
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Belfast Putin Hall vs. Little Laurie Allen

    10/3/14- I have added a few things below in bold red. I have also been forced to expose more corruption by administrative staff at Belfast Area High School unfolding for 3 years. Superintendent Brian Carpenter, Principal Fitzpatrick, Director of Guidance Jim Davis and Guidance Counselor Jessica Woods. The D.O.E, has the documentation and is investigating. City Council, Eric Sanders has received the documentation.  I will advise when posted. Over 31 pages of emails prove again and again, they can't even be bothered to schedule mandatory courses. 10/5/14 - Covering up with lies to the students and avoidance to the parents. The killer is that I uncovered this with BAHS 2 years ago. Yet they callously could care less and continue to short change students with an enormous all approved budget,with over staffing, replacing courses with study halls and when caught they outsource to online teachings and are failing at that. This time, I have the D.O.E. to confirm the corruption. Again, I know this blog has many repetitive posts because of refusal to resolve. It is so overwhelming and emotionally draining and so much more not reported here. I can't get through it all and do my best to make the public aware against the many players.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The goal is for the community to see and act based on facts presented. I can't leave out the personal trauma, as a single Mom trying to start again in safety and privacy, this has been a terror attack by the packs. I thought I'd gotten out. Instead, the real estate agents saw me coming and threw all ethics and codes of disclosure and basic humanity aside, selling me undisclosed hell in 2010. Imagine escaping against all odds, all alone, crawling day after day, year after year, waiting for the slim chance and putting it all on the line. One mistake and I could lose my children. In 9/2009, that window cracked open. Nine months of intense communications from NJ to Maine and real estate agents Jan Andrews and Bill Ingersoll with one visit 12/2009 for corrupted showings and one corrupted property inspection by DJ Brown supervised by real estate agent Sam Mitchell in 4/2010- spring melt. No disclosure, no doubt the cover up was clear- water doesn't lie, nor the turn over of the homes slaughtered by the City of Belfast.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   They(the white, pink and some blue collars) have made Belfast a culture of corruption. Belfast City Manager, City Planner, Zoning/Code, City Attorney, City Council, Mayor,Economic Director, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Outsourced Engineer of the Day, DEP, Attorney General, Maine Real Estate Commission, Schools (THMS parents told me of thousands of missing fundraising dollars held by Principal Kim Buckheit. Similar to the Belfast Chamber of Commerce awarding resident abuser City Manager Joe Slocum as Citizen of the Year, the Maine Principal Ass. awarded Buckheit Principal of the Year. Parents were disgusted- emails were burning up in boxes), local businesses (Real Estate- Earl Black, Bill Ingersoll, Sam Mitchell, retired Jan Andrews, DJ Brown Property Inspector, Bank Of America Belfast, dangerous wood stove installer- Bangor fireman, Searsmont Planning Board Member- Chris Kulbe owner of Ridge Top Chimney Sweep, J&B Auto Body Belfast, Lowe's Thomaston...) I can't keep up. It has been constant and state wide for over 4 years. They are beating the hell out of me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    9/27/14 City Council Mike Hurley is the evil, the demise of morality. Incapable of balancing humanity and his greed for MORE. He has had 30 years in brainwashing the community. Not funny how quickly the community goes along to get along. Blinding corruption and resident abuse burns new eyes. Huffington Post - Are Politicians Psychopaths ?
     More to come- but not today- it is a beautiful day. No City Hall/Hurley Psycho's Allowed.

     Here's Johnny, I mean Belfast City Council Mike Hurley.... 

    Actually, will the real Valdimir Hurley stand up?


    Link and article to Hurley "Putin" his happy while slaughtering Seaview Terrace. Crazy clear, Hurley suits up to showcase his ego. I love this video. Thanks Johnny.
    Belfast is ‘Happy’: Hundreds of people participate in local music video
    Posted By Abigail Curtis On June 12, 2014 (3:40 pm) 
    Earlier this spring, Hurley started watching people around the world put their own versions of “Happy” on the Internet, including the one done by young dancers in Tehran who were thrown into prison shortly after the video was made public. He was enthralled by the sight of all the regular folks dancing to the infectious pop song and wanted to make a video in Belfast. He and downtown promotional group Our Town Belfast worked to get financial support from underwriters, and by April they were ready to start production.


    image not displayed

    Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
    Belfast Maine - 

    Mar 29, 2014
    by Laurie Allen
    Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local

    9/23-  If nothing else,let this blog serve as awareness to the true sickness in government and business. The training ground from family has taught me an easy path. Right or wrong. When presented with the wrong doing, the doer immediately chooses resolution or accuser dissolution. What is shocking is those that join in and support the corruption. Massive- Maine is 4th in corruption. That encompasses all levels, businesses, committee's, tainted community and tainted neighbors. Those not tainted, do not want to get involved and may fear retribution. Go along to get along. How's that working for the world? Hypocrites are toxic.

