
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Target Shoot Arrest

I just left this message on the NRA website and sent it to myself in an email.

I sent this video to them too. David Sinclair was the attorney of the day for jail and fooled me into believing he was for the jailed. NADA. I called him out on it and he is withdrawing. See what I called him out on below the video.

Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2018 11:14 AM
Subject: Fw: Target Video'sI
I just left an urgent message from From: LAURIE ALLEN <>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 4:56 PM
Subject: Target Video's

I am over at the Hutchinson Center now. They are able to slow done the connection. I tried to send the video's to you for 2 hours yesterday, 3 hours today and I've held on for Camtasia again and again. Here it is from my you tube channel.
John's shoot
At 3 minutes 22 seconds I say "Right there Hurley. That's Hurley right in the center. Fuck you Hurley. All of them. Shitty Hall. All of you. That's the center target. How do you like it ?" John was shooting his target while I said that. No threat to them. Them to me  Since 2010.

My shoot 
Me @ 7:16 " I wanna shoot the target. I wanna have fun. Oh, that's fun. F*** yeah. 9.

After I finish the shoot, John and I look at the paper red and white target. He tells me I did well for a first time shoot. The scope on this rifle is for John's dominant eye. I don't have that and couldn't even see the target through his scope. I didn't use it. Just aimed and shot. Not bad but done. I don't like guns. It was fun but not my thing. No firearms, no violence.

As I was shutting off the camera, I put my hand in front of the lens, and named off the corrupt resident abusers of Belfast City Council, Planner and Manager. A flippant remark, protected by the First Amendment with precedence. I didn't send this video to anyone. Only posted on my YouTube playlist, John and Me. Never a threat, just fun things we do. For us to have. Other playlists are Belfast government epic corruption to me and my property since sold undisclosed water slaughter property, 6/28/2010.

Here's the flippant remark."F****** Miss Piggy Mortier, Mike Hurley, Sanders, Harkness, Arrison, Slocum, Marshall, blah, blah, blah. Thanks for being my target ya assholes. 

I shot it all full of holes. I ain't got no gun. This is John's. Don't shoot me. "
  Shoot was in October 2017. On February 21, 2018, Friday, K9 unit, megaphone, 3? Cruisers, they arrested me in the night- 2 days @ Waldo Jail and to Twin Bridges, never to see the light of day again was their plan. Set bail at 25k to hold. After in Wiscasset, Two Bridges, reduce bail to 5 k, don't tell her. Don't tell her that $50 was deposited so  she could make phone calls. Rape her to death, free for all, weekend of 3/1/2018.  Don't take bail. Her brutal death will be ruled a suicide. Not. I got a note to the outside. Two Bridges bailed on plan.

I was into the 4th day of my hunger strike, always refusing attorneys till they set me up and fooled me with David Sinclair. I called him out and he is withdrawing. Court is Tues 4/10 1:pm Waldo District Court.

 No one will help me. They will take me out soon. And the Bangor Daily News ran it with an edited video just where I say thanks for being my target and sent a piece of the story to the AP. While I was in jail. Only to get out because a jail mate was getting out, I knew I was not- the jail would not take the 5k bail from my guy. I wrote a note and they saw me give it to her. 15 minutes later, Allen- transport back to Belfast now. Have a cancer cell tracking shackle on (it would be on for 525 days). o

Attorney of the jail day, David Sinclair fooled me. In the Two Bridges jail where I was into the 4th day of a hunger strike for my hearing with Judge Dobson in video court, I have always refused counsel in court. Sinclair asked to sit in and when he saw my you tube video he said it was not even threatening. Open and shut with Freedom of Speech and cited precedence but didn’t have the actual case. I bought it and took him. After I got of jail because my jail friend Kim was leaving and I gave her a note for to call people who could get me out because my guy, John Shifflett, could not get the Waldo County Jail to take the 5k bail money.

 They saw me give that letter to Kim and 15 minutes later they called “Allen, your bail is posted, transport back to Belfast now.

After my first meeting with Sinclair in his office in Bath, he said that this would be a feather in my cap if I actually sent the video to Belfast City Council and asked if I did. I knew then that he was for the State. I had not sent them the video. It was an innocent day with my guy and posted on our youtube channel. John and Me. Lots of video’s of love. 

This one was from November and 3 months later they arrested me for violations that I did not do from illegal cease harassment notices by them. 2 weeks after that they arrest me for terrorism to the bad jail, 2 hours south. Once in there, buh bye Laurie. Not yet.
1. Defendant, Laurie Allen’s motions for immediate filing for above criminal dockets pending Laurie’s phone call today to Ms. Otis for rule numbers to the motions since Laurie cannot make a left onto Northport Ave, cannot make a left onto Route 1 South, cannot make a right onto Main St. at the intersection of Route 1, cannot make a left onto Swan Lake Ave or any lefts from there to Searsport. Therefore Laurie will get arrested for coming to the courthouse. Please confirm that Laurie has permission to violate bail conditions to appear at WALDO COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, 103 CHURCH STREET, BELFAST MAINE ON TUESDAY, 4/10/2018 FROM NOON UNTIL LEAVING 103 CHURCH STREET TO 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE.

