These Trump types are so sad. Cowards unable to survive honestly. Corrupt, spewing rage and rhetoric to detour from accountability. From Washington DC to Augusta, Me. to Belfast, Me., to my ex, to my brother. Mental Illness enabled. Not me, always the disabler, regardless of never ending threats and harm. My family taught me well to survive hell.
Oh Happy Days- Judge Patty Worth was on the bench today. Irish in your face. So many stopping to tell me how Worth robbed them. My kind of woman, Lynn, had Judge Worth. Worthless took her for 350k. She insisted to be in the picture to show off her fabulous shoes. Love her and just met her. Chief McFadden cruising me, and all the attorney's, Sheriff's dept., and victims in and out of the courthouse from 8 am till 10:30.
Belfast Worthless Mobstah Lobstah's List
And why isn't this horrific violent Brooks assault reported in the RJ on the 4th, with the Belfast District Court feeding on abused women again, reported in the BDN?
Five years. Despicable. What would Judge Paul Mathews order if the stick was in his rectum, survived the choking, the never ending violence with the system enabling... See for the rest of this violence.
By Ethan Andrews | Aug 04, 2016
BELFAST — A 24-year-old Brooks man, who beat, choked and forced a stick into the rectum of a woman will serve five years in prison..
More articles in the Bangor Daily News with Maine's Supreme System Lab Coat Cartel. Exactly what I have been documenting.
below was my comment on the Bangor Daily News article that BDN removed an hour later. Protecting Belfast ego's of the supreme. I was the first and only comment. I re-posted it below in blue. Will it stay or will it go?

auntiebully an hour ago
Plans to cross Penobscot McCrum property, pictured in this April photo, by eminent domain took a detour Tuesday after the company's president made the city an offer.
Penobscot McCrum President Jay McCrum said Tuesday night that he will build the city a trail across his property to connect the new recreational rail trail to downtown.
Neither McCrum nor city officials would say much more, but the offer has paused, for the moment, a contentious eminent domain taking.
The City Council had scheduled a vote that night to condemn a 14-foot-wide easement across roughly 750 feet of Penobscot McCrum's waterfront property, from Pierce Street to the foot of the new Belfast Rail Trail. A vote to condemn would have effectively completed the process started this spring of taking the easement by eminent domain.
Instead, the Council tabled the question without comment.
Debate happened behind closed doors. Standing outside City Hall while the Council deliberated, Jay McCrum painted his offer in broad strokes.
"We're going to build them a trail," he said.
He continued, describing the strip targeted by the city as if it were a project he personally wanted to complete. He confirmed that he was referring to the direct route proposed by the city, not the detour — dubbed the "goat path" by councilors — that he offered the city in June. He held his hands apart.
"We need to get from Point A to Point B," he said.
In previous public appearances, McCrum said running the trail past the factory's ammonia refrigeration system and parking lot truck traffic would be too dangerous.
Asked about his apparent change of heart, he said, "It just seems like the right thing to do today."
McCrum and four other representatives of the business joined the Council during the middle of the executive session and left before the Council came out.
Back in open session, The Council voted unanimously and without discussion to table the question.
Speaking after the vote, City Attorney Kristin Collins confirmed McCrum's comments about building the city a trail.
"That's what he's proposing, generally," she said. "We don't have specifics."
Collins said the Council authorized the city manager and city attorney to continue talks with McCrum.
In the weeks before the Aug. 3 meeting, city officials seemed to have tired of continuing talks. After several attempts to extend the eminent domain process to give McCrum more time, it appeared unlikely that they would delay again.
But Collins said the issue before had been a lack of communication. "There has been communication at this point," she said.
As of Tuesday night, Collins said there was no specific plan or offer from McCrum, and that the Council would prefer to negotiate with McCrum but not indefinitely.
"It would have to be pretty quick," she said.
11th hour smart strategy. "Change of heart" is not appropriate or true. As if Jay was just being mean for protecting his land from the taking of City Hall corrupt.
Bangor Daily News-
Posted Aug. 04, 2016, at 2:56 p.m.