  1. Pussy Riot Flogged by Cossacks in Sochi - YouTube

    Feb 19, 2014 - Uploaded by Wall Street Journal
    Members of Russian punk group Pussy Riot were attacked by Cossacks in Sochi as they attempted to perform ...

9/17/14- Quick note to new readers as I display my blog link on my vehicle. In 6/2010, I was sold an undisclosed nightmare and these blogs are the four years of personal torture to expose and plead resolutions 4 years and counting. The whole system is involved and tainted. The big corruption in Belfast City Hall and real estates agents enjoying the high turn over in selling the undisclosed hells. There are many, mine is the worst and most dangerous. The buck stops with me. Always has. Simple rule to live by is right or wrong. The true life to live right has no boundaries. This corruption on this one property is huge- implicating key officials, DEP, Attorney General, Governor LePage, Realtor Commission, Property Inspectors, local businesses, local real estate agents, big real estate agency owner, Earl Black, tainted attorneys, implicated community, the list is long and proven. My other blogs are the earlier 3 years- I streamlined 2 blogs last year for history. and (this one focuses on the City Manager, Planner, Attorney and DEP Commis. Aho).

Below is the current blog, unfolding real time- it is repetitive since City Hall does not address any of my requests- they spin drama and smokescreens. Water does not lie. They are flooding Seaview Terrace illegally, 50+ years. clearly a case of inverse condemnation. I said this 3 years ago. It is coming to a head now. The hammer is slamming down, passing the Comprehensive Plan through small print, with held information that will end the Belfast we knew. The prior Belfast City Tax Assessor of 20+ years, told me this 3 years ago. He said what was coming was shocking. It is here. He just retired so I post this without harming him. Bob Whiteley is an honorable man and his back bone and assistant- Nancy See. Exposing this corruption has been a full time + no pay, soul crushing job. These blogs need weeding out, but it is devastating to attempt to edit- it sends me into their black hole.

9/14/14- City Manager refusing to confirm Seaview Terrace will be in ALL maps as zoning R1. City Hall is murdering Seaview Terrace. All information is manipulated and/or denied. They brutally torture me through filthy neck tactics (masked under white, blue and pink collars), for 4 years as I try to get  my children and myself  safely on our feet to begin again. Horrible doesn't come close- watch any of the approx. 50 meetings where they wait to pounce as I present fact after fact. They bait and with hold to force me into conjecture and public ridicule.They thought they'd break me by now. Their plans to further drown Seaview Terrace. My property is the last private property of this massive City forced water slaughter, 50 years and counting. The final slaughter underway to make it illegally legal through the tainted Comprehensive Plan to be voted in by corrupt Council any day. Their motto "Go Ahead  Sue Youself"  G.A.S.Y.  Residents foot the bill for City lawsuits, we sue ourselves and the fat cats get even more fat and corrupt.

Last week was an illegal assault with massive Public Works heavy equipment. All the money and hours spent in a smokescreen attempt by the City Manager and surely Hurley (psycho councilor) to confuse with tainted engineer options. The residents did not receive the tainted boundary maps given to the engineer, showing my private drainage ditch City slaughter is not in my boundaries. My staked boundaries, confirmed with Council Roger Lee are on the other side of the stream.This is the corrupt map- the blue line is the City made "natural outlet" - my house is the third up from the the right corner and the last private property owner of this City wide forced water slaughter. The rest of the stream strip to Northport Ave belongs to Mid Coast Mental Health.

City Manager Slocum spun another lie- stating he would be meeting with residents to discuss the options. Never happened, in came the trucks- as I watched the slaughter to my private property all week in great mourning. You see, they thought I would have been in Alabama because I had told the Belfast PD school resource officer the Friday before the unannounced assault that following Monday. I had just learned of my brother's death and had to go to the High School to bring my son his sports equipment.

