
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Belfast to revisit contentious Seaview Terrace storm water question - PenBay Pilot

8/29- Work shop meeting police addition half hour into meeting. City Manager Joe Slocum stepped out and came back. Then a police officer arrived.  Guess Joe felt danger from his corruption again and exposure. Probably giving orders that if I said one word to take me out since they public is not allowed public comment at work shops. All these meetings, not once have they found a reason to stop my freedom to be. Enlisting the law to protect him again and again, instead of the people. That is corruption at its finest.

When the meeting was over, I did offer comment to seek flood zone mapping from the recent FEMA FIRM assessments. The Wall was visibly frustrated,( Mayor Ash's blood pressure spiked- easy to see in his face) that I spoke and they couldn't punish me.

In this workshop Councilor Hurley insisted he be provided with real footage of water flow to engineer Mandy Olver. Well Mikey, you were went that many times, and I sent it again last night to City Council, Manager, EPA, Olver Engineer and Mayor. Live video of death flying through my property and to my property. And only after an inch of rain fall. Still pictures as well, Captain Albert Stevens School corrupt outfalls as well. And another video of my yard in 1/2013- stream full and running under, mostly frozen on top- level to my back yard. A water slide into my home if a bit of rain fell. Russian Roulette.

The space from the message to the pictures/stream video cannot be altered. It deletes instead. Toggle down and view- pictures and video's tell it all.

Councilor Roger Lee this is the illegal path you were inquiring about, coming from Wight St, behind the old motel/office merging into the stream. There is a huge tree here on the opposing side- eroded on 3 sides and under- roots exposed- it will fall. This path was to come into the stream behind David Smith's house, per Mike Hogan and Diane Beck at the site meeting. She walked there and confirmed it. Wayne Marshall refused to comply- instead sending an email about a green pipe that is there and not relative. Just rhetoric to confuse. Click on blue view or comment on Laurie Allen's photo to view video after only 1 inch of rain in 11/2013.

(Note- these are the same video and pictures on the start of this blog. I deleted them here)

8/28 11 am- updated again- advising of neighbor tainting to make all aware before Slocum has his meeting with us to send me down the river. I am kicking back. Be aware.

8/27 9pm. After resting most of the day, I have added information on the work shop meeting below and 2 tabs above 8/27 Law Breaking and Slocum FOAA Triple

8/27- The City Council work shop for the water slaughter to residents has me very ill. Councilor Roger Lee came to my house yesterday before the meeting to see the slaughter to my private property, taking it from all. I have reservations about the intent of his visit, but I was cordial and allowed him into my home and throughout my property.

Present at the work shop meeting 8/26/14- Councilors Mortier, Hurley, Lee and Hamilton(Sanders was absent) City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, Asst. Planner Sadie Lloyed, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Director Public Works Bob Richards, Consulting Engineer Mandy Olver, Pen Bay Pilot for a time, Ethan Andrews, neighbor David Smith- he came after Seaview Terrace was discussed and me- Laurie Allen.

At the meeting Councilor Hurley was on a kill for Seaview Terrace. In total support of what the City has done to Seaview Terrace, flooding it for almost 50 years, using our private property as a City outlet for City runoff. All funneling into my private property- neighbors run off as well. They are not concerned with the damage to my property as long as their runoff is off of their property.

The necessary roadside drainage, is way over due and where they should be thanking us for all the years taking this flooding, is being refused by Hurley. He is going off on totally unethical and unrelated comparisons and stating "not interested in spending 135k to solve this!" No other private property in Belfast is used as an outlet for this enormous impervious section of Belfast. My property is unique and is as corrupt as they get and threat for our lives. Hurley further stating that if easement is not granted to send MORE water to private property, then they won't fix anything. Putin Hurley has spoken. Laurie Allen is hands on expert with psychopathic behaviors. The wolf can't hide in the lambs wool when his slaughter is continuous. This City Council representative is allowed to attack residents that bring concerns to City Council meetings. And the Wall is brainwashed into accepting this with admiration. My Council telling me it is a rite of passage to be abused by City Council Mike Hurley. She even grovels at meeting for forgiveness from Hurley after I quote her. Marina Delune- then steps away from the flooding telling me to pray and meditate about what I should do. Stating she is not qualified to help Seaview Terrace against City slaughter.

Back to the work shop meeting 8/26-Councilor Lee suggesting that Seaview Terrace residents could share in the cost to fix properly. That is when my head started slamming internally. To sit there and listen to this abuse is just too much. Or they will pave 18 feet wide- the right of way is 2 ft on either side- so less than a 2 ft wide ditch, 3 ft deep. And our front yards will continue to erode away into the ditch- forget about it when it's a heavy rain. I tried to explain this to a neighbor and he got nasty with me. He does not care what is happening to my property as long as it is off of his.

The cheap job they are offering will cost 95k- they don't bat an eye to pay consultation fees for advice to support their visions, at 40-50k over and over. They have turned Seaview Terrace into a swamp and flooding danger at every event with rain and sun that allow sites to illegally melt ALL their snow to us.

