Taken last night of my barricade. I knew the bastards are satellite tracking me with an ankle tracker for the past month. I have never been arrested in my 57 years. Illegal arrests and a motion by Maine Attorney Janet Mills for a State forensic eval, per my State paid set me up, David Sinclair, Bath- take it to shut them up. I don't think so. I challenged it back in Feb. To be posted shortly. Some scary huh? Not for me. Only at night till I am in position. Waiting for my final moment. My honor.
Belfast Police Chief McFadden is at my internet connection again. Can't get my video uploaded to Camtasia where I called LePage today. I also attached the satellite picture above but that to was tainted. Horrible thugs.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:46 PM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; megansamantha@outlook.com; Governor; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same as below
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 2:46 PM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; megansamantha@outlook.com; Governor; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same as below
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Governor LePage,
Your email confirmation was received. I called your office after seeing my probation office Rick Otto. I told him everything. He said I need an attorney to get the monitor off. I've been trying to find an attorney to help me for years. They want to just fleece me then lose in court. David Sinclair did me even worse. I can't trust any attorney's. The attorney you hired with our tax dollars to go after AG Janet Mills will do @ Main's expense. Here is the video to your office. Please respond today.
The attachment the picture I took last night. Watching everything I love in my home and where I rarely go. I stay in all the time to stay alive. Only when absolutely necessary. Here is Sinclair's motion, which is the psyc. eval docket. I do not want another Maine attorney. I can't trust anyone. Except your attorney or one you promise will do his jub honestly and then everything will be dismissed on 4/10 @ 1pm. I want the tracker off last month. I have done nothing wrong but scare Janet Mills and the owned. That's alot of owned. Not me.
Here is Sinclair's motion to deny me justice again on 4/10/2018. No more delays, no more system attorney's to take me out with illegal after legal terrorizing hate crimes.
Well seems Belfast Police Chief McFadden is accessing my computer again. I've tried to load the video when I called your office 2 times to Camtasia. I had to pay 200 dollars for this service because McFadden has been deleting my blogs, youtube video's and personal files for 8 years now. He hasn't been able to get into Camtasia but the video from my file keeps failing to upload after 20 minutes of waiting.
Eight years of this and I will get this video up on Camtasia. I have asked for you to call me back today with an attorney and for you to come to Belfast and see it first hand. Finally. I would think you be excited to have this against Mills. You are not. Why is that? The Dishonorable's and all the family's funding new court houses, prisons, etc. I told you someone will pick this up. I won't give up. I hope you call. If not, I will go Pro Bono and appeal all the way. To America's Supreme Court. I have Mother Nature making me. OK.
Laurie Allen
Your email confirmation was received. I called your office after seeing my probation office Rick Otto. I told him everything. He said I need an attorney to get the monitor off. I've been trying to find an attorney to help me for years. They want to just fleece me then lose in court. David Sinclair did me even worse. I can't trust any attorney's. The attorney you hired with our tax dollars to go after AG Janet Mills will do @ Main's expense. Here is the video to your office. Please respond today.
The attachment the picture I took last night. Watching everything I love in my home and where I rarely go. I stay in all the time to stay alive. Only when absolutely necessary. Here is Sinclair's motion, which is the psyc. eval docket. I do not want another Maine attorney. I can't trust anyone. Except your attorney or one you promise will do his jub honestly and then everything will be dismissed on 4/10 @ 1pm. I want the tracker off last month. I have done nothing wrong but scare Janet Mills and the owned. That's alot of owned. Not me.
Here is Sinclair's motion to deny me justice again on 4/10/2018. No more delays, no more system attorney's to take me out with illegal after legal terrorizing hate crimes.
Well seems Belfast Police Chief McFadden is accessing my computer again. I've tried to load the video when I called your office 2 times to Camtasia. I had to pay 200 dollars for this service because McFadden has been deleting my blogs, youtube video's and personal files for 8 years now. He hasn't been able to get into Camtasia but the video from my file keeps failing to upload after 20 minutes of waiting.
