July 5, 2018
Noon- Mail today. Judge Worth's Thug Mark Rae whomat Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco gave me a protection order against was denied an appeal of my protection from Judge Sparaco. Thug's attorney is stinking Joseph W. Baiungo, bar #7621. Tax payers are paying for another appeal to allow Mark Rae to try and get the job done for Worthless and the rest of Belfast-Augusta government and lawless enforcement thugs.
I wonder if Belfast resident, Erin Herbig, currently running for Senate (right) had her lover appeal her protection order. Guessing not. She is a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah posing as Polly Purebread. I just saw her at the Searsport public boat launch yesterday, where Belfast City Council Fur Trapper Mike Hurley stalked me for the 2nd time, right there, in the past week. Ew.
Because she got involved in the relationship to begin with. She was married; and was sent to Augusta by taxpayers to serve the public at the State House. She made bad choices, and entered an adulterous relationship with a fellow legislator. They were both wrong. Why does she get a pass, just because she's a woman? No thanks.
Meanwhile, if you read the PPH article, it's clear this situation has been complicating the legislative work process for some time.
Neither of these people have the right to use public money to act like children. Their constituents, and the people of Maine deserve better.
Also at the boat launch yesterday was Belfast resident, Jayne Crosby Giles. Another ew. I believed in her when we both spoke to Belfast City Council for the budget taking of residents. I believed wrong. Another Mobstah Lobstah posing for the poor people. No thanks. I am poor because of the dislikes of you. And honored to be.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as always
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as always
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Rae, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Rae, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Laurie Allen
But he knew the target shoot video was innocent that is why I wasn't arrested for 4 months ago.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 8:52 PM
To: ned.lightner@gmail.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: info@frampton.com; council@bangormaine.gov; jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com; Teresa Hallsworth; chief@belfastmepd.org; Cross Insurance Center
Subject: Fw: typed below on your fb page message and a line on here may not take the post.t. WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY SLEEPS. WHAT!!,, blows me away like the wind. I'm scared. Mom brave. Email to Bangor for my safety to see u www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 8:52 PM
To: ned.lightner@gmail.com; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: info@frampton.com; council@bangormaine.gov; jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com; Teresa Hallsworth; chief@belfastmepd.org; Cross Insurance Center
Subject: Fw: typed below on your fb page message and a line on here may not take the post.t. WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY SLEEPS. WHAT!!,, blows me away like the wind. I'm scared. Mom brave. Email to Bangor for my safety to see u www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
Hi Ned, Kathy and Mayor Paradis,
It sickens me that I have to ask this of you Ned. I am going to see Peter Frampton tomorrow and Marshall Tucker on Saturday and Keith Urban on August 5 at the Bangor Waterfront. In my Exploder "This is a reminder from City of Belfast that the following registration(s) will expire at the end of August:
2509SC | 2002 | FORD | EXPLOR |
alone and hoping to get there and back alive for all 3 without harm as done to me each time I break away from sanctuary for some joy of great artists, cited in the emails below to Bangor leaders. None have responded, so trackHer is risking her life as has been for freedom to just be. I told my son that I was going to ask you to take my son's phone number so that if my Exploder is not in the driveway Friday morning when you wake (very early like me as you see me in the backyard) to call my son. Otherwise, my boys may die. I have no one to help me. They will die of starvation if not before just me being gone overnight. You know how long they have rescued me from the Rockland shelter in 2007. No one will or can take them. You know this.
I am sorry that this is such a terrible conflict for you. That is why I am sending this to Mayor Paradis. To read the partial hell below and understand the danger I am in, every second of every day. You did allow me to put you down as an emergency school contact for him. By writing this, I am hopeful that the call will never have to be made. I will send you a separate email with his email and phone number. My poor children. I can't even believe this. It's a murder novel, but it's me with all watching and waiting. That Belfast had a social media party upon my arrest into Two Bridges has hurt me more than anyone can imagine. Mothers who don't have my strength and history do not have a chance in this hell of greed to incarcerate. No lawbreaking necessary, whatever enforcement wants to do, government has their back of weapons of family destruction.
Thankfully, you have known me since the 70's in Bayside to right next door to me at 17 Seaview Terrace, Belfast, Me. 04915, at Kathy's home. Mayor Pardis since the Belfast City Council meetings (probably over 100) that I have spoken to protect all. As you know, among most of the places that I go (not many because I am home, my lovely home for safety until the BPD and Sheriff Dept come banging on my door at anytime to whatever they want. Along with Maine AG Mills, Judge Murray, Worth, Mathews, Fields, and Alexander (Maine Supreme Court) and Maine law enforcement to take my life. 1rst hand by them, documented. I was never supposed to get out of Two Bridges Correctional Facility, I did on 3/2/18, nor Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/18 @ 11am. Where, since 12/7/2017, my first court appearance for the fraud to silence me, I have not had my right to be heard because it's immediate dismissal of all charges.
On 6/6/18, the hit fell through even though they evacuated the building, no guards, no security, all doors closed, up the stairs into my hearing for my motions, finally and get this cancer cell ankle trackHer on since 3/1/18 the hell off. I have never been arrested in my life and as you know Ned, I am honest and always wanting to help those that I can. Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Dudley were counting on me to come alone, Pro se, as I have alway done during the 8 years of the Dishonorables taking more of my money for their thugs that screwed me in the business sector and an ex family member and our personal hell (Ned knows this history as well, his partner Lora and I were close friends since I was 12. The ex family member did not appear in court for the hearing of 6k+ in 2012.
IF I had Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparoco, I would have automatically been awarded. Instead Fields (active retired and decisions in Southern Maine) ordered me to get the gold seal 2007 divorce decree from NJ Middlesex County Court and another corrupt Dishonorable, Fred Keiser. I told Fields that I had my gold seal decree right here and he refused it. I had to pay for another for their dissection of our hell to be used against me by Belfast Chief McFadden. He has been contacting my daughter, scaring her in emails that to keep me out of jail for mental illness that he has diagnosed me with for years, getting me into a psychiatric facility would be the best thing for Mom. That OCTOBER 2012 email is on my blog and to the all that claim to care and do for the children. No replies ever. Increase the fear with McFadden telling me to be concerned for my children and stating an anonymous tip that I an unstable. Setting up the Title 15 State of Maine Forensic Evaluation to determine mental illness and not allowing me to represent myself Pro Se .
Regardless that they sandbagged me with my free criminal attorney for being a Terrorist mom. I refused but he seemed so nerdy that after 4 days into my hunger strike so that I would die in a hospital rather than jail, For my children. it was the best I could do. I accepted Sinclair for MY legal motions as a criminal. Two Bridges refused to allow me into the law library from day one where I would have found the Obama target shoot precedence. Freedom of Speech.
Bath Maine, criminal attorney, David Sinclair was for the State for Mom to die from mental illness because of a sad, unfortunate situation in the jail, they had to shoot her to protect another from her rage. Sinclair withdrew as my attorney a few weeks after I called him out for protecting the State. Same plot for Waldo Superior Court on 6/6/18/ My day for complete dismissals since fabricated in November 2017 to date. The attorneys are for the greed and on every scuzzy corner and court room. All in Maine, I've gone to the top and down over the years. More time, more money, more NO, but advised to get an attorney immediately. By all. If they even responded.
