Chief Lincoln, ADA Entwisle, and A G Frey,
On 9/15/2020, I tried to file this lawsuit to Dr. Donald Lombardi at Waldo Judiciary and was given a 4 page, Civil Summary Sheet, CV-001, Rev. 07/20.
I was too nervous to fill it out in this place of corruption and stripping of my rights, life, and all I do. I should have because the first time I was outside in the front of my house, watering my lawn, on 9/25/2020, I saw David Smith filming me with his iPhone from his backyard. I said nothing and then saw a BPD cruisers come up Seaview Terror. I dropped the hose, water running and ran for safety into my house. Locked the door and jammed a chair in and ran to the back door and jammed it with the stick.
Officer Megan Trubizo (sp?), pounded on my door for at least 3 hours, trying to get me outside. I did not violate anything or break any laws. History proved that they were going to cuff and kidnap me into the unknown again to silence me.
Dr. Donald Lombardi, faculty at Stevens Institue has power and the military. This lawsuit is life threatening for me, alone and taken for all they want. They broke my door down and the big, raging cop took stance, with his loaded gun pointed at me, yelling at me, hands up, I did, then yelling to hit the floor and spread. I did in a set. He came in me, jammed the metal cuffs on and up my backe, yelling that he has had enough of my"shit".
I never said a word and feared for my life. My 17 year old beagle, Gordon was shaking to death. He has seen this many times before and this time, without Stewie, his son. Stewie died last year after MPBN VP Charles Beck had me cuffed and kidnapped into pyscho hell for 2 months. Judge Mary Kelly forced suicidal meds on me . I survive but the heartbreak of such cruelty to my babies is unbearable.
My brother George Allen, refused to take Gordon but did enter my house and didn't lock the door or give a damn for us. Status quo. Gordon was put into a shelter, then became a ward of the State. My family, not George, paid to have Gordon transferred to a kennel until?
I was taken to Waldo Corrections on 9/25/2020. No charges given because there were none, never have been. All fabricated. I would later learn that I appeared on a police blogger of being in violation of parole in Bangor! I haven't left Belfast to Bangor since COVID in March.
Then, I drove to zoom with Hillary Stewart (she from home) and me, unannounced to Acady because of phone hacking to previous therapy calls to make me in violation of parole to take me out to silence. That is what the plan was this time but failed because I would not come out of my house. My Court date for this hell is 12/8.
I was kidnapped to Somerset Jail until 9/30/2020, the contract with Waldo Corrections expired. I was taken back to Waldo, to Knox County Jail. Three jails in one day. I was never told the charges and still don't. ADA Entwisle has not given me the discovery where others are fabricated and changed again and again, Illegal and criminal.
Knox County Jail began hacking my phone calls and refused to let me make calls from the booking phone as others could do, no problem. At the first video hearing, Judge Murray tried to force an attorney on me. Illegal to deny my rights pro Se. I presented the facts of police hate on steroids, color of law violations, court corruption, fabrication, and Judge Murray shut the video screen off. I kept presenting my case and an attorney appeared on the screen. I refused to deal with him and went back to my cell of drug addicts, withdrawing and volatile
Knox Jail is like a dormatory. Rooms, hall, bathroom, and common area. Within 2 weeks, these young women, detoxing with Suboxone, stating that this really got them high, became too hostile to me.
I had the guards put me into isolation, not even a light, table or chair. Better than the evils of Suboxone.
I was notified of another video hearing with Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle. I spent hours and hours on the dark jail cell floor and wrote out my defense to the unknown. I presented the whole tale if parole violation fabrication. Time is ticking, parolees is up in 9/2021 and I do not violate anything or anyone. They come after me. Proven many times. With my brother. He is not well. Alcohol does not help him. Scotch. Hard.
I made Judge Murray and ADA Entwisle listen to all. Judge Murray gave the time I presented. One hour, fast speaking and facts. Charged not a discovery were given or presented. The jail was full and Judge Murray said he couldn't find reason to hold me in jail till the 12/8 court date. He said because it's a class E, I was to be placed on house arrest and shackled again. No charges given. Gordon had to be taxied home, costing$100 on top of the boarding and shelter fees, over $500. He has been bleeding with diarrhea. I found whole shelled peanuts in my backyard and don't know if he has been poisoned or has cancer or is so traumatized. I can't leave my property, not to even have milk it stinking lettuce. No one helps me. All are afraid. I understand and want nothing but to be cleared of all, including the felon fabrication fear of terrorizing corrupt City officials. $1 million dollars for countless murder attempts, in court bondage.
This is so despicable and blatant that it must be my rapist, decorated and accommodated to hell. Dr. Donald Lombardi. I am mailing the civil lawsuit form in today's noon mail.Waldo Judiciary is one to two miles straight down but I am shackled and not allowed to live free. It will be there tomorrow and I will send it to Waldo County Clerk, Brooke Otis and call her tomorrow to confirm receipt and time frame.
Chief Lincoln has had my witness statement (1rst page attached to this email for reference) since 6/9/2020. To my knowledge, neither he or ADA Entwisle had taken any action for drug rape of Laurie Allen, 1/1980, by AHS manager and my Middlesex County College professor, Dr. Donald Lombardi. There is no filing charges not statutes for rape in the State of Maine.
Laurie Allen
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:36 AM
To: same recipients as above
Subject: $1 lwst Dr Donald Lombardi 1980-...Drug Rapist
September 15,2020
Waldo Unified Courts
Market St.
Belfast, Maine 04915
Brooke Otis County Clerk
I, Laurie Lee Allen, pro Se charge Dr. Donald Lombardi, Steven's Institute, NJ with drug raping Laurie Lee Allen in January, 1980.
This link is my Google photo album of my witness statement to BPD, my 2009 resume, my false psychiatric evaluation from Acadia No.
Lights, Bangor, Me.
All my home access to Internet has been fried by ? and I must use my iPhone with ONLY Verizon. ADA Entwisle has been lying to make me a felon, fabricating charges since 2017 to date. He is trying to silence me with a title 15 Mainehealth Psych. Eval., to stop my 1rst amendment rights, Freedom of Speech and my life. He was denied restricting me from ALL internet access.
Therefore, printing is not possible. I hope to file this with Brooke Otis today
I do not have a home address for Dr. Donald Lombardi but he is at the Steven's Institute, 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030 phone 201-216-5000
Thank you.
Laurie Allen, pro Se
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast, Me. 04915