
Saturday, October 10, 2015

RSU71 Superintendent Knowles. BAHS Guidance Director Davis, Jessica Woods & Principal Fitzpatrick Student Discrimination & Fraud

 10/30/15 Save Humanity, Save Maine, Save Belfast- Start Here. I've got 'em. Let's Roll.

Corruption Risk in Maine - State Integrity Investigation
Maine gets a grade of F for corruption risk and ranks 46th out of 50 states in the ... but many other ethics regulations are weak, and the legislature often makes...

Belfast, Maine- The corrupt paint community and a dream. So many sold into a nightmare with every last dollar. Corruption off the charts, Megan Maine Realtor Crook Earl Black, ALL area real estate agents (I reached out to all of them, my City Council Rep is an agent, crooked Miss Piggy Mortier, some I've known for 40+ years) in with Belfast City Hall, Police Chief McFadden and his secret intelligence brother-in-law (local Time Warner Cable guy Tom, who had been in my home, accessing MY computer many times as I spewed Belfast corruption. Tom never let on he was the Chief's brother-in-law. Eventually, I found out. The Chief was not happy.)"Our Town Belfast" (should be Downtown Belfast), Chamber of Commerce, Healthcare scum (Belfast- Dr. Charmaine Jensen,  Dr. Mark Jensen, Dr. Edward Zanca) businesses (esp. John "Skip" Smith- J&B Autobody, Chris Kulbe-Ridge Top Chimney, Lowe's subcontractors for fence and front door, Belfast global bank credit card calling center, RSU71 administration (NOT TEACHERS), Judge Patricia Worth, Jay Davis- Restorative Justice Program Chairman, ... players list including Dutch Chevrolet and Front St Shipyard, even Upper Cut Hair Salon - kept cancelling our appointments to squeeze us out... all the businesses should be supporting the residents as our property taxes support them.

Fine. You Need Us, We Don't Need You- BOYCOTT THE PLAYERS AND CORRUPT. IT WILL HAPPEN AS THE WITH HELD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SECRET PRINT TAKES  MANY PRIVATE PROPERTIES. THE TPP OF BELFAST. VOTED IN OVER A YEAR AGO AND CITY HALL REFUSES TO UPDATE THE WEBSITE OFFICIALLY WITH NEW ZONING FOR R1, R2 AND R3.That's only one of binders of unknowns voted into ordinance. Real estate agents know and take the 5th. Nice, sell hell and mentally flog any that tell. That would be  me, 5 years and counting.

Maine Realtor Commission equally corrupt. Actually more, because they are the ethics board for the slugs. And Governor Chuckie LeRage, wife Ann, DEP, EPA, engineers, attorney's, contractors,  all involved with the economic development of Belfast- implicated, enabling and growing.

 Breaking news- corrupt neighbors- fraudulent Dr. Mark Jensen and wife, Dr. Charmaine. Corrupt "NOT Dermatology" Belfast Doctors (residents with young children that live a half a mile away from me- across Rte 1 from Irvings/NAPA Auto) do not list the Dr.'s names- Dr. Mark Jensen and Dr. Charmaine Jensen. In the Bangor Daily News comments, they are not dermatologists and "disgusting". He is an opiate psychiatrist and she is a plastic surgeon. I even asked Dr. Charmaine Jensen if she offers laser treatment for acne. She said her husband does, she'll check with him!!! A shrink frying your skin and she'll fix the maiming. And double bill Medicare.


When we met Aung San Suu Kyi she seemed calm, almost serene. But after talking with her for a while, we noticed the steely determination that got her through nearly two decades of house arrest.

Aung San Suu Kyi: Well, how can you call it a sacrifice when you choose to do something because you believe in it?

I was shocked to read the comments on the BDN article Tom Groening did on me in 2012./  I didn't know about online comments till my neighbor told me that I was getting nailed. By then the thread was closed. Those that got deleted must have brutal. BDN lets alot slide, except mine. Belfast City Wall protection. Some thugs never change.

10/25/15 Status Quo-  RSU71 Officials & Players targets, intimidates and discriminates scholar student because student is my son. I was awarded hotly contested relocation because of my dedication to my children and ability to survive. We relocated here in 2010 with every last cent to get back up safely and privately. Home, work, school and back home. Heal and move on, finally. Prior hell all wrapped up, deaths, estate corruption, insane divorce and family court, more corruption...
more alienation as I held the line and my children with facts and complete honest transparency.

