December 29.2018 4 pm
Please Mr. Fitzpatrick, put MPBN on the rape ring list. Mr. Charles Beck is VP MPBN and in charge of content. 8 years since I moved in on his birthday, 6/28/2010. He's known for using and abusing. He didn't get Joi Z. No matter how hard he tried. Taught some classes at UMO too. His son is somehow a scientist in Boston (lots of Massachusetts evil here in Belfast- connected) with just a liberal arts from a Canadian college. Daddy dearest implicating? The other is a collar with Bank of America. I hold him responsible for the harm to my children. Right across the street from me and once he couldn't get me, he has been the neighbor from hell. Lawbreaking affecting my life daily. He's still at it. Back at you Chuckie Cheese. My 8 year nickname for him. He can't even handle being called Charlie. He's tight white and without character. Another Borderline in power. This rape ring has been in place long before I moved here. Make sure to read the sickening article of AG Governor as of 1/2/2019 Janet Mills and Superior Court JustUs Stokes giving a pass to heavy hitter for system rape intake. Three brave teenage girls and a 6 year old, their mothers doing the right thing. To be raped into the sytem even worse. Beyond disgusting. MPBN supporters are friends of Charles, Mills, and the State of Maine.
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed.
Judge allows plea deal that dismisses sex abuse charges against former Maine deputy
ROCKLAND, Maine — A plea deal accepted Friday allows a former Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy to avoid retrial on 20 sexual assault charges in exchange for pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor count of providing a place for minors to consume alcohol.
Kenneth L. Hatch III, 47, of Whitefield entered his plea Friday to the charge — just filed Thursday in Lincoln County Superior Court — before Superior Court Justice William R. Stokes in Knox County Superior Court.
Stokes dismissed the 20 counts with prejudice, meaning Hatch cannot be tried on them again, and assessed the mandatory $1,000 fine. Assistant Attorney General John Risler, who prosecuted the original case against Hatch, asked for a 10-day suspended sentence, but Stokes said that was not an option and did not sentence Hatch to any jail time.
One of three alleged victims, who read a victim impact statement in the courtroom, said she was angry at the outcome. She said Hatch was “a monster” who betrayed her, leaving her fearful and suffering from panic attacks.
In November, jurors in Kennebec County found Hatch, 47, not guilty of two counts of sexual abuse of a minor and furnishing marijuana to a minor but said they were hung on the other 20 charges of sexual crimes involving three teenagers, some in his cruiser while on duty.
Stokes declared a mistrial on the remaining charges, which included sexually abusing three teenagers when they were younger than 16 and one when she was 6 and providing marijuana to them.
“He agreed to accept the misdemeanor for furnishing a place for minors to consume alcohol because he agreed to let his kids drink alcohol on his property, and obviously he knew other kids were there,” Elliott said Thursday. “He thought it would be safer to do it on his property than for them to be out driving around.” One of three victims and the mother of another told Stokes on Friday they were angry and disappointed about the resolution of the coming forward would be hard and [do] irreversible damage to my family, I wanted to do the right thing,” one said, her voice shaking as she added that her family was “manipulate[d]” and she eventually grew addicted to opiates.
“It’s not fair,” she said. “I didn’t deserve any of this. I feel it’s unfair to not let us take him back to court … we should have had a say … this judgment gives a message that … a police officer can touch a child for his own sexual gratification and get away from it.”
The mother of another alleged victim read her daughter’s statement, saying that even though she has moved away from Maine, “I will continue to live in fear because he’s still out there.”
Lynn Talbot, victim/witness advocate for Knox County, said neither the third alleged victim nor her mother thought they could speak on Friday.
Talbot, crying, told Stokes, “I worked with them for a very long time. This was very much a family betrayal … the harm was significant.”
But Stokes said the original jury was “excellent” and had been “very severe[ly] deadlocked,” and a new trial would have been “very difficult.”
Because Hatch has been convicted of a misdemeanor, he will lose his certification from the criminal justice academy.
Risler said following the sentencing that the likelihood of convincing another jury of guilt beyond a possible doubt was small.
“The option I had to protect the people of Maine was to remove his ability to serve in law enforcement,” Risler said. “When he loses his certification from the criminal justice academy, it’s very unlikely he would ever be able to serve in law enforcement outside of Maine [either].”
Attorney General Janet Mills issued a statement on Friday afternoon, noting that prosecutors do believe the alleged victims.
“We support the victims, these brave survivors,” Mills wrote. “We believe them. Unfortunately, the jury did not find beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Hatch was guilty of these crimes. Fortunately, he will never work in law enforcement again.”
December 28, 2018 6 am. Do you know where your integrity is?
To stop system break, take, rape, intake, family lifers for More's programs, one has to take down the Judiciary. One did, yet not one will stop them from taking me. Maine AG Janet Mills, Judges- Worth, Robert Murray, Alexander (Superior, Oy) Fields (Retired on call 4 More), Mathews, Sparaco and Fowles. 7 Judges, first hand, I got em with AG Mills ordering my eternal silence. Probably since my first calling her out on FOIA corruption in 2011. I do due diligence and one cannot make a mistake with these Robed Hoods. They, on the other hand, have been stupid. Blatant false proceedings, charges and the flashing lights of rights. Worth recused herself, coward. The rest have not allowed me to be heard at the FIRST hearing for charges of harassment and terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. Since 12/8/2017 and countless hearings to buy time to kill or intake for dangerous psycho killer. Me. So stupid. Stupid underestimated my tenacity to exercise my freedoms that then can't eliminate. My big mouth and signs, signs, signs.
I know Borderline Personality Disorder Power. Brother and Ex. Oy veh. I thought they were just alcoholic jerks. Still do but now they think they are special too. More's. Jumping in with Mills to end their threat. Me. I couldn't figure out why my ex is still at it, I remembered the other day. His stinking pension. NJ State pension. At divorce, he gave a soap opera of concern that both houses had to be sold and I would receive some of his pension. He didn't want me to struggle like my mother. Right. Months later I found out that if he dies, no pension for me. If I die, no pension for our children. All his. I die. No doubt about it. That's BPD Power. OJ Simpson, Hitler, all those killers in power. It grows like the devil as more steals more. From little Laurie Allen. Ditto Belfast - State of Maine power collars of take from the little. More needs more. They don't share with each other either. They'd kill their mother, I do believe.
December 26, 2018
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 2:39 PM
To: Governor; LAURIE ALLEN;;; Jeffrey Trafton;;
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; Senator Susan Collins
Subject: Executive Order Title 14 Sec 556
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 2:39 PM
To: Governor; LAURIE ALLEN;;; Jeffrey Trafton;;
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; Senator Susan Collins
Subject: Executive Order Title 14 Sec 556
Governor LePage,
You have refused to meet with me for 8 years and have not responded to any of the 8 years of emails with documented corruption and violation rights off the charts to silence me.
I am begging you to issue an executive order for complete dismissal to Laurie Allen for all charges- Terrorizing with a dangerous weapon and some false harassment notices that I have not even heard yet. But was arrested for violations of fabrication 11/1/2017. Maine Judiciary has had me in District Court, Superior Court, Waldo Jail, Two Bridges Correctional Facility, 25k bail to 5k bail taking the last of my money at 18k a year. Shackled for 9 months with an ankle cancer trackHer cell for an innocent Mom that has never been arrested in my life. Brutal and terrorizing to me, my children and any that run from me. AG Mills is charging me $150 a month for this trackHer and forces me out of my home to get a money order. I have placed myself under house arrest and have not left in 2 months. I took the insurance off my vehicle because I cannot afford it. I can't drive if I am forced out to a death trap.
Special Legislature Title 14 Section 556 clears me completely with no record. It never happened. The proof is in the target shoot and precedence. The shoot was from 10/2017, on my youtube channel. Mills had me dragged out of my house on a Friday night, 2/23/18, 4 months after the target shoot. No threat to anyone and I never owned a gun nor shot one till this one shoot. Kidnapped for the second time by Belfast cops. On 11/1/2017, 3 cops and a K9 unit. On 2/23/18 a plain clothes and 2 cops in the bushes. Grabbed my phone as I spoke to 911 and deleted it but I got the information in. Regardless that it goes to Sheriff Trafton. It is a national documented emergency call with others from me. Please issue before you leave office and Mills succeeds with my brother, George Allen Beeline Cable/Get Beeline in ending my life. 2 documented attempts already- in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18 and Waldo Superior Court, 6/6/18. You have the details many times. I will post it again from my blog
Please respond in 24 hours. My life is in your hands. Innocent. Fabricated.
Always Mom,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Maine 04915
(full email includes below and is on this page link in full )Title: | High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization |
Author(s): | Alan Goldman, (Arizona State University, Glendale, Arizona, USA) |
Citation: | Alan Goldman, (2006) "High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21 Iss: 8, pp.733 - 746 |
Laurie Allen Stands Up, Stands Alone, All Take Her Down, Just A Mom. The World is Sick because of
"High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization" I have a life long education on this but didn't know it.
Stop State of Maine and USA University Rape.
Stop State of Maine and USA University Rape.
Side note- I didn't know I was drug raped at 19 by Dr. Donald Lombardi until Cosby came out. 30 years later. I don't have the trauma of rape. I have always known that rape is the worst that could happen because they are so violent and frightening and never will leave. So, I guess, thanks for the drugs Dr. Lombardi. I ain't damaged and stopping rape to children, women and men is all I want to do. Boycott Universities. Boycott Church. That's a big start and so easy to do. Students have the power. Church Ladies have the power. Take it. Rebuild the system with the true. Let's Roll. Pinky's Up for All the True. I do.
Dec 19, 2004 - Corruption, insider deals, the plots of the wealthy and the powerful, the ... who saw his crusade not as he saw it, as a righteous fight against corruption. ... But to Fitzgerald, 44, the help that Illinois needed wasn't for more federal ... New York prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to the post of U.S. attorney in Chicago.
Public Corruption
‘F’ in national study means Maine ‘ripe’ for corruption
The study “does not rely on a simple tally of scandals. Rather, it measures the strength of laws and practices that encourage openness and deter corruption. … States with well-known scandals often have the tough laws and enforcement that bring them to light. ‘Quiet’ states may be at a higher risk, with few means to surface corrupt practices.”
Maine got an F in nine of the 14 categories, including executive accountability. A problem that contributed to that score was that fact that no agency oversees the ethics of top-level state officials, from the governor to department heads, from the attorney general to the state auditor.
It also got F’s in public access to information, civil service management, pension fund management, the insurance commission, legislative accountability, lobbying disclosure, ethics enforcement and redistricting
Labels: appeal, best interest of the child, bias, child endangerment, Constitution, family court, GAL, Guardian ad litem, judge
AnonymousFebruary 22, 2014 at 8:43 PMWhile this is long - there is a lot of worth while data contained within. Read!
AnonymousFebruary 23, 2014 at 2:25 PMIt is interesting to see that the "Hon." Jeffrey Moskowitz is mentioned in this appeal. Here is a judge that should have been removed a long time ago (unfortunately judges cannot be removed but must serve their time). This guy has hurt a lot of people.
James ChristiansonMarch 4, 2014 at 12:07 AMJudges can be removed...IF men weren't such lazy, sissy cowards and wanted to help volunteer for a lawyer and/or campaign with him/her when they run against a corrupt judge.
MsMsFebruary 26, 2014 at 6:11 PMI read the brief in its entirety and the same names keep popping up: Judge Moskowitz, Susan Wiggon, Michael Asen...all the usual suspects. I pray for justice for Sarah and will be watching this case very closely.
GAL AlertFebruary 27, 2014 at 7:11 AMThank you for the comment - almost three years ago we started keeping track of judges, GALs and lawyers that kept showing up in cases that had problems. The three mentioned all show up on the list multiple times.
meplustwoMarch 17, 2014 at 1:58 case is classic abuse of the justice case is absolutely illegal in every way. Now, prejudgement, post GALment; my family destroyed, my younger son is with abusive (proven) dad, and I cant see him because GAL involved unethical associates and they all lied and ordered "supervised visits"; and I cannot, despite adequate resources find an attorney who will represent me in this matter. I need to clear the wreckage done by the court, yet I cant even appear in court. I am certainly not going to subject myself to more illegal abuse of the system, and its illegal for the court to force me to appear pro se. I know any ethical professional in the legal field would be ashamed to be associated with such reckless negligence with such obvious documented damages....Tort, is a four letter word...I have my case on digital file now-700 documents not including all emails and all audio of all calls, meetings, etc....any advice on where to seek justice...ive spent every waking moment trying to find/work with lawyers....only to lose more time, money, and patience. Meanwhile, my son is in imminent danger.....justice in the court is an oxymoron.
AnonymousMarch 1, 2014 at 8:23 PMJudge Patricia Worth has ruined many lives inthe Rockland & Belfast courts. Why isnt there any accountibility for judges behaviors?
RepliesGAL AlertMarch 2, 2014 at 9:48 PM
Hon. Andre G. Janelle
Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz
Hon. Patricia G. Worth
As well as a judge in Augusta (whose name escapes me at this time). Are Judges that show up over and over on the list that has been maintained over the past two years.
Thank you for the comment
Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz
Hon. Patricia G. Worth
As well as a judge in Augusta (whose name escapes me at this time). Are Judges that show up over and over on the list that has been maintained over the past two years.
Thank you for the comment
James ChristiansonMarch 4, 2014 at 12:09 AMBecause lazy, soft, feminine men are sitting back and crying, "Where is the person that's gonna rescue us from judges." It's YOU. WE need to DO SOMETHING about this and stop waiting for a REAL MAN a Knight in Shining Armour to save our cowardly selves. Time for men to man up! Grow a pair.
meplustwoMarch 17, 2014 at 2:06 PMI understand your point J.C; however, in order to fight the corruption, you first need to know it exists. Most people do not follow through with independent thoughts. Personally, as an honorable,(see:NAIVE) righteous person, I did not know corruption on this level existed. I knew people were not all ethical, but to believe an entire system is corrupt, was a learning curve. Ive learned to forgive those who dont know what I myself did not know initially. So, agreed, we have to unite, and fight the corruption...we need to educate the masses.
I have read about over 2 million families nationwide effected by corrupt justice. Its far more reaching than most epidemics...its a genocide...via emotional terrorism...and, it must be stopped. Who knows the laws re: what can be provided on the info board at family courts? We should hand out flyers....or something...i feel guilty that families are just beginning this open to ideas..
GAL AlertMarch 18, 2014 at 7:32 AMmeplustwo - there are many in high places within government who understand that there is a level of corruption within the various courts. To bring about change though is going to be a numbers game. Right now the divorce industry has the numbers behind it. The consumer does not - yet. The result is that the divorce industry can go about its way with out fear or repercussions for their actions. Consumers/parents though are having an impact on their lives and things will change - patience.
AnonymousMarch 2, 2014 at 4:22 PMYes she has, I know this first hand. I knew I was not the only one.
GAL AlertMarch 2, 2014 at 10:15 PMWhile Hon. Patricia G. Worth may have ruined many lives - if she has truely done wrong - it will come back to haunt her. As parents become more educated, informed and organized her ability to cause discontent will be limited. Judge Ralph Tucker was essentially removed for failing in his role as a judge and for doing many of the same things that Hon. Patricia G. Worth has done.
Thank you for the comment.
UnknownJune 8, 2016 at 9:33 PMThis comment has been removed by the author.
brooke leachJune 8, 2016 at 9:34 PMJudge Patricia worth is a terrible judge and ruins everything!
brooke leachJune 8, 2016 at 9:37 PMJudge Patricia worth is a terrible judge and ruins everything!
brooke leachJune 8, 2016 at 9:41 PMJudge Patricia worth is a terrible judge! She ruinsaid everything!
UnknownMarch 28, 2014 at 10:45 PMThis is disgusting. While I have absolutely no respect for Judge Moskowitz, he appears to have become even more power driven in his delusions and bias.
GAL AlertMarch 30, 2014 at 12:13 PMThank you for the comment - the "Hon." Jeffrey Moskowitz has a background in the drug courts and it would appear he brings the same sensitivity displayed there to the Family Courts. There are lots of problems with this Judge.
MsMsMarch 29, 2014 at 12:15 PMLike Meplustwo, as an honorable (NAIVE) person, learning that the entire system was corrupt was more than a sharp learning curve for me. It was a complete loss in my fundamental belief in justice "for all". This was no small death to reconcile. I have no faith in justice anymore. When I have tried to explain this to people who haven't had any experience with the family courts, many have reacted in total disbelief and sometimes anger, simply refusing to believe the truth I have been witness to, time and time again. Nobody wants to believe that a miscarriage of justice could happen to them. I certainly didn't. This epidemic is a scourge on our state and nation.
GAL AlertMarch 30, 2014 at 12:22 PMThank you MsMs - I was the same as you and many who enter the court system. I trusted that the system would do the right thing. There were times when I thought I was going crazy because of what was happening - it made no sense.
AnonymousApril 26, 2014 at 8:14 PMI have had the opposite experience with Judge Moskowitz--found him to be fair, thoughtful and reasonable. He did not agree with my request in all respects but came up with a middle-ground solution that is working well for me and my ex and our kids. My divorce support group has several others who had a similar positive experience with this judge, and with other Portland judges. Just want to provide a contrasting viewpoint, which I actually think is more representative than many on this blog.
GAL AlertMay 8, 2014 at 10:22 PMThank you for the comment - with the results that have been received your experience with Moskowitz is an exception rather than the rule. I am glad that it is working out for you. For Sarah Dalton the GAL and the judge have not worked.
CharlieMay 8, 2014 at 11:02 AMWho hears the children?
From the mouth of a very intelligent 8 year old little girl.
Daddy, I want to see you more.
Daddy, I do not like it when Mommy screams at me and tells me she is going to hit me.
Daddy, I do not like it when Mommy makes fun of me.
Daddy, I do not like it when Mommy and Grandma keep asking me what I do when I am with you.
Daddy, I do not like it when Mommy and Grandma keep asking all these things about your house.
Daddy, I do not like it when Mommy talks bad about you.
Daddy, Mommy scares me when she screams at me.
Daddy, I want to live with you. When will they let me live with you Daddy?
GAL AlertMay 8, 2014 at 10:20 PMCharlie - where in this brief does it refer to comments made by Madison? Or are you referring to something in the Bixby brief?
Who hears the child? That is supposed to be the GAL in any contested custody case. The GAL is supposed to investigate the situation and present a balanced report. In this case though it appears that a one-sided report was presented.
Thanks for the comment.
IntegrityFebruary 12, 2015 at 8:00 PMI just googled this corrupt Judge that ruled against my claim. I crawled here from the corrupt court Judge Fred Keiser ( I was his last divorce before he got removed from the bench) corrupt Guardian ad Litem Dr. Rosenbaum, on and on it went. The more I proved and told, the closer I was coming to losing my kids. Ex has Borderline Personality Disorder. Years after divorce, the window cracked open and I jumped. Belfast or bust. Belfast IS beyond corrupt. is just one of my blogs. Get me out of here!!! Here is the link to small claims last Friday and Judge Worthless
IntegrityJanuary 25, 2016 at 10:28 AMAgain I got Worthless on 12/18/2015- robbing me of 6k in small claims open and shut. Exposing her and hubbie John Worth III- Maine Maritime Castine power, walks on water from Belfast to Castine and beyond. I protested outside Belfast District Court on 1/22/2016 after getting her decision on 1/21/2016 for all to read of Belfast Queen and Kingpin Worth (less) and the 1% rest. Posted on my you tube channel for Belfast Corruption and my blog (on fire) Worth was a fool to underestimate me. Worth losing the 6k because my abusive ex would have never paid me regardless of the ruling. Now I win. All support welcome and wanted to fight the illegal legally corrupt taking Maine, our lives,property and basic rights.
Laurie Allen
Seaview Terror I mean Terrace
Helfast I mean Belfast Maine
AnonymousSeptember 19, 2016 at 3:05 PMAndre Janelle is absolutely horrible. Explain why when I have my kids 50% of the time, my ex wife and I make the same income, I still have to pay her $336/week. I am convinced that judges do this for the Title 4-D kickback from the Feds. Also, my case sat for over two months without judgement and 3 days before the child support table was officially revised, lowering support tabulations, he signed the order. Tell me he wasn't going for the most support money possible.
