
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Belfast Peace Festival approaches

Belfast Peace Festival approaches This is the Compassionate Cities movement that the UU Church brought to Belfast City Hall and opened the door that has been slammed in my face for 4 years. City Council Roger Lee is the treasurer at the UU Church and certainly brought an about face to door slamming my face. Whether it is show or true compassion will play out as City Council Mike Hurley and City Manager Joe Slocum continue the choke-hold drowning of Seaview Terrace.

FYI- this is buried below the article on Seaview Terrace by Ethan Andrews, Penbay Pilot. I wanted it posted here to. I moved here to be under all radar and did so for 9 months then the water came crashing in with all the unethical corruption.

 8/29 updated public comments on this article below and posted separately in above tab Unethical Council Hurley.. My first post at the bottom did not post right away- it went into a review period. I did not know it posted till now- hence my repeating some of the same in later posts. Due to the City's personal connections into my personal family trauma's in neighboring Bayside (Peyton Place II) and the personal attacks they launched publicly and privately, I put the trauma truths out. Not all and not anybody's business as stated below. City Hall and the real estate agents forced me into public to defend my children, my home, my neighborhood, and my character. Slay away then leave me alone.

To the anonymous letter requesting me to run for City Council, I wish you would have signed your name. Independent Committee's are what we need. I'll do that. I need help. 

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