in for Roger again with the TIF and Slocum reaction. http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/07162015-1192
7/15/15 Belfast City Council Miss Piggy Mortier "One More Chance" in a pigs arse. Belfast has the highest taxes in the Midcoast (per prior mayoral candidate Jim O'Connor) and upping 12%. Prior City Council Ego Roger Lee, (Mr. go for all the grants regardless of matching costs and costly guidelines "or else another town will get it") speaks at the budget hearing. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/miss-piggy-mortier.html
Condescending and disgusting to listen to her speak to residents as if we are frightened idiots. As if we can stop them from robbing us until they can take us. As if I haven't been the poster Mom for all to fear City Hall's wrath to the true.
Belfast City Council Heil Hurley admits to public outcry. His tactic is to pit people against people. Instead of owning his corruption and train wreck spending on wants. Like Chicago and Mayor 1% as the 99% foot the bill into homelessness. Ditto Belfast.
7/14/2015 I wrote this to a blogger exposing national/global corruption and google is not allowing her post for this Jade Helm (which is over my head,. I am trying to keep afloat in the cesspool of local Belfast City Hall corruption) and thought I'd share. Every day I struggle with the sacrifice for justice. So what, who cares? I do.
"...WHAT!!! You can't make a new blog or you post on your current blog, or both??? The Guardian has an article- posting comments too. There was a post with a huge list of deaths connected to the Clinton's. The more we know, the more threatening it becomes. Easy enough to knock a few women out of the exposure when they can take out masses without question. Eric Holder holds the gangster key. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jul/13/jade-helm-texas-monitor-military-training-government-plot
Trying for so long in my life and seeing first hand, everyone I know, too afraid or selfish to support me or my children in any measurable way for basic rights, has been mind numbing. It is impossible to reason. 4 life long close friends (2 were godmothers to my kids) , knew my family abuse and later when I started dating ... They watched us withering away and looked away when they could have done so much by just supporting us by bringing soup and love. It is no different in Belfast, Maine, USA and the whole world. The few that care burn out or get murdered. Lovely. There was a PBS piece on Ali last week- that impacted me big time. Courage through every stumble and mistake, he owned them all and kept going. It is amazing he didn't get assassinated.
Knowing all this now, has finally given me some peace. I don't expect anything. Peace of mind in knowing I will never be one of them. When the Dalai Lama said he wishes he could just be left alone to watch a flower grow, that got my attention. Then when he said there should be no more Dalai's- it made me run to my garden and shut out the world. I feel selfish when I check out though. I don't know. Our fear is for our children/grandchildren but what if we were "removed". Benazir Bhutto is gone, a great woman and for what? So what, who cares? Her children and grandchildren. :(
"There is no guarantee that some stupid Dalai Lama won't come next, who will disgrace himself or herself. That would be very sad. So, much better that a centuries-old tradition should cease at the time of a quite popular Dalai Lama." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-30510018
With the Belfast Chief of Police Mike McFadden and Officer Ward having 2 private conversations with me to try and persuade me to stop exposing Belfast City Hall corruption (and years of documented intimidation tactics from the City Wall) and resorting to bringing my children into the discussion... that's direct terrorism to any Mom. I moved here to protect my children and begin again in 2010. Sick.
7/11/15 You bet I fight for the rights so many die for. Belfast City Hall and Community/Business/State Players are a disgrace. Ya'll make me sick!! After my covert raid to Belfast City Hall where I scored the buried and with held original plans of Seaview Terrace proving there was never a natural outlet running through this parcel- City Manager Sloscum (prior attorney) states that it makes no difference to the City that it is not a natural outlet, as far as the City is concerned they will use this private property flood zone, flood plain as a natural outlet!?!?!?!?
7/11/15- This you tube link clip below is the 2nd communications of the same 4/1/2014 meeting. Heil Hurley asked me to stay. He tries to play my buddy- NOT. Then Sloscum. He confuses the public with moving a stream. There was never a stream on Seaview Terrace. Developed as private property, no easements, rights of ways to force any water to us. I'll link a page that condenses the proof of corruption with the Belfast City Ordinance that states storm water may be drained into a NATURAL OUTLET approved be the City. Their ain't nothing natural about this except the ability for all the wall to lie, deny, blame and intimidate. Bullies. Oh, almost forgot. Lizard creep City Planner Wayne Marshall jumps up to cite some 1906 quad map with a stream. Streams and brooks are in Belfast- that map won't show markers. The 1939 one does and its in the page link below.
7/7/15- More clips below of the 4/1/2014 Belfast City Council Meeting (my 40th something) Status Quo, corrupt taken the 5th, not providing Freedom of Information requests (the most basic public documents- final approved site plans, zoning conditions, drainage information, City maps, spending accounting, etc. Each request for the same information are met with false documents or exorbitant fees that will break me, with the intent to never provide the document regardless of extortion. In this one, you can see the mess that City Manager Joe Slocum has brought to brainwash the public. I requested zoning conditions for the sites that are illegally stock piling the snow that melts and wipes out Seaview Terrace. City Hall knows it and enables it. Waiting for the big melt that will them take Seaview Terrace without compensation because it is destroyed. I come back later because as usual, The Wall kicks me after I am gone- Slocum crying about how much time he wastes gathering this corruption, Councilor Lee supporting while refusing my many request for Lee to personally attend the receipt of the actual documents from the City Manager/Planner. Lee refuses, he knows they are giving corrupt documents. Councilor Heil Hurley stating that next I'll be requesting employees time cards.... I come back for the 2nd open to the public and rip into them. I'll post that later. Time Warner Cable is slowing down my lane that is upgraded to stream quickly. It keeps stopping as I try to record the 2nd open to the public.
By the way- remember to watch the Time Warner Cable tech that you allow into your home, freeby for insider information as well as personal computer for the Belfast Chief of Police, Mike McFadden. His brother-in-law is the "undisclosed" TWC tech guy who has been in my house MANY times. Each and every time I told Tom of all the corruption in City Hall. Not once did he did tell me of his connections to the Chief. I'd have said the same regardless, but he should have to disclose before entering any private home. I linked them by a you tube video the tech brought up to "test" my computer. It was of restored tractor lawn mowers that the tech's brother in law did. No voice or person was in the video. A few months later, City Council would call me in as threat to Chief McFadden. I was summoned to his office, certainly having down a full back ground check on me, I came happily to his office. We got to chatting and he told me that he restores tractor lawn mowers. I blurted out- "You're the brother-in-law of the TWC tech guy." The Chief almost fell off his chair. Tell me who the threat is? Gotcha. I placed myself under house arrest to keep them from entrapping me. I am under threat.
Continuance of 4/1/2014 meeting Corruption Belfast City Hall City Council Meeting 4/1/2014. This clip is City Manager Joe Sloscum lying and crying to brainwash the public against me. City Council Heil Hurley ditto. Telling the public I am wrong and that I'll be requesting time sheets for employees... Unethical and Outrageous each time.
Continuation with my neighbor David Smith speaking against me. Seaview Terrace hasn't been paved in over 20 years. In 2011 when Sloscum said it needed paving I worked hard to make sure it got paved to code with drainage. I was relentless to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF to open up funding. After 2 years, they voted to give it to the downtown. I tried to get us into a mitigation plan where FEMA would dictate diversions. Slocum refused. He had 3 years to budget paving/drainage Seaview. He spent more in hiring engineers to be the scape goat for corrupt paving. A goat path- not up to code- totally illegal. They rushed the trucks in to get it done on 9/8/14, thinking I'd be in Alabama for my brothers funeral. I was home, in mourning. Horrified when the trucks and heavy equipment came in and slaughtered my property and Seaview Terrace. Video and details of that disaster and meetings in above tab.
I'll post that short clip with the City trucks on 9/8/14- placing culverts to send more water to my property. This proves another Slocscum lie- 45 ft wide- not. They repaved it even narrower- a goat path.
Page link to more on these 4/1/14 and 4/15/14 meeting. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/to-seaview-terrace-neighbors-city.html
My Halloween costume 10/31/2014. Front and Center @ Belfast City Hall. Taxes due too. Lots of traffic into City Hall, including my Council- Mary Mortier- she looked away.
A story of the famed boxer's toughest bout of all: his
battle to overturn the prison sentence he received for refusing U.S.
military service. The film explores Ali's exile years when he was banned
from boxing and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning
race, religion, and wartime dissent.
Knowing all this now, has finally given me some peace. I don't expect anything. Peace of mind in knowing I will never be one of them. When the Dalai Lama said he wishes he could just be left alone to watch a flower grow, that got my attention. Then when he said there should be no more Dalai's- it made me run to my garden and shut out the world. I feel selfish when I check out though. I don't know. Our fear is for our children/grandchildren but what if we were "removed". Benazir Bhutto is gone, a great woman and for what? So what, who cares? Her children and grandchildren. :(
"There is no guarantee that some stupid Dalai Lama won't come next, who will disgrace himself or herself. That would be very sad. So, much better that a centuries-old tradition should cease at the time of a quite popular Dalai Lama." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-30510018
With the Belfast Chief of Police Mike McFadden and Officer Ward having 2 private conversations with me to try and persuade me to stop exposing Belfast City Hall corruption (and years of documented intimidation tactics from the City Wall) and resorting to bringing my children into the discussion... that's direct terrorism to any Mom. I moved here to protect my children and begin again in 2010. Sick.
7/11/15 You bet I fight for the rights so many die for. Belfast City Hall and Community/Business/State Players are a disgrace. Ya'll make me sick!! After my covert raid to Belfast City Hall where I scored the buried and with held original plans of Seaview Terrace proving there was never a natural outlet running through this parcel- City Manager Sloscum (prior attorney) states that it makes no difference to the City that it is not a natural outlet, as far as the City is concerned they will use this private property flood zone, flood plain as a natural outlet!?!?!?!?
7/11/15- This you tube link clip below is the 2nd communications of the same 4/1/2014 meeting. Heil Hurley asked me to stay. He tries to play my buddy- NOT. Then Sloscum. He confuses the public with moving a stream. There was never a stream on Seaview Terrace. Developed as private property, no easements, rights of ways to force any water to us. I'll link a page that condenses the proof of corruption with the Belfast City Ordinance that states storm water may be drained into a NATURAL OUTLET approved be the City. Their ain't nothing natural about this except the ability for all the wall to lie, deny, blame and intimidate. Bullies. Oh, almost forgot. Lizard creep City Planner Wayne Marshall jumps up to cite some 1906 quad map with a stream. Streams and brooks are in Belfast- that map won't show markers. The 1939 one does and its in the page link below.
7/7/15- More clips below of the 4/1/2014 Belfast City Council Meeting (my 40th something) Status Quo, corrupt taken the 5th, not providing Freedom of Information requests (the most basic public documents- final approved site plans, zoning conditions, drainage information, City maps, spending accounting, etc. Each request for the same information are met with false documents or exorbitant fees that will break me, with the intent to never provide the document regardless of extortion. In this one, you can see the mess that City Manager Joe Slocum has brought to brainwash the public. I requested zoning conditions for the sites that are illegally stock piling the snow that melts and wipes out Seaview Terrace. City Hall knows it and enables it. Waiting for the big melt that will them take Seaview Terrace without compensation because it is destroyed. I come back later because as usual, The Wall kicks me after I am gone- Slocum crying about how much time he wastes gathering this corruption, Councilor Lee supporting while refusing my many request for Lee to personally attend the receipt of the actual documents from the City Manager/Planner. Lee refuses, he knows they are giving corrupt documents. Councilor Heil Hurley stating that next I'll be requesting employees time cards.... I come back for the 2nd open to the public and rip into them. I'll post that later. Time Warner Cable is slowing down my lane that is upgraded to stream quickly. It keeps stopping as I try to record the 2nd open to the public.
Continuance of 4/1/2014 meeting Corruption Belfast City Hall City Council Meeting 4/1/2014. This clip is City Manager Joe Sloscum lying and crying to brainwash the public against me. City Council Heil Hurley ditto. Telling the public I am wrong and that I'll be requesting time sheets for employees... Unethical and Outrageous each time.
Continuation with my neighbor David Smith speaking against me. Seaview Terrace hasn't been paved in over 20 years. In 2011 when Sloscum said it needed paving I worked hard to make sure it got paved to code with drainage. I was relentless to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF to open up funding. After 2 years, they voted to give it to the downtown. I tried to get us into a mitigation plan where FEMA would dictate diversions. Slocum refused. He had 3 years to budget paving/drainage Seaview. He spent more in hiring engineers to be the scape goat for corrupt paving. A goat path- not up to code- totally illegal. They rushed the trucks in to get it done on 9/8/14, thinking I'd be in Alabama for my brothers funeral. I was home, in mourning. Horrified when the trucks and heavy equipment came in and slaughtered my property and Seaview Terrace. Video and details of that disaster and meetings in above tab.
I'll post that short clip with the City trucks on 9/8/14- placing culverts to send more water to my property. This proves another Slocscum lie- 45 ft wide- not. They repaved it even narrower- a goat path.
Page link to more on these 4/1/14 and 4/15/14 meeting. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/to-seaview-terrace-neighbors-city.html
My Halloween costume 10/31/2014. Front and Center @ Belfast City Hall. Taxes due too. Lots of traffic into City Hall, including my Council- Mary Mortier- she looked away.
Five years of Belfast City Hall and players kicking us after all we have survived has almost broken us many, many times. Past experience has given me the tenacity to keep hanging in there. I can't understand how so many watch me get beat up and they too wait to pounce. There is nothing honorable about that. We were in bad shape when we pulled into the driveway of our new chance for peace and safety in 6/2010. Within months, I was sucked back into hell- this time a wall of thugs with many kickers. Turning me into a target. THEY NAIL ME.
I keep protesting.
They know my family history of alcoholics and greed. They laugh about it at their Commerce and Executive Sessions meetings. I put it on the blogs to stop the gossip and implicating of my honest life. My family is a mess, I was the anchor and fixer. I do not enable or lie. My blogs are overwhelming, especially to new readers. It is very personal and emotional to me. Business for them. When you think you have made it out against all odds, fought your way out to safety and then sold Belfast City Hall calculated undisclosed hell, it damn near broke me totally. I began documenting the best I could. Believe me, I knew I was barely holding as I crawled here. I thought my children an I were finally safe. I had let the wall down and then the water slaughter came crashing through my yard 4/2011. Belfast City Hall, Maine State Agencies, Real Estate agents and owners, local businesses and players have been relentless to break me. Breaking the broken, shame is on them. Making jokes at my blogging and personal exposure is cheap. I thought we were safe to live in privacy, heal and get on my feet. I thought wrong. I keep getting back up and putting myself in jeopardy as Belfast City Hall spirals me into poverty and danger.. Belfast and State- does it feel good kicking Mom and hurting my children further?
7/2/2015- City Council Heil Hurley and his Wall are relentless. I just caught a portion of the last meeting on 6/16/2015 with the Flood Zone adoptions from FEMA. I haven't been following this because I pay for flood insurance (even though I don't have a mortgage and barely hold on, living below poverty on 18k a year) after I tracked all the illegal City Hall forcing water slaughter to private property. I witnessed it to my property within 8 months of purchase in 3/2011, rapids tore through for over a week. Heil Hurley is spouting off his lies again, about a Morrison's Brook, fabricating that it has always run through my property (9:22 minutes into agenda 10A- the Wall Bullies laugh).
Proven lies by the 1939 map below. Yet he continues the brain washing, to the delight of my City Council and real estate agent, Mary More4Me I mean Mortier (11:10 minutes in). She thinks it's funny to illegally water slaughter Seaview Terrace. So why the hell does Heil Hurley care that under the new FEMA maps an additional 4-5 homes on Seaview Terrace will go into the flood zone A with me. Out of 12 homes, 7-8 will be in the flood zone. Heil Hurley is pushing for a research to be done by Ransom to determine if the extremely accurate (per City Planner Wayne Marshall, within 1/10th of a foot) new FEMA flood zone determinations are correct.
The WCGH (see board members/Belfast players picture below- JB Turner Front St Shipyard sits on the board too- he's trying to get on the Harbor Committee right now to push out more residents) can't build the new addition basement the way they want to and will spend the enormous price tag to get it out of the flood zone- over 15k. No doubt the plan is to get Seaview Terrace into the clearance with tax payer dollars for the taking under 5204 or inverse condemnation (definitions below-see &&&).
In this meeting you read the unread. Feel the slime. The first step is to get Seaview Terrace into the web with Ransom spinning it. Then the kill, without compensation for the residents of Seaview Terrace. Said the spider to the fly. Heil Hurley to the people. You're dead to me. Using FEMA for the final slaughter- many minds can decipher the plan to water slaughter Seaview Terrace. I am after all, an ignorant, below poverty, unemployed, welfare free, brave single Mom, just trying to protect my children, save our home, heat and eat. That's all.
Link to this FEMA LOMA that the Annex, City Planner and Heil Hurley are spinning. https://www.fema.gov/letter-map-amendment-letter-map-revision-based-fill-process
Portion from the FEMA site "For other small areas, earthen fill may have been placed during construction, thereby elevating a small area within the SFHA to an elevation that is at or above the BFE. This construction may have taken place during the time the engineering study was being performed or subsequent to that study. Because of the limited extent of the elevated area and the limitations of the map scale, it may not have been possible for FEMA to show this area as being outside the SFHA and so these areas have been incorrectly included in the SFHA on the FIRM.
Recognizing that these situations do occur, FEMA established administrative procedures to change the designation for these properties on the FIRM. These processes are referred to as the Letter of Map Amendment, or LOMA..."
City Council meeting- click, click 10A ff 9:22- Heil Hurley spews. http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/06162015-1577/#19
Heil Hurley pushed for this in the 5/19/2015 meeting- during the first reading of the ordinance - 10F. From 21:40 minutes begins the discussion of Seaview Terrace that we did not ask for. Heil Hurley goes off about his basement being flooded and Seaview Terrace was calm- more brainwashing. All Seaview Terrace residents have spent thousands, more recently 16k by a neighbor to install a system to get the constant water in the basement out. But nowhere to pump it to because we don't have drainage sewers. Neighbors either send it to me or tie illegally into sewage lines. Doing a drive-by is not seeing the City forced stream. It is in the back yards and he knows that. The whole state of Maine knows it by now. Look at the pictures and proof Heil Hurley and shut up already. He ends by saying he is not going to forget about this (hiring Ransom to re-evaluate FEMA's flood zones on Seaview Terrace) And here comes City Planner Wayne Marshall with more maps for Council and the flood zones on Seaview Terrace. This discussion was "planned". There is a reason.
Click. Click 10F ff to 21:40, totally unethical and abusive. Remove them.
The reason is clear. They tried to illegally rezone us to healthcare and housing. We are surrounded on 3 sides by property owned by Waldo County General Hospital and Mental Healthcare. Northport Ave divides us from being surrounded on all 4 sides. I have no doubt that they plan to take Seaview Terrace under 5204. But now with most of it being flood zone A with wetlands, that's not good for hospital development. Heil Hurley has stated he is sick of Seaview Terrace, he could give a rat's arse about a home owner paying for flood insurance as he force drowns/destroys us. Sick bastard. Ditto with those the enable/support him/City Wall. He is concerned for the future business developers that will take Seaview Terrace.
Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.
I met a woman on 5/14/2015, who told me Belfast City Hall outright stole
approx. 10 acres of family property by the dam on the east side. No
compensation, just took it.
Boycott downtown will be the only way to stop the corruption and players
from taking all. Three reporting's of corruption in a hour outing for
errands with strangers chit chatting. Imagine all the rest and the more
to come. Boycott.
Inverse condemnation is a term used in the law to describe a situation in which the government takes private property but fails to pay the compensation required by the 5th Amendment of Constitution. In some states the term also includes damaging of property as well as taking it. In order to be compensated, the owner must then sue the government. In such cases the owner is the plaintiff and that is why the action is called inverse – the order of parties is reversed, as compared to the usual procedure in direct condemnation where the government is the plaintiff who sues a defendant-owner to take his or her property.
The taking can be physical (e.g., land seizure, flooding, retention of possession after a lease to the government expires, deprivation of access, removal of ground support) or it can be a regulatory taking (when regulations are so onerous that they make the regulated property unusable by its owner for any reasonable or economically viable purpose)...
NO ONE ON SEAVIEW TERRACE IS REQUESTING THIS, YET HEIL HURLEY WANTS TO SPEND 2500 TO DOUBLE CHECK ZONE A'S ON SEAVIEW TERRACE???? They talk about sharing the cost with Waldo County General Hospital who is underway trying to get the soon to be built Annex addition (in my back yard) out of the flood zone. WCGH is currently filling in that portion of wetlands/flood zone swale (that also flows into Seaview Terrace) Here it is- (flooding us on all 3 sides of Seaview Terrace)
And into the small buffer of trees into Seaview Terrace.
Where it merges with the water slaughter from the huge culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace and all the neighbors that send me their run off.
This above picture is runoff from my neighbor directly across from me. The next picture is taken from that property to show the flow into stream, the 2011 Annex addition visible through the trees. The runoff from the Annex and Wight St enters into Seaview at the same point that my neighbors enters, merging with the incoming from the top and Annex path. The huge tree on my neighbor's property has 4 foot high erosion and is a ball of roots, dying and beginning to fall.
Below is the Annex forced slaughter path.
This is the tree root taken in 8/2011 and inspected in 8/2011 by Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. In my you tube video (6 paragraphs below marked ***) at the end I read a portion of Sloscum's slam down. Stating the erosion is not nearly as severe as I claim in this 100 year old NATURAL stream, it is typical erosion of any stream he has inspected, I am anxiety ridden and case closed. He tries to send me to insurance hell by telling me again and again that I could file a claim with the City's insurance company. NO! Later they will tell me that they will not respond to me, that I must hire an attorney to speak for me!!! See the video clip below where Mayor Ash tells me just that (marked ****)
Here is that tree now- picture taken 2/2015
Aerial view picture of Seaview Terrace that City Planner Wayne Marshall used to create tainted boundary lines showing the stream was not running through my property. He gave these to the engineer (Mandy Olver) that was hired to corrupt the long awaited paving on Seaview Terrace this past summer 2014. By law, the paving would have to include roadside drainage because it is illegal to send the road runoff to me under title 17- nuisance. The corrupt paving (even narrower, no turn around as mandated on a dead end street...) was done under the gun. After 4 years of my campaigning for legal paving and drainage, funding through TIF (robbed and given to Front Street), they used the death of my brother, thinking I would be @ his publicized funeral in Alabama on 9/8/2014, to send in the City troops to pave and slaughter my property even more. Residents always receive notice weeks in advance of paving. Not this time, death trumped. Go troops go. I was home in deep mourning, watching in horror as the trucks and heavy equipment rolled in @ 7:30 am, 9/8/2014. As if this isn't cause for total break down, City Manager Joe Sloscum attempted not to tape the next City Council meeting that he figured I would tell of the horror. I figured he'd try to do that, so I had my camcorder to tape me.
