
Thursday, August 19, 2021

THE Raped v System Rape 4 Profit

White Lives Murder.                                                  Stop Raping Us.


Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2021 2:38 PM
To: Logan Perkins <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Answer This Only

1. Can you do the withdraw motions for my motions?

2. Can you motion for bench trial on the 4th?

Please respond on Monday,

Thank you.
(Bench trial for October 4th since withdrawing my very old motions for venue change, parole officer change and dismissal of fabricated charges are not relevant now.)

Below is one email thread, with above picture of my home, sent to the "81" list. I wrote 2 years of terrorizing, wrong, 11. NO DOUBT THEIR WAY SINCE AT LEAST 1960.


Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 7:25 PM
To: Governor <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; <>; <>; <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Perry, Bethany M <>; Roberto Struba <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; dave reardon <>; Clif Staples <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Molly Ross <>; June M. Moore <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: The Raped v System Rape 4 Profit
Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis,

Please confirm that you are mailing me hard copies of attached. I cannot print and you said you would mail me my court notices. Below are your emails forwarding these to attorney Logan Perkins.

The Judicial Notice of certain facts has found me competent to stand trial. It appears a hearing is set for October 4th but that should be the bench trial. To be free. Two weeks past what should be the end of probation of 2 terrorizing years on 9/15/21. As I remain under false arrest since 9/25/20, at home since 10/15/20. 

I will expect my copies from you by tomorrow or Friday the latest.
Thank you.

Laurie Allen

From: Perkins Law Office <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:45 PM
To: <>
Subject: Fwd: Notice  Hearing - Allen
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Brooke Otis <>
Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Notice of Hearing - Allen
To: Logan Perkins <>, 

Attached please find the Order on Motion For Judicial Notice of Certain Facts. 


On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 3:13 PM Brooke Otis <> wrote:

Waldo County Courts 

Docket No: WALCD-CR-2018-139, CR-2020-332, CR-2020-466, CR-2020-581, CR-2020-714

Name: Laurie Allen 


Attached you will find a Notice of Hearing for the above referenced matter. Please note: an additional copy of this Notice will not be sent to you by mail. This is your notice for the hearing.


If your client is incarcerated, please notify the Court as soon as possible in order to provide enough time for a Writ to be processed.


Any motions to withdraw, continue, etc., must be filed with the Court.

Attachments: Notice of Hearing, Order Regarding Competency

Brooke Otis
Clerk Waldo County Courts

Annalee Carroll, Administrative Assistant
Perkins Law Office

Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 10:15 AM
To: same 81 list
Subject: Re: The Raped v System Rape 4 Profit
Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,

Per PO Lori Lamma below, I am not to go to her office for check-in today. I am not responsible if her call gets hacked today which is why I insisted on an in person check in at my home, her office or through email.

I am home and my phone has been working but I haven't conversed with the hacking parties to violate my probation. This email serves as proof. PO Lori Lamma is forcing this call check in. If hacked she can come over to check me. At the window. Do not arrest me. My ole Gordon is hurting. 19 years old. Anytime now. Have mercy.

Laurie Allen

From: Lamma, Lori <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 8:26 AM
Subject: Reporting

Good morning, Laurie,


Please don’t come in to report in person today.  I will call you at 11:30 instead.


Please let me know you got this email.  Thank you!


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Suite 202

Belfast, ME 04915

O: 207-338-4108


Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 9:57 AM
To: same 81 list as above
Subject: The Raped v System Rape 4 Profit
For Our Children,

I tell.

Love Always,

This story was written by Robert Lane and Paul Meskil.)
At 10:10 a.m., Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Joseph Corso began the sentencing hearing. He announced that the two psychiatrists who examined Berkowitz during the last three weeks - Drs. Daniels Schwartz and Richard Wiedenbacher - had found him mentally competent to be sentenced on his previous guilty pleas to the Son of Sam murders and assaults. ...

My competency is stellar and proven through 60 years. ADA Entwisle and Dr. Barter are trying to cover up documented, massive, life threatening, rape retaliation done to me by the State of Maine, MaineHealth, Waldo County government, City of Belfast government, connected commerce, community and silence her neighbors. 

Mob mentality for 11 documented years, led by their guru, Dr. Donald Lombardi, Mr. Healthcare Global System Drug Rapist Instructor, Professor and Department of Defense Military Might. Drug raping innocent, tough, girls like me. I said no. He drugged me unconscious and had at me all night long in Freehold, NJ, January 1981. My 20th birthday was December 31, 1980.

