Maine Dishonorable Judge Robert Murray
AG Janet Mills,Dis.Patty Worth, Matthews, Fields...
and here I go again. New sign and Seaview's Holy Grail, the original 1965 development with staked surveys that have never changed on Seaview Terrace per City Planner Wayne Marshall's email. No subdivides, no nada. Regardless of the removal of deeded plans throughout Waldo County, especially the MaineHealth Gaza Strip of Belfast. Seaview Terrace targeting Laurie's Standing Rock. Wrong. And me blown up to Big jerk size, my protection order against Big Jerk Mark Rae that he just violated yesterday and I get the notice.
American Irish Ma
Tuesday, 6/26/2018 11:30 am. Good thing I didn't drive down to Judge Sparaco's Court House in Rockland. I am not going outside until I have protection. Ms. Johnson, Waldo County Commissioner for Belfast sent Sgt Gibbs to get me again. No. I no come out. I tape the corrupt, blatantly, stupidly corrupt. Under the protection of AG Mills. In the Twin Bridges jail, mates were yapping away about Janet being a crackwh*** in Lewiston ally's. Feeding it to Mainers to feed their system greed. I had reached out to her family lawyers in Farmington years ago. No response. But aren't they the cream of the crack. Oh and last I knew this Sgt Gibbs was a secret partner with Front Street Pub. Documented reports of 2 men reporting an extremely drunk driver on Rte 1 by Hannaford at school relase. Almost hit one guy's truck. Both reported it to the BPD. The receptionist was not concerned and said she needs a license plate number. He left, drove to Rollie's where he followed the killer into the parking lot. Brought back the # and Officer Juba came out to say it was already taken care of. Drive drunk for Downtown Belfast business and get a pass.
Big jerk Mark Rae, step son to B.O. (Body Odor as Mr. Cameron of Cameron Paving and Lincolnville family stronghold, introduced himself. I told B.O. to get a variance, that I would sign off on it to make the garage legal and one corner, almost on the boundary line that required a side setback of 20 ft. No planning board meetings for these thugs, nope. Here's your permit. Take her land. We got your ammo. I got me words and gift. Courage with big fear. And no PBR's. Boo hoo. Bastards.
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:23 PM
Subject: Fw: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:23 PM
Subject: Fw: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Ms. Johnson,
This just came from Rick. Greely will not allow me to go to the court or police department for my cases and to demand Mark Rae be arrested for theft to McFadden, on video.
This just came from Rick. Greely will not allow me to go to the court or police department for my cases and to demand Mark Rae be arrested for theft to McFadden, on video.
From: rick otto <>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
I spoke with officer Greeley who indicated that his answer was the same as in the past. He indicated he cannot unilaterally amend the court orders. Take care. Rick
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:19 PM
Subject: Fw: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:19 PM
Subject: Fw: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Ms. Johnson, Waldo County Commissioner of Belfast,
This is Laurie Allen, falsely charged 3 times, with false arrests, hate crimes and terrorism from Belfast law enforcement for not allowing my property to be stolen by Maine corrupt government. Years ago, I received 2 anonymous, sexually threatening, terrorizing letters. Sheriff Trafton and Chief McFadden began blocking my emails for protection and investigation at that time.
I have been shackled with a cancer cell ankle tracker since 3/2/2018 where I was not supposed to get out of Two Bridges but they bailed when I got a letter to the outside with an exiting jail lady. Judge Sparaco has awarded several of my cases and recently a protection order against Mark Rae who has been terrorizing me with hate crimes, theft, threats, assault after assault to my property and vehicles, endless crimes, daily, since last May. Documented into a 1 1/2 hr move Overview Greed of just some of the horror. Including today. Violating the protection order. Belfast law enforcement protects the raging, huge Mark Rae and all the heavy equipment and his workers joining in on mob mentality to hurt me for not allowing them to take my property.
In Superior Court on 6/6/18, at 11am, my son and I walked into an empty building. Not one person, all doors closed, no security, no scans or checks. Up the stairs and into a staged courtroom with only Judge Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley. The same 3 since December 2018 where I've yet to be heard for immediate dismissal of all charges for false ALL. Proven. Documented. To walk in with my son this time and not alone as always. Murray ran, he didn't even hear my motions to dismiss again. Ordered the bail conditions remain and the title 15 denied since I just won a protection order Pro se. Against Mark Rae who got a false arrest on me with a false unavailable video. Right.
Now Greely won't let me go to the Court house or Police Station and will not put it in writing. Rick Otto said he would email me Greely's decision but is resisting the email that he said he would send. His email is blocking me, his are reaching me. Greely just left me a message to call him. I will not talk to him anymore. He was yelling and yelling at me, his officer yesterday threatened to arrest me when he came to my house, the NEW monitor- 2 have broke, sending out breaches again and again, more blue mean men at my door... I rarely go out because I want to live for my children. But they keep coming and inciting. The new monitor began vibrating and flash into my skin where my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer but of no concern to enforcement, Courts and agencies. I called Rick Otto and left a message to stop the swat team from coming. Then I called 911 and told them because I wanted it documented in case I was taken again.
Please call Greely and tell him to email me any problems he has with me or have Rick Otto do it. Stop this please. I'm a mother and an honest person. 57 years old and this is not my doing. It's the government. Freedom of Speech in America not in he United States. I want to change that and keep on talking. Clearly knowing they want me to die for it. 2 times. My honor.
Laurie Allen
This is Laurie Allen, falsely charged 3 times, with false arrests, hate crimes and terrorism from Belfast law enforcement for not allowing my property to be stolen by Maine corrupt government. Years ago, I received 2 anonymous, sexually threatening, terrorizing letters. Sheriff Trafton and Chief McFadden began blocking my emails for protection and investigation at that time.
I have been shackled with a cancer cell ankle tracker since 3/2/2018 where I was not supposed to get out of Two Bridges but they bailed when I got a letter to the outside with an exiting jail lady. Judge Sparaco has awarded several of my cases and recently a protection order against Mark Rae who has been terrorizing me with hate crimes, theft, threats, assault after assault to my property and vehicles, endless crimes, daily, since last May. Documented into a 1 1/2 hr move Overview Greed of just some of the horror. Including today. Violating the protection order. Belfast law enforcement protects the raging, huge Mark Rae and all the heavy equipment and his workers joining in on mob mentality to hurt me for not allowing them to take my property.
In Superior Court on 6/6/18, at 11am, my son and I walked into an empty building. Not one person, all doors closed, no security, no scans or checks. Up the stairs and into a staged courtroom with only Judge Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley. The same 3 since December 2018 where I've yet to be heard for immediate dismissal of all charges for false ALL. Proven. Documented. To walk in with my son this time and not alone as always. Murray ran, he didn't even hear my motions to dismiss again. Ordered the bail conditions remain and the title 15 denied since I just won a protection order Pro se. Against Mark Rae who got a false arrest on me with a false unavailable video. Right.
Now Greely won't let me go to the Court house or Police Station and will not put it in writing. Rick Otto said he would email me Greely's decision but is resisting the email that he said he would send. His email is blocking me, his are reaching me. Greely just left me a message to call him. I will not talk to him anymore. He was yelling and yelling at me, his officer yesterday threatened to arrest me when he came to my house, the NEW monitor- 2 have broke, sending out breaches again and again, more blue mean men at my door... I rarely go out because I want to live for my children. But they keep coming and inciting. The new monitor began vibrating and flash into my skin where my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer but of no concern to enforcement, Courts and agencies. I called Rick Otto and left a message to stop the swat team from coming. Then I called 911 and told them because I wanted it documented in case I was taken again.
Please call Greely and tell him to email me any problems he has with me or have Rick Otto do it. Stop this please. I'm a mother and an honest person. 57 years old and this is not my doing. It's the government. Freedom of Speech in America not in he United States. I want to change that and keep on talking. Clearly knowing they want me to die for it. 2 times. My honor.
Laurie Allen
Belfast Commerce awards resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum- 2013 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR
rom: <>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:06 AM
Subject: Undeliverable: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:06 AM
Subject: Undeliverable: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: The format of the email address isn't correct. A correct address looks like this: Please check the recipient's email address and try to resend the message. The format of the email address isn't correct. A correct address looks like this: Please check the recipient's email address and try to resend the message.
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:06 AM
Subject: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 11:06 AM
Subject: ankle email and Greely Fw: Test
Rick- you said you would send the email with Greely's response that I can't go to the Court House or Police Department for the 2nd time. Stating he can't break bail conditions when you got permission from him before when I went down to file the protection order against Mark Rae and to the police station where I filed the theft of my property from Mark Rae, with pictures, to Officer Juba. No report or arrest and I was awarded the protection order using that theft as one of the 3. Please send the email stating Greely will not allow me to go to Waldo Courts or Belfast Police Station. Now please. You said I'd have it since approx. 9am today when I came to jail.
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 8:47 AM
To: ;
Subject: 2nd Toxic Crack Ankle Monitor since 3/1/18
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 8:47 AM
To: ;
Subject: 2nd Toxic Crack Ankle Monitor since 3/1/18
Case Manager Rick Otto,
A Waldo sheriff department uniform came to my house yesterday. Monitor breach again (perhaps 5 times, sheriff's coming to my house for "breach". FYI- I have to be a the jail @ 9am today, 6/25 for another to track me in my home.
This email/picture is proof that I have been forced out of my house again, for the lawless. Just in case the plan is set for the 3rd time to get rid of Mom. I've lost some weight (do not tighten the band) since almost losing my life to Judge Murray. ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley. But, I had a witness this time. My son. He knows he saved me too after what he witnessed at Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/2018. 11 am.
Laurie Allen
A Waldo sheriff department uniform came to my house yesterday. Monitor breach again (perhaps 5 times, sheriff's coming to my house for "breach". FYI- I have to be a the jail @ 9am today, 6/25 for another to track me in my home.
This email/picture is proof that I have been forced out of my house again, for the lawless. Just in case the plan is set for the 3rd time to get rid of Mom. I've lost some weight (do not tighten the band) since almost losing my life to Judge Murray. ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley. But, I had a witness this time. My son. He knows he saved me too after what he witnessed at Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/2018. 11 am.
Laurie Allen
6/20/2018- I just made my youtube channel public (keywords Watch Laurie Allen). 210 video's ofMaine/Belfast corruption and some fun with Maine Man and kids. I stopped uploading to youtube a few months ago and pay TechSmith/Camtasia because Belfast Police Chief and internet crime scene planter, his secret brother-in-law- prior TWC now Spectrum Belfast Tech Tom, in your home and files. Tom has been in my home too many times, unknown as a criminal to me. Till I put them together. After 7 years of TWC to Spectrum ignoring this enormous ring, Spectrum sent down a prior detective from the Ellsworth, Maine office (another county) and ripped out the entire system, last summer, 2017. Yep. I took video.
In January 2018, Spectrum cut all my services, landline, cable and internet. I was an 8 year, pay in full monthly customer. McFadden has deleted some of his crime video's, my blogs, freezing my internet, crashing it, seemingly 24/7.