Spectrum has corruptly cut all Laurie’s services since January 2018. Making today’s immediate need for rule numbers impossible. If Ms. Otis cannot provide the rule numbers, the motions must be filed without them. David Sinclair, ME Bar #4689 has motioned to withdraw as Laurie’s counsel, received via USPS on Monday, 4/2/2018.

ADA Entwisle Motion for Terrorism & Psych Eval reads Docket No CR-17-862-CR-17-839
Sinclair’s Withdraw Motion for Terrorism & Psych Eval Docket No CR-2018-139

Which is the correct docket for Terrorism & Psych. Eval. ?
If Sinclair’s is wrong is his withdraw motion valid?

a. Motion for defendant, Laurie Allen to be counsel, Pro Se. Rule #

b. Motion for defendant, Laurie Allen to dismiss terrorist charge docket 2018-139. including Title 15 psych. Evaluation Rule #

c. Motion for defendant, Laurie Allen to dismiss harassment charges dockets 2017-00862,
2017-00839 Rule #

d. Motion for defendant, Laurie Allen to dismiss all bail conditions Rule #

e. Motion for defendant, Laurie Allen for reimbursement of all incurred expenses for all criminal dockets Rule #

Laurie Allen, 505-5987

{copied from Sinclairs Motion since Laurie can’t come to Courthouse for forms)


DOCKET NO.: WALCD-CR-17-862, CR-17-839
(ADA Entwisle’s Motion No.)
STATE OF MAINE ) WALCD-CR-2017-00862, CR-2017-00839
) WALCD-CR-2018-139 (Sinclair’s Motion Doc)
v. )
Defendant )

NOW COMES defendant Laurie Allen and moves this Honorable Court to grant this motion for
Pro Se in the matters captioned above with the following offered in support of the motion.

1, Court appointed Counsel David Sinclair, ME Bar #4689 has advised Laurie Allen with prejudice and incarceration . Sinclair advised Laurie to personally go to the Waldo County District court @ 103 Church St., Belfast ME 04915 and request ALL criminal dockets which would have violated my bail conditions by entering a restricted zone.

2.Sinclair also failed to advise Laurie that the Supervision Contract is illegal because a presiding Judge/Justice did not sign the contract.

3. Sinclair advised Laurie to write to the Unified Criminal Court and state that Laurie Allen does NOT oppose Title 15 Evaluation.

4. Laurie Allen, upon Judge Murray’s instructions in Superior Court on Monday, 2/5/2018 told Laurie Allen to challenge the evaluation within 2 weeks. Laurie Allen submitted the challenge to Court Clerk Stephanie @ the District Court on Friday, 2/9/2018. The challenge stands.

5. Sinclair advised Laurie Allen to email all reason for conflicts with Judges and people in the Waldo Unified Court sytem.

6. Sinclair did not request the written transcripts of Laurie Allen’s hearings for CR-17839 and CR-17862 and did not file a motion for the State of Maine to pay for the transcripts as Laurie requested.

7. Sinclair did not return Laurie Allen’s phone calls for several items. Specifically when Laurie suspected the electronic clocks in her home were being hacked to cause a violation of bail instructions by Mr. Greely to charge the monitor 2 hours each 2 times per day. Laurie video taped her electric stove clock at 11:23 and her Bose read 11:10. Video documentation on file(DSCN0280) A difference of 13 minutes and both clocks have always been the same. Both are in Laurie’s kitchen. Laurie stated on another 2 ,hour charge using the stove clock and a battery timer. The stove clock was 45 minutes ahead of the time

Laurie filmed another message to David with requests specifically to get an emergency motion to get the monitor taken off immediately and clarity that David is defending Laurie, right? (DSCN0281

On Sunday, March 19, Laurie left another message for David, feeling near death, head aching brutally, eyes unable to take any light, the slightest noise explosive, and unable to move from the couch, enormous difficulty with speech. Laurie persisted and left a proof of failing system. Approximately 15 minutes later, Laurie was barely able to rise to video (DSCN0287) another message to David, clearly in severe distress but not near death anymore. Laurie state that if this episode repeated, Laurie would go to the Waldo County Jail with bolt cutters, cut off the monitor and enter the jail for violating bail conditions. David NEVER returned any of the 3 messages from Laurie.