They want to find me incompetent, to force drug me through State connected mental health like Dr. Barter and system. Claiming I am paranoid delusional against system government and healthcare. Years and years of fabricated charges, false arrests, terror and abuse by all of the above that is pure heartbreak, will be dismissed. Because the State does not have evidence. Opening up lawsuits to the 10's of millions. Fabricate her as incompetent to stand bench trial for clear dismissal for zero evidence. 

Drug her to suicide for good this time Doctors and nurse practitioners. Or clear this innocent female to her clean 60 year old record and life, buy her home for a compensated, undisclosed amount. Let her go to live away from the State of Maine. Private and safe. Ohmmm. Please.

Finding the serial rapist and killher, Son of Sam competent to stand trial vs. Protecting serial system rape 4 profit. I am competent. I Stop Rape. 

Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 7:09 PM
To: <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Competency Decision
Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis,

Please advise if Judge Robert Murray has written his decision. Please mail me the decision with full record and advise of mailing date.

Thank you.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915


8/17/21 8am I spoke with Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis and she states that there is nothing scheduled for me and she will notify me directly of any future scheduling.


Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 7:20 PM    To: Brooke Otis <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>

Subject: Re: Defendant Rests
To All,

FYI- I filed my hard copies for resting defense in person to clerk on 8/2/21 with numbered and initialed copies of the final arguments of back up attorney Logan Perkins and ADA Entwisle for the competency hearing mailed to me by Logan Perkins.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 6:58 PM
To: Brooke Otis <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; 'James Greeley' <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Defendant Rests
Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis,

Please confirm that there are not any court hearings scheduled for me. I have not received any notices. All notices are sent to me and back up attorney Logan Perkins as you well know.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen

From: Brooke Otis <>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2021 1:30 PM
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Defendant Rests
Good Afternoon, 

Please note that email communications cannot be considered by the court.  If you wish to file something for your case it needs to be done by hard copy filed with the clerk's office. 

Thank you 

On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 4:33 PM LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:
Waldo County Clerk Brooke Otis,

The Defendant rests on the briefs to date. If the decision finds me incompetent to stand bench trial, the decisions will be appealed as told can be done by court appointed backup attorney, Logan Perkins.

Logan Perkins will not be available to do the appeal for 2 weeks if an appeal is necessary. I cannot do the appeal without Logan Perkins. 
Thank you 
Laurie Allen

rom: Logan Perkins <>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2021 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: No rbttlRe: Hate to Female re:remove Lamma
Also, are you planning to file anything in rebuttal? If not, I would suggest that you write a letter and say, "The Defendant rests on the briefs to date." This is so that the court is not expecting, or waiting for an additional response from you or me. 

Finally, I wanted to let you know, I am going out of town, and will be off the grid for two weeks starting tomorrow afternoon. My assistant Annalee will be at the office processing mail, and will send you a copy of anything we receive in your case, including a decision on the competency issue if one arrives, but just be aware that I will not be responding to email during that time.


Brooke Otis
Clerk Waldo County Courts

***End of email thread sent to Brooke Otis and all for court notification and FYI on Monday, 8/16/21 @ 7:20 pm***

 From: Lamma, Lori <>

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: 8/19/Sim /Stop Rape Retaliation

Hello Laurie,


Please come to probation in person this Wednesday the 18th at 11:30 a.m. to report in person.  You will have to wear a facemask in the office.


Thank you.


Lori Lamma

Probation and Parole Officer

2 Franklin Street, Suite 202

Belfast, ME 04915

O: 207-338-4108



Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 8:16 AM
To: rvezza@starledger. & List of 80 below

Subject: 8/19/Sim/Stop Rape Retaliation

Attorney Logan Perkins,

It is understood that you and PO Lori Lamma have been unavailable for communications for 2 weeks until today 

This thread informs of those 2 weeks and difficulties with hacking. I did zoom on site at Acadia with Hillary Stewart on 8/12/21 for one hour. It was an excellent session.

Please advise how PO Lori Lamma will check in with me on Wednesday, 8/18/21 at 11:30 am. I have not received any response from the Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty. 

As proven, my phones (both my primary phone and SafeLink phone) are hacked to cause violations. It is safest for me to stay home. PO Lori Lamma has come to my home for check in. That is safest. I can talk to her from my window and I am a mile away from her office. 