Back to the ex and Dishonorable Worth. The little evil denied my case, stating that the emails from the ex confirming the debt to the emails that I was crazy, etc. and not getting a cent. They even let him call in for court hearing, I told the truth and Dishonorable Worth asked the ex if there was any objections. Ex said no. That's when I said who the hell is this Judge Worth. Oh boy, I found out and have been hunted since by all, the Belfast-Augusta Mobstah Lobstah's. As Ned knows since he is the station manager for the City of Belfast and a long time friend to me. This has been very detrimental to all my childhood friends and acquaintances in Bayside and Belfast. Mob mentality kicked in with City Council, prior Mayor, Mr. Take Belfast, Mike Fur Trapper Hurley. From New Jersey. Easy corrupt pickings from the hand shake American Maine. Not The United States of break and take.
The 8 year never ending hate crimes and terrorizing to me and my children is painfully documented on my blogs and you tube channel. Where Chief McFadden (prior State Detective FOR Internet Child Porn) and his sick, secret, TWC/Spectrum Belfast home tech planter Tom, have deleted my blogs, you tube video's, and even private files when not online, clearly with support of Central Maine Power. I am very familiar with their capabilities since my last sibling and immediate family, George Allen is the VP/General Manager of Beeline Cable, Madison, Maine. He is one of them since I was born. We are Irish Twins, one year apart. Night and light. As Ned also knows.
On 6/6/18 @ Waldo Superior Court, Murray denied my motion to rescind bail conditions and would not accept my exhibit of video showing how ill this trackher has made me. Regardless of my father(56), sister (54) and 2 brothers (65 and 67) dying from cancer. I was the last child, Mom was 41. Little Laurie Allen pushing back probably in the womb. Credit Mother Nature, a gift.
Murray had to dismiss the Title 15 since I had won a protection order against Mark Rae, thug for the collars, who has also been terrorizing me with hate crimes, trespass, theft, relentless daily to take my little land with his workers right on my property and their abutting corrupt lot for MaineHealth. Since May 2017 to date. With support of BPD, Waldo Sheriiff's office to AG Mills and Governor LeRage. McFadden refused to give me a cease harassment notice against Rae but gave him an illegal fabricated cease harassment notice. And a fabricated violation, and the first of 2 night raids of terrorizing arrests by BPD with a K9 unit, where I am alone with my 2 beagles. Thankfully John was still with me to keep my boys alive while I was jailed.
With bail conditions, my sanctuary to begin again in 2010 is open is any blue thug. And boy, do the thugs come. I bought a home in Belfast with the last of my money. Cash. Big mistake. I believed the law for reality ethics and property inspections and that Belfast would never flood Seaview for Inverse Condemnation for MaineHealth and Department of Defense and probably my drug rape at 20, Dr. Donald Lombardi. Ned also knows I do not let males touch me without my permission. And that is a short list. Loyal to boyfriends and 18 years of marriage to freedom in 2007 (not really, but getting there) to date. No. The United States is lawless. Every American must protect all because we are America. No.
I had no clue about government till I got targeted as a domestic survivor, relocating to my love, Maine, against all odds and corruption. I did it. To live in peace, privacy and heal. Ned saw me after a year that I had moved here by the Belfast Post Office. I said Hi Ned! Ned said, Laurie, I heard you were in town but haven't seen you. Of course. I was under the radar and just wanted to be home with my children and dogs in safety. That is why I choose to pay to live in town. For police protection. No. I have an 8 year street degree on the stupid thugs. Believing they were protected by Mills and the State of Maine. Let's see what the FBI and Ralph Nader KNOW.
Murray was a mess when he learned that my witness was my kind, scholarly 20 year old son. Also beaten by Belfast and the RSU71., currently at Rutgers. Out of state, like my daughter, thank you Mother Nature. But he was here to visit during the 6/6/18 court date. I've done all I can to keep my children out of this while protecting all. I don't know of a Mom that does what I do. All should. We would be America.
ADA Entwisle just about cried on the dismissal of the Title 15. My motions to dismiss all and pay me back the measly 5k+++ that has sent me into spiraling debt for the first time in my life were next. Never a late payment, never owned. Still not. Instead Murray abruptly calls recess and leaves. I said to my son, is Murray done or is he just going to the throne. ADA Entwisle left the empty building. As we were exiting my son saw a metal detector on the wall by the exit. Part of the plot to protect them. Wrong.
The Courts have not sent any notices, and it's another month gone by with my pedophile trackher. Mother's pull their children away from me and sends me into tears. If I HAVE to go out, I pin a sign on me with my blog, wwwlboycottbelfast.blogspot.com and a picture of Pussy Riots being flogged by the lawless at the Olympic Sochi games. After Rae mauled my 1963 Sunfish sailboat, I fixed it and started sailing again, banned in Belfast, I go to the much better and free, Searsport Harbor. Two times this past week including today. Where Fur Trapper Hurley has stalked me both times there. He is a very sick man and wants me bad. There is no one to protect me accept my mouth and fingers. I painted my blog address on my sail because the trackher is scary to parents, children and me. Then they can read truth. But, no one wants to know or do. They think it will happen to them or their children because they are one of the owned. They are dead wrong. I keep doing. Always.
After I told John that he would have been dispensable in court if he would have come as my witness, died in the crossfire as trigger twitching Marshall Dudley had to do it to protect the corrupt from American Irish Hobo Mom.
It's too much for our relationship. He just wants to go fishing. This is mine to do. Go fishing man. Get out of here. OK. Thank you for opening up Mother Nature for me. It has been spectacular for 2 years. Bye John. I love you. He's already gone.
This target shoot on my John and Me playlist was from October 2018. Link the Chief and Mills. I got arrested for this on Friday night, after 6 pm, hiding in the bushes with Juba in plain clothes trying to bait me outside. No. They were busting my door down as I ran for my cell to call 911 and open the door before they broke it. Kidnapped. Silenced finally. Not. I had just sent another email to Mills that day, calling her out again on corruption as I have for 8 years. Unable to get necessary public documents to save Seaview Terrace and Belfast, FOIA denied because they agree with City Attorney Bill Kelly. I am too stupid to know what I am reading. Have an attorney contact them. Kelly is also representing the thug Mark Rae as a private attorney and real estate licensed hit man to scare me. I'm scared, you bet, but I stand stronger after each take down. And that's a Mobstah Lobstah boatload of chum.
I say "Right there Hurley. That Hurley right in the center. F*** you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?"
Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. F+++ yeah. 9. F****** Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target you assholes. I shot it all full of holes. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. " The rest is me checking out Maine Man's dupka. Yo
New Belfast police chief selected
Posted Dec. 20, 2011, at 4:08 p.m.
Belfast native Michael McFadden III, who worked for the Belfast Police Department for 19 years before joining the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit.
McFadden, who joined the Computer Crimes Unit two yeas ago, is well-placed to do that, Slocum said.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
PeterTaber A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
While there, the former Belfast Police Department detective investigated Internet pornography cases.
