Pinky Up True People. Let's Cop a Squat.
September 21, 2018
Sailing free. Just me. I did it.
In me backyard this last day of summer. Sissy and Sissy thank Searsport. You been good to us. Stellar,masterpiece public landing, harbor, families, lobstermen, Mr. You Know (I didn't know till after we chatted on July 4, 2018), establishments that I can't mention (new targets). Carver Library and Stockton Springs Library, especially Stockton. Ladies of love, caring and fun. True.
Eight Days A Week I Love My Kiddies
1pm 9/18/18 see 9/18/18 post below. Detective Greeley came after me again on my way home from jail bail call.
Laurie Allen Dear Katie and Jamie- For our daughters, sons and Mother Nature. Please, please, with the last moment of my life at anytime, innocent shackled sine 3/2/18 Hobo Mom has Maine JustUs System Rapists 6 Judges, AG Janet Mills, All Maine Law Enforcement, state of Maine system, attempting eternal silence from one, all alone, 57 year old below poverty mom. 8 years and counting. Media refuses to interview me. Pro se is their death if they don't do me in. All this for naught? Katie knows. I barely got out to this. I did it and I do it. My honor. With Kavanaugh- my proof of Maine rape and kill by JustUs- please interview me. You guys or anyone you can get, Then maybe an attorney for America will step in. Or I keep hanging in there, Mother Nature is my boss. I can't send mail or pm's nothing. They invade my entire life and basic rights. For standing. Joi Z Exit 9. I hope it's you guys. I think I love you. Both. xxoo See details of horror on my main blog boycottbelfast.blogspot.comWe can. Let's. Please.
New Belfast police chief selected
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
ttps:// Non-edited 1rst time Target Shooting, Non-gun owner- Illegally kidnapped and arrested by running for Maine Governor, Attorney General Janet Mills. Drug pusher MaineHealth and intake. Five months later, cancer shackled since 3/2/2018 when the bad death at Two Bridges went bad for Maine Attorney General Janet Mills.
That F word has to come out when talking about the sick evils elected by evil or innocence, After the shoot video- everything I said to Belfast City Council and Hall is on there. Totally innocent, freedom of speech. Precedence set with Obama- that target had Obama's face on it. Oy. My kiddies never heard me say F***. Not through any of that evil. I have to be meat tough. Intrinsic Sissy.
The plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
Belfast from Boston, Officer Richards thinks he's going to arrest me. For parking in the City Right of Way ON MY property. NOOOO. . Show me Mark Rae's deeded survey. Subdivide couldn't happen, not 40 ft. side set back from eaves. Stop stupid. 8 minute video link of Officer Richards protecting corruption for JustUs Worth and gang. I'll fix it. It's what I always do. Naturally. Resented by most. It used to hurt. Now it makes me sad. I keep trying and hoping. Even in this, I communicate. Face to face. When I can get one. Cowards.
9-12-2018 Emergency 911 Mark Rae abutter, 23 Seaview Terrace - 100? violations since Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco ordered my Protection Order against gorrilla warfare on my property. Mark Rae.
September 11, 2018 YO Todd Beamer, this one's for you.
Jail Bail Day Video. This one is it. On autopilot. Mother Nature Makes Me Do It.
9/18/18 Get Her Target day Tuesday. I must leave the house to check in with Case Manager (Ringer) Rick Otto. Waldo Jai by 11:30 am every Tuesday since 3/2/18. Will Belfast Chief McFadden, Waldo Sheriff Trafton, Maine Attorney General running for Govforher Janet Mills and my brother, Mr. Beeline Cable, George Allen, Skowhegan & Bayside (Northport) take a 3rd hit at me? It's the only time I go out and they know it and watch my every move. Tracker and satellite into my body and ankle. I wrote the wrong date for my next court hearing for my motions for complete dismissal without prejudice and refund of the last of my below poverty money. Over 7k and now I have to pay them $5 a day to watch me, hunt me, kill me. Ankle tracker is a cancer cell. Cancer killed my Dad, 56, sister 54, brother 64 and brother 67. They have allowed my motions to take this off but deny it and brutal restrictions. Evil isn't even close.
My hearing, witnesses wanted, 10/22/2018 Waldo District Court, Belfast Me. 04915 8:30 am. They may change this, they do it all the time. To get me.
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:56 PM
To: ; Jeffrey Trafton; Governor;;; LAURIE ALLEN;
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; //;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Det Greeley Terrorizing/Stalking
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 12:56 PM
To: ; Jeffrey Trafton; Governor;;; LAURIE ALLEN;
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; //;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Det Greeley Terrorizing/Stalking
Case Manager Rick Otto and Detective Greeley,
Detective Greeley terrorized and stalked me after I left my check in with you today between 11-11:30am. I take the same road, Northport Ave to Route 1 N right on Linclonville/Hannaford and right onto Miller St/Muck left onto Public Safety Way into the jail as abusively ordered by Greeley on 3/2/18 after escaping murder to more terror and murder. 6/6/18 Waldo Superior Court, evacuated to kill me. Judge Robert Murray.
Walking back, the same route as always, this time carrying my big sign- WWW.BOYCOTT.BLOGSPOT.COM that you saw today, a lady stopped me to ask what evil is this about? We were chatting away, and Greeley drove up, and told me that I was violating the brutal, stupid zone restrictions. He could have arrested me right there into eternal silence but he kept yelling at me. Move, move, move, mean. mean, mean. I was trying to talk to him but he kept yelling and terrorizing me.