The COVID outbreak in Belfast, Waldo County, and MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital continues to stay in high transmission and I am not vaccinated.

Please intervene and advise by 5pm today of check in, cellphone is not possible. I ask for PO Lori Lamma or another corrections officer to come to my house, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast for check in on Wednesday, 8/18/21 at 11:30 am.

Thank you,
Laurie Allen


Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 5:09 PM
To: and 80 list below

Subject: Sim Re: Stop Rape Retaliation

Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,

When I got home from Acadia today, I immediately sent out the email below advising of the appointment. I had not used my phone until then. I had it shut off.  

The Sim card symbol appeared and did not go away. After I sent the email,  I tried to make a call and could not. It was about an hour after all received the email that I was able to make a call. I had assumed my phone would be hacked if I called to make the appointment today as I wrote I would in this email thread.

I drove there to make sure I would get the appointment and I was correct in my assumption. However, I have never been hacked through my Sim card where I can't make a call.

I keep advising of interference to cause probation violations that are beyond my control. I go above and beyond to comply over these 2 very difficult years as I am taken, cuffed and falsely charged, arrested, put into 2 months of illegal involuntary psychiatric hell, harassed, abused, it's never ending. Until, seemingly,, ending me succeeds.

I stay in my home to protect myself and wait for the 2 years probation to end on 9/15/21. Quite a long time for clear first amendment rights when I simply said on a video that was not sent to anyone thanking Belfast City Council, City Manager, City Planner for being my target. No threat. A flippant remark with precedence set. Probation for 2 years is excessive and I assumed a plan. Not paranoid, history dictates this retaliation.

I hope to travel safely to my appointment on Thursday in Bangor and back home. I hope my truck doesn't get vandalized again. I hope to be free soon.

On Wednesday, 8/18/21, PO Lori Lamma is to call at 11:30. I cannot trust my phone at all. Please advise if PO Lamma can come to my house for this check in. Or check in through email. Or I can come to her office. During our last phone check in last month, that call was hacked with PO Lamma. Please advise how PO Lori Lamma will do my check in, via phone is not possible.

This is bad. Corrections Commissioner Liberty please help me. I am innocent and a survivor. Retaliation is proven. How can women survive system retaliation for standing up to crimes against them by the system?

Laurie Allen


Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 11:58 AM

To: all 81 in email below 

Dear Corrections Commissioner Randall Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,

This morning I drove one hour to Acadia, Bangor and made an in-person zoom appointment on 8/12/21 on-site with Hillary Stewart. One hour back and I enjoyed the outing.  

I comply with probation completely. I do not lie. I am good. I am kind. I am funny.

Laurie Allen


Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 7:50 AM
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Democracy Now! <>; <>; <>; The Clooney Foundation For Justice <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; William Entwisle <>; <>; <>; Annie McGowan <>; 'James Greeley' <>; Kathleen Greeley <>; Perry, Bethany M <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jon Carman <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; lora mills <>; <>; Clif Staples <>; georgeallen99 <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Roberto Struba <>; Hillary Reed Stewart <>; Senator Susan Collins <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Fsp <>; <>; Molly Ross <>; <>; <>; Rick <>; <>; <>; <>; dave reardon <>; LIHEAP Email <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Stop Rape Retaliation
To All,

Below post from my blog, is difficult to believe. 

Tomorrow, I will call Northern Lights Healthcare, Acadia, Bangor to make an on-site zoom probation counseling session with Hillary Stewart. I don't think Acadia can refuse this appointment. 

It is difficult to watch Cuomo, all the media and retaliation charges. As my 7th grade Civics teacher, Ms. Hughes said "Life Is Never Fair." I live fair. 

Laurie Allen

            Ohmmm Please



No charges to Lombardi. Next. Free Me From State of Maine. Next. Ohmmm.

Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:36 PM
To: John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Dr. D. Lombardi Steven's Institute Professor System Drugging Rapist Global
Dear DSgt. Reiff,

Thank you. I can rest knowing I did all I could.  


Laurie Allen

From: John Reiff <>
Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: Pedigree Info

Miss Allen,


Good News, I figured out that the apartments you are talking about and from what you explained and what I found doing some research, it did indeed happen in Freehold Borough.