PeterTaber A sad choice. This knuckle-dragging thug doesn't have any trouble lying shamelessly if he thinks it might gain a conviction. His father, a longtime Belfast police officer who merited wide respect, must be spinning in his grave at how his son turned out. Of course, take this opinion as you might. I was only a police reporter for over 40 years, can hardly be called a cop-hater, and yet I witnessed first-hand how low-down he has behaved.
He physically beats false confessions out of people being arrested...just ask Mike Hall ;)
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Subject: RE: Regarding Laurie Allen
Date: October 20, 2017 at 7:35:35 AM PDT
To: my daughter
My Daughter,
... It's been obvious to me for a number of years that your mom is suffering from untreated mental illness. There are a couple of things that prevent me from being an effective part in addressing those issues for her. First and foremost, it's my strong opinion that your mother would not be willing to seek treatment voluntarily. I have engaged her in conversation a few years ago when she would actually speak with me, and she was highly offended that I was even suggesting she should try speaking with someone. I may be wrong, but there's nothing she's done or said in the last 5 years that I've known her, which would indicate that I am wrong. Second absent her agreeing to accept help, we would be forced to take her into protective custody involuntarily in order to have a physiological evaluation done. In order for me to do this I would first have to determine she is a danger to herself or someone else. At this time I don't feel I can argue effectively that she presents an actual danger to herself or others. She's created considerable inconvenience to a number of people but she has also been very careful not to overtly threaten them. I have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, and although your mother is struggling she simply isn't going to meet the criteria for involuntary hospitalization in the typical way. Ultimately however, it's my strong belief that hospitalization is exactly what your mother needs.
Subject: RE:
Date: March 2, 2018 at 6:11:00 AM PST
To: My Daughter
I know they have female officers at the jail there. I'm not sure which of them would have been working the night your mom was arrested though. I can't speak for the jail but I find it hard to believe they would have had a male corrections officer strip search your mother, but that's just my common sense on the subject not direct knowlage of what actually happened. Fortunately a lot of what happens in the booking room is on video from what I understand so we should be able to determine exactly what happened. I'll make sure the jail knows to save the video from the night your mom was arrested…
From: My DaughterSent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 6:31 PMTo: Michael McFaddenSubject: Re:
I can encourage her to do that. What about the person who did the body search on her in Waldo County?
On Mar 1, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org> wrote:
You should reach out to Two Bridges Regional Corrections Center. I really don't deal a lot with them because their on the County side of things. All I know is we brought your mom to the Waldo County Sheriff's Office and they more than likely brought her to the Two Bridges Jail the following day… This is the first I've heard of any incidents. Your mom should really be the one to call and report any of the incidents you're speaking of though… She's the one they're going to want to speak with.
Chief McFadden.
Always Truly American,
Laurie Allen
July 4, 2018
July 3, 2018
10pm Mayor Paradis did not read my email during communications at the City Council meeting that just ended. Corrupt City Attorney Bill Kelly is there for the executive meeting, underway now, I hope it is for this. City Council Mike Hurley stated in a meeting that he was a fur trapper in NJ. That is why I call him Fur Trapper. It certainly does reflect Mike Hurley. And it's funny. Don't cry Mike. Please stop that.
The pictures that I sent to Mayor Pardis (Hurley is disrespectful, calling the Mayor "Samantha". That's a high functioning Borderline Personality trait. I know. Belief you me. http://www.bpdcentral.com/blog/?Can-borderlines-and-narcissists-have-healthy-relationships-31
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 6:36 PM
To: mayor@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Certified Mail No 2nd attempt
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 6:36 PM
To: mayor@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Certified Mail No 2nd attempt
Dear Mayor Paradis,
Please see the picture showing one attempt to deliver a certified mail letter on 6/25/18 from "City". Due to false arrests for protecting my home and life, City Manager Joe Slocum has had me banned from City Hall, council meetings, police department, courts, post office- all of downtown to Hurleyville. Where ever that is. Hurley stalked me yesterday at Searsport Harbor and pedaled away when he saw me coming up with my sunfish Sissy.
I can't even make a left from Seaview onto Northport Ave. No Dr., no hospital, no City Park to visit my family in the bay. They know I did that a lot. No left onto Rte 1 to go to Irvings, walking distance. I went there daily. No left onto Main St. at McDonalds, no Starret Drive to go to my drugstore, no left on Swan Lake Ave and I think another- 137? Waldo Ave ?, etc. All 3 auto part stores in Belfast are in my restricted zone. Forcing me to drive many miles, out into aim and shoot, we track her every movement with tenacity.
On 6-29, a FINAL NOTICE that the article will be returned to sender on 7/9. The sender's name this time is "Belfast".
I don't know if this is from City Hall. My taxes have been overdue since I tried to pay the first half in November. Before the due day. Hurley was standing against Alexa's Pizza as I drove past in my truck and said "Ew", in my truck. I think that was a violation of a cease harassment of a slew of them that I was hit with after being arrested for another false violation of a false cease harassment that Chief McFadden falsely fabricated, several days after I had said "ew" to the fur trapper, Hurley.
I had been requesting a cease harassment from McFadden to Mark Rae, with volumes of video and proof for 4 months prior, till I went to the police station on 9/1/2017 an filled a cease harassment request out, video'd (McFadden removed that video from my youtube but I put it back up.) Another horror story with McFadden and Spectrum/TWC and his secret brother-in-law, Tom, TWC Belfast home tech. After a week or so, McFadden denied the cease harassment notices. Stating the 1 1/2 hour movie of just some clips of daily hate crimes, assaults, trespassing, harassing, attempted robbery, destruction of personal properties, etc. If McFadden had done his job, none of this would have been able to conspire.
My court date for this was on 12/7/2017 where all charges would have been dismissed if Judge Mathews let me have my right to be heard. He did not. And it got worse.
I still have not been heard, falsely arrested again for terrorizing City Council. Right. I was not supposed to get out of Twin Bridges, held on 25k bail, reduced to 5k. Where Belfast Jail would not take the bail money. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Till Mother Nature got me out. Jail still wasn't taking the bail money on Friday when to Officer walked passed John at the jail, trying to pay the 5k again. At 9am the officer told John that he was going to get me from Twin Bridges. John still had not paid the bail money. After, they took my money, shackled me with this cancer cell ankle trackHER, that I must plug into an outlet, still on my skin, and also charge for 4 hours every day. Detective Greeley barely told me the restricted zones and gave me 3 ridiculous maps, no streets, to trap me again. That was on Friday, 3/2/2018.
More court, not to be heard. Corrupt criminal attorney for the state, not me, came with a motion to remove himself as my attorney when I asked him who was he protecting. He did not give any of my motions to dismiss all, and rescind all bail conditions and give me my last money. 5k. That was on Tuesday, 4/10/2018. I had to get permission from Greeley to go to court that day and the police department to file a report of theft by Mark Rae of my personal property, proven, and to date McFadden will not file the report, nor arrest Mark Rae.