Never any response from Mills, ordered my hit and rape kill in Two Bridges. Mother Nature got me out. I am still shackled since miracle, 3/2/18. 9 brutal months, rapists you give a pass and perks, I have never been heard for Title 14 Section 556, complete dismissal, never broke the law. Freedom of Speech with Precedence. page link to email threads to AG Mills after I was not allowed to be heard at the first hearing on 12/8/2017. AG Janet Mills how can you live with yourself. Fool some, but fear to poor families. Drug pusher for more JustUs system.
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 12:22 PM
Cc: same
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 12:22 PM
Cc: same
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Maine Attorney Janet Mills,
You have not responded to your corrupt Judicial system. Today Judge Murray joins the corrupt. He would not hear me, refused to tell me why Judge Mathews would not allow me to be heard on 2 not guilty plea's that would be automatically dismissed. Mathews said this hearing on 12/8/2017 was not the time to request a dismissal. He said this combined Dispositional Hearing would be my time to be heard. Not. My choice is a trial by Judge or jury or to plead guilty to nothing and pay fines. After I badgered him about my dismissal letter he said he has it and I have 24 hours to fill a motion to dismiss that he already has and said he read.
The clerks were equally difficult in trying not to answer what court form I needed to file a motion of dismissal for the dismissal letter I gave them yesterday. Brooke finally said that they do not have such a form. I said that I will write on a paper with the dismissal letter of corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews and dodger Murray.
I was forced to choose the decider of this stupid trial. No Judge, no way. Jury All The Way if not dismissed. If you do not advise of the proper procedure to file a motion of dismissal then this will confirm that my writing that this letter is the motion for dismissal is proper procedure.
I was not allowed to video my conversations with the clerk as I have always done, in full cooperation with the clerks and security. Except for Colonel or something Dudley. The head security guy. He came yelling at me, trying to stop my conversation with the clerks, telling me I cannot video this conversation. I know I can't video in the courtroom but NO ONE has ever told me I can't video in the clerk area and many are in the video. On many different visits. I asked Dudley if he was going to yell at me today, he said he didn't yell. That I am the rude one. Nice.
This email will serve at the motion cover for dismissal of all charges since all are false. Belfast Police Chief McFadden refused to issue a cease harassment notice that I filed on 9/1/2016 with 4 months of hate and terror crimes to myself and property by all entities of 23 Seaview Terrace. I have included my statement form. McFadden wasted no time issuing false notices to me from 23 Seaview Terrace on an unavailable video of a worker taping my voice using curse words. And arrested me into the pokey. This same worker came yesterday, trespassed, dumped the snow from 23 onto my property and spewed more hate and terror doe at least the 15th time.. Here's the video of 23 Seaview Terrace violating their fake notice against me. Copied from
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 5:37 PM
To:;;; Jeffrey Trafton;;;
Cc: same
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 5:37 PM
To:;;; Jeffrey Trafton;;;
Cc: same
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
The State appointed attorney David Sinclair is motioning to drop me because I know he is setting me up for your office. Advising me to take the Title 15 psych. eval. In He has been telling me that he is only handling the terrorizing charge against me but he is not. I see he is handling WALCD-CR-18139, your ADA William Entwisle motion for the Title 15 and "pray" to basically keep my silent.
I haven't done any of these things but BPD has done them all to me. and worse for years. Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and they locked ME up in the Belfast jail for 2 long nights before shipping me down to Twin Bridges with hard criminals and innocent ones. That Stockton Spring mother is an abused mess and what those male employees do the women is more hate crimes and terrorism with that Psych man. He's very abusive. Witnessed by all in the pokey with me for those 5 days. The only reason I got out was because of my daughter and friend and my jail mate Kim getting out and the guards saw me give her a letter for the outside. 15 minutes later my name was called. Allen your getting transported back to Belfast now. No shackles this time Just cuffed and shackled with a tracking monitor since March 7? or 8th? I don't have paperwork for the day of my break out but it was around then. I was pretty tired after a 4 day hunger strike. Only started eating because I believed Sinclair might be a good guy and accepted him as my attorney. I was wrong.
There is not legal about any of this and you make up your own charges. One jail mate said you were someone else when you were younger in Lewiston. She would be in Twin Bridges today, feeding the system.
Waldo courts clerks have lied to me again and again. Acting clueless to my requests for motions, resulting in emails to you to cover as the motions. Which you order a psych test instead. Sinclair also told me to go to the Belfast Unified Court Clerk and as for all my dockets. He knew if I went that I would violate probation and get locked up. I called him out on that too. I almost went you people are non stop assaulting me.
Again, this will serve as motions until I get the motion forms for court next week, 4/10/2018. Or appeal if you choose to do something else to me. Appointing another attorney is stupid. Wasting more tax dollars, 8 years and counting with just trying to break and silence me. If you do, at least I got this out. Please advise if I am missing any other dockets, including criminal. I have never been LEGALLY arrested in my 57 year old Hobo Mom life. I'm good.
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-CR-17839 (I don't even know what this one is- the terrorist one? Sinclair has all my court papers and I don't have copies, though I asked him for them last week.)
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-CR-17862 (Ditto on this. What is it illegally for?)
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-2017-00862 Harassment. I was never given the original signed C.H notice as stated on the form I was forced to sign even though I didn't do it. Never. I help all.
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-2017-00839 Harassment. Ditto, for above harassment.
- Motion to reimburse all monies paid out by me for all these illegal charges.
- Motion for the State of Maine to pay for all paper transcripts of all my hearings, including the repeated harassment hearings where I was not allowed to be heard until you put me into Superior Court where no one could hear me except the ones who help you do this to me.
- Motion to move the court venue to Ellsworth (Sinclair said it has to be an abutting county and he wanted Rockland)
Laurie Allen
Maine Judiciary Violating at least 3 of only 6 Canon Rules. Judge Patricia Worth and Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz as the top evils... but that was 2011. Add on Judge Robert Murray, Fowle, Mathews, Sparaco, Fields and Alexander. First hand thugs to me and my children.
Last reviewed and edited September 7, 2017 Amendments effective September 5, 2017 MAINE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT
RULE 1.1 Compliance with the Law RULE
1.2 Promotion of Confidence in the Judiciary RULE
1.3 Avoiding Abuse of the Prestige of Judicial Office
2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office
2.2 Impartiality and Fairness; Upholding the Law
2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment
2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct
2.5 Competence, Diligence, and Cooperation
2.6 Ensuring the Right to Be Heard
2.7 Responsibility to Decide
2.11 Disqualification or Recusal
2.12 Supervisory Duties Disciplinary Responsibilities
2.16 A Judge Shall Comply with Disciplinary Authorities
3.1 Extrajudicial Activities in General
3.5 Use of Nonpublic Information RULE 3.6 Affiliation with Discriminatory Organizations RULE 3.7 Participation in Educational, Religious, Charitable, Fraternal, or Civic Organizations and Activities RULE 3.8 Fiduciary Activities RULE 3.9 Service as Arbitrator or Mediator RULE 3.10 Practice of Law RULE 3.11 Financial Activities RULE 3.12 Compensation for Extrajudicial Activities RULE 3.13 Acceptance and Reporting of Gifts, Loans, Bequests, Benefits, or Other Things of Value
RULE 3.14 Reimbursement of Expenses and Waivers of Fees or Charges
New page with spot on information from my original blog, Toxic Leadership Borderline Personality Disorder article, Maine Guardian ad litem blogs of Maine Family Courts destroying children for more, citing Belfast Judge Patricia Worth and Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz as the top evils... but that was 2011. Add on Judge Robert Murray, Fowle, Mathews, Sparaco, Fields and Alexander. First hand thugs to me and my children. With AG Governor Elect Janet Mills protecting them and State Rape (as recent as 1/2018 BDN article Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed. allows plea deal that dismisses sex abuse charges against former Maine deputy
1:30 pm
Who is using intense abuse on my son? My brother, George Clyde Allen, VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable/Get Beeline, Madison, Maine. Cable for Farmington, AG Janet Mills family territory and State of Maine Rape Ring. They with Spectrum will not silence me and my son is done with Maine not Mom. This will get to media at some point. I am not leaving my home unless you force me out. If anything happens to me, it is them. State of Maine Rape Ring.
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 10:04 AM
To:; my daughter; my son;; LAURIE ALLEN;; Governor;; Jeffrey Trafton;;
Subject: Re: My son
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 10:04 AM
To:; my daughter; my son;; LAURIE ALLEN;; Governor;; Jeffrey Trafton;;
Subject: Re: My son
Dear Amber Alert-
My son just contacted me by walking into our home. He is alive.
This was very unnecessary, I had been trying to reach my son for
hours contacting Joe as well. No response. Due to the
hospital episode, where she was in ICU near death, you must
understand that I had no choice but to contact Amber Alert. Maine Law
Enforcement assaults me. violations of rights off the charts with
Maine Judiciary and Trump stating it's a State issue. Media will not
retract nor interview me but sent me out as a Terrorizing with a
Dangerous Weapon falsely arresting me on 2/23/18 where I was not to
get out of Two Bridges Correctional Facility and most likely die the
weekend of 3/2/18. My son witnessed the evacuated Waldo Superior
Court hearing for my motions for complete dismissal on 6/6/18. No
security, no scanners, no one in that very busy building but Judge
Robert Murray (orig. typed Worth, potato, potata)Worth, ADA Entwisle,
Marshall Dudley and the court clerk Michelle. In a portable office
type court room staged to look like the District Court in Belfast.
I am pro se for 8
years and always go alone. This time I brought My son and Judge
Murray called recess before I got to present my motions for immediate
dismissal with precedence and DVD's of the innocent target shoot.
Below. I learned at the end of August that Murray is stating he heard
my motions and denied them. The transcripts are tainted. I requested
his written decision. He refused.
I am currently
processing an appeal for that written decision to the Maine Supreme
Court. My son has been misled and I feared for his safety. He is safe. We can fix us after I am cleared. If I need
to go to the US Supreme Court on appeals, I will.
Laurie Allen
(after the stupid
shoot- I couldn't see through the scope- my vision is different than
his. Dominant eye something. Looking through it, I'd see the target
for a second if at all. I finally just started shooting aiming from
the barrel. Not bad Joi Z. Then it goes into after jail and the
shackle making me so sick. I video'd the call to the for the State,
my criminal attorney David Sinclair. Sandbagged me in jail, 2 months
of trying to get me to do the Title 15 Psych. Evaluation and trying
to break me. I called him out on it and he motioned to drop me. 2
months wasted, he never did my motions. He was not for me. I only
took him to use him for statutes. I am pro se. Free to tell the
truth. Attorneys sell out to system JustUs. Every hearing they tell
me I need to get an attorney. To save their necks. I don't think so.
PRO SE. This is stupid.
My October 2017
first time target shoot, first time shooting at a target area with an
experienced marksman. I use the F word a lot. It's a stupid video- I
video all my outings with MaineMan and put it on our channel for us.
McFadden went through a lot of video to find this. Shot in 10/2017
and on 2/23/2018, Friday night, after 6, Juba is knocking at my door
in plain clothes. I go to my window and he tries to lure me out. No,
talk to me from my window. Gibbs and Fitzpatrick in uniform jump out
of the bushes to break my locked door down. I run for my cell phone
to call 911 while running to the door to open it. They didn't want me
to call 911 and have told me each time they come to my house (a lot)
not to call 911 anymore. That it comes to them anyway. I said it is a
documented national emergency call. I will call. Gibbs grabbed my
phone as I opened the door but I already gave my name address and
that cops were kidnapping me. Another novel, for now this is just to
show the stupid, freedom of speech target shoot. Off the cuff after I
shoot I name off City Council, City Manager and Planner and say
thanks for being my target. They have been targeting me for 8 years
for exposing their corruption to residents. I was not supposed to
come out of Two Bridges (8 days, 7 nights) charged with criminal
Terrorizing With A Dangerous Weapon, 25k BAIL. Never arrested in my
life. A guy last week, same charge with sexual assault to a child-
$150 bail. Got out, back in next week for domestic violence. $150
bail and out. Not me. Reduced to 5k thinking I didn't have that
either. I did. They would not take the bail in Belfast from John.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (3/2/18) After guards saw me
give a letter to an outgoing mate, 15 minutes later they paged Allen,
transport back to Belfast. Bail was not paid yet. Tell me I was not
going to die bad that weekend. Another novel on jail hell by day
guards. No law library, no phone calls, not told my daughter put $50
in for me to make calls, no, no, no. I was not getting out. I didn't
think I was going to get murdered bad until Friday morning when bail
still was not posted. I cried then. Then I said- hey Kim, do this for
me when you get to the outside and take this letter. Right. Saved my
life. A miracle. Mother Nature.
Shackled for 9
months regardless of motions to rescind conditions and still not
heard for complete dismissal with video exhibit. They don't let me
speak and I am put in Superior Court where no one is there to
witness. Dishonorable Murray falsified more records. Fowle stated
after I kept on him on 8/22/18 that his notes indicate that Murray
heard my dismissal motion on 6/6/18 and denied it. No he did not. I
motioned for his written decision. Murray denied. Refusing to give.
Now, I have to appeal that. All this wasted, tax payer waste, 8 years
of stupid, stupid, stupid. AG Mills and Thugs. 2 foiled murder
attempts-Two Bridges and Waldo Superior Court 6/6/18.
Evacuated, no security, no bodies. Murray, ADA Entwisle, Marshall
Dudley and the clerk. Michelle , I think that was her name. Me, pro
se as always. For the first time I did not go alone. I brought my
son. Witness. Dismissal not heard because Murray called recess and
ran. Never came back. Disgraced Robes. No hoods needed, no one can
get them. I can. I have. Six Dishonorable s first hand and AG
Mills. No body guard for me. Just me against JustUs. My son is a
target because he came with me. The only witness. He did an affadavit
in NJ. Back off JustUs. Come after ME only.
Regarding your case
and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent
to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless
behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark
case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the
draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting
speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear
and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal
behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was
later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the
Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished
unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent
lawless action and is likely to incite or produce
such action.”
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 9:06 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; my daughter; my son;
Subject: My son
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 9:06 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; my daughter; my son;
Subject: My son
Amber Alert,
Where is my son? Joe may know but he is not telling
me anything. Joe has told RW Johnson Emergency Room intake nurse that our daughter did not have a mother when she made him bring her there for a
medication overload to quell tics. That was in 2010? 11? And I only
found out because our son was down there visiting and I called him to
see how it was going. Then he told me Dad took sister to the hospital
and thought I knew. I called the hospital immediately and had to fax
my divorce papers to prove I am alive and mother.
I am scared for his safety. Where is he? 207-505-5987 is my
number, Joe 732-735-8585
Below posted today seems to have been altered by Rape Ring. The link to Eddie's car was changed to green. That has happened several times on important links. I changed it back but for safety sake, I'll post it here as well to make sure it is accessible by all. It's a cool story. Eddie is Mr. Mayberry. My brother turned him against me too with Jr. robbing my mother's estate. Jr. (George)is very ill and dangerous.
From: <> on behalf of AddThis Share Tools <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5:08 AM
Subject: Low-Mile 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 - Shelby Survivor Photo & Image Gallery
Eddie's Shelby A survivor.Of course.
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5:44 AM
Subject: Fw: Survivor Shelby
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5:44 AM
Subject: Fw: Survivor Shelby
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5:40 AM
Subject: Survivor Shelby
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 5:40 AM
Subject: Survivor Shelby
Subject: Low-Mile 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 - Shelby Survivor Photo & Image Gallery
Eddie's Shelby A survivor.Of course.
Hi Travis,
This is my brother in law, Eddie Miklos and his Shelby that he raced in NJ when I was kid (born 12/31/1960)and he was then dating my sister Janel. She was 12 years older than me. I just found this and thought of you. I will not bother you, your family, store or anyone in Belfast. I am done. I must do what I do. It sucks. When I get unshackled, finally heard for complete dismissal’s after this year+ of warfare against one true Mom standing up to the corrupt and rape, I am outta here. Coming back only for my enormous lawsuits. Your family has been the kindest to me.
Maybe Belfast will honor me one day. No one can handle the truth. Just me apparently. It’s horror. Ciao. Go get em Tiger. Eddie's Shelby A survivor. Of course.
The story should appear with the picture. Eddie did not tell them or they are not telling that the engine was stolen out of the basement garage at their house in Tuckerton, NJ. My sister Janel died in 2002, so I haven’t seen Eddie in a very long time. Maybe he got the engine back. He always kicked himself for not spending a bit more for the step up for the Shelby (I forget the name) Even rarer and worth mega more.
Laurie Allen
PS- my blog began as against City Hall and real estate agents selling undisclosed hell properties. Then the Chamber of Commerce, Dorothy Havey slapped me in the face and gave CM Joe Sloscum Citizen of the Year. Resident Abuser that didn’t even live here. Yet. That’s when I slapped back with for downtown not true Mainers. I hope your family is but those cops swarm the store, comfortably for information and baiting. You must know some. I’m done. Finally going quiet before they silence me for good. Missed twice. I ain’t going out no more. No milk for Laurie. My slogan. Quit smoking though. Rainbow.
am sorry I hurt you
to be said
chose me
and Children
am sorry
am sorry
am sorry
I lay me down to sleep
pray the Lord
soul to keep
if I die before I wake
pray the Lord
soul to take
Bless Mommy, Daddy, Jr., Janel and Donald and all on this earth
at my bedside
MPBN Supports State of Maine Rape Ring
Neighbor Danger 18 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Me 04915
And my comment posted to LePage's FB 12/24/18 5:40pm
aul LePage, Maine's Governor
THE LONGEST PERIOD OF LOW UNEMPLOYMENT IN MAINE - ON RECORD. That’s a quote from the Department of Labor’s announcement today that “Maine’s unemployment rate has been below 4.0 percent for 36 consecutive months ...the longest period on record.” Please share to thank Governor LePage.
Laurie Allen State Of Maine Rape Ring Break Take Intake JustUs For More System, Meds. One 4 All Incareration, New Courts, MaineHealth System to keep the little system lifers... or else. www, AG Mills orders intakes, death while LePage smokescreens with lawsuits and mean... more system for the domestic survivors, Mom and children are the lifers, let the man out to repeat to bring in more business and jobs. Interview ME, Bonnie Erbe PBS. MPBN Elite Supporters are the Intakers. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.comUnshackle me, innocent Mom never arrested in 57 years. 9 months shackled, yet to be heard for complete dismissal Title 14 Section 556, all fabricated to brutal free for all rape kill in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18. A miracle got me out just in time. 2nd Mills murder plot, 6/6/18 Waldo Superior Court. Evacuated, no security, scanners, just Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley. And me, pro se. This time I brought my son, It was to a blood bath and I would have been the terror to cause fear to them, JustUs System. Kill freedom of speech. Laurie Allen has given 8 years of life to stop the State of Maine Rape and Take of the little. Post this please.
Here's a link to the uploads of Belfast specials JustUs 2018. Hope the link works. Great video's on there. Especially when I kick Rick Otto butt, my case mangeHER on Tuesday @ Waldo Jail. All get it if applicable. I chat with the little's, the intakes like me. Mostly men, they scared. They know more than me. McFadden has history and many. BFD. As ya know.
Police Chief Mcfadden keeps taking this powerful, loud video of me in
10/2017 when I pull up with my big, big F150 and big, big speakers
"I'm for the First, I'm for all" in front of McFadden's
window. I saw him and parked. He closed his blinds. How did that go
for ya Chief? His coppers had chased me up Seaview Terrace the week
before, as I was walking with John to his Mom's house at the top of
Seaview. Another hair raising story, to issue me a fabricated cease
harassment notice from Belfast Police Chief McFadden to protect more
Belfast specials of JustUs. Chief would not acknowledge my emails and
calls since May 2017 to issue a protection order against abutting 23
Seaview Terrace, all entities unknown. JustUs. No one told me that a
cease harassment notice was first, then if violated, go to court for
a protection order. I learned that in September 2017 so I went to BPD
and taped my process of filing the cease harassment notice on
9/1/2017. That video was removed several times, but I have the
original's on all. It's difficult to do so much though. I try my
best. After 2 weeks of no response from Chief again, I press. He
denies me the notice and issues one to me to protect them from
massive assaults at my house. To date.