And hey folks pony up another 40k out of our pockets to pay for the infrastructure that your property taxes are to cover right off the top. (8/31/14 Note- that option was not offered in Slocum's received on 8/30/14)

We have our wants spending all the money, in fact Slocum is applying for a note to cover City operating expenses right now. They sucked the surplus dry and the City is broke. First time in 35 years that a note is needed. Regardless of splitting the tax bill. Budgeting is the main job of the City Manager- failed. And Councilor Roger Lee motioned to renew his contract for 2 more years with a quick second from Eric Sanders. And look at the school tax. All these years- not on their minds as they burned through the surplus, greed and grants.

NO EASEMENT TO MY PROPERTY. FLOOD US AND CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT. I'VE HAD ENOUGH AND I HAVE FLOOD INSURANCE. HURLEY IS PUTIN, SLOCUM AND MARSHALL HIS MINIONS. THERE IS NO BARTERING. FOLLOW THE LAW. PERIOD. I will not allow this whenever City Manager Joe Slocum has this Seaview Terrace meeting to discuss paving and sending me more water as his solution.

Welcome to a partial of my nightmare neighbors. We can have mini ravines in our front yards. Under title 17 and 38 they cannot send me neighbor water like they have been. They must fix it. Burn me at the cross as I fight to save Seaview Terrace and my home. It is insane how some neighbors have turned against me or turn a blind eye. Do you think we would be on the table right now if I didn't try every possible resolution to save us? Pleading for support for 4 years with not one neighbor coming to a meeting, a phone call, an email, nothing. Until the rezoning that would have turned us into a parking lot-and which was illegal. If I wasn't on it, it would be done. Not one thank you, in fact even more resentment towards me.

But, I still reached out to all with this unannounced work shop meeting for the fate of Seaview Terrace. No response from those I emailed. One nasty conversation and another couldn't brush me off quick enough. And where is the City property turn around required on a dead end street? I think that is the reason for the brush off- the City plows the snow on that private property. I do not know if there is a private agreement and that needs investigation. These violations of procedure create the neighbor alienation by implication. It is through out Belfast. See above tab for the emails with citing those revised statutes.

In this work shop meeting, City Attorney Bill Kelly unethically mentions the option for neighbors to sue each other for sending accumulating run off to another. Calling it a criminal nuisance revised statute. I cited this 3 years ago after I paid $250 to an attorney for this information. The City of Belfast did this in 2009 (I didn't mover here till 2010) and City Manager Joe Slocum lied and denied again and again as I kept producing proof and pressure. The OSHA required work orders and logs for heavy equipment use would prove the ditch digging done on 23 Seaview Terrace.

23 Seaview Terrace is next door to me- a lot with a garage on it owned by Karen Caswell- sister in law of local real estate agent Puzz Caswell- and prior owner of my home before she sold it off when the City refused accountability in the 1987 investigation prompted by her father in law. Dr. Caswell and original owner of my home. Proving the flooding to a private property drainage ditch and denied by the City way back then! More real estate agent sceeve in Puzz Caswell. I called her when I got wiped out that spring, she was the listing agent on 23 Seaview Terrace (listed at 100k, after a year, dropping to 25k and taking off the market) She told me it is the City's problem to fix but they refuse. That is when I started investigating in 4/2011. Later I would file a complaint with the Maine State Realtor Board and Puzz sent lying written emails in support of my agents owned by Earl Black, now Masiello Group Real Estate, High St., Belfast Me. Puzz stating the erosion was due to me ripping out vegetation for my garden. And that I put up my fence without a permit. BOTH LIES. I got a permit for the fence and I never ripped out any vegetation.

I gave proof up the ying yang to the Realtor Commission- written emails- asking again and again if there were water issues, refusing properties that had water issues and disclosed streams, on this house I asked everything, why on the market so long, why 2 other houses for sale on street, what is the problem, Rte 1? upcoming construction, is the anything that would make me sad, drove 500 miles to see it, hired a property inspector- done in April 2010- spring melt. No stream, brook, seasonal anything, nothing reported. I told the board to pull other listings on Seaview Terrace with stream property- knowing the stream was disclosed when the Merril's sold in 2012. On and on it goes. My complaint was dismissed because I should have done a more exhaustive search of this private property drainage ditch!!! What a disgrace, Absolute corruption- Maine is 4th and the owner of the agency, Earl Black probably owns half or more of the agencies in Maine. I hand fed them all my proof. Just like the City. And they take it, dissect it to find anything to use it against me. If Roger Lee does that to me...after I extended kindness to him after all this abuse, to which he joined in over the past few months.  Please don't do that Roger.

In 2009, the flooding flew over the top of Seaview Terrace, that huge 4ft? in diameter culvert full throttle overflowing, wiping out 40 Seaview Terrace, almost taking her car, leaving her yard a huge gully. She reported it to City Planner Wayne Marshall and I to City Manager Joe Slocum. Slocum verbally telling me in 8/2011 that 40 Seaview Terrace was lucky the house wasn't ripped off it's foundation. Slocum denies ever telling me that. Sure Joe. In that flood, Kara Merrill (49 Seaview Terrace- stream side) told me the water came up over her yard, across Seaview Terrace and into 26 Seaview Terrace. She said she called the City and told them and they were nasty to her. She told me good luck. My property must have been a disaster. In 2011- the water ripped away 1/4 of my yard and did NOT overflow at the top Seaview Terrace. So 2009 was worse. Minister Tarpley, the previous owner, must have filled in that ravine.