The true threat to the liars, cheaters, thieves, addicts, unbalanced in family, government, schools, business and community, the one that cannot be bought or implicated. Clean and striving for more cleanliness every minute as the masses of corrupt keep on dumping.

Belfast City Hall & Players saw easy prey for passing off another undisclosed private property City hell. I did everything to the T. No mistakes, no violations, no record. No matter. Belfast City Hall operates under their own charter- Corruption Constitution. State instructed via the Maine Municipal Association. Belfast Bullies. At 50 years old, I had to take them all on. The list is endless over the past 5 years. As those standing up to abuse will tell, the true devastation is the lack of community support that spreads into mob mentality.  NJ, Bayside, Belfast, State, Country, World.

Holding your family and town accountable is where it begins. The foundation. I've written this again and again and have reached out to group after group. From NJ to Maine to the Feds- more of the same. More, more, more, feed the ego's. Eating the clean alive. Using children is prime time.

Meeting after meeting, event after event, I sound the alarms, alone and targeted. Here are a few clips

Service men and women are killed and mangled for the 1%. The 1% has made America sick. If towns refuse to hold the local 1% and players accountable, their hands enable the killing and mangling. Feeding the corrupt. We are all connected. It can begin in Belfast.  Owning the skeletons brings greatness. Most already know. Be a hero, get brave. Let's Roll. I'll start up Moral Mondays again- send me a message-

Towns were duped into the RSU20 withdraw. Millions spent on the players, the new RSU71 is broke and broken. Millions should have been banked to support the new RSU,  instead Belfast City Hall burned through the surplus for more economic wants. Many corrupt projects, too many to track. But hey, lets charge more to dispose of trash(the poor pile it in their yards or nature dump it.) City Hall continues to cut property tax services (basic infrastructure) and jacks up taxes creates a TIF pocket for the 1% and players. City Hall tells the public that we aren't paying for the TIF projects for the 1%... Insane. If private property taxes went into a TIF for resident's needs- how would that suit the 1% and City Hall?

Superintendent Knowles interest is financial assets, not the students and not the parents. Another 1%'er. Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum is baiting for upcoming spending. He had Superintendent Knowles come to the 10/20/2015 City Council meeting to cast the line. It was not impressive. Councilor Eric Sanders is a puppet. This meeting at least Sanders asked a challenging question from the public. Usually he just repeats what was already said, adding "in reality...does that make sense...correct me if I'm wrong..." playing both sides of any fence, feet firmly planted with the Wall of Corruption. My mother (1918-1995) would peg Sanders as milk toast.

City Council Hurley pulls the strings to move City Council his way. His wallet is full of downtown puppets and players.They act in unison. Growing and sustaining with or without Hurley. His ego greed seed was planted when he came to Belfast in the 80's and saw easy takings with lax laws and the vulnerable. To see Superintendent Knowles not impress, click on the meeting link and then 10A.

RSU71 Superintendent Knowles, BAHS Guidance Director Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick guilty of  Counterfeiting and Student Discrimination 

Sent:Sun 8/23/15 10:27 AM (; (; (; (; Molly Ross (; (; (; (; LAURIE ALLEN (

To All,

I googled my son's name today and found (son) was awarded this highest honor achievement, Phi Betta Kappa, and no one from the school notified me. I don't know if (son) knows (edit- he did not). He is still sleeping. Nothing is posted on the BAHS Guidance FB site, yet other students receiving awards outside of school awards are posted- **** for the Eagle Scout and ***** for Boys Nation. Nothing is posted on the BAHS website.

I have sent requests for letters of recommendations to Jessica Woods, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Baker. I hope these letters give (son) the highest recommendations and all staff will go above and beyond to get (son) into MIT. I'd like to meet with Superintendent Knowles and (son) for college support and assistance.  Please advise.