My stalkHER, AbuseHer, Tasmanian Devil, assaulting, terrorizing Mark Rae. Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco gave me a half assed protection order against him this year in court, May 2018. Allowing him on my property but not allowed to harm it or bother me. Both and more continue but Sparaco denied motion to keep meat off my property. Real estate for MaineHealth taking. Over my dead body. So ordered by AG Mills. 2 murder attempts, proven. In their custody. Little Laurie draws hard lines no matter how or where. Done in jail too. Them all couldn't wait for their turn at me. Not all. Two are good. I don't know their names. Night Shift, treated with respect and dignity at night before lock down. About an hour, but always checking in as I stood at the tiny window in my cell, throughout the night, looking up at Mother. Mother always saves and protects me. I beat myself up better than any. Always thankful for that. I love. Oh- Mark Rae has appealed the protection order to the Supreme Court. BFD. I could care less. Just got a notice on that too. To be decided without oral argument just Rae's and that BonJovi jerk attorney for Belfast court jesters. Anal argumentHer. I wipe all of those attorneys in court with my booties when I walk in. Right, I am not allowed in the courthouses or police station or City Hall or Library or Post Office or anywhere from apparently Belfast City Park all the way down that side of Route 1 to RapeVille. Wherever Hurley and McFadden and Brad Williams the ritual rape set up.
My stalkHER, AbuseHer, Tasmanian Devil, assaulting, terrorizing Mark Rae. Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco gave me a half assed protection order against him this year in court, May 2018. Allowing him on my property but not allowed to harm it or bother me. Both and more continue but Sparaco denied motion to keep meat off my property. Real estate for MaineHealth taking. Over my dead body. So ordered by AG Mills. 2 murder attempts, proven. In their custody. Little Laurie draws hard lines no matter how or where. Done in jail too. Them all couldn't wait for their turn at me. Not all. Two are good. I don't know their names. Night Shift, treated with respect and dignity at night before lock down. About an hour, but always checking in as I stood at the tiny window in my cell, throughout the night, looking up at Mother. Mother always saves and protects me. I beat myself up better than any. Always thankful for that. I love. Oh- Mark Rae has appealed the protection order to the Supreme Court. BFD. I could care less. Just got a notice on that too. To be decided without oral argument just Rae's and that BonJovi jerk attorney for Belfast court jesters. Anal argumentHer. I wipe all of those attorneys in court with my booties when I walk in. Right, I am not allowed in the courthouses or police station or City Hall or Library or Post Office or anywhere from apparently Belfast City Park all the way down that side of Route 1 to RapeVille. Wherever Hurley and McFadden and Brad Williams the ritual rape set up.
never went down
that way in my Maine life, since 1969.
don't even know where any of these evils live.
Son of Penny Cameron, stepson of B.O. Cameron- Big Lincolonville Cameron Paving and Meat. Since May 2017 all of those evil have been taking my property, violating my basic rights beyond human with the Belfast Police Department, Waldo Sheriff Department, up to AG Mills. As all my neighbors have witnessed day in and day out, I SIT on my ground with my weapons of mass destruction. My voice, cell phone, camera and sunfish boat and trailer on my ground. Rae with police maul me to near death, mentally and forcefullyy. Many video's on my youtube channel of daily assaults and cops coming only when Rae calls to protect him from me. On my property. Neighbors do nothing. Day in and day out, 8 years and counting. I save Seaview Terrace alone. My orders. Come after ME ONLY. After McFadden, Spectrum and now discovered, my brother, George Allen VP General Manager Beeline Cable, Madison Maine kept accessing my youtube channel, I switched to uploading to my google drive. That is all the new- great video of my jail bail call days on Tuesdays that gave me access to rape victims. I was ordered NOT to go to anywhere near the Jail or public just about. No matter, they will take me if I drive period. No more driving. Self house arrest for months and only with escort prior. To go fishing and sailing. Just a few times. But that was too stressful for me. Knowing my escort would get harmed. He rarely believed anything I told him and didn't want to know anything. Just go do Mother Nature. Me too. Even when escort was not respectful, it seems that's just the way it is here in Belfast. NOT FOR ME. I gonna tell ya too. Escort is gone now. I'm too much. Told ya John. Don't get involved with me. He no listen to me and was leaving me along time ago. I just didn't know it. All leave me eventually. They can't handle the truth. Friends, family and loves.
My children stay. And me beagles. We good don't cha know. I'm telling you what!!!!
Son of Penny Cameron, stepson of B.O. Cameron- Big Lincolonville Cameron Paving and Meat. Since May 2017 all of those evil have been taking my property, violating my basic rights beyond human with the Belfast Police Department, Waldo Sheriff Department, up to AG Mills. As all my neighbors have witnessed day in and day out, I SIT on my ground with my weapons of mass destruction. My voice, cell phone, camera and sunfish boat and trailer on my ground. Rae with police maul me to near death, mentally and forcefullyy. Many video's on my youtube channel of daily assaults and cops coming only when Rae calls to protect him from me. On my property. Neighbors do nothing. Day in and day out, 8 years and counting. I save Seaview Terrace alone. My orders. Come after ME ONLY. After McFadden, Spectrum and now discovered, my brother, George Allen VP General Manager Beeline Cable, Madison Maine kept accessing my youtube channel, I switched to uploading to my google drive. That is all the new- great video of my jail bail call days on Tuesdays that gave me access to rape victims. I was ordered NOT to go to anywhere near the Jail or public just about. No matter, they will take me if I drive period. No more driving. Self house arrest for months and only with escort prior. To go fishing and sailing. Just a few times. But that was too stressful for me. Knowing my escort would get harmed. He rarely believed anything I told him and didn't want to know anything. Just go do Mother Nature. Me too. Even when escort was not respectful, it seems that's just the way it is here in Belfast. NOT FOR ME. I gonna tell ya too. Escort is gone now. I'm too much. Told ya John. Don't get involved with me. He no listen to me and was leaving me along time ago. I just didn't know it. All leave me eventually. They can't handle the truth. Friends, family and loves.
My children stay. And me beagles. We good don't cha know. I'm telling you what!!!!
(I copied this from my URL Google Drive- hoping you can view all my uploads of Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's and Law Enforcement Thuggery since just this summer.. Hard to believe 8 years of this and I'm still alive and trying to sing and dance. I'm getting there. Because I have to. I'm Mom. I do. This blog gets away from me with all the gas-lighting mental abuse and mob mentality. Pffft. My family seasoned me to that crap. So did my ex.- 24 years of him and 57 with his drinking buddy, my brother. I got this. They hide and call for protection from anyone. Most wanna be like them. More. Ew. I ain't got nobody Ew in my life anymore. Tossed em all. My children and beagles are the finest loves and mine, mine, mine. No matter what McFadden, brother and Ex do to take them. We are THE family. Three Musketeers Always.
Getting to Mother Nature behind my front locked door is my therapy. I toasted my little Bose. Bummer. Wasn't loud enough anyway. I am loud. Always. Turn it up, you got it when I get one.
Violations of magnitude just by pro se, high school diploma, 1978, Little Laurie Allen. Exit 9, south River Rat, NJ 08882. Color of Law (FBI won't investigate) Maine State Constitution (Mills, LePage, State of Maine won't investigate themselves) United State Constitution (Trump received and replied- It's a State issue) Ya, I've gone to the moon and back trying to find one human to save all I have been dying for with great harm to my children. This is for ALL, not just mine. We will survive. Gloria says so. Me Too. Mother Nature is the hash tag. Ditch the rest. They are made by them to detour us.
I can't go to Belfast Variety either. To tell the real Mainers. Law enforcement stalks B.V. to intimidate, bust and collect more. Ronnie- you gots to step up man. That's why I contacted Tara. Sorry John, I have been protecting you too. You gone now. I will protect all. Come on over. Let's dance. No drinking, bail conditions ya know. JustUs Murray to AG Mills have me brutally shackled for 9 months now. That is unbelievable that neighbors and community join in on demoralizing my children and me. If I were a black man... All jumped when this one cried wolf, Belfast poet whatever, Belfast's black flag with the rainbows. Then they got f'd by the black man thinking he could be the Black of Belfast. Riding high for awhile, it sickened me. He ain't black, he lost his identity. Women have been shackled since since. Race no matter. We do.
New Belfast police chief selected
By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.
Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
McFadden was at it when he was just a patrolman, Soliciting girls for sex during his radar time. Got that from Ka*** in the joint. She said she told McFadden no. He was already married then too. Was that 30? years ago. Serials crave more, more, more. Didn't Governor Elect Janet Mills give another law enforcement rapist a pass. Yep. The BDN article from January 2018 is below in this Susan Collins post. Collins, the FBI, President Trump, all those that are bound to protect, take us instead. All have been informed and ignore. I thought Mr. Moody would jump on protecting Maine and the little. Nope. Wrong again about people.
1. Maine Code of Judicial Conduct Judicial Violations
a. Rule 2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office.
b. Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness
c. Rule 2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment, specifically a, b, c, d.
d. Rule 2.4 External Influences of Judicial Conduct, specifically a, b, c.
e.Rule 2.5 Competence, Diligence and Cooperation, specifically a, b.
2. Constitution of the State of Maine Violations
a. Natural Rights.
b. Power inherent in people.
c. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence, jury determines law and fact.
d. Unreasonable searches prohibited.
e. Rights of person accused.
f. Discrimination against persons prohibited.
Color of Law Violations
U.S. law enforcement officers and other officials like judges, prosecutors, and security guards have been given tremendous power by local, state, and federal government agencies—authority they must have to enforce the law and ensure justice in our country. These powers include the authority to detain and arrest suspects, to search and seize property, to bring criminal charges, to make rulings in court, and to use deadly force in certain situations.
Preventing abuse of this authority, however, is equally necessary to the health of our nation’s democracy. That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.
The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating color of law violations, which include acts carried out by government officials operating both within and beyond the limits of their lawful authority. Off-duty conduct may be covered if the perpetrator asserted his or her official status in some way. Those violations include the following acts:
Excessive force: In making arrests, maintaining order, and defending life, law enforcement officers are allowed to use whatever force is “reasonably” necessary. The breadth and scope of the use of force is vast—from just the physical presence of the officer…to the use of deadly force. Violations of federal law occur when it can be shown that the force used was willfully “unreasonable” or “excessive.”
Sexual assaults by officials acting under color of law can happen in jails, during traffic stops, or in other settings where officials might use their position of authority to coerce an individual into sexual compliance. The compliance is generally gained because of a threat of an official action against the person if he or she doesn’t comply.
False arrest and fabrication of evidence: The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right against unreasonable searches or seizures. A law enforcement official using authority provided under the color of law is allowed to stop individuals and, under certain circumstances, to search them and retain their property. It is in the abuse of that discretionary power—such as an unlawful detention or illegal confiscation of property—that a violation of a person’s civil rights may occur.
Fabricating evidence against or falsely arresting an individual also violates the color of law statute, taking away the person’s rights of due process and unreasonable seizure. In the case of deprivation of property, the color of law statute would be violated by unlawfully obtaining or maintaining a person’s property, which oversteps or misapplies the official’s authority.
The Fourteenth Amendment secures the right to due process; the Eighth Amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. During an arrest or detention, these rights can be violated by the use of force amounting to punishment (summary judgment). The person accused of a crime must be allowed the opportunity to have a trial and should not be subjected to punishment without having been afforded the opportunity of the legal process.
Failure to keep from harm: The public counts on its law enforcement officials to protect local communities. If it’s shown that an official willfully failed to keep an individual from harm, that official could be in violation of the color of law statute.
Filing a Complaint
To file a color of law complaint, contact your local FBI office by telephone, in writing, or in person. The following information should be provided:
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 7:52 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; my daughter,son and ex husband.
Subject: Tara Please Help Me/Mom's/Children
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 7:52 AM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; my daughter,son and ex husband.
Subject: Tara Please Help Me/Mom's/Children
Tara- you know I am true. Since fabricated arrests, jail, indictment, tracker on my ankle 9 months since escaping death at Two Bridges, restricted from your store, all downtown, Route 1- they will kill me for exposing the evil to Mom’s and children. I spoke to you a little bit when the State got Catherine. I will tell you now, I made her take that fine money from me. I was sure your store was targeted because of me. John reacts with anger to me and your store is real Mainers who need to know.
I am certain of women raped for intake by Belfast Law -State of Maine Law. I saw it and was told by others while in Two Bridges. Judiciary – AG Mills are the ones. I have them, this can stop them and stop rape of women and children for system more- court houses, jails, no more private healthcare. Tara- I know what I am doing which is why I am THE THREAT to them. Please get this petition going. Ladies can stop this. Pinky’s Up. Please. I’ll do it all, but I have to be freed before they kill me. John and I are way done. He had told me that he yelled at Sam (Candy’s daughter) for mopping up milk. Then I knew it wasn’t just me, it’s Belfast-State of Maine abuse to women.
These men would never talk or treat their male’s like they treat female’s. Fuck that. I’ll step in for each one. Including John. He is not that person but is victim of environment and chemical imbalances of a manipulating family and women in his life, including Cousin It. I can’t resist. He’s real mean to me too. Choo Choo Charlie.
Please call me and leave me a message that you received this. McFadden, Spectrum and my brother, George Allen Beeline Cable, hack my internet like you would never believe. I am just understanding the scope of it all. My brother in on my kill with AG Mills is all system’s go Laurie. That one will and has been trying my whole life. My only family member left. One year older than me, and here. I’ll take him down too, once I get free. Lawsuit City for us. Women, children and males that will care, will help each other, will have the courage to cut spending to the wallets of system intake. I’m the proof. They screwed up by taking me, 2 times attempted murder. Not again. I ain’t leaving me house, haven’t in months except once for milk. No more.
Got Milk? I’m restricted from Irving’s- right across the street almost. No left onto Northport Ave to any facilities to help or feed. No park, no, no, no. My whole life. How’s that working for these Mobstah Lobstah’s. 8 years I’ve been putting my and my children’s life on the line, free, 18k alimony is my income, Judiciary has wiped me out and continues.
Look and see. Don’t listen- see what is. I bet you may know women raped by McFadden’s ring. I do, but not the name. She may even be dead because she told me at the jail after making bail, strangulation marks all around her neck, dislocated shoulder, assaulted by a Belfast man on a Friday night. I know this story to many because McFadden led me to it. Thinking I already knew it, I did not. I know now. Bet your employee’s know some or maybe it has happened to them. 30-40 years with McFadden coming on raping during radar as a patrolmen. Give this to whoever you can.
From me. Only me. Come after me. I tell him that ALL the time. Send the women to me too. I’ll help them all. No charge. It’s what I do. Love.
I feel bad for John but because of him, I’ve stayed too quiet. NOOO MORE.
I only have a few FB friends- posted it on there but no one does anything. They get mad at me actually. It’s always that way. Scary sad. Nevertheless, I persist. Always. Worth dying for but hope not. I am tired though. I will be 58 on NYE. Home alone. My son may be here. I don’t want him to come from NJ. I fear for his safety. Always have. He’s 21, my daughter is 24 and in CA. McFadden has gotten her already. On my blog. Beware and be careful. They use your store to scare and for information. Busts all the time right? See? See, ask why then act. That’s what I do. Fix what I see and what I know I can, until done. This has to get done. Yesterday.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Me. 04915
Plenty of info on these. Documented proof. 8 years and a youtube channel with video corruption galore.
Merry Kritmas
Always Love
12/14 Uploaded a doozie. My conversation yesterday with the appeals nice guy at the Maine Supreme Court, Portland. I just wanted to get the fee for the appeal quickly with anonymity. 12min21sec
Filmed my appeal being picked up just before noon and talking out loud, I said that I am going to MPBN and that Charles should get Bonnie Erbe to interview me.
1 minute 57 sec video. uploaded to google driv 12/14/18 8:26am. I am persistent.
Appeal mailed to Waldo District Court to order Judge Robert Murray to provide his WRITTEN DECISIONS FOR FABRICATED CRIMINAL CHARGES. HE NEVER LET ME BE HEARD with the rest of them. JustUs Worth, Mathews, Fields, Alexander, and Fowle protected by AG Mills. All of them have taken me, first hand, pro se. I'm still standing but beat up so very badly. It's nice to be home, alone. That was my plan when college came. I fought heart and soul to never be demeaned by a man again. I earned that. Alone.
5 pages mailed, including Judge Robert Murray's 11/22/18 Refusal to provide his written decisions to kill me.
DECEMBER 13, 2018
Waldo, SS. DOCKET NO. CR.17-839
State of Maine
Judge Robert Murray
Laurie Allen
Defendant Laurie Allen, pro se, is restricted from Waldo Court Houses, all downtown, including the post office. Violating my rights off the Courts with the Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis refusing to speak to me on the phone for court filing requirements and manipulates my motions.
My motions for complete dismissal of all charges under Special Legislature Title 14 Section 556 for these dockets, 17-839, 17-862, and 18-139 WERE NOT HEARD BY JUDGE ROBERT MURRAY ON 6/6/18 IN THE EVACUATED WALDO SUPERIOR COURT BUILDING.
On 10/22/18 was to be my hearing for another false arrest for missing a court date that was not active for a jury pick. However, upon checking the docket call, all three dockets were listed. The false arrest costing me another $500 in bail or I would have been sent to Two Bridges Correctional Facility again, surely for finality.
Judge Fowle and ADA Entwisle were communicating in short key words when I pressed to be heard for the charges. Fowle eventually referred to his notes and stated that Judge Robert Murray heard my motions for dismissal on 6/6/18 and denied them. That is a lie. The transcripts are manipulated. One example is they state that ADA Entwisle was the one to originally state my motions were heard. That is a lie. Therefore, the transcripts costing me close to 2k so far are tainted and falsified.
On 11/22/18, I received via USPS regular mail, Judge Robert Murray’s decision that he will not provide his written decisions for these charges, especially Terrorizing with a Dangerous Weapon, CR18-139. Absolutely not. Freedom of speech to ask Belfast City Council how they like being the target? Judge Robert Murray signed this on 11/19/2018.
My mail is tampered by USPS and FED X. The court clerks state that it can take a week for mail to reach the courthouse even though the post office is across the street and Judge Robert Murray’s refusals to pro se Laurie Allen are delivered the next day. Regular Mail.
Appeal to order Judge Robert Murray for his written decisions against Laurie Allen for these dockets.
Laurie Allen, pro se
17 Seaview Terrace
Evil running for Sheriff, Cop John Gibbs slapped me with a criminal trespass notice (on my property) months ago.
Cop Richards tried to arrest me for parking on my City Right of Way property a few weeks ago. No going outside my house and front yard is done quickly and alertly.
Here I am healthy at the start of intake to rape death, October 2017. I call McFadden out, he tries to make me leave. NO. Then I call out Judge Worth and downtown, their town, taking from residents for more for more. They are ashamed of themselves and hate me for exposing this horror.
12/15/18 10:30pm. Getting a lot of views so I wanted to get this on. The Wake Up. I hope.
No one found this shocking. DoD in collaboration with MaineHealth in 2011? How about now? Do you see the shut down of what was from group homes, nursing homes, mental health, private Dr.'s...
Systematized Health Care, New Court Houses State Wide, assault vehicles, I can't post all the as the State of Maine is keeping me busy trying to kill me. Or is the Department of Defense, or my rapist at 19 years old, Dr. Donald Lombardi. He is a serial, globally. No doubt about it. I copied below from my Economic Greed blog, last entry 2016 but full of info. And sexual assaults, rape, Judicial slap for rape, I stopped posting there because it's endless and I can't let it stop me. Never Give Up. Right? Right. Both of these blogs overlap information because they are in unison. Make money for more. Take, break , rape, intake. System lifer with children. Next.
