
Friday, April 27, 2018

Attorney General Janet Mills Terrorizes, Shackles, Imprisons to sure rape & death, Mom for Freedom Of Speech, Me.

Not today Ms. Mills. Mom speaks. See below this email, for next email, same CC's where 23 Seaview Terrace, Mark Rae was issued illegal build permits because the garage is not in code compliance. 20 ft side set back from boundary line (City Hall may have changed the footage to 15 ft side set back a few years ago but that is not applicable to the garage. Illegally built on the boundary line, hence they are trying to take 20 ft of MY PROPERTY with all the support of the collars, dishonorable and law and City Hall. I don't think so.

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 1:33 PM
To:; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN;; Governor
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Rick;
Subject: Re: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c

BPD Chief McFadden

(all this because of buying undisclosed hell at 17 Seaview Terrace and protecting it from all the corrupt. You could have bought me out but instead beat me daily, hurt my children and have cost this low income, unemployed Mom over 20k in court corruption and 8 years of my life.) My honor. To Stand .

Where is the report charging Mark Rae with theft by unauthorized taking/transfer of my property? And please provided the video where you had me arrested for violating an illegal cease harassment notice that you offered Mark Rae when he came to you with a video that ADA Entwisle confirms is not available but is clearly Laurie Allen's voice being vulgar. Additionally the all the illegal cease harassment notices that you issued to me are not legal because at MINIMUM, I did not get my original forced signed notice as stated on the form. And finally, cease harassment is step one and then a protection order from the court. Then an arrest if violated. You refused to issue a cease harassment against Mark Rae from 6 months of hate, terror, threats, mauling my property and private property, documented on video.

I was at the court house across the street for 2 hours before coming to the station to press theft charges against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace. Worth was on the bench and recused. Justice Alexander passed the request for immediate protection against Mark Rae/23 Seaview Terrace to Rockland to Judge Mathews who began the not allowing me to be heard for dismissal of all cease harassment charges on 12/8.  Illegal. Yet, I am shackled with a electronic device since March 1, imprisoned for 5 days, hunger strike for days knowing the only way I was getting out would be organ shut down until your Sate corrupt criminal attorney, David Sinclair sandbagged me and now dropped me after I called him out on many, many issues to send me away. I'm not allowed to be heard for dismissal of the ridiculous terrorist charge for target shooting, freedom of speech.

I wrote up my own motions in the truck when Sinclair did not present my motions, only his to drop me pn 4/10/2018. Again, Dishonorable Judge Murray would not dismiss anything, nor the bail conditions where the bracelet is cancerous and my father, sister and 2 brothers have died from cancer. I can't go into town, can make a left on to Northport Ave from Seaview. Where my Dr is at WCGH, The City Park, The Library, City Hall, City Council Meetings, all the way up High Street to Hurleyville somewhere. Nor to Mcdonald's all the way down to town. Or Starret Drive and my drugstore Walgreens, Not left onto Rte 1 South- Irving's is right there, my store, the 3 autopart stores in Belfast are in my restricited zone. Can't go down Swan Lake Ave and down past Mill Lane. Probably can't go to Youngs either, and I think finally Waldo Ave 137? The only west road I can take is Route 3. For NOT BREAKING ANY LAW AND A TARGET EVERY MOMENT AND WAS NOT TO GET OUT OF 2 BRIDGES BUT I DID BECAUSE OF MY JAIL GIRL KIM LEAVING. MY GUT HAD BEEN TRYING TO PAY MY BAIL FOR 2 DAYS IN BELFAST AND GOT RUN AROUND AFTER RUN AROUND. FRIDAY MORNING I ASKED THE MEAN MEN IF MY BAIL WAS POSTED YET. SMIRK, NO, WHO KNOWS WHEN. I CRIED ONLY THEN. KNOWING I WS IN THEIR HANDS AFTER GIVING UP THE HUNGER STRIKE BECAUSE OF SINCLAIR AND SIGNED FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT, NURSE SAYING SHE COULDN'T GIVE ME A TYLENOL UNLESS I SIGNED.  Them Kim was leaving 15 minutes later. I hurried a letter for her to take to the outside. Mean men saw me give it to her. 15 minutes later. "ALLEN TRANSPORT TO BELFAST' SHACKLED AND SCARED TO DEATH SINCE. ASK MY NEIGHBORS. NEXT COURT DATE IS NOW JUNE 6. IN CLOSED SUPERIOR COURT TO TRY AND TAKE ME OUT AGAIN.  THAT WILL BE 4 MONTHS OF THIS CANCER MONITOR. YOU ALL ARE THE TERRORISTS. SHAME ON YOU.