In an apparent 11th-hour change of heart, the owner of Penobscot McCrum is offering to build a trail through the company’s waterfront property and lease it to the city.
Don't ya know I ran into my brother (Sid from Toy Story) now Mr. Big Beeline Cable, right after I wrote yesterday's post at Irving's gas station. We have not been alone, face to face since he came to fleece Mom's house in South River, NJ 1995 when we had to carry Mom's bed out to the dumpster. He took Mom's unregistered gun that was under the mattress.I was crying too hard to talk. He could not run this time, because the gas hose was in his car. His never ending connections into my life have been brutal. I said and am done. Closure is peace.
I repeat this story through my blog for new readers. Belfast taking me and my children is as low as it gets. The fact that I have proven all the corruption and abuse and am stronger than ever is intangible reward. Their playing of the pity card is effective though. I feel sorry for them even though they make me sick. The personal posts are difficult and cast me as honest, brave women whistle blowing get cast. Until their stories end up on 20/20, dead and spun into more drama. Just in case, here is my case. Posting to stay out of the grave. Maybe. Maybe not. No skeletons in my closet, don't they just hate that.
I married what I knew in 1988, another ill with greed. Dangerous fleecing of all I held dear when I had to get us out. One ill sibling left and still fleecing, in cahoots and drinking buddy to this day with my abusive ex.
In 2009, not making any mistakes, one chance to get as far away I could if I could win hotly contested, rarely awarded relocation from South River, NJ to Belfast, ME. Living in terror since 1995 with the suspicious death of my mother and ill siblings, more immediate family death, 9/11 visible from South River, fall out in my yard, filing for divorce in 2005 to explode into years of terror to break me from divorcing, a stay at home since 1995, all I had worked for, I cashed into the marriage. No degree and in 2007 at divorce, with children crashing and constant terrorizing, I was fighting for our lives. The corrupt Judge Keiser, being removed from the bench, I was his last case, of course, imputed a 20k yearly income on me. Executives were flipping burgers in New Jersey. There were no jobs to be had especially with crashing children that needed my full attention. Everyone that could help did not, they hurt us further with feigned concern (except one angel of kindness). They wasted my energy, time and hope. I got rid of that baggage and got focused. Belfast or bust- on my own.
Deja Vu into Belfast 6/2010 to the capital of corruption, Augusta. I thought the terror was over. Any that have lived through terror can understand the fear in letting up on constant guard. After moving here, we kept to ourselves, trying to heal and begin again. In safety and privacy. Work, school and home. 9 months later, the smiles were returning and then the water slaughter came tearing our lives away. Beyond cruel, it was a daily fight for life again by the good ole boys and players. The mental abuse by the ill is their forte. Since 1995 to present, I am pummeled with mental abuse by the corrupt and cowards. I was seasoned veteran to it, I knew what I had to do. I had no idea how expansive the corruption is and how incredibly linked to my tiny private property.
Exposing the linking corruption for 6 years has forced me into constant vigilance and rare outings. Out to protest corruption and to buy food. In 8/2010, I got a job in Belfast in credit card customer service. 28k and benefits. A 40 hour desk job brought on lower back arthritis by the 2nd week. The company kept stalling on an ergo station that many employees had. By 12/2010, I could not sit for 5 minutes. The pain was excruciating. My Dr. took me out of work, no pay, for a month. Into physical therapy. I never thought I'd recover. It was bad and I was always active. I kept moving and I got better. In January 2011, released to return to work, the company told me to have my Dr. remove the orders for an ergo station. Seriously. It was appalling, nasty company. I didn't return to work.
Then the water slaughter came and I've been trying to save my home since. It's a full time, dangerous, pay-less, mentally abusive, alienating duty. Until this year, the mental stress was constant. Since my youngest is now 18 and free from the school administration thugs as of 6/2016, the stress has always been for the safety for my children. My head is clear now, never taking medications to dull the process. Overwhelming Due Process. Weight lifted. I am ready. Let's Roll. Full Throttle.