It is clear that (son) has not received Guidance advocacy that began when he entered BAHS 9th grade. James Davis, Director of Guidance was (son) counselor and did not advise (son) that he did not receive his elective. (son) even met with James Davis before the cut off because (son) wanted to be placed in honors English. Davis told him to stay put and never advised that his elective was not available. (son) was only carrying 5 1/2 credits without that elective! Some days he was done with classes at 10:30 am. I would come to the school and take him home for the day. Mr. Kenniston was there one day when I was signing him out at 10:30. He looked at (son)'s schedule and said nothing. I had been taking (son) out every week for 3 months before I figured out that he didn't get his elective. I sent emails to James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick asking if (son) would be penalized for leaving school at 10:30 am for the day, every week. James Davis  lied, stating (son) CHOSE not to pick another elective. Principal Fitzpatrick supported James Davis. At that time, (son) should have received Latin 1 with accelerated tutoring on site. Instead I had to fight to get him enrolled with an online elective for a half credit through Asst. Superintendent McDonald.

Last year was AP Environmental Science with lies that (son) could not take that class online. (son's)'s schedule this year is brutal, his senior year. Why? Why has (son) been short changed? The Phi Betta Kappa student of Belfast, receiving that award regardless of the adults hurting his education. I fear he will be hurt further because I am writing this. School parents are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Here are past difficult emails of proof. This is from my public blog,  "parent" is me and *** is son.

Please turn this around. Please post the award on the FB and school website and advise if any presentation of the award is slated. (son's) Dad is here for a few weeks and would proudly attend a presentation.
Thank you to all of (son) teachers (please share). 

Laurie Allen

And here it is- Superintendent Knowles commits fraud with a

counterfeit document signed by Guidance Director James Davis

and Principal Fitzpatrick. PBK Dr. Ward confirms fraud.
rom: Paul Knowles ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Fri 8/28/15 10:11 AM
The award is being mailed to you this week. (Son) was absent during the awards presentation when it was to be presented. Then students who were absent from the ceremony were asked to pick up the awards in the office, but this did not happen with (son) for what ever reason.
Paul Knowles

Subject: RE: XXXXX Belfast Award 2015.
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2015 17:45:36 +0000

The photo you e-mailed is not of the certificate that we sent to the school.  Our certificate was sent to James Davis from our printing company, likely in April.  Maybe Mrs. Ross could inquire about it for you with Mr. Davis and that she could let the guidance staff  know that I have said that what you received is not our certificate.  The name on the form is James Davis.It was sent to James Davis.  If they cannot find it and are willing to pay for a new one, someone from the school can contact me and I can give them the contact information for the printing company.
Debora Elliott Ward, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
The Acadia Hospital
268 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME  04402-0422
Office (207) 973-6349
Fax (207) 973-6038

Sent: Sat 8/29/15 9:18 AM
Cc: Molly Ross (
Superintendent Knowles,

I had hoped for concern and immediate resolution from you.
I was hopeful that you would fully investigate the history of BAHS administration staff (Director of Guidance James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick, Asst. Principal Kenniston and Ann McClellan (ILP failure administration) intentionally dismissing my son's education. Despite their cruelty, (son) has kept his head down and with his teachers, has achieved the stellar Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award and a 4.0(?) GPA. BAHS administration has denied (son) that achievement and crushes his self esteem. Your response is not believable and is an insult.  This was an opportunity for integrity. Time is critical with early deadlines to college's worthy of (son) and 2 weeks have been wasted.

 Knowles continues the fraud. He doesn't know I have sent

the fraud certificate to Dr. Ward for verification.

Knowles is more "personal" in this email because I began copying my son's teacher- Mrs. Ross. He begins sending me down the rabbit hole, detouring accountability and will meet with my son WITHOUT me. Right. I don't think so.

rom:  Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Sun 8/30/15 7:21 AM
By no means was there a cover up with (son) receiving the award. Awards for all student were presented at the final assembly. Because of the beginning of the school and all that needs to be accomplished, an assembly for this purpose is not possible. Jess Woods now works for the Islesboro School Department. You may contact her directly to ask her to write the letter of recommendation for (son). You may also contact Mrs. Ross directly to ask her to be (son's) key adviser. She may also have a suggestion about a male faculty member who would help (son). Certainly (son's) father may make these contacts as well. (son's) schedule still can be modified to best meet his needs by working with the guidance office. Lastly, (son) is welcome to come to my office to meet me and talk, if he wishes.


Paul D. Knowles

 Now Knowles has been caught and won't respond.

Sent: Fri 9/04/15 8:56 AM
To: (
Cc: (; Molly Ross (; (
2nd request 9/4/15, please respond.

