If there are any legal issues with any of my blogs, please email me at laurieallen55@msn.com. Thank you.
December 29, 2017
Regardless of this 7 year nightmare on Church Street.
Michael's Here. Yippee!
December 27, 2017
December 25, 2017
11/3/2017 6:20 pm. Corrupt coppers cuff me, owned by Dishonorable Patty Worth #1
MY CHRISTMAS EVE DINNAH WITH LOVES. KING CROWN ROAST PORK, Mom's Stuffing, ACORN SQUASH, AUNT NELLIE'S HARVARD BEETS (I called my big sister Janel, Nellie. I love you more and miss all. Gone so long. Dad, Mom, Janel, Donald and Barry. I'm doing you proud. Because of you and children.) Whipped Potato's and scarumptious gravy.
Joi Z Exit 9 can fry up the thugs and cook love for love. Dig in. Done.
Hon. Patricia G. Worth
Maine District Court
103 Church Street, Belfast, Maine 04915-6419
(207) 338-3107
Hon. Joseph H. Field (active retired)
Maine District Court
101 New Meadows Road, West Bath, Maine 04530-9704
(207) 442-0200
Hon. Paul D. Mathews
Maine District Court
1 Court Street, Augusta, Maine 04330
(207) 213-2971
Fethke Law Offices | Legal services in Midcoast Maine
He previously served on the Board of Appeals and the Budget Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the Maine State Bar Association, the Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the MaineTrial Lawyers Association. He is the former President and current Treasurer of the Waldo County Bar Association.December 24, 2017
Soon, I will post my illegal arrest, 3 cops @ 6:20 pm, banging and banging on my windows, doors, spotlights, megaphone, K-9 unit- get cuffed and jailed, we got a warrant by your's corruptly, Judge Patricia Worth. Not today. Had to get my Christmas post up for the sick collars.
Merry Christmas to all, love always.
Maine District Court Judge Patty Worth & John Worth (Maine Health Waldo County General Hospital Board Dictator, Worth Real Estate Agency. Maine Maritime Academy, Tug Boat Operator, State wide tendrils to trap the innocent and implicate into their sick system. Corrupt beyond drugging, beating, robbing, raping, terrorizing and sentencing our children to hell, they are the elite. Evil elite page link http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_41.html. John's Mom was the Belfast Mayor in the 80's. Her husband was extensive military elite- like my rapist and system guru Dr. Donald Lombardi. His global system rapes by the second, colleges to healthcare, everywhere. He was well underway after drugging me in 1980 @ 19, picking me out of his Middlesex County College Night School . Link to Lombardi's serial rapists about half way down the post. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/search?q=Lombardi .
Judge Worth has been busy ordering 8? false cease harassment notices against me, 2 false summons to jail and court. One summons I did not sign. Patty's buddy, Judge Matthews thought he could shut me up before I could give at least 10 reasons for dismissal. Even shaming me that the packed court room of hand picked system victims were waiting for their sentence. Nope he says, Dismissal's aren't done today. I was first up, the next victim got dismissed. She told me she felt lucky because the false charges against her for drunk driving where she was not driving or even in a car with keys in the ignition were dismissed.
Let's Roll. See ya in my January 2018 court date for absolutely nothing. They are doing us into their system and lovely life's for their people. Glad they aren't my parents. Ew. Can ya pick them out at their daughter's wedding? Johnny is not wearing his skirt here. They despise each other. She has other's, the married Belfast attorney's we hire to protect us from her system.
Me @ open to the public, Tuesday,October 13, 2017. Three Tides owner David Carlson was there. He and all were in shock.

From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
October 31,2017 It is so upsetting to be wasting my time with these meatheads. 7 years and counting, knowing I am the one to do. Just one all my life. I knew. Keeping this on top always, with page link to direct evil Education Rape. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/p/hi.html
Belfast City Council Mike Hurley, NJ fur trapper scum.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 7:11 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 7:11 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast Planner Wayne Marshall, Belfast Code Enforcement, and Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
Per Wayne Marshall's email
From: Wayne Marshall <planner@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Dear Ms. Allen:
I am responding to your concerns regarding the Building Permit our Department issued for the property located at 23 Seaview Terrace. - "Tod Rosenberg, Code Enforcement Office (CE0), issued a Building Permit on October 13, 2017 to the Rae Trust to construct a 28' x 60' three bedroom house that has an 8' x 16' covered porch on the property that they now own." This permit is illegal. 23 Seaview Terrace has not been in compliance since the cement foundation garage was built prior 1994. The Caswell brothers hired Good Deeds, Gusta Ronson to subdivide 23 and 17 (mine and in compliance with all setbacks.) Gusta told me that she remembered this. She could not subdivide because the garage eves on 23 are on the 1966 original deeded plans property line and there is not 40 ft between my eaves and the garage eves (20 ft side back No changes have been made on any portion of Seaview Terrace per Wayne Marshall 's 11/10/2016 immediately below this email closing.)
- "Residential 3 zoning district" Wayne Marshall, Joe Slocum, City Council, Todd Rosenburg, real estate agents, Maine Realtor Commissioner, AG Janet Mills, and Governor LePage have been included in all the years of my communications with statutes that Seaview Terrace cannot be cherry picked out of the prior R2. After I found and emailed this online Maine Law to all, it was removed offline. Marshall again and again, told the R2 public at the many public hearings that R2 (residential and office) will become R1 in 10/2014. R2 residents approved. Slocum and Marshall stating that Seaview Terrace is R1 in another never ending thread of years of lies.
Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalitieshttp://mainelaw.maine.edu/academics/maine-law-review/pdf/vol24_2/vol24_me_l_rev_263.pdfPg 263 "LANDOWNER AGREES PRIOR TO A ZONING AMENDMENT, TO PERFORM CONDITIONS NOT IMPOSED ON OTHERS IN THE SAME ZONING CLASSIFICATION.”Pg. 267 "A PLANNING BOARD, WHICH IN MAINE IS GENERALLY COMPRISED OF LAYMAN, MUST UNDERSTAND, BE PERSUADED AND APPROVE ANY PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE PLAN. The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE opportunity to be heard.” - "on the property that they now own" Joe Slocum- please state the property address and who owns it. It has not been published from the deeded registry. 23 Seaview Terrace as stated in another epic email thread below, could not be sold by Karen Caswell because the lot/garage is not in 20 ft side setback ordinance compliance. They did not get a variance. Belfast and Waldo County Registry have removed original deeded documents replaced with Mylar stick sketches or not replaced at all. I have the original deeded copies from Bob Whiteley.
Bob told me Slocum was very angry at him because Bob gave them to me. Documented here taken from the 11/20/2016 email below. "As stated in this documented link (original 1965 survey by CK Archer for the Wendell MaCleod Housing Development (Seaview Terrace) given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whitely. Confirmed as the original plans by City Manager Joe Slocum and stating AFTER he learned that Bob gave it to me. Slocum stating to the public at the City Council meeting that he had been looking for this original survey for months while never advising me that this plan existed. If I hadn't raided Bob's office unannounced on a hunch, I would have never known of these plans. Also on the link is the Good Deeds 1994 drawing of a PROPOSED new boundary line between 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace that was not recorded in the Registry of Deeds. In this link I also took a picture of the Registry's index book proving that no recorded subdivision of the 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace Caswell estate exists, confirmed by Registry staff on 10/29/2016). My pictures, Good Deeds document and details are in this link https://goo.gl/photos/RFPNEpPKKiBbSj6i9 "
to give me my original signed copies as mandated. He then sends 3 cops and the K9 unit to arrest me for violating his corruption and places me in jail. I have never been arrested.
False imprisonment. I have more to write but McFadden is tampering with my computer right now.
Laurie Allen
Wayne Marshall <planner@cityofbelfast.org>
2) 1966 plan recorded at Book 6, Page 59.
I have attached both plans to this email. I note that the 1966 plan is consistent with information shown on the City tax map for your property.
As these are the only recorded plans, I am unaware of any other amendments which were approved by the Belfast Planning Board and subsequently recorded.
I hope that this information helps.
Wayne Marshall
Wayne Marshall <planner@cityofbelfast.org>
Thu 11/10/2016, 6:48 PM
I went to the Waldo County Registry of Deeds to identify any subdivision plans and any amendments that were recorded for the Wendell McCleod Subdivision for the Seaview Terrace area. There are only two recorded plans:
1) 1965 plan recorded at Book 6, Page 23.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 1:07 PM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
4th request 11/10
For clarity the simple urgent, now 10 business days pending inquiry is:Please advise if Belfast City Planning approved any changes/subdivides/variances, etc. to the side property boundary line between 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace from the 1965 plans. 23 Seaview Terrace, owner Karen Caswell is listed for sale by Tim Dutch, Realty of Maine. Karen Caswell is encroaching onto my property and original home of Dr. Caswell. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2 3-Seaview-Ter_Belfast_ME_04915 _M46866-50723
(Per Wayne Marshall email on 11/4, "Based on current workloads and scheduled appointments, I likely will not be able to conduct this research until Monday of next week to ensure that I am able to respond to your question with confidence. " Monday was 11/7/2016.)