Sure enough, Ned Lightner, the City videographer was not there. A half hour, prior to the meeting, I kept asking Sloscum and Mayor Ass where was Ned. He was always there an hour prior. They kept blowing me off, Ass stating he would be there. I told Sloscum that if he didn't tape this meeting, I would come back to next meeting and tell it again. He was in trouble now- long time respected City Treasurer employee, Ricki LeSans was there. Taking it all in. 15 minutes before the meeting was to begin, Slocscum left the chambers (to call Ned, he lived 1 mile away) 5 minutes before the meeting, Ned appears. Rumpled and grumpy, I've known him for 40 years, he was a friend until he took sides with the Belfast players, related to many. Later, Mayor Ass would basically call me a liar after I had left. I was there when this Seaview Terrace meeting was announced. I went home and sent email after email to the City Manager Sloscum, City Council and the Mayor asking what time was the meeting. No response EVER. They had the meeting I fought 4 years for without me and with a few residents that send me their water or are players aka David Smith. That video clip is posted below also. The rest of the Wall took turns at taking me down in that meeting as well. I have it in the above tab. So many meetings where they attack me, led by Heil Hurley. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_67.html
To compile them all in one video would be epic. Bucket list if I survive.
To compile them all in one video would be epic. Bucket list if I survive.
Here are other clips of the same meeting with Sanders and Hurley...copied from the tab above (there is more of Heil Hurley publicly slandering and endangering me by angering the players. I had no idea who deep Belfast City Hall corruption is. Now, it is a cess pool blow out.
Then Councilor Sanders shows cowardly concern- dancing around the fact that they are flood slaughtering Seaview Terrace and will continue to do so until. The resolution I am seeking is to get all the forced City water slaughter out of Seaview Terrace. The City uses our flood plain, flood zone private property- not a natural outlet, no rights of ways or easements- just flooding us with miles of run off and melt off like a few storm sewer to the sea. EPA/DEP violations off the charts too with their corrupt approval But how can we work with her as we do this???
more of Heil Hurley on http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_67.html
The corrupted boundary pictures- where EVERYONE knows the stream runs through my property. They all know it is corrupt, defend it and hold my head under water.
This picture is Seaview Terrace with the new Rte 1 bypass running along side- 1970? You can see the dug ditch forcing all above and even across to the Muck way the hell up by Hannaford. As well as culvert systems under Rte 1 from across Rte 1 on the south side. Forcing that side into Seaview Terrace from the National Guard (a mile up) all the way down and even behind Seaview Terrace into WCGH property behind Huntress Garden Apt. Another culvert under Rte 1 brings runoff from ?? Consumer's Fuel Annex on Lower Congress and property currently being developed by the Montessori School...) I have pictures of all entire path of forced water slaughter. Witnessed by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley in 11/2011. I invited all City Council and the Wall to witness the path. They refused to participate. Sloscum blew a gasket when he found out Whiteley had showed me the original development plans for Seaview Terrace. Proving no natural outlet. Those plans were with held and buried by Slocum, City Council, City Planner, City Attorney, all the wall. I requested them in 5/2011 and was told I was given all they had. After seeing Whiteley's alarm at what I showed him, I figured if there were ever going to be documents out in the open, it would be that next morning in Whiteley's office. I kept quiet and bolted down there the next morning at 8 am. As I flew through the doors, DPW Director Evil Bob Richards was at the counter and we locked eyes. Whiteley's office was 2 flights up. I bolted up the stairs before Richards could warn anyone that I was in the building.
Public works has been discriminating including targeting me with massive snow from angling the plow to dump on my property. Face to face refusal to pile snow with the grater on my property. He did it for the rest of Seaview Terrace. City Hall refuses to identify the employee. I know who he is. He is the look alike son of Alan Dickey. Foreman of Belfast Public Works. I was very kind to his family when I first moved here and I read of the death of his father. http://bangordailynews.com/2011/02/08/obituaries/alan-j-dickey/
I used to talk to his Mom and offer comfort in Hannaford when I saw her name tag. I sent a card with money and got the Weathervane to comp a dinner for the family. This was in 2/2011. Way before the City Hall Hell hit my yard in 3/2011 and way, way before I would begin getting shoved down the rabbit hole in May 2011. I forgive him. I see him in Rollie's and in town. I feel sorrow. It's sad. Shame on Belfast City Hall.
Below is now retired Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley at the double culverts on Wight St (stating that these were new- he didn't know they had done this- then Planning Chair Roger Pickering lives right there. In 2010 Public Works did the work on Wight St to send it to Seaview (Wight St was getting wiped out- the outlet to the City Park to the bay is directly across from Wight St. Forcing it way over to the private property of Seaview Terrace is calculated forced economic slaughter), forcing massive runoff and melt off beginning at the illegal hidden outlets at the enormous 2007 once wetland site of the now sinking (floors cracking) Captain Albert Stevens School and Muck. Soon after, Cedar Street residents were under water and fighting City Hall. Resolution- send it to Seaview Terrace via Wight St, Tall Pines Nursing Home, Mid Coast Mental Health.. Further down Wight St, another dug out path to run to Seaview behind WCGH Annex along with all their runoff and melt off of snow piling every season. Plus miles of Rte 1 plowing and rain.
Short Meeting Clips- Heil Hurley Hating Seaview/Me
No- they jumped to get 'er done when they thought I'd be at my brother's funeral in Alabama that week. He died on 9/4/2014 and the trucks rolled in on 9/8/2014. Heil Hurley is speaking here- I missed the first section where he states that he spoke to the City Attorney to see if he could stop me from speaking but can't. Although he tries and has been since the 2nd meeting in 12/2011 where he congratulated the City Manager and City Planner for "their restraint against me..." and how they have been a "pinata" having to listen to their corruption... I have got to get all Heil Hurley's rants against me over the past 5 years together. Will blow your mind to hear him- and City Hall praises him, as does the implicated public. Heil Hurley.https://youtu.be/zs-z3q-6iyA
Then Councilor Sanders shows cowardly concern- dancing around the fact that they are flood slaughtering Seaview Terrace and will continue to do so until. The resolution I am seeking is to get all the forced City water slaughter out of Seaview Terrace. The City uses our flood plain, flood zone private property- not a natural outlet, no rights of ways or easements- just flooding us with miles of run off and melt off like a few storm sewer to the sea. EPA/DEP violations off the charts too with their corrupt approval But how can we work with her as we do this???
more of Heil Hurley on http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_67.html
The corrupted boundary pictures- where EVERYONE knows the stream runs through my property. They all know it is corrupt, defend it and hold my head under water.
This picture is Seaview Terrace with the new Rte 1 bypass running along side- 1970? You can see the dug ditch forcing all above and even across to the Muck way the hell up by Hannaford. As well as culvert systems under Rte 1 from across Rte 1 on the south side. Forcing that side into Seaview Terrace from the National Guard (a mile up) all the way down and even behind Seaview Terrace into WCGH property behind Huntress Garden Apt. Another culvert under Rte 1 brings runoff from ?? Consumer's Fuel Annex on Lower Congress and property currently being developed by the Montessori School...) I have pictures of all entire path of forced water slaughter. Witnessed by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley in 11/2011. I invited all City Council and the Wall to witness the path. They refused to participate. Sloscum blew a gasket when he found out Whiteley had showed me the original development plans for Seaview Terrace. Proving no natural outlet. Those plans were with held and buried by Slocum, City Council, City Planner, City Attorney, all the wall. I requested them in 5/2011 and was told I was given all they had. After seeing Whiteley's alarm at what I showed him, I figured if there were ever going to be documents out in the open, it would be that next morning in Whiteley's office. I kept quiet and bolted down there the next morning at 8 am. As I flew through the doors, DPW Director Evil Bob Richards was at the counter and we locked eyes. Whiteley's office was 2 flights up. I bolted up the stairs before Richards could warn anyone that I was in the building.
CORRUPTION THERE. City Hall took the 5th and buried more documents, lying and deceiving to
SINCE WITH FLIPS TO THE HUMBLE BUMBLE, ditto City Council, City Planner Wayne
Marshall, Mayor Ash, City Attorney Bill Kelly, City Vidoegrapher Ned Lightner (ouch- he really
hurt me many times- totally unprofessional using our friendship to stop me from exposing Belfast
SINCE WITH FLIPS TO THE HUMBLE BUMBLE, ditto City Council, City Planner Wayne
Marshall, Mayor Ash, City Attorney Bill Kelly, City Vidoegrapher Ned Lightner (ouch- he really
hurt me many times- totally unprofessional using our friendship to stop me from exposing Belfast
Truth dominates. I dominate with ease.
Public works has been discriminating including targeting me with massive snow from angling the plow to dump on my property. Face to face refusal to pile snow with the grater on my property. He did it for the rest of Seaview Terrace. City Hall refuses to identify the employee. I know who he is. He is the look alike son of Alan Dickey. Foreman of Belfast Public Works. I was very kind to his family when I first moved here and I read of the death of his father. http://bangordailynews.com/2011/02/08/obituaries/alan-j-dickey/
I used to talk to his Mom and offer comfort in Hannaford when I saw her name tag. I sent a card with money and got the Weathervane to comp a dinner for the family. This was in 2/2011. Way before the City Hall Hell hit my yard in 3/2011 and way, way before I would begin getting shoved down the rabbit hole in May 2011. I forgive him. I see him in Rollie's and in town. I feel sorrow. It's sad. Shame on Belfast City Hall.
Below is now retired Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley at the double culverts on Wight St (stating that these were new- he didn't know they had done this- then Planning Chair Roger Pickering lives right there. In 2010 Public Works did the work on Wight St to send it to Seaview (Wight St was getting wiped out- the outlet to the City Park to the bay is directly across from Wight St. Forcing it way over to the private property of Seaview Terrace is calculated forced economic slaughter), forcing massive runoff and melt off beginning at the illegal hidden outlets at the enormous 2007 once wetland site of the now sinking (floors cracking) Captain Albert Stevens School and Muck. Soon after, Cedar Street residents were under water and fighting City Hall. Resolution- send it to Seaview Terrace via Wight St, Tall Pines Nursing Home, Mid Coast Mental Health.. Further down Wight St, another dug out path to run to Seaview behind WCGH Annex along with all their runoff and melt off of snow piling every season. Plus miles of Rte 1 plowing and rain.
This was my first video in 8/2011. I moved here in 6/2010, 3 identical private property drainage ditches around my property. 3/2011 my back yard turned into wild rapids for almost 2 weeks. All City Hall doors slamming shut in my face. I had been in Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole communications with City Council and City Hall for 3 months. By now, City Hall employees had been instructed not to help me and the City Manager/City Council/City Planner/City Attorney refused to give me and the neighbors an agenda at a City Council meeting. I kept the pressure on and they did a street scam meeting instead. I sound stupid because they force me into it by not giving me documents or information. After we get out of the stream- you will see the 2 ditches on the sides of my house. THAT is how the ditch in the backyard looked at purchase. They filled it in and did not disclose the stream because they knew I would not have bought it. I had refused every listing with water issues. So, don't listen to my stupidity, just look at the erosion and FF to where I am reading City Manager Joe Slocum's insulting email. Sloscum (Erin Wofford is filming this, she had just moved here from Alaska and was on board. Until 2 years later when Chief McFadden hired her to photograph the Police Department. Right. All the photographers and he seeks out Erin. Soon after that she gave me the finger when I was protesting the illegal rezoning. That's how City Hall rolls over the community. Pitting them against each other. Nasty- instead of The Hunger Games it's The Flooding Games.
This is the culvert at the top of Seaview Terrace incoming from Rte. In the meeting below I tell of Becky Gibbons who lives next to this culvert. In 2009- it couldn't handle the volume(3 ft. diameter) water flew over and wiped out her yard and almost took her car. When City Manager Joe Slocum met with me in 8/2011, I showed him this. He said she was lucky that her ranch wasn't taken off it's foundation. He denies saying that. Becky is a long time resident, worked for local attorney Lee Woodward for 20+ years, American Legion active member, nearing 75? years old, and Slocscum/City Hall plays Russian roulette with her life and the rest of Seaview Terrace.
Below early video clip was from 3/6/12. My first public speaking after 8 months of behind the public abuse, I was forced into the public. Placing us in danger- we needed to stay under the radar and heal. They ripped our lives away. In this meeting the Dale Rowley from the Emergency Management Agency is on the agenda. Dale later tells me that he can't stop the City from force flooding tiny Seaview Terrace, a flood plain in flood zone A. Joe Slocum, City Manager has to request mitigation. He refused, he is slaughtering Seaview Terrace for economic development. Destroy us and take it for nothing. Of course they deny it. Water slaughter proves they are. They try to bait me again and again into legal proceedings to finish me off. I don't think so.
This video clip is disgusting. Mayor Ash is nasty, attempting to stop me from speaking many times. The owners of the Front Street Shipyard are there and getting all tax dollars as residents are denied basic services and infrastructure. That is why Ash is a bigger bully than usual. Look at the Chief- he tells his new officer to follow me out as if I am a danger. Poor guy didn't understand, he was there to get introduced. Police were stationed at meetings after I began publicly speaking in 11/2011 and they could not intimidate me into silence. They is the whole City Hall Wall with their pit bull City Attorney Bill Kelly. Go ahead, bite me.
Here is the 1939 map I reference. Written in red 40 you can see the farm house (1rst house to the right of 40) that still stands on the corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport Ave (Rte 1 at that time). Facing the house- to the right and behind is the farm that will become Seaview Terrace in 1967. THERE IS NO BROOK, NO STREAM, NO NATURAL OUTLET, NO WATERSHED. It was the development of McLeods Trailer Park on lower Congress St and of the new Rte 1 bypass in 1963 and the sale of the farm from the Dutch Clan to the McLeod (developer) Clan that began the forcing of runoff into the undeveloped private property now owned by McLeod. See the next picture for development of Seaview Terrace. The man made ditch made for the run off for the new bypass is clear. They filled it in, built the houses. And keep illegally forcing more runoff for every development to date from miles away.
6/30/2015 Sneaky Bangor Daily News deletes my reply to 8PI after comments are closed. BDN has done this many times. They allow commenters to beat on each other but protect the corrupt 1% in Belfast. See comment on link for Waldo County General Hospital Annex Invasive http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_73.html
(short clip of me shaming Belfast Planning board is from WCGH Annex page link. Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall controls all the weak and with holds all the documents of truth. He shields the Planning Board from public scrutiny and accountability. Not this time Mr. Borderline. He tries but I keep going and leave. )
I waited 5 years to publicly speak to Belfast City Planning. One chance to expose their corruption. City Planner Wayne Marshall tried to shut me up. I kept going. Three minutes is all I needed. Two planning members that ridiculed me and my home, were absent. Margot Carpenter- in 7/2014 publicly announcing me as a drama queen. Russel Barber- in 5/2011, with the entire planning board present for a site meeting at the Annex (almost in my backyard). I was standing right next to Russel, he knew this was my house. Russel spoke to member Roger Pickering while pointing to my property and laughing "How would you like to own that property?" Roger shook his head. I was sick. I had yet to uncover all the forced slaughter water to my property by Belfast City Planning. All illegal and funny to them. This is a 3-4 minute clip of the 5/27/2015 meeting
6/30/15 (cont'd) I've made a page where I noticed after years of linking my blog in my BDN comments without issue, BDN began removing my comments that included the link last year. My requests to the editor to find out the reason for removal are never answered. A secret loophole? where they hope I link so they can delete? Jay Davis of Belfast 1%, prior "journalist" and "ego activist" is heavily tied to media and corruption. This thug approached me in town when I first began protesting Belfast City Hall and Realtor corruption in 2011 after I was sold undisclosed City Hell in 6/2010. He struts up to me sporting his ego under his leather hat. He introduces himself as Jay Davis and asks me what is this about? I asked him if he really wanted to know? He seemed creepy to me. After I tell him, Jay tells me that protesting Belfast City Hall corruption in public is "not how we do things around here. Have you gone to see Mike Hurley?" I told him I did and Hurley couldn't run away fast enough. He tipped his hat and told me to have a good day. Jay is even the chairman for the Restorative Justice System, board member on Waterfall Arts, self promoting creep with the 1%. Ew. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_0.html
This one on Pen Bay Pilot was totally censored- no reference of my blog.. One of the owners is on the Our Town Belfast board and a Heil Hurley minion. This article states that Belfast City Council Heil Hurley has voted to make the Passy Rail Trail. Abutters of the rail trail are suing. Heil Hurley is also an abutter and joining in on the lawsuit for the trail that he initiated. Direct quote from the article "Hurley owns the “Beavertail,” an uninhabited sandbar that points out into to the river. He has also been a strong supporter of the trail. Asked why he signed onto a suit seeking damages, he said, effectively, the case was going to go forward with or without him, and he wasn’t willing to pass up the money on principle."
Discussion on
Penbay Pilot
My deleted comment by the Penbay Pilot Belfast players.
4 months ago
City Councilor Mike Hurley does not have one ethical bone, not one
conscience, and only one care- Mike Hurley and any that support his
greed and want more too. This is beyond disgusting.During the
early public hearings, abutters could not get any answers. Asking and
asking for over a year. Slocum told them to hire an attorney. The amount
the City spends on litigitation for their visions with our property
taxes makes me sick. I asked for those spending's in an FOAA. City
Manager Slocum never provides crucial basic public documents that I
request. He intimidates with exorbitant charges to begin the research
and in the end may result in not finding anything. Billable hours into
the rabbit hole, exactly like Alice in Corrupt Land. These abutters are
going to raked over the coals with City Hall foot dragging.
Ed Bearor refused to help me. Guess I had done too much of the leg work. Or another reason? He advised me to take the shut up money of 6k from Earl Black- owner of Masiello Group Realtor- the one's that sold me undisclosed hell in Hellfast. No thanks. I have principles.
Laurie Allen
My deleted comment by the Penbay Pilot Belfast players.
Ed Bearor refused to help me. Guess I had done too much of the leg work. Or another reason? He advised me to take the shut up money of 6k from Earl Black- owner of Masiello Group Realtor- the one's that sold me undisclosed hell in Hellfast. No thanks. I have principles.
Laurie Allen
Belfast rail trail abutters seek federal payout, willing to return city money
6/26/2015- Govnah Chuckie LeRage broke the law by using tax dollars for a personal vendetta against House Speaker Eves. Yet Belfast City Hall gets community support to do the same to me. How much did they waste in tax dollars in covering up their corruption, to intimidate and alienate me? http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/impeach-lerage.html
6/17/2015 Recently I told my neighbor that I thought all I had to do was prove the corruption and corrections would be made. That has never happened, instead they hurt me more. He said I am a unicorn. Thank you neighbor. I'll run with that.
In heraldry the unicorn is best known as the symbol of Scotland. The unicorn was chosen because it was seen as a proud and haughty beast which would rather die than be captured, just as Scots would fight to remain sovereign and unconquered. Though sometimes shown collared and chained, which may be taken as an indication that it has been tamed or tempered, it is more usually shown collared with a broken chain attached, showing that it has broken free from its bondage...
6/16 & 17/2016 Woman/resident abuser City Manager Joe Sloscum has been crying that he has had to cover for another General Assistance woman "FED UP" with him. Tonight he announced his new hire Jennifer Quehe has quit. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_22.html
Come on anonymous coward, post your name. It is bad of me to call out the corrupt with some humor. My bad. It makes me laugh. Hypocritical how so many wish ill of me for Belfast real estate agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews ripping away our lives, safety and home for 2K? commission. Shocking that the community takes offense at me. I have paved the way for 5 years for all to see the corruption immediately as it hits their property or mooring. You're Welcome. The fallout for a lone activist against corruption local to state, personal and dangerous is devastation. I have nothing to lose. 50 years of fleecing this little lamb. Baaaad people. Any day could be my last and I want my children to know what has been done when they are free from these ties as independent adults. The terror to the children by family cannot be undone. Judging me for actions I have to take without resources or support is sad. I keep getting back up though. But damn, I'm sick of it.
Some think I ask for the fleecing/abuse because I will not negotiate. Wrong. I negotiate ethical and legal resolutions. After 8 months of Belfast City Hall slam down beginning 4/2011, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocscum, City Attorney Bill Kelly and City Council Heil Hurley instructed City employees not to give me public documents/information requested for the illegal forced flooding Seaview Terrace. I have many emails of proof. I maintained professional clear communications as City Planner Wayne Marshall deviated from the requests with rhetoric to overflow cess pool after cess pool. I was not swallowing. I scored the buried and with held original plans for the development of Seaview Terrace on a covert raid to Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley in 11/2011. I put my life in jeopardy and went public. Shaken and frightened, I choked back the tears at my first public speaking.
I had requested the public documents for the planning and 1966 development of Seaview Terrace for the prior 8 months and was tortured for it. Bob had them on his counter and told me he thought I had been shown them. They prove that the forced City water slaughter destroying private properties and endangering lives in the flood zone A , 12 family homes on the dead end street of Seaview Terrace is illegal. There was NEVER a natural outlet passing through Seaview Terrace. Fifty years of Belfast City Hall calculating forced water slaughter to the residents on Seaview Terrace is genocide to me. Calculated force flooding from miles and miles of impervious area to the tiny bottle neck of Seaview Terrace is deadly. Many maps and pictures in this blog speak for the slaughter.
6/13/2015- update on Annex/Planning corruption calling out Planning Board, Planner, City employees...http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_73.html
6/12/2015 The 10? years in the making Belfast City Hall Comprehensive Plan voted in by City Council is secret in the with holding and ongoing secret amendments. Just like the TPP secrecy Obama is trying to fast track where healthcare and business receive perks of more- Economic Genocide to 99%.
"We'll Huff and We'll Puff as We Help Drown You Out!!!!" Front Street Shipyard & Waldo County Healthcare.