Here is the bad news: As I stated in my earlier e-mail, NJ has no statute of limitations for certain criminal charges including sexual assault.

My legal advisor has gotten back to me and explained that NJ has a sliding scale starting back in 1979.

I have attached the statute of limitations sheet for sexual offenses for the state of NJ.


It states and of course I confirmed with my legal advisor, that based off your time line when the crime occurred in 1981, It’s 5 years,  so we would have needed to charge/indict by June 1986.


Unfortunately, the law states that we could not charge him even if we built a case on him.  


I wish I had better news for you and if I can help you in any other way, please let me know


DSgt John Reiff




DSgt. JohnT Reiff

Freehold Borough Police Department

Detective Division

36 Jackson St

Freehold NJ 07728

732 462-1234




Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 2:29 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; Jeffrey Trafton <>; <>; William Entwisle <>
Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty and PO Lori Lamma,

I have not received any direction to complete my probation counseling in a Belfast government facility. I cannot schedule another appointment with No. Lights, Acadia, Hillary Stewart without a government line because of hacking.

Please do not charge me with violation of parole conditions because this is not my fault or Hillary's. We have been imploring PO Lori Lamma to set up a secure line for a monthly 45 minute session.

I cannot safely travel to Acadia to zoom on-site.  The fabrication of the Belfast Police Blotter writing I was in Bangor on 9/25/20 and was arrested for a parole violation, when I was home (not in Bangor since 3/2020).

Then Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint without a warrant, no violations and I am still under arrest for that frightening arrest. Jailed until 10/15/2020, then house arrest with an ankle tracker.

Please allow me to have a phone or zoom counseling session with Hillary in a government location on a government phone. Please respond. 

Thank you.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 6:17 PM
To: <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,

Supervisor Cory from Adult Probation, 941-4713 left me another message to call the same number, 941-4713 which is a recording of all names and phone numbers to contact each person. His name is not on the list as I wrote before.

I left another message for Supervisor Corey and gave my blog address for him to read the emails to you. I said that I have given the information with Waldo Corrections to you. I gave my email address if he needs to contact me again.

My probation is up on 9/15/21 but PO Lori Lamma motioned for a hold after I was taken down at gunpoint and falsely arrested on 9/25/2020 and am still under arrest for that fabrication. It is clear the next plan is to find me in violation of counseling because PO Lori Lamma refuses to help through courthouse or probation office phone or zoom counseling. 

It is proven to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary Stewart. Where I could easily be arrested for fabricated charges as was the attempt on 9/25/20. Failing a warrant, because I was home. Proof that travel is too dangerous for my safety, health and absolutely unnecessary. 

If probation will not be vacated, then I have a little over a month left unless I am punished further since PO Lori Lamma's motion to rescind my freedom on 9/30/2020 places me back in jail or psychiatric holdings.

Counseling and any other mental health orders must be through Acadia for reasons stated with Maine Health that also includes area providers in Waldo and Knox County and all associates of Maine Health.

Hillary Stewart cannot take anymore hacking sessions and contacted PO Lori Lamma to make sessions available to me through zoom or phone in an available local facility. PO Lori Lamma will not assist, deeming violations instead. 

At this time, there is one more session that could be appointed before probation is to end on 9/15/21. I have been in psychiatric holding and observation from 1/8/19-3/7/19, undergone 2 more psych. evals after that. One with Acadia in 11/2019 with counseling since. The second with the State's forensic psych eval with Dr. Barter. All trying to paint me as a delusional paranoid. Acadia does not drug me. All this expense and effort for someone who presents stability, sense, patience, compliance, is law abiding and was drug raped. My history and present is upstanding and honest.

I will wait for an email from you, Commissioner Liberty or your assistant for future counseling direction with Hillary Stewart. She will not take another appointment for a hacking session through my phone. PO Lamma misleads and does not "want me to succeed."

This is so dangerous to my health, rights and freedom. Please free me. An innocent 60 year old, low income, Mom.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 3:20 PM
To: <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>; <>; <>; Governor <>; <>; <>
Subject: HELP
Dear Corrections Commissioner Liberty,

I wanted to advise you that I posted this entire email on my blog. A supervisor Corey has left a message to contact him. I left a message back but I don't know who he is or why he is contacting me. 

Please have him email me as my phone is not safe for important calls. I want everything documented for my safety. I have a voicemail but I cannot pick it up. It may be from him.