When I bought this property in 2010, a stream was not disclosed and the ditch looked just like the drainage ditch on both sides of my house. It was a grass swale that got ripped to a ravine from 10 days of wild rapids ripping through my yard in the spring melt of 2011. My fence was already in place (done in 9/2010) over 10 ft away from that swale, now it is perched on the edge of the ravine.

Councilor Roger Lee saw that when he visited on Tuesday 8/26/14. He also saw all the overgrowth. The same overgrowth that was hampering visuals on the severe erosion for the street scam meeting almost 3 years ago to the day. After 3 months of relentless rhetoric 5/2011-8/2011, and City Council refusing to put Seaview Terrace on an agenda, a recorded meeting where all residents could be heard and attend, this street meeting was set up. On a Friday, during business hours, and many residents could not take off from work, and it was a disaster anyway. Orchestrated by City Planner Wayne Marshall and DPW Bob Richards to fail, divide and discourage. Regardless, I had to WEED WACK with a WEED WACKER, so all could see the erosion and devastation. I did not yank out even a weed. Puzz Caswell was at that meeting and decided to spin that weed wacking into pulling out all the stabilization of the weeds that would have saved my property from the 12 ft wide- 4 to 5 ft high wild rapids that tore through the 2 ft wide, 1 foot deep grass swale. The neighbor that helped me film this erosion in 2011, and that I hired as her first professional shoot for my prom daughter, this neighbor even posted support for me online when someone tried to say this slaughter was my fault, is another neighbor turned against me. She was hired this year to photograph the Belfast Police Department. Her husband works for the Coast Guard. I understood her need to distance from me. I stayed friendly till she gave me the finger. I would have forgave her too but she never apologized. The City alienates many neighbors. It's nasty.

Back to the request to DPW for the 2009 City Work Orders for heavy equipment use. Kara Marriner, prior resident of 49 Seaview Terrace (who has since sold her house and DISCLOSED the stream- agents refuse to give me a copy of that proving listing) told me that the ditch along side her house on 23 Seaview Terrace, Karen Caswell's lot, was filled with stagnant water. She told me that she had been treated harshly by the City when she called about flooding and now this standing water. The bugs were a problem. The City came in with heavy equipment to alter that ditch on private property to allow the water to flow to my property. Illegal- Title 17 revised statutes. Furthermore, they did driveway and culvert work to allow more water to flow to my property from the front of Merril's (49 Seaview) and across the street at Bud Hand's (26 Seaview Terrace) Bud made an agreement with the City to keep that ditch clear across the street at Karen Caswell's lot to keep his runoff flowing to my property.

This is the very man, healthy as a horse, amazing for his age, up and down the road, up and down ladders, known as Tool Man Bud, that barely was able to breathe and speak at the podium as he spoke against me at a City Hall meeting. He was so effective, even I hated myself- until I realized it was another scam, initiated by City Manager Joe Slocum. That meeting is available for viewing too- in the tabs. Slocum even offers to seek City Attorney assistance to see if they can make me take the signs down from my property that protest the corruption. So many evils to tell, back to the point of this one.

Before I asked for the City work orders, Slocum had finally admitted to digging on private property, but that "indeed" it was done, but that was over 8 years prior. Lying to avoid statutes. It was done in 2009.

Now they are in a squeeze to produce the proof through the City work orders. DPW Bob Richards states he does not use City work orders/OSHA logs for heavy equipment. He has to look through his "steno pad" for entries to see what work was done. Right. He produces a log, stating some ditching was done to protect the road. That ditch is over 20 ft from the road and there is a culvert there. One of the ONLY spots were water isn't roadside. Now there is a fire hydrant there too- put in by the water dept. last month.

Bud Hand sells his house in 2014 and tells that resident and advises the new resident of the City advice to maintain the ditch on the opposing private property to keep the water flowing away from his house. This is the neighbor that got nasty with me when I asked him to come to the work shop. He told me that Bud told him to maintain the ditch, and his house is dry. His sump pump as well as his next door neighbor's sump pump (the one that gave me the finger) are force flowing to me and he will not have any ditches in front of his house. Says lucky me for owning stream property.  Oh, and HE- Mr. New Guy- doesn't know me, doesn't know I own stream property,  accuses me of ripping out vegetation- and in this work shop, my Council and real estate agent, Mary Mortier, specifically asks the engineer, Mandy Olver to report on erosion due to ripping out vegetation.

At this point, my head is in my hands, I am near vomiting but I have to stay. This meeting is not being recorded. The reporter- Ethan Andrews got called away, I am now inconvenient hear say. My neighbor, that has been harassing me since the day I moved in, David Smith is there. Very doubtful he would support me. His nose is so far up, his head is lost. The Chief of Police advised me years ago to get an order of protection against him. I did.