Intimidation, discrimination, alienation, threats upon threats, defamation, destruction of property, force flooding, destruction to children and education, all the shuns by the mob mentality to hurt us and silence me. Since my Irish twin brother first choked me, I have never shut up and I never give up. His goal is to be a millionaire at any cost. That will not be enough either. They can't satisfy themselves. Just like all abusers.
I am dependent on 18k alimony and debt free. I can expose the epic corruption because they have not been able to own me. Even if my ex kicks, I will survive. Hey, hey, I will survive.
Less is best for me. Thank You Pork Barrel.
Back to original post from 7/20/2016- 8/2/2016
Dear Readers- I have always used satire to find some humor from the horror of humans taking lives and property for greed. Belfast City Hall and players have been taking for the last 50 years.This year 2016 is the take out using force, eminent domain. Many in the community are ashamed that they have enabled the corruption through participation or enabling through looking away. My unwavering dedication to stopping the corruption regardless of the taking and breaking of the little I have left confuses many. Why would I risk this, how do I endure this? I am more confused with the parents that are doing this to their children and grandchildren's earth. I could not live with myself if I didn't keep trying to stop the evil. Satire is funny.
updated posts below Here's Johnny...
My City Council Rep is Queen Pork Barrel- More For Me- Miss Piggy Mary Mortier
Almost surpassing City Council Heil Mike Hurley in greed, ego and ruthless, calculating corruption.
10 SEC Clip of Belfast City Council Mike Hurley stating City Council does NOT listen to the public.
10 SEC Clip of Belfast City Council Mike Hurley stating his greed illness and telling himself "NO NO NO"
10 SEC Clip of Hurley admitting to do it before discussing public permission.
Epic White & No Collar Punks Not WORTHy Of Stench Secreting White Foamy Trash
Bringing us together. My hometown elementary to high school friend. Risking his life for this country where the corrupt policy makers and players target and rob our country and countries. Reckoning the lies and killings are here. Rxxxxx and Laurie. Male and Female. Black and White. Father and Mother The Greatest Honor. Still Standing To US against the A... The A Holes.
Family secrets. Families raise them and unleash them to the public. They implicate the weakest of the community and together they corrupt and deny. Holding them accountable from family into the community is stopping them from becoming weapons of mass destruction. Take your pick from government to business to clergy to school to healthcare, to any where, hold those in your reach accountable with independent oversight committee's of the public. Or the weapons of mass destruction grows and kills all. The end.
Laurie Allen Trump is ill like many in power. So many enable the ill and become implicated. Their greed is war after war. With you sacrificing your life, drones and civilian casualties, the horrors, PTSD, suicides, benefits denied, on and on.. I can't imagine what you endured and endure. You are heroic. Everyday. Every night. Every second. I honor you, Rxxxxx I am sad for anyone that supports greed and illness.
Narcissistic personality disorder - Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
The August 2nd Belfast City Council will vote to take. And take, and take, and take...BOYCOTT !! Stop The Take. Email me Waiting till they take your property? Too late.
Belfast Planning Board Chair Steve Eminent Domain Ryan. His bio is hair raising and proof that the taking is just beginning with eminent domain. My residential area has been under assault by MaineHealth and Belfast City Hall for over 10 years. Israel taking the Gaza Strip in full full force in full denial.
Stephen Ryan, FMM Chair, Belfast. Steve is President/CEO of Maine Network for Health, a provider-owned organization specializing in healthcare business support services including payment contracts, business office functions and quality improvement assistance. He holds a M.S. degree in Health Care Administration from Simmons College in Boston. Steve is active with various statewide healthcare-related boards and committees, and volunteers in his hometown of Belfast by serving on the city’s Planning Board and assisting with the annual Maine Celtic Celebration which is coming up this year on July 18-20th. He lives in Belfast with his wife, Carla, and two of their three children...
The Sunday Posts BDN to FB- Wake Up Maine, Defenders of Liberty, Bernie and Shailene Woodley. Sneakers on the Ground. SOG Let's Roll in honor of Todd Beamer.
