1/5/2019 1 pm Today's post is the Maine Supreme Court Appeals going down the toilet. Flush. Go to www.LaurieAllen2020.blogspot.com
This toilet blog will remain for City sewerage. Court JustUs will be on my presdential blog. Don't ya just love me. Love to hate me. Potato, potatah. I love me.
Here Comes The Mother
For All Not JustUs
For All Not JustUs
No Charge
My Honor![]() |
www.LaurieAllen2020.blogspot.com |
Nobody is better than me. Nobody.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2019 12:28 PM
To: rick.otto@mainepretrial.org ; Governor; Jeffrey Trafton; chief@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mstewart@ap.org; aobrien@freepressonline.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; news@pressherald.com; news@villagesoup.com; news@penbaypilot.com; tgroening@islandinstitute.org; wabi@wabi.tv; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Rick
Subject: $150 TrackHER Fee
Case ManageHER Rick Otto, Governor TRAFTON Mills, Sheriff TRAFTON, Chief McFadden,
I have placed myself under witness protection self house arrest for over 2 months now. I will not endanger anyone to ask for assistance not even milk.
Camden National Bank in Belfast has told me that I can't pay the County of Waldo through online. I had to go out, walking up Route 1 with a wagon, to make a spectacle of myself for safety, to Hannaford for the money order to pay last month.
I called CNB again today, 338-2800 (Belmont Ave) and spoke to Tracy. Again stating that I cannot generate an online bank check from my CNB checking account to pay Waldo County to track each crevice of my body and life. For fabricated charges, shackled since 3/2/18, an innocent Mom who has never had a record, nor violated any of these brutal conditions Governor Mills has ordered.
Tracy said to try Western Union. I was setting up the account and had to call Officer Holly Castle for the address and I told her that Western Union may not get it there by the 12th and could I have leniency if it arrives after the 12 with confirmation that I did it today.
Officer Castle suggested online bill pay through my bank. I said they told me they don't do that and I have Camden Nation Bank. Officer Castle said she has them too and does online bill pay through them.
There was no option for me when I sign onto CNB to pay online. I called Tracy again (3rd time today) and was told she was in a meeting. The man that answered did not identify his name the 2nd time I called and I got him the 3rd time and asked. Nick. I asked him to walk me through the online bill pay. He said he did not know how and put me on hold. After awhile, I hung up and called the 800 CNB.
They helped me but it was not easy. I was getting hacked as we went through it, getting the online banking to appear and set up. We finally got it through. Officer Castle told me the new mailing address is 10 Public Safety Way but that address was not being accepted. The rep and I saw it change to 6 Public Safety Way which is the address for Waldo County Sheriff's Office. A bank check for $150 from me, Laurie Allen generated and gave a latest delivery date of the 14th. Including today, the 11th would be 6 business days to deliver. The due date of the 12th is Saturday, making it due business day 1/14/2019.
History dictates that the State Of Maine can do what they want to me, even while sheltered in my home, innocent of any wrong doings my whole 58 years of life. Truth is the threat to the State of Maine.
This is an FYI that the $150 brutal abusive monthly charge, after wiping this below poverty (18K) Mom out with 2 murder attempts in your custody is on it's way to 6 Public Safety Way. Please do not take me out of my protection for claims that I have violated bail conditions.
I am running for President in case you didn't know. Perhaps media will finally let me tell the truth about me. Slaughtering me globally with lies of terrorism in February 2018. Certain that I would not get out alive to tell the truth and sue for libel slander. Well, we'll see. I'm howling the truth from my home with my beagles. MaineHealth in my back and MPBN VP Charles Beck in my front are not happy about my living here. Me neither. I do what I must. American. Ya know. Freedom of Speech. Not in Maine Media's vocabulary. Every day is a new day to be American. Come on over. Let's chat. Bring some milk too. I miss milk. That's all folks.
www.LaurieAllen2020.blogspot.com Vote True.Not Blue, Red, or EW.
For All Not JustUs
1/2/2019 Forgive my blogging. This is so personal. When I come back to read it, I can't believe I let it get in the way of facts. I cleaned it up again. It's 11 pm.
Target shoot 10/2017 Innocent, first time shooting, don't own a gun and have spent the past 7 years holding Belfast City Hall and Council accountable. To no avail, I let off pressure with humor and lots of F bombs. I don't like that. No more F bombs. At 6 min 18 secs I name City Council and say thanks for being my target ya assholes. This is on my youtube channel playlist John and Me. Never sent it to anyone, just for John and me. Chief McFadden, you are very ill. Leave my life alone and check yourself in. https://youtu.be/XrIOrl3qStw
Freedom of Speech Precedence
Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”
The article also includes some related cases or topics that had far more intent and malice than your own. Look at those, too. (This is from my son this summer. Saving Mom and coming to evacuated Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/18 with me where it was to be my bloodbath. Judge Murray called recess and never came back. Never hearing my motions to dismiss and clear record under Title 14 Section 556. Murray stating now that he did and denied the dismissal. Refusing to give me his written decision. The transcripts I had to pay for (4 or 5 so far, costing me close to 2k) are tainted, I can't even read them all. What is the point? Nothing is legal, no one is true. Just me and my son. Last week was not real. His words were another's. Trying to work him over to Shakey Town.)
After fishing it goes into my youtube playlist and the first court hearing where Judge Mathews would not let me be heard, I tell it to the clerks and so much more. Whoa, I hadn't watched these in a long time. Case closed. Good grief, how blatantly corrupt. On video after video. No better proof.
(from my original blog, www.belfastbullies.blogspot.com I haven't looked at that in years. Till last week and said this is the man to save me. Where is he? A partner in a top 5 Law firm. )
Patrick Fitzgerald - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Public Corruption
Come on Mr. Fitzgerald, let me live a little. It's because of your post above that I said, he's an AG and true. I will do this solo. I am caged still but I am free to be alone. All I ever wanted. Depending on a man has never been good for me. I rarely allow it. Sometimes I have no choice, they don't listen to me to leave me alone. Knock, knock, knock. I hate that. Still dependent on my ex too. 18k alimony. My life line. No charge for these 8 years of hell. No pay, just take, take, take. From below poverty Mom. Horrific.
Still young at 58. Get me out of this State Mr. Fitzgerald. Only you can. Fact. Today. Call me. 207-505-5987. Just send anyone to file the Title 14 Section 556 with clout. Get this shackle off of me, 10 months on for nothing, To be in my crevice. Charging me $150 a month to watch and listen to my every second. Every. No one could handle this. Just one mistake. Not. I good. I fun. I work hard and do not lie. Who wouldn't want me? The State of Maine, after they have me, that would be brutal rape death. No doubt about it. I do not want to leave this house. They will get me. Will someone get that money order for Waldo County for my shackle. $150 due to Captain Walker by the 12th. 10 more days. Or I have to walk up to Hannaford and back. Route 1. Bam. Buh bye problem. Governor Janet Mills has a party. Flags up, full mast. What a blast.
See ya in court. Lawsuit city once I'm free. Pro se or with Mr. Fitzgerald. Big bucks man. 33% ain't chump change. You set the limit, I got documents. Settlements will fly. Spectrum is a biggie. City of Belfast Police Department... oh that's gonna be UUUGE!!!
I'm locked in as safe as I can be. In a fishbowl.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Gaslight (disambiguation).
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's belief.[1][2]
Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim. The term owes its origin to the 1938 Patrick Hamilton play Gaslight and its 1940 and 1944 film adaptations, in which a man dims the gas lights in his home and then persuades his wife that she is imagining the change. The term has been used in clinical and research literature,[3][4] as well as in political commentary.[5][6]
illumination.[citation needed]
The term "gaslighting" has been used colloquially since the 1960s[8] to describe efforts to manipulate someone's perception of reality. The term has been used to describe such behaviour in psychoanalytic literature since the 1970s.[9] In a 1980 book on child sexual abuse, Florence Rush summarized George Cukor's Gaslight (1944) based on the play and wrote, "even today the word [gaslighting] is used to describe an attempt to destroy another's perception of reality."[10]
Sociopaths[11] and narcissists[12] use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws and exploit others, but typically also are convincing liars, sometimes charming ones, who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their own perceptions.[11] Some physically abusive spouses may gaslight their partners by flatly denying that they have been violent.[4] Gaslighting may occur in parent–child relationships, with either parent, child, or both lying to the other and attempting to undermine perceptions.[13]
An abuser's ultimate goal is to make their victim second guess their every choice and question their sanity, making them more dependent on the abuser. A tactic which further degrades a target's self-esteem is for the abuser to ignore, then attend to, then ignore the victim again, so that the victim lowers their personal bar for what constitutes affection and perceives themselves as less worthy of affection.[14]
There are two characteristics of gaslighting: The abuser wants full control of feelings, thoughts, or actions of the victim; and the abuser discreetly emotionally abuses the victim in hostile, abusive, or coercive ways.[15]
It is necessary to understand the warning signs of gaslighting in order to fully start the healing process. Signs of gaslighting include:
- Withholding information from victim;
- Countering information to fit the abuser's perspective;
- Discounting information;
- Verbal abuse, usually in the form of jokes;
- Blocking and diverting the victim's attention from outside sources;
- Trivializing the victim's worth; and,
- Undermining victim by gradually weakening them and their thought process.[16]
Three most common methods of gaslighting are:
- Hiding: The abuser may hide things from the victim and cover up what they have done. Instead of feeling ashamed, the abuser may convince the victim to doubt their own beliefs about the situation and turn the blame on themselves.
- Changing: The abuser feels the need to change something about the victim.Whether it be the way the victim dresses or acts, they want the victim to mold into their fantasy. If the victim does not comply, the abuser may convince the victim that he or she is in fact not good enough.