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2016 10:48 AM
To: Wayne Marshall; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast. org;mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; mstallworth@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace, 2nd request 11/,3, 3rd 11/4
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall,
As stated in this documented link (original 1965 survey by CK Archer for the Wendell MaCleod Housing Development (Seaview Terrace) given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor, Bob Whitely. Confirmed as the original plans by City Manager Joe Slocum and stating AFTER he learned that Bob gave it to me. Slocum stating to the public at the City Council meeting that he had been looking for this original survey for months while never advising me that this plan existed. If I hadn't raided Bob's office unannounced on a hunch, I would have never known of these plans. Also on the link is the Good Deeds 1994 drawing of a PROPOSED new boundary line between 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace that was not recorded in the Registry of Deeds. In this link I also took a picture of the Registry's index book proving that no recorded subdivision of the 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace Caswell estate exists, confirmed by Registry staff on 10/29/2016). My pictures, Good Deeds document and details are in this link https://goo.gl/photos/RFPNEpPKKiBbSj6i9
This simple inquiry is not difficult nor time consuming. Creating difficulty is the problem. Please respond in email today to this simple inquiry. If you choose to continue stalling, I must continue daily requests to keep all parties informed because 23 Seaview Terrace is for sale and not meeting setback compliance and encroaching onto my private property. This is the Belfast City Planner's responsibility to resolve and confirm.
For clarity the simple urgent, now 4 business days pending inquiry is:Please advise if Belfast City Planning approved any changes/subdivides/variances, etc. to the side property boundary line between 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace from the 1965 plans. 23 Seaview Terrace, owner Karen Caswell is listed for sale by Tim Dutch, Realty of Maine. Karen Caswell is encroaching onto my property and original home of Dr. Caswell. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2 3-Seaview-Ter_Belfast_ME_04915 _M46866-50723 Sincerely,Laurie Allen
From: Wayne Marshall <planner@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2016 9:04 AM
Cc: slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast. org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast. org;mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; mstallworth@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Re: 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace, 2nd request 11/,3, 3rd 11/4
WayneI also note that you could do this same research at the Registry of Deeds to see what, if any amendments, were approved by the Belfast Planning Board that would affect this subdivision.Ms. AllenI do not have adequate records in our Department from the date that the subdivision was initially approved until the late 1990's to respond to your question without doing research at the Waldo County Registry of Deeds. Based on current workloads and scheduled appointments, I likely will not be able to conduct this research until Monday of next week to ensure that I am able to respond to your question with confidence.
On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 7:39 AM, LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com> wrote:
3rd URGENT REQUEST 11/2/2016
Belfast Assistant Planner Sadie Lloyd,
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall is not responding to this simple urgent inquiry. Please advise todeay, 11/4/2016. Thank You.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2016 10:27 AM
To: planner@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg;mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; mstallworth@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: Urgent 2nd req Re: 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace
Urgent 2nd request, 11/3/2016. Please advise today, 11/3/2016. Thank You.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 12:08 PM
To: planner@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.o rg;mayor@cityofbelfast.org; jslocum@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; info@realtyofmaine.com; mstallworth@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace
Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall,
Please advise if Belfast City Planning approved any changes/subdivides/variances, etc. to the side property boundary line between 17 & 23 Seaview Terrace from the 1965 plans. 23 Seaview Terrace, owner Karen Caswell is listed for sale by Tim Dutch, Realty of Maine. Karen Caswell is encroaching onto my property and original home of Dr. Caswell. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2 3-Seaview-Ter_Belfast_ME_04915 _M46866-50723
23 Seaview Ter, Belfast, ME 04915 a single family home is Sq. Ft., beds, and baths. Visit 5 photos on realtor.com(R), listing value of $75,000.
My pictures, Good Deeds document and details are in this link https://goo.gl/photos/RFPNEpPKKiBbSj6i9
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 8:49 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2017 8:49 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
CEO Todd Rosenburg,
No response means you are corrupt and allowing construction or taking of anyone and anywhere in Belfast. And per Bob Whiteley, what all of you are taking, is sickening. I am just getting started.
2nd Request-Amy Flood please advise receipt of taxes. Please send my overpayment. I sent an additional $50 to cover the interest which should be under $10. Please advise on both today.
Laurie Allen
Joe Slocum
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
Joe Slocum
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
Joe Slocum
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
Joe Slocum
No response means you are corrupt and allowing construction or taking of anyone and anywhere in Belfast. And per Bob Whiteley, what all of you are taking, is sickening. I am just getting started.
2nd Request-Amy Flood please advise receipt of taxes. Please send my overpayment. I sent an additional $50 to cover the interest which should be under $10. Please advise on both today.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast CEO Todd Rosenburg,
- Immediately fine 23 Seaview Terrace for the illegal lot with garage,non conforming to 20 ft side setback in effect at garage completion (prior 1994). Garage on 23 Seaview Terrace is not 20 ft from boundary, same boundaries to date per 1965/66 Seaview Terrace final deeded plans, given to you and the rest, many, many times.
- Fine 23 Seaview Terrace for the foundation pouring done on Friday, 11/25/2017 without planning board approval.
- Order 23 Seaview Terrace to cease and desist all construction.
- Order 23 Seaview Terrace to demolish the garage and newly poured foundation.
23 Seaview Terrace is moving with construction and illegal after illegal terror and taking. Please respond to each of 1-4 by noon tomorrow. If you refuse to take action on any, please include the ordinance that allows for illegal, non conforming, unapproved lots.
Laurie Allen
§ 102-221 [Ord. No. 28-1997, § 207.0, 3-4-1997] A lot created subsequent to the enactment of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived which does not meet both the dimensional requirements and acreage requirements of this chapter is declared to be illegal.
Sec. 102-221
[Ord. No. 28-1997, § 207.0, 3-4-1997]
A lot created subsequent to the enactment of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived which does not meet both the dimensional requirements and acreage requirements of this chapter is declared to be illegal. Additionally, any lot previously created which was illegal when created due to the failure of such lot to meet the dimensional requirements or acreage requirements of the then-existing ordinance continues to remain an illegal lot. No permit shall be approved for an illegal lot.
Sec. 102-222
[Ord. No. 28-1997, § 208.0, 3-4-1997]
The Planning Board may grant permission for the replacement of a nonconforming structure, provided the following criteria are met:
A nonconforming structure may be replaced within one year of the structure being destroyed, removed or deemed unsafe by the code enforcement officer;
The replacement shall not be located on the property owned by an abutter or within the limits of the road right-of-way;
The replacement structure shall not involve an increase of a nonconforming height of the structure being replaced.
§ 82-106 [Ord. No. 8-1997, § 12(E), 7-15-1997; Ord. No. 20-2004, 1-6-2004] Generally. A nonconforming lot of record as of the effective date of the ordinance (November 6, 1991) from which this chapter is derived, or the date of an amendment to this chapter, may
Sec. 82-106
[Ord. No. 8-1997, § 12(E), 7-15-1997; Ord. No. 20-2004, 1-6-2004]
Generally. A nonconforming lot of record as of the effective date of the ordinance (November 6, 1991) from which this chapter is derived, or the date of an amendment to this chapter, may be built upon without the need for a variance, provided that such lot is in separate ownership and not contiguous with any other lot in the same ownership, and that all provisions of this chapter except lot size and frontage can be met. Variances relating to setback or other requirements not involving lot size or frontage shall be obtained by action of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Contiguous built lots.
If two or more contiguous lots or parcels are in a single or joint ownership of record at the time of adoption of the ordinance (November 6,1991) from which this chapter is derived, if all or part of the lots do not meet the dimensional requirements of this chapter, and if a principal use or structure exists on each lot, the nonconforming lots may be conveyed separately or together, provided that the state minimum lot size law and subsurface wastewater disposal rules are complied with.
If two or more principal uses or structures existed on a single lot of record on the effective date of the ordinance (November 6, 1991) from which this chapter is derived, each may be sold on a separate lot provided that the law and rules referenced in subsection (b)(1) of this section are complied with. When such lots are divided, each lot thus created must be as conforming as possible to the dimensional requirements of this chapter.
Contiguous vacant or partially built lots. If two or more contiguous lots or parcels are in single or joint ownership of record at the time of or since adoption of the ordinance (November 6, 1991) from which this chapter is derived, or at the time of an amendment of this chapter, if any of these lots do not individually meet the dimensional requirements of this chapter or subsequent amendments, and if one or more of the lots are vacant or contain no principal structure, the lots shall be combined to the extent necessary to meet the dimensional requirements.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 2:51 PM
Subject: Thread for 23 Meathead Way
Subject: Thread for 23 Meathead Way
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms Allen,
At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
Thank you,At this time I do not give you permission to re-enter City hall for any reason at any time. I suggest that you abide by the No Trespass Notice issued to you on November 1, 2017 and stay away from City Hall until further notice.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; colin@colinwoodard.com; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,
You work for me. You are violating every civil, constitutional, moral, abuse of power, the list is endless. As you racketeer it up, I document. Whether the corrupt Judge Worth shoots another Mom to death is no matter to me. I stand regardless of hate crimes and terrorism by you to Augusta. McFadden's false and terrorizing 7 years of assault after assault has come to all of you throwing a true, innocent, law abiding, never arrested into jail or my cremation. So dramatic. I know. Who can believe all of this evil promoting community hate and take? All on this list because you are either enabling or ordering hits. My false arrest appeared in Pen Bay Pilot 2 times. Purposely getting my age wrong (47) to pimp it out again, with my age of 56. Damn though Mother Nature. Thank you. I'm in the best health of my life and near death at the same time. I'm happy and want nothing but truth.
