
Monday, August 8, 2016

8/2/16 Belfast Airport Meeting Corruption

8/13/2016 Belfast is corrupt, trust no one regardless of law, rules of ethics and the most lethal undocumented meetings for public information. If their lips are moving, they are lying. The daily corruption makes this blog overwhelming and repeating information for new readers. Many personal, it is personal, business for them. I'm just another poor mother to abuse and take. I have a 45 year history with Belfast with family and friends, now not family and not friends. They are implicated or compliant. I'm on my own and post the personal to tell the truth as they paint lies. 

 Know that Belfast City Hall, real estate agents, zoning, businesses, development, anything proposed to the public is just proposed, not final. What is voted through is hidden and devastating to the undesirables in their way. Up to the State level. For 6 years, I've hung in there, documenting and asking for accountability. To get slammed.  informs of the master plan, the TPP of Belfast...The Comprehensive Plan. 20? years in the hushed making, rolling out in full assault. MaineHealth, eminent domain, zoning unknown, keep selling undisclosed, implicate and punish the non compliant... effective. No one tells. Till me.

4 years later 2016 'F' to infinity.

'F' in national study means Maine 'ripe' for corruption | Pine Tree ...

Mar 19, 2012 - “For a state that ranks towards the bottom like Maine, these numbers ... of laws and practices that encourage openness and deter corruption.

Prior posts below. 

I have listed some corrupt names, first hand with the corruption from Belfast to Augusta below in the 7/9/2016 post. Below the motorcycle side car Saint Bernard picture. Vroom.

If there are any legal issues with any of my postings please email me,  and I will fix it. 

                                        Judge Patty and Johnny III Worth less

Belfast Worthless Mobstah Lobstah's List

This link is my beginning of crawling and relocating to Belfast, Helfast 2010.


On 8/16/2016, Belfast City Council agenda is more for City. The roll out of a new public works facility. This one will be the bells and whistles to blow our wallets to smithereens. No expense spared for the City Hall empire. Grants and notes, no accountability. 

Population census for Belfast in 2015 is 6600. Spending since 2010 is epic. City Council and Manager refuse public accounting for spending NOT reported in the budget. Attorney fee's, consultation fee's, engineer fee's, cover up fee's for corrupt project after project. 10 years of ordinance revisions and continuing to be interpreted by the City attorney to win against residents, many are not updated for public viewing including toxic zoning. Site Developments corruption of epic demise to residents by City Planner Wayne Marshall with City Hall wall with holding public information and documents. Captain Albert Stevens School, Harbor Walk, Downtown Revitalization Project, RSU, The Muck, WCGH Annex and MaineHealth monopoly and taking, Front Street & Shipyard, Inner Harbor Plan, Airport Plan, Rail Trail, eminent domain proceedings begin, new courthouses underway, law enforcement programs in collusion with mental health and those addicted by their MaineHealth doctors, any City Hall economic deals are land mines of corruption. A house of cards. Ponzi schemes of urgency, more, more, more.

Robbing the poor without conscience. Laughing, Be Happy in Our Town Downtown Belfast. Heil Hurley orders it. Wipe out the undesirables, bleed them dry first. The poor are the paradise eaten by the parasites. Belfast City Hall and greedy players. Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's.

Poverty rates in Belfast

Residents with income below the poverty level in 2013: 
Whole state:
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 2013: 
Whole state:

Poverty rate among disabled males:

Disability rate in this city among poor males (it is 26.3% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Poverty rate among disabled females:

Disability rate in this city among poor females (it is 17.8% among residents who are not classified as poor):

Renting rate in this city among poor and not poor residents:
Residents below poverty level:
Residents above poverty level:

Read more:

Belfast City Hall Council and Manager brought in police guards after I began speaking of the corruption in 11/2011. Belfast City Council call me in as a threat to Police Chief McFadden. They told me to stop coming to City Council meetings to speak. Then they limited me to 3 minutes. Then the police intimidated me. Telling me to back off City Hall. Telling me to be concerned for my children. Chief McFadden coming to my house on an anonymous tip that I was unstable. Then when he could shake me, he told me the City Hall officials were nice to him and that I should be concerned for my children. I got 2 sexually threatening anonymous letters in the mail that had City Hall markings and Chief McFadden refused to return my call to investigate. 6 years of intimidation and targeting by many. Belfast Publice Works Director Bob Richards has his workers target my property and driveway with enormous snow plows several times a day. I report it again and again to City Hall no response, absolute discrimination, intimidation and endangerment.

This is ALL my private property. Bought in 6/2010 from Minister Tarpley and agent Bill Ingersoll. They filled in the ravine to make it appear as no water slaughter. My number one refusal of listings was NO WATER. I was lucky that I did not install my new fence to my boundary line on the other side of this ravine. In 4/2011 wild rapids tore through my property for almost 2 weeks and I was shoved into the rabbit hole of hell. They illegally use our private properties in place of storm water sewers. Massive runoff and illegal stock piling of snow from miles of development outside of Seaview Terrace. Forced into Seaview Terrace, 14 residential homes on a dead end street. The Gaza Strip of Belfast. Real estate turnover. Sell hell to another. The cloth is the most despicable. These links hardly dip into their cesspool of corruption, stenching to Augusta and FEMA, Healthcare and Department of Defense. I try but no one helps and many target us. My kids, my dogs, me, and the last I own, my home. Wipe out after wipe out. My last child is off to college, I am a free agent. 


Short Seaview Terrace history with 1939 maps proving the was NEVER a natural outlet running through or even near the future 1966 development of Seaview Terrace. 