- Control: The abuser may want to fully control and have power over the victim.In doing so, the abuser will try to seclude them from other friends and family where only they can influence the victim's thoughts and actions. The abuser gets pleasure from knowing the victim is being fully controlled by them.[12]
According to Kate Abramson, the act of gaslighting isn't specifically tied to being sexist, although women tend to be frequent targets of gaslighting compared to men who more often engage in gaslighting.[17]Abramson explains this as a result of social conditioning, and says "it’s part of the structure of sexism that women are supposed to be less confident, to doubt our views, beliefs, reactions, and perceptions, more than men. And gaslighting is aimed at undermining someone’s views, beliefs, reactions, and perceptions. The sexist norm of self-doubt, in all its forms, prepares us for just that."[17] Abramson says that the final "stage" of gaslighting is severe, major, clinical depression.[17]
With respect to women in particular, Hilde Lindemann says that in such cases, the victim's ability to resist the manipulation depends on "her ability to trust her own judgments". Establishment of "counterstories" may help the victim reacquire "ordinary levels of free agency".[20]In romantic relationships[edit]
Gaslighting is often experienced in romantic relationships. The psychological manipulation may include making the victim question his or her own memory, perception, and sanity. The abuser may invalidate the victim's experiences using dismissive language: "You’re crazy. Don’t be so sensitive. Don’t be paranoid. I was just joking! ... I'm worried; I think you're not well."[17]
M. Jill Rogers and Diane R. Follingstad say that such dismissals can be detrimental to women's mental health outcomes. They describe psychological abuse as "a range of aversive behaviors that are intended to harm an individual through coercion, control, verbal abuse, monitoring, isolation, threatening, jealousy, humiliation, manipulation, treating one as an inferior, creating a hostile environment, wounding a person regarding their sexuality and/or fidelity, withholding from a partner emotionally and/or physically".[32] Although the word “gaslighting” isn't included, gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that is mainly manipulation and subtle ways of blaming.[citation needed]
Gaslighting has been observed in some cases of marital infidelity: "Therapists may contribute to the victim's distress through mislabeling the [victim's] reactions. [...] The gaslighting behaviors of the spouse provide a recipe for the so-called 'nervous breakdown' for some [victims] [and] suicide in some of the worst situations."[13][33] Mislabeling of reactions by therapists may happen as a result of stereotypes regarding women. Labels such as "insecure, jealous, depressed, masochistic" are examples that our society uses to call women instead of addressing the fact that they were victims of gaslighting.[citation needed]
In the workplace[edit]
Gaslighting in the workplace can occur when individuals perform actions that cause colleagues to question themselves and their actions in a way that is detrimental to their careers.[34] The victim may be deliberately excluded, made the subject of gossip, or persistently discredited or questioned in an attempt to destroy the victim's confidence. The perpetrator may re-route conversations to perceived faults or wrongs.[35]Gaslighting can be committed by any colleague and can be especially detrimental when the perpetrator is someone in a position of power.[36]
There is no way that this is it for me. How I am still alive, posting, and handling the avalanche by anyone and damn near everyone since October 2017 and using my children. My brother is in it, it is everyone. Anyone that could step in will not. It's murder, they know for fact. I did not. I do now.
My son told me that these are not satellite rays, that the eye cannot detect them. I told him that I took that picture at 4am after I got out of Two Bridges. Home alone, John zipping by like he never knew me. Not ever stopping, tell me he is not scared or was he set up too.
I took the picture to document that I barricaded my front door with my 2002 Exploder. Then when I uploaded it, I see these, tell me they ain't satellite rays, pouring into my house. Son says they are just reflections, I've been scared to death because of this picture since I took it in March 2018. He is right, I did not see those when I took the picture. Why hasn't he talked to me about this in 10 months to quell my fears? How can that be reflections from my porch light. Maybe. I don't think so. Give me proof. This is who is on my ankle, tell me you wouldn't be scared. http://www.justicepoint.org/electronic-monitoring/
"They" are recording every word and movement in my house, so I figure I best post this personal conversations with Michael and John (about his nucking futs Mom) in case they are trying another lobotomy for me. With the Department of Defense in with MaineHealth in my backyard. They even sent one of those black stealth like airplane things one day when I was gardening my purple petunia's by me Blarney Rock (changed from Standing Rock. I Irish) Just hanging up there- I said, "Hey boys, how ya doin'" I believe what I see, not what I am told and that gives me peace. What is.
Mr. Fitzgerald- I cannot get out of the State of Maine and all my communications are theirs. I bath with my underwear on, which is pointless. They are into every crevice of my home and self. My son turned on me, I never would have thought. Never. Telling me none of this is real, spouting words told to him by who? They were their plantings, 8 years of Belfast, all their lives with my brother tainting them where I was alienated. In my family cottage and all in Bayside that once were free. Not it's just me. Free and exposing shame of families of Maine elite. Coastal elite entirely to the islands where the bad is beyond and honored. Isleboro. Fact. Mr. Geenpeace, Talbot (Karen Talbot Caswell, the evil that owned this house and the illegal lot of terror next door, is a Tabor with her brother. Another evil special. Maine forestry ties and noted. He told Karen NOT to talk to me as he was on my property telling me where my boundaries were with a tape measure. I did not know they were special yet. Just found out when I took the Isleboro Ferry for a day out this summer to show John Grindle Point and get out of here. Karen Tabor with family have a huge display with pictures and Isleboro Royalty in the museum. Holy shit. That little church mouse is not and has been playing me for 8 years with all. All."They" are recording every word and movement in my house, so I figure I best post this personal conversations with Michael and John (about his nucking futs Mom) in case they are trying another lobotomy for me. With the Department of Defense in with MaineHealth in my backyard. They even sent one of those black stealth like airplane things one day when I was gardening my purple petunia's by me Blarney Rock (changed from Standing Rock. I Irish) Just hanging up there- I said, "Hey boys, how ya doin'" I believe what I see, not what I am told and that gives me peace. What is.
Finally, I got it. I cannot trust anyone in Maine. Not one person and no one out of state cares to protect human rights for all, including their children. Makes my head spin until I put music on. Back as soon as it is off. I have to keep at this until. I have to be the one. Always the same, nothing special about me at all. Just the one to always say, that ain't right. I'm fixing that. At everything in my purvey. As all that have been there, know so well. Acting like I am one of those obnoxious know it all's until they get to know me. Nope, she's not snooty, she's just true and taught to respect. Or else Dad would set me straight. With just a look. Dad had that, no one messed with Dad. I'd push back though, when I disagreed. A long time ago, I had Dad till I was 12, protected from what was to come. Jr. didn't waste time when Dad had to stay in the hospital, His hip bone was gone, eaten my cancer. I was 14 and Dad would die 2 years later, bones and alone in the VA Hospital, Tremont Ave, East Orange, NJ. Big and scary and far from home. Mom didn't take me there, a few times, under 5. Acting like all was well. Jr. calculating how much electricity I use to dry my hair and iron my clothes, getting Mom to sign Bayside over to him, unknown to me. He would be holed up in his room, smoking pot, pounding the drums, mean and then pathetic. Not coming out of his room for weeks and working Mom against me.
Dad died when I was 16, the summer of my senior year. I was working at CVS 20+ hours a week, smoking pot a lot, kept a bong in my locker in school, kept my grades up, stalker ex-boyfriend who's father also had cancer right after my Dad died, it was bad. Very bad. I had an ulcer, throwing up each time I drank. Every weekend. I partied hard to cope, never crying, always party, party, party. Work, work, work, clean the house, the bird, do it all. I did. I did not want my mother to have to ask for help. Ever. Mother's should never have to ask, no one taught me that. It just is. Turns out she resented me for that. I was too good with a bite. Her and Jr. threatened to put me in a home because I was so "fresh". Right out of high school, I began full time, in a huge warehouse of men. Midas International, Jersey Ave, North Brunswick, NJ. and night school. Jr. was a loser, moved to the cottage in Bayside, not even winterized and lived off of beer bottle returns and the 10k loan I had taken out for my Mother so that she could live without worry for a few years. Thinking when that ran out, another one of her 6 children would step in. Nope. Barry and Linda were older and not around. Donald had joined the Navy when I was 8? 9?, he was long gone. Janel was a mess, Jr. evil, I was the good one. Believe that? It' true. Still am and that is why I bite back quick. All evil greed is the same. Smiling while choking me. Again and again. With others watching and enabling. You've all done this to my family. Jr. is the end of my family. Bayside friends are so concerned for him. Right. Till cocktail hour at the Allen's. Laurie is not invited. Thank you, that was a gift that broke my heart. Till all the friends I thought I had, didn't want me around. My presence is their guilt trip denied. Treat her like the problem. Play it again Sam. Same ole shit. NJ too.
January 1, 2019
And PS to all judging my children, 21 and 25, with their father. Again and again I was told through all the therapists and Psychiatrists of 2005-2007 (Joe refused to participate and was the abuser and escalating. Hitting the children was the line. No more, I'm getting us out.) Children of the abused will ALWAYS seek the love from that parent. True. I made Michael listen to some rough stuff when he was here last week. Megan had turned on me at 15? but I keep the love open. Always. I understand but I gots to be me. Finally. Free to be me. Enjoy your father children. I always just wanted him to be the best Dad he could be. Regardless of his treatment to me. I'd pop him one if he ever hit me. Never did. Mental abuse all the way. Just like my brother, just like here. I got your number. It's evil-04915. Vrrrooom.
And She's Daddy's...Little Girl
Jr. what happened to you. . George Allen Beeline Cable VP. Sad. Bayside, More took over and into Belfast. All the special's
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 2:39 PM
To: Governor; LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Cc: haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk; humblefarmer@midcoast.com; einstein@toast.net; ethankingcole@gmail.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; wabi@wabi.tv; mstewart@ap.org; news@pressherald.com; news@villagesoup.com; news@penbaypilot.com; Senator Susan Collins
Subject: Executive Order Title 14 Sec 556
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 2:39 PM
To: Governor; LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Cc: haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk; humblefarmer@midcoast.com; einstein@toast.net; ethankingcole@gmail.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; wabi@wabi.tv; mstewart@ap.org; news@pressherald.com; news@villagesoup.com; news@penbaypilot.com; Senator Susan Collins
Subject: Executive Order Title 14 Sec 556
Governor LePage,
You have refused to meet with me for 8 years and have not responded to any of the 8 years of emails with documented corruption and violation rights off the charts to silence me.