With jail bail restrictions, jail, court, barricaded night watch, law enforcement pounding me hard with next door menacing men of rage, hate and break me, all together now, I've just gotten internet again through Consolidated after 6 months of cut her public communications. My forte'. SILENCE HER YESTERDAY. AND MAKE IT TERRORIZING. DONE. I'm still dancing. Jerks.
reorganized this entire post for conciseness and additions-"knuckle dragging thug" Chief McFadden baiting my daughter in emails to send her mom away. No words.
"6/19/2018 Belfast Jail Me Bite Gov't Woof!!"
Today's visit made another good clip of us vs JustUs. Ew. Even I say wow- go American Ma, alter ego duty, even prouder to be my children's Hobo Ma. Wink.
Tuesday is bail conditions visit day @ the Waldo Jail with case manager Rick Otto. Each time I go, more meetings with easy prey people of horror. One dad has been trying to get his son away from the mother since last year when she wrote in a letter that she was going to kill their son. JustUs orders court owned therapy for all, and 8 yr. old son stays prey. Until. Next lifetime sentence. Criminal Court. Next. Next ch ching, need a bigger system. Our owned are bringing 'em as ordered.
Today, a 33 yr old woman was beat... She came over and talked to me after the Otto meeting. Someone she didn't know till Saturday? or Friday, broke her collarbone, fingerprints pressed and bruised all around her neck, in clear trauma and fear, she called law enforcement and they arrested her. Down to Two Bridges since Saturday? Friday? JustUs probably Patricia Worth, Belfast, took her bail money and into the system with therapy and what? She didn't even have a shoulder support- no constitutional medical for women at Two Bridges. Beat em up more, pick the story of the day from Maine Attorney General Janet Mills, running for her people for Governor. Right. Wrong.
I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. F*** you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?"
Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. F+++ yeah. 9. F****** Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all full of holes. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo
A boardwalk game in Seaside Heights, N.J., features a moving target of President Barack Obama. Contestants hurl baseballs in his direction. A Pennsylva ...
Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”
The article also includes some related cases or topics that had far more intent and malice than mine. too.

BELFAST, Maine (AP) — Police have arrested a Maine woman who posted a video of herself target shooting while listing city officials by name and describing them as “my target.”
Police say 57-year-old Laurie Allen was arrested Feb. 23 on charges of terrorizing with a dangerous weapon. The Bangor Daily News reports Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden says the videos and a series of public confrontations have caused “reasonable fear” among officials.
Allen has been involved in a dispute with the city for several years. She believes a stream that poses a flooding risk to her property is the city’s responsibility to maintain. The city disagrees.
Allen is jailed in Wiscasset. A jail spokesman says he doesn’t know if she has retained an attorney.
6/5/18 Jail Bail visit w/ Detective Did Ya Get That Jim Greely refusing to grant access to Waldo District Court House and Belfast Police Dept (1 mile away from jail & my home- surrounded with 8 yr full throttle assault by MaineHealth, the profit, on Seaview Terrace, The Belfast Gaza Strip vs. Ma Standing Rock
New Belfast police chief selected
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
From: Michael McFadden <>From: Michael McFadden <>Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie AllenDate: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDTTo: my daughter
My Daughter,
... It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs.
Chief McFadden.Subject: RE:Date: March 2, 2018 at 6:11:00 AM PSTTo: My Daughter
I know they have female officers at the jail there. I'm not sure which of them would have been working the night your mom was arrested though. I can't speak for the jail but I find it hard to believe they would have had a male corrections officer strip search your mother, but that's just my common sense on the subject not direct knowlage of what actually happened. Fortunately a lot of what happens in the booking room is on video from what I understand so we should be able to determine exactly what happened. I'll make sure the jail knows to save the video from the night your mom was arrested…From: My Daughter
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 6:31 PM
To: Michael McFadden
Subject: Re:I can encourage her to do that. What about the person who did the body search on her in Waldo County?On Mar 1, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Michael McFadden <> wrote:You should reach out to Two Bridges Regional Corrections Center. I really don't deal a lot with them because their on the County side of things. All I know is we brought your mom to the Waldo County Sheriff's Office and they more than likely brought her to the Two Bridges Jail the following day… This is the first I've heard of any incidents. Your mom should really be the one to call and report any of the incidents you're speaking of though… She's the one they're going to want to speak with.
Two Bridges denied me access to the law library from day 1. My daughter had put money in a jail account for inmates. I was never told, just got a $50 check from Twin Bridges when they bailed on Belfast and transferred me back before they got publicity. I was cut off, no phone calls, no information, no cooperation, lots of hate though. Especially from angry ego Sheriff Dunton (that's what he said his name was when he refused to let me go to the bathroom and shot me hate when I asked him for a cup to pee in. The little mental dr. was what? Woman hater. I introduced myself stating I'd wish we could discuss Dialetical Behavior Therapy- aka- sensible, direct coping skills. He told me to call 211 with disgust. Doubtful he has a GED. He threw another woman in "the bubble", glass unit for all to see. Made her strip and threw a blanket at her to cover herself. He told me that if I missed one more meal (into my 4th day hunger strike) I was going in the bubble. The blanket was not wool. We got wool- says Bob Barker Blankets?? Another woman severely allergic to wool but ego's said no other blankets. Women are hanging onto their mattresses because the guards take them for the men and give the women the old, blue, thin, thick tarp mattresses. That's just the morning disgrace. Probably taking bets on who could get me first. Not all. The night guard and his supervisor. Real men, kind and caring. They got me a phone call out on the 4th night in Two Bridges. My 6th consecutive night in jail (Friday and Saturday, targeted weekend arrest to keep me in Belfast jail for 2 nights. Hunger strike as soon as they cuffed me at my home, 2/23/2018. 4 days in, sandbagged by criminal attorney David Sinclair to take him, eat and sign the medical release. He was just getting started for Mills. He was no match for me. He motioned to run. And did. Shame on that father. Ew.
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
But he knew the target shoot video was innocent that is why I wasn't arrested for 4 months ago.
It was AG Mills ordering the arrest because of the email I sent her that day @ 1pm with 4 of her "Judges" violating at least 4 of 6 Judicial Canon Rules.
Last reviewed and edited September 7, 2017 Amendments effective September 5, 2017 MAINE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT
RULE 1.1 Compliance with the Law RULE
1.2 Promotion of Confidence in the Judiciary RULE
1.3 Avoiding Abuse of the Prestige of Judicial Office
2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office
2.2 Impartiality and Fairness; Upholding the Law
2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment
2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct
2.5 Competence, Diligence, and Cooperation
2.6 Ensuring the Right to Be Heard
2.7 Responsibility to Decide
2.11 Disqualification or Recusal
2.12 Supervisory Duties Disciplinary Responsibilities
2.16 A Judge Shall Comply with Disciplinary Authorities
3.1 Extrajudicial Activities in General
3.5 Use of Nonpublic Information RULE 3.6 Affiliation with Discriminatory Organizations RULE 3.7 Participation in Educational, Religious, Charitable, Fraternal, or Civic Organizations and Activities RULE 3.8 Fiduciary Activities RULE 3.9 Service as Arbitrator or Mediator RULE 3.10 Practice of Law RULE 3.11 Financial Activities RULE 3.12 Compensation for Extrajudicial Activities RULE 3.13 Acceptance and Reporting of Gifts, Loans, Bequests, Benefits, or Other Things of Value
RULE 3.14 Reimbursement of Expenses and Waivers of Fees or Charges
A.Fields- Small Claims hearing with Judge Fields
RULE 2.1 Giving Precedence to the Duties of Judicial Office The duties of judicial office, as prescribed by law, shall take precedence over all of a judge’s personal and extrajudicial activities.
RULE 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness; Upholding the Law A judge shall uphold and apply the law, and shall perform all judicial and administrative duties promptly, fairly, and competently. An error of law in a judicial decision, whether recognized on appeal or not, shall not constitute a violation of this Code unless the judge’s action demonstrates willful or repeated disregard of explicit requirements of the law
RULE 2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment (A) A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office, including administrative duties, without bias or prejudice. (B) A judge shall not, in the performance of judicial duties, by words or conduct manifest bias or prejudice for or against an individual or a party, or engage in harassment, including but not limited to bias, prejudice, or harassment based upon, race, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation, and shall not permit court staff, court officials, or others, while subject to the judge’s direction and control, to do so. (C) A judge shall require lawyers in proceedings before the court to refrain from manifesting bias or prejudice, or engaging in harassment, based upon attributes including but not limited to race, sex, gender, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation against parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff, or others. (D) Sections B and C of this Rule do not preclude judges or lawyers from making legitimate reference to the listed factors or other similar factors when they are relevant to an issue in a proceeding.
RULE 2.4 External Influences on Judicial Conduct (A) A judge shall not be swayed by public clamor or fear of criticism. (B) A judge shall not permit family, social, political, financial, or other interests or relationships to influence the judge’s judicial conduct or judgment.
RULE 2.5 Competence, Diligence, and Cooperation (A) A judge shall perform judicial and administrative duties competently and diligently. (B) A judge shall cooperate with other judges in the administration of court business.
RULE 2.6 Ensuring the Right to Be Heard (A) A judge shall accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, or that person’s lawyer, the right to be heard according to law. (B) A judge may encourage parties to a proceeding and their lawyers to settle matters in dispute but shall not act in a manner that forces any party to settle. A judge may participate in case management conferences, judicial settlement conferences, and dispositional conferences, and such participation alone does not disqualify the judge from participating in later adjudicatory proceedings. (C) A judge may take affirmative steps, consistent with the law, as the judge deems appropriate to enable an unrepresented litigant to be heard. A judge may explain the requirements of applicable rules and statutes so that a person appearing before the judge understands the process to be employed. A judge may also inform unrepresented individuals of free or reduced cost legal or other assistance that is available in the courthouse or elsewhere.
Rule 2.6 should be regarded as providing continuing ethical guidance for judges participating in case management and settlement discussions, and for judges providing appropriate support for unrepresented litigants to assure that the goals of fairness and equal access to the judicial process are supported.
RULE 2.7 Responsibility to Decide A judge shall hear and decide matters except when disqualification or recusal is required.
RULE 2.11 Disqualification or Recusal (A) A judge shall disqualify or recuse himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to the following circumstances: (1) The judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party’s lawyer, or the judge has personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding when the personal knowledge that would form the basis for disqualification has been gained outside the regular course of present or prior judicial proceedings. (2) The judge knows that the judge, individually or as a fiduciary, the judge’s spouse, domestic partner, a person within the third degree of relationship to either of them, or any other member of the judge’s family residing in the judge’s household (a) Is a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, general partner, managing member, or trustee of a party; (b) Is acting as a lawyer in the proceeding; (c) Is a person who has more than a de minimis interest that could be substantially affected by the proceeding; or (d) Is likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.
That night, they cuffed me in my pajama's and thought Hobo Mom was silenced. Almost. I was not supposed to get out of Two Bridges. "Something" was going to happen to me in there and it would be because of McFadden's constant seed planting of unstable Hobo Mom. Case closed. She's finally dead, suicide or one of the big mean officers felt threatened by 115 lbs of a 57 years old 5'2 woman. Shoot her.