 They sell undisclosed City water slaughter and unknown zonings, unknown hells, in collaboration with the property inspector and Maine Realtor Commission. They corrupt listings, zoning, destroy private properties, abuse challenging residents, bait you to hire an attorney to speak for you, to file lawsuits and insurance claims into further hells... it is unimaginable and disgusting. City Hall, businesses and agents, hand and hand, turnover is grand. Back stabbing, lying and denying is State statute with local tweaks for more. 

Shhh don't tell. Just sell it to another. Become one of them. Not. 

How sad is the man in the gun gray Silverado, Maine license plate 5474, Vietnam Veteran. He drove up to me today @ 9:30 am, as I was protesting corruption at the Maine District Courthouse, Church St. Belfast, Me. 04915. He stopped, looked at me as I was waving the peace sign and he gave me the finger. Peace please.

See 8/9/2016 Belfast Airport Taxi Runway Corruption add on below in red.

8/8/2016 It is easier to report what is not corrupt in Belfast. Nothing.

 As a nobody, below poverty Mom,  being robbed  by real estate agents and Belfast City Hall since 2010, They would rob their mother, their child, they already do.  I began dummy 101 documentation in 2011. Becoming more of a target of abuse and ridiculed by the massive network. My writing skills are improving from my Archie Bunker level. Regardless of my lacking formal education and constant mental abuse, the corruption is screaming now. Master Plans of Master Corruption. Look at the big picture. Department of Defense began collaborating with Maine Health to share data and records in 2011. See the monopoly networking of Maine Health with strategic coastal sites and players on  and Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's including dishonorable Judge Patty Worth connecting through to Augusta, MaineHealth and DoD.

City Hall locks up public documents, information, the State supports corruption, to Washington D.C to pretend they aren't corrupt. Just look, don't listen to their noise. Taking paradise after paradise for more, more, more...the end. 

Yesterday, the Waldo County Democratic Party Hypocrites headed by Belfast City Corruption Council Neil Harkness assembled in Belfast City Park. So did I. With my signs and speech. Asking how they can enable corruption in Belfast while claiming to be against corruption at the State and Federal level. Shame. Shame. Shame. They ignored me but I kept talking. They heard me, they choose corruption. 

Then I cruised over to the cloth corruption in collusion with Belfast City Hall and Judge Patty Worth. My SUV a mobile bulletin board of Belfast corruption. They saw me, again, again and again. The First Church had a lawn full and BBQ. And me corruption cruising and my peace sign hand out the window. Don't shoot the messenger.

Maine Health contractors are exploding in Belfast. In collusion with the Department of Defense. Eminent Domain against a private property  business also in this meeting but discussed off camera in an executive session. Airport, harbor, eminent domain, Maine Health, Department of Defense... Belfast is Helfast, don't be fooled.

8/9/2016 Airport Taxi Runaway Corruption- For 4 years Belfast City Hall Official have been spinning a FAA safety requirement that a parallel taxi runway was necessary for our go cart course airport. Forming a committee to layer corruption (their forte') 4 pilots using the airport, Economic Director Thomas Kittredge and City Council Mary Mortier. Kittredge does the grant applications and the requirements to acquire the grant are whatever Kittredge is told to say by City Manager Joe Slocum. Corruption to the nines. So many grants, so many "Ooops, did not know that" After tax payers locked in with matching funds or a percentage. The FAA picks up 95% if approved. It appears that the only necessary per the FAA was clearing tree's in the way of visuals for landing and taking off. Seems City Hall officials added in the taxi runway to make it appear as the FAA ordered it. The cost at that time was estimated to be 3 millions. Land swaps took place at taxpayers cost with the National Guard (?? military) public hearing for the plan, etc. 

The 4 pilots from the committee came to the meeting.on 8/2/2016 with notification that the taxi  runway was now estimated at 6 million and that it wasn't necessary. That it was a waste of money and the taxi runway did not even cover the length of the tiny airport. It covers only half which makes it even more useless.

City Council John Arrison what's to know how this even got on the master plan list if it wasn't required by the FAA. He should be demanding answers from his colleague's in corruption compliance- CC Mary Mortier and E.D. Kittredge. Kittredge steps up at the end to be all bully. Stating it was on the master plan since 1999.  The airport guy says "That's a good question. I don't know." Slocum, Mortier and Kittredge are letting the pilot take the heat from Arrison. The Arrison asks the pilot when did they put the taxi runway want on the master plan. The pilot says about 4 years ago. That's when City Manager Joe Slocum lies up. Saying no, it was much longer than that with his eyes and eye brows jumping up and down to the pilot to try and get the pilot to retract the 4 years and agree that it was longer... like 1999 longer. Bullchip. Slocum is trying to clear them all of adding the runway on while they officials. City Planner Wayne Marshall has been there since 1999 so Slocum is trying to predate corruption to protect Marshall. Watch the 28 minutes. It's well worth it. 

Did they do this to get the land swap of the National Guard? Yes. Did they do it to for more corruption and undisclosed plans of greed? Yes. Do they care how they rob our money, property taxes with  many low income or below poverty and  deny basic infrastructure and services to residents? No, they do not care. Take us till we're gone. That's the master plan. With Judge Patricia Worth dismissing any lawsuits against the corruption. 

Reality Corruption Belfast City Hall 24/7.

28 minutes of Who's on First cover up. Belfast Airport, a bit bigger than a go cart track, is Belfast City Hall corruption, scanning public scamming beyond these scapegoat Airport committee members. Outing the not needed, for a taxi half glass runway. Meeting edited taking out CM Slocum lying with eyebrows jumping up and down in Morse code, not knowing the camera was on him as CC John Arrison grilled the simple questions @5:30 secs . How did this get on the plan and go so far to be not even needed. .

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