
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dead Mom Talking 9/1/15 City Council Meeting

See 10/4 post below

10/1/2015 Area Overview to lead up to you tube video's taken yesterday, 9/30/15 after 6 inches of rain. My yard and Northport Ave

I tracked and drew the above map. Belfast City Wall refused to give me information/documents and treated me like garbage from my first request for help in 4/2011. They thought they'd bully me and break me. Easy target relocating to safety and barely holding on. Thugs of the worst kind. All of the "officials" and "entitled". This area covers miles and miles, all forced into tiny Seaview Terrace. Where they lie, saying they can flood us because it's a natural outlet. WRONG.

Next is the 1965 plans for Seaview Terrace. Wendell Mcleod, the developer had dug this ditch through for runoff from his trailer park. Then when he developed Seaview Terrace, ditch filled in, houses built- each with private property drainage ditches on 3 sides of each lot. My lot is 5- not shown here- but 2 down from 11. NO STREAM/NATURAL OUTLET. Tree line is there.

Next is approx. 1970. To the left is the new Route 1. To the right is Seaview Terrace. The dug ditch is visible- the beginning of the illegal flooding to Seaview Terrace. Slaughtering us on all 3 sides. Even from across Route 1. Miles and miles into tiny Seaview Terrace. At the end of Seaview Terrace is Northport Ave. and Waldo County General Hospital. The water runs through my tiny back yard down to the box culvert, merging with 2 more paths on Northport Ave. To go under Northport Ave., under the hospital, out to the ravine in the City Park and out to the bay. Much, much more development since 1970 and clearly Seaview Terrace is marked for the hospital expansion. Underway yet mums the word. Easy to see. Just look at the area.

Below is my 2'x2' private property drainage ditch after 2011 wild rapids tore through and all Belfast City Hall doors slammed in my face. Luckily when I put the fence up in 2010- I didn't go to the border of my property. I left about 20 ft. Otherwise my 6k fence would have been ripped in. Compare this picture to the you tube video of the water ripping through yesterday, 9/30/2015 -level to my yard.

City Bullies use my private property as an outlet to the bay for miles and miles of runoff. They know it is not a natural outlet but slaughter my property and destroy lives. Spring 2011 my private property turned into wild rapids for over a week. Ripped my 2'x2' ditch into a ravine- 4'x12' and caving. City keeps sending more and keeps threatening my life and my whistle blowing. DON'T BUY HOMES IN BELFAST , ESPECIALLY "ASSOCIATIONS" Agents lie and Realtor Commission supports agents. Buyers sell to another- agents love the turn over. Till they sold me hell- the lies stop here.

Below is the box culvert to run under Northport Ave. Compare to you tube video.  Culvert is covered by water (by the street sign post).  Waldo County General Hospital is across Northport Ave.  The you tube video is taken about 100 ft to the right- corner of Seaview Terrace and Northport- shooting in the direction of the hospital (across the street)

At the sign post is where the box culvert is for 3 merging paths from miles of runoff. The most severe runs through my private property back yard. Not a natural outlet, no easements, no rights aways. City Bullies break the law and break resident's rights.

10/4/2015 I was sharing the recent meetings in an email with a friend reporting on the corruption in Brunswick Maine
It compiles the past few months of more attempts to silence me and slaughter my property.

1. 8/26/2015 Belfast Me Planning Board Meeting for 179 Congress St.

You tube clips for specifics of meeting where I pounce are below

I went to the August 26, 2015 meeting for a sub development (179 Congress St., Belfast, Me. 04915) above me that will drain to me. That gave me the opportunity to haul out my map board and and give the full monte on the corruption drainage that I have been able to piece together over 5 years of Belfast City Hall and players beating the hell out of me. Including DEP Aho (yo- recently resigned- may have been my doing with FEMA) with the CASS corrupting flooding all watershed residents, Marshall stating that residents concerns all always on drainage. Brainwashing residents with the same ole phrase- "flooding is a significant neighbor to neighbor issue" and City Attorney Bill Kelly advising neighbors to sue each other under the nuisance statute for sending water to another!!

I laid it all out in that meeting, the Chair (Steve Ryan) kept interrupting me to tell me to talk ONLY about the site drainage. I told him the board had to look at whole drainage because it all comes to me. I said all I had to say, repeating some and stumbling some because of the interruptions. I knew I would not get that chance again.

This is the meeting that City Planner Wayne Marshall is referring to at the 9/23/15 PB meeting (below**)give cause to call the cops on me if I speak the truth again to the planning board. I made sure the board was told publicly that Marshall does not inform the board of public record emails of site concerns from residents (recently, my concerns for the Annex- 13 concerns, never addressed and then corrupted to 2 false concerns at a later meeting.

