
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Boycott Journey To Son's Graduation

Please leave a comment for any postings that  may have legal issues. I am just an ignorant, poverty stricken mom posting corruption, abuse and awareness. The corrupt take offense and have the defense to mash me like a potato. Like nature, I eventually spud again. Or not. Potato, potatah, I try.

Thibodeau a proven leader

John Krueger could not have been further off base in his criticism of Senate President Mike Thibodeau in his June 24 BDN letter to the editor.
First, Krueger expressed concern that the moderator of the Northport annual meeting introduced the Senate president as “someone compared to Paul LePage and Donald Trump.” It was clear to everyone present — with the possible exception of Krueger — that the moderator, who has a history of friendly banter with Thibodeau, was joking.
Anyone who knows anything about Thibodeau could tell Krueger that he is, first and foremost, concerned about the people he represents in Waldo County. During the previous legislative session, he fought to keep the municipal revenue sharing program intact to keep local property taxes low. He has been a tireless advocate for business expansion in Waldo County and the entire state. He led the way in increasing funding for our nursing homes and to combat the heroin crisis by putting more law enforcement on the streets and expanding treatment for addicts.
Thibodeau is a proven leader, and we are very fortunate to have him representing us in Augusta.
It becomes clear at the end of Krueger’s letter that it’s nothing more than a partisan appeal for votes. But as a member of Senate president’s staff, and as a woman, I can tell you that Thibodeau makes everyone who works for him feel appreciated, valued and, most of all, proud.
Dorothy Havey
Constituent Services
Office of the Senate President

Sad that one of Thibodeau's staffers has to be the one to sing his praises. They obviously couldn't find a constituent willing to do it, sad....
"The events since Recognition Awards 6/9/2016 (below) are many. Eminent Domain threats to Penobscot McCrum is intense and unfolding. To be documented later.

I couldn't believe the school did this to a stellar student with so much potential. It all came to light, when I saw the name Butch Richards on the BAHS website this year, teacher and coach at Belfast Area High School. His brother is Bob Richards, Belfast Director of Public Works (City employee over 40 years? flooding and destroyting private properties (my property has taken all the City Hall destruction corruption for 40 years, real estate turnover. Till it turned to me in 2010. I didn't turn, I went head to head with the corrupt.) Their father is Belfast Fire Chief Jim Richards (48 years). True threats to parents and targeted home owners. Accept it or else.

My son and I are living testimony to "or else".  By 2012, my Belfast Bullies blogs ( and 2 and 3) morphed to Boycott Belfast when Belfast Chamber of Commerce director Dorothy Havey used her position to slap me in the face for exposing Belfast corruption. She awarded resident abuser, Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum, Citizen of the Year. Another member confirmed Dorothy did that to hurt me. A mom, sold undisclosed City Hall hell, like many in Belfast, kept secret until me. Now Havey is "Special Assistant" to Maine House Senate President Mike Thibodeau. Another thread in the weave of corruption.

In 11/2011, I went public with the City corruption at the City Council meeting. At the same time, a man name JB Turner from Warren also appeared to the City Council public meeting for the first time. To announce his plans to build a shipyard on Front Street. Within 6 months it was up and I was still begging for the City to save Seaview and build a stinking sewer and stop flooding, destroying, eroding, endangering the 12 homes for the past 50 years of development throughout the area. Forcing all that runoff and melt off, illegally to us. JB getting the his *** kissed while kicking mine. Over 50 meetings, threats, discrimination, intimidation, alienation off the charts by the Wall and beyond to date

In 2012, Senate President Thibodeau and Governor LePage came to Belfast for a celebration with all the "dignitaries" to praise the Front Street Ship Yard. Governor Paul LePage visited Front Street Shipyard in Belfast, Maine, on August 10, 2012, to show his support for the growing boatyard.

I was there with SUV a bulletin board of documented corruption. I saw Thibodeau when he arrived. I asked him to come see the documents. After the event he said. I stood on public property on the edge of Front Street Shipyard with my sign of Belfast City Hall and Real Estate corruption. They had to keep walking past me to tour the buildings. I kept asking Governor LePage to speak with me. He ignored me, walking as fast as he could. The new media ignored me also. Telling me after the event. After 2? hours, I was still stationed. LePage escaped by getting picked up on FSS property. But Thibodeau could not. His car was in the public lot with mine. I cornered him, He did not want to see. I kept after him. He gave in and barely looked at the proof. He told me that he couldn't help me with Maine corruption (by now it was up to the DEP level with Commissioner Aho corrupt as hell and approving destruction to my property). That it was a conflict of interest. He told me to run for City Council. I said "And become one of them? No way. I can do much more on the outside." Thibodeau left.

