
Thursday, November 13, 2014

 11/18/14 Belfast can be the beginning of Hope and Revolution.

Tuning out is so easy  when so overwhelming... but then I see Snowden, Risen, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer taking on Christie with corruption and flooding funds- It is a mirror to me taking on Hurley and City Hall except I am doing it alone. The few supporters don't want to get involved even after 4 years of me laying out the proof and taking the hits. Zimmer states towards the end that it wouldn't have happened without the community support. She took beatings for whistleblowing- wiped her out- I was in contact with her people. She tells of residents crying in fear from the next storm and flooding- then at the end of the piece the reporter wants to go into the prior months of intimidation tactics.. it changes you- there is no other way but to do something about it. The is excellent- cut and dry investigative reporting. Russell Brand is a genius and true. His wackiness is a way in to individuals- he explicitly speaks that communities are the only way to true change and overhaul. Tough to hear that voting is pointless but he is right. Voting conditioning- thinking you are doing your duty.

Let's Roll Russell !! Take the hour to listen to him. He nails it! Hope he can shine a light for a Belfast Revolution. Fingers and toes crossed. It's unbelievable that all the "groups" such as Maine Liberty Summit, Defenders of Liberty, Occupy Maine, local "freedom activists" do not  want to get involved. No one could be bothered to attend even a picnic assembly at the gorgeous seaside park of Belfast. I campaigned for months to get that going. FUGEDDABOUDIT.

Come to Belfast Russell, lets poke them good and rally the true. Bill Maher stood me up- I even made him an Oh Nooo Mr. Bill Blog to lure him- months and months of posting on his sites, prior to his trip to Portland, Maine.
The one minute clip on Russell's hope. Lightning fast he covers it all- genius clarity simply stated. · 2,091 Shares · Nov 14, 2014

The last minute Russell is asked for final comments. Lightning fast he covers it all- genius clarity.
11/13/14 My blogs detail the corruption that came to me when I relocated to Belfast, Maine in 2010. They saw a beat up Mom coming to begin again with her children and have been slamming me down since. Through torturous investigating against the slammed doors, intimidation tactics( attempts to violate freedom of speech, freedom of information requests denied through manipulations,  police power, City attorney intimidation, community alienation, public televised character assassination and baiting, violations of basic rights off the charts with the public watching- and some assisting in the mental/verbal assaults) I have uncovered corruption that spawns at the local level- Belfast City Hall.

Corruption is supported by all the entities receiving kick backs in many forms. State, businesses, schools and individuals fearing retribution. Blatant law breaking with thug tactics epic through out the country and threatening the lives globally.  I am only a single, low income, honest woman forced into fighting the system alone. The corrupt destruction to my neighborhood alone has been evident since it developed in 1967 and continues to present day. Any storm event could be our last.

The City has been illegally using our private property, flood zone, flood plain as an illegal natural outlet for massive runoff/meltoff from miles and miles of 40+ years of developed impervious ground. Corrupt approvals from top to bottom- DEP, Maine Branch Commissions, Army Corp Engineers, Belfast Engineers, Planning Board, Planning and Code, City Manager, City Council, businesses, real estate agents/owners profiting from high turn over for properties of undisclosed hell. And this is only a partial of the corruption culture accepted through the public. Entering into their legal arena is a mistake. Burial notice lurking under years of billable hours of trash.

Belfast can be ground zero. Holding the government/schools/businesses accountable through independent committee's is where it begins. The foundation. Please, so much time is wasting while corruption is spreading.

The fear dissolves with each step forward.  Let's Roll 4 Todd Beamer and take back America from White Collar Terrorists


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