The final skin crawl was City Attorney Bill Kelly. He states that he finally has a reason to speak at this meeting. He loosely references the revised statutes for criminal nuisance lawsuit for sending runoff to another. Councilor Hurley further baits by unethically telling of neighbors doing just that. That is the resolution by the City for refusal to provide resident infrastructure. Sue your neighbor or try to sue us. Sue us and we'll break your bank in no time with your tax dollars paying for the City Attorney that will foot drag you to death. Sue your neighbor instead.

Good luck, good bye, get out, next. Lets spend elsewhere, take out a note, what do you want folks? We looking to make another committee to get what we want while not providing for residents in danger.

And I'm the problem for saving my property. Get the water out and leave me to live in peace. Sick of hearing that reporting their behaviors is offensive. Poking fun at them is comic relief of intense stress. I am holding myself back. I could rip you all into shreds. I've lived with this my whole life. I have my children to protect. You are hurting them by forcing me into this public battle to save the last I have left after a life of family doing exactly the same. A bug zapper for psychopaths and corruption. Zap, zap, zap, charge, zap, zap, zap, zap, charge... how much more can I take? Until. No other way to be.

City Manager Joe Slocum again was caught AGAIN for the "UPTEENTH" time at this work shop meeting, with holding the same documents and lying to me. That 2012 surprise visit to the Planning Office where I scored the Conditions for the Captain Albert Stevens School, has many issues of what is and what was approved to be. I zeroed in on only 2 of many.

1. The impact study of run off to the watershed residents. The study would decide that the ONLY runoff coming to the water shed residents would be from the SMALL parking lot (impervious ground) of the Sweetser School ONLY.

2. After the site was complete, an engineer inspection to approve that all run off/ storm water conditions were done and in compliance.

For 3 years, maybe more, I asked again and again for the those documents and City Manager Joe Slocum refused to respond to the documented Freedom of Public Information request. City Council fully aware, refused to respond after repeated requests for assistance. This site is massive- they built an enormous school on an enormous swamp. I understand the floors are cracking now.

I tracked the water coming out from and illegal outlet, I found this huge site was allowed to violate it's zoning conditions to remove plowed snow, I proved that Seaview Terrace got slaughtered in 2009 and 2011 from this site that was the final one to bring us down (along with 15? maybe more, other sites and many miles of highway and road)

Slocum finally responded in 12/2013, probably waiting for some statutes to run out, that the study and engineers report had not been done. No further comment or action. I kept at it.

Mandy Olver of Olver Engineering is the Belfast Consulting Engineer for Seaview Terrace. At the meeting she was asked to provide a study of critical lacking area's of infrastructure and high runoff.

Mandy was also the engineer for the CASS site. She clearly stated in the meeting last night that the IMPACT STUDY AND STORM WATER INSPECTION WAS DONE!!!! Her firm has a lot at stake here. Title 17 and Title 38 are proving some of her resolutions are illegal.

This was written on 8/26-There is more to report, but I am just too ill. The bleeding returned today after 7 years remission, with rapid heart beat and severe headaches. I sent emails  of  slaughter evidence, citing revised statutes Title 38 and Title 17, violations of local ordinance for storm water and City work on private property done in 2009 and denied for years, not even touching the violation after violation of civil liberties- basic rights. The emails with pictures and proving documents were sent to the Attorney General, Governor, EPA, Olver Engineering (with an FOAA request for the study and inspection AGAIN), City Council, Mayor and City Manager.

While BAHS is sticking it to the AP students, guidance department repeatedly denying the student the AP courses offered, trying to put them into regular classes, telling them not to change schedules, try again next year and attempting to pass them through even with only 5 1/2 credits because the guidance director could not be bothered. This is going into the 3rd year of this, and centers around the guidance director Jim Davis, supported by Principal Fitzpatrick. Other AP parents confirm the same- it has been sent to the Superintendent Brian Carpenter for investigation.

And then the local business that are corrupt and refuse to repair corruption. Attempting to stick it to me again by not following- see J&B Autobody and Ridgetop Chimney Sweep tabs above. The worst are the real estate agents that cover up and sell undisclosed hell. There are many. I asked them to step up and make the City fix the infrastructure so that they could sell homes honestly. No, they continue to assault my character. Birch Street swamp came up in the meeting last night too. An agent forcefully tried to sell me a house there. A huge crack in the basement wall sent me running. She was still trying to sell it to me anyway. Fully aware that I DID NOT WANT ANY WATER ISSUES. It's their joke. Not a care whose life they ruin. Not one agent has stepped up to say I want to help you. Least of all my real estate City Councilor, Mary Mortier, sowing the seeds to deceive. Last night was no different.

Oh and just about all my neighbors have been successfully pitted against me for trying to save our neighborhood. Congratulations Belfast City Hall- Council Mike Hurley, City Manager Joe Slocum, City Planner Wayne Marshall, City Attorney Bill Kelly, Code Enforcement Officer Tod Rosenburg, Director of Public Works Bob Richards and new to the pack, Economic Director Thomas Kitteredge. The Flooding Games are alive and slaughtering. Those neighbors without flood insurance are in big trouble. The lambs are led to water slaughter.

And the reason I relocated is still driving nails. Where are these "Compassionate" humans that have had a front seat watching all this unravel since I pulled into the driveway?