I called 911 and repeated this as Greeley was stalking me, driving around the bank parking lot then left while I was talking to 911. You all illegally arrest me whenever you want. Four? to date and it's Mother Nature that I am still alive. Officer Richards from Boston was going to arrest me last week for parking my SUV on the City Right of Way completely, that is my property. I stopped him by asking him if he was making me move it. He said yes. Fine, I'll move it. He had never even asked my to move. That was on a 911 call that I generated for another protection order (11th?) violation to me by Mark Rae. That video is on my blog. Very bad. Lawless. Law enforcement protects Mark Rae to commit hate crimes and terror to me and my property since May 2017. Refusing to arrest him, no response at all.
The entrapment maps that I have with brutal restrictions beyond this from Greeley are worthless because of so many area's- no streets, just shaded area's. I already have one zone violation that is entrapment. Belfast Variety was not in the shaded area where I can turn off from Route 1 No to that whole overpass bridge area. When I got to BV, I called the jail to make sure I was ok. They said no. Violation. I had never gotten out of my truck, I had called first. Later I was told that I am allowed only to cross over that road, I didn't even know that was High Street that far up.
On another call, I asked to know exactly where I am brutally restricted from- not allowing me to my walking convenience store and gas- Irving on Rte 1S, no autopart stores in Belfast, no City Park to mourn my family at the Park Bay where I went all the time, no Dr., no library, no drugstore, no Court houses, no City Council meetings to speak, no City Hall, no police department, no post office, no downtown, no, no, no and yet you keep coming after me.
My dog has been sick since the brutal restrictions and I am restricted from Rte 1 South. I have to take back roads to get to my family in Bayside. My vet is Little River, Rte 1 S. You have no rights to end our lives. RESCIND BAIL CONDITIONS YESTERDAY, GIVE ME MY 5K+++, I'M BELOW POVERTY AND WAS DEBT FREE TILL ALL OF YOU. Shackled since 3/2/18. Shame on you.
Laurie Allen
I am innocent and you know it. State the specific streets/intersections, exact boundaries of all these brutal zones that you enjoy terrorizing me with. Forcing me to be a shut in till I have to go out on terror Tuesday. Respond boundaries on this thread please, copying all.
No Brakes for flying Sissy, Right Chief McFadden? You and your garage shop vat of homemade to dissolve rust from your old brake-less tractor mower restorations. You told me so in 2011 when City Council called me in as a threat then and you ordered me in for an interrogation. I didn't know why you nearly passed out when your testimony let me connect you to Tom (your secret brother in law) my TWC guy in my house for issues again and again. He brought up your video showing a hand dipping a rust bucket into your vat to come out shiny fine. No face, no voice, just a hand and Tom telling me that his brother in law restored old brake-less tractor mowers. You had Brad Williams come up to me in 2011 when I was in town with his bone map of your kills, including Jeremy Alex. Brad's guitar student. I didn't know Brad and I told him not to involve me in this. I told him to go dig up the bones and get DNA, Leave me alone. Prove first. I do. Always. McFadden had to be fishing through Shannon Berry to see if I had put together what he told me as fact. I gave it Governor Lepage, Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco, Attorney General Janet Mills, Maine law enforcement, FBI in Mass,, White House President Trump, US Attorney General, Justice Department, everyone I could. No one has investigated to my knowledge and Officer Richards tried to falsely arrest me again a few days ago. Video's below on 9/15 post.
As you read down, compare my brother, George Clyde Allen's 3/30/18 email. No one wants to see (and MANY have seen many times) Jr.'s never ending quest to eliminate me. He is just like them. Runs or fills with rage when confronted with conversation. All know of the alcoholism in our family and you help selves to our family for fun. Becoming one of them. All. Not one person outside of 3 closest to me has stepped in to say stop. More keep joining in the for the kill. I am only leaving my home on Tuesday's, when I MUST go to Waldo Jail to check in with the evil. Rick Otto and Detective Greely and company.
Chief McFadden contacted my daughter (how many times Chief?) and began brain washing her to lock me up before he stalked my youtube channel. He (Spectrum, Beeline, Youtube, whoever) edited my target shoot to try and make me a terrorist. That's even stupid- I saw it on the news. Don't interview me media, get her and her dogs too. Where did all the people go? Jr. Mr. Beeline, Chief McFadden and Attorney General Janet Mills, system greed insanity. Epic SGI. My diagnosis. Boycott, stop feeding their insanity. Stop the killing of the true. Come on over, sit down with me. Or dance.
How many times have you tried to eliminate me? My only weapon of mass destruction on little Hobo Mom is me mouth and truth, My Dad is with me. Long time waiting. I good. I do,
6/5/18 Jail Bail visit w/ Detective Did Ya Get That Jim Greely refusing to grant access to Waldo District Court House and Belfast Police Dept (1 mile away from jail & my home- surrounded with 8 yr full throttle assault by MaineHealth, the profit, on Seaview Terrace, The Belfast Gaza Strip vs. Ma Standing Rock
New Belfast police chief selected
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
From: Michael McFadden <>
From: Michael McFadden <>Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie AllenDate: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDTTo: my daughter
My Daughter,
... It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs.