From left to right: Taylor Allen: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Rockport Marine Inc.; JB Turner: managing partner, Front Street Shipyard; former president, Lyman-Morse Shipyard; Ken Priest: partner, Front Street Shipyard; CEO, Kenway Corp.; Steve White: partner, Front Street Shipyard; owner, Brooklin Boat Yard
Seaview Terrace/Gaza Strip is surrounded on all 4 sides by the Waldo County General Hospital and incoming healthcare industry.Weapon of choice, water slaughter. JB Turner, President of the Front St. Shipyard (I went public with the slaughter in 11/2011 in the same meeting where JB began his proposal to build the Front St Shipyard. I thought the FSS cared about the community that was supporting them. I thought wrong. They want more and more as residents private properties go under with misspending of our property taxes. The scale of Belfast corruption is enormous. The ego powers are on the Boards (JB Turner is NOW on the Board of Directors at Waldo County General Hospital) City Council Heil Hurley dictates the puppets for the powers. Several posts below (see pictures of FSS, WCGH Directors, Jayne Giles, Judge Patricia Worth 4/2015 posts under SHHHHH Sneak and Sell Hell...) name some of the powers and players.
2014-2015 Board of Directors
of the Waldo County Healthcare Board of Directors are, seated from
left, J.B. Turner, John Worth III, David Flanagan, Peter Haddock, Wayne
Hamilton, James Patterson, Ed.D and Benjamin Mailloux, MD (medical staff
president). Standing from left are Catherine Reynolds, Syrena Gatewood,
Lee Woodward Jr., Dale Kuhnert, Ann Hooper, Jenness Robbins, and James
Delehanty, MD
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD. The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.
TIF article in the very paper that banned me as I fought for years to get Belfast City Hall to use the Northport Ave TIF to save Seaview Terrace with property tax 101- sewers. NO! They are even giving that to Front Street Shipyard. Forced water slaughter to a flood zone of 12 families and refusal to fix or even place us in a mitigation plan. That spells ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY GENOCIDE BY WHITE COLLARS to innocent residents residents and our private properties in a flood zone and others in the "water shed". Destroying and endangering lives. Water and stress kill. Ethically bound to protect and divert the slaughter of water. Instead Belfast City Hall and Planning keep pounding and drowning with knowing force. An anonymous commenter continues cowardly abuse. Mom vs. Goliath- Belfast City Hall and Players.
Missing from the photo are: William Caron, CEO, MaineHealth and Kent Clark, MD. The officers of the board are: Lee Woodward Jr., president; Dale Kuhnert, vice-president; James Patterson, secretary; and Catherine Reynolds, treasurer.
TIF article in the very paper that banned me as I fought for years to get Belfast City Hall to use the Northport Ave TIF to save Seaview Terrace with property tax 101- sewers. NO! They are even giving that to Front Street Shipyard. Forced water slaughter to a flood zone of 12 families and refusal to fix or even place us in a mitigation plan. That spells ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY GENOCIDE BY WHITE COLLARS to innocent residents residents and our private properties in a flood zone and others in the "water shed". Destroying and endangering lives. Water and stress kill. Ethically bound to protect and divert the slaughter of water. Instead Belfast City Hall and Planning keep pounding and drowning with knowing force. An anonymous commenter continues cowardly abuse. Mom vs. Goliath- Belfast City Hall and Players.
6/6/2015 More corrupt dots connect. JB Turner, Front Street Shipyard President and Director on the Waldo County General Hospital Board. Connect the hospital corruptly getting a secret pass to demolish the asbestos/lead paint ridden 1950 motel on the Annex site with out approval or DEP/EPA/OSHA requirements. My 4/22/15 email requesting demolition compliance was ignored and 2 weeks later I watched the hospital maintenance knock it down without any protections and one garden hose to spray on the heap to contain the airborne poison. Right. Our Hospital poisoning our health. Connect the not for profit Hospital making LARGE donations to the Belfast City Hall rail trail fund raising per Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum in his interview with City employee, Ned Lightner with the City purchase of property on the rail trail. Ned promotes Belfast City Hall regardless of the corruption, most are his inner circle. City Council Heil Hurley came here as a nobody in the 80's and quickly saw easy takings. He latched onto the roots of families respected- Lightner and Pendleton. From my childhood, I was in awe of those 2 families. Yank out those corrupt weeds strangling honorable roots. It's never too late.
Residents getting squeezed from their mooring location and those that have paid in waiting over 10 years for their mooring turn are also being drowned out by Front Street Shipyard. One resident requesting to be on the Harbor Committee- it's too late sister. This was a done deal many years ago. Certainly before JB Turner first appeared simultaneously with my first City Council meeting in November 2011. JB to propose building a shipyard (no doubt all secret hand shakes and perks were in City Planner Wayne Marshall's corrupt vault and pocket before 11/2011) and the danger I faced by going public with the 8 months of Belfast City Manager, Council and Planning trying to break me into silence as my new home was under City forced water slaughter. Kick my ass and kiss JB's, for every meeting there after. JB should have helped. Instead he gets our TIF and I get kicked and threatened again and again.
6/4/2015 Wiki Must Add This- Economic Development Genocide- Destruction of a targeted private property area and lives for 1% GREED.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide... The word “genocide” was later included as a descriptive term to the process of indictment, but not yet as a formal legal term[1] According to Lemkin, genocide was defined as “a coordinated strategy to destroy a group of people, a process that could be accomplished through total annihilation as well as strategies that eliminate key elements of the group's basic existence, including language, culture, and economic infrastructure.” )
Meanwhile on FB, I better post this, I know I'm on a list, I just don't know how many. I've gone to the President, First Lady, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, FBI, Governor LePage, First Lady, Senator Thibodeau, Senator Olympia Snowe, Senator Angus King, Senator Mitchell, Attorney General Janet Mills, DEP Commissioner Aho, Carol J. Leighton-Maine Real Estate Commission Director, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD, Governor Christie, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer, Belfast community, countless media, the list goes on- I am out there, everywhere, unprotected and I will until... just a Mom. Secure in the knowledge that I have nothing to hide. Insecure that I could be locked up at any time. Belfast Chief McFadden is not on my page. I know I'm on his.
5/26/2015- Powerful speakings on Democracy Now, 50 years of murder by government- beginning with sending the innocent and loyal to.... Juan Gonzalez is a true journalist with the New York Daily News and Democracy Now.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Good morning. I was here last night, as I know many of you were. It was really an inspiring evening to see so many of these elders, who really paved the way to build one of the great mass movements in American history. But a mass movement is not simply built by leaders. It is built by tens of thousands of people who make individual decisions at a certain point in their lives to risk the disapproval of their family, the possibility of derailing their education, the possibility of losing jobs, some even of losing their lives. They make individual decisions that something has to change...
Belfast power ego, Jay Davis, on many ego chairs, touts himself as an activist. Right- read where in 2011 he approached me to tell me that protesting corruption is not how we do things around here.
Jay is best ole boy buddies with City Council Heil Hurley- a few recent short clips announcing his hatred for Seaview Terrace out of 5 years and hours of more public tainting to hate me... I added early meetings and as I reference JB Turner of The Front Street Shipyard below with looking the other way- low and behold you can see him sitting in the 2nd meeting I spoke where Heil Hurley rips into a rant against me on 12/6/2011 and has never stopped since. Be patient waiting for that meeting to que up- it's the old format. I begin speaking to give kudos to those volunteering for the Haunted Walk fundraiser for our students. I am new at speaking and shaking inside. When I get the map is when I get down to City flooding and bullying.
"The Negotiator" Maine Senator George Mitchell was in Belfast to push his book (see below post and video on 5/15&17) as I protested outside. I've yet to hear from him but will keep on trying. Hence the clarity of Seaview Terrace as George prefers to save Europe/Middle East...The Gaza Strip as Maine Government slaughters residents and the poor. Oy vey.
5/27/2015 ANNEX SLAUGHTER_ THIS IS THE FORCED, RELENTLESS 50 YEAR+ DESTRUCTION AND WATER TORTURE SLAUGHTER TO THE 12 FAMILY HOMES ON SEAVIEW TERRACE. I took this picture of my property in 8/2011 after wild rapids tore through in spring 2011. When it was sold to me in 6/2010, this ravine was a 2'x2' private property drainage ditch. No streams or water issues were my number one demand with the real estate agents. They did not disclose the Belfast City Hall hell to slaughter private properties to promote economic development with our property taxes. In fact, I am told the spring melt of 2009 force flooded most of Seaview Terrace and there is not doubt the previous owner- Minister Tarpley (already listed with Masiello Group agent Bill Ingersoll) brought in truck loads to fill in the ravine and pass it off. They targeted me that September 6/2009 as I began my fight for survival to relocate with my children from NJ to Belfast, Me.
Weapon of choice, water slaughter. JB Turner, President of the Front St. Shipyard (I went public with the slaughter in 11/2011 in the same meeting where JB began his proposal to build the Front St Shipyard. I thought the FSS cared about the community that was supporting them. I thought wrong. They want more and more as residents private properties go under with misspending of our property taxes. The scale of Belfast Israel is enormous. The powers are on the Boards (JB Turner is NOW on the Board of Directors at Waldo County General Hospital) City Council Heil Hurley dictates the puppets for the powers. Several posts below (see pictures of FSS, WCGH Directors, Jayne Giles, Judge Patricia Worth 4/2015 posts under SHHHHH Sneak and Sell Hell...) name some of the powers and players
This is the just one path of forced water slaughter from the Annex in the small buffer strip from my boundary to the Annex (50" ft strip) Pounding and merging into private property water slaughter incoming from the top of Seaview Terrace. My neighbor's huge tree will fall down soon.
Neighbors tree- these snowy pictures were taken 3/2015 |
Economic genocide through forced flooding, water slaughter. The opposing banks of my ravine are property of the Israel aka Healthcare Partners of Corruption. MidCoast Mental Health who also selling a portion or the buffer Waldo County General Hospital. Banks are crumbling, enormous trees on their property will fall into my fence and devastate my eroded banks and tiny property. When they finally break me, I can be their patient. Win, Win for Them. Laurie "Mac" Allen in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Playing live at Waldo Countty General Hosptial and 17 Seaview Terrace. WCGH Mission- "110 Years of Our Serving Our Neighbors" Wheel her in boys, she needs servicing. Belfast City Council began the "unstable" tactic early on. In early communications, 8/2011 where I would not back down, Belfast City Council called me in as a threat to the Chief of Police. Then they tried to stop me from speaking at City Council Meetings. Then the City Attorney began sending me intimidating letters. Then they began a police presence at meetings that I would be speaking at. Then the police would have a private intimidating conversation with. Then City employee and prior Bayside friend, Ned Lightner would do the same. Then the Chief and an officer would come to my house to interview me for my stability. Hello, come on in fella's. Y'all done? Now get out and leave me alone. Do not speak of my children EVER again. They were using them like my ex to stop me. http://www.wcgh.org/about-us/110years/
Pictures and documents in this link prove the corruption and slaughter to private properties slated for healthcare. Seaview Terrace taking the brunt of the slaughter, more and more, year after year, 50 years and counting.
5/26/2015 Current, corrupt active assault to my property from the Waldo County General Hospital/Annex,
The 50 yr take over has brainwashed and burnt ethics, law and once upstanding minds. See the other links on the City Website, click City Government and hover over Planning and Codes to see the mess of links to confuse the Comprehensive Plan- 10 years in the making. http://www.cityofbelfast.org/DocumentCenter/View/1092
City Planner Wayne Marshall boldly wrote in his delivery of the Comprehensive Plan that the long term plan is to rid the Healthcare District of single family residential homes. City Hall has been destroying residential private properties by forcing massive and illegal
site runoff to private properties throughout this area. Wayne stating
that this is a neighbor to neighbor issues. The City Attorney citing
nuisance statutes to the public to encourage lawsuits from neighbor to
neighbor. THE FLOODING GAMES. The drive is all healthcare and
professional offices. The Waldo County General Hospital Annex in back
yard has been eating me since I moved here in 2010. It is full devour
now. WCGH owns property encompassing Seaview Terrace. We are in the way.
The Plan- destroy us through flooding, take it for nothing (inverse
condemnation). But that is taking too long. Section 5204 lets City Hall
just take us. City Manager Joe Slocum refused to reassess my property in
2013. I was lucky to get Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley to do
one in 2011 in the face of all the proven slaughter and destruction. My
property was not devalued.
The 50 yr take over has brainwashed and burnt ethics, law and once upstanding minds. See the other links on the City Website, click City Government and hover over Planning and Codes to see the mess of links to confuse the Comprehensive Plan- 10 years in the making. http://www.cityofbelfast.org/DocumentCenter/View/1092
Where is the care in Belfast?
PORTLAND, Maine -- 05/21/15 -- Caroline Tkach, a native Portlander, doesn't know anybody affected by the General Assistance program, but attended the May, 21, 2015 rally for immigrants rights in Monument Square to show support for her neighbors.
Ditto @ Belfast City Hall and worse. Destroying Mom's New Chance. Destroying many and incredibly getting support to do it. Long time in the making, until I came to town in 2010.
5/25/2015 A selection of documents and pictures to validate corruption for Belfast destroying private properties through force flooding. During the construction of the Route 1 Bypass ( Rte 1 had run through the center of town into downtown via Northport Ave) in 1963 is when they began illegally forcing impervious run off to private properties. Seaview Terrace is right along Rte 1 and was owned by the Dutch Clan. They sold it to developer Wendell McLeod and a ditch was dug through the future Seaview Terrace to force runoff from his trailer park. Which is across the Rte 1 bypass. Culverts run under Rte 1 into the future Seaview Terrace. When he developed Seaview Terrace in 1967, the ditch was filled in but the culverts remained. Each lot has private property drainage ditches. The ditches on my side in the back would be the path the runoff from Rte 1 and the trailer park would be forced through. No rights of ways, no easements to a flood plain flood zone. Belfast City Hall would flat out deny it. Each development after would be forced into the private properties in the "watershed" and merge into Seaview Terrace. My property is the last private property in the path of slaughter to take it all. Real estate agents enjoy the turnover and work hand in hand with covering up. Right up to the State level. Local, County, Regional, EPA, DEP, Senators, Attorney General, Govnah Chuckie LeRage. I still need to organize and add captions but I wanted to get this link on. All of this area drains to me. The sites are allowed to violate code (which has now been manipulated by Belfast City Hall) and stock pile snow all winter. Seaview Terrace had a river running through it in the melt of 2009. The sellers of my home, Minister Tarpley and Laura, filled in the surely massive ravine and sold me undisclosed hell. Laura knew all we had been through. Corruption Cloth. There are no boundaries.
I have much more to add with the current WCGH plan to build another office in my back yard. I'll link a page to an email I sent to many residents. There was a man marking invasive trees/bushes (3) that abutt my property in a tiny strip of woods between the Annex and my property. The Annex was trying to build a rear parking lot on wetlands behind the proposed new building. It will cost them too much. I think they want to put that parking lot and move all the equipment, chiller, transformer, pump station etc. onto this small strip. Trees are already falling from the erosion. My fence is ready to fall in. Seaview Terrace is under assault and I am the only one trying to save it. Everyone buying the trash that you can't fight City Hall. Bullshit. You MUST!!! You CAN!!! LET'S ROLL!!!! http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_73.html
Businesses joining in with corrupt service, corrupt District Court Judge Patricia Worth (Belfast resident, player post below)and even my child's orthodontist of 4 years. Stringing us along and one step away from sawing and busting my child's mouth open. The Portland oral surgeon told us the truth last month. Devastating malpractice. Shame on you Dr. Zanca, MidCoast Orthodontics. Yesterday, requests for documentation to the oral surgeon now have him trying to cover up for Dr. Zanca. A pity. That surgeon saved us. I'm on the fence about posting that proof. But he is covering for a corrupt Dr. treating children. Every day is another thug hurting our insignificant below poverty lies. WT*.
I tried to document the overwhelming power and use of with holding and rhetoric to break me. Our rights to private property, privacy and peace thrown into an inferno. They used it knowing they were endangering our lives. To expose the destruction to so many private properties and robbing of property taxes AND RIGHTS is their fear. Done and doing. Old blogs- www.belfastbullies.blogspot.com and many more.
PROTEST AND THEY WILL COME. I WAIT AND NOW PROTEST WITHIN THE SEMI SAFE CONFINES OF MY SUV. LATEST AT SENATOR GEORGE MITCHELL'S BOOK PUSH AT THE FIRST CHURCH IN BELFAST ON May 15,2015. (pictures and video below in older post) Major Media coverage and not a concern for a Mom getting beat up by Maine Government. Except for a man named Henry. Not sure if he was friend or foe but he was fun and smart. Professor from my home state and neighboring town @ Rutgers University New Brunswick NJ. Henry knew my tiny town South River, smelting pot USA. That's education unmatched. Love ethnicity. Miss it greatly. Henry, if we meet again, eyes up here.
5/25/15- Wondering now if Henry is Baird Whitlock...
Police brutality and killing of 2 tour Vet moved to http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_28.html
Here I am, Flag
High-Peace Sign- behind the cowardly tails of Mayor Ash and my council- Mary
Mortier and City Manager- Joe Slocum (SloSCUM)- the City Wall Hall slaughtering my
neighborhood. For a mile I trailed them. Flying in the high of freedom. It was grand! 5/2013If I had the tools that Doug Hughes has. This is me. Belfast City Hall in hot pursuit to destroy my home and all undesirables.
"I would rather die in the flight then to live to be 88 and see this country fall." Ditto Doug Hughes. Except the country is falling now. Belfast can be the ground zero tolerance to corruption. Blowing the doors off of "Economic Development" with "Integrity Development" On the map as the first to UNITE AGAINST CORRUPTION TODAY... UACT
Edited on 5/22/2015 It sickens me to watch the Belfast City Council meetings. Choreographed self stroking corruption . New Belfast employer- OnProcess Technology is that vortex of torture that you are outsourced to when calling for customer service. "Servicing" many companies with "human voices" reading from tel-prompts. They are no different then recordings. I bet they service Trac Phone. What a nightmare anytime there is a problem. Call after call, assurance after assurance, you ask specific questions and they keep repeating the same prompt, you ask for a supervisor, they pretend that one is not available and repeat the prompt, then you lose service, all minutes, phone number and have to start all over again. Every time your credit card is breached... wasted about 8 hours over 3 days just this week. Customer service is my forte'. OnProcess is not customer service. Customer Frustration until you give up. And take your business elsewhere. Knock yourselves out businesses that outsource customer service. Easier to do without. It will backfire and these jobs change the employee/resident/community. Nasty. Back to basics. Live lean and clean. That is freedom. Kiss my arse economic development.
In 8/2010 I thought I was hired at a call center in Belfast to give exceptional customer service. Six weeks of training made all of us believe that. And then we found that that was not the case. The office was goal oriented on making sales and getting off the phone with in 2 minutes. Most that called in were elderly, students or could barely speak English. It was targeting the innocent and the office environment caused many to seek therapy and medication. It was bad. I was lucky to have arthritis take me out. Out of 19? in our training group, only 2 remained after 6 months. Some left in tears, others began twitching, it was insane. I know many of these people. Few will talk. Others are players. this call center is global. Belfast ranked as the nastiest. Corruption breeds nasty.
5/22 More on the seedy seams meetings http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_59.html
(with linking to corruption in Brunswick, Me @ www.freebrunswick.blogspot.com and www.theothersideoftown.blogspot.com )
5/19/2015 The radio announced a story will be on the news tonight about the abutters of the Belfast Airport expansion scam. I had sent them an email to alert them of City tactics as well a rail trail abutter Johnathon Clapp. He was a council wanna be at one time, so I don't know if he advised the other abutters. I don't know the names of the others. I had written them down when I saw them on a map but I haven't found it. I am hoping that the community starts reacting to the takings together.
5/18/2015 Honoring my big brother, Donald David Allen 5/18/49-9/4/2014 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204059899522753.1073741845.1382285440&type=1&l=70ed40b41c
Belfast City Hall thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral on 9/8/2014. In 8/2011City Manager Joe Sloscum told me that he did not see any problem with the slaughter to my property but that Seaview Terrace city road was a problem. Upheaving, cracking and crumbling- he stated he would pave it. For 4 years I worked to get the road paved with drainage according to ordinance and was relentless in trying to get us funding through the TIF. He never had any intentions of paving it to code. He hired an engineer to do corrupt options to create division with neighbors. I sent email after email requesting details of the paving. No response. I was still asking if City Council would be voting on the paving options on 9/5/2014 and when the paving would take place. Residents are always advised weeks in advance of paving to be prepared for traffic problems. There is no question that Belfast City Hall knew my brother died on 9/4/2014. I had told the Belfast Police Dept., Officer Strearns on 9/5/2014 and the minister at the UU Church where City Council Roger Lee is the treasurer.
On Monday, 9/8/2014- I was in great mourning that no one can even begin to comprehend. So much trauma in my life, none by my doing. At 7:30 am, the Belfast City Public Works trucks and heavy equipment came rolling in to illegally pave, culvert, slaughter and send more illegal water to my property. Over a week of slaughter and mean men. There are no words to describe the evil of Belfast City Hall and community players.
5/15/15 Senator George Mitchell came to Belfast today. So did I. http://1drv.ms/1H7Y2A2
5/17/2015- 40 second video stutters- see that black car in the first frame where I
capture Left Bank Books. A man was in there the entire time monitoring
electronics. Protector of George, no doubt. No doubt I was worthy of a recording concern for the protector. So how about it George- want to hear about
corruption in your State and the beat down of the beat up, below poverty single Mom, single handed woman exposing
it, 5 years and counting against intense intimidation tactics to silence me? Please "Mr. Negotiator" Belfast is on a legal genocide and using
our property taxes to wipe us off the map. The full scale is unfolding.
5/12/2015- I exposed first hand corruption because it is the right thing to do. I expose my personal life because the corrupt use it against me. That opens up the judgement door to mark me as crazy. What's crazy are those that join in while preaching compassion and community. What's crazy is enabling the corrupt. Turn on the news, how's that working Tom Brady, Baltimore PD, Ferguson, NY PD, the fall of integrity through out the USA... Shame on you all.