To All ( Belfast City Council, Mayor, City Manager, Belfast Consulting Engineer, EPA, Attorney General and Governor),

Proving pictures to support the City of Belfast is drowning and eroding the water shed residents, my property taking all the assaults and in the most danger. Supporting the email I sent after yesterday's work shop meeting for Seaview Terrace (Attorney General and Governor were not sent this email)

1. This is the meeting where City Attorney Bill Kelly spoke for Council and unveiled a with held public document specific to my property. I had requested the full history and development of Seaview Terrace in 10 months prior resulting in rhetoric. (all meetings and summaries below are copied from my blog) 1/3/12 City Hall Meeting- Seaview Terrace 1rst on agenda (I also speak publicly ff about 15 minutes in- 3rd person up. Council remains silent and hires City Attorney, Bill Kelly with our tax dollars to try and deflect the forced flooding. KELLY REVEALS YET ANOTHER PUBLIC DOCUMENT OF FLOODING ON SEAVIEW PURPOSELY WITHHELD FROM ME.(Who knows what else they hide? Impossible to know, I have been intimidated and refused information on my property for 10 months and counting. ) A 1987 City hired engineer report that...SURPRISE- does not hold the City accountable for flooding. In fact, even with residents complaints of flooding in 1987, begins the City Planning approvals for Capt Albert Stevens School, Volunteers of America, Tall Pines, MidCoast Mental Health to build, eliminating ground absorption, accumulating storm water in huge dug out pools and channel down to private property, Seaview Terrace. Clobber us further by taking the storm water across Rte 1 from the Armory, National Guard, down to Pray's Homes along the side, back towards the trailer park, meandering and to accumulate more stormwater from who knows how far back and back across Rte 1, culvert forced directly into Seaview Terrace. The engineer does confirm that my property is not a natural outlet, it is a private property drainage ditch put in by the developer.

2. For the record,  Dale Rowley, engineer and Director of Emergency Management of Waldo County (EMA) told me the map I tracked and drew of forced runoff (and I am sure I missed some) is good. He told me this at the 3/6/12 City Council meeting.

Waldo EMA-Plans for Disaster-on agenda- I speak to save Seaview @20:10 @25:50 Mayor Ash tries to tell me not to come back anymore- get a lawyer- not a chance. I give it back- he tries to anger me.. Dale speaks @51:46 w/ overview- Council does not address Seaview Terrace, talk of Irene-flooding other states- unbelievable yet again.
3/6/12 Belfast City Council Meeting 

3. City Manager Joe Slocum refused to plan proper infrastructure. Almost 4 years of enormous wasted tax dollars in this cover up. Placing a band aid on this pending death of Seaview Terrace is ruthless.

This 2/18/14 City Council Meeting was the vote to amend the Northport Ave TIF to allow it's funds to be used for downtown infrastructure. I pleaded for 3 years to get Seaview Terrace into the TIF through the new Annex building. TIF's open up funding and grants for infrastructure. This was the hammer. They knew I was coming to speak for the public hearing comment portion. Any legal changes require public hearings and public comment proponents/opponents. Public Hearing and Comments ALWAYS precede the actual meeting call to order. It is a legality- posted in the paper and mandatory, no deviation of procedure.

Except this time. City Manager Joe Slocum has the economic director send me an email clearly to bait me into missing my chance for public comment. I had no doubt that was the plan.

Ms. Allen – I wanted to bring to your attention that the public hearing for the Northport TIF has been moved from immediately preceding tonight’s Council meeting, to the actual business agenda for tonight’s meeting, as item E-1.  Agenda is attached.  I am not sure exactly what time that we will get to it on tonight’s agenda, as it will depend on how quickly preceding agenda items go.

Thomas Kittredge

I knew better. I got there early. Sure enough, the paper agenda given to public at the meeting did not have the Northport Ave TIF Public Hearing listed, yet when the administrative assistant Manda Cushing read the hearings, her copy had the TIF as the 4th public hearing PRECEDING the meeting. Watch as I go to the podium confused and City Manager Joe Slocum jumps in to say there will be 2 public hearings for the TIF. Bull. Had I not been there, he could have made that change when the meeting came to order during adoption of the agenda. He would have played stupid, saying there was some confusion, the public hearing for the TIF listed as item E-1 was wrong. Public Hearings are by law held prior, which they did, please strike E1 - public comment from the agenda. I would have protested and got escorted out by Officer Ward. 