Mills is using a title 15 psych eval to stop me from being heard in court. 6/20/18 update-Murray had to deny Mill's order, no title 15. I won Pro se, my year long pleading for a protection order from big, angry, stupid Mark Rae. Mills stupidly motioning that I am not competent to represent myself (pro se). Right. The setup criminal attorney, David Sinclair for the criminal was for the wrong criminal. He was ordered to talk me into the title 15 eval and a host of other "advice" to lose my freedom at ruling, a loss for David but perks for silencing the sound of freedom. I called him out and he motioned out with Mills devising another plan. To play out on June 6 @ Superior Court, Belfast. I won't be heard again because the title 15 will order another corrupt for the AG attorney. Hearing delayed again until new corruption can get acclimated to my innocence to trick me into shock treatments, facility rapes and horror beyond control. They have your mind under MaineHealth in collaboration with the Department of Defense per MaineHealth's website announcement in 2011, pharmco, Dr. Drug Lords and the greed ego's of Maine enforcement collars to the Dishonorable's to the Maine Attorney General, Janet Mills, running for Get 'em in our system to fund our greed and self hate illness, Governor.
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6/6/2018 A court session day per Brooke Otis, Court Clerk (married? to jail bailiff and my witness to notice fraud, Ryan Otis) Waldo Superior Court, Church St. Belfast 11 am. My (Laurie Allen) hearings for motions to dismiss fraudulent cease harassment notices against me for standing on my land, creating 2 false violations with false imprisonments @ Waldo County Jail. This was my 6th? or 7th court appearance, denied to be heard at each for immediate dismissal since November 2017. One court hearing was postponed because of the 2nd arrest on February 23, 2018 @ night, 6:20 pm. 1 plain clothes (Juba) baiting me to leave my living room open window to talk to him outside. Below the Memorial Day with me American Mom on the cover of Republican Journal 2012 post below explains. They banned me from posting less than a year later. BDN, Free Press, etc. Ditto.
Entering Waldo Superior Court yesterday, 6/6, gone were the walk through and item scan terrorist detectors, security guards were gone. All doors closed, no people. I always appear in court Pro se and alone. There were 2 attorneys? on the middle landing as I went up the stairs. Into the grandeur of the soon to be demolished historical Superior Court Room. My first visit was with Murray. I was stunned at the beauty, feeling like I was back at the Vatican City when I was 22. Gone. They transformed the entry level (before descending steps) into a small, staged court room. Drop tile ceiling, a few rows of benches, no descending.
One attorney and another on speaker phone, wrapped it up with Judge Rob Murray, with Marshall Dudley, anxious to protect foiled horror. AG Mills owned ADA Entswisle walks in. No one else.
The same three JustUs enforcers against me. Murray and Entwisle were a mess. The transcripts (certainly already altered like the 3 other transcripts I paid for) will prove that this was a hit not to miss again.
They missed again. I brought my witness. My son. For 8 years, I have shielded my children from their harm as much as possible. They got them anyway. Belfast Chief McFadden and Officer Ward had threatened me 2 times. Once following me out of one of the over 150 Belfast City Council meetings and planning board, open to the public and agenda items that I have not wanted to speak but did and now banned from, to demoralize and tell me to be a better mother and to be concerned for my children. I have several playlists of 1rst hand, ruthless, endless greed and corruption. Here's the biggest one. Early on, I was still crawling. We earned the peace to privacy and safety. Internet was not my thing. At all. Nor speaking in public ever and especially when we needed to be under all radar.
Chief McFadden and Ward threatened me again. In my house, on an anonymous tip that I was unstable. McFadden was unable to coax me into backing off of City Hall corruption, McFadden told me again to be a better mother and to be concerned for my children. Both in 2012-13.
Murray had to dismiss the Title 15 to rule me incompetent to represent myself after I held up my blown up to J. Black Printing 's capacity, placard of my protection order against Mark Rae, awarded by Deputy Chief Justice Susan Sparaco. Rae has been terrorizing me, my loved ones, and sanctuary with hate crimes, theft, menacing threats, constant trespassing and intimidation, on and on for over a year with the participation of Belfast Chief McFadden and department, Sheriff Trafton and department, down the ladder to Attorney General Janet Mills.
ADA Entwisle hung down his head in hell. Murray was already there.
Murray would not tell me what the fraudulent violation of the fraudulent c.h. notice claimed to be reported by Belfast City Council, Fur Trapper Mike Hurley. I never got the required original signature notices, stated on the notice, that they forced me to sign. Officer Juba trapping me, chest bumping to stop me as I walked away from my guy's 75 year old Mom's home after he threatened her to get me out of her house or she will be charged with harboring a fugitive. She even worked for bow tied Belfast attorney Lee Woodward for 20 years. Mr. Mediator for the Collars. No one is safe.
Upon first getting a copy of the notices and police report from ADA Entwisle's Discovery, the police log for the Fur Trapper's complaint states the Belfast PD initiated the violation. I never got the chance to be heard, status quo. Murray refused to accept my CD video proving the electronic monitoring cancer causing ankle shackle, was making me deathly ill. I had been trying to get the state's criminal attorney, David Sinclair to motion immediate removal of the monitor and complete dismissal to which he wasted 2 more months to motion to drop me after I asked him on video, who was he protecting? Me. Right? Days later a motion in the mail, he was caught sentencing his client to rape and death. Protected by AG Mills and Governor LePage. I have never been legally arrested, am 57 years old, 34 credits of night school and swear to tell truth.
Upon first getting a copy of the notices and police report from ADA Entwisle's Discovery, the police log for the Fur Trapper's complaint states the Belfast PD initiated the violation. I never got the chance to be heard, status quo. Murray refused to accept my CD video proving the electronic monitoring cancer causing ankle shackle, was making me deathly ill. I had been trying to get the state's criminal attorney, David Sinclair to motion immediate removal of the monitor and complete dismissal to which he wasted 2 more months to motion to drop me after I asked him on video, who was he protecting? Me. Right? Days later a motion in the mail, he was caught sentencing his client to rape and death. Protected by AG Mills and Governor LePage. I have never been legally arrested, am 57 years old, 34 credits of night school and swear to tell truth.
Murray refused to rescind bail conditions in painful effect since 3/1/2018 after saving my own life by chance in Two Bridges Correctional Facility of lawless, vengeful law enforcement men with intent to ... I stated my father, sister and 2 brothers died from cancer. I have not done any of this. I have complied with bail conditions and he refused my exhibits. Exhibit A was a video CD of illness, a documented 2nd call to David Sinclair where I am very ill, a Supreme Court article that ankle bracelets are used to demoralize, another with the cancer stats and ineffectiveness of actual monitor... Denied. Die.
Murray refused to give me public access to the restricted zone courthouse and police station (all downtown, my Dr. abutting my backyard, my drugstore, the beloved City Park almost across the street from me) to not get requested documents for 8 years, to prepare my case to save my life again from the same greed illness. Murray stated the Sheriff's office would give me requested access even after I told him that Detective Greely refused (on video) to grant permission for a visit to both. Greely told me to call AG Mills.
Murray refused to give me public access to the restricted zone courthouse and police station (all downtown, my Dr. abutting my backyard, my drugstore, the beloved City Park almost across the street from me) to not get requested documents for 8 years, to prepare my case to save my life again from the same greed illness. Murray stated the Sheriff's office would give me requested access even after I told him that Detective Greely refused (on video) to grant permission for a visit to both. Greely told me to call AG Mills.
Murray and Entwisle were a bumbling disgrace. No evidence. No matter. I was to be over. They didn't have a plan B if the staged crime scene behind Murray's stage of JustUs didn't proceed. Murray didn't enter my terrorizing with a dangerous weapon dismissal motion. Instead he abruptly ordered recess and left. I thought he was going to the throne and would be back to dismiss the terrorizing with a dangerous weapon motion with the video CD of the portion of the many video's lawful target shoot. Dismiss with Supreme Court Ruling precedence exhibit B. He was gone.
Leaving the staged courtroom, still not a soul to be seen. By the exit, on the wall, was a metal detector unit. Part of the stage. I just put this all together in disbelief(6/7 3pm). With the false charges, media (Republican Journal Stephanie Grinnel reporting lie after lie and boasting that Belfast social media was celebrating the taking of an innocent life and parent.) They have been planning this for years, but they couldn't get me, epic mob mentality included.
Headlines - Mentally ill, terrorist Mom, Laurie Allen pulled out a firearm in session. Dudley had no choice but to protect the JustUs. Our condolences go out to her poor children. The crime scene investigation is under way. It's a bloody mess. She was continuing to fire, I didn't want to shoot her dead. I had no choice. JustUs was threatened.
I am protected by Mother Nature. I am honored and well groomed to protect all I SEE. I can do that and I do it well. 57 years. Can I be done now Mother? Please.
I am protected by Mother Nature. I am honored and well groomed to protect all I SEE. I can do that and I do it well. 57 years. Can I be done now Mother? Please.
One daughter. One son. Saved their mother's life. Thank you loves. Thank you Mother Nature.
LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE. As I've said endlessly, stop hurting children and all. Come after me.
Murray said nothing about the trial with jury, as I requested "Jury all the way". THEY ARE MAD.
LEAVE CHILDREN ALONE. As I've said endlessly, stop hurting children and all. Come after me.
Murray said nothing about the trial with jury, as I requested "Jury all the way". THEY ARE MAD.
There are more serious infractions from what was to be mt final day. I wanted to get this up ASAP for protection from murder.
May 28, 2018 8am
American Memorial Day
American Mom
May 26, 2018 6 pm Rae says he has a survey. Lie. At my court awarded protection order from raging, assaulting, threatening, stealing, I asked him where the survey is? He was trapped in the box with Judge Sparaco next to him. Rae states he hasn't seen the survey, doesn't know where it is, didn't bring it to court. Cause it ain't your property and you keep trying to hurt me to take it. No he's trying to appeal my protection. Brings his son to this too- step-sister? brings her baby. Poor kids.Next door has been a destruction site since the ill with greed were brought in to take my 20 ft of land May 2017. No.
Mark Rae (Not Cameron-that's stepdad-B.O. Cameron Paving). Protection order awarded by Judge Susan Sparaco after only presenting 3 for harassment out of one to several hate crimes daily for since May 2017- with the support, participation, intimidation and instigation to break me into a mistake. No mistakes for me. I got out before against ALL odds. Another corrupt Judge Kieser in Joisey too, my kids and I were his last decision to destruct beforebeing removed from the bench.
And after I gave a retainer to a recommended attorney for the brutal divorce, Bart Babiak, Freehold NJ was on the front page suing his prominent Dr. sister for abuse and death of their father while she cared for him in her home. But, I never gave up hope that I'd live in Maine for the rest of my life since I was 9 and Dad pulled into the Colonial Gables, Belfast. Yes! Let me out of this car. Buh bye,
Attorney General Janet Mills and Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden fabricated lies and illegal arrests believing I would not get out of Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset, Not alive or with mind anyway. She was not well, committed suicide or had a complication. That weekend would have been my last as Laurie, Hobo Mom. Next.