I hand wrote motions to dismiss all charges, Mills title 15, psychiatric evaluation to silence me, rescind bail conditions and give me back my money so I could pay my taxes. That was on 4/10/2018 and Dishonorable Murray told me my motions would be heard right away. Wrong. My execution day, next court day, would be on 6/6/2018 at Waldo Superior Court, 8:30 am to only hear my motion to dismiss the Title 15 and back at 3:00 pm for the rest. Then, they changed the times again. Then, they changed the times again. To 11 am. I represent myself, Pro se and always come alone, for all the 7 years of court cases with businesses taking my money for faulty work and this mess of stupid corruption. Stupid, believing they had the Judicial system and AG Mills giving the orders that would protect them. Stupid believing that they could silence me forever. My weapon of mass destruction is and has always been my big mouth. I beg to be quiet and heal in peace and privacy. That is why I moved here, making it out against ALL odds. I'm very seasoned with these type of ill people. 57 years of grooming to protect Mother Nature and wrong. My honor. No charge.
My son was visiting and I asked him to go to witness. I did not want to ask him. I knew I would not be walking out of Waldo Superior Court. We walked in. No one was on the first floor. No guards, no security checks, no one. All doors closed. Evacuated. We went up the stairs and into the grand Vatican City ceiling like court room. It was a staged court room. Paneling, 15 rows or so of benches, no stairs going down to the bench. There was one attorney and another on speaker phone wrapping up with Dishonorable Murray. He left. It was just Dishonorable Murray, trigger twitching Marshall Dudley and ADA Entwisle. This was my day to finally be heard. Dishonorable Murray denied modifying bail conditions upon full dismissal. Then he had to deny Maine Attorney General Janet Mills' Title 15 to prove I could not represent myself in court. ADA Entwisle just about cried and Murray was a mess. He barely let me speak on those 2 motions.
The Title 15 was denied because I presented a protection order against Mark Rae, awarded to me Pro se by Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco on 5/14/2018 in Waldo District Court. Murray refused to take my exhibits- including DVD's of the innocent target shooting in October that got me falsely arrested on 2/23/2018. Another harrowing night of terror in the guns of Belfast Police Department. Hiding in my garden to shanghai me to my end. In the night. A friday night. I went on immediate hunger strike. On the 4th day, the corrupt criminal attorney, David Sinclair sandbagged me into taking him. I began eating and signed the medical release. I believed again. I was stupid. That weekend would have been my last, my children's Mom had to be shot. She was out of her mind and we had to protect ourselves from her. Case closed. Not.
My motions to dismiss all charges were not heard. Dishonorable Murray suddenly called a recess and left. I have never had that happen. I looked at my son and said is this over? Or is Murray going to the throne. Then ADA Entwisle left. Guess so. Murder plot foiled. New Jersey South River Rat, Exit 9 brought her son. Anyone else would have died from Marshall Dudley. No witnesses allowed. Killing my scholarly son, that's a problem.
One month later, nothing from the courts. And the cancer trackHer is still doing their job to torture me. Mother's pull their children away from me with the trackher now exposed with warm weather. I wear a sign with my blog on it www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com and a picture of Pussy Riot getting flogged by the law at the Sochi Olympics 2014. I was Laurie Riot and made an excellent costume to wear and did. Outside of City Hall on tax day, 10/31/2014, Halloween. Mary Mortier saw me and said nothing. Just give her the money.
I reported this to the FBI after Officer Gibbs came banging on my door on 6/26/18 to give another false violation. A State of Maine No Trespass Notice telling me not to trespass onto Mark Rae's property. I never have and told him so. Gibbs like the rest of the department, are supporting Mark Rae with equal terror. I told Gibbs, on my video movie on my blog, that I have proven my property lines, with Judge Sparaco inspection of my boundaries. 20 year Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitley had given me a copy of the original 1965 plans and boundaries of each lot for the development of Seaview Terrace. With the Waldo County Deeded Registry seal, book and page number. That was removed from the registry when I requested it in 2011. Bob would later tell me that City Manager Joe Slocum "flipped out" when he learned that I have that Holy Grail. Thank you Bob.
Although boundary issues with residents are a civil issue, Belfast PD is taking action to help Mark Rae take my property. I told Gibbs to prove where Mark Rae's boundary lines are and I will never trespass, Why would I? No proof. I will be charged with criminal trespass for anything that Mark Rae claims. Into jail, never to listen to my birds sing to me again. That is when I brought in the FBi. This is exactly what they do- investigate corrupt State Judiciary. Easy investigation, I have Mobstah Lobstah boatloads of proof.
I don't know if this certified mail is another attempt to take my property. Will you please read this in Tuesday's 7/3/2018 meeting during communications since I am not allowed to speak at City Council meetings? Ask City Manager Joe Slocum if anyone in City Hall capacity (police department included) sent the certified letter?
I have a little money that I need, because all of this has placed my in debt and overdue's for the first time in my life. No late payments and no interest charges. I will make a partial payment on the overdue taxes if City Hall is hatching a plan to take it. I will have to go to another post office and pay for more corruption or I can hand deliver a check to you at my home or your choice that is not in my immense restricted zone. Mayor Ash, Slocum and City Council recite emails from residents in meeting frequently. Never mine. Will you please recite this for me since I am barred from contacting City Council, Joe Slocum, Wayne Marshall, their families and who ever they want to. The Mayor is not on that list. Thank you, I hope. I can't watch. Spectrum cut all my services in January after being a full paying customer for 8 years.
Always Truly,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
PS- I never intended to make the Boycott blog, even with downtown hating me for protesting when it was Belfast Bullies. The Chamber of Commerce slapped me in the face, awarding non-resident in 2012, City Manager Joe Slocum, resident abuser, Citizen of the Year. They caused the protest to alert residents and downtown to Boycott downtown. They are bigots and if you can play the movie and read this section from my blog, that would help downtown to understand City Council is their enemy not me. " Hey Jersey families and all families- Boycott Downtown Belfast Chatzky Crap
Here's All Bigot's Belfast City Council. Miss Piggy Mortier stating Belfast doesn't want a van full of New Jersey families, they want the deep pockets of greed. Milk Toast Sanders states NJ is all a rat's nest. That's right Dink #3. Joi Z South River Rat. Exit 9. Even rats don't eat Milk Toast. Ew.
Please see the picture showing one attempt to deliver a certified mail letter on 6/25/18 from "City". Due to false arrests for protecting my home and life, City Manager Joe Slocum has had me banned from City Hall, council meetings, police department, courts, post office- all of downtown to Hurleyville. Where ever that is. Hurley stalked me yesterday at Searsport Harbor and pedaled away when he saw me coming up with my sunfish Sissy.
I can't even make a left from Seaview onto Northport Ave. No Dr., no hospital, no City Park to visit my family in the bay. They know I did that a lot. No left onto Rte 1 to go to Irvings, walking distance. I went there daily. No left onto Main St. at McDonalds, no Starret Drive to go to my drugstore, no left on Swan Lake Ave and I think another- 137? Waldo Ave ?, etc. All 3 auto part stores in Belfast are in my restricted zone. Forcing me to drive many miles, out into aim and shoot, we track her every movement with tenacity.
On 6-29, a FINAL NOTICE that the article will be returned to sender on 7/9. The sender's name this time is "Belfast".
I don't know if this is from City Hall. My taxes have been overdue since I tried to pay the first half in November. Before the due day. Hurley was standing against Alexa's Pizza as I drove past in my truck and said "Ew", in my truck. I think that was a violation of a cease harassment of a slew of them that I was hit with after being arrested for another false violation of a false cease harassment that Chief McFadden falsely fabricated, several days after I had said "ew" to the fur trapper, Hurley.