Sent: Wed 9/02/15 5:55 PM
Cc: (; Molly Ross (; (

Superintendent Knowles,

Guidance Director James Davis and Principal Fitzpatrick have committed fraud and robbed my son again. Denying him the honor of this prestigious award. You chose to support these frauds rather than fully investigate. They lied to you or you covered up for them. Which one is it? They never announced (son) as the recipient of this award. We would have never known that he received this and it would have never been put on his applications. (son) needs college application assistance and sending him to the Director of Fraud is not acceptable. Please appoint someone competent and worthy of (son's 4.0, Phi Beta Kappa intelligence that will be dedicated to guiding Michael through the early deadline college application process immediately. If the actual award cannot be produced, please contact Dr. Ward from the Maine PBK (email below) for a duplicate. 

Full accountability is requested.

Laurie Allen

 Knowles has been caught counterfeiting, yet holds firm to 


rom:  Paul Knowles ( 
Sent: Fri 9/04/15 9:23 AM
Ms. Allan.

I assure I have fully investigated the situation. As stated before, (son) was absent the day of the awards presentation. All students who were absent, were called to the guidance office the day after the assembly to obtain their awards. Again, (son) did not go to the office to pick up the award. Mr. Davis stated the award given to(son)  was the award he received to present to (son) and is investigating further. I am confident (son) can be helped through the college application process with Mrs. Blood or Mr. Davis, which ever counselor he chooses.

Paul Knowles

10/22/15 Since August, with the Superintendent of Schools, Paul Knowles, Belfast Area High School Principal Fitzpatrick and Director of Guidance James Davis covering up their fraud with the Phi Beta Kappa Achievement Award, with a documented history of targeting my son since entering BAHS, they have now cost us the Questbridge College Applications- Free tuition, room and board @ top colleges for low income top students, my son ... unbearable and brutal.

Below was sent to Maine DOE, Senator George Mitchell's college fund staff and the school board chair, David Crabriel and Maine, DOE. Last year, Abigail informed me that guidance lied to my son again and cost him AP Environmental Science. 9th Grade was Latin and Honors English, I copied that email so Abigail would remember... So much more, all because Belfast City Hall and real estate agents targeted a low income Mom in 2010. Counting on me to stay down and take the abuse because of the danger to my children. Blaming me is their forte'. Proof and truth is mine. Robbing my son of this chance for stellar college choices is beyond comprehension. He will hate that I made this public. He is so sick of all this, so am I. Nothing hurts more than ADULTS hurting my children. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!  My biggest fear is that I will die, be falsely imprisoned, become ill, my son harmed... before he can get away. Five years now, I keep holding on and try to fix the corruption. Alone.

Sent:Tue 10/20/15 11:39 AM (; (; LAURIE ALLEN ( (; (; (
Dear Ms. Manahan and Ms. Warren,

Below are more lies, fraud, a punishing schedule and more bullying that have cost us Questbridge. I cannot stop crying. It is unbearable to know (son) must face this and them every day and ask them for guidance. It is nothing short of sending the abused before their abusers to receive more abuse. (son) does not have anger and tries to protect Mr. Davis. Victims of abuse 101, the story of his life while watching me take on bully after bully, from family, businesses and government for protecting our basic constitutional rights . Mr. Crabriel is the Chairman of the school board and is aware. 

I believe Senator Mitchell is somewhat aware. I was protesting Belfast City Hall and Realtor corruption outside of the First Church in Belfast while the Senator was inside promoting his book through Left Bank Books. I am reaching out for help. Punishing (son's) education because I stand up for our rights is the core of corruption.

(son) should be flying after all he has achieved, consistent high honors, Phi Beta Kappa award, National Honors, AP Scholar Honors... Instead he is sick every day and night. All he needed was the support of his guidance counselor in 9th grade. I tried my best to stay out of the school so that no one would know that I was his mother. I knew they would hurt him (not the teachers).

Laurie Allen

10/24/15 Note- "Below" is all the information on -all the emails and documentation. I deleted it here to avoid the lengthy redundancy.

10/10/15-  Patrick Kennedy got me. Family protecting dangerous disease enables growth and denies truth with destructive hypocrisy and public manipulation. The diseased attach to the vulnerable and an epidemic is here.  Go along to get along or stand up and keep getting back up. I am up, taken down, get back up,  take back down, 54 years and counting. Threats and all. No staying down, that would kill me.