Laurie called David and actually got to speak with David on March 20,2018. Laurie missed the physical check in at the jail with case manager Rick Otto. Laurie’s 10 month terrorist and daily hate crime huge Mark Rae (alleged part owner of 23 Seaview Terrace per their attorney’s threatening letter, Bill Kelly, also the Belfast City Attorney) violating their illegal cease harassment notice to Laurie Allen, daily, sometimes several times a day, for 10 months to present. Rae with a heavy equipment plow truck , stautus quo to every snow, plowed enormous amount of snow, gravel and rocks, 20 feet into my private property from 23 Seaview Terrace, ripping up Laurie’s turf and crime scene tape delineating the boundary line, exactly on the line that Rae drove a wooden boundary stake when they began illegal building next to the illegal garage that is inches away from the boundary line also on video tape DSCN0282. Laurie had already told David that Laurie told Rae’s grandfather, BO Cameron (another part owner per Kelly as the Rae Trust) that the garage was not in compliance and should not have been able to be sold per Belfast zoning code of 20 ft side set back. Laurie told BO that if he got a variance, Laurie would sign it for free, stating lets live in peace and happiness. BO stated that he was friends with Judge Worth. Laurie stated that he didn’t have to then but should in case Laurie ever is allowed to sell her house. Real estate agent will not list Laurie’s house or sell her another. Laurie has tried many, many times over the 8 years of hell for protecting Laurie’s property and Seaview Terrace. The building is up without any planning board approval or abutter notice.

Laurie called 911 again because the Belfast Police Department does not respond to her emergency calls of hate and terror crimes by 23 Seaview Terrace. The BPD supports the crimes and does the same to Laurie, 8 years and counting. Officer Mark Kelly, eventually responded and used intimidation and lies in favor of 23 Seaview Terrace to do nothing. Also video taped on DSCN0283.

Sinclair was not concerned with the terror hate crime and scolded Laurie for calling 911. Laurie told Sinclair that she was calling with concern for missing the check in and had left a message for case manager Rick Otto. Sinclair stated that one missed check in was OK. David then scolded Laurie for posting an email to AG Janet Mills with approximately 100 cc’s (same for every email of Maine government corruption first hand to Laurie Allen for at least 5 years.) Sinclair stating the post will confirm ADA Enwisle’s Terrorist and Title 15 psych. Evaluation that Laurie is “nucking futs” aka fucking nuts. Laurie stated that Sinclair’s consistent negligence meant that Laurie was on her own. Stating that posting the daily horror for 8 years and counting is the only reason that Laurie is still alive. Sinclair order Laurie not to post anything again.

Laurie has placed herself under near house arrest, as she has done for 8 years to protect her children, her beagles, herself, her property and Seaview Terrace with many more hate and terror crimes from the community and neighbors. The near house arrest was confirmed by Laurie’s case manager Rick Otto during Laurie’s Tuesday 4/3/2018 physical check in where Laurie reiterated bail condition compliance since ordered on 3/1/2018. Laurie barricades her front door nightly with her 2003 Ford Explorer and spotights because the Belfast Police Department have been raiding and stalking Laurie, her children and home since 2012 to present. Many documented on video with calls to 911.

 Laurie fears to go out to access internet in public since Spectrum corruptly cut all services, landline, cable and internet. For 7 years Laurie has relentlessly tried to get TWC now Spectrum to investigate Belfast Police Chief Mcfadden and his secret brother in law TWC tech into private residences and computers, Tom. Tom worked on Laurie’s internet many times after I went public with Belfast corruption in 2011. Laurie eventually linked McFadden to Tom and cFadden went pale and almost fell of his chair when Belfast City Council called me in as a threat in 2011. McFadden cleared me and said Laurie was the high lite of his day.

Real time hacking to Laurie’s computer, on and off line is deleting my blog many times, youtube video’s, freezing, etc. is on video before Spectrum cut my services in 1/2018. After Spectrum sent a prior detective tech from ELLSWORTH to rip out the entire system and replace. Also on video on Laurie’s youtube channel and offline on DSCN0129.

Sinclair has motioned to with as Laurie’s counsel, rule 44B. Sinclair state “despite continued best efforts… Defendant will suffer no prejudice… Counsel discussed this motion with ADA Entwisle on 3/30/2018 and was informed that the State will take no position of this motion… Wherefore, undersigned counsel asks that the Court appoint substitute counsel to represent Ms. Allen, set the matter above for appearance before the Court on a date sufficiently distant from the date the motion is granted to allow substitute counsel and Ms. Allen to develop a working relationship and to prepare Ms. Allen’s defense, and grant this motion for withdrawl, enetering an Order relieving counsel of further duty in the matter captioned above.” Again, Sinclair’s docket WALCD-CR-2018-139 DOES NOT MATCH ADA ENWISLE’S DOCKET FOR TERRORISM AND TITLE 15 PSYCH, EVAL. WALCD-CR-17-812 AND WALCD-CR-17-839. THE ADA’S DOCKETS ARE FOR BOTH ILLEGAL HARASSMENT CHARGES IN 2017.

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