Keep jousting those wind mills .

It is fitting to compare Ms. Allen to Don Quixote. Dreaming the impossible dream...fighting the unbeatable a valiant quest.

I really miss Laurie's rambling, incoherent postings in Belfast's Republican Journal. They must have blocked her.

It was a mistake to do so. Allen is a present-day Don Quixote, or, if you prefer, 'Man of La Mancha'. Her dream of idealism and righteousness is as necessary now as it was 400 years ago when Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote." With the formidable and impossible quest, if there were not a certain 'madness', truth could not be pursued.

Yes they did. I was battered then, fighting for my children's lives to move to Belfast to begin again. To take on the Mobstah Lobstah's of Belfast. Post your names cowards. Meet me in front of the Courthouse as I protest corruption. Or keep hiding and taking shots at me. Truth be told, I do.

Here is the factual post on the corruption with the Downtown Revitalization project that resulted in my banning to protect the corrupt. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot...
Laurie Allen