I see the same disease in Belfast City Hall with City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Manager Joe Slocum and City Council Heil Hurley. I see the same implicating of decent people. Decency replaced by guilty hypocrisy. Teach your children well... to live, lie and deny like hell.  How can you do this to your children? To all children. Business politics- take, take, take, more, more, more. Beat the mental daylights out of anyone standing up to say NO! Friends, family, and community are implicated and turn against the decent. Those not implicated fear involvement. Domestic abuse, political/business abuse, children caught and taught. Disgusting.

To tell this story that links my brother, George Jr. as the catalyst will emphasis the cruelty in Belfast real estate agents and Belfast City Hall. The agents knew my story from links to my family in Bayside. They knew the danger and used that to sell me undisclosed hell. I am not the only one, the high turn over of the hell properties speaks for itself. I am the only one to tell. Minister Tarpley sold me hell. Isn't that special?  I went public on 11/1/11. The corruption has grown by leaps and bounds and my 5 years of public protest and informing is solid. My conscience and record is clear.

They are waiting for me to make a mistake. Threatening anonymous letters that are clearly from City Council Mike Hurley, intimidation tactics galore from  Police Chief McFadden, Officer Ward -City Council- City Planner Marshall- City Manager Slocum- City Attorney Bill Kelly- Code Officer Rosenburg- Parks Director Poirer- City Video Director Lightner- Public Works Director Richards... with holding public documents, infrastructure information, zoning and official maps, corrupting FOAA requests up to the Attorney General,  manipulating ordinances, pitting neighbors and community against me, media banning and protecting the Belfast corrupt by not doing investigative reporting or requesting FOAA documents that will prove the corruption.

Senators, Governor, any one that can help won't. They all have hands in the corruption pie. I came here to begin again after seeing through all the family corruption and abuse. To the end, to make sure it was done. I did it alone and at great personal and financial cost. Taking on City Hall is not on anyone's to do list- EVER. To have it dumped in my broken lap could have sent me into a break down. That's when it happens, when you have survived the worst, clawed your way out with your kids on your back and think you have made it to safety. Slowly you let the wall come down and poke your head out into the world a little at a time. Always fearful that another terror is waiting. It didn't take long, wild rapids ripped through my yard for over a week straight, within 9 months of our new life 4/2011. And the beat down has not let up. Local to State, neighbor to community, friends to family, school to businesses, packs of the corrupt, guilty bullies taking aim at me and my kids. If it weren't true, we wouldn't be continually threatened.

I recently told Sheriff Trafton (when I brought him the threatening, very sick anonymous letter that has Council Heil Hurley all over it) that I step back all the time to rationalize the never ending situations. I try to find irrational issues with myself. It's so hard to comprehend so many hurting one mom that has endured constant family abuse and came here to heal with my children. In privacy and safety, not wanting anything from anyone. Just to breathe in some peace and simple joy. I'm stable and spot on.

Forget about the service sector- J&B Autobody and Ridge Top Chimney ripped me off and bullied me. The Downtown Chamber of Commerce awarded resident abuser and thug City Manager Joe Slocum as Citizen of the Year 2012 to slap me in the face. That's when I changed my Belfast Bullies to Boycott Belfast. No more downtown for me, no movies, no eating out, no shopping, no hair cuts, I put my protest signs on my SUV and sit inside for safety...

The Fire Chief is the father of the Public Works Director. The Hospital is probably taking Seaview Terrace for a parking lot and I've been exposing them as Israel taking the Gaza Strip. I'm in big trouble if my house catches fire or if I get sick.

Good thing I like me. I'm my best friend. Not that anyone is calling. Except dear sweet Deb Paradis. This woman that I never met before was and is the only person in 5 years to speak support for me at a City Council meeting.Mayor Ash was rude to her. She keeps checking in on me every few months. Strong, kind lady that can kick back. She's disabled too and in her 70's? I like her, a lot.

I keep dancing with myself, oh, oh, oh, oh ...

My art at Belfast Arts in the Park, 2013. Corruption by Little Laurie Lee Allen. Yo Joisey Girl. Way to go. You talking to me? No, they are too coward to talk. Heil Hurley states that I dominate every conversation and tries to stop me from speaking. Then he speaks against me publicly when I cannot respond. Cowardly liar.  Truth dominates, I let it fly fearlessly, make that bravely.I fear for my children and pets. Targeted by these adult, male thugs.

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