Subject: RE:Date: March 2, 2018 at 6:11:00 AM PSTTo: My Daughter
I know they have female officers at the jail there. I'm not sure which of them would have been working the night your mom was arrested though. I can't speak for the jail but I find it hard to believe they would have had a male corrections officer strip search your mother, but that's just my common sense on the subject not direct knowlage of what actually happened. Fortunately a lot of what happens in the booking room is on video from what I understand so we should be able to determine exactly what happened. I'll make sure the jail knows to save the video from the night your mom was arrested…From: My Daughter
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 6:31 PM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: Re:I can encourage her to do that. What about the person who did the body search on her in Waldo County?On Mar 1, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Michael McFadden <> wrote:You should reach out to Two Bridges Regional Corrections Center. I really don't deal a lot with them because their on the County side of things. All I know is we brought your mom to the Waldo County Sheriff's Office and they more than likely brought her to the Two Bridges Jail the following day… This is the first I've heard of any incidents. Your mom should really be the one to call and report any of the incidents you're speaking of though… She's the one they're going to want to speak with.
9/15 & 16/2018
I will do this pro se but want an American attorney to wipe them out- 33% of ???? Big cha ching and I've done all the work and documentation. I know it like my life, inside and out. I have it all. They have the power to silence me without an American attorney. Closing in after 8 years, my yapper has had a good, long, direct run. I've called several "big" firms but have yet to find one. Please help, I am Dead Mom Talking. Attorneys for the win- please email me, time is ticking. Pro se or ...
Judge Robert Murray called recess and ran at my hearing for Dismissal Without Prejudice. Never to be heard SINCE kidnapped by Mills on 2/23/18 with the DVD evidence of the target shooting video (below) or heard since Chief McFadden on 11/1/2017. HOW CAN I BE INDITED BY A GRAND JURY 7/11/2018? OF COURSE MAINE MEDIA IS NOT FOR ME, MISS FREEDOM OF SPEECH. THEY BAN/SLANDER ME Globally (AP Wire) AND REFUSE TO INTERVIEW ME.
10-2017 Non-edited 1rst time Target Shooting, Non-gun owner- Illegally kidnapped and arrested by running for Maine Governor, Attorney General Janet Mills. Drug pusher MaineHealth and intake. Five months later, cancer shackled since 3/2/2018 when the bad death at Two Bridges went bad for Maine Attorney General Janet Mills.
The plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
My son, witness to another Maine Attorney Janet Mills murder blood bath for Mom. At Waldo Superior Court, Belfast, 6/6/18, 11am. Ordered to my death, hit men Judge Robert Murray, Marshall Dudley and ADA Entwisle. Murray called recess and never came back. Denying my right to be heard in court since December 12, 2017. So many hearings for JustUs, to silence me. Delay and plot another kill. Kill on for Mom. Next court date to be heard or .... 10/22/2018 Waldo District Court 8:30AM? Unless plot changes.
And Kathy Griffin? Bloody Trump head. As they do it to me, to death. 8 years and counting. Corruptly dragging me into court hearing after court where I am never allowed to be heard to exhibit the video for immediate dismissal and law suit platter. Pro se. But sure could use a witness ot better yet, a co-counsel to make sure this pro se Hobo Mom is heard and Born Free on 10/22/2018 8:30 am. As of today anyway.
My youtube channel has tons of corruption on Belfast but to be free for a tiny, tiny bit with Maine Man and Mother Nature... Thank you. It's more than love. It's wow, wow, wow, more Mother Nature. Please.
I thought I was allowed to be free for a bit, 57 years of the same greed and silence by my Irish Twin brother. George Allen, VP, General Manager, yep, Beeline Cable, Madison, FARMINGTON,etc. After 3/2/18 - AG Mills and he failed to end my life in Two Bridges Correctional Facility, after all and any were done with me. Jr., probably a millionaire from taking, was the only one I could call for the outrageous bail of 25k. My one call. No. Jr. re-did Beeline's website, even changing the url that was , a business never. Unless guilty and divesting... His name gone and new site of corruption. Why Jr.? You saved Beeline. You plastered your commercial all over the state boasting your Maine values. More for Jr.
I bet me bad and cowardly brother will blow a blood vessel with his email to lock me up and buh-bye Sissy. I went to re-post it before and could not find it in my email. That and 2 other emails (he never sends email, bet you kicking yourself but good Jr. My turn. Very sadly but at least finally.) have vanished completely.My kiddies saved me again. I had forwarded it to them and either Jr. can't delete that as Mr. BeeLine supported by Microsoft Bill Gates or he's ... Gates are no damn good either. First hand. Enabling global campus rape system administered via Dr. Donald Lombardi. My turn Donald. Drug rape me, your night student, 39 years ago. Hey 19. Get him.
I am certain that an investigation would prove an established dark rape ring by law enforcement and implicated. Chief McFadden and Brad Williams aka Shannon Berry (search in the box to the right, that's a few posts down) have been feeding me the proof for 8 years as I kept telling Brad Williams to leave me alone with McFadden Bone's Map and horror stories. I fix what I see personally. Brad Williams kept calling and eventually gave up. Then shows up this summer in a FB private message. Shannon Berry. She found my blog and states she was drugged for days, raped with rituals memories and men then let go. She had answered a craigslist job ad (I asked her for a copy and she said it was in personals and long gone) and drove up from Kittery to interview, with Brad Williams and at his house by Chief McFadden's somewhere on High St., City Council Evil Mike Hurley lives out there too. I am restricted from there. No problem rapists. Women will start coming forward. One already has. I posted it on Tuesday Jail Bail day earlier this summer when she told me at the jail. I have to go look for that post. Make sure the evils didn't delete that too. They access all internet, youtube, FB, private files. First hand. Way before I became Terrorist Mom. Just Hobo Mom. Anyone.
