
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Auntiebully is me. Posted my comment in the Bangor Daily News this morning. You bet I'll be protesting next week with my new apron and oven gloves on.
auntiebully • a few seconds ago
“Front Street will go from what I call a very undefined street to having sidewalks, parking spaces and curbs,” City Planner Wayne Marshall said.

6/2010 Belfast real estate agents broke rules of ethics/disclosure/property inspection fraud and sold my children and me back into abuse, off the charts- community to State for 6k in commission. My #1 was no water issues, no streams. #2 was area development. Agents sell hell regardless, confident in the corruption system from Belfast City Hall to connected Belfast Judge to Augusta (including Realtor Commission, Governor and Attorney General) Nothing was selling then, I had many to choose from, agents chose to destroy us.Paying cash and needing to stay under all radar. No mistakes. One slim chance to get out. Friends and family fearing involvement. We were alienated and crashing since 2005.
4/2011- Just as we were beginning to heal and release fear, my 2x2x150' private property drainage turned into wild rapids. 4 ft deep, 12 ft wide, tearing through my yard for almost 2 weeks. Ripping away 1/4 of my back yard, my new 6k fence almost getting swept away. Beginning of hell with epic, routine Belfast corruption. Agents- City Hall- Enabling Community-Businesses- Charities-Church-DEP-EPA-EMA- a never ending wall of implicated participants. Family and friends involved and/or fearing involvement. 8 months follow of every City Hall door slamming me down, burying public documents, sending me down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, after surviving the fight for our lives. They counted on breaking me, smiling mob mentality. Most know that greed and illness.
11/2011 I go public with corruption, endangering our safety, at the Belfast City Council meeting. The same meeting that JB Turner first appeared with plans for the Front Street Shipyard.
11/2011 to present- Front Street Shipyard was built within 6 months as I begged and pleaded for a sewer- Belfast City Hall uses private properties to drain development run off and then deny. City Hall stating it is a neighbor to neighbor issue. Seaview Terrace is their illegal sewer, not a natural outlet, no rights of ways, no easements, force flooding and making us a flood plain, flood zone, endangering lives and destroying properties. Fully denying for 50+ years. So ridiculous, water doesn't lie. Neither do I. We pay our taxes and sewer bills for City Hall to destroy our private properties. Red carpet with our taxes for Front Street and assault after assault to targeted private properties.
Agents did not disclose healthcare development. It has been a war zone since I moved in. That's not the way of humanity, though City Hall, downtown, Our Town Belfast, Chamber of Commerce, media...sure do sell Belfast as compassionate humanity. No one else tells, they want to keep that hush, hush. Keep the turnover turning and retribution for Mom. Ali with robe, boxing gloves, morals and humor. Mom with apron, oven mitts, morals and humor. We Are The Greatest.
Working together is the way. Negotiations for Front Street were private for how long before public in 11/2011? Making sure projects were underway first-the harbor walk , the downtown revitalization money pit, the RSU with drawl, the harbor, the passy trail, court houses, Waterfall Arts, hospital, Restorative Justice/Detention, public works facilities, City buildings, Firehouse, the this, the that, the unknown changes of zoning and ordinances voted in through an enormous binder in 2014, agents listing zoning as "see town", dirty corruption and back stabbing and spending sky rocketing.
Front Street had to be overhauled. That should have been the only project, one at a time, budget accountability at every City Council meeting. Transparent for all to comprehend, working together with resident infrastructure/safety and ordinance/statute/zoning equality. Instead economic genocide to the targeted with a City website of ordinance intended confusion mandating City attorney interpretation. Written by the City attorney's to argue to the Belfast Judge, owning many. Not me. Mitts Up. Apron on. Turn on the Mobstah Lobstah pot.
Laurie Lee 


Today I rushed through several of my blogs to get this blog as a reference for my comment today the Bangor Daily News article on Congress Street, Belfast, Maine 04915. Linking a plan much bigger than Congress Street and Belfast. Portland, Brunswick, Rockland, Belfast, Bucksport to Bangor right up to the Department of Defense and MaineHealth takeover collaboration. See more on 

