
Monday, January 7, 2019

In Mental Healthville Villains.The JustUs & Family Mental Break Attempts to Me

9 months after closing, 6/28/10, spring melt sent torrid rapids through my property for 2 weeks. Minister Tarpley had filled it in to sell undisclosed hell. This water is on my property, and is a 4 foot deep, 12 ft wide ravine for the City of Belfast to send all runoff from miles and miles.

9 years later, the City of Belfast and the mean are still attacking. Beyond a reasonable doubt.

3/14/19 I'm back and done. Please let me stay free and silent. I did my best and paid the price. I thought I could make things better. I thought wrong. My children have endured enough. Blame real estate agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews (retired). I never would have bought this property on 6/28/2010 if they would have disclosed the water. My number one, no water, in or out. They knew I was relocating and needed to stay under all radar. They sold me water hell thinking I'd be quiet. If I only knew, I did everything right. No mistakes. I only wanted to live in peace and privacy to heal with my children. It's taken over 8 years of our lives. Escalating beyond belief. Never breaking the law but pushing back too far. I am sorry. I am not proud of my language or behaviors needed to push back and hold the line for my property and against rape. I have no proof of rape in Belfast and want no part of it. I was catfished? with fictitious Shannon Berry and fictitious law enforcement involvement. Naive. I tried to help Shannon Berry, putting her first for weeks. Ask the neighborhood, I was begging them to help Shannon too.

I wish I never had to document with blogs. I had a hard time staying on the high road and got caught up in the way of today. Crass gets attention. I embarrassed my children. I am most sorry to them. They deserve better. I'm better than that. I did not drink or curse while raising my children. I spoke at over 150 Belfast City Council and Belfast Planning Board meetings from 2011-2017. Quite a few of my speakings are on my youtube channel and I am proud of them. They were difficult.

All that truly know me know I am not mentally ill. Innocent with a brave. truthful freedom of speech. That's me.

10/19/13 Uneducated, unaware, it is epic in Belfast City Hall. Calculating, convincing, power control, heartless and dangerous when exposed. No doubt, facts and behaviors are here. Condescending ego is your first clue. I see 2 clue ego's in Planning, 1 Downstairs, 1 across the street and possibly 1 or 2 in City Council, probably a few in Planning Board/Zoning Board of Appeals

High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization

Document Information:
Title:High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization
Author(s):Alan Goldman, (Arizona State University, Glendale, Arizona, USA)
Citation:Alan Goldman, (2006) "High toxicity leadership: Borderline personality disorder and the dysfunctional organization", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21 Iss: 8, pp.733 - 746
Article type:Research paper
DOI:10.1108/02683940610713262 (Permanent URL)
Publisher:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Purpose – This paper aims to assess highly toxic personality disorders in leaders, implications for organizations, and methods for assessment and intervention.
Design/methodology/approach – Action research was used, including a thick description case study narrative and application of the DSM IV-TR.
Findings – Personality disorders are a source of a highly toxic and dysfunctional organizational behavior; borderline personality disorder in a leader may serve as a systemic contaminant for an organization.
Research limitations/implications – A qualitative, case study approach may not lend itself to replication or quantification; usage of the DSM IV-TR requires clinical training in counseling psychology; the growing incidence of personality disorders in leadership warrants cognizance, ability to assess, the creation of early detection systems and methods of intervention.
Practical implications – Through the narrative of a case study researchers and practitioners can obtain a glimpse into the day-to-day operations and nuances of a highly toxic leader and how it impacts an organization; interventions and solutions are provided.
Originality/value – This paper calls attention to highly toxic leadership and organizational dysfunction by investigating borderline personality disorder as a prototype.

You are invited to view Laurie Allen's photo album: Corrupt Dismissal Maine REC/DJ Brown Full Property Inspection
Corrupt Dismissal Maine REC/DJ Brown Full Property Inspection
17 seaview terrace belfast maine 04915 - 
Aug 2, 2013
by Laurie Allen
Proven without a doubt- intent non-disclousre to push sale. Other album on actual complaint filled with proof also, More with linked with City of Belfast- investigator did not want those documents. Failure to disclose stream/swale/ditch with unstabilized banks- raining that day too when inspection done- stream visible yet not reported.
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You are invited to view Laurie Allen's photo album: Real Estate Commission Investigation 42013
Real Estate Commission Investigation 42013
17 Seaview Terrace - 
Apr 24, 2013
by Laurie Allen
BHG Town & Country, Listing- Bill Ingersoll, Selling-Jan Andrews(retired) Owner- Earl Black unethical, proof of undisclosed nightmare stream,property inspection, disclosure, flood zone maps, my map, pics, estimates for 4/2011 spring wipe out, Puzz Caswell local realtor and previous owner of me home send lying email, DEP emails for information ignored, more on DEP and City Corruption at
m. Earl Black, Town & Country owner tries to buy my silence with 7k for sellin...
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Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 12:55 AM
To: my friend, my son; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Fw: This explains all for freedomFw: $150 TrackHER Fee

Michael and Rick,

I didn't get any response from either of you. Did you guys get my message or did Jr. hack this? 
Rick- can you get someone in the AP to do this story, that I have been falsely arrested and shackled for 10 months, unable to be heard in court for complete dismissal of charges and records? And a civil rights attorney to present with me the dvd of target shoot with precedence to Maine court.
Target shoot 10/2017 Innocent, first time shooting, don't own a gun and have spent the past 7 years holding Belfast City Hall and Council accountable. To no avail, I let off pressure with humor and lots of F bombs. I don't like that. No more F bombs. At 6 min 18 secs I name City Council and say thanks for being my target ya assholes. This is on my youtube channel playlist John and Me. Never sent it to anyone, just for John and me. Chief McFadden, you are very ill. Leave my life alone and check yourself in.