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 3:09 PM
To: George Allen; Kiddies
Subject: Re: Laurie
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 3:09 PM
To: George Allen; Kiddies
Subject: Re: Laurie
Hi My Kiddies,
So Uncle Jr. is not a fan of mine. I tried to reach him one more time, wishing he would love himself and that I love him. Please never mention me in his company or any his family. Clearly, I am not his family and am done. You's, (can't resist) John, Stewie and Gordon are more love than I could ever hope for. Over the moon for all of you.
All My Loving,
Hobo Mom
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:27 AM
Subject: Laurie
Dear Laurie,
Your life can be greatly improved if you accept help from a professional and get treatment. You need to be able to realize that everyone is not against you. The sooner you get help the sooner you will recover from your illness. You need to try and move forward with guidance. The hardest part for you is admitting that you need help. Your illness causes you to disagree with just about everyone and everything. You have absolutely nothing to lose by getting treatment, it can only help. A major plus is that getting treatment should also keep you out of jail. I want nothing more than to see you live a happy life, with friends, family and community. Life is way to short and you need to be able to enjoy what you have left of it . For years you have been living in misery and it does not need to continue any longer. The good news is it's only up to you, no one is holding you back from accepting help and moving forward. Don't waste any more time, you need get help before your court date on April 10. The judge will be a lot easier on you once they know you are getting help.
See below short video's of gorrilla warfare with Belfast Police protecting Mark Rae, My protection order against him does not matter. Over 10 hate, terror violations in a week. Hundreds by him since MAY 2017. Judge Worth's meat cleaver. Over 300 lbs of hate and rage. Mark Rae. Father, Family corruption. Poor kid.
Maine Superior Dishonorable Mother ElimnatHER JustUs Robert Murray
Laurie Allen Memorial Day 2012. Flag and peace sign. 1 year standing against JustUs
2/23/2018 Late at night at Waldo Jail after being ripped out of my house by plain clothes Officer Juba and 2 Officer Evil's hiding to kidnap me to a very bad ending. Maine AG Janet Mills charging me with terrorizing with a dangerous weapon after I sent her an email that day, calling out her and her JustUs's below on many Maine Judiciary Canon Rules. There are only 6. EliminateHer. All JustUs.
I don't lie, am law abiding and never arrested. Illegally arrested 3?4? times, jailed, shackled, tortured, terrorized gorilla warfare over a year now. Mills had this sent to the Associated Press. Me, a terrorist Mom. I only kill mosquito's and ticks.
9-13-2018 &14
Meanwhile in Helfast, Belfast City Hall and owned ramp up the 8 year and counting gorilla warfare cowardly as I fight for my life and home against the rest. Soon to be 58, 5'2", 120 lbs, a Hobo Mom. I swear to tell the truth so help me, me. Just me v. Mob Mentality. JustUs.
(I posted the many cc's to this email below today's post.)
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:04 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Governor;;; Jeffrey Trafton;
Subject: Governor PLEASE HELP
Governor LePage,
Please hear me. I am completely innocent and can prove 2 death plots by the State of Maine. Please watch today's 9 minute video from today, September 11, 2018. Waldo Jail Bail Tuesday. Fabricated charges and no evidence. AG Mills and Judiciary will not allow me to be heard for immediate dismissal of charges, document proven.
I have been brutally shackled since 3/2/18, brutal travel restrictions, all hateful and deadly. I only go out escorted and in armor, my big, big 2005 F150 Super King Cab. The only time I must go out alone is for jail bail Tuesday. My life has been in danger from law enforcement for years and you have yet to even speak to me.
Shackled target until the next court hell. I was just notified on Saturday. 10/22/2018. How can you allow these crimes against me with Belfast Chief McFadden and Sheriff Trafton enforcing my silence. Death. A brutal gang bang death. No one to investigate. No one to report. No one. You are the one that must step in as Governor. Please. I've called you so many times.
Truly Innocent,
September 11, 2018
Yo Todd Beamer, this one's for you.
Jail Bail Day Video. This one is it. On autopilot. Mother Nature Makes Me Do It.
I have to be at
jail bail call today by 11:30 am. Shackled with trackers and
satellite, I have been standing up to the corruption in Belfast, Maine,
first hand with my small in-town property since being sold
undisclosed hell in 2010. Eight years later, unable to get one public
document from Belfast City Hall to prove the corruption to my property,
FOIA requests to AG Mills for action for eight years, she has been the
one to order the destruction, hate, terror, 2 known and proven murder
attempts (fabricating false charges, no evidence and 3 arrests to date
and closing in. The BPD is very dangerous, I am certain of a drug,
rape ring by BPD, Sheriff's Department and known (at minimum) by
Maine State Police, Governor LePage, AG Mills, media, a long list. My
only protection is constant informing. No one will even interview me.