Mark Rae's attorney, I call him Bongovi- the one married to House Representative Erin Herbig, is motioning for the protection order to be vacated. Right. Which Judge will sit on this one? Back to court I go. True and honest. I do circles around the corrupt Judges and attorneys in court. Spot on and stable. You bet AG Mills doesn't want me to be heard in court. Dismiss all charges on June 6th. Or don't.
Here is a 1 hour movie I made summarizing from my dining room table. Then the target shoot- shortened to where I shoot and speak of Belfast City Council- 2 times. And I am sorry for saying the f word. I was excited and happy. But thinking of them gets me cursing. Then I am outside the court house filing the protection order against Mark Rae. In the next clip is my bail check in day, on top of the tracker since 3/1/2017 shackled to my ankle, 4 hours every day charging currents into my ankle with the monitor cancer cell, call every day, can't go to places intown- all. From left of Seaview Terrace. Not even my Dr. or drugstore, library, Police Dept., Court, CITY HALL AND SPEAKINGS AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS, the Post Office, No left on Rte 1S, Swan Lake Ave., High St out to Fur Trapper Hurleyville, Waldo Ave. No left on to Congress St from Rte 1 So, ,, For being American. Never arrested always law abiding. Sheriff Dept. Detective Greely has to give me permission to go to Court and Police Station. He did the day of filing the protection order and pressing theft charges against Mark Rae. He won't let me go 25 days later- to file a motion against Bongovi's and demand McFadden to press the charges and arrest Mark Rae, Greely told me to take it up with AG Mills.
Mathews denied immediate protection, Judge Sparaco ordered it and now another court date to protect the terror and hate of Mark Rae to me, day in and day out since May 2017.
Me @ open to the public, Tuesday,October 13, 2017. Three Tides owner David Carlson was there. He and all were in shock.

Below explains Maine Attorney General Janet Mills fear of reality. She's not right, mindfully or legally. I have stood Pro se in Maine courts since 2012, where Judge Worth, also not right mindfully or legally sickly thought she was protected to destroy low income or system addicted targeted poor innocent families. With at minimum (because I've ONLY had 4 first hand mindfully sick Maine Judges who can't destroy one true bugger).
Judge Susan Sparaco, #5. has been fair at both hearings. Open and shut and awarded Small claims in 2013 against Chris Kulbe, Ridgetop Chimney, Searsmont- 1k. Worth got herself on the bench for 2 more take Laurie small claims- both open and shut- 6k from ex and 1k from John Smith, J&B Autobody, Belfast. Easy decision both hearings, Worth chose corruption. Decision will be mailed. Right. Who the hell is this witch? I found out. Treason Mainers. Pink, Blue and White Collars. Can't miss them. They Unite States of DisAmerica.
Last week, Judge Sparaco awarded me a protection order from big and angry, Mark Rae. One year of hate crimes, theft and terror on my property. 1 hr movie of some daily clips over only 3 months of Rae Hate and Mob Rae and his stepdad?, Bo Cameron (Cameron Paving) and his mom, Penny Rae Cameron made sure to tell me that they were friends and neighbor on Cedar Street, Belfast of Judge Patty Worth and John Worth III. Oy Veh. Belfast Police Chief Mcfadden has ignored my requests for a cease harassment notice against Mark Rae until I taped myself at the Belfast Police station filing. He would delete it from my youtube channel (prior Maine State Internet Detective Porn, secret brother-in-law, Belfast home/computer invasion TWC/Spectrum technician, Tom ?- oy, big lawsuit that one.)
McFadden denied my protection, citing this 6 month, almost daily video harassment to terror to hate from Mark (Not Cameron- I didn't know his name till Belfast City Hate Me Attorney Bill Kelly sent me a threatening August 2017 letter for me to get off of my property or pay, as their private attorney. Right. This movie and more was on the filing- 3 incidences needed. Denied- over the limit by endless documentation. A couple of days later, McFadden offered a cease harassment notice to Mark Rae to begin the psychiatric take down. How do I do it? Groomed since birth, Mother Nature sows seeds before breath.
How many hours does Chief McFadden spend trying to get me? Using another "not available video" to arrest me, with a k9 unit, after 6 pm in the dark, for NOT violating Mark Rae's illegal cease harassment notice against me. Using the target video to shackle me at night, plain clothes Officer Juba trying to get me outside. No. Talk to me at the window. Out jump 2 uniformed from bushes... into the garage bay at Waldo Jail. I kept reciting, I have nothing to say, I want an attorney. One of the 2 cops kept circling the cruiser, yelling "Shut that fucking bitch up" over and over. I was out there for over 10 minutes. Then into the feel up room. Got a woman this time instead of that first one- Creepy Seth. Another movie is processing that details the arrest, where at cuffing I went on a hunger strike. I knew this time I wasn't getting out for whatever they were arresting me for. I was right. Arrested 4 months after this video where Chief McFadden had already been emailing my daughter in October 2018 to trap her into helping him put Mom in silence- mentally induced by the Maine Mobstah Lobstah's.
But he knew the video was innocent that is why I wasn't arrested for 4 months ago.
Mills is using a title 15 psych eval to stop me from being heard in court. Motioning that I am not competent to represent myself (pro se). Right. The setup criminal attorney, David Sinclair for the criminal was for the wrong criminal. He was ordered to talk me into the title 15 eval and a host of other "advice" to lose my freedom at ruling, a loss for David but perks for silencing the sound of freedom. I called him out and he motioned out with Mills devising another plan. To play out on June 6 @ Superior Court, Belfast. I won't be heard again because the title 15 will order another corrupt for the AG attorney. Hearing delayed again until new corruption can get acclimated to my innocence to trick me into shock treatments, facility rapes and horror beyond control. They have your mind under MaineHealth in collaboration with the Department of Defense per MaineHealth's website announcement in 2011, pharmco, Dr. Drug Lords and the greed ego's of Maine enforcement collars to the Dishonorable's to the Maine Attorney General, Janet Mills, running for Get 'em in our system to fund our greed and self hate illness, Governor.
AG Mills is motioning for me to take a Title 15 Psych. Evaluation on 6/6/2018 to stop me from being heard since arraignment for false violation of false cease harassment notice on 12/7/2017. Arresting and terrorizing me since with McFadden and her dishonorable's. Immediate dismissal of all charges- terrorizing with a dangerous weapon and harassment is open and shut. Both proven false and fabricated. Globally to the AP wire. My children's Mom a terrorist. Shame on you. You are the terrorists. That is why America is so hated. The United States is taking America. I pledge to die for freedom and have dodged many bullets from the system "protecting" freedom. I've never been legally arrested in my 57 years of stopping wrong and fixing till fixed the best I can. I do.
Eight years later,
four Maine Judges- Patricia Worth, Robert Murray, Paul Mathews,
“active” retired and Judge Joseph Field. Judge Field was
retrieved to aid Belfast resident Judge Worth to take me down with
corrupt non-procedures to dissect my personal family information and
dismiss my open and shut 6k small claims from my ex in 2012. Another
open and shut for 1k to Belfast J&B Autobody dismissed by Worth.
I had been protesting and spoke at over 150 Belfast City Council
meetings exposing real estate and Belfast City Hall corruption since
the illegal water slaughter to my tiny property during spring melt
and any water event since 3/2011. #1- No streams, no water issues
period. In emails and verbally. They knew me and the danger of
getting out against all odds. They thought I was too beat up to take
this state connected mess on. I had no idea of the scope of greed
illness. But I knew it well. Groomed from birth to have this honor.
Thank you Mother Nature.
Belfast Worth Real
Estate, husband John Maine Maritime Academy ego, tugboat operator, on
MaineHealth chair board, blasting dynamite, 12? 2,000 gallon propane
tanks, clearing acres of trees, wetlands, expanding system menace
MaineHealth with statewide new courts, statewide lockouts of group
homes, safe homes, recovery homes, all struggling the system to
funding them. Per Mainhealth’s 2011 website announcement, they are
excited to join collaborations with the Department of Defense. New
facilities to jail and house the struggling. One roof for all.
In my back yard, no
public hearings for MaineHealth destruction. Carte Blanche. I am only
protecting t my abutting home and neighborhood. 200 ft from my dining
room to the slaughter, assaulting full throttle since my closing in
6/2010. Tying me up with illegal arrests of false charges, handcuffs,
shackled, evening arrests of terror and calm truth.
Friday, 2/23/2018 @
1pm I sent and email to Janet Mills and almost 100 others to dismiss
Judge Worth, Fields, Murray and Mathews on at least 4 of the 6 codes
of conduct for the dishonorable s I was never to exit their system.
After a 4 day hunger strike commencing Friday, 2/23/2018 @ dark, 6:20
pm when Officer Juba banged on my front door in plain clothes. From
my open window, never open the door, Juba is trying to bait me to
come outside to talk to him. In my leggings PJ’s- “No. Talk to me
here.” Out from the bushes jump 2 uniform cops, yelling they have a
warrant for my arrest and one is running to my door to break it down.
“Stop. I’m coming out. I called 911 while running to open the
door. I got it documented before the cop took my phone. They cuffed
me, pushed me down the street in my leggings that I pleaded to change
into jeans, till the hidden cruiser came around the corner to take me
to jail. I kept reciting, I have nothing to say. I want an attorney.
In the video surveillance Waldo County Belfast Jail garage, one cop
kept circling the cruiser, the other watching, yelling shut that
fucking bitch up. I kept reciting, alone and true.
Creepy officer Seth
was peeking in at me all night, caressing my hands while finger
printing, yelling at me then coming into my cell, apologizing while
making my bed. I said no thank you and stayed in the corner till he
left. Sunday night I was in Two Bridges Correctional Facility,
Wiscasset, shackled until locked in. They would not let me in the law
On Tuesday,
2/27/2018, at Two Bridges was my video court hearing for terrorizing
with a dangerous weapon (not- video proves it), bail @ 25k. I have
never been arrested in my life. Only illegally. Two times in Belfast
in 4 months. Pro se, an attorney sits next to me at my hearing. David
Sinclair, Bath criminal attorney tells me that he knows that I do not
want an attorney but asks if he could sit in. Sure.
In my movie, 4 Maine
Judges, AG Mills 1rst rights assaults galore
The ADA was lying.
Stating I performed murderous activities to City Council and more
trash. After he was done, the woman Judge asked me for a response. I
said “Let’s watch the video.” The ADA claimed he had not
watched it and apparently the Judge did not. After a break for the
ADA and Judge to watch the video in private while I showed it to
David, David spoke out. He said this is clearly freedom of speech,
not a threat and cited precedence that he couldn’t give specifics
on. Wrongly citing George W. terrorized by a protestor with a sign.
It was Obama with his face on the target and ruled freedom of speech.