Here it is from my you tube channel.

At 3 minutes 22 seconds I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. F*** you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?"

Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. F+++ yeah. 9. F****** Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all full of holes. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo.

Maine Man Takes Joi Z Target Shooting. Love My !rst times with him.

Here it is:
A boardwalk game in Seaside Heights, N.J., features a moving target of President Barack Obama. Contestants hurl baseballs in his direction. A Pennsylva ...
Regarding your case and similar ones, the plaintiff has to prove that there is an intent to commit/incite lawless behavior and, further, that the lawless behavior is likely to occur. This concept is derived from a landmark case, Schenck v. United States, which related to the draft and free speech. In that case, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. concluded that free speech (particularly violent/dissenting speech) can only be punished if the speech posed a “clear and present danger” of succeeding in inciting criminal behavior. Though Schenck v. United States was later overruled by another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio, the Court maintained its standing on free speech: it cannot be punished unless the speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Though the court will almost certainly split hairs over whether you were trying to incite lawlessness, it is unlikely that they can prove that you posed a “clear and present danger” or were “likely to incite or produce such action.” I would highly suggest looking at the cases I mentioned, the attached article, and other related matters. Again, I think that most of this will come down to their inability to prove that you were “likely to incite or produce such action.”

The article also includes some related cases or topics that had far more intent and malice than your own. Look at those, too.

The court criminal attorney to represent me was hired to set me up, take the psych eval and what? Lock me up in a psych ward if I live? I've never been arrested in my life and these arrests are hate crimes and terrorism by the corrupt judicial, law enforcement and government to stop me from exposing your corruption.

Mathews denied immediate protection and now another court date to protect the terror and hate of Mark Rae to me, day in and day out since May 2017.

Documentation for Court Protection Order against Mark Rae and to press charges with against the same for theft of my property with the Sheriff’s office.

April 23, 2018

One and a half hour movie of only SOME of the hate/terror crimes by Mark Rae @ 23 Seaview Terrace. from May 2017-August 2017 with Officer Rolerson in many protecting Mark Rae and abusive to me.

Chief Mcfadden refused to issue my 9/1/2017 a cease harassment statement form notice (attached) in below email. Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace constantly trespasses, destroys my property, my personal property, see pictures of my land, my boat boot lock, sliced the air valve off my tire, took my green bungee cord off of my boat and wrapped it around the lock, he damaged the boat deck as he stomped on top of it. In the movie he threatens to steal my boat after vandalizing it. I moved my boat to work on it and he immediately got this huge trailer and parked it on my property for weeks. Pictures of my boat damages and his huge trailer are attached..

Mark Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace has illegal plowed snow, at every snow, while ripping up my land and pushing gravel, rock, garbage from 23 Seaview onto my property, his workers do the same. One almost tipped the front loader over on my land as he tried to go along the side of the illegal garage (not in compliance with code while Karen Caswell tried to sell 23 Seaview Terrace since 2011- 20 ft side setback required. Karen told me that the fir trees between the lots were planted on my property. The protection order must be against Mark Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. This short movie is recent after I was illegally arrested for illegal cease harassment notices and false terrorizing where I was sent to Twin Bridges and got out against the power to silence me for good. Officer Mark Kelly is abusive to me and does not care about the crime. Both on the movie. The third is a worker shoveling snow to my property, calling me a retard, dummy, and the f word, knowing I am taping him. I have many more video’s, but I do not have internet, a landline or cable after Spectrum corruptly cut my services (7 year customer) after ripping my entire system out because of Chief McFadden and his secret TWC/Spectrum (not sure if he still works there) private home/computer access Tom. It is life threatening for me to step outside my door and very scary to be out in public and driving alone.

Here is that movie link for definite immediate protection.

Saturday, 4/19/2018, I saw the boulders I had placed to stop them from making ruts and more destruction to my property were stolen by 23 Seaview Terrace. Pictures below of where I had used tape but like the boundary tape, they run it down, trespass, cut the bottles and throw it further onto my property. I am pressing charges for theft with Sheriff’s department today since the Belfast Police Department supports the hate and terror crimes of Rae and 23 Seaview Terrace. I am also requesting permission to deliver this protection order to the Waldo District Court today since I am not allowed to go into Belfast.

20 year Belfast City Tax assessor Bob Whitely gave be the original 1965 development plans with Waldo Countyy the deeded registry seal, plan book 6- p23 which had been removed from the registry. Bob said City Manager Joe Slocum “flipped out” when he learned Bob gave me a copy. Bob said these are the final plans that was formalized in the 1966 entry. However, that has been removed from the Waldo Deeded Registry. Any other documents of boundaries and surveys are false. Lot 5 is 17 Seaview Terrace and lot 7 is 23 Seaview Terrace (1965 plan and seal attached.)

