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6/6/2018  A court session day per Brooke Otis, Court Clerk (married? to jail bailiff and my witness to notice fraud, Ryan Otis) Waldo Superior Court, Church St. Belfast 11 am. My (Laurie Allen) hearings for motions to dismiss fraudulent cease harassment notices against me for standing on my land, creating 2 false violations with false imprisonments @ Waldo County Jail. This was my 6th? or 7th court appearance, denied to be heard at each for immediate dismissal since November 2017. One court hearing was postponed because of the 2nd arrest on February 23, 2018 @ night, 6:20 pm. 1 plain clothes (Juba) baiting me to leave my living room open window to talk to him outside. Below the Memorial Day with me American Mom on the cover of Republican Journal 2012 post below explains. They banned me from posting less than a year later. BDN, Free Press, etc. Ditto.

Entering Waldo Superior Court yesterday, 6/6,  gone were the walk through and item scan terrorist detectors, security guards were gone. All doors closed, no people.  I always appear in court Pro se and alone. There were 2 attorneys? on the middle landing as I went up the stairs. Into the grandeur of the soon to be demolished historical Superior Court Room. My first visit was with Murray. I was stunned at the beauty, feeling like I was back at the Vatican City when I was 22. Gone. They transformed the entry level (before descending steps) into a small, staged court room. Drop tile ceiling, a few rows of benches, no descending. 

One attorney and another on speaker phone, wrapped it up with Judge Rob Murray, with Marshall Dudley, anxious to protect foiled horror. AG Mills owned ADA Entswisle walks in.  No one else.

The same three JustUs enforcers against me.  Murray and Entwisle were a mess. The transcripts (certainly already altered like the 3 other transcripts I paid for) will prove that this was a hit not to miss again.