
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Auntiebully is me. Posted my comment in the Bangor Daily News this morning. You bet I'll be protesting next week with my new apron and oven gloves on.
auntiebully • a few seconds ago
“Front Street will go from what I call a very undefined street to having sidewalks, parking spaces and curbs,” City Planner Wayne Marshall said.

6/2010 Belfast real estate agents broke rules of ethics/disclosure/property inspection fraud and sold my children and me back into abuse, off the charts- community to State for 6k in commission. My #1 was no water issues, no streams. #2 was area development. Agents sell hell regardless, confident in the corruption system from Belfast City Hall to connected Belfast Judge to Augusta (including Realtor Commission, Governor and Attorney General) Nothing was selling then, I had many to choose from, agents chose to destroy us.Paying cash and needing to stay under all radar. No mistakes. One slim chance to get out. Friends and family fearing involvement. We were alienated and crashing since 2005.
4/2011- Just as we were beginning to heal and release fear, my 2x2x150' private property drainage turned into wild rapids. 4 ft deep, 12 ft wide, tearing through my yard for almost 2 weeks. Ripping away 1/4 of my back yard, my new 6k fence almost getting swept away. Beginning of hell with epic, routine Belfast corruption. Agents- City Hall- Enabling Community-Businesses- Charities-Church-DEP-EPA-EMA- a never ending wall of implicated participants. Family and friends involved and/or fearing involvement. 8 months follow of every City Hall door slamming me down, burying public documents, sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, after surviving the fight for our lives. They counted on breaking me, smiling mob mentality. Most know that greed and illness.
11/2011 I go public with corruption, endangering our safety, at the Belfast City Council meeting. The same meeting that JB Turner first appeared with plans for the Front Street Shipyard.
11/2011 to present- Front Street Shipyard was built within 6 months as I begged and pleaded for a sewer- Belfast City Hall uses private properties to drain development run off and then deny. City Hall stating it is a neighbor to neighbor issue. Seaview Terrace is their illegal sewer, not a natural outlet, no rights of ways, no easements, force flooding and making us a flood plain, flood zone, endangering lives and destroying properties. Fully denying for 50+ years. So ridiculous, water doesn't lie. Neither do I. We pay our taxes and sewer bills for City Hall to destroy our private properties. Red carpet with our taxes for Front Street and assault after assault to targeted private properties.
Agents did not disclose healthcare development. It has been a war zone since I moved in. That's not the way of humanity, though City Hall, downtown, Our Town Belfast, Chamber of Commerce, media...sure do sell Belfast as compassionate humanity. No one else tells, they want to keep that hush, hush. Keep the turnover turning and retribution for Mom. Ali with robe, boxing gloves, morals and humor. Mom with apron, oven mitts, morals and humor. We Are The Greatest.
Working together is the way. Negotiations for Front Street were private for how long before public in 11/2011? Making sure projects were underway first-the harbor walk , the downtown revitalization money pit, the RSU with drawl, the harbor, the passy trail, court houses, Waterfall Arts, hospital, Restorative Justice/Detention, public works facilities, City buildings, Firehouse, the this, the that, the unknown changes of zoning and ordinances voted in through an enormous binder in 2014, agents listing zoning as "see town", dirty corruption and back stabbing and spending sky rocketing.
Front Street had to be overhauled. That should have been the only project, one at a time, budget accountability at every City Council meeting. Transparent for all to comprehend, working together with resident infrastructure/safety and ordinance/statute/zoning equality. Instead economic genocide to the targeted with a City website of ordinance intended confusion mandating City attorney interpretation. Written by the City attorney's to argue to the Belfast Judge, owning many. Not me. Mitts Up. Apron on. Turn on the Mobstah Lobstah pot.
Laurie Lee 


Today I rushed through several of my blogs to get this blog as a reference for my comment today the Bangor Daily News article on Congress Street, Belfast, Maine 04915. Linking a plan much bigger than Congress Street and Belfast. Portland, Brunswick, Rockland, Belfast, Bucksport to Bangor right up to the Department of Defense and MaineHealth takeover collaboration. See more on 

5/31/2016 Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly wrote in one of his many intimidating letters to silence me and deny public document requests with enormous files that do not contain the document. Again and again. City Council refusing to verify receipt of documents and informing the public that I am basically too stupid to know that I have been given the document. Kelly feeding their system by telling me to hire an attorney or engineer to break me completely. Kelly wrote the loophole ordinances, is a real estate agent, knows that surveys are corrupt because records are corrupt, allowing from more manipulation. If you have at least 30k to burn with rhetoric, Judge Patricia Worth, another Belfast Mobstah Lobstah will decide you're a dead Mom crawling. She did and does. With support from Judge Susan Longley and all the connected for JustUs. More letters and lies by Kelly, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and then DEP Commissioner Aho on .