Link Maine Health to Department of Defense @
MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in
National High-Value Health Collaborative Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes,
quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
National High-Value Health Collaborative Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes,
quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments
PORTLAND, Maine - May 17, 2011- MaineHealth, the state's largest integrated healthcare system, announced its selection as an innovation partner in the High-Value Health Collaborative formed by Mayo Clinic, Denver Health, Intermountain Healthcare, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Cleveland Clinic and The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. The collaborative will determine best practices for delivering healthcare and rapidly disseminate actionable recommendations to providers and health systems across the United States. In addition to achieving better quality and outcomes, the collaborative intends to improve the efficiency of standard clinical care delivery to reduce the per capita cost and to keep costs in pace with the consumer price index.
AG Janet Mills is forcing me to pay $150 A MONTH (18k alimony. that's it.)for the cancer TrackHer Innocent Mom. Over a year of the since I was issued false cease harassment in October 2017. That video of me taking on Chief McFadden and his boys, Juba and Rolerson was the catalyst to kill Mom. Janet Mills ordering my death after her 8 years of FOIA corruption.
Laurie Allen Come on over true ones. I do it fun. Email me, The State Of Maine hacks FB, youtube, me blog, yada, yada, yada.
This 9m37sec video is the 2 dvd discs referenced in my document to also corrupt Court Clerk Brooke Otis (Wife of me bailiff, Ryan Otis- Mr. Otis witnessed jail officer's corrupting the corrupt cease harassment notices on first arrest- 11/1/2017. They are all related to sick family negligence) The first 1:37 is my near death call to corrupt criminal Bath attorney, David Sinclair. The rest is the target shoot, I am sorry that I said f so much. It's only when I have to speak about to equal and surpass stupid. Them.
12/18/2018 The shackle cuts into my ankle, yesterday and today. Each time I put my snow boots on to snow blow my backyard. MaineHealth employee's watch me, crying and trying to get through one more day. Get through one more day. Hacking my phone calls, my internet, into my body, this is bigger than Maine. MetLife told me today that they did not and would not have Royal Seas offering customers calling in that day, a cruise to the Bahama's.
I never fall victim to scams over the phone. I thought since I called 800-GET-Met8 as I aways do to pay my home and car insurance, I thought it was. I believed and today, I learned it was The State of Maine with Spectrum and BeeLine Cable (my brother George Allen, VP/General Manager of Beeline has removed himself from the website and redid the site. Hacked my email, thinking this email was in the wind, but forgot to wipe out the copy I forwarded to my kids. He took it off the blog again! I have a hard copy.
From: George Allen <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:27 AM
Subject: Laurie
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:27 AM
Subject: Laurie
Dear Laurie,
Your life can be greatly improved if you accept help from a professional and get treatment. You need to be able to realize that everyone is not against you. The sooner you get help the sooner you will recover from your illness. You need to try and move forward with guidance. The hardest part for you is admitting that you need help. Your illness causes you to disagree with just about everyone and everything. You have absolutely nothing to lose by getting treatment, it can only help. A major plus is that getting treatment should also keep you out of jail. I want nothing more than to see you live a happy life, with friends, family and community. Life is way to short and you need to be able to enjoy what you have left of it . For years you have been living in misery and it does not need to continue any longer. The good news is it's only up to you, no one is holding you back from accepting help and moving forward. Don't waste any more time, you need get help before your court date on April 10. The judge will be a lot easier on you once they know you are getting help.
George C Allen
535 East River Rd.
Skowhegan ME. 04976
Here is Belfast Police Chief trying to get my daughter to get Mom put away, almost identical to my brother's above. McFadden's is from 2017. This is only one of what? A conspiracy to silence. After rape free for all in custody. Escaping two times. No third. Please. Someone step in. Please, please.
From: Michael McFadden <>Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie AllenDate: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDTTo: my daughter
My Daughter,
... It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs.
McFadden writes I am not a danger to ANYONE, 10/2017..; even after he viewed my target shoot in 10/2017 and no arrest because innocent shoot. Video is below on another entry. They were breaking my door in the eve of cold winter night, 2/23/18 and pushed me, shackled, screaming "shut that fucking bitch up as I sat in the cruiser repeating, I have nothing to say. I want an attorney. No attorney, nobody, I was to die. Ordered hit, Governor Elect, Attorney General Janet Mills.
AG Mills motioned for a title 15 (State forensic psychiatric evaluation) to rob me of my right to represent myself pro se. Stating I was incompetent. I gave Judge Murray my protection order against Mark Rae, Tasmanian Devil for Judge Worth to take my property since May 2017. Full Metal Jacket against one little Mom. I'm smart and tough, who knew? All that know me. No Title 15. ADA Entwisle almost cried. That motion was heard on 6/6/18 for them. Not my motion to dismiss. Beyond corrupt, murderer's and rapists, JustUs, State of Maine and Affiliates.
Every minute more take what little I have. Even as I am locked away in home for self protection, over 2 months now. I took my vehicles off the insurance. Not driving, haven't driven for 2 months. Ankle tracker GET HER on Route 1. Don't miss this time.
There is not one person that is an American civilian to stand with me for all that have died for protecting the most sacred right- freedom of speech? I could never live with myself. Never. Belfast Veterans won't. I tried, so many times. Afraid on American soil but killing abroad for who? More.
Or have all my messages and calls to all those that can help, routed into the sting like the Shannon Berry fake rape young woman from Kittery Maine. Search the name in this blog in the box to the right. Is that even there? Maybe this blog appears different to all? None of the murder attempts by AG Mills, Judiciary Robert Murray, Fowle, Worth, Alexander, Fields, Mathews, Sparaco (all first hand on the bench for hearing after hearing where I amr can be heard for complete dismissal. Title 17 Section 556 Special Legislature.) are appearing? Did my appeal for Judge Robert Murray's lie that he did hear my dismissal with target shoot DVD and precedence and denied dismissal? Murray refusing to give me his written decision for the lie that will end my life? I'll check tomorrow, each day more of the same. No. No. No. No more Laurie. She's not worth freedom of speech but was always a good friend and person. She helped but no one helped her protect rights or children. Next.
For all watching me cry, broken big with time to finally think of my brother. Shut off all my services, court papers from hell piled everywhere, transcripts, businesses to systematize assaults to the little... Little Laurie's brother Jr. is the one and always has been. Kill her. After a life of alienation and loss of my family.
Mr. MPBN Charles Beck may have heard me announce from my window. He's been home for 2 weeks now- curtains drawn, another that I believed. Is he helping me now or taking video for Chief McFadden and City Manager Joe Slocum. BTW- In 2011, I sought downtown support as residents support them. For years, I put myself in the center of all for any to talk. Not one business. My blog at that time was called BelfastBullies (1,2, 3 and 4) exposing Belfast City Hall to Real Estate to AG Janet Mills to the State of Maine corruption against the little. Businesses snubbed me in the over 150 City Council meetings I spoke at. Me for all, them for more.
In 2013, The Belfast Chamber of Commerce with malice and then director Dorothy Havey (Lincolnville and female traitor. Assistant to that ... Thibodeau- Senator or some evil. I forget- he ran from me in 2011 @ Front Street Shipyard. I got him though. He told me to get on City Council for change. I told him "And become one of you? No way. I can do much more on the outside with independent committee's. No one will do that either. Just let me fry. Havey gave resident abuser, brutally to me, City Manager Joe Slocum "CITIZEN OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!" Sloscum didn't even live in Belfast then. From John Worth's territory. Castine. Maine Maritime Academy. Town Manager. Right.
I slapped back, scared to death for my children and went to the more's wallet. Boycott Belfast. What the hell did you expect.
12/11/18 Hammond Lumber Join Belfast PD to end me.
21 days after my motions were delivered below on the 11/5/18 post, I get one piece of garbage from Dishonorable Disgusting Robert Murray. No Written Decisions. Because the evil bastard will not let me be heard to give my target shoot video of freedom of speech. Shot in 10/2017, arrested on Friday evening, 2/23/18 after a brutal email to AG Janet Mills of Maine Judiciary violating Canon Rules. I was dragged out of my house in my leggings by 3 cops hiding in bushes and one in plain clothes. To die. Not.
Hoping to cook the crooks. Murray didn't list my first hearing where I was not allowed to be heard for immediate dismissal on 12/8/2017, Dishonobable Mathews for that one. Evil robes of JustUs for More. No arrest for hate crimes galore, Mark Rae. He just plowed today, this time not going on to my property. First time.
Hand Delivered As Is, No Envelope, Stapled to Waldo District Court Clerk @ 2:40 pm.
November 5,2018
Waldo District Court
131 Church Street
Belfast, Maine 04915
RE: 10/31/18 Hearing notices for motions to dismiss on 12/17/2018 @ 9 am. Waldo Superior Court for Docket No. WALCD-CR-2018-00139 (TERRORIZING WITH A DANGEROUS WEAPON), WALCD-CR-2017-00862 and WALCD-CR -2017-00839 (both harassament). Hearing copies attached.
Motion to halt/reschedule all hearings to dockets above pending receipt of allotted time review of all written decisions requested in the documents hand delivered on 10/26/18. The only hearing Laurie Allen has been informed of is this hearing that must be rescheduled (see below) on 12/17/18.
Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis,
This serves as a motion or notification to correct the error of Friday, November 2, 2018 USPS delivery of these 3 hearings,
1.These motions must state “Special Motion to Dismiss under Maine Legislature Title 14 Section 556.”
2., This hearing is not to be scheduled until the allotted review time after delivery to Laurie Allen, pro se, of the decisions requested and hand delivered to Waldo District Court on 10/26/2018 with other failures of motions by Waldo District Court.
3. The decisions to be received as soon as possible because Judge Fowle, Judge Robert Murray and ADA Entwisle have falsely stated that Laurie Allen’s motions for dismissals were heard and denied per the record and decision of Judge Robert Murray at the June 6. 2018 Bloodbath for Laurie hearing at Waldo Superior Court.
The written decisions pending ASAP are for
A. All decisions that Judge Robert Murray claims to have heard and decided at the 6/6/18, Superior Court hearing @ 11a.m. The building evacuated with no security guards or scanners.
B Judge Fowle’s written decisions for the August 24, 2018 hearing at Waldo District Court. The posted docket did not reflect the the arrest for failure to appear on inactive (Per Murray and Fowle) Waldo Superior Court date on August 6, 2018. The docket reflected the dockets for harassment (2) and terrorizing (1). Laurie Allen was prepared for all charges. False and proven when finally heard by the Court legal procedures that clearly do not apply to Laurie Allen because she is pro se.
c. Judge Robert Murray’s decisions for all Judge Murray claims to have heard on 10/22/2018 at Waldo Superior Court.
Laurie Allen, pro se cannot prepare for the Special Motion to Dismiss under Maine Legislature Title 14 Section 556 until the alloted time has been allocated for preparation AFTER receipt of these decisions requested.
LA 11/5/18 1of5
Brooke Otis, Court Clerk is violating the rights to heard of Laurie Allen pro se, with manipulation of hearings and filings of Laurie Allen’s by apparent instruction of Maine Judicial system and Attorney General Janet Mills. Laurie Allen is also corruptly violated by zone restrictions that do not allow Laurie Allen court access, post office and police department to work my case correctly as pro se.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen, Pro se
Laurie Allen
From: Senator Susan Collins <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:10 PM
Subject: Thanks for your message
Thank you for contacting me through my website. Your views are important to me, and input from my constituents is very helpful when I consider the many important issues facing our nation. Thank you again for reaching out.
Below copied and sent to Maine Senator Susan Collins @ 2pm.
STOP TAKE RAPE INTO CHIEF'S VAT OF BONES I would like to contact the Senator to...
U.S. law enforcement officers and other officials like judges, prosecutors, and security guards have been given tremendous power by local, state, and federal government agencies—authority they must have to enforce the law and ensure justice in our country. These powers include the authority to detain and arrest suspects, to search and seize property, to bring criminal charges, to make rulings in court, and to use deadly force in certain situations.
To the FBI
Immediate investigation of civil actions against the jails/prisons for allegation of systematic deviations of constitutional rights of institutionalized persons under Title 42, USC Section 1997.AKA- The State of Maine Waldo County Jail and Two Bridges Correctional Facility.
False fabricated arrests and jailing. 2/23/18 at night, I was kidnapped by Belfast Police, cuffed to Waldo Jail. In the garage bay, I kept reciting, I have nothing to say, I want an attorney. One officer kept surrounding the cruiser with me cuffed inside, for over 5 minutes, yelling shut that fucking bitch up 2 nights in Waldo Jail to Two Bridges Correctional Facility on Sunday 2/25/18. Guards refused access to the law library, never advised that my daughter put $50 on account so I could make phone calls, Waldo Jail would not take the 5k bail from my partner 2/28,29,3/1 and on Friday 3/2 at 8 am, 4th day of no bail posted, the guard spit out, no bail posted. My partner was at Waldo Jail before 9 am trying to post my bail. As he waited again, Captain Albert told him that he was going to get me now, transport back to Waldo Jail to be shackled with ankle tracker which is why my partner could not bail me out at Two Bridges on Weds. My bail was not paid yet Albert went to get me because I got a note to the outside with an outgoing jail mate. The guards saw it and 5 minutes later, I was told to be ready for transport. There is more but this enough for and FBI investigation. Immediately because I still have not been heard since my first hearing on 12/7/2017 and survived 2 attempts to silence me eternally. At Two Bridges and on 6/6/18 inside Waldo Superior Court, evacuated completely, no security guards or scanners. But, I brought my son this time. Judge Murray corrupted my hearing for complete dismissal. Judge Murray called recess abruptly and never returned to hear my dismissal motions. On Monday, 10/22/18 @ 8:30 am, I am to appear at Waldo Superior Court for my motions not to be heard and possibly silenced eternally. Never to be heard with the jails and prisons eager to rape me to death. Senator Collins, AG Mills, Gov. LePage and Judicial will not respond for the FBI investigation to the Waldo Jail and Two Bridges Correctional Facility. The Mass. FBI field office will not respond to me. Please initiate investigation today, 10/16/18. PLEASE ADVISE before Friday 10/19/208. Today is 10/16/18, 2pm. Thank you. Signed, Laurie Allen
October 12, 201810/16/18
From: Senator Susan Collins <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:10 PM
Subject: Thanks for your message
Thank you for contacting me through my website. Your views are important to me, and input from my constituents is very helpful when I consider the many important issues facing our nation. Thank you again for reaching out.
Below copied and sent to Maine Senator Susan Collins @ 2pm.
STOP TAKE RAPE INTO CHIEF'S VAT OF BONES I would like to contact the Senator to...
Your submission has been received. Thank you for taking the time to share your views. We will pass along your thoughts to Senator Collins.
Please have Senator Collins go to my blog for her email. Belfast Maine- WDC Judiciary Lawless Rape Ring. AG Mills orders hit after hit on me for standing alone and upright. This will get to media this time. Jay Davis is one. You must know him. www boycottbelfast . blogspot . com
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1:26 PM
Subject: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1:26 PM
Subject: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Senator Collins,
Your site would not let me send this because of the links. Darci and Elsa- please get this to Senator Collins. I will not accept other directions to get this to her. It's done for me. Thanks.
What am I supposed to do. I don't want to cry for this.
AG Janet Mills-Maine Law Enforcement-Maine Judiciary- Waldo County-Belfast government and implicated are continuing to violate Maine and Federal constitutional rights to silence me. Fabricating charges and arrests since 10/2017 due to 8 years of my dedication to fix enormous long standing government and implicated corruption as the first hand victim. I never thought that a rape ring was in Maine law enforcement/Judiciary/AG. I am certain. Trump's response go to the State. I've never contacted you but LePage won't step in. Judiciary will not let me be heard in court for complete evidence dismissal of all since first hearing, 12/7/2017. I was drug raped at 19 by Dr. Donald Lombardi. I am certain of a global serial rapist system of students, employees... The State of Maine has me shackled and satellite through my house since 3/2/18, never legally arrested or record in my 57 years. Nothing on me so they can just kill me after they couldn't break me and continue daily, financially and mentally. They have taken all my savings, I've been debt free always. $18,200 year since 2008 and massive court corruption costs in NJ for divorce and now here. Putting rapists on the bench is enough. You decide what to do, I've got the proof.
Color of Law Violations
U.S. law enforcement officers and other officials like judges, prosecutors, and security guards have been given tremendous power by local, state, and federal government agencies—authority they must have to enforce the law and ensure justice in our country. These powers include the authority to detain and arrest suspects, to search and seize property, to bring criminal charges, to make rulings in court, and to use deadly force in certain situations.
Preventing abuse of this authority, however, is equally necessary to the health of our nation’s democracy. That’s why it’s a federal crime for anyone acting under “color of law” to willfully deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by the Constitution or U.S. law. “Color of law” simply means the person is using authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency.
The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating color of law violations, which include acts carried out by government officials operating both within and beyond the limits of their lawful authority. Off-duty conduct may be covered if the perpetrator asserted his or her official status in some way. Those violations include the following acts:
Excessive force: In making arrests, maintaining order, and defending life, law enforcement officers are allowed to use whatever force is “reasonably” necessary. The breadth and scope of the use of force is vast—from just the physical presence of the officer…to the use of deadly force. Violations of federal law occur when it can be shown that the force used was willfully “unreasonable” or “excessive.”
Sexual assaults by officials acting under color of law can happen in jails, during traffic stops, or in other settings where officials might use their position of authority to coerce an individual into sexual compliance. The compliance is generally gained because of a threat of an official action against the person if he or she doesn’t comply.
False arrest and fabrication of evidence: The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right against unreasonable searches or seizures. A law enforcement official using authority provided under the color of law is allowed to stop individuals and, under certain circumstances, to search them and retain their property. It is in the abuse of that discretionary power—such as an unlawful detention or illegal confiscation of property—that a violation of a person’s civil rights may occur.
Fabricating evidence against or falsely arresting an individual also violates the color of law statute, taking away the person’s rights of due process and unreasonable seizure. In the case of deprivation of property, the color of law statute would be violated by unlawfully obtaining or maintaining a person’s property, which oversteps or misapplies the official’s authority.
The Fourteenth Amendment secures the right to due process; the Eighth Amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment. During an arrest or detention, these rights can be violated by the use of force amounting to punishment (summary judgment). The person accused of a crime must be allowed the opportunity to have a trial and should not be subjected to punishment without having been afforded the opportunity of the legal process.
Failure to keep from harm: The public counts on its law enforcement officials to protect local communities. If it’s shown that an official willfully failed to keep an individual from harm, that official could be in violation of the color of law statute.
Filing a Complaint
To file a color of law complaint, contact your local FBI office by telephone, in writing, or in person. The following information should be provided:
- All identifying information for the victim(s);
- As much identifying information as possible regarding the subject(s), including position, rank, and agency employed;
- Date and time of incident;
- Location of incident;
- Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witness(es);
- A complete chronology of events; and
- Any report numbers and charges with respect to the incident.
You may also contact the United States Attorney’s Office in your district or send a written complaint to:
Assistant Attorney General
Civil Rights Division
Criminal Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, DC 20530
Civil Rights Division
Criminal Section
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest
Washington, DC 20530
FBI investigations vary in length. Once our investigation is complete, we forward the findings to the U.S. Attorney’s Office within the local jurisdiction and to the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., which decide whether or not to proceed toward prosecution and handle any prosecutions that follow.
Civil Applications
While the FBI does not investigate civil violations, Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
- Lack of supervision/monitoring of officers’ actions;
- Lack of justification or reporting by officers on incidents involving the use of force;
- Lack of, or improper training of, officers; and
- Citizen complaint processes that treat complainants as adversaries.
Under Title 42, U.S.C., Section 1997, the Department of Justice has the ability to initiate civil actions against mental hospitals, retardation facilities, jails, prisons, nursing homes, and juvenile detention facilities when there are allegations of systemic derivations of the constitutional rights of institutionalized persons.
To the FBI
Immediate investigation of civil actions against the jails/prisons for allegation of systematic deviations of constitutional rights of institutionalized persons under Title 42, USC Section 1997.AKA- The State of Maine Waldo County Jail and Two Bridges Correctional Facility.