Eight years of this and I will get this video up on Camtasia. I have asked for you to call me back today with an attorney and for you to come to Belfast and see it first hand. Finally. I would think you be excited to have this against Mills. You are not. Why is that? The Dishonorable's and all the family's funding new court houses, prisons, etc. I told you someone will pick this up. I won't give up. I hope you call. If not, I will go Pro Bono and appeal all the way. To America's Supreme Court. I have Mother Nature making me. OK.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 10:15 AM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; Governor; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: info@realtyofmaine.com; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; dlipman@lipmankatz.com; g.stearns@belfastmepd.org; Governor
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2018 10:15 AM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; Governor; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: info@realtyofmaine.com; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; dlipman@lipmankatz.com; g.stearns@belfastmepd.org; Governor
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Governor LePage,
These pictures are proof of kill Hobo Mom. This thread has most of the info. Turns out David Sinclair and Janet Mills thought they could trick me again. David telling me that he is being paid by the State for my "criminal" terrorzing charge. That docket has 2? WALCD-CR-17839 and WALCD-CR-17862. Sinclair is motioning to run because I caught him advising me into a psych hospital. In his motion to withdraw as my defender he references
WALCD-CR-2018-139 which is the Maine Forensic Pysch Eval that David also advised me to take to shut everyone up and a bunch of other set-ups that I don't have the time to list now. But I will. All of this is illegal to shut one little Hobo Mom up for protecting freedom, children and Mother Nature. Look at these satellite trackers going in my home and wheels and the ankle tracker for over a month now. Sinclair is asking for another attorney and a later court date to bring another evil attorney up to the institutionalization of me. I said it 8 years ago, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I don't think so. Dishonorable Judge Murray told me in CLOSED Superior Court that I had 48 hours to challenge this. County Clerk Brooke Otis(Ryan Otis, the bailiff's wife I take it- right. All In The Family by most of them) has instructed her subordinates not to give me any forms. I know there are always forms. I wrote the challenge, sent to Mills and all of you that if no form is provided, my challenge email will serve as the legal challenge. No response, so my legal challenge to my lobotomy is below. And Sinclair's motion to pass it on.
what a sad disgrace for his son and all that believe in Justus.
My court date for who knows what, certainly not me, I have never broke a law resulting in an arrest in my 57 years of life. I am now "poor by choice" and clearly taking my mind is all Mills has left to order. Please dismiss all dockets immediately. Advise my probation office Rick Otto to cut of the ankle crusher, order written transcripts of all my court hearings for 2017-2018. Should be those in yesterday's email but who knows. The Court house is out of my zone (Sinclair advised me to go there to get all my dockets knowing I'd be arrested. Incredible. He's the criminal attorney feeding the system with this. Disbar him.) Even if I could go there, I am lied to by the clerks and bully boy Corporal Dudley yells me out of the court house. Beyond horrible. Refund all the last money I had, over $5,000. So much more to expose- that the AP ran that rag's story, nothing true in it, and sent it out nationally, maybe globally that I am a terrorist. I was still in prison so I haven't had time to take the AP on yet. YET. I knew I was not going to get out, would end up in the psych hospital that way. Belfast Police Chief began emailing my daughter in October that I was mentally ill, would never admit myself, and was slick enough not to do anything illegal. But if she could help, then that would keep me out of jail. Then he came up with my target shooting video where I shot a gun for the first time, do not own a gun and held up the target and said thanks for being my target and named Belfast City Council Mary Mortier, Eric Sanders, Neal Harkness, John Arrison and MIKE HURLEY. Later I said, "How do you like being targeted?" That was it. That video is Mills proof to lock me away as a terrorist. NO! Dismiss all charges and her and her judicial Dishonorables Worth, Murray, Mathews, and Fields. I sse they pulled Fields out of retirement for a try to take me out. Read the transcrips- refusing to allow me to be heard until 4 court appearances and into the CLOSED Superior Court to be heard by no one. Justus Murray, Corporal Dudlet and ADA William Entwisle. I'm still talking and standing. How's your corruption working for you over these past 8 years?

These pictures are proof of kill Hobo Mom. This thread has most of the info. Turns out David Sinclair and Janet Mills thought they could trick me again. David telling me that he is being paid by the State for my "criminal" terrorzing charge. That docket has 2? WALCD-CR-17839 and WALCD-CR-17862. Sinclair is motioning to run because I caught him advising me into a psych hospital. In his motion to withdraw as my defender he references
WALCD-CR-2018-139 which is the Maine Forensic Pysch Eval that David also advised me to take to shut everyone up and a bunch of other set-ups that I don't have the time to list now. But I will. All of this is illegal to shut one little Hobo Mom up for protecting freedom, children and Mother Nature. Look at these satellite trackers going in my home and wheels and the ankle tracker for over a month now. Sinclair is asking for another attorney and a later court date to bring another evil attorney up to the institutionalization of me. I said it 8 years ago, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I don't think so. Dishonorable Judge Murray told me in CLOSED Superior Court that I had 48 hours to challenge this. County Clerk Brooke Otis(Ryan Otis, the bailiff's wife I take it- right. All In The Family by most of them) has instructed her subordinates not to give me any forms. I know there are always forms. I wrote the challenge, sent to Mills and all of you that if no form is provided, my challenge email will serve as the legal challenge. No response, so my legal challenge to my lobotomy is below. And Sinclair's motion to pass it on.
what a sad disgrace for his son and all that believe in Justus.