In closing, attached are pictures of the terror and hate from the workers and unknown owners of 23 Seaview Terrace. They have turned Seaview into a war zone. Taking what that want, threatening who they want, assaulting who they want. All with the support of Belfast to Augusta collars, pink, white and blue. Cop Rolerson told me that I can't call 911 when I am under attack and terror. He says I'm not being threatened. On video. Again for the 100th time- 23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with 20ft side set back. COE Rosenburg and all above him refuse to stop the illegal construction that has NEVER been approved LEGALLY by the planning board. I am an abutter and by law, must receive notice to submit concerns for construction. Notice never received, no planning board approval to date. Heavy equipment trucks speed, block our narrow, not paved to code in 2014, road. Yesterday, a big one had to hit his brakes in front of my house and went skidding. Must have been doing 40 mph. 0 to 40 in 10 seconds, all those gears to stop less than 500 ft from entering Meathead Way. 23 Seaview Terrace. One of the public works employee lives here with his lovely wife and sweet, sweet boys. The youngest rides his training wheel bike up to my window and rings his bell for me to come to the window and play. Ask his most excellent Dad. Owners and workers (minus ZZ Top) at 23 Seaview Terrace are reckless endangerment to Seaview Terrace, at minimum.
Silence from Attorney General Janet Mills is a horrific misuse of power. I hope the news media cc'd here can find the courage to begin investigating the taking of Belfast. I did all the work. Just ask and I'll give more documentation then you need. Regardless of the collars stupid failure at even basic corruption. Oyy.
- Joe Slocum- You will not allow me to attend tonight's un-televised workshop for an executive session on a real estate matter. If this session has ANYTHING in any relation to any part of Seaview Terrace or abutting area's then please advise.
- This entire email is to be entered as my open to the public speaking for tonight's City Council Meeting/Workshop.
- As of right now, 1:15 pm, the Planning Board agenda for 11/29/2017 is still not posted. Please advise when that agenda will be on the City website. I may need to submit concerns.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Never A Fur Trapper, Ew.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:16 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:16 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Speak @ O2P without illegal arrest? Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Slocum, Belfast Chief Police McFadden, Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Clerk Amy Flood, and Attorney General Janet Mills,
Please advise by noon today, 11/28/2017 if I will be arrested for speaking at open to public at Belfast City Council meetings. BPD and BPC forced me to sign illegal cease harassment notices where I still have not received my mandated original signed unwarranted/illegal cease harassment notices. I believe there are 6? illegal cease harassment notices, but McFadden also refuses my FOIA for all my BPD records. This is absolutely an Attorney General immediate investigation. AG Janet Mills- what are you doing?
Workers and owners of 23 Seaview Terrace continue to violate their own illegal cease harassment notice against me. This past week they have trespassed again and again onto my property, removed my personal property, thrown it and even brought a small front loader onto the ditch on MY property, almost tipping over, right in front of me. I sat down in front of it to stop him. Look what all of you have done to Belfast and to the true and not wanting anything from anyone. Just to be left alone.
If I don't get a response by noon today, I will speak at open to the public at ALL meetings of concern (including Planning- please put the 11/29/2017 PB agenda on the City website by noon).
City Clerk Amy Flood- please confirm that you received my property taxes via registered USPS because City Manager Joe Slocum refused to let me come in and pay my taxes on the due date. I overpaid because of Slocum I'd be late. First time since owning a home in 1987, another in 1997, and this in 2010. Horror stories of the same by Belfast by my family on home 1 and home 2. You all keep trying to take this one from me, over my dead body. Do it. Please send the refund in the mail- registered please. You have all cost me over 50k and all I love and protect without doubt. I must. Congratulations.
Laurie Allen
Please advise by noon today, 11/28/2017 if I will be arrested for speaking at open to public at Belfast City Council meetings. BPD and BPC forced me to sign illegal cease harassment notices where I still have not received my mandated original signed unwarranted/illegal cease harassment notices. I believe there are 6? illegal cease harassment notices, but McFadden also refuses my FOIA for all my BPD records. This is absolutely an Attorney General immediate investigation. AG Janet Mills- what are you doing?
Workers and owners of 23 Seaview Terrace continue to violate their own illegal cease harassment notice against me. This past week they have trespassed again and again onto my property, removed my personal property, thrown it and even brought a small front loader onto the ditch on MY property, almost tipping over, right in front of me. I sat down in front of it to stop him. Look what all of you have done to Belfast and to the true and not wanting anything from anyone. Just to be left alone.
If I don't get a response by noon today, I will speak at open to the public at ALL meetings of concern (including Planning- please put the 11/29/2017 PB agenda on the City website by noon).
City Clerk Amy Flood- please confirm that you received my property taxes via registered USPS because City Manager Joe Slocum refused to let me come in and pay my taxes on the due date. I overpaid because of Slocum I'd be late. First time since owning a home in 1987, another in 1997, and this in 2010. Horror stories of the same by Belfast by my family on home 1 and home 2. You all keep trying to take this one from me, over my dead body. Do it. Please send the refund in the mail- registered please. You have all cost me over 50k and all I love and protect without doubt. I must. Congratulations.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; laurieallen55@msn.com
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Slocum, BPD, City Hall and AG Mills,
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Dear Ms. Allen,
Thank you for your phone call as well as your email today.
I do not wish to speak to you at all as I have no faith that you can truthfully repeat anything I say to you nor do I wish to see more of my misrepresented statements used to support your repeated accusations and confessed personal beliefs that I have or that I am trying to cause you a broad variety of serious harms.
I am truly sorry that it has come to this.
Based upon my observations of you conduct and statements here, in the streets and what I have seen you post, I have serious concerns that you cannot come to City Hall and conduct yourself in a civil and non- offensive, non-abusive or non-threatening fashion. I am interested in less conflict here- not more and I think physical and verbal distance will serve everyone- including yourself -better.
Accordingly, I am denying your request for permission to come into City Hall and pay your taxes in person tomorrow. Your rejection of our suggestions to minimize conflict by mailing them in or have a friend drop them off is unfortunate. Your bill was mailed to you and apparently received. UPS or Federal express are also options but they unfortunately cost money. The friend or the postage stamp really seems to be the best option.
You may continue to communicate to me through email but I will only respond if I feel that your request or statements are reasonable.
I hope and wish that you have more peaceful days.
Joseph Slocum
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
BPD Chief McFadden, AG Mills, CM Joe Slocum, CP Wayne Marshall, ACP Sadie Lloyd, Code EO Todd Rosenburg,
Last night @ 6/20 pm, alone, again, BPD came pounding on my door. I do not open the door. They didn't identify themselves and I was just pumping up my music to drown the terror out. Then, blue lights flashing, spotlights into my living room, megaphone shouting for me to come out. I opened the window to 3 of them, with red recording body cams to McFadden. Ordered me to get outside or they'd bust my door down to arrest me. OK. Let me get out of my PJ's, feed my dogs and I was good to go.
Cuffed me in metal cuffs, behind my 115 lb, 5'2" 57 year old frame and took me to the pokey.in the K9 unit with the puppy who couldn't detect a bong hit of Maine Mary Juana it I blew it in his cute snout. They hit me with more CH notices from fur trapper Mike Hurely anywhere and his hole, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD. Again forcing me to sign and refusing to give me the original signed as stated on the form. I still haven't got the stinking one from Cameron or who knows who. Last night I kept requesting the originals. They get the copies. No. They asked me if I wanted to sign 8 originals for me and them. Yes. They said no. Take the copies or not. Fine. They did not give me copies regardless of at least 4 requests during my 2 hours as a first time arrested Joi Z jail bird.
The bailiff came and for witness, I asked for the copies again to all of them. Baliff said it wasn't on my personal belongings list. What? The 2 others said they'd get the copies right away. I said you lied and tricked me again, being kind to me and screwing me. I told them to just be mean to me, status quo.
After 20 minutes, still no copies. They told me they had been sent down to the BPD where I am forbidden to go. Told me coppers were bringing them over to jail. After almost another 1/2 hour, I said buh-bye. Have the coppers come to my house as they love to do and deliver the copies. No. Got home 5 minutes later, they called and said they were just delivered. I have to come back to jail. I don't think so. Nothing is legal.
Yesterday, 23 Seaview Terrace was back to trespassing onto my property again and again, violating again and again, their CH against me, terrorizing and talking directly to me, and issuing me summons #2. No doubt with Judge Patty Worth. Ew. Then, I went to City Hall to pay my taxes. Fur Trapper was standing outside Alexia's. I had my window down, he looked at me and I said Ew.
I can't go to City Hall to pay my taxes. Jail told me I had to call CM Slocum to get permission to come to City Hall to pay my taxes. I called today, got Nora McGrath. She said Slocum was in a meeting and said to mail it. No, postal service has been tampering my mail since 2011. Still waiting for Slocum to call me to let me come into City Hall to pay my taxes that are due tomorrow. As I told McFadden, y'all can't even do corruption well.
I told the above to Amy Flood and said I'll do the drop in City Hall when Slocum sends it in writing that I may pay my stinkin' taxes. She suggested having my only friend come in for me. No. They keep trying to alienate my last friend.
I have yet to see the deed transfer to who ever may own 23 Seaview Terrace. They are building out of compliance full throttle, no planning board approval, or abutter notice to me. No response for months to CP Marshall and Code Rosenburg to issue violation, cease and desist to building on 23 Seaview Terrace. CA Bill Kelly reprensent them privately and sent me a threatening letter to allow the taking of my boat, pay for a fence for them and his fees. Conflict of interest no legal matter.
Last night @ 6/20 pm, alone, again, BPD came pounding on my door. I do not open the door. They didn't identify themselves and I was just pumping up my music to drown the terror out. Then, blue lights flashing, spotlights into my living room, megaphone shouting for me to come out. I opened the window to 3 of them, with red recording body cams to McFadden. Ordered me to get outside or they'd bust my door down to arrest me. OK. Let me get out of my PJ's, feed my dogs and I was good to go.