After I relay all my facts- City Planner Marshall launches and attacks my facts. Utterly unprofessional, unethical and corrupt. He manipulates the enormous CASS corruption that is to drain to Miller St. Stating that the Annex Road is the ONLY 1200 ft of runoff to go to the 2 million dollar improvements done to Miller St to HANDLE ALL CASS runoff. That rocked drainage ditch along side the Annex Road is where ALL the water forced into that huge fenced in detention area from the upper CASS site is to drain through to Miller St. (More CASS pictures, documents and maps are on this link

The water never reaches there because the detention area terrain is sloped down past that raised outlet (also placed near beginning), and an illegal outlet is at the lower end. Sending it to the watershed residents private property. Massive slaughter from a massive site that was wetlands. Miles of private properties are flooded. Hundreds of thousands spent privately in sump pumps and lawsuits as neighbors sue each other because there is sewers to pump the flooding out to.

Lizard Marshall also has the zoning conditions under lock and key that state sites (for sure CASS and WCGH Annex) are to remove plow-able snow offsite. I was at the Annex meeting when that was confirmed verbally by the developer/architect Mike Hogan in 5/2011. The City allows sites to break zoning, stock pile and wipe out the watershed residents in Spring melt. Police Chief Mike McFadden confirmed the conditions and then City Manager Joe Slocum threw him under the bus. From then on- McFadden allegiance to the Wall Hall. See his email confirming removal

Unless you illegally tie into the City sewage lines. Now the City has bought your silence and made you an illegal partner in Belfast corruption. I know MANY who have tied in. I have presented this CASS corruption again and again over the 5 years. They all know it, but continue to bash me instead. The 2002 Augusta planner memo asking Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall what he wants her to write is totally corrupt. That area will become developed and the State is on the slaughter. I wanted to make sure the public heard it. Marshall is busting out of his skin. I hit everyone of his lizard nerves in front of his board minions.

You tube video of me and Lizard Marshall portion only. 29 minutes and 16 second clip
Published on Sep 3, 2015
8/26/2015 Planning Board Meeting full link for Britton Subdivision- 179 Congress St. intentional ineptness of Planning 101 is corruption 101. On this side of in-town, the long haul Plan has been to approve site after site, corrupt the plans if it is a business site, and send illegal run off and melt off to private properties. City dug Ditches on private properties in the City right of way are the infrastructure. Some area's do not even have ditches. They calculate the destruction to the private properties and encourage neighbors to sue each other. By law they must hold public hearings for concerns and the concerned layman is required to give engineering for the proposed development. Their games begin. Private citizens don't receive the corrupt carte' blanche given to the businesses. The Brittons are in for a rough time. If it were a business, planning would streamline it through. After the permit is granted, the public has 30? days to appeal. A scam. Construction corruption hasn't even started and will be months before it does. Then it is not being built as proposed. All the final site plans/ site conditions, zoning, etc. are locked up under City Planner Wayne Marshall's lock and key. And so begins the the kitchen sink- you are given everything but the public document/information requested. Marshall, his minions and City Manager Joe Slocum will proclaim transparency and availability for the public to see. And then tell the public that the requester was given the information but is too stupid to know it. City Council refuses to intervene and witness that the actual documents are being given and City Manager also refuses to allow a respected and ethical employee to witness the receipt of the true document. I asked many times for the now retired, Tax Assessor Bob Whiteley to witness the viewing. He said he would and he was just across the hall. City Manager Slocum would not allow Bob to witness. Case Close, corrupt beyond corrupt. Then they try to break you financially by demanding you get an attorney to speak for you. All of this is documented, I've been through every tactic, every test, every rabbit hole, documenting, documenting, documenting. And not taking their poisonous bait. Narcissism? Bi-Polar? Borderline Personality Disorder? Anti-social disorder? Overlapping traits repeat in each. Lying, denying and evading is your first clue. Lock them down and hold on to your soul and savings. They cannot care. Others that are implicated are too ashamed to admit it. They enable and are the most despicable. They have the where with all to correct the corruption from those incapable of caring. One really can't blame those that cannot care. Blame lies on those that gave them the power to hurt the innocent. All must be held to the line with immediate written, documented accountability and resolution.
#2. Belfast Me Planning Board meeting after site visit for 179 Congress St  9/9/15  

At the public hearing, I quote a 2014 news article with City Manager Joe Slocum stating no future developments will affect my property. Click on the meeting link- I didn't you tube that portion. Below are clips that day at the site and prior to the meeting- City harassment.

After the site visit for 179 Congress St sub development.  No one was in Chambers- found some documents on the table and filmed some. Video director Ned Lightner came in and thought I was Sadie (Assistant Planner) and started talking to me. Then saw it was me and tried to start up a conversation knowing I never want to be friendly with him again. I was short and he walked away. Then he comes back and tries harass me in Chambers as a City employee- he has done this many times. This time I got it on tape. Stupid idiot- he saw me filming.
Published on Sep 11, 2015
Access to site plans or any City documents corrupted by officials are impossible to get. City Planner Wayne Marshall with holds them all and gives the kitchen sink minus the document requested. Tells all that the requester is too stupid to know what to look for in the stink, I mean sink of manure. I snapped away. Video Director Ned Lightner began harassing me, asking me if I thought that he was part of a conspiracy against me. Over the years, he has approached me many times with this same attacks. In emails as well. I told him I'm busy. City Planner Wayne Marshall walks in and was mad. Bet he'll never leave public documents out for the public to see again. He didn't think I'd get there before him. Another bombshell document is direction to the board to quell public speaking, recording and taping.  1 minute clip of the site and my SUV with my signs- Realtors and City Hall Corrupt, and Stop Flooding Seaview Terrace.
This guy asked to take me picture- I think it was Fowler- the developer? Sure- get my good side Emoji Below is a 33 second clip of more of the site.
#3.  Planning Board Meeting 9/23/15 for calling cops and WCGH Annex Addition
Note- see my 9/1/2015 at the Belfast City Council meeting below- exposing intimidation tactics and abuse to kill me. And on 9/23/2015, more tactics to silence me.