I had been requesting a cease harassment from McFadden to Mark Rae, with volumes of video and proof for 4 months prior, till I went to the police station on 9/1/2017 an filled a cease harassment request out, video'd (McFadden removed that video from my youtube but I put it back up.) Another horror story with McFadden and Spectrum/TWC and his secret brother-in-law, Tom, TWC Belfast home tech. After a week or so, McFadden denied the cease harassment notices. Stating the 1 1/2 hour movie of just some clips of daily hate crimes, assaults, trespassing, harassing, attempted robbery, destruction of personal properties, etc. If McFadden had done his job, none of this would have been able to conspire.
My court date for this was on 12/7/2017 where all charges would have been dismissed if Judge Mathews let me have my right to be heard. He did not. And it got worse.
I still have not been heard, falsely arrested again for terrorizing City Council. Right. I was not supposed to get out of Twin Bridges, held on 25k bail, reduced to 5k. Where Belfast Jail would not take the bail money. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Till Mother Nature got me out. Jail still wasn't taking the bail money on Friday when to Officer walked passed John at the jail, trying to pay the 5k again. At 9am the officer told John that he was going to get me from Twin Bridges. John still had not paid the bail money. After, they took my money, shackled me with this cancer cell ankle trackHER, that I must plug into an outlet, still on my skin, and also charge for 4 hours every day. Detective Greeley barely told me the restricted zones and gave me 3 ridiculous maps, no streets, to trap me again. That was on Friday, 3/2/2018.
More court, not to be heard. Corrupt criminal attorney for the state, not me, came with a motion to remove himself as my attorney when I asked him who was he protecting. He did not give any of my motions to dismiss all, and rescind all bail conditions and give me my last money. 5k. That was on Tuesday, 4/10/2018. I had to get permission from Greeley to go to court that day and the police department to file a report of theft by Mark Rae of my personal property, proven, and to date McFadden will not file the report, nor arrest Mark Rae.
I hand wrote motions to dismiss all charges, Mills title 15, psychiatric evaluation to silence me, rescind bail conditions and give me back my money so I could pay my taxes. That was on 4/10/2018 and Dishonorable Murray told me my motions would be heard right away. Wrong. My execution day, next court day, would be on 6/6/2018 at Waldo Superior Court, 8:30 am to only hear my motion to dismiss the Title 15 and back at 3:00 pm for the rest. Then, they changed the times again. Then, they changed the times again. To 11 am. I represent myself, Pro se and always come alone, for all the 7 years of court cases with businesses taking my money for faulty work and this mess of stupid corruption. Stupid, believing they had the Judicial system and AG Mills giving the orders that would protect them. Stupid believing that they could silence me forever. My weapon of mass destruction is and has always been my big mouth. I beg to be quiet and heal in peace and privacy. That is why I moved here, making it out against ALL odds. I'm very seasoned with these type of ill people. 57 years of grooming to protect Mother Nature and wrong. My honor. No charge.
My son was visiting and I asked him to go to witness. I did not want to ask him. I knew I would not be walking out of Waldo Superior Court. We walked in. No one was on the first floor. No guards, no security checks, no one. All doors closed. Evacuated. We went up the stairs and into the grand Vatican City ceiling like court room. It was a staged court room. Paneling, 15 rows or so of benches, no stairs going down to the bench. There was one attorney and another on speaker phone wrapping up with Dishonorable Murray. He left. It was just Dishonorable Murray, trigger twitching Marshall Dudley and ADA Entwisle. This was my day to finally be heard. Dishonorable Murray denied modifying bail conditions upon full dismissal. Then he had to deny Maine Attorney General Janet Mills' Title 15 to prove I could not represent myself in court. ADA Entwisle just about cried and Murray was a mess. He barely let me speak on those 2 motions.
The Title 15 was denied because I presented a protection order against Mark Rae, awarded to me Pro se by Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco on 5/14/2018 in Waldo District Court. Murray refused to take my exhibits- including DVD's of the innocent target shooting in October that got me falsely arrested on 2/23/2018. Another harrowing night of terror in the guns of Belfast Police Department. Hiding in my garden to shanghai me to my end. In the night. A friday night. I went on immediate hunger strike. On the 4th day, the corrupt criminal attorney, David Sinclair sandbagged me into taking him. I began eating and signed the medical release. I believed again. I was stupid. That weekend would have been my last, my children's Mom had to be shot. She was out of her mind and we had to protect ourselves from her. Case closed. Not.
My motions to dismiss all charges were not heard. Dishonorable Murray suddenly called a recess and left. I have never had that happen. I looked at my son and said is this over? Or is Murray going to the throne. Then ADA Entwisle left. Guess so. Murder plot foiled. New Jersey South River Rat, Exit 9 brought her son. Anyone else would have died from Marshall Dudley. No witnesses allowed. Killing my scholarly son, that's a problem.
One month later, nothing from the courts. And the cancer trackHer is still doing their job to torture me. Mother's pull their children away from me with the trackher now exposed with warm weather. I wear a sign with my blog on it www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com and a picture of Pussy Riot getting flogged by the law at the Sochi Olympics 2014. I was Laurie Riot and made an excellent costume to wear and did. Outside of City Hall on tax day, 10/31/2014, Halloween. Mary Mortier saw me and said nothing. Just give her the money.
I reported this to the FBI after Officer Gibbs came banging on my door on 6/26/18 to give another false violation. A State of Maine No Trespass Notice telling me not to trespass onto Mark Rae's property. I never have and told him so. Gibbs like the rest of the department, are supporting Mark Rae with equal terror. I told Gibbs, on my video movie on my blog, that I have proven my property lines, with Judge Sparaco inspection of my boundaries. 20 year Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitley had given me a copy of the original 1965 plans and boundaries of each lot for the development of Seaview Terrace. With the Waldo County Deeded Registry seal, book and page number. That was removed from the registry when I requested it in 2011. Bob would later tell me that City Manager Joe Slocum "flipped out" when he learned that I have that Holy Grail. Thank you Bob.
Although boundary issues with residents are a civil issue, Belfast PD is taking action to help Mark Rae take my property. I told Gibbs to prove where Mark Rae's boundary lines are and I will never trespass, Why would I? No proof. I will be charged with criminal trespass for anything that Mark Rae claims. Into jail, never to listen to my birds sing to me again. That is when I brought in the FBi. This is exactly what they do- investigate corrupt State Judiciary. Easy investigation, I have Mobstah Lobstah boatloads of proof.
I don't know if this certified mail is another attempt to take my property. Will you please read this in Tuesday's 7/3/2018 meeting during communications since I am not allowed to speak at City Council meetings? Ask City Manager Joe Slocum if anyone in City Hall capacity (police department included) sent the certified letter?