I didn’t have the ruling because the law library was off limits for
me. I believed David, thought he was just geeky. I decided to take
him to use for law information. I stopped my 4 day hunger strike and
the nurse convinced me to sign the medical so that she could give me
tylenol if I needed it. I never need it but thought I’d be out soon
with and attorney. That was my mistake. They now had control over my
The next day, my
bail was reduced to 5k on the noon news. AP picked it up too. Global
terrorist Mom. I had 5k. My guy had it to bail me out. I could not
get to the outside. I kept asking if bail had been posted. No.
Friday, 3/1/2018 @ 8 am, I ask the guard again. NO BAIL POSTED. I
knew then that I was never getting out. They had me medically and I
suspected that David Sinclair was not for me. I could perish at any
excuse. That is the first time I cried. Kim was leaving @ 9 am after
serving a 5 day civil charge. I wrote a letter for her to take to my
guy. The guards saw me give it to her. A few minutes after Kim left,
“Allen, transport back to Belfast now.” The letter did it. Two
Bridges wiped their hands of this one.
John was unable to
pay the jail or courts the 5k bail for 2 days. Getting the run around
and the weekend closing in that may have been my last. He was at
Waldo Jail when the transport officer told him that he was getting me
now. The bail had not been taken yet. I was right.
They shackled me
again with a dinosaur tracking monitor on 3/1/2018 and still killing
me till at least the next court date on 6/6/2018 @ 3pm, empty Waldo
Superior Court for my challenge title 15 from 2/9/2018 to be denied,
Dr. State of Maine will state I am not competent to represent myself,
all charges for dismissal will not be heard again since 12/8/17 and
a possible court ordered corrupt state attorney will have the final
taking of my life.
1. Notice of Hearing
Docket WALCD-CR-2017-00862 Harassment. Motion for mental
examination on 6/6/2018 at 8:30am.
2. Notice of Hearing
Docket WALCD-CR-2017-00839 Harassment. Motion for mental
examination on 6/6/2018 at 3 pm.
My father, sister
and 2 brothers died from cancer. Sinclair was mean/nice to me. Like
most. He would not return my urgent calls for medical emergency
monitor removal after a very bad episode where I thought it was
lights out. Barely able to speak, vision and hearing senses of the
slightest were atomic for 15 minutes or so. I am very healthy and
never have head aches or light sensitivity beyond the normal. I
called him during the episode from the couch, unable to move. Left a
painful message to get this off now. After 15 more minutes, no return
call, I was able to get up and tape a 2nd call message to
him. Clearly very ill but better. On the 2nd message I
stated that if this got worse, I would cut the monitor off with bolt
cutters at the jail door and buzz to be arrested for bail violation.
Sinclair never called.
I drove down to Bath
3 times to meet with him in the first week. Scared of being tracked
for target and forced to back roads because of bail zone- insane
restrictions to silence and punish me. Sinclair told me to take the
Title 15 psychiatric exam, send an email of all the Judges and people
that I have issues with, that if I sent the target video directly to
Belfast City Council it would be a feather in my cap, to motion for a
change of venue, and to go into Waldo District Court (zone
restriction for me but I was not at 100% the week after terror hell
by law enforcement). Driving back from that rattling meeting, in fear
and exhausted I decided to go straight to the court house to get all
my criminal documents as Sinclair instructed me to do. I had already
given him a file of all the criminal court documents but I was beat
up still standing. An hour into the 2 hour drive back I realized that
I would get arrested if I went to the court house. I called David-
voicemail- can’t go as you know, the courthouse is in one of my
many restricted zones.
Sinclair would not
respond to the bail motion and then motioned to drop me when I
recorded another message asking him “Who is he protecting? Me,
right David?” He didn’t return that call either and 2 days later
I got a motion from Sinclair to drop me on 3/30/2018. At MY court
hearing for MY defense, the only hearing to be heard was Sinclair’s
motion to drop me. I had spent the past 2 hours writing up motions
inside my truck for court. Not allowed to be heard again and Sinclair
was dismissed. Such a terrible person, a father with a young son too.
He could have set precedence with me. Said we could, easiest case
ever. He said.
Tracker still on and
falling into debt further as they stole the last of my money
earmarked for bills- property taxes and insurances. Since 3/1/2018
My first illegal
arrest was on 11/1/2017, dark, alone 6:20 pm. Spotlights, flashing
lights from cop cruisers, megaphone to come out for arrest, banging
on my windows and door. I asked from the window if I could call the
public defender- Fetke. They resisted but I insisted. One of 3 cops
had a vest on and I asked if that was an assault vest and that I
didn’t have any weapons or firearms. He was the K9 unit. For me.
Hobo Mom. At the jail, they said I was arrested for violating the
cease harassment notice by Mark Rae. The illegal notice that I was
forced to sign but never got my legal original back. After intake and
free feel for Creepy Officer Seth, I was forced to sign more cease
harassment notices from the Belfast Police Department, Belfast City
Hall, Councilors, their families, their area’s of choice to trap
me. Most everywhere one goes for public service and beyond.
Especially the struggling and targeted. I’m told that I have
already violated the Mike Hurley ch notice that I just got. 3 days
prior, I had driven to City Hall to pay my property taxes and Fur
Trapper Hurley was standing against a building. I had said “Ew”
in my truck and that may be the violation. I’ve yet to have a
hearing to be heard for dismissal of all notices because I was never
given the legal signed original notices. Just dispositional
conference after dispositional conference (4?) to stall until the can
deem me nucking futs.
Waldo Bailiff Ryan
Otis witnessed that I had never been given the legal notices for all.
In discovery by the ADA Entwisle, he stated that the video that Rae’s
worker, Kevin Page, Swan Lake of me violating the ch notice is not
available for copy but is clearly Laurie Allen’s voice being
vulgar. It never happened.
Over 5k in jail
money, 8 years of lost employment for hate crimes, terrorizing,
alienation, court loss over 10k,hundreds transcripts of 3 hearings of
no dismiss on 12/8, 1/9 and 2/5. I have not ordered the 4/10 hearing
where Sinclair ran.
Last Monday,
5/14/2018 I was awarded a protection order against Mark Rae by Judge
Susan Sparaco. My evidence of Mark Rae stealing my landscaping
boulders from my property, placed there to stop him from rutting up
the road and gravel that we just fought to get paved last year after
25? years of force flooding Seaview Terrace. Inverse condemnation.
Destroy and take for nothing.
Yesterday, Wednesday
5/23 I got a motion from Mark Rae’s attorney to void my protection.
Back to court for that terrorist. He is angry and dangerous. Right. I
am not fit to represent myself but won the award with Rae having the
stupid attorney.
On 4/24/2018 I filed
for immediate protection with the Waldo District Court against Mark
Rae. Tthey said I had to wait for a decision. Worth was on the bench,
she recused herself from her corruption. Judge Alexander passed on it
and it was sent down to Rockland Courthouse- corrupt Judge Mathews
(the first Judge not to allow me to be heard on 12/8/2017). 2 ½
hours later Immediate Protection denied. Not convinced by my terror
hour and half movie of 6 months of clips of daily hate, terror and
threatening crimes to me and my property daily by Mark Rae and thugs.
May 2017 to present, including theft of my personal property. But I
won in the hearing because it was not corrupt Judge Worth, Murray,
Fields or Mathews. It was A OK Judge Sparaco. Fair to me in small
claims too.
After filing for the
protection order with the court, I had permission by Detective Greely
to go to the Belfast Police Station. I pressed charges against Mark
Rae for theft and have yet to receive a report or response from Chief
McFadden or AG Mills.
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:25 PM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:25 PM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Police Chief Mike McFadden,
mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by
unauthorized taking/transfer, class c. Officer Guba was given
my complaint yesterday with pictures for proof. After I left and
came directly home, my stole property was still on the side of the
garage at 23 Seaview Terrace. Guba asked me for color pictures,
apparently he did not like my black and white pictures of gray
boulder/rock. Here they are with my complaint.
left saying he would go talk to Rae (if it were me- I'd be arrested
already) and he would not let me attend. I had to leave the station
before Guba returned. I gave the receptionist the court papers to
deliver to Mark Rae, clearly Guba knows his address and the court
clerk said BPD will deliver it to him, no charge to me. Please
confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
for clarity
Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c.
Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
Seaview Terrace
Me. 04915
5/18, 2:20 PM
Trafton (;
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Chief of Police Mike McFadden is not responding to press charges
against Mark Rae for theft per my complaint. Judge Susan Sparaco
issued a protection order for me against Mark Rae, the theft being
key and "mean". McFadden protects this criminal and
incarcerates me with prejudice, threatening my life every moment
since becoming Chief of Police in 2011.
Greely of the Waldo Sheriff department would not allow me to go to
the Belfast Police Department on Tuesday , 5/14/2018. I was allowed
to go when I filed the protection order with he court and across
the street to press charges for theft 24 days ago. Greely said to
contact you.
Mcfadden to press charges, arrest and email me the report and
confirm today. Please.
TWC/Spectrm cutting
my 8 year @ contract price , internet/phone/cable services in January
2018. by Spectrum/TWC- where Belfast Police Chief McFadden, prior
Maine State Internet Porn Detective has a brother-in-law, Tom, a well
kept secret. Tom works for Spectrum/TWC as the in house, casing house
and personals, insider to computers, since I he first came to spy
and install in 2010. After 7 years of contacting anyone at
TWC/Spectrum I could, and I was thorough, to report the criminal
activity of their tech Tom, no one would respond.
Never stopping,
Spectrum sent a prior detective now internet tech from another county
to rip out my entire system and replace with uprades and coupon deal
to me even though I was not a new customer and told them so. It came
to $100 month for basic cable, internet and landline. The 3 rd month
they jacked me for the same service good for 1 year, to $200, After
more endless hours to resolve they told me $135 month was their
final offer. No. I have the coupon and 2 months billing at that rate.
They cut my services mid-morning, no warning. I packed it all up and
gave it to the Bangor Spectrum Office with the bill and complete
explanation of their error and my payments at the contract price of
$100 per month to the Maine Spectrum cut me off. I just got internet
through an unknown yesterday. I had no internet for all this
information I needed and all the reporting I couldn’t do. Risking
my life each time I step outside the door.
I’m processing a
movie right now with only the portion of the target shoot that they
spin as terrorist Mom, 2 other clips with me talking outside the
courthouse, citing corruption while waiting for my protection order,
and last night when I recorded much of what is in this document and
my bail check in on Tuesday, 5/22 with my case manager Rick Otto.
Previously he had to request clearance for me to go to the courthouse
to file the protection order and police station to press charges from
Sheriff Dept. Detective Greely. I requested the same again, to file a
motion against Mark Rae’s motion and to the Police Department to
find out why Chief McFadden isn’t pressing theft charges against
Greely lied. Stating
he could not change my bail conditions for zone approval. Otto
confirms in the video that Greely approved it last time. Not allowed.
For never breaking the law and doing what all should do. Protect from
wrong. Chief Mcfadden and the police department told me 2 times to be
concerned for my children. They went after them. Robbing my AP High
Honors 4 years Scholar low income son of the Questbridge applications
to top colleges and universities in the country. Full scholarship.
