
Saturday, April 27, 2019

12/6/16 Seaview Terrace Standing Rock 3 Minutes

4/30/2019- After being falsely arrested on 11/1/2017 for fabricated harassment and false evidence (a video that is not available but taken by 23 Seaview Terrace worker Kevin Page and is "clearly Laurie Allen's voice" I was forced to sign more false cease harassment notices at Waldo Jail. They were from Belfast City Hall, Mike Hurley, his Colonial Theater and Belfast Police Department and stating that I had violated the notice by Mike Hurley even though I just received it and had not even left the jail. I was never given any of the original signed cease harassment notices as stated on the notice itself. Law enforcement refused to give them to me and did not get copies to me either.

In ADA Entwisle's discovery, he is stating I was issued and already violated  Mike Hurley's cease harassment on 11/1/17 along with several criminal trespass notices. Entwisle does not list the cease harassment notices that I was forced to sign (again, I was never given the originals or copies) by Belfast City Hall and the Belfast Police Department. I was not issued any criminal trespass notices. In previous dispositional hearings where I have the transcripts, I state again and again that I never got the cease harassment notices and that it can't be legal to ban me from City Hall, Belfast City Hall (later after arrested on 2/23/18 falsely for terrorizing with a dangerous weapon, I would be banned from all of downtown, including the Court houses where I needed to work my case as pro se.) No comment from the Judge or ADA Entwisle. The only discovery that ADA Entwisle has given me was for the harassment false arrest on 11/1/2017 fabricated by Mark Rae, Kevin Page and Chief McFadden.

I've yet to receive the discovery for terrorizing with a dangerous weapon,and now only Mike Hurley's harassment fabrication (City Hall and Belfast Police Department not listed) and "several criminal trespass notices" that I never received or did then on 11/1/2017 or now.

Below proves that I was illegally banned from City Hall, BPD (Belfast Police Department) and Waldo Court houses. Public places that I needed access to and was denied. I still am as of today, 4/29/19 and shackled with an ankle tracker since 3/2/18. Over a year. Brutal, abusive and demoralizing.

From: Joseph Slocum <>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records

Dear Ms. Allen,

Thank you for your phone call as well as your email today.

I do not wish to speak to you at all as I have no faith that you can truthfully repeat anything I say to you nor do I wish to see more of my misrepresented statements used to support your repeated accusations and confessed personal beliefs that I have or that I am trying to cause you a broad variety of serious harms.

I am truly sorry that it has come to this.

Based upon my observations of you conduct and statements here, in the streets and what I have seen you post, I have serious concerns that you cannot come to City Hall and conduct yourself in a civil and non- offensive, non-abusive or non-threatening fashion. I am interested in less conflict here- not more and I think physical and verbal distance will serve everyone- including yourself -better.

Accordingly, I am denying your request for permission to come into City Hall and pay your taxes in person tomorrow.  Your rejection of our suggestions to minimize conflict by mailing them in or have a friend drop them off is unfortunate. Your bill was mailed to you and apparently received. UPS or Federal express are also options but they unfortunately cost money. The friend or the postage stamp really seems to be the best option.

You may continue to communicate to me through email but I will only respond if I feel that your request or statements are reasonable.  

I hope and wish that you have more peaceful days.


 Joseph Slocum

Fw: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Mon 6/25/2018 2:23 PM

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Ms. Johnson,

This just came from Rick. Greely will not allow me to go to the court or police department for my cases and to demand Mark Rae be arrested for theft to McFadden, on video.


From: rick otto <>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court

I spoke with officer Greeley who indicated that his answer was the same as in the past. He indicated he cannot unilaterally amend the court orders. Take care. Rick

July 3,2018 short video checking in with Rick Otto at Tuesday jail bail day (I had to go in every week until I stated that I was going to interview those coming out of jail bail. I was told not to come back to Tuesday jail bail day.)

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