That leads me to
believe that Dr. Donald Lombardi who drug raped me as his night
school student (I was 19 and that would never happen- I'm street
smart and tough) When Cosby came out, I knew. He drug raped me. He is
global, into all education and students, medical, etc. a big serial
system rapists. I had to put it on my blog and inform all that can
but refuse. Including first hand Bill Gates. I am thorough and
dedicated. 24/7, 8+ years, no charge, financial devastation and
family, the worst is they go after my children, They know a lot of this and are now out of
state. I've been blogging and posting since 2011 and was crawling
then after making it out against the odds. My computer skills were
nil and my writing, then. I'm getting better now.
Lombardi is on this blog too
(Maine Health in collaboration with the Department of Defense
announced in 2011, taking the Maine coast and whatever they want
including my house (Joi Z Standing Rock) and my street, Seaview
Terrace, the Gaza Strip of Belfast, Waldo County and perhaps Maine.
I have 6 Maine
Judges and AG Mills violating at least 3-4 easy of the 6 canon rules.
On 2/23/18 I sent another email to Mills calling her and her Judges
out with a big cc list and in the dark that night, alone in my home
in my leggings. 3 cops came, breaking my door down but I opened it as
fast as I could when they began the assault. Cruisers hidden, they
cuffed me, pushed me down the street ll cruisers came out of hiding
to take me to death.
It almost happened and again on 6/6/18 at Waldo
Superior Court, Belfast, where I had my motions and overwhelming
evidence for immediate dismissal of charges. I have yet to be heard
since my first court date on 12/7/2017 and on 6/6/18 it was to be my
blood bath. Mills had the enre building evacuated, no security,
nothing, no one. I always go alone to court, pro se. This me I asked
my son to please come with me. I was sure they were going to take me,
we both saw, they were going to kill me right in the portable, staged
court room inside the magnificent Superior COURT ROOM. My motions to
dismiss were not heard again, Judge Robert Murray had orders from
Mills to call recess and not come back.
At court again (District
Court) last week, Judge Fowle was going ahead with trial
proceedings, again trying to stop me from talking freely (waiting for
contempt for any reason- I'm good) and he was forced to tell me that
Judge Murray wrote that my motions were heard and denied. I told him
the court transcripts and recordings will prove that he did not allow
my motions and ran. I've spent hundreds already for court hearings transcripts that have also been altered a bit.
I am below poverty, dependent on
my ex, stinking alimony of 18,200 since 2007. I should be flying and
independent. I have never been arrested and have no record until they
fabricated this trash. Making me a global terrorist Mom, out to
media, AP, local, state, nationally, at my arrest on 2/23/18. Lies
off the charts, confident that they won't get sued because I was
supposed to die a bad death the weekend of 3/2/18 at Two Bridges
Correctional Facility, Wiscasset. 7 days in jail and Belfast Jail and
courts would not take the 5k bail from my guy. Tuesday-Friday-
he kept trying, unable to talk to me and they didn't tell me my daughter had put $50 in an account so I could make phone calls. No doubt, I
have to stop now, I have to be at Jail bail check in by 11:30 am
today with Rick Oo (corrupt). I am concerned because they use
September 11 to hurt me worse. Every year. I don't want this call to
be my last so this is insurance again.
FYI in case. I am
parking at Hannaford this time (they vandalize my suv, truck,
trailer, res- I thought I was safe in the monster 2005 super king cab
f150 but the can slice brake lines, etc. on jail property while I'm
inside, sometimes for hours. They torture me at anything and
anywhere. I will walk to the Jail on Public Safety Way and back to
Hannaford. I'm letting my guy know right now..I am calling him to tell him if I don't call him before he leaves work ,
something happened to me and to call my son. I love you kiddies. I'm
doing all I can.
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; //;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Democracy Now!
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; //;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Democracy Now!
8/28/2018 11am
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 10:56 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;;; Jeffrey Trafton; Governor;
Cc: Democracy Now!;;;
Subject: Life Insurance To Go To Bail Call
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 10:56 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;;; Jeffrey Trafton; Governor;
Cc: Democracy Now!;;;
Subject: Life Insurance To Go To Bail Call
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 9:45am
Each day is more Judicial evil while continuing hope for all. On Friday, 8/24/2018, I had a Waldo County Maine District hearing for another (3rd) arrest for standing up to Belfast-Augusta-United States corruption. Eight years and counting, 24/7, able to sustain because of my life. Fifty seven years of well documented and known, truth and accountability.
I have bail check -in by 11:30am today. This is beyond the wild, wild west because I and many know the lawless are Maine Judicial and law enforcement. Judicial evil is without consequence. Each time I walk out my door, it is now certain death threatening. The hearing (I am restricted from Courts/Police Station/Belast City Hall. Downtown, on and on since 3/2/18 and shackled. For never being arrested or any record at all. Clean as a Mother. Their biggest problem. Two murder attempts by Maine Attorney General running for Governor Janet Mills with 7 Judges first hand, in documented conspiracy since the fabricated cease harassment notice’s and fabricated, absolutely innocent and free speech target shoot video, both in October 2017.
All these Judges will not let me be heard for immediate dismissal of all charges since my first hearing December 8, 2017. Kidnappedinto shackled arrest into Two Bridges, Wiscasset to be my final weekend of torture, death by brutality of all the raging, 3/2/18. But, Mother Nature got me out against their power.