McFadden emailing my daughter in 10/2017 (I have it) stating that he
has diagnosed her Mom with mental illness several years ago. He wants
to keep me out of jail and would welcome my daughter’s help to put
me into a psych. Ward. Last email to her from him that I know of is
from March 2018.
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 11:45 AM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:isame as always 100 cc's
Subject: 17Re: 15 DAYS DERELICTION Re: 10 days No Response BP Chief McFadden=Re: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2018 11:45 AM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:isame as always 100 cc's
Subject: 17Re: 15 DAYS DERELICTION Re: 10 days No Response BP Chief McFadden=Re: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Attorney General Janet Mills and Belfast Police Chief McFadden,
Judge Mathews denied my request for immediate protection from Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace with proof of theft, terrorism, hate crimes, vandalism to my personal property, failed attempt to steal my sunfish and trailer, daily threats and trespass, illegal cease harassment notices to me from Chief McFadden and Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace with a false violation per a video that is not available per your ADA Entwisle.
I continue to abide by the law and accountability. Chief McFadden is refusing to charge Mark Rae with theft of my property reported and documented to the Belfast Police Department with Officer Juba 17 days ago. The "final hearing" for protection against Mark Rae is Monday, 5/14/18 @ 1pm Waldo County District Court.
Please order Belfast Police Chief McFadden to charge Mark Rae with theft and arrest. Please provide confirmation of action today and email the report today for my protection order to be granted on Monday, 5/14/18, 1 pm final hearing.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me 04915
Judge Mathews denied my request for immediate protection from Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace with proof of theft, terrorism, hate crimes, vandalism to my personal property, failed attempt to steal my sunfish and trailer, daily threats and trespass, illegal cease harassment notices to me from Chief McFadden and Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace with a false violation per a video that is not available per your ADA Entwisle.
I continue to abide by the law and accountability. Chief McFadden is refusing to charge Mark Rae with theft of my property reported and documented to the Belfast Police Department with Officer Juba 17 days ago. The "final hearing" for protection against Mark Rae is Monday, 5/14/18 @ 1pm Waldo County District Court.
Please order Belfast Police Chief McFadden to charge Mark Rae with theft and arrest. Please provide confirmation of action today and email the report today for my protection order to be granted on Monday, 5/14/18, 1 pm final hearing.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me 04915
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 5:54 PM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same
Subject: 15 DAYS DERELICTION Re: 10 days No Response BP Chief McFadden=Re: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 5:54 PM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; Michael Rolerson; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same
Subject: 15 DAYS DERELICTION Re: 10 days No Response BP Chief McFadden=Re: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden
Again for clarity
- Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c.
- Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 11:49 AM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same
Subject: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 11:49 AM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton;; Governor; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same
Subject: 3rd req ARRESTRe: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Belfast Police Chief Mcfadden and AG Mills,
As ordered, Spectrum has cut my internet, landline and cable over 6 months ago, 8 year full paying customer, on time. Due to horror corruption by McFadden and his secret brother-in-law- Belfast TWC download whatever...child porn- quickest system entry- into my home since I went public with the disgusting taking of anything and anyone.
Chief McFadden- 3rd request since Weds. April 25,2018. PLEASE RESPOND NOW.
As ordered, Spectrum has cut my internet, landline and cable over 6 months ago, 8 year full paying customer, on time. Due to horror corruption by McFadden and his secret brother-in-law- Belfast TWC download whatever...child porn- quickest system entry- into my home since I went public with the disgusting taking of anything and anyone.
Chief McFadden- 3rd request since Weds. April 25,2018. PLEASE RESPOND NOW.
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:25 PM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:25 PM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden,
Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c. Officer Guba was given my complaint yesterday with pictures for proof. After I left and came directly home, my stole property was still on the side of the garage at 23 Seaview Terrace. Guba asked me for color pictures, apparently he did not like my black and white pictures of gray boulder/rock. Here they are with my complaint.
Guba left saying he would go talk to Rae (if it were me- I'd be arrested already) and he would not let me attend. I had to leave the station before Guba returned. I gave the receptionist the court papers to deliver to Mark Rae, clearly Guba knows his address and the court clerk said BPD will deliver it to him, no charge to me. Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
Again for clarity
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c. Officer Guba was given my complaint yesterday with pictures for proof. After I left and came directly home, my stole property was still on the side of the garage at 23 Seaview Terrace. Guba asked me for color pictures, apparently he did not like my black and white pictures of gray boulder/rock. Here they are with my complaint.
Guba left saying he would go talk to Rae (if it were me- I'd be arrested already) and he would not let me attend. I had to leave the station before Guba returned. I gave the receptionist the court papers to deliver to Mark Rae, clearly Guba knows his address and the court clerk said BPD will deliver it to him, no charge to me. Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
Again for clarity
- Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c.
- Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 1:33 PM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN;; Governor
Cc: same
Subject: Re: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 1:33 PM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN;; Governor
Cc: same
Subject: Re: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c
BPD Chief McFadden
(all this because of buying undisclosed hell at 17 Seaview Terrace and protecting it from all the corrupt. You could have bought me out but instead beat me daily, hurt my children and have cost this low income, unemployed Mom over 20k in court corruption and 8 years of my life.) My honor. To Stand .
Where is the report charging Mark Rae with theft by unauthorized taking/transfer of my property? And please provided the video where you had me arrested for violating an illegal cease harassment notice that you offered Mark Rae when he came to you with a video that ADA Entwisle confirms is not available but is clearly Laurie Allen's voice being vulgar. Additionally the all the illegal cease harassment notices that you issued to me are not legal because at MINIMUM, I did not get my original forced signed notice as stated on the form. And finally, cease harassment is step one and then a protection order from the court. Then an arrest if violated. You refused to issue a cease harassment against Mark Rae from 6 months of hate, terror, threats, mauling my property and private property, documented on video.
I was at the court house across the street for 2 hours before coming to the station to press theft charges against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace. Worth was on the bench and recused. Justice Alexander passed the request for immediate protection against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace to Rockland to Judge Mathews who began the not allowing me to be heard for dismissal of all cease harassment charges on 12/8. Illegal. Yet, I am shackled with a electronic device since March 1, imprisoned for 5 days, hunger strike for days knowing the only way I was getting out would be organ shut down until your Sate corrupt criminal attorney, David Sinclair sandbagged me and now dropped me after I called him out on many, many issues to send me away. I'm not allowed to be heard for dismissal of the ridiculous terrorist charge for target shooting, freedom of speech.
I wrote up my own motions in the truck when Sinclair did not present my motions, only his to drop me pn 4/10/2018. Again, Dishonorable Judge Murray would not dismiss anything, nor the bail conditions where the bracelet is cancerous and my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer. I can't go into town, can make a left on to Northport Ave from Seaview. Where my Dr is at WCGH, The City Park, The Library, City Hall, City Council Meetings, all the way up High Street to Hurleyville somewhere. Nor to Mcdonald's all the way down to town. Or Starret Drive and my drugstore Walgreens, Not left onto Rte 1 South- Irving's is right there, my store, the 3 autopart stores in Belfast are in my restricited zone. Can't go down Swan Lake Ave and down past Mill Lane. Probably can't go to Youngs either, and I think finally Waldo Ave 137? The only west road I can take is Route 3. For NOT BREAKING ANY LAW AND A TARGET EVERY MOMENT AND WAS NOT TO GET OUT OF 2 BRIDGES BUT I DID BECAUSE OF MY JAIL GIRL KIM LEAVING. MY GUT HAD BEEN TRYING TO PAY MY BAIL FOR 2 DAYS IN BELFAST AND GOT RUN AROUND AFTER RUN AROUND. FRIDAY MORNING I ASKED THE MEAN MEN IF MY BAIL WAS POSTED YET. SMIRK, NO, WHO KNOWS WHEN. I CRIED ONLY THEN. KNOWING I WS IN THEIR HANDS AFTER GIVING UP THE HUNGER STRIKE BECAUSE OF SINCLAIR AND SIGNED FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT, NURSE SAYING SHE COULDN'T GIVE ME A TYLENOL UNLESS I SIGNED. Them Kim was leaving 15 minutes later. I hurried a letter for her to take to the outside. Mean men saw me give it to her. 15 minutes later. "ALLEN TRANSPORT TO BELFAST' SHACKLED AND SCARED TO DEATH SINCE. ASK MY NEIGHBORS. NEXT COURT DATE IS NOW JUNE 6. IN CLOSED SUPERIOR COURT TO TRY AND TAKE ME OUT AGAIN. THAT WILL BE 4 MONTHS OF THIS CANCER MONITOR. YOU ALL ARE THE TERRORISTS. SHAME ON YOU.
11/8/2017 Happy Birthday Babci
Jail Mom
Jail Mom November 1, 2017
Jail Mom Me
BPD Rolerson protecting the pigs. Ew.
October 28, 2017
Corrupt prior Belfast Planning Board Chair, Paul Hamilton, with corrupt current planning board Wayne Corey and new player on board, Mark Dullea.
Paul Hamilton,Wayne Corey, and Mark Dullea to Northport Avenue LLC
Northport Ave is my neighborhood and MaineHealth/WCGH taking and blasting, no questions asked.
Mark has the company to do up the taking. In 2012, Wayne Corey biked past me as I was protesting outside the Belfast PD and Left Bank Books. Olympia Snowe? George Mitchell?- both came to Belfast to promote their stinking books on democracy. Both took the back door out from scary me. Corey stops and says - Someone should hire you, you work so hard. I can't help you with us flooding, taking and wiping out your property through inverse condemnation, but I can charge you up the ying yang to restore the ravine with dirt, rocks, and DEP permits, that you don't need, but we are going to break you but good Mom. And your kids too. He's got 9? kids to use to suck them and his system dry think he has some PHd in physics too. Right O. Some Belfast Dad's. Ew.
October 24, 2017
Same cc's as below.
Laurie Allen
October 23,2017
Filed complaint with the FBI today for hate crimes and civil rights violations, 7 years and counting, every second by the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall. This email was sent to them with the entire thread below. Same cc's.
October 18, 2017 below
To see the short claw list of the Mobstah Lobstah's click the page link below. Belfast Judge Patricia Worth/Husband, Chief McFadden, Mike Hurley, Jay Davis, the mob goes on and on....
Maybe now the serial rapist empire of Dr. Donald Lombardi will fall, saving 10's of thousands girls, boys, animals, surely anything goes with this "healthcare" rape, silence, torture, kill real time, by the second, for over 57 years that I can first hand account for.
1/4/2012-present All my short clips of heaven, hell and love on my youtube channel
October 18, 2017 below M&M KIDS THREE MUSKETEERS
1997 Exit 9, South River Rat, New Jersey 08882
2017 Meathead Belfast-Augusta & All Fat Encasing
October 18, 2017
I was going to last night's Belfast City Council meeting to speak at open to the public for at least the 100th time in 7 years. I am so very sorry to Carol and Roy. I will apologize publicly when I believe I can get home, less than 2 miles away, heavily populated and patrolled, no matter for law, they've been hunting and terrorizing me and my loved ones since selling me undisclosed hell. Status Quo Belfast. Shhh. Sell hell to another. Not Exit 9 Joi Z.