I am begging you to issue an executive order for complete dismissal to Laurie Allen for all charges- Terrorizing with a dangerous weapon and some false harassment notices that I have not even heard yet. But was arrested for violations of fabrication 11/1/2017. Maine Judiciary has had me in District Court, Superior Court, Waldo Jail, Two Bridges Correctional Facility, 25k bail to 5k bail taking the last of my money at 18k a year. Shackled for 9 months with an ankle cancer trackHer cell for an innocent Mom that has never been arrested in my life. Brutal and terrorizing to me, my children and any that run from me. AG Mills is charging me $150 a month for this trackHer and forces me out of my home to get a money order. I have placed myself under house arrest and have not left in 2 months. I took the insurance off my vehicle because I cannot afford it. I can't drive if I am forced out to a death trap.
Special Legislature Title 14 Section 556 clears me completely with no record. It never happened. The proof is in the target shoot and precedence. The shoot was from 10/2017, on my youtube channel. Mills had me dragged out of my house on a Friday night, 2/23/18, 4 months after the target shoot. No threat to anyone and I never owned a gun nor shot one till this one shoot. Kidnapped for the second time by Belfast cops. On 11/1/2017, 3 cops and a K9 unit. On 2/23/18 a plain clothes and 2 cops in the bushes. Grabbed my phone as I spoke to 911 and deleted it but I got the information in. Regardless that it goes to Sheriff Trafton. It is a national documented emergency call with others from me. Please issue before you leave office and Mills succeeds with my brother, George Allen Beeline Cable/Get Beeline in ending my life. 2 documented attempts already- in Two Bridges the weekend of 3/2/18 and Waldo Superior Court, 6/6/18. You have the details many times. I will post it again from my blog www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com.
Please respond in 24 hours. My life is in your hands. Innocent. Fabricated.
Always Mom,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Maine 04915
October 2017 @ Belfast Police Department. I call out Chief Mcfadden, come on out here you coward. The fabricated charges had just began and I do what I can to face the evil. I had my F150 custom speakers a bit loud- turn down the volume. PeeWee and his wankers come out finally. I take them down. I'm up on the bed of my truck. Laurie's Podium. It's quite the video. 10 minutes and 21 seconds, calling out downtown, Judge Patricia Worth, MaineHealth, Dr. Lombardi. Off the cuff. I do that well. Yeah girl. Go. OK. https://youtu.be/K6vwkfHb60A
October 2017 @ Belfast Police Department. I call out Chief Mcfadden, come on out here you coward. The fabricated charges had just began and I do what I can to face the evil. I had my F150 custom speakers a bit loud- turn down the volume. PeeWee and his wankers come out finally. I take them down. I'm up on the bed of my truck. Laurie's Podium. It's quite the video. 10 minutes and 21 seconds, calling out downtown, Judge Patricia Worth, MaineHealth, Dr. Lombardi. Off the cuff. I do that well. Yeah girl. Go. OK. https://youtu.be/K6vwkfHb60A
10 am I just found this in my fenced in back yard. It's frozen and partially eaten. Are my beagles going to die? I read a few years ago where the Chief of Police threw poisoned meatballs into the yard of a resident truther. Please don't let this potato have been poisoned.
Noon- 2nd request to Belfast City Clerk Amy Flood, Tax Collector Rebecca McLaughlin and Treasurer Theresa Butler with cc to Mayor Samantha Paradis of enormous thread of abusive power to break me with all the false arrests, jailings, court hearings obscene, Mark Rae big meat taking and destroying my property and life since 5/2017 abutting my property. Son of Bo and Penny Cameron, Judge Patricia Worth and JustUs Special Elite. Sure.
12:30 pm Lime green line hacking again. Changed to royal blue, bold, normal size font and sent that to the above in email. Changed in below thread unless McFadden hacks it again. Or my brother, or Mills or any entity of evil State of Maine. So stupid.
12:35 pm Give me a break- now this is in green- can anyone see this I'll type in black right here first
Amy I am waiting for you call to pay off. As you know, I am illegally banned from government and offices in Belfast. Right. Please call ASAP, 207-50505987 and send confirming email this thread."
Amy I am waiting for you call to pay off. As you know, I am illegally banned from government and offices in Belfast. Right. Please call ASAP. 207-505-5987 and send confirming email this thread.
Here it is again in royal blue, bold, normal size- can you see this "Amy I am waiting for you call to pay off. As you know, I am illegally banned from government and offices in Belfast. Right. Please call ASAP. 207-505-5987 and send confirming email this thread."
And I am done checking, correcting, police ing everything and everyone in this chain of kill me. It's me birthday and I'm off the corrupt clock. No call, no paying. Do what you want. Bad boy, bad boy what you gonna do when they come for you. Cooperate. As Always. Cuff, shackle, buh bye Laurie Lee.
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 1:19 AM
To: my son ; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Last Letter Unless You Want More
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 1:19 AM
To: my son ; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Last Letter Unless You Want More
12/31/2018 1:15am just got done typing
I only rec’d the last part of your
text- it seems if they are too long a message comes up stating it did
not transcribe. I got the gist of it though, you do not want to talk
and are done with me. I am trying to wrap my head around that but I
don’t think I ever will. You do not respond when I talk to you
about family or what I am defending.
It is very serious and thinking that it
is just my real estate problem tells me that you do not know and are
listening to Dad, Megan or Jr., or all three. All of whom wish I
would not be in their lives and yours. I was not ready for you when
you came. I am just holding on and it is complex.
I did not want you to come because I
know I can’t handle the danger of you being here. I can handle it
when it is just my life, but not yours. I told you as soon as you
came in and I was so upset. I told you it was too dangerous but you
do not understand the depth. The one blog, Economic Genocide,
showcases the overall, with healthcare, Department of Defense and
Maine as a strategic state for warfare. I do understand the world
today. I have dedicated the past 8 years asking why Seaview and it
has brought me here. False arrests to die in Two Bridges. To make it
out on a miracle. To die again in Superior court, to make out again,
on a miracle, you committing to go with me. The first time I ever
brought another and that it was you, my child, my son, they could not
carry out the kill. Instead, claim they heard my dismissals and not
make that known. Till I pulled it out of another Judge for another
false arrest and so on…
With you done with me, there is no one
to know if I am taken like the night they came here and kidnapped me,
7 days jailed, no one could contact me. That Megan was able to skype
me, seems like McFadden was planning on something with that call.
Megan had been in contact with him prior to the target shoot in
October and for how long I do not know. She told me years ago that
she was contacting City Hall to tell them I was crazy, I know now
that she did.
The reason for this is this. I hope you
read about Patrick Fitzgerald (oy- I called him Mr. Fitzpatrick) I
copied you on the email thinking we would be ok and I wanted you to
have it in case I am taken. He may not want to help me at all and I
will call his assistant tomorrow to get an answer if there is any
help from him. His message said he is out till 1/2/2019. That is when
Mills gets inaugurated as Governor. I don’t know if there is a plan
for me before that. If not, then it will be through the courts as I
appeal the process. Which is all corrupt Judiciary. Michael that
article- did you read it? 20 counts of sexual assault to 3 teens and
a 6 year old???? I can’t live with that, that no one is caring,
putting Mills in as Governor. And that was only a few Mom’s that,
like Christine Ford, had to because it’s the right thing to do. To
stop this and save others. That deputy probably has raped 100’s.
Multiply that be each law enforcement in the State, enabling or
participating. That is the reason for my death. Not the real estate.
As I told you, McFadden knew I’d put it together eventually and was
getting rid of me before I did. I know this for absolute. Whether any
believe me is not relevant. Stating that Lombardi is just a professor
is not correct. I should not have to convince anyone of what I know
for absolute. I don’t do drama, gossip or lies. I do truth and ask
why until I get answers. Factual answers. Hearsay is useless. When
taking on government and big business, one has to know how to get
facts to stay relevant. After 8 years, I have gone far.
If they take me, I will not live. No
one will know if they do it like before. In the night, hiding,
kidnapped. Whether you were talking to me or not, that will not stop
whatever their plan is next. Just stopping is not an option. I am in
deep. I did not want to know this rape ring horror but I do. Rape has
always been my priority. Before Lombardi. It is the worst thing a
human can do to another, violent rapes. But with drugged rapes, that
is another field that I did not know of. It is massive. With you out
of the picture and John, there is no one to be in danger of what I
do. I can do more than anyone else. I know it and I’m continuing.
It will get more dangerous but this is plenty dangerous now.
You guys are concerned with your lives
as all are. I am for all, not mine. To dismiss what I do is hurtful
and disrespectful. You were so angry with me and I was crashing
before you got here. It takes it’s toll on me all the time and you
have come at each time it is at it’s worse. I recover much more
quickly now as I was until you called Dad. It wasn’t the jump, your
car, it was that I can’t get Dad or Jr. out of my life and they
cause me great pain and fear because of you and Megan. Men use
children to hurt the Mother. They have and do. That takes me down
quick. I am the one to pay for that, alienated from my children for
doing right. With you now, it’s mind bending. Thinking back, I can
see the progression of shutting me out to protect yourself from all
of this hell. Even worse for you is that you are the only one to care
about me, love me, be here for me. Wishing I would just stop and not
understanding why I don’t. I am so very sorry that you get punished
for what I do. I have done the best I can to protect you and Megan
while knowing what I am doing is what all adults should be doing. For
their children, for the earth, for all. You said you don’t think
anything can change this, I know I can make change. I am doing it
regardless what happens to me. I am meant to do this. I wish it
wasn’t me, but it is. No doubt about it. 58 years of grooming. I am
In closing, I wanted you to know that I
am contacting Fitzgerald’s law firm today. I will not contact you
anymore. This is my doing and you have been through so much. I am
glad you are out. I love you and Megan so very much. Always. No
matter what. Words mean nothing when we have suffered so long and
keep trying to get through each damn minute. The best we can. I don’t
think everyone has mental illness, I want to know so few have
empathy. Why is it so easy to turn away seeing such horror globally
by the sick. Example- Hitler, how did he get so far and with so many
supporting him and so many letting him. It’s no different today,
just many more.
Mother’s can do a lot. We get no
respect. Men’s words rule. True that. F That is what I say. With my
last breath. You know that. The asst. phone # is 1-312-407-0867. FYI
only. I don’t want you to do anything else for me. Bye my Michael.