They all vote to rob the TIF and nail the coffin shut on Seaview Terrace. I'm still kicking and will until. When the meeting begins to play- 1 minute later is when Manda reads the Northport TIF Public Hearing- and I am there and speak for 2 minutes. Then click 10E- The E.D. spends 7 minutes explaining the theft and I get up again at 7:40. Whoa, It's powerful. Mayor Ash attempts to intimidate me again. . They continue as if I never spoke.


 noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\

: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority
image not displayed

Belfast Chamber of Commerce Forces Boycott
Belfast Maine - 
Mar 29, 2014
by Laurie Allen
Maps, engineer plans 1939-present- prove corruption State-local

Laurie Allen

Belfast to revisit contentious Seaview Terrace storm water question - PenBay Pilot

Responsibility for a waterway passing behind homes on Seaview Terrace and under Northport Avenue to the bay has been a point of contention between abutting resident Laurie Allen and the city for over two years. Last week, the City Council considered revisiting the question, possibly as part of a larger inventory of the city’s natural and directed storm water drainage. (Photo by Ethan Andrews)

Story Location:
Seaview Terrace
Belfast  Maine  04915

BELFAST - On Tuesday, the City Council is scheduled to hold a work session on “various drainage issues in Belfast.” Behind the innocuous name, the meeting is bit of vindication Seaview Terrace resident Laurie Allen has had in a long time. 
For over two years, Allen has been battling with the city over responsibility for a heavily-used storm water outlet behind her home. For most of that time city officials have ignored her, having reached a decision earlier that whatever problems exist on her property are hers alone. 
Allen has continued to speak her mind at nearly every City Council meeting, mixing deeply researched arguments with emotional pleas and sweeping accusations of corruption at City Hall. Her interactions with the Council and city staff have often been tense, enough so that the city has a police officer attend Council meetings. Still Allen returned week after week, throwing herself into a cause that appeared to have long ago reached a stalemate. 
Last week, however, Councilor Roger Lee offered an opening, suggesting that the city take another look.
“It seems to me that there’s a reasonable case to consider if storm water could be diverted and reach the bay the the least damaging way,” he said.
Allen’s back yard is crossed by a stream that passes between Seaview Terrace and the hospital annex building. Her concerns center on the erosion of her back yard and the potential for flooding from from the waterway. Her case rests on two major questions:
• Whether the waterway is a naturally occurring stream or a man-made drainage ditch. City code regards streams, along with or rivers or the bay, as suitable outlets for storm water drainage regardless of the effect on private property. Dug ditches, however, much like culverts or sewer pipes, must be maintained by the city.
• If newer developments uphill from Seaview Terrace, including the Captain Albert Stevens School have abided by snow removal requirements and whether other unauthorized drainage has significantly increased the amount of water passing behind Seaview Terrace en route to the bay.
Lee called Allen’s allegations of corruption “bogus” — Allen says she has been repeatedly denied access to key public documents — but said the city would benefit from knowing the facts. 
“If the flow of water from the development of the school was intended to go one way and it went another way,” Lee said, “we should know that.”
Councilor Eric Sanders suggested a citywide “inventory” of storm water drainage.
He and City Manager Joe Slocum appeared to have reservations about opening the door to claims from every homeowner with a wet basement. The Council, however, took no action and resolved to hold a work session on the topic, Tuesday, August 26.
Speaking after the meeting, Allen was cautiously optimistic. She was glad there was some movement, but said she also worried that making the inquiry into a citywide project would draw resources away from her area. She also questioned the wisdom on hiring an expert to track the flow of water.
She pointed to a hand drawn map marked with different colored arrows and circles. The chart stood chest-high, and was mounted on a piece of cardboard for display. The edges were worn from many trips to and from City Hall. The symbols showed the flow of water from upland of her home, through specific channels, to the stream in question.
“I went to see a lawyer in Portland,” she said. “‘He said, follow the water, Laurie.’ I said, I don’t want to.”
It turned out to be easier than she thought, and only took two hours, she said. 
A work session on the city’s storm water drainage will be held Tuesday, August 26 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall

8/29 updated public comments on this article below and posted separately in above tab Unethical Council Hurley.. My first post at the bottom did not post right away- it went into a review period. I did not know it posted till now- hence my repeating some of the same in later posts. Due to the City's personal connections into my personal family trauma's in neighboring Bayside (Peyton Place II) and the personal attacks they launched publicly and privately, I put the trauma truths out. Not all and not anybody's business as stated below. City Hall and the real estate agents forced me into public to defend my children, my home, my neighborhood, and my character. Slay away then leave me alone.

