
7/22/2015 Email to Belfast City Hall Treasurer Exposing DANGEROUS DISCRIMINATION

Sent: Mon 7/20/15 11:08 AM
Dear Rickie,

It was very upsetting to listen to Roger Lee at the budget hearing. Advising Joe Slocum to cut your department and double the burden of their train wreck spending to more women. Advising to deplete the surplus even more. While public works men are praised and rewarded, 300 hours each in overtime and not even a concern. In fact, some men in Public Works target me. I just posted this on my FB. I decided to post it because I sense even more danger. The Chief of the Fire Department is Public Works Director Bob Richards father .  My beagles went on high alert in the middle of the night to my back yard. I smelled smoke. It was a scary night.
"A few pictures to prove Public Works targeted my property with the plows for every plow. Each had 300 hours overtime for snow. Lots of fun burying me in. My mailbox was buried early, each time I dug it out, they'd do it again. I had to erect another temp. mail box and battle to keep that one from burying. Then I lost the battle in that spot and had to put up another BEFORE me driveway. (A few weeks ago, I dug out the original one and put it before the drive, lessening area that I have to dig out) Same with my drive- they'd get a load and turn the plow into my driveway. Only mine, other driveways they went straight. I watched them do it. I was out there, shoveling all winter. Sometimes 6 hours a day. Ski gear on and music, I had fun regardless. But then came the face to face. Heavy equipment grater coming down. Lifting snow up to pile onto banks. He skipped my property completely. I waited for him to come back down the other side. I made him stop and I asked him why did he skip my property. Glare- no answer. I told him to do it. He said maybe next time, smiled and drove away. I filed a complaint and wanted the employees name. No response from DPW, City Council, City Hall...I requested several times. Then I found out who he was on my own. The son of the Public Works foreman, Alan Dickey, that died of a massive heart attack at 42, in 2/2011. At this time, I was here for only 8 months. My property had yet to become hell (4/2011). I was so upset to read about this. I went to the Weathervane restaurant and asked if they would comp a dinner for the family. Yes. I sent them a card , $20 for dessert and the comp. dinner. I didn't know any of them. Then one day in the supermarket, the bakery lady's name tag said Becky Dickey. She was the wife. I comforted her every time I saw her... this was her son nailing me. He looks just like his Dad."…/02/08/obituaries/alan-j-dickey/

Slocum campaigns to build a new Public Work site, no doubt all bells and whistles, no problem, float a bond. Roger Lee supporting their spending for "cool" projects instead of providing property tax 101- basic infrastructure for residents, especially the callous forced water slaughter to a flood zone A, floodplain, Seaview Terrace, 12 innocent homes. The refusal for City Council and Slocum to discuss the school budget to be cut according to the Superintendent where Chris Hyck continues to plead with Council and Slocum,  but Slocum dives into Roger's advice. It's sick and clear to see the trajectory. I saw it within my first year here in 2011.

I am a dead Mom talking and writing. My only protection. Please share this with all City Hall employees including City Council . Maybe it can save another.

Laurie Allen

PS- I posted this on the Chamber of Commerce Facebook- perhaps Slocum, Hurley and Marshall would like to go fund me out of hell. Float another bond.

 I sent this message that was seen on Sat. 7/18/2015 @ 10:45 am to the Facebook  Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce "Saturday 10:43am
Since the Chamber of Commerce chose to slap me in the face by awarding City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year, has forced me into a Boycott protest and constant exposure of Belfast City Hall and player corruption- perhaps The Commerce should go fund me out of here- 250k takes all of 17 Seaview Perish. Or I continue exposure, I will never sell hell to another.

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