April 26, 2012
Re: Flood Plain Issue

Dear Ms. Allen:

I am writing to you in my capacity as Attorney for the City of Belfast.  I have reviewed a copy of your most recent e-mails to the City of Belfast dated April 23,25 and 26,2012.  I have been following your correspondence to the City for these last few months, and I am aware that you have a copy of my correspondence to the City Council, addressing the fact that the City has not  exhibited  control or  ownership  of the drainage swale/stream located on your property, which has been the subject of your  communications  to City Hall.

Your e-mails, at this point in time, and the information that you are requesting are repetitive from information that has bee previously provided to you, which includes documents and aspects of the ordinances of the City of Belfast that have been identified as being responsive to your request for information of the controlling local law that addresses your stream/swale, as well as the approval and permitting process for the hospital annex located near your boundary line.

I have also been aware of your comments in which you have derided and made unfair, insulting, and untrue characterizations regarding various City officials.  City official maintain a decorum and a level of respect for citizens that sometimes requires them to take passing insults and unfair characterizations somewhat in stride in their daily work.  It appears to me that your repeated unfair characterizations and defamatory statements have become a form of sport for you.  You couple these characterizations with your own versions and  characterizations  of efforts made be City officials in the last year in responding to your  requests.  It appears that it is time for me to advise you to stop harassing City employees.

You have been provided the information that you have requested and have been provided references to other tools within the City such as ordinances, documents, permitting process information and regulations.  You have chosen not to use the aid of professionals, and you have repeatedly stated that you cannot afford such help.  However, the system is fairly straightforward in that the City is required to provide you with information and materials, which it has done.  It has exhausted the information that it has available to it in providing you with responses to your requests.  There is nothing more any City official can provide to you, nor any other resources that you can be directed to which you have not already been directed to by the City officials.  The City cannot advise you when it disagrees with your position- that is a conflict of interest.  Your repeated requests relating to the same information are not going to lead to different information, nor different positions of the City officials.  The fact that you do not agree with the City's position is well understood.  However, there is no point, purpose or result that will be obtained in your continuing efforts  to make false and untrue statements and characterizations as to the efforts of the City officials.  City officials and staff employee time is a limited commodity.  It is not possible or practical for the City to continue to respond to the same questions and same observations from you on a repeated basis merely because you disagree.

The City officials have expended significant time and energy in addressing your questions and requests.  They have done all the can do and there is nothing more they can do at this point in time.  As a result, to the extent that your e-mails, commentary and questions are repetitive, there is no purpose at this point in the City officials responding to you.  That will be the course that is taken from here on regarding repetitive inquiries.   Therefore, your future e-mails, to the extent that they are repetitive and cover the same issues that already have been asked and answered by the City officials, will result in an e-mail from whomever you provide the e-mail to with the  simple  comment that there is nothing  further  that the City can provide for you at this time beyond what has already been provided.

I am aware that multiple residents on Seaview Terrace do not share your concern, do not share your methodology of unfair characterizations of City employees, nor the way that you describe the impact on your property's value regarding stream/drainage swale,  which  has  been  in the same approximate location for at least 50 years and certainly for a greater period of time  before  it was slightly moved by the developers in the late 60s.  I encourage you to seek legal an/or attorney or professional engineering advice to address your private issues.  I am happy to speak with your attorney or engineer at any time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly & Collins, LLC
by: William S. Kelly

Monday, April 25, 2016

MaineHealth Coercive Monopoly Department of Defense

This blog, Boycott Belfast and linking prior blogs, are my personal accounting of first hand Maine corruption from local to State when I was sold undisclosed epic corruption in 2010 @ 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine 04915.  Incredible linking from one Mom refusing sinking. After 6 years, the links are into the Department of Defense and a new blog to take us, not just me. Stop them from taking us. MUM Make Us Matter ( and more broad abuse

(updated @ 7pm)
5/27/2017 Another bloom in the pond scum. Another letter in the Republican Journal Village Soup to support corrupt Judge Patricia Worth from Belfast Probate Judge Susan W. Longley.  My signs this past weekend throughout town are shaking the cages. This is a job for them. Abuse and total devastation to the innocent and targeted. The attorneys/mental health professionals acting as court appointed GaL's get paid well to drag their feet and "compassion". paid handsomely as a court appointed GaL by Judge Worth and Judge Longley. Too boot, Judge Longley is inviting the public to come watch the abused plea for justice. Double abuse with a packed courtroom watching like a reality show and judging you and your children out in community, schools, everywhere. But hey, Judge Longley wants you to come play "Judge" for the day with our personal hell's and attorney's billable dragging drama hours. Judge Longley hopes you will like her too. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Bring in the clowns.

All I wanted was to begin again in privacy, safety and heal. Instead Belfast officials, businesses and players are calculating and placing bets on who is sold another undisclosed City hell, the more beat up the victim is the better. Or the victim with skeletons will do too.