I love you. Be strong for you. Xxxooo
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 5:02 PM
To: Fitzgerald, Patrick
Subject: Re: [Ext] Joi Z Exit 9 Mom has State Of Maine Rape Ring/AG Mills
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 5:02 PM
To: Fitzgerald, Patrick
Subject: Re: [Ext] Joi Z Exit 9 Mom has State Of Maine Rape Ring/AG Mills
I am afraid I may get taken by the cops tonight.
I can't get this portion posted on my blog- just in case, I'm sending it. No one will know I'm gone. Kids are out of state and don't check in with me. Belfast is mob mentality against me. I pushed it big today from my home with Charles Beck. But seems I got that post up. Make sure to read the BDN news article- Deputy Hatch gets pass on 20 counts of sexual assault to 3 teens and a 6 year old. Of hundreds per officer. Rape Ring definite. I'm the only one screaming it. And will until. Thanks. Bye.
Note- yesterday's post included GAL (A Maine Guardian Ad litem blogger that I found a few years ago when Belfast corrupt JustUs Patricia Worth took my family apart. Comments about her are many, along with Moskowitz and others. Today, some were in the green hilite that tells me Belfast Chief Mcfadded (prior Maine State Internet Porn Detective with a rust melting vat in his garage, or bone vat as Brad Williams states. Chief even told me about his vat and I saw it on youtube by his brother-in-law. Tom, TWC/Spectrum tech (shhh, that's a secret- brother-in-law to Chief) If you read it and don't see those Judges in it, then please email me @ laurieallen55@msn.com. I redid it in bold black but I don't know how it appear on others outside of my home. The Gaza Strip. Surrounded by MaineHealth warfare. I'm the only target. Miss YOU CAN"T DO THAT!!
My house, 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Maine 04915 Rapeville 40 years and expanding for More JustUs.
Across the street, 18 Seaview Terrace, Charles Beck, MPBN VP
December 29.2018 4 pm
Please Mr. Fitzpatrick, put MPBN on the rape ring list. Mr. Charles Beck is VP MPBN and in charge of content. 8 years since I moved in on his birthday, 6/28/2010. He's known for using and abusing. He didn't get Joi Z. No matter how hard he tried. Taught some classes at UMO too. His son is somehow a scientist in Boston (lots of Massachusetts evil here in Belfast- connected) with just a liberal arts from a Canadian college. Daddy dearest implicating? The other is a collar with Bank of America. I hold him responsible for the harm to my children. Right across the street from me and once he couldn't get me, he has been the neighbor from hell. Lawbreaking affecting my life daily. He's still at it. Back at you Chuckie Cheese. My 8 year nickname for him. He can't even handle being called Charlie. He's tight white and without character. Another Borderline in power. This rape ring has been in place long before I moved here. Make sure to read the sickening article of AG Governor as of 1/2/2019 Janet Mills and Superior Court JustUs Stokes giving a pass to heavy hitter for system rape intake. Three brave teenage girls and a 6 year old, their mothers doing the right thing. To be raped into the sytem even worse. Beyond disgusting. MPBN supporters are friends of Charles, Mills, and the State of Maine.
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills. Take. Rape. Break. Intake for more JustUs system. Dr. prescribed.
Judge allows plea deal that dismisses sex abuse charges against former Maine deputy
By Beth Brogan, BDN Staff • January 26, 2018 9:48 am
Updated: January 27, 2018 7:42 am
Maine — A
plea deal accepted Friday allows a former Lincoln County sheriff’s
deputy to avoid retrial on 20 sexual assault charges in exchange for
pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor count of providing a place
for minors to consume alcohol.
L. Hatch III, 47, of Whitefield entered his plea Friday to the charge
— just filed Thursday in Lincoln County Superior Court — before
Superior Court Justice William R. Stokes in Knox County Superior
dismissed the 20 counts with prejudice, meaning Hatch cannot be tried
on them again, and assessed the mandatory $1,000 fine. Assistant
Attorney General John Risler, who prosecuted the original case
against Hatch, asked for a 10-day suspended sentence, but Stokes said
that was not an option and did not sentence Hatch to any jail time.
of three alleged victims, who read a victim impact statement in the
courtroom, said she was angry at the outcome. She
said Hatch was “a monster” who betrayed her, leaving her fearful
and suffering from panic attacks.
November, jurors in Kennebec County found
Hatch, 47, not guilty of
two counts of sexual abuse of a minor and furnishing marijuana to a
minor but said they were hung on the other 20 charges of sexual
crimes involving three teenagers, some in his cruiser while on duty.
declared a mistrial on the remaining charges, which included
sexually abusing three teenagers when they were younger than 16 and
one when she was 6 and
providing marijuana to them.
agreed to accept the misdemeanor for furnishing a place for minors to
consume alcohol because he agreed to let his kids drink alcohol on
his property, and obviously he knew other kids were there,” Elliott
said Thursday. “He thought it would be safer to do it on his
property than for them to be out driving around.” One
of three victims and the mother of another told Stokes on Friday they
were angry and disappointed about the resolution of the case.new
coming forward would be hard and [do] irreversible damage to my
family, I wanted to do the right thing,” one said, her voice
shaking as she added that her family was “manipulate[d]” and she
eventually grew addicted to opiates.
not fair,” she said. “I didn’t deserve any of this. I feel it’s
unfair to not let us take him back to court … we should have had a
say … this judgment gives a message that … a police officer
can touch a child for his own sexual gratification and get away from
mother of another alleged victim read her daughter’s statement,
saying that even though she has moved away from Maine, “I
will continue to live in fear because he’s still out there.”
Talbot, victim/witness advocate for Knox County, said neither the
third alleged victim nor her mother thought they could speak on
crying, told Stokes, “I worked with them for a very long time. This
was very much a family betrayal … the harm was significant.”
Stokes said the original jury was “excellent” and had been “very
severe[ly] deadlocked,” and a new trial would have been “very
Hatch has been convicted of a misdemeanor, he will lose his
certification from the criminal justice academy.
said following the sentencing that the likelihood of convincing
another jury of guilt beyond a possible doubt was small.
option I had to protect the people of Maine was to remove his ability
to serve in law enforcement,” Risler said. “When he loses his
certification from the criminal justice academy, it’s very unlikely
he would ever be able to serve in law enforcement outside of Maine
General Janet Mills issued a statement on Friday afternoon, noting
that prosecutors do believe the alleged victims.
support the victims, these brave survivors,” Mills wrote. “We
believe them. Unfortunately, the jury did not find beyond a
reasonable doubt that Mr. Hatch was guilty of these
crimes. Fortunately,
he will never work in law enforcement again.”
From: Fitzgerald, Patrick <Patrick.Fitzgerald@skadden.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2018 12:30 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: [Ext] Joi Z Exit 9 Mom has State Of Maine Rape Ring/AG Mills
I am out of the office through January 2, 2019. Please contact my assistant Monica at (312) 407-0867 regarding any urgent matters. I appreciate your patience. Thank you.
This email (and any attachments thereto) is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email (and any attachments thereto) is strictly prohibited. If you receive this email in error please immediately notify me at (212) 735-3000 and permanently delete the original email (and any copy of any email) and any printout thereof.
Further information about the firm, a list of the Partners and their professional qualifications will be provided upon request.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:29 PM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Hi lite lime green hackingRe: 2nd req 12:01pm Re: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:29 PM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Hi lite lime green hackingRe: 2nd req 12:01pm Re: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
This is so evil. I just went to post this with the thread on my blog and portions were hacked to that lime green color that happens for items that apparently are not meant to be seen by the public or reflect on the record. I have high lited those in royal blue, bold and normal size font. Here is the thread for proof in case it gets changed again.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:01 PM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 2nd req 12:01pm Re: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 12:01 PM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 2nd req 12:01pm Re: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
I want to know from all of you (Amy, Theresa and Rebecca) on this thread what I must pay today via credit card for past due bills. I think it is this: 97.36 + 12.00 = 109.36 total charge to my credit card that I pay today as soon as Amy Flood calls me with confirmation of amounts for both and that the rabies certificates are on file.
Amy I am waiting for you call to pay off. As you know, I am illegally banned from government and offices in Belfast. Right.
Please call ASAP. 207-505-5987 and send confirming email this thread.
Abused and Standing Still,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
rom: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 9:07 AM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 9:07 AM
To: Rebecca McLaughlin; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: mayor@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Water Bill Re: Property Taxes
Tax Collector Rebecca McLaughlin, Treasurer Theresa Butler, City Clerk Amy Flood,
Below I have copied as many threads as I could find at this moment. There is no doubt that the City of Belfast and the Water District are abusing power to financially break me where I have always paid all my City and Water District bills without incident for 8 years.
Placing lien's on my house as I contact the City and Water district for problems with billing, as proven below is corrupt. However, I know there is nothing I can do about it at this time and I will not allow myself to be dragged into this disaster.
Please email me immediately with the amounts I must pay today via phone, charged to my credit card for past due bills. This lien is not legal but I will pay it today and deal with it later after I clear all the false arrests and charges.
I just paid the water district on line through my checking for 79.55 but that has been hacked in the past as a thread below shows and they will be dealt with later as well. I want to notate that on this thread, the Water district is paid in full. I will deal with the sewer district later and hope that Jon Carman is working on the comparison with Mr. Gum's bills to see the discrepancy that is Belfast. Not me.
As for the 2018 property taxes, please advise what amount is due by each payment. Two payments, I think one is due in March and the other is due in October or November 2019. Please advise of each payment and the due date. I am paid in full for my 2017 taxes except for the illegal lien of 97.36. Is that correct?
I want to know from all of you (Amy, Theresa and Rebecca) on this thread what I must pay today via credit card for past due bills. I think it is this: 97.36 + 12.00 = 109.36 total charge to my credit card that I pay today as soon as Amy Flood calls me with confirmation of amounts for both and that the rabies certificates are on file.
Amy I am waiting for you call to pay off. As you know, I am illegally banned from government and offices in Belfast. Right.
Please call ASAP. 207-505-5987 and send confirming email this thread.
Abused and Standing Still,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
FYI. History Hell.