Again on 6/6/18, first hand murder in an empty, no scanners, no security, not a soul, Waldo County Huge Superior Court Building with the Waldo Deeded Registry in the same building. A Wednesday business day @ 11 am. Evacuated with a portable office/court room set up inside the enormous court room. Paneling, 15 or so benches, looking like a TV court room. I brought a witness this time, going alone as pro se for the past 8 years. There would be no crime scene. Judge Murray heard 2 of my 4 motions, but not my dismissals. He was busy with ADA Entwisle in direct conversation of collusion and diversion. Murray had to deny the Title 15 Psych Eval to silence me as incompetent since I had just won a protection order against terror and hate Mark Rae with the support of Belfast Police Department, Waldo Sheriff Dept. Maine State Police, Maine Judicial, Maine government, affiliated businesses, and the public of fear and owned.
Murray denied any of the brutal bail conditions and theft of my last 5k in bail. I am below poverty, unemployed and do this free, with honor. Next were my dismissal of charges, still not heard yet. Terrorizing with a dangerous weapon and 2 fabricated stupid cease harassment notices. Not even protection orders. Absolute trash and stupid.
Judge Murray called recess and never came back. My motions to dismiss were not heard again, my son as witness to the murder plot and court corruption.
On Friday, August 24, 2018. Judge Fowl (retiring of course) was on the bench again. I got him the last 2 times. The retiring ringer. It was another lie. The docket listed was to move all my charges onto trial. They do not let me speak and when I get a few words out, the Judge stops me. I get out quite a bit though. I asked Fowle how can I be going to trail when Judge Robert Murray corrupted my hearing for dismissals after a failed blood bath? Fowle nervously looked at his papers and stated Judge Murray had decided that my dismissals were heard and he denied them, on their records. Perjury.
No decision today for Dismissal Without Prejudice to Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco. This time I said a little prayer to Mother Nature to my mailbox. A rare prayer for just me. I wait. No arrest (to my knowledge) of Mark Rae by Chief McFadden or Sheriff Trafton.
No mail delivered today. Where is Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco's decision and confirmation of Mark Rae protection order violations, 5 times in 2 days ? Chief McFadden and Sheriff Trafton refuse to arrest Mark Rae, as far as I know.
In an out of Jail Bail - no more talking. Case Manager Rick Otto stated there were no court dates for me. Three police cars to watch me come, go and get back quick. In Joi Z armor F150. That's big.
Yesterday's 20+ minute hell call to the Maine State Police Augusta Headquarters for the emergency arrest of Mark Rae. Consumed with fear/hate/rage ill,
Each transfer a little bit closer to the 8/16/18 3:56 pm top Headquarters recipients of my emergency victim/witness Maine State Police document of Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco's 5/14/2018 order of protection to stop Mark Rae from violating my life, every moment since forecfully with law enforcement since May 2017. Mark Rae is the thug for many Maine JustUs. FIVE JustUs for justMe. Judge Robert Murray. Judge Patricia Worth, Judge active/retired Fields, Judge Mathews, and Judge (Supreme I think) Alexander. Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco is the only Judge that can clear this hell and has awarded me, pro se in small claims against Chris Kulbe, Searsmont Ridge Top Chimney, Bangor and Searsmont fireman from NJ. A disgrace to NJ and fire hazard to Maine. Judge Worth stole more money from me when I got her on the bench for 2 more small claims, pro se, open and shut cases. Belfast J&B Autobody - John Smith, Skip - $1500k and ex, $6700k. In 2012. I had been beating the City Council/Planning Board meetings and real estate agents corrupt pavement since 5/2011. Who was this evil Judge Patricia Church Mouse Worth? Oy veh. Dirtier than even Mr. Clean would touch. Search Judge Worth in my blog search box to the right. Worst of all is she and John III Worth are parents. So many are. How can you.
I finally reach one recipient, Carol Tompkins. The men ducked out? Carol eventually hangs up on me. Fear. It's always fear. Makes me keep persisting, peacefully and directly.
8-20-2018 Carol Tompkins Augusta HQ Maine State Police Hangs Up Ethically Guilty
10 am Tuesday Jail Bail Day for Belfast Chief Of Police McFadden, Maine State Police Carol Tompkins said Belfast Police Chief McFadden must arrest Mark Rae. They cannot. McFadden did not respond to this email. I called the Belfast Police Station right after I sent this yesterday. Ellie took my message to immediately notify McFadden of my victim/witness statement email to arrest Mark Rae. Next step for me. Always.
Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco's decision on the absolute Dismissal Without Prejudice is still unknown today. Make that step to freedom arrive today. Please.
Mark Rae on my property with big truck on 8/14/18, one of five protection order violations within a week.
Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco's 5/14/18 -5/14/19 Protection Order for me against Mark Rae
Proven violations by the original Seaview Terrace deeded 1965 plans and 1992 survey NOT deeded Good Deeds plan for where the Caswell estate brothers wanted to subdivide but could not because of 20 ft side setback requirements. Good Deeds owner Gusta Ronson told me that she remembered doing this plan for them. Just a sketch. Caswell's moved the federally capped stake illegally and called it illegally legal for any to challenge and die. They got Judge Worth and her JustUs Robert Murray, Mathews, Fields and Alexander to take me out. I got just truth. The truth. Always.