Thibodeau and Havey were at BAHS Recognition Night on 6/9/2016 to give out a scholarship. When I saw them, they made me sick. I began crying and stood in the hall to watch my son. I had to come in when they announced for parents to award the top 5 students with an honor stole. This is that moment. The hug was unexpected and stole hearts.  All knew and enabled the cruel. Protect their own.                   

June 9, 2016 Recognition Awards @ Belfast Area High School.  Discrimination and Intimidation Education Journey Against The Best Ends. Epic hug, my son and me.  At the podium is James Davis, Director of Guidance. The horrible man that targeted my son before he entered 9th grade via scheduling, with holding courses and crucial guidance support to academic excellence and colleges. Regardless of them (the good ole boys bullies of Belfast- adult white, pink and blue collars) this young man kept on going, worked harder and kept hoping. To this captured moment. When Davis stuck it to him again. Up until this picture, Davis had my son believing he was receiving 3rd in the class. Not, 3rd was awarded to another with a basic course load that got her grades up in the last weeks. Davis didn't bother to tell my son until Davis announced it here. " 

After 6 years of trying to please and to be invited, he ranked 4th in his class with advanced placement courses, high honors for 4 consecutive years. Ranking is general for any courses maintaining a high GPA. Achieving high honors with this brutal AP course load vs achieving high honors for basic courses is not equal or fair. 

This was his schedule, his senior year because of Guidance and administration punishing him to punish me.

Advanced Placement English Literature
Advanced Placement US Government
Advanced Placement Calculus
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Advanced Placement Physics
Latin 3
Latin 4

High honors maintained. He ranks above all, despite all the abuse from Superintendent Knowles, Director of Guidance James Davis, Guidance Jessica Woods and Principal Fitzpatrick. Destroying his schedule before 9th grade even began and throwing him under their bus again and again. Because of me, forced to protect our home and our lives again. Robbed of support and esteem academically and socially, then denying him the assistance needed to complete the stellar Questbridge College application process at top ranking colleges for top ranking low income students. Full tuition, all those above participated in making sure the extensive application deadline of 10/1/2015 was missed. For 6 weeks prior, I begged Knowles to oversee the process. He refused and also committed fraud against my son. With the rest named above. Documented and dismissed, detailed on this page.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

                                                                    A Man. Amen

Free Believing In Me Memorial Day 2013

6/6/2016 No Man in Belfast. No huMANity, hypocrite hego's and shego's are a plenty. 

Laurie Allen 2:38 long, 1 minute in, Here is my youtube clip of David Smith speaking against me to City Council on 4/1/2014 after I had left the meeting. Out of order as well- I would have gotten cuffed- David gets support. Published on Jul 4, 2015

Corruption Belfast Maine City Hall Council Meeting 4/1/14. Continuation. City Manager Slocum "believes" Seaview Terrace is 40' in width (ordinance) It is 15-20' and NOT compliant with ordinance.My neighbor David Smith also takes a shot at me to the delight of the Wall and audience. Allowed to speak out of order and Smith has disorders. Smith has zoning violations and back stabs me to protect his violations. A pathetic case. Other clips of this meeting show spinning my request for capital projects and City Attorney billings sent with an article for California towns in bankruptcy for the same spending. He is painting me as a nuisance to the public.Council Roger Lee takes his turn at me, so does Hurley. In 2011 when Sloscum said Seaview Terrace would be paved, I worked hard to make sure it got paved to code with drainage and fought for funding. I was relentless to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF to open up funding. After 2 years, they voted to give it to the downtown. I tried to get us into a mitigation plan where FEMA would dictate diversions. Slocum refused. He had 3 years to budget paving/drainage Seaview. He spent more in hiring engineers to be the scape goat for corrupt paving. A goat path- not up to code- totally illegal. They rushed the trucks in to get it done on 9/8/14, thinking I'd be in Alabama for my brothers funeral. I was home, in mourning. Horrified when the trucks and heavy equipment came in and slaughtered my property and Seaview Terrace.