Around 3pm yesterday, banging, banging, banging on my glass front door again. Belfast City Police. Do not disturb, do not trespass again without a warrant and body camera. 3 thugs next door yesterday. All wanting to hurt me. Big meathead, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving, Lincolnville Maine history (Cameron Mountain, Camden Hills State Park). His meathead fleet of ego and take, paving trucks, don't come here anymore. Instead, unmarked trucks with mob mentality.
New mental meat yesterday, Meathead #3. Also violating the cease harassment notice issued by Meathead #1 and service/contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace. Who owns this property, sneaky deal to keep it out of the paper Deeds or does Karen Caswell still own it? All 3 were ganging up on me as I taped silently. As I walking on the City right of way, 20 ft from my house, #3 was telling me that I was trespassing, #1 & #2 trespassed onto my property several times yesterday and always. Meat #2 was stalking and filming me, giving me the finger again and again. Meat #3 walked passed me hitting my shoulder. He again, aggressively marched onto my property and clubbed in a wooden stake. I took it and placed it on 23 Seaview Terrace and stood on my boundary line. Meat #1 pushed himself up against me, holding his club, pressing it into my leg and giving me a threat. Again, for the 15th time? in 5 months. Earlier he told me I'd better fucking stop. I spit on the ground 3 times yesterday. He told me to stop spitting on his fucking stake. I did not spit on his scuzzy stake. Meat # 2, calling me the Crazy Bitch on this video. He should check his fundies. After copper got no answer, all the meat had a pow wow in the street and left.

McFadden deleted this video too. Bastard. My filing cease harassment.
9/1/2017 My cease harassment notice denied by Chief McFadden
2. Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
3. Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
4. Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
5. Todd Rosenburg please charge 23 Seaview Terrace with violation of all applicable codes. Not in 20 ft side set back compliance, preparing land for building and never presenting anything to the planning board, remove the garage and cease building pending planning board approval.
(all this because of buying undisclosed hell at 17 Seaview Terrace and protecting it from all the corrupt. You could have bought me out but instead beat me daily, hurt my children and have cost this low income, unemployed Mom over 20k in court corruption and 8 years of my life.) My honor. To Stand .
Where is the report charging Mark Rae with theft by unauthorized taking/transfer of my property? And please provided the video where you had me arrested for violating an illegal cease harassment notice that you offered Mark Rae when he came to you with a video that ADA Entwisle confirms is not available but is clearly Laurie Allen's voice being vulgar. Additionally the all the illegal cease harassment notices that you issued to me are not legal because at MINIMUM, I did not get my original forced signed notice as stated on the form. And finally, cease harassment is step one and then a protection order from the court. Then an arrest if violated. You refused to issue a cease harassment against Mark Rae from 6 months of hate, terror, threats, mauling my property and private property, documented on video.
I was at the court house across the street for 2 hours before coming to the station to press theft charges against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace. Worth was on the bench and recused. Justice Alexander passed the request for immediate protection against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace to Rockland to Judge Mathews who began the not allowing me to be heard for dismissal of all cease harassment charges on 12/8. Illegal. Yet, I am shackled with a electronic device since March 1, imprisoned for 5 days, hunger strike for days knowing the only way I was getting out would be organ shut down until your Sate corrupt criminal attorney, David Sinclair sandbagged me and now dropped me after I called him out on many, many issues to send me away. I'm not allowed to be heard for dismissal of the ridiculous terrorist charge for target shooting, freedom of speech.
I wrote up my own motions in the truck when Sinclair did not present my motions, only his to drop me pn 4/10/2018. Again, Dishonorable Judge Murray would not dismiss anything, nor the bail conditions where the bracelet is cancerous and my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer. I can't go into town, can make a left on to Northport Ave from Seaview. Where my Dr is at WCGH, The City Park, The Library, City Hall, City Council Meetings, all the way up High Street to Hurleyville somewhere. Nor to Mcdonald's all the way down to town. Or Starret Drive and my drugstore Walgreens, Not left onto Rte 1 South- Irving's is right there, my store, the 3 autopart stores in Belfast are in my restricited zone. Can't go down Swan Lake Ave and down past Mill Lane. Probably can't go to Youngs either, and I think finally Waldo Ave 137? The only west road I can take is Route 3. For NOT BREAKING ANY LAW AND A TARGET EVERY MOMENT AND WAS NOT TO GET OUT OF 2 BRIDGES BUT I DID BECAUSE OF MY JAIL GIRL KIM LEAVING. MY GUT HAD BEEN TRYING TO PAY MY BAIL FOR 2 DAYS IN BELFAST AND GOT RUN AROUND AFTER RUN AROUND. FRIDAY MORNING I ASKED THE MEAN MEN IF MY BAIL WAS POSTED YET. SMIRK, NO, WHO KNOWS WHEN. I CRIED ONLY THEN. KNOWING I WS IN THEIR HANDS AFTER GIVING UP THE HUNGER STRIKE BECAUSE OF SINCLAIR AND SIGNED FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT, NURSE SAYING SHE COULDN'T GIVE ME A TYLENOL UNLESS I SIGNED. Them Kim was leaving 15 minutes later. I hurried a letter for her to take to the outside. Mean men saw me give it to her. 15 minutes later. "ALLEN TRANSPORT TO BELFAST' SHACKLED AND SCARED TO DEATH SINCE. ASK MY NEIGHBORS. NEXT COURT DATE IS NOW JUNE 6. IN CLOSED SUPERIOR COURT TO TRY AND TAKE ME OUT AGAIN. THAT WILL BE 4 MONTHS OF THIS CANCER MONITOR. YOU ALL ARE THE TERRORISTS. SHAME ON YOU.
Documentation for Court Protection Order against Mark Rae and to press charges with against the same for theft of my property with the Sheriff’s office.
April 23, 2018
One and a half hour movie of only SOME of the hate/terror crimes by Mark Rae @ 23 Seaview Terrace. from May 2017-August 2017 with Officer Rolerson in many protecting Mark Rae and abusive to me.
Chief Mcfadden refused to issue my 9/1/2017 a cease harassment statement form notice (attached) in below email. Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace constantly trespasses, destroys my property, my personal property, see pictures of my land, my boat boot lock, sliced the air valve off my tire, took my green bungee cord off of my boat and wrapped it around the lock, he damaged the boat deck as he stomped on top of it. In the movie he threatens to steal my boat after vandalizing it. I moved my boat to work on it and he immediately got this huge trailer and parked it on my property for weeks. Pictures of my boat damages and his huge trailer are attached..
Mark Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace has illegal plowed snow, at every snow, while ripping up my land and pushing gravel, rock, garbage from 23 Seaview onto my property, his workers do the same. One almost tipped the front loader over on my land as he tried to go along the side of the illegal garage (not in compliance with code while Karen Caswell tried to sell 23 Seaview Terrace since 2011- 20 ft side setback required. Karen told me that the fir trees between the lots were planted on my property. The protection order must be against Mark Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. This short movie is recent after I was illegally arrested for illegal cease harassment notices and false terrorizing where I was sent to Twin Bridges and got out against the power to silence me for good. Officer Mark Kelly is abusive to me and does not care about the crime. Both on the movie. The third is a worker shoveling snow to my property, calling me a retard, dummy, and the f word, knowing I am taping him. I have many more video’s, but I do not have internet, a landline or cable after Spectrum corruptly cut my services (7 year customer) after ripping my entire system out because of Chief McFadden and his secret TWC/Spectrum (not sure if he still works there) private home/computer access Tom. It is life threatening for me to step outside my door and very scary to be out in public and driving alone.
Here is that movie link for definite immediate protection.
Saturday, 4/19/2018, I saw the boulders I had placed to stop them from making ruts and more destruction to my property were stolen by 23 Seaview Terrace. Pictures below of where I had used tape but like the boundary tape, they run it down, trespass, cut the bottles and throw it further onto my property. I am pressing charges for theft with Sheriff’s department today since the Belfast Police Department supports the hate and terror crimes of Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. I am also requesting permission to deliver this protection order to the Waldo District Court today since I am not allowed to go into Belfast.
20 year Belfast City Tax assessor Bob Whitely gave be the original 1965 development plans with Waldo Countyy the deeded registry seal, plan book 6- p23 which had been removed from the registry. Bob said City Manager Joe Slocum “flipped out” when he learned Bob gave me a copy. Bob said these are the final plans that was formalized in the 1966 entry. However, that has been removed from the Waldo Deeded Registry. Any other documents of boundaries and surveys are false. Lot 5 is 17 Seaview Terrace and lot 7 is 23 Seaview Terrace (1965 plan and seal attached.)
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney Janet Mills and Belfast Code Todd Rosenburg,
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter.
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
- Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
- Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
- Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
4. Todd Rosenburg please charge 23 Seaview Terrace with violation of all applicable codes. Not in 20 ft side set back compliance, preparing land for building and never presenting anything to the planning board, remove the garage and cease building pending planning board approval.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
If Chief Mcfadden refuse to comply in email, copying AG Mills, then it is mandatory for the ombudsmen for MFOIA to witness receipt of documents at the Belfast Police Department yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
- Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
- Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Please respond immediately. Below was sent @ 1:09 pm. It's now 3:32 pm. Please.
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
If Chief Mcfadden refuse to comply in email, copying AG Mills, then it is mandatory for the ombudsmen for MFOIA to witness receipt of documents at the Belfast Police Department yesterday.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
From: Michael McFadden <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:09 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Subject: RE: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:09 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Subject: RE: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
Your FOAA request has been processed and is ready for delivery. We will be mailing it to your home address at 17 Seaview Tr.
Thank you for your patience while we processed your request.
Chief McFadden.
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
One of you Mobstah Lobstah's must have let the air out of my tire at Bangor Waterfront Eric Church. As if this wasn't enough "September 24, 2017
FB post on Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. "
Tomorrow morning I'll be there and it better be the originals and FROM MARK CAMERON AND SERVICE/CONTRACTORS @ 23 SEAVIEW TERRACE.
FB post on Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. "
Tomorrow morning I'll be there and it better be the originals and FROM MARK CAMERON AND SERVICE/CONTRACTORS @ 23 SEAVIEW TERRACE.
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 11:03 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 11:03 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: Michael McFadden <>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 10:10 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: RE: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 10:10 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: RE: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
I will be working on FOAA requests today. You will be notified when your request has been processed.
Chief McFadden
I will be working on FOAA requests today. You will be notified when your request has been processed.
Chief McFadden
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 10:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 10:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
- I want to come to the station TODAY, have your camera's taping me accepting THE ORIGINAL CEASE HARASSMENT NOTICE THAT I SIGNED. WHAT TIME WILL IT BE READY TODAY?
2. Advise today for copies of "All Belfast Police Department records on me (video, documents, etc.)"
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:37 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:37 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: Michael McFadden <>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:45 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: RE: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:45 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN;; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: RE: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
I received your Freedom of Access Act Request. Please take this email as my acknowledgement that I have received your request.