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:25 PM
To:; LAURIE ALLEN; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Mark Rae Theft by unauthorized taking/transfer class c

Belfast Police Chief Mike McFadden,

Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c.  Officer Guba was given my complaint yesterday with pictures for proof. After I left and came directly home, my stole property was still on the side of the garage at 23 Seaview Terrace. Guba asked me for color pictures, apparently he did not like my black and white pictures of gray boulder/rock. Here they are with my complaint.

Guba left saying he would go talk to Rae (if it were me- I'd be arrested already) and he would not let me attend. I had to leave the station before Guba returned. I gave the receptionist the court papers to deliver to Mark Rae, clearly Guba knows his address and the court clerk said BPD will deliver it to him, no charge to me. Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.

Again for clarity

  1. Please mail me police the report for the charges to Mark Rae by unauthorized taking/transfer, class c. 
  2. Please confirm that docket BELDC-PA-2018-000058 was delivered to Mark Rae.


Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915From: LAURIE ALLEN <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 1:53 PM
To:;; Sadie Lloyd;;; Governor;;; Jeffrey Trafton
Cc: same
Subject: Re: Permit for 5ft Chain Link Fence
City Planner Wayne Marshall,

You mislead status quo since showing me the forced flooding to Seaview Terrace in 2011. My boundary lines have not changed and I have the right to put a 5 foot chain link fence on MY PROPERTY. As Gusta stated right here- she draws what the client wants but is not responsible for deeding and approvals. That survey shows my original boundary line original to 1965. Please issue the permit now, advise of the charge and Amy please deduct from the $50.

From: Wayne Marshall <>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 1:37 PM
To: Joseph Slocum; Joseph Slocum; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: Amy Flood; Sadie Lloyd; Erica Nealley; Tod Rosenberg
Subject: Re: Permit for 5ft Chain Link Fence

Dear Ms. Allen:

I received your email upon my return to work today after being out for several days, thus, I am only now in a position to respond.   

The Code and Planning Department will not issue you a permit to construct a fence in the location that you describe and based on the information that you presented.  I note that our Department has issued a building permit to the abutting property owner, Map 32, Lot 47A, based on a survey prepared by Good Deeds that they submitted as part of their permit application.  The location you describe in your email to me appears to be on property identified on their survey. 

The Department would need you to provide specific information that identifies that you would be constructing the fence on property that you own and that is not identified on the survey submitted by the abutting property owner.  The best way to do such would be to submit your own survey that identifies that you would be constructing the fence on property that you own.  

On behalf of the City,

Wayne Marshall

Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 12:04 PM
To:;; Sadie Lloyd;; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Permit for 5ft Chain Link Fence
Marie, Sadie or Wayne,

Please advise today, Friday, 4/27/2018. I need my permit today and it's been 2 days without a response.

Laurie Allen

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Permit for 5ft Chain Link Fence
sorry- resending 3rd time because 2nd time (wrong email for Amy Flood) was sent without attachments. Thanks.

Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 2:01 PM
Subject: Permit for 5ft Chain Link Fence
City Planner Wayne Marshall and Amy,

I am putting a 5 ft chain link fence (like the one I have that I sketched the layout for Marie Stalworth and paid $15 for the permit). Advise of the price- it will be about 25 ft. long, maybe 2 ft in from my property line per the 1965 original plans Waldo Deeded Registry that Bob Whiteley gave me and I'm including the drawing that Gusta Ronson Good Deeds did for the Caswell estate. She said they couldn't subdivide to get the garage into compliance of 20 ft side set back because there was not 40 ft between the eves of what is now my home and the eves of the garage on 23 Seaview Terrace. Her email below explains that she drew it per their request and shows the original boundary line that is still the same.

Facing my fir trees from the street, between 17 & 23, I will be putting the fence up to the left of the fir tree end- which is at the corner of my yard fence- just about even with the back of the garage on 23- and running it up to the City ROW , guessing about 25-30 ft.

Amy has $50 from an over payment that I had made. Amy states that she needs and email to disperse the funds. I am requesting the price of the permit to be paid for through that $50.

Please advise when the permit will be ready and please email it to me immediately.

Laurie Allen

From: Good Deeds <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 11:37 AM
Subject: RE: Gusta Ronson/Survey/CK Archer Orig Plans
Dear Ms Allen—
 The surveys we do for individuals are their property and it is their decision what becomes of the plans and research.  It is not up to outside parties to determine if they should be recorded or not.  

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