My court date for who knows what, certainly not me, I have never broke a law resulting in an arrest in my 57 years of life. I am now "poor by choice" and clearly taking my mind is all Mills has left to order. Please dismiss all dockets immediately. Advise my probation office Rick Otto to cut of the ankle crusher, order written transcripts of all my court hearings for 2017-2018. Should be those in yesterday's email but who knows. The Court house is out of my zone (Sinclair advised me to go there to get all my dockets knowing I'd be arrested. Incredible. He's the criminal attorney feeding the system with this. Disbar him.) Even if I could go there, I am lied to by the clerks and bully boy Corporal Dudley yells me out of the court house. Beyond horrible. Refund all the last money I had, over $5,000. So much more to expose- that the AP ran that rag's story, nothing true in it, and sent it out nationally, maybe globally that I am a terrorist. I was still in prison so I haven't had time to take the AP on yet. YET. I knew I was not going to get out, would end up in the psych hospital that way. Belfast Police Chief began emailing my daughter in October that I was mentally ill, would never admit myself, and was slick enough not to do anything illegal. But if she could help, then that would keep me out of jail. Then he came up with my target shooting video where I shot a gun for the first time, do not own a gun and held up the target and said thanks for being my target and named Belfast City Council Mary Mortier, Eric Sanders, Neal Harkness, John Arrison and MIKE HURLEY. Later I said, "How do you like being targeted?" That was it. That video is Mills proof to lock me away as a terrorist. NO! Dismiss all charges and her and her judicial Dishonorables Worth, Murray, Mathews, and Fields. I sse they pulled Fields out of retirement for a try to take me out. Read the transcrips- refusing to allow me to be heard until 4 court appearances and into the CLOSED Superior Court to be heard by no one. Justus Murray, Corporal Dudlet and ADA William Entwisle. I'm still talking and standing. How's your corruption working for you over these past 8 years?
Email challenge to Mills on 2/2 for psych eval. Lobotomy on 4/10/2018 Superior Court, closed again I bet. Cut me up right there. No.
I don't have enough time to post the satellite picture, ankle tracker crusher and Sinclair's motion to run. It's on the attached document that I was using to do this email. Some things are repeated. More is better with corruption. That's their motto.
I have to check in with Otto now if I make it there. Please rescind all today and come to Belfast and speak to me in person finally. See it all first hand. Please.
Laurie Allen
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
- You are ordering a ‘STATE’S MOTION FOR FORENSIC EVALUATION’ against one beat up, survivor Mom, for simply standing for humanity. I will always.
- You assert “that since these complaints were filed the defendant has generated bases for concern as to whether she is competent to productively engage in the court process. “
I have been targeted by the court process since 1996-2001 with my mom’s estate and theft by others, I stood and won. 2005-2007 divorce- where just like you, my husband (borderline personality disorder, State employee) motioned for the same. I am sane, the greedy are not. Save the taxpayers from this money pit to protect the robes, pink, blue and white collars. Dr. Rosenbaum and corrupt Judge Fred Keiser (removed from the bench, I was his last burn to humanity. They did their best to break me, alas Mom stood. 2010 won RARELY AWARDED, HOTLY CONTESTED relocation from NJ to Belfast. I stand 7 years and counting. Who is crazy? Not I.
- You assert “The defendant has posted Youtube videos showing her target shooting with a firearm, in which she retrieves a target and says words to the effect that the number of times she hit the target and says WORDS TO THE EFFECT THE NUMBER OF TIMES SHE HIT THE TARGET COrRESPONDS WITH THE NUMBER OF BELFAST CITY OFFICIALS WHO ARE OPPOSING HER COMPLAINTS.”
I am the target as you have asserted for 7 years, to now assert me as mentally impotent to prove Belfast to Augusta corruption is your problem. Your problem created by yours. I fired 9 shots and did not use any of your “effect words.” This was the first and ONLY time I have shot a firearm and do not OWN any firearms. My weapon is my mouth. Your attempts to shut my mouth and brain are fruitless. I was chosen for this. My words and video documentation are until clouds of “I stand alone to help, always.”