Cuffed me in metal cuffs, behind my 115 lb, 5'2" 57 year old frame and took me to the pokey.in the K9 unit with the puppy who couldn't detect a bong hit of Maine Mary Juana it I blew it in his cute snout. They hit me with more CH notices from fur trapper Mike Hurely anywhere and his hole, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD. Again forcing me to sign and refusing to give me the original signed as stated on the form. I still haven't got the stinking one from Cameron or who knows who. Last night I kept requesting the originals. They get the copies. No. They asked me if I wanted to sign 8 originals for me and them. Yes. They said no. Take the copies or not. Fine. They did not give me copies regardless of at least 4 requests during my 2 hours as a first time arrested Joi Z jail bird.
The bailiff came and for witness, I asked for the copies again to all of them. Baliff said it wasn't on my personal belongings list. What? The 2 others said they'd get the copies right away. I said you lied and tricked me again, being kind to me and screwing me. I told them to just be mean to me, status quo.
After 20 minutes, still no copies. They told me they had been sent down to the BPD where I am forbidden to go. Told me coppers were bringing them over to jail. After almost another 1/2 hour, I said buh-bye. Have the coppers come to my house as they love to do and deliver the copies. No. Got home 5 minutes later, they called and said they were just delivered. I have to come back to jail. I don't think so. Nothing is legal.
Yesterday, 23 Seaview Terrace was back to trespassing onto my property again and again, violating again and again, their CH against me, terrorizing and talking directly to me, and issuing me summons #2. No doubt with Judge Patty Worth. Ew. Then, I went to City Hall to pay my taxes. Fur Trapper was standing outside Alexia's. I had my window down, he looked at me and I said Ew.
I can't go to City Hall to pay my taxes. Jail told me I had to call CM Slocum to get permission to come to City Hall to pay my taxes. I called today, got Nora McGrath. She said Slocum was in a meeting and said to mail it. No, postal service has been tampering my mail since 2011. Still waiting for Slocum to call me to let me come into City Hall to pay my taxes that are due tomorrow. As I told McFadden, y'all can't even do corruption well.
I told the above to Amy Flood and said I'll do the drop in City Hall when Slocum sends it in writing that I may pay my stinkin' taxes. She suggested having my only friend come in for me. No. They keep trying to alienate my last friend.
I have yet to see the deed transfer to who ever may own 23 Seaview Terrace. They are building out of compliance full throttle, no planning board approval, or abutter notice to me. No response for months to CP Marshall and Code Rosenburg to issue violation, cease and desist to building on 23 Seaview Terrace. CA Bill Kelly reprensent them privately and sent me a threatening letter to allow the taking of my boat, pay for a fence for them and his fees. Conflict of interest no legal matter.
- Send in writing that all BPD original signed notices pertaining to me are waiting for a video witness receipt at the BPD hand delivered by McFadden to me.
- Send in writing that my FOIA for all BPD's documentation and video on me is ready, same procedure as #1.
- Issue a violation, cease and desist building and all violations, civil rights to theft and destruction of property, etc. to 23 Seaview Terrace, emailing all details to me and violating parties.
- Email when I can come into City Hall to pay my taxes.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
from www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.
https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights... Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
from www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.
https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights... Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
- Lack of supervision/monitoring of officers’ actions;
- Lack of justification or reporting by officers on incidents involving the use of force;
- Lack of, or improper training of, officers; and
- Citizen complaint processes that treat complainants as adversaries.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com; ceo@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com; ceo@cityofbelfast.org
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney Janet Mills and Belfast Code Todd Rosenburg,
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. https://youtu.be/dDLVg6ftsRI He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter. https://youtu.be/7Fu8ITHQP2c
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
2. Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
3. Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
4. Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
5. Todd Rosenburg please charge 23 Seaview Terrace with violation of all applicable codes. Not in 20 ft side set back compliance, preparing land for building and never presenting anything to the planning board, remove the garage and cease building pending planning board approval.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
If Chief Mcfadden refuse to comply in email, copying AG Mills, then it is mandatory for the ombudsmen for MFOIA to witness receipt of documents at the Belfast Police Department yesterday.
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. https://youtu.be/dDLVg6ftsRI He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter. https://youtu.be/7Fu8ITHQP2c
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
- Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
- Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
- Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Please respond immediately. Below was sent @ 1:09 pm. It's now 3:32 pm. Please.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
If Chief Mcfadden refuse to comply in email, copying AG Mills, then it is mandatory for the ombudsmen for MFOIA to witness receipt of documents at the Belfast Police Department yesterday.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:09 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Subject: RE: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 1:09 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Subject: RE: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
Your FOAA request has been processed and is ready for delivery. We will be mailing it to your home address at 17 Seaview Tr.
Thank you for your patience while we processed your request.
Chief McFadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 4:48 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
One of you Mobstah Lobstah's must have let the air out of my tire at Bangor Waterfront Eric Church. As if this wasn't enough "September 24, 2017
FB post on waterfrontconcerts.com Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com "
Tomorrow morning I'll be there and it better be the originals and FROM MARK CAMERON AND SERVICE/CONTRACTORS @ 23 SEAVIEW TERRACE.
FB post on waterfrontconcerts.com Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com "
Tomorrow morning I'll be there and it better be the originals and FROM MARK CAMERON AND SERVICE/CONTRACTORS @ 23 SEAVIEW TERRACE.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 11:03 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 11:03 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 10:10 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: RE: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 10:10 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: RE: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
I will be working on FOAA requests today. You will be notified when your request has been processed.
Chief McFadden
I will be working on FOAA requests today. You will be notified when your request has been processed.
Chief McFadden
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 10:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 10:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 9:42 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
- I want to come to the station TODAY, have your camera's taping me accepting THE ORIGINAL CEASE HARASSMENT NOTICE THAT I SIGNED. WHAT TIME WILL IT BE READY TODAY?
2. Advise today for copies of "All Belfast Police Department records on me (video, documents, etc.)"
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:37 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:37 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:45 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: RE: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:45 PM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: RE: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
I received your Freedom of Access Act Request. Please take this email as my acknowledgement that I have received your request.
I will contact you when copies of the documents you've requested are made and ready for you to pick up.
Chief McFadden.
I received your Freedom of Access Act Request. Please take this email as my acknowledgement that I have received your request.
I will contact you when copies of the documents you've requested are made and ready for you to pick up.
Chief McFadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Chief McFadden,
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
- The 2 original cease harassment notice that Guba had me sign, provide today and respond to this email when this is ready.
- All Belfast Police Department records on me (video, documents, etc.), by Monday 10/02/17 and respond to this email when this is ready.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Jail Mom
Jail Mom November 1, 2017
Jail Mom Me
BPD Rolerson protecting the pigs. Ew.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; ; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; colin@colinwoodard.com
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 11:20 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; ; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; colin@colinwoodard.com
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Belfast City Manager Slocum, BPD, City Hall and AG Mills,
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
Slocum's sick reply is copied and pasted below. He did not reply to all and the forte' of all of them is to edit out their most evil (all is evil) doings in my emails, my you tube channel, my blog... deleting years of my work. McFadden Special. Certainly bugging my house with all video's from every angle. As soon as I walk out the door, the coppers swoop in to hurt my loved ones and me. If I dare to go to the store to get milk and butts, Cameron shows up within minutes and mauls my property. I'm betting that like McFadden, my jailers found me to be the "high lite" of their shift. Slocum had City Council call me in as a threat to McFadden in 2012 when I went public with their awful greed and terror.
Many of you know me to be happy since childhood. Direct to all the hurtful and always ready to help- fully and until. All I cared about was getting my children to 18. Slocum you beat the hell out of me for 7 years and counting, trying to destroy Megan's and Michael's mom. All of this has been a gift. I have more than I want. This short reply is just to make sure all are supporting Slocum in the taking of Belfast. I'll sum up everything soon and share it with all. I've done all that I can. Jail was my goal. Thank you.
Joi Z, Exit 9
From: Joseph Slocum <citymanager@cityofbelfast.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Dear Ms. Allen,
Thank you for your phone call as well as your email today.
I do not wish to speak to you at all as I have no faith that you can truthfully repeat anything I say to you nor do I wish to see more of my misrepresented statements used to support your repeated accusations and confessed personal beliefs that I have or that I am trying to cause you a broad variety of serious harms.
I am truly sorry that it has come to this.
Based upon my observations of you conduct and statements here, in the streets and what I have seen you post, I have serious concerns that you cannot come to City Hall and conduct yourself in a civil and non- offensive, non-abusive or non-threatening fashion. I am interested in less conflict here- not more and I think physical and verbal distance will serve everyone- including yourself -better.
Accordingly, I am denying your request for permission to come into City Hall and pay your taxes in person tomorrow. Your rejection of our suggestions to minimize conflict by mailing them in or have a friend drop them off is unfortunate. Your bill was mailed to you and apparently received. UPS or Federal express are also options but they unfortunately cost money. The friend or the postage stamp really seems to be the best option.
You may continue to communicate to me through email but I will only respond if I feel that your request or statements are reasonable.
I hope and wish that you have more peaceful days.
Joseph Slocum
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE Laurie Allen LONG LIST OF CC PLAYERS BELOW EMAIL Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; planner@cityofbelfast.org; Sadie Lloyd; LAURIE Laurie Allen LONG LIST OF CC PLAYERS BELOW EMAIL Subject: Jailed Re: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
BPD Chief McFadden, AG Mills, CM Joe Slocum, CP Wayne Marshall, ACP Sadie Lloyd, Code EO Todd Rosenburg,
Last night @ 6/20 pm, alone, again, BPD came pounding on my door. I do not open the door. They didn't identify themselves and I was just pumping up my music to drown the terror out. Then, blue lights flashing, spotlights into my living room, megaphone shouting for me to come out. I opened the window to 3 of them, with red recording body cams to McFadden. Ordered me to get outside or they'd bust my door down to arrest me. OK. Let me get out of my PJ's, feed my dogs and I was good to go.