False fabricated arrests and jailing. 2/23/18 at night, I was kidnapped by Belfast Police, cuffed to Waldo Jail. In the garage bay, I kept reciting, I have nothing to say, I want an attorney. One officer kept surrounding the cruiser with me cuffed inside, for over 5 minutes, yelling shut that fucking bitch up 2 nights in Waldo Jail to Two Bridges Correctional Facility on Sunday 2/25/18. Guards refused access to the law library, never advised that my daughter put $50 on account so I could make phone calls, Waldo Jail would not take the 5k bail from my partner 2/28,29,3/1 and on Friday 3/2 at 8 am, 4th day of no bail posted, the guard spit out, no bail posted. My partner was at Waldo Jail before 9 am trying to post my bail. As he waited again, Captain Albert told him that he was going to get me now, transport back to Waldo Jail to be shackled with ankle tracker which is why my partner could not bail me out at Two Bridges on Weds. My bail was not paid yet Albert went to get me because I got a note to the outside with an outgoing jail mate. The guards saw it and 5 minutes later, I was told to be ready for transport. There is more but this enough for and FBI investigation. Immediately because I still have not been heard since my first hearing on 12/7/2017 and survived 2 attempts to silence me eternally. At Two Bridges and on 6/6/18 inside Waldo Superior Court, evacuated completely, no security guards or scanners. But, I brought my son this time. Judge Murray corrupted my hearing for complete dismissal. Judge Murray called recess abruptly and never returned to hear my dismissal motions. On Monday, 10/22/18 @ 8:30 am, I am to appear at Waldo Superior Court for my motions not to be heard and possibly silenced eternally. Never to be heard with the jails and prisons eager to rape me to death. Senator Collins, AG Mills, Gov. LePage and Judicial will not respond for the FBI investigation to the Waldo Jail and Two Bridges Correctional Facility. The Mass. FBI field office will not respond to me. Please initiate investigation today, 10/16/18. PLEASE ADVISE before Friday 10/19/208. Today is 10/16/18, 2pm. Thank you. Signed, Laurie Allen
(to amend and add motions to October 11,2018 (below) delivered documents.)
October 11, 2018 now dated October 12, 2018 and updated to Brooke Otis. Laurie Allen taped envelope for security and already mailed at the Belfast Post Office. Phew. Says pro se.
10/11/2018 Hand delivered to Waldo Unified District Court, 131 Church St., Belfast, Maine 04915 today, High Noon.
October 12, 2018
Waldo Unified District Court
131 Church St.
Belfast, Maine 04915
Court Clerk Brooke Otis,
Laurie Allen representing herself as pro se since 2012 in open and shut small claim lawsuits to current day in open and shut criminal and harassment charges, is victim of many Maine Judicial Conduct Rule violation and many violation of the Constitution of the State of Maine. Citing several below and actual documents from the State of Maine. Violations by the State of Maine.
1. Maine Code of Judicial Conduct Judicial Violations
a. Rule 2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office.
b. Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness
c. Rule 2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment, specifically a, b, c, d.
d. Rule 2.4 External Influences of Judicial Conduct, specifically a, b, c.
e.Rule 2.5 Competence, Diligence and Cooperation, specifically a, b.
2. Constitution of the State of Maine Violations
a. Natural Rights.
b. Power inherent in people.
c. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence, jury determines law and fact.
d. Unreasonable searches prohibited.
e. Rights of person accused.
f. Discrimination against persons prohibited.
Since 12/7/2017, the State of Maine has corrupted Laurie Allen’s pro se rights to be heard hearing with numerous Waldo District Court hearings denied and transferred to dispositional conferences of corruption and seclusion at Waldo Superior Court on 2/5/18 and 6/6/18. Both hearings designed to eternally silence Laurie Allen’s rights. Never to be heard, never to be known, publicly.
The State of Maine was confident that Laurie Allen, pro se would be alone court as always. Laurie Allen brought co-counsel and witness on 6/6/18. My 20 year old scholarly son, a junior at Rutgers University.
Laurie Allen walked into an evacuated Waldo Superior Court first floor entrance. No security officer, no security scanner, the entire first floor empty. All doors closed, not one person to witness. Laurie Allen passed 2 attorneys on the stairs and into a staged court room with her son. We had no choice.
Judge Robert Murray and Ada Entwisle corrupted Laurie Allen’s motions beyond comprehension. The transcripts will prove that provided they were transcribed true. Judge Murray could not proceed with plans to silence Laurie Allen because her son was not expendable. My partner would have been.
Judge Robert Murray abruptly called recess and evacuated the court room crime scene. Never to return to hear my motions with exhibits. Laurie Allen was denied rights and life for the countless time by the State of Maine in Waldo Superior Court, Waldo District Court, Two Bridges Correctional Facility,
Waldo County Jail, Waldo Sheriff’s Department, Belfast Police Department and Maine Attorney General Janet Mills.
Laurie Allen filed motions at Waldo District Court on 8/24/2018 (she is corruptly zone restricted from Waldo Courts, Belfast Police Department, Belfast Post Office, Belfast Library and my healthcare Doctor. All necessary to work my case, pro se. Nay say the State of Maine.
Judge Fowle and ADA Entwisle corrupted that hearing on 8/24/18 @ Waldo District Court. The transcripts will prove that provided they were transcribed true. Grudgingly, Judge Fowle was forced to state that his notes reflected all Laurie Allen’s motions on 6/6/18 were heard by Judge Robert Murray. Laurie Allen stated false and asked ADA Entwisle to confirm. He stated his notes indicated the same. False. The most important motion being:
with 2 dvd video exhibits, included in this package today to Brooke Otis, Clerk.
Laurie Allen target shoot dvd Freedom of Speech on 10/2017 with precedence set by the US Supreme Court for an Obama target picture. This October youtube video Laurie Allen posted, resulted in her false, terrororizing, police hate arrest in the dark, on a cold Friday night, alone in her home on 2/23/18. Ordered by the State of Maine, Attorney General Janet Mills.
Laurie Allen’s deathly ill phone call to corrupt criminal attorney, for the State of Maine, not Laurie, David Sinclair. Stating to get the tracker off immediately due to near death illness, several times since shackled on 3/2/18. Sinclair never responded to Laurie and after 2 months of death traps by David Sinclair, he motioned to drop me.
Laurie Allen’s rights to be heard have not and will not be heard in Waldo SUPERIOR Court proceedings with great harm to Laurie Allen previously and documented.
Enclosed are the following motions:
1., Laurie Allen’s rights to be heard at original hearing court with witnesses, WALDO DISTRICT COURT 131 Court Street, Belfast, Maine.
2. Motion to rescind recusal of Judicial Justice’s
3. Motion to dismiss all under Special Legislature
4. Rescind and refund all bail conditions immediately.
Laurie Allen is below poverty at 18K yearly and the State of Maine has cost me over 50k. Pro se.
Laurie Allen
On 10/11/18, Laurie Allen had another hand deliver motions to be acted on immediately. Due to Judicial violations, State of Maine Law Enforcement/Agencies and Belfast government horror to innocent, 57 year old, single and single handed Law Enforcement, the following motions are to be added on, which will total 7.
5. Motion to halt all (including Mark Rae’s appeal to the Supreme Court to remove Laurie Allen’s useless protection order from terror and hate crimes to Laurie Allen by Rae, video documentation galore since May 2017) State of Maine court proceedings against Laurie Allen. Pending initiation of civil actions against the jails/prisons for allegation of systematic deviations of constitutional rights of institutionalized persons under Title 42, USC Section 1997.
AKA- The State of Maine Waldo County Jail and Two Bridges Correctional Facility.
6. If Laurie Allen is denied motion #3 and motion #5, this motion is to order Laurie Allen’s court hearings, today forward, to be heard ONLY at the Waldo Unified District Court, 103 Church St., Belfast, Maine 04915 for public hearing, witness and protection.
7. Motion for the State of Maine to provide all Laurie Allen’s transcript and video hearings at Waldo Unified Superior and District Courts. Requesting hearings in small claims and Judge Sparaco’s order of protection hearing against Mark Rae. All hearings are related because of Judge Patricia Worth and her access to recusal. To be provided at no charge, prior to any further court hearings with time for review. At this time, Laurie Allen has had to borrow funds to pay for previous transcripts of incomprehensible violations and requests complete refund.
Laurie Allen will be composing a document to Maine Senator Susan Collins that will detail the horror of arrests and imprisonment requesting the Department of Justice to initiate rights violations. I will forward a copy of that letter in this packet today that includes additions with the documents and DVD’s delivered yesterday at high noon. If Laurie Allen cannot finish the document to Senator Collins before the mail is delivered (as she is restricted from all of downtown Belfast, the City Park and Waldo General Hospital and Doctor) then it will arrive next week and must be included Please include that letter in this packet for additional support and evidence for Laurie Allen’s defense.
Pro se,
Laurie Allen
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed.
Judge allows plea deal that dismisses sex abuse charges against former Maine deputy
ROCKLAND, Maine — A plea deal accepted Friday allows a former Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy to avoid retrial on 20 sexual assault charges in exchange for pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor count of providing a place for minors to consume alcohol.
Kenneth L. Hatch III, 47, of Whitefield entered his plea Friday to the charge — just filed Thursday in Lincoln County Superior Court — before Superior Court Justice William R. Stokes in Knox County Superior Court.
Stokes dismissed the 20 counts with prejudice, meaning Hatch cannot be tried on them again, and assessed the mandatory $1,000 fine. Assistant Attorney General John Risler, who prosecuted the original case against Hatch, asked for a 10-day suspended sentence, but Stokes said that was not an option and did not sentence Hatch to any jail time.
One of three alleged victims, who read a victim impact statement in the courtroom, said she was angry at the outcome. She said Hatch was “a monster” who betrayed her, leaving her fearful and suffering from panic attacks.
In November, jurors in Kennebec County found Hatch, 47, not guilty of two counts of sexual abuse of a minor and furnishing marijuana to a minor but said they were hung on the other 20 charges of sexual crimes involving three teenagers, some in his cruiser while on duty.
Stokes declared a mistrial on the remaining charges, which included sexually abusing three teenagers when they were younger than 16 and one when she was 6 and providing marijuana to them.
“He agreed to accept the misdemeanor for furnishing a place for minors to consume alcohol because he agreed to let his kids drink alcohol on his property, and obviously he knew other kids were there,” Elliott said Thursday. “He thought it would be safer to do it on his property than for them to be out driving around.” One of three victims and the mother of another told Stokes on Friday they were angry and disappointed about the resolution of the coming forward would be hard and [do] irreversible damage to my family, I wanted to do the right thing,” one said, her voice shaking as she added that her family was “manipulate[d]” and she eventually grew addicted to opiates.
“It’s not fair,” she said. “I didn’t deserve any of this. I feel it’s unfair to not let us take him back to court … we should have had a say … this judgment gives a message that … a police officer can touch a child for his own sexual gratification and get away from it.”
The mother of another alleged victim read her daughter’s statement, saying that even though she has moved away from Maine, “I will continue to live in fear because he’s still out there.”
Lynn Talbot, victim/witness advocate for Knox County, said neither the third alleged victim nor her mother thought they could speak on Friday.
Talbot, crying, told Stokes, “I worked with them for a very long time. This was very much a family betrayal … the harm was significant.”
But Stokes said the original jury was “excellent” and had been “very severe[ly] deadlocked,” and a new trial would have been “very difficult.”
Because Hatch has been convicted of a misdemeanor, he will lose his certification from the criminal justice academy.
Risler said following the sentencing that the likelihood of convincing another jury of guilt beyond a possible doubt was small.
“The option I had to protect the people of Maine was to remove his ability to serve in law enforcement,” Risler said. “When he loses his certification from the criminal justice academy, it’s very unlikely he would ever be able to serve in law enforcement outside of Maine [either].”
Attorney General Janet Mills issued a statement on Friday afternoon, noting that prosecutors do believe the alleged victims.
Hey neighbor. Fix the zoning petition that I spoke of yesterday. And you were listening to me. For my life, I can't understand why no one talks, just lets this happen.
Circulate this petition. It's right. I'll draft one up tomorrow. If you won't, please find someone. A good someone. Female please.
Shackled and banned from everywhere, even the few places I "may" go. My time must be coming near. I will not drive anymore. I will walk to Hannaford for milk. I am banned from my Circle K Irvings by Governor Elect Janet Mills. I can almost see it from my house. No Laurie. OK. I comply LOUDLY and VISIBLY TO ALL.
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 2:32 PM
Cc: my children
Subject: Please Help Us
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 2:32 PM
Cc: my children
Subject: Please Help Us
Mayor Paradis,
I just received hearings from corrupt, nasty Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis. Wife of Waldo bailiff Ryan Otis, right? My motion for complete dismissal of all charges under Special Legislature (not Special Motion as crook Brooke wrote) Title 14 Section 556 is on 2/25/2019. Shackled and hunted while all enable my end. Dishonorable Murray and Mills are setting up dismissal of that by lying with Murray now claiming he heard this motion on 6/6/18 and did not. Murray now states he will not give me his written decisions and all other motions that I have pending are not. Please do your civic duty. Petition Judge Robert Murray for his decisions as if your life depended on it.
As you know, all the information beyond a shadow of a doubt is on my blog. with all the U.S. and Maine Constitution violations just as ignorant, high school diploma pro se. Certainly there are more.
Always Truly,
Laurie Allen
My October 2017 first time target shoot, first time shooting at a target area with an experienced marksman. I use the F word a lot. I'm sorry Dad. No more. I'm better than that because of you. I had to include my flirting with my guy because Governor Elect AG Janet Mills hacked the video. After seeing that hit the target, I said to my guy, watch your ... meaning I was good at shooting. Mills made it seem like I was saying that to City Council. OY! I even state in the video, "don't shoot me, I don't own a gun" And not one person to challenge anyone. Except me in BobbleHead City. Where I am hunted by them. One little girl. That's all I am. Just a girl. Not a boy. How do men treat girls? Right. Pinky Up.
The State of Maine, Belfast City Hall/Council and The Village Soup Republican Journal Stephanie Grinnel sent me out as a terrorist globally, the AP, TV news, social media, blitz to disgrace me. Eternal damage to my children especially because of who their Mom is and does. Selfless until I get hurt. Seems mandated. Everyone does it. Everyone I know and have known. Hypocrites. I had thought we were all equal as taught. I took that as everyone can fix things just like me when I do wrong. I still do. No one wants to. Too scared of self impact. Selling out children and innocents instead.
The global media of raiding my life, my home, ripping me out of my house, pushing me down the road to a hidden cruiser, at night, in the freezing cold in just my leggings and top. 3 cops freaking out on me, Friday evening, no one to know, just gone. Once in, she ain't coming out. Don't worry about it. Smear her globally, City Council, Mary Mortier, Eric Sanders, Neal Harkness, Mike Hurley, John Arrison, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall state lie after lie, knowing the truth would die bad in Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset Maine after business jail closedown, Friday, 3/2/18. Miracle got me out.
Lawsuits to infinity if the law mattered. Murray has not heard me for complete dismissal with the exhibit video to prove innocence and freedom of speech with precedence (Obama target shoot). Nor for the 2 fabricated harassment charges where the video evidence of proof is not available per ADA Entwisle. Murray claims he heard both on the day of another bloodbath for me, Waldo Superior Court, 6/6/18, evacuated for hit with a portable office crime scene court room. I go pro se and alone. Always for 8 years now with businesses taking me to the cleaners too. On 6/6, I brought my son. No Kill to my son. Murray ran, never to hear my motions. The transcripts that have cost me over 2k now are tainted. Another rabbit hole that I am not going in.
Murray has refused to give me his decisions in writing. Below. What happens now? I appeal to Superior Court and another Dishonorable while City Hall is placing liens on my house for missing one current payment of current property taxes, the Water and Sewer district doing the same for refusing to audit my account for massive overbilling. Audit with my actual bills and readings and graph. 8 years. Not hard. No. Take her house if she doesn't pay up while the rest and neighbors beat the hell out of her. Treat her like shit then smile. Nice.
11/2/18 Belfast Post Office always tampers my important mail. Fed X too. UPS has been excellent- the dog food came in via UPS- just like this- no packaging. I don't see any holes, Waldo Courts envelope came tampered- my mailman, Crusty Rusty is a good ole boy lookin like Cliffy from Cheers. Not. Two Sams Club here were Fed X and delivered opened. The JustUs, AG Mills, and their thugs never let up on me. I haven't left my home in a long time. I will live. Bastards.
10/31/18 This recording from 10/19/18 is proof of hell. I did well. Melissa, court clerk at Waldo District Court is trained by Brooke Otis, evil court clerk and wife? of my bailiff Ryan Otis. 19 minutes of 8 years of the same. I tell the truth/ The more take and take the 5th. Silence. Or die. The weapon of mass destruction and certainly my gift- direct truth and accountability. . Ya know.
The State of Maine must respond to my motions, including arresting Mark Rae for theft of my landscaping boulders that Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco accepted in court, 5/2018 and granted me a protection order against Mark Rae. Raging hate and big. Big jerk. Mark Rae and his workers violate my protection order frequently with law enforcement, Judicial and Attorney General Janet Mills protection. Isn't Janet related to Waldo Sheriff evil Jeffrey Trafton? I think so, I found a mention in one article a few years ago. Bet Trafton and McFadden sent the 3 sexually threatening and disgusting anonymous letters to me. Rape Ring. I am certain.
From AG Mills' first false, fabricated video evidence (that is not available per arrest report and Chief McFadden) false arrest in 11/2017. Then another to make the 3rd one, the one. Kidnapped with brutality, grabbed, cuffed in my leggings and shirt. 3 police officers of hat, and career fear forcefully with shouting rage. On 2/23/18, after 6pm. dark and cold. In the dark, 2 uniforms hiding in the bushes by my front door with young, evil trained, Officer Juba in plain clothes. Trying to lure me outside to kidnap me before I could call 911. I got the call in, they grabbed my phone and deleted it. No matter, it's a 911 call- always- right? Even if they did succeed with death by menacing rage of many @ Two Bridges Correctional Facility, that Friday evening- 3/2/18... thank you Mother Nature- I got out again. Against all. Again. So many. How can this be... I thought it was just my Allen family then ex. That is even sadder. No one can believe it all, no one wants to. It's horrific. I want to be done. Please. Dismiss all. NOW per Pending 8/24/2018 Special Motion to Dismiss Maine Legislature Title 14 Section 556 (page link for current motions with evil- I still have to update the page with 10/26/18 delivered documents to Waldo District Court on 10/27)
10/31/18 This recording from 10/19/18 is proof of hell. I did well. Melissa, court clerk at Waldo District Court is trained by Brooke Otis, evil court clerk and wife? of my bailiff Ryan Otis. 19 minutes of 8 years of the same. I tell the truth/ The more take and take the 5th. Silence. Or die. The weapon of mass destruction and certainly my gift- direct truth and accountability. . Ya know.
The State of Maine must respond to my motions, including arresting Mark Rae for theft of my landscaping boulders that Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco accepted in court, 5/2018 and granted me a protection order against Mark Rae. Raging hate and big. Big jerk. Mark Rae and his workers violate my protection order frequently with law enforcement, Judicial and Attorney General Janet Mills protection. Isn't Janet related to Waldo Sheriff evil Jeffrey Trafton? I think so, I found a mention in one article a few years ago. Bet Trafton and McFadden sent the 3 sexually threatening and disgusting anonymous letters to me. Rape Ring. I am certain.
From AG Mills' first false, fabricated video evidence (that is not available per arrest report and Chief McFadden) false arrest in 11/2017. Then another to make the 3rd one, the one. Kidnapped with brutality, grabbed, cuffed in my leggings and shirt. 3 police officers of hat, and career fear forcefully with shouting rage. On 2/23/18, after 6pm. dark and cold. In the dark, 2 uniforms hiding in the bushes by my front door with young, evil trained, Officer Juba in plain clothes. Trying to lure me outside to kidnap me before I could call 911. I got the call in, they grabbed my phone and deleted it. No matter, it's a 911 call- always- right? Even if they did succeed with death by menacing rage of many @ Two Bridges Correctional Facility, that Friday evening- 3/2/18... thank you Mother Nature- I got out again. Against all. Again. So many. How can this be... I thought it was just my Allen family then ex. That is even sadder. No one can believe it all, no one wants to. It's horrific. I want to be done. Please. Dismiss all. NOW per Pending 8/24/2018 Special Motion to Dismiss Maine Legislature Title 14 Section 556 (page link for current motions with evil- I still have to update the page with 10/26/18 delivered documents to Waldo District Court on 10/27)
Waldo Unified Court Pending Motions and Corrupted Hearings (since 12/7/17) Hand delivered today. I am corruptly restricted from the Court Houses, Police Station, City Hall and meetings, Post Office, Library and most evil, Belfast City Park. They know I walk there with my beagles (almost across the street from me) all the time to mourn my family, Mom, Dad and Janel. Cremated and ashes are there. No threat to anyone ever. Just wanted to be left alone in privacy after making it out against all odds in 2010. To this. Mob Mentality of the same except more. I am Pro se and they violate every right of the standing brave Pro se. Kill her. Not yet. 2 strikes Attorney General Janet Mills.