Freedom of Speech Precedence
Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”

As stated, Fitzgerald is the one who I believed when I read this in 2013 and have stood up to the corruption. Just to me and mine. My property, my life. All first hand proven. He stepped down as AG and is a partner with this law firm. He is in Il. hails from NY. The firm is top 5 and has an office in NY. I believe none of my contacts over the year has reached anyone, my cell phone gets hacked too. Proven when I called metlife to make a payment last year 800-get-met8 usual number I call every payment. This time when I called, it was answered with customers calling in that day were eligible for a cruise to the Bahama's promotion at half price. I never went on a cruise, thought I was getting karma for being so beat up, and booked for John and I. At the end, it cost 2or3k, for both. I booked it for Stt Patricks Day (it was September 2017 when I called in.) November 1,2017 was the first false arrest and in December I called to cancel it because it but they wouldn't. I called Metlife and they said they did not offer a promo that day and would never do that. I was hacked on my cell phone but after I booked that cruise I did get over to Metlife c/s to pay my bill because they had record of that call.

Maybe send an email intake- that is what I've done prior to hacking with Maine attorneys in 2011 when this first began and I got responses. No Maine attorneys for this- that was for consultation on City flooding to my property. Only consultation. he told me to do it myself, that I'd spend 10k in attorney fee's before a paper was even filed. He was from a top firm too and he was true. He won't touch this and got nasty with me. I called a few times trying.  Has to be an out of state attorney. Let me know ASAP. Either way. I need to know so I can prepare for next. 

With Love,

Patrick Fitzgerald - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

POSTED BY: LAURIE LEE ALLEN Oct 16, 2013 08:29
Hello Community,
Lets Go Already!

Public Corruption

The Costs of Public Corruption – And The Need for the Public to Fight Back
by Patrick Fitzgerald
U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois

...Corruption can also change the face of a community. Over and over, for several decades, some Chicago aldermen have given away public benefits, like zoning rights and city-owned land, to real estate developers who, in turn, have lined the aldermen’s pockets and campaign purses.
Undoubtedly the most harmful consequence of endemic public corruption in a community is the apathy that it engenders – the culture of acceptance. Over many years of seeing corruption in almost every facet of government, many residents of a community begin to simply accept corruption as the immutable status quo. They come to assume government is broken and ineffective and destined to function corruptly. The consequences of this culture of acceptance in a community are many. Some residents simply disengage from the political process and no longer trust their government to function well or in their interest. Other residents may come to believe they must engage in corruption in order to gain government benefits themselves. Still others will begin to look the other way when they witness corrupt transactions. And honest folks are discouraged from entering politics or suffer from the skepticism engendered by others’ misdeeds.
The culture of acceptance makes it very difficult to detect, investigate and prosecute corruption. Although there are a variety of federal statutes that we use to prosecute corruption, including fraud, bribery and extortion statutes, as well as RICO, prosecutions cannot be successful without truthful witnesses and willing cooperators. Because voluntary assistance from the public in corruption cases is often hard to come by, we use many investigative techniques that assist us in gathering evidence and requiring cooperation, such as the use of grand jury subpoenas, grants of immunity, consensual recordings, and wiretaps. Using a wide range of these tools to vigorously investigate corruption can lead to convictions of corrupt officials once thought to be above the law, which, more effectively than anything else, demonstrates that the public need not accept corruption. Successful prosecutions that show that no one is beyond the reach of corruption statutes serve to encourage, empower and mobilize members of the public to work to change the culture of acceptance. We are grateful in the Northern District of Illinois that juries time and time again have rejected the argument that corruption is acceptable because it is the “Chicago way.”
In addition to the need for effective prosecutions, federal prosecutors must engage in community outreach to ensure that all residents of a community know that they can have a voice in stopping corruption and that they need not accept corruption in any degree—at any level of government. In the Northern District of Illinois, we try to send the message as often as we can that community involvement is critical in rooting out corruption. We regularly communicate that residents must take an active role in their government so that it properly functions for them. We also emphasize that the vigorous efforts of law enforcement should not be used as a rationale for the community to stay silent. The public’s refusal to accept corruption is the first line of defense in the fight against it.
While corruption will never be eliminated from our communities, vigorous investigation and prosecution of corrupt officials can serve to reduce its harmful effects and, most importantly, greatly diminish the culture of acceptance.

Sent: Saturday, January 5, 2019 8:20 AM
Subject: This explains all for freedomFw: $150 TrackHER Fee

Hi Michael- We have never discussed what I actually am doing, why and how. This tells it well. Yesterday, I sent the first email below in this thread to the State Of Maine to prove they are trying to get me out in public by having to get a money order to pay for this tracker every month. Hacking my Camden National Bank sign on so that I would believe them (the Belfast bank) when they told me again that I could not generate a bank check online from my account- billpay. This was big yesterday and I made sure all the big wigs and Maine media were advised in the email.