I you tubed Marshall's portion to call the cops on me. It has been playing on TV since. If the public doesn't see this as the marching orders to allow the takings then... Total disgrace to all those that gave their lives for freedom. One member did voice a slight objection- Biff Atlas. He also shows his disdain for prior corrupt Chair, Roger Pickering in a previous meeting for 179 Congress St. Pickering protects Director of Public Works Bob Richards from storm drainage corruption and Biff shoots Pickering a look of disbelief. They all should have spoke up. They didn't.

City Planner Wayne Marshall spends the first half hour of the 9/23/2015 Planning Board Meeting advising the Board of new public hearing rules by City Attorney Pit Bull Bill Kelly to call da cops on me if I speak truth. He tries to spin it as I am insulting private residents. I never personally called out names of planning board members. I stay away from calling out the public. Poison. "Officials" and "Players"  only.

Normally, I would  have been at this 3rd site proposal for the Waldo County General Hospital Annex, getting built almost in my back yard- my neighbors were there. They were counting on me being there to humiliate me- no doubt Ned would have been zoning in on my facial reactions as Marshall said to call da cops on me if I strayed.) Wayne has had tight control over the planning meetings and board. Joisey Girl threw her punches, ducking and weaving and got my truth out at the 8/26/2015 meeting. Too late lizard and pit bull.

** 19 minutes and 47 seconds clip with added narration by Joisey Girl.
Published on Sep 24, 2015
50 years in the making for the taking- Belfast City Hall Comprehensive Plan underway. Laurie Allen Seaview Terrace/Gaza Strip is not laying down- buy me out @250k after 5 years of killing me or I keep saving Seaview. Call the cops to protect corrupt City Wall Hall. Those days are coming to an end nationwide. Liberty and Justice for all. Residents must take down the wall. I've blasted their foundation. Let's Roll Todd Beamer style- save the USA, start here, Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Me.

This meeting tells more than you know. City Planner Marshall is preparing the taking.Click on meeting link, click 4 and ff to 67:15. Marshall leads the discussion to planning for hospital expansion on a site that is at capacity. Belfast City Park stops northern expansion. The Penobscot Bay is 500 ft? to their east. West is Seaview Terrace and Wight St. South is Fahey St., Huntress Ave., Huntress Apt. , the enormous site, perfect for mental health rehabs on the sea or a new hospital- Peter Nesin Optician- 158 Northport Ave. A zoning board appeal member too. sharing the site with

The other day, my neighbor said an older couple came looking for "Laurie water"- they were sold a town home (with undisclosed association corruption- lots of that going on too- more high turn over- see hell to another) and were not living the joyful life they were sold.
Nasty, nasty town.

9/26/15 Belfast Real estate corruption hand in hand with Belfast City Hall. Refusal to post R1, R2 & R3 officially on the City website . This listing tells all. 8/2014 City Officials told the public the old zone of R2 (residential/some offices) would become R1 (residential). City Council voted many zones and many unknowns via an enormous binder in 2014. And refuse my year long relentless requests to officiate the new zones R1, R2 & R3. Current listing on 30 Huntress Ave for the zoning to "See Town" by agent Sam Mitchell. The same agent that corrupted my property inspection with inspector DJ Brown. The report that would have sent me running if they disclosed the water!! Huntress Ave is even more slaughtered then Seaview Terrace (across from Seaview Terrace and receiving illegal runoff from the huge cement culvert from the City property bypass next to Janis Stone Interiors) Fahey St is in trouble too. Perfect storm for an Israel, I mean Economic taking.

Current listings in this area reflect zoning disclosure corruption.