They underestimated me. For sure. By the time I got to small claims court with open and shut cases after exposing Belfast corruption for 5 years, Judge Worthless thought she ruled. It was "Worth" losing the 8k she robbed from me to expose her and her stinking husband. And their stinking network. 8k is almost half of my yearly income.No welfare, in-town taxes, water, sewer, house, utility bills, house insurance, flood insurance. car insurance, food, I live lean and true. With my son. Hurting my son too. Despicable.

Read this Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's - Belfast didn't get this disgustingly corrupt throughout overnight. Some Judges, some of the appointed, MOST lawyers, all officials in government and implicated businesses have been in bed together for over 50 years. Spreading like the clap. Clap. Clap.Clap. Clap.

Letters, May 26

May 26, 2016
Come judge for yourself
Maine judges work hard to act as described in your appreciated letter titled “Decency in Maine Courts" (May 19).
This family court judge’s truth be known, we judges also really get to see and hear from a fair number of very impressive folks doing very decent jobs in very difficult family circumstances.
So thank you also for sharing this invite with your readers: All are welcome. Waldo County Probate Court is an open court with hearings mostly on Tuesdays. We are in Belfast, on Church Street, in the District Court building, conveniently located right next to the public parking lot on Church Street in Belfast.
Waldo County Probate Court is family court that is your court, too. Feel free to come and hear what we judges hear. I think odds are good that you will hear a fair number of good folks explaining the good jobs they do in some very tough situations. I hope you also will hear me trying to live up to last week’s description of me and Judge Worth as being “gracious, sensitive, caring,” while also being “tough but fair.” Come and “judge” for yourselves! Every interested citizen is most welcome.
Susan W. Longley
Waldo County Judge of Probate

I don't know how she rules but Worth does not decide that day in court so the public does not know that she will rob justice. Media should print all the decisions naming the Judge. Judge Susan Sparaco is tops. I'll take her decisions every time. Oh dear, just googled Longley. Another robe of Worth and huge ego above the law.

Full page on Worth and linking some corrupt players/pond scum is on this page with my small claims proof.

5/26/2016 Update to the 5/21/2016 post below and 3 emails citing SOME Belfast City Hall, SOME Augusta State House Corruption  (Maine Realtor Commission, Attorney General- Freedom of Information Accountability Failure 6 years and counting) Realtor and real estate corruption with Belfast's disgrace, Judge Patricia Worth and husband, John Worth III deciding who survives and who doesn't. Per John's facebook

John Worth "Supreme leader for life"

Belfast City Hall, Maine Realtor Commission, real estate agents and realtors collude and with hold zoning districts secretly voted through in 2014 and STILL not public. Listings are not credible, many stating "See Town".  Entering Belfast City Hall for verbal information is their way to deny and lie. Worth Real Estate Agency (Judge Patty and Johnny Mobstah Lobstah's) have their agents listing zoning as "See Town".  All officials in the emails are taking the 5th. As if that is their right to take. They work for us. Protected by contracts and laws written by them, the only option is BOYCOTT AND EXPOSE VIA PUBLIC SHAMING. Attorneys in line for lawsuits to spin billable hours into Judge Worth's doMaine. Dismissed, ruling by the Mobstah Lobstah's.

The with holding of what Belfast City Council actually voted through as zoning districts in 2014 is absolute corruption. The 2014 public hearings for the 15+ years in the taking and making "Comprehensive Plan" proposed lies to the public. Buying time to keep on taking.

5/22/2016 my post on Wake UP Maine
Laurie Allen

                                      BULLY and BULL THE PUBLIC                                                      
                                 Belfast-Washington,  the ill destroy Mother
                                           Washington destroys the globe
                                                  Hypocrisy & Rhetoric

                                                 BOYCOTT THE TAKERS 

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Attoreny Bill Kelly, City Council Mike Hurley are ill with Belfast residents Judge Worth and John Worth III. Build the wall. Implicate the best, make them fall. Hire the sheeple, own them. One stands.

Hello... it's me. (Adele)

Going Mobile. Corruption Cruising in Belfast to THEIR homes (Judge Patricia & John Worth III, Greg Dutch (Dutch Chevrolet) JB Turner (Front Street Shipyard) on Cedar Street. Uptown and downtown. The season is just beginning. Belfast events are the best to cruise. Music fest was Saturday, 5/21/2016. Funk you up, 2 hours of cruising in my mobile. Signs, signs, everywhere signs. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs.... Belfast City Council Heil Hurley and Neal Harkness did. I stopped right in front of them.
Jaws dropping like hammers. Two hours. Cruise Corruption Season just beginning. I Got You Belfast-Augusta. Disgusta. Hey Mr. Bangor Jeff Kirlin Fun Seeing You. Thanks for the warm kindness.
 (Bisone is the CEO of MaineHealth monopoly takeover. JB Turner, John Worth III and Chairman Attorney Lee Woodward take via seats on the board. Dutch clan is throughout Belfast- business, real estate, zoning appeals, etc. ... many more Belfast names- not enough signs or space.)