But it does summarize facts, facts you do not know because I never talked to you about all of this. You witnessed me doing things but never getting the whole picture. This gives it. I hope you will be proud of me now. 
Sent: Saturday, January 5, 2019 7:12 AM
To: my friend; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Fw: $150 TrackHER Fee

I want to bring it all together in this email with as little not needed at this time information cause I been busy and I know what I am doing. Anything you may think to tell me to do I will have done or cannot or have reasons, I'm thorough. That is why I got off FB, waste of my energy explaining and then no one wanted to read what I wrote. 

This is not about me and there is no one better to do this than me. Lifetime of these behaviors that produces Trump with the public in twitter wars while these same powers destroy the world,humanity and the innocent people are going to the powers that are destroying with petitions, marches, split into metoo, black lives matter, this, that. All under one is the only way, I say make it Protect Mother Nature. That en-capsules all, who doesn't believe in MN and she is blowing her lid off. I work for her and she picked me before I shot out of the vagina as Jr.'s punching bag. I had my fist formed as I flew out. 

Most of the evils are Borderline it's epic and so easy to implicate innocent people, especially with children. So, try not to advise me until I give you more facts. Only one can do this directly for accountability. I know that from Joe and Jr, using others to alienate them from you is another tactic. These are in books, I'm educated on this shit. Fascinating  too. DBT was great, they know Borderline and the coping skills they teach you to keep on point with these brilliant evaders are key.  

For me and the civil rights, I've got several and they are separate. Prison violations are FBI under color of law- they would not let me into the law library, and others. I filed a complaint with the FBI on my Blog and to Susan Collins, our bitch that voted the rapist into the Supreme Court. I was pressuring her big with the proven rape ring here. Everywhere, Judges left off rapists with barely a fine, pedophiles, domestic abuse, etc. Money. Orders all into court order therapy, meds, feeding the system. New court house, one for all facilities. on and on all through Maine. Getting more secret about that now that I've been the only one to see it all, post it where I can, and stand on my property where many hear me. 

MaineHealth complex is 100 ft away- Dr.s, nurses, dialysis, out patient services (the hospital is across the street, I'd walk over there with protest signs under the blog a few years ago to bring attention to this rape, intake system, but other takings came crashing in next door so I stopped protesting completely. Knowing I was step away from gone girl gone. I push right to the limit.

Until me. They underestimated me and what I know and how to focus on one at a time, till done, whether resolved or nothing else I can do because most are afraid. With good reasons. I understand. It's documented and exposed. Next. And all related to Seaview, my property, my family, no heresay and I tell the truth. City Council meetings, planning board meeting, face to face and they run. I keep at it till the line of gone. Retreat to home and keep the pressure on.

It's what we are supposed to do, I thought everyone did. No one does. They dabble making it worse. Like taking antibiotics and not finishing it, allowing it to come back stronger. Exactly that. You have to stick with each conflict. One at a time, push the other shit they throw at me away. I've gone far. Governor, AG, and Judiciary. Getting them is getting change. No one has gotten them, look at Kavanaugh. I got em. The State of Maine. I am holding that fucking line tighter than a gnats ass for this civil attorney I hope you can score for me. A true one will jump on this. Change the course. Restructure government and system. 

Students the doers, they need the road paved and I got that. Here ya go kiddies, I'm right behind ya. Do this, not that, there ya go. You got this. Sit yourselves down on campus. no fucking more for the more's. Boycott all the more's. No one needs the shit they sell or make you take. No one. I'm your proof. And I ain't nobody. Nothing they can do to me except kill me. Then they got another problem. I'm relevant and many can use me for their cause. Dead or alive. I have no problem dying but they are going to have to do it on my property. They will not. I am in a fishbowl.

Maine is the litmus test and probably other rural states for different strategic reasons. But Maine is a gold mine because it's been transforming slowly and all coastal. Now it's on steroids with Maine Health, Bath Iron Works, Zumwalt's, all the defense contractors are here and have been for a long time. To keep funding, they intake the little, poor, families, addicts, addict them themselves, etc. I see. I don't listen to what is told. What do I see. All this and I know what all this is. I ain't stupid, ain't owned, ain't in debt. I can do something and I do. Otherwise I could not live with myself. This is what I do Rick. Always. Fix what I see that I know I can do something about. Not protest for shit that doesn't get anywhere. A waste.

State of Maine is hot on the Title 15 Forensic Evaluations. That is the ticket to remove any problem from the public and/or fund the system. That Mills and Jr. and the corrupt criminal attorney David Sinclair that comes to the jail as the attorney of the day were setting me up for a Title 15 and if I did not refuse it then, they would have had me. Then to motion for it in court? They were sure to win. By the skin of my teeth, I was lucky to have went to court to get that protection order against the meat next door. He's taken that to the Supreme Court right now to try and get it overturned. It's under decision right now. I could give a rat's ass, it was good for the Title 15 win but didn't stop any of the hate crimes to me and property with the coppers part of it.

I read last year that a bill was on the floor that would allow Title 15 for gun holders as part of the process. Maine is a free carry, hunters can have 3 rifles I think. Buh bye hunters that say fuck you to the State of Maine. Or just get shot because they own a gun and the cop felt threatened. No different then a highway shooting but these rural's don't get it. I told John and asked him- you are a hunter, they can take your guns, what are going to do about it. He got mad at me and is doing nothing. His choice, but I got it out and put it on my blog.