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 1:03 PM
Cc: Jeffrey Trafton;;; Democracy Now!;;
Subject: Fw: Arrest Mark Rae 5 Protection Order Violations
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2018 1:03 PM
Cc: Jeffrey Trafton;;; Democracy Now!;;
Subject: Fw: Arrest Mark Rae 5 Protection Order Violations
Belfast Police Chief McFadden,
Mark Rae of 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast has violated Deputy Chief Justice Susan Sparaco's Protection Order date 5/14/2018-5/14/2019 5 times since May 9, 2017. I reported each through a 911 emergency call. Mark Rae has been destroying my property since May 2018, freely trespassing to destroy personal and land property.
Mark Rae has violated Protection Order box A- 1 conut, box B- 1 count and box C- 2 counts. Mark Rae testified under oath, on May 14, 2018 to Judge Sparaco's request for proof of property lines and his deeded survey. Mark Rae claims to have since May 2017 to take my property by force and destruction, almost daily with the Belfast Police Department supporting Mark Rae and the illegal placement of a deeded pin.
Mark Rae could not produce a survey and stated on record to Judge Sparaco that he had never saw his survey. With that and my evidence of harassment, Judge Sparaco issued the order. To date Chief McFadden, you have not charged Mark Rae with the theft of my landscaping rocks that Judge Sparaco took as evidence for the protection order.
With the fabricated arrests (3) and bail restrictions, I am not allowed in downtown Belfast, Courthouses, Police Department, City Hall, Post Office, to protect myself from Mark Rae. The Maine State Police, Carol Tompkins, dictated that the Belfast Police Department must process these charges below to Mark Rae.
This must be done today. Mark Rae is unstoppable and continues to threaten my life and property. If you choose not to respond by 2pm today, that will confirm your refusal to press charges against Mark Rae for violations of my protection order. If you do press charges as mandated for protection order violations please detail your procedures including notification to Judge Sparaco of her protection order violations. Today. This is an emergency. Upon notice, I will contact Waldo Unified Court for proceedings, today. Every moment is threatening my life and property, exactly as the protection order protects with the Belfast Police Department responsible and required to enforce. Immediately.
This will serve as the Belfast Victim/Witness Statement form since I cannot come into the Belfast Police Station with this statement.
Name Laurie Allen Date of birth 12/31/1960 address 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 (mailing address the same) Home phone 207-505-5987. Nearest relative, Michael (son) 732-735-85xx.
On May 14, 2018 in Waldo District Court, Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco issued a protection order against Mark Rae for Laurie Allen. Judge Sparaco looked closely at the the original deeded plans for the development of Seaview Terrace. No subdivides of 23 or 17 Seaview Terrace per Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, have been done to Seaview Terrace since the original plans. In 1994, The Caswell Estate (17 and 23 Seaview Terrace) son's tried to get a subdivide survey to get 23 Seaview Terrace into compliance because there is a concrete floor, double garage on the borderline of 23 Seaview Terrace. At that time, 20 ft side set back was ordinance until 2014? May have changed to 15 ft side setback.
There is not 40 ft between the eaves of the original home (mine) 17 Seaview Terrace and the eaves of the garage on 23 Seaview Terrace. Gusta Ronson of Good Deeds told me that she remembered this. They drew up a plan for them where they wanted the new boundary lines to be and even corruptly gave it a Waldo Registry Book # but it is fake. The Caswell's moved the federally capped stake to the imaginary line. Belfast City Hall, Police Chief McFadden and Waldo Sheriff Trafton have received the original Seaview Terrace plans and Good Deeds plan countless times. It is also on a huge bulletin board with the protection order that I place outside my door where all have seen it. Especially Officer Juba, the one stating the corrupt pin is my boundary.
Judge Sparaco asked Mark Rae where his survey was. He didn't have it and said he had not looked at it. Rae bought this property in May 2017 (approx.) and has been terrorizing me, my children, my personal property, theft, destruction to my land, the list goes on and continues. I fear leaving my house and calling 911. BPD has fabricated evidence to arrest me three times since October 2017 and are trying to take my house because my last 5k is in bail (and expenditures as Pro Se over and above, 8 years and counting) and I have not paid my last tax bill of $1100. Otherwise current and always on time, 8 years and counting.
Attached is the deeded plans, Good Deeds plans for the fake boundary line and Judge Sparaco's protection order. Please notify Judge Sparaco of on going violations. I am not allowed to Waldo Court Houses, Police Department, City Hall, all of downtown and anywhere I used to go. Now, I won't go out unless with a witness or in my armor- F150 Super King Cab beast. Bigger than them's.
Please arrest Mark Rae.
Below are details, more is on my blog if needed.
8-11-18 Liz-911 To Arrest Mark Rae 4 criminal counts epic hate- kill Me
8/11/18 Liz-911 To Arrest Mark Rae Epic Hate To Kill Me
8/9/18 Mark Rae 23 Seaview Terrace violated protection order by property destruction to my abutting property, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915. Rae trespassed with a front loader onto my property, ripping up my property and cementing huge rut tracks.
8/14/18 Tuesday Jail Bail today to come home and have Mark Rae and a giant dump truck on my property with Rae on the front loader in the back, big scoop, hitting my fir trees, dumping trees, vegetation, etc. with Bo and Penny Rae Cameron and a young, adorable 4? yr. old girl to witness like their other great grandchildren. Horrific.