I will contact you when copies of the documents you've requested are made and ready for you to pick up.
Chief McFadden.
I received your Freedom of Access Act Request. Please take this email as my acknowledgement that I have received your request.
I will contact you when copies of the documents you've requested are made and ready for you to pick up.
Chief McFadden.
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc:;;;;;; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Chief McFadden,
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
- The 2 original cease harassment notice that Guba had me sign, provide today and respond to this email when this is ready.
- All Belfast Police Department records on me (video, documents, etc.), by Monday 10/02/17 and respond to this email when this is ready.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Jail Mom
Jail Mom November 1, 2017
Jail Mom Me
BPD Rolerson protecting the pigs. Ew.
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;;;; Sadie Lloyd;
Cc:;;;;;; Governor; Michael Rolerson;;;;;; and same others
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;;;; Sadie Lloyd;
Cc:;;;;;; Governor; Michael Rolerson;;;;;; and same others
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Slocum, BPD, City Hall and AG Mills,
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
From: Joseph Slocum <>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Dear Ms. Allen,
Thank you for your phone call as well as your email today.
I do not wish to speak to you at all as I have no faith that you can truthfully repeat anything I say to you nor do I wish to see more of my misrepresented statements used to support your repeated accusations and confessed personal beliefs that I have or that I am trying to cause you a broad variety of serious harms.
I am truly sorry that it has come to this.
Based upon my observations of you conduct and statements here, in the streets and what I have seen you post, I have serious concerns that you cannot come to City Hall and conduct yourself in a civil and non- offensive, non-abusive or non-threatening fashion. I am interested in less conflict here- not more and I think physical and verbal distance will serve everyone- including yourself -better.
Accordingly, I am denying your request for permission to come into City Hall and pay your taxes in person tomorrow. Your rejection of our suggestions to minimize conflict by mailing them in or have a friend drop them off is unfortunate. Your bill was mailed to you and apparently received. UPS or Federal express are also options but they unfortunately cost money. The friend or the postage stamp really seems to be the best option.
You may continue to communicate to me through email but I will only respond if I feel that your request or statements are reasonable.
I hope and wish that you have more peaceful days.
Joseph Slocum
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;;;; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE Laurie Allen LONG LIST OF CC PLAYERS BELOW EMAIL Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;;;;; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE Laurie Allen LONG LIST OF CC PLAYERS BELOW EMAIL Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
BPD Chief McFadden, AG Mills, CM Joe Slocum, CP Wayne Marshall, ACP Sadie Lloyd, Code EO Todd Rosenburg,
Last night @ 6/20 pm, alone, again, BPD came pounding on my door. I do not open the door. They didn't identify themselves and I was just pumping up my music to drown the terror out. Then, blue lights flashing, spotlights into my living room, megaphone shouting for me to come out. I opened the window to 3 of them, with red recording body cams to McFadden. Ordered me to get outside or they'd bust my door down to arrest me. OK. Let me get out of my PJ's, feed my dogs and I was good to go.
Cuffed me in metal cuffs, behind my 115 lb, 5'2" 57 year old frame and took me to the the K9 unit with the puppy who couldn't detect a bong hit of Maine Mary Juana it I blew it in his cute snout. They hit me with more CH notices from fur trapper Mike Hurely anywhere and his hole, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD. Again forcing me to sign and refusing to give me the original signed as stated on the form. I still haven't got the stinking one from Cameron or who knows who. Last night I kept requesting the originals. They get the copies. No. They asked me if I wanted to sign 8 originals for me and them. Yes. They said no. Take the copies or not. Fine. They did not give me copies regardless of at least 4 requests during my 2 hours as a first time arrested Joi Z jail bird.
The bailiff came and for witness, I asked for the copies again to all of them. Baliff said it wasn't on my personal belongings list. What? The 2 others said they'd get the copies right away. I said you lied and tricked me again, being kind to me and screwing me. I told them to just be mean to me, status quo.
After 20 minutes, still no copies. They told me they had been sent down to the BPD where I am forbidden to go. Told me coppers were bringing them over to jail. After almost another 1/2 hour, I said buh-bye. Have the coppers come to my house as they love to do and deliver the copies. No. Got home 5 minutes later, they called and said they were just delivered. I have to come back to jail. I don't think so. Nothing is legal.
Yesterday, 23 Seaview Terrace was back to trespassing onto my property again and again, violating again and again, their CH against me, terrorizing and talking directly to me, and issuing me summons #2. No doubt with Judge Patty Worth. Ew. Then, I went to City Hall to pay my taxes. Fur Trapper was standing outside Alexia's. I had my window down, he looked at me and I said Ew.
I can't go to City Hall to pay my taxes. Jail told me I had to call CM Slocum to get permission to come to City Hall to pay my taxes. I called today, got Nora McGrath. She said Slocum was in a meeting and said to mail it. No, postal service has been tampering my mail since 2011. Still waiting for Slocum to call me to let me come into City Hall to pay my taxes that are due tomorrow. As I told McFadden, y'all can't even do corruption well.
I told the above to Amy Flood and said I'll do the drop in City Hall when Slocum sends it in writing that I may pay my stinkin' taxes. She suggested having my only friend come in for me. No. They keep trying to alienate my last friend.
I have yet to see the deed transfer to who ever may own 23 Seaview Terrace. They are building out of compliance full throttle, no planning board approval, or abutter notice to me. No response for months to CP Marshall and Code Rosenburg to issue violation, cease and desist to building on 23 Seaview Terrace. CA Bill Kelly reprensent them privately and sent me a threatening letter to allow the taking of my boat, pay for a fence for them and his fees. Conflict of interest no legal matter.
1. Send in writing that all BPD original signed notices pertaining to me are waiting for a video witness receipt at the BPD hand delivered by McFadden to me.
2. Send in writing that my FOIA for all BPD's documentation and video on me is ready, same procedure as #1.
3. Issue a violation, cease and desist building and all violations, civil rights to theft and destruction of property, etc. to 23 Seaview Terrace, emailing all details to me and violating parties.
4. Email when I can come into City Hall to pay my taxes.
2. Send in writing that my FOIA for all BPD's documentation and video on me is ready, same procedure as #1.
3. Issue a violation, cease and desist building and all violations, civil rights to theft and destruction of property, etc. to 23 Seaview Terrace, emailing all details to me and violating parties.
4. Email when I can come into City Hall to pay my taxes.
Laurie Allen
Laurie Allen
October 28, 2017
Corrupt prior Belfast Planning Board Chair, Paul Hamilton, with corrupt current planning board Wayne Corey and new player on board, Mark Dullea.
Paul Hamilton,Wayne Corey, and Mark Dullea to Northport Avenue LLC
Northport Ave is my neighborhood and MaineHealth/WCGH taking and blasting, no questions asked.
Mark has the company to do up the taking. In 2012, Wayne Corey biked past me as I was protesting outside the Belfast PD and Left Bank Books. Olympia Snowe? George Mitchell?- both came to Belfast to promote their stinking books on democracy. Both took the back door out from scary me. Corey stops and says - Someone should hire you, you work so hard. I can't help you with us flooding, taking and wiping out your property through inverse condemnation, but I can charge you up the ying yang to restore the ravine with dirt, rocks, and DEP permits, that you don't need, but we are going to break you but good Mom. And your kids too. He's got 9? kids to use to suck them and his system dry think he has some PHd in physics too. Right O. Some Belfast Dad's. Ew.
October 24, 2017
Same cc's as below.
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
October 23,2017
Filed complaint with the FBI today for hate crimes and civil rights violations, 7 years and counting, every second by the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall. This email was sent to them with the entire thread below. Same cc's.
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same cc's in thread below
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba;; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same cc's in thread below
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties. Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties. Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
- Lack of supervision/monitoring of officers’ actions;
- Lack of justification or reporting by officers on incidents involving the use of force;
- Lack of, or improper training of, officers; and
- Citizen complaint processes that treat complainants as adversaries.
October 18, 2017 below
To see the short claw list of the Mobstah Lobstah's click the page link below. Belfast Judge Patricia Worth/Husband, Chief McFadden, Mike Hurley, Jay Davis, the mob goes on and on....
Maybe now the serial rapist empire of Dr. Donald Lombardi will fall, saving 10's of thousands girls, boys, animals, surely anything goes with this "healthcare" rape, silence, torture, kill real time, by the second, for over 57 years that I can first hand account for.
1/4/2012-present All my short clips of heaven, hell and love on my youtube channel
October 18, 2017 below M&M KIDS THREE MUSKETEERS
1997 Exit 9, South River Rat, New Jersey 08882
2017 Meathead Belfast-Augusta & All Fat Encasing
October 18, 2017
I was going to last night's Belfast City Council meeting to speak at open to the public for at least the 100th time in 7 years. I am so very sorry to Carol and Roy. I will apologize publicly when I believe I can get home, less than 2 miles away, heavily populated and patrolled, no matter for law, they've been hunting and terrorizing me and my loved ones since selling me undisclosed hell. Status Quo Belfast. Shhh. Sell hell to another. Not Exit 9 Joi Z.
Around 3pm yesterday, banging, banging, banging on my glass front door again. Belfast City Police. Do not disturb, do not trespass again without a warrant and body camera. 3 thugs next door yesterday. All wanting to hurt me. Big meathead, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving, Lincolnville Maine history (Cameron Mountain, Camden Hills State Park). His meathead fleet of ego and take, paving trucks, don't come here anymore. Instead, unmarked trucks with mob mentality.
New mental meat yesterday, Meathead #3. Also violating the cease harassment notice issued by Meathead #1 and service/contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace. Who owns this property, sneaky deal to keep it out of the paper Deeds or does Karen Caswell still own it? All 3 were ganging up on me as I taped silently. As I walking on the City right of way, 20 ft from my house, #3 was telling me that I was trespassing, #1 & #2 trespassed onto my property several times yesterday and always. Meat #2 was stalking and filming me, giving me the finger again and again. Meat #3 walked passed me hitting my shoulder. He again, aggressively marched onto my property and clubbed in a wooden stake. I took it and placed it on 23 Seaview Terrace and stood on my boundary line. Meat #1 pushed himself up against me, holding his club, pressing it into my leg and giving me a threat. Again, for the 15th time? in 5 months. Earlier he told me I'd better fucking stop. I spit on the ground 3 times yesterday. He told me to stop spitting on his fucking stake. I did not spit on his scuzzy stake. Meat # 2, calling me the Crazy Bitch on this video. He should check his fundies. After copper got no answer, all the meat had a pow wow in the street and left.

McFadden deleted this video too. Bastard. My filing cease harassment.
2nd video of my filing a cease harassment notice BELFAST (MAINE) POLICE DEPARTMENT . Chief McFadden has access to all computers. He has deleted and taken parts out of my youtube video's.
9/1/2017 My cease harassment notice denied by Chief McFadden
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN;
Cc: same as below
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden;; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN;
Cc: same as below
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney Janet Mills and Belfast Code Todd Rosenburg,
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
- Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
- Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
- Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
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