79.35 due 12/28/2018 paid today online, 12/31/18 from checking acct. Camden National
From: no-reply=invoicecloud.net@mg.invoicecloud.com <no-reply=invoicecloud.net@mg.invoicecloud.com> on behalf of Belfast Water District <no-reply@invoicecloud.net>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 7:49 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Belfast Water District Invoice# 238162 Notification
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 7:49 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Belfast Water District Invoice# 238162 Notification
From: Rebecca McLaughlin <taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Property Taxes
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2018 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Property Taxes
Interest accrue daily I will be sending 30 day notices in June for the 2018 tax year if not paid
$97.36 is the 2017 tax lien
On Fri, Dec 28, 2018 at 3:57 PM LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
- When is the latest I can pay this $97.36 without issue. (additional fee's, no personal checks, liens, etc.)
2. When is the first payment of 2018 $1173.15 due without issue (additional fee's, no personal checks, liens, etc.)
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 6:23 PM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Property Taxes
Please advise the minimum amount I owe and by when and how long I have to make the next payment (at the latest date before lien time.From: City of Belfast <NoReply@CityofBelfast.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 9:28 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Real Estate Taxes
$97.36 is owed for 2017 & $1173.15 is what's due for 1st payment of 2018
If you have any questions please email me.
Thank you
Rebecca McLaughlin
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 9:09 AM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Property Taxes
Please advise the status of my property taxes so that I don't get slapped with another lien and nightmare to pay. I will charge this as well if need be. Please advise the minimum amount I owe and by when and how long I have to make the next payment (at the latest date before lien time. Or let me be heard in court for complete dismissals and lawsuit city. No one will ever own me. Perhaps I'll own Belfast. What a kick that would be. Let's Roll Ladies. Pinky's Up)Laurie Allen17 Seaview TerraceBelfast Me 04915
Rebecca A McLaughlin
Tax Collector
City of Belfast
p) 207-338-3370 ext 132
f ) 207-338-6222
From: Amy Flood <cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 11:39 AM
Cc: Becky McLaughlin
Subject: Re: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 11:39 AM
Cc: Becky McLaughlin
Subject: Re: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
1. 2005 Ford F-150 Registration: $208.14 cost to re-register for 1 year. Please note that we need to see a copy of the current insurance card to process the re-registration for you upon payment.
2. Trailer B333729: $13.50 to renew for 1 year.
3. Airstream R CRIB: $117.46 cost to re-register for 1 year. Please include how many tires this vehicle has, as this is missing on the current registration that you sent us.
4. Property Taxes Due as of 8/22/2018: $1,080.50
Each of these can be paid separately or combined together on one check, this can also be completed with a personal check.
We would suggest that the property taxes be paid in full now to avoid interest accruing. I have attached a poverty abatement application for you to complete and send back. If you are approved for a poverty abatement, that will be processed and you will have the choice of two options, you can receive a check back for the amount of the abatement or you can choose to have that amount applied to the 2018 taxes.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Amy I Flood
City of Belfast\City Clerk
P: 207-338-3370 ext# 114
F: 207-338-6222
Amy- Payoff day for taxes would now be tomorrow. If there are any discrepancies at payment, this email will serve as permission for City Clerk Amy Flood to transfer funds needed from my money (less than $50- how much is it Amy?) per Amy's previous email instructions to transfer- via email.Edit- I need to know each registration amount. Not total. Ooops.Here are the 2017-18 registrations for the F150 (odometer now 216,000 miles) and Airstream.
1. Each amount due for the F150, the Airstream and Trailer B333729 Registration Renewal: $13.50 for a 1 year renewal.2. I will pay by personal checks for each unless otherwise instructed.
Property Taxes-
- I am requesting Poverty Abatement to rescind all fee's (interest, lien, mailings, bank check, and any other fee's unknown to me at this writing). Regardless if I must pay all fee's now or tomorrow.
- I will pay the principal amount today or tomorrow to stop accumulating fee's unless Belfast City Hall demands payment of all. 2a. If I can pay the principal today or tomorrow without fee's and accumulating fee's, please confirm the amount due and if my personal check will be accepted or if I have to pay the bank $7 for a bank check. 2b. If I must pay all, what is the full amount due today and what would the full payment be tomorrow?
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 12:54 PM
To: Amy Flood; Becky McLaughlin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
Amy- I want to get this done. Please respond. Thank you.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 10:06 AM
To: Amy Flood; Becky McLaughlin; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
Belfast City Clerk Amy Flood,Here are the 2017-18 registrations for the F150 (odometer now 216,000 miles) and Airstream.1. What will be the total amount due for the F150, the Airstream and Trailer B333729 Registration Renewal: $13.50 for a 1 year renewal.2. I will pay by personal checks for each unless otherwise instructed.Property Taxes-
- I am requesting Poverty Abatement to rescind all fee's (interest, lien, mailings, bank check, and any other fee's unknown to me at this writing). Regardless if I must pay all fee's now or tomorrow.
- I will pay the principal amount today or tomorrow to stop accumulating fee's unless Belfast City Hall demands payment of all. 2a. If I can pay the principal today or tomorrow without fee's and accumulating fee's, please confirm the amount due and if my personal check will be accepted or if I have to pay the bank $7 for a bank check. 2b. If I must pay all, what is the full amount due today and what would the full payment be tomorrow?
Truly Innocent Always,Laurie Allen
From: Amy Flood <cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 5:01 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Becky McLaughlin
Subject: Re: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
Laurie,Please see responses below.1. 2005 ford F150 Registration Renewal: We need to see a copy of this registration to calculate your renewal cost. This can be completed by email or fax, 338-62222. Trailer B333729 Registration Renewal: $13.50 for a 1 year renewal.3. Trailer R CRIB Registration Renewal: We need to see a copy of this registration to calculate your renewal cost. This can be completed by email or fax, 338-6222Please see attached document to show current amount owed on Property taxes. If you would like to pay these in full to remove the Lien placed, please pay principal amount, interest and fees. If you are looking to file a Poverty abatement, please respond back with that request and I will work with Jodi Stout to start that process for you.Thank you!Amy I FloodCity of Belfast\City ClerkP: 207-338-3370 ext# 114F: 207-338-6222On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 10:56 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
Belfast City Clerk Amy Flood,Further delay on these basic City Clerk responsibilities is not ethical. Regardless of instructions from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum. The delay is to take my house without precedence and vehicle expiration's for more fabricated arrests. I had hoped to have a professional business response on the first request, so long ago.Please respond today, 8/15/2018 by noon, please. City Manager Joe Slocum is abusive to me, Responses must be from you, it is your job and I am a diligent, 8 year resident, regardless.1.Municipal abatement and the dated documents and communications by departments for this request since July 25, 2018 (email below).2.
I could not renew online
1. my 2005, Ford F-150, Class LB, Registration nmbr JOI Z, Tax receipt # 20327435, expires 8/31/2018 VIN #1ftpw14585FA74943 219,000 miles Metropolitan Casualty Insurance policy # 9673424350 expires 10/1/2018
2. trailer- B 333729 expires 8/31/2018 (tried to print a duplicate but Maine MV site could not find) class CL I registered it last year in City Hall so you have the tax receipt #,
3. trailer class TL Regstration Number R CRIB Tax receipt number 20327433 expires 8/31/208 (could not renew online)
Please tell me how much to renew registration for 1 year for each. Birth date 12/31/1960.Always Truly,Laurie Allenrom: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 9:21 PM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
Rebecca McLaughlin, Tax Collector,"You may apply to the municipal officers for an abatement of taxes if, because of poverty or infirmity, you cannot pay the taxes that have been assessed". My 7/25 email stated to send this to the municipal officer and you did not advise otherwise. What is the status of my abatement of taxes due do to poverty. City Manager Joe Slocum did not address that. Here is his email. I want a response from you on who the municipal officer is and did you send my request to apply and when? If not, why?Truly,Laurie Allen
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 5:11 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Jon Carman
Cc: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
Ms. Allen,The responsibility to pay your taxes and Sewer bills belongs to you.Any late fees or cost will be applied to your accounts the same way they are applied to everyone else in similar situation.You have always had the ability to pay these through the mail or on line to prevent accrued interest, costs and fees. (See City Website under Tax Collector). I do not want you to come to this building in person for any reason.As far as your Sewer Bill, it is common for the January bill ($494.08)to be higher than the July bill ($223.13) because the January bill covers July 1 to December 31 when many people water their gardens, entertain company and take more showers. Our records indicate you used 8,400 cubic feet of water July 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017. Your bill from January 1, 2018 to June 30th 2018 shows you used 3,900 cubic feet. The volume dictates the bill. If you had a plumbing leak or had additional people in the household or watered lawns and gardens that may explain the discrepancy between these bills. You may appeal the size of your bill to Jon Carman the Superintendent of the Wastewater Treatment System by demonstrating that all of the water you used did not go into the sewer system. Leaky plumbing does go into the sewer system so any volume attributable to leaks or household usage is the responsibly, of the property owner. The burden of proof is on the property owner to show that the volume used did not all go into the sewer system and how much. We do not speculate.You can communicate with him by email at wwtp@cityofbelfast.orgThank you,Joe Slocum
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 2:10 PM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
PLEASE RESPOND. Who is the municipal officer in receipt of this 3 week old email for poverty stricken reasons leaving me unable to pay my 2018 taxes (always paid prior to Belfast Police Dept fabricated charges and arrest)?I have witnessed property sales at City Council meetings for property taxes that were overdue by at least 2 years.