I have a little money that I need, because all of this has placed my in debt and overdue's for the first time in my life. No late payments and no interest charges. I will make a partial payment on the overdue taxes if City Hall is hatching a plan to take it. I will have to go to another post office and pay for more corruption or I can hand deliver a check to you at my home or your choice that is not in my immense restricted zone. Mayor Ash, Slocum and City Council recite emails from residents in meeting frequently. Never mine. Will you please recite this for me since I am barred from contacting City Council, Joe Slocum, Wayne Marshall, their families and who ever they want to. The Mayor is not on that list. Thank you, I hope. I can't watch. Spectrum cut all my services in January after being a full paying customer for 8 years.
Always Truly,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
PS- I never intended to make the Boycott blog, even with downtown hating me for protesting when it was Belfast Bullies. The Chamber of Commerce slapped me in the face, awarding non-resident in 2012, City Manager Joe Slocum, resident abuser, Citizen of the Year. They caused the protest to alert residents and downtown to Boycott downtown. They are bigots and if you can play the movie and read this section from my blog, that would help downtown to understand City Council is their enemy not me. " Hey Jersey families and all families- Boycott Downtown Belfast Chatzky Crap
Here's All Bigot's Belfast City Council. Miss Piggy Mortier stating Belfast doesn't want a van full of New Jersey families, they want the deep pockets of greed. Milk Toast Sanders states NJ is all a rat's nest. That's right Dink #3. Joi Z South River Rat. Exit 9. Even rats don't eat Milk Toast. Ew.
6am Jail Bail Day FBI Investigating I'm drivin' now. The 6/25 email from Rick was like pulling teeth to get it in writing that Detective Wife Beater Greeley will not allow me to go to the courthouse to file motions against Dishonorable Murray and to Pee Wee's Playhouse Belfast Police Department to face to face ask Chief Pee Wee McFadden why he won't report Mark Rae's theft of my personal property and arrest that menace (over 2 months ago). Note-Rick states "unilaterally"- no. Just to Court and BPD like Greeley did before.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 1:41 PM
To: rick otto; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 1:41 PM
To: rick otto; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Merry Kritmas Rick Otto. Waldo Sheriff Jerks probably have you still blocked for emails from me. Let's see.
From: rick otto <rick.otto@mainepretrial.org>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:06 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:06 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Re: Request to go to BPD and Belfast District Court
I spoke with officer Greeley who indicated that his answer was the same as in the past. He indicated he cannot unilaterally amend the court orders. Take care. Rick
July 1, 2018
I'm a single lady.Sailing away from Helfast Belfast
Fur trapper Hurley stalking me again now in Searsport. Had one of his puppets drive him over to ride his bike down to the harbor to see me, Sissy and my new sail sign What a dink. Video of sail and ing. My favorite thing to do- dive off Sissy into the bay with my family. Nice.
Hey Jersey families and all families- Boycott Downtown Belfast Chatzky Crap
Here's All Bigot's Belfast City Council. Miss Piggy Mortier stating Belfast doesn't want a van full of New Jersey families, they want the deep pockets of greed. Milk Toast Sanders states NJ is all a rat's nest. That's right Dink #3. Joi Z South River Rat. Exit 9. Even rats don't eat Milk Toast. Ew.
Below is the FBI complaint. They must investigate Judiciary and the rest. FBI website specifically states Judiciary, Law enforcement, and the rest of the Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's. Ew..
I'm a Rebel with a Kick Stand
That's our animal house on the corner. My pal, Paulie Evanovich. Yes, Janet is his Aunt.. I met her once. She lived in Sayreville. Bon Jovi hypocrite hair ville. Sayreville. With that Route 1 Northport Sporstshop guy too. He Sayreville. His brother still runs that shop last I knew. It's been awhile. But us Allen's were in Bayside before Sportsman guy. Couldn't believe he was here. Not a fan of out of staters coming to my Maine. :)
10th Reunion Always Dancing
Do ya wanna dance with me....
6/29/2018 This entire post has allowed me to remember those I love and share that. Again. I miss them. The few that have seen me cry can't believe I have feelings. Seeing hurt is unbearable for me. If I don't do something about it, it won't go away, I feel more guilty. Nobody beats me up better than me. My family is crazy. My family is cool. I want to talk about them. After the crap.
My complaint to the FBI on 6/27//2018
Hate crimes, civil rights crimes, etc. Maine AG Mills, Judges Murray, Worth, Mathews, Fields, and Alexander are 1rst hand documented in 8 year conspiracy to silence me. Unable to do so, they lawlessly disregard the FBI's Color of Law Violations- excessive force, false arrestS and fabrication of NO EVIDENCE and Failure to keep from harm. Hate crimes by the same and their thugs, on my property. Investigation will prove that I was not getting out of Two Bridges Correctional, Wiscasset. Jails not allowing John to pay the 5k bail. I only got out because I gave jail mate Kim a letter to take out with her, on Friday, 3/2/18 @ 9:00 am. 5 minutes later- Allen- transport back to Belfast now. At Belfast Jail 8:30 John was trying to post the bail again and waiting. As the transport officer walked past John and said he was going to get me. Bail still not paid yet I was released. That weekend would have been my last. A tragic suicide ot mental rage. I have not been heard to dismiss all charges since my first court appearance on 12/7/2017 and 5? more after to their final crime scene on 6/6/18 @ 11 am. My hearing at Waldo Superior Court, Pro se, always alone, for my notions to dismiss all and rescind bail conditions immediately. Unable to get one witness, I had to ask my son. I thought they would just take me out to another final destination. Instead, the entire building was evacuated. No one. No security, walk through, scanners, nothing, no one. Up the stair and into a staged court room inside the court room. And only Judge Murray, ADA Entwisle and Marshall Captain Crunch Dudley. Humor and music save Mom. My son is scholarly, innocent kind, entering Jr. year @ Rutgers and he knew too. My son. Heartbreaking. Murray almost caved when he saw a witness with me. If it were my partner, John, he would have died in the crossfire. But Murray kept asking until he made me tell him that this was my son. The hearing was a mess, Murray had to deny the title 15, refused to rescind restrictions and ran. Again, my motions to dismiss unheard. Deputy Chief Judge Susan Sparaco knows me and has ruled fairly in 2 pro se cases of mine. She awarded me the protection order from thug Mark Rae who Chief McFadden and BPD support regardless of order. Sgt. Gibbs terrorized me yesterday, in my home, taking my personal property and issuing ME a criminal trespass notice. A civil matter but no matter. Get her. AG Mills orders. A plethora of video/proof daily on www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com I need protection. 24 hr protection. I have to get milk, miles away. I am restricted from the Irvings, my store, walking distance. And everywhere, except target area's. Still alive though. I must be on your terrorist list. Come on over. No PBR though. Bastards. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
June 28, 2018 12:52 pm.
6/28/2010 - Closed on 17 Seaview Terrace. I did it against all odds.
Today- I did it again. Against all mobs.
20 Minutes of Mom for True Love. Michael and Megan. My mudgeons.
Mother Nature,my ProtectHer, Makes Me Do It. My honor Mom.
Then to a better shamer. Gotta say, way worth it. Who is that vulgar lady? Joi Z. Exit 9.Another City Council meeting. Another Whoa for 3 minutes,
Then 12/8/2017 My first hearing not to be heard but to be destroyed, slow cinch, then full cinch, almost. Still ain't be heard and still I'm kicking. 8 Days A Week. Always Love.