Karen Foley I really admire this kind of commitment to your cause!

Laurie Allen
Laurie Allen Thank you. Corruption, greed and the ill in powerful positions is our cause. Epic nationally and globally, with the USA leading the way. If people refuse to hold those accountable that they have access to then we are no better then them. Enabling is doing nothing. It's not just Belfast, it's Maine. And totally accessible. If people organize. Six years now, let's roll. Begin at home with independent oversight committee's-town to town. Moral Mondays grass roots style. Parents have got to stop this destruction and taking of lives, private property and basic rights.|By Auntiebully

5/21/2016 post below. 3 recent emails eclipse 6 years of hell with Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's.
                                                                  Verses Mom (me)

5/17/2016- SUV Protest  Belfast City Hall Council Meeting @ 7pm

Belfast resident and connected corrupt court Judge Patrica Worth and equal evil husband John Worth III seals the deals. Attorneys are their spawn to pawn the true. All the scum in this Belfast pond is Worth boycotting. Every citizen is responsible to stop the spawning that kills. Them.

Sam Mitchell works for Worth Real Estate. John III and Judge Patricia Worth of Belfast. Tying to MaineHealth monopoly. Belfast Mobstah Lobstahs Claws link on this page

5/21/16 Into the Belfast Mob- Judge Worth/Husband/Chief McFadden//Jay Davis/Mike Hurley/Attorneys

Behind a corrupt man, John Worth III stands a corrupt Judge (and wife) Dishonorable Patricia Worth.
Dangerous, Corrupt, Ruthless, Calculating Supremacy.

John Worth "Supreme leader for life"
Gail Rice

 5/25/2016 update on below emails. Belfast City Hall, Maine Realtor Commission, real estate agents and realtors collude and with hold zoning districts secretly voted through in 2014 and STILL not public. Listings are not credible, many stating "See Town".  Entering Belfast City Hall for verbal information is their way to deny and lie. Worth Real Estate Agency (Judge Patty and Johnny Mobstah Lobstah's) have their agents listing zoning as "See Town".  All officials in the emails are taking the 5th. As if that is their right to take. They work for us. Protected by contracts and laws written by them, the only option is BOYCOTT AND EXPOSE VIA PUBLIC SHAMING. Attorneys in line for lawsuits to spin billable hours into Judge Worth's doMaine. Dismissed in favor for the Mobstah's.

The with holding of what Belfast City Council actually voted through as zoning districts in 2014 is absolute corruption. The 2014 public hearings for the 15+ years in the taking and making "Comprehensive Plan" proposed lies. 
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall manipulates what the planning board is told or NOT told. Wayne controls planning corruption. Stopping the public access to final site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when came on as Planner in 1999. Hello corruption and denial of public information and documents through manipulation and isolation. Been there many times. No more.

The plans fed to the public are not the plans that happen. After appeals are closed and the public has gone back to sleep. Of course.And here we go again sending more water to Seaview Terrace in disguise via another development of forest and wetlands. The Cornerspring Montessori School corruption begins.

3 emails below on this 5/21/2016 post are my latest response The full email threads (long status quo rhetoric to deny, )
 #1 Cornerspring Montessori School Site Planning Corruption is on this page link
#2 & 3 Belfast City Hall, real estate agents and Maine Realtor Commission zoning/listing 16-17 Belfast properties to sell undisclosed hell. Full email thread on this page

(Forgot to include John Arrision Belfast City Council for Ward 5 for both email threads. Done. Brenda Kielty works for Attorney General Janet Mills. We have a huge history of denial to public documents FOIA requests. A waste but had to go there. I have gone into every rabbit hole hell. To come out with proof of state wide corruption. Where no Mom should ever have to go after escaping a life of the same ) Children, dogs, music and bite back humor saves my day. Every minute of mob mentality and Mom hunt.
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 11:58 AM
To: Sadie Lloyd;;;;;;;;; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;;;;; John Krinjak;;
Subject: Re: 2nd req 5/18 Re: 5/25 Montessori School Stormwater Management

Belfast City Council, (Brenda Kielty please forward both of my emails to the Attorney General, Janet Mills)

The discrimination and abuse launched on residents by Belfast City Hall officials is longstanding and continuing for simple requests for public information and documents in the walls of Belfast City Hall. Over the 6 years of abuse, City Council has not represented the Seaview Terrace residents. I picked out one fraction with the tainted, old map that City Planner Wayne Marshall fabricated for engineer Mandy Olver for paving and drainage to Seaview Terrace. This map was not given to the residents but City Council had it. They knew this map was tainted. It shows incorrectly the illegal stream does not run through my property. Tax dollars to pay Olver to draw up plans for illegal paving and drainage.And do it quickly, while City Hall thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral.