The corruption is clear as it enters home after home in Belfast under the disguise of economic development and the master Comprehensive Plan with hidden extermination of homes and lives. Every day is another revelation of another City Hall plan. Reacting after the taking is the biggest mistake and proven catastrophe world wide. I thought Belfast residents would step up and be proactive if I proved the corruption. I thought wrong. My conscience is clear. The corruption is playing out at warp speed. Reaction is still in denial. Such waste. If there is any interest in meeting for Moral Mondays at the Belfast City Park Pavilion, send me an email and I'll be happy to help. Since no one came the last time, it is clear that I am wasting my time. I won't go there anymore.
5/14/15 I moved the rental neighbor issues to a separate page. It sickens me that I have to do this to stop her. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/sally-jaskold-save.html
I moved my Mother's Day post honoring my Mom http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_12.html.
I can go on and on
with 5 years of proven corruption. Property taxes are to go to the
schools, resident infrastructure and basic services. It is not. It is
going to the corruption, through hired engineers and consultants, low
balling projects, grants locking us into the project and a landslide
of unforeseen costs, attorney fees, lawsuits, splitting of the
community, implicating businesses, all systems go for economic
development and squeeze us dry and then take us out. Outsourcing
engineers and consultants is the defining corruption of
unaccountability. Honest Belfast City Hall Treasurer, Ricki LeSans
made sure to point out that years ago, Belfast always had a City
engineer on Belfast City Hall staff.
Back in the day before Heil Hurley pulled Belfast into his cesspool of corruption. Heil Hurley hales from NJ, same as me. He came to Belfast in the 80's and saw opportunity for greed. I came to the neighboring town of Northport in 1969 @ 8 yrs old and saw love. For the rest of my life, I gave all I had to make it my home. Greed makes liars and buyers. It implicates the innocent into their web and buys allegiance and silence.
I was born into a family of the same, married the same, my whole life has been one robbing after another. It all connects from Belfast to Northport (Bayside) to Skowhegan back to NJ. I thought I got away. I thought wrong. To steal our lives after all we (my children) have survived is beyond wicked. For so many to look the other way (in all those circles- not just Belfast) is what keeps my head spinning. I will never understand that. It's so much harder to resist helping each other. Fear allows for terrorism. Allowing any government to rob and destroy is allowing terrorism. It is playing out in Belfast.
Back in the day before Heil Hurley pulled Belfast into his cesspool of corruption. Heil Hurley hales from NJ, same as me. He came to Belfast in the 80's and saw opportunity for greed. I came to the neighboring town of Northport in 1969 @ 8 yrs old and saw love. For the rest of my life, I gave all I had to make it my home. Greed makes liars and buyers. It implicates the innocent into their web and buys allegiance and silence.
I was born into a family of the same, married the same, my whole life has been one robbing after another. It all connects from Belfast to Northport (Bayside) to Skowhegan back to NJ. I thought I got away. I thought wrong. To steal our lives after all we (my children) have survived is beyond wicked. For so many to look the other way (in all those circles- not just Belfast) is what keeps my head spinning. I will never understand that. It's so much harder to resist helping each other. Fear allows for terrorism. Allowing any government to rob and destroy is allowing terrorism. It is playing out in Belfast.
Now retired City Tax
Assessor Bob Whiteley told me 4 years ago that he was shocked at the
City comprehensive plan that would crush many residents. It is
happening. They spent the surplus, Slocum borrowed 4? million in
September, tomorrow he is asking to borrow another 2.6 million and
the none of the projects have been completed including the harbor
walk and all the money is gone. They are currently underway with
massive projects and many unknown. The state is cutting sharing as
Slocum is underway with the window dressing budget- the operating
expenses with no reporting of their train wreck executive session
spending. I tried to get a portion of this spending and they refused.
As usual, telling me I have to pay and pay for information they will
never provide. Here is an example. Sloscum wanted something like $500 up front to begin not to begin. He knows I am below poverty. Scum, slow scum.
Prior to its amendment in 1986, the FOIA provided for the charging of fees for document search and duplication, and further provided that such fees should be waived or reduced wherever that was found to be "in the public interest because furnishing the information can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public." 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)(4)(A) (1982).
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: jgiles@penquis.org
Subject: Public Spending
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 13:39:33 -0400
Councilor Mary Mortier,
As the representative for Seaview
Terrace, I am requesting this public accounting. All of the public
will benefit from the knowledge of where our tax dollars are being
spent. I made this request publicly in the 4/15/13 City Council.
City Manager, Joe Slocum stated he has
given you his budget plan. The 4 year spread will is necessary to
compare spending to the drowning and destruction of Seaview Terrace
since I began pleading for infrastructure 4 years ago to no avail,
just further abuse.
As stated prior, the City Attorney's
accounting for these billings is a minute request. The others are
certainly already on an accounting sheet in Belfast City Hall.
I copied Jayne Giles because Jayne has
spoken at the same budget meeting that I attended. Jayne was very
concerned that residents were being squeezed out of in town. I
understand that Jayne has experience and influence to the workings of
government and banking. That said, I believe Jayne would like to see
these numbers as well. I sent this as message to Jayne Giles
facebook page as well.
provide the following years spread sheet cost accounting, 2011, 2012,
2013 and 2014 to current;
Identify each lawsuit to the City of Belfast including all employees
and include verdict,settlement and all fees.
Identify each and all in-house counsel fees.
each and all costs for grants, including application, if awarded,
City funds contributed, including pending and final cost for each
project clearly identifying total grant cost and monies received, vs.
total City funds spent and those pending or underway to date.
Identify each and all public money consultations/studies for
all (recreation projects scrapped and/or approved, harbor walk, rail
trail, parking, lighting, education/schools, capital projects, etc.)
sart to finish, underway and pending to date.
this is valuable information to all with the upcoming budget and
disaster we are facing. To try to extort research wages from me would
be outrageous and a call for public outcry.
Once they start a
project, stopping it is entering their legal arena with corrupt
attorneys and some corrupt judges. They are going full throttle and
the new school district will be an enormous expense. The CASS
corruptly built on wetlands, is sinking, floors are cracking, a new
high school is needed, City Hall is updating all their properties and
looking for a new public works site and building.
Extreme protesting
by the whole residential community is necessary. Organized and
relentless demands for accountability and immediate cease of spending
on capital projects with protests, sit-ins and inundation of City
Council meetings. They use delays to cover up what they planned over
10 years ago. We will not know the extent of their plans until it is
in your home and too late to stop.
Some of the
1% , players and committee members of Belfast.
The Belfast Pink,
White and Blue corrupt collars and corrupted players...
Jayne Crosby
Giles, Chief Executive Officer, MaineStream Finance, a Penquis
subsidiary. Jayne brings over 30 years of banking experience
and legislative background to MaineStream Finance. She is a Resident
of Belfast and received her under graduate degree from Wellesley
College with a BA in Economics. She is an Honor Graduate and
received her Graduate Degree from Stonier School of Banking. Her
priority at MaineStream Finance is to increase access to affordable
credit and financial services for Maine’s low and moderate income
Judge Patricia Worth, City Council-Heil Hurley, Mary
Mortier, Eric Sanders, Roger Lee, Nancy Hamilton, Mayor Walter Ash
(Ash also owns AAA provider East Side Garage and rejects my emergency
AAA calls), Neal Harkness, John Arrison. Then super ego- Jay Davis (tentacles through out- Media, Restorative
Justice and Law Enforcement, Waterfall Arts, etc.) City Manager Joe
Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,
Code Officer Tod Rosenburg, Economic Developer Thomas Kittredge,
Director of Parks Norm Poirier
City Council Ex-Nancy Hamilton (and wife of ex-Planning Board Chair- Paul Hamilton. Both serving at the same time swaying votes. Totally unethical.
City Council Ex-Nancy Hamilton (and wife of ex-Planning Board Chair- Paul Hamilton. Both serving at the same time swaying votes. Totally unethical.
City Attorney's Bill Kelly &
Kristin Collins, Police Chief McFadden, Officer Ward, Planning Board
Members Roger Pickering, Margot Carpenter, Biff Atlass, Russel
Barber, Ex Chair- Paul Hamilton, Wayne Corey, Steve Ryan, Zoning Board of
Appeals Committee-Peter Nesin, Tom Maycock, Michael Nickerson, Daniel
McCarthy, Douglas Smith, Board of Assessment Review - Biff Atlass,
Dana Keene, Roy Rogers, Mary Dutch
City hired Engineer
firms Olver Engineer and WBRC, Real Estate Agency owner Earl Black
and real estate agents Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell,
Michelle Ridley, Puzz Caswell and Mary Mortier, DJ Brown Property
Inspector, Dutch Chevrolet, Front Street Shipyard, J&B Auto Body,
Ridge Top Chimney Sweep, Belfast Chamber of Commerce, ALL AREA REAL
ESTATE AGENTS, The RSU20 Regional School Unit Superintendent
Brian Carpenter, Principals Kim Buckheit and Steven Fitzpatrick,
Guidance Director Jim Davis and Counselor Jessica Woods Board of
Directors WCGH
DPW Bob Richards is one of them between blue and white- make him a gray collar. See Public Works discrimination post where Public Works refused to do road snow maintenance, skipped my home and did the rest of the neighborhood. I hesitate to add Director of Public Works Bob Richards. His family has deep roots in Belfast and I believe he has to choose bread and butter for his family over slaughter to Seaview Terrace. The snow plowing is mean and intentional though. That makes me think otherwise. I had apologized to Bob a few months ago. He had come to Seaview Terrace with City Manager Joe Slocum and Mandy Olver of Olver engineering to map out the corrupt paving. I came out of the house and as Bob Richards drove Joe Sloscum past me, I called them murderers. I told Bob I was sorry. That it was really meant for Sloscum. Bob seemed to be sorry too. I wanted to believe he was. That's my problem. Show me a speck of kindness and I crumble. My heart can't take anymore. It's easier to stay away from people. Guess Bob won't be fixing my property damaged by the corrupt paving patch job. My neighbor is even more flooded than before. His front yard is a pond right up to the road. Absolute disgrace. I have the backyard river. Absolute destruction.
Coastal Mountain Land Trust (see land trust
corruptions and Belfast following Brunswick @
) more to post, but I don't know them yet. I just moved here 5
years ago and the same
scabs keep assaulting residents. The untouchables are the festering
foul, I am sure and surrounded by attorneys and/or are/were
attorneys- like Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, some City Council
and Planning Board and more unknown
At the State Level- Governor and First Lady LePage (accountability/investigation refusal), Attorney General Office Janet Mills, executive secretary Rose Smith and Freedom of Information Act Brenda Kielty (deferring complaints of corruption), Senator Mike Thibodeau (also deferring and avoiding) DEP- Commissioner Aho, Christopher Cabot, James Rodrique, Mike Morse, Thomas Gilbert, State of Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife -Warden Chris Dyer and IF Biologist Jason Snyder, Maine Real Estate Commission- Director Carol J. Lehighton, Deputy Director Karen Bivins, Field Investigator Jeffrey E. Hill, Maine DHHS- Maine Care Program Manager Lea Kendall, Rene Bernard Affordable Care Act Specialist
EPA- Cyndy Mackey- At one time I found this person as a Maine EPA contact and sent several emails requesting investigation of polluted illegal runoff (from miles of Rte 1 highway, 15? business sites (parking lots and roof) local roads and according to DEP Commish Aho -more that she approved and that I may never know. DEP has corruptly deemed 50 ft of my private property MANMADE drain ditch as wetlands. Giving them the power to destroy and drown. PINK & WHITE COLLAR GENOCIDE )that the City of Belfast was forcing to my property and into the ocean. I never got a response.
Recently, I tried
again with the corrupt Muck Suck (above tab) No response from Maine
EPA. Another EPA Super Fund official replied and copied EPA Cyndy
Mackey, Rafael DeLeon and Mary McCullough. I began researching Cyndy
Mackey and she is an attorney and thick into EPA HQ Washington DC,
Brownsfield Assessments (big in Belfast)... Mackey's name does not
appear on State of Maine EPA anymore, in fact, that site is very
vague. Oh boy.
And of urgency is
Govnah Chuckie LeRage trying to hire his own attorneys to over ride
the Attorney General and push through his dangerous wants and greed.
Trampling the poor and beautiful.
4/30/15 All Belfast residents in harms way from Belfast City Hall are invited to join community concerns and activism. I will gladly take a back seat. I could not save Seaview Terrace but will help others if wanted. Beginning on Monday, 5/4/2015 7pm @ Belfast City Park Pavilion. Proactive activism can save your property. www.moralmonday.blogspot.com (7/23/15- would love to get this going. We need to get together.)
The new school district will be a major money suck and should have been first and foremost, ceasing all other spending. For over 4 years, the new school district under planning to be controlled by Belfast and never banking for it. Instead spending more and more for City Attorney fees and consultations... Pass it on- not Sloscum's concern. Ex City Council Roger Lee made sure to extend Sloscum's contract for 2 years in 8/2014 before Lee left his seat in 11/2014. Ruthless and calculating corrupt.
I set up protesting at the exit of the LeRage's meeting last night at the Hutchinson Center, Belfast.. Boycotting the 1% and businesses that stampede with City Hall for more is the only way to stop the spending and take back our tax dollars to fix the basics. Education and resident infrastructure. Seaview Terrace has been the witness to the Belfast City Hall genocide of the 99%. Four + years of whistle blowing. Can you believe me now? Blaming LeRage as the community allows City Hall to perform targeted genocide for the 1% is an oxymoron. The fixing begins at home, the foundation. And up the ladder we go. Ethically intoxicating. Get Hooked. One step is all it takes. Moral Monday's- 7pm on 5/4, Belfast City Park Pavilion. The weather is supposed to be spectacular.
Right On Kit and Diane. We must act now. We Must Do.
Gov. LePage holds town hall in Belfast
“I don't think it's reasonable. I think the towns are suffering horribly,” Diane Messer said.
Kit Harrison added: “I personally am very worried about the schools in Maine. I don't really understand how people are going to fund education for our children.”
4/28/2015 I'll hope Belfast residents react proactively before City Hall hurts many more. At least meet and share thoughts. Moral Mondays at the beautiful Belfast City Park Pavilion over looking the water, weather permitting will begin again this Monday May 4, 2015 @ 7pm. I tried this last year and I'll try again. I'll wait until 7:30ish. Hope to see someone who cares. Emails are good too- laurieallen55@msn.com.
4/28/2015 These women are my kind of women. Once you leap past fear, you fly- fly with me.
These times force extreme protesting. If I had support... like these Nobel Peace Prize women. Belfast Maine would be on the map of integrity by the people.
JODY WILLIAMS: Nothing about us without us: Women need to be involved in all aspects of peace and security.
LEYMAH GBOWEE: In The Hague, do one good thing every day that everyone else is scared to do.
MAIREAD MAGUIRE: America is a great country. And Eleanor Roosevelt was one of
the contributors to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And you have a wonderful Constitution. But revive your Constitution, rededicate yourselves to international law, and be a peacemaker, not a warmaker.
Nobel Laureates Call on "Militaristic" United States to Renew Pledge to Protect Human Rights
Jody Williams, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. She’s chair of the Nobel Women’s Initiative. In 2013, she helped launch the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Her memoir is called My Name is Jody Williams: A Vermont Girl’s Winding Path to the Nobel Peace Prize
AMY GOODMAN: And unbelievably powerful PSAs that you put out.
JODY WILLIAMS: Yeah, yeah. This affects everyone. And we all—
AMY GOODMAN: You blow up people, children in a playground.
Mm-hmm, yeah. But we brought the bombs to the U.N. One day I was so
frustrated with them negotiating. You know, they’d spend a whole day on
the—you know, talking about changing the treaty, and they’d change a
comma to a semicolon, call it work. And I was so furious. I said, "I
want to pick up your negotiating table and put it in the biggest
minefield in Cambodia and not let you men out"—it’s similar—"not show
you the safe lane out until you negotiate a treaty banning these
AMY GOODMAN: So did you feel like on that day you had accomplished a tremendous amount, and it was done, you could move on?
No. Just like Leymah was talking about earlier, that was just the
beginning. You know, but words on paper, terrific, especially if you’re a
writer. But a treaty, a law, a U.N. resolution non-implemented is
fundamentally irrelevant. And I think the governments were cheering that
the negotiations were done. We had the treaty. They thought we’d call
victory and go home. Instead, we had part of our campaign planning out a
strategy for the next year, saying, OK, this is what this—you know,
this requirement of the treaty requires you to do this and this and this
and this. And we wrote out a strategy for what this campaign was
committed to doing to make sure this thing was implemented. And we
handed it out as the negotiations were ending. So they had no doubt that
we were in it for the long haul. And I think that’s one thing that
real, you know, hardcore activists understands. It’s not like, oh, for
six months we’re going to do a new campaign to make poverty history or
any of the things that are, you know, a flash in the pan. You have to
stay committed to the goal.
We launched a campaign in April of 2013 in London with our friendly
killer robot, who we brought in front of Parliament. And within nine
months, we were able to force the governments of the world to come
together in Geneva and start discussing these weapons. And they thought
they would fly under the radar and they would be out there before we
knew what hit us. A small group of people can and do change the world.
...I believe, like Mairead, the majority of people of the world are sick to death of this, and we are starting to stand up and say no. We’re starting to challenge and not accept, you know, words out of one side of the face and the actions which are different. You know, I never thought, unfortunately—I didn’t drink the Obama Kool-Aid. That man fired or authorized more drone strikes in the first three months of his administration than George W. Bush did in eight years in office. We have to, as Americans—I agree with her—accept the responsibility that we have the most militaristic nation in the world, and take responsibility to stop it...America is a great country.
Mairead Maguire, was awarded the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for her actions to help end the deep ethnic and political conflict in her native Northern Ireland. She shares the award with Betty Williams. They helped start Peace People, a movement committed to building a just and peaceful society in Northern Ireland.
MAIREAD MAGUIRE: Because in Northern Ireland, we had a very deep ethnic, political problem, and it was very complex. But at the base of it all was fear, inequality and injustice...
I think the American government’s policies are totally wrong. Their approach of going out to militarism and war and bombing countries is uncivilized, illegal and absolutely dreadful in the 21st century. So I do believe that America has a moral and ethical responsibility to the world to listen, that the people in the world want peace. Everybody has a right to peace. They can do it through dialogue and through negotiation. And let’s give peace a chance
Leymah Gbowee, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 for her work in leading a women’s peace movement that brought an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003. Gbowee shared the prize with fellow Liberian Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Yemeni native Tawakkul Karman. Gbowee and Sirleaf became the second and third African women to win the prize, preceded by the late Wangari Maathai of Kenya. She is the founder and president of Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa based in Liberia. She is the author of the book, Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War.
LEYMAH GBOWEE: We did sit-ins. We were just like invading spaces that women would not necessarily be in... We sat, and we just decided we’re going to protest and demand three things: immediate unconditional ceasefire, dialogue and the intervention—international intervention force...But we were constantly thinking on our feet, constantly trying to imagine strategies that will be effective. When we started our protest, we barely got the media’s attention, not local media and definitely not the international media. Once we put out there, and it was a real strategy that—we felt like the men in our society were really not taking a stand. They were either fighters or they were very silent and accepting all of the violence that was being thrown at us as a nation. So we decided we’ll do this sex strike to kind of propel the silent men into action.
...because they had underestimated us... After we did our locking in of the men and giving our own position to them that this is what we want, two weeks later we got a peace agreement signed. But signing the agreement was good. We went back. Women decided just to follow through the entire process.
One of the beautiful things that happens in community, when people
understand what they need to do. We gave this group of women some money
to think through. They went on YouTube, got some of the young people—we
had nothing to do with it—downloaded some of the videos from past Ebola
cases in East Africa, other parts of the world, and they made their own
short documentary, went into their community, used the money that we had
given them to hire a cinema, or we call it local video clubs. And once
the hiring had been done, they asked the video clubs to show blockbuster
AMY GOODMAN: Blockbuster movies, like the biggest—
Blockbuster, like the biggest movie we have in our space and time—and
told community people it was free to go and watch the movie. These clubs
were filled with people. In the middle of the movie, they would do an
intermission and put on a little clip about Ebola. And that’s how the
community, that particular community of almost 20,000 inhabitants, were
really able to see that this disease is real, and we need to start
taking all the necessary action.
AMY GOODMAN: So, they’d stop the film in the middle, show the little documentary, then go back to the blockbuster?
LEYMAH GBOWEE: Then go back to the film. And then people will leave, not talking about the film, but just talking about that short clip. City Council Heil Hurley owns the only movie theater in town. He controls downtown.
Movies in the park, better yet BRING BACK THE DRIVE IN.
4/26/2015- Most upsetting are the women that join in. Especially those on City Council- Mary Mortier and Nancy Hamilton and Margot Carpenter (planning board). They vote knowing they are destroying my children's Mom and our home.
Margot publicly showed her loyalty to the Wall at the Planning Board meeting where City Planner Wayne Marshall asked the board if they had watched last night's City Council meeting where Seaview Terrace residents spoke against the illegal attempt to pull Seaview Terrace out of our then current zoning of R2 and into the then proposed R3 while the rest of the R2 would move into proposed R1 (Wight St ditto to Seaview Terrace) That is illegal according to Maine Statute for Comprehensive Planning which I had been citing for months prior and publicly protesting. For Seaview Terrace and Wight St to move into a different zone than the others zoned R2, first the residents must agree. Seaview Terrace residents were never asked.
Margot Carpenter, new to the Planning Board as an alternate member, stated that she does not watch the City Council meetings but hears there is quite a bit of DRAMA. Belfast City Planning is robbing and destroying private property and the board is the buffer to allow the corruption. She is one of them and totally focused on projecting her image. Marshall recommended that the Planning Board should move Seaview Terrace into the proposed R1 zone with the rest of R2. New alternate member Steve Ryan pompously speaks up that he is against breaking up the lines by taking Seaview Terrace out of the proposed R3. Can you imagine, this guy could give a rat's ass what the impact of this zoning to allow healthcare into our dead end, 12 residential family homes of Seaview Terrace. I could have a meth clinic 20 ft away from me. Right next door. While Margot Carpenter plays good cop. Stating that we should remain residential like the rest. This allows her to face my neighbor who is a friend of hers.