Pot is legal as State. Not Feds. They grow the best pot Rick, have been since when. Massive cultivation state wide, pot heads galore. Like Jerry Garcia's. So cool and I love them, chilling playing music. They my kind and they like me too. John is one and introduced me into their group. They are not paying attention at all either. Many got those Pot Cards and now the State has their weed farms on record with MaineHealth and the Department of Defense. On that I have posted on there the MaineHealth website announcing in 2012? I think that the Department of Defense has joined MaineHealth in colloboration. WTF when I read that? DoD accessing health records? That ain't no good, no how. No one cared, John blew it off too. Fine. I got it out there. Next. 

When I got bail conditions, they forbid me to have alcohol. Thank you. I am an alcoholic and was dry for 30 years and was picking back up again with John. He doesn't drink much but I was starting to go, go, go. And started smoking butts again and weed. 30 years of stopping all of that and I was coping all this evil with party city in me home. Dance, sing, I party right. No crying. Turn it up. So thank you bail conditions. 
Rick Otto, case manager said I could do pot though and that I should get a Marijuana card. Right, I'm gonna do that. I said nothing. But most have thinking they are legal to sell, limiting their plants, etc. Any with the card and plantations are prime for the Feds to take and now MaineHealth has the farms and is charging arm and leg as meds. 

The fear do anything here is incredible. I am lucky I did not know. So many have come up to me to tell me how brave I am. I did not understand. I thought for what, doing what we are supposed to, what we are even told to do, stand up, see and tell, protect rights and children... Service people are dying abroad, civilians must honor them by standing up to corruption. Of course. We must. Right. Wrong I guess. I am not book smart, never cared about wars or government, had no idea it was corrupt. I was too busy with family corrupt. Which if everyone held their family accountable they would not spiral up to Hitler, Trump, State of Maine, etc. 

So, none of government will investigate any of the government crimes I have first hand encountered and documented. Including Corey Booker- NJ. I called his office months ago to be sure I got his office. He was running for re-election I think, and I thought he could be one to jump on this. No. Eventually I got hung up on by the guy taking my information. In the south with those shootings, the ministers- no they didn't respond, metoo movements, I've been spot on with contacts but I don't know if I got to them because of hacking. That is a book in itself but one proof is Jr.'s email after I got out of the joint and him telling me I need help, go for the title 15, the Judge will go easy on me...

I can't trust anything on the internet. I know that for many facts that are too many to list now.

Finally, with my target shoot and not even being a gun owner, one would think I would be the poster child for the NRA and civilian gun rights. I needed to get to a gun shop to call the NRA from there and witness the call. That was during the spring, a month after I broke out of the joint.  I was sweating bullets as I set out for Vans Outfitters in Brewer. John had brought me there, I bought binoculars, other stuff, and was yappy as usual. I was going there because they knew me. Alone. With a tracker on me, beep, beep, she's headed out. You bet I was scared. Had to drive past Maine State Police Station too. About an hour drive where I could have been picked off but I got me a big super king cab 2005 F150, plates say Joi Z. The meat hate me, my truck is supreme. 9500 from Richie in Long Island. First day on Craigslist I got it. Another story with my airstream.

I get to the gunshop, get the manager. I want to use their phone to call the NRA and I need the phone number. He's not happy. Tells me I can't use the phone bu gives me a pamphlet with the civilian help line to the NRA. I pull out my cell phone and call right there and leave a detailed message. Done. I leave. I get into Bucksport and get wifi, and get on my laptop to send an email on the NRA website to confirm the phone call with a written email of the facts. The only spot I could find on the NRA website to send an email was under training. I click that, all training for law enforcement. Holy shit. I sent the email under the training. Got back confirmations, tried to reach them several times after. NADA. They ain't for people's gun rights. That's big scary. Thank Mother Nature that I don't own a gun. They would have killed me as a threat long ago. As it is, each time I walk into court, protest, even in the target shoot, I always say, I don't own any guns, don't shoot me. Yet Mills arrests me for that shoot as terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. Fuck You State of Maine. Over my dead body.
From: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2018 11:07 AM
Subject: Message Received at National Rifle Association

Thank you for your inquiry to the National Rifle Association. A representative will contact you directly.

Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 10:05 PM
To: my friend
Subject: Re: $150 TrackHER Fee

You are not understanding. I did nothing wrong. Nothing. Not even protesting or going to City Council meetings anymore. I tried to sell my house, no one would list it for me. I put it up for sale by owner. No. I tried to get property elsewhere- all hacked to wear me down.

I bought the airstream and truck to get the hell  out of here. Just lock up the house and go. That is when they started with the false arrests on 11/1/2017. And another, and having to stay for court. Not to be heard, sent to Superior Court for some fucking dispositional conferences, during this shit and the Judges not allowing me to be heard, escalated it with AG Mills. This is her job. Next door lot has a garage on the boundary line. The original owner of my house from 1967-1990 (died and brothers had this and the lot next door. Where Dr. Caswell, original owner bought that lot with the house but it is 2 lots. At some point he put a garage, concrete floor, right on the boundary line, just over it by inches on the 2nd lot. It needed to be 20 ft from boundary but since he owned both, I guess no one had a problem with. And the Caswell's are specials (elite-ew). 