  • Avatar

    Just because
    Laurie Allen’s map has interested me I have been looking at the water on the
    lay of the land. On Laurie’s maps she has all the water coming down from
    Volunteers of America, the Armory, the mobile homes, all going towards Seaview
    Terrace. I looked at the map she has drawn and it is true that the water from
    uphill (Capt. Albert school etc.) comes toward Congress. There is a hump at
    about 180 Congress street where the water splits and either goes toward the
    highway department (and Seaview Terrace) and the other water goes in the
    opposite direction toward the bypass. The water towards the highway bypass goes
    to a stream that heads toward Seaview. But all the water for a considerable
    distance heads towards the bypass, the water passes underneath to Larabees and
    crossed underneath outer Congress Street towards the mobile home sales. This is
    where it gets interesting and you can see it from foot or a car. My life is quite tranquil, nothing much to do,
    so on an early Spring Sunday afternoon I mounted my Muck boots, grabbed a
    walking stick and took a walk in the swamp. I followed the water flowing
    between Route 1 and the mobile home yard and as it veered into the woods so did
    I. I entered a large swamp, grass, rocks, pools, and flowing water moving away
    from Route One. It was a nice walk, very mucky, bad footing, lots of rocks,
    rotted trees, deep pools (there’s no vegetation in deep water) and forest that
    quickly became marsh with a very large area of cattails, grasses, and no trees.
    A giant earth sponge. I saw a couple of bad weather early spring cranky
    bumblebees and a few birds. Found the stream deep in the center far from Route
    One and followed it downhill towards the Route One south direction but it
    was heading steadily away inland from route one. Followed it, crashing along,
    from a very big marshland eventually into the forest again and it’s really a
    cute/ quaint little bubbly water course with sand and rocks. Nearly an hour
    later I turned back toward Route One and rejoined the highway about 200 yard
    north of the jug handle. This was very well past where any water could have
    turned back towards the Seaview Terrace. The water I was following may turn
    back and cross under Route One by the jug handle but it has nothing to do with Morrison
    Brook or Seaview Terrace. As I was walking back on Route One north I came
    across the nice little rivulet that Laurie is terrified of. It was gentle and
    cheerful and almost anyone would be happy to have it as a neighbor. There is
    one culvert that drains a little bit of roadside water from the western side
    towards Seaview but it is truly inconsequential. There is also a culvert closer
    to Congress that drains under route one away from Seaview. Conclusion…..A huge
    swath of the land mass drainage that Laurie has badly mapped to improve
    her argument regarding Seaview Terrace
    drains nowhere in Seaview Terrace’s vicinity and the water does not enter
    Morrison Brook. Follow the water truthfully. Cheers/ Mike

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        Never once have I thought that Allen invented a thing about the water problem. Fighting this primarily solo fight, however, would strain anyone past endurance. My hope and prayer is that the city proceed with due diligence, and that Allen, and other residents, will soon enjoy a "tranquil" life. I'm not sure how anyone could achieve tranquility after all this, even if the city announces a fix for the problem. Anthropomorphizing the "cheerful rivulet," is an interesting, but, hopefully, useless tactic.

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            "the water problem"... is what? My point is I have yet to actually see a problem. I keep hearing about one. We have had nearly four years of predicted doom without one actual problem being realized. I have yet to see any observable problem. Yes the stream rises when rain pours: all streams do. And then it goes down. That is what small streams do. As far as Morrison Brook wiping out Seaview Terrace: it is never going to happen.

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              Because a city engineer has “a feeling” that the stream is a
              drainage ditch built by the developer does not change the facts (not feelings) that
              (1) the stream is a part of the watershed that drains into the bay. It is depicted on United States Geological Survey
              maps that precede the development. Allen
              will tell you it is not evident on the Belfast quadrangle map, but that is
              because the entire Belfast Bay is not limited to the Belfast quad, but extends
              to the quad map to the east, where the stream is evident. (2) The developer moved the stream which originally
              crossed Allen’s property so that he could build on the land, but it is still a
              part of the natural watershed/outlet. By
              Allen’s logic, the Mississippi River is not a natural outlet. Allen frequently refers to her many blogs. Read
              through any one of them to get a feeling for the sources of Allen’s lack of
              tranquility. By her own words they include
              her family, her Bayside neighbors, her Belfast neighbors, officials at her
              children’s Belfast schools, the entire City and State government, and any
              business and individual that won’t support her. She doesn’t have one problem the rest of us
              have not encountered at one time or another.
              But she deals in misrepresentation and vitriol; that’s her choice. Some
              prefer honey over vinegar. And a “cheerful”
              rivulet is not anthropomorphism. “Cheerful”
              does not only mean that the noun is cheerful, it can also mean that it causes cheerfulness. Get a dictionary.

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                  I'll trust my knowledge of language, thank you. You are incorrect.
                  I have read Allen's blogs. I have spoken to her. It is easy to attack one person. It is not easy for one person to challenge a system.
                  Given the strain of all of this, I think Allen should refrain from any blogging or commenting. I think someone should step up to represent her.

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                      Try again, and you're welcome --
                      Cambridge Dictionary: "If a thing or place is cheerful, it is pleasant and friendly and is likely to make you feel positive and happy. The guest bedroom was bright, airy, and cheerful, overlooking the garden."
                      American Heritage Dictionary: "1. Being in or characterized by good spirits; merry 2. Promoting a feeling of cheer; pleasant: a cozy, cheerful room'
                      Webster's Dictionary: "1. Cheerful -- being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; 'her cheerful nature;' 'a cheerful greeting;' 'a cheerful room"

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                          Thank you Signify. It is coming to a head. With an engineer on the job and Title 17 and 38 threatening any improper engineering, all my documentation, pictures and video, copying EPA, Attorney General, Governor, City Council, Mayor and City Manager- I think I get to rest my case and take that long awaited rest.
                          Next weekend is the Peace March- I'm in- hope to meet you there. I found out along time ago, you can truly only count on yourself. If they don't fix this, the water will and then a class action law suit will bankrupt Belfast, The City Manager Joe Slocum just announced that for the first time in 35 years, a note will be needed to continue basic City operations. Regardless of splitting the tax bill this year- not planning, not prepared, not competent. Infrastructure is 101.
                          Real estate agents deceive, streams not disclosed, property inspectors are their buddies. Realtor Commissions dismisses for not doing an exhaustive search on a private property drainage ditch. Maine is 4th in corruption. Top to bottom. I exposed them, I do what I can.
                          They sucked the surplus dry and property taxes with their wants, grants, and mistakes. Greed is their evil seed. I won't address Maryanne or Hurley. Birds of a feather, I'd rather be alone forever (with my kids and dogs).