Laurie Allen
Sister, I've been doing the very same since I was born to be a punching bag for my brother in 1960 to Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce, City Hall and all those people we personally know that are corrupt and abusers 2010-2016. The last 6 years I've documented against mob mentality and keep standing. Alone. Fix local, to County, to State and then together to Hypocrite House. Make it begin in Belfast. Send me a life line to begin the line. I've covered all the government territories including many Senators, First Ladies, FBI, etc. to hope. Sneakers on the ground. Let's Roll in honor of Todd Beamer .
Belfast Commerce awards resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum- 2013 CITIZEN…
Belfast City Council now name Municipal OFFICERS, sign the taking with force. Eminent Domain on the crooks at the 8/2/2016 Belfast Municipal OFFICER Meeting.
PROTEST WITH BOYCOTT BELFAST SIGNS. EMAIL ME TO ORGANIZE or call 218-1125 and leave a message. I'll call back ASAP.
Since the 80's, Mayor Mary Worth, City Council Mike Hurley and media/law enforcement connected wiseguy Jay Davis began planning taking. Targeting in-town area's for demise. Worth died willing corruption plan to children. Peg Worth to Worth Real Estate, John Worth III (MMA, Captain, MaineHealth Board, real estate,etc) and wife Judge Patricia Worth to get it done regardless of law. Heavily connected and feared, Layering attorneys, connected court power and subjects in all fields.
Bio's on this page
The Mobstah Lobstah's of Belfast. When all corrupt connections to the State were wired and implicated by 1998, Heil Hurley hired the hitmen. In came City Planner Wayne Marshall in 1999. The lizard. #1- stop public access to public documents, site plans and all information. He stopped recording such at the Waldo County Deeded Registry and has removed and or manipulated damning documents from the Registry prior to 1999. FOIA is a netWorth joke, all laughing up to the top. City Hall, City Attorney, DEP, EPA, Realtor Commission, IF&W, DHHS, Senators, House Reps, Governor, the Attorney General, the whole Maine system growing with MaineHealth in collaboration with the Department of Defense, announced by MaineHealth in 2011. Thier 3rd party contractors, their behavioral swat team to control the healthcare for the 95% "problems" and for profit. Masking as non profit and charity. Masses in the communities implicated because of employment, allegiance to the corrupt (family, friends, clergy, Dr, RSU, recreation, etc) and protection of your children, loved ones, pets and property.
C.P. Marshall went corrupt big with The Captain Albert Stevens School with the network. Built on an enormous swamp, all the piggies in the mud. DEP, Army Corp, Engineers, DOE, Attorneys, Contractors, DOE, endless list of pigs.Completed 2006/2007. In 2007, Heil Hurley hired NY insurance attorney, Joe Sloscum. Scum is a compliment. Abusing female employees and mothers like Hurley but not as public, with dirty tactics and denial. Like all abusers. Like Hurley, Marshall, Kelly, Rosenberg, Kittredge, Ricahrds, Harkness, Sanders, Arrison and Thayer, the rage is there. Closeted underwear.
Sloscum was town manager in Castine, Me. Home of MMA, Maine Maritime Academy and 2nd home to John Worth III. Hello. City Council, boards and committee's cherry picked to corruption and/or implication. Directors and Department Heads. The Wall in place to displace and dismiss the public. About face. I don't think so.
CASS/Sweetser School (share site) corruption is enormous and my water investigation barely scrapes the mud. The piggies bury me in landslides. Miles of private properties began flooding below CASS. So easy to see the illegal runoff and melt off from CASS causing it, no one took on the corruption. Millions were spent to send the water drainage to the other side of town, via overhauling Miller Street storm sewers to take the enormous drainage downtown to the bay. With drainage from the man made EPA disaster on top of Miller Street, called The Muck. Heavy equipment lays in the bottom of that mess.In 2012 Hurley almost got that drained to my property as well when he enlisted Warden Dyer (IF&W) to spin a story that it had to be partially drained to try and rid it of the invasive goldfish. To stock it with trout for a fishing spot for our dear sweet children. A scam using our children as heart strings, targets and pawns to carry out corruption.