Cuffed me in metal cuffs, behind my 115 lb, 5'2" 57 year old frame and took me to the pokey.in the K9 unit with the puppy who couldn't detect a bong hit of Maine Mary Juana it I blew it in his cute snout. They hit me with more CH notices from fur trapper Mike Hurely anywhere and his hole, Belfast City Hall, Belfast PD. Again forcing me to sign and refusing to give me the original signed as stated on the form. I still haven't got the stinking one from Cameron or who knows who. Last night I kept requesting the originals. They get the copies. No. They asked me if I wanted to sign 8 originals for me and them. Yes. They said no. Take the copies or not. Fine. They did not give me copies regardless of at least 4 requests during my 2 hours as a first time arrested Joi Z jail bird.
The bailiff came and for witness, I asked for the copies again to all of them. Baliff said it wasn't on my personal belongings list. What? The 2 others said they'd get the copies right away. I said you lied and tricked me again, being kind to me and screwing me. I told them to just be mean to me, status quo.
After 20 minutes, still no copies. They told me they had been sent down to the BPD where I am forbidden to go. Told me coppers were bringing them over to jail. After almost another 1/2 hour, I said buh-bye. Have the coppers come to my house as they love to do and deliver the copies. No. Got home 5 minutes later, they called and said they were just delivered. I have to come back to jail. I don't think so. Nothing is legal.
Yesterday, 23 Seaview Terrace was back to trespassing onto my property again and again, violating again and again, their CH against me, terrorizing and talking directly to me, and issuing me summons #2. No doubt with Judge Patty Worth. Ew. Then, I went to City Hall to pay my taxes. Fur Trapper was standing outside Alexia's. I had my window down, he looked at me and I said Ew.
I can't go to City Hall to pay my taxes. Jail told me I had to call CM Slocum to get permission to come to City Hall to pay my taxes. I called today, got Nora McGrath. She said Slocum was in a meeting and said to mail it. No, postal service has been tampering my mail since 2011. Still waiting for Slocum to call me to let me come into City Hall to pay my taxes that are due tomorrow. As I told McFadden, y'all can't even do corruption well.
I told the above to Amy Flood and said I'll do the drop in City Hall when Slocum sends it in writing that I may pay my stinkin' taxes. She suggested having my only friend come in for me. No. They keep trying to alienate my last friend.
I have yet to see the deed transfer to who ever may own 23 Seaview Terrace. They are building out of compliance full throttle, no planning board approval, or abutter notice to me. No response for months to CP Marshall and Code Rosenburg to issue violation, cease and desist to building on 23 Seaview Terrace. CA Bill Kelly reprensent them privately and sent me a threatening letter to allow the taking of my boat, pay for a fence for them and his fees. Conflict of interest no legal matter.
1. Send in writing that all BPD original signed notices pertaining to me are waiting for a video witness receipt at the BPD hand delivered by McFadden to me.
2. Send in writing that my FOIA for all BPD's documentation and video on me is ready, same procedure as #1.
3. Issue a violation, cease and desist building and all violations, civil rights to theft and destruction of property, etc. to 23 Seaview Terrace, emailing all details to me and violating parties.
4. Email when I can come into City Hall to pay my taxes.
2. Send in writing that my FOIA for all BPD's documentation and video on me is ready, same procedure as #1.
3. Issue a violation, cease and desist building and all violations, civil rights to theft and destruction of property, etc. to 23 Seaview Terrace, emailing all details to me and violating parties.
4. Email when I can come into City Hall to pay my taxes.
Laurie Allen
Laurie Allen
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov; colin@colinwoodard.com
October 28, 2017
Corrupt prior Belfast Planning Board Chair, Paul Hamilton, with corrupt current planning board Wayne Corey and new player on board, Mark Dullea.
Paul Hamilton,Wayne Corey, and Mark Dullea to Northport Avenue LLC
Northport Ave is my neighborhood and MaineHealth/WCGH taking and blasting, no questions asked.
Mark has the company to do up the taking. In 2012, Wayne Corey biked past me as I was protesting outside the Belfast PD and Left Bank Books. Olympia Snowe? George Mitchell?- both came to Belfast to promote their stinking books on democracy. Both took the back door out from scary me. Corey stops and says - Someone should hire you, you work so hard. I can't help you with us flooding, taking and wiping out your property through inverse condemnation, but I can charge you up the ying yang to restore the ravine with dirt, rocks, and DEP permits, that you don't need, but we are going to break you but good Mom. And your kids too. He's got 9? kids to use to suck them and his system dry think he has some PHd in physics too. Right O. Some Belfast Dad's. Ew.
October 24, 2017
Me @ open to the public, Tuesday,October 13, 2017. Three Tides owner David Carlson was there. He and all were in shock.

Same cc's as below.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 8:19 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN; Michael Rolerson
Cc: same cc's as below
Subject: 11thRe: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Attorney General Janet Mills,
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
Here's another video with Chief McFadden telling me I can't stay. I don't think so. After I left, I did the same at the harbor, center of town, City Hall, Front Street Shipyard, Front Street Pub (Officer John Gibbs is a "secret" partner owner- he tried to issue me an illegal summons, banging away at my door. Yesterday I walked up the road with my boyfriend, 2 cops car came immediately to his house where we were standing outside. Guba forced me to sign the illegal summons. Guessing it's Mark Cameron, the one assaulting my property, threatening me, cursing at me, hating me, clearly hate crime after crime).
When will you respond. They are escalating, following me and chasing me each time that I rarely go out. I'm going out all the time now.
October 23,2017
Filed complaint with the FBI today for hate crimes and civil rights violations, 7 years and counting, every second by the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall. This email was sent to them with the entire thread below. Same cc's.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same cc's in thread below
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 10:04 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: same cc's in thread below
Subject: 10th Re: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney General Janet Mills,
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
from www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.
https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights... Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
Since 2011, you have refused to investigate absolute criminal documented FOIA violations and every Civil Rights Act of Maine and USA constitutions by Belfast City Hall and Belfast Police Department. Escalating to hate crimes and terrorizing, every second of my life for the past 6 months. This hour and a half movie is only one and a half hours of 7 years of mob mentality by the same.
from www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 11:00 am, for at least the 20th time, Belfast Police Department came to my house to terrorize me, including my children (Chief McFadden and then officer Wendell Ward came after me 3 times alone to tell me that I should be concerned for my children. I'm told Officer Ward is now Chief McFadden's porn State Police internet prior position. Endless crimes with McFadden's secret snitch brother-in-law, the Belfast Time Warner Cable/Spectrum tech, Tom entering private homes and computers to take out their problems by the minute. Judge Patricia Worth is evil, lawless and orders hate crimes and civil rights that are deadly.)
Officer John Gibbs (also silent partner of the Front Street Pub) came banging and banging on my front door for 10 minutes. Gibbs had a many papers with him. In this thread, I specifically cite that I will come to the Belfast Department to be recorded by the station and a body cam. Again violating FOIA and civil rights.
The Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall add the hate and terror by enlisting civilians at 23 Seaview Terrace (abutting my property) to perform hate crimes, terrorize and violate possibly all civil rights by the Belfast Police Department's hit man, big, violent, heavily connected, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving.
I have filed a Hate Crimes and Civil Rights Crimes against the Belfast Police Department and Belfast City Hall.
... Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, the Bureau became authorized to investigate these crimes without this prohibition. This landmark legislation also expanded the role of the FBI to allow for the investigation of hate crimes committed against those based on biases of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or gender....
A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.
https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights... Title 42, U.S.C., Section 14141 makes it unlawful for state or local law enforcement agencies to allow officers to engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives persons of rights protected by the Constitution or U.S. laws. This law, commonly referred to as the Police Misconduct Statute, gives the Department of Justice authority to seek civil remedies in cases where law enforcement agencies have policies or practices that foster a pattern of misconduct by employees. This action is directed against an agency, not against individual officers. The types of issues which may initiate a pattern and practice investigation include:
- Lack of supervision/monitoring of officers’ actions;
- Lack of justification or reporting by officers on incidents involving the use of force;
- Lack of, or improper training of, officers; and
- Citizen complaint processes that treat complainants as adversaries.
October 18, 2017 below
To see the short claw list of the Mobstah Lobstah's click the page link below. Belfast Judge Patricia Worth/Husband, Chief McFadden, Mike Hurley, Jay Davis, the mob goes on and on....
Maybe now the serial rapist empire of Dr. Donald Lombardi will fall, saving 10's of thousands girls, boys, animals, surely anything goes with this "healthcare" rape, silence, torture, kill real time, by the second, for over 57 years that I can first hand account for. http://boycottbelfast.blogspot.com/2017/07/dr-donald-lombardi-phd-serial-rapist.html
1/4/2012-present All my short clips of heaven, hell and love on my youtube channel https://youtu.be/Egw1ltvtY7c
October 18, 2017 below M&M KIDS THREE MUSKETEERS
1997 Exit 9, South River Rat, New Jersey 08882
2017 Meathead Belfast-Augusta & All Fat Encasing
October 18, 2017
I was going to last night's Belfast City Council meeting to speak at open to the public for at least the 100th time in 7 years. I am so very sorry to Carol and Roy. I will apologize publicly when I believe I can get home, less than 2 miles away, heavily populated and patrolled, no matter for law, they've been hunting and terrorizing me and my loved ones since selling me undisclosed hell. Status Quo Belfast. Shhh. Sell hell to another. Not Exit 9 Joi Z.