- You assert “The defendant has also posted numerous “Youtube” videos up to and including through the fall and winter of 2017 which contain assertions that the City of Belfast, the Belfast Police Department, and the courts system are corrupt. These assertions seem to relate to the defendant’s belief that her children are at risk and have not been appropriately protected. “
Shame on you for bringing my children into this evil. Like your delusional official bullets, your delusions are targeting my children. Did you even read these two sentences? They aren’t even related. I protect my children, ALONE. All of you are throwing hate crime after hate crime at me and I still stand.
- You assert “The defendant has demonstrated a lack of understanding of the criminal process, to wit: she has filed written submissions with the court in these pending criminal matters alleging a basis for dismissal, that in 2012 the defendant received adverse rulings in unrelated civil proceedings.”
The 2012 rulings of Judge Patricia Worth, robbing me of over 10k in open and shut cases, has nothing to do with these delusional criminal charges that all of you are hitting me with. You are guilty of doing all of these and so much more to feed your system. Family after family’s incarceration or Dr. Drug Pin, to addict into system hell.
- You assert “In light of the foregoing reasons of law and fact, there is cause for the Court to order that the defendant be examined by the State Forensic Service. The State further prays that it ay be granted such other and further relief as may be just and proper.”
I have law and fact. Your system refuses to hear and is very sick. I will take this to the Supreme Court.
Waldo County District Court Clerk Jennifer confirmed today that I am to appear at 131 Church Street on Monday, 2/5/18 @ 1pm for criminal charges. If this is not dismissed immediately, this serves as notice that I will pay to have MY court hearing transcribed. You have received my motion for dismissal against all attempts by WCDC. I never trespassed. Your video of proof is not available. I was never given ANY of my original signed cease harassment notices as stated on the forms. Confirmed by bailiff Otis Ryan when I told him I did not get them. They were not in my belongings list. He left. I never got them. How can the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall and Mike Hurley’s holes issue a cease harassment notice against me? Officer Rolerson told me that I can’t call 911 when 23 Seaview Terrace and BPD trespass onto my property, threaten me again and again, maul my boat, my boat lock. my tires, hate crime after hate crime since June 2017 to date.
Documents below for above delusional assertions. Email thread for more head banging stupid corruption.
Laurie Allen
207- (Spectrum corruptly cut all my services after hacking me for 7 years.)
Posted On Jane Fonda's FB site right now.
Hi Ms Fonda. I contacted you on your contact site and don't know how to reach you. Time is ticking for me. My court appointed State Attorney (I'm poor by choice) is motioning to drop me because I have called him out for setting me up to agree to a Title15 Psych Eval. All these dockets are false. I have never arrested and Maine Attorney General Janet Mills is trying to take me out through this eval. They put a tracker on me weeks ago and law enforcement is all over me. And has been since I began exposing the corruption up to Mills 8 years ago when I was sold undisclosed hell. I made it out against the odds and they thought I'd be too beat up to withstand the hate crimes and terrorism to me and my home. Endless state agencies have a hand in my tiny property. 1/3 of an acre and I've documented each one. My court date is 4/10/18 @ 1pm at the Superior Court on 103 Church St. Belfast. They took out my internet, landline and cable (Spectrum- Belfast Chief of Police McFadden is the Belfast TWC/Spectrum resident tech. In my house MANY times for "internet" problems beginngin with my first public speaking @ City Council in 11/2011. They are killers. Many know this. Any minute may be my last. If so, please tell my story anyway. If you can send anyone here before court, that's be a lifesaver. No one will help me. All are owned or scared to death. Me too but kill me. I do this for the children and Mother Nature. You know it too. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com Mcfadden has access to my youtube, F/B, deletes incriminating police footage so I paid Camtasia to get some on an outside source. I've tried anyone claiming to care throughout the USA. Gates to Gloria Steinam to Chuck Todd and most activist politicians. Warren, Bernie, Obama's, movements, on and on. No. The AP even ran the lying terrorist story from the rag Republican Journal, no doubt Belfast media ego Jay Davis has someone to ruin the AP. Holy Shit. I only have a little bit of time on my laptop. I'm going to your other site to give my cell phone number and tell them to check this FB post. Love Always, Joi Z Exit 9
PS sent to all below but no sense in taking up useless space.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 6:08 PM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; ; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: all below
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; Jeffrey Trafton; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; ; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: all below
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
PS- Stop terrorizing with hate crimes, harassment, and arrests on fire right now, to my only true friends at Belfast Variety Store. As I've told you again and again, come after me only, I AM THE ONLY ONE STANDING UP AND IT IS MY HONOR. THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE FOR GROOMING ME FOR THIS HORROR.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 5:37 PM
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2018 5:37 PM
To: attorney.general@maine.gov; chief@belfastmepd.org; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com; Jeffrey Trafton; LAURIE ALLEN; sinclair@sinclairlawmaine.com;
Cc: info@realtyofmaine.com; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; dlipman@lipmankatz.com; g.stearns@belfastmepd.org; Governor
Subject: Re: dismiss/corrupt Judge Worth, Fields, Mathews
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
The State appointed attorney David Sinclair is motioning to drop me because I know he is setting me up for your office. Advising me to take the Title 15 psych. eval. In He has been telling me that he is only handling the terrorizing charge against me but he is not. I see he is handling WALCD-CR-18139, your ADA William Entwisle motion for the Title 15 and "pray" to basically keep my silent.