Standing Rock speech in writing below .
Oy veh. Then this today. Good one Mother Nature. Gift after gift of stupid chit.
"Who Dat Coming At Me Go Away 6-28-2018 11am"
12/6/2016 post with Standing Rock Speech and my add on transcribed. It was powerful heart.
One Mom Against Belfast City Hall to Augusta (Capital) Mobstah Lobstah's, Still Standing 6 years and counting. Epic Mob Mentality and corruption through implication and fear. I speak to Belfast City Council again (over 60 speakings) and they once again, take the 5th. I get 3 minutes to stand and I do.
(3 minutes video at the Belfast, Maine 04915 City Council meeting on 12/6/16/ Transcribed below.)
(full meeting can be viewed on this link from the City's website http://belfastme.swagit.com/play/12062016-1841/5/)
"Today, on true news, Democracy Now.Org I quote
'Veterans at Standing Rock Ask Forgiveness for Military's Crimes Against Native Americans
On the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, Wes Clark Jr., the son of the retired U.S. Army general and former supreme allied commander of NATO, Wesley Clark Sr., led military veterans in a ceremony Monday to ask forgiveness from Native Americans for the crimes of the U.S. military. Thousands of Native and non-Native veterans have descended on Standing Rock to support the water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion pipeline in recent days. This is Wes Clark Jr.
Wes Clark Jr.: 'We came. We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke. We stole minerals from your sacred hills. We blasted the faces of our presidents onto your sacred mountain. And we took still more land. And then we took your children. And then we tried to take your language. We tried to eliminate your language, that God gave you and that the creator gave you. We didn’t respect you. We polluted your earth. We’ve hurt you in so many ways. And we’ve come to say that we are sorry, we are at your service, and we beg for your forgiveness.' End of Quote.
6 ½ years and counting of frightening and shattering power abuse to hurt my children and me for standing against the economic genocide to my property and neighborhood from Belfast City Hall to Augusta, to Maine Health Waldo County General Hospital and Department of Defense, both in collaboration per the Maine Health website announcement in 2011, to implicated players in law enforcement, real estate, the judicial system, media, local TWC service technician, businesses, the RSU71, and community and neighbors.
17 Seaview Terrace is the Standing Rock of Belfast. Merry Christmas to all children. Merry Christmas to my Megan and Michael, I miss you and love you always."
I LOVE YOU TODD BEAMER http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks/videos/the-todd-beamer-story-lets-roll
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:06 PM
To: jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: council@bangormaine.gov; Teresa Hallsworth; Cross Insurance Center
Subject: Fw: Judge Susan Sparaco
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 10:06 PM
To: jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: council@bangormaine.gov; Teresa Hallsworth; Cross Insurance Center
Subject: Fw: Judge Susan Sparaco
Mr. Former,
I made a mistake. I respect Judge Sparaco and read about your appointment of Susan Sparaco. I thought you should know the corrupt system fueled for how long? I hoped you would care. Today, I googled you and saw you appointed my robed executor, JustUs Robert Murray. Oy veh. And remember when I asked your advice? Yeah, neither do I.
Truly Innocent,
Little Laurie Allen
From: Dianne Ursia <dursia@PierceAtwood.com> on behalf of John E. Baldacci <jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:22 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Judge Susan Sparaco
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 5:22 PM
To: laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Judge Susan Sparaco
Ms. Allen,
I read your email and I feel that the best advice I can give you is to recommend that you speak with a lawyer. If you do not have the resources, Pine Tree Legal Assistance in Bangor may be able to offer some guidance. Their phone number is: (207) 942-8241. A link to their website can be found here.
Governor Baldacci
Former Governor of Maine
The Honorable John E. BaldacciFormer Governor of Maine Sr. Advisor, Economic Development & Government RelationsPIERCE ATWOOD LLP | Merrill's Wharf 254 Commercial Street Portland, ME 04101 | PH 207.791.1230FAX 207.791.1350 | ||||||||
jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com | ||||||||||
This e-mail was sent from Pierce Atwood. It may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you suspect that you were not intended to receive it please delete it and notify us as soon as possible.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 1:49 PMTo: John E. Baldacci <jbaldacci@pierceatwood.com>; LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>Subject: Judge Susan Sparaco
***This message originated outside your organization***
Mr. Baldacci,
Judge Sparaco is familiar (and I would think you as well) with me, Belfast and corruption. Recently, granting me a life saving protection order from Judge Worth & Chief Mcfadden’s thug. Mark Rae. Yesterday, he and Officer Gibbs violated my protection. Trespassing, removing my personal property and issuing ME a criminal trespass notice. On video on my blog, below the FBI complaint. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com I was going to Rockland with signs and a letter to give to Judge Sparaco and was staying until I knew received. I am restricted from Belfast Courts, Police Department, City Hall, Library, Post Office, City Park and the bay where my father, mother and sister wait for me, their gravesite, all downtown, my doctor, my walgreens, can’t make a left on Northport Ave, can’t go Northport Ave into High St to … who knows, no Swan Lake Ave, Waldo Ave. no this, no that, threat, threat, stalk, stalk, terrorize, arrest repeat till dead. With lots of rape by angry blue men in jail. And it doesn’t matter. Anytime could be my last time in this hell. If it weren’t for my children and beagles, I’d let them do it.
I can’t contact Judge Sparaco but I hope you will alert her to read my blog and the complaint of hate crimes, false arrests and fabrication of evidence and failure to keep from harm to the FBI for Mills, Worth, Murray, Fields, Mathews and Alexander. Murray ran out of court on 6/6/2018, murder plot foiled, and again not being heard for clear immediate dismissal of all since my FIRST of 5? Hearings on 12/7/2017. But, I wasn’t supposed to live to dismiss. I have not received any court papers since, Murray refused to take off this cancer cell, on since 3/2/2018 but had to deny the Title 15 since I won the protection order Pro se. That’s all he did and allowed Entwisle to spin more lies. What a lesson for my son. He is a special one. Like his Mom. You know and are privately honored. I do.
Judge Sparaco must have the power to order immediate bail conditions rescinding, immediate dismissal of all, the last of my money that they have had since 3/2- at least 6k, after Worth robbed me of 8K in cash and our 2ndchance to heal under all radar in safety and peace with my beat up children. No. Take her, she’s beat, she’ll lay down. No. 8 years later, kill her. No.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 6:09 PMTo: council@bangormaine.gov; Teresa Hallsworth; LAURIE ALLEN; Cross Insurance CenterCc: jbaldacci@pierceatwood.comSubject: Re: Riot not this time.
No one cared to help stop this either. This has escalated to AG Mills and Judge Robert Murray, Worth, Mathews, Alexander and Fields violating Canon rules (easy 4 rules) , hate crimes via attempted murders (2- Waldo Superior Court Court, 6/6/18 and Twin Bridges/Waldo Jail (7 consecutive nights,with Friday night, 3/2/18 the next night into the last, surely brutal, weekend of my life.) Documented on my blog www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com with the FBI investigating all.