Around 3pm yesterday, banging, banging, banging on my glass front door again. Belfast City Police. Do not disturb, do not trespass again without a warrant and body camera. 3 thugs next door yesterday. All wanting to hurt me. Big meathead, Mark Cameron, Cameron Paving, Lincolnville Maine history (Cameron Mountain, Camden Hills State Park). His meathead fleet of ego and take, paving trucks, don't come here anymore. Instead, unmarked trucks with mob mentality.
New mental meat yesterday, Meathead #3. Also violating the cease harassment notice issued by Meathead #1 and service/contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace. Who owns this property, sneaky deal to keep it out of the paper Deeds or does Karen Caswell still own it? All 3 were ganging up on me as I taped silently. As I walking on the City right of way, 20 ft from my house, #3 was telling me that I was trespassing, #1 & #2 trespassed onto my property several times yesterday and always. Meat #2 was stalking and filming me, giving me the finger again and again. Meat #3 walked passed me hitting my shoulder. He again, aggressively marched onto my property and clubbed in a wooden stake. I took it and placed it on 23 Seaview Terrace and stood on my boundary line. Meat #1 pushed himself up against me, holding his club, pressing it into my leg and giving me a threat. Again, for the 15th time? in 5 months. Earlier he told me I'd better fucking stop. I spit on the ground 3 times yesterday. He told me to stop spitting on his fucking stake. I did not spit on his scuzzy stake. Meat # 2, calling me the Crazy Bitch on this video. He should check his fundies. After copper got no answer, all the meat had a pow wow in the street and left.

McFadden deleted this video too. Bastard. My filing cease harassment.
2nd video of my filing a cease harassment notice BELFAST (MAINE) POLICE DEPARTMENT . Chief McFadden has access to all computers. He has deleted and taken parts out of my youtube video's.
Me @ open to the public, Tuesday. 3 Tides owner David Carlson was there. He and all were in schock.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN; ceo@cityofbelfast.org
Cc: same as below
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:09 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN; ceo@cityofbelfast.org
Cc: same as below
Subject: 9thRe: 8th Stinking RequestRe: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Maine Attorney Janet Mills and Belfast Code Todd Rosenburg,
Chief McFadden refuses to give me my signed original cease harassment by Mark Cameron and his service/contractors for 23 Seaview Terrace, Belfast. He refused my pleads for a cease harassment against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace. Here is where I went to the station and filled out the form. McFadden removed this video from my youtube channel Corruption Belfast Maine. He also edited Officer Rolerson removing my Bubbles sign on my property, my facts of all the property corruption from Belfast City Hall to all real estate agents and owners, Karen Caswell, my clear title, my clear 1994 survey of 17 and 23, the original Waldo County deeded registry 1965 and 1966 development plans for Seaview Terrace. Given to me in 11/2011 by Belfast City Tax Assessor Bob Whitely. He gave me public information that Beflast City Hall removed from the registry, scammed me for 7 years for FOIA documents to my property and Seaview Terrace. I never got one 100 times requested document, just a Belfast Mobstah Lobstah boatload of scum, 100 times. Rolerson
Rolerson flat out, harassing me with the Cameron clan and KIDS! I told him 3 times to issue an order of protection against 23. McFadden never responded to at least 10 emails beginning 5 months ago for an order of protection against 23. Never telling me to try a cease harassment notice first. Well hello. They have violated their own cease harassment notice against me. And terrorizing me as a hate crime. Right here in this video today. https://youtu.be/dDLVg6ftsRI He also trespassed onto my property several times to drive in a property stake. I finally pulled it out and placed it on the grass, next to 23. He grabbed it and came aggressively disturbed onto my property again. I told him to get off my property, he said it is not my property. I told him to get off. He stood there with hate in his eyes and left. Then he threw the stake onto my property. I tossed it over to 23. He would hurt me. He will hurt me.
23 Seaview Terrace is not in compliance with the 1994 20 ft. side setback Belfast Code Ordinance. The concrete floor garage is right on my property line. Some crazy real estate agent claiming to be Cameron's agent who sold them 23 Seaview Terrace (I don't think so. It has not been printed in the Republican Journal or Pen Bay Pilot Deeds. Either Karen Caswell still owns it or she made some corrupt deal like she keeps the title and sells out for $1. Judge Patricia Worth would have drawn out the scam.) came hurdling onto my property, yelling and refusing to get off. She is not well. I walked away and into my garage where I would have closed the door if she tried to enter. https://youtu.be/7Fu8ITHQP2c
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
- Then, witness a cease harassment notice against all parties of 23 Seaview Terrace and the crazy real estate agent. I don't know her name but could pick her out in a lineup.
- Then, I will file an order of protection against them same and am asking you to request conflict of interest with Judge Patricia Worth against me, and another Judge.
- Then, you can advise me of all the violations that the Attorney General will take action against Belfast City Hall and real estate agents and owners.
I went to post the McFadden edited youtube video of Rolerson and now's he's sick enough to have removed it completely. No matter, I have plenty of originals for all my truth. He has also removed my video filing the cease harassment against 23 at the BPD. He has removed my blogs by causing the system to crash or freeze, several hundred hours of blogging and doing it again and again. McFadden being a pro at internet porn as a State detective, with his TWC brother-in-law Tom. Tom recently posed as the Spectrum tech, trying to get into my house. I refused him. Spectrum came down the next day from Ellsworth- all corrupt here, Wadlo & Knox. Worth territory. He ripped out my entire system. He was a prior cop. I asked him why all were driving around in spankin' Spectrum trucks and Tom was here yesterday, beat up clothes in a beat up TWC truck, did he even work for Spectrum anymore? No comment from Spectrum.
I'll have to upload the video's to youtube and add the BPD station where I filed the cease. Please ff my movie to 33 minutes- that is where Rolerson harasses me, removes my property, and I ask again and again for an order of protection yesterday.
From 33 minutes to 55 minutes is the Rolerson video that McFadden removed.
- Please send a FOIA ombudsmen down (or you) to witness receipt of the cease harassment and all documents, video's, etc. for Laurie Allen.
Attorney General Janet Mills and CEO Todd Rosenburg. Please respond specifically to 1-5 in email by 4pm tomorrow. I will begin the stupid re-requesting if no response.
Laurie Allen
Meathead post below my movie Overview greed, Belfast, Maine 04915- 1 1/2 hours of 1-3 minute clips of only the past 4 months. Shock and awe, take Mom out. Instead, Mother Nature (any love you may call but true divine intervention) has been raining me with gift after gift after gift. Yesterday will blow your socks off. Post to come shortly after Joi Z and Maine Man's itinerary is done. Thank you Mother Nature. But really, stop. It's too much for us. Nah....Do It. I know there's more to your wonder. Yeah girl.
I have a you tube channel with many more but this movie I made below
is from just the past 4 months of 7 years of target and terrorize.
It's a bit over an hour long, but holy shit.
Overview greed. Belfast, Maine. 04915.
Little Laurie Allen With Forgiveness Always.
October 12, 2017
Pee Wee is once again, refusing to respond. 8th stinking requesting now. CC's have been cc'd for 7 years and counting.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com
Cc: glenn.greenwald@theintercept.com; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor; Michael Rolerson; planner@cityofbelfast.org; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; info@realtyofmaine.com; slloyd@cityofbelfast.org; citymanager@cityofbelfast.org; garryconklin@roadrunner.com; jb@frontstreetshipyard.com; tmailloux@wcgh.org; belfastmaine@gmail.com; bre@ourtownbelfast.org; cgood1@roadrunner.com; info@coastalmountains.org; info@maillouxmarden.com; info@belfastlibrary.org; erirish@belfastlibrary.org; snorman@belfastlibrary.org; einstein@toast.net; email@hartdalemaps.com; info@pica.is; support@gameloft.com; julieww@adelphia.net; ned.lightner@gmail.com; michael.cunning2@gmail.com; minister@uubelfast.org; marchas@sitestar.net; office@firstchurchinbelfast.org; info@waterfallarts.org; kimberly@belfastcreativecoalition.org; info@mainefarmlandtrust.org; bbwc2016@gmail.com; info@rjpmidcoast.org; info@waldocountyhabitat.org; beth.callahan@maine.gov; kpooler@cityofbelfast.org; treasurer@cityofbelfast.org; cityclerk@cityofbelfast.org; Karen.L.Bivins@maine.gov; f.lehmanea@gmail.com; neal@nealparent.com; madeline@mtaaccounting.com; abowen@allenif.com; jrossignol@allenif.com; ldavis@allenif.com; sboguen@cityofbelfast.org; contact@meanwhile-in-belfast.com; heating@midcoast.com; info@mcleodfurniturestore.com; fitme@citydrawers.com; info@loyalbiscuit.com; deb@outonawhimsy.com; info@frontstreetpub.com; david@3tides.com; info@belmontboatworks.com; thomasfowlerpe@gmail.com; senatorthibodeau@aol.com; belfastbikes@earthlink.net; kathleenkearns@gmail.com; crabapplecole@icloud.com; crabiel71@gmail.com; charlie.grey@rsu71.org; news@pressherald.com; aobrien@freepressonline.com; bholbrook@courierpublicationsllc.com; bholbrook@villagesoup.com; ethankingcole@gmail.com; gooddeeds@wemapit.com; Gregory Stearns; wabi@wabi.tv; news@penbaypilot.com; news@villagesoup.com; acurtis@bangordailynews.com; robert.a.williams@maine.gov; john.e.cote@maine.gov; christopher.grotton@maine.gov; brian.p.scott@maine.gov; carol.tompkins@maine.gov; managerasst@cityofbelfast.org; publicworks@cityofbelfast.org; nealharkness@gmail.com; sue.baker@maine.gov; emadirector@waldocountyme.gov
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
On my 7th request to BPD Chief McFadden to give me the original signed cease harassment notice issued AGAINST ME by Mark Cameron, massive meathead Cameron Paving, big meat in Waldo County. I am sure that the meathead family and "trust" did NOT buy the abutting property. But the original owner, Karen Caswell may have seasoned the meat with old Caswell Waldo County doctoring. Her father in-law, Dr. Caswell was the original owner of my house and the abutting lot where he built a concrete floor garage on the property line and NEVER subdivided.