City started flooding Seaview Terrace while Dr. Caswell had it, fought it (I didn't find out all this till years after I bought and got destroyed by water, right through my yard. My number one when buying was no water issues period. Streams, foundation, nada. I know water problems from Bayside- my summer love next town over.) I got property inspection, asked lots of questions, drove up here to see property, no mistakes, I was going to make it out against the odds. Fred Roselli, my attorney, hadn't even filed the contested relocation papers when I closed on this place on 6/28/10. I could have lost and been homeless in NJ. I took a 70k cut to sell South River dump to buy this- I had other choices and I was thorough. I was looking for a year prior with real estate agent in Belfast prior to being railroaded into this hell. The owner, Minister Tarpley, filled in the f'ing ravine before I came up during Christmas to see 8 homes. Had grass planted and it was level across, 2 inches of snow had fallen but no streams or water disclosed. That's what they do. Sell hell and then those people sell it to another. Shhh. Agent turnover paradise. I went through that for 2 years, up to the realtor commission, the agents all hating me now as I exposed so much real estate corruption along the way. Commission dismissed me stating I should have done "a more exhaustive search on the property." Intown, across from the hospital, not  rural Maine. I was f'd with that but I was going to tell anyone buying here to beware, protesting in town, and so on. Leading into more corruption just on my street. 

Trying to change our zoning, I fought that, they lied said they would not zone us for medical offices. A few years with that with them refusing to give more public documents. The City attorney stating I got them but was too stupid to know what I was looking at. Mills supporting Belfast. Refusing to investigate. This house is all I had left, no job, Joe wiped me out, no 401k, nothing. With Michael in school. I had to protect this house and my property. That's all I have been doing.

So next door was put up for sale by the other Caswell brother (he died actually, so it was his wife Karen) But the garage was on the boundary and they should have got a variance from zoning when they owned both lots but they did not. Too cheap I guess and knew they were special protected. So as people come to look, I am telling them that the lot is not in compliance, it needs a variance. Which I would have signed off on, I didn't give a shit- it's a garage. To build a house would be on the other side. 2 years go by and old people come and introduce themselves and say they bought it. I tell them to get the variance and I'll sign it and we can live happy. The say, we're friends of Judge Worth. She had screwed me out of 6k in small claims against my ex Joe. He had Megan steal 6k from me and said he would pay it back in emails for 2 years. 

Because he took my house in Bayside, I could take him to small claims here and I did. Well, that was the beginning of fuck me in court. They gave Joe the carpet and Judge Patricia Worth, hubbie John is a big wig too, they own a  real estate agency, conflicts of interests of no matter to anyone here because all comply, owned. Not me. After she did that to me, I was out in the court house protesting her corruption too. The PD was coming after me, so I protested in front of the PD too. City Hall. doing the American thing, thinking the community would support rights. No fucking way. Mob Mentality like you ain't seen. I've known some of them since I was 9 and quite well. They know me, never lie always standing up to say hey- you can't do that to any I see harming someone or something.

The Cameron's are big. Own mountains in Camden Hills State park, paving company, and the one's that claim they bought next door. They start building in May 2017, no planning board meetings, abutter notices, nothing. MaineHealth has been doing the same right behind me. Massive slaughter and construction. I'm not protesting this shit cause they will kill me. I know and there is nothing I can do about it. Just hold onto my property till I can get out of here. Cameron's just take 20 ft of my property, driving in stakes. I have deeded surveys that were removed from the registry. The 20 year tax assessor Bob Whiteley had them out on his table one morning when I stormed his office in 2012 after he was at my house the day before. He had to give me a copy. The Holy Grail. It's for all of Seaview- original boundary lines. Bob later told me after he retired that City Manager Joe Slocum flipped out when he found out I had them. They have been trying to change boundary lines all corrupt shit for MaineHealth take over.

I told them to buy me out again and again. No way. They were destroying it with flooding to take it for nothing. It's called Inverse Condemnation. For 2 years, I've been up against big meat next door to keep my property. My house would not be in compliance if I gave in. They mauled my boat when I put the trailer and sunfish on it to stop them from putting their heavy equipment on it. Every day another assault with new neighbors watching doing nothing. From Massachusetts. Seems many on Seaview are in on the corruption but acted like they weren't. Cops supporting the corruption and coming after me none stop on my property. I'm taping everything and Just doing the best I can. On my property. 2 years.

Those 2 false arrest of harassment began with them where I had been trying for over a year to get a cease harassment against them. Instead they chased me down the street, 2 cruisers as I was walking with John and that was in October 2017. To escalate to the terrorizing, criminal charges that is not true and will not hold up in court. But not in the State of Maine court. Corrupt State wide.

I'm dead Mom walking if this does not get in media and if I can't get a simple f'g civil rights attorney from out of state to go to the hearing for dismissal. It's open and shut, but not by a Maine attorney or me as pro se. Kill her with my brother's help. I know way too much now. I did not want any part of this rape ring and they dragged me into it. Chief McFadden thinking I already knew but I did not. I do now. I got that out there and that's all I can do. I was not raped here and I do not know anyone personally. Just the woman that came to me at jail after she got arrested for being raped. Choke marks around her neck, dislocated shoulder, it was unbelievable. Then she got scared and left. I don't even know if she is alive because they saw her talking to me. After that, I was told not to come to Tuesday Jail Bail check in day. Every tuesday I had to go to check in with Rick Otto, case manager- I found him on Linkden- he's the liason after the women get out of jail. To make sure they stay scared and in the system.
He acts like he is a pumpkin head, it wasn't long before I figured him out and called him out for it. That brought me to realize that the State of Massachusetts has a huge presence here. It's all with MaineHealth coastal takeover with Department of Defense.