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                      Other than water flowing naturally down a stream I have yet to see a problem. Laurie Allen keeps warning us of a terrible calamity to come but there has yet to be one actual problem at Morrison Brook.
                      1. Laurie bought a property with a stream, Morrison Brook, in her back yard but did not notice it.
                      2. she apparently removed all the vegetation on the bank.
                      3. after the vegetation was gone the stream eroded the bank
                      4. she has never made any effort to stabilize the bank or raise her property edge along Morrison Brook
                      5. Where's the problem? What is the problem? I do not see one.

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                          Great Article Ethan. I did not know a work session was being held. Thank You.
                          Laurie Allen

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                              We are so proud of you Laurie Allen !!!!!!!!!

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                                In 2011 I invited all of City Council, City Planner, City Manager and the City Tax Assessor to tour the path of slaughter with me. All maps and information was with held for the prior 7 months where I tried to work with these "officials". Also with held was the 1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finalyson's report of flooding on Seaview Terrace to Wilma Moses, Belfast City Manager, stating it is a man-made drainage tract. With all records available to him- he .confirms it is not a natural outlet.
                                "3. Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency. I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "
                                The only official to tour with me was Bob Whiteley, Belfast Tax Assessor. I snapped pictures at each outlet, following the map, water flowing, Bob witness. All given to Council with the map in a packet, labeled, detailed and complete. Furthermore, I figured if there were ever going to be maps out in public it would be the next morning. Bob was clearly shocked at what I showed him and a conversation with my neighbor that he personally knows.
                                I stormed City Hall first thing the next morning. Ran up the stairs and into Bob's office. Sure enough, he was studying the very development plans from 1965 for Seaview Terrace proving it was a man made ditch. I asked for those plans in 4/2011 and for the full history of Seaview Terrace. I was given endless email rhetoric from the City Planner instead. Documents into hiding.
                                In January 2011, City Council had the City Attorney, Bill Kelly come in to speak for them. He revealed the engineer report that I had also never been given. When I questioned him, he left. City Council voted no further action.
                                They have tried every tactic to silence me, including using my children. And Hurley is still going at it. He is dangerous, Three years wasted.We will drown if they don't take immediate action. We are a flood plain, flood zone, no rights of ways, no easements and not a natural outlet. It is private property and a private drainage ditch,
                                Laurie Allen

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                                    January 2012- not 2011. After that, it was several intimidation letters to try to stop me from public speaking from the City Attorney and City Manager, City Council called me in as a threat to the Chief of Police, called me in for an interrogation, 2 more "off the record" police conversations, one outside City Hall, another a few weeks ago, at my home, limiting only MY public speaking time to 3 minutes, City Council taking the 5th and telling me I have to hire an attorney to speak for me, pitting my neighbors and public against me, as Hurley is doing right here, with his Jersey homey swamp disguise, over 3 years of this. And real estate agents covering it up and selling it to even the most scrupulous of buyers- me! Doing it all by the book and above. They stuck it to this battered mom bad. Bought it from a Minister no less. no disclosure-Isn't that special. And they tell me I'm sick.

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                                      Seaview Terrace is not a "natural outlet"- with held plans and maps prove ii, the 1987 Belfast City Engineer, Neil Finlayson confirms it in a written report to Wilma Moses, Town Manager.
                                      "3. Dr. Caswell has mentioned that after heavy rains the brook can flood and create problems for all owners whose lots back up to it. He suggests that the City clean it out to reduce this tendency. I have a feeling that this brook is NOTHING MORE THAN A DRAINAGE DITCH PUT IN BY THE DEVELOPER OF THE TRACT. "
                                      inverse condemnation
                                      n. the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property. Thus the owner claims he/she is entitled to payment for the loss of the property (in whole or in part) under the constitutional right to compensation for condemnation of property under the government's eminent domain right.
                                      Yet City Manager Joe Slocum and City Planner Wayne Marshall have written again and again it is a "100 year old natural stream" to allow them to legally slaughter Seaview Terrace with water. And let's "pretend" it was. We are a flood plain, flood zone that the City is ethically bound to protect and divert. It's been over 3 years of hell and fear.
                                      The stress and alienation of it all can kill me any day. I was awarded difficult relocation to begin again in safety and privacy. Which is why I picked in-town with #1 concern to real estate agents "NO WATER ISSUES/NO STREAMS" Property Inspection supervised by agents did not report stream or even banking issues. It was done in April- spring melt. You bet there was water flowing through there that was covered by snow when I drove 500 miles to see it 4 months prior and was told, no water issues, no stream disclosed, and a "great value". Nothing was selling in 2010. Except their souls. Proof on my
                                      Thank you Ethan for reporting this. I hope my comment doesn't get deleted. It is truth. I have always told the truth. Why would I lie?
                                      Laurie Allen

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