UU White Bread Unions. David Smith in glasses is my neighbor and leads the community mob mentality witch hunt to silence exposure of corruption. He began threatening me in 2010 when I had just moved in. A dog hater. David became outraged when then Belfast Police Chief Trafton told David to leave me alone. The Chief told me to get an order of protection. David's wife is a teacher, both heavily connected to Belfast white bread. Hypocrite activists for ego's only. David speaks against me at City Hall meetings, key in community mob mentality against my exposure of corruption. UU Minister Perkins even more evil. Using my emai (below) to tell City Hall (UU treasurer is Roger Lee- Belfast City Council 2007-2014) that I would be in Alabama on 9/8/2014. I was home, watching in horror as the bullies rolled in for more slaughter to Seaview Terrace at 7:30 am on 9/8/14- see 9/12/2014 announcement on the City website that paving would begin around 9/17/2014!! Proof they used my brother's death and forgot to stop the announcement. For 3 years I was relentless to get funding and insurance that Seaview Terrace would be paved with proper drainage according to code, ordinance and State law. They buried me. I keep crawling back up to stand.
City Council Mike Hurley threatens Seaview Terrace residents in this 9/2/14 CC meeting clip. After they have destroyed Seaview Terrace with forced flooding for 50 years. "If you run into the kind of treatment that you're running into, I'd pull the plug on it. Just say forget it. You guys don't want your road paved, fine. I'm not gonna, ya know, we're not gonna like- I've really had it on Seaview Terrace. People don't want their road paved, fine. I wish they'd buy that road back. Let it be a private road, they can do what the want."
Sent: Saturday, September 6, 2014 9:58 AM
Subject: Peace Walk
Dear Minister Perkins,
I wanted to be part of this weekend's celebration for peace and compassion. My brother died on Thursday and I am not handling it well. I thought it may be of relief to know that I will not be attending. I don't say that for sympathy, I say it because I upset many people for just being visible. I had hoped to walk today without any signs. I was hoping to feel that I was part of a community that does care.
I guess that time is not here yet. I hope everyone has peace and love. I really do.
Truly and Respectfully,
Laurie Allen
In great mourning the day of Donald's funeral in Alabama, in comes the heavy equipment and City trucks, unscheduled to illegally pave and drain to my property. All week. All men of the Wall. Assaulting my last asset and safety. Brutal targeting and discrimination.
9/8/14 True Belfast City Hall Malice by Funeral
9/8/14 They thought I'd be in Alabama for my brother's funeral. No one was advised. I had just been to every meeting prior asking how and when Seaview Terrac...
City Council Mike Hurley tells the public that he didn't know my brother died with an insincere apology. A horrible lie..Proof that they used my brother's funeral on 9/8/14. Below showed up on the City website stating paving would begin on 9/17/2014.
Posted on: September 12, 2014
City Road Construction
Paving and reclaiming the following roads. Crocker Road, Wight Street and Seaview Terrace.
Paving on Seaside Drive and Back Belmont Road.
This will tentatively be starting on Wednesday September 17th, and lasting a couple of weeks.
Prepare for possible delays and detours during this time.
If you have questions or concerns, please call Public Works Director Bob Richards at 338-2375.
This page contains key communications for my 3 years of work to get Seaview Terrace paved with drainage according to law. 
9/16/14 Wolf Pack City Hall Meeting
9/16/14- City Council Meeting was tonight. Here is the link, below is a written summary specific to their calculated corruption. The cruelty is wrenching. Click 6 open to the public- I speak first, for 5 minutes. Click 7 communications, City Manager Slocum speaks on other issues, after that comes the wolf pack to tear me to shreds. Lying cowards. Shameful.
They have stooped to an all time low, together in corruption and disgrace. I am sure the meeting is not going to be recorded. The station always airs a message for a least an hour prior- always by 6pm that there is a City Council Meeting that evening. By 6:30 the message was not appearing and the 9/2 meeting was airing- just starting. I called the Ned, he tapes the meetings. I've known him since we were teens in Bayside (I'm 55). I called from my land line- so he knew it was me calling. He didn't answer. I left a message that I was concerned the meeting was not going to be taped and to call me back. He didn't. I went to the meeting 15 minutes before the meeting was starting. No Ned. I asked Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum why wasn't Ned here. He was always there by 6:30 - never this late- it was 6:47. I told them if Ned was not recording this meeting that I'd be back at the next meeting to say the same thing. They knew what I was going to reveal publicly.
Long time, honorable, kind and no non-sense, Belfast City Hall Treasurer, Rickie LaSan was present for my discussion before the meeting. Because she was there, Mayor Ash and City Manager Joe Slocum could not ignore my questions. That is why Joe called Ned, otherwise he would have let the meeting go unrecorded.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, Maine with Chuck Piper at Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, Maine.
21 hrsBelfast, ME
Annual meeting buddies! David Smith and Chuck Piper.