Ain't my business but they ain't letting me out. I need that Fitzgerald or any civil rights attorney to file this motion for the Title 14 Section 556 Maine Legislature and I'll be free and get the hell out here. Never to return again. Whether the house sells or they take it. I got an airstream and truck, I will be fine. And do lawsuits from out of state. Spectrum will be a big one and first. Settlement will be quick. Then I can breathe and think what to do, keep trying to help or go hermit. I want to go hermit but if the young ones want me to get this country on the road to America, I will do that. 

I'll  keep going for President. Oy veh, funny but I could do it. I know I can. I'd rather not but if I'm meant to than I will. Mother Nature is my boss, I am sure. I should be dead a few times by now. Many agree, including the Emergency Room Dr. @ St Joe's Bangor. Here's a clip I filmed. Let me know if you can't view it. Somehow many of my videos' have been changed to private but I make them public. All should be public on my youtube channel. If you could check more for me, they are good to. You'll be like Wow Laurie. Girl you brave and naive. Yep. I know now. I was damn near dead but not. They did a catscan, I was sure I had an aneurysm, clear visions like in that Michael movie with John Travolta. Did you see that movie? I am chosen, it happens.

A South River Rat, no degree, nothing special. Just honest and loud. Cursed with boobs and cute. I'd have gotten alot further if I was butch. These meatheads are turned on to get me. I am not kidding. I am not leaving this house again. This thing today with the local bank was a trap to force me out to get a money order. That is the only thing I have to leave for. I order food online from Sams. I don't need to go out for anything. No Dr.s, no nothing. I quit smoking, no drinking. I'm set. 

Get that Stewart AP guy to tell my story. If this can get in national media then a civil rights attorney should jump on this. So should Fitzgerald if he is who he says he is. I was skeptical on being able to send him and email so easily. You can't do that with law firms. Especially a top. You have to call or go through email intake. Never direct to a partner. The assistant I called from the email isn't real either I bet. So if you could try and call him and get a someone to get my info from the blog for intake that would be a relief to know. He should, this is what he is all about. Google him, I found him in 2013 when I was researching govt corruption. And because of what he wrote that the public must hold government accountable as the AG for Illinois, I did. And am dying for it. It's his fault. Tell him that and to save me.

AP owes me too, they put me out as a terrorizing with a dangerous weapon Mom to the world. My turn to tell the truth about that. Right Rick? Of course but I can't get him to do it. When I told you you said they were lazy. Please don't blow me off. You can help me, please try your hardest. You have connections, you know me and I would do it for you. Your Janet's brother. I'd do it for Janet, no need to ask. Please Rick. A few phone calls. 

the first encounter with Belfast District Court when I was sandbagged in 2017, the first hearing. This is proof beyond proof. That Brooke Otis is corrupt big, her husband is the bailiff too- Ryan Otis at the jail, he saw that the jail falsely arrested me and walked away. I got them both too. It's all of them State of Maine. . 

Here's the shoot,  precedence, Title 14 Sect 556 
Target shoot 10/2017 Innocent, first time shooting, don't own a gun and have spent the past 7 years holding Belfast City Hall and Council accountable. To no avail, I let off pressure with humor and lots of F bombs. I don't like that. No more F bombs. At 6 min 18 secs I name City Council and say thanks for being my target ya assholes. This is on my youtube channel playlist John and Me. Never sent it to anyone, just for John and me.  

Freedom of Speech Precedence
Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”

The article also includes some related cases or topics that had far more intent and malice than your own. Look at those, too. (This is from my son this summer. Saving Mom and coming to evacuated Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/18 with me where it was to be my bloodbath. Judge Murray called recess and never came back. Never hearing my motions to dismiss and clear record under Title 14 Section 556. Murray stating now that he did and denied the dismissal. Refusing to give me his written decision. The transcripts I had to pay for (4 or 5 so far, costing me close to 2k) are tainted, I can't even read them all. What is the point? Nothing is legal, no one is true. 

The jail has to take the ankle tracker off. THE COURTS WILL NOT- I have been motioning for 10 months now. No, no reasons, just no. I am to die Rick. Ok if it's to be. I am tired and I don't want to live in a world that would let me die for protecting all. Fuck that. Right. But, if I can live and begin the change. Let's Roll.

Don't be mad. I'm just me. Ya know. xxoo.

From: my friend
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: $150 TrackHER Fee

OMG & WTF  Get your ankle free and walk away. I understand not wanting to walk away when your in the right.  Personally I would rather be free to roam than correct and behind bars.  

Keep your mouth shut and your foot out of it and simply get away and go visit a friend out of state.  Do not argue with anyone or say anything without being spoken to.  Simple answers to questions, yes sir no sir and WALK AWAY.  Your not giving up your simple retreating to re-evaluate and re-asses the situation on your terms not theirs

On Friday, January 4, 2019, 2:46:47 PM EST, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

Two murder attempts, I stopped trying to get anyone from NJ or anyone I know to believe me. I've uncovered a fucking State of Maine Rape Ring -local to State, Spectrum even Jr. is in it. Knowing I was to die a bad raped death after a 3rd? false arrest to take me to prison- Two Bridges Correctional Facility in Wiscasset.  25k bail, false charges from a stupid target shoot in October 2017!! Corrupt court won't fucking let me be heard for dismissal, pro se because it's all false. 