I'm under self house arrest. Another court bloodbath? How are you going to silence me now? Mother Nature won't allow it. My protector. Mills has taken my last 5k in bail for fabricated, false arrests, plot to rape death in Two Bridges Correctional Facility (7 days jailed, epic rights violations) failed. Plot for bloodbath in Waldo Superior Court 6/6/18 failed. Shackled me with cancer tracking cell since 3/2/18 for innocence to be hunted at will and entered on upon will.
Charging me $5 a day for the cancer cell, thousands in payment of corrupt court hearings for transcripts of proof, City of Belfast corruptly attempting to place a lien on my fully paid home, the 5k was for bills- taxes, water, electric, insurance and food. 18k a year, I am below poverty and live frugally. Debt free till JustUs for more. MaineHealth taking me and my property while I have to pay $90 a month for 2019 healthcare premiums. I should be on my feet and flying, 8 years ago. No. Dependent on the ex I escaped from, since 2007. After he took me out with my brother. George Clyde Allen. VP, General Manager of Beeline Cable and very sick. He is working with Mills to silence his sister's truth. He ain't no good neither. Stupid jerk.
Page link with documents hand delivered today by J. Finally. 10/26/18 Waldo Unified Court Pending Motions and Corrupted Hearings (since 12/7/17)
I mistakenly named my transport officer from Two Bridges Correctional Facility on 3/2/18 as Captain Walker on my 10/16/18 FBI request for investigation. It is Captain Albert. FBI and Senator Collins refuse to respond. Protectors of Supreme Rape.
JustUs Robert Murray swears to evil. Keep her shackled and deny the court transcripts from 6/6//18 that was to be my bloodbath (details in this post) by Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley in Waldo Superior Court. Lying Murray refusing my exhibit transcripts proving he did not allow me to be heard and worse. Total collusion with Maine Attorney General Janet Mills, Owner of JustUs. They are so sick. I don't want to ruin my day with this. It's nice.
Evil Mean Mark Rae son of Belfast More JustUs Penny Rae Cameron married to B.O. Cameron, Cameron Paving and Lincolnville Maine Special Family of Evil. Poor children and grandchildren. Parental Thugs. |
![]() |
Belfast Special Snitch. Citizen of the Year for the More. Attroney Lee Woodward. |
December 1, 2018 (edited 12/2/18)
Merry Kritmas to Laurie Lee.
Twas 60 days and nights since this little lassie has left me Blarney Stone.
No one will help, most are mean and selfish.Must be fear.
Guess who was at the Dump when Joi Z pulled up with Mr. John Denver, Country Roads.
Chitizen I mean uh, Citizen of the Year for JustUs, Lee Woodward. Oh Girl, oh girl.Boy.
Had me big yard sign and held it right up for the good ole boy.
I told him that I bet the closing he did for me, have Woodward words in me deed. For JustUs Patty Worth.
They butties. Ya know.
I stated some citizen, demeans a female Mayor for bathroom breaks for blood flow at the gala of the JustUs For More and "More's" citizen of the year. An attorney, much less. Cowardly and zero class. Chin Up Mayor Paradis. The smiling mean are Belfast's forte'. All together, Mothers Nature. Healthy fix. Boycott More. Come on over. Let's have a parade for Mothers. NO JustUs for Us. Break, Rape, Intake. Mothers and their children. Intake for life. Court ordered. Medicate, Doctor ordered per AG Mills. Drug dealer and uses Title 15 Forensic State Psych Eval to take out the truth.
AG Mill tried to take me out with a Title 15. on 6/6/18. A record for life, that Mothers are incompetent to represent themselves throughout a made complicated for any pro se and corruption of most of only 6 Juciciary of Canon Rules. corruption by the State of Maine Judicialmyself, pro se. I won.Dishonroable Robert Murray and ADA Enstwisle heard that motion because regardless of my wins as pro se over the 8 years.
Governor Elect Attorney General Janet Mill's script (prescription) on 6/6/18 was to order the Title 15 State Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation to silence me One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest exactly as I wrote the very same 8 years ago. May 2011 Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall. I knew that evil. Brother and ex. Oh girl. They will go after my children too. My son was first, entering 7th grade. My daughter next, when I drove through the night to get her out and safe. Done.
Kill their Mom then report the JustUs 3 evil men (Murray, Entwisle and Dudley) felt that their lives were in danger. Such a sad event in our beloved Waldo Superior Courtroom staged bloodbath to be scene.Scene not seen to any but Evil 3, court clerk I have her name somewhere, me and my son.
Marshall Dudley to state that his life was in danger so he shot MOTHER dead. My motions for complete dismissal were never to be heard and still haven't. Murray is a murderous liar, with Mills and all of them, State of Maine. Not Maine.
Mother's scholarly son was co-counsel and witness. Murray called recess and never came back to hear my dismissal motions. He says he did and he is NOT giving me his written decision because HE KNOWS MY MOTION WILL FREE ME AND OPEN UP LAWSUIT CITY. PRO SE GETS NO SAY. I WILL. TAKE IT TO KAVANAUGH, SUPREME RAPE. Mothers Rape Day. On record. Maine Senator Susan Collins votes rape.
I'm back. Here she comes again. 8 years, 24/7. No charge. You're welcome. Freedom @ Blarney StoneD 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine. 04915 Home love.
Lee Woodward you make us sick. For your JustUs thugs. Beyond the corruption is the grinning meanness that says I'm protected. I can play Mr. Bowtie and these local nobodies must pay me whatever I want. They will never know I am Mr. Snitch because they think I am a good man, a friend, highly respected because of sinister disrespect.
Billable to the locals and innocent. Lee did my closing. You bet the deed he gave me is worded to take. Thank you 20 year Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley. He gave me a copy of his original deeded 1965 plans for Seaview Terrace that had been removed from the Waldo Deeded Registry. Most have been by now, replaced with fake mylar etch a sketch worthless. Bob stated Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum (abusive and resident kill her, very sick and exposed) "flipped out" that Bob gave me my Holy Grail. Sloscum also got the Taker of the Year with the same greed at the Look Out 4More,
They are masters at infantile ways that somehow create a fan base of wannabe's of more for me. So easy to take with Judiciary ordering the take. Beat the hell out of the true to comply or die. True wins. Killing me is to set an example as State-County-City-Neighbor assaults reign into my home, my sanctuary, making it out against all odds to live true under all radar and independent. Eight years and counting. Mob mentality that is a constant hurt that I must spit at. It sickens me but I know meatheads. 57 years of immediate meatheads taking what? Truth and accountability. Incapable of sorrow. Doing exactly what they cry is being done to them. Belfast City Council, City Hall and all the implicated. That is frightening. That is what scares me. Where did all the humans go?
Woodward, you have stolen from the innocent and hurt our children. You, the local go to for all your personal, private legal documents and history. Mediator for JustUs State of Maine and all our records. Evil is on the MaineHealth board don't ya know. Economic Greed. Where MaineHealth proudly announced on their website in 2011 that the have joined the Department of Defense in collaboration. All Lee's weapons against the innocent. Legal documents for the Dishonorable State of Maine Judiciary. Decision for life. Cha Ching.
System Intake 4 JustUs
Nevertheless, I persist. I have told my out-of-state children to contact Mayor Samantha Paradis if anything happens to me. After 2 months, I must go out to get a money order to pay the $150 month to Waldo County for the cancer tracking cell shackled to my little ankle since March 2, 2017. False arrests since November 2017, Judiciary Court Jesters. Silence her. Regardless of proof of innocence. Judge Robert Murray says so. I say no. 57 years of no. How's that working for all you evils.
The 11/29/2018 post with Belfast Maine Mayor Paradis ordered silent by Belfast City Council is below. Mayor Paradis gets media for stating rights violations while in chair as all my rights and life violated to protect all My children will have this ready upon...
5pm Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed. Bangor Daily News article below with this link.
4pm If Maine Attorney General Janet Mills attempts my 3rd murder, this serves as a legal document for permission to use all my information at my children's will and wisdom. I got a plenty.
LA 11/5/18 2of5
I mistakenly named my transport officer from Two Bridges Correctional Facility on 3/2/18 as Captain Walker on my 10/16/18 FBI request for investigation. It is Captain Albert. FBI and Senator Collins refuse to respond. Protectors of Supreme Rape.
JustUs Robert Murray swears to evil. Keep her shackled and deny the court transcripts from 6/6//18 that was to be my bloodbath (details in this post) by Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley in Waldo Superior Court. Lying Murray refusing my exhibit transcripts proving he did not allow me to be heard and worse. Total collusion with Maine Attorney General Janet Mills, Owner of JustUs. They are so sick. I don't want to ruin my day with this. It's nice.
This 9m37sec video is the 2 dvd discs referenced in my document to also corrupt Court Clerk Brooke Otis (Wife of me bailiff, Ryan Otis- Mr. Otis witnessed jail officer's corrupting the corrupt cease harassment notices on first arrest- 11/1/2017. They are all related to sick family negligence) The first 1:37 is my near death call to corrupt criminal Bath attorney, David Sinclair. The rest is the target shoot, I am sorry that I said f so much. It's only when I have to speak about to equal and surpass stupid. Them.
Boycott Rapists of Children
State of Maine and Robes
Vatican City and Robes
What Are All Waiting For? Not mine? Wrong.
So ordered! Mothers Nature Coalition of One. Mothers Necessary Join Hobo Mom email or call the stinking FBI or State of Maine for my bio. Direct DNA Integrity from my Dad. Blue collar integrity. The best.
Never arrested or record in my 57 years till illegally 3? 4? times since 11/2017 cause Mother Nature won't let the State of Maine kill her best workher. Beyond silencing, rape to death and skin in Chief's garage vat for rust melting restoring. Bet the State of Maine has disposed of Mothers children and evidence. Never Mothers. Birdies. Bye Bye Evil.
11/28/18 11 pm update email to Mayor Paradis and Village Soup article.
Silence women? I don't think so. 8+ years of dedicating my voice and life to protect Maine, children and Mothers Nature. All. No charge. Free from Laurie Lee. Solo.
Belfast City Hall Trolls Eat Mayor. Motions done, unknown to Mayor Paradis. Silence Her. Right. Let's Roll Ladies. Pinky's Up. WABI news clip on today. What? So, so sick is this greed and evil.
3 minute WABI news clip recording with comments as I record, watching it for the first time while recording. Document I do.
Laurie Allen has shared the following video:
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 1:07 PM
Subject: Fw: Comment on Councilors call special meeting to discuss Belfast mayor’s OpEd
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 1:07 PM
Subject: Fw: Comment on Councilors call special meeting to discuss Belfast mayor’s OpEd
Mayor Paradis,
I would welcome you into my home if you want to talk to me, facts, what is. You may have my word that if you want, all you say is off the record. Although they are in my home, my bathtub, my bed, my love. I'm not sure when I'll be deleted but here is my comment. Is Seth Thayer now posing as Dink? Jerk Dink. On the record. Everything I am. Do it. True.
Joi Z Exit 9
South River Rat
Little Laurie Lee Allen
Yo Todd Beamer! Let's Roll
PS- Woodward is a bow tie hole. I got him too. Ew.
Will I be deleted Abby? This is State of Maine. Silence for system (health to law enforcement to Judiciary to AG Mills Governor Elect to Spectrum, to my Irish Twin 58 year old older brother, George Allen, VP General Manager of what was Beeline Cable before hiding under Get Beeline, no mention of Jr. He's in with the State of Maine to silence his sister's 57 years of truth and own it. Fabricated arrests by the State since November 2017. 2 kills of brutal evil saved by near miracles on 3/2/18 in Two Bridges, after 7 days of jail to be a free for death beginning that Friday night, I am sure. 3/2/18. But I got a letter to the outside with an outgoing lady at 9 am that day. 15 minutes later, bail not accepted by Belfast for 3 days and had not intentions of taking, TB transported me back to Belfast. Jail had to take the 5k bail. JustUs Robert Murray missed again on 6/6/18 at my hearing not to heard again since 12/8/2017 for complete dismissal. Freedom of Speech. 11 am on a weekday, Waldo Superior Court evacuated. No security, scans, nobody. Except Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle, gun twitching Marshall Dudley, the court clerk, Laurie Allen pro se and always alone. Except this time, my scholarly son came with me. Murray couldn't do it and ran. Called recess and never heard my motion to dismiss. Says now he did, denied my motion and refuses to give me his written decision. Shackled to a cancer ankle tracker since 3/2/18,. my dad, sister and 2 brothers all died of cancer and I have not broken any laws. Just traffic- registration and sticker and speeding back when I had my 69 4 suicide door TBird. I was 17 and my first car. Yes. Vrooom. Belfast Chief put the rape ring on my shoulders. Yet no one else is afraid enough for their children and world to say NO!!!! You can't do that and I can do something about it and will. I commit. 8 years here at the Gaza Strip. my Standing Rock. Call me Mayor. About time we be all we. Not just rainbow we. Why hate me? Little Laurie Allen
5pm Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed. Bangor Daily News article below with this link.4pm If Maine Attorney General Janet Mills attempts my 3rd murder, this serves as a legal document for permission to use all my information at my children's will and wisdom. I got a plenty.
These documents below went with the letter to Corrupt Waldo Court Clerk Brooke Otis that I posted at the top today. 12/7/2018.
11/2/18 Belfast Post Office always tampers my important mail. Fed X too. UPS has been excellent- the dog food came in via UPS- just like this- no packaging. I don't see any holes, Waldo Courts envelope came tampered- my mailman, Crusty Rusty is a good ole boy lookin like Cliffy from Cheers. Not. Two Sams Club here were Fed X and delivered opened. The JustUs, AG Mills, and their thugs never let up on me. I haven't left my home in a long time. I will live. Bastards.
10/31/18 This recording from 10/19/18 is proof of hell. I did well. Melissa, court clerk at Waldo District Court is trained by Brooke Otis, evil court clerk and wife? of my bailiff Ryan Otis. 19 minutes of 8 years of the same. I tell the truth/ The more take and take the 5th. Silence. Or die. The weapon of mass destruction and certainly my gift- direct truth and accountability. . Ya know.
The State of Maine must respond to my motions, including arresting Mark Rae for theft of my landscaping boulders that Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco accepted in court, 5/2018 and granted me a protection order against Mark Rae. Raging hate and big. Big jerk. Mark Rae and his workers violate my protection order frequently with law enforcement, Judicial and Attorney General Janet Mills protection. Isn't Janet related to Waldo Sheriff evil Jeffrey Trafton? I think so, I found a mention in one article a few years ago. Bet Trafton and McFadden sent the 3 sexually threatening and disgusting anonymous letters to me. Rape Ring. I am certain.
From AG Mills' first false, fabricated video evidence (that is not available per arrest report and Chief McFadden) false arrest in 11/2017. Then another to make the 3rd one, the one. Kidnapped with brutality, grabbed, cuffed in my leggings and shirt. 3 police officers of hat, and career fear forcefully with shouting rage. On 2/23/18, after 6pm. dark and cold. In the dark, 2 uniforms hiding in the bushes by my front door with young, evil trained, Officer Juba in plain clothes. Trying to lure me outside to kidnap me before I could call 911. I got the call in, they grabbed my phone and deleted it. No matter, it's a 911 call- always- right? Even if they did succeed with death by menacing rage of many @ Two Bridges Correctional Facility, that Friday evening- 3/2/18... thank you Mother Nature- I got out again. Against all. Again. So many. How can this be... I thought it was just my Allen family then ex. That is even sadder. No one can believe it all, no one wants to. It's horrific. I want to be done. Please. Dismiss all. NOW per Pending 8/24/2018 Special Motion to Dismiss Maine Legislature Title 14 Section 556 (page link for current motions with evil- I still have to update the page with 10/26/18 delivered documents to Waldo District Court on 10/27)
Waldo Unified Court Pending Motions and Corrupted Hearings (since
12/7/17) Hand delivered today. I am corruptly restricted from the
Court Houses, Police Station, City Hall and meetings, Post Office,
Library and most evil, Belfast City Park. They know I walk there with
my beagles (almost across the street from me) all the time to mourn
my family, Mom, Dad and Janel. Cremated and ashes are there. No
threat to anyone ever. Just wanted to be left alone in privacy after
making it out against all odds in 2010. To this. Mob Mentality of the
same except more. I am Pro se and they violate every right of the
standing brave Pro se. Kill her. Not yet. 2 strikes Attorney General
Janet Mills.
I'm under self house arrest. Another court bloodbath?
How are you going to silence me now? Mother Nature won't allow it. My
protector. Mills has taken my last 5k in bail for fabricated, false
arrests, plot to rape death in Two Bridges Correctional Facility (7
days jailed, epic rights violations) failed. Plot for bloodbath in
Waldo Superior Court 6/6/18 failed. Shackled me with cancer tracking
cell since 3/2/18 for innocence to be hunted at will and entered on
upon will.
Charging me $5 a day for the cancer cell, thousands in
payment of corrupt court hearings for transcripts of proof, City of
Belfast corruptly attempting to place a lien on my fully paid home,
the 5k was for bills- taxes, water, electric, insurance and food. 18k
a year, I am below poverty and live frugally. Debt free till JustUs
for more. MaineHealth taking me and my property while I have to pay
$90 a month for 2019 healthcare premiums. I should be on my feet and
flying, 8 years ago. No. Dependent on the ex I escaped from, since
2007. After he took me out with my brother. George Clyde Allen. VP,
General Manager of Beeline Cable and very sick. He is working with
Mills to silence his sister's truth.
Page link with documents delivered today. Finally. 10/26/18 Waldo Unified Court Pending
Motions and Corrupted Hearings (since
I mistakenly named my transport officer from Two Bridges Correctional Facility on 3/2/18 as Captain Walker on my 10/16/18 FBI request for investigation. It is Captain Albert. FBI and Senator Collins refuse to respond. Protectors of Supreme Rape.
JustUs Robert Murray swears to evil. Keep her shackled and deny the court transcripts from 6/6//18 that was to be my bloodbath (details in this post) by Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley in Waldo Superior Court. Lying Murray refusing my exhibit transcripts proving he did not allow me to be heard and worse. Total collusion with Maine Attorney General Janet Mills, Owner of JustUs. They are so sick. I don't want to ruin my day with this. It's nice.1
October 9, 2018
Happy Happy Birthday Nellie
It seems like years ago we met
On a day I can't forget
Cause that's when we fell in love
Do you remember the names we had for each other?
Jr. How could you.
Media Evil Jay Davis Belfast Wig.No Media for Laurie. JustUs Gorilla Warfare against her. Couldn't find one evil in my life to take me down. So silence her to crazy then to death. Two times since 3/2018. Missed me. I'm just a kid. Mother of 2 and 2. Mother Nature is me boss.
Just like sister Christine Blasey Ford. We are doing it. Sisterhood.
Full assault on, Mark Rae taking and destroying mine regardless of protection order. Belfast PD- AG Mills protecting Rae, to get me. No more kidnapping. Third time will be it. They took my property tax and bill money with my last 5k. Waldo Jail refused to take the 5k bail since lowered from 25k. No one told me after Tuesday video trial and sandbagged by attorney evil for the State, acting out spectrum true angels Drug Doctor's medicate. Bath Maine Criminal Attorney David Sinclair. A father. A killHER. I bit being pro se all the way for 8 years in small claims by more men evil fleecing me to hell. Judge Worth was waiting for me. Pulling Fields out of retirement to take the first series of dissecting my children and Mom. I made it out against all odds to mob mentality of the same.