With aerial maps on hand (not for the public) that are so exact, leaves can be seen. Isn't that what Mary Mortier said?

For 6 years, I have proven that proposed plans given to the public are not the plans that happen. City Planner Wayne Marshall stopped recording the final approved site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when he came on as planner in 1999 for that reason. To stop the public from access and information. To corruptly send development runoff to private properties.

The fact that planning will not email ONLY the site stormwater drainage plans and text is more proof.

The site plans given to abutters for the Annex addition currently underway are not what was given to us. The plans did not include blasting, 2 acres of trees cut, massive digging, pipes, drains, to where, to who... unknown to the public. Our City Council Mary Mortier did not care, does not care for the residents. The same is apparent by City Hall officials. Ruthless and dangerous. Your legacy. Wipe out the undesirable and innocent that are in the way of the corrupt.

Laurie Allen


City Council Mike Hurley threatens Seaview Terrace residents in this 9/2/14 CC meeting clip. After they have destroyed Seaview Terrace with forced flooding for 50 years.  "If you run into the kind of treatment that you're running into, I'd pull the plug on it. Just say forget it. You guys don't want your road paved, fine. I'm not gonna, ya know, we're not gonna like- I've really had it on Seaview Terrace. People don't want their road paved, fine. I wish they'd buy that road back. Let it be a private road, they can do what the want."

Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:58 AM
Subject: Peace Walk

Dear Minister Perkins,

I wanted to be part of this weekend's celebration for peace and compassion. My brother died on Thursday and I am not handling it well. I thought it may be of relief to know that I will not be attending. I don't say that for sympathy, I say it because I upset many people for just being visible. I had hoped to walk today without any signs. I was hoping to feel that I was part of a community that does care.

I guess that time is not here yet. I hope everyone has peace and love. I really do.

Truly and Respectfully,

Laurie Allen

In great mourning the day of Donald's funeral in Alabama, in comes the heavy equipment and City trucks, unscheduled to illegally pave and drain to my property. All week.  All men of the Wall. Assaulting my last asset and safety. Brutal targeting and discrimination.
9/8/14 They thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral. No one was advised. I had just been to every meeting prior asking how and when Seaview Terrac...
City Council Mike Hurley tells the public that he didn't know my brother died with an insincere apology. A horrible lie..Proof that they used my brother's funeral on 9/8/14. Below showed up on the City website stating paving would begin on 9/17/2014.

Posted on: September 12, 2014

City Road Construction

Paving and reclaiming the following roads. Crocker Road, Wight Street and Seaview Terrace.
Paving on Seaside Drive and Back Belmont Road.
This will tentatively be starting on Wednesday September 17th, and lasting a couple of weeks.
Prepare for possible delays and detours during this time.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Public Works Director Bob Richards at 338-2375.

9/16/14 Wolf Pack City Hall Meeting

9/16/14- City Council Meeting was tonight. Here is the link, below is a written summary specific to their calculated corruption. The cruelty is wrenching. Click 6 open to the public- I speak first, for 5 minutes. Click 7 communications, City Manager Slocum speaks on other issues, after that comes the wolf pack to tear me to shreds. Lying cowards. Shameful. 
They have stooped to an all time low, together in corruption and disgrace. I am sure the meeting is not going to be recorded. The station always airs a message for a least an hour prior- always by 6pm that there is a City Council Meeting that evening. By 6:30 the message was not appearing and the 9/2 meeting was airing- just starting. I called the Ned, he tapes the meetings. I've known him since we were teens in Bayside (I'm 55). I called from my land line- so he knew it was me calling. He didn't answer. I left a message that I was concerned the meeting was not going to be taped and to call me back. He didn't. I went to the meeting 15 minutes before the meeting was starting. No Ned. I asked Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum why wasn't Ned here. He was always there by 6:30 - never this late- it was 6:47. I told them if Ned was not recording this meeting that I'd be back at the next meeting to say the same thing. They knew what I was going to reveal publicly.
Long time, honorable, kind and no non-sense, Belfast City Hall Treasurer, Rickie LaSan was present for my discussion before the meeting. Because she was there, Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum could not ignore my questions. That is why Joe called Ned, otherwise he would have let the meeting go unrecorded.

The end of my latest response.

Onto Belfast real estate and City Hall zoning and ordinance secrecy scum. This pond scum is state wide. Real Estate the Big Take. Judge Patricia Worth (Worth Real Estate) and Maine Realtor Commission make the take. With massive spawning and attorneys writing the laws to hook and crook. Take Mother, break us all. Into their system children and all. Bring in MaineHealth to take whats left. I don't think so. More on MaineHealth- CEO Biscone, Board Crooks John Worth III, JB Turner (Front Street Shipyard) Attorney Lee Woodward (Chair) in collaboration with the Department of Defense on

The Mobstah Lobstah's are caught in their trap. City Manager Joe Slocum lies and calls the forced flooding to Seaview Terrace private properties (using us as a waterway for miles and miles of development outside Seaview Terrace) no rights of ways, no easements, not a natural outlet (to coincide with ordinance that run off may be sent to a nearby natural outlet), destroying our properties, endangering lives. Turning us into a flood plain flood zone. Real estate agents do not disclose the stream because it really isn't a stream.