I think the old R2 did not become R1, they secretly voted us in as R3. A meth clinic could be 20 ft away from becoming my neighbor. MAKE THE ZONING MAPS OFFICIAL FOR R1, R2 & R3 ON THE CITY WEBSITE. SHUT ME UP ALREADY!!! I ASKED THEM TO DO IT AGAIN AT THE 9/1/2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING.
Home For Sale Pending 23 days on market

30 Huntress Ave Belfast, ME 04915

Other Property Info

  • City: Belfast
  • State Or Province: ME
  • County Or Parish: Waldo
  • Zoning: See Town

50 years of documented proof of Belfast City Hall planning water slaughter to private properties. Seaview Terrace the target of mass destruction. The Gaza Strip (Seaview Perish) surrounded by Israel- (Waldo County General Hospital).
The Planning Board meeting last night, 9/23/15 for the WCGH Annex tells all. I youtubed the Call Da Cops portion-

9/1/15 City Council Meeting

9/13/15- THIS IS SO UPSETTING to watch every time. I am facing my abusers again for over the 50th time and standing strong, enduring 5 years of a witch hunt. Unable to fear me into silence. I expose the Wall. The community and businesses that join in are throughout the blog. I know the Wall would escort me out if I exposed them at the meeting. I recorded myself for documentation in case "issues" in City recording happens again. A service automatically uploads the meeting online, so I made sure to copy it immediately and upload it to my files on youtube. The airing of this meeting on the public government channel had immediate "issues". After 7 days, issues were fixed. Sure Ned. No doubt my recordings and written transcript stopped the demise of this meeting. My camcorder is cheap but effective. This meeting can be viewed on line- I am the last speaker @ 6- open to the public. ff

At the 9/1/2015 Belfast Maine City Council meeting, open to the public. Laurie Allen speaks- transcript below. The meeting aired live on Public TV Govt. Channel and then stopped airing. No meetings airing ( normally the Planning Board meeting and City Council meeting would air, back to back for 2 weeks until the next meeting. But I had spoken at the Planning Board meeting too, backing up this City Council meeting? CENSORSHIP. Patterned "issues" with many difficult meetings that I have spoken at over the years...

rom: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Tue 9/08/15 12:41 PM
I told you I would let you know when I had the sound fixed, so this is your official notification.
Ned Lightner
City of Belfast, Director of Video

7 days of airing lost, but none the less, chin up. Next.

8/26/15 Belfast Planning Board Meeting

9/1/15 Belfast City Council Meeting

“City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and City Council Mike Hurley threaten the lives and destroy the private properties of Seaview Terrace way before I moved here in 6/2010. Trying to convince the public that Seaview Terrace has a 100 year old natural stream on it that gives them the authority to slaughter us with water. A natural stream was never on the Seaview Terrace parcel. A 1939 aerial map on my boycott belfast blog proves that. Hurley threatened Seaview Terrace residents on public TV in 9/2014 to accept the goat path paving that is against City ordinance code or not get any paving at all. He stated he has had it with Seaview Terrace and after 50 years of the City destroying Seaview Terrace, he wishes the residents would buy it back. He tells City Manager Joe Slocum to pull the plug on goat path paving if the residents aren't compliant.

Since April 2011 I have diligently worked to get Seaview Terrace drainage and paving according to code and funding by including Seaview Terrace into the Northport Ave TIF via the Annex improvements and with budget planning. I diligently worked to get all the illegal City forced water on all 3 sides of the predominantly flood zone A private properties of Seaview Terrace. Instead, Belfast City Officials have done everything they can to continue the forced water slaughter. They refuse to put Seaview Terrace into a FEMA mitigation plan that will saves us.

The continuous City Hall white collar tactics to break me include using my brother's funeral in Alabama on 9/82014 to assault my property with heavy equipment to send me illegal accumulating water from another and illegal paving. See my Boycott Belfast blog right column page titled Olver Engineer witness. I pasted the City Website announcement dated 9/12/2014 advising of Seaview Terrace paving in the upcoming weeks. It was already corruptly done. Using my brother's death to slaughter my property. Total evil. The Wall defended themselves and verbally flogged me again.

Continuous with holding of public documents and public information, brain washing the public against me on public TV, alienating me from the community and neighbors, painting me as crazy, City Attorney intimidation, police intimidation, City Council calling me in as a threat to Police Chief McFadden in January 2012, the Chief calling me into the precinct for a delightful conversation where an innocent comment by the Chief allowed me to link the TWC cable man, that had been in my home many times for internet problems, where I yapped endlessly about City Hall corruption where he did not let on on that he was the Chief's brother-in law. The Chief almost fell off his chair when I said, “Hey the TWC guy is your brother-in-law.” 

The enormity of this didn't sink in until much later. I liked Chief McFadden. He was able to confirm that the Captain Albert Stevens School zoning conditions DOES require them to remove plowable snow off site . Also stated by then Planning Chair Diane Allmyer Beck at the site visit for the Annex in 5/2011. Mike Hogan confirmed plowable snow would be removed offsite. 

City employees are told not to help me, some City employees intimidate me, this brutal winter the Public Works targeted my driveway with snow plow dumping, skipping my property for removal of snow with the grater and a face to face confrontation where the driver flat out refusing to do the same maintenance to my property that he had just done for every other property on Seaview Terrace. City Hall officials refused to name the employee or respond to the discrimination. I know who the employee is, I have a picture, I sent it to City Hall. No response.

City Hall allows all the sites to illegally stock pile snow all season, melting to Seaview Terrace with miles of road and highway melt off and runoff. 2009 and 2011 melts made Seaview Terrace private property drainage ditches into roaring rapids, 4 ft high, 12 ft across in my backyard alone. For almost 2 weeks, ripping away ¼ of my back yard and now my fence is on the edge.