I knew right away after City Planner Wayne Marshall stole my first public document in 2011. The drainage map of Belfast with his testimony of volumes of massive runoff, melt-off, corruption (CASS/Muck down to me. The last house of miles of forced State of Maine inverse condemnation. In motion since the Route bypass scheming began in at least the early 1960's. Seaview Terrace is the 12 family home, dead end City owned street, across from Waldo County General Hospital. The Gaza Strip, we are surrounded by property owned by MaineHealth and Department of Defense. Both in collaboration on MaineHealth's 2011 website. Details on that evil (I stopped updating because it was more, more, more evil by the same healthcare and another 4nooomore rape and some documentation of what media is told to print. Economic Genocide (boy did I get beat up by Belfast Big Boy Seth Thayer online, mnay times. He probably organized the social media party that Stephanie Grinnel, Republican Journal, Waldo Village Soup corruptly lied on my terrorist lawless enforcement arrest throughout the whole story, as told by City Manager Joe Slocum and thugs. Because I was not coming back again. Stupid fools. Slocum put a lien on my house, never late with payments, stellar credit rating- excellent. Not now. Belfast Water District pounced too after I lived. It took me months to get to that and is now another hell hole with Superintendent Keith Pooler and Sewer Jon Carman. Jon may be ok though. We'll see. I wouldn't have thought so. They only hire "they owned" types. Stop rape. Stop State of Maine ring rape to Dr, Donald Lombardi Global Power System Rape to any.
(never arrested in my life and never terrorized with a dangerous weapon. Me of all people.Just my words and work. That's what I do. Until done. Next.)
Chief McFadden State of Maine Rape
Hobo Mom September 2017 at Belfast Police Department where Chief McFadden, Officer Rolerson and Officer Juba run after I tell them to stop hurting children. All. Rape into the system of JustUs and Mainhealth. Victim arrested, cash cow. Rape goes on, intake up, JustUs gets more. More new courts, one for all facility, MaineHealth scripts addiction. Intake more. SENATOR COLLINS YOU MUST INVESTIGATE AND FREE ME. BRING IN THE FBI AND SUSPEND ALL COURT HEARINGS OF CORRUPTION FROM ILLEGAL ARRESTS AND MARK RAE TAKING ME TO THE SUPREME COURT TO NULLIFY THE PROTECTION ORDER FOR ME THAT DOESN'T PROTECT ME AT ALL. OFFICERS PROTECT MARK RAE TO KILL ME. Never a record, and I don't lie. All that know me, know me true. Don't tell Laurie, she will try to help and fix. Until.
Belfast Chief PeeWee McFadden's Playhouse September 2017
Laurie Allen
From: Senator Susan Collins <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 12:35 PM
Subject: Thanks for your message
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2018 12:35 PM
Subject: Thanks for your message
Thank you for contacting me through my website. Your views are important to me, and input from my constituents is very helpful when I consider the many important issues facing our nation. Thank you again for reaching out.
Susan M. Collins
United States Senator
Susan M. Collins
United States Senator
I have confirmation that Senator Collins has my message also on my boycottbelfast blog. I cannot leave my house, 3 false arrests, almost 2 more last week parking on my property, in the City right away per City open parking to any, walking back from Waldo Jail Tuesday since 3/2/18 cancer ankle cell, Det. Greeley chased me to arrest me in my zone refusing street & # zones emails (10th req), courts, police, library post office restricted, kidnapped, public corruption civil rights hate crimes color of law- must order Dismissal without Prejudice NOW. Please email me today.
From: Senator Susan Collins <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:10 PM
Subject: Thanks for your message
Thank you for contacting me through my website. Your views are important to me, and input from my constituents is very helpful when I consider the many important issues facing our nation. Thank you again for reaching out.
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1:26 PM
Subject: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Senator Collins,
Your site would not let me send this because of the links. Darci and Elsa- please get this to Senator Collins. I will not accept other directions to get this to her. It's done for me. Thanks.
Rape message with some of many video’s and proof on boycottbelfast.blogspot
Little Laurie Hobo Mom 2012
Belfast Maine Chief of Police Ring Mike McFadden
STOP TAKE RAPE INTO CHIEF'S VAT OF BONES I would like to contact the Senator to...
Your submission has been received. Thank you for taking the time to share your views. We will pass along your thoughts to Senator Collins.
Please have Senator Collins go to my blog for her email. Belfast Maine- WDC Judiciary Lawless Rape Ring. AG Mills orders hit after hit on me for standing alone and upright. This will get to media this time. Jay Davis is one. You must know him. www boycottbelfast . blogspot . com
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1:26 PM
Subject: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 1:26 PM
Subject: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Senator Collins,
Your site would not let me send this because of the links. Darci and Elsa- please get this to Senator Collins. I will not accept other directions to get this to her. It's done for me. Thanks.
What am I supposed to do. I don't want to cry for this.
AG Janet Mills-Maine Law Enforcement-Maine Judiciary- Waldo County-Belfast government and implicated are continuing to violate Maine and Federal constitutional rights to silence me. Fabricating charges and arrests since 10/2017 due to 8 years of my dedication to fix enormous long standing government and implicated corruption as the first hand victim. I never thought that a rape ring was in Maine law enforcement/Judiciary/AG. I am certain. Trump's response go to the State. I've never contacted you but LePage won't step in. Judiciary will not let me be heard in court for complete evidence dismissal of all since first hearing, 12/7/2017. I was drug raped at 19 by Dr. Donald Lombardi. I am certain of a global serial rapist system of students, employees... The State of Maine has me shackled and satellite through my house since 3/2/18, never legally arrested or record in my 57 years. Nothing on me so they can just kill me after they couldn't break me and continue daily, financially and mentally. They have taken all my savings, I've been debt free always. $18,200 year since 2008 and massive court corruption costs in NJ for divorce and now here. Putting rapists on the bench is enough. You decide what to do, I've got the proof.
New Belfast police chief selected
By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.
Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
10-2017 Non-edited 1rst time Target Shooting, Non-gun owner- Illegally kidnapped and arrested by running for Maine Governor, Attorney General Janet Mills. Drug pusher MaineHealth and intake. Five months later, cancer shackled since 3/2/2018 when the bad death at Two Bridges went bad for Maine Attorney General Janet Mills.
That F word has to come out when talking about the sick evils elected by evil or innocence, After the shoot video- everything I said to Belfast City Council and Hall is on there. Totally innocent, freedom of speech. Precedence set with Obama- that target had Obama's face on it. Oy. My kiddies never heard me say F***. Not through any of that evil. I have to be meat tough. Intrinsic Sissy.
The plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
I have placed myself under house arrest completely. My last out was jail bail day 9/18/2018, moving target. Rick Otto And Detective Greeley refuse to tell exact zone boundaries of brutality and violations of rights. No courthouses, police dept., City Council meetings, City Hall, Post office, library, all downtown, City Park where I always went to mourn my family at the Penobscot Bay, No Dr., No Vet, No drugstore, No events, No autostore, nearby Irvings, endless. Since 3/2/18 because I was not supposed to get out of Two Bridges. That weekend I would be brutally raped to death by many and any. Certain. Judge Robert Murray evacuated the Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/18 for my motions for dismissal (again), no security or scanners, doors closed, no one. Staged courtroom for a blood bath, but this time I brought a witness. My son. Murray denied some other motions, I won the dismissal of AG Mills title 15 to silence me and then Murray called recess and never came back for my charges dismissals. Judge Fowles stated that Murray wrote he heard the motions and denied them. He did not. I have an affidavit from my son. A scholar Rutgers biology Junior. I've spent hundreds for other court corruption transcripts and need them all. Especially the last 2. The mob mentality is everywhere. Get her. I stay in and keep trying. This can be the beginning or not.
Setting the sting- this video show's Officer Gibbs, now Sargent, running for Sheriff, setting up my trap to arrest me for anything on my property in June.
6/26/18 Sergant Gibbs issues ME a criminal trespass notice. I issue truth.
9/18/18 recent video of BPD Richards trying to arrest me and jail bail visits with Greeley and Otto. Richards calls Gibbs here and states the criminal trespass notice to arrest me for parking in the City ROW on my property too.
"September 11, 2018 Laurie Strong-Law Evil Tues. Jail Bail Day. Every Tuesday, 8:30am-11:30pm since March 2, 2018. After escaping rape death, innocent, on hunger strike, refused access to my immediate request for the law library. NO! Two Bridges Correctional Facility, Wiscasset, Maine. 7 days of jail, evil treatment, my 7th day, 3/2/18. Friday, 8am. I ask mean guard if my 5k bail is posted to mean guard. NO! Jail refused to take 5k bail from this Mr. J since Wednesday. My daughter had put $50 in an account so that I could make calls to get me the hell out of there. No one knew I was kidnapped at night, in my leggings, living alone with 2 glued to me beagles, and ripped out of my house by one plain clothes evil, Officer Juba and 2 uniforms hiding in the bushes. It was bad. 2/23/18, that day I had sent Maine Attorney General Janet Mills another of 8 years of FOIA corruption with her, this one is a big one. Six Maine Judges Robert Murray, Fitzgerald, Worth, Mathews, Fowle, Alexander and now Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco. Certainly more if not all. What a shame.
My 1rst hand 7 robed, no hoods allowed, JustUs Dishonorables are in violation of an easy 3 of only 6 CANON Rules mandated in the 2017 Maine Judicial Conduct. Running for Governor Mills ordered me gone. Close but no go. Then again on June 6, 2018, Wednesday, 11am hearing for my blood bath in Waldo Superior Court on the evacuated, no security, no scanners, NO ONE, just pro se me and the first time I brought a witness (thinking kidnap again) my son. Judge Robert Murray, Marshall Dudley, ADA Entwisle and the court clerk unraveled. I never thought they would kill me in the Court House. No doubt about it. My son knew right away too, he hasn't wanted to. They hurt him too. He's flying so is my girl. They hurt her too. We good. Not them.
8/10/18 Ordered to jail for 2nd time that day, in the evening for 2 hours for another trackHER (3rd since 3/2/18). No one is outraged to shackle an innocent Mom with brutal restrictions to break me.
If I were black. the white hypocrites would be all ego and whitegeous. I mean righteous.
If I were black. the white hypocrites would be all ego and whitegeous. I mean righteous.
At Waldo Jail Bail day recording Case ManageHER to break her Rick Otto, non-for-poor&innocent to profit JusticePoint satellite into my home and body with cancer ankle trackher. My house. Living alone with the cops busting in at anytime to kidnap me, I park my SUV to block my door. To buy time to call 911 which is in Waldo Sheriff's office. They them and law enforcement told me not to call 911 anymore since it comes to them anyway. I went out in the early am to take a picture of my barricade and could not believe what uploaded. Holy Mother of All. Me. They are full assault and for 8 years, they can't get one law break against my entire life of 57 years. So they make it up, with two thumbs up for seemingly all. Get that bitch that exposes our lies for JustUs and more. Take more from the poor. Then intake to system. More. Mandated. Or else. That isn't working either, they keep going. What have they got to lose now? Kill her.
My dad died of cancer at 56, my sister died of cancer at 54, my brothers at 64 and 67. Belfast City Hall sent in the heavy equipment to rip my property apart on 9/4/2014, when they thought I'd be in Alabama for my Donald's funeral. No. My last immediate Allen family is my Irish Twin brother, 1 year older, Jr.- George Allen. VP General Manager Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. He resents me since birth and continually slices my life away. I never thought he'd be in with Maine Attorney General Mills and Belfast Chief McFadden to silence me One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest style. Mother Nature decides. I fly. The waste drops like a man made salmon farm replacing Mother Nature's wonder. Our Little River treasure. Where salmon used to go before Dam White Man.
I put my Cinderella dress on and took Detective Greeley down. Refusing my right to the Court house and police department to work my case, pro se. NO. With smirking commandant in disguise as a potato head or perhaps truly a potato head with JustUs and attorney bio of drug courts for kids and med therapy for all. Then I go outside after my truth, waiting to find out another sketchy boundary of the brutal restricted zones to get me. I get a gift. A brother- black with a Yankee's hat on. I reach out to him. South River NJ Exit 9, we are the same. Surviving the white man. Yo. We know.
Shackle illness calls to for the State, my criminal attorney that I didn't want but was sandbagged while in Two Bridges and the corrupt Judge at that video trial. It was my 4th day of hunger strike to die in a hospital instead of jail, not allowing medical treatment in Two Bridges, I was ready for the worst. My honor. That this tiny, OCD man could do this to me, a father, assisting in my kill and advising me right into it. He would never return my calls or file my motions. He motioned to drop me after 2 months of wasted time and the Courts lying to me. Shackle continues to cause illness, cancer?, I was very sick and throwing up again yesterday, 9/27/18. That is not video'd. No one cares. Except my kiddies, beagles and Mr. Nature. He's some special that one. I knew the first time I saw him in 2015. I did not know that he lives right on my street. I know his Mom for years, she never mentioned Mr. but I never talked about my children either. She didn't know I have children after 5? years of friendship. Mr. knew who I was, he recognized me from Bayside, he was 15?, me 17?. I didn't notice him. He thought I was a bitch. Not. Tough from disrespect. Already seasoned.
At Waldo Jail Bail day recording Case ManageHER to break her Rick Otto, non-for-poor&innocent to profit JusticePoint satellite into my home and body with cancer ankle trackher. My house. Living alone with the cops busting in at anytime to kidnap me, I park my SUV to block my door. To buy time to call 911 which is in Waldo Sheriff's office. They them and law enforcement told me not to call 911 anymore since it comes to them anyway. I went out in the early am to take a picture of my barricade and could not believe what uploaded. Holy Mother of All. Me. They are full assault and for 8 years, they can't get one law break against my entire life of 57 years. So they make it up, with two thumbs up for seemingly all. Get that bitch that exposes our lies for JustUs and more. Take more from the poor. Then intake to system. More. Mandated. Or else. That isn't working either, they keep going. What have they got to lose now? Kill her.
My dad died of cancer at 56, my sister died of cancer at 54, my brothers at 64 and 67. Belfast City Hall sent in the heavy equipment to rip my property apart on 9/4/2014, when they thought I'd be in Alabama for my Donald's funeral. No. My last immediate Allen family is my Irish Twin brother, 1 year older, Jr.- George Allen. VP General Manager Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. He resents me since birth and continually slices my life away. I never thought he'd be in with Maine Attorney General Mills and Belfast Chief McFadden to silence me One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest style. Mother Nature decides. I fly. The waste drops like a man made salmon farm replacing Mother Nature's wonder. Our Little River treasure. Where salmon used to go before Dam White Man.
I put my Cinderella dress on and took Detective Greeley down. Refusing my right to the Court house and police department to work my case, pro se. NO. With smirking commandant in disguise as a potato head or perhaps truly a potato head with JustUs and attorney bio of drug courts for kids and med therapy for all. Then I go outside after my truth, waiting to find out another sketchy boundary of the brutal restricted zones to get me. I get a gift. A brother- black with a Yankee's hat on. I reach out to him. South River NJ Exit 9, we are the same. Surviving the white man. Yo. We know.
Still no response to this email. Toady will be 5th request not to kill me.
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 11:03 AM
To: ; Jeffrey Trafton; Governor;;;;
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; //;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: 4th Re: 3rd Req: Det Greeley Terrorizing/Stalking
Detective Greeley and Case Manager Rick Otto,
State the specific streets/intersections, exact boundaries of all these brutal zones that you enjoy terrorizing me with. Forcing me to be a shut in till I have to go out on terror Tuesday. Respond boundaries on this thread please, copying all."
Per Case Manager Rick Otto, I am not allowed to come to Tuesday Jail Bail day beginning today, 9/25/2018 (I am still responding to that abusive email pasted below as FYI). Unless Rick Otto or Detective Greeley calls me and orders me to the Jail, I will not leave my home period.
These maps are entrapment for arrest, Refusing to tell me my boundaries and terrorizing me in public as I walked back from Jail bail, the same route I take every Tuesday, any claim of anything can be my last. Further supported by the Officer Richards attempting to arrest me for parking my SUV in the City Right of Way of my property. Even after I told him that. I could be gone just like that.
Truly Innocent,
9/28/18 9:50am On NJ Senator Cory Booker's fb
Laurie Allen Please Mr. Booker Tell U.S. Senator Susan Collins Joi Z Exit 9 will be heard. Maine-Justus Supreme Court Rape Ring. First Hand. No one will interview me. I nobody but somebody. Mother Nature's bouncer. See my blog for immediate request to Shelby Holliday and Gayle King to interview me. STOP RAPE. I have 8 years of death documentation and 2 murders attempts in months to me by AG Janet Mills, Governor LePage and the State of Maine entirely. I did it. Who cares? My honor. Let's Roll. Yo Todd Beamer. Suveillance and hacking, my blog link may be hacked to state not safe. Wrong. (main) old but relative and my drug rapist Dr. Donald Lombardi (NJ big boy) Department of Defense, MaineHealth and JustUs
The American Bar Association has urged the Senate Judiciary Committee and the full Senate to slow down the confirmation process for President Trump's Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, until the FBI has time to do a full background check on the claims made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and other women
9/28/18 9 am
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 8:45 AM
Subject: Shelby Holliday Fw: Maine Lawless Rape Ring
Dear Shelby Holliday,
Please read my blog for Maine's Rape Ring with Susan Collin's in the know since way before me. This is big. Please, please interview me. No one cares about a poor woman. Only those with may get heard. Well done and so terrible. Kavanaugh is not well. Probably another of Borderline Personality Disorder, High Functioning. I know them well. I attract them like evil to a Hobo Mom magnet. I wanted to caption these video's of many but I am too spread out. I have to get this out now before they vote for rape.
I'm sending this over to CBS (I'll try anyway- Gayle King & Oprah haves ignored me. I'll try again with this. It needs to be on the news now. Stop Collins from voting for more rape and system intake. All new courthouses, facilities one for all, new drug courts to streamline more poor, addicted by the system and broken by the system. Many raped. Just go to the jail and talk to those willing to talk. I did. First one was a woman raped in Belfast Friday night and she was arrested. Sounding like the internet scam by Belfast Chief McFadden aka Shannon Berry to take me out for good. Very close. I am sure of the State of Maine rape ring with Janet Mills ordering more. Intake women. Rape more.
I do not answer my phone if a name doesn't appear. All calls have been no names or restricted. I left a message on that phone xxxxxxxx to call my other trac phone 207- if you want to leave me a message. I have no one to protect me except me. I won't endanger Mr.They have gone after him and his Mom already because of truth.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
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Republican Journal Village Soup Article sent out by Dan Webster to
Wed 11/28/2018, 12:41 PM
Belfast Mayor Samantha Paradis glances at City Councilor Mike Hurley, second from right, during a meeting Tuesday night about an opinion column by Paradis that appeared in The Republican Journal. Staff photo by Ethan Andrews BELFAST – Citing a lack of trust and alleging abuse of power, the City Council on Tuesday voted unanimously to bar Mayor Samantha Paradis from publicly representing the council. Councilors also voted to withdraw from Maine Mayors’ Coalition, in which Paradis represented the city.
The unprecedented actions came during a special council meeting called on a day’s notice in response to an opinion column in which Paradis rebuked local attorney Lee Woodward for jokes he directed at the City Council on Nov. 21 during his Citizen of the Year acceptance speech at a Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce awards dinner.
Woodward’s jokes referred to bathroom breaks and a facilitated meeting – points on which the mayor and City Council have locked horns. Paradis called the remarks “hurtful” and said that, in her year of work with the council, she has “encountered sexism, ageism and bigotry.”
It was those three words, Councilor Eric Sanders said Tuesday, that prompted him to call the special meeting. After describing, in an uncharacteristically wavering voice, how his daughter read the column and asked if the terms referred to him, Sanders read from a written statement calling the column, “offensive, laced with inappropriate innuendo, inaccurate, misleading and self-serving.”
He questioned Paradis’ decision to make broad accusations about the council in the newspaper rather than trying to resolve problems with the council itself.
“In our society, we’re turning to labels instead of communication,” he said. “And I find those types of words to be labels that I don’t mess around with.”
