
5/21/2016 Cornerspring Montessori School site corruption begins

For Montessori School Belfast Planning Boarding Hearing on 5/25/2016

Fiddlehead Artisan Supply is owned by Belfast Planning Board member Geoffrey Gilchrist
 and Hartdale Maps is owned by Belfast Planning Board member Margot Carpenter- both included in this email because

Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall manipulates what the planning board is told or NOT told. Wayne controls planning corruption. Stopping the public access to final site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when came on as Planner in 1999. Hello corruption and denial of public information and documents through manipulation and isolation. Been there many times. No more.

The plans fed to the public are not the plans that happen. After appeals are closed and the public has gone back to sleep. Of course.

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:07 PM
Subject: Fw: 2nd req 5/18 Re: 5/25 Montessori School Stormwater Management

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 11:58 AM
To: Sadie Lloyd;;;;;;;;; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;;;;; John Krinjak;;
Subject: Re: 2nd req 5/18 Re: 5/25 Montessori School Stormwater Management

Belfast City Council, (Brenda Kielty please forward both of my emails to the Attorney General, Janet Mills)

The discrimination and abuse launched on residents by Belfast City Hall officials is longstanding and continuing for simple requests for public information and documents in the walls of Belfast City Hall. Over the 6 years of abuse, City Council has not represented the Seaview Terrace residents. I picked out one fraction with the tainted, old map that City Planner Wayne Marshall fabricated for engineer Mandy Olver for paving and drainage to Seaview Terrace. This map was not given to the residents but City Council had it. They knew this map was tainted. It shows incorrectly the illegal stream does not run through my property. Tax dollars to pay Olver to draw up plans for illegal paving and drainage.And do it quickly, while City Hall thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral.

With aerial maps on hand (not for the public) that are so exact, leaves can be seen. Isn't that what Mary Mortier said?

For 6 years, I have proven that proposed plans given to the public are not the plans that happen. City Planner Wayne Marshall stopped recording the final approved site plans in the Waldo County Deeded Registry when he came on as planner in 1999 for that reason. To stop the public from access and information. To corruptly send development runoff to private properties.

The fact that planning will not email ONLY the site stormwater drainage plans and text is more proof.

The site plans given to abutters for the Annex addition currently underway are not what was given to us. The plans did not include blasting, 2 acres of trees cut, massive digging, pipes, drains, to where, to who... unknown to the public. Our City Council Mary Mortier did not care, does not care for the residents. The same is apparent by City Hall officials. Ruthless and dangerous. Your legacy. Wipe out the undesirable and innocent that are in the way of the corrupt.

Laurie Allen

City Council Mike Hurley threatens Seaview Terrace residents in this 9/2/14 CC meeting clip. After they have destroyed Seaview Terrace with forced flooding for 50 years.  "If you run into the kind of treatment that you're running into, I'd pull the plug on it. Just say forget it. You guys don't want your road paved, fine. I'm not gonna, ya know, we're not gonna like- I've really had it on Seaview Terrace. People don't want their road paved, fine. I wish they'd buy that road back. Let it be a private road, they can do what the want."

Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:58 AM
Subject: Peace Walk

Dear Minister Perkins,

I wanted to be part of this weekend's celebration for peace and compassion. My brother died on Thursday and I am not handling it well. I thought it may be of relief to know that I will not be attending. I don't say that for sympathy, I say it because I upset many people for just being visible. I had hoped to walk today without any signs. I was hoping to feel that I was part of a community that does care.

I guess that time is not here yet. I hope everyone has peace and love. I really do.

Truly and Respectfully,

Laurie Allen

In great mourning the day of Donald's funeral in Alabama, in comes the heavy equipment and City trucks, unscheduled to illegally pave and drain to my property. All week.
9/8/14 They thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral. No one was advised. I had just been to every meeting prior asking how and when Seaview Terrac...
City Council Mike Hurley tells the public that he didn't know my brother died with an insincere apology. A horrible lie..Proof that they used my brother's funeral on 9/8/14. Below showed up on the City website stating paving would begin on 9/17/2014.

Posted on: September 12, 2014

City Road Construction

Paving and reclaiming the following roads. Crocker Road, Wight Street and Seaview Terrace.
Paving on Seaside Drive and Back Belmont Road.
This will tentatively be starting on Wednesday September 17th, and lasting a couple of weeks.
Prepare for possible delays and detours during this time.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Public Works Director Bob Richards at 338-2375.