Member Roger Pickering lives on Wight Street. He asked what if Wight Street residents came and asked for the same? There is no discussion. They vote yes to move Seaview Terrace into the proposed R1. This doesn't sit right with me at all. It is illegal to put Wight St into the R3 Zone. It was also too easy for City Planner Wayne Marshall to take immediate action. That was in July. In September and October 2014 City Council voted the zones into ordinance for new zones of R1 and R3. Backing up a for a moment- the original R1 zone area is remaining R1. The original R2 was PROPOSED to move into R1. The original R2 zone is the other half of in-town that includes the Waldo County General Hosptial and a few healthcare offices. The R2 zone was residential and healthcare. The new R3 zone is residential and healthcare. Below and above are a ridiculous amount of emails where I am demanding that the City website be updated with the final zoning maps that were voted in through a binder- no specific discussion on what the hell City Council was voting in. City Planner Marshall and City Manager Slocum are notorious for manipulating requests for public information. I am witness and victim, 5 years and counting. Their verbal/written response do not hold legal value, they lie like nobody's business and get away with it. I think City Council voted ALL of R2 into R3 and are not letting the public know. R2 thinks they are R1- all residential but current listings on Seaview Terrace and other previous R2 current listings have corrupt zoning. The listings should reflect R1. Some list as R2, one as Hlthcr, another as R1.... selling hell to another innocent. Real estate agents and the commission are corrupt with the government.Of course, they could prove me wrong and update the website with the final zoning maps for R1 and R3. Regardless if other zones are pending. Put each zone up when it is final. They overwhelmed us with proposed, current, this and that rhetoric to keep us dazed and confused. For so long it's not true...???
They sidestep giving the actual legal document by giving you everything but and claiming they gave the document requested. For 5 years and at over 50 City Council meetings I revealed constant public document with holding. City Council took the 5th and refused my request for them to witness the transfer of the actual document from City Hall to me. No. The only credible City Hall official was Bob Whiteley, City Tax Assessor. In 2011, after trying to get all of City Council and City Hall to view the miles of water slaughter being illegally forced into Seaview Terrace for 7 months, I asked for a property reassessment. That was in 10/2011 and I was granted an appointment weeks later. I had never met Bob or Nancy (administrative assistant). There is no doubt that City Manager Joe Slocum gave tainting instructions on how that meeting would proceed. The past 7 months, I had been Alice in Wonderland, every request for Seaview Terrace history, drainage and incoming slaughter were met with rhetoric and ridiculousness. Or not met at all. I was toast by the time I entered Bob's office, with all my emails, maps I drew, every document I had on the corrupt listing and all the water slaughter ripping my property away. Bob and Nancy were so kind to me that I began sobbing. I had been through so much, had to remain so strong for my children it was nothing short of war for me.
4/24/15 Muck Suck update- Belfast Parks and Rec Director Norm Poirier trying to force me into another rabbit hole of hell. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_16.html
Also, Ridge Top Chimney Sweep, Chris Kulbe hired an attorney rather than just fix his corrupt installation. They were counting on getting Judge Patricia Worth(less) to beat me as J&B Autobody, John Skip Smith did. Sadly, the day of my hearing with John Smith, Judge Susan Sparaco did not have time to hear testimony. Strangely, the docket was not on her list and by the time the error was confirmed and then failed mediation ( that mediator was tainted), Judge Sparaco offered to hear it later in the day, but it was already snowing heavily at the 8:30 am session. I should have came back. It was a closed case. See above tab for J&B Autobody corrupt decision by a corrupt Judge.
The attorney for Chris Kulbe/Ridge Top, Joseph W. Baiungo called me the day before the hearing to ask for a continuance, good ole boy Baiungo suddenly had a Dr.'s appointment. Cough, cough. I called the courts to see who the Judge was. Honest and Honorable Judge Susan Sparaco. Slam dunk, case closed. Chris Kulbe, a wood stove installer, fireman, Searsmont Planning Board member (with his wife Lori) is a danger to society. Never hire him if you are not connected to the corrupt club.
Judge Susan Sparaco- you go girl, YOU RULE!!! Shame on Lowe's, J&B Autobody, Ridgetop Chimney... Taking advantage of an already beaten Mom and fully informed of such. Going public is dangerous having relocated from a dangerous situation. Shame on Belfast City Hall, realtors, Belfast businesses and players, Governor LeRage, DEP, DHHS, Maine Realtor Commission, Earl Black, Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews, Sam Mitchell, Minister Tarpley, Puzz Caswell, Seaview Terrace developer Wendell McLeod, prior land owner, Dutch (Chevrolet)... the list goes on. So sad. I am below poverty and they do this to me? Are you kidding? How much more evil and greedy can anyone be? Big mistake, I have nothing left to loose, except this home. Will they use my children? Yes they did and do. Shame on you. What they have done to me is the footprint of what they will do to you if your home is in the way. Maybe you will imminent domain compensation. Not Seaview Terrace. Inverse Condemnation. Drown, destroy, take. At if for 50 years and coming to fruition.
4/21/2015 Is there one ethical bone in Belfast that can please stand up? I'm calling on JB Turner, President of Front Street Shipyard and seated on the Board of Directors at Waldo County General Hospital.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 4/21/15 1:28 PM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); jb@frontstreetshipyard.com (jb@frontstreetshipyard.com); bob richards (publicworks@cityofbelfast.org) |
Cc: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); planner@cityofbelfast.org (planner@cityofbelfast.org); slloyd@cityofbelfast.org (slloyd@cityofbelfast.org); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org); mainegroup@prexar.com (mainegroup@prexar.com) |
This link has 8 pictures and 2 short video's that show the flooding to Seaview Terrace after 1 inch of rain that fell overnight. Bob Richards- please restore and reseed per the picture. Please advise Joe Slocum that grated street drainage is necessary ASAP.
JB please advise Mike Hogan to stop all runoff from the Annex into my private property. Please confirm that it will be corrected with the construction of the new Annex building and site conditions slated for this summer. See captions for the area's.
Laurie Allen
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Tue 4/21/15 12:20 PM |
To: | jb@frontstreetshipyard.com (jb@frontstreetshipyard.com); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); Michelle Ridley (michelle@realtyofmaine.com); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); ceo@cityofbelfast.org (ceo@cityofbelfast.org); slloyd@cityofbelfast.org (slloyd@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org); acurtis@bangordailynews.com (acurtis@bangordailynews.com); planner@cityofbelfast.org (planner@cityofbelfast.org); ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org) |
We both appeared for the first time to ask for City Council assistance in 11/2011. You asked to build a shipyard and I begged for saving from City flooding. Since then, you have received the funding that should have saved Seaview Terrace. I have reached out to you for help several times and you do not respond.
You are now on the Board of Directors for the Waldo County Hospital and your requests get immediate action where my requests for basic public information are manipulated, refused, responded with intimidation, alienation, discrimination, the list goes on. You have witnessed it first hand for almost 5 years now, and look the other way along with the shipyard owners.
More innocent people are being sold undisclosed City corruption currently with corrupted zoning in the listings as proven below. Wayne's written response today holds no value, Joe Slocum's written response holds no value. The fact that Wayne is citing the 9/17/2014 meeting as the City Council voting and Joe Slocum states the 10/7/2014 meeting as the City Council voting spells CORRUPTION to me. The fact that the refuse to update the City website where Joe Slocum states that they will get to it and Wayne now states rhetoric to buy more time spells DOUBLE CORRUPTION.
Please have City Hall post the final zoning maps today for R1 and R3 for the zoning that is in place today, 4/21/2015. If you choose not to help the community in this area please let me know today so that I can go forward with other options. Thank You.
Laurie Allen
FYI- here is the response from Wayne. I copied and pasted it because true to form, he didn't respond in order to the email below from 4/19. Corruptly leaving off the portion where Slocum states 10/7/14 was the meeting voting in the zoning, that he makes mistakes relying on information from others like Wayne Marshall and on 2/13/2015 and 2/23/2015 Slocum will update the City website with the final zoning for R1 and R3.
From: | Wayne Marshall (planner@cityofbelfast.org) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Tue 4/21/15 10:35 AM |
To: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); Michelle Ridley (michelle@realtyofmaine.com); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); ceo@cityofbelfast.org (ceo@cityofbelfast.org); slloyd@cityofbelfast.org (slloyd@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org) |
Ms. Allen
I have responded to your question and provided you the information you requested. I note that the City does not publish official zoning maps for each individual zoning district. We typically only publish such when a zoning change is proposed to assist the public in the review of the pending changes to City Ordinances.
The City publishes 1 official map for the City. Because we are in a transitional phase of adopting new zoning for all of the City, we have prepared one map (map emailed to you) that identifies all of the amended zoning districts approved by the Council on September 17, 2014 for the Inside the Bypass area, and are using such as an insert for the Official Zoning Map for all of the City which existed prior to the amended zoning districts being adopted.
Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but
yes I do resent being called a liar.
rely on many people in what I do and communication is an ever
challenging effort. In this process could I make a mistake? The
answer is yes.
Date: Fri, 13 Feb
2015 16:52:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Zone R3 4th Request
Subject: Re: Zone R3 4th Request
Ms Alllen,
Thank you
for your inquiry. I spoke to Wayne Marshall and he advised me that he
has sent you the Map showing that Seaview Terrace is R-1 three
Seaview Terrace is
R-1. I do not know how to be any clearer to you than this. If
maps on line are not current I will look into when I can and if
you are correct then we will get to that when we can.
Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:25:58 -0500
Ms Allen,
I did the research
you asked for and have photocopied for you the 15 pages of the
minutes of the Council Meeting of October 7,
2014 when the City Council voted to adopt amendments to
the Code of Ordinances and 6 pages of the newly adopted Maps which
show Seaview Terrace as being Zoned R-1.
maps still need to be updated on the city website.
4/20/15 Below comment was posted on a BDN article for road corruption in neighboring Liberty. The brain washing old adage of "You Can't Fight City Hall" is stupid. "Fighting" City Hall in their corrupt and custom made legally illegal arena is following their bait to hook, line and sink. Look for the pulse that drives the corruption and stop the flow. The towns of Maine can be the charter of the people with independent committee's of checks and balances restoring the people as the boss. Belfast is under City Hall siege. I've dedicated 5 years of soul and stamina, free of charge to take on City Hall and expose the network of corruption. Local to State, business to community, neighbor to family, children to pets, the flow is poison. They underestimated my strength, thinking they could kill me off during the first year of City Hall torture in 2011.
They force the Boycott. Cut the pulse. Immediate reverse of control. I am relentless with exposing them, 5 years and counting. Celtic Festival, Downtown, Route 1N&S, Dutch Chevrolet, Front Street Shipyard, City Park, City Hall, Governor Chuckie LeRage, Olympia Snowe, Belfast Police Department, City Attorney, Real Estate Agents, the players... I don't care, I face them all. I can because I am true. They have nothing on me and can only try to break me mentally. How's that working for ya'll? Been there my whole life, survived and am stronger than ever. Eye of the Laurie.
LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) | |
Sent: | Sun 4/19/15 12:04 PM |
To: | planner@cityofbelfast.org (planner@cityofbelfast.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); Michelle Ridley (michelle@realtyofmaine.com); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); ceo@cityofbelfast.org (ceo@cityofbelfast.org); slloyd@cityofbelfast.org (slloyd@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org); acurtis@bangordailynews.com (acurtis@bangordailynews.com); jb@frontstreetshipyard.com (jb@frontstreetshipyard.com) |
City Planner Wayne Marshall,
4th request 4/19 amending to include R3. Update the City website immediately with the final zoning maps for R1 and R3 and advise of date.
The refusal to do so is alarming. It is creating suspicion and conjecture as I have documented today in my blog :
Below was sent with the above email up until ( JB Turner sits on the board of directors for the Waldo County General Hospital in the R3 zone)
4/19/15 The with holding of updating the City Website with the final zoning maps for R1 and R3 is frightening. Real estate listings are advertising false zoning and the City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall keep stalling. I have been requesting formal documentation for the final zoning on the City Website (legally binding) since City Council voted it in. Suspiciously, Slocum and Marshall cite 2 different meetings for the vote. Slocum and Marshall lie verbally and in writing. Lawsuits are their forte and they do not affect them personally. They delay and with hold public information with calculated corruption to avoid outcry and accountability by the 99%. Here is an example of Sloscum attorney lingo to buy time. Sloscum cites the 10/7/2014 meeting and Marshall cites the 9/17/2014 meeting. Both refuse to update the City Website with the final zoning.
I include number one here to show you what Sloscum does when I have cornered his corruption and written lies. Legal documents are the only acceptable public information.
Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:45:15 -0400
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
Subject: Re: Slocum Paving Spring/Summer not Fall
is a serious accusation and I not only do my best not to do it but
yes I do resent being called a liar.
rely on many people in what I do and communication is an ever
challenging effort. In this process could I make a mistake? The
answer is yes.
Date: Fri, 13 Feb
2015 16:52:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Zone R3 4th Request
Subject: Re: Zone R3 4th Request
Ms Alllen,
Thank you
for your inquiry. I spoke to Wayne Marshall and he advised me that he
has sent you the Map showing that Seaview Terrace is R-1 three
Seaview Terrace is
R-1. I do not know how to be any clearer to you than this. If
maps on line are not current I will look into when I can and if
you are correct then we will get to that when we can.
Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:25:58 -0500
Ms Allen,
I did the research
you asked for and have photocopied for you the 15 pages of the
minutes of the Council Meeting of October 7,
2014 when the City Council voted to adopt amendments to
the Code of Ordinances and 6 pages of the newly adopted Maps which
show Seaview Terrace as being Zoned R-1.
maps still need to be updated on the city website.
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:47:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Seaview Terrace zoning as of 4/14/2015
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 17:47:28 -0400
Subject: Re: Seaview Terrace zoning as of 4/14/2015
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Ms. Allen
map I sent you is the map adopted by the Council on September 17,
2014.. It was the map presented at the public hearing on that date and
the map which was adopted.
Wayne Marshall
*******************************************************************That is corrupt. Did these same votes on a binder of ordinances in September get amended to different ordinances in October? I have proven again and again that City Hall taints public documents and information- Captain Albert Stevens School and development of Seaview Terrace are major proof with no reaction or investigation by any. After years of my public pleading and proving. Crazy. Conditioning to accept the corruption.
The zoning is huge. The area that is in flux is in the healthcare area.This is the map that Wayne Marshall presented at the 9/17/2014 meeting. It is a cartoon. There was no discussion by City Council, a quick vote to accept whatever is the binder. What the public is able to view of the binder most certainly will not provide all the documents and amendments that may prove they lied to the public with what was fed to us. Wayne states he has run out of magenta colored markers so he has colored Seaview Terrace orange. Wayne's coloring book in lieu of a final zoning map that is being voted in? They have dumbed down the public this much to accept this???? Seven months later and the old zoning of R2 that was to move into R1 or the new R3 is not documented on the City Website.
It is possible that the old R2, has been secretly voted into R3- Healthcare and Housing. I see current listings through out the old R2 still listing the zoning as R2. Seaview Terrace listings after the vote either in October or September, reflect 3 different zone listings. Hltcr, R2 and R1. Real estate agents support City Hall. They refuse to respond or demand true zoning maps. City Hall refuses to make the final zoning public on the website. Early on in April 2014 when I first got wind of the Comprehensive Plan zoning, I caught the corruption. It may have been planned corruption. They knew I would find it and get busy. This would create a diversion as they voted all the old R2 into R3.
Under Maine Comprehensive Law it states (paraphrased) that to take a neighborhood out of the zone that rest of the same zone neighborhoods are going into, the neighborhood getting taken out must agree. They never did that. They said that the old zone of R2 allowed for healthcare offices so it may not be illegal to have moved all of R2 into R3 under who knows what amendments to that. It can't be good for the resident since they refuse to update the website.
I think they put the bait out with Seaview Terrace and Wight Street (at that time, zoned as R2). R2 was proposed to move into R1 with the exception of Seaview Terrace and Wight Street getting moved to R3- Healthcare and Housing. Which got me jumping up and down as they pulled my strings providing a smokescreen to the rest of R2 residents. They would be thinking- that's Seaview Terrace and Wight Streets problem. They would be thinking they have gone into R1 as "proposed" without any legal updating of final zoning to the public on the City Website.
I think they played us into believing they changed course and would move Seaview Terrace into the proposed R1 while Wight St still would move into the R3. That never sat right with me. It was illegal to do that to Wight St. I think ALL of R2 has been moved into R3 and they are delaying making it public for as long as they can.
( JB Turner sits on the board of directors for the Waldo County General Hospital in the R3 zone)
Belfast is guilty of enormous corrupting, tainting, with holding, destroying private properties, hiring outside consultants, engineers, firms to take the fall and bury the accountability with blame and unaccountability to the previous, going forward with the same with velocity and speed. Go along to get along until it happens to you. You are out, next. Until the 1% remains and 99% Boycott. New charter for Belfast. Resident Committee's farming out the spending and decisions to the 1%.
Belfast City Hall refuses to provide an accounting of their spending for the big tickets. Passing on more debt to the residents and climbing. City Hall placed a 4-5 million note debt to residents in 9/2014, another 1.2 million note is on the agenda for 5/2/2015 to apply to EXISTING projects that are far from the budget approved and far from completion and they haven't even gotten underway with a portion of their visions for more. Why aren't residents boycotting yesterday?
4/18/15- Below I post the beginning of the slam me down and shut me up by City Hall where I came to planning after 1/4 of my yard was ripped away by rapids tearing through my private property drainage ditch. My ex and brother(last living one) are just like these thugs- I knew to document and stay on point.I want those airport, rail trail, any abutters under City siege to know their tactics. We really have to stand together as a community and protect each others property as if it is our own. City Hall splinters the community. Divide and conquer. Boycott is an immediate take back of our property taxes and what WE are entitled to BY LAW, ethics and basic decency. Businesses have got to support residents but they do not. Take our money and more, more, more...
Sending this album to Belfast City Hall- City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council, Mayor, Mike Hogan, Architect/ The Maine Group for Waldo County General Hospital Annex, JB Turner President of Front Street Shipyard and seated on the Board of Directors for WCGH... I have to finish captions and organize, add more, but I had to get something out today for the new Annex site visit on 4/22/2015. More corruption. More water slaughter to me.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Sat 4/18/15 3:06 PM |
To: | wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org (wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org); mainegroup@prexar.com (mainegroup@prexar.com); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Cc: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); jb@frontstreetshipyard.com (jb@frontstreetshipyard.com); planning@cityofbelfast.org (planning@cityofbelfast.org); acurtis@bangordailynews.com (acurtis@bangordailynews.com); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org); slloyd@cityofbelfast.org (slloyd@cityofbelfast.org) |
Amend #13
13. Please show and provide a mapped path for all storm/runoff/meltoff drainage (including roofs) for the entire 119-125 Annex site (including 2009 and 2011 additions). None of this drainage may drain into or through my property. Advise of specific points that will or may drain into the stream with Seaview Terrace lot # and boundaries on the opposing side. See link for boundary map picture the surveyors for the Annex used from Good Deeds, Belfast. https://picasaweb.google.com/105736045670734847961/Annex?authuser=0&feat=directlink
14. Does the site to be demolished contain any lead paint? If so, what is the procedure for removal?
Sent: | Fri 4/17/15 3:52 PM | ||||
To: | wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org (wmarshall@cityofbelfast.org); mainegroup@prexar.com (mainegroup@prexar.com); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) | ||||
Cc: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); jb@frontstreetshipyard.com (jb@frontstreetshipyard.com); planning@cityofbelfast.org (planning@cityofbelfast.org); acurtis@bangordailynews.com (acurtis@bangordailynews.com); assessor@cityofbelfast.org (assessor@cityofbelfast.org); treasurer@cityofbelfast.org (treasurer@cityofbelfast.org) |
Wayne Marshall and Mike Hogan,
Concerns with the WCGH Annex Site and supporting documents to illegal slaughter to private property. Do Not Send Me Annex water. See concerns numbered on the site plan included in this album. https://picasaweb.google.com/105736045670734847961/Annex?authuser=0&feat=directlink
#1-4 (my ref on the site plan) are in view from my backyard- 17 Seaview.
A. What is the noise level ordinance (DBA) ?
areas use the most stringent sound pressure limits set by Maine DEP,
which are hourly sound level limits of 55 dBA during the daytime
hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 45 dBA during the nighttime hours
of 7:00
p.m. to 7:00 a.m. These sound level limits apply at 500 feet from a
dwelling or the property line, whichever is closer to the protected
C. Will aesthetic screening buffer my view of #1-4?
#5 Explain this completely. It appears to be a new drainage path that will flow to my private property. This is illegal under title 17:Crimes Chapter 91:nuisances subchapter 3 particular nuisances 2808. Altercation of surface water flow. Unreasonable use of land that results in altered flow of surface water that unreasonably injure's another's land or that unreasonably interferes with the use of another's land is a nuisance.
#6 The power pole is not there any more. See pictures of pole pre Annex extension 2011. Is that being replaced in the same spot or is there a change?
#7. Explain this completely. This area is where an enormous tree is. Illegal title 17 again. See pictures for tree and erosion.
#8. This drain swale was to be filled in and graded per the site plans for the Annex extension in 2011. See pictures of plan and water slaughter. Illegal title 17 again. Fill it in.
#9. This is where Mike Hogan and Planning Board member Diane Beck confirmed site drainage into Midcoast Mental Health stream property. After the site was completed, this site is draining at #8. Wayne Marshall and Mike Hogan responded with rhetoric and a green pipe that I NEVER asked about. See the picture of #8 and erosion to another massive tree root system on private property. Title 17.
In the letter dated 4/10/2015 to abutting property owners, Wayne writes "The project involves the demolition of the former motel building on the site, an expansions of the current parking area, relocation of the existing access driveway from Northport Avenue to the property and SIMILAR CHANGES."
That motel is old and probably has asbestos.
10. Please advise if the motel has asbestos.
11. If so, also advise what the procedure is for demolition to contain the asbestos.
12. Please advise in writing what all the "SIMILAR CHANGES" are by Tuesday 4/21. One day prior to the site meeting on 4/22/15.
13. What are the details and paths for all drainage, please send me a map with the full paths to the stream and which paths abutt my property.