Officer Greg Stearns and I have had many conversations, he even came to my house after he saw me in town protesting on St Patricks Day in 2013 by Rollies Bar and Grill. His Dad was a regular the City Hall meetings. After my first public speaking City Council meeting in 11/2011, Mr. Stearns said "They are never going to fix it." Mr. Strearns is very ill with cancer and my brother had just died from cancer (4th in my immediate family). Greg approached me at the school, I was too raw to hide it behind my sunglasses. We talked about his dad and my brother. I know everything I say will go to City Hall, I never thought they would use my brother's death to slaughter me. They did, And they will until. The stress is unbearable and with cancer taking my immediate family at 54, 56, 65 and 67, compiled with a history of trauma that we barely crawled away from to begin again in Belfast, 2010... Belfast City Hall and corrupt real estate agents/property inspectors, and all the players(State, local, businesses, tainted community members and some neighbors)  are killing my children's mother, I will be 54. My blogs of truth and strength are my legacy. As repetitive as they may be, it is the proof of bullies and thugs refusing accountability and slamming the brave and true. I hang in there, doing the best I can, every waking hour.

Here's Belfast City Council Mike Hurley (sent to City Council, City Manager and my neighbors), leader of the pack, again showing his Putin vs. Pussy Riot stance. At least if the Belfast Police Department flogged me physically instead of mentally, I'd get some support. Mental abuse is coward abuse, I know it well. They know I'd hit back and get even louder. Trying to spin me as crazy, I post all so they can't use it against me. Total exposure when we just needed peace, privacy and safety to heal;

From: Mike Hurley (
Sent:Sat 9/13/14 1:01 PM
I have blocked Laurie Allen’s email address as a spammer and will no longer receive it. Thanks/ Mike

9/12- 9th Request sent @ 8:50 am to City Manager, City Council, Mayor, Neighbors, cc to Bangor Daily News, Pen Bay Pilot, Village Soup and Portland Press.

Belfast City Manager Joe Slocum,

Two days have passed. This request does not require all the drama you use to avoid providing public information and accountability. Please advise in email form today:

1.  Seaview Terrace is proposed for R1, please revise ALL the proposed  maps on the City website  to reflect consistency of R1 zoning for Seaview Terrace. 

This map below reflect Seaview Terrace as R1: Under Planning "September 17 Council Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments" appearing yesterday, 9/11:

212-Proposed Residential 1 Zone Map

These maps below STILL reflect Seaview Terrace as R3: Under Planning "September 17 Council Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Amendments"

402- Future Overall Map-Inside Bypass

405- Future Residential 3-Inside Bypass

2.Due to inconsistent and unreliable City website information- confirm any changes in ordinance amendments in written language that specifically affect Seaview Terrace.

 Seaview Terrace as a dead end street with 12 single family homes, makes this request  easy and reasonable. Ditch the drama. Thank You.

Laurie Allen  
17 Seaview Terrace
Belfast Maine 04915 

Wed, 10 Sep 2014 12:13:26 -0400

Ms. Allen,
You may demand all you want for answers by certain times but you will get a response when we can reasonably get to it. I will not copy to anyone but you. I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time.
 Joe Slocum 
9/11 Although I wrote below that I see a map reflecting Seaview Terrace into proposed R1, other maps on this City Website show us in with R3. We are not sectioned out. The Northport Ave link does not load. I don't know if they have written hidden amendments specific to Seaview Terrace that may harm us. They slaughter us with ease, break law after law, ordinance after ordinance, lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny then smile at you and destroy my property yesterday, tomorrow, 50 years and counting. More coming, Seaview is the beginning of the end for what Belfast was. They don't care that they are drowning and destroying Seaview Terrace. It is a horrible City Hall, all that we hate in Congress, destroying our country, and the good. Greed does terrible things to those who want more. And more. And more, It is never enough. Tragedy on Seaview Terrace will happen. It will be their legacy and every one will know. I've documented and publicized it relentlessly. I find peace in that. I took all the abuse alone, almost 4 long years. All my waking and subconscious hours were consumed with this sickening corruption to destroy my life, the new life I crawled to. To begin again in safety, peace and anonymity. How could so many be so corrupt and cruel? It is epic and is getting ready to burn like wild fire with the hidden agenda's in the Comprehensive Plan.

 City Council Hurley playing stupid "... Geez, Wayne,  people can't understand this land use chart, should have done this, done that.. oh well, too late now, we've only been planning this confusion since 2009, Oh boy, some are not going to like this building height restriction, I know I wouldn't if I bought thinking I could build up. Gee whiz- Council must vote to provide infrastructure to residents, but golly Wally, I'm going to fabricate a stream and beat the hell out of that woman that exposed me and my web.  My buddies will help too, I've got lots of greedy, implicated wall and  business buddies." Hurley's heavy head and hand wrote the kill, while forcing the fooled to dance for him. Putin on his "Happy" video by the Chamber of Commerce. Say no more.