I do not know if I will be unshackled by, pinch me, Peter Frampton and Marshall Tucker. Or Keith Urban. I have 2 tickets for each and there is no better nights in my life that the concerts I've gone to at the Waterfront. The first was Melissa Etheridge and one of the best concerts of my many, many. And with my Megan, her first concert. I won the tickets and was hooked. Holy cow, wow!! Megan too. Thank you.
With government and family taking me all the way, financially and terror plot after terror plot, music erases all for awhile. They enjoy sabotaging any music I love outside of my property. Bob Seger Cross Insurance- I was on the balcony Pride Rock. Center at the railing, in rhapsody. Bob Seger. One of my tops since I heard Old Time Rock n Roll in the sad and fun 70's. The Allen Cottage, Bayside, Maine. Turn it up.
A woman slid up next to me. I moved over to give me space. She was trying to get me to go with her because she could get me right in front. No thank you. She kept on and finally gave up. It wasn't till the next day that I realized that she was sent to get me thrown out.
Then was Dirty Dancing. As I came out of the bathroom to meet up with John to go into the show, a security woman stopped me, detained me, harassed me and would follow us to our seats to keep up the threat. We missed the opening and the show was lovely but I wasn't. I was so sad that I couldn't be left alone for just some beauty.
Then Chris Young. With Spectrum corruptly cutting all my services in January 2018, I finally made it out to the library on 2/2/18 to send a serious and scary email to AG Janet Mills and tried to print the 2 tickets for Chris Young's concert that night. I couldn't find an email for the tickets. I checked ticketmaster. No. I called Cross and and a woman tried to help me but she could not find the tickets either. A library patron complained about my phone call that I had to do with internet and I had to hang up. I had to leave, I was sick from both. I called my credit card c/s when I got home to find the charge. We couldn't find it. I kept trying to find something in my house but could not. It was too late. In a half hour Chris would be all and there was nothing I could do. The next trip to the library, I found it. For whatever reason, when I click on the Cross site to buy the tickets I did not get sent to ticketmaster. It was a third party ticket seller. The tickets had gone on sale so long before the concert, that I must have gotten directed to them instead of ticketmaster and never even caught it. I have been barely holding on.
That was a lot of money. But worse, no Chris Young.
After Eric Church below, I was shattered. That was so awful, and no one stopped them, no one cared. Not even Eric Church. But, I stayed and kept dancing even after another mean guy bullied me. I bullied back. We had parked in the old BDN parking lot with my airstream, armor truck and beagles. Someone had drove a nail into my tire during the night. I can't find anywhere to park the airstream safely with my beagles for Peter Frampton. The hotels are out of my reach and I may be coming alone and fear driving alone. Both ways. I have a tracker on.
I thought a settlement would be forthcoming, a million should have been awarded if anyone cared, but I money is not it. I want to hear music at the Waterfront. and be free for just a few hours. Is there anywhere close to the concert because of my beagles, that I can park safely and securely overnight and not pay over $50? It's 27 ft and my big truck is a F150 Super King beast.
Can I have assurance that security will not hurt/harass me? This is all coming to a head and I want to live in peace and privacy. As always. I fear walking out my door for even a moment. Coming up there, probably alone, seems like a stupid thing for me to do. I can't miss Peter Frampton. I was there in 77 at JFK in Philly. 16 and never fell in love for a guitar player till him. Now John and him. While my guitar gently weeps. Hands down, the best music I have ever experienced. Doing George better than George. Holy cow. I can't believe it. I have to hear this. Please. Please. I'll sign whatever you want to say I am not suing anyone. I want to be done with hell. Please.
Truly Innocent,
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Maine 04915
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 7:13 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; council@bangormaine.gov
Subject: Riot not this time.
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 7:13 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; council@bangormaine.gov
Subject: Riot not this time.
Bangor City Council,
It's still so hard to read this. Waterfront has not responded. I sent this to Darlings, Bangor, this am. Thank you.
September 24, 2017
FB post on waterfrontconcerts.com Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.
Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
FB post on waterfrontconcerts.com Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.
Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
Guess who Mother Nature made pre-egg to say "HEY! You can't do that." ?
Just like that.
6/29/2018 5:54 am. Yesterday, 6/28/2018 posts are below the FBI complaint for the robed executioners and adding another one to the Mobstah Lobstah list. Former Governor Baldacci. He joined via a stupid email last night that I opened as I thought I was done for the day and night. I was busy. After my snarky reply, I slept like a princess.Hoping Bangor will protect me at their concerts.
And missed my Motley Crew (1983?) nada Jr. Sid from Toy Story. He's cute right? Wrong.
Mom took this picture on the LONG drive from Exit 9 to Miami. Pitstop for Laurie to chum on land rather than hanging my head out the window, lots of DNA over thousands of miles. Even Mom felt bad for me. Took advantage and told Clyde that her and I were flying back on the return. We did. Thanks Mom.
AND you Drug Lord Dr Scums did this to my brilliant sister at 14 yrs old. Milltown, NJ. Home of the Mommies little helpers. The Miltown. Drug the exhausted woman to be pleasant for her husband. Read this- go to hell you bastards. No Miltowns or pills for me. Ever. I WANT A PBR ALREADY!
Mom gave them to Janel and booze would follow. Suicide attempts, rehabs, operations starting at 16, I think a full hysterectomy. I was only 4. And died at 54. In 2002. Cancer. Barry 67 (18 wheeler into Manhattan every day from Exit 9, full of WonderBread ! I still think that is so cool. He some strappin' blue jean handsome too. His Dad was Jimmy Ryan. I think his name was Jimmy. Mom said he was a Momma's boy. Mom's Dad abandoned her in the Bronx when she was 16, never to hear from him again, until we got a call when I was around 20, Mom's Dad was dead. Mom crashed. Her mom died when she was an infant.I don't know my grandparents names. Guessing George Nugent, no clue on my grandmother. Mom gets a pass on all. And you had to love her.) and Mr. Cool, DD, Donald David. Turns out he didn't like me much either. I knew that, but kept sucking up any love from him. Till Jr. took care of DD, like Janel and cut me out with menace and praise. Donald died in 2014. Cancer. 65 years old. Dad was 56. He didn't like Donald much. Dad had a bad Dad.Donald though. How could a father do all that to his son? Pass for all. Except Jerk Jr. No excuse for him, I was always right there. Forgiving and doing. I'll tell you what. If that was me in the Miami bar and saw this guy, I'd get out toot sweet. Too damn good looking. Zero tolerance for disrespect. Ditto.
Mom hooked up to oxygen and smoking like a gangsta, held on till she was 76. That was the worst night of my life, haunting hell. I was there. I did right by my Mom. Pre-egg. and always. Irish smiling eyes. I'd rather be outside. Hermit Laurie.and beagles... I'm getting there.
My crazy, fun sister, Janel. No one like her ever. Loved by all. While enabling her and using her for entertainment.Her senior picture is even more beautiful. Elizabeth Taylor. They'd of had some fun together with the Dr's orders, like Michael Jackson, our children, parents, who ever goes to a Dr., system drug and do.
Still 6/28/2018 10:21 pm. My parents were not on the video with my fridge loves. That is not right. They some nobodies. We some Americans. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M7-DRhgxE8ujZ-hpO7FGdVFxcZEU54pZ
Belfast Maine Standing Rock 17 Seaview Terrace, 04915
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