Muck Suck details on
This album I created in 2013 are picture's showing the illegal outlet on the low end, flowing right past the millions spent, corruptly placed on the high end where it will never go out to the system. The lizard sends it to the private properties through the Birches, through Congress Street, through Cedar St., to the top half of Wight Street where there is a direct line to the bay. No. They channel it over Tall Pines, to MaineHealth Behavioral to Seaview Terrace private properties. All the business sites including the enormous CASS is allowed to violate zoning conditions to remove "plowable" snow off site. No doubt it would be enforced if it were melting into the system. Or if the sites below were melting to other businesses or the 5% supremacy. Targeting the middle to low to poverty. Wipe out for MaineHealth taking and endless supremacy wants.
My property is the last property to get it all from there and everywhere. See the my map of unbelievable water slaughter. Documenting all the way, like Alice in Wonderland. Complete ruthless insanity. Forcing me into conjectures and fear, as the mob mentality pounces on each. Six years later, they can't hide the City wide taking and secrecy of takings voted through in the Comprehensive Plan 2014 and still secret. More amendments and City Attorney ordinance loophole language to be interpreted as needed by the City Attorney and Judge Worth. Suffice to say, every development of economic greed is corrupt. It's exploding as I write. Airport, harbor, MaineHealth, Penboscot McCrum served eminent domain this week, downtown, uptown, across town, rail trail, RSU, housing, small print, no print, no boundaries. No justice for just us.
I have many albums of pictures and documents to prove corruption to various agencies and by them as well. All the piggies.
7/25/2016 Belfast Planning Board Chair Steve Eminent Domain Ryan. His credentials are hair raising and proof that the taking is just beginning with eminent domain. My residential area has been under assault by MaineHealth and Belfast City Hall for over 10 years. Israel taking the Gaza Strip in full denial in full view.
Stephen Ryan, FMM Chair, Belfast. Steve is President/CEO of Maine Network for Health, a provider-owned organization specializing in healthcare business support services including payment contracts, business office functions and quality improvement assistance. He holds a M.S. degree in Health Care Administration from Simmons College in Boston. Steve is active with various statewide healthcare-related boards and committees, and volunteers in his hometown of Belfast by serving on the city’s Planning Board and assisting with the annual Maine Celtic Celebration which is coming up this year on July 18-20th. He lives in Belfast with his wife, Carla, and two of their three children...
Hate me? Nah, it's them. Chin Up, Go Girl. I do until death do I part. I found of the wired (names below the Mobstah Lobstah cartoon) addresses on the 2015 Belfast Tax commitment book online. Many own several properties. Hence somewhere, some known streets, many unknown. But corruption concentration camping on Cedar Street, Park St., Court St., Union St., High St., Main St., Lord St., Wight St., Salmond St., Kaler Rd., Robbins Way, Lead Mountain Lane, Ashely Drive, Head of Tide Rd., Tozier St., Waldo Ave., Searsport Ave. by East Side Garage, all in Belfast.
Coombs Rd.- Morrill, Patten Drive- Lincolnville, Coles Corner Road-Winterport, and of course, State Street, Augusta.
Make a sign, begin the line. Boycott Belfast email me and I'll be there.
Whole Lotta Love June 2011 with my true blue hero's. My daughter, son and dawggies.
My duty. With humor.
Pussy Riot getting flogged at the 2014 Sochi Olympics fighting for democracy.
Laurie Riot on 10/31/2014 to Belfast City Hall, tax day. My City Council rep/ real estate agent, major properties owned, Miss Piggy More for Me, Mary Mortier saw me, shunned me. MidCoast Real Estate Commission Michelle Ridley approached me. Basically telling me, sorry we destroyed you but go and enjoy the day. I told her this is my joy, standing strong. Alone. Determined. Unwavering.