That lot is not in compliance with Belfast code- 20 ft side set back from property line to build, with planning board approval. Code officer, Todd Rosenburg refuses to acknowledge violation. Real estate agents can't sell this property, so how can the meatheads own it? All are implicated and owned. Karen, an acting church mouse, life long nutritionist at the devastating Waldo County General Hospital is a sad case. For 7 years, I was always respectful and helpful to her as she lied to me, trespassed onto my property and had me believing it was hers. Until she called the coppers on me for trimming a tree on MY property. Pee Wee McFadden sent Juba for that one too, with another copper. Pee Wee true to thugging, refused to give me that report too. Instead telling me that he sent it to the DA to press charges against me. Idiot.
PS- WCGH Board is stacked with intestinal casings www.04915.blogspot.com .
Now Pee Wee is trying to mail me false documents, following 7 years of the same from Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Tax Assessor Brent Martin and Belfast City Attorney Bill Kelly also hired as the private attorney to Cameron Meat Clan to terrorize me (7 years and counting with City Hall and anyone wanting me to break- most of downtown Belfast to Disgusta Augusta). With Belfast City Council, 50 years and counting, infecting current council Mary Miss Piggy Mortier, FU Mike Hurley, Milk Toast Eric Sanders, Bridge Troll Neal Harkness and Waste High Weanie John Arrison. Ew.
I don't think so Pee Wee. The cease harassment notice is mandatory to give me my original signed notice right after I signed it. Juba did not. He told me to come down to the police department for my notice. It's been over 4 weeks that the stinkin' meat rots and refuses. With the support of Attorney General Janet Mills and Belfast master meat, the Worth's- Judge Patricia Worth, equal evil hubbie, John Worth. His mommy was the mayor of Belfast in the 80's, daddy big military brass, amassing asses.
Same cc's on emails (7 years and counting)
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: RE: 5thRe: 4thRe: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
Ms. Allen,
Your FOAA request has been processed and is ready for delivery. We will be mailing it to your home address at 17 Seaview Tr.
Thank you for your patience while we processed your request.
Chief McFadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:03 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; LAURIE ALLEN
Please respond immediately. Below was sent @ 1:09 pm. It's now 3:32 pm. Please.
Pee Wee is once again, refusing to respond. 8th stinking requesting now.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; Jonathan Guba; laurieallen55@msn.com
No. Do not mail them. Must video my signed original cease harassment notices from Mark Cameron and the contractors @ 23 Seaview Terrace FIRST. HAND DELIVERED TO ME BY CHIEF MCFADDEN. THEN ALL DOCUMENTS AND VIDEO'S ON MY BPD FILE- LAURIE ALLEN 17 SEAVIEW TERRACE 6/1/2010 TO PRESENT.
Please respond today, Chief Mcfadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Michael McFadden; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Governor
Subject: FOIA Original Cease Harrasment & my records
Chief McFadden,
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
Officer Guba did not give me the original cease harassment notice that he had me sign. He told me to come to the station for it. I went today. The receptionist asked me if I got it when I signed for it. I said no. She was having trouble finding it in the computer. She said there were many notices against me. I said that I have only signed one and that I want all of the original notices against me. She resisted giving me any information. I asked for you. She said you were not in today. I asked who was next in charge. She resisted. Finally, she told me Officer Fitzpatrick. I told her that I wanted to speak to him. She resisted. Finally, she left her desk. Fitzpatrick would not speak to me because Guba came out. He gave me 2 copies of the cease harassment notice. I told him I want the original as it states on the form. Guba said that I am not getting the original.
This FOIA is for:
- The 2 original cease harassment notice that Guba had me sign, provide today and respond to this email when this is ready.
- All Belfast Police Department records on me (video, documents, etc.), by Monday 10/02/17 and respond to this email when this is ready.
Laurie Allen
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915
Ms. Allen,
I received your Freedom of Access Act Request. Please take this email as my acknowledgement that I have received your request.
I will contact you when copies of the documents you've requested are made and ready for you to pick up.
Chief McFadden.
Subject: Re: FOIA Original Cease Harassment & my records
September 26, 2017
Kill Me or Back Off Chief McFadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:07 PM
To: Michael McFadden; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Subject: Re: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
You continue to hunt me. If I had a gun, I would be dead from you and scores of others. Agents will not sell my house or sell me another. All cc's have saw my signs on my SUV , driving through town, for over 2 years now. After Belfast City Council called me in as threat in 2011, I thought you were true. I have years of emails to you asking if what I was going to do was law breaking. You never responded to any of them.
I do not fear dying for this. Do it or back off. Damn straight that I ran into my house. Jon came flying up, warp speed to unbuckle. It was scary a lot. You will not kill my children's mother. I know Jon will be the the best officer on the planet. Because of this.
I do not fear dying for this. Do it or back off. Damn straight that I ran into my house. Jon came flying up, warp speed to unbuckle. It was scary a lot. You will not kill my children's mother. I know Jon will be the the best officer on the planet. Because of this.
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:40 PM
Subject: RE: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Ms. Allen,
While I wish not to enter into a debate with you on the law, I will however provide you with the title and section number of the violation Officer Guba noticed the day he attempted to make contact with you. Should you continue to ignore our attempts to resolve this issue and operate any motor vehicle with obstructed windows we will most certainly take enforcement actions.
Title 29A Subsection 2082. Windows
1. Obstructions. A person may not operate a vehicle with a sign, poster, opaque or semitransparent material or substance on the front windshield, side wing or side or rear window that obstructs the operator's clear view of the way or an intersecting way.
2. Objects. A person may not operate a motor vehicle with an object placed or hung in or on the vehicle, other than the required or provided equipment of the vehicle, in a manner that obstructs or interferes with the view of the operator through the windshield or prevents the operator from having a clear and full view of the road and condition of traffic.
Chief McFadden
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 4:45 PM
To: Michael McFadden; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Re: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 4:45 PM
To: Michael McFadden; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: Re: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
You should have called immediately. My sign covers ONLY the back of the Super King cab window. All 4, huge windows, 3 huge rear
view mirrors, back up camera and the mere fact that I am moving straight ahead to home. No, I don't buy this one either. Keep away from me please.
Is it illegal in Belfast to drive with my back Super King Cab covered. Of course, but please do tell by 5 pm today. Please forgive and respect yourself.
AG Mills- Please forward this to the FBI for boatloads of civil rights violations over 7 years. You have been copied on all for 7 years. Please respond immediately- re-requesting is stupid and redundant. Please confirm FBI communication via email. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
view mirrors, back up camera and the mere fact that I am moving straight ahead to home. No, I don't buy this one either. Keep away from me please.
Is it illegal in Belfast to drive with my back Super King Cab covered. Of course, but please do tell by 5 pm today. Please forgive and respect yourself.
AG Mills- Please forward this to the FBI for boatloads of civil rights violations over 7 years. You have been copied on all for 7 years. Please respond immediately- re-requesting is stupid and redundant. Please confirm FBI communication via email. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
From: Michael McFadden <chief@belfastmepd.org>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:14 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: RE: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:14 AM
To: LAURIE ALLEN; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: RE: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Ms. Allen,
The reason Officer John Guba followed you to your home was that while on general patrol he noticed the back window of the truck you were driving was covered with various home made posters. Officer Guba was simply going to ask you to remove the posters from your rear window so the posters wouldn't obstruct your view. Because of the fact that you had turned onto your street Officer Guba felt he didn't need to conduct a formal traffic stop, rather he decided to just have a more casual interaction with you regarding the issue outside your home as he figured that's where you were headed. However rather than asking Officer Guba why he was following you, you actually got out of your truck and ran into your house. Officer Guba, in an attempt not to make a bigger issue out of this than it was, decided not to push the issue and insist on making contact with you at that time so he simply left the area.
Unfortunately your first email regarding this was sent after I had shut down my computer for the evening last Friday. I didn't get any of your emails until this morning when I got to work.
I would ask that you please keep the windows in your vehicle clear of obsructions particularly when you're operating that vehicle on a public way.
Chief McFadden.
The reason Officer John Guba followed you to your home was that while on general patrol he noticed the back window of the truck you were driving was covered with various home made posters. Officer Guba was simply going to ask you to remove the posters from your rear window so the posters wouldn't obstruct your view. Because of the fact that you had turned onto your street Officer Guba felt he didn't need to conduct a formal traffic stop, rather he decided to just have a more casual interaction with you regarding the issue outside your home as he figured that's where you were headed. However rather than asking Officer Guba why he was following you, you actually got out of your truck and ran into your house. Officer Guba, in an attempt not to make a bigger issue out of this than it was, decided not to push the issue and insist on making contact with you at that time so he simply left the area.
Unfortunately your first email regarding this was sent after I had shut down my computer for the evening last Friday. I didn't get any of your emails until this morning when I got to work.
I would ask that you please keep the windows in your vehicle clear of obsructions particularly when you're operating that vehicle on a public way.
Chief McFadden.