Laurie Allen
4/18/2015- City Planner Wayne Marshall sent an email to confirm above concerns will be given to the planning board and Mike Hogan. However, the email below requesting to update the City website with the final zoning map for R1that has apparently been voted in over 7 months ago. Real estate agents are listing false zones and do not care. See proof below. 4th request to Wayne's World went out Friday, 4/17/2015. I will request every working day until. City Hall officials lie like a rug, posting the final zoning is the only truth. Many times I have thought that since City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Code Officer Todd Rosenburg, Economic Developer Tod Rosenburg and Parks and Rec, Norm Portier have put it in writing through emails, it was documented and must be truth. Wrong. When caught writing lies, they blame another and treat me even more rudely. Their words have ZERO merit. They are secure in knowing they will not be sued personally, carte blanche to us, the tax payers. Those that attempt a lawsuit against the City will burn through money like Heil Hurley's bonfires. Without a motion even filed. 10k- poof. Candy land for the corrupt attorneys, Judge Patricia Worth(less) buddies no doubt. Like nasty foam oozing from trash.
I was looking for my paving ordinance email that I had sent Joe Sloscum and came across this one. After this intimidation tactic by Officer Ward and Ned Lightner ( I am sure Heil Hurley told them to do it) A month or so later, Police Chief McFadden and Officer Ward came to my house to interview me for my stability because they received an email stating I was unstable. I invited them in, we talked and when McFadden couldn't shake me up, he resorted to using my children to shame me. Same conversation that Officer Ward had with me. Another Heil Hurley supporter.
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) | ||
Sent: | Wed 4/02/14 12:49 PM | ||
To: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); jslocum@cityofbelfast.org (jslocum@cityofbelfast.org); 7@gmail.com E@yahoo.com);o@gmail.com chief@belfastmepd.org (chief@belfastmepd.org); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com); ned.lightner@gmail.com (ned.lightner@gmail.com) |
Belfast City Council, Mayor, City Manager, Ned Lightner, Police Officer, and Close Neighbors,
David Smith of 5 Seaview Terrace is not included due to an order of protection that prior Chief of Police, Jeffrey Trafton, suggested I request to stop David and Linda Smith from harassing me. In July 2010, after just moving and unloading a trailer in 100 degree weather, solo and sweating, a man approached me. He identified himself as David Smith. I thought he came to help me, but immediately told me that he is not fond of beagles (I have 2). I asked him what did he want me to do with that? He walked away and began the harassing. I sent letters to each resident, telling them I would be getting a privacy fence installed shortly, I never leave my dogs out when I am not home, I want to be a good neighbor and would be happy to make sure I do not let my dogs out if there are specific quiet times needed. I always quiet them down but it can take several minutes and they only bark when provoked- and that would be anything living thing that moves in their sight. The Smith's of 5 Seaview Terrace and The Hand's of 26 Seaview Terrace did not respond. Instead they harassed me and called animal control repeatedly. Kara Merrill, of 27 Seaview Terrace, 4 lots up from David Smith, advised me that David harassed her for her little dog- a Yorkie? He kept coming to her house as well, calling, calling animal control, until she could not take David anymore. She said she put a shock collar on her tiny dog and her baby was never the same again, and then died. She has never forgiven herself.
I went on my own accord to see Chief Trafton. I told him these neighbors would not let up and I was fearing for my dogs safety and the effect on my children to have police and animal control coming to my house for unwarranted complaints. Chief Trafton told me of a recent case in Augusta, where a judge ordered the dog's voice box to be removed and that could happen to my dogs. I asked him to please come to my house, see the 5ft fence with total privacy shields so they can't see out, to put camera's on my yard to see that I was going above and beyond to quiet my dogs within minutes of provoked barking- which now was much less because they couldn't see out.
The Chief came and did an inspection. I also showed him the hell stream., we had a nice visit. That week, David Smith went to Chief Trafton to file a formal complaint against me and my dogs. Chief Trafton told David Smith that I went above and beyond to accommodate David and David should stop. David became upset with the Chief. The Chief paid me another visit to educate me on orders of protection. I sadly agreed and requested an order of protection from the Smith's and the Chief complied. Welcome to Belfast, my new hell is just beginning.
David Smith is sensitive to noise period. He wears sound protection headphones when mowing his lawn. He went to City Council meetings again and again to complain about the noise from the chillers at the Annex, saying it was maddening. I sympathize with him but why on earth did he choose to live on the corner of Northport Ave. with motorcycles, ambulances, helicopter's and a community full of dog lovers? The Hand's continued calling animal control even when my dogs were in the house with windows closed. They lived across the street and 2 lots up. The silver lining is that Steve Bogden, (animal control) and I became friends. Steve told David to offer my dogs a biscuit and David refused.
I relay this story because David Smith chose to publicly chastise me in last night's meeting, out of order and the Mayor and Council supported David through laughter. David interrupts the meeting, (which is against protocol) from his seat and speaks out ”Could I thank the Council for your patience in all this? I am just really in some ways amazed with the amount of patience you've shown in this situation with my neighbor.”
David does not own stream property, that section in his yard belongs to MidCoast Mental Health. Same with the Costello's, my next door neighbor. The only other Seaview Terrace residents that own stream hell are #23- Karen Caswell lot with only a garage (her father, Dr. Caswell original owner of my house) #27 bought in 2012 online from Florida- Mike ??, but he has been gone for over a year. A woman and his young daughter live there or lived there- haven't seen them in a long time, and she is private, and #31, Timothy Collins- I have never met him, his house has been on and off the market, unable to sell, he rents it out. His address on the abutters list is in Virginia. I am the only owner of stream hell that lives on Seaview Terrace. I am the credible source and the one trying to save Seaview Terrace.
The police guard (Officer Ward)walked out of the meeting with me last night and asked to speak with me. He was respectful and concerned that I may be removed from a meeting due to disorderly conduct. I thanked him and told him I would not give reason for removal. He suggested taking a different approach. I gave him the history, all my attempts to resolve professionally are constantly denied. The police officer who does not live in Belfast, tells me he doesn't recall in 35 years any residents with property abuse from City Hall.
I relayed the abuse of other residents by City Planning to ruin their properties- The S#####'s 48 Old Searsport Ave- City Planner Wayne Marshall told them the lot in front of the Abbyey was not a build able lot. They bought the Abbey with it's water view and sunk 100's of thousands of dollars into renovations. Then, Mr. Caswell presented Wayne Marshall with drawing on a napkin to put a house on that un-buidable lot. Wayne Marshall somehow bypassed his own ordinance and the house went up. The Spalding's were voted down by City Council, ZBA of appeals, forced to hire an attorney and told what Wayne did was highly illegal but after 10k in legal fees to see their attorney lunching and laughing with the City Attorney, and no where near a motion being filed, they decided to move instead and put their dream up for sale. They too, alienated from the community because of the public battle and unprofessional, personal attacks launched. Hello.
Then the documented abuse to longtime, kind resident Dr. Morrow 11/7/12 City Council Meeting http://vimeo.com/53078802 . ff 40 minutes and watch for 20 minutes and 22 seconds as Planning/Zoning try to steamroll a longtime resident becoming the next victim of Plannings Failings with flooding resolution to push it to another resident. Dr. Morrow was quick to spend for experts to protect her basic rights. Mayor Ash references my fight saying it should never have happened..
And recently, K S filing complaints public meetings with the new pending Front Street Shipyard building going above 35 ft to 39 ft which will shield the last of her water view. But she appears to have received reason to stop speaking at meetings.
Ned Lightner decided to come outside and interrupt as I was in mid-sentence with the police officer. Ned asked me why none of my neighbors were supporting me? I told him most did. In the summer of 2011 I tried to get an agenda for all of us to attend at City Hall. No one would miss work, they could and would attend. City Council refused to give an agenda. Instead, a street meeting by Wayne Marshall, City Planner and Bob Richards, DPW on a workday was ordered. Some could not take off from work, or had prior commitments. Many did attend and it was a sham. Bob and Wayne firmly telling us that no improvements or assistance would be forthcoming to Seaview Terrace. After that I told my neighbors I would take over and be the point of contact from here on in. They are sick of it and surely me, after 4 years. So am I. I stopped advising them awhile ago, not wanting to be such a burden. I wish I didn't have to send this but Joe Slocum stated he will be contacting residents.
Ned was not interested in the reason and I do not know why Ned felt he had to intervene. Previously he had called me paranoid and crossed the professional line a few times, mixing our entwined Bayside friendship with business. I drew the line, a mutual silent end of communications in place. Two meeting's since we did not even greet each other in the hall where I sat prior to the meeting waiting for Open to the Public. His door open, both of us visible. Yet he took a personal position to question me in front of the police officer. I also explained how I was the only stream owner living on Seaview and he began challenging that and then walked away??
The police officer then began asking me how my children were being affected by this City Hall corruption. Did I have them protest with me? I told him no, it's terrible, they hate it. I even stay out of the schools so that no one will know that I am their mother. Makes me cry every time I have to think about this. I love being involved and helping, especially with children. We moved here to heal from abuse and now I have a whole pack of abusing people destroying our home and lives. Our home is all I have. I must save it from the destruction of City Hall. He spoke a bit more on the damage this could be doing to the children and I agreed and said it is what it is. I was set up, sold an undisclosed stream that they clearly knew I would have refused since I refused, in writing, other listings that disclosed a stream. My children know I always do what is right, make mistakes and make those right, and do it 24/7. Our continuous abuse is a heartbreaking reality lesson of striving for honesty and accountability. I hold on course. The police officer said good night and went back into City Hall.
As I am reviewing last night, I am concerned with the personal discussions about my children, my neighbor's and the unprofessional behaviors and comments from City Council, Mayor, City Manager and City Planner. I will address those specifically in the next email. This is personal to me, business for you. A common tactic of the guilty ego is to divert accountability through personal innuendo. Hello.
An innuendo is an insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent.
Personal rhetoric, beliefs, opinions, by City Hall officials is not professional and does not have any value. For the record, I wrote this accounting to protect my children and advise my closest neighbors of tainting. Facts and proof, that's the only way.
Laurie Allen
From: | LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Sent: | Wed 4/02/14 4:50 PM |
To: | ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org); ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org (ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org); mayor@cityofbelfast.org (mayor@cityofbelfast.org); jslocum@cityofbelfast.org (jslocum@cityofbelfast.org); Erin Wofford (countrygrl_212001@yahoo.com); charlesbeck7@gmail.com (charlesbeck7@gmail.com); rosicostello@gmail.com (rosicostello@gmail.com); LAURIE ALLEN (laurieallen55@msn.com) |
Terrace is slated for paving this spring/summer.. Mike Hurley states
the he finally took a drive down Seaview Terrace after the last ugly
meeting where I gave my final plea for Seaview Terrace to included into
the Northport Ave TIF. Allowing use of those funds and grant resources
to build sewer infrastructure to handle the illegal massive forced
runoff coming into Seaview Terrace from all 3 sides and to repair the
road of Seaview Terrace with road side drainage. For 2 years I
campaigned for this and was denied. They voted instead to allow the
robbing of this TIF for downtown projects, where they also have the
Downtown TIF. In Joe Slocum's email below dated 9/9/11 he states the
road needs repair but there isn't any money to fix it. He should have
placed Seaview Terrace in the TIF then, but he does not. He is not
planning properly with our taxes.
Mike Hurley
and Mayor Ash both agreed the road is a disaster. These heaves may not
be able to be leveled now. The road must have road side drainage, but
Joe Slocum states it will cost 220k and there isn't any money for that.
Yet, they approved funding for studies for the rail trail and inner
harbor while a host of other spending is underway for tourist parking,
lighting, etc. Joe states the road side ditching is a problem because
our road is too narrow but he will ask residents if they will accept
ditches. Right, they'll be towing cars out of the ditch when 2 are
coming at each other, suspensions ruined. Good deal for Mayor Ash though
and his towing. I hope he will stop refusing my emergency AAA calls. REPAVE
City has been destroying the flood zone, flood plain private property
of Seaview Terrace for over 30 years. They should be refunding our
taxes and bending over backwards to get that water out of here and fix
the roads properly. It is their civic duty to protect and divert water
from flood zone residents, and instead they have been illegally
slaughtering us and burying, with holding, denying, manipulating the
basic public document requests that would prove their corruption. Storm
water/sewer/ditch maps, Final Approved Site Plans for all sites draining
to us and the specific Zoning Conditions for these sites. Joe Slocum is
spinning me as a addict requester of irrelevant public documents that
he has fulfilled but I continue to request. Stating he has had over 40
requests from me. I am still trying to get those very same documents and
because he does not provide the true documents, it keeps repeating
City Council refuses to get involved,
refuses to attend the viewing to authenticate once and for all that I
receive the true documents, Joe Slocum refused to allow City Tax
Assessor Bob Whiteley authenticate. Bob would have done it happily, in a
New York minute, but Joe refused. Now, why is that? Bob is now out on
medical leave and Roger Lee states in this meeting that he does not
validate. Joe Slocum attempts to gain public support with this mess he
created on the floor, and how it took him 19 hours to gather. I'm at
home gasping as he is saying this to the public. He is also using this
as an excuse that he doesn't have time to do an accounting of the
specific public spending I requested that is easily tracked. The City
Attorney is required to bill the City specifically for services
rendered- one 5 minute call for that and the City has the rest. Below is
the request for 4 specific area's, which I also read in the meeting.
The 4 year request is for the 4 years that Joe Slocum chose not to use
property tax money to save Seaview Terrace from their forced flooding.
continue to use their reason for slaughtering us is that they can
because they have manufactured this ditch as a natural stream, to
coincide with the ordinance 62-192 "Storm water and all other
unpolluted drainage may be discharged to such sewers as specifically
designated as storm sewers or to a natural outlet approved by the City."
is the Belfast City Engineer in 1987 hired because of flooding
(apparently Dr. Caswell did not have any flooding when he bought this
DITCH! CASE CLOSED. See the pictures from 1939 in the link below- no
stream visible- looks like the farm was sold and in the 60's aa ditch
was dug through there to allow for run off from the new Rte 1
construction. Then the area was approved for a Sub-division- Seaview
Terrace. The ditch had to be pushed back to allow for houses on my side.
See that engineer plan in the link- also with held from me. I scored it
in a surprise visit to Bob Whiteley. That's when City Attorney Bill
Kelly stepped in and told City Council to take the 5th- 12/2011. Kelly
concedes the ditch/swale/stream-( he uses all 3 to cover) was moved,
hence not natural.
But seriously, let say it
was a natural outlet. The City is still despicable in forcing that
runoff from 2 miles away, with unapproved drainage from CASS and the
muck (where Miller St rec'd 1.5 million in sewer improvement to take the
CASS runoff and they bypassed it, corruptly sending send it to the
watershed residents) all the way down and across, and then to force it
from across Rte 1 up and down from the National Guard and those sites,
plus the runoff from the highway and adding to it still with the Annex,
Wight St and the townhouses. Drown the flood zone A residents, so what,
who cares.
I come back for the 2nd open to the
public to state the facts- the original request was for the Zoning
Conditions of the 13 sites and only the final approved site plan for the
Captain Albert Stevens School that I have been requesting since July
2011. Clearly, that mess of Joe's is 19 hours of corruption add on to 4
years of this and all the employees and fees from the City Attorney he
has enlisted in this cover-up.
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 16:50:47 -0400
Ms Allen,
Good afternoon. I regret that I have been away for two weeks because of two family emergencies.
The road could indeed use some work and will be addressed in conjunction with our regular road program which calls for attention in areas about every 10 years. The road has alligator cracking because the ground underneath is wet. The present existence of a couple of culverts underneath the road which transfer some water from the higher land across the street to your land on the North side are an attempt by the City to have the road not act as a dam to the natural flow of gravity and also to preserve the asphalt on the road itself by eliminating standing water on the road edge or underneath it. We have these culverts all over the City and you will indeed find them all over the State.I will ask my Public Works Director, by copy of this email to let us know in what year your road might see some resurfacing. It will not be this year. At this time there are no funds or plans to install storm sewers along your road. We like many municipalities have have many roads without these amenities
My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above it including your entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings, the expansions of lawns or cutting of vegetation done by every home owner- including your predecessor which has had an impact on surface and sub surface water in your neighborhood. The very ditch that is maintained between you and your neighbor is a good example of how you and your neighbor channel your water to the stream behind your house that is the natural drainage way. This stream and the water the water your entire neighborhood adds to it, simply goes behind other peoples houses down grade from you and in fact goes right into our City Park where it empties to the Sea. Some of your neighbors across the street want more surface water drained toward your side. The State suggested allowing more plantings to grow and absornb some of the water. The City noted that if we were ever to get involved we would want the neighbors to be cooperative and provide legal easements to the City so our actions are not seen as improper as you have suggested they were in the past.
While I was away I learned that there was a meeting held on site by Wayne Marshall from the City, and we had State DEP representative Chris Cabot there along with a member of our City Council. I understand that you were there as well. To my knowledge-nothing came from that meeting to suggest that the City has somehow caused all this water to be in your area. Since I do not see the harm caused by the City I have no plan to enter upon your property to do any bank stabilization that Mr. Cabot said he would be receptive to permit if requested by the individual neighbors.
It appears that in the past the City crews did indeed enter upon a neighbors property to clear growth from an existing ditch with permission to get water away from the road. (I am editing to point out that this is the ditch that Sloscum denied completely that the City did private property drainage work, I gave written witness proof. Then he states it appears it was done 8 years prior to avoid statutes. Then I ask for heavy equipment Public Works work orders for the September and October 2009 and DPW Bob Richards states he does not use work orders. I worked with heavy equipment- it is an OSHA requirement to use work orders and logs. I press for the documents and Joe lies again stating it is to get water from the road. See the pictures in the album link above. The ditch between 2 yards looking like a stream. The City dug it to make sure the water flowed to my property (then owned by MINISTER Tarpley.) As far as I know this is not a City owned ditch anymore than the one which runs along your property.
As for the drainage:
1. I will come and take pictures to document your concern and I will share them with the State. Please let me know whether you wish to be present when I take them . I am presuming that you are going to allow me access through your property so I can do this properly. If this assumption is incorrect please let me know. Otherwise the pictures will be taken next week.
2. I have not seen anything in the erosion or in City practice which suggest to me that the City is responsible for your erosion so there is no practice for us to terminate. I can not and I do not plan on spending City tax dollars to provide drainage controls for private property.
3. There is indeed some signs of erosion within the stream sidewalls and I did see an area about 2 square feet in size where you placed large stones to fill in a part of your bank where some erosion apparently occurred. I do not see anything in this erosion which would indicate it is anything other than a natural occurrence associated with seasonal and unpredictable weather conditions. It appeared to me to look like every stream bed I have ever walked.
Finally, if you continue to believe that the City is the party responsible for your damage then please send me your reasons and I will present your legal claim to our insurance company to see if they see this matter differently than I do.
Absent new information this is my final response to this matter. I am sorry that I could not find a way to agree with your conclusions.
Most sincerely,
Joseph J. Slocum
City Manager
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 6:55 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Slocum and Mr. Mayor,
I have not received any further response from you, the City Manager with the erosion/ City storm water dumping into my propety or with your acknowledgement of the crumbling road due to improper drainiage, a City responsibility.
Please confirm today, via email, of your full decision. Will the City of Belfast problems above?
Laurie Allen
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:59:13 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Ms. Allen,
I am taking your concern seriously but unfortunately it is not the only concern that I have to address right now. I am taking the liberty of sharing this email with Belfast City Council.
I spent over an hour at your house Tuesday and walked the stream and listened to every concern that you have raised. I see no sign of imminent danger to your property and as such I can not justify treating this matter as though it was an emergency and push my other responsibilities to the side. The stream itself is about 4 feet deep and about 8 feet wide and was essentially dry. It has the same shape and level of erosion along its banks at every point where I observed it. It is essentially dry and I saw one - one inch puddle in a 100 foot walk that I took through it You identify no damage or threat to your house but you are very upset by the erosion in your back yard. I saw this erosion and while there is some there, the scale and scope of it was far smaller then I imagined from reading your emails.
You have raise multiple concerns and it is very clear that you are extremely focused and upset by both the erosion situation itself as well as the treatment you feel that you have had at the hands of the City in responding to your concerns. Your letter today is indicative of your anxiety and expectation of immediate need for answers which is not consistent with what I said to you on Tuesday. I advised you that I was going to look into this and that it would take some time. I told you that I would attempt to summarize your concerns in the next day or so. That is -I was going to make sure I had a complete list of your questions and concerns. I never said I would resolve all of your issues in a day and a half. I said I would get back to you and I am sorry if 48 hours is worse for you than 36 hours.
When I told you that I would get to the bottom of this and that I would be thorough-you asked me how far I had to go in terms of information gathering to get this resolved. I said right there that I could not see anything-- based upon my visit that day-- that suggested to me that the City had done anything to harm you in any way. I absolutely did see some erosion along the stream bed which in my personal opinion is the same condition I would see along any stream bed and which in my experience such erosion often happens if there is an unusually large storm or runoff like the ones we have had in the last several years. Secondly I told you that would have to go deep into City records to find whatever I could that would help bring all the truth to this issue that I could find. I said that no City record was a secret and I would try to find them and make them available to you. (My edit- Slocum buried all the City records, removed the development plans for Seaview out of the registry and the 1987 engineer report specific to my property and every stinking document that I need to prove the slaughter. He claims he gives them to me but I am too stupid to know what I am looking at. City Council refuses to intervene and validate that I have received the true document requested, Bill Kelly City Attorney send me letters telling me they will not waste any more time responding to my requests or index them and a host of other insults and tactics, FOAA Brenda Kielty and Attorney General are part of the corrupt State, waste of time and energy... I keep going. I raided the Tax Assessors office in 11/2011 on a hunch that he would have the development plans for Seaview Terrace out and I was right. I scored the plans that prove we are not a natural outlet, the City is slaughtering the flood plain, flood zone, private property of Seaview Terrace. When Slocum found out I got those plans, he flipped on Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley (now retired, so I can name an official) The City continues to flood us- lawsuits will break us- stop the money is the only way. Boycott Downtown Belfast who awarded Sloscum Citizen of the Year to slap me. Slap back with Boycott) I also reiterated what you said Wayne had mentioned to you previously--- If you feel that the City has in any way caused you damage then please send me a letter or note identifying what you believe to be the extent of your damages and I will be pleased to promptly send your claim in to our insurance carrier who might also investigate this claim and provide their perspective.(Me edit- they try and try to send me to insurance hell so insurance can deny me and Sloscum can preach it was insurance's decision- case closed. Not. No insurance, no lawsuit- Boycott)
Here is where I am on your issues:
1. The Culvert under the road which brings the stream from one side of the road was simply installed to allow the road to go over the stream.