Public zoning conditions and final site plans have been with held from me regardless of FOAA, for 4 years along with many more public documents held by City Planner Wayne Marshall. The reason he stopped recording final site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when he became the City Planner speaks for itself. At the recent 8/26/2015 Planning Board meeting City Planner Wayne Marshall launched into attacking my facts of CASS drainage corruption again. He states that the Access Road is the only drainage to go to the 2 million dollar sewer improvements to Miller St improved specifically to handle CASS drainage.

In reality, that rock filled drainage ditch along side the Access road is the only compliant outlet path for the only compliant outlet in the enormous fenced in drainage basin. Water will only flow out of that outlet if the water reaches that raised outlet located at the highest terrain of the basin. The basin terrain almost begins there and slopes way down to behind the back corner area of the Sweetser School where an illegal outlet is. All the runoff flows down there and out, along side Sweetser, merges with an outlet coming from the Muck, under School Street and out to the private properties of the water shed residents. Pictures and documentation are on my blog, and same Olver page. It also includes the corrupt CASS investigation by DEP Commissioner Aho that I reported to FEMA recently. I see Aho resigned yesterday.

Commissioner Aho she sent me a letter stating that the investigation was closed and the Robertson, now Sweetser School drainage was in compliance. She corruptly manipulated the original site investigation that was done for the Captain Albert Stevens School drainage and stated that ONLY the Roberston/Sweetser school was in compliance. She wrote nothing about CASS.

Only the Sweetser School parking lot drainage was proposed to drain to the watershed residents under School St pending an impact study and engineer inspection of the completed CASS drainage system as stated in the with held CASS Site Conditions of Findings where City Planner Wayne Marshall removed all drainage documents prior to my inspection of those enormous files for my request for the final site plan and drainage documents. I scored a few on an unannounced visit to see those files again when Wayne was not in the office. As told to City Council, many times, a bonanza of drainage documents on this enormous wetland site were placed back in the file. Commissioner Aho stated that we may never know all the water being forced to the flood plain, flood zone A private properties on Seaview Terrace. I also understand that the floors at the CASS school are cracking and sinking.

Under FOAA for those CASS Conditions of Finding and after many months of stalling, in December 2013 City Manager Joe Slocum emailed that he could not find the engineers inspection and that the impact study was never done. Yet, in a work shop for drainage/paving corruption of Seaview Terrace in 8/2014, Mandy Olver of Olver Engineers was given corrupt boundary maps to design drainage for the Seaview Terrace road that showed my private property drainage ditch was not on my property. Creating option 4 to send more water slaughter to me. Residents were never given those corrupt maps and City Attorney Bill Kelly advised in that work shop, stating finally the reason that he was there, was to educate neighbors to sue each other through Title 17, under nuisance, it is criminal to send accumulating water to another. Ironically the City does just that and calls it a neighbor to neighbor issue. The Flooding Games.

At the end of the work shop, Mandy Olver whistleblows. She states that she was the engineer for the CASS drainage inspection report and the watershed impact study and that she reported on both. Slocum refuses to provide those documents to date. Supporting documents are on my blog same Olver page.

Slocum refuses to put the official zoning maps of R1, R2 and R3 as of 8/2015 for public access on the City Website. Slocum states that City Council voted in the official zoning of R1, R2 and R3 in October 2014. Shut me up for the zoning maps and put the official zoning maps as of 8/2015 for R1, R2 and R3 on the City Website now. The online City Council meeting menu's have been manipulated on key meetings. Lumping all the Business together so it's difficult to find each business agenda item. The City will not correct those by indexing the meetings properly. They certainly can but won't. I listed the 12 manipulated meetings on my blog on the page titled 7/30/2015-Targeted Index Editing on 12 City Council Meeting Other key meetings experienced taping issues, that is why I record myself now. The planning office has not listed meeting minutes on line since March 2015, I am sure there is so much more manipulation of public information. I can't police them all although I try.

Slocum ordered police guards at City Council meetings immediately after my first public speaking on November 1,2011. Officer Ward and City Video Director Ned Lightner followed me out of a City Council meeting on City property as City employees to persuade me to back off of City Hall, both stating support for City Hall. I asked Officer Ward what does his opinion of City Hall have to do with me? Then he resorted to shaming me as a mother. Asking me if I worry what the impact of fighting to save my home against City slaughter has on my children. Telling me if he were in my position, he'd basically be a parent first. I told him of course this hurts my children, this is our home, all I have left, what am I supposed to do?

Within months, Officer Ward and Chief McFadden were at my door. I invited them in. The Chief said he received an anonymous email, that contained convincing statements that I was unstable. After I did not waiver, and as Hurley states, dominated the interrogation, the Chief resorted to supporting City Hall and personal friendships with City Hall officials and shaming me as a mother. Interrogation over, children off limits. My mail has been tampered with, the Chief never contacted me when I brought a suspicious, anonymous letter to the Police Department for him to handle. Later I had difficult communications with the Chief for a copy of an incident report where my vehicle was hit. 