9/16/14 Wolf Pack City Hall Meeting

9/16/14- City Council Meeting was tonight. Here is the link, below is a written summary specific to their calculated corruption. The cruelty is wrenching. Click 6 open to the public- I speak first, for 5 minutes. Click 7 communications, City Manager Slocum speaks on other issues, after that comes the wolf pack to tear me to shreds. Lying cowards. Shameful. 
They have stooped to an all time low, together in corruption and disgrace. I am sure the meeting is not going to be recorded. The station always airs a message for a least an hour prior- always by 6pm that there is a City Council Meeting that evening. By 6:30 the message was not appearing and the 9/2 meeting was airing- just starting. I called the Ned, he tapes the meetings. I've known him since we were teens in Bayside. I called from my land line- so he knew it was me calling. He didn't answer. I left a message that I was concerned the meeting was not going to be taped and to call me back. He didn't. I went to the meeting 15 minutes before the meeting was starting and  No Ned. I asked Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum why wasn't Ned here. He was always there by 6:30 - never this late- it was 6:47. I told them if Ned was not recording this meeting that I'd be back at the next meeting to say the same thing. They knew what I was going to reveal publicly.
Long time, honorable, kind and no non-sense, Belfast City Hall Treasurer, Rickie LaSan was present for my discussion before the meeting. Because she was there, Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum could not ignore my questions. That is why Joe called Ned, otherwise he would have let the meeting go unrecorded.

From: Sadie Lloyd <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: 2nd req 5/18 Re: 5/25 Montessori School Stormwater Management

Ms. Allen,
Per the e-mail Wayne Marshall sent yesterday, the Montessori site plans are available for review at City Hall. If any member of the public is interested in reviewing them he or she may do so anytime between 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. 

Sadie Lloyd
Assistant Planner
City of Belfast
131 Church St
Belfast, ME   04915

207-338-1417 x 25 (phone)
207-338-1605 (fax)

On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 4:37 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,

I googled site plans and certainly they can be emailed. Belfast City Hall meetings are hostile and controlling with police intimidation tactics. My attendance is dangerous and well rehearsed. Publicly and privately over the 6 years that I have pleaded with City Hall to stop the abuse and destruction to Seaview Terrace, my home, my children and my life. Noooo More.

You did not respond to this request, please comply.

"City Planner Wayne Marshall is threatening to me. He forces me to come to the planning office for public documents and does not provide the documents requested. Joe Slocum does the same. They are mentally abusive to me. I will not endanger my well being with City Hall abuse. City Planner Wayne Marshall sent me an email but did not reply direct to my email and omitted sections. He does this as a rule. That is manipulation, and also abusive. 

Snapping a picture of the stormwater management plans preliminary to final, upload and send to all via email eliminates the problem. Please email all the stormwater managements plans only with relating text. "

Laurie Allen

Dear Ms. Allen,

I have received your comment for the Montessori proposal. I will submit your comment to the Planning Board and for public record at the Board's meeting on the 25th, and any future comments you submit regarding this project prior to that meeting.

Sadie Lloyd
Assistant Planner
City of Belfast
131 Church St
Belfast, ME   04915

207-338-1417 x 25 (phone)
207-338-1605 (fax)

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:39 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,

Per the City website and copied below for the Montessori School project "Email comment can be sent to Sadie Lloyd, Assistant Planner, at" City Planner Wayne Marshall is threatening to me. He forces me to come to the planning office for public documents and does not provide the documents requested. Joe Slocum does the same. They are mentally abusive to me. I will not endanger my well being with City Hall abuse. City Planner Wayne Marshall sent me an email but did not reply direct to my email and omitted sections. He does this as a rule. That is manipulation, and also abusive. 

Snapping a picture of the stormwater management plans preliminary to final, upload and send to all via email eliminates the problem. Please email all the stormwater managements plans only with relating text.

Please share this entire email thread with the planning board and read the entire quoted red section for public comment in the May 25 public hearing/comments.

"The planning board must identify the stormwater paths from the Montessori site to the outlet paths to the bay.

Earlier Montessori planning board meetings indicated stormwater would flow into Seaview Terrace. Several culverts under Route 1  carry runoff from Route 1 South and North into the top of Seaview Terrace and behind Huntress Garden Apartments. I have followed the water from the culverts and it flows to the back yards of 10, 18,22,26 and 30 Seaview Terrace. Culverts under Seaview Terrace carry that runoff to my property as well. Forcing more storm water runoff into  Seaview Terrace private properties without any rights of ways, easements, where it is NOT a "natural" outlet is illegal along with the nuisance statute- sending accumulating run off to another. 

Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace

Belfast Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,

Please send me a copy of for the preliminary AND final planning board approval of ONLY the entire stormwater management plans (map and text for both- preliminary and the final approved site stormwater management plans) for the Montessori School.
Please confirm that these will be sent to me at each phase,  at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing planning board meetings.

Earlier Montessori planning board meetings indicated stormwater would flow into Seaview Terrace. Several culverts under Route 1 would carry it into the top of Seaview Terrace and behind Huntress Garden Apartments. I have followed the water from that culvert and it flows to the back yards of 10, 18,22,26 and 30 Seaview Terrace. Culverts under Seaview Terrace carry that to my property as well. Forcing more water to Seaview Terrace private properties without any rights of ways, easements or a "natural" outlet is illegal along with the nuisance statute- sending accumulating run off to another.


"The City of Belfast Planning Board, at its meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 beginning at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers of Belfast City Hall, which is located at 131 Church Street, shall conduct a public hearing regarding a Site Plan and Use Permit application submitted by the Montessori School to construct a new school located at 258 Lower Congress Street, Map 32, Lot 27. The public is invited to attend the hearing and offer comment to the Board, or may choose to submit comment in writing or via email. Written comment should be sent to City of Belfast, Code and Planning Dept, 131 Church St, Belfast, ME 04915. Email comment can be sent to Sadie Lloyd, Assistant Planner, at
The project involves constructing parking areas, driveways, stormwater management, and lighting. "

Laurie Allen

From: Wayne Marshall <>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 4:24 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Joseph Slocum; ward1councilor; ward2councilor; ward3councilor; ward4councilor; ward5councilor; Walter Ash
Subject: Cornerspring Montessori School Review

Dear Ms. Allen:
You sent the email identified at the bottom of this email to Sadie Lloyd, Assistant Planner, on Friday, May 13.  I have chosen to respond on behalf of the Department.

The Belfast Planning Board is scheduled to review and conduct a public hearing regarding the Preliminary Site Plan and Use Permit application for the Cornerspring Montessori School at its meeting of Wednesday, May 25.  As identified in our public hearing announcement, copy attached, the Department has a copy of the application available for public inspection at our offices between the hours 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday.  We do not have an electronic copy of the application available to send to you via email, and we are unable to scan some of the application because of the size of the plan sheets (larger than 11" x 17" which is the largest size document that we can scan).  Thus, if you want to review the application for this project, you will need to come to the City offices to do such.  We would be happy to make the file available for your review and inspection.  And, you are welcome to come and speak at the public hearing before the Board on May 25 or to submit comment via email or in writing.  I note that the Cornerspring Montessori School is the 4th item on the Board agenda, see attached.

The Board also must review and approve a Final Plan application before the School has the authority to begin project construction.  I anticipate that the School will be submitting a Final Plan application within 15 - 75 days of the Board's review of the Preliminary Plan application.  As you are not an abutter located within 150 feet of the proposed project, you will not be receiving a notice to abutters regarding the date of the Final Plan review and hearing.  As such, you will need to rely on either the City website or the Republican Journal for the notice date of the public hearing associated with the Final Plan review.  Our procedures for the Final Plan will be the same as for a Preliminary Plan, meaning that our Department will have a copy of the application in our offices that is available for public inspection.

Lastly, the statements you offered at the end of your email regarding how you believe stormwater from this proposed project will affect Sea View Terrace properties can be forwarded to the Planning Board for their May 25 meeting as public comment if you would like.  We would be happy to forward this comment or any other comment from you to the Board.  That said, as your email was sent directly to Sadie Lloyd, I only will forward your comment if you ask us to do so.  I also note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to address how their project complies with City stormwater requirements and potential impacts that a project may have on other properties. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

May 13, 2016 email from Laurie Allen: 

Belfast Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,
Please send me a copy of for the preliminary AND final planning board approval of ONLY the entire stormwater management plans (map and text for both- preliminary and the final approved site stormwater management plans) for the Montessori School.
Please confirm that these will be sent to me at each phase,  at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing planning board meetings.
Earlier Montessori planning board meetings indicated stormwater would flow into Seaview Terrace. Several culverts under Route 1 would carry it into the top of Seaview Terrace and behind Huntress Garden Apartments. I have followed the water from that culvert and it flows to the back yards of 10, 18,22,26 and 30 Seaview Terrace. Culverts under Seaview Terrace carry that to my property as well. Forcing more water to Seaview Terrace private properties without any rights of ways, easements or a "natural" outlet is illegal.

Wayne Marshall
City Planner

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