5/31/2016 Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly wrote in one of his many intimidating letters to silence me and deny public document requests with enormous files that do not contain the document. Again and again. City Council refusing to verify receipt of documents and informing the public that I am basically too stupid to know that I have been given the document. Kelly feeding their system by telling me to hire an attorney or engineer to break me completely. Kelly wrote the loophole ordinances, is a real estate agent, knows that surveys are corrupt because records are corrupt, allowing from more manipulation. If you have at least 30k to burn with rhetoric, Judge Patricia Worth, another Belfast Mobstah Lobstah will decide you're a dead Mom crawling. She did and does. With support from Judge Susan Longley and all the connected for JustUs. More letters and lies by Kelly, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall and then DEP Commissioner Aho on .

April 26, 2012
Re: Flood Plain Issue

Dear Ms. Allen:

I am writing to you in my capacity as Attorney for the City of Belfast.  I have reviewed a copy of your most recent e-mails to the City of Belfast dated April 23,25 and 26,2012.  I have been following your correspondence to the City for these last few months, and I am aware that you have a copy of my correspondence to the City Council, addressing the fact that the City has not  exhibited  control or  ownership  of the drainage swale/stream located on your property, which has been the subject of your  communications  to City Hall.

Your e-mails, at this point in time, and the information that you are requesting are repetitive from information that has bee previously provided to you, which includes documents and aspects of the ordinances of the City of Belfast that have been identified as being responsive to your request for information of the controlling local law that addresses your stream/swale, as well as the approval and permitting process for the hospital annex located near your boundary line.

I have also been aware of your comments in which you have derided and made unfair, insulting, and untrue characterizations regarding various City officials.  City official maintain a decorum and a level of respect for citizens that sometimes requires them to take passing insults and unfair characterizations somewhat in stride in their daily work.  It appears to me that your repeated unfair characterizations and defamatory statements have become a form of sport for you.  You couple these characterizations with your own versions and  characterizations  of efforts made be City officials in the last year in responding to your  requests.  It appears that it is time for me to advise you to stop harassing City employees.

You have been provided the information that you have requested and have been provided references to other tools within the City such as ordinances, documents, permitting process information and regulations.  You have chosen not to use the aid of professionals, and you have repeatedly stated that you cannot afford such help.  However, the system is fairly straightforward in that the City is required to provide you with information and materials, which it has done.  It has exhausted the information that it has available to it in providing you with responses to your requests.  There is nothing more any City official can provide to you, nor any other resources that you can be directed to which you have not already been directed to by the City officials.  The City cannot advise you when it disagrees with your position- that is a conflict of interest.  Your repeated requests relating to the same information are not going to lead to different information, nor different positions of the City officials.  The fact that you do not agree with the City's position is well understood.  However, there is no point, purpose or result that will be obtained in your continuing efforts  to make false and untrue statements and characterizations as to the efforts of the City officials.  City officials and staff employee time is a limited commodity.  It is not possible or practical for the City to continue to respond to the same questions and same observations from you on a repeated basis merely because you disagree.

The City officials have expended significant time and energy in addressing your questions and requests.  They have done all the can do and there is nothing more they can do at this point in time.  As a result, to the extent that your e-mails, commentary and questions are repetitive, there is no purpose at this point in the City officials responding to you.  That will be the course that is taken from here on regarding repetitive inquiries.   Therefore, your future e-mails, to the extent that they are repetitive and cover the same issues that already have been asked and answered by the City officials, will result in an e-mail from whomever you provide the e-mail to with the  simple  comment that there is nothing  further  that the City can provide for you at this time beyond what has already been provided.

I am aware that multiple residents on Seaview Terrace do not share your concern, do not share your methodology of unfair characterizations of City employees, nor the way that you describe the impact on your property's value regarding stream/drainage swale,  which  has  been  in the same approximate location for at least 50 years and certainly for a greater period of time  before  it was slightly moved by the developers in the late 60s.  I encourage you to seek legal an/or attorney or professional engineering advice to address your private issues.  I am happy to speak with your attorney or engineer at any time.

Thank you for your consideration.

Kelly & Collins, LLC
by: William S. Kelly

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