Mayor Ash had refused my emergency calls when he was my AAA provider. Forcing me to wait hours for a jump from another garage making my child very late to school, another time my SUV slid down the ice on Park Row in Bayside to the bay, with one section hanging over the ledge, freezing cold. I feared that keeping the engine running may melt it over the edge. After an hour, a lady who had been trying to help me, had her father come in his truck and tow me out. The City's hit list of tactics to beat me is astounding, those in the community that join in is frightening.

Please save Seaview Terrace and let me live in peace, privacy and safety. Stop killing me. Should I stay so that you can't talk about me, Mike (City Council Hurley) or do you have nothing to say this time... let's see.”

The City Hall Wall takes the 5th. And removes the meeting from Public TV viewing.

My life is in danger. I received an anonymous letter from a very disturbed sick person on 9/10/2015. References point to City Council Mike Hurley, but could be City Planner Wayne Marshall or City Manager Joe Slocum. The 3 of them may have written it together. It's in the hands of Sheriff Trafton now. Belfast Police Chief McFadden has failed. In conjunction is my neighbor relentlessly upsetting me with violating leash laws and chicken ordinances. Peaking this week, they are trying to make me the bad one, also sending a letter- no thanks. No more letters, no more neighbor, no more Belfast players, no more State of Maine, no more corrupt law breakers allowed period. I live clean.

I came out of protection on 8/03/2015 to alert the public that the corruption and intimidation is continuing. I went to 4 meetings since August- punch, punch, punch, punch. I hit the Habitat Humanity Cook Out sponsored by the corrupt real estate agents with my signs of protest- Realtors and City Hall Corrupt. With fall meetings beginning @ 7pm in the dark- my safety is threatened as well as my SUV. I'll continue to fight the corruption from my home. I am Mom first. I need to stay alive. The public needs to step up instead of watching me take the hits.

9/9/15 youtube post with FEMA vs. Dick Tater Heil Hurley below.
9/7/15 Transcript of Dead Mom Talking (Me) Below Video

 9/4/15- Just as I said in this clip, the airing of this meeting on public TV is airing without sound. Yet, online it is fine. It's been airing on public TV with sound since 9/1/2015. Make no mistake, if public TV airing of this meeting meeting meets it's maker, Video Director Ned Lightner did it, as dictated by City Manager Joe Sloscum and City Council Heil Hurley.

Below is a lie. Six hours later @ 6:30pm, no meeting airing. Ned, Ned, Ned, tsk, tsk, tsk. You run a TV station and have worked in media most of your life. You have issues with an already airing meeting that was airing just fine. I don't think so. Manipulating government public information. Dottie would not be proud.

From: Ned Lightner ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Thu 9/03/15 12:29 PM
Hi Laurie,
There seems to be something wrong with my server. I am going to first re-render the file and see if there is a problem with it. As you mentioned, the audio does play on the on-demand porion of the website. I do not know when I will have the video playing on TV yet, since I am not sure what the exact problem is, but I will let you know when I have it figured out.
It is not a simple fix. My audio compressor limiter/level adjuster has problems. I have a technician scheduled for Tuesday to help me fix the problem. In the meantime the station will be playing the community bulletin board. As I told you in a previous email, I will notify you when I have corrected the problem. The 9/1/15 meeting will be shown again several times on Channel 7. You seem to be able to watch that meeting on the internet, so I am hoping that will be a satisfactory temporary solution for you.

The links below will take you to my you tube clips of the 8/26/2015 Planning Board Meeting that I mention. The Planning Board meeting makes the calculated ineptness of Planning and City Hall officials crystal clear. I couldn't resist making lots of noise with the plastic bag. It's easy to rattle Wayne's cage. Speak truth, corner him and make noise. Ditto with Slocum. Heil Hurley is the Belfast Dicktater. Without humor, I'd fall prey to their plan. Breakdown. My children are young adults now. I like crude humor. I can partake again. I am.

I have to keep reposting this. It makes me happy....
Link and article to Heil Hurley "Putin" on his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Here's Johnny (The Shining)
Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm) 
Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.

Clip #1 - 8/26/15 Belfast Planning Board Meeting for The Britton Sub-divison. 4.5 acre land parcel at 179 Congress St., Belfast Maine 04915.

Clip #2- same meeting, engineer wraps up, then me (where they try to control my speech, it does break my concentration and I stumble but keep going) then Lizard Wayne Marshall, then another resident.
full meeting link from City Website

New articles on Seaview Terrace and discrimination.