But I can't get media outside of Maine to interview me, hacked all the time, Spectrum cut all my services in 1/2018, finally found this internet service during the summer- but I don't know if what I do goes anywhere or even appears as I post it. The rape ring didn't come till after I got out by a miracle on 3/2/18- 7 days in jail. hunger strike, I knew I was going to get raped to death in there. 

No one to know, Jr. knew though. He's been alienating me and hating me most of his life but no one believes that either. He was the only one I could call for bail when they kidnapped me for the 2 nd time. 25k for chrissakes. Knowing I didn't have it. I called Jr. He answers, I say Jr. they will kill me, please post the 25k bail (he's a millionaire by now with Beeline Cable/GetBeeline) he say's "Yeah, well about that" I hung up. 

After a bullshit trial in the jail, they had to reduce it to a still astonishing 5k thinking I didn't have that either. I did, that's all I had, in cash at the house. John knew it, was trying to pay my bail with it Tues., Weds, Thurs., I could not make contact to him or the outside. By Friday, 3/2/18, the guards hate me bad, I ask if my bail has been posted. A snicker no at 8:30 am. I knew John was there trying to pay, the night guard had got me a phone call out to his nucking futs mother the night before. I gave her instructions for John to find the officer that transported me to TBCF, Laurie. She was honest. 

He had to be in work by 9am so I knew he was at the Belfast jail trying to pay @ 8am-8:45am. When the guard said that, for the first time I cried. I was not getting out and I was going to get raped to death the weekend at a free for all in the jail. No doubt about it.

But one of my jail bitches that I made friends with was leaving at 9am, her time was served. I got her, gave her instructions for the outside, written and verbal. The guards watching but not able to stop us from talking. She walked out at 9am. 10 minutes later "Allen, transport back to Belfast NOW!" 

They (Two Bridges) were not going down for this with Kim taking my information. That is what saved me. When I got back to Belfast, John was waiting. All proud that he got me out, saying Captain Walker told him that he was going to get me right now. I asked John if they had taken my bail payment by then. No. I said there you go. They were not taking that bail from you. I was to die and it would be because of any reason they wanted to make up. No one would know. 

John said he tried to come to Wiscasset to bail me out there but they said no. It had to be paid in Belfast because they had to place an ankle tracker on me. It's been on me since then, 3/2/18. Brutal restrictions to places I go- drug store, downtown, Court house, Police Department City Hall, Library, endless all places that they can't legally restrict me from but it doesn't matter.  Then Governor LePage and AG Mills, now Governor Mills know I know too much. Mainehealth system intake. Take, break, rape, for more. That simple. I need media Rick. Get me an interview. They will kill me.

6/6/18 Waldo Superior Court- They put me into Superior Court for my motions to dismiss because only Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle, and gun twitching Marshall Dudley are there and an owned court clerk. As pro se (all attorneys are part of it-ALL)  for 8 years, I go alone. No one will support me, all are in fear and owned. MaineHealth and govt are most of the employment here. 

On 6/6/18, Michael was here. I asked him to go with me. He found the precedence with Obama on the target shoot, totally clearing me with that but not necessary. I said nothing wrong in the youtube video that I posted in October. I'd been calling AG Mills out on FOIA corruption in emails to her and everyone in the State. On 2/23/18 I called all of 5 of her Judiciary out on Canon Rules violations with a recorded hard as nails message I left when she didn't pick up my call. On my youtube channel and blog.

 I document to the hilt. That was the night 1 plain clothes came in the dark after 6pm to try and lure me out of my house. They had been to my house so many times with the hell next door trying to take my property for 2 years. Judge Worth's buddy. Seaview is surrounded by MaineHealth. It is the Gaza Strip of Belfast. I am the only one stopping them from taking it. 8 years and counting.  2 cops in bushes jump out to break my door in before I can call 911. They have told me not to call them anymore because it goes to them anyway. I said I don't care, it's a national registry documented call and I will call them. I grabbed my phone while running to the door to open it, got my address into the call before the ripped the phone out of my hand and shoved me down the road to a hidden cruiser. Into jail. Buh bye Laurie

Oh back to 6/6/18. Michael and I walk into the building. No security, no scanners, no one in that busy building right in Belfast. The Waldo Deeded Registry is in that building too. Evacuated. Holy shit. Couldn't leave cause they would shoot me or arrest me for whatever. We walk up the stairs and into the court room. Which is like the Vatican- domed ceiling, artwork, old and beautiful, descending down stairs to the court room floor. No stairs- they step up a portable like court room when we walked in. I knew, Michael did not. 

It was to be my bloodbath. Murray coudln't do it when he found out Michael was my son. Instead he denied my motion to rescind bail conditions, Mills was trying for a Title 15 Psych. Evaluation to say I was not competent to represent myself pro se (that is the threat, the attorneys sell out the client, cut deals, blah, blah, blah. No one can do pro se because they prevent it. Each hearing they tell me to get an attorney, NO.)

A month before I had just won a protection order against the Tazmanian Devil Meat City next door to me, building an office building out of compliance. For MaineHealth and JustUs. Check out an old blog but spot on With that Protection Order and Michael there, Murray had to deny the Title 15. That was their baby to silence me. Then Murray abruptly calls recess, not hearing my motions for complete dismissal including records under Title 14 Sect 556. My savior if I can be heard. I look at Micheal and said, is he going to the throne or is he done. ADA packs up and leaves, I guess we're done. I wait and wait for court rescheduling. Nothing. Can't call the court clerks, they lie for JustUs. I am banned from the Courthouse, can't work my case. Illegal but it's State of Maine wide. I have to stay alive and keep trying to get someone to interview me outside of Maine. 