Councilors took turns sharing their concerns about Paradis’ column and what many saw as a trend of self-centered behavior at the expense of others. Councilor Mike Hurley prefaced his comments by saying that he had worked to help elect Paradis and didn’t regret it.
“None of it surprised me later to find out she was young or gay or a woman,” he said, adding that it was a “cheap shot” to then be accused of bigotry.
Hurley and several other councilors revived an earlier complaint about the way Paradis runs council meetings, saying she treats them as her own forum, often speaking at length before thinking to call on council members.
Councilor Mary Mortier said she was concerned about the frequency of the word “I” in Paradis’ public remarks – “There is no ‘I’ in the word ‘we,’ ” she said.
Councilors also said they haven’t been able to find common ground with the mayor.
Councilor Neal Harkness acknowledged that, as a 63-year-old man, he might have some blind spots about gender, age and sexual orientation. But he said Paradis’ column prompted members of the public to indiscriminately call him and other councilors sexists, ageists and bigots.
“That trial by insinuation and innuendo cannot take place,” he said.
Paradis would later compare the special council meeting to a trial.
Mortier defended Woodward, whom she called “the top roastmaster in Waldo County,” and noted that he had named many people during his joke-filled speech but never mentioned Paradis by name or referred to her position. Instead, she said, he made a reference to “the elephant in the room” of city government, which is why the audience thought it was funny.
“That’s what bothers me here,” she said. “A lack of humor, lack of flexibility.”
Paradis expressed frustration that the motion was apparently drawn up before the meeting, without her knowledge, and said it was likely to have a negative effect on city business. She defended her column as an expression of her own experience and warned that a vote on Sanders’ motion would be seen as politically motivated, “as a consequence for me speaking my First Amendment rights.” She encouraged councilors not to vote on the motion.
They did, unanimously approving what Hurley said he hoped would be a short-lived show of no confidence.
Sanders followed the vote with a second motion, which called for the city to withdraw from the mayors’ coalition. Paradis appeared stunned and appealed to the council to postpone the vote until the next meeting so she could speak on the benefits of being in the organization, including potential tax relief, a top concern for constituents. The second motion was approved 3-2, with Harkness opposed and newly elected Councilor Paul Dean joining him after initially abstaining.
Many of the 35 people in the audience were supporters of Paradis. The meeting did not include the usual public comment period, prompting some to deliver comments from their seats. After the first vote, Joanne Moesswilde, a recent City Council candidate, stood and said, “I stand with the mayor.” A dozen others stood briefly in solidarity.
Paradis later confirmed that her account of experiencing sexism, ageism and bigotry was partly directed at the council, but said she has experienced other instances outside City Hall as mayor. She did not say what those were.
Bangor Daily News article by Abby Curtis. She fears and her reporting of Pro proves. A pity. By Abigail Curtis, BDN Staff • November 27, 2018 1:39 pm
Updated: November 28, 2018 10:23 amBelfast city councilors unanimously voted to stop Mayor Samantha Paradis from speaking on behalf of the City Council during Tuesday night’s contentious special meeting.
They also voted, three to two, to have Belfast leave the Mayors’ Coalition on Jobs and Economic Development, with City Councilors Neal Harkness and Paul Dean voting against the action.
“The council has lost confidence in the mayor,” Councilor Eric Sanders said while making his first motion.
The special meeting was called in order to respond to a provocative opinion piece written by the mayor and published last week in the Republican Journal, in which councilors believed that Paradis publicly called them sexist, ageist and bigots. Councilors spoke at length about their perceptions of the mayor’s behavior, but she was unbowed by the criticism. She gave no explanation for her words and simply spoke of exercising her First Amendment rights with her OpEd in the newspaper.
“I’m unsure of why this motion is necessary,” Paradis said just before councilors voted to stop her from speaking on behalf of the council. “It seems to be a political attempt to, again, escalate things. I don’t see that it’s necessary.
The Belfast City Hall meeting chambers were full of people who were there to support the mayor, snapping their fingers, calling out loudly and, at one point, standing up to show their displeasure with the council’s actions.
“I stand with the mayor,” a woman in the crowd called out late in the meeting.
Still, the councilors continued with the special meeting. Most of the five spoke emotionally and at length about how their relationships with Paradis have deteriorated during the year that she has served as the city’s youngest and second woman mayor. They talked about a lack of communication and expressed a sharp lack of trust, as well as a feeling that Paradis talks on and on at meetings without calling on others.
“The mayor jumps in and starts talking, just about until the oxygen is gone from the room, and that’s not how you run a meeting,” Councilor Mike Hurley said. “I’m really tired of it. That power has been abused.”
Councilors appeared hurt and even betrayed by the mayor’s implicit allegations in the newspaper. Sanders, who called the meeting, said that he felt compelled to do so after his young daughter asked him if the mayor had called him a bigot after hearing about the Op-Ed.
“I think kids are impacted,” he told Paradis. “Your letter to the … newspaper I found offensive, and laced with inappropriate innuendo. It was inaccurate, misleading and self-serving.”
Moments of controversy
Several times during the meeting, Paradis suggested that councilors had acted behind her back to prepare for the meeting and to draft the motions that Sanders brought forward. When City Manager Joe Slocum clarified that the first motion, to stop the mayor from speaking on behalf of the city council, had been given the green light by the city attorney, his words brought an angry rumble from the crowd.
“Again, it is very concerning to me that I have not seen the motion,” Paradis said.
“Amen. Amen,” a man in the back called out, prompting the councilors to ask the mayor to use her gavel to keep order in the meeting.
But Slocum pushed back, explaining that it is normal for a councilor to seek legal advice before bringing a motion forward.
“It is a very common practice,” he said.
Paradis, who at one point described herself as the elected leader of Belfast, vehemently defended her role in the Mayors’ Coalition and said the council’s action would be bad for the city. The mayors’ group is composed of leaders of some of the state’s communities who advocate for state policies that will grow Maine’s economy statewide.
“My voice is impactful on the Mayors’ Coalition,” Paradis said. “I feel as though if you follow through with this, the city of Belfast and the larger public of Maine will be done a disservice. I request that we move forward with the business of the city.”
Hurley, who was described — though not by name — in the mayor’s OpEd as a councilor who used “verbally aggressive” behavior to talk to a female constituent and who frequently keeps an open knife on his desk, said that he has been involved with city government for a long time and what is happening right now is unprecedented. He previously said the knife in question was a small pocket knife.
“Nothing like this has ever happened before,” he said. “This is new ground. This alienation we’re dealing with is not something these councilors have put on the table. I hope this motion, this lack of confidence, will come back in a short while to be a vote of confidence.”
But Paradis did not take the proffered olive branch.
Gabor Degre | BDN
City of Belfast Mayor Samantha Paradis during a City Council meeting Tuesday evening.
“I find this very unfortunate,” she said. “I prepare extensively for every meeting, and I attempt to call on people as fairly as I can. It is my First Amendment right to share my thoughts and feelings. I’m worried this will end up with a public outcry that this is not the right course of action. I request respectfully that you decline to vote on this motion. That you think of me with respect and dignity. My writing to the newspaper is in no way a personal attack on any individual, and this is not an effective use of our time.”But that’s not how the councilors took it.
“What jumped out at me was the [comment] about ageism, sexism and bigotry,” Mary Mortier had said earlier in the meeting. “I had to sleep on that. I was astounded by it. I was mortified by it on so many levels I will never be able to explain them all. I think this broad comment, with no clarification and definition, I do not feel that it can be tolerated. That was a breaking point for me.”
Councilor Neal Harkness struck a similar note.
“You have no confidence in the council,” he told Paradis. “And yet we are supposed to think that the mayor who calls us bigots would [represent us].”
Paradis appeared unemotional as she responded.
“This is not a public trial,” she said. “I have shared my comments. It’s my First Amendment right. And this is negatively impacting the business of the city.”
Background to the meeting
In the OpEd, published last week in the Republican Journal, Paradis wrote that she feels councilors have preferred her to be seen but not heard, and that she has encountered sexism, ageism and bigotry while on the job, among other difficulties. One area of contention is her mandated hourly breaks for stretching or meditation and bathroom time during long council meetings.
It has been a little more than a year since Paradis, a 27-year-old Frenchville native, nurse and political newcomer, beat out longtime Belfast Mayor Walter Ash. Her political ascendance has been considered noteworthy both in Belfast and beyond, and Paradis was selected to be a panelist this September at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco.
Still, in Belfast, the position of mayor is considered to be largely ceremonial. The mayor, elected by voters to a two-year term, presides at all council meetings but has no veto and no vote except in case of a tie, and is recognized as the official head of the city for ceremonial purposes and for all purposes of martial law. But the past year has seen seemingly constant discussions and negotiations about the role — including Paradis’ decision to hold hourly breaks during council meetings.
“I’m a nurse who knows the importance of self-care and movement,” Paradis wrote in her OpEd. “So when it became clear that the average council meeting lasts five hours, I instituted breaks every hour so that I could stretch my legs, practice meditation or use the bathroom.”
But the mandated breaks, along with tensions between the council and Belfast residents over the proposed land-based salmon farm, were among the divisive issues that came to a head this summer between councilors and the mayor. At that time, Paradis called for a facilitated civility workshop in order to help the elected officials get along better with each other.
The workshop, and the debate over bathroom breaks, didn’t go unnoticed by Belfast resident Lee Woodward. The local attorney and longtime Rotary Club volunteer was named “Citizen of the Year” by the Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce at the annual chamber dinner Nov. 16. After the surprise announcement was made, Woodward, known for his pointed sense of humor, was asked to make a few remarks to the crowd. He prefaced his remarks with a joke about how he would not be a facilitator for the city councilors he saw in attendance and that if anyone needed to take a bathroom break while he spoke, they could go ahead and do so.
Paradis, who was at the dinner, wrote in her OpEd that his remarks were hurtful.
“You see, Mr. Woodward, your comments were inappropriate and not funny,” she wrote. “In the last year, I have been carving out and fighting for every inch of the seat I sit in at the center of the Belfast City Council. I have encountered sexism, ageism and bigotry. I left the Belfast Area Chamber dinner when everyone stood up to applaud for you and cried on my way home.”
Woodward said Tuesday before the meeting that the mayor called him after she wrote the OpEd, but prior to its publication, and read it to him over the phone. He told her that if it was printed, he would have no response and offered no apology, either.
“I have no intention of offering any rebuttal. I think none is needed. In my opinion, very little of the OpEd deals with me,” he said. “The joke was not only pointed at her but the entire City Council. The mayor has been a rather large distraction, and the City Council could have nipped it in the bud early on, but they didn’t.”
He said he wouldn’t be at the meeting in person but still would tune in.
“I’m going to be sitting back with a glass of wine tonight, watching this on TV,” Woodward said
12/7/2018 11am
After a 2 day weeping jag (Ma's word) for so much wrong, I can't find Maine requirements for an immediate petition to Governor Elect Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Mills is ordering my end with false arrests (4?- Officer Richards, Gibbs and any will arrest me if I step out my door. They come at me with cruisers, 3 cop minimum, K9 units, cuffs, shackles, ankle cancHer, trackHer, Kill Her... Missed me in Two Bridges Jail, Wiscasset. Jailed for 7 days until, I say, Mother Nature sent me right to law enforcement rapists, hours away from a Friday night-weekend of rape death that would be ruled a suicide. For 8 years, AG Janet Mills has corrupted and denied Waldo County Deeded Registry and Belfast City Hall public documents for Seaview Terrace aka Gaza Strip of Belfast. Surrounded by Maine Health, taking and taking, except I got the Holy Grail. A copy of the original, deeded and seal stamped 1966 development plans for the 16 lots (approx 1/3 acre each) by CK Archer. Given to me only because I stormed 20 yr Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley's office at opening. The day after Bob was the only one from Belfast City Officials to accept my invitation to tour illegal forced water slaughter to tiny Seaview Terrace. Coming from all over- other side of Route 1 as well. All drainage- into us as a free sewer. Destroying our land and value. Flooding people with intent. Telling us to get an attorney and sue a neighbor. Truth.
This was in 11/2011. I had closed on 6/28/2010, number one was no water issues. Period. Inside or out. No streams of course, no water. 9 months later, wild rapids came tearing through my property for weeks. 1/3 of my level backyard was a 4 ft deep 12 ft across, 150 ft long ravine for all. That is my property. Thank MN that I put my 6k fence up, with permit, 20 ft from my boundary line. They thought they could beat me down if I could even get up. We were hurting bad. Relocated before NJ courts even had the contested motion. All summer, one week before school to start for 7th evil RSU20 now RSU71 grade for my child. I did it. Made it out against all odds. To this. Chief went after my daughter to. Below, emailing her in 10/2017 to help him put me in a psychiatric facility. In email! That protected. To attempted murders to me while in their custody. Jail and Waldo Superior Court. I am not going out again.
No more milk or fresh food for Laurie. Online only. Also tampering my mail and fed x packages. For years. Sexually threatening anonymous letters too. Sheriff Trafton and Chief McFadden could have cared less. They know the author. Writing for many. They hate me bad. Same with my brother. He's one of them. Confirmed in an email. I didn't think he'd have me die that way. Never thought any of this could be. It haunts me 24/7. Why? For what? Kill me because you're all guilty? Hopefully that is passing with all the disgusting exploitation of my private life and the little I have left. The worst, most despicable is what they have done to my children. Any children. Theirs. Killing me is pointless but there is no point to any of the wars of man. Mother Nature will do. To you. I fly no matter what. Crying or laughing, I am not owned. I am free and still debt free but they are pounding me with corrupt bills that I must pay or get shut off. Or get liens placed on my free and clear house. I'm smart. I did everything right and always have options. Keep trying. Stay alive. OK.
MPBN VP Radio TV Charles Beck, living 40 ft across from me @ 18 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine 04915, watches assaults, false arrests, violations of every civil right by people that he is social with. Law enforcement and Belfast City Hall and Downtown Specials. He has known me for 8 years and is connected to Bayside through Ned Lightner. I built a home there and my parents bought a cottage in 1969 that my brother, George C Allen owns, given to him by Mommy. Right Jr.? He is , assisting AG Janet Mills with my murder. I have asked Charles to please have Bonnie Erbe interview me for too long. If I do not receive a voicemail by business call today of media investigation by PBS NOT MPBN then I will proceed with PBS, CBS (already called and message taken- I want Nora O'Donnel to do the interview. Belfast - State of Maine Rape Ring will be investigated even if I am silenced. The torch is passed to NJ and NY. Yo. Ya know.
Jay Davis, , old and media connected, did this to me. Prior editor of the fascist Republican Journal rag, the AP sent me out as a terrorist. Globally. Upstanding Mom exposing Belfast-State of Maine filth. The Republican Journal/Village Soup article and Maine news media joined forces to diminish Mom. All lies, confident of my murder in Two Bridges Jail the weekend of 3/2/18, no worries for libel lawsuits. Below quote is a misquote too. I said "F***in' Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marhsall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target ya assholes." NO THREAT YA MOBSTAH LOBSTAH's are the murderers. Women, children, any flav of the day for Chief's rape ring. Guessing he got rid of the home made rust melting vat that his brother in law Tom/TWC-Spectrum snitch/planter, showed me on youtube. In Chief's garage. Leaves just bones which is Chief's buddy, Brad Williams running around town since I got here in 2010. Court jester deterrent with his bone map of Chief's vat. Brad stalking me to help him. NO WAY. You go dig up the bones for Jeremy Alex's DNA. Brad scopes victims for the rituals at Good Will. I've seen him. Easy picking's poor, addicted, beat up. Get that one for the ritual and vat. After a jail bail Tuesday check in with Rick Otto at Waldo Jail, I stood outside with my Boycott Belfast sign.
A woman in her late 20's? early 30's, came out from the jail. She began walking towards Congress St. (I'm restricted there too), turned around and came over to me. She had strangulation hand prints all around her neck, she was so frightened, she said she was assaulted by a Belfast man on Friday night and called the cops. They arrested her, Waldo Jail cell through the weekend, transport to Two Bridges. Tuesday she was bailed out and back to Belfast and Rick Otto her case managHER. She had a dislocated shoulder, no treatment, then she panicked realizing that talking to me was putting her in more danger. She left, walking home to her mother's towards Congress. Otto saw us. I fear she has been become bones. SOMEONE MUST INVESTIGATE. THIS IS THE INTAKE FOR JUSTUS. Ritual rape and torture, arrest and a lifer for the system.
After that, Tuesday check in was absent any women, just men. I told them of Belfast corruption. Shortly after that, Otto emailed me, Don't come in for bail check anymore Laurie. It clearly upsets you and you upset our intakes." Otto is the crack finder case manager for more rape.

BELFAST, Maine (AP) — Police have arrested a Maine woman who posted a video of herself target shooting while listing city officials by name and describing them as “my target.”
Police say 57-year-old Laurie Allen was arrested Feb. 23 on charges of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. The Bangor Daily News reports Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden says the videos and a series of public confrontations have caused “reasonable fear” among officials.
Allen has been involved in a dispute with the city for several years. She believes a stream that poses a flooding risk to her property is the city’s responsibility to maintain. The city disagrees.
Allen is jailed in Wiscasset. A jail spokesman says he doesn’t know if she has retained an attorney.
12/7/2018 11am
After a 2 day weeping jag (Ma's word) for so much wrong, I can't find Maine requirements for an immediate petition to Governor Elect Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Mills is ordering my end with false arrests (4?- Officer Richards, Gibbs and any will arrest me if I step out my door. They come at me with cruisers, 3 cop minimum, K9 units, cuffs, shackles, ankle cancHer, trackHer, Kill Her... Missed me in Two Bridges Jail, Wiscasset. Jailed for 7 days until, I say, Mother Nature sent me right to law enforcement rapists, hours away from a Friday night-weekend of rape death that would be ruled a suicide. For 8 years, AG Janet Mills has corrupted and denied Waldo County Deeded Registry and Belfast City Hall public documents for Seaview Terrace aka Gaza Strip of Belfast. Surrounded by Maine Health, taking and taking, except I got the Holy Grail. A copy of the original, deeded and seal stamped 1966 development plans for the 16 lots (approx 1/3 acre each) by CK Archer. Given to me only because I stormed 20 yr Belfast Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley's office at opening. The day after Bob was the only one from Belfast City Officials to accept my invitation to tour illegal forced water slaughter to tiny Seaview Terrace. Coming from all over- other side of Route 1 as well. All drainage- into us as a free sewer. Destroying our land and value. Flooding people with intent. Telling us to get an attorney and sue a neighbor. Truth.
This was in 11/2011. I had closed on 6/28/2010, number one was no water issues. Period. Inside or out. No streams of course, no water. 9 months later, wild rapids came tearing through my property for weeks. 1/3 of my level backyard was a 4 ft deep 12 ft across, 150 ft long ravine for all. That is my property. Thank MN that I put my 6k fence up, with permit, 20 ft from my boundary line. They thought they could beat me down if I could even get up. We were hurting bad. Relocated before NJ courts even had the contested motion. All summer, one week before school to start for 7th evil RSU20 now RSU71 grade for my child. I did it. Made it out against all odds. To this. Chief went after my daughter to. Below, emailing her in 10/2017 to help him put me in a psychiatric facility. In email! That protected. To attempted murders to me while in their custody. Jail and Waldo Superior Court. I am not going out again.
No more milk or fresh food for Laurie. Online only. Also tampering my mail and fed x packages. For years. Sexually threatening anonymous letters too. Sheriff Trafton and Chief McFadden could have cared less. They know the author. Writing for many. They hate me bad. Same with my brother. He's one of them. Confirmed in an email. I didn't think he'd have me die that way. Never thought any of this could be. It haunts me 24/7. Why? For what? Kill me because you're all guilty? Hopefully that is passing with all the disgusting exploitation of my private life and the little I have left. The worst, most despicable is what they have done to my children. Any children. Theirs. Killing me is pointless but there is no point to any of the wars of man. Mother Nature will do. To you. I fly no matter what. Crying or laughing, I am not owned. I am free and still debt free but they are pounding me with corrupt bills that I must pay or get shut off. Or get liens placed on my free and clear house. I'm smart. I did everything right and always have options. Keep trying. Stay alive. OK.
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