 I have been dismissed beginning with the rezoning. The articles are only because I insist on saving Seaview Terrace. Residents would have never known the City was rezoning us to R3. I sounded the alarms. Regardless of what City Hall says, it is looking like all of the old R2 may be R3. Even though the old R2  were "told" we were moved into R1. Except for Wight Street. See that's the link- legally Wight St which was R2 cannot not be cherry picked to a different zone than the rest. Unless the Wight St residents agreed to be R3. I don't think they did. There fore legally moving the whole zone of R2 into R3 is legal. There are not any maps on the City Website to show the old R2 is now R1. It doesn't show any zone. Just yellow. One the City Website click on City Government. Hover over Planning- an outdated calculated mess of the Comprehensive Plan that they shoved down our throats with meetings and rhetoric and almost a year after Council voted in who knows what - simply referencing an enormous binder of theirs- nothing is updated. This is bad. They lie and write lies. Posting the official zoning maps of R1, R2 and R3 on the City Website is the only valid public viewing. Invitations to come to City Hall and view what they want you to see is corruption.

9/8/15 Section 5204 prescribes procedures for municipal takings under the community development statute. These procedures are similar to, but not identical with, the procedures prescribed under Title 23 for local highway takings. Most significantly, community development takings under sec. 5204 are not subject to the limitations contained in 30-A MRSA sec. 3101 for other non-highway municipal takings. Specifically, a municipality may use the community development statute to acquire owner-occupied residential property, even if the owner does not consent, and use of property taken by the municipality is not restricted to the specific use for which it was taken.

 Whoa- just as I have been saying. Seaview Terrace is going to be taken. Looking for an article I found the minutes for the Water District where Superintendent Keith Pooler states that replacing the water line on Seaview Terrace will be beneficial to Waldo County General Hospital because "Keith noted that he has heard that are plans that the hospital may be expanding their facilities in that area and having the upgraded water main on Seaview Terrace would be beneficial to not only the current residents bot the hospital as well. Archie indicated that it would be good for the district to be prepared for expansion of the water main if needed."

City Council Clips (3/6/12 is Mayor Ash trying to deny my freedom of speech, #2 is the 2nd part with EMA Director Dale Rowley giving an overview- no one asks who to save Seaview Terrace when we go under) since 5/2015 with Dick Tater Heil Hurley ordering public spending to get the recent Flood A zoning to most of Seaview Terrace re-evaluated. Regardless that City Planner Wayne Marshall states the new FIRM zoning on Seaview Terrace is extremely accurate- to 1/10th of a FOOT. Or 1 1/2 inches. Dick Tater is insane- orders the spending which begins at $2500 and could go way above 10K, 20K, 30K- the price is right for the one who will play fudge with Dick Tater.

City Planner Wayne Marshall tells Council that the Waldo County General Hospital Annex (abutting my back yard) that they have hired a firm (Ransom) to try and get one tiny section out. It is marked in the new flood zone A that is part of the foundation foot print plan for the new addition underway. Dick Tater Heil Hurley suggests that Wayne ask the Hospital if they would be interested in sharing the cost to try and get the new flood zone A's on Seaview Terrace.  I know the public refusal to want to see those that they are connected to are destroying basic rights and private property. One would have to be beyond blind and deaf not to know the taking that has been part of the secret Comprehensive Plan that probably began 50 years ago with the Route 1 bypass. The players then- Dutch and McLeod. The short list of Belfast players  All the kings horses and all the kings men, pounce on Little Laurie Lee for seeing their plan.

Published on Mar 8, 2015
I had been contacting Dale Rowley, Director of the Emergency Management Agency, Waldo County for assistance. He states he cannot do a mitigation plan- City Hall has to initiate it. I see he will be at this meeting so I speak of saving Seaview Terrace. After I'm done, Mayor Ash has a go at me. Telling me to hire an attorney to speak for me... I tell him, I Don't Think So. When Dale speaks- there is no mention of Seaview Terrace from him or Council. Recently he came back to a meeting (April? May? 2015) after I had sent him a heads up, Seaview may go under if we have a fast spring melt. Trees will fall and a large boulder will drop and block the flow. He told City Council to make themselves responsible to tell EMA how they want emergencies handled. Hurley was all over that, stating he wanted that power. The power to say- let Seaview drown.
Published on Sep 7, 2015
Waldo Co. Me EMA Director Dale Rowley gives an overview. He stays away from the "F" word. Flooding. I had contacted him previously and gave him my hand drawn map of the force flooding to Seaview Terrace, my property, flood zone A. Belfast City Manager must tell EMA to form a mitigation plan. EMA cannot force Belfast to mitigate. Council stays away from the F and S word- Flooding Seaview.

Below is a clip from 9/2014 where Dick Tater Heil Hurley threatens Seaview Terrace residents to take the illegal goat path paving with zero drainage or City Hall will "Pull the plug" and not do any paving. He states he has had it with Seaview Terrace and after 50 years of Belfast City Hall destroying our private property and endangering our lives, he wishes Seaview Terrace residents would BUY the road back. Right Mike. Now he wants to spend all this public money to get the newly zoned Flood A homes (10? out of the 12 homes on Seaview) re-evaluated. It is not because he is suddenly concerned for the residents- no sir. Concerned no businesses will want it after the City takes our property for 5204- economic development.
Published on Aug 2, 2015
Pure Evil Heil Hurley. 50 years of illegal City water slaughter to Seaview Terrace, a flood plain, flood zone, private property, not a natural outlet and ethically bound to divert. Instead they force water slaughter genocide to take after disaster. This is Hurley's plan and he hates that we haven't gotten wiped out yet and will have to use our money to do an illegal goat path pave and send me more water.