2. I do not believe the City created this stream. Before I left I suggested to you that it looked like a natural stream to me and the fact that DEP has jurisdiction -as you advised me (Me- now as I read this, I don't think DEP has any jurisdiction over it- how would I know that- I never advised- one of them advised me)-over this stream means to me that this is a natural stream (NOT). Natural streams have flows that vary with the weather which based upon conditions can cause erosion. This is true of every river and stream I have ever seen.
3. I have now seen aerial photographs of your area before the road and houses were built on your street and the stream is clearly visible. I can show them to you at any time.
4. I am working on getting you a copy of the framed map in the Planning Office that you have asked for which shows this and other protected streams. I may have to have it professionally reproduced and I will do that at City expense and get it to you as soon as I reasonably can but that could take some time- I do not know at this point. In the meantime the copy we have is not going anywhere and I can give you access to it at any time until you get your own copy. (Me- this map was taken down immediately after Wayne traced all the water forced into Seaview Terrace and I told him that he can't do that. I want a copy of this map. That was in 5/2011. All maps, documents, cooperation and ethics replaced by slam me down and keep stomping till she breaks. Came close a few times and each time I get back up. Almost 5 years now. I had just escaped a life of the same when I moved here. )
5. I have not had the chance to meet with Bob Richards on this matter from Public Works since I met you Tuesday to find out whatever he can tell us about culvert history etc. I will let you know everything I find out. This relates to your concern that the City has taken a series of actions which have unnaturally increased the flow in this stream that you believe is the reason you have some erosion. The stream is about 75 feet behind you house. The only indication of potential City contribution you showed me is a couple of culverts crossing underneath the road which would clearly carry some surface water from the south side to your north side and which if significant in volume would reach the stream by following what appear to me to be human made ditches that run along the westerly line of your property and to along another property uphill and west from you. I did step into the ditch along your property in my loafers and found no evidence of water or even mud in this ditch. I do think we have to ask ourselves where this surface water all went before there was a subdivision? My thinking is that it puddled where flat or ran downhill into the lowest point in this area which upon my inspection is this stream.
6. You told me that all the houses on your street have water issues, This tells me that the ground water is close to the surface so when it rains there is more surface water to address because less can be absorbed. I would expect both groundwater and surface water to work their way into this stream.
7. Regardless, I will inquire about any information the City has about letting people ditch or drain to the stream or of people just doing it themselves. When you told me that your house was nice and dry because you had a good drainage system and sump pump I assumed that since there are no storm drains on Seaview Terrace that your building and property drains also go into this same stream. (Those that have nowhere to drain must tie into City sewage lines- they should receive amnesty and sewers. Basic infrastructure 101 of what our property taxes are for. Slocum is trying to implicate me for draining into the stream. Previous owner put it in. Sloscum is scum.)
7. I do not know what all the rules are for private people sending their surface or ground water into natural streams but I do not think the City is responsible for what private people do. I do think the City has the right to maintain its road and to use its right of way to get water away from the road in order to protect it.
8. Where to from here? Speak with Bob Richards, identify any records we have that you want a copy of and get them to you. Identify anything I can which leads me to agree with your assessment. Presently I am unable to do this and if that is where my review concludes then I will not support the City doing remediation on any private property for harm or damage that we did not cause. I want to speak with the State DEP. They called me likely at your suggestion but I have not had a chance to speak with them yet. I welcome their inspection, input and perspective.
9. Seaview Terrace is a City road and I need to find out how wide our right of way is. The City does have the right to shed water away from its roads to protect them from the kind of damage we saw Tuesday. I may also call the City Attorney to secure his advice.
10. I did not plan on taking any pictures of your stream or your erosion but I am thinking that now that would be a good idea so that we can have a good record of the extent of your concern. I will call and find out when there is a time that will work for you. I am not going to send Ned Lightner based upon what I saw with my own eyes and what a regular camera will readily confirm.
I understand that in not immediately agreeing with your concerns that this is causing you some distress. It may well be that given the intensity of your frustration and concern that I may not be able to meet your expectations.
If you need an answer today as to whether the City will pay or fix the erosion in the back of your yard then my answer would be "No" for all the reasons recited above. If you are willing to be a little more patient then I will continue to investigate for any City activity which makes us liable for you damage.
I will talk to Wayne Marshall about some site visit that he had previously scheduled and perhaps we can make that happen in the next few business days to clear up as much as we can. Next Wednesday I have to attend a family emergency in another state where I plan to stay for a week. After that I have a training conference when I get back. If we can't conclude this matter by Tuesday I will be unable to get back to it until the 29th.
Again I will leave it to you as to whether you wish to file a claim with our insurance company.
Thank you.
Joe Slocum
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 1:40 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Slocum,
Please advise of your findings with my backyard property erosion. You did not bring a camera as I requested. During the road tour, you were thorough in observations, asked many questions, and took notes. When we toured the stream, I was pointing out the severe erosion spots, trying to push the brush out of the way for you to see, but you were not participating, I'm not sure if you were even looking because I had my back to you holding the brush back. You were anxious to bypass my property and inspect the stream 2 lots down saying you wanted to compare. You seemed to be only interested in the area from where the culvert at Charles Beck's property draining into my property at the stream. You did not ask questions, did not seem to hear me when I tried to how much property was lost, did not seem concerned with all of the dangling roots and erosion up and down the stream. The only questions that I recall you asking was which side of the stream belongs to MidCoast Mental Health in The Costello's area and asking why I thought that the Planning Board was to visit during the site visit for the addition to the Annex.
I think I heard you say something to the effect that you didn't see anything out of the ordinary with the erosion.
Please send the City video employee, Ned Lightner to film the stream erosion for the record and viewing at the meeting. Mr. Costello, cannot view the erosion in the creek because he is disabled, currently under physician care for his legs. Marina Delune and Mayor Ash were also unable to view the erosion from the creek. Other residents cannot view the erosion from the creek. The erosion is alarming and can easily block the culvert and flood the neighborhood. We all must view the same video for clarity and truth.
Ned has said on the piece that he did with Mike Hurley about the street party, that he has ample time because the City meetings are light. I am available all week for Ned, the weather is good, the creek is very accessible now.
You said you would respond back within 1 1/2 days, that time has passed. I respectfully request a response to my request for Ned to video the erosion by the close of business today. It is now 1:30 pm. If approved, Ned may contact me directly at 323-5883 and I will accommodate his earliest opening.
Laurie Allen
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
CC: mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: FW: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:55:51 -0400
Dear Mr. Slocum,
1. Per Mr. Marshall's email below- paragraph 2, last sentence;
"The 1966 Plan and a subsequent 1978 amendment...", what is the 1978 amendment?
2. Paragraph 5, first sentence;
"In short, the road storm water improvements that exist in the SeaView Terrace Subdivision were constructed by the original property owner, and location of such were determined and constructed by the original property owner...THE CITY HAS NOT TAKEN ANY ACTION TO RE-ROUTE STORM WATER OR TO CONSTRUCT NEW DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS."
3. Paragraph 6, 2nd sentence;
This response prompted my findings that I gave you yesterday, showing that the City has re-routed storm water and has constructed new drainage improvements (new being after the original property owner was done). This is where I hit a brick wall with Mr. Marshall. There wasn't any point in having him come out here with Mr. Richards and aggravate me if I couldn't get basic information on visible storm water diversions prior. I did not request all types of documents as you were led to believe, only that map that Mr. Marshall showed me. I was specific to changes done after the original owner, they are clearly visible from the road, as we saw yesterday, and yet he refused to acknowledge the changes, wanting a verbal discussion with Mr. Richards to support him. Mr. Marshall has refused to give me a copy of the map he showed me in his office. Please advise when I will receive this map and copies for the residents of Seaview Terrace.
The difficult communications and non-communications with Mr. Marshall have me on high alert and concern. The offer from you and Mr. Marshall to submit a claim to the City insurance is not the solution. My request for a public meeting slated on the agenda, notifying all Seaview Terrace residents, Chris Cabot (DEP), Mike Hogan and WCGH, and any other affected parties at City Hall still stands.
The crumbling of the Seaview Terrace road due to water underneath and improper ditch drainage as noted by you is an issue. Diverting the City storm water from draining into my private property and into City managed drainage area's is key. The potential for the shed at 5 Seaview Terrace to be swept into the stream, blocking the culvert and flooding Seaview Terrace is serious.
My research on habited floodplain area's is civic and City consciousness to help these residents by diverting storm water away from these taxpayers. Rather, The City of Belfast is channeling City storm water to private property and relinquishing responsibility. The City Planners advice was to get flood insurance and not any assistance or accountability on the continuing loss of my land and frightening erosion within 6 months of this year, exposing root structures of huge trees that will fall onto my fence and also block the culvert.
Thank you for your visit yesterday. I am cautiously hopeful.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 11:50:22 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; mpercival@midmaine.com
Dear Ms. Allen:
I am disappointed and somewhat confused that you appear to have rejected our invitation for City staff, the Public Works Director and myself, to meet with you and other residents of SeaView Terrace on-site so we can see first-hand what your concerns are regarding stormwater in the SeaView Terrace area. I continue to believe that the best way to examine an issue is for the parties to meet on-site and to discuss the concerns. I note that your June 7th email to me was entitled 'Resident Meeting Request', and in your letter you appeared to request that we meet with you and other residents. We are open to doing such. As such, I ask that you reconsider and that we schedule a site visit at a time that is convenient for you and other residents of SeaView Terrace.
Further, absent a site visit, neither the Public Works Director or I will be responding to the concerns raised in your email of 6/7/11 in writing.
RE: Seaview Terrace/Storm Water Diversion
Dear Mr. Marshall,
I have been waiting for your response for accountability of culvert installations and storm water diversion. In the interim (which has been weeks- pertinent emails began on 5/11/11) this is what I have been advised by residents so far;
1. Sump pump assistance to lot’s 13 and 14? I see 2 sump pump drains at the culvert. I have been advised that lot 13 received City assistance in placement of this drain to divert water from their property into mine. It seems this is the case for the other drain I see that is probably coming from lot 14.
As stated in my email from 5/12, City assistance was not given to all residents with flooding in their homes. I am aware of at least 3 residents who spent thousands and thousands of dollars with sump pump drainage. Additional individual resident cost and labor time spent on flooding issues unknown but surely extensive.
2. City approval and possible assistance in culvert and ditch digging diversion to my property.
A. City placed culvert at lot 12 crossing Seaview to drain to my property.
B. City placed culvert at end of resident property lines crossing under Northport Ave.
C. City approved and possible assistance of 2 culverts on lot 8 crossing Seaview unto
Lots 9&7. Use of heavy equipment, backhoe, possibly City owned within past 2
years. Also used to deepen drainage ditches routed to my property.
D. City approved and possible assistance of 1 culvert from lot 4 crossing Seaview and
draining to my property. Dug out ditches are also present on both sides of my
Property. I have been advised that this culvert was placed prior to purchase of lot
4 by the current owner.
3. City approval for the hospital annex to drain and divert storm water into stream.
Current approval for additional storm water drainage due to addition of annex is
pending. Concerns for wetlands in area.
4. Lot 12 has advised of flooding from the culvert at lot 12. Property flooded and
damaged with no compensation from the City.
5. Lot 5 has advised of severe flooding of stream that flowed across lot 5 and into lot 8.
Flooding into basements and property damage.
6. During the construction of the Captain Albert Stevens School, a resident, (Mr. Sanderson?) fought against storm drain towards his property and the City approved diversion to my stream.
7. The Rte 1 bypass has had several changes in the diversion of storm water.
8. I witnessed flooding in the basement of lot 6 in 1/2010. The realtor informed me that it always has water.
9. Flooding in basement of lot 4, severe damages. Resident installation of extensive and expensive drainage system.
10.Severe ongoing erosion and damages from City diverted storm water to my property.
11. The road of Seaview Terrace was constructed by the City.
It is glaringly obvious that there is more than a can of worms here that is opening. I have contacted the DEP. Additionally, I am questioning the precedence set with City assistance to some residents and refusal to others.
In light of the information that I am receiving and lack of information from the City, I am requesting a fact finding open forum/meeting with the City and residents of Seaview Terrace addressing these issues and pertaining issues that are privy to the City and probably unknown to the residents. One month has already passed and I respectfully request immediate action and attention. Please advise.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace, Lot 5
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 16:34:05 -0400
Subject: Re: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Dear Ms. Allen:
I wanted to ensure that I spoke with Bob Richards, Superintendent, Belfast Public Works Department, before I responded to your email regarding the concerns you expressed regarding stormwater management on SeaView Terrace. I also want to address what I believe may be a misconception on your part regarding who constructed SeaView Terrace and the accompanying stormwater system.
As background, the subdivision plan of the Wendell MaCleod Housing Development (SeaView Terrace) was approved in 1966. This plan is recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Book 6, Page 23. Like many subdivision plans prepared in the 1960's it mostly identifies the location and dimensions of the lots in the subdivision,and the location of the new access road and accompanying right-of-way (SeaView Terrace). The recorded plan for this subdivision also identifies two other features; the natural contours for the property, and the layout of the houses proposed to be constructed on lots 1,2 and 3. Unlike subdivision plans that the City now requires a developer to prepare, it does not include information such as but not limited to: areas within the flood zone, areas that qualify as wetlands, stormwater management systems that will be constructed, the location and depth of water lines and sewer lines, and the location of power poles. The 1966 Plan, and a subsequent 1978 amendment, are the only two documents of record on file in the Registry.
As is the case in all subdivisions, the developer/owner of the subdivision is responsible for constructing all road, water, sewer, power, drainage/stormwater and similar improvements. This occurred with SeaView Terrace as Wendell MacLoed built the original road and stormwater improvements. It appears that the stormwater improvements on SeaView Terrace largely consist of 3 small culverts under SeaView Terrace, a larger culvert near Route 1 and a drainage swale that is located between the house and garage located on your property. I also specifically note that City, through a vote of the Belfast City Council, will not take ownership of a new road (and the accompanying road right-of-way) as a public road until the original owner constructs all road and drainage improvements.
In short, the road and stormwater improvements that exist in the SeaView Terrace Subdivision were constructed by the original property owner, and the location of such were determined and constructed by the original property owner. The City, by accepting the road, assumed the long-term responsibility to maintain such improvements (they are now a City responsibility as publicly owned improvements and land). As such, the Department of Public Works periodically performs maintenance; for example replacing culverts, digging out drainage ditches/swales and resurfacing the road. All City work has involved maintenance. The City has not taken any action to re-route stormwater or to construct new drainage improvements.
I recognize and understand that you are concerned about how stormwater is affecting your property. The City, however, believes that it has not taken any action to alter the stormwater management system constructed by the original property owner, and we believe that we are not responsible for any damage (from stormwater) on your property.
I also will note that if you believe the opinion I have stated may be wrong, you do have the right to prepare a claim for property damage and to submit this claim to our insurance carrier. Our insurance carrier can make a decision regarding your claim and any City liability. If you would like to submit a claim I can obtain and provide you information regarding how to file such.
On behalf of the Department of Code and Planning.
Subject: Re: FW: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: councilors@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Ms Allen,
Good afternoon. I regret that I have been away for two weeks because of two family emergencies.
The road could indeed use some work and will be addressed in conjunction with our regular road program which calls for attention in areas about every 10 years. The road has alligator cracking because the ground underneath is wet. The present existence of a couple of culverts underneath the road which transfer some water from the higher land across the street to your land on the North side are an attempt by the City to have the road not act as a dam to the natural flow of gravity and also to preserve the asphalt on the road itself by eliminating standing water on the road edge or underneath it. We have these culverts all over the City and you will indeed find them all over the State.I will ask my Public Works Director, by copy of this email to let us know in what year your road might see some resurfacing. It will not be this year. At this time there are no funds or plans to install storm sewers along your road. We like many municipalities have have many roads without these amenities
My observation suggests to me that the stream behind your house has been there for a hundred years and has acted as the watershed for everything above it including your entire street. The City is not responsible for changes to the land or for the constructions of buildings, the expansions of lawns or cutting of vegetation done by every home owner- including your predecessor which has had an impact on surface and sub surface water in your neighborhood. The very ditch that is maintained between you and your neighbor is a good example of how you and your neighbor channel your water to the stream behind your house that is the natural drainage way. This stream and the water the water your entire neighborhood adds to it, simply goes behind other peoples houses down grade from you and in fact goes right into our City Park where it empties to the Sea. Some of your neighbors across the street want more surface water drained toward your side. The State suggested allowing more plantings to grow and absornb some of the water. The City noted that if we were ever to get involved we would want the neighbors to be cooperative and provide legal easements to the City so our actions are not seen as improper as you have suggested they were in the past.
While I was away I learned that there was a meeting held on site by Wayne Marshall from the City, and we had State DEP representative Chris Cabot there along with a member of our City Council. I understand that you were there as well. To my knowledge-nothing came from that meeting to suggest that the City has somehow caused all this water to be in your area. Since I do not see the harm caused by the City I have no plan to enter upon your property to do any bank stabilization that Mr. Cabot said he would be receptive to permit if requested by the individual neighbors.
It appears that in the past the City crews did indeed enter upon a neighbors property to clear growth from an existing ditch with permission to get water away from the road. (I am editing to point out that this is the ditch that Sloscum denied completely that the City did private property drainage work, I gave written witness proof. Then he states it appears it was done 8 years prior to avoid statutes. Then I ask for heavy equipment Public Works work orders for the September and October 2009 and DPW Bob Richards states he does not use work orders. I worked with heavy equipment- it is an OSHA requirement to use work orders and logs. I press for the documents and Joe lies again stating it is to get water from the road. See the pictures in the album link above. The ditch between 2 yards looking like a stream. The City dug it to make sure the water flowed to my property (then owned by MINISTER Tarpley.) As far as I know this is not a City owned ditch anymore than the one which runs along your property.
As for the drainage:
1. I will come and take pictures to document your concern and I will share them with the State. Please let me know whether you wish to be present when I take them . I am presuming that you are going to allow me access through your property so I can do this properly. If this assumption is incorrect please let me know. Otherwise the pictures will be taken next week.
2. I have not seen anything in the erosion or in City practice which suggest to me that the City is responsible for your erosion so there is no practice for us to terminate. I can not and I do not plan on spending City tax dollars to provide drainage controls for private property.
3. There is indeed some signs of erosion within the stream sidewalls and I did see an area about 2 square feet in size where you placed large stones to fill in a part of your bank where some erosion apparently occurred. I do not see anything in this erosion which would indicate it is anything other than a natural occurrence associated with seasonal and unpredictable weather conditions. It appeared to me to look like every stream bed I have ever walked.
Finally, if you continue to believe that the City is the party responsible for your damage then please send me your reasons and I will present your legal claim to our insurance company to see if they see this matter differently than I do.
Absent new information this is my final response to this matter. I am sorry that I could not find a way to agree with your conclusions.
Most sincerely,
Joseph J. Slocum
City Manager
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 6:55 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Slocum and Mr. Mayor,
I have not received any further response from you, the City Manager with the erosion/ City storm water dumping into my propety or with your acknowledgement of the crumbling road due to improper drainiage, a City responsibility.
Please confirm today, via email, of your full decision. Will the City of Belfast problems above?
Laurie Allen
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 19:59:13 -0400
From: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Ms. Allen,
I am taking your concern seriously but unfortunately it is not the only concern that I have to address right now. I am taking the liberty of sharing this email with Belfast City Council.
I spent over an hour at your house Tuesday and walked the stream and listened to every concern that you have raised. I see no sign of imminent danger to your property and as such I can not justify treating this matter as though it was an emergency and push my other responsibilities to the side. The stream itself is about 4 feet deep and about 8 feet wide and was essentially dry. It has the same shape and level of erosion along its banks at every point where I observed it. It is essentially dry and I saw one - one inch puddle in a 100 foot walk that I took through it You identify no damage or threat to your house but you are very upset by the erosion in your back yard. I saw this erosion and while there is some there, the scale and scope of it was far smaller then I imagined from reading your emails.
You have raise multiple concerns and it is very clear that you are extremely focused and upset by both the erosion situation itself as well as the treatment you feel that you have had at the hands of the City in responding to your concerns. Your letter today is indicative of your anxiety and expectation of immediate need for answers which is not consistent with what I said to you on Tuesday. I advised you that I was going to look into this and that it would take some time. I told you that I would attempt to summarize your concerns in the next day or so. That is -I was going to make sure I had a complete list of your questions and concerns. I never said I would resolve all of your issues in a day and a half. I said I would get back to you and I am sorry if 48 hours is worse for you than 36 hours.
When I told you that I would get to the bottom of this and that I would be thorough-you asked me how far I had to go in terms of information gathering to get this resolved. I said right there that I could not see anything-- based upon my visit that day-- that suggested to me that the City had done anything to harm you in any way. I absolutely did see some erosion along the stream bed which in my personal opinion is the same condition I would see along any stream bed and which in my experience such erosion often happens if there is an unusually large storm or runoff like the ones we have had in the last several years. Secondly I told you that would have to go deep into City records to find whatever I could that would help bring all the truth to this issue that I could find. I said that no City record was a secret and I would try to find them and make them available to you. (My edit- Slocum buried all the City records, removed the development plans for Seaview out of the registry and the 1987 engineer report specific to my property and every stinking document that I need to prove the slaughter. He claims he gives them to me but I am too stupid to know what I am looking at. City Council refuses to intervene and validate that I have received the true document requested, Bill Kelly City Attorney send me letters telling me they will not waste any more time responding to my requests or index them and a host of other insults and tactics, FOAA Brenda Kielty and Attorney General are part of the corrupt State, waste of time and energy... I keep going. I raided the Tax Assessors office in 11/2011 on a hunch that he would have the development plans for Seaview Terrace out and I was right. I scored the plans that prove we are not a natural outlet, the City is slaughtering the flood plain, flood zone, private property of Seaview Terrace. When Slocum found out I got those plans, he flipped on Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley (now retired, so I can name an official) The City continues to flood us- lawsuits will break us- stop the money is the only way. Boycott Downtown Belfast who awarded Sloscum Citizen of the Year to slap me. Slap back with Boycott) I also reiterated what you said Wayne had mentioned to you previously--- If you feel that the City has in any way caused you damage then please send me a letter or note identifying what you believe to be the extent of your damages and I will be pleased to promptly send your claim in to our insurance carrier who might also investigate this claim and provide their perspective.(Me edit- they try and try to send me to insurance hell so insurance can deny me and Sloscum can preach it was insurance's decision- case closed. Not. No insurance, no lawsuit- Boycott)
Here is where I am on your issues:
1. The Culvert under the road which brings the stream from one side of the road was simply installed to allow the road to go over the stream.