I will pay my taxes this year.(agai)Principal due on taxes $1080.50 please confirm the exact principle due, today 8/9/2018Sewer past due 480.63- please detail this bill. Past bills have always been less than $250Sewer 7/20 current 223.13
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 12:39 PM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
Amy Flood, Belfast City Clerk and Rebecca McLaughlin, Tax Collector, Full email is below this message. I copied only the property taxes,It has been 3 weeks and I have not received any response. Please advise today.Please forward this to who ever the "municipal officers" are, per the 30 day lien notice I received. Please copy me on that forward. If it is Slocum, then he is copied. I want a response back on this email thread, including any from Slocum.Principal due on taxes $1080.50 please confirm the exact principle due, today 8/7/2018Sewer past due 480.63- please detail this bill. Past bills have always been less than $250Sewer 7/20 current 223.13Truly,Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 9:42 AM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: citymanager@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
Resend again. Slocum's rejected too.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 9:36 AM
To: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: slocum@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: RE: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 9:32:17 AM
To: aflood@cityofbelfast.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: slocum@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Poverty Taxes/Sewer
Amy and Rebecca,Yesterday, I was allowed to go to my court hearing for fabricated charges by Belfast City Officials and Belfast Police Department. Since my first court appearance on 12/7/2017, I have not had my right to be heard that would dismiss all, proven and documented. I did go to City Hall on 11/2/2017 to pay my taxes, saw Hurley and said ew from my SUV. Before any false cease harassment notices and false violations. The courts have not even heard those, I think that "ew" may have been another false arrest. That day, your office was closed. It was a little after 3pm. Otherwise, my taxes would have been paid and I would not have had to pay interest on that bill. Which I overpaid to be safe. Amy still has that overpayment.I am waiting for Judge Susan Sparaco to order an immediate Dismissal Without Prejudice (given to the District court clerk yesterday, (proven in this clip https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rde9GIr4D32w-bcw2N06x Pdc4EOqvZtE ) and get back the 5k bail that they took from me on 3/2/18. That will pay the taxes and sewer. Until then, congratulations Belfast officials and Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews, Alexander and Murray you have wiped me out completely., over 30k of my money in complete corruption. The rest is my honor to suffer to stand free as an American Mom.My income is 18,200k a year. Since 2008. Until this evil hell in Belfast to the STATE of Maine (not Maine), All bills have been paid on time, no interest on any. My whole life. Always current and debt free.Additional charges for interest, cert. mail, demand and whatever else Slocum does to me is not ethical at all. I want any additional charges waived when I get my 5k back. and to pay with a check or cash. Charging me to get a bank check is abusive and unethical abuse of power.Please forward this to who ever the "municipal officers" are, per the 30 day lien notice I received. Please copy me on that forward. If it is Slocum, then he is copied. I want a response back on this email thread, including any from Slocum.Principal due on taxes $1080.50Sewer past due 480.63- please detail this bill. Past bills have always been less than $250Sewer 7/20 current 223.13True Always,Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 10:38 AM
To: cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Rgstrtn F150, 2 trailers
City Clerk Amy Flood,I could not renew online1. my 2005, Ford F-150, Class LB, Registration nmbr JOI Z, Tax receipt # 20327435, expires 8/31/2018 VIN #1ftpw14585FA74943 219,000 miles Metropolitan Casualty Insurance policy # 9673424350 expires 10/1/20182. trailer- B 333729 expires 8/31/2018 (tried to print a duplicate but Maine MV site could not find) class CL I registered it last year in City Hall so you have the tax receipt #,3. trailer class TL Regstration Number R CRIB Tax receipt number 20327433 expires 8/31/208 (could not renew online)Please tell me how much to renew registration for 1 year for each. Birth date 12/31/1960.Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 8:57 AM
To: treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Fw: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 8:57 AM
To: treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Fw: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Dear Theresa,
Thank you so much for enduring my horror story with the City of Belfast to the State of Maine. I could not continue asking for the audit because Keith Pooler was not cooperating at all and wants to get into my home. Absolutely not. No more.
An easy comparison would be to pull up Allen Richard Gum's water and sewer bills for the 8 years that I have been here. He likes me, the only one it seems on Seaview Terrace, he lives @ 30 Seaview Terrace. Our houses are almost identical and he lives alone like me. We are both frugal too.
Virtual Big, Big, Hug,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 4:32 PM
To: Keith Pooler; Jon Carman; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 4:32 PM
To: Keith Pooler; Jon Carman; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Keith Pooler,
Your letter is not what I requested and it does not state that you have my account in dispute and will not shut off my water. Please confirm that my water will not be shut off. I have been trying to reconcile this much harder and longer than you. Why is that?
Please confirm today that you will not shut off my water on 10/29/18. I will charge it if you force me to but that is customer abuse.
From: Keith Pooler <keith@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
For your convenience, please see attached response in letter form. The original copy was sent in yesterday’s mail.
Keith H. Pooler
Belfast Water District
207-338-0444 Fax
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:59 PM
To: Keith Pooler; Jon Carman
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 1:59 PM
To: Keith Pooler; Jon Carman
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 5TH REQUEST Re: Audit BWD acct
Please confirm that my account (water and sewer) is in dispute. A full audit is requested since my purchase 6/28/10. Each billing with usage till present date and a graph depicting the same. The discrepancies will be clear unless you choose to confuse my request for simple clarity and overload me with difficulty. I know my approximate usage through research. You are way off and clearly overbilling me since ? The billings and graph will tell.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 10:36 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN; Jon Carman
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 10:36 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN; Jon Carman
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
Belfast Water District Keith Pooler,
I have not received any response from you for the audit with graphing since 6/28/2010 when I began using Belfast water and sewer. The email thread is disturbing and now you have sent me a shut off notice to force me to pay more regardless of your intent to deny the audit which proves billing inaccuracies.
As the Superintendent, a full audit should have been done when I discovered major inaccuracies. I trusted you when you told me in 2014 that the Water District is independwnt of City Hall.
From: Jon Carman <joncarman@uninets.net>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:42 PM
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:42 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: 'Joseph Slocum'; 'Rebecca McLaughlin'; 'Amy Flood'
Subject: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Cc: 'Joseph Slocum'; 'Rebecca McLaughlin'; 'Amy Flood'
Subject: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
August 10, 2018
...I do recognize that the amount of use is significantly higher than other billing periods...
From: Keith Pooler <keith@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:57 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; tammy@belfastwater.org
Subject: Billig history and meter test
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:57 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; tammy@belfastwater.org
Subject: Billig history and meter test
Hi Laurie,
Attached is the billing history that you asked for, and the usage does seem to be a little high for one person living in the house.
These water meters have a history of being very accurate, and they will not move unless there is water moving thru them. ... "
New meters were installed after the Water District was done replacing water lines on Seaview Terrace. You claim that the meters (old
? and new) are accurate. The human errors by the Belfast Water District are evident in just this thread.
Please confirm that my account (water and sewer) is in dispute. A full audit is requested since my purchase 6/28/10. Each billing with usage till present date and a graph depicting the same. The discrepancies will be clear unless you choose to confuse my request for simple clarity and overload me with difficulty. I know my approximate usage through research. You are way off and clearly overbilling me since ? The billings and graph will tell.
Truly Innocent,
Little 57 year old Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 9:28 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2018 9:28 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
Keith Pooler,
Please confirm that my account (water and sewer) is in dispute. A full audit is requested since my purchase 6/28/10. Each billing with usage till present date and a graph depicting the same. The discrepancies will be clear unless you choose to confuse my request for simple clarity and overload me with difficulty. I know my approximate usage through research. You are way off and clearly overbilling me since ? The billings and graph will tell.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 11:05 AM
To: Keith Pooler; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: Audit BWD acct
In case I become forbidden to contact, this belongs on this thread of abuse. This is what the rest of those for the State of Maine not Maine do to me daily. Anytime, 8 years and counting. For protecting Constitutional Federal and State rights. For children and all. How can this be happening is constant and worsening. What if it was you. No one will think about that. Hurt me more instead. Another life constant. But, I did it. No matter what. Alone and true. Congratulations Laurie. Well Done.
from my blog
Lawless to kill, next may be another that won't comply with JustUs corrupt down their ladder of enablers. The Specials, lives of hell- greed for more. It's an epidemic system sickness, They need help to stop. Step in and sit down with me. Pick a day, in my zones for terrorists Mom's of truth. Stupid deadly. AG Mills has 2 murder strikes, one more and she's out or I'm dead or in bad evil rape ring by Specials. Quite certain if any care even a bit for children and students. INVESTIGATE, PEOPLE. Not Special's. Or goodbye Mother Nature. I won't stop. .
Belfast from Boston, Officer Richards thinks he's going to arrest me. For parking in the City Right of Way ON MY property. NOOOO. . Show me Mark Rae's deeded survey. Subdivide couldn't happen, not 40 ft. side set back from eaves. Stop stupid. ooops, 8 minute video link of Officer Richards protecting corruption for JustUs Worth and gang coming shortly. It was working. I'll fix it. It's what I always do. Naturally. Resented by most. It used to hurt. Now it makes me sad. I keep trying and hoping. Even in this, I communicate. Face to face. When I can get one. Cowards.
9-12-2018 Emergency 911 Mark Rae abutter, 23 Seaview Terrace - 100? violations since Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco ordered my Protection Order against gorrilla warfare on my property. Mark Rae. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dLGQ1QNhcl9qIks0SZ82EQv2y98bxBHX
September 11, 2018
Yo Todd Beamer, this one's for you.
Jail Bail Day Video. This one is it. On autopilot. Mother Nature Makes Me Do It.
Subject: Governor PLEASE HELP
Belfast from Boston, Officer Richards thinks he's going to arrest me. For parking in the City Right of Way ON MY property. NOOOO. . Show me Mark Rae's deeded survey. Subdivide couldn't happen, not 40 ft. side set back from eaves. Stop stupid. ooops, 8 minute video link of Officer Richards protecting corruption for JustUs Worth and gang coming shortly. It was working. I'll fix it. It's what I always do. Naturally. Resented by most. It used to hurt. Now it makes me sad. I keep trying and hoping. Even in this, I communicate. Face to face. When I can get one. Cowards.
9-12-2018 Emergency 911 Mark Rae abutter, 23 Seaview Terrace - 100? violations since Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco ordered my Protection Order against gorrilla warfare on my property. Mark Rae. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dLGQ1QNhcl9qIks0SZ82EQv2y98bxBHX
September 11, 2018
Yo Todd Beamer, this one's for you.
Jail Bail Day Video. This one is it. On autopilot. Mother Nature Makes Me Do It.
(I posted the many cc's to this email below today's post.)
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 5:04 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Governor; attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; district1@waldocountyme.govSubject: Governor PLEASE HELP
Governor LePage,
Please hear me. I am completely innocent and can prove 2 death plots by the State of Maine. Please watch today's 9 minute video from today, September 11, 2018. Waldo Jail Bail Tuesday. Fabricated charges and no evidence. AG Mills and Judiciary will not allow me to be heard for immediate dismissal of charges, document proven.
I have been brutally shackled since 3/2/18, brutal travel restrictions, all hateful and deadly. I only go out escorted and in armor, my big, big 2005 F150 Super King Cab. The only time I must go out alone is for jail bail Tuesday. My life has been in danger from law enforcement for years and you have yet to even speak to me.