I get falsely arrested again, luckily John was still with me and posted the $500 bail. He can't handle this and turns out he has Borderline but not bad because he is a good guy. But can't handle any pressure and has treated me badly, too many times. It's the Borderline, he winces when I tell him what he does to me. Anyway, I go in for that hearing alone in August and it was a sandbag. They had all the charges on the dockett- 2 false harassment charges and a false terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. I thought they might try that so I had all my files and lap top with me. 

This was another JustUs. Retiring, Judge Fowle (2nd time I've had him) I keep at it that I have not been heard and he finally says that his notes indicate that Judge Murray heard the dismissals on 6/6//18 and denied them. Lie. Ada Entwisle was there and I said you know he did not hear it. ADA says well, my notes indicate he did. I said the transcripts will prove it and I ordered those after the hearing. They are tainted (I've spent close to 2k in transcripts of crap for 4? 5? false hearings, but I have to do that to keep going in court) I motioned for Murrays written decision of that hearing. He denied it. 

Next is to appeal to Superior Court but that will be another sandbag and the rules are so strict, so much bullshit, I can't get to that yet. The City is crashing down on me with false liens on my house for taxes, water and sewer bills that are not in arrears but they say they are. Who can stop it?

I keep trying but they have alienated everyone, including my children from me. I have no one. It's called gaslighting. I put your name on this today to see if it would get to you. Not thinking you would respond.

Rick, this is big. I can't go into all of it, it long and sick. And true. Please find someone to interview me. Do you know how many lawsuits will follow, beyond millions. You get my story out, you would be a very wealthy man too. Not to bribe you, just to make it worth your efforts. It may not be easy, it should be. I'm in a capsule, they control everything I can do.

 I bathe with my underwear on. I know they have me up on a porn site. Chief McFAdden is the head rape ring, jail birds telling me he rapes since his radar days 40 years ago. the became Detective for Maine State Internet Porn- I'll send articles and video's of media slaughtering me when I was in jail. Certain I would not get out to sue them.

Little Buddy, thanks for caring. For whatever you can do. I'll keep going until. They have to flipping with my running for president- ya never know but it should help with media attention. One would think.

From: my friend
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: $150 TrackHER Fee

WTF is going on with you girl

On Friday, January 4, 2019, 12:29:02 PM EST, LAURIE ALLEN <> wrote:

Case ManageHER Rick Otto, Governor TRAFTON Mills, Sheriff TRAFTON, Chief McFadden,

I have placed myself under witness protection self house arrest for over 2 months now. I will not endanger anyone to ask for assistance not even milk.

Camden National Bank in Belfast has told me that I can't pay the County of Waldo through online. I had to go out, walking up Route 1 with a wagon, to make a spectacle of myself for safety, to Hannaford for the money order to pay last month.

I called CNB again today, 338-2800 (Belmont Ave) and spoke to Tracy. Again stating that I cannot generate an online bank check from my CNB checking account to pay Waldo County to track each crevice of my body and life. For fabricated charges, shackled since 3/2/18, an innocent Mom who has never had a record, nor violated any of these brutal conditions Governor Mills has ordered.

Tracy said to try Western Union. I was setting up the account and had to call Officer Holly Castle for the address and I told her that Western Union may not get it there by the 12th and could I have leniency if it arrives after the 12 with confirmation that I did it today.

Officer Castle suggested online bill pay through my bank. I said they told me they don't do that and I have Camden Nation Bank. Officer Castle said she has them too and does online bill pay through them. 

There was no option for me when I sign onto CNB to pay online. I called Tracy again (3rd time today) and was told she was in a meeting. The man that answered did not identify his name the 2nd time I called and I got him the 3rd time and asked. Nick. I asked him to walk me through the online bill pay. He said he did not know how and put me on hold. After awhile, I hung up and called the 800 CNB.

They helped me but it was not easy. I was getting hacked as we went through it, getting the online banking to appear and set up. We finally got it through. Officer Castle told me the new mailing address is 10 Public Safety Way but that address was not being accepted. The rep and I saw it change to  6 Public Safety Way which is the address for  Waldo County Sheriff's Office. A bank check for $150 from me, Laurie Allen generated and gave a latest delivery date of the 14th.  Including today, the 11th would be 6 business days to deliver. The due date of the 12th is Saturday, making it due business day 1/14/2019.

History dictates that the State Of Maine can do what they want to me, even while sheltered in my home, innocent of any wrong doings my whole 58 years of life. Truth is the threat to the State of Maine.

This is an FYI that the $150 brutal abusive monthly charge, after wiping this below poverty (18K) Mom out with 2 murder attempts in your custody is on it's way to 6 Public Safety Way. Please do not take me out of my protection for claims that I have violated bail conditions.

I am running for President in case you didn't know. Perhaps media will finally let me tell the truth about me. Slaughtering me globally with lies of terrorism in February 2018. Certain that I would not get out alive to tell the truth and sue for libel slander. Well, we'll see. I'm howling the truth from my home with my beagles. I do what I must. American. Ya know. Freedom of Speech. Not in Maine Media's vocabulary. Every day is a new day to be American. Come on over. Let's chat. Bring some milk too. I miss milk. That's all folks. Vote True.Not Blue, Red, or EW.

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