Lots of turnover on Seaview Terrace. Residents learn they've been sold undisclosed water slaughter and sell it to another. Shhhh. Till they sold me hell in 2010. It stops here.

Maine Realtor Commission in bed with the corruption with the real estate agents with Belfast City Hall.  Deputy Director Jeff Hills and Director Karen Bivins dismissed my complaint in 2013 stating I should have done a more exhaustive search of MY 2x2x150 private property drainage ditch for my property. As it was sold to me. With Sam Mitchell (Worth Real Estate Agent and President of Mid Coast Realtor Council)  and DJ Brown Property Inspector in Worth's bed. No stream, no water issues. Wrong. Wild rapids would tear through my yard 8 months later- 4 feet high, 8 ft wide for over a week. Taking 1/4 of my property with it, making a ravine, sides eroding away, my new 6k fence almost going with it.

May 2011 began the non stop slam me down. Local to State. All have a dirty claw in my property. DEP, EPA, Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, MaineHealth, Belfast City Hall, Real estate agents, Realtor Owner Big Little Man Earl Black, Maine Realtor Commission, Governor LePage, Mrs. Lepage, Attorney General Janet Mills... Sadly the community fears them. They don't cross the Mobstah Lobstah's.  Truth is the best weapon of all. I'm all about the truth, no lying... they hate...themselves.


Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:08 PM
Subject: Fw: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:37 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E;;;; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Governor;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: 17 18? Intown Belfast Incorrect Listings

Worth Real Estate Agent and MidCoast Realtor Council President Sam Mitchell,

You are also guilty in robbing and destroying our lives. Domestic survivors. One of the few to make it out, win relocation and begin again. Beat up and exhausted, you sealed our fate with your "supervision" for my property inspection with DJ Brown Property Inspector. Knowing this property well and corrupting the inspection during spring melt- no doubt of water issues. No inspection of the stream or un-stabilized banks. No disclosure by any of the real estate agents involved- Bill Ingersoll, Jan Andrews and you.

How do we feel when we see a mother and children hold on through the worst anyone can imagine and see them make it to safety? It is almost a fairy tale, I thought I would never see Belfast or Bayside again. I did it. You and your colleagues knew our dangerous situation. Many in the area did with my family history in Bayside linking to Belfast. Using that against me to sell me hell because we were so beat up, and needed to stay under all radar. With police and neighbors to add security. Which is why we had to be in-town. No more abuse to my children or me. Just as we were beginning to let the wall of fear down, wild rapids tore our lives and property away.  The abuse, discrimination, targeting from Belfast to Augusta should have killed me. It may be. All I cared about was getting my children into adulthood. Done. Go ahead, finish me off.

6 years later, everything I have proved is true. My scholar son targeted by BAHS Guidance Director James Davis, Counselor Jessica Woods, Principal Fitzpatrick and Superintendent Knowles. Denying him Latin, Honors English and AP classes through 9th, 10th and 11th grades. Denying him the recognition of the Phi Beta Kappa Award May 2015. In August 2015, I googled his name and the Bangor Daily News article popped up stating he was the recipient of this prestigious award.
The Phi Beta Kappa Association of Maine has announced the 2015 winners of the Academic Achievement Award. This year, 121 schools throughout the state ...
My son didn't know anything about this. He didn't even receive a document. All of the above threw him under the bus AGAIN. Stating he was absent the day of the awards. Stating confusion as to why didn't receive the actual award. Committing fraud by making a Phi Beta Kappa certificate and mailing that to us in August 2015. Dr. Ward of the Phi Beta Kappa chapter in Bangor confirmed that certificate was fraudulent. Dr. Ward had mailed the authentic certificate for my son in April 2015 to JAMES DAVIS.
Principal Stephen Fitzpatrick of Belfast Area High School announced today that Philip D. Wich, and Richard L. Wyman both residents of Belfast, have been named ...

All refused accountability and hurt my son further. With the stellar Questbridge College Match to top colleges for low income scholar students. The application deadline was 9/30/2015.  In mid-August, I began begging Superintendent Knowles to oversee the process when Jessica Woods emailed me that she was leaving as my son's counselor within the hour. Gone. Telling me to contact James Davis. Superintendent Knowles refused, stating he had full confidence that James Davis would prevail.
In sync with the award fraud. His schedule is brutal 5 AP's- English Lit, Us Govt, Calculus, Env. Science, Physics, and Latin 3 and Latin 4. His senior year.