Shackled target until the next court hell. I was just notified on Saturday. 10/22/2018. How can you allow these crimes against me with Belfast Chief McFadden and Sheriff Trafton enforcing my silence. Death. A brutal gang bang death. No one to investigate. No one to report. No one. You are the one that must step in as Governor. Please. I've called you so many times.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 6:46 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Keith Pooler
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Audit BWD acct
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 6:46 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Keith Pooler
Cc: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Audit BWD acct
Keith Pooler, Belfast Water District Superintendent,
I see you took off my payments since March 2018 on your printed history that you emailed me. That is copied and pasted into the thread below since you did not respond to the thread. I want it all on one thread for accuracy and referral ease. It is now necessary to inform of Belfast City Hall issues for proof of abuse and targeting through my property and City Hall taxes and takings. Here is the history.
In March 2018, escaping death by the State of Maine- Two Bridges Correctional Facility, fabricated charges by Belfast and the State of Maine and having this mess from the Water District to what? shut my water off? ruin my credit? keep the pressure on to break me completely? To date, by more than I will count. Endless mob mentality. Including my brother, Mr. BeeLine as most well know. And Maine AG Janet Mills, the State of Maine, 6+ Maine JustUs's, law enforcement, on and on. Foiled my murder again on 6/6/18 with Judge Robert Murray, ADA Entwisle, Marshall Dudley and the State of Maine aka AG Mills. Evacuated completely, no security, scanners, not a soul. Except them, me and the first time I brought a witness as I go pro se. My son. I had to ask him. I thought they were going to take me, not kill me. Staged courtroom (paneling, 15 rows of benches- all on the landing before descending into the magnificent Superior Court room. Not to be seen. No stairs, we walked into a level crime scene staged court room. Murray abruptly called recess before my motions were heard (not heard since the first court date for fabricated cease harassment garbage, complete dismissal, case closed. They won't let me be heard- not for terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, trying to send me right to trail. No.) and ran. I looked at my son and said "Did he go to the other throne?" JustUs Murray never came back. Motions not heard, Dudley's gun twitching finger denied.
Bail was 5k, more money than I had left period. They still have it. Since 3/2/18 after refusing to take the bail at Waldo jail for 4 days prior, that's the murder proof #1 of several. Only because I got a note to the outside on 3/2 that the guards saw me write was the only reason they transported me. Two Bridges was not getting involved further with my murder that weekend in jail. Take your pick of reasons. Most likely, crazy, attacked a roll of toilet paper. Had to shoot her after passheraround. Absolutely.
With the Belfast Water District doing this after I lived and for how long? I don't know. I will know. Suzette caused me to overdraft my Visa card, $35 bank charge, $25 Visa charge and cut down my FICA score that has ALWAYS been 800- Exceptional.
The 5k was for my bills and taxes. I have never been in debt, never late, always honest. I wasn't able to pay my taxes this year, 2018. Current and on time always prior. In June, I got a letter from Belfast Tax Collector, Becky stating they put a lien on my house. No mortgage, a few months late because of hell corruption and robbing me to death.
Then City Clerk Amy Flood was next with refusing to respond to my emails to renew my 3 registrations expiring 8/31/2018 for weeks into August until I had to get very stern.
That's just a drop of what all have done to me. A 57 year old, small woman, no record or arrests till illegally, here, 4? times to date since 11/2017. Nice.
Looking at your history, the numbers show major discrepancies. You edited out from that history my credit card payment and Suzette's debits and credits for the same payment and after I contacted her again for the stinking $5 charge, she gave me a one time courtesy (in the thread below) but not on your history. It's on mine.
I see you took off my payments since March 2018 on the history you sent me. Below you will find a copy of my Belfast Water account for proof of the following. I am quite certain that you knew Spectrum corruptly cut my services, internet, landline and cable after 8 years as a loyal, full pay on time, customer in January 2018. Thank you Chief McFadden and Spectrum brother in law Tom and the State of Maine. Not Maine. I have brutal travel restrictions with a tracker, no left onto Northport Ave. all through downtown up to the Muck (except for the pokey of course) down High St to Fur Trapper and Mcfadden. Evilville High Street. No left onto Rte 1 So.- Irvings, Aubuchon, Napa, farm, water district, my vet, not even sure how far down Rte 1 after that. They won't tell me. No left onto Swan Lake Ave, no Waldo Ave/137.
On March 30, 2018, see my approved online payment using my Visa Bank of America Card. Yet, below read Suzette's accounting. She states that the bank rejected my payment. I tried to call the Water District but with satellite tracking on me, my phone and internet connections get hacked. Sending me to a verizon recording that the number is not in service.
I tried to access my Water District account online in Camden. It was not valid anymore. I called BWD and got through. I told Suzette that my bank said it did not reject any payments that I did online, period and that I can't access my BWD account anymore. She said the bank returned it and said my online BWD account is active and shockingly read my part of my SECURE PASSWORD. I tried to get online with her on the phone. No.
If I got on, I would have saw it was approved and paid on my credit card and I am sure you know that, as the Superintendent. I told her that I had just called my bank and that they said they did not return any payments. Suzette repeated again and again that it was the bank. I told Suzette that I was driving over there right now. Driving I remembered that I am not allowed to go to the Water District. I turned around, back to Camden wifi and called Suzette again. She said she would take my payment over the phone. I never pay BWD with a credit card. This was the only time that I have done that because I would not have enough money to cover my Visa card almost due.
This email alone has taken 8 hours. I researched a lot. With all this corruption and targeting, I must request an audit of water and sewer full history. I had hoped to have the specifics of the audit but this has taken too long and is so stressful. I will email audit information, it will be basic but I must research a bit more.
Your last email ignores my response to your prior email and states the same thing again. I hope to email the audit information tomorrow. Please do not respond to this, wait for the audit email. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Please Note: The maximum credit card payment limit is $150.00
From: Suzette Harford <suzette@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 8:01 AM
Subject: RE: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Tuesday, September 4, 2018 8:01 AM
Subject: RE: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
From: Keith Pooler <keith@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:57 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; tammy@belfastwater.org
Subject: Billig history and meter test
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 9:57 AM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; tammy@belfastwater.org
Subject: Billig history and meter test
Hi Laurie,
Attached is the billing history that you asked for, and the usage does seem to be a little high for one person living in the house.
These water meters have a history of being very accurate, and they will not move unless there is water moving thru them.
The next step I suggest is for you to make an appointment for me to come and set a new meter, then I will do flow tests on that one to verify its accuracy.
If the meter does prove to be inaccurate we will make the appropiate adjustments to the usage and abatements to the charges at that time.
I can also do a 96 day history download on the meter that will show any and all the usage in that period of time.
This is very helpful to see if you possibly have a small leak anywhere in the house.
There is no charge for any of this and I am available Monday thru Friday from 07:00 to 15:30.
Best Regards
Good Morning Laurie,
Please find attached a history that includes readings, usage and billed amount for your account since opening it in 2010.
As for your question regarding 2 payments of 99.27, please send me copies of where/when these two payments were taken from your account and also the 35.00 overdraft fee so that I may research these payments on our side.
From: Suzette Harford <suzette@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:33 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:33 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Hi Laurie,
I pulled your payment that was rejected and resulted in a 5.00 fee. This payment was made on 3/30/18 online. The payment was rejected because the bank did not recognize the acct number used. The account number ended in -2717. We did not assist you with this payment.
After this payment was returned, I sent you a notice letting you know that the payment was returned, there would be a 5.00 fee and that you would need to make a different form of payment.
You then called the office and I assisted you with accessing your account and making a payment with the correct account info.
4/5/2018 12:00 PM |
Offline Cash
Account #210254003
Invoice #222542
| ($99.27) | $0.00 | ($99.27) | View Invoice |
3/30/2018 3:45 PM | ![]()
Account #210254003
Invoice #222542
| $99.27 | $0.00 | $99.27 | View Invoice |
3/30/2018 3:45 PM | ![]()
Account #210254003
Invoice #222542
4/27/2018 7:30 AM |
New Invoice - Balance Forward
Account #210254003
Invoice #222722
| $5.00 | $0.00 | $5.00 | View Invoice |
4/6/2018 9:50 AM | ![]()
Account #210254003
Invoice #222722
| $99.27 | $0.00 | $99.27 | View Invoice |
4/6/2018 9:50 AM | ![]()
Account #210254003
Invoice #222722
| $0.00 | $0.40 | $0.40 | View Invoice |
4/5/2018 7:40 PM |
New Invoice - Balance Forward
Account #210254003
Invoice #222542
| $198.54 | $0.00 | $198.54 | View Invoice |
4/5/2018 1:20 PM |
Offline Debit Adj
Account #210254003
Invoice #222542
| ($99.27) | $0.00 | ($99.27) |
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 3:05 PM
To: Jon Carman; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 3:05 PM
To: Jon Carman; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: suzette@belfastwater.org; taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Jon Carman,
Thank you for your immediate responses with information. I gave you my true usage and once Keith provides my full history (6/28/2010- present) my water billings with the meter readings and comparable in town households and water/sewer usage, we will be able to see discrepancies.
Keith even tightened up my outside faucet in 2014 for a slow drip. It didn't work and I continue and always have shut the water off from the inside each time I use it. Strict water on and water off when done with a nozzle that shuts off while I walk to another area. My downstairs bathroom is not even used since my son left. Maybe from non-use, when it was used last year, the tank ran a little. I keep the lid off with a bar under the water refill bar to stop it from running and don't use it. I have the part to replace it but have to remove the tank. I don't know when that will be done. I don't use that bathroom anymore and if needed, just remove the bar, flush and put the bar back.
Keith has been in my house and his workers gave me new meters and all of Seaview in 2015. It's not the meter or usage.
That's it.
From: Jon Carman <joncarman@uninets.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 1:22 PM
To: 'Jon Carman'; 'LAURIE ALLEN'; 'Keith Pooler'; suzette@belfastwater.org
Cc: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; 'Joseph Slocum'
Subject: RE: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2018 1:22 PM
To: 'Jon Carman'; 'LAURIE ALLEN'; 'Keith Pooler'; suzette@belfastwater.org
Cc: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org; 'Joseph Slocum'
Subject: RE: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Was accidently sent before inserting attachments.
