
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

NJCASA DSgt Reiff Cmmsnr Liberty



Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 9:09 AM
Subject: Serial System Drug Rapist Dr. Lombardi

I was drug raped by Dr. Donald Lombardi in 1/1981. Below are emails to Freehold NJ police department where I am currently trying to file a report. Below that is an email including Lombardi, and many as I fight for my rights to life against Lombardi's powerful system including the "State" of Maine and statewide healthcare. It is very frightening, disturbing and I am pro Se. 

The State forces court appointed attorneys on me to get a plea deal. Logan Perkins is the 4th one since fabricated charges began in 2017 after posting of Lombardi in social media, news media, my blogs, etc. My current main blog is that includes the emails proving constant denial of my rights as the State of Maine with 11 Judges, violate Judiciary rules and constitutional rights without accountability or fear. First hand. Very corrupt and rape for profit.

Attorney's are equally corrupt, statewide. I have wasted years trying to get representation including the ACLU. No one will help. I have tried several law firms in NJ to file a lawsuit against Lombardi and am hitting his wall. 

Freehold DSgt. Reifff is stalling. I do not leave my house because I am on system surveillance even with the ankle bracelet shackle that was on my innocent 60 yr old leg for 700 days removed. They scanned my eyes and body for another fabricated charge and arrest in 7/2020 at Somerset Jail in Maine. I am hunted.

They kidnap me from my home. The last was on 9/25/20, no warrant, no violations, Sgt. Fitzpatrick broke my door down at gunpoint, hoping to shoot but I complied silently and immediately. I am still under arrest as the State tries to find me incompetent to stand trial. Because there is no evidence. Ever. I have never had a record and am upstanding courage for right. 

They can put me in psychiatric holding again and force drug me again. It's insanity corruption for profit by the system. Against me proving their rape for profit, intake females, therapy, drug.... Lombardi is their Guru. I am the problem to be eliminated. Many attempts but not successful. 

Media will not interview me. It's unbelievable. Brutal terrorizing against me full force since 2017 from the State to Waldo County to Belfast, Maine Health, the biggest employer, 22k, abutts my property, Northern Lights Healthcare, all private providers, even dentists. They work together to silence rape, abuse and horrors directed by Dr. Donald Lombardi. 

Filing a lawsuit against him will force media to report. I hope. How many students, military, employees, clients, patients, endless list have been drug raped by Lombardi and his system? This must be reported for national news. I can't get that done. Please help us 

My phone gets hacked as you will read. Internet has been taken, I keep trying through this $35 Android cellphone. Emails don't get hacked. They may read them. Most likely. I can't leave. I have tried. For many years.

My witness statement link is in the email with the Freehold Police and my blog is full of information and documentation.

Thank you for all you help.

Truly Innocent,

Laurie Allen from Exit 9, South River, NJ for 49 years.
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915

(I don't answer most calls. Messages are left if caller is valid. I can't trust our system. Lombardi is so dangerous and global.)

     From: LAURIE ALLEN <>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 5:09 PM
To: John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Re: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission
Dear DSgt. Reiff,

He is a professor at Steven's Institute, Hoboken. Can you do a check on his past residencies? He was working at American Hospital Supply, 120 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ., in 1981. He knows I contacted your site to report him. The email with his bio is on my blog . 

I don't know what apartment complex he took me to. I thought I was going home after he got his important message so I didn't pay attention.

Does NJ have a statute of limitations for drug raping?

Thank you.

Laurie Allen

From: John Reiff <>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 2:40 PM
Subject: RE: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission

OK, We’re definitely getting closer.

The Freehold Borough/Township border is right there.

Based off the year, I’m guessing Post and Coach apartments or the Stonehurst Apartments which ironically, one is in the Borough, One in Freehold Township.


I’m having a problem making out some of the writing on your statement, The photos are not as clear as I would like them. That is why I’m asking the questions.


Do you remember the landscape?


Please let me know




Sent: Monday, August 02, 2021 11:44 AM
To: John Reiff <>; LAURIE ALLEN <>
Subject: Rapee: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission


Hello Sgt. Reiff,


Dr. Donald Lombardi took me to his apartment in Freehold. It was close to what was Van's Restaurant on Rte 9. That is where he took me to dinner as written in my witness statement given to the Belfast Chief of Police, 6/9/20.


Rape does not have a statute of limitations in NJ? I didn't think so then I saw that man raped by the Cardinal in NJ on the news last week. It reported that statutes had run out but since the Cardinal was from Massachusetts, they can prosecute.


Thank you.

Laurie Allen


From: John Reiff <>
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 9:18 AM
To: <>
Subject: Freehold General concern /Inquiry submission


Miss Allen, Good Morning


I received an e-mail that you submitted on 7/30/2021 at 7:59am regarding an incident that occurred in 1981.

I’m sorry that happened to you,  but unfortunately,  I need more information so I can help you.


In New Jersey, where the crime was committed is where the crime will be heard and hopefully prosecuted. So I need a little more information.

Where was the crime actually committed, Specifically in what jurisdiction (Town) If you know. When that is established, then we can

Figure out where to move forward.


Please let me know,



DSgt. JohnT Reiff

Freehold Borough Police Department

Detective Division

36 Jackson St

Freehold NJ 07728

732 462-1234

(Email thread in below post with Lombardi's bio is pasted to this email sent today , 8/4 to NJCASA. DSgt. Reiff has yet to respond to my 8/2/21 email.

I also emailed and called Randall Liberty, State of Maine Commissioner of Corrections informing him of constant hacking to my probation therapy to cause violations through PO Lori Lamma and Waldo Corrections. I asked for his assistance. No response to date but a probation supervisor Corey ? (Last name inaudible) left a message to call him at 207-941-4713. I did but it was a recording in a general box to leave a message if name was not repeated on list. Corey was not on the list. I left a message as instructed. I always comply.

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