9/10 Lawless SLAUGHTER- Belfast City Hall strong armed Seaview Terrace 9/8 & 9/9- illegal drainage with culverts and heavy equipment forcing neighborhood drainage to my private property (specifics below) NOW the release of the proposed zoning ordinances SLATING SEAVEIEW TERRACE INTO R3. SEAVIEW TERRACE RESIDENTS FOUGHT THIS ALMOST 3 MONTHS AGO AND WAS APPROVED INTO R1. IN PAPER TODAY AND CITY WEBSITE IT IS SHOWING WE ARE GOING INTO R3.  THE EMAIL BELOW SENT AT 8:10 AM ON 9/10. CITY MANAGER JOE SLOCUM IS NOT RESPONDING.

10:15 am- no response from City Hall for below. 2nd requesting and will request every 2 hours until response. 4th request done @ 2:30pm 5th request done @ 6:40 pm. Next will be Thursday 9/11 @ 10:30 am. 6th reg 10:42 am 9/11 over 26 hours of waiting for basic information as Seaview Terrace is under another illegal assault to my private property as I write... Next req @ 12:30 pm
7th req done 12:45 pm. 8th req  2:54 pm. 9/11 over 30 hours to confirm R1 proposed with any amendments  specific to  Seaview Terrace .  Red Flag Joe Slocum "I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time." 

9/11- 6pm  Slocum still has not responded, which is indicative of 3+ years for drainage into Seaview Terrace, development of Seaview Terrace and Final Approved Site Plans for all the 15? sites draining into us. Intimidation and torture tactics used instead. I hung in there, proved their corruption again and again, this week was the most barbaric. All out illegal assault to my private property while they thought I'd be attending my brother's funeral in Alabama. They will deny it, but they knew and took advantage. Just like they did when I crawled here in 2010 to begin again. Non-stop beating by Belfast City Hall, State of Maine (DEP, Realtor Commission, Attorney General, Governor) and businesses. The most painful was that Front Street Shipyard could have helped, I held onto hope. How we stood in the same meeting after meeting as I pleaded to save Seaview Terrace with basic sewers. Our property taxes go to the Front Street property again and again. Terrible.

I just checked the City's website and the maps are changed. Seaview Terrace is now correctly listed into the proposed R1 zone.

I am sure City Hall was trying to slip the R3 zone through. But I was watching. 

 City Manager Joe Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

Please confirm today, by 10 am which proposed zone Seaview Terrace is slated for. Copy all recipients on this email. The website shows R3 as does the article in the Village Soup.

Below is the approval to place Seaview Terrace into proposed R1.

Laurie Allen

Slocum's response @ 12:15 pm
Ms. Allen,
You may demand all you want for answers by certain times but you will get a response when we can reasonably get to it. I will not copy to anyone but you. I am sending your request to the City Attorney to clarify our responsibilities here. I am also sending this request to Wayne Marshall, the City Planner to see if he can answer your question within a reasonable time.
 Joe Slocum 

My response @ 1pm
Joe Slocum,

Respond ASAP.  This is alarming. IF another error has been in the 3+ years that I have been lied to and you claim that Seaview Terrace is:

1a. Proposed for R1, please revise the proposed zoning map on the website and send the revised map via email by 2:30. 

1b.Furthermore, include any amendments in written language that affect Seaview Terrace directly by 2:30. 

Referring me to a table of land uses is not reliable because of proven City error after City error. The public hearing and final vote is days away . I have proven the City routinely uses illegal practices to get the job done and tells the victim/victims to sue the City. 

Per C****** B*** "It is our understanding that seaview is still proposed for r1.  S**** called and spoke to wayne marshall."

There is no reason to delay to answer in writing the proposed zoning for Seaview Terrace and related information above.

I will 4th request @ 2:30.

Laurie Allen

9/9- The never ending corruption is desensitizing. Four long years I have dedicated ALL my time and soul to save Seaview Terrace from 50 years and counting of the City of Belfast forcing enormous runoff and enormous illegal winter snow piling at over 15 sites, miles of highway, miles of local road and impervious ground from up, across, this way, that way, anyway to force it to tiny, flood plain, floodzone, 12 family, dead end street of Seaview Terrace. The City fabricating it is a natural outlet which I have painfully proved again and again that it is not. 