Waldo courts clerks have lied to me again and again. Acting clueless to my requests for motions, resulting in emails to you to cover as the motions. Which you order a psych test instead. Sinclair also told me to go to the Belfast Unified Court Clerk and as for all my dockets. He knew if I went that I would violate probation and get locked up. I called him out on that too. I almost went you people are non stop assaulting me.
Again, this will serve as motions until I get the motion forms for court next week, 4/10/2018. Or appeal if you choose to do something else to me. Appointing another attorney is stupid. Wasting more tax dollars, 8 years and counting with just trying to break and silence me. If you do, at least I got this out. Please advise if I am missing any other dockets, including criminal. I have never been LEGALLY arrested in my 57 year old Hobo Mom life. I'm good.
The State appointed attorney David Sinclair is motioning to drop me because I know he is setting me up for your office. Advising me to take the Title 15 psych. eval. In He has been telling me that he is only handling the terrorizing charge against me but he is not. I see he is handling WALCD-CR-18139, your ADA William Entwisle motion for the Title 15 and "pray" to basically keep my silent.
I haven't done any of these things but BPD has done them all to me. and worse for years. Hate Crimes, Terrorism, and they locked ME up in the Belfast jail for 2 long nights before shipping me down to Twin Bridges with hard criminals and innocent ones. That Stockton Spring mother is an abused mess and what those male employees do the women is more hate crimes and terrorism with that Psych man. He's very abusive. Witnessed by all in the pokey with me for those 5 days. The only reason I got out was because of my daughter and friend and my jail mate Kim getting out and the guards saw me give her a letter for the outside. 15 minutes later my name was called. Allen your getting transported back to Belfast now. No shackles this time Just cuffed and shackled with a tracking monitor since March 7? or 8th? I don't have paperwork for the day of my break out but it was around then. I was pretty tired after a 4 day hunger strike. Only started eating because I believed Sinclair might be a good guy and accepted him as my attorney. I was wrong.
There is not legal about any of this and you make up your own charges. One jail mate said you were someone else when you were younger in Lewiston. She would be in Twin Bridges today, feeding the system.
Waldo courts clerks have lied to me again and again. Acting clueless to my requests for motions, resulting in emails to you to cover as the motions. Which you order a psych test instead. Sinclair also told me to go to the Belfast Unified Court Clerk and as for all my dockets. He knew if I went that I would violate probation and get locked up. I called him out on that too. I almost went you people are non stop assaulting me.
Again, this will serve as motions until I get the motion forms for court next week, 4/10/2018. Or appeal if you choose to do something else to me. Appointing another attorney is stupid. Wasting more tax dollars, 8 years and counting with just trying to break and silence me. If you do, at least I got this out. Please advise if I am missing any other dockets, including criminal. I have never been LEGALLY arrested in my 57 year old Hobo Mom life. I'm good.
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-CR-17839 (I don't even know what this one is- the terrorist one? Sinclair has all my court papers and I don't have copies, though I asked him for them last week.)
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-CR-17862 (Ditto on this. What is it illegally for?)
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-2017-00862 Harassment. I was never given the original signed C.H notice as stated on the form I was forced to sign even though I didn't do it. Never. I help all.
- Motion to dismiss WALCD-2017-00839 Harassment. Ditto, for above harassment.
- Motion to reimburse all monies paid out by me for all these illegal charges.
- Motion for the State of Maine to pay for all paper transcripts of all my hearings, including the repeated harassment hearings where I was not allowed to be heard until you put me into Superior Court where no one could hear me except the ones who help you do this to me.
- Motion to move the court venue to Ellsworth (Sinclair said it has to be an abutting county and he wanted Rockland)
Laurie Allen
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