Three times Rae left and backed onto my property, more destruction to my property, ruts, tracks, trespass, hate crime after hate crime. Three calls to 911, one call to the courthouse to inform Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco of the 4th violation by Mark Rae on the protection order for me against Rae ordered by Judge Sparaco. No arrests that I have been informed of and Rae is busy destroying my property and safety.
8-14-2018 Mark Rae 4x Protection Order Violations (violent rage15 month and counting) BPD Sheriff 911 State Police
0-30 seconds Clip of Ew, 30s-1:10s property damage, 1:15s- call to Maine State Police, 5:40-14:22s 3rd call today to 911 while filming Mark Rae's big dump truck on my property while using a front loader to dump loads in, causing even deeper, packed ruts into my property and driving out, 14:56s- 1rst call to 911 today, 16:54s BPD Juba (bad, bad cop already) 18:56s- 2nd call to 911 today, 21:14s Juba and Officer Travis Spencer (comes later but didn't record these convesations)
0-30 seconds Clip of Ew, 30s-1:10s property damage, 1:15s- call to Maine State Police, 5:40-14:22s 3rd call today to 911 while filming Mark Rae's big dump truck on my property while using a front loader to dump loads in, causing even deeper, packed ruts into my property and driving out, 14:56s- 1rst call to 911 today, 16:54s BPD Juba (bad, bad cop already) 18:56s- 2nd call to 911 today, 21:14s Juba and Officer Travis Spencer (comes later but didn't record these convesations)
8-16-2018 Mark Rae 5th Protection Order Property Destruction. I went fishing this morning, tracker alerts Rae to move his front loader through my property, more destruction. Called 911 again. BPD Juba came again, protecting Rae, stating it's his property. I have the original deeded plans for Seaview Terrace and a survey proving no subdivide could be done in 1994 because there is not 40 ft (20 side setback) between the eaves of my house and their garage. That is on the borderline.
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall confirmed via email that there have not been any subdivide's on Seaview Terrace, original deeded plans are the same boundaries today. Rae did not have a fabricated survey that he claims to have, in court in May when Judge Sparaco asked him for the survey. He said he hadn't even saw it and didn't have it. Protection Order granted.
Judge Sparaco why aren't you ordering full Dismissal Without Prejudice, every moment of this is life threatening. You have the proof of my full innocence. Nothing in the mail today.
8-16-2018 Mark Rae 5th Protection Order Property Destruction. I went fishing this morning, tracker alerts Rae to move his front loader through my property, more destruction. Called 911 again. BPD Juba came again, protecting Rae, stating it's his property. I have the original deeded plans for Seaview Terrace and a survey proving no subdivide could be done in 1994 because there is not 40 ft (20 side setback) between the eaves of my house and their garage. That is on the borderline.
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall confirmed via email that there have not been any subdivide's on Seaview Terrace, original deeded plans are the same boundaries today. Rae did not have a fabricated survey that he claims to have, in court in May when Judge Sparaco asked him for the survey. He said he hadn't even saw it and didn't have it. Protection Order granted.
Judge Sparaco why aren't you ordering full Dismissal Without Prejudice, every moment of this is life threatening. You have the proof of my full innocence. Nothing in the mail today.
A. 1 count - Class C: Crimes punishable by up to 5 years incarceration and a $5,000 fine
Aggravated criminal mischief is a Class C crime.
Intentionally damages, destroys or tampers with the property of another, having no reasonable ground to believe that the person has a right to do so, for the purpose of causing substantial harm to the health, safety, business, calling, career, financial condition, reputation or personal relationships of the person with the property interest or any other person.
B. 1 count - Class D: Crimes punishable by up to 364 days incarceration and a $2,000 fine
Violation of a protection from harassment order issued under Title 5, section 4654 or 4655, subsection 1, paragraphs A to C-1, is a Class D crime as provided in Title 5, section 4659, subsection 1.
C. 2 counts - Class E: Crimes punishable by up to six months incarceration and a $1,000 fine
Enters any place in defiance of a lawful order not to enter that was personally communicated to that person by the owner or another authorized person. Violation of this paragraph is a Class E crime
The criminal mischief charge is punishable by up to five years in prison, and the two misdemeanors are punishable by up to a year in prison.
§805. Aggravated criminal mischief
D. Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly damages, destroys or tampers with property of another and thereby recklessly endangers human life;
F. Intentionally damages, destroys or tampers with the property of another, having no reasonable ground to believe that the person has a right to do so, for the purpose of causing substantial harm to the health, safety, business, calling, career, financial condition, reputation or personal relationships of the person with the property interest or any other person.
§506-B. Violation of protective order
1. Violation of a protection from harassment order issued under Title 5, section 4654 or 4655, subsection 1, paragraphs A to C-1, is a Class D crime as provided in Title 5, section 4659, subsection 1.
Truly Innocent and Law Abiding,
Laurie Allen (use as signature to statement)
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
8/17/2018 Maine State Police Can't Do
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 3:55 PM
Subject: Arrest Mark Rae 5 Protection Order Violations
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 3:55 PM
Subject: Arrest Mark Rae 5 Protection Order Violations
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The Maine State Police is the state's largest police agency with an authorized complement of 341 sworn personnel, ranging from trooper to colonel. Troopers patrol Maine's Highways and provide full service law enforcement services to the citizens and visitors throughout the State. Detectives investigate homicides, child abuse and other major crimes. There are several specialty units within the State Police to include a tactical, underwater recovery, evidence response, crisis negotiations, and incident management.
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