The City denying every public document/map/all information using intimidation tactics to with hold. The City Attorney sending intimidating letters. City Council calling me in as a threat to the Chief of Police. The City Planner lying-robbing rights-destroying life after life. City employees and City Council ordered not to give me information and complying. A charade of deceiving in not providing Freedom of Information basic requests. Never providing the documents and claiming they did. I persist and am met with more abuse and outrageous fees to begin looking for  basic zoning conditions, final approved site plans and area drainage that will NEVER be provided. Absolute torture that has many calling me paranoid and crazy. People that I thought were my friends and know me. One for 4 years another for 40!! I am outcast, I am fine with that. It is standard procedure when the public is faced with such corruption by those that they trusted and perhaps have become implicated into their web unknowingly. Now they see they are and do not want to upset their lives as I burn in full public view.

Meeting after meeting (over 50) they try to stop me from informing the public. They begin bringing in police guards, the police have "off the record" conversations with me and try to break me. Unsuccessful they then try to shame me as a mother.  Guilty City Council trying to scorn me further in public meetings because they did not honor their pledge to serve and protect the residents that elected them. This is just a drop in the bucket in all they have done to me in the past 4 years.  They force me to go above and beyond, it is so personal for me. This is my home I am trying to save from a wall of corrupt. I crawled here 4 years ago, with my children to begin again. I did it all, I did it all right, by the book, all inspections, all questions, all and more. I could not afford one mistake. Ask anyone who makes it out, few do.

I bought this home in 2010. I paid cash, the agents swore there were no water issues/streams/brooks along with the property inspector- water was my number one concern. I put it in writing and refused all properties disclosing water. 9 months later, undisclosed hell tore through my yard. Every corrupt State agency, commissions, boards, local and private have formed a wall of brutality to me and my children. Maine is 4th in corruption and my story can be the beginning of reform. The public must stand together and protect each other's rights and hold the corrupt accountable. It is visible and doable. How adults can look the other way and allow this to continue into the lives of children is beyond me.

Belfast City Hall officials and real estate agents in Belfast are the worst of humanity that I can conceive. The agents have the voice to stop the secret slaughter to so many properties that they sell by deception. I stayed true and kept the pressure on to keep Seaview Terrace in the public for 4 years. It is a nasty game for them and their kind. In lieu of all my proof and non relenting reporting, City Hall and some businesses flagrantly break the law, breaks the resident and is the root of criminals in power. I cannot stop them without the public. But I can make it public and that is my job. I may die at anytime and these blogs and meetings are irrefutable.  

There is so much to report, it looses focus. The proof is throughout the blogs and it is City wide to many residents. Forgive the ramblings, I only want peace and to live in privacy and safety. That is all I ever wanted. I never signed up for this, it is the last that anyone would want in their lives. I will not pass it on to another.

Here is the email confirming that work was not to begin on Seaview Terrace until City Manager Joe Slocum met with Seaview Terrace residents and City Council voted on which option presented and discussed. This procedure is documented and was abandoned when the City learned of my brother's death last on 9/4/14. Services in Alabama were published, viewings on Sunday evening, 9/7/14. I could not attend the services and did not publicize that. Monday morning the City of Belfast rolled into Seaview Terrace to quickly place culverts to illegally drain to my property. Residents never informed, City Council meeting on 9/16/14 to vote on options corrupted. To protect themselves, in the 9/2/14 City Council meeting, on the written agenda was the corrupt suspensions of all ordinances in this district and others till further notice. Lawless land for the corrupt. All systems go, SLAUGHTER SEAVIEW now while Laurie is in Alabama. 

No one will want to believe this it is so wretched. If Slocum didn't state he was having a meeting with residents first and if Council did not have a work shop for the Belfast Engineer to present the options to City Council then I would believe it either. I didn't want to know this. Here is the proof. This email is dated Tuesday, 9/2/14 at 9 pm after the City Council meeting. I was there when City Manager Joe Slocum announced in communications that he was meeting with Seaview Terrace residents the next day, 9/3/14 at City Hall. I nor any of my neighbors were eve notified of this meeting.  They never responded to this email. 9/7/14 they devastated my life even further with heavy equipment to destroy my life, rights and property.

Sent:Tue 9/02/14 9:11 PM

To City Manager Slocum, City Council and Mayor,

I checked with a few neighbors- we did not receive any notification of any meeting for Seaview Terrace in City Hall with Joe Slocum tomorrow. Slocum and Hurley are a danger to residents. We didn't do this to Seaview, the City did. Hurley threatening us is serious. 

You are planning to send me MORE water and I will fight this until. It makes all of Seaview Terrace upset. How can you sleep?

Will Council be voting on the options, if so when?

Laurie Allen

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