From: Jon Carman [mailto:joncarman@uninets.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 1:05 PM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; 'Keith Pooler'; 'suzette@belfastwater.org'
Cc: 'taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org'; 'Joseph Slocum'
Subject: RE: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 1:05 PM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; 'Keith Pooler'; 'suzette@belfastwater.org'
Cc: 'taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org'; 'Joseph Slocum'
Subject: RE: water usage - July/December 2017 sewer bill
Dear Ms. Allen:
I have already reviewed the water use and billing records for sewer account #135, 17 Seaview Terrace. Please find attached the e-mail sent to you on 8-10-18 and again on 8-17-18 with history reports and bills from both the Belfast Water District and the City of Belfast Sewer Department. Also I’ve attached a spreadsheet detailing billing dates and use from 11-1-15 through 5-1-18 for both the Belfast Water District and City of Belfast for review.
As stated in my 8-10-18 e-mail “I will consider a reduction if you can determine the reason for the increased usage and provide a written request with documentation to support your request”. I certainly can’t speculate on why your usage increased from 5-1-17 through 11-1-17. Until you have the meter tested I have to assume the water metered was used by you and discharged to the sewer. Therefore, at this time, because you have not provided the information requested, I can’t provide a reduction to your sewer bill. If additional information becomes available please communicate your findings and I’ll reconsider a reduction based on the information I receive.
Jon Carman, WWTF Supt.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:45 PM
To: Keith Pooler; suzette@belfastwater.org; Jon Carman; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: water usage
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 4:45 PM
To: Keith Pooler; suzette@belfastwater.org; Jon Carman; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: taxcollector@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: water usage
You have blocked my emails previously. There is not a need nor a want for an inspection of my home. The varied bills and readings for steady then declining usage make my request for an audit clear. I will insert your name here instead of Suzette's. You and Jon may advise with the audit, comparisons, etc. stated here:
Jon- I meant the readings to the water district and also wanted to advise you that my account is in dispute. Thank you for the information and would hope that you and Keith Pooler are reviewing the same. Since 2010, no leaks, no pool, outdoor potted plant watering not gardens, even shutting off valves that dripped any water until fixed or not.
2 people, 1 adult and 1 child 6/28/2010-8/25/2016, no overnight guests, then just me. Barely any laundry even with my son. Now, not even a load a month as I don't go out unless necessary or escorted. Showers every other day. Little cooking, dishes (don't use the dishwasher- almost never) that's it. Frugal flusher, always. Washed my Explorer under 12 times a year. That's about it.
Please send back feedback after your review and then we can settle any disputes. Comparisons of similar Belfast household members and living habits would be helpful. I can think of a few residents just on Seaview Terrace. Please advise if each of you could audit/review this and advise. Thank you.
Truly True,
Laurie Allen
From: Keith Pooler <keith@belfastwater.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 4:14 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: tammy@belfastwater.org; suzette@belfastwater.org
Subject: water usage
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 4:14 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: tammy@belfastwater.org; suzette@belfastwater.org
Subject: water usage
Dear Ms. Allen
My name is Keith Pooler, Superintendent of Belfast Water District, and I am writing back to let you know that per PUC regulations, you have the right to request that I do an accuracy test of the water meter in your residence, and you may witness that test if you choose to. As an alternative, we will also replace the meter with a new one, at no charge, if you wish. I will also come and do a walkthrough of your residence to see if we can help you determine if you may have a small leak or a flush that is leaking by. We can also give you a history of your usage from the existing meter, for the past 90 days if you wish to have one.
Please let me know if you wish to do any of these options.
I do ask that any further correspondence you may have about the disputed water bill should be directed to me.
Thank You,
Keith H. Pooler
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 3:01 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: 'Rebecca McLaughlin'
Subject: Re: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 3:01 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: 'Rebecca McLaughlin'
Subject: Re: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Jon- I meant the readings to the water district and also wanted to advise you that my account is in dispute. Thank you for the information and would hope that you and Suzette are reviewing the same. Since 2010, no leaks, no pool, outdoor potted plant watering not gardens, even shutting off valves that dripped any water until fixed or not.
2 people, 1 adult and 1 child 6/28/2010-8/25/2016, no overnight guests, then just me. Barely any laundry even with my son. Now, not even a load a month as I don't go out unless necessary or escorted. Showers every other day. Little cooking, dishes (don't use the dishwasher- almost never) that's it. Frugal flusher, always. Washed my Explorer under 12 times a year. That's about it.
Please send back feedback after your review and then we can settle any disputes. Comparisons of similar Belfast household members and living habits would be helpful. I can think of a few residents just on Seaview Terrace. Please advise if each of you could audit/review this and advise. Thank you.
Truly True,
Laurie Allen
From: Jon Carman <joncarman@uninets.net>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 10:44 AM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; suzette@belfastwater.org
Cc: 'Rebecca McLaughlin'
Subject: RE: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 10:44 AM
To: 'LAURIE ALLEN'; suzette@belfastwater.org
Cc: 'Rebecca McLaughlin'
Subject: RE: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Dear Ms. Allen:
I have already sent you a meter detail from 6/30/2007 through 6/30/2018 showing usage and charges for account #135, 17 Seaview Terrace. Sent as e-mail attachments on 8/10/2018 and again on 8/17/2018.
Jon Carman, WWTP Supt.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 8:49 AM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 8:49 AM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Dispute Accounts/Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Suzette and Jon,
Please place my account in dispute. Please email the billing with meter usage for each billing cycle for water and for sewer since I purchased 17 Seaview Terrace on 6/28/2010.
Suzette- where is the $99.27 taken from my checking account 2 times ? "Furthermore- the Water District took the 3/30/18 bill of 99.27 out of my account 2 times, causing an overdraft charge of $35 that I have just discovered."
Truly True,
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 5:04 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2018 5:04 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Jon Carman,
I am sorry. I did not see this in my junk mail. I have not had any broken fixtures draining into the sewer system.
Suzette- This usage history is wrong. I am questioning all my water bills. I have research to do and then I will email you and Jon with my findings. Please do not shut off my water or sewer services.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
"I do recognize that the amount of use is significantly higher than other billing periods and I will consider a reduction If you can determine the reason for the increased usage and provide a written request with whatever documentation you may have to support your request. A reduction in water use is solely based on whether the additional water use didn’t enter the sewer system and was due to such things as broken water pipes, a garden hose inadvertently left on, or used for extensive watering or filling a swimming pool. A reduction will not be granted if a fixture such as a toilet tank valve failed and the toilet discharged continuously into the sewer system."
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:59 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Audit Water Usage 2016-present and Appeal
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2018 11:59 PM
To: Jon Carman; suzette@belfastwater.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Audit Water Usage 2016-present and Appeal
Jon Carman and Suzette,
Below is City Manager Slocum's response and does not make sense. My January 2017 bill was 248.32. My son left our household in 8/2016 and now I am questioning the water bills as well. With my son taking 2 long showers a day, laundry and sink water, he used most of the water. My water use is much less. Showers 1 every 2-3 days, laundry- not even once a month. Only one load. Hardly any sink water- no dishes now. I have not had any leaks and don't even wash my suv like I used to. Watering outside is minimal.
I want the water usage for 2016 till 8/31/2016- my son had left for college the week before. Then the water usage after until current. The bills have gone up and I use much less water. Furthermore- the Water District took the 3/30/18 bill of 99.27 out of my account 2 times, causing an overdraft charge of $35 that I have just discovered. I will be going to the bank to get that reversed. Suzette here is your email and below it shows my payment from the 3/30 invoice did pay but you stated that it didn't. And the water district did something to my account so that I had to call you. I could not access my online bill pay. It wouldn't take my sign in although you knew my password when I called you. How did you know that when it is a "secure" site.
Water usage and sewer must be less than half of the usage prior to 8/31/2016. Please list the usage for each bill after 8/31/2016 and copy me so that I can compare.
Good Morning Laurie,
I apologize for the delay in replying to your email. I have been out of the office for a few days.
Please find attached to this email a copy of your usage for 2016 until now, this usage has also been sent to Jon Carmen. Any water that goes through the water meter is reported to the sewer department for their bi-annual billing.
I understand that you are concerned with your water usage history and we want to help in any way that we can. There are several things that can increase your usage drastically, a toilet that is running or leaking, a dripping faucet, outside watering, an outside leaky spigot or hose, etc.
I hope this information helps answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you have further questions, please call our office or you can reply directly to this email.
Have a great day!
From: Jon Carman <joncarman@uninets.net>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:42 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: 'Joseph Slocum'; 'Rebecca McLaughlin'; 'Amy Flood'
Subject: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 5:42 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: 'Joseph Slocum'; 'Rebecca McLaughlin'; 'Amy Flood'
Subject: Laurie Allen July/December 2018 Sewer Bill
August 10, 2018
Ms. Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
Dear Ms. Allen:
Based on your request I have reviewed the water use and billing data at 17 Seaview Terrace for the July/December 2017 sewer bill you received. The City of Belfast uses water meter readings from the Belfast Water District to create customer sewer bills. The sewer bill you received for the July/December 2017 billing period represents Water District quarterly readings from May 1 through October 31. The bill you received for the January/June 2018 billing period represents Water District quarterly readings from November 1 through April 30.
Belfast Water District reads meters and bills quarterly and the City of Belfast uses the quarterly readings to bill sewer customers semiannually. I have attached a Water District history report, their quarterly bills for 5-1-17 through 10-31-17, and the City of Belfast Meter Detail report with charges and your July/December 2017 sewer bill. Both the Water District quarterly bills and the City of Belfast sewer bill were for the same amount of usage (8,400 CF).
I do recognize that the amount of use is significantly higher than other billing periods and I will consider a reduction If you can determine the reason for the increased usage and provide a written request with whatever documentation you may have to support your request. A reduction in water use is solely based on whether the additional water use didn’t enter the sewer system and was due to such things as broken water pipes, a garden hose inadvertently left on, or used for extensive watering or filling a swimming pool. A reduction will not be granted if a fixture such as a toilet tank valve failed and the toilet discharged continuously into the sewer system.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Jon Carman, WWTF Superintendent
Belfast Water District
207-338-0444 Fax
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