For 6 weeks, I pressed on to get the Questbridge completed. Look where my son was at already. A constant target of abuse to hurt me. I hurt him if I did, I hurt him if I didn't. His only protection is to keep his head down, avoid adult confrontations and work hard on education. He did and does. The adults fail him. Davis waited until the day before the applications were due. Telling my son that IF he wanted to do these college applications on the last day, it was up to him. Or he could wait and apply for regular decision. There was no waiting, the cutoff was 9/30/2015. Davis stole acceptance with full tuition at top colleges from us.

QuestBridge, Oct 19, 1:46 PM:
Dear Laurie,
We've received and read both of your emails and are very sorry to hear about your situation. We understand how frustrating it can be to navigate college admissions deadlines and paperwork. We're especially sorry to hear that (son) was mistakenly advised that there was a later deadline for QuestBridge Regular Decision. The QuestBridge application process is complex, which is why we sent (son) emails from August through September with information about the processes so that he could research it for himself.
Unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications for the National College Match. Please note that our partner colleges have chosen to be affiliated with QuestBridge because they are committed to ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent qualified students from attending their schools. We hope that (son) will not be discouraged from applying to these and other colleges with similar financial aid policies on his own, as low income students will likely receive generous financial aid if accepted.
Please also visit our Scholarship Resources page at
We wish you and (son) all the best in the college application process.
Kind regards,
The QuestBridge Team

My son's father's income and assets are high and denies college financing. Through the regular application process, these top colleges had filled their quota for low income through Questbridge. My son was denied.

Hurt my children to stop the truth and our basic rights to live in safety and privacy. How can so many be so evil? Against one beaten family asking for nothing and law abiding to the T. Order hell and silence the protest. Every day is a new chance to make things right. I wait, hope and will protest/post/inform until. Know the corruption and stop it. It can begin in Belfast.

Laurie Allen

PS- Sam Mitchell works for Worth Real Estate. John III and Judge Patricia Worth of Belfast. Tying to MaineHealth monopoly. Belfast Mobstah Lobstahs Claws link on this page

5/21/16 Into the Belfast Mob- Judge Worth/Husband/Chief McFadden//Jay Davis/Mike Hurley/Attorneys

Behind a corrupt man, John Worth III stands a corrupt Judge (and wife) Dishonorable Patricia Worth.
Dangerous, Corrupt, Ruthless, Calculating Supremacy.

John Worth "Supreme leader for life"
Gail Rice

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:09 PM
Subject: Fw: 7th 5/18/16 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace

7th requested 5/18/2016
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 11:41 AM
To: Hill, Jeffrey E;;;; LAURIE ALLEN; Joseph Slocum
Cc: Mary Mortier - GRF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: 5/5/2016 Corrupt Listing Ward 1 Mortier 23 Seaview Terrace

Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins, Deputy Director Jeff Hill, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum and Realty of Maine Tim Dutch,

A. City Manager Joe Slocum- per your emails below, a stream is on the property of 23 Seaview Terrace. Please respond to this specific email to include Jeff Hill, Karen Bivins and info@realtyofmaine, confirming a stream is on the property of 23 Seaview Terrace in the R1 zone of Belfast Maine .

B. Tim Dutch, listing agent- The new listing on 5/2/2016 by Tim Dutch on 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast Maine 04915 had zoning res 2. On 5/5/2016 Tim Dutch changed the zoning code to res 1. However, the stream is not being disclosed. Please disclose the stream on the listing and advise.

C. Maine Realtor Commission Director Karen Bivins and Deputy Director Jeff Hill- This real estate corruption to buyers has been reported to you since my complaint in 2013 for non disclosure of streams and 2016 zoning codes. Below is the proof. Jeff Hill dismissed my complaint for non disclosure of the stream, stating I should have done a more exhaustive search of the ditch. In January 2016 Jeff Hill advised me that all agents would be listing the correct zones. This email serves as proof that zoning codes are not listed correctly and that streams are not disclosed. The listings are corrupt with your full knowledge and participation. You are in violation of Ethical standards of the Realtor Commission.

Laurie Allen


Chase and record corruption leading to closed door executive sessions. Stop the chase. Boycott the corrupt. State-local. Business- home. Face to face.
Laurie Allen


Blame is with us for allowing the taking of US. Over 50 years, now breaking into our homes. Many are implicated and fear retribution. Amnesty for all willing to step in. Be a hero. Independent Oversight Committee's in every town. Network, build us back. Take back us.

Belfast resident Mobstah Lobstah Judge Patricia Worth is in the paper again. She presides in Knox County too. Linking corruption from Rockland (Knox) to Belfast (Waldo) to connections State-wide. Media protects Belfast white collar corruption. Rare mentions of the collars necessitates reading between the lines. This article indicates Judge Worth went after Berry when he ran for Rockland City Council. Worth's decisions are for profit and elimination. She nailed me 2 times for open and shut cases. The 2nd time was the last time. I nail back with exposing her and connected husband (real estate, Maine Maritime Academy, MaineHealth, Department of Defense) corruption.