Date wrong on picture belong. It was in front of Senator George Mitchell when he came here promoting his book. His people watching and recording me let him know I was here. I waited and hoped he was true. Not. He took the back door out. Hypocrisy is in your face George. Ditto with Olympia Snowe with her Belfast book signing. Run Senators Run. Laurie's got a sign.
Occupy Day Nationwide. Raining and looking like a condom, I stand regardless of rain or looks. I don't care. I put myself out there and in danger.
The forced water slaughter to tiny Seaview that I tracked because Belfast City Hall slammed all doors shut with real estate agents." NO DOCUMENTS FOR YOU!! GET OUT!!!" Illegal outlets from over a mile away at The Captain Albert Stevens School and The Muck (by Hannaford) to across Route at the National Guard, all encompassing and forcing slaughter to us. I missed some too and more has been developed and approved to send to us. I mapped this in 2011. Red circles are culverts to keep the flow to us. Plus all the snow illegally allowed to stock pile on sites and highways to melt to us in wild rapids. Anytime for as long as there is water. 55 years of City water slaughter to date.
Quadron 40 is the farm to become Seaview Terrace in 1967. The visible farmhouse still stands on the corner of Northport Ave and Seaview Terrace. Farmhouse still owned by Dutch (Chevrolet)
Planning of Seaview Terrace by developer Wendell McLeod. Cleared and trenched for run off from his trailer park on Lower Congress St. The Route 1 Bypass still in corruption planning.
Here's the only City Hall official that accepted my invitation in 11/2011 to tour the water slaughter map that I tracked. Bob Whiteley, Tax Assessor. He had no idea that all these culverts were throughout, forcing water to us. I snapped pictures of him at each one for documentation, always giving all my documentation to City Council. Their only action was intimidation. This is Bob at my fence in November 2011. Not even spring melt. He was more than alarmed. But no reassessment. City Manager Joe Sloscum demanded that Bob send me a letter stating such. Done.
On a hunch, I stormed the City Tax Assessor's office (Bob Whiteley) in 11/2011, in the early morning after our tour. Running up the stairs as fast as I could because Bob Richards, Director of Public Works (and participant in abuse) was in the City Clerk office and we locked eyes as I walked in. I flew into Bob's office before he could get a phone call. Sure enough, Bob had the original plans for Seaveiw out on the table. He said he found them in a box in his office and could not believe I had not been given them. Days later he would tell me that City Manager Joe Slocum flipped out on him for giving me a copy of the plans. Bob said he never saw that side of Sloscum. Right. Psycho. If his lips are moving, he is lying. Ditto with City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Council Mike Hurley and City Attorney Bill Kelly and all those in allegiance to Belfast corruption. The 5%. Bob Whiteley had also told me that the plans for Belfast residents was shocking. He was upset and only told me because he was retiring after 20 years. After he retired I told. His word is gold. It is happening.
Here we are. Planned for demise from inception
My number one refusal of properties- ANY WATER ISSUES INSIDE OR OUT. Prior owner, Minister Tarpley filled in slaughter for my showing- a fresh 2" of snow had fallen. I had driven 500 miles for showings in 12/ 2009. Nothing was selling, I had cash and agents robbed me of choices. Property inspection by DJ Brown Property Inspectors done in 4/2010- no doubt there was water running through. Supervised by real estate agent and now with corrupt Judge Worth's agency- Worth Real Estate, Sam Mitchell. 2016 President of Midcoast Real Estate. His listing's now list zoning as "See Town" to be laid down. 6/2010 I move in, begin to heal and 4/2011 wild rapids come thundering through my yard for 2 weeks. Thankfully, I didn't put my new fence on my boundary line which is on the other side of the ravine that was exposed again (the fill in was just soil and grass to sell hell)
Earl Black, owner of many agencies through out Maine, now called the Masiello Group. refused to restore my property and hold City Hall accountable for real estate hell's throughout Belfast. Instead he had his attorney offer me $7500 to shut up and release rights to expose corruption. I don't think so. I am not for sale. Shame on you.
June 9, 2016, Heartbreak Hug, My True Blue Hero.