2. I do not believe the City created this stream. Before I left I suggested to you that it looked like a natural stream to me and the fact that DEP has jurisdiction -as you advised me (Me- now as I read this, I don't think DEP has any jurisdiction over it- how would I know that- I never advised- one of them advised me)-over this stream means to me that this is a natural stream (NOT). Natural streams have flows that vary with the weather which based upon conditions can cause erosion. This is true of every river and stream I have ever seen.
3. I have now seen aerial photographs of your area before the road and houses were built on your street and the stream is clearly visible. I can show them to you at any time.
4. I am working on getting you a copy of the framed map in the Planning Office that you have asked for which shows this and other protected streams. I may have to have it professionally reproduced and I will do that at City expense and get it to you as soon as I reasonably can but that could take some time- I do not know at this point. In the meantime the copy we have is not going anywhere and I can give you access to it at any time until you get your own copy. (Me- this map was taken down immediately after Wayne traced all the water forced into Seaview Terrace and I told him that he can't do that. I want a copy of this map. That was in 5/2011. All maps, documents, cooperation and ethics replaced by slam me down and keep stomping till she breaks. Came close a few times and each time I get back up. Almost 5 years now. I had just escaped a life of the same when I moved here. )
5. I have not had the chance to meet with Bob Richards on this matter from Public Works since I met you Tuesday to find out whatever he can tell us about culvert history etc. I will let you know everything I find out. This relates to your concern that the City has taken a series of actions which have unnaturally increased the flow in this stream that you believe is the reason you have some erosion. The stream is about 75 feet behind you house. The only indication of potential City contribution you showed me is a couple of culverts crossing underneath the road which would clearly carry some surface water from the south side to your north side and which if significant in volume would reach the stream by following what appear to me to be human made ditches that run along the westerly line of your property and to along another property uphill and west from you. I did step into the ditch along your property in my loafers and found no evidence of water or even mud in this ditch. I do think we have to ask ourselves where this surface water all went before there was a subdivision? My thinking is that it puddled where flat or ran downhill into the lowest point in this area which upon my inspection is this stream.
6. You told me that all the houses on your street have water issues, This tells me that the ground water is close to the surface so when it rains there is more surface water to address because less can be absorbed. I would expect both groundwater and surface water to work their way into this stream.
7. Regardless, I will inquire about any information the City has about letting people ditch or drain to the stream or of people just doing it themselves. When you told me that your house was nice and dry because you had a good drainage system and sump pump I assumed that since there are no storm drains on Seaview Terrace that your building and property drains also go into this same stream. (Those that have nowhere to drain must tie into City sewage lines- they should receive amnesty and sewers. Basic infrastructure 101 of what our property taxes are for. Slocum is trying to implicate me for draining into the stream. Previous owner put it in. Sloscum is scum.)
7. I do not know what all the rules are for private people sending their surface or ground water into natural streams but I do not think the City is responsible for what private people do. I do think the City has the right to maintain its road and to use its right of way to get water away from the road in order to protect it.
8. Where to from here? Speak with Bob Richards, identify any records we have that you want a copy of and get them to you. Identify anything I can which leads me to agree with your assessment. Presently I am unable to do this and if that is where my review concludes then I will not support the City doing remediation on any private property for harm or damage that we did not cause. I want to speak with the State DEP. They called me likely at your suggestion but I have not had a chance to speak with them yet. I welcome their inspection, input and perspective.
9. Seaview Terrace is a City road and I need to find out how wide our right of way is. The City does have the right to shed water away from its roads to protect them from the kind of damage we saw Tuesday. I may also call the City Attorney to secure his advice.
10. I did not plan on taking any pictures of your stream or your erosion but I am thinking that now that would be a good idea so that we can have a good record of the extent of your concern. I will call and find out when there is a time that will work for you. I am not going to send Ned Lightner based upon what I saw with my own eyes and what a regular camera will readily confirm.
I understand that in not immediately agreeing with your concerns that this is causing you some distress. It may well be that given the intensity of your frustration and concern that I may not be able to meet your expectations.
If you need an answer today as to whether the City will pay or fix the erosion in the back of your yard then my answer would be "No" for all the reasons recited above. If you are willing to be a little more patient then I will continue to investigate for any City activity which makes us liable for you damage.
I will talk to Wayne Marshall about some site visit that he had previously scheduled and perhaps we can make that happen in the next few business days to clear up as much as we can. Next Wednesday I have to attend a family emergency in another state where I plan to stay for a week. After that I have a training conference when I get back. If we can't conclude this matter by Tuesday I will be unable to get back to it until the 29th.
Again I will leave it to you as to whether you wish to file a claim with our insurance company.
Thank you.
Joe Slocum
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 1:40 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Slocum,
Please advise of your findings with my backyard property erosion. You did not bring a camera as I requested. During the road tour, you were thorough in observations, asked many questions, and took notes. When we toured the stream, I was pointing out the severe erosion spots, trying to push the brush out of the way for you to see, but you were not participating, I'm not sure if you were even looking because I had my back to you holding the brush back. You were anxious to bypass my property and inspect the stream 2 lots down saying you wanted to compare. You seemed to be only interested in the area from where the culvert at Charles Beck's property draining into my property at the stream. You did not ask questions, did not seem to hear me when I tried to how much property was lost, did not seem concerned with all of the dangling roots and erosion up and down the stream. The only questions that I recall you asking was which side of the stream belongs to MidCoast Mental Health in The Costello's area and asking why I thought that the Planning Board was to visit during the site visit for the addition to the Annex.
I think I heard you say something to the effect that you didn't see anything out of the ordinary with the erosion.
Please send the City video employee, Ned Lightner to film the stream erosion for the record and viewing at the meeting. Mr. Costello, cannot view the erosion in the creek because he is disabled, currently under physician care for his legs. Marina Delune and Mayor Ash were also unable to view the erosion from the creek. Other residents cannot view the erosion from the creek. The erosion is alarming and can easily block the culvert and flood the neighborhood. We all must view the same video for clarity and truth.
Ned has said on the piece that he did with Mike Hurley about the street party, that he has ample time because the City meetings are light. I am available all week for Ned, the weather is good, the creek is very accessible now.
You said you would respond back within 1 1/2 days, that time has passed. I respectfully request a response to my request for Ned to video the erosion by the close of business today. It is now 1:30 pm. If approved, Ned may contact me directly at 323-5883 and I will accommodate his earliest opening.
Laurie Allen
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
CC: mayor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: FW: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:55:51 -0400
Dear Mr. Slocum,
1. Per Mr. Marshall's email below- paragraph 2, last sentence;
"The 1966 Plan and a subsequent 1978 amendment...", what is the 1978 amendment?
2. Paragraph 5, first sentence;
"In short, the road storm water improvements that exist in the SeaView Terrace Subdivision were constructed by the original property owner, and location of such were determined and constructed by the original property owner...THE CITY HAS NOT TAKEN ANY ACTION TO RE-ROUTE STORM WATER OR TO CONSTRUCT NEW DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS."
3. Paragraph 6, 2nd sentence;
This response prompted my findings that I gave you yesterday, showing that the City has re-routed storm water and has constructed new drainage improvements (new being after the original property owner was done). This is where I hit a brick wall with Mr. Marshall. There wasn't any point in having him come out here with Mr. Richards and aggravate me if I couldn't get basic information on visible storm water diversions prior. I did not request all types of documents as you were led to believe, only that map that Mr. Marshall showed me. I was specific to changes done after the original owner, they are clearly visible from the road, as we saw yesterday, and yet he refused to acknowledge the changes, wanting a verbal discussion with Mr. Richards to support him. Mr. Marshall has refused to give me a copy of the map he showed me in his office. Please advise when I will receive this map and copies for the residents of Seaview Terrace.
The difficult communications and non-communications with Mr. Marshall have me on high alert and concern. The offer from you and Mr. Marshall to submit a claim to the City insurance is not the solution. My request for a public meeting slated on the agenda, notifying all Seaview Terrace residents, Chris Cabot (DEP), Mike Hogan and WCGH, and any other affected parties at City Hall still stands.
The crumbling of the Seaview Terrace road due to water underneath and improper ditch drainage as noted by you is an issue. Diverting the City storm water from draining into my private property and into City managed drainage area's is key. The potential for the shed at 5 Seaview Terrace to be swept into the stream, blocking the culvert and flooding Seaview Terrace is serious.
My research on habited floodplain area's is civic and City consciousness to help these residents by diverting storm water away from these taxpayers. Rather, The City of Belfast is channeling City storm water to private property and relinquishing responsibility. The City Planners advice was to get flood insurance and not any assistance or accountability on the continuing loss of my land and frightening erosion within 6 months of this year, exposing root structures of huge trees that will fall onto my fence and also block the culvert.
Thank you for your visit yesterday. I am cautiously hopeful.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 11:50:22 -0400
Subject: Re: FW: Respond to 6/7/11 Storm water
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
CC: publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; mpercival@midmaine.com
I am disappointed and somewhat confused that you appear to have rejected our invitation for City staff, the Public Works Director and myself, to meet with you and other residents of SeaView Terrace on-site so we can see first-hand what your concerns are regarding stormwater in the SeaView Terrace area. I continue to believe that the best way to examine an issue is for the parties to meet on-site and to discuss the concerns. I note that your June 7th email to me was entitled 'Resident Meeting Request', and in your letter you appeared to request that we meet with you and other residents. We are open to doing such. As such, I ask that you reconsider and that we schedule a site visit at a time that is convenient for you and other residents of SeaView Terrace.
Further, absent a site visit, neither the Public Works Director or I will be responding to the concerns raised in your email of 6/7/11 in writing.
RE: Seaview Terrace/Storm Water Diversion
Dear Mr. Marshall,
I have been waiting for your response for accountability of culvert installations and storm water diversion. In the interim (which has been weeks- pertinent emails began on 5/11/11) this is what I have been advised by residents so far;
1. Sump pump assistance to lot’s 13 and 14? I see 2 sump pump drains at the culvert. I have been advised that lot 13 received City assistance in placement of this drain to divert water from their property into mine. It seems this is the case for the other drain I see that is probably coming from lot 14.
As stated in my email from 5/12, City assistance was not given to all residents with flooding in their homes. I am aware of at least 3 residents who spent thousands and thousands of dollars with sump pump drainage. Additional individual resident cost and labor time spent on flooding issues unknown but surely extensive.
2. City approval and possible assistance in culvert and ditch digging diversion to my property.
A. City placed culvert at lot 12 crossing Seaview to drain to my property.
B. City placed culvert at end of resident property lines crossing under Northport Ave.
C. City approved and possible assistance of 2 culverts on lot 8 crossing Seaview unto
Lots 9&7. Use of heavy equipment, backhoe, possibly City owned within past 2
years. Also used to deepen drainage ditches routed to my property.
D. City approved and possible assistance of 1 culvert from lot 4 crossing Seaview and
draining to my property. Dug out ditches are also present on both sides of my
Property. I have been advised that this culvert was placed prior to purchase of lot
4 by the current owner.
3. City approval for the hospital annex to drain and divert storm water into stream.
Current approval for additional storm water drainage due to addition of annex is
pending. Concerns for wetlands in area.
4. Lot 12 has advised of flooding from the culvert at lot 12. Property flooded and
damaged with no compensation from the City.
5. Lot 5 has advised of severe flooding of stream that flowed across lot 5 and into lot 8.
Flooding into basements and property damage.
6. During the construction of the Captain Albert Stevens School, a resident, (Mr. Sanderson?) fought against storm drain towards his property and the City approved diversion to my stream.
7. The Rte 1 bypass has had several changes in the diversion of storm water.
8. I witnessed flooding in the basement of lot 6 in 1/2010. The realtor informed me that it always has water.
9. Flooding in basement of lot 4, severe damages. Resident installation of extensive and expensive drainage system.
10.Severe ongoing erosion and damages from City diverted storm water to my property.
11. The road of Seaview Terrace was constructed by the City.
It is glaringly obvious that there is more than a can of worms here that is opening. I have contacted the DEP. Additionally, I am questioning the precedence set with City assistance to some residents and refusal to others.
In light of the information that I am receiving and lack of information from the City, I am requesting a fact finding open forum/meeting with the City and residents of Seaview Terrace addressing these issues and pertaining issues that are privy to the City and probably unknown to the residents. One month has already passed and I respectfully request immediate action and attention. Please advise.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace, Lot 5
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 16:34:05 -0400
Subject: Re: 17 seaview/city storm f/u
From: planner@cityofbelfast.org
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Dear Ms. Allen:
I wanted to ensure that I spoke with Bob Richards, Superintendent, Belfast Public Works Department, before I responded to your email regarding the concerns you expressed regarding stormwater management on SeaView Terrace. I also want to address what I believe may be a misconception on your part regarding who constructed SeaView Terrace and the accompanying stormwater system.
As background, the subdivision plan of the Wendell MaCleod Housing Development (SeaView Terrace) was approved in 1966. This plan is recorded in the Waldo County Registry of Deeds, Book 6, Page 23. Like many subdivision plans prepared in the 1960's it mostly identifies the location and dimensions of the lots in the subdivision,and the location of the new access road and accompanying right-of-way (SeaView Terrace). The recorded plan for this subdivision also identifies two other features; the natural contours for the property, and the layout of the houses proposed to be constructed on lots 1,2 and 3. Unlike subdivision plans that the City now requires a developer to prepare, it does not include information such as but not limited to: areas within the flood zone, areas that qualify as wetlands, stormwater management systems that will be constructed, the location and depth of water lines and sewer lines, and the location of power poles. The 1966 Plan, and a subsequent 1978 amendment, are the only two documents of record on file in the Registry.
As is the case in all subdivisions, the developer/owner of the subdivision is responsible for constructing all road, water, sewer, power, drainage/stormwater and similar improvements. This occurred with SeaView Terrace as Wendell MacLoed built the original road and stormwater improvements. It appears that the stormwater improvements on SeaView Terrace largely consist of 3 small culverts under SeaView Terrace, a larger culvert near Route 1 and a drainage swale that is located between the house and garage located on your property. I also specifically note that City, through a vote of the Belfast City Council, will not take ownership of a new road (and the accompanying road right-of-way) as a public road until the original owner constructs all road and drainage improvements.
In short, the road and stormwater improvements that exist in the SeaView Terrace Subdivision were constructed by the original property owner, and the location of such were determined and constructed by the original property owner. The City, by accepting the road, assumed the long-term responsibility to maintain such improvements (they are now a City responsibility as publicly owned improvements and land). As such, the Department of Public Works periodically performs maintenance; for example replacing culverts, digging out drainage ditches/swales and resurfacing the road. All City work has involved maintenance. The City has not taken any action to re-route stormwater or to construct new drainage improvements.
I recognize and understand that you are concerned about how stormwater is affecting your property. The City, however, believes that it has not taken any action to alter the stormwater management system constructed by the original property owner, and we believe that we are not responsible for any damage (from stormwater) on your property.
I also will note that if you believe the opinion I have stated may be wrong, you do have the right to prepare a claim for property damage and to submit this claim to our insurance carrier. Our insurance carrier can make a decision regarding your claim and any City liability. If you would like to submit a claim I can obtain and provide you information regarding how to file such.
On behalf of the Department of Code and Planning.
On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 8:04 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Marshall,
I am following up on the next step for the diversion of City storm water to my backyard. We began discussing this in the beginning of May and you advised me that it would be approx. 2 weeks before your scheduling would allow for review. We are at that mark and I want to be sure that I am adhering to protocol and am requesting that you advise me of any hearings or paperwork that I must attend to.
I want to avoid another tail chasing event and hope we can deal with this honestly. The culvert that the City installed at the end of Seaview/Rte 1, diverting the storm water to private property is issue for immediate action to close and channel to City property away from the floodplain of Seaview Terrace. Compensation for property loss, labor and associated costs are requested.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
#6 open to the public ff to 5:56. I had sent an email to Council, Mayor
and City Manager and am reading from that. Per the State of Maine
Municipal Association property taxes go first to education and basic
municipal services (fire, police, rescue services, trash disposal, road
upkeep and upgrades, clean air, and enforcement of health and safety
codes. After those are satisfied, than to libraries, recreation, etc.
#7 communications ff to 2:55 Slocum, Hurley and David Smith take
liberty to discredit me, they could have told me to stay, Joe didn't
speak at all when I asked him for the documents. They know I leave.
Click #11 for the 2nd time I come back for open to the public and fly with facts and proof.
it will go right into 12 with Hurley, Slocum and Marshall repairing their web.
Council and City Manager have been misspending our tax dollars on
personal agenda wants with huge projects, neglecting the education and
roads and infrastructure. School tax is est. to rise 16% this year per
School Board member and Belfast resident, Chris Hyk. The cost to save
Seaview Terrace from the destruction by the City as an illegal run off
outlet for miles outside and inside Seaview Terrace is substantial. They
don't want to do it. We are not a natural outlet, Slocum and Marshall
continue with this stream- that stream is probably the Morrissey Brook
which I was behind public works on Congress Street way back when. Hurley
citing England flooding, mother nature doesn't hold water when you make
1000 acres impervious and force the runoff to private property. In
fact, it magnifies the danger we are in at EVERY event. Click on this
link or for those that receive my letters-access the internet and type
in www.belfastliars.blogspot.com and the link is there. View maps, original plans, pictures of water slaughter
is the 1987 City Consulting Engineer of Belfast A. Neil Finlayson, P.E.
findings to Wilma Moses, Belfast City Manager. Mr.Gerry is at 18
Seaview Terrace across the street from me (now owned by Charles Beck)
Mrs. McDonald is at 11 Seaview Terrace next door to me (now owned by
Rose and Frank Costello) and Dr. Caswell is 17 Seaview Terrace (now
owned by me, Laurie Allen) A tri-angle.
August 26, 1987
Subject: Seaview Terrace Drainage Problems
Dear Wilma:
rain water drainage problems which we investigated this morning on
Seaview Terrace, are primarily due to the overall topography of the land
on which this development was built. In general, the land slopes
downward from South to North across Seaview Terrace. In addition, there
is a slope form the direction of Route 1 Bypass downwards towards
Northport Ave.
The owner complaints, as I recall them, are as follows:
Mr.Gerry states that after heavy rains his basement tends to collect
water. (The same problem of basement flooding is a regular feature
in many other houses in Belfast.)
problem could be minimized by having Keith Pooler lower the culvert
that crosses the road at Mr. Gerry's lot and make sure it is clean
inside for maximum water flow from his lot across Seaview Terrace to the
boundary between Mrs. McDonald's lot and Dr. Caswell's. In addition,
it should be suggested to Mr. Gerry that if he would increase the cross
sectional area of his ditch which empties into the City culvert, (now
about 6" wide and of equal depth), there would be less tendency for
water to collect on his lawn, and thus send its way into his basement.
Mrs. McDonald says that rain water drainage, after a heavy rain, can
rise to the point where it gets into and damage expensive plantings at
the eastern side of her house. In part, this may be due to water
flooding across the road from Mr. Gerry's house. But there is also
water coming down on her side of the road from other lots above hers.
Lowering and cleaning the culvert in front of Mr.Gerry's house would
tend to minimize flooding over the road, but the overall effect with
respect to correcting her problem might well be negligible.
should be suggested to Mrs. McDonald that if she had a sizeable ditch
dug from the end of the culvert on her side of the road and carried it
back to the "Brook", it would probably reduce the flooding of her
Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood
and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests
that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency. I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT.
could suggest to Dr. Caswell that his brook is private property and
that if he, and other owners, feel strongly about the problem, that the
hire a contractor to clean out the brook to their specifications.
As you mentioned during our visit, the basic cause of the flooding is the topography of the land which the owners bought.
Suggest to the owners:
Aside from the culvert, which is on a Belfast City street and thus a
City responsibility, all other possible corrective actions involve
private land and must be carried out by the owners themselves.
The flooding problems that exist are inherent in the topography of the
land that them bought; it has existed pretty much as it is now, from
the outset. The problems are not due to any action by the City and are
therefore not a direct City responsibility. However, in accordance with
your belief that the City should assist the residents with their
problems, I have added my thoughts on the action the might take to
minimize these problems.
Very Truly Yours,
A. Neil Finlayson, P.E.
City of Belfast Consulting Engineer
here is the current request for public spending where Joe Slocum wants
$130 from me to start and certainly will turn into another marathon of
never to be true corrupting of public documents/information. Still
waiting for CASS final approved plans and cut the zoning conditions down
to 7. I asked for the fee to be waived per MFOIA and also told
Council they should be requesting this through a study. Clearly they
will not do this, I cannot pay the money and we should know this, all
residents need to know before the budget.And that 's all folks.
I cannot afford to pay the fees charged by the agency or official to research my request or copy the records. Can I get a waiver?
agency or official may, but is not required to, waive part or all of
the total fee if the requester is indigent, or if the agency or official
considers release
of the public record to be in the public interest because it is likely
to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or
activities of government and is not primarily in the commercial
interest of the requester. 1 M.R.S. § 408-A(11)
From: laurieallen55@msn.com
To: jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Public Spending MFOIA 3/18/14
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:39:27 -0400
To: jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Public Spending MFOIA 3/18/14
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:39:27 -0400
Joe Slocum-Belfast City Manager and Mary Mortier-Ward1 City Council,
Please provide the following years spread sheet cost accounting, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 to current;
1. Identify each lawsuit to the City of Belfast including all employees and include verdict,settlement and all fees.
2. Identify each and all in-house counsel fees.
each and all costs for grants, including application, if awarded, City
funds contributed, including pending and final cost for each project
clearly identifying total grant cost and monies received, vs. total City
funds spent and those pending or underway to date.
4. Identify each and all public money consultations/studies for
all (recreation projects scrapped and/or approved, harbor walk, rail
trail, parking, lighting, education/schools, capital projects, etc.)
sart to finish, underway and pending to date.
this is valuable information to all with the upcoming budget and
disaster we are facing. To try to extort research wages from me would be
outrageous and a call for public outcry.
Laurie Allen
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