From: LAURIE ALLEN [mailto:laurieallen55@msn.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:01 AM
To: Michael McFadden; Jonathan Guba; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
AG Mills- Please forward this to the FBI and advise via email today. Thank you.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 6:23 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 6:23 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
This is terrorism. Please respond immediately. I fear leaving my home.
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:39 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:39 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Belfast Police Chief McFadden and patrolman Guba,
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago. I went into my house and he backed off. Do you have another cease harassment for me or are you just harassing me again. Please advise ASAP, today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago. I went into my house and he backed off. Do you have another cease harassment for me or are you just harassing me again. Please advise ASAP, today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
September 24, 2017
FB post on waterfrontconcerts.com Eric Church and Carly Pearce. Still can't believe it but true. 2nd is more terrororizing ordered by Belfast Police Chief McFadden, City Hall, Attorney General Janet Mills. Will the FBI care or too busy with football players rights? Hope both.
Hi Carly, Eric, and Darling's Waterfront Pavilion. I was there Saturday night, dancing the night away (5'2", long hair, brown ruffle skirt- I danced across the first aisle in front of Eric Church , trying to find my friend. My guy and I were to the left of Eric, a bit up from the beer hut, dancing, Never falling, fun. After an hour or so, security surrounded me. Yelling at me to get out now or get thrown out. OK. Please don't be so angry. A big thug in a blue shirt, dark hair, dark fur- was terrorizing me. My guy was holding back with every ounce and he is some strong (boxer, jiu jitsu, brown belt, on and on). Hundreds saw it as well, I dance some OK. Bet there is video. Lasted for minutes. Then a volunteer sweet young lady came up to me and said she was told to flag me. She cut off my wrist band and drew a big, red X on my hand. During all this, my camera was stolen from my The Mallett Brothers Band lunch box. I have no doubt that anyone from Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's to Augusta to the entire state, saw me and ordered the hit. I want to know who, please. This could have been a riot easy. I'm spinning like a top, entertaining tiny fun and my guy was ready for one hand to touch me. I know terror well and am done with that. Please contact me via FB today. Thank you. www.boycottbelfast.blogspot.com
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 8:35 AM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 8:35 AM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; attorney.general@maine.gov; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton
Subject: 3rd Re: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
AG Mills- Please forward this to the FBI and advise via email today. Thank you.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 6:23 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 6:23 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: 2nd Re: Why did Guba come to my home today.
This is terrorism. Please respond immediately. I fear leaving my home.
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago.
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:39 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:39 PM
To: chief@belfastmepd.org; j.guba@belfastmepd.org; LAURIE ALLEN
Cc: ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; Jeffrey Trafton; attorney.general@maine.gov
Subject: Why did Guba come to my home today.
Belfast Police Chief McFadden and patrolman Guba,
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago. I went into my house and he backed off. Do you have another cease harassment for me or are you just harassing me again. Please advise ASAP, today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
Please tell me why patrolman Guba came to my house about a half hour ago. I went into my house and he backed off. Do you have another cease harassment for me or are you just harassing me again. Please advise ASAP, today. Thank you.
Laurie Allen
September 22, 2017
So Stupid.
September 20, 2017
Dear Gusta Ronson,
This video is the only one that is so difficult to post. You are the only one to tell me the truth about the Caswells and my property. You told me that you hate when people do this, which is epic in Belfast. You are good. How can you do this? To us. To people you know and take their love, the home to be safe in. You hurt me the most. I kept hoping. I keep trying to hope now, but I don't know. Losing hope. No one has ever brought me to this point. I am so sorry that it's you.
September 14, 2017
Wrapping up and done. Below email has not received, any response, from anyone, including cc's. Status Quo 7 years and counting. Facebook had to go. Was hard hitting the unfriend button to all, but then it got easier and now, it's all good. Below can keep destroying Maine or not. I'm done with all. Thank you and you're welcome.
I'll unfriend everyone. Any wanting to say that's enough, the USA is not overtaking America. Send me a friend request. Sure would love a friend to be true with.
September 13, 2017
From: LAURIE ALLEN <laurieallen55@msn.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Laurie Allen; Michael McFadden; planner@cityofbelfast.org; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com
Subject: Re: 23,22Re: 21stRe: 20th Re: 4th Re: 3rdRe: 2nd Re: Per attached 6 months of terror, issue Cease Harassment Notice/All & Agent 23 Seaview Terrace
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 2:07 PM
To: Laurie Allen; Michael McFadden; planner@cityofbelfast.org; ceo@cityofbelfast.org; assessor@cityofbelfast.org; ward3councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward5@cityofbelfast.org; ward4councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward2councilor@cityofbelfast.org; ward1councilor@cityofbelfast.org; mayor@cityofbelfast.org; gooddeeds@wemapit.com
Subject: Re: 23,22Re: 21stRe: 20th Re: 4th Re: 3rdRe: 2nd Re: Per attached 6 months of terror, issue Cease Harassment Notice/All & Agent 23 Seaview Terrace
Dear s.keller (@https://www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html?_ga=2.206934426.889520059.1505324151-204956985.1505158193 , Larrabee Plumbing, Belfast Maine, and VIP guy, Belfast Maine,
thank you with all my love.
Little Laurie Allen
To You,
#1- Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden - You and you alone sent our protection to do your filth. This beautiful kid, reading me the cease harassment. Issue the cease harassment against the owners/all trust and related entities and that wack job real estate agent. Forgive yourself and fix it and get the hell out. Take your Queen and Kin Pins Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's Judge Patricia Worthless and John Worthless III with you.
#2- Belfast Tax Assessor Brent Martin- You and you alone were hired to take out Seaview Terrace and ... You try. For at least 1 year you have refused to share your plans for approx. 12 changes to Seaview Terrace. You were in cahoots, refusing to put my property footage, ass es 101 back on the tap max. Please put my footage back on the tax maps and get out.
#3- Good Deeds owner and hating exactly this. Gusta Ronson- Please replace the capped stakes to the original 1965 development plans for Seaview Terrace. All properties. Bill Shitty Hall. Thank you. You should stay.
#4- Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall- You and you alone. Get all of your stinkin' water out of Seaview Terrace. Replace all the Waldo County Deeded registry with the original documents prior to deep 66 and mylar bullshit that a 5 year old could draw better. You have confirmed that NO property changes have been made to Seaview Terrace since the original 1965 plans for Seaview Terrace. Then, get out.
#5- Belfast Code Enforcement Officer Todd Rosenburg- You and you alone- 7 years of being owned that I have documented, first hand with the rest of the Mobstah Lobstah's. 23 Seaview Terrace is full throttle building perhaps that methadone clinic courtesy of Judge Patricia Worth , no matter. I have never received an abutter notice to voice my concerns. Please do your job that we pay you to do. Order 23 Seaview Terrace to cease and desist development and take down the garage. It is right on my boundary line and breaking 1994 ordinance of 20 ft side set back. Then, get out.
#6- Belfast City Council Mary Mortier, Mike Hurley, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Neal Harkness and Mayor Walter Ash- Please fire all the collars of Belfast Shitty Hall and then, get out.
Belfast is where it can begin or not. Independent true residents for City Council and independent over site committee's. That simple. You and you alone own all those volunteering to help make Belfast Belfast. You scummed them. They are good. You are not.
Here's my movie. Let's Roll. Yo Todd Beamer.
thank you with all my love.
Little Laurie Allen
To You,
#1- Belfast Police Chief Michael McFadden - You and you alone sent our protection to do your filth. This beautiful kid, reading me the cease harassment. Issue the cease harassment against the owners/all trust and related entities and that wack job real estate agent. Forgive yourself and fix it and get the hell out. Take your Queen and Kin Pins Belfast Mobstah Lobstah's Judge Patricia Worthless and John Worthless III with you.
#2- Belfast Tax Assessor Brent Martin- You and you alone were hired to take out Seaview Terrace and ... You try. For at least 1 year you have refused to share your plans for approx. 12 changes to Seaview Terrace. You were in cahoots, refusing to put my property footage, ass es 101 back on the tap max. Please put my footage back on the tax maps and get out.
#3- Good Deeds owner and hating exactly this. Gusta Ronson- Please replace the capped stakes to the original 1965 development plans for Seaview Terrace. All properties. Bill Shitty Hall. Thank you. You should stay.
#4- Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall- You and you alone. Get all of your stinkin' water out of Seaview Terrace. Replace all the Waldo County Deeded registry with the original documents prior to deep 66 and mylar bullshit that a 5 year old could draw better. You have confirmed that NO property changes have been made to Seaview Terrace since the original 1965 plans for Seaview Terrace. Then, get out.
#5- Belfast Code Enforcement Officer Todd Rosenburg- You and you alone- 7 years of being owned that I have documented, first hand with the rest of the Mobstah Lobstah's. 23 Seaview Terrace is full throttle building perhaps that methadone clinic courtesy of Judge Patricia Worth , no matter. I have never received an abutter notice to voice my concerns. Please do your job that we pay you to do. Order 23 Seaview Terrace to cease and desist development and take down the garage. It is right on my boundary line and breaking 1994 ordinance of 20 ft side set back. Then, get out.
#6- Belfast City Council Mary Mortier, Mike Hurley, Eric Sanders, John Arrison, Neal Harkness and Mayor Walter Ash- Please fire all the collars of Belfast Shitty Hall and then, get out.
Belfast is where it can begin or not. Independent true residents for City Council and independent over site committee's. That simple. You and you alone own all those volunteering to help make Belfast Belfast. You scummed them. They are good. You are not.
Here's my movie. Let's Roll. Yo Todd Beamer.
Little Laurie Allen With Forgiveness Always.
September 11, 2011 - September 11, 2017
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