Here is the post from a few hours ago. Please remove probation and ask Governor Janet Mills to clear my fabricated record completely. I prove my innocence with my life history. 

Laurie Allen


 I have decided to post this email to Maine Correction Commissioner Randall Liberty since I did not receive a response from his assistant.  I am not breaking my word.

After my call with his assistant, Colleen (or Collette) was hacked, I called back and got voicemail. I explained that my phone counseling with Hillary Stewart at Waldo Judiciary was hacked and witnessed by security officer, Dan Leavitt. He let me use his phone to call Hillary back to fulfill my probation counseling that is constantly hacked.

PO Lori Lamma has refused requests from Hillary and me to set up zoom or phone sessions in a government facility in Belfast as I had to fight to get done for the State's competency evaluation against me. To fail at home to violate probation and be jailed again. Proven again and again that PO Lori Lamma and Waldo County Corrections is working to violate my probation.

Ditto with counseling from Northern Lights Health, Acadia Behavioral in Bangor with Hillary Stewart. Although at the Acadia intake, the evaluation protected Dr. Donald Lombardi by not stating his name, stating I was raped by a night school teacher and that I worked in a factory. Making it appear as I was going for a G.E.D. , rather than to college for a business degree. I was working full-time in accounts receivable at NJ Aluminum, No. Brunswick, NJ.

I went to No. Lights Acadia because Maine Health has been causing great harm to me personally since 2011 abutting my backyard. Maine Health illegally held me in psychiatric hell, Spring Harbor for over a month, taking my blood, abusive and getting Judge Mary Kelly to force drug me. I do not have a diagnosed mental illness and was not in crisis. 

Four Belfast Police SUV's came and cuffed me at 10:30 am on 1/8/2019 as I was cleaning my house. Kidnapped brutally. Taken across the street to MaineHealth Waldo County General Hospital ER. Held and abused over the weekend, papers favricy, signed by Judge Walker and Dr. Daniel Britton. Blood drawn and 2 days and nights in a glass suicide room where staff tried to force meds and my signature for psychiatric treatment. NO, NO, NO.

Kidnapped from there to Maine Health Spring Harbor, Westbrook for a horrifying month and then to Riverview State Psychiatric for another month of drugging.

Unable to break me, they continue through fabricated charges, more false arrests and hacking to my counseling. Trying to force me to travel to Bangor for onsite zoom counseling with Hillary. Which is what they fabricated on 9/25/20 when Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint. No warrant. No violations.

However, the Belfast Police Blotter stated I was arrested in Bangor for a parole violation. I was home, getting abused at gunpoint by the lawless.

They arrested me at home, in 7/2020, fabricating disorderly conduct. Locking me in a cement, windowless room, from noon till 4 am. Not allowing me out to urinate, forcing me to go on the floor like an animal. To Somerset Jail, eye scan. body scan, lice shower... Years of this lawless abuse to protect themselves and Lombardi's rape 4 profit ring. By one brave, honest, good girl. Little Laurie Allen.

I take back this email not to press charges against Lombardi. Coverage of NY Governor Cuomo's sexual abuse gave me back my courage.

Please clear my innocent record and free me. 


Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 7:46 AM
Subject: Over&Out?
Dear Commissioner Liberty,

I had to see all this through to you. Matter of Duty. There is nothing else I can do and no one will step in publicly. No one. I am sure.

I propose this. I cease all actions. All. Maine to NJ. My blogs will be private and remain private, always. I am compensated as fair as you can manage with non-disclosure through assumption of 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast.

I will move out of State and am done. I will not report, write or push this any further. I want privacy and safety as I did when I moved here on 6/28/2010. 

I will not pursue rape charges against Lombardi.  I can rest knowing I did all I could. Force drugging me again is not an end and not for the good. 

I will sign an accepted agreement that can be done with Logan Perkins, my court appointed attorney. She is on vacation this week and next.

I hope always. I can meet with you or this can be it. Continuing this is worsening for all. I will not post this. I only do that for the little protection I can give myself. 

I spoke with your assistant, Collene, Collette?, and our call was hacked. I called back later and left a message on the recording. If she could call and leave me a message that my emails were received, I can stop. I will not answer the phone and will keep everything private. You have my word. Honest and true.

If this is acceptable, DSgt. Reiff has to know either way. Please advise.

Thank you Commissioner Liberty.

Laurie Allen


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