Wow- a year to the date of my last entry. Juggling so many blogs. So much corruption. Let's organize already. Meanwhile in relating towns and relating government corruption, today's post on

Whether people are realizing it or not, city councilor form of government all over Maine is out of control. It is a dangerous, lose, cronyism form of governing. What the mayor has done here, is done in many other forms, by others, all over Maine. It should be absolutely illegal for a city councilors to be able to vote in a real estate tax rise, without a popular vote. Our budgets are out of control, our budgets are being abandoned by the state, because the state knows the city councilor will raise mills for whatever the budget comes to. They will raise the mills, because they can, it is power out of control.

Agreed. There is no oversight of municipal officials.

Independent oversight committee's by the residents, town to town, to the State. Time is wasting in posting and blaming. Residents are unorganized and easy to silence when not unionized. Start Moral Mondays in Rockland, Rockport, Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Bucksport, Bangor and Brunswick immediately. Unification undivided.
Laurie Allen


Today is more real estate corruption with the usual corrupt pink, blue, and white collars from Belfast to Augusta. The lot next door to me has been listed. With a corrupt zoning code and not disclosing the hell stream. Our City Council Ward 1 Mary Mortier has been participating in the corruption as our representative and as real estate agent. Status quo selling undisclosed hells from Belfast to Maine Realtor Commission, through out Maine. Ruining lives and destroying properties. Mary is using a family trauma to avoid accountability today. Very sad. She had no problem using my brother's funeral on 9/8/2014 to do illegal paving and drainage to my property when they thought I'd be in Alabama. I was home, watching in horror, in great mourning. Nasty, greedy, corrupt power. Here we go again- endless rhetoric to allow my neighbor, Karen Caswell (whose family was the original owner of my house and began the selling undisclosed hell- another real estate agent too. Puzz Caswell in the early 90's. My house has turned over 3 times since then. It stopped with me 6 years ago.) to sell undisclosed hell to another. I don't think so.

I found Belfast community BCTV is back on TWC TV with VSTV propaganda programming. Sadly, the best informative programs, Democracy Now and Ted Talks are gone. Dumb down and drown. I don't think so.

Law enforcement arming up armor in Bangor, Maine- military trucks- see

  MaineHealth Coercive Monopoly Department of Defense
Into your private records to use against you, into your wallets to rob you, into your health to eliminate you.

MaineHealth Selected as Innovation Partner in
National High-Value Health Collaborative
Health systems and Department of Defense join collaborative to share data on outcomes,
quality and costs across range of costly conditions and treatments

Bruce Gagnon
May 16 at 6:28pm
Provocative and dangerous Zumwalt 'stealth' destroyer made at Bath Iron Works in Maine will be 'christened' on June 18. Protest planned at BIW from 9am to noon.
US Navy’s $4.4 Billion Battleship: Gigantic Destroyer is ‘Nearly Invisible’

The next generation 610-foot destroyer, the largest in the US fleet, appears as little more than a 5...


Connect the corruption- announced in 2011 on MaineHealth's website. Many of the connected in Belfast heavily tied to MaineHealth. The collars aren't in Obamacare, they force us into it to pay for the take to take us out. Coercive Monopoly Maine Health/Department of Defense.
More on www.boycottbelfast.blogspot com
Laurie Allen

4/25/2016 Department Of Defense- Coastal Maine Hospitals- Harbors- Shipyards-Portsmouth-Brunswick-Belfast-Naval-BIW- Maine Maritime buying Bucksport site for "survival" training...Front Street Shipyard in Belfast and Bucksport... The Belfast Worth's(Judge Patricia Worth and John Worth III) connect all...Patten Pond nailed it 3 years ago in this comment. And I've been stepping on all the mines and minds. Just a dumbed down, beat up, low income Mom that needed to be under all radar 6 years ago. The perfect target to sell hell. A mistake.
"pattenpond • 3 years ago
Do not worry, it is just a tactic to throw attention off the real strategic defense project, and that is satelite guided drone subs, sea warfare is about to change about as fast as it did with the first aircraft carriers introduced, we will see the day of the demise of large aircraft carriers, it is interesting to see how quickly the world warfare will become almost totally different than we have in service presently, and it is changing daily."
In economics and business ethics, a coercive monopoly is a business concern that is operating in an environment where competitors are being prevented from entering the field, such that the firm is able to raise prices, and make production decisions, without risk of competition arising to draw away their customers...A coercive monopoly has very few incentives to keep prices low and may deliberately price gouge consumers by curtailing production.[2] Also, according to economist Murray Rothbard, "a coercive monopolist will tend to perform his service badly and inefficiently."[3]
Whether coercive monopolies can arise in free market, or whether they require government intervention to institute them is a point of some disagreement.