I have been relentless with paving to code, ordinance and state law. They have staged corrupt options and a corrupt meeting with a few targeted residents. I am at the meeting when Slocum announces this meeting with Seaview residents on 9/3/14. I don't know anything about this meeting.

I leave the meeting and send emails to all of them asking when and where the meeting is. I send it many times the next day. I need it in writing to be sure I am not tricked again. They never respond. They hold the meeting without me. The residents have watched Hurley threaten to "pull the plug" on paving Seaview Terrace, how Hurley has "had it with Seaview Terrace". Stating that if Seaview Terrace residents won't accept that Belfast City Hall will not pave to code, ordinance and law, then "pull the plug" Hurley states that we should buy back the road that the City continues to slaughter... This man is dangerous and ill.

I have taken the sole responsibility for the neighborhood to fight City Hall to save Seaview Terrace to eliminate conquer and divide. City Hall divided my neighbors anyway. The targeted neighbors accept any goat path paving/illegal draining that the City will do.

I do not know this until the trucks roll in when they though I'd be a my brother's funeral in Alabama om 9/8/14. Make no mistake, Heil Hurley jumped on my brother's death to get the illegal goat path done.

 Tell me Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall  didn't adopt this fake persona and mannerism's from early childhood

May 2015 clip

Published on Sep 8, 2015
First reading to put the new FEMA Flood Maps into effect. City Council Heil Hurley who hates Seaveiew Terrace and slaughters us, is demanding public spending to re-evaluate FEMA's findings on Seaview Terrace. 10 out of 12 homes are now in flood zone A because of Belfast City Hall illegally forcing water slaughter to us. Ready to spend over 10k?, 15k?, easily more to challenge FEMA where City Planner Wayne Marshall verifies in the 2nd reading, FEMA's map on Seaview Terrace is extremely accurate, up to 1/10th of a FOOT or 1 1/1 inches. Hurley doesn't care. Do it. Council, Mayor and City Manager don't challenge Heil Hurley. Too boot, the residents of Seaview Terrace DID NOT EVEN ASK FOR THIS REASSESSMENT. The taking of Seaview Terrace is not so lucrative for business planning to build on us. 50 years of forced water slaughter foiled by their corrupt doing. Ahhh, karma.                                 

June 2015 Clip

Published on Sep 8, 2015
Watch as City Council Heil Hurley smirks as he lies- stating he will refer to Seaview Terrace as Morrison Brook. They all smirk along with him as he orders public spending for his foiled plan to take Seaview Terrace by water slaughter. Until the new firm maps in 2015 made most of Seaview Terrace a Flood Zone A. Ain't nobody gonna wanna pay through the roof to build on Hurley's Gaza Strip. Even the crooks that use charity/non-for-profit  to avoid paying property taxes. Hello Hospital and Waterfall Arts. Unless they get more perks that the public will never know of. New Hope for Women? Go to hell. They toss them a bone with a last time $100 off the boat house rental.  Council, Mayor and City Manager vote his madness through. Heil Hurley.                                 

 August 2015 Clip

Published on Sep 8, 2015
City Planner Wayne Marshall states this a technical cleanup of mistakes he made in wording. It does not change the actual ordinance rules. Heil Hurley asks where Wayne is at on the reassessing of Seaveiw Terrace Flood Zone A (only Hurley is asking for this and previously stated that he is "determined") Wayne states Maine FEMA representative, Sue Baker suggest he wait till a ruling for 2 cases challenged in MA is decided according to a different methodology. If dismissed, no point in even spending a penny to challenge Seaview Terrace. Heil Hurley is not "Happy" like the video he shoved to publicize Belfast as Happy (for the 1%- don't look at the drowning and destruction. Dance for me.)

Who would target a beat up, nearly destitute, meticulous Mom crawling away from hell and sell Belfast City Hall hell? Belfast real estate agents. They lie, bait and trap. Realtor to City Wall, to the players to the implicated, to the victims to the innocent. Fear or speak up? I speak up.. The corruption of Belfast City Hall is easy to see and easy to prove. Clips of  a few corrupt Belfast Wall meetings (I've spoken at over 50)

The refusal for the community to stop the corruption is troubling beyond measure. Go along to get along. The players wink and nod, others follow and others look away. Who will want to live in Belfast if you knew? Not me. I never would have moved here in 2010, it was a buyers market, and I was a seasonal home owner here in Waldo County since childhood. They set me up and killed my new chance to live again. Jay Davis, Chairman of the Belfast Restorative Justice Program told me that protesting Belfast City Hall/Realtor corruption is "not how things are done around here" He asks me if I went to see City Council Mike Hurley. Yes, I say. Hurley couldn't shut me down fast enough. Jay smirks, tips his leather